CNF MELC4 FINAL Field-Validated
CNF MELC4 FINAL Field-Validated
CNF MELC4 FINAL Field-Validated
Creative Nonfiction
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Writing a Draft
of a Short Piece
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
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Layout Artists: Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Ricky T. Salabe, Jun Victor F. Bactan,
Sanil John S. Perez
The English Learning Kit is a product of the collaborative efforts of the Division
of Iloilo Secondary English Teachers Association (DISETA) and the Division English
Coordinators Association (DECA) writers, illustrators, layout artists, reviewers, editors,
and Quality Assurance Team from the Department of Education, Schools Division of
Iloilo. This is developed to guide you dear learning facilitators in helping our learners
meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum.
The English Learning Kit aims to guide our learners in accomplishing activities
at their own pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing and
achieving the lifelong learning skills while considering their needs and situations.
The English Learning Kit is developed to address the current needs of the
learner to continue learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the
learning facilitator, make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study
and accomplish the given activities in the material. Learner’s progress must be
The English Learning Kit is developed to help you, dear learner, in your needs
to continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims to
primarily provide you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning.
Being an active learner, carefully read and understand to follow the instructions given.
Activity 1
A. Directions: Identify what is being described in each sentence. Choose your
answer from the pool of words below and write them in your CNF
activity notebook.
Column A
Column B
Activity 2
A. Directions: Identify what is being described in each sentence. Choose from
the pool of words below. Write the correct answer in your CNF activity
Activity 3
1. Choose two to three members of your family then conduct series of
2. Copy this table and write the answers on your activity notebook.
3. After completing this table, you may now start asking more questions
to know more about one another and to share some significant and
remarkable experiences.
4. This time, you are to work on your own. Write down the things you
have learned from your family. Do they have the same likes and
dislikes? How are they different from you? Write down your
observations in your activity notebook.
Where Am I?
by Jann Carmel B. Matchan
I slowly opened my eyes waking up in a four walled white room. I was lying on
the bed alone, with a blanket covering my body. I got up and looked around realizing
that there is nothing in here but a single bed and me. Everything was white, I am even
wearing some white pajamas. I suddenly feel strange. I was alone in this huge room,
but it suffocates me. Where Am I?
I could hear the droplets of the rain hitting the roof. Is it raining? I slowly went
to the door ready to turn the nob when I heard some laughters. Curiosity kills me, then
I opened it. The first thing that got my attention were the green grasses. I walked out
of the room realizing I was on a different place. Where Am I?
A kid bumped into me, "Ay, sorry nang!" I smiled at her and looked around, I
was at the park and the laughters came from the kids playing in here. They were
running and playing around. I stopped when I remembered something. That kid was
familiar. I think I saw her somewhere else. My eyes widened and I grasped for air when
I realized that the kid was me. She was me when I was just 7 years old.
The 7 year old me was happily playing around the park. She was laughing so
loud when one of her friends was running after her. I was just there watching when
suddenly she slipped. I was about to run to catch her when a woman suddenly helped
her up. That’s my mom. She comforted the little girl because she was crying so loud.
Then suddenly everything went blank. Another image flashed in front me. I
was walking alone in an unfamiliar street. No one was in there but me. Then I
stopped in a door. I opened it and saw someone. It’s a girl sitting on a table full of
books and notebooks. She was very busy. Was she studying? I looked around and
asked, where Am I?
Then another person came running, "Carmel tapos kaw rn sa aton
assignment?" He asked the girl on the table. Then it came to my senses that I was in
a library. But wait. Was that girl me? I looked at her direction again and realized that
indeed, she was me. That girl was me when I was on my junior high school years.
The girl looked at her friend, "Wait lang kim, wara pa ako ka tapos." Tears hiding
behind her eyes was about to fall. She was starting to cram and get hysterical as the
due of her assignment drew near. I wanted to go to her but her friend Kim was already
comforting her.
Great! You did a wonderful job in providing
possible solutions in the preliminary activities. Now
let us connect your responses to the following
questions. Write your answers in your activity
For example:
Topic: Internet (broad topic)
How does internet impact people’s lives nowadays?
What are the use and significance of internet?
For example:
Topic: Childhood (broad topic)
What are my most unforgettable childhood memories?
Merna G. Rico Lopez and Ma. Asuncion Christine V. Dequilla, et al., Study and Thinking Skills in English
(Iloilo City, Philippines: M. Malones Printing Press, 2003).
For example:
Internet (broad topic)
The impact of internet in this time of pandemic. (specific topic)
For example:
Childhood (broad topic)
My most unforgettable childhood memories.
Jessie S. Barrot, “Thesis Statement, Topic Sentence, and Supporting Details,” in Academic Reading &
Writing for Senior High School (Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc., 2016), pp. 119-125.
Organization of Paragraphs
Order Use
Arranges information in time sequence, Gives a
sequence of events; tells what happened first, second,
Chronological (time) third and so on.
Forlini, et al., Gary. “Composition-Forms and Process of Writing.” Essay. In Prentice Hall 1
Grammar and Composition, 479–81. Pasig, Philippines: ANVIL Publishing, Inc., 1998
May Love A. Salinas, “Introduction to Literary Genres,” slideshare, November 17, 2016,
Forlini, et al., Gary. “Composition-Forms and Process of Writing.” Essay. In Prentice Hall 1 Grammar
and Composition, 479–81. Pasig, Philippines: ANVIL Publishing, Inc., 1998
Parts of an Essay6
I. Introductory Paragraph
The Real Beauty of Life
by Mary Cyrstalline S. Nabua
Tony Robbins once said "Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege,
opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming
more." Life is like a limited edition book. So we should do more and be
more while it is still there. It is a God given gift, irreplaceable and limited.
Merna G. Rico Lopez and Ma. Asuncion Christine V. Dequilla, et al., Study and Thinking Skills in English
(Iloilo City, Philippines: M. Malones Printing Press, 2003).
However, people nowadays are tied to the thought of gaining
money and making a living. Money is life. Students are fixed with the
thought of being on top and making the best grades. Others are used
to play mobile games 24/7 and do nothing anymore.
Why do they not take a break to see how beautiful life is? To touch
the soft sand with our feet, smell the sweet petal of a newly bloomed
flower, breathe the fresh breeze and see the bounty of the earth. In
order for us to do more is to know the value of being less and enough.
Less worries about gaining money that prevents us from doing
something we want. To be contented that we are doing enough. Less
pressure in doing our best is enough. The most important thing about
studying was enjoying while learning.
We have to always remember that life isn't an exam that we
need to know each and every answer. Instead, it is knowing how to
live. Less on spoiling. Giving children their needs is enough. Spoiling
them about their wants is not. Kids must be taught manners and how
to live life simply and happily.
Right now, we can't fully enjoy our activities outside but this is
the time to grab the opportunity and become more responsible of
ourselves. Learn to give more time being productive instead of
slouching. Free your mind from worries and be creative. Do more
now, that there is less work. Discover how beautiful life can be despite
being limited.
• Deals only with real people, events, or idea.
• Narrated from point of view, or perspective of the author, who is a real
• Nonfiction presents facts or discusses concepts.
• It may reflect historical context of the time period, including references
to major social and cultural information
For example:
In the excerpt of the essay below entitled, The Real Beauty of Life
by Mary Cyrstalline S. Nabua, the text revolves around the theme Life.
Tony Robbins once said "Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege,
opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more." Life
is like a limited edition book. So we should do more and be more while it is still
there. It is a God given gift, irreplaceable and limited.
However, people nowadays are tied to the thought of gaining money
and making a living. Money is life. Students are fixed with the thought of being
on top and making the best grades. Others are used to play mobile games 24/7
and do nothing anymore.
Jesus Z. Menoy, Creative Nonfiction (Mandaluyong, Philippines: Books Atbp Publishing Corp., 2017).
Rizelyn M. Marantan, Creative Writing. (Philippines: Jimcyville Publications. 2016).
For example:
Going back to the essay entitled, The Real Beauty of Life by Mary
Cyrstalline S. Nabua, the literary techniques used are figurative
language and imagery which are evident in the following sentences:
Activity 5
Direction: Copy the concept map and answer the activity in your activity notebook.
Question: What comes into your mind when you hear the word COVID19? Write the
words in this web.
1) lockdown - _________________________________________________
2) COVID19 - __________________________________________________
3) frontliner - ___________________________________________________
4) pandemic - __________________________________________________
5) succumb - __________________________________________________
6) genuine - __________________________________________________
Well done! You have shown great
improvement after accomplishing all the
tasks in each lesson. This time you will
reflect on your work and rate your
Direction: Provide answers to what is being asked in each emoticon. Use your
activity notebook.
Activity 9
Directions: Pictures can paint a thousand words as they can be used to represent
abstract ideas or concepts. Now, study the pictures below. Then, write at
least three sentences about some ideas that come into your mind or your
personal experiences encountered relevant to the given pictures in your
activity notebook.
Picture 1.
Picture 2.
Picture 4.
Picture 5.
A. Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer in your activity notebook.
1. What is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which
people consider as a class because it has special characteristics?
3. What do you call a factual account of a person’s life written by someone other
than the subject?
7. It is the use of the central controlling idea and symbolism, imagery and figurative
language in a write-up.
9. It refers to the writing of a one- sentence summary that guides, controls and
unifies ideas when writing a paper.
10. It is the use of literary composition, determined literary techniques, tone, content
or length.
Activity 11
Directions: Chose at least two pictures from any resources you may have and write
a draft of a literary piece for each. It may be a poetry, a fiction, a nonfiction,
a drama or a folktale. Make sure to follow the guidelines in writing a draft
and consider the elements of the various literary genres. Your write-up will
be scored based on the rubric below. Use your activity notebook.
Points 4 3 2 1
Topic is specific The topic is broad The topic is broad Topic is not
Choice of and relevant to the but relevant to the and has little relevant to the
Topic content. content. relevance to the content.
First sentence,
Captures reader's
First sentence, paragraph, or line
attention from first Gets reader's
paragraph, or line not only lacks
interesting attention with first
lacks the ability to interest for the
Thesis sentence, sentence,
draw the reader reader but also
Statement paragraph, or line; paragraph, or line,
into the piece; contains a cliché
reader cannot help draws reader into
reader may not idea/image (or
but continue the rest of piece.
keep reading. worse, no ideas or
Succeeds in
getting the reader
Possesses a Lacks the ability to
to care about its Lacks the ability to
quality that keeps hold reader interest;
outcome by being keep the reader
reader reading-- fails to present
Theme and grounded in a reading; problem,
possibly, grounded problem, dilemma,
Literary significant problem, dilemma, or
in a problem, or paradox. Writer
Technique dilemma, or paradox presented
dilemma, or may seem as
paradox that needs may seem trivial at
paradox that needs uninterested in the
to be addressed times.
to be addressed. work.
and gets reader
1. The selection is about the recalling of both sad and fun memories of the author
through a dream.
2. Essay because an essay is an example of a nonfiction literary genre comprised of
works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts
and reality.
3. Special events in the author’s life:
• Childhood event where she is playing and her mom comforted her when she
• JHS memory in the library where she cram for the submission of an
assignment is
• Near and her friend Kim comforted her
• The time when the author confessed to her crush and she was rejected
• SHS Life where she sneaked eating her curls in between class discussions
(Answers may vary on the linking of these events to the readers personal
Swab test
Face mask
Social distancing
Answers may vary.
Answers May Vary.
1. C 3. A 5. B 7. D 9. B
2. D 4. A 6. A 8. A 10. C
Dela Peña (2010). Communication Arts in English 8: Angelicum College Quezon City
Hood, Dave. Find Your Creative Muse Learn How to Write Poetry, Fiction, Personal
Essays, And More (blog), November 16, 2012.
draft retrieved July 23, 2020.
Hood, Dave. Find Your Creative Muse Learn How to Write Poetry, Fiction, Personal
Essays, And More (blog), November 16, 2012.
draft retrieved July 23, 2020.
Rico Lopez, Merna G., and Ma. Asuncion Christine V. Dequilla, et al. Study and
Thinking Skills in English. Iloilo City, Philippines: M. Malones Printing Press,