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British East India Company The war following is an
started to trade opium, and a embarrassing loss for China,
loss of silver imports and an and marks the beginning of
increase in societal problems foreign intrusion(Bentley and
forced action(Bentley and Ziegler).

Trade doesn’t stop, so military

dumps tons of the drug,
enraging BEIC, and therefore
Britain(Bentley and Ziegler).
The British force the Chinese to sign what was called the unequal
treaty, allowing Britain to trade as they wish, and carve their own
sphere of influence.

Other European powers, as well as the US, follow Britain’s

example, and soon China is filled with foreign influence and

This leads to numerous rebellions, such as the Nanjing rebellion,

which nearly took down the Qing dynasty. These were the
forerunners to the movement that would take the dynasty
down(Bentley an Ziegler).
In 1908, the empress Dowager Cixi died, placing a young child,
Puyi, on the throne of a crumbling dynasty with an incompetent

The revolt was triggered by foreign stockholders blocking the

completion of a railroad, causing riots, and eventually mutiny in
Wuchang, followed by many more cities(“Chinese Revolution”).

The regent, in panic, allowed the adoption of a constitution, and

asked Yuan Shikal, a former viceroy, to come out of retirement to
save the dynasty(“Chinese Revolution”).
Sun Yat-sen: leader of
revolutionaries >set up a
provisional republican government
in Nanjing and elected
president(“Chinese Revolution”).

Yuan called for negotiations for a

new government with the
republicans. the government was
made a republic, led by Yuan with
Li Yuanhong, a leader of the
Wuchang uprising, as vice-
president(“Chinese Revolution”).
Yuan abused the system by signing
treaties with other nations and
forming armies without parliament’s
consent(“History of Republic”).

Yuan named self emperor of China,

which did not go with China and Li
Yuanhong became
president(“History of Republic”).

regional warlords began their rise to

power, which they would retain for a
decade(“History of Republic”).
When WWI broke, the vice-president Duan Qirui wanted to join
the allies, but President Li did not. The debating became so
intense, Duan was kicked out of office(“History of Republic”).

Duan’s warlord allies declared independence and requested Li

step down. Li asked general Zhang Xun to mediate
issue(“History of Republic”).

Zhang had his own agenda of restoring the Qing dynasty, so,
aided by German funding, he put Puyi on the throne on July 1
1917(“History of Republic”).
China in Disarray
Duan marched on Beijing and defeated Zhang’s forces. Duan
then sent China into war with Germany and Austo-
Hungary(“History of Republic”).

Duan ignored the constitution like his predecessors and

dissolved the parliament(“History of Republic”).

The South revolted by forming a new government, the

Kuomintang, in Guangzhou led by Sun Yat-sen and his
Constitutional Protection Army, which put Sun as military
leader(“History of Republic”).
Constitutional Protection War

The Northern warlords got sick of the war and forced

Duan to resign so negotiations could begin(“History of

In the South, members of Sun’s government disliked

Sun’s total power, so a cabinet was elected(“History of
May Fourth Movement
A national movement led by
students from 1917 to1923,
protesting against the many
issues plaguing the nation

WWI involvement(Treaty of
Versailles not signed)

Constitutional Protection

The Kuomintang
In 1921, Sun returned to the KMT as
president, and got Soviet support(“History
of Republic”).

Sun was soon ousted and replaced by

Chiang Kai-shek. The Soviets had the KMT
and newly founded Chinese Communist
Party unite(“History of Republic”).

This united party allowed Chiang to invade

North in 1925, which stalled as divisions in
the party grew(”History of Republic”).
Chiang’s Rise
Chiang limited the CCP’s power
in the party(“History of

The CCP and KMT’s left wing

made a new capital in Wuhan,
and Chiang made a new capital in
Nanjing(“History of Republic”).

China now split between three

capitals; Beijing, Wuhan,
China’s Communist Party
After their capital was established, they started
encouraging insurrections in rural and urban

Most notably was the Autumn Harvest Uprising in

the Hunan province. It was led by Mao Zedong,
co-founder of the CCP(“History of Republic”).

By 1928, Chiang was in control of most of China,

and kicked the CCP out of Wuhan during the
Encirclement campaign. This set the stage for the
Long March, led by Mao Zedong, which was a
Northward 8,000 mile retreat(Szczepanski)
The Nanjing
A short period of reform dominated by the KMT including

regaining power to set own tariffs

modernization of Chinese infrastructure

Modern Standard Chinese

women’s rights

the decade was also marked by the pushing back of warlords

to China’s limits and conflicts with Soviets in the West.
The Second Sino-Japanese War
In 1931, Japan took Manchuria
>ex-Emperor Puyi head of puppet-
state(“History of Republic”).

Japan continued to march through

Northern China, as the KMT was
pre-occupied with tracking down
the remnants of the CCP(“History
of Republic”).

Chiang was forced to work with the

CCP against the Japanese, saving
the CCP(“History of Republic”).
Spread of Communism

The united front never was very united

> distrusted each other

The Republic of China arose from WWII on the

verge of civil war, since there was no need for

The economy collapsed under the weight of

national debt from foreign and internal
strife(“History of Republic”).
Foreign Interest
The United States and Britain
wanted China to be a strong ally
in East Asia, so they revised the
unequal treaties, and the US
threw out its anti-Chinese
immigration laws(“History of

US settles a truce between

factions, but fighting starts soon

goal to prevent war abandoned

Civil War

3 year civil war>>>>War of Liberation(of Chaing)

20 July 1946>>>>KMT invasion of Communist North

Successful at first, but tide turned in 1947 as Communists

staged a huge counter-attack(“Civil War”).
The Exodus

21 April, 1949, CCP army

crosses Yangtze River, take
Nanjing two days later(“Civil

The KMT retreat to Taiwan,

where they remained
Mao and the People’s Republic
On October 1 1949, Mao announced establishment of The
People’s Republic of China(Szczepanski). End of the worst,

From 1949 to 1953 mass executions of landowners and

“rightists”(remember communists and left wing united), such as
capitalists, commences, estimated death toll>1

Mao bans all parties but CCP, and becomes

More “Reformation”
Implemented First Five Year Plan(1953-58) designed to
encourage industrialization, industry is owned by

Insidious Hundred Flowers Campaign-in an effort to root out

dissidents, Mao encourages criticism of

Second Five Year Plan: Great Leap Forward, redistribution of

farm land, ending in catastophe as farmers are overwhelmed,
possibly 20 million starve to death(Szczepanski).
The Cultural Revolution
Mao replaced as president soon after total failure of ironically
named Great Leap Forward(but still CCP leader, and very

In 1965, Mao starts the Cultural Revolution to reassert his

power in China by influencing the youth to have them condemn
the new upper classes(“Cultural Revolution”).

Mao envisioned a China as a single class.

Led to violence towards foreign embassies and upper classes

by the Red Guard(bands of youth).
The End of an Era

In 1968, Liu Shao-chi, president of the republic, was expelled

from the party, which Mao found satisfactory ending the turmoil
and violence towards “priveleged” classes(“Cultural

In 9 years Mao would be dead, and the end of an era with it. The
Revolution finally ended, as China quickly modernized, catching
up with the rest of the world.

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