Med - Cert

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

C.M Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines

Tel. No. +63 (88) 856 1738; Telefax +63 (88) 856 4696


Date: Feb 13, 2023

To whom it may concern:


This is to certify that Marc Aga Baluran, 19 years old, male, from 281 molawan st., 6th division Patag

Patag Cagayan de Oro City came to the clinic for physical examination only physical examination with

x-ray and laboratory results consulation/treatment and found him/her to have Essentially well findings as

of this time of examination.


CLASS A - Physically fit for any work

CLASS B - Physically under-developed or with correctable defects, (error of refraction dental caries, defective hearing, and other similar
defects) but otherwise fit to work

CLASS C - Employable but owing to certain impairments or conditions, (heart disease, hypertension, anatomical defects) requires special
placement or limited duty in a specified or selected assignment requiring follow-up treatment/periodic evaluation.

CLASS D - Unfit or unsafe for any type of employment (active PTB, advanced heart disease with threatened failure, malignant
hypertension, and other similar illnesses)


May go ahead with ITLYMPICS and LYCAN FEST

This certificate has been issued upon the request of the patient for or school related purposes only

Not valid for Medico-Legal purposes


License no: 0131148
PTR no: -----
Address: USTP Clinic, Lapasan Cagayan de Oro
This certificate is auto-generated by the system. Any information changed manually or electronically, prescriber or creator will not be liable. Generated on: 2023-02-19 11:51:47

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