Kaczynski Mischaikow Mrozek - Algebraic Topology - A Computational Approach
Kaczynski Mischaikow Mrozek - Algebraic Topology - A Computational Approach
Kaczynski Mischaikow Mrozek - Algebraic Topology - A Computational Approach
T. Kaczynski Universite de Sherbrooke K. Mischaikow Georgia Institute of Technology M. Mrozek Jagellonian University April 18, 2000
1 Introduction
1.1 Basic Notions from Topology . 1.1.1 Topological Spaces . . 1.1.2 Continuous Maps . . . 1.1.3 Connectedness . . . . . 1.2 Linear Algebra . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Fields . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Vector Spaces . . . . . 1.2.3 Linear Maps . . . . . . 1.2.4 Quotient Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 16 22 24 25 27 32 33
2 Motivating Examples
2.1 Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Homotopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 A Preview of Homology . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Z2 Homology of Graphs . . . . . . . 2.2 Approximation of Maps . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Approximating Maps on an Interval . 2.2.2 Constructing Chain Maps . . . . . . 2.2.3 Maps of the Circle . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Products and Sums . . . . . . . . . . . . Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matrix Algebra over Z and Normal Form 3 . . . . . . . . . .
37 38 41 43 50 56 56 62 68 77 83 87 89 94
3 Abelian Groups
3.6 Decomposition Theorem for Abelian Groups . . . . . . . . . . 101 3.7 Homology Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4 Cubical Homology
4.1 Cubical Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Elementary Cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Representable Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 Cubical Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 The Algebra of Cubical Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Cubical Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 The Boundary Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Homology of Cubical Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 H0 (X ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Elementary Collapses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Acyclic Cubical Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Reduced Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Comparison with Simplicial Homology . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.1 Simplexes and triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.2 Simplicial Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.3 Comparison of Cubical and Simplicial Homology . 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Chain Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cubical Multivalued maps. . . . . . . Chain Selectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . Homology of continuous maps. . . . . 5.4.1 Cubical Approximations . . . 5.4.2 Rescaling . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Homotopy Invariance of Maps 5.5 Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem . . . 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Relative Homology . . . . . . . . Exact Sequences . . . . . . . . . The Connecting Homomorphism . Relative Lefschetz Theorem . . . Mayer-Vietoris Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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5 Homology of Maps
6 Homological Algebra
A Equivalence Relations
Chapter 1 Introduction
The subject of Topology grew out of the foundations of calculus and more generally analysis. If you took a typical calculus sequence, then you began by learning about functions of the real line. The focus was on di erentiable functions and how they can be best approximated locally by linear functions (the derivative). Along the way you learned about continuous functions. Again, the emphasis was on local properties such as limits; a notable exception is the intermediate value theorem. Later on these concepts were generalized to functions of more than one variable, i.e. functions from Rn to Rm. Topology incorporates further generalizations. In particular, it allows one to study the local and global properties of continuous functions between general spaces. To read this book you do not need to have studied general topology. This introductory chapter summarizes the elementary topology which we will need. As was mentioned above one of the powers of the calculus is that through di erentiation di erentiable functions are locally approximated by linear functions. Linear functions are, of course, much easier to work with. Furthermore, linear functions can be studied algebraically as you learned in your linear algebra course. As an example of the advantage gained by this process of algebratization consider the following question. Is the function f : R2 ! R2 given by
8 ating f gives
Df (1; 2) =
4 2
2 : 7
Since the determinant of this matrix does not equal zero, f is invertible in a neighborhood of (1; 2). Of course this is just a special case of the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1 Inverse Function Theorem] Let U be an open set in Rn and let f : U ! Rn be a di erentiable function. Let x 2 U . If Df (x), the
derivative of f at x, is an invertible matrix, then there is an open neighborhood V U containing x such that f : V ! f (V ) is invertible with a di erentiable inverse.
The important point of this example is that through calculus we have reduced an analytic problem to an algebraic problem. In fact, this method allows us to develop an algorithmic approach to answering this question. For example using the computer package MAPLE we can solve this problem as follows.
with(linalg): f1 := (x,y) -> x^2 -3*x*y +y +2: f2 := (x,y) -> x*y - 2*y^2 -4*x-1: f := (x,y) -> (f1(x,y),f2(x,y)): Df := (x,y) -> array(1..2, 1..2, D 1](f1)(x,y),D 2](f1)(x,y)], D 1](f2)(x,y),D 2](f2)(x,y)]]): 'f(x,y)'=f(x,y); 'Df(x,y)'=Df(x,y); 'Df(1,2)'=Df(1,2); 'Det(Df(1,2))'=det(Df(1,2));
On a super cial level we might say that calculus, through the derivative, provides us with a way to transform the study of local properties of
di erentiable functions to problems in linear algebra. Furthermore, since for elementary functions many of the operations used in calculus can be implemented as algorithms and since linear algebra is also amenable to algorithmic implementation, many problems can be reduced to simple symbolic computations as described above. As will be shown in this book algebraic topology provides a means by which one can transform the study of the global properties of topological spaces and continuous functions to problems in algebra, or more precisely group theory (don't worry about what a group is at this moment - it will be introduced when the time comes). There are several di erent algebraic structures that can be assigned to topological spaces, the one we will study is called homology. Our focus will be on developing an algorithmic approach to homology theory which allows us to use the computer to solve topological problems.
the following properties: 1. ; and X are in T . 2. Any union of elements of T is in T . 3. Any nite intersection of elements of T is in T . The elements of the topology T are called open sets. A set X for which a topology T has been speci ed is called a topological space.
This is a fairly abstract de nition - fortunately we don't need to work at this level of generality. In fact in everything we do we will always assume that the set X is a subset of Rn and that X inherits the standard topology from Rn. To explain what we mean by this recall the following ideas from analytic geometry. Let x = (x1 ; : : : ; xn) 2 Rn. The Euclidean norm of x is given by
jjxjj2 := x2 + x2 + 1 2
+ x2 : n
Example 1.4 The interval ( 1; 2) R is an open set in the standard topology on R. To prove this let x 2 ( 1; 2). This is equivalent to the conditions 1 < x and x < 2. Choose r0 = (x + 1)=2 and r1 = (2 x)=2. Then, both r0 > 0 and r1 > 0. Let = minfr0; r1 g. Thus, B2(x; ) ( 1; 2). Since this is true for any x 2 ( 1; 2), we have shown that ( 1; 2) is an open set in the standard topology on R.
Generalizing this argument leads to the following result.
Proposition 1.5 Any interval of the form (a; b), (a; 1) or ( 1; b) is open in R.
Proof: See Exercise 1.3. From De nition 1.2.2, it follows that the arbitrary union of intervals is open, e.g. (a; b) (c; d) is an open set.
Dn := fx 2 Rn j jjxjj2 < 1g is an open set in the standard topology on Rn. Observe that if x 2 Dn then jjxjj2 < 1. Therefore, 0 < 1 jjxjj2. Let r = 1 jj2xjj2 . Then, B2 (x; r) Dn. Example 1.7 Of course not every set is open. As an example consider (0; 1] R. 1 2 (0; 1], but given any > 0, B2(1; ) 6 (0; 1]. Therefore, (0; 1] is not open in the standard topology on R. The same argument shows that any interval of the form (a; b], a; b) or a; b] is not open in the standard topology on R. Since open sets play such an important role in topology it is useful to be able to refer to the largest open set contained by a set. De nition 1.8 The interior of a set A is the union of all open sets contained in A. The interior of A is denoted by int (A) Since the arbitrary union of open sets is open, int (A) is an open set. One of the advantages of the abstract de nition of a topology is that it does not explicitly involve a particular norm or distance. In fact, there are other norms that can be put on Rn which give rise to the same topology. For our purposes the supremum norm which is de ned by jjxjj := sup jxij for x = (x1 ; : : : ; xn) 2 Rn
is particularly convenient. Given a point x 2 Rn, the -cube centered at x is B (x; ) := fy 2 Rn j jjx yjj < g: Since the supremum norm represents a di erent way of measuring distance an -cube is di erent from an -ball (see Figure 1.1) As before we can use this norm to de ne a collection of sets.
1 i n
t(0; 1) t(1; 0)
fx 2 R2 j jjxjj2 = 1g
fx 2 R2 j jjxjj = 1g
Figure 1.1: The unit distance from the origin in the Euclidean norm and the unit distance from the origin in the Supremum norm.
De nition 1.9 Let V 2 Tsup if and only if for every point x 2 V there exists
> 0 such that B (x; ) V .
Again, the reader should check that Tsup de nes a topology on Rn (see Exercise 1.2).
X n K := fx 2 X j x 62 K g
Example 1.12 The interval a; b] is a closed subset of R. This is straightforward to see since its complement R n a; b] = ( 1; a) (b; 1) is open. Similarly, a; 1) and ( 1; b] R are closed. Example 1.13 The set C n := fx 2 Rn j jjxjj 1g is closed. This is equivalent to claiming that Rn n C n is open, i.e. that fx 2 Rn j jjxjj > 1g is open. Observe that jjxjj > 1 is equivalent to maxi=1;:::;nfjxijg > 1. Thus, there exists at least one coordinate, say the j -th coordinate, such that jxj j > 1. Then B (x; jxj j 1 ) Rn n C n:
2 Remark 1.14 The reader should take care not to get lulled into the idea that a set is either open or closed. Many sets are neither. For example, the interval (0; 1] R is neither open nor closed. As was observed in Example 1.7, it is not open. Similarly, it is not closed since its complement is ( 1; 0] (1; 1) which is not open.
K =
(X n K ):
Since, by de nition X n K is open for each 2 A and the arbitrary union of open sets is open, X n T 2A K is open. Therefore, T 2A K is closed. (3) See Exercise 1.8.
By Theorem 1.15 the arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed, therefore the closure of an arbitrary set is a closed set. Also, observe that A cl A and therefore cl A is the smallest closed set which contains A. di cult to prove. First one needs to check that 0; 1) is not closed. This follows from the fact that 1; 1) is not open. Then one shows that 0; 1] is closed by showing that ( 1; 0) (1; 1) is an open set in R. Finally one observes that any closed set that contains 0; 1) must contain 0; 1]. Similar argument shows that cl (0; 1) = cl 0; 1) = cl (0; 1] = cl 0; 1] = 0; 1]:
Example 1.19 Consider 0; 1] R. From Example 1.17, cl 0; 1] = 0; 1]. Observe that cl (( 1; 0) (1; 1)) = ( 1; 0] 1; 1). Therefore, bd 0; 1] = f0g f1g
The following proposition gives a nice characterization of points that lie in the boundary of a set.
Proposition 1.20 Let A X . A point x 2 bd A if and only if for every open set U X containing x, U \ A 6= ; and u \ (X n A) 6= ;.
Proof: Up to this point, the only topological spaces that have been considered are those of Rn for di erent values of n. The abstract de nition of a topology only requires that one begin with a set X . So consider X Rn. Is there a natural way to specify a topology for X in such a way that it matches as closely as possible the topology on Rn? The answer is yes, but we begin with a more general de nition.
TX := fX \ U j U 2 T g:
Before this de nition can be accepted, the following proposition needs to be proved.
for any indexing set I . Using this de nition of the subspace topology, any set X Rn can be treated as a topological space. It is important to notice that while open sets in the subspace topology are de ned in terms of open sets in the ambient space, the sets themselves may \look" di erent.
Example 1.23 Consider the interval 1; 1] R with the subspace topology induced by the standard topology on R. (0; 2) is an open set in R,
(0; 1] = (0; 2) \ 1; 1] is an open set in 1; 1]. We leave it to the reader to check that any interval of the form 1; a) and (a; 1] where 1 < a < 1 is an open set in 1; 1]. hence
Example 1.24 Let X = 1; 0) (0; 1]. Observe that 1; 0) = ( 2; 0) \ X and (0; 1] = (0; 2) \ X , thus both are open sets. However, 1; 0) = X n (0; 1] and (0; 1] = X n 1; 0) so both are also closed sets. This shows that for
general topological spaces one can have nontrivial sets that are both open and closed.
1.2 Prove that Tsup de nes a topology for R2. 1.3 Prove Proposition 1.5. 1.4 Prove that any set consisting of a single point is closed in Rn. 1.5 Prove that B (x; pn ) B2 (x; ). 1.6 Let
Let Prove the following: 1. Qn 2.
Qn := fx 2 Rn j 0 xi 1g Rn:
n 1
:= bd Qn :
1.7 Let Z be a topological space with topology T . Let Y X Z . Let TX be the subspace topology obtained from viewing X Z . Let TY be the subspace topology obtained from viewing Y Z . Let SY be the subspace topology obtained from viewing Y X where X has the topology TX . Prove that SY = TY . 1.8 Prove that the nite intersection of closed sets is closed.
i = 1; 2; 3. Prove that Q is a closed set.
With the notion of subspace topology we have at our disposal a multitude of di erent topological spaces, in particular we can topologize any subset of Rn. A natural question is which topological spaces are \equivalent" and which are \di erent." The quotation marks are included because these terms need to be de ned before an answer can be given.
di erent from the geometric point of view: the rst one is a polyhedron, the second one is not. However, we would like to think of them as being \equivalent" in a topological sense, since they can be transformed from one to the other and back by simply stretching or contracting the spaces. To be more precise, observe that any element of Y has the form y = (r cos ; r sin ) where 0 r 1 and 0 =2. De ne f : Y ! X by
Example 1.25 The square X := 0; 1] 0; 1] R2 and a portion of the closed unit disk Y := fx 2 R2 j jjxjj 1; x1 0; x2 0g R2 are clearly
r tan ) =4, f (r cos ; r sin ) := (r;cot ; r) if 0 =4 (r if =2. Observe that this map just expands Y by moving points out along the rays emanating from the origin. One can also write down a map g : X ! Y which shrinks X onto Y along the same rays (see Exercise 1.10).
You have already seen maps of the form of f in the previous example in your calculus class under the label of a continuous functions. Since we introduced the notion of topology on an abstract level, we need to de ne continuous functions in an equally abstract way. Recall that a topological space consists of two objects, the set X and the topology T . Therefore, to compare two di erent topological spaces one needs to make a comparison of both the elements of the sets - this is done using functions - and one needs to compare the open sets that make up the two topologies.
De nition 1.26 Let X and Y be topological spaces with topologies TX and TY , respectively. A function f : X ! Y is continuous if and only if for every open set V 2 TY its preimage under f is open in X , i.e. f 1(V ) 2 TX :
Even in this very general setting we can check that some maps are continuous.
Proposition 1.27 Let X and Y be topological spaces. (i) The identity map 1X : X ! X is continuous.
(ii) Let y0 2 Y . The constant map f : X ! Y given by f (x) = y0 is continuous. Proof: (i) Since 1X is the identity map, 1X1 (U ) = U for every set U X . Thus, if U is open, its preimage under 1X is open. (ii) Let V Y be an open set. If y0 2 V then f 1(V ) = X which is open. If y0 62 V , then f 1(V ) = ; which is also open.
De nition 1.29 Let X and Y be topological spaces with topologies TX and TY , respectively. A bijection f : X ! Y is a homeomorphism if and only if
both f and f
are continuous.
logical spaces.
Proof: Recall (see A.2) that to show that homeomorphism de nes an equivalence relation we need to show that it is re exive, symmetric and transitive. To see that it is re exive, observe that given any topological space X the identity map 1X : X ! X is a homeomorphism from X to X . Assume that X is homeomorphic to Y . By de nition this implies that there exists a homeomophism f : X ! Y . Observe that f 1 : Y ! X is also
a homeomorphism and hence Y is homeomorphic to X . Thus, homeomorphism is a symmetric relation. Finally, Proposition 1.28 shows that homeomorphism is a transitive relation, that is if X is homeomorphic to Y and Y is homeomorphic to Z , then X is homeomorphic to Z . As before, we have introduced the notion of continuous function on a level of generality much greater than we need. The following result indicates that this abstract de nition matches that learned in calculus.
Theorem 1.31 Let f : R ! R. Then, f is continuous if and only if for every x 2 R and any > 0, there exists a > 0 such that if jx yj < then jf (x) f (y)j < .
Proof: ()) Let f : R ! R be continuous. Consider x 2 R and > 0. Observe that the interval B (f (x); ) = (f (x) ; f (x) + ) is an open set in the range of f . Since f is continuous, f 1(B (f (x); )) is an open set in R. Obviously x 2 f 1(B (f (x); )). Hence, by the de nition of an open set in the standard topology on R, there exists > 0 such that
B(x; ) = (x
We will now check that this is the desired . If y 2 R such that jx yj < , then y 2 (x ; x + ) and hence f (y) 2 B (f (x); ). Therefore, jf (x) f (y)j < . (() This direction is a bit more di cult since we have to check that for every open set V R, f 1(V ) is open. With this in mind, let V be an arbitrary open set in R. By de nition for each z 2 V there exists z > 0 such that B (z; z ) V . Observe that
B (z; z ):
Assume for the moment that we can prove that for every z 2 V , f 1(B (z; z )) is open. Then we are done, since
f 1 (V ) =
f 1(B (z; z ))
Thus, all that we need to prove is that given z 2 V and z > 0, but su ciently small, then f 1(B (z; z )) is open. With this in mind observe that it is possible that f 1(B (z; z )) = ;. This is okay since ; is an open set. So assume that f 1(B (z; z )) 6= ;. Then there exists w 2 f 1(B (z; z )). This implies that f (w) 2 B (z; z ) = (z z ; z + z ). 1 Let = 2 minff (w) z + z ; z + z f (w)g. Then, B (f (w); ) B (z; z ) We are nally ready to use the de nition of continuity from calculus. Let = , then there exists > 0 such that jw yj < implies jf (x) f (y)j < . Another way of saying this is that
Theorem 1.32 Let f : Rn ! Rm . Then, f is continuous if and only if for every x 2 Rn and any > 0, there exists a > 0 such that if jjx y jj < then jjf (x) f (y )jj < .
Thus, using Theorem 1.31 we can easily show that a variety of simple topological spaces are homeomorphic.
Proposition 1.33 The following topological spaces are homeomorphic: (i) R, (ii) (a; 1) for any a 2 R, (iii) ( 1; a) for any a 2 R, (iv) (a; b) for any 1 < a < b < 1. Proof: We begin by proving that R and (a; 1) are homeomorphic. Let f : R ! (a; 1) be de ned by
f (x) = a + ex:
This is clearly continuous. Furthermore, f 1(x) = ln(x a) is also continuous.
Observe that f : (a; 1) ! ( 1; a) given by f (x) = x is a homeomorphism. Thus, any iterval of the form ( 1; b) is homeomorphic to ( b; 1) and hence to R. Finally, to see that (a; b) is homeomorphic to R observe that f : (a; b) ! R given by a f (x) = ln x x b
1. 1; 1], 2. a; b] for any 1 < a < b < 1. Proof: See Exercise 1.11. Another useful way to characterize continuous functions is as follows. Proposition 1.35 Let f : X ! Y . f is continuous if and only if for every closed set K Y , f 1 (K ) is a closed subset of X . Proof: ()) Let K Y be an a closed set. Then Y n K is an open set. Since f is continuous, f 1(Y n K ) is an open subset of X . Hence X n f 1 (Y n X ) is closed in X . Thus, it only needs to be shown that X n f 1(Y n K ) = f 1(K ). Let x 2 X n f 1(Y n K ). Then f (x) 2 Y and f (x) 62 Y n K . Therefore, f (x) 2 K or equivalently x 2 f 1(K ). Thus, X n f 1(Y n K ) f 1(X ). Now assume x 2 f 1(K ). Then, x 62 f 1(Y n K ) and hence x 2 X n f 1(Y n K ). (() Let U Y be an open set. Then Y n U is a closed subset. By hypothesis, f 1(Y n U ) is closed. Thus X n f 1(Y n U ) is open. But X n f 1(Y n U ) = f 1(U ).
(a) Write down the inverse function for f . (b) Prove that f is a continuous function. 1.11 Prove Proposition 1.34.
One of the most fundamental global properties of a topological space is whether or not it can be broken into two distinct open subsets. The following de nition makes this precise.
1.1.3 Connectedness
De nition 1.36 Let X be a topological space. X is connected if the only subsets of X that are both open and closed are ; and X . If X is not connected
then it is disconnected.
While it is easy to produce examples of disconnected spaces proving that a space is connected is more di cult. Even the following intuitively obvious result is fairly di cult to prove.
Proof: Let Z = f (X ). Suppose that Z is disconnected. Then there exists an set A Z , where A 6= ;; Z , that is both open and closed. Since f is continuous, f 1(A) is both open and closed. But f 1(A) 6= ;; X which contradicts the assumption that X is connected. We can now prove one of the more fundamental theorems from topology that you made use of in your calculus class. that f (c) = 0.
Theorem 1.40 Intermediate Value Theorem] If f : a; b] ! R is a continuous function and if f (a) > 0 and f (b) < 0, then there exists c 2 a; b] such
Proof: The proof is by contradiction. Assume that there is no c 2 a; b] such that f (c) = 0. Then
(0; 1) is a homeomorphism and let t := f (1). Then the restriction of f to (0; 1) is a homeomorphism of (0; 1) onto the set (0; t) (t; 1). That is impossible since the rst set is connected and the second is not, contradicting Theorem 1.39.
Example 1.41 The half-closed interval (0; 1] is not homeomorphic to the open interval (0; 1). We will argue by contradiction. Suppose that f : (0; 1] !
1.12 This exercise leads to a proof that the interval 0; 1] is a connected set. With this in mind, let A and B be two disjoint nonempty open sets in I = 0; 1]. The following arguments will show that I 6= A B . Let a 2 A and b 2 B , then either a < b or a > b. Assume without loss of generality that a < b.
(a) Show that the interval a; b] I . Let A0 := A \ a; b] and B0 := B \ a; b]. (b) Show that A0 and B0 are open in a; b] under the subspace topology. Let c be the least upper bound for A0 , i.e.
(e) Show that c 62 A0 . Again use the fact that c is the least upper bound for A0 and that A0 is open. Finally, observe that c 2 I , but c 62 A0 B0 and therefore, that I 6= A0 B0.
A B is connected.
1.13 Let A and B be connected sets. Assume that A \ B 6= ;. Prove that 1.14 Show that S 1 is connected.
1.15 We say that a topological space X has the xed point property if every continuous map f : X ! X has a xed point, i.e. a point x 2 X such that f (x) = x. a) Show that the xed point property is a topological property, i.e. that it is invariant under a homeomorphism. b) Show that any closed bounded interval a; b] has the xed point property. Hint: Apply the Intermediate Values Theorem to the function f (x) x.
phic to an interval (whether it is closed, open or neither). Hint: Use an argument similar to that in Example 1.41.
1.17 A simple closed curve in Rn is an image of an interval a; b] under a continuous map : a; b] ! Rn (called a path) such that (s) = (t) for any s < t; s; t 2 a; b] if and only if s = a and t = b. Prove that any simple closed
Let us begin with the real numbers R. In the previous section we were concerned with R as a topological space. In this section we will consider it to be a purely algebraic object. Let's review its properties in this context. Recall that there are two operations addition + : R R ! R and multiplication : R R ! R de ned on R. We usually write the operations as x+y and x y or simply xy. The operations satisfy the following conditions. 1. Addition is commutative,
1.2.1 Fields
x+y =y+x
for all x; y 2 R. 2. Addition is associative,
x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
for all x; y; z 2 R. 3. There is a unique element 0 (zero) in R such that x + 0 = x for all x 2 R. 0 is the identity element for addition. 4. For each x 2 R there exists a unique element x 2 R such that x + ( x) = 0. x is the additive inverse of the element x. 5. Multiplication is commutative,
x y=y x
for all x; y 2 R. 6. Multiplication is associative,
x (y z) = (x y) z
for all x; y; z 2 R. 7. There is a unique element 1 (one) in R such that x 1 = x for all x 2 R. 1 is the identity element for multiplication.
8. For each x 2 R n f0g there exists a unique element x 1 2 R such that x x 1 = 1. x 1 is the multiplicative inverse of the element x. 9. Multiplication distributes over addition; that is
x (y + z ) = x y + x z
for all x; y; z 2 R. These properties can be abstracted which leads to the notion of a eld.
De nition 1.42 A eld is a set F along with two operations, addition + : F F ! F and multiplication : F F ! F , that satisfy properties (1) (9). Typically we simplify the expression of multiplication and write xy instead of x y.
Example 1.43 The set of complex numbers C and the set of rational numbers Q are elds. Example 1.44 The integers Z do not form a eld. In particular, 2 2 Z, but 2 1 = 1 62 Z. 2 Example 1.45 A very useful eld is Z2 , the set of integers module 2. The
rules for addition and multiplication are as follows: + 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 We leave it to the reader to check that properties (1)-(9) of a eld are satis ed.
Example 1.46 Another eld is Z3 , the set of integers module 3. The rules
1 0 1 2 2 0 2 1
Again we leave it to the reader to check that properties (1)-(9) of a eld are satis ed. However, we note that 1 = 2 and 2 1 = 2.
Example 1.47 Z4 , the set of integers module 4 is not a eld. The rules for addition and multiplication are as follows:
+ 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 3 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 2 0 2 0 2 3 0 3 2 1
1.18 Prove that the set of rational numbers Q is a eld. 1.19 Let Zn denote the set of integers modulo n. For which n is Zn a eld?
In your linear algebra course you learned about vector spaces, most probably the real vector spaces Rn. As before let us think about this in an abstract manner. The rst time through you should read the following de nition substituting R for the eld F and Rn for the vector space V .
De nition 1.48 A vector space over a eld F is a set V with two operations, vector addition + : V V ! V and scalar multiplication F V ! V . Furthermore, if u; v 2 V then u + v 2 V and given 2 F and v 2 V , v 2 V . Vector addition satis es the following conditions.
1. Vector addition is commutative,
v+u= u+v
for all vectors u; v 2 V .
u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w for all vectors u; v; w 2 V . 3. There exists a unique zero vector 0 2 V such that v + 0 = v for all v 2V. 4. For each vector v 2 V there exists a unique vector v 2 V such that v + ( v) = 0. The scalar multiplication satis es the following rules: 1. For every v 2 V , 1 times v equals v where 1 2 F is the unique element one in the eld. 2. For every v 2 V and ; 2 F ( v) = ( )v
3. For every 2 F and all u; v 2 V , (u + v) = u + v: 4. For all ; 2 F and every v 2 V ( + )v = v + v:
This de nition of a vector space may look formidable, however, ignoring the formality for a moment, this is the way most calculus textbooks introduce vectors. Typically to describe the vector space R3 one is told that the symbols i, j, and k represent basis vectors pointing in the x, y and z p directions. They can be scaled by multiplying by a real number, e.g. 2i or 3 j. Of course, 1i = i and 0i = 0 is the zero vector. Finally, an arbitrary vector is just a sum of these vectors, e.g.
v = i+ j+ k
where ; ; 2 R. An equivalent but di erent formalism is the use of column vectors. In 3 ; one lets R 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 0 6 0 7 j=6 1 7 k=6 0 7 i=4 5 4 5 405 0 0 1 and then (1.1) becomes
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 6 1 7+ 6 0 7+ 6 0 7=6 v= 4 0 5 4 1 5 4 0 5 4
0 0 1
3 7: 5
Depending on the context we will use both formalisms in this book. The advantage of the abstract de nition of a vector space is that it allows us to talk about many di erent types of vector spaces.
Example 1.50 Let i, j, and k represent basis vectors for a vector space over the eld Z2 . This vector space is denoted by Z3 and the typical vector has 2 the form v = i+ j+ k where ; ; 2 Z2 . If we choose to write v as a column vector, then we would have 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 6 1 7 + 6 0 7 + 6 0 7 = 6 7: v= 4 0 5 4 1 5 4 0 5 4 5 1 0 0 Since Z2 has only two elements we can actually write out all the vectors in the vector space Z3 . Using both sets of notation they are: 2
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 1 0 6 0 7 i=6 0 7 j=6 1 7 k=6 0 7 0=4 5 405 4 5 4 5
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 Observe that in this vector space each vector is its own additive inverse.
other hand we can mimic what has been done before and de ne an algebraic object which we will denote by Z3 . Let i, j, and k be basis elements, then it makes perfectly good sense to talk about linear combinations of these elements, v = i+ j+ k where ; ; 2 Z. This addition is clearly associative and commutative. The zero vector is given by 0i + 0j + 0k: and v is given by i + ( )j + ( )k. Similarly, properties 1-4 of scalar multiplication also hold. Nevertheless, since Z is not a eld, Z3 is not a vector space. The importance of this last statement will become clear in Chapter 3. To make it clear why in the de nition of a vector space we insist that the scalars form a eld we need to recall some of the most fundamental ideas from linear algebra.
Example 1.51 One can try to do the same construction over the integers. Since Z is not a eld we will not, by de nition, get a vector space. On the
De nition 1.52 Let V be a vector space. A set of vectors S V is linearly independent if for any nite set of vectors fv1 ; : : : ; vng S the only solution
+ nvn = 0 is 1 = 2 = = n = 0. The set S spans V if every element v 2 V can be written as a nite sum of multiples of elements in S , i.e. to the equation
1 v1 + 2 v2 +
v = 1v1 + 2v2 +
+ n vn
for some collection fv1; : : : ; vng S and f 1; : : : ng F . A basis for V is a linearly independent set of vectors in V which spans V . V is a nitedimensional vector space if it has a nite basis. One of the most important results concerning nite dimensional vector spaces is that it has a dimension.
of V have the same number of elements.
Theorem 1.53 If V is a nite dimensional vector space, then any two bases
This theorem allows us to make the following de ntion. De nition 1.54 The dimension of a vector space is the number of elements in a basis. A very closely related result is the following. Proposition 1.55 Let S be a linearly independent subset of a vector space V . Suppose w is a vector in V which is not in the subspace spanned by S . Then the set obtained by adjoining w to S is linearly independent. Proof: The proof is by contradiction. Assume that by adjoining w to S , linear independence is lost. This means that there are distinct vectors v1; : : : ; vn S and nonzero scalars 1 ; : : : ; n; in the eld F such that (1.3) 1 v1 + 2 v2 + : : : + n vn + w = 0: Since F is a eld, 1 2 F . Thus we can rewrite (1.3) as w = 1( 1 v1 + 2 v2 + : : : + nvn) which contradicts the assumption that w is not in the subspace spanned by S. fact that F was a eld. If we return to Example 1.51 then we can see that Proposition 1.55 need not hold in Z3. Let 82 3 2 3 2 39 2 3 > 1 <6 7 6 0 7 6 0 7> = 6 0 7: S = >4 0 5 ; 4 1 5 ; 4 0 5> and w = 4 0 5 : 0 0 2 ; 1 Observe that w is not in the span of S since 2 1 62 Z, but S fwg is not a linearly independent set. The previous remark may seem somewhat trivial and esoteric, but as we shall soon see it has a profound e ect on the homology groups of topological spaces.
Remark 1.56 In the proof of Proposition 1.55 we made crucial use of the
1.20 Let Z3 denote the three dimensional vector space over the eld Z3 . 3 Write down all the elements of Z3 . 3
De nition 1.57 Let V and W be vector spaces over a eld F . A linear map or linear operator from V to W is a function L : V ! W such that
L( v + u) = (Lv) + Lu
for all u; v 2 V and all scalars 2 F . L is an isomorphism if L is invertible. The vector spaces V and W are said to be isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism L : V ! W . A fundamental result from linear algebra is the following.
Theorem 1.58 Let V and W be nite dimensional vector spaces over a eld
F . Then, V and W are isomorphic if and only if dim V = dim W .
L= 1 1 1 1
As will become clear in the next chapter, the notion of a quotient space is absolutely fundamental in algebraic topology. We will return to this type of construction over and over again. Consider V and W , vector spaces over a eld F , with W a subspace of V . Let us set v u if and only if v u 2 W:
Proposition 1.61
Proof: To prove that is an equivalence relation we need to verify the following three properties:
1. v 2. v
3. v u and u x implies v x since v u 2 W and u x 2 W implies that v u + u x = v x 2 W . Because these equivalence classes are so important we will give them a special notation. Given v 2 V let v] denote the equivalence class of v under this equivalence relation, i.e.
v] := fu 2 V j u v 2 W g:
Observe that if w 2 W , then w 0 and hence w] = 0].
De nition 1.62 The quotient space V=W is the vector space over F consisting of the set of equivalence classes de ned above. Vector addition is de ned by v] + u] := v + u] for all u; v 2 V and scalar multiplication is given by
v] := v] for all 2 F; v 2 V:
We leave it to the reader to check that this does indeed de ne a vector space (see Problem 1.23). A little intuition as to what this represents may be in order. Consider the vector space V = R2. Then a typical element of V has the form " # v = v1 : v
Let us now assume that we don't care about the value of the second coordinate. This means that as far as we are concerned " # " # 1 = 1 2 5 since they agree in the rst coordinate and we don't care about the value of the second coordinate. We can still add vectors, multiply by scalars and all the rest but it seems a bit ine cient to carry around the second coordinate since we are ignoring it. How can we use quotient spaces to resolve this? Let 0 W := fw 2 V j w = w g: 2
" # " # a a c b We can now consider the vector space V=W whose elements are the equiv-
alence classes. This vector space is a 1-dimensional vector space, i.e. we can represent an element of V=W by a single number x, since we can easily recover the corresponding equivalence class by considering the set of vectors " # x V. v2 Of course the best way to compare two di erent vector spaces is through linear transformations from one to the other. Consider the linear map : V ! V=W given by the matrix = 1 0]. Then
# " # v1 = 1 0] v1 = v ]; 1 v2 v2 i.e. the second coordinate is ignored. Observe that is surjective, i.e. every element of V=W is in the image of . Finally, notice that ker = W . Thus,
for this example the process of creating a quotient space is equivalent to the existence of a particular linear map. As will be made clear in Chapter 3, this is not a coincidence.
In particular, prove that vector addition and scalar multiplication are well de ned operations.
1.23 Prove that V=W as de ned in De nition 1.62 is a vector space over F . 1.24 Let W be the subspace of R2 spanned by the vector
" #
1 : 2
Draw a picture indicating the equivalence classes in R2=W . What is the dimension of R2=W ?
2.1 Topology
The importance in linear algebra of the dimension of a vector space is that any two nite dimensional vector spaces (over the same eld) of the same dimension are isomorphic. In other words from the point of view of linear algebra they are indistinguishable. Said yet another way, the set of nite dimensional vector space can be classi ed according to a single natural number. Algebraic topology is an attempt to do a similar thing, but in the context of topological spaces. Since topological spaces are more varied than vector spaces, the classi cation is done in terms of algebraic objects rather than the natural numbers. As pertains to this book the goal is as follows. Given a topological space X we want to de ne an algebraic object H (X ), called the 37
homology of X , which is a topologically invariant; that is, if X and Y are homeomorphic then H (X ) and H (Y ) are isomorphic. Notice that we did not claim that homology classi es spaces up to homeomorphism. It is not true that if two spaces have the same homology, then they are homeomorphic. Unfortunately, the classi cation problem in topology is too di cult for any purely algebraic classi cation. In fact, this problem is so di cult, that mathematicians have pretty much given up trying to classify arbitrary topological spaces up to homeomorphism. Instead they study the weaker equivalence relation known as homotopy type. Before giving the de nition let us consider a motivating example. We begin by recalling the intermediate value theorem which we proved earlier (Theorem 1.40).
2.1.1 Homotopy
Theorem 2.1 If f : a; b] ! R is a continuous function and if f (a) > 0 and f (b) < 0, then there exists c 2 a; b] such that f (c) = 0.
This is a model topological theorem. The function is only assumed to be continous, global rather than local information is assumed, i.e. the values of the end points are given, and yet one is still able to draw a conclusion concerning the behavior of the function on its domain. Homology provides us with a variety of algebraic tools for determining if there exists a point c such that f (c) = 0. But this process of going from topology to algebra loses information. This should not be surprising. Think back to calculus where one uses the derivative to obtain a linear approximation of the di erentiable function. Many di erent functions can have the same derivative at a point. To get a better approximation one has to use Taylor polynomials. In fact only analytic functions can be approximated exactly by their derivatives. What families of spaces or maps will give us the same algebraic toplogical information? To answer this consider again the intermediate value theorem. The only important points are the endpoints so let f; g : a; b] ! R be di erent continuous functions with f (a) > 0 and g(a) > 0, and f (b) < 0 and g(b) < 0. Now consider the family of functions F : a; b] 0; 1] ! R de ned by F (x; s) = (1 s)f (x) + sg(x):
Observe that F ( ; 0) = f ( ) and F ( ; 1) = g( ). For any xed value of s 2 0; 1] we have yet another function F ( ; s) : a; b] ! R. Observe that F (a; s) = (1 s)f (a) + sg(a) > 0 and F (b; s) = (1 s)f (b) + sg(b) < 0 Thus, we can apply the intermediate value theorem to F ( ; s) for any s 2 0; 1]. This family of functions is a special case of what is known as a homotopy. De nition 2.2 Let X and Y be topological spaces. Let f; g : X ! Y be continuous functions. f is homotopic to g if there exists a continuous map F : X 0; 1] ! Y such that F (x; 0) = f (x) and F (x; 1) = g(x) for each x 2 X . The map F is called a homotopy between f and g. f homotopic to g is denoted by f g. It is fairly straight forward to check that homotopy is an equivalence relation (see Excercise 2.1). How does this help us with the classi cation problem in topology? Since homotopy is an equivalence relation it can be used to de ne an equivalence between topological spaces. De nition 2.3 Two topological spaces X and Y are homotopic if there exist continuous functions f : X ! Y and g : Y ! X such that g f 1X and f g 1Y where 1X and 1Y denote the identity maps. X homotopic to Y is denoted by X Y . Example 2.4 Two topological spaces can appear to be quite di erent and still be homotopic. For example it is clear that Rn is not homeomorphic to the point f0g. On the other hand these two spaces are homotopic. To see this let f : Rn ! f0g be de ned by f (x) = 0 and let g : f0g ! Rn be de ned by g(0) = 0. Observe that f g = 1f0g and hence f g 1f0g . To show that g f 1Rn consider the function F : Rn 0; 1] ! Rn de ned by F (x; s) = (1 s)x: Clearly, F (x; 0) = x = 1Rn and F (x; 1) = 0.
X . A deformation retraction of X onto A is a 0; 1] ! X such that F (x; 0) = x for x 2 X F (x; 1) 2 A for x 2 X F (a; s) = a for a 2 A:
If such an F exists then A is called a deformation retract of X . It is easy to check that if A is a deformation retract of X and B is a deformation retract of A, then B is a deformation retract of X . by F (x; s) = (1 s)x.
There is no deformation retraction of n to a point. We include this example at this point to try to indicate that this is a nontrivial problem. In particular, we encourage you to try to nd a proof of this fact. As motivation for the study of this subject we assure you that once you know homology theory, this example will become a triviality.
2.1 Prove that homotopy is an equivalence relation. 2.2 Let f; g : X ! Y be continuous maps. Under the following assumptions
X = Y = 0; 1] X = 1 and Y = 0; 1] X is any topological space and y 2 Y is a deformation retract of Y . Obviously, if you prove the last case, then you have proven the rst two.
2.1.2 Graphs
De nition 2.8 A nite graph G consists of a nite collection of points in R3 fv1 ; : : : vng, called vertices, together with straight line segments fe1 ; : : : ; emg,
De nition 2.9 An abstract nite graph is a pair (V ; E ) where V is a nite set whose elements are called vertices and E is a collection of pairs of distinct elements of V called edges.
@t 3
e @ 2 e3
v1 t e 3
@t 3
Figure 2.1: A loop and a tree. Before turning to the algebra we want to consider the topology of trees. In particular, we will show that any tree is homotopically equivalent to a single point. A vertex which only intersects a single edge is called a free vertex.
Proposition 2.10 Every tree which contains at least one free vertex.
Proof: Assume not. Then there exists a tree T with 0 free vertices. Let n be the number of edges in T . Let e1 be an edge in T . Label its vertices by + v1 and v1 . Since T has no free vertices, there is an edge e2 with vertices + v2 such that v1 = v2 . Continuing in this manner we can label the edges by ei and the vertices by vi where vi = vi+ 1. Note since there are only a nite number of vertices, at some point vi+ = vj for some i > j 1. Then fej ; ej+1; : : : ; eig forms a loop. This is a contradition.
deformation retraction of T onto v . Proof: The proof is by induction on the number of edges in the tree. The simplest tree consists of a single edge. By Lemma 2.11 this is homotopic to a point. The homotopy is the deformation retraction. Assume that the result is true for all trees with n edges or less. We need to show it is true for a tree with n + 1 edges. Let T be a tree with n + 1 edges. By Proposition 2.10 T has a free vertex v+. Let e be the edge which contains the vertex v+. Let the other vertex of e be denoted by v . Let T 0 be the tree obtained from T by removing the edge e and the vertex v+. Now de ne G : T 0; 1] ! T by ( 0 G(x; s) = x (x; s) if x 2 T Fe if x 2 e where Fe is de ned as in Lemma 2.11. This shows that G is a deformation retraction of T onto T 0. The result now follows by induction.
Proposition 2.12 Every tree T contains a vertex v such that there exists a
2.4 Up to homotopy how many di erent planar graphs are there with 5
In Example 2.6 we showed that an interval is homotopic to a point. In fact by Proposition 2.12 every tree is homotopic to a point. Since a point is the simplest nontrivial topological space, up to homotopy trees must be fairly simple topological spaces. In Example 2.7 it was stated that 1 is not homotopic to a point. We will use this contrast to motivate how homology can be used to measure the di erence in the complexity of these two topological spaces. However, we need to begin with a word of caution. The proof that homology is a topological invariant is fairly complicated. As such it will be dealt with much later. To make clear at the outset why working with a graph is not su cient to establish the topological invariance of homology, observe that given our de nition, a nite graph is a xed subset of R3 . However, as the following example indicates di erent graphs can give rise to the same subset.
topological space has many di erent representations as a graph. In our motivation of homology we will use abstract graphs. Thus to prove topological invariance we would have to show that given any two abstract graphs that are associated to nite graphs that in turn represent homeomorphic spaces the corresponding homology is the same. This is not trivial. Having made these explicit disclaimers we now take the liberty of using language in which we are implicitly assuming that we are working with a topological invariant. With this in mind we begin by asking the question how can we show that 0; 1] and 1 are topologically di erent. It is worth making an observation at this point. Locally, ( 1; 1) and 1 are indistinguishable. More precisely given points x 2 ( 1; 1), y 2 1, and su ciently small neighborhoods, Ux and Vy of these points, then there exists a homeomorphism between Ux and Vy . Locally the only di erence between 0; 1] and 1 are the boundary points f0; 1g of 0; 1]. We shall try to measure this distinction algebraically. A word of caution is needed before we go further. The notion of topological boundary is ambiguous here because it depends on the outer space the graph is imbedded to. For instance, let a; b be two distinct vertices in R2. Then bd 0; 1] = ; in the topology of a; b], bd a; b] = fa; bg in the topology of the line passing through a and b, and bd a; b] = a; b] in the topolgy of R2. But no matter what is the outer space, the points a; b are clearly distinct from the other points of a; b] in the sense that they are extreme points of the interval. That distinction is exhibited by the following de nition.
Example 2.13 Consider the family of graphs de ned by Gn = ffj=ng j j = 0; : : : ng f j=n; (j + 1)=n] j j = 0; : : : ; n 1g Observe that as a subset of R each graph describes 0; 1]. Thus, the same
Let us now think of 0; 1] and 1 as graphs. To be precise consider the graphs indicated in Figure 2.2. 0; 1] is represented by a graph consisting of four intervals a; b], b; c], c; d] and d; e].
d t a
t t c t b t t t t
a t
Figure 2.2: Finite graphs and corresponding abstract nite graphs for 0; 1] and 1 We mentioned earlier that the boundary points of 0; 1] are where we can see a di erence in local topology. To keep our computations local we indicated in the left hand column of Table 2.1 the topological boundaries of each of the edges. In the right hand column are what for the moment can be considered ctional algebraic quantities derived from the corresponding elements of the abstract nite graph. Topology bd a; b] = fag bd b; c] = fbg bd c; d] = fcg bd d; e] = fdg Algebra
@ a; b] = a + b @ b; c] = b + c @ c; d] = c + d @ d; e] = d + e
Table 2.1: Topological and algebric boundaries in 0; 1]. On the topological level addition and subtraction of edges and points is not an obvious concept. On our ctional algebraic level, however, we will allow ourselves this luxury. Recalling the discussion in the previous chapter where we described vector spaces, we write the algebraic objects in bold and allow ourselves to formally add them. For example fag becomes a. What should we use for the scalars? A possible idea is Z2 - this way, if we make @
@ ( a; b] + b; c]) = @ ( a; b]) + @ ( b; c]) = a+b+b+c = a + 2b + c = a + c: Continuing in this way we have that @ ( a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; e]) = a + b + b + c + c + d + d + e = a + e: As an indication that we are not too far o track observe that on the topological level bd 0; 1] = fag feg. Doing the same for the graph and abstract graph representing 1 we get Table 2.2. Adding up the algebraic boundaries we have @ ( a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a]) = 0: (2.1)
Topology bd a; b] = fag bd b; c] = fbg bd c; d] = fcg bd d; a] = fdg Algebra
@ a; b ] = a + b @ b; c] = b + c @ c; d] = c + d @ d; a ] = d + a
Table 2.2: Topology and algebra of boundaries in 1. Based on these two examples one might make the extravagent claim that spaces with cycles, i.e. algebraic objects whose boundaries add up to zero, are topologically nontrivial. This is almost true. To see how this fails, observe that 1 C 2, and in fact 1 = bd C 2. Since there exists a deformation retract of C 2 to a point we need to understand
Topology bd C 2 = a; b] bd a; b] = fag bd b; c] = fbg bd c; d] = fcg bd d; a] = fdg Algebra
b; c] c; d] d; a] @ C2 = a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a]
@ a; b ] = a + b @ b; c] = b + c @ c; d] = c + d @ d; a ] = d + a
Table 2.3: Topology and algebra of boundaries in C 2. how the nontrivial algebra in 1 becomes trivialized. To do this we need to go beyond graphs into cubical complexes which will be de ned later. For the moment consider the picture and collection of sets in Figure 2.3. The new aspect is the square C 2. This is coded in the combinatorial information as the element fC 2g.
d t a t
tc tb
Figure 2.3: Simplicial complex and corresponding abstract simplicial complex for C 2 . Table 2.3 contains the topological boundary information and ctional algebra that we are associating to it for C 2. Since 1 C 2 , one should expect to see the contents of Table 2.2 contained in Table 2.3. Now observe that
@ C2 = a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a]: Equation (2.1) indicated that the cycle a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a] was the interesting algebraic aspect of 1 . In C 2 it appears as the boundary of an
object. The observation that we will make is that cycles which are boundaries should be considered trivial. Restating this purely algebraically what we are looking for are cycles, i.e. elements of the kernel of some operator. Let us denote this operator by @ to remind us that it should be related to taking the boundary of a topological space. Furthermore, if this cycle is a boundary, i.e. the image of this operator, then we wish to ignore it. In other words we are interest in an algebraic quantity which takes the form kernel of @=image of @: We have by now introduced many vague and complicated notions. If you feel things are spinning out of control - don't worry, be happy! Admittedly, there are a lot of loose ends that we need to tie up and we will begin to do so in the next chapter. The process of developing new mathematics typically involves developing new intuitions and nding new patterns - in this case we have the advantage of knowing that it will all work out in the end. For now lets just enjoy trying to match topology and algebra. In fact, lets do it again. Recall that earlier we asked the question what should be use for scalars? We chose Z2 last time. Are there other choices that make sense? Consider Figure 2.4 which looks alot like Figure 2.2 except that we have added arrows to our graphs to suggest a direction (the fancy word is orientation) through which we traverse the interval. Similarly, we have indicated a direction through which we can traverse the loop 1. We could argue that Z is a natural choice since it is not clear what a fractional amount of a vertex or an edge of an abstract graph should represent. Furthermore, using the integers we can assign a plus or a minus sign to the edge or vertex depending on whether we traverse it following the assigned direction or not. So let us declare that @ ( a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; e]) = b a + c b + d c + e d = e a: Again we see that there is consistency between the algebra and the topology since bd 0; 1] = feg fag and the arrows suggest traversing from a to e. Doing the same for the graph and abstract graph representing 1 gives rise to Table 2.4 Again, we see that the algebra that corresponds to the interesting topology is a cycle - a sum of algebraic objects whose boundaries add up to zero.
d t a
t c
6 -
a t
t b
Figure 2.4: Finite graphs and corresponding abstract nite graphs for 0; 1] and 1 with a sense of direction. Topology Algebra bd a; b] = fag bd b; c] = fbg bd c; d] = fcg bd d; a] = fdg
a b c d
More precisely we again arrive at equation (2.1). We still need to understand what happens to this algebra when we consider 1 C 2. Consider Figure 2.5. Table 2.5 contains the topological boundary information and ctional algebra that we are associating to it for C 2. Since 1 C 2, we again see the contents of Table 2.4 contained in Table 2.5. As before
@ C2 = a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a]:
Equation (2.1) indicated that the cycle a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a] was the interesting algebraic aspect of 1 . In C 2 it appears as the boundary of an object. Again, the observation that we will make is: cycles which are boundaries should be considered trivial.
6 6 -
a t
Figure 2.5: Simplicial complex and corresponding abstract simplicial complex for C 2. Topology Algebra bd C 2 =
= a; b]
b; c] c; d] d; a] @ C2 = a; b] + b; c] + c; d] + d; a]
@ a; b] = b @ b; c] = c @ c; d] = d @ d; a] = a
a b c d
2.5 Repeat the above computations for a graph which represents a triangle in the plane.
We have done the same example twice using di erent scalars but the conclusion was the same. We should look for a linear operator that somehow algebraically mimics what is done by taking the topological boundary. Then, having found this operator we should look for cycles (elements of the kernel) but ignore boundaries (elements of the image). This is still pretty fuzzy so lets do it again; a little slower and more formally, but in the general setting of graphs using the algebra of vector spaces.
Let G be an abstract graph. Let G0 denote the set of vertices of G and let G1 denote the set of edges of G. We will construct two vector spaces C0(G; Z2 ) and C1(G; Z2 ) as follows. Declare the set of vertices G0 to be the set of basis elements of C0(G; Z2) and let the scalar eld be Z2 . Thus, if G0 = fv1 ; : : : ; vng, then the collection fvi j i = 1; : : : ; ng is a basis for C0(G; Z2 ) and the typical element of C0(G; Z2 ) takes the form
v = 1 v1 + 2 v 2 +
+ nvn
where i 2 Z2 . Similarly, let the set of edges G1 be the set of basis elements of C1 (G; Z2) and again let the scalar eld be Z2 . If G1 = fe1 ; : : : ; ek g, then the collection fei j i = 1; : : : ; kg is a basis for C1(G; Z2 ) and the typical element of C1(G; Z2 ) takes the form
e = 1e1 + 2e2 + + k ek where i 2 Z2 . The vector spaces Ci(G; Z2) are called the i-chains for G. It is convenient to introduce two more vector spaces C2(G; Z2) and C 1(G; Z2 ). We will always take C 1(G; Z2 ) to be the trivial vector space, i.e. the vector space consisting of exactly one element 0. For graphs we will also set C2(G; Z2 ) to be the trivial vector space. As we will see later for more complicated spaces this need not be the case. We now need to formally de ne the boundary operators that were alluded to earlier. Let
@1 ei := vj + vk :
In our earlier example we were interested in cycles, i.e. elements of the kernel of the boundary operator. So de ne Z0(G; Z2) := ker @0 = fv 2 C0(G; Z2) j @0 v = 0g Z1(G; Z2) := ker @1 = fv 2 C1(G; Z2) j @1 v = 0g Since @0 = 0 it is obvious that Z0(G; Z2) = C0(G; Z2). We also observed that cycles which are boundaries are not interesting. To formally state this, de ne the set of boundaries to be B0(G; Z2 ) := im @1 = fv 2 C0(G; Z2 ) j 9 e 2 C1(G; Z2 ) such that @1 e = vg B1 (G; Z2) := im @1 = f0 2 C0(G; Z2 )g Observe that B0 (G; Z2) C0(G; Z2 ) = Z0(G; Z2 ). Since we have not yet de ned @2 we shall for the moment declare B1(G; Z2 ) = 0. We can nally de ne homology in this rather special setting. For i = 0; 1 the i-th homology with Z2 coe cients is de ned to be the quotient space Hi(G; Z2) := Zi(G; Z2 )=Bi(G; Z2 ): Observe that since this is a quotient space of vector spaces, homology with Z2 coe cients is a vector space. Let us compute the homology for the graphs in Figure 2.2.
Example 2.15 Let G be the graph representing 0; 1]. Then, G0 = fa; b; c; d; eg G1 = f a; b]; b; c] c; d]; d; e]g
Since G0 and G1 are the bases for the 0-chains and 1-chains we have that C0(G; Z2) Z5 2 C1(G; Z2) Z4 : 2 To do the computations it is convenient to use a column vector notation. So let 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 17 07 07 07 607 617 607 607 607 6 6 6 6 607 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 a = 6 0 7; b = 6 0 7; c = 6 1 7; d = 6 0 7; e = 6 0 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 607 607 607 617 607 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 With this convention, @1 becomes the 5 4 matrix 2 3 1 0 0 07 61 1 0 07 6 6 7 @1 = 6 0 1 1 0 7 : 6 60 0 1 17 7 4 5 0 0 0 1 Lets do a quick check. For example 2 3 2 3 1 0 0 0 72 0 3 6 0 7 61 1 0 07 6 6 7 617 6 76 7 6 7 6 0 1 1 0 7 6 1 7 = 6 1 7 = b + c: @1 b; c] = 6 7 6 7 6 0 0 1 1 74 0 5 6 0 7 5 0 4 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 Now consider Z1(G; Z2 ) := ker @1 . Observe that the vector v 2 C1 (G; Z2) is in Z1(G; Z2 ) if and only if @1 v = 0. If we write
2 6 v=6 6 4
1 2 3 4
3 7 7 7 5
2 6 @1 6 6 4
0 which implies that i = 0 for i = 1; : : : 4. Thus, the only element in Z1 (G; Z2) is 0 and hence Z1(G; Z2) = 0, the 0-dimensional vector space. By de nition B1 (G; Z2) = 0. So H1(G; Z2) := Z1(G; Z2)=B1 (G; Z2) = 0=0 = 0:
1 2 3 4
2 3 6 7 6 7=6 7 6 5 6 6 4
1+ 2 2+ 3 3+ 4 4
We still need to compute H0(G; Z2 ). We know that C0(G; Z2) thermore, since ker @1 = 0, @1 (C1(G; Z2)) Z4 . Thus, 2
Z5 . Fur2
Example 2.16 Let G be the graph representing 1 . Then G0 = fa; b; c; dg G1 = f a; b]; b; c] c; d]; d; a]g
Since G0 and G1 are the bases for the 0-chains and 1-chains we have that
C0(G; Z2) Z4 2 C1(G; Z2) Z4 : 2 To do the computations it is convenient to use a column vector notation. So let 203 203 213 203 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 607 617 607 a = 6 0 7; b = 6 1 7; c = 6 0 7; d = 6 0 7 607 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 1 0 0 0 and 203 203 203 213 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 607 617 607 a; b] = 6 0 7 ; b; c] = 6 1 7 ; c; d] = 6 0 7 ; d; e] = 6 0 7 : 607 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 1 0 0 0 With this convention, @1 becomes the 4 4 matrix 21 0 0 13 6 7 @1 = 6 1 1 0 0 7 : 60 1 1 07 4 5 0 0 1 1 Now consider Z1(G; Z2 ) := ker @1 . So we need to solve the equation 2 3 2 + 3 203 6 1 7 6 1+ 4 7 6 0 7 @1 6 2 7 = 6 1 + 2 7 = 6 0 7 : 6 7 6 5 4 5 4 35 4 2 37 6 7 0 + 4 3 4
Observe that since we are using Z2 coe cients,
55 = = =
Z4 . Fur2
2.7 Prove that if G1 and G2 are disjoint graphs, then H (G1 G2; Z2 ) H (G1; Z2 ) H (G2; Z2 ):
the graph obtained by removing e and v+ from G. Prove that
2.8 Let G be a graph with a free vertex v+ that lies on edge e. Let G0 be
H (G; Z2 ) H (G0; Z2):
The purpose of the last section was to motivate the homology of topological spaces. The process which we adopted can be summarized as follows. We began with a topological space G R3 which for the sake of simplicity we took to be a graph. We then observed that graphs could be represented combinatorially and nally we used this combinatorics to produce an algebraic quantity H (G) which we call the homology of G. Now assume that we have two topological spaces X and Y and a continous map f : X ! Y . In this section we will mimic this process in such a way that we obtain a linear map f : H (X ) ! H (Y ).
Vertices of Y V (X ) = f 2];
Table 2.6: Edges and Vertices for the graphs of X = 2; 2] and Y = 2; 4]. 3. In the end we are only interested in computing an object f : H (X ) ! H (Y ). We have stated that homology is a homotopical invariant, so we should not need to have a very precise understanding of f but rather an approximation up to homotopy. Let us begin with this last point. In Figure 2.6 we show two functions f and g which are homotopic. Recall from Exercise 2.2, that any two functions from one interval to another are homotopic. We include the gure to emphasize the fact that two homotopic functions can behave very di erently locally, e.g. the derivatives of these functions are very di erent. If we move to more complicated spaces, then it is not true that all functions are homotopic (this is a non-trivial result). However, as will be made clear later for reasonable spaces if for every x 2 X , the distance between f (x) and g(x) is su ciently small, then f and g are homotopic. The second point was that we only wanted to do a nite number of calculations. Since we want to develop algorithms that will allows us to do these computations, we want to have a systematic method for choosing which calculations to perform. There are, of course, many di erent approaches that we could pursue, however we will adopt the following. Observe that X = 2; 1] 1; 0] 0; 1] 1; 2]: Therefore, we will do our computations in terms of edges. From the combi-
-2 -2
natorial point of view, this suggests trying to map edges to edges. Since f ( 2) = 3:41421356 : : :, f ( 1) = 0, and f is monotone over the edge 2; 1], it is clear that f ( 2; 1]) 0; 4] = 0; 1] 1; 2] 2; 3] 3; 4]: Thus we could think of de ning a map that takes the edge 0; 1] to the collection of edges f 0; 1]; 1; 2]; 2; 3]; 3; 4]g. Of course, this strategy of looking at the endpoints does not work for the edge 0; 1] since f is not monotone here. To deal with this problem let us go back to calculus to develop a method for getting good estimates on the function. Theorem 2.17 Taylor's Theorem] Let f be a function that is n-times differentiable. Then, Zx n 1 (i) n 1 X f (x) = f (a) + f i!(a) (x a)i + (xn t)1)! f (n)(t) dt a ( i=1
To apply this to our problem observe that f 00 (x) = 2 and so we can obtain the inequality Zx f (x) = f (a) + f 0(a)(x a) + (x t)2 dt a 0 (a)(x a) + (x a)2 = f (a) + f f (x) f (a) = f 0(a)(x a) + (x a)2 jf (x) f (a)j jf 0(a)jjx aj + (x a)2: For our purposes it is more convenient to write this last inequality as f (a) jf 0(a)jjx aj (x a)2 < f (x) < f (a)+ jf 0(a)jjx aj +(x a)2 : (2.2) 1 Returning to the interval 0; 1], let a = 2 . Then, for any x 2 0; 1] the inequality (2.2) implies that 1 f ( 1 ) jf 0( 1 )jjx 1 j (x 1 )2 < f (x) < f ( 1 ) + jf 0( 1 )jjx 2 j + (x 1 )2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0:25 < f (x) < 1:3713 + 0:5858 1 + 0:25 1:3713 0:5858 2 2 1:914 < f (x) < 0:8284 We can use this inequality to determine where to map the edge 0; 1]: f ( 0; 1]) 2; 0] = 2; 1] 1; 0]: In Table 2.7 we have applied the relationship (2.2) to the midpoints of all the intervals in X and from that derived the mappings of the edges. Observe that since each interval has length 1 (2.2) reduces to f (a) 0:5jf 0(a)j 0:25 < f (x) < f (a) + 0:5jf 0(a)j + 0:25: We can think of Table 2.7 as de ning a map from edges to sets of edges. For example 0; 1] 7! 2; 1] 1; 0] and we can represent this graphically by means of the rectangle 0; 1] 2; 0] 2; 2] 2; 4] = X Y: Doing this for all the edges in the domain gives the the region shown in Figure 2.7. Observe that the graph of f : X ! Y is a subset of this region and therefore we can think of the region as representing an outerbound on the function f . We would like to make clearer this idea of mapping edges to sets of edges.
0:5 < f (x) < 3:5 f 1; 0]; 0; 1]; 1; 2]; 2; 3]; 3; 4]g 1:92 < f (x) < 0:1 f 2; 1]; 1; 0]; 0; 1]g 1:92 < f (x) < 0:83 f 2; 1]; 1; 0]g 1:33 < f (x) < 1:76 f 2; 1]; 1; 0]; 0; 1]; 1; 2]g
Table 2.7: Edges and Vertices for the graphs of X = 2; 2] and Y = 2; 4].
De nition 2.18 Let X and Y be sets. A multivalued map F : X !Y is a ! function from X to subsets of Y , i.e. for every x 2 X , F (x) Y .
Using this language we can view our edge mapping as a multivalued map F : 2; 2]! 2; 4] de ned by ! 8 1; 4] if x = 2 > > 1; 4] if x 2 ( 2; 1) > > 1; 1] if x = 1 > > > 2; 1] if x 2 ( 1; 0) < F (x) := > 2; 0] if x = 0 > 2; 0] if x 2 (0; 1) > > 2; 0] if x = 1 > > 2; 2] if x 2 (1; 2) > > : 2; 2] if x = 2 There are three observations to be made at this point. First, observe that F is de ned in terms of the vertices and the interior of the edges, i.e. the edges without its endpoints. Since we will used this idea later let us introduce some notation and a de nition. De nition 2.19 Let e be and edge with endpoints v . The corresponding open edge is e:= e n fv g: The second observation, is that we used the edges to de ne the images of the vertices. In particular, we used the formula that if v is a vertex that lies in edge e1 and e2, then F (v) = F (e1) \ F (e2): (2.3)
-2 -2
Figure 2.7: The graph of the map produced by sending edges to sets of edges. p Observe that the graph of the function f (x) = (x 2)(x + 1) lies inside the graph of this edge map. The nal point is that even though F : X !Y is a map that is de ned on ! uncountably many points, it is completely characterized by its values on the four edges that make up X . Thus, F is a nitely representable map. This is important because it means that it can be stored and manipulated by the computer. The multivalued map F that we constructed above is fairly coarse. If we want a better approximation, then one approach is to use ner graphs to describe X and Y . For example let us write
i i 2 + 2 ; 1:5 + 2 ] and Y =
i i 2 + 2 ; 1:5 + 2 ]
Using the same approximation (2.2) as above we obtain the data described in Table 2.8. The graph of the corresponding multivalued map is shown in Figure 2.8. Observe that this is a better approximation to the function than
Edge of X Bounds on the image 2; 1:5] 1:5; 1] 1; 0:5] 0:5; 0] 0; 0:5] 0:5; 1] 1; 1:5] 1:5; 2] 1:30 < f (x) < 3:42 0:12 < f (x) < 1:46 1:53 < f (x) < 0:01 1:52 < f (x) < 0:95 1:52 < f (x) < 1:37 1:49 < f (x) < 0:83 0:95 < f (x) < 0:22 0:08 < f (x) < 1:76
f 1; 1:5]; 1:5; 2]; 2; 2:5]; 2:5; 3]; 3; 3:5]g f 0:5; 0]; 0; 0:5]; 0:5; 1]; 1; 1:5]g f 2; 1:5]; 1:5; 1]; 1; 0]; 0; 1:5]g f 2; 1:5]; 1:5; 1]; 1; 0:5]g f 1; 1:5]; 1:5; 2]; 2; 2:5]; 2:5; 3]; 3; 3:5]g f 0:5; 0]; 0; 0:5]; 0:5; 1]; 1; 1:5]g f 2; 1:5]; 1:5; 1]; 1; 0]; 0; 1:5]g f 0; 0:5]; 0:5; 1]; 1; 1:5]; 1:5; 2]g
Table 2.8: Edges and Vertices for the graphs of X = 2; 2] and Y = 2; 4]. what was obtained with intervals of unit length. In fact, one can obtain as good an approximation as one likes by choosing the edge lengths su ciently small. In Figure 2.9 one sees the graph of the multivalued map when the lengths of the edges is 0:1.
-2 -2
Figure 2.8: The graph of the multivalued approximation to f (x) = (x p 2)(x + 1) with edges of length 0:5. vertices ff 2g; f 1g; f0g; f1g; f2gg and that C0( 2; 4]) is generated by the vertices ff 2g; f 1g; f0g; f1g; f2g; f3g; f4gg. We will begin by de ning a linear map f#0 : C0 ( 2; 2]) ! C0 ( 2; 4]): Of course, to de ne a linear map it is su cient to de ne how it acts on the basis elements. For lack of a better idea lets de ne f#0(v) := max F (v). If we order the basis elements of C0 ( 2; 2]) and C0( 2; 4]) according to the obvious ordering of the vertices then 2 3 0 0 0 0 07 60 0 0 0 07 6 6 60 0 1 1 07 7 6 60 1 0 0 07 7 f#0 = 6 60 0 0 0 17 7 6 7 6 60 0 0 0 07 7 4 5 1 0 0 0 0
-2 -2
Figure 2.9: The graph of the multivalued approximation to f (x) = (x p 2)(x + 1) with edges of length 0:1.
We have now de ned a linear map between the 0-chains of the two spaces. The next step is to \lift" the de nition of f#0 to obtain a linear map f#1 : C1( 2; 2]) ! C1( 2; 4]). Of course the basis of these spaces are given by the intervals. So consider the interval 2; 1] 2; 2]. How should we de ne f#1( 2; 1])? We know that f#0(f 2g) = f4g and f#0(f 1g) = f1g so it seems reasonable to de ne f#1 ( 2; 1]) = 1; 2] + 2; 3] + 3; 4]. Similarly, f#1 ( 1; 0]) = 0; 1]. But what about f#1 ( 0; 1]) where f#1(f0g) = f#1(f1g) = f0g? Since the two endpoints are the same, let us just declare that f#1 ( 0; 1]) does not map to any intervals, i.e. that f#1 ( 0; 1]) = 0. Again ordering the intervals of 2; 2] and 2; 4 in the obvious way an apply these
rules to each of the intervals we obtain the following matrix 20 0 0 03 60 0 0 07 6 60 1 0 17 7 6 7 6 f#1 = 6 1 0 0 1 7 7 6 61 0 0 07 7 4 5 1 0 0 0 In guring out how to de ne f#1 we used the phrase \it seems reasonable to de ne" but this does not mean we should not de ne it a di erent way. Given our choice for f#0 are there any restrictions on the way we de ne f#1? The answer is an emphatic yes. Recall that our goal is to use f# to obtain a map on homology, i.e. f : H ( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! H ( 2; 4]; Z2). Thus, our real interest is in cycles rather than arbitrary chains. After all elements of homology are equivalence classes of cycles which are very special chains. Let c be a cycle, by de nition @c = 0. Now if f# is supposed to generate a map on homology, it is important that f# map cycles to cycles. Thus f#(c) should be a cycle which again by de nition means that @f#(c) = 0. Notice that since f# is a linear map this leads to the following interesting equation @f# (c) = 0 = f#(@c): Again, let c be a cycle, but this time assume that it is also a boundary, i.e. c = @b for some chain b. This means that in homology c is in the equivalence class of 0, i.e. in homology c] = 0. But, we want the homology map f to be linear, so f (0) = 0 and hence f ( c]) = 0. What does this mean on the level of cycles. If f# takes cycles to cycles, then f#(c) is a cycle. But as we just noted we want f ( c]) = 0 and so the simplest condition to require is that f#(c) be a boundary which means that in homology f#(c) is in the same equivalence class as 0. How can this be guarenteed? In other words, what kind of constraint on f# will guarentee that cycles which are boundaries go to boundaries? To answer this lets repeat what we have said. c is a boundary so we can write c = @b for some chain b. Thus f#(c) = f#(@b). But we want f#(c) to be the boundary of some chain. What chain? The only one we have at our disposal is b, so the easiest constraint is to ask that f#(c) = @f# (b). Notice that once again we are led to the interesting equation @f# (b) = f#(c) = f#(@b):
As one might have guessed from the time spent discussing it this relationship is extremely important and linear maps on the set of chains that satisfy @f# = f#@ are called chain maps. Let us now check whether the linear maps f#0 and f#1 are chain maps, i.e. that they satisfy the relation @f# = f#@ . We were sloppy about the subscripts in our discussion above so now we need to be a bit more careful. First we have two sets of boundary maps @2 2;2] : C2( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! C1 ( 2; 2]; Z2) @1 2;2] : C1( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! C0 ( 2; 2]; Z2) @0 2;2] : C0( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! 0 and @2 2;4] : C2( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! C1 ( 2; 2]; Z2) @1 2;4] : C1( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! C0 ( 2; 2]; Z2) @0 2;4] : C0( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! 0: Using this notation we see that the relation @f# = f#@ should be written as f#0@1 2;2] = @1 2;4]f#1: (2.4) In the matrix form this equation becomes 3 2 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 72 60 0 0 0 07 1 0 0 03 61 1 0 0 0 07 6 6 7 6 6 76 76 6 0 0 1 1 0 76 1 1 0 0 7 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 6 6 76 76 6 0 1 0 0 0 76 0 1 1 0 7 = 6 0 0 1 1 0 0 76 0 1 0 1 7 7 7 6 6 76 76 6 0 0 0 0 1 76 0 0 1 1 7 6 0 0 0 1 1 0 76 1 0 0 1 7 7 7 6 76 74 6 5 6 74 1 0 0 0 7 7 6 6 5 60 0 0 0 1 17 60 0 0 0 07 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 and it is left to the reader to check that this is an equality. Thus the maps f#0 and f#1 are chain maps. Recall that the constraint of being a chain map was imposed in order to guarentee that f# would generate a map on homology, f : H ( 2; 2]; Z2) ! H ( 2; 4]; Z2). From Section 2.1.3 we know that H0 ( 2; 2]; Z2) = Z2 and H1( 2; 2]; Z2 ) = 0
H0( 2; 4]; Z2 ) = Z2 and H1( 2; 4]; Z2) = 0 Thus, the only interesting map is f0 : H0 ( 2; 2]; Z2) ! H0( 2; 4]; Z2 ): How should we de ne the map f0 ? By de nition the elements of H0( 2; 2]; Z2 ) are equivalence classes of the cycles Z0( 2; 2]; Z2 ). But @0 2;2] = 0 so any 0-chain is a 0-cycle, i.e. C0( 2; 2]; Z2 ) = Z0( 2; 2]; Z2 ). By looking at the matrix which represents @1 2;2] it is possible to check that the vertex f 2g is not in the image of @1 2;2], i.e. there is no 1-chain w such that @1 2;2]w = f 2g. Thus, we can take the equivalence class which contains the vertex f 2g as a generator for H0 ( 2; 2]; Z2). Since the eld Z2 consists of two elements 0 and 1, H0( 2; 2]; Z2) consists of two vectors which we will write as 0 and 1. Since the equivalence class of the cycle f 2g generates H0 ( 2; 2]; Z2), we can write f 2g] = 1 2 H0( 2; 2]; Z2 ): Returning to our map on homology, to de ne f0 we need to determine f0 (1). Of course we want to use the chain map f#0 to do this. 1 is a homology class so f#0(1) is not de ned. However, as was mentioned above f 2g is a generator for 0 and f#0(f 2g) is a cycle so we can de ne f0 (1) to be the equivalence class which contains the cycle f#0(f 2g), i.e. f0 (1) := f#0(f 2g)] = f4g]: The same arguments that led to f 2g] = 1 2 H0( 2; 2]; Z2 ), also show that f4g] = 1 2 H0 ( 2; 4]; Z2). Thus f0 (1) = 1: In other words, f0 : H0( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! H0( 2; 4]; Z2 ) is the linear map given by multiplication by 1. This is probably a good place to restate the caveat that we are motivating the ideas behind homology at this point. If you do not nd these de nitions and constructions completely rigorous that is good, they are not. We will ll in the details later. For the moment we are just trying to get a feel for how we can relate algebraic quantities to topological objects.
chains, i.e. @1 2;2] and @1 2;4]. Discuss how to make sense of this relation as it pertains to the boundary operators on the levels of 0-chains and 2-chains.
2.10 Equation (2.4) involves the boundary operators on the level of 12.11 Show that f0 : H0( 2; 2]; Z2 ) ! H0( 2; 4]; Z2) is well de ned.
Up to now we have considered maps from one interval to another. Since the homology of an interval is fairly simple it is not surprising that the maps on homology are equally trivial. So let us consider a space with non-trivial homology such as 1 of Section 2.1.3. Unfortunately, it is rather di cult to draw the graph of a function f : 1 ! 1. In order to draw simple pictures we will think of 1 as the unit interval 0; 1] but where the endpoints are identi ed, i.e. 0 = 1. In fact we will go a step further and think of 1 as the real line where we make the identi cation x = x + 1 for every x 2 R, e.g. 0:5 = 1:5 = 2:5. To see how this works in practice consider the function f : 0; 1] ! R given by f (x) = 2x. We want to think of f as a map from 1 ! 1 and do this via the identi cation of y = y + 1 (see Figure 2.10). While this process allows us to draw nice gures it must be kept in mind that what we are really interested in is the f as a continuous mapping from 1 to 1 . How should we interpret the drawing in Figure 2.10(b)? Observe that as we move across the interval 0; 0:5] the graph of f covers all of 0; 1]. So going half way around 1 in the domain corresponds to going once around 1 in the image. Thus, going all the way around 1 in the domain results in going twice around 1 in the image. In other words, f wraps 1 around itself twice. In Figure 2.11 we show a variety of di erent maps and indicate how many times they wrap 1 around itself. Our goal in this section is to see if we can detect the di erences in these maps algebraically. Recall that
H0( 1; Z2 ) = Z2 and H1 ( 1; Z2 ) = Z2 :
We will focus our attention on f1 : H1( 1; Z2 ) ! H1( 1; Z2 ). Let us begin by considering the map f : 1 ! 1 given by f (x) = 2x(1 x) which is drawn in Figure 2.11(a). The rst step is to view 1 as a graph. So we divide it into the intervals 0; 0:25], 0:25; 0:5], 0:5; 0:75], and 0:75; 1]. Of
Figure 2.10: Two versions of the graph of f (x) = 2x. The left hand drawing indicates f : 0; 1] ! R. In the right hand drawing we have made the identi cation of y = y + 1 and so can view f : 0; 1] ! 0; 1]. It is important to keep in mind that on both the x and y axis we make the identi cation of 0 = 1. Thus f (0) = 0 = 1 = f (1). course 0 = 1 so this decomposition of 1 into an abstract graph is exactly the same as that used in Section 2.1.3. The next step is to obtain an approximation for f . We do this using the Taylor approximation. Since f 00(x) = 4 equation (2.2) becomes f (a) jf 0(a)jjx aj 2(x a)2 < f (x) < f (a) + jf 0(a)jjx aj + 2(x a)2: In Figure 2.12(a) we indicate the resulting multivalued map F that is an outer approximation for f . Of course, it is easier to understand what is happening if we can view these bounds in the unit square. Using the identi cation y = y + 1 we obtain Figure 2.12(b). Recall that we de ned the images of vertices via equation (2.3). This implies that F (f0:25g) = F ( 0; 0:25]) \ F ( 0:25; 0:5])
(a) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Figure 2.11: Four di erent maps f : 1 ! 1. How do these di erent f 's wraps 1 around 1 ? (a) f wraps the interval 0; 0:5] half way around 1 and then over the interval 0:5; 1] f unwraps it. Thus, we could say that the total amount of wrapping is 0. (b) f wraps 1 once around 1. (c) f wraps 1 three times around 1. (d) f wraps 1 once around 1, but in the opposite direction from the example in (b). = 0:25; 0:5] f0:75g: This is troubling. What we are saying is that using this procedure the outer approximation of a point is the union of two disjoint sets. It doesn't seems right that a connected set needs to be approximated by a disconnected set. We have two possibilities at this point. One we could rede ne our multivalued map F or two we can try to make a ner approximation of 1 . Since we do not know of a more e cient way of de ning F we will adopt the approach of re ning our approximation of 1. This means representing 1 in terms of shorter edges. So let us consider 1 = 0; 0:2] 0:2; 0:4] 0:4; 0:6] 0:6; 0:8] 0:8; 1:0]: (2.5)
Figure 2.12: The outer approximation for the map f (x) = 2x(1 x). If we repeat the approximation scheme described above for this representation of 1 we get the outer approximation described in Figure 2.13. Using this approximation F (v) is an interval for every vertex v. Using the same rules as before we end up with the multivalued map
8 > > > > > > > > > > < F (x) = > > > > > > > > > > :
0; 0:4] 0; 0:4] 0:2; 0:4] 0:2; 0:6] 0:4; 0:6] 0:4; 0:6] 0:4; 0:6] 0:2; 0:6] 0:2; 0:4] 0; 0:4] 0; 0:4]
0:8; 1] if x = 0 0:8; 1] if x 2 (0; 0:2) if x = 0:2 if x 2 (0:2; 0:4) if x = 0:4 if x 2 (0:4; 0:6) if x = 0:6 if x 2 (0:6; 0:8) if x = 0:8 0:8; 1] if x 2 (0:8; 1) 0:8; 1] if x = 1
(a) 0.6
Figure 2.13: The outer approximation for the map f (x) = 2x(1 x) based on edges of length 0:2. Of course, we have not computed the homology of the graph representing given by (2.5). The reader is encouraged to check that in this case the homology of 1 does not change. However, what should be clear is that it would be nice to have a general theorem that says that if one has the homology of a space does not depend on the approximation used in the computation. Again, we will address these issues later. For the moment we will just assert that the 1-chain given by the sum of all the intervals generates H1( 1; Z2 ), i.e.
0; 0:2] + 0:2; 0:4] + 0:4; 0:6] + 0:6; 0:8] + 0:8; 1:0]] = 1 2 H1 ( 1; Z2 ): Having determined the multivalued map F for this approximation we will construct the chain map f#0 : C0 ( 1; Z2) ! C0( 1 ; Z2) in the same manner as in Section 5.1. Set f#0(v) = max F (v) for any vertex v. Thus for example, f#0(f0g) = f1g and f#0 (f0:2g) = f0:4g. Having de ned f#0, the construction of f#1 : C1( 1 ; Z2) ! C1( 1 ; Z2) also follows as in Section 5.1.
Using the natural ordering of the intervals which are a basis for C1( 1; Z2 ) we can write 2 3 1 0 0 0 17 61 0 0 0 17 6 6 7 f#1 = 6 0 1 0 1 0 7 6 60 0 0 0 07 7 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 In order to understand the induced map on H1 ( 1; Z2 ) we need to see how f#1 acts on the generator of H1 ( 1; Z2 ). In vector notation as an element of C1( 1 ; Z2), we have
2 3 617 617 6 7 0; 0:2] + 0:2; 0:4] + 0:4; 0:6] + 0:6; 0:8] + 0:8; 1:0] = 6 1 7 : 6 7 617 4 5
Recall that we are using Z2 coe cients hence f#1 ( 0; 0:2]+ 0:2; 0:4]+ 0:4; 0:6]+ 0:6; 0:8] + 0:8; 1:0]) is given by
2 61 61 6 60 6 60 4
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
32 3 2 3 2 3 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 76 7 6 7 6 7 76 1 7 = 6 2 7 = 6 0 7: 76 7 6 7 6 7 76 1 7 6 0 7 6 0 7 54 5 4 5 4 5
1 0 0
Therefore, f1 : H1( 1; Z2 ) ! H1( 1; Z2 ) is given by multiplication by 0. Notice that this corresponds to the number of times that f wraps 1 around its. Lets do this again for the map f (x) = x2 . We proceed exactly as before. Again we need estimates on the approximation. Since f 00 (x) = 2 we can use equation (2.2). Figure 2.14 shows the resulting multivalued map. To obtain an appropriate multivalued map we have chosen to represent 1 as follows
= 0; 0:125] 0:125; 0:25] 0:25; 0:375] 0:375; 0:5] 0:5; 0:625] 0:625; 0:75] 0:75; 0:875] 0:875; 1]
As before it is the sum of all these intervals which generates H1( 1 ; Z2).
(a) 1.2
0.2 0 0.1
Figure 2.14: The outer approximation for the map f (x) = x2 . Constructing f# as before and using the natural ordering of the intervals which are a basis for C1 ( 1; Z2) we can write
2 1 60 6 60 6 6 6 f#1 = 6 0 60 6 6 60 6 60 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5
If we let f#1 act on the 1-chain which generates H1( 1; Z2 ), then we are
performing the following computation 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 1 3 2 1 3 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 76 1 7 6 1 7 6 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 76 1 7 6 1 7 76 7 6 7 6 76 7 6 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 76 1 7 6 1 7 76 7 6 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 76 1 7 = 6 1 7 76 7 6 7 6 76 7 6 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 76 1 7 6 1 7 76 7 6 7 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 76 1 7 6 1 7 76 7 6 7 4 54 5 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Thus, f1 : H1 ( 1; Z2 ) ! H1( 1; Z2 ) is given by f1(1) = 1, i.e. it is multiplication by 1. Observe that this again is the same as the number of times that f (x) = x2 wraps 1 around itself. We shall do one more example, that of f (x) = 2x. Figure 2.15 shows the multivalued map that acts as an outer approximation when the represention of 1 is given by 1 = 0; 0:125] 0:125; 0:25] 0:25; 0:375] 0:375; 0:5] 0:5; 0:625] 0:625; 0:75] 0:75; 0:875] 0:875; 1]: Following exactly the same process as in the case of f (x) = x2 we obtain 21 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 61 0 0 0 1 0 0 07 6 7 61 0 0 0 1 0 0 07 7 6 6 7 60 1 0 0 0 1 0 07 7 f#1 = 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 6 7 6 6 7 60 0 1 0 0 0 1 07 6 7 60 0 1 0 0 0 1 07 5 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Again viewing how this acts on the generator of H1 ( 1; Z2) we have 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 32 1 3 2 2 3 2 0 3 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 6 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 6 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 6 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 76 1 7 = 6 2 7 = 6 0 7 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 6 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 6 76 7 6 7 6 7 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 76 1 7 6 2 7 6 0 7 54 5 4 5 4 5 4 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
(a) 2.5
0.9 2 0.8
0.2 0 0.1
Figure 2.15: The outer approximation for the map f (x) = 2x. In this case we end up with f1 (1) = 0, i.e. the homology map on the rst level is multiplication by 0. This does not match our geomtrical observation that f (x) = 2x wraps 1 around itself twice. On the other hand, it is clear that f1(1) = 0 precisely because we are using Z2 coe cients. If we had been using integers we might expect to obtain that f1 is multiplication by 2. Unfortunately, using the integers as a scalar does not lead to a vector space. With this in mind we will spend the next chapter studying the algebra needed to be able to rigorously do homology over the integers.
A binary operation on a set G is any mapping q : G G ! G. Rather than writing the operation in this functional form, e.g. q(a,b), one typically uses a notation such as a + b or ab.
3.1 Groups
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
a + 0 = 0 + a = a:
3. For each a 2 G there exists an inverse a 2 G such that
a + a = b + b = 0:
78 4. For all a; b 2 G,
It follows from the axioms (see Exercise 3.1) that the identity element 0 is unique and that given any a 2 G its inverse element a is also unique. groups under addition.
Example 3.2 We denote the set of integers by Z, the rationals by Q, the real numbers by R and the complex numers by C. All these sets are abelian
of nonnegative integers. Addition is a binary operation on N . Furthermore, it is commutative, associative and 0 2 N. However, N is not an abelian group since its elements have no inverses under addition. For example, 1 2 N, but 1 62 N.
Example 3.3 Recall that the set N of natural numbers is the same as the set
Example 3.4 The vector space Rn is an abelian group under coordinatewise addition with the identity element 0 = (0; 0; : : : ; 0). Example 3.5 Given a positive integer n, let Zn := f0; 1; 2; : : :n 1g with the addition de ned by (a; b) ! (a + b) mod n, where (a + b) mod n is the remainder of a + b 2 Z in the division by n, i.e. the smallest integer c 0 such
that a + b c is divisible by n. We shall abandon the mod n notation when it will be clear that we mean the addition in Zn and not in Z. It is convenient to describe nite groups such as Zn by giving their table of addition, here is one for Z3 : + 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 subset H
3. H is closed under +, i.e. given a; b 2 H , a + b 2 H .
Proposition 3.7 Let H be a subset of G with the property that for any a; b 2 H , implies a b 2 H . Then H is a subgroup of G.
The proof of this proposition is left as an exercise. Given a 2 G and n 2 Z, we use the notation
na := a + a + + a | {z }
n terms
to denote the sum of a with itself n times. If n is a negative integer, then this should be interpreted as the n-fold sum of a.
De nition 3.8 Given a group G, a set of elements fgj gj2J G if any a 2 G can be written as a nite sum
G generates
aj gj
where aj 2 Z. By the niteness of the above sum we mean that aj = 0 for all but nitely many j . The elements of fgj gj2J are called generators. If there is a nite set of generators, then G is a nitely generated group. Observe that the concept of a generating set for a group is similar to that of a spanning set in linear algebra. What makes vector spaces so nice is that they have bases which one can use to uniquely represent any vector in the vector space.
De nition 3.9 A family fgj gj2J of generators is called a basis of G if for any a 2 G there is a unique set of integers aj such that
A group is free if it has a basis.
aj gj :
Example 3.10 The group of integers Z is a free group generated by a single element basis: either f1g or f 1g. Observe that for any k 2 Z n f0g, fkg is a maximal linearly independent set. However, if k = 1, then fkg does not 6 generate Z. This is easily seen by noting that if fkg did generate, then there
would be an integer n such that nk = 1.
Observe that the uniqueness condition implies that a set of generators fgj gj2J of a group G is a basis of G if and only if it is linearly independent, i.e. X 0 = aj gj , aj = 0 for all j 2 J: Every vector space has a basis, this is not true for groups.
j 2J
Example 3.11 The group of rational numbers Q is not free. To see this assume that fgj gj2J formed a basis for Q. Recall that any element a 2 Q
can be written in the form a = p=q where p and q are relatively prime integers. Assume that the basis consists of a unique element g = p=q. Then g=2 2 Q, but it is impossible to solve the equation ng = g=2 for some integer n. Therefore, the basis must contain more than one element. In particular, there exists p1 =q1 and p2 =q2 in the basis. Now observe that
Theorem 3.12 Any two bases of a nitely generated free abelian group G
have the same number of elements. This number is called the rank of G. Proof: The proof is by contradiction. Let fg1; g2 ; : : : ; gng and fh1 ; h2 ; : : : ; hm g be two bases of G with n < m. Then each element of one basis can be expressed as a linear combiation of the elements of the other basis with integer coe cients. By using matrix notation,
2 6 6 6 6 4
h1 h2 ... hm
3 2 7 6 7 7 = A6 6 7 6 5 4
g1 g2 ... gn
3 2g 7 6 g1 7 7 and 6 ..2 6 7 6 . 5 4 gn
3 2 7 6 7 7=B6 6 7 6 5 4
h1 h2 ... hm
3 7 7 7; 7 5
where A = (aij ) and B = (bij ) are, respectively, m n and n m matrices with integer coe cients. Thus
2 6 6 6 6 4
h1 h2 ... hm
3 2 7 6 7 7 = AB 6 6 7 6 5 4
h1 h2 ... hm
3 7 7 7: 7 5
By the uniqueness of the expansion, AB = 1m m (the identity m m matrix) which contradicts that n < m: Indeed, the ranks of A and B are at most n, thus the rank of AB is at most n. But the rank of 1m m is m > n.
Example 3.13 Consider the group Z2 . Set i := (1; 0) and j := (0; 1). Then, fi; jg is a basis for Z2 and so the rank of Z2 is 2. Another choice of basis is fi; j ig. But f2i; 3jg is not a basis for Z2 even though it is a maximal linearly independet set in Z2. This set is a basis for 2Z 3Z which is a proper subgroup of Z2 of the same rank 2. We will learn more about product groups
in the next section. A group G generated by a single element a is called cyclic and is denoted by hai. In general, if a 2 G then hai is a cyclic subgroup of G. The order of G denoted by jGj is the number of elements of G. Thus jZj = 1 and jZnj = n. The order of an element a 2 G denoted by o(a) is the smallest positive integer n such that na = 0, if it exists, and 1 if not. Observe that jhaij = o(a). Of course, a group which has a cyclic element of nite order other than zero cannot be free. The set of all elements in G with nite order is a subgroup called the torsion subgroup of G. Observe that a free group is torsion free, i.e. it has no elements of nite order. The converse is not true (see exercises). If a is of in nite order, the cyclic group hai is a free abelian group which may also be denoted by Za or by aZ.
3.2 (a) Write down the tables of addition and multiplication for Z5 ; Z6; Z8 . (b) If Z0n := Zn n 0, show that Z05 is a multiplicative group but Z06 ; Z08 are
not. (c) Let now Zn := fk 2 Zn : k and n are relatively primeg. Show that Zn is a multiplicative group for any positive integer n.
3.3 (a) Determine the orders of all elements of Z5 ; Z6 ; Z8 (b) Determine the orders of all elements of Z5 ; Z6; Z8 , where Zn is de ned
in the preceeding exercise and the order of a in a multiplicative group is the least positive integer n such that an = 1
3.4 Prove Proposition 3.7 3.5 Let G be an abelian group. (a) Let H := fa 2 G j o(a) < 1g f0g. Prove that H is a subgroup of G.
(a) Show that if G is free then it is torsion-free. (b) Show that the additive group Q is torsion-free. (c) Show that if G is nitely generated and torsion free then it is free.
n Y i=1
Gi = G1 G2
be the cartesian product of G1 ; G2; : : : ; Gn. G becomes a group with the coordinate-wise addition (a1 ; a2; : : : ; an) + (b1 ; b2; : : : ; bn) = (a1 + b1 ; a2 + b2 ; : : : ; an + bn ) called the direct product of G1; G2; : : : ; Gn. The direct product of n copies of a group G is simply denoted by Gn. There is an obvious analogy between the addition and scalar multiplication in the vector space Rn and in the direct product of groups: the di erence is that in the direct product of groups we are only allowed to multiply by integer scalars from Z. Let A and B be subgroups of G. We de ne their sum by
A + B := fc 2 G : c = a + b for some a 2 A; b 2 B g :
We say that G is a direct sum of A and B and write
G := A B
if G = A + B and the decomposition c = a + b of any c 2 G is unique. We have the following simple criterion for a direct sum.
Proposition 3.16 Let G be the sum of its subgroups A and B . Then G = A B if and only if A \ B = f0g. Proof: Suppose that A \ B = f0g and that c = a1 + b1 = a2 + b2 are two decompositions of c 2 G, a1 ; a2 2 A and b1 ; b2 2 B . Then a1 a2 = b2 b1 2 A \ B = f0g hence a1 = a2 and b1 = b2 . Hence the decomposition is unique. Conversely, let A \ B = f0g and let c 2 A \ B , c = 0. Then c can be 6 6
decomposed as c = a + b in at least two ways: by posing a := c; b := 0 or a := 0; b := c. In a similar way one de nes the sum and direct sum of any family G1 ; G2; : : : ; Gn of subgroups of a given group G. G is the direct sum of
CHAPTER 3. ABELIAN GROUPS G1; G2; : : : ; Gn if every g 2 G can be uniquelly written as a = Pn=1 gi, where i gi 2 G for all i = 1; 2; : : : ; n. We write n M G = Gi = G1 G2 Gn : (3.5)
The criterion analogous to that in Proposition 2.1 for a sum to be a direct sum is Gi \ Gj = f0g if i 6= j : There is a close relation between direct products and direct sums. Let G = G1 G2 Gn. We may identify each Gi with the subgroup ji Gi := f0g f0g Gi f0g : |{z} f0g i'th place Then G = j1 G1 j2G2 jn Gn and, for the simplicity of notation, we may write G = G1 G2 Gn. This identi cation of direct products and sums will become more formal when we talk about isomorphisms of groups in the next section. When in nite families of groups are considered, their direct sum may only be identi ed with a subgroup of the direct product consisting of sequences which have zeros in all but nitely many places. In this text, however, we shall not need to study in nite sums and products. Let G be a free abelian group with a basis fg1; g2; : : : ; gng. By the de nition of a basis, G = Zg1 Zg2 Zgn :
Example 3.17
As for vector spaces, there may be many bases, and hence, many direct sum decompositions, e.g. Z2 = Zi Z(j i). The same consideration applies to Zn with the canonical basis fe1 ; e2; : : : ; eng, where the coordinates of ei are given by ( i ) = 1 if i = j , (e j 0 otherwise.
Example 3.18 Consider the group Z2 = Z Z. Then Z2 = Zi Zj, hence we may write Z2 = Z Z. This decomposition of Z2 to a direct sum is related to a particular choice of basis fi; jg called the canonical basis of Z2.
fs1; s2; : : : ; sng be any nite set of objects. What the objects are does not
matter. For example, S may be a class of mathematics students, or as is more relevant to this course, a set of edges or vertices in a graph. With the discussion of Chapter 2 in mind, the goal is to give meaning to the sum
a1s1 + a2 s2 + + ansn ; where a1; a2 ; : : : ; an are integers. For this purpose, let us go back to the de nition of cartesian product in (3.3). The cartesian product Gn of n copies of G formally is the set of all functions ' from the nite set f1; 2; : : : ; ng to G. Thus a point (x; y; z) 2 G3 formally is a function ' : f1; 2; 3g ! G given by '(1) = x; '(2) = y; '(3) = z. The group structure is given by pointwise addition: (' + )(i) := '(i) + (i). With the understanding of this we may now de ne the free abelian group ZS generated by S as the set of all functions ' : S ! Z, with the pointwise addition (' + )(si) := '(si) + (si ); i = 1; 2; :::n : Why is this a free group? Consider the functions si : S ! Z; i = 1; 2; : : : ; n ^ de ned by ( si(sj ) := 1 if i = j , ^ 0 otherwise. ^ It is easily veri ed that S := fs1; s2; : : : ; s^ng is a basis for ZS . It is called the ^ ^ canonical basis and it may be identi ed with S . Note that if S = f1; 2; :::ng we recover ZS = Zn with the canonical basis ei de ned in Example 3.18.
3.7 (a) Prove that a group of prime order has no proper subgroup. (b) Prove that if G is a cyclic group and p is a prime dividing jGj, then G
contains an element of order p.
(a) If G is a nite multiplicative group and a 2 G, then ajGj = 1. (Hint: Use Proposition 2.4 with H = hai) (b) (Fermat's Little Theorem) If p is a prime and and p does not divide a 2 Z then ap 1 1 (mod p) : (Hint: Recall Exercice 2(c) Section 1) (c) If p is a prime then bp b (mod p) for all b 2 Z.
3.3 Quotients
In Chapter 2, in the setting of vector spaces we de ned homology as a quotient of chains by boundaries. We need to extend this idea to the setting of groups. Let H be a subgroup of G and a 2 G. The set
a + H := fa + h : h 2 H g
is called a coset of H in G. The element a is called its representative. Typically a coset will have many di erent representatives. For example, let h0 2 H , a 2 G and b = a + h0, then a and b are representatives for the same coset. The following proposition makes this precise.
a] + b] = a + b]:
Observe that 0] + a] = 0 + a] = a] so 0] acts like an identity element. Furthermore, a] + a] = a + a] = 0], so there are inverse elements. It is also easy to check that this operation is associative and commutative. The only serious issue is whether this new operation is well de ned, in other words does it depend on which representative we use.
Proposition 3.21 The formula (3.6) does not dependent on the choice of coset representative used, and therefore, de nes a group structure on fa + H ga2G.
Proof: If a0 + H = a + H and b0 + H = b + H then, by Proposition 3.20, a0 a 2 H; b0 b 2 H and so (a0 + b0 ) (a + b) = (a0 a) + (b0 b) 2 H . Hence a0 + b0 + H = a + b + H .
Proposition 3.23 Let G be a nite group and H its subgroup. Then each
coset a + H has the same number of alements. Consequently,
jGj = jG=H j jH j :
Proof: The rst conclusion is an obvious consequence of the cancellation law for the group addition: a + h1 = a + h2 , h1 = h2. The second conclusion is an immediate conseqence of the rst one and the Proposition 2.2(a).
a + b] is also represented by the remainder of the division of a + b by k, this group may be identi ed with Zk discussed in the previous section. What \identi cation" means, will become clear in the next section, when we talk about isomorphisms.
Example 3.24 Let G = Z and H = kZ for some k 2 Z; k 6= 0, the group G=H = Z=kZ has k elements 0]; 1]; : : : ; k 1]. Since the coset
any real number is an integer translation of a number in the interval 0; 1), R=Z is represented by the points of that interval. Moreover there is a bijection between R=Z and 0; 1), since no two numbers in that interval may di er by an integer. For any ; 2 0; 1), the coset + ] is represented in 0; 1) by the fractional part of + . Since 1 0, R=Z may be visualised as a circle obtained from the interval 0; 1] by gluing 1 to 0. A very similar example explaining the concept of polar coordinates is the quotient group R=2 Z. The equivalence relation is now , = 2n ; n 2 Z and the representatives may be sarched, for example, in the interval 0; 2 ). Thus the elements of R=2 Z may be identi ed with the points on the circle x2 + y2 = 1 in the plane, via the polar coordinate in x = cos ; y = sin .
Example 3.25 Let G = Z2 and H = Z(j i) = f( n; n) : n 2 Zg. We may choose coset representatives of the form mi = (m; 0), m 2 Z. Since any element (m; n) 2 Z2 can be written as (m + n)i + n(j i) 2 (m + n)i + H , we have G=H = f mi]gm2Z. It is easily seen that ki] = mi] whenever k = m, 6 6 thus there is a bijection between G=H and Z. Example 3.26 Consider Z as a subgroup of R and the quotient R=Z. Since
3.4 Homomorphisms
Let G and G0 be two abelian groups. If we wish to compare them then we need to be able to talk about functions between them. Of course these functions need to preserve the group structure, in other words they need to respect the binary operation. This leads to the following de nition. De nition 3.27 A map f : G ! G0 is called a homomorphism if f (a + b) = f (a) + f (b) for all a; b 2 G. There are some immediate consequences of this de nition. For example, as the following argument shows, homomorphisms map the identity element to the identity element. f (0) = f (0 + 0) = f (0) + f (0) f (0) f (0) = f (0) 0 = f (0)
The last de nition requires some discussion since the word isomorphism takes di erent meanings in di erent branches of mathematics. Let X; Y be any sets and f : X ! Y any map. Then f is called invertible if there exists a map g : Y ! X , called inverse of f with the property
gf = 1X and fg = 1Y (3.7) where 1X and 1Y denote the identity maps on X and Y respectively. It is easy to show that f is invertible if and only if it is bijective. If this is the case, g is uniquelly determined and denoted by f 1. When we speak about a particular class of maps, by an invertible map or an isomorphism we mean a map which has an inverse in the same class of maps. For example, if continuous maps are of concern, an isomorphism would be a continuous map which has a continuous inverse: The continuity of a bijective map does not guarantee, in general, the continuity of its inverse. Proposition 3.1(c) guarantees that this problem does not occur in the class of homomorphisms. Thus, a homomorphism is an isomorphism if and only if it is invertible in the class of homomorphisms. When G = G0, a homomorphism f : G ! G may be also be called an endomorphism and an isomorphism f : G ! G may be called an automorphism. Groups G and G0 are called isomorphic, notation G = G0, if there exists f ' an isomorphism f : G ! G0, we may then write f : G ! G0 or G = G0. It is easy to see that G = G0 is an equivalence relation. We shall often permit ourselves to identify isomorphic groups, unless an additional structure that is not preserved by isomorphisms is involved. Example 3.31 Z6 = Z2 Z3 .
inverse de ned by f 1(c) = (a; b) where c = a + b is the unique decomposition of c 2 G with a 2 A and b 2 B . This can be generalised to direct sums and products of any nite number of groups.
Example 3.32 Let A; B be subgroups of G such that G = A B . Then the map f : A B ! G de ned by f (a; b) = a + b is an isomorphism with the
Example 3.33 Let G be a cyclic group of in nite order generated by a. Then f : Z ! G de ned by f (n) = na is an isomorphism with the inverse
de ned by f 1(na) = n. By the same argument, any cyclic group of order k is isomorphic to Zk .
Example 3.34 Let G be a free abelian group generated by fs1; s2; : : : ; sng discussed in the previous section. Then G = Zn. Indeed, the map f : Zn ! G
de ned on the elements of the canonical basis by f (ei) := si and extended by linearity is a well de ned isomorphism.
completely de ned by its values on 1. If f (1) = k then f (n) = nk for all n. If k = 0, f is trivial and ker f = Z. Otherwise ker f = 0 and im f = kZ. Since kZ = Z if and only if k = 1, the only automorphisms of Z are 1Z and 1Z .
Example 3.36 Let A; B , and G be as above. The inclusion map i : A ! G is a monomorphism and the projection map p : G ! A de ned by p(c) = a where c = a + b with a 2 A and b 2 B , is an epimorphism. Note that pi = 1A
hence p may be called a left inverse of i and i a right inverse of p. Note that a left inverse is not necessarily unique. Indeed, take subgroups A = Zi; B = Zj of Z2 . Another choice of a left inverse of i is p0 (ni + mj) = (n + m)i (a "slant" projection).
Example 3.37 Let H be a subgroup of G and de ne q : G ! G=H by the formula q(a) := a+H . It is easy to see that q is an epimorphism and its kernel is precisely H . This map is called the canonical quotient homomorphism.
Let now f : G ! G0 be a homomorphism and H = ker f . Then, for any a 2 G and h 2 H , we have f (a + h) = f (a). Hence the image of any coset a + H under f is f (a + H ) = ff (a)g : Moreover, that image is independent on the choice of a representative of a coset a + H . Indeed, if a + H = b + H then b a 2 H thus f (b) = f (a). We may now state the following
the map
Proof: By the preceeding discussion, the formula for f is independent of the choice of coset representatives, thus f is well de ned. Since, f ((a + H ) + (b + H )) = f (a + b + H ) = f (a + b) = f (a) + f (b) it is a homomorphism. f is a monomorphism since f (a + H ) = f (a) = 0 which is equivalent to ker f = H . Finally, f is, also, an epimorphism since im f = im f .
Example 3.39 Let q : G ! G=H be the canonical homomorphism from Example 3.37. Then q = 1G=H , so this is the trivial case of Theorem 3.1. Example 3.40 Let f : Z ! Zn be given by f (a) = a mod n (the remainder
of a in the division by n). Then f is a well de ned epimorphism with ker f = ' kZ. Thus f : Z=kZ ! Zk . Example 3.41 Let's go back to p0 in'Example 3.36. im p0 = Zi = A and ker p0 = Z(j i) Thus f : Z2=Z(j i) ! Zi. Note that Z2 = Zi Z(j i) = im p0 ker p0 . This observation will be later generalized. Example 3.42 Consider Example 3.26 in terms of the quotient isomorphism. Let S 1 be the unit circle in the complex plane, i.e. the set de ned by jzj = 1; z = x + iy 2 C, i the primitive square root of 1. Then S 1 is a multiplicative group with the complex number multiplication and the unity 1 = 1 + i0. We de ne ' : R ! S 1 by '( ) = ei = cos + i sin . Then ' is a homomorphism from the additive group of R to the multiplicative group S 1. ' It is an epimorphism with the kernel ker ' = 2 Z. Thus ' : R=2 Z ! S 1.
cise 3.2). 3.10 Let f : G ! F be a homomorphism of abelian groups. (a) If F is free, show that there exists a subgroup G0 of G such that G = ker f G0. Conclude that G0 ' F . (b) Give an example showing that if F is not free than the conlusion may be wrong. 3.11 Let g : H ! G be a monomorphism, f : G ! F an epimorphism and suppose that ker f = im g. If F is free, show that G ' H F .
3.9 If m and n are relatively prime, show that Zm Zn ' Zmn (see Exer-
f (gj ) =
m X i=1
aij gi0 :
Conversely, if A = (aij ) is any n m matrix with integer coe cients, then the formula (3.8) extends by linearity to a unique homomorphism f : G ! G0. Thus f may be identi ed with the matrix A called the matrix of f with respect to the given bases on G and G0 . Due to the isomorphism in Example 3.34 associating any basis in G and G0 to the canonical bases in Zn and Zm , we may suppose that G = Zn and G0 = Zm . Then f : Zn ! Zm is represented by the matrix multiplication y = f (x) = Ax or, more explicitely, by
y1 3 2 a11 a12 a1n 3 2 x1 3 a2n 7 6 x2 7 y2 7 6 a21 a22 7 6 76 7 7 = 6 .. 7 6 .. 7 : (3.9) ... 7 6 . 76 . 7 5 4 54 5 ym am1 am2 amn xn Recall that the columns of A generate the image im A := im f . In particular, if n = m and Equation (3.9) is a change of coordinates, the columns of A are elements of the new basis for Zm expressed in terms of the canonical basis of Zm . For a xed matrix A, denote by R1; R2 ; : : : ; Rm its rows and by C1; C2; : : : ; Cn its columns. Here are the three types of elementary row operations over Z :
2 6 6 6 6 4
Note that these operations are invertible over Z. Indeed, (r1) and (r2) are self-inverses and the inverse of (r3) is replacing Ri by Ri qRk . Each operation can be expressed in terms of matrix multiplication: new matrix B is obtained by multiplying A on the left by an elementaty matrix E which is obtained by performing the same operation on the identity m m matrix Im m . and third column, this can be done by the elementary matrix 2 3 1 0 0 0 07 60 0 1 0 07 6 7 6 E=6 0 1 0 0 0 7 6 7 60 0 0 1 07 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 since 3 2 1 0 0 0 07 2 2 36 3 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 6 0 0 1 0 0 7 a11 a13 a12 a14 a15 6 a21 a22 a13 a14 a15 7 6 0 1 0 0 0 7 = 6 a21 a23 a22 a24 a25 7 : 7 4 56 6 7 6 0 0 0 1 0 7 4 a31 a33 a32 a34 a35 5 a31 a32 a33 a34 a35 4 5 0 0 0 0 1 The same applies to elementary column operations over Z: (c1) Exchange columns Cj and Cl ; (c2) Multiply Cj by 1 ; (c3) Replace Cj by Cj + qCl , where q 2 Z , which are, in fact, row operations on the transposed matrix AT . The elementary column operations correspond to the right multiplication of A by elementary matrices D obtained by performing the same operation on the identity n n matrix In n.
(r1) Exchange rows Ri and Rk ; (r2) Multiply Ri by 1 ; (r3) Replace Ri by Ri + qRk , where q 2 Z .
Each row operation corresponds to a change of basis in the range space Indeed, if B = EA where E is an elementary matrix, then the equation y = Ax is equivalent to y = Bx, where y := Ey. Since E is invertible, y = E 1y, and the columns of E 1 are the new basic vectors in Zm . Similarly, each column operation corresponds to a change of basis in the domain Zn. If C = AE , where E is an elementary matrix, then the equation y = Ax is equivalent to y = C x where x := E 1x, or x = E x. Thus the columns of E represent the new basic vectors in Zn . The following propositions are straightforward analogies of elementary linear algebra results. Proposition 3.44 Let A be an n m matrix with integer coe cients. (a) The elementary row operations over Z preserve the subgroups ker A and coim A := im AT of Zn . (b) The elementary column operations over Z preserve the subgroups im A and coker A := ker AT of Zm . The group coim A is traditionally called the row space of A and im A the column space of A. This terminology is justi ed by the above remark that the columns of A generate im A. De nition 3.45 A matrix A is in row echelon form if the following property is satis ed. Let aij be the rst non-zero entry in its row Ri , then akj = 0 for all k > j . Proposition 3.46 Suppose that A is in row echelon form, then the non-zero rows of A are linearly independent, and thus they form a basis for coim A. Example 3.47 We show that the elements (3; 2); (2; 0) and (0; 3) of Z2 generate the whole group Z2 , although no two of them do. Indeed, row operations over Z give 3 2 3 2 2 3 ! 1 2 3 2 R1 R2 1 2 6 2 0 7 ! 6 2 0 7 R2 2R1 + R3 6 0 1 7 5 4 5 5 4 4 0 3 ! 0 3 ! 0 3 3 2 R1 + 2R2 1 0 ( 1)R2 6 0 1 7 5 4 R3 3R2 0 0 hence the rst two rows (1; 0); (0; 1) generate the row space of the initial matrix.
Zm .
23 17: 7 5 17 5 3 2 We will nd bases for ker A and im A. The simultanuous row operations over Z of the identity matrix I3 3 and AT give 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 5 I jAT ] = 6 0 1 0 2 0 4 3 7 4 5 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 0 1 0 2 0 4 3 ! 6 1 0 0 0 1 3 5 7 = P T jC T ] ; 5 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 where C = AP . Since the matrix C T is in a row echelon form, its rst two rows (2; 0; 4; 3) and (0; 1; 3; 5) form a basis for im C = im A. The third row (1; 1; 1) of P T generates ker A. The following two theorems show that the method presented in the above examples may be applied to any integer matrix. Their proofs are constructive and may be used to obtain formal algorithms. Theorem 3.49 Let A be an n m matrix with integer coe cients. Then A can be brought to a row echelon form by means of elementary row operations over Z. Proof: The proof is by induction on the number m of rows of A. If m = 1, then A = a11 a12 a13 a1n ] which is in row echelon form. From now on assume m > 1. Case 1. The rst column C1 of A has at most one nonzero entry. Assume that C1 has one nonzero entry ak1. Apply the row operation r1 to exchange rows 1 and k. Then the new matrix has the form 2a a akn 3 k1 k2 6 0 7 6 7 6 . 7 6 .. 7 4 5 A0 0
If all entries in C1 were zero, then the matrix would have a similar form even without exchanging any rows. Observe that A0 is an n 1 m 1 matrix and so by the induction arguement can be reduced using row operations to row echelon form. Thus, A can be reduced to row echelon form. Hence from now on it is assumed that C1 has multiple nonzero entries. Let = (A) := minfjai1j j ai1 6= 0; i = 1; 2; : : : mg Let jak1j = . Without loss of generality we may assume that ak1 = . If not, we could use the row operation r2 to change the sign of ak1. There are two cases to consider. Case 2. divides all entries of C1. The assumption that divides all entries of C1 is equivalent to the statement that for each ai1 6= 0 there exists qi 2 Z such that qi := ai1. For each ai1 6= 0 apply the row operation r3 to replace Ri by Ri qiRk . This results in a new rst column all of whos entries are zero except ak1. Thus the problem is reduced to Case 1. Case 3. fails to divide some entry ai1 , i 6= k of the rst column. If does not divide the entry ai1 , then ai1 = qi + ri, where qi; ri 2 Z and O < jrij < . Let A1 := A and let A2 be the matrix obtained by replacing Ri by Ri qiRk . The rst entry of the new row Ri is ri. Returning to the de nition of observe that (A2) = jrij < (A1): If A2 satis es Case 2, then we are done. If it does not, then applying the argument of Case 3 using (A2 ) results in a matrix A3 . Applying Case 3 mulitple times results in a series of matrices A1; A2; A3 : : : where (A1) > (A2) > (A3) > : : : : Since any strictly decreasing sequence of positive integers is nite, there is a matrix Al which falls into Case 2.
Theorem 3.50 Let A 6= 0 be an n m matrix with integer coe cients. By means of elementary row and column operations over Z, it is possible to bring
2b 6 1 b2 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 B=6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
3 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 7; 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 0 7
where bi are postive integers and bi divides bi+1 for all i. Proof: The proof is essentially an a more elaborated version of the arguments of the previous proof. The induction is now on the totatl number of entries of the matrix nm. If nm = 1, then A is trivially in normal form. From now on assume that nm > 1. Let
= (A) := minfjaij jaij 6= 0 i = 1; 2; : : : m; j = 1; 2; : : : ng: Let jaklj = . As before, we may assume that akl = since otherwise we multiply Rk by 1. There are three cases to consider. Case 1. divides all entries of A. The following simple observation is crucial. Observation: If an integer divides all entries of A and a matrix B is obtained from A by elementary row and column operations over Z, then divides all entries of B . By row and column exchanges we get = a11 . By the arguments of the previous proof we get a matrix whose rst column is ; 0; 0; : : : ; 0]T and using those arguments for AT gives the rst row ; 0; 0; : : :; 0]. We put b1 := and use the induction hypothesis for the matrix A0 obtained by removing the rst row and rst column. By the above observation, b1 divides bi for all i > 1.
Case 2. = akl fails to divide some entry of its row Rk or its column Cl .
Then we apply the same arguments as in the previous proof to reduce the problem to Case 1.
Case 3. = akl divides all entries in its row and column but it fails to divide some entry aij with i = k and j = l. 6 6
Let q = ail 1 2 Z. We rst replace Ri by Ri qRk so to get a new i'th row Ri0 whose l'th entry is 0 and j 'th entry is aij qakj . Then we 0 0 replace Rk by Rk = Rk + Ri0 . The rst entry of Rk is and the j 'th entry is a0kj = (1 q)akj + aij . By the hypothesis, does not divide a0kj , so the problem is reduced to Case 2. The matrix B given by Theorem 4.2 is called the normal form of A. Due to the relation between elementary row and column operations over Z and changes of bases discussed at the begenning of this section, we reach the following Corollary 3.51 Let f : G ! G0 be a homomorphism of nitely generated free abelian groups. Then there are bases of G and G0 such that the matrix of f with respect to those bases is in the normal form (4). It should be emphasized that the problem of reducing a matrix to the normal form (4) should be well distinguished from a more di cult problem of diagonalizing an n n real matrix A. In the second case, the problem is to nd one basis, the same one for Rn viewed as the domain and as the range of A.
3.12 For each matrix A speci ed below, nd its normal form B and two integer matrices P and Q, invertible over Z, such that QB = AP . Use the information provided by P and Q for presenting bases with respect to which the normal form is assumed, a basis for ker A, and a basis for im A. 2 3 6 4 (a) A = 6 4 0 7 4 5 0 6 (b) The matrix A in Example ??. 2 3 2 0 0 (c) A = 6 0 3 0 7 4 5 0 0 9
i=1 hgi i ;
2. If r > 0, g1 ; g2 : : : ; gm are of in nite order, 3. If k = n r > 0 then gr+1; gr+2; : : : ; gm+k have nite orders t1 ; t2 ; : : : ; tk , respectively and 1 < t1 jt2 j : : : jtk The numbers m and t1 ; t2 ; : : : ; tk are uniquely determined by G, although generators g1 ; g2; : : : ; gn are not.
i=1 Zgi
i=1 hg +ii :
T is the torsion subgroup of G mentioned in Section 1 and F is a maximal free subgroup of G. The number r is the rank of F and it is called the betti number of G and the numbers t1 ; t2 ; : : : ; tk are called the torsion coe cients of G. By Example 3.17, we get the following
isomorphic to
Corollary 3.53 Let G be a nitely generated abelian group. Then G is Zr Z=t1 Z=t2 : : : Z=tk
By Exercise 3.9, if m; n are relatively prime, then Zmn ' Zm Zn . Thus, by decomposing the numbers t1 ; t2; : : : ; tk to products of primes we get the following
Corollary 3.54 Any nitely generated abelian group G is isomorphic to Zr Z=pm1 Z=pm2 : : : Z=pms 1 2 s
where p1 ; p2 ; : : : ; ps are prime numbers. To prove Theorem 3.52 requires the following results. be a subgroup of F , then H is nitely generated.
Proof: Since F is a nitely generated free abelian group there is an integer n such that F = Zn. Using this isomorphism we shall identify F with Zn and think of H as a subgroup of Zn. To show that H is nitely generated, it is su cient to nd a nite collection fh1; h2 ; : : : ; hng of elements of Zn which generate H . Let i : Zn ! Z be the canonical projection that sends (a1; a2 ; : : : ; an) 7! ai. De ne
h 1(h1 )i = 1(H1 )
which implies that hh1 i = H1 or that H1 = 0. Now assume that fh1; h2; : : : ; hm 1 g generates Hm 1. Let h 2 Hm. Then m (h) = k m (hm ) for some integer j . This implies that m (h jkm ) = 0, and hence h ihm 2 Hm 1 . Thus
h = ihm + i1 h1 + i2h2 +
+ im 1 hm
and the conclusion follows. It is left as exercice to prove that tha non-zero elements of fh1; h2 ; : : : ; hng are linearly independent, hence they form a basis for H .
si(sj ) = 1 if j = i ^ 0 otherwise,
which form a basis for ZS . De ne f : ZS ! G by f (^i) = si. This is a group homomorphism and so s H := ker f is a subgroup of ZS . By Theorem 3.38,
f : ZS =H ! G
is an isomorphism. Thus to prove the theorem it is su cient to obtain the desired decomposition for the group ZS =H . Since ZS is a nitely generated free abelian group, by Proposition ?? H is a free group and r := rank H m. Let j : H ! ZS be the inclusion homomorphism. Then by Theorem 3.50 there exist bases fh1 ; h2; : : : ; hr g for H and fz1 ; z2; : : : zm g for ZS such that
where b1 1 and bi jbi+1. Since, j is a monomorphism each bi 6= 0. Observe that the basis for H as a subset of ZS is fb1 z1 ; b2z2 ; : : : ; br zr g. It is now easy to see that
ZS =H = Zz1 =Zb1 z1
Zzm :
ZS =H = Zbs+1
Zbr Zm r :
De nition 3.57 A chain complex C = fCn; @ngn2Z consists of abelian groups Cn, called chains, and homomorphisms @n : Cn ! Cn 1, called boundary op@n @n+1 = 0 (3.11) C is a free chain complex if Cn is free for all n 2 Z. The cycles of C is the subgroup Zn := ker @n while the boundaries are the subgroups Bn := im @n+1 :
Observe that (3.11) implies that im @n+1 ker @n and hence the following de nition makes sense.
erators, such that
De nition 3.58 The n-th homology group of the chain complex C is Hn(C ) := cycles=boundaries = ker @n=im @n+1 :
Observe that this is a purely algebraic de nition.
Theorem 3.60 (Standard Basis for Free Chain Complexes) Let C = fCn; @ng be a free nite chain complex. Then, for every n 2 Z there exist subgroups
2 3 b1 07 6 @n = 6 . . . 7 bi 1; bi j bi+1 : 4 5 0 bl Proof: Let Zn := ker @n . These are the cycles introduced in Chapter 2. Similarly, the boundaries are Bn : im @n+1 . De ne Wn := fc 2 Cn j 9 k 2 Z n f0g such that kc 2 Bng: Lemma 3.61 Wn is a subgroup of Cn. Proof: 0 2 Wn since 0 2 Bn . If w 2 Wn, then kw 2 Bn for some integer k 6= 0. However, Bn is a group so kw 2 Bn which implies that w 2 Bn. Finally, if w; w0 2 Wn, then there exist nonzero integers k and k0 such that kw; k0w0 2 Bn. Since Bn is a group, k0kw; kk0w 2 Bn and hence k0kw + kk0w0 2 Bn which implies that k0k(w + w0) 2 Bn . Therefore, (w + w0) 2 Wn.
Wn is called the group of weak boundaries. Lemma 3.62 Wn Zn. Proof: If w 2 Wn , then kw 2 Bn for some k 2 Z n f0g. But Bn Zn hence 0 = @nkw = k@nw = 0. However, Cn 1 is free, and hence, @nw = 0. Hn(C ) is a nitely generated abelian group and hence Hn(C ) = Zk Tn (C ) where Tn(C ) is the torsion subgroup of Hn(C ). Consider the projection p : Hn(C ) ! Hn(C )=Tn(C ) = Zk :
@n (Un) Wn 1 ; @n(Vn) = 0 @n(Wn) = 0: Furthermore, there are bases for Un and Wn 1 for which the matrix of @n
k c + Bn ] = kc + Bn] = Bn] = 0;
i.e. c + Bn] 2 Tn (C ). On the other hand, if for all nonzero integers k, kc 62 Bn, then k c + Bn] 6= 0 for all k 2 Z n f0g. Thus, h c + Bn]i = Z. In conclusion then c + Bn] 2 Tn(C ) if and only if c 2 Wn. Let fc1 ; : : : ; ck g be a basis for Zn=Wn. Let fd1; : : : ; dlg be a basis for Wn. Then Zn = Vn Wn where Vn = hc1 ; : : : ; ck i. Let fe1 ; : : : ; ej g be a basis for Cn and let fe01 ; : : : ; e0mg be a basis for Cn 1 such that @n : Cn ! Cn 1 has the form
2b 0 6 1 .. 6 6 6 0 . bl @n = 6 6 6 6 6 0 4
3 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 5
The following three observations follow directly from the form of this matrix: 1. fel+1; : : : ; eng is a basis for Zn. 2. fb1 e01; : : : ; bl e0l g is a basis for Bn 1. 3. fe01; : : : ; e0l g is a basis for Wn 1 . The proof of the theorem is nished once we de ne Un = he1 ; : : : el i. Then Cn = Un Zn = Un Vn Wn where Vn and Wn are de ned as above.
Theorem 3.64 The homology groups of a nite free chain complex C = fCn; @ng are computable.
Proof: By the previous theorem there exists a standard basis for the free chain complex. Furthermore, this standard basis can be computed using the
row and column reductions described in Theorem 3.50. In this basis we can identify the subgroups Un , Vn and Wn. Bn = im Un+1 and Hn(C ) = Vn Wn=Bn: Before ending this section we will introduce yet another construction that leads to homology groups.
complex is just the boundary operator of the larger complex restricted in its domain. For this reason and to simplify the notation we shall let @ 0 = @ . 0 Let C = fCn; @n g be a chain complex and let D = fDn; @ng be a subchain complex. We can create a new chain complex called the relative chain complex whose chains consist of the groups Cn =Dn and whose boundary operators are the induced maps @n : Cn=Dn ! Cn+1=Dn+1 given by c + Dn] 7! @n c + Dn 1]: @n is well de ned since @n(Dn) Dn 1. Furthermore, @n @n+1 c + Dn+1 ] = @n @n+1 c + Dn] = @n @n+1 c + Dn 1] = 0 + Dn 1] = 0:
De nition 3.65 Let C = fCn; @ng be a chain complex. A chain complex 0 D = fDn; @n g is a subchain complex of C if: 1. Dn is a subgroup of Cn for all n 2 Z. 0 2. @n = @n jDn . 0 The condition that @n = @n jDn indicates the boundary operator of a subchain
De nition 3.66 The relative n-cycles are Zn(C ; D) := ker @n . The relative n-boundaries are Bn(C ; D) := ker @n+1. The relative homology groups are Hn((C ; D) := Zn(C ; D)=Bn(C ; D):
In numerical and graphical analysis one needs to consider very ne cubical grids. The size of cubes of a grid cannot be arbitrarily small because of the computer's capacity. From a theoretical point of view, the size of a grid is just a question of choice of units. With appropriate units we may assume in this chapter that each cube is unitary i.e. it has sides of length 1 and vertices with integer coordinates. Later on we will investigate what happens with the algebra extracted from a cubical grid when we change units.
R of the
I = l; l + 1] or I = l; l] for some k 2 Z. To simplify the notation we will use the notation l] = l; l] for an interval that contains only one point. Elementary intervals that consist of a single point are degenerate. Elementary intervals of length one are nondegenerate. Example 4.2 The intervals 2; 3], 15; 14], and 7] are all examples of elementary intervals. On the other hand, 1 ; 3 ] is not an elementary inter2 2 val since the boundary points are not integers. Similarly, 1; 3] is not an elementary interval since the length of the interval is greater than 1. De nition 4.3 An elementary cube Q is a nite product of elementary intervals, i.e. Q = I1 I2 In Rn
where each Ii is an elementary interval. The set of all elementary cubes in Rn is denoted by Kn . The set of all elementary cubes is denoted by K, i.e.
K :=
Figure 4.3 indicates a variety of elementary cubes. Observe that the cube 1; 2] R is di erent from the cube 1; 2] 0] R2 since they are subsets of di erent spaces. Of course using the inclusion map : R ! R2 given by (x) = (x; 0) we can identify these two elementary cubes. However, we will take great care in this book to explicitly state this identi cation if we make it. Thus, if the identi cation is not clearly stated, then they should be treated as distinct sets.
t t 1 0 1 2 3 4
Kn :
The elementary cube 1; 2] R The elementary cubes 1; 2] 1] R2 and 1; 2] 1] R2 The elementary cube 1; 2] 1; 2] R2
3 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1
t t t t
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Figure 4.3: Elementary cubes in R and R2. Of course there are many other elementary cubes, e.g. Q1 := 1; 2] 0; 1] 2; 1] R3
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
1; 2] R4
In Rn be an elementary cube. The embedding number of Q is denoted by emb Q and is de ned to be n since Q Rn. The dimension of Q is denoted by dim Q and is de ned to be the number of nondegenerate intervals Ii which are used to de ne Q. Using this notation we can write
Kn := fQ 2 K j emb Q = ng:
Similarly, we will let
Kd := fQ 2 K j dim Q = dg
n Kd := Kd \ Kn:
Example 4.5 Refering to the elementary cubes de ned above we have that
emb Q1 = 3 emb Q2 = 3 emb Q3 = 3 emb Q4 = 3 emb Q5 = 4 and and and and and dim Q1 = 3 dim Q2 = 2 dim Q3 = 1 dim Q4 = 0 dim Q5 = 3
In particular, the reader should observe that the only general relation between the embedding number and the dimension of an elementary cube Q is that 0 dim Q emb Q:
n m Proposition 4.6 Let Q 2 Kd and P 2 Kk , then n+m Q P 2 Kd+k :
Proof: Since Q 2 Kn it can be written as the product of n elementary intervals, i.e. Q = I1 I2 : : : In: Similarly, we can write
P = J1 J2 : : : Jm
where each Ji is an elementary interval. Hence,
Q P = I1 I2 : : : In J1 J2 : : : Jm
which is a product of elementary intervals. It is left to the reader to check that dim(Q P ) = dim Q + dim P . It should clear from the proof of Proposition 4.6 that though they lie in the same space Q P 6= P Q.
De nition 4.7 Let I be an elementary interval. The associated open elementary interval is
+ I := (ll; l + 1) if I = l; l]. 1], ] if I = l; l We extend this de nition to a general elementary cube Q = I1 I2 : : : In
Example 4.8 An important word of warning: An open cube need not be an 1 open set. Consider for example 1] 2 K0 . This is a single point and hence
a closed set (see Exercise 1.4). Of course, as was shown in Exercise 1.4 any 1 interval of the form (l; l + 1) is an open subset of R. Thus, if I 2 K1 , then the open elementary interval I R is an open set. 2 Consider now the elementary cube Q = 1; 2] 3] 2 Kd. The associated open elementary cube is Q = (1; 2) 3] R2 which is clearly not an open set. We can generalize this example to the following Proposition.
Proposition 4.9 Let Q 2 K. The associated open elementary cube Q is an n open set if and only if Q 2 Kn for n 1.
Proof: Since Q is an elementary cube it is the product of elementary intervals Q = I1 I2 In Rn. Let Ii = ai ; bi] where ai 2 Z and bi = ai or bi = ai + 1. Let xi = ai +bi . Observe that x = (x1 ; x2; : : : ; xn) 2 Q. 2 n Assume that Q 2 Kd where d < n. Then, there exists i0 such that Ii0 = ai0 ] is a degenerate interval. Observe that for any > 0, B (x; ) 6 Q. Therefore, Q is not open. n On the other hand, if Q 2 Kn , then by Exercise 1.4 Q is an open set.
Proof: (i) Obviously fQ j Q 2 Kng Rn. To prove the opposite inclusion take an x = (x1; x2 ; : : : ; xn) 2 Rn and put i; x ] Ii := xoori(x ); oor (x ) + 1] if xi 2 Z, otherwise. i i
Then Q := I 1 I 2 : : : I n is an open cube and x 2 Q. This proves (i). (ii) The proof is straightforward. (iii) For elementary cubes of dimesion one the result is obvious. Also, it extends immediately to elementary cubes of dimension greater than one, because the intersection of Cartesian products of intervals is the Cartesian product of the intersections of the corresponding intervals. (iv) Observe that Q Q, therefore cl Q Q. To prove the opposite inclusion take an x = (x1 ; x2 : : : xn ) 2 Q. Let Q = k1; l1] k2 ; l2 ] : : : kn; ln] and put
Then yj 2 Q and jlim yj = x. It follows that x 2 cl Q. !1 (v) Consider Q = I1 I2 : : : In and let x = (x1 ; x2; : : : ; xn) 2 Q. De ne Ji := Ixi ; xi] if xi is an endpoint of Ii otherwise. i and put P := J1 J2 : : : Jn Then obviously x 2 P and P Q. Hence x belongs to the right-hand-side of (v). Using open cubes we can de ne a class of topological spaces.
De nition 4.11 A set Y Rn is representable if it is a nite union of open elementary cubes. The family of representable sets in Rn is denoted by Rn.
As an immediate consequence of Proposition 4.10(v) we get
Proposition 4.12 Every elementary cube is representable. De nition 4.13 The open hull of a set A Rn is
oh (A) := fQj Q 2 K; Q \ A 6= ;g; and the closed hull of A is ch (A) := fQ j Q 2 K; Q \A 6= ;g: (4.3) (4.2)
Example 4.14 Consider the vertex P = 0] 0] 2 R2. Then, oh (P ) = f(x1; x2 ) 2 R2 j 1 < xi < 1g:
Generalizing this example leads to the following result.
an ] 2 Rn be an elementary vertex.
(an 1; an + 1):
oh (P ) = (a1 1; a1 + 1)
The names chosen for oh (A) and ch (A) are justi ed by the following proposition. Proposition 4.16 Assume A Rn. Then (i) A oh (A) and A ch (A).
(ii) The set oh (A) is open and representable. (iii) The set ch (A) is closed and representable. (iv) oh (A) = TfU 2 Rn j U is open and A U g
(v) ch (A) = TfB 2 Rn j B is closed and A B g. In particular, if K is a cubical set such that A K , then ch (A) K .
(vi) oh (oh (A)) = oh (A) and ch (ch (A)) = ch (A). (vii) If y 2 oh (x), then ch (x) ch (y). (viii) Q 2 Kn and x 2Q implies that ch (x) = Q:
(ix) Let Q 2 Kn and let x; y 2Q. Then, oh (x) = oh (y) and ch (x) = ch (y). Proof: (i) That A ch (A) follows directly from the de nition and A oh (A) follows from Proposition 4.10(v). (ii) By Proposition 4.10(ii) the union in (4.2) is nite. Therefore the set oh (A) is representable. To prove that oh (A) is open we will show that it satis es ??. Let P 2 Kd be such that P \oh (A) = ;. Assume that P \ oh (A) 6= ;. Then there exists a Q 2 K such that Q \ A 6= ; and P \ Q6= ;. Since P is representable, it follows from Proposition ?? that Q P . Therefore Q = cl Q P , i.e. P \ A 6= ;. This means that P oh (A), a contradiction. It follows that oh (A) is open. (iii) The set ch (A) is closed since it is the nite union of closed sets. By Proposition 4.12 ch (A) is representable. (iv) Observe that since oh (A) is open, representable and contains A,
fU 2 Rn j U is open and A U g oh (A): To show the opposite inclusion take an open set U 2 Rn such that A U . Let x 2 oh (A). Then there exists a Q 2 K such that A \ Q = ; and x 2Q. 6 It follows that ; = Q \ U = cl Q \U , i.e. Q \U = ;. By Proposition ?? 6 6 Q U , hence x 2 U . This shows that oh (A) U and since U is arbirtary, \ oh (A) fU 2 Rn j U is open and A U g:
(v) Since ch (A) is closed, representable and contains A,
Let K 2 Rn be a closed set which contains A. We will show that ch (A) K . For this end take an x 2 ch (A). Then there exists a Q 2 K such that Q \A 6= ; and x 2 Q. It follows that Q \K 6= ; and consequently Q K . Hence Q K and x 2 K . This shows that ch (A) K and since K is arbirtary, \ ch (A) fB 2 Rn j B is closed and A B g: (vi) This follows immediately from (iv) and (v). (vii) Observe that since y 2 oh (x), there exists a P 2 K such that y 2P and x 2 P . Take a z 2 ch (x). Then there exists a Q 2 K such that z 2 Q
and x 2Q. It follows that Q P , hence also Q P and consequently z 2 P , which proves (vii). (viii) This is straightforward. (ix) Let z 2 oh (x). Then there exists a Q 2 K such that z 2Q and x 2 Q. It follows that P Q, i.e. y 2 Q. Consequently z 2 oh (y) and oh (x) oh (y). The same way one proves that oh (y) oh (x). The equality ch (x) = ch (y) follows from (viii).
As was mentioned before elementary cubes will make up the basic building blocks for our homology theory. This leads to the following de nition.
Kk (X ) := fQ 2 K(X ) j dim Q = kg: Observe that if Q X and Q 2 K then emb Q = n, since X Rn. This in turn implies that Q 2 Kn so to use the notation Kn(X ) is somewhat redundant, but it serves to reminds us that X Rn. Therefore, when it n is convenient we will write Kk (X ). In analogy with graphs, the elements of K0(X ) are the vertices of X and the elements of K1 (X ) are the edges of X . More generally, the elements of Kk (X ) are the k-cubes of X . Example 4.18 Consider the set X = 0; 1] 0; 1] 0; 1] R3. This is an K3(X ) = 0; 1] 0; 1] 0; 1] K2(X ) = f 0] 0; 1] 0; 1]; 1] 0; 1] 0; 1];
0; 1] 0; 1] 0] 0; 1]; 0; 1] 0; 1] 0]; 0; 1]
1] 0; 1]; 0; 1] 1]g
K1 (X ) = f 0] 0] 0; 1]; 0] 1] 0; 1];
extremely restrictive. For example, the unit circle x2 + y2 = 1 is not a cubical set. In fact, even a simple set such as a point may or may not be a cubical set. In particular consider the point P = (x; y; z) 2 R3. P is a cubical set if and only if x, y, and z are all integers.
B (0; R).
De nition 4.21 Any Q 2 K(X ) is called a face of X and is denoted by Q X . Q is a proper face in X , denoted by Q X , if there exists P 2 K(X ) such that P 6= Q and Q K(P ). If Q is not a proper face, then it is a maximal face. Kmax(X ) is the set of maximal faces in X . A face which is a proper face of exactly one elementary cube is a free face. Example 4.22 Let X = 0; 1] 0; 1] 0; 1]. Then, K0(X ) K1(X ) K2(X ) is the set of proper faces. The set of free faces is given by K2(X ).
0; 1]
[0] x [1]
[1] x [1]
[0] x [0,1]
[0,1] x [0,1]
[1] x [0,1]
[0] x [0,1]
-1 -2
R2 .
set. However, the set consisting of a point can be represented by a cubical set as follows. Let X Rn consist of a single point, i.e. X = fx0g. Let f : X ! 0 2 Rn. Then, f is a homeomorphism and f (X ) = 0 is a cubical set. Prove that any abstract graph which is a tree can be represented as a cubical set.
4.2 In Example 4.19 it was noted that a given point need not be a cubical
dimension 0 or 1 is a graph and hence gives rise to an abstract graph. Give an example of an abstract graph which which does not arise as a cubical set.
4.3 Observe that any cubical set which consists of elementary cubes of
In this section we nally present the formal de nitions that we use to transition between the topology of a cubical set and the algebra of homology theory. We begin by de ning the algebraic objects of interest.
De nition 4.24 The group Ck of k-dimensional chains (k-chains for short) of X is the free abelian group generated by elements of Kk , i.e. Ck := ZKk : If c 2 Ck then dim c := k.
Observe that Ck is an in nitely generated free abelian group. In practice we will be interested in the chains generated by cubical sets.
De nition 4.25 Let X Rn be a cubical set. Ck (X ) is the nitely generated free abelian group generated by the elements of Kk (X ) and is refered
to as the set of k-chains of X . Observe that Ck (X ) is a subgroup of Ck . Recall from de nition given in Chapter 3 that this implies that the basis b for Ck (X ) is the set of functions Q : Kk (X ) ! Z de ned by b Q(P ) = 1 if P = Q (4.4) 0 otherwise. Since Kk (X ) = ; for k < 0 and k > n, the corresponding group of k-chains is Ck (X ) = 0. b Given an elementary cube Q we will refer to Q as its dual elementary b chain, and similarly, given an elementary chain Q we will refer to Q as its dual elementary cube. b b bn Let Kk (X ) := fQ j Q 2 Kk (X )g. Since X is a cubical set and Kk (X ) is a basis for Ck (X ), Ck (X ) is nite dimensional. Furthermore, given any c 2 Ck (X ) there are integers ai such that X b c= aiQi :
b b Qi2Kk (X )
jcj := Qi Rn:
Proposition 4.27 Support has the following properties: (i) j0j = ;. (ii) Let a 2 Z, then jacj = ;cj if a = 0,. j if a = 0 6 b (iii) If Q 2 K, then jQj = Q. (iv) jc1 + c2 j jc1j jc2 j.
Proof: (i) By de nition the 0 chain is the element of the free abelian group which is not generated by any cube. (ii) This follows directly from the de nition of support and (i). (iii) This too follows directly from the dePnition of chains and support. b b (iv) Let c1 = Pm ai Qi and let c2 = lj=1 bj Pi where ai; bj 6= 0 for i=1 i = 1; : : : ; m and j = 1; : : : ; l. Then
c1 + c2 =
m l X b X b ai Qi + bj Pi: i=1 j =1
Example 4.28 It is not true in general that jc1 + c2j = jc1j jc2j. Consider any chain c such that jcj = ;. Observe that 6 ; = jc cj = jcj jcj = jcj = ;: 6 6
Notice that while a chain c is an algebraic object, its support jcj is a set. Thus, we have just de ned a way to go from a cubical set to a nite dimensional free group, and from an element of the free group back to a cubical set.
b b Proposition 4.29 The map : Kk ! Kk given by (Q) = Q is a bijection. b Proof: Since Kk is de ned to be the image of it is obvious that is b b surjective. To prove injectivity assume that P; Q 2 Kk and P = Q. This
implies that and hence that P = Q.
b b 1 = P (P ) = Q(P )
that of earlier chapters some care must be taken when discussing 0-chains that are generated by elementary cubes in R. Let X R be a cubical set. Consider c 2 C0 (X ). By de nition it is the function 1] c Q) = 1 if Q = 1] 1]( 0 otherwise. while 2 c Q) = 2 if Q = 1] 1]( 0 otherwise. This is di erent from c 2 C0 (X ), since 2] c Q) = 1 if Q = 2] 2]( 0 otherwise. In particular j c j = j2 c j = 1 2 R while j c j = 2 2 R. 1] 1] 2] Finally, 0 2 Ck (X ) is the identity element of the group and hence j0j = ;, b while c is the dual of the vertex located at the origin, i.e. j0j = 0 2 R. 0]
Remark 4.30 While the notation we are using for chains is consistent with
A1 = 0] 0; 1]; A2 = 1] 0; 1]; B1 = 0; 1] 0]; B2 = 0; 1] 1] Then jcj is the contour of the square 0; 1]2 shown on Figure 4.5. In addition we have chosen to give a geometric interpretion of the signs appearing in the expression for c. In particular, in Figure 4.5 we included an orientation to the edges indicated by the arrows. Thus, positive or negative elementary chains represent the direction in which an edge is traversed. For example, b we think of A1 as indicating moving along the edge from (0; 0) to (0; 1) while b1 suggests covering the edge in the opposite direction. With this in mind, A c represents a counter-clockwise closed path around the square.
b B2
t(1; 1)
b A1
t (0; 0)
b A2
b B1
t (1; 0)
Figure 4.5: Boundary of the unit square. object. The chain 2c can be interpreted as a path winding twice around the square in the counter-clockwise direction. Similarly, the chain
Example 4.32 With the notation of the previous example, consider the chain 2c. It is clear that j2cj = jcj so both chains represent the same geometric
b b b b b b b b A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 = A1 + B2 + A2 + B1 could be interpreted as a \sum" of two di erent paths along the boundary of the square connecting (0; 0) to (1; 1).
Ck (K L) = Ck (K ) + Ck (L):
b Let A P fi j Qi K g and B := f1; 2; : : : ; mg n A. Put c1 := Pi2A aiQi , := b c2 := i2B aiQi . Obviously jc1j K . Let i 2 B . Then Qi K L and Qi 6 K . In particular Qi \K = ;. Consequently Qi L and since L is closed also Qi L. Hence jc2j L. It follows that c = c1 + c2 2 Ck (K ) + Ck (L).
From Proposition 4.6 we know that the product of two elementary cubes is again an elementary cube. This motivates the following de nition.
b b P Q := P dQ: b We can extend this product to : Ck Ck0 ! Ck+k0 as follows. Let c1 2 Kk b and let c2 2 Kk0 . By de nition we can write X c X c c1 = ai Pi and c2 = bj Qj where fPig = Kk and fQj g = Kk0 . De ne X c1 c2 := aibj Pi dQj :
Support of chain c 2
P4 P
P2 P3
Support of chain c c
2 1
0 0 -2 2 1 0 -1 -1 0 2 1 -1 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 2
b b ai bj Pi Qj = 0;
k l XX
a2 )( i
b2 ) = j
i=1 j =1
(ai bj )2 = 0;
b Proposition 4.37 Let Q be an elementary cubical chain such that emb Q > b b 1. Then, there exist unique elementary cubical chains I and P with emb I = 1 and emb P = d 1 such that b b b Q = I P: b Proof: Since Q is an elementary cubical chain, Q is an elementary cube, i.e.
Q = I1 I2 In:
b b b Set I = I1 and P := I2 I3 In, then Q = I P . b b c We still need to prove that this is the unique decomposition. If Q = J P 0 for some J 2 K1 and P 0 2 Kn 1 then I1dP = J dP 0 and from Proposition 4.29 we obtain I1 P = J P 0. Since I1; J R, it follows that I1 = J and P = P 0.
Given a cubical set X Rn, the chains Ck (X ) are the free groups which will be used to de ne the homology groups. To obtain a free chain complex we n need to de ne boundary operators, i.e. linear maps @k : Ck (X ) ! Ck 1(X ) with the property that @k @k+1 = 0. Since @k is supposed to be linear and Ck (X ) is a free group it is su cient to give the de nition in terms of the basis elements of Ck (X ). At times the notation @k is too cumbersome, so we will typically simplify it to @ .
@ 0 := 0:
b @ Q := 0l d1] c] if Q = l],l + 1]. + l if Q = l; b bn Now assume that Q 2 Kk where n > 1. By Proposition 4.37 there exist b b unique elementary cubical chains I; P with emb I = 1 and emb P = n 1 such that b b b Q = I P: De ne b b b b b @ Q := @ I P + ( 1)dim I I @ P: b Finally, we extend the de nition to all chains by linearity, i.e. if c = a1 Q1 + b 2 + + am Qm then b a2 Q b b b @c := a1 @ Q1 + a2@ Q2 + + am @ Qm :
Thus, the boundary of the dual to a vertex is trivial. This matches our intuitive notions developed for graphs.
b c b c b c @ (Q Q0) = @ Q Q0 + ( 1)dim QQ @ Q0 : The proof will be done by induction on the embedding dimension of the corresponding cubes. If n = 1, then the result follows from calculations similar to those of Example 4.40. If n > 1, then we can decompose Q or Q0 as in Proposition 4.37. Assume that it is Q that can be decomposed, i.e. Q = I P where emb I = 1 and emb P = n 1. Then, b c b b c @ (Q Q0) = @ (I P Q0) b b c b b c = @ I P Q0 + ( 1)dim I I @ (P Q0 ) b b c b b c b c = @ I P Q0 + ( 1)dim I I @ P Q0 + ( 1)dim P P @ Q0 b b c b b c b b c = @ I P Q0 + ( 1)dim I I @ P Q0 + ( 1)dim I +dim P I P @ Q0 b c b b c b b = @ I P + ( 1)dim I I @ P Q0 + ( 1)dim QQ @ Q0 b c b c = @ Q Q0 + ( 1)dim QQ @ Q0 b b b Corollary 4.42 If Q1 ; Q2 ; : : : ; Qm are elementary cubical chains, then b b @ (Q1 Q2 X Pj 1 b b Qm) = ( 1) i=1 dim Qi Q1
m j =1
Proof: Since @ is a linear operator it is su cient to prove the proposition for elementary cubical chains, i.e. to show that
b Qj
b b @ Qj Qj+1
b Qm :
As was indicated earlier we are really interested in @k : Ck (X ) ! Ck 1(X ) where X is a cubical set. be
De nition 4.43 The boundary operator for the cubical set X is de ned to
@k : Ck (X ) ! Ck 1(X ) obtained by restricting @ : Ck ! Ck 1 to Ck (X ). Before we can employ this de nition we need to be sure that @k (Ck (X )) Ck 1(X ). Observe that since @ is a linear operator the following proposition su ces.
b Ij
b b @ Ij Ij+1
b Im:
b b @ Ij Ij+1
b Im = 0 2 Ck 1(Q):
( ljd 1] + ljd 1] + c] lj
b I1
b Ij
b b @ Ij Ij+1
b Im = =
b I1 b I1
b I1
c]) b lj Im b Im + b Im
Ij Ij
lj ] Ij+1 lj + 1] Ij+1
In Q In Q:
Proposition 4.45
@ @=0
Proof: Because @ is a linear operator it is enough to verify this property for elementary cubical chains. Again, the proof is by induction on the embedding number.
Now assume that Q 2 Kn for n > 1. Then by Proposition 4.37 we can write Q = I P where emb I = 1 and emb P = n 1. So
The last step uses the induction hypothesis that the proposition is true if the embedding number is less than n. b b Observe that if dim I = 0, then @ I = 0 in which case we have that each b b term in the sum is 0 and hence @@ Q = 0. On the other hand, if dim I = 1, b then dim @ I = 0 and hence the two terms cancel each other giving the desired result.
Let X Rn be a cubical set. Then K(X ) generates the cubical k-chains Ck (X ) and @k : Ck (X ) ! Ck 1(X ) is a boundary operator. Thus we can make the following de nition.
De nition 4.46 The cubical chain complex for the cubical set X Rn is C (X ) := fCk (X ); @k g
where Ck (X ) are the cubical k-chains generated by K(X ) and @k is the cubical boundary operator. This allows us to immediately de ne the homology of X .
Zk (X ) := ker @k Ck (X ):
The cubical k-boundaries of X are the elements of the subgroup
Bk (X ) := image @k+1 Ck (X ):
The cubical homology groups of X are the quotient groups
Hk (X ) := Zk (X )=Bk (X ):
We nish this section with the computation of the homology of two extremely simple cubical spaces.
ln ]. Thus, Ck (X ) = Z if k = 0, 0 otherwise. Furthermore, Z0(X ) = C0 (X ) = Z. Since C1 = 0, B0 = 0 and therefore, H0(X ) = Z. Since, Ck (X ) = 0 for all k 1, Hk (X ) = 0 for all k 1. Therefore, if k = 0 Hk (x0) = Z otherwise. 0
l2 ]
b K0 ( 1) = f 0]d 0]; 0]d 1]; 1]d 0]; 1]d 1]g = f 0] 0]; 0] 1]; 1] 0]; 1] 1]g 1 ) = f 0] d0; 1]; 1] d0; 1]; 0; 1] 0]; 0; 1] 1]g d d b K1 ( = f 0] 0; 1]; 1] 0; 1]; 0; 1] 0]; 0; 1] 1]g
To compute the boundary operator we need to compute the boundary of the basis elements. @ ( 0] 0; 1]) = 0] 0] + 0] 1] @ ( 1] 0; 1]) = 1] 0] + 1] 1] @ ( 0; 1] 0]) = 0] 0] + 1] 0] @ ( 0; 1] 1]) = 0] 1] + 1] 1] We can put this into the form of a matrix 2 1 0 1 03 7 6 @1 = 6 1 0 0 1 7 6 0 1 1 07 5 4 0 1 0 1 To understand Z1( 1 ) we need equation 2 1 0 6 1 0 6 6 0 1 4 0 1 This in turn means solving to know ker @1 , i. e. we need to solve the 1 0 1 0
0 32 1 76 76 54 0 76 1
1 2 3 4
2 6 6 6 4
4 2+ 3 2+ 4
The only non-trivial solution to this is 1= 2= 3 = 4: Thus, we have that dim Z1 ( 1) = 1 and is generated by 0] 0; 1] 1] 0; 1] 0; 1] 0] + 0; 1] 1]: Since, C2( 1) = 0, B1 ( 1) = 0 and hence H1( 1) = Z1 ( 1) = Z: As we learned in Chapter 3, solving for the quotient space Z0 ( 1)=B0 ( 1) is a little more di cult. While we could compute the Smith normal form we shall take a slightly di erent tack here and concentrate on equivalence classes. We begin with the observation that there is no solution to the equation 2 1 0 1 0 32 3 2 1 3 6 1 0 0 1 76 1 7 6 0 7 6 6 0 1 1 0 76 2 7 = 6 0 7 76 7 6 7 4 54 3 5 4 5 0 1 0 1 0 4 This implies that 0] 0] 62 B0 ( 1). On the other hand f 0] 0] + 0] 1]; 0] 0] + 1] 0]; 0] 0] + 1] 1]g B0( 1 ): From this, given any element u 2 C0( 1 ) such that u 6= 0] 0] for some 2 Z one can show that u + 0] 0] 2 B0 ( 1). In particular, H0 ( 1) = Z0( 1 )=B0( 1) is generated by 0] 0] and thus dim H0( 1 ) = 1. In particular, we have proven that Hk ( 1) = Z if k = 0; 1 0 otherwise. We could continue in this fashion for a long time computing homology groups, but as the reader hopefully has already seen this is a rather time consuming process. Furthermore, even if one takes a simple set such as X = 0; 1] 0; 1] 0; 1] 0; 1] the number of elementary cubes is quite large and the direct computation of its homology is quite tedious. Thus, we need to develop more e cient methods.
= bd 0; 1]3 be the boundary of the unit cube. Determine the cubical complex C ( 2 ) and compute H ( 2).
4.4 Let
4.5 Let X be a cubical set obtained by removing the center cube (1; 2) (1; 2) 0; 1] from the solid rectangle 0; 3] 0; 3] 0; 1]. Let T = bd X be its boundary. (compare this set with a torus discussed in Example 4.81. (a) Prepare the data le for computing the chain complex C (X ) of X by the program cubchain. Run the program to nd C (X ) and H (X; Zp ) for several values of p. Make a guess about H (X ). (b) Determine C (T ) and compute H (P ).
number of pixels so it is a cubical set. Run the Pilarczyk programs to nd the homology of it. Open two gates (i.e. remove two pixels) in opposite walls of the labyrinth and again run the program to nd the homology of what is left. Make a guess about the solvability of the labyrinth. i.e. a possibility of passing inside from one gate to another without crossing a wall.
4.3. H0(X )
4.3 H0(X )
This Chapter began with a discussion of cubical sets. These are a very special class of topological spaces. We then moved on to the combinatorics and algebra associated with these spaces and de ned the homology of a cubical set. However, we have not said anything about the relationships between homology groups of a cubical set and topological properties of the set. The following theorem is a rst step in this direction. It says that the zero dimensional homology group measures the number of connected components of the cubical set.
Theorem 4.51 Let X be a cubical set. Then H0(X ) is a free abelian group. Furthermore, if fPi j i = 1; : : : ; dg is a collection of vertices in X consisting of one vertex from each connected component of X , then
b f Pi] 2 H0 (X ) j i = 1; : : : ; dg
forms a basis for H0 (X ). Proof: The proof consists of two steps: (1) identi ng elementary cubes with the connected components, and (2) using this to prove the theorem. Step 1. Let P and P 0 be vertices in X . De ne the equivalence class P P 0 if there is a sequence of vertices R0 ; : : : ; Rm of X such that P = R0 , P 0 = Rm , and there exist elementary edges Qk with vertices Rk 1 and Rk . For each vertex P in X , let
CP :=
oh (Q) \ X:
Observe that P Q implies that CP = CQ. Also, by Proposition 4.16(ii) CP is open. We will now show that if P 6 Q, then CP \ CQ = ;. The proof is by contradiction, so let x 2 CP \ CQ. In particular, x 2 X . Since X is a cubical set there exists an elementary cube S X such that x 2 S . We also know that x 2 oh (P 0) \ X and x 2 oh (Q0 ) \ X where P P 0 and Q Q0. This implies that opS oh (P 0) \ oh (Q0) \ X . Thus, P 0; Q0 2 S . Since S is convex there exists a path from P 0 to Q0 made up of edges of S . Therefore, P 0 Q0 , a contradiction. Finally, we need to show that CP is a connected component. We do this by showing that it is path connected. Let x; y 2 CP . Then there exist vertices
P and Q such that P Q, x 2 oh (P ) \ X and y 2 oh (Q) \ X . Since X is cubical, there exists an elementary cube S X such that x 2 S \ oh (P ). Observe that this implies that P 2 S . However, S is convex so there is a line segment from x to P . Similarly, there exists a path from y to Q. Since P Q there exist a sequence of vertices R0 ; : : : ; Rm and edges Qk as above. The union of the line segments and edges forms a path from x to y. Therefore, CP is path connected. We can now conclude that the sets CPi , i = 1; : : : ; d are connected, open, and disjoint. Therefore, they represent all the connected components of X . b Step 2. First recall that Z0(X ) = C0(X ). Therefore, Pi is a cycle for each i = 1; : : : d. Let P be a vertex in X . Then, there exists j such that P 2 CPj . By construction, this implies that P Pj and hence there exist edges Qk which form a path from P to Pj . Consider the chain m Xb c = Qk :
b b Pj ] = P ] 2 H0 (X ): b The nal step is to show that each Pi is a distinct basis element. To do this we need to show that d X b c= i Pi
is a boundary element if and only if each i = 0. Obviously, if c = 0, then c 2 B0 (X ). So assume that at least one scalar i 6= 0 and assume that c = @b for some b 2 C1 (X ). We can write b as a sum of chains as follows d X b = bi
j =1
where jbij CPi . Observe that j@bi j CPi and therefore, since
@b =
d X i=1
4.3. H0(X )
We need to show that the only way this can happen is for i = 0. To do b this, let : C0(X ) ! Z be the group homomorphism de ned by (P ) = 1 for b b b every vertex P 2 X . Let Q be an elementary edge. Then, @ Q = R1 R0 where R0 and R1 are vertices. Observe that
b (@ Q ) = = = =
b 0 = (@bi ) = ( i Pi) =
b (Pi ) = i:
As the reader might have realized by now, even very \simple" cubical sets contain a large number of elementary cubes. We shall now discuss a method that allows us to reduce the number of elementary cubes needed to compute the homology of the set.
Lemma 4.52 Let X be a cubical set. Let Q 2 K(X ) be a free face and assume Q P . Then, P is not the proper face of any other cube in K(X )
and dim Q = dim P
Proof: Assume P R. Then Q R contradicting the uniqueness of P . Assume dim Q < dim P 1. Then there exists R 2 K(X ) di erent from Q and P such that Q R P .
De nition 4.53 Let Q be a free face in K(X ) and let Q be a proper face of P . Let K0 (X ) := K(X ) n fQ; P g. De ne
X 0 :=
R2K0 (X )
Then X 0 is a cubical space obtained from K(X ) via an elementary collapse of Q through P .
Example 4.54 Let X = 0; 1] 0; 1] R2 (see Figure 4.7). Then K2(X ) = f 0; 1] 0; 1]g K1(X ) = f 0] 0; 1]; 1] 0; 1]; 0; 1] 0]; 0; 1] 1]g K0(X ) = f 0] 0]; 0] 1]; 1] 0]; 1] 1]g There are four free faces, the elements of K1 (X ). Let Q = 0; 1] 1], then Q P = 0; 1] 0; 1]. If we let X 0 be the cubical space obtained from K(X )
via the elementary collapse of Q through P , then X 0 = 0] 0; 1] 0; 1] 0] and 0; 1] 1]
Observe that the free faces of K(X 0) are di erent from those of K(X 0). In particular, 0] 1] and 1] 1] are free faces with 0] 1] 0] 0; 1]. Let X 00 be the space obtained by collapsing 0] 1] through 0] 0; 1]. Then,
Proof: Let @ 0 and @ denote the boundary operators on C (X 0 ) and C (X ), respectively. Assume dim P0 = k. By Lemma 4.52, dim Q0 = k 1. Observe that Cn(X 0) = Cn(X ) n 6= k; k 1: 0 Therefore, the domain and range of @n and @n remain the same except for n 6= k + 1; k; k 1; k 2. Thus,
Hk+1(X 0) = Hk+1(X ):
The cubical set X R2 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 0 1
Q' P'
0; 1 R2. (4.5)
b b X b @k P0 = Q0 + aiRi ;
k i=1
where Ri 6= Q0 and ai = 1 for all i = 1; : : : ; k. It should be noted that in b b writing this equation a choice has been made for orientations of P0 and Q0. The reader should check that the argument is, in fact, independent of this choice. Now 0 = @k This implies that
k X b! ai Ri : i=1
k X b! ai Ri i=1
Then, 0 = @k c
b = b0 @k P0 +
b = b0 Q0 + b0
i=1 k X i=1
b where the last equality follows from (4.5). By Lemma 4.52, Q0 does not appear in either of the summations. Thus, b0 = 0. Observe that this means that I X b c = biPi
and hence that c 2 Zk (X 0). Bk (X 0) = Bk (X ). This in turn implies that Zk (X 0) = Zk (X ). Since
Hk (X 0) = Hk (X ): The nal step is to show that there exists a group isomorphism f : Hk 1(X ) ! Hk 1(X 0). We will do this as follows. Consider 2 Hk 1(X ). Then = ] for some 2 Zk 1(X ). We can write J b X b = b0 Q0 + bj Sj
j =1
k J X b X b aiRi + bj Sj : i=1 j =1
Then, by (4.6)
3 2 k J X b X b5 0 ]=4 ai Ri + bj Sj = ] 2 Hk 1(X ):
i=1 j =1
144 But,
f ( ]) = 0 ]:
It is straightforward to check that f is a group homomorphism, so all that remains is to show that it is an isomorphism. Since Zk 1(X 0) Zk 1(X ) it is clear that f is surjective. To show it is a monomorphism assume that 1 ; 2 2 Zk 1 (X ) and that f ( 1 ]) = f ( 2 ]). The same argument that led to (4.8) shows that 1 ] = 2 ] 2 Hk 1(X ).
From Examples 4.54, 4.49 and Corollary 4.56 we can conclude that Hk ( 0; 1] 0; 1]) Z if k = 0 0 otherwise. Up to this point the discussion of elementary collapses has been purely combinatorial and algebraic. We have not indicated how an elementary collapse is related to a topological operation. This is the purpose of following discussion. Let Q Rn be an elementary cube of the form
Q = I1
where Ii = ai ; bi] is an elementary interval. To simplify the formulas for the continuous maps that will be used we want to move Q to the origin. Thus we de ne the translation
P = J1
where Ji = 0; di] and di 2 f0; 1g. If dim P > 0, then there exists i0 such that di0 = 1. Let R = K1 Kn where Ki = J1] if i = i0, otherwise. The R is both a free and a proper face of P .
Proof: If dim P = 1, then this is just restating the fact that a point is a deformation retract of an edge. So we can assume that dim P > 1. Let I = fi j di = 1g n fi0g. De ne F : P 0; 1] ! P by
(4.10) Observe that F ( ; 0) = id P , F jP 0 0;1] = id P 0 , and F (P; 1) P 0. We leave it to the reader to check that F is continuous.
8 > (x1 ; : : : ; 2 maxi2I nxi 1 o tan 2 t xi0 ; : : : ; xn) < if 0 t < 1, 2 F (x1 ; : : : ; xn ; t) = > n 1 o tan 2 t : limt!1(x1 ; : : : ; 2 maxi2I xi 2 xi0 ; : : : ; xn) if t = 1.
Q = I1
where Ii = ai ; bi] is an elementary interval. Let S be the proper free face of Q such that Q0 is obtain by the elementary collapse of S through Q. Then S has the form S = J1 Jn where Ji = J ] if i = i0 , i otherwise. and 2 fai0 ; bi0 g. We will present the proof in the case that = bi0 . The case that = ai0 is left to the reader.
146 De ne G : Q 0; 1] ! Q by
where F is given by (4.10) and TQ is given by (4.9). That this is the desired deformation retraction follows from Lemma 4.57.
H (x; t) = G(x; t) if x 2 Q x otherwise, where G is given by (4.11). We leave it to the reader to check that H is continuous.
is acyclic.
4.7 Use the elementary collapses to show that the elementary cube 0; 1]3
4.8 Let X be the solid cubical set discussed in Exercise ??. Here is an alternative way of computing the homology of X : Use the elementary collapses of X onto the simple closed curve de ned as the union of four line segments 1; 2] 1] 0] ; 2] 1; 2] 0] ; 1; 2] 2] 0] ; 1] 1; 2] 0] : Compute the homology of and deduce what is the homology of X .
J := fi j Ii = 0; 1]g:
Let m = maxfi 2 J g. Observe that
F := I1
is a free face. Let Q1 be the cubical set obtained by collapsing F through Q. Q1 can now be written as the union of d 1 dimensional elementary cubes. To be precise if i 2 J , set
G0 := I1 i
and let
Ii Ii
0] Ii+1 1] Ii+1
Im Im
0] 0]
0; 1] 0; 1] 0]:
0] 0]
0] 0]:
G1 := I1 i
P = I1
148 Then
where 2 f0; 1g. Now observe that each Gi has a proper free face Fi1 := I1 Ii 1 1] Ii+1 Im 1 1] 0] 0] and Fi0 := I1 Ii 1 0] Ii+1 Im 1 1] 0] 0]: Let Q2 be the cubical set obtained by collapsing each Fi through Gi . Q2 can be written as a union of P and d 2 dimensional elementary cubes. Again, to be precise, for each pair i1 ; i2 2 J with i1 < i2, let = ( 1; 2) 2 f0; 1g2 and set Gi1 ;i2 := I1 Ii1 1 Ii2 1 1 ] Ii1 +1 2 ] Ii2 +1 Im 1 0; 1] 0] 0] Then, Q2 = P Gi1 ;i2 i1; i2 2 J i1 < i2 2 f0; 1g2 Once again, each Gi1;i2 has a free face Fi1 ;i2 := I1 Ii1 1 Ii2 1 1 ] Ii1 +1 2 ] Ii2 +1 Im 1 1] 0] 0] which allows for an elementary collapse. After k steps we have that Qk = P Gi1 ;i2;:::;ik i1 ; i2; : : : ; ik 2 J i1 < i2 < < ik 2 f0; 1gk where Gi1;i2;:::;ik is the elementary cube of the form J1 Jn with 8 > j ] if i = ij 2 fi1; i2 ; : : : ; ik g < Ji = > 0] if i 62 J : 0; 1] otherwise.
Furthermore, Gi1;i2 ;:::;ik has a proper free face Fi1 ;i2;:::;ik = K1 Kn of the form 8 ] if i = i 2 fi ; i ; : : : ; i g > j k > 0] if i 62 Jj 1 2 < Ki = > 1] if i = m > : 0; 1] otherwise. After, d iterations we have that Qd = P and by the induction step P is acyclic. While the reduction process that we used in the previous proof is simple to implement, it is rather di cult to comprehend. Therefore, we would like to have conceptually easier way to conclude that a cubical set is acyclic. The following theorem provides us with such a method. As we shall see in Chapter 6 this is a simple version of a much more general and powerful theorem called the Meyer-Vietoris sequence.
Observe that @zY ; @zX 2 C0(Y \ X ) = Z0(Y \ X ). From the assumption of acyclicity, H0(Y \ X ) Z. Therefore, as an element of H0(Y \ X ), @zX ] = n 2 Z. b We will now show that n = 0. @zX 2 C0(X \Y ) implies that @zX = P aiPi where Pi 2 K0(X \ Y ). By Theorem 4.51, @zX ] = n 2 Z implies that
P a = n. De ne the group homomorphism : C (X ) ! Z by (P ) = 1 for b i 0 b each P 2 K0(X Y ). Then for any Q 2 K0 (X Y ) (@ Q) = 0. Therefore, (@zX ) = 0, but X (@zX ) = ai = n: Therefore, n = 0. Since @zX ] = 0 2 H0 (X Y ), there exists b 2 C1(X \ Y ) such that @b = @zX . Now observe that @ ( b + zX ) = @b + @zX = 0: Therefore, b + zX 2 Z1 (X ). But, H1(X ) = 0 which implies that there exists bX 2 C2(X ) such that @bX = b + zX . The same argument shows that there exits bY 2 C2 (X ) such that @bY = b + zY . Finally, observe that bX + bY 2 C2(X Y and @ (bX + bY ) = @bX + @bY = b + zY + b + zY = zY + zX = c: Therefore, c 2 B1 (X Y ) which implies that z] = 0 2 H1(X Y ). Therefore, H1(X Y ) = 0. We now show that Hn(X Y ) 0 for all n > 1. Let z 2 Zn(X Y ) be a cycle. Then by Proposition 4.33.2, z = zX + zY for some zX 2 Cn(X ) and zY 2 Cn(Y ). Since z is a cycle, @z = 0. Thus, 0 = @z = @ (zX + zY ) = @zX + @zY @zY = @zX : Of course, this does not imply that @zX = 0. However, since zY 2 Cn(Y ) and zX 2 Cn(X ) we can conclude that @zY ; @zX 2 Cn 1(Y \ X ). Let c = @zX .
c 2 Zn 1(Y \ X ). Since X \ Y is acyclic, Hn 1(X \ Y ) 0. Therefore, c 2 Bn 1(X \ Y ). i.e. there exists a c0 2 Cn(X \Y ) such that c = @c0 . It follows that zX c0 2 Zn(X )
@c = @ @zX = 0
and zY + c0 2 Zn(Y ). By the acyclicity of X and Y there exist c0X 2 Cn+1(X ) and c0Y 2 Cn+1(Y ) such that zX c0 = @c0X and zY c0 = @c0Y . Therefore
X1 := a1 ; b1 ]
ai0 ; ai0 + 1]
an; bn]
X1 := a1; b1 ] ai0 + 1; bi0 ] an; bn]: Then, X1, X2 , and X1 \ X2 are convex cubical sets. Furthermore, since the number of d dimesional elementary cubes in X1 and X2 are less than q, X1 and X2 are acyclic. The dimesion of X1 \ X2 is less than d, and hence by induction is also acyclic. The result follows from Proposition 4.62. Since convex cubical sets are always the products of intervals they represent a small class of cubical sets. A slightly larger collection that is topologically simple is as follows.
De nition 4.64 A cubical set X Rn is starshaped with respect to a point x 2 Zn if X is the union of a nite number of convex cubical sets each of Proposition 4.65 Let Xi, i = 1; : : : ; n be a collection of starshaped sets
with respect to the same point x. Then,
n i=1
Xi and
n \ i=1
are starshaped. Proof: Since Xi is starshaped be can write Xi = Ri;j where Ri;j is convex and x 2 Ri;j . Thus, if X = iXi, then X = i;j Ri;j and hence is starshaped. So assume that X = \i Xi. Then
X =
Xi 0 1 \@ = Ri;j A i j \ ! = Ri;j :
i j i
But, since x 2 Ri;j for each i; j , for each j , Ti Ri;j is a convex and contains x. Again, this means that X is starshaped.
and hence by Propostion 4.63 is acyclic. Furthermore, Ri \ Rk is convex for each i = 1; : : : ; k 1 and
Y \ Rk =
k\1 i=1
(Ri \ Rk ):
Therefore, Y \ Rk is a starshaped. region which can be written in terms of k 1 convex sets. By the induction hypothesis it too is acyclic. Therefore, by Proposition 4.62, X is acyclic.
Proposition 4.67 Assume that C is a family of rectangles in Rn such that the intersection of any two of them is non-empty. Then T C is non-empty.
Proof: First consider the case when d = 1. Then rectangles become intervals. Let a denote the supremum of the set of left endpoints of the intervals and let b denote the in mum of the set of right endpoints. We cannot have b < a, because then one can nd two disjoint intervals in the family. Therefore ; 6= a; b] T C . If d > 1 then each rectangle is a Cartesian product of intervals, the intersection of all rectangles is the Cartesian product of the intersections of the corresponding intervals, and the conclusion follows from the previous case.
X such that
Since X is cubical
C := fQ 2 K(X ) jQ \A 6= ;g:
ch (A) \ X =
Observe that for any two elementary cubes P; Q 2 C the intersection P \ Q is non-empty, because otherwise diam A 1. Therefore by Proposition 4.67 also T C is non-empty. It follows that ch (A) is star-shaped and consequently acyclic by Proposition 4.66.
4.9 Give an example where X and Y are acyclic cubical sets, but X Y is
4.10 Consider the capital letter H as a 3-dimensional cubical complex. Compute its homology.
De nition 4.69 Let X be a cubical set. The reduced cubical chain complex ~ ~ of X is given by fCk (X ); @k gk2Z where if k = 1, ~ Ck (X ) = Z
Ck (X ) otherwise,
and ~ @k := @ if k = 0, k otherwise. The corresponding homology groups form the reduced homology of X and are denoted by ~ Hk (X ): The following theorem indicates the relationship between the two homology groups we now have at our disposal.
~ Hk (X ) otherwise. Furthermore, if fPi j i = 0; : : : ; dg is a collection of vertices in X consisting of one vertex from each connected component of X , then ~ f Pi P0] 2 H0(X ) j i = 1; : : : ; dg ~ forms a basis for H0 (X ). Proof: Let c 2 C0 (X ). Then, by Theorem 4.51 there exists d X b c0 = i Pi such that c] = In other words, there exists b 2 C1(X ) such that c = c0 + @1 b. Furthermore, c0 ] = 0 if and only if i = 0 for all i = 0; : : : ; d. ~ ~ ~ Since C0 (X ) = C0(X ), c 2 C0(X ). However, c 2 Z0(X ) only if (c) = 0. But, (c) = (c0 + @1 b) = (c0 ) + @1 b d X b = ( i Pi =
d X i=0 i=0 i:
~ Theorem 4.70 Let X be a cubical set. H0(X ) is a free abelian group and (~ H0(X ) Z for k = 0 Hk (X )
c0 ] 2 H0 (X ).
Now assume that X has exactly one connected component. Then, c 2 ~ Z0(X ) if and only if c0 = 0. Therefore, in this case H0(X ) = 0. ~ So P assume that d 1. c 2 Z0(X ) implies that Pd=0 i = 0. Thus, i d c 0= i=0 i P0 . Thus, we can write d d X b X c c0 = Pi i i P0 =
i=0 d X i=0
b i (Pi
c P0 ):
157 ~ H (X ) = 0:
We present here basic de nitions and results of Simplicial Homology Theory. The proofs of the presented results and more examples may be found in most of standard textbooks in Algebraic Topology, e.g. Munkres,Keesee,Rotman]. A subset C of Rn is called convex if, given any two points x; y 2 C , the line segment x; y] := ftx + (1 t)y j 0 t 1g is contained in C . of all closed and convex sets containing A.
There is at least one closed convex set containing C , the whole space Rn, hence coA 6= ;. It is easy to see that an intersection of any family of convex sets is convex and we already know that the same is true about intersections of closed sets. Thus coA is the smallest closed convex set containing A. It is intuitively clear that the convex hull of two points is a line segment joining those points, a convex hull of three non-colinear points is a triangle, and a convex hull of four non-coplanar points is a tetrahedron. We shall generalize those geometric gures to an arbitrary dimension under the name simplex.
Theorem 4.73 Let V = fv0; v1 ; : : : ; vng 2 Rn be a nite set. Then coV is the set of those x 2 Rn which can be written as
n X i=0 i vi ; 0 i
1; ;
n X i=0
In general, the coe cients i are not unique. If, for example a; b; c; d are four vertices of the unit square on Figure 2.2 then ( 1 ; 1 ) = 1 a + 0b + 1 c + 0d = 0a + 1 b + 0c + 1 d : 2 2 2 2 2 2 De nition 4.74 A nite set V = fv0; v1 ; : : : ; vng in Rn is geometrically independent if, for any x 2 coV , the coe cients i in Equation 4.12 are unique. If this is the case, i are called barycentric coordinates of x.
linearly independent. When this is the case, the barycentric coordinates of x 2 V are continuous functions of x.
Theorem 4.75 Let V = fv0 ; v1; : : : ; vng 2 Rn. Then V is geometrically independent if and only if the set of vectors fv1 v0 ; v2 v0 ; : : : ; vn v0 g is
De nition 4.76 Let V = fv0 ; v1; : : : ; vng be geometrically independent. The set s = coV is called simplex or, more speci caly, n-simplex spanned by vertices v0 ; v1 ; : : : ; vn . The number n is called the dimension of V . If V 0 is a subset of V of k n vertices, the set coV 0 is called k-face of coV .
The union bd ( ) of all (k 1)-faces of a k-simplex s is called geometric boundary of s. It is easy to verify that a point x 2 s is in bd s if and only if at least one of its barycentric coordinates is equal to zero. From Theorem 4.75 we get the following
Corollary 4.77 Any two n-simplexes are homeomorphic. Proof: . Let s = cofv0 ; v1 ; : : : ; vng and t = cofw0 ; w1; : : : ; wng be two nsimplexes. Let i(x) be barycentric coordinates of x 2 s and i(y) barycentric coordinates of y 2 t. By the de nition of geometric independence and by
Theorem 4.75 the formula
f (x) :=
n X i=0
i (x)wi
f 1(y) :=
n X i=0
i (y )vi
De nition 4.78 Given any n 0 the standard n-simplex n is given by n := cofe1 ; e2 ; : : : en+1 g where fe1 ; e2 ; : : : en+1 g is the canonical basis for Rn+1. It is easy to see that any linearly independet set is also geometrically
independent so n is an n-simplex indeed. Its special property is that the barycentric coordinates of any point x in n coincide with the cartesian coordinates x1 ; x2 ; : : : xn+1 .
Figure 4.8: Subdivisions of a square to triangles: the rst two are triangulations, the last one is not.
The subset of Rn being the union of all simplexes of S is called the space of S and is denoted by jSj.
De nition 4.80 A subset P 2 Rn is called polytope or polyhedron if P = jSj for some simplicial complex S . In this case S is called a triangulation of P .
Obviously, a polytope may have di erent triangulations. The Figure 4.8 shows examples of subdivisions of a square to triangles. The rst two are triangulations but the last one is not since the intersection of a triangle in the lower-left corner with the triangle in the upper-right corner is not an edge of the latter one but a part of it. One may expect that any cubical set can be triangulated. We leave the construction as an exercice. one can show, by means of polar coordinates, that this space is homeomorphic to the surface in R3 obtained by rotation of the circle (x 2)2 + z2 = 1; y = 0 about the Y -axis. This set can be described as the surface of a donat. Neither of the above surfaces is a polytope but we shall construct one which is. Let G be the boundary of any triangle in R2. Then G is a simple closed curve
Example 4.81 By a torus we mean any space homeomorphic to the product S 1 S 1 of two circles. Since S 1 S 1 2 R4, it is hard to visualise it. However
Figure 4.9: Triangulation of a torus hence it is homeomorphic to the unit cicle. Thus T = G G 2 R4 is a torus. In order to construct a triangulation of T we may visualise T as a square on Figure 4.9 with pairs of parallel sides glued together. More precisely, consider the square 0; 3]2 = cofa; b; c; dg where a = (0; 0); b = (0; 3); c = (3; 3); d = (0; 3). Bend the square along the lines x = 1 and x = 2 and glue the directed edge a; d] with b; c] so that the vertex a is identi ed with b and d with c. We obtain a cylinder in R3 with a boundary of a unilateral triangle in the plane y = 0 as the base. We bend the cylinder along the lines y = 1 and y = 2 (this cannot be done in R3 without stretching but we may add another axis) and glue the edge a; b] with d; c]. Note that the four vertices a; b; c; d of the square became one. The bend lines divide the square to nine unitary squares. Each of them can be divided to two triangles as shown on Figure 4.9. Let S be the collection of all vertices, edges, and triangles of T obtained in this way. Although some vertices and edges are identi ed by gluing, the reader may verify that S satis es the de nition of simplicial complex.
The term simplicial complex suggests that there should be some natural structure of chain complex associated with it. That is not so easy to de ne
due to problems with orientation which do not appear when we study cubical sets. We shall therefore proceed as we did with graphs in Chapter 2, that is, we shall start from chain complexes with coe cients in Z2 . This will make de nitions much more simple and, historically, this is the way homology was rst introduced. Let C k (S ; Z2 ) be the vector space generated by the set S k of k-dimensional simplexes of S as the canonical basis. We put C k (S ; Z2 ) := 0 if S has no simplexes od dimension k. The boundary map @k : C k (S ; Z2 ) ! C k 1(S ; Z2 ) is de ned on any basic element s = cofv0; v1; : : : ; vng by the formula
@k (s) =
n X i=0
co(V n fvi g) :
Thus, in modulo 2 case, the algebraic boundary of a simplex corresponds precisely to its geometric boundary. We have the following
Proposition 4.82 @k 1 @k = 0 for all k. Proof: For any basic element s = cofv0 ; v1 ; : : : ; vn g,
@k 1@k ( ) =
n XX j 6=i i=0
co(V n fvi; vj g) :
Each (k 1)-face of s appears in the above sum twice, therefore the sum modulo 2 is equal to zero. Thus C (S ; Z2 ) := fC k (S ; Z2 ); @k gk2Z has the structure of a chain complex with coe cients in Z2 . The homology of that chain comlex is the sequence of vector spaces H (S ; Z2 ) = fHn(S ; Z2 )g = fker @n =im @n+1 g The modulo 2 homology of graphs discussed in Section 2,2,2 is a special case of what we did above. The real goal however is to construct a chain complex corresponding to S with coe cients in Z as de ned in Section 3.7. As we did it with graphs, we want to impose an orientation of vertices v0; v1 ; : : : ; vn spanning a simplex. In case of graphs that was easy since each edge joining vertices a; b could be written in two ways, as a; b] or b; a] and it was su cient to tell which vertex do we want to write as the rst and which as the last. In case of simplexes of dimension higher than one, there are many di erent ways of ordering the set of vertices.
tices of an n-simplex s are said to have the same orientation if one can get one from another by an even number of permutations of neighboring terms (vi 1; vi) ! (vi; vi 1 ) : This de nes an equivalence relation on the set of all orderings of vertices od s. An oriented simplex = v0 ; v1; : : : ; vn] is is an equivalence class of the ordering (v0; v1 ; : : : ; vn) of vertices of a simplex s = cofv0; v1 ; : : : ; vng. It is easy to see that for n > 0 the above equivalance relation divides the set of all orderings to two equivalence classes. Hence we may say that the orderings which are not in the same equivalence class have the oposite orientation. We shall denote the pairs or oposite oriented simplexes by ; 0 or ; 0. An oriented simplicial complex in a simplicial complex S with one of the two equivalence clsses chosen for each simplex of S . The orientations of a simplex and its faces may be done arbitrarily, they do not need to be related. the orientation equivalence class = a; b; c] contains the orderings (a; b; c), (b; c; a), (c; a; b) and the oposite orientation 0 contains (a; c; b), (b; a; c), (c; b; a). One may graphically distinguish the two orientations by tracing a closed path around the boundary of the triangle s following the order of vertices. The rst equivalence class gives the counter-clockwise direction and the second one the clockwise direction. However, the meaning of clockwise or counterclockwise orientation is lost when we consider a triangle in a space of higher dimension. Let S be the complex consisting of s and all of its edges and vertices. Here are some among possible choices of orientations and their graphical representations on Figure 4.10: 1. a; b; c]; a; b]; b; c]; c; a] 2. a; b; c]; a; b]; b; c]; a; c] 3. a; c; b]; a; b]; b; c]; a; c] On the rst sight second and third orientation seem wrong since the arrows on the edges of the triangle do not close a cycle but do not worry: when we get to algebra, the "wrong" direction of the arrows will be corrected by the minus sign in the formula for the boundary operator.
De nition 4.83 Two orderings (v0 ; v1; : : : ; vn) and (vp0 ; vp1 ; : : : ; vpn ) of ver-
164 1
A A K A 6A A
A K A 6A
A K A 6 A A
Figure 4.10: Some orientations of simplexes in a triangle Let now S n be the set of all oriented n-simplexes of S . Recall from Section 3.2 that a free abelian group ZSn generated by S n is the set of all functions c : S n ! Z, generated by basic elements ^ which can be identi ed with 2 S n. We would like to call this the group of n-chains but there is a complication: If n 0, each n-simplex of S corresponds to two elements of of S n. We therefore adapt the following de nition.
De nition 4.85 The group of n-chains denoted by C n (S ) is the subgroup of ZSn consisting of those functions c which satisfy the identity
c( ) = c( 0 )
if and 0 are oposite orientations of the same n-simplex s.
tions ~ = ^
Proposition 4.86 The group C n(S ) is a free abelian group generated by fuc^0 given by the formula
where ; 0; 2 S n and ; 0 are oposite orientations of the same simplex. This set of generators is not a basis since ~0 = ~ for any pair ; 0 . A basis is obtained by chosing either one.
The choice of a basis in Proposition 4.86 is related to the choice of an orientation in S . Upon identi cation of the basic elements ~ with we get the identi cation of 0 with . We put C n (S ) := 0 if S contains no nsimplexes. The boundary map @k : C k (S ) ! C k 1(S ) is de ned on any basic
@k v0; v1 ; : : : ; vn] =
There is a bit of work involved in showing that this formula actually de nes a boundary map: First, one needs to show that the formula is correct i.e. that it does not depend on the choice of a representative of the equivalence class v0; v1 ; : : : ; vn]. Secondly, one needs to show that @k 1 @k = 0. The reader may consult Munkers] for the proofs. Thus C (S ) := fC k (S ); @k gk2Z has the structure of a chain complex as de ned in Section 3.7. The homology of that chain complex is the sequence of abelian groups.
3. We shall talk later about cubical subdivisions. That will be done very naturally by changing the scale on each coordinate so that the grid Zn of integer coordinates is replaced by the grid ( 1 Z)n . Each elementary 2 cube is then subdivided to 2n smaller cubes by cutting the length of each side by half. The notion of barycentric sudivision in the simplicial theory is much more complicated both numerically and concepionally. 4. As we have seen in the previous section, the notion of orientation in simplicial complexes is not an easy concept to learn. Why does this problem not appear in the study of cubical complexes? The answer is in the fact that the de nition of a cubical set is dependent on a particular choice of coordinates in the space. First, already in R, we have unknowingly chosen a particular orientation by having written an elementary interval as l; l + 1] and not l + 1; l]. In other words, a linear order of real numbers imposes a choice of an orientation on each coordinate axis in Rn. Secondly, by having written a product of inervals I1 I2 In we have implicitely chosen the ordering of the n. canonical basis for R There is one important weak point of cubical complexes: Every polytope can be triangulated but not every polytope can be expressed as a cubical set. In aprticular, a triangle is not a cubical set. We have however the following result which will help us to de ne homology of a polytope via cubical homology when we later introduce homology of a map:
Theorem 4.87 Every polytope P is homeomorphic to a cubical set. Moreover, given any triangulation S of P , there exists a homeomorphism h : P !
X , where X is a cubical set, such that the restriction of h to any simplex of S is a homeomorphism of that simplex onto a cubical subset of X .
Proof: In order to keep the idea transparent we skip several technical veri cations. The construction of h is done in two steps. Step 1. We construct a homeomorphic embedding of P into a standard simplex in a space of a su ciently high dimension. Indeed, let S be a triangulation of P and let V = fv1; v2; : : : ; vN g be the set of all vertices of S . Let N be the standard N -simplex in RN +1 described in De nition 4.78. Consider the bijection f0 of V onto the canonical basis of
X X fs( ivpi ) = i epi where i are barycentric coordinates of a point in s. It follows that fs(s) is a n-simplex and fs is a homeomorphism of s onto fs(s). If s and t are any two simplexes of S , s \ t is empty or is their common face so if x 2 s \ t then fs(x) = fs\t(x) = ft (x) : Thus the maps fs match on intersections of simplexes. Since simplexes are closed and there are nitely many of them, the maps fs extend to a map ~ f : P ! P := f (P ). By the linear independence of fe1 ; e2; : : : ; eN g, one ~ shows that P is a polytope triangulated by ff (s)g and f is a homeomorphism. Moreover, by its construction, f maps simplexes to simplexes. Step 2. We construct a homeomorphism g of N onto the cubical set Y bd 0; 1]N +1 consisting of those faces of 0; 1]N +1 which have the degenerate interval 1] on one of the components and such that any face of N is mapped ~ to a cubical face of Y . Once we do that, it will be su cient to take X := g(P ) and de ne the homeomorphism h as the composition of f and g. Consider the diagonal line L parametrised by t ! (t; t; : : : ; t) 2 RN +1, t 2 R. The idea is to project a point x 2 N to a face of Y along the line L in the direction away from the origin. Recall that the barycentric coordinates of x 2 N coincide with its cartesian coordinates, thus P xi = 1 and 0 xi 1 for all i. The image y = g(x) should have coordinates yi = xi + t for all i and some t 0. This point is in Y if 0 xi + t 1 for all i and xj + t = 1 for some j . Note that the supremum norm of x is jjxjj = maxfx1 ; x2; : : : xN +1 g. Thus the number t := 1 jjxjj has the desired property and the coordinates of y = g(x) are given by yi = 1 + xi jjxjj : It is clear that g is continuous. The injectivity of g is proved by noticing that any line parallel to L intersects N at a unique point. The surjectivity of g is a by-product of the construction of its inverse g 1. Let y 2 Y . In order to de ne x = g 1(y) we must nd a number t 2 0; 1] such that the point x whose coordinates are givenP xi = yi t is in N . For this, we must have by 0 y t 1 for all i and N +1 (y t) = 1. Thus
i N +1 X t = N 1 1 ( yj 1) : + j =1 j =1 j
RN +1 given by f0 (vi) = ei . Given any n-simplex s = (co)fvp0 ; vp1 : : : vpn g of S , f0 extends to a map fs : s ! RN +1 by the formula
Since 0 yi 1 for all i and yj = 1 for some j , t has the desired properties. We nish this section by discussing an ineresting by-product of the above proof. A reader unfamiliar with the simplicial theory may skip it or just try to grasp the main idea. Note that the inverse image of the vertex (1; 1; : : : ; 1) of Y in g is the point x := N 1 1 (1; 1; : : : ; 1) + called barycenter of N . By continuing along these lines one can show that, for each face Q of Y , g 1(Q) is a so called star of a vertex of N with respect to the barycentric subdivision 0N of N . The rst homeomorphism f 1 preservers the barycentric coordinates of points in each simplex so it preserves barycenters and barycentric sudivisions. These observations permit to de ne a homomorphism of chain complexes C (X ) ! C (S 0 ) which induces an isomorphism H (S 0 ) = H (X ) in homology. If we take for granted the result of the simplicial theory saying that that the simplicial homology H (P ) of a polytope is independent on the choice of a triangulation, we get
H (P ) = H (X ) : In the last chapter we shall be able to arrive at this conlusion without the necessity of applying the simplicial theory.
4.11 De ne the chain complex C (T; Z2 ) for the triangulation discussed in Example 4.81 and use the homchain program to compute H (T; Z2 ). 4.12 Prove that any cubical set can be triangulated. 4.13 Label vertices, edges, and triangles of the triangulation of the torus
in Example~efex:torus2 displayed on Figure 4.9. De ne the chain complex r C (T ). Use the homology program to compute H (T ).
4.14 Let K be a polytope constructed as T in Example 4.81 but with one pair of sides twisted before gluing so that the directed edge a; d] is identi ed with c; b]. The remaining pair of edges is glued as before, b; c] with a; d]. Compute H (K ). What happens if we try to use the homchain program for computing H (K; Z2 ) ?
This K is called Klein bottle. Note that K cannot be visualised in R3, we need an extra dimension in order to glue two circles limiting a cylinder with twisting and without cutting the side surface of the cylinder. twisted before gluing so that the directed edge a; d] is identi ed with c; b] and b; c] with d; a]. Compute H (P ). What happens if we try to use the homchain program for computing H (P; Z2) ? This P is called projective plane. Note that P cannot be visualised in R3.
Fk : Ck (X ) ! Ck (Y ):
Since F is supposed to induce a map on homology, it must be the case that F maps cycles to cycles and boundaries to boundaries. As was discussed in Section 5.1 this leads to the notion of a chain map.
De nition 5.1 Let X and Y be cubical sets with associated cubical chain X Y complexes C (X ) = fCk (X ); @k g and C (Y ) = fCk (Y ); @k g. F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) is a cubical chain map if for every k 2 Z
Y @k Fk = Fk
X @k :
Another way to describe an equality such as (5.1) is through the language of commutative diagrams. More precisely to say that the diagram
Ck (X ) ?X ?@k y Ck 1 (X )
! Ck (Y )
?Y ?@k y
Fk 1
! Ck 1(Y )
X @k .
Fk : Bk (X ) ! Bk (Y ):
X X Y 0 = @k c = Fk @k c = @k Fk c
which implies that Fk c 2 Zk (Y ). X Let c 2 Bk (X ). Then, there exists b 2 Ck+1(X ) such that @k+1b = c. Thus, X Y Fk c = Fk @k+1b = @k Fk b which implies that Fk (c) 2 Bk (Y ).
F ] = Fk ] = Fk + Fk b] = Fk ( + b)] = Fk ] = F ]:
We now know that cubical chain maps F; G : C (X ) ! C (Y ) generate homology maps F ; G : H (X ) ! H (Y ). It is natural to ask under what conditions does F = G ? Motivate the following de ntion
% Dk
Ck (X ) ?X ?@k y Ck 1(X ) G.
Gk Fk
Ck+1(Y ) ?Y ?@k+1 y Ck (Y )
% Dk
Proof: Let ] 2 Hk (X ). Then
Therefore, G( )] = F ( )].
K1 (X ) = f 0; 1] 0]; 0] 0; 1]; 1] 0; 1]; 0; 1] 1]g : Let id : C (X ) ! C (X ) be the identity map and let F : C (X ) ! C (X ) be
F0 : C0(X ) 0]d 0] 0]d 1] 1]d 1] 1]d 0] F1 : C1(X ) d 0; 1] 0] 0] d0; 1] d 0; 1] 1] 1] d0; 1]
! 7! 7! 7! 7!
We will show that id = F by producing a chain homotopy Dk : Ck (X ) ! Ck+1(X ) from F to id . Observe that K2(X ) = ;, therefore Dk = 0 for n 1. This means that only D0 needs to be de ned. By de nition it must satisfy
D0@1 = F id :
D0 : C0 (X ) ! C1(X )
7! 0] d0; 1] d 7! 0; 1] 1] 7! 1] d0; 1] d 7! 0; 1] 0]
D0@1 0] d0; 1] = D0( 0]d 1] 0]d 0]) d = 0; 1] 1] 0] d0; 1] = (F id )( 0] d0; 1]): The remaining cases are left to the reader to check.
Proposition 5.7 Assume X; Y; Z are cubical sets and F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) and : C (Y ) ! C (Z ) are chain maps. Then F : C (X ) ! C (Z ) is a
F) = F: The proof is left to Exercise 5.1. De nition 5.8 A chain map F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) is called a chain equivalence if there exists a chain map G : C (Y ) ! C (X ) such that G F is chain homotopic to id C (X ) and F G is chain homotopic to id C (Y )
is an isomorphism.
homotopic to id Cn (X ) . Conclude from Exercise 5.2 that H (X 0) = H (X ). This gives an alternative shorter proof of Theorem 4.55.
5.3 Let X be a cubical set and X 0 obtained from X via an elementary collapse of a free face Q 2 Kn 1(X ) through P 2 Kn(X ) as in Theorem 4.55. Let j : Cn 1 (X ) ! Cn(X ) be the inclusion homomorphism and p : Cn(X ) ! b Cn 1 (X ) the projection homomorphism given on generators by p(P ) := 0 b) := S if S = P . Show that p j = id Cn 1 (X ) and that j p is chain b and p(S 6
In the last section we discussed chain maps and the maps they induce on homology. We did not however, discuss how one goes from a continuous map to a chain map. The are a variety of possibilities, each with it advantages and disadvantages. The approach we will adopt involves using multivalued maps to approximate the continuous map. The motivation for this was given in Chapter 2. We now want to formalize these ideas. Let X and Y be cubical sets. A multivalued map F : X !Y from X to Y is ! a function from X to subsets of Y , i.e. for every x 2 X , F (x) Y . However, this notion is far too general to be of use in de ning a homology theory. In particular, we want to make sure that points, which have simple topology, get mapped to sets that have simple topology. In the previous chapter we introduced the notion of acyclic sets, i.e. sets with the same homology as that of a point. With this in mind we restrict ourselves to the following types of multivalued maps.
F (A) :=
F (x):
The graph of this function is given in Figure 5.1. Observe that F is a cubical map. However, from several points of view this is not satisfactory for our needs. The rst is that intuitively it should be clear that a map of this type cannot be thought of as being continuous. The second is that we are interested in multivalued maps because we use them as outer approximations of continuous maps. But it is obvious that there is no continuous map f : X ! Y such that f (x) 2 F (x) for all x 2 X .
-6 -1
Figure 5.1: The graph of the cubical map f : 0; 2] ! 5; 5]. To overcome these problems we need to introduce a notion of continuity for multivalued maps. Recall that for single valued functions, continuity is de ned in terms of the pre-images of open sets. We want to do something similar for multivalued maps. However, the rst problem is that there are at least two reasonable ways to de ne a pre-image. Let F : X !Y and let B Y . The weak pre-image of B under F is !
F 1(B ) := fx 2 X j F (x) B g: De nition 5.11 A multivalued map F is upper semicontinuous if F 1(U ) is open for any open U Y and it is lower semicontinuous if the set F 1(U )
age of a continuous function there is in some a canonical choice of constructing upper or lower semicontinuous cubical maps. To make this clear let us return to the discussion in Section ?? where the use of multivalued maps was rst p presented. We considered the function f (x) = (x 2)(x +1) as a map from X = 2; 2] R to Y = 2; 4] R. Using a Taylor approximation we derived bounds on f that applied to the elementary intervals (see Table 2.7 and Figure 2.7). These bounds were used to de ne F (Q) for each Q 2 K1(X ). There are two simple ways to de ne F acting on vertices. Let P 2 K0(X ) and let QP 2 K1(X ) be the two edges for which P 2 Q (if P = 0] or P = 2], then set Q = Q+). De ne
Example 5.12 With our goal of using multivalued maps to enclose the im-
F l (P ) := F (Q+) \ F (QP ): P u is upper semicontinuous and F l is lower semicontinuous. Then, F Proposition 5.13 Assume F : X !Y is a cubical lower semicontinuous ! map. If P; Q 2 K(X ) and P is a face of Q, then F (P ) F (Q).
Proof: Since F (Q) = F (x) for x 2Q, the set F (Q) is cubical and consequently closed. Thus the set U := Y n F (Q) is open. By the lower semicontinuity of F , V := F 1 (U ) = fz 2 X j F (z) \ U 6= ;g is open. Now consider x 2P . Since F is cubical, F (x) = F (P ). Therefore, it is su cient to prove that F (x) F (Q). This is equivalent to showing that x 62 V , which will be proved by contradiction.
So, assume that x 2 V . Since x 2P and P Q, it follows that x 2 Q = cl (Q). Thus, V \ cl (Q) 6= ;. But V is open, hence V \ Q6= ;. Let z 2 V \ Q. Then, because F is cubical, F (z) = F (Q), and hence, F (z) \ U = ;. Thus, z 62 V , a contradiction.
Find a lower semicontinuous multivalued map F : X !Y with the property ! that Ax 2 F (x) for every x 2 X .
5.5 Let X; Y R be cubical sets. Let f : X ! Y be a continuous function. Assume that for each Q 2 K1(X ), F (Q) is de ned and is an acyclic cubical set. Let P 2 K0(X ) and let QP 2 K1 (X ) be the two edges for which P 2 Q
(if P = 0] or P = 2], then set Q = Q+). (a) For P 2 K0(X ), de ne
F (P ) := F (Q+) \ F (QP ) P
and assume that f (x) 2 F (x) for all x 2 X . Prove that F is lower semicontinuous. (b) For P 2 K0(X ), de ne
F (P ) := F (Q+) F (QP ) P
and assume that f (x) 2 F (x) for all x 2 X . Prove that F is upper semicontinuous. (c) Show that the assumption f (x) 2 F (x) is necessary.
As has been indicated since Chapter 2, our purpose for introducing multivalued maps is to obtain an outer approximation for continuous functions. Of course, we still need to indicate how this outer approximation can be used to generate homology. By Section 5.1 it is su cient to indicate how a multivalued map induces a chain map. Theorem 5.14 Assume F : X !Y is a lower semicontinuous cubical map. ! Then, there exists a chain map F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) with the property
for all Q 2 K(X ).
b jF (Q)j F (Q)
Proof: We will construct the homomorphisms Fk : Ck (X ) ! Ck (Y ) by induction in k. For k < 0, Ck (X ) = 0 , therefore there is no choice but to de ne Fk := 0. Consider k = 0. For each Q 2 K0, choose P 2 K0 (F (Q)) and set b b F0(Q) := P: (5.3)
b Clearly, jF0Qj = P 2 F (Q). Since, Q 2 K0, Q= Q and hence F (Q) = F (Q). Therefore, b jF0Qj F (Q): Furthermore, F 1@0 = 0 = @0 F0 : To continue the induction, suppose now that the homomorphisms Fi : Ci(X ) ! Ci(Y ), i = 0; 1; 2; : : :; k 1, are constructed in such a way that b jFiQj F (Q) for all Q 2 Ki(K );
b b b Let Q 2 Kk (X ). Then @ Q = 2 Z and Qj 2 Kk 1(X ). Since F is lower semicontinuous, we have by Proposition 5.13 b jFk 1Qj j F (Qj ) F (Q)
b jFk 1@ Qj F (Q): b induction assumption Fk 1 is a chain map, so Fk 1@ Q is a cycle. However, b by acyclicity, there exists a chain c 2 Ck (F (Q)) such that @c = Fk 1@ Q. De ne b Fk Q := c: By de nition, the homomorphism Fk satis es the property
@k Fk = Fk 1@k :
F (Q) = F (x) for any x 2Q, hence the set F (Q) is acyclic. By the
b Also, if Q 2 Kk (X ), then Fk Q 2 Ck (F (Q)), hence b jFk Qj F (Q): Therefore the chain map F = fFk gk2Z : C (X ) ! C (Y ) satisfying (5.2) is
well de ned. Observe that in the rst nontrivial step (5.3) of the inductive construction of F we were allowed to choose any P 2 K0 (F (Q)). Thus, this procedure allows us to produce many chain maps of the type described in Theorem 5.14. This leads to the following de nition.
De nition 5.15 A chain map F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) satisfying 5.2 is called a chain selector of F . Proposition 5.16 Assume F : X !Y is a lower semicontinuous cubical ! map and F is a chain selector for F . Then, for any c 2 C (X ) jF (c)j F (jcj): P b Proof: Let c = m ai Qi, where ai 2 Z, ai = 0. Then 6 i=1
b jF (c)j = j aiF (Qi)j
i=1 m i=1 m X
b jF (Qi)j
F (Qi) F (Qi)
m i=1
Theorem 5.17 Let F; G : C (X ) ! C (Y ) be chain selectors for the lower ! semicontinous cubical map F : X !Y . Then, F is chain homotopic to G,
and hence, they induce the same homomorphism in homology. Proof: A chain homotopy D = fDk : Ck (X ) ! Ck+1(Y )gk2Z joining F to G can be constructed by induction. For k < 0, there is no choice but to set Dk := 0. Thus assume k 0 and Di is de ned for i < k in such a way that
(5.4) (5.5)
b b b c := Gk (Q) Fk (Q) Dk 1@k (Q): It followsm easily from the induction assumption that c is a cycle. Moreover, b = P aiPi for some ai 6= 0 and Pi 2 Kk 1(X ), then Pi are faces of Q b if @ Q i=1 and by Proposition 5.13 b jDk 1@ (Q)j
m i=1
jDi(c)j F (Q):
b jDk 1(Pi)j
m i=1
F (P i) F (Q):
It follows that c 2 Zk (F (Q)). Since F (Q) is acyclic, we conclude that there b exists a c0 2 Ck+1(F (Q)) such that @c0 = c. We put Dk (Q) := c0 . One easily veri es that the induction assumptions are satis ed, therefore the construction of the required homotopy is completed. The above theorem lets us make the following fundamental de nition. De nition 5.18 Let F : X !Y be a lower semicontinuous cubical maps. ! Let F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) be a chain selector of F . The homology map of F , F : H (X ) ! H (Y ) is de ned by F := F : Keep in mind that the purpose of introducing multivalued maps is in order to be able to compute the homology of a continuous map by some systematic method of approximation. Obviously, and we saw this in Chapter 2, what procedure one uses or the amount of computation one is willing to do determines how sharp an approximation one obtains. An obvious question is how much does this matter. De nition 5.19 Let X and Y be cubical spaces and let F ; G : X !Y be ! lower semicontinuous cubical maps. F is a submap of G if F (x) G (x) for every x 2 X . This is denoted by F G . Proposition 5.20 If F ; G : K !L are two lower semicontinuous cubical ! maps and F is a submap of G , then F = G . Proof: Let F be a chain selector of F . Then, F is also a chain selector of G . Hence, by de nition F =F =G : A fundamental property of maps is that they can be composed. In the case of multivalued maps F !X !Y and G : Y !Z we will construct the : ! ! multivalued map G F : X !Z , called the superposition of F and G by setting G F (x) := G (F (x)) for every x 2 X .
Proposition 5.21 If F : X !Y and G : Y !Z are lower semicontinuous ! ! cubical maps and G F is acyclic then (G F ) = G F . Proof: Let F 2 C (F ) and G 2 C (G ). Then by Proposition 5.16 for any Q 2 K(X ) b b j(G(F (Q))j G (jF (Q)j) G (F (Q)): Hence G F 2 C (G F ). But we can compose chain maps and hence (GF ) = G F = G F :
As is often the case, it is easy to make a de nition, but showing that it is well de ned or even applicable is harder. There are at least two questions that need to be answered before we can be content with this approach to de ning the homology of a continuous map. First, observe that given a continuous function, there may be many cubical approximations. Thus, we will need to show that all cubical approximations of a given function give rise to the same homomorphism on homology. This will be the content of Section 5.4.1. Second, given cubical sets and a continuous map between them it need not be the case that there exists a cubical approximation. We will deal with this problem in Section 5.4.2. From the point of view of computations one typically wants a cubical approximation whose images are as small as possible.
De nition 5.24 Let X and Y be cubical sets and let f! X ! Y be a con: tinuous function. The minimal approximation, Mf : X !Y , of f is de ned
Mf (x) := ch (f (ch (x))): (5.7) If Mf is a cubical map, then Mf is refered to as the minimal cubical approximation.
f (x) = x=3. Figure 5.2 indicates the graph of f and its minimal cubical approximation Mf . To verify that Mf really is the minimal cubical approximation just involves checking the de nition on all the elementary cubes in 0; 3]. To begin with consider 0] 2 K0. ch 0] = 0] and f (0) = 0, therefore Mf (0) = 0. On the other hand, while ch 1] = 1], f (1) = 1=3 2 0; 1] and hence ch f (1) = 0; 1]. Therefore, Mf ( 1]) = 0; 1]. The rest of the elementary cubes can be checked in a similar manner. Observe that if any cube from the graph of Mf were removed, then the graph of f would no longer be contained in the graph of Mf . In this sense Mf is minimal.
Figure 5.2: The graph of the continuous function f : 0; 3] ! 0; 3] and the graph of Mf .
a minimal approximation is necessarily a cubical map. Consider the cubical set X consisting of the union of the elementary cubes: K1 := 0] 0; 1] K2 := 0; 1] 1] K3 := 1] 0; 1] K4 := 0; 1] 0]: De ne the map : 0; 1] ! X for t 2 0; 1] by 8 (0; 4t) > > (4t 1; 1) if t 2 0;=1=4]=2] < t 41 (t) := > (1; 3 4t) if t 2 1=2;; 3=4] if 2 > : (4 4t; 0) if t 2 1=4; 1] 3 and the map f : X ! X for (x1 ; x2 ) 2 X by ( ) if (x x ) 2 K K f (x1; x2 ) := (x2 ) if (x1 ;; x2) 2 K1 K3. x1 1 2 2 4
Mf (x1 ; x2) = ch (f (ch (x1 ; x2 ))) = ch (f (Ki)) = ch (X ) = X: Since X is not acyclic, it follows that Mf is not acyclic and consequently
This example shows that given two cubical sets and a continuous map between them, the minimal approximation need not be a cubical approximation. One can ask if there is a di erent cubical approximation for the continuous map. As the following proposition indicates, the answer is no.
Proposition 5.27 Let X and Y be cubical sets, let f : X ! Y be a continuous function and let F : X !Y be a cubical approximation to f . Then, Mf ! is a submap of F .
Proof: Let x 2 X . Then, there exists Q 2 K(X ) such that x 2Q. Since F is a cubical map, F (x) = F (Q) and in particular, F (x) is closed. Now, let fxng Q such that xn ! x. By continuity of f , f (x) 2 F (Q) which in turn implies that f (Q) F (Q). Since x 2Q, ch (x) = Q. Thus,
Proposition 5.28 Let X and Y be cubical sets and let f : X ! Y be a continuous function. If Mf (x) is acyclic for each x 2 X , then Mf is a cubical approximation.
Proof: Let x 2 X . Obviously f (x) 2 f (ch (x)) Mf (x). The fact that Mf restricted to Q is constant follows from the fact that if x; y 2Q, then ch (x) = ch (y). The lower semicontinuity of Mf follows from the fact that if P is a face of Q, then ch (P ) ch (Q).
Corollary 5.29 Let X and Y be cubical sets, let f : X ! Y be a continuous function. If f has a cubical approximation, then f : H (X ) ! H (Y ) is well
Proof: By 5.27, if there exists a cubical approximation F : X !Y to f , then ! Mf is a submap of F . Since F is acyclic, Mf is acyclic and hence by 5.28 Mf is a cubical map. Thus, Mf is de ned. By Proposition 5.20, F = Mf . Now assume that G : X !Y is another cubical approximation to f , then ! Mf is a submap of G and so de ned.
F = Mf = G :
Proposition 5.30 Let X be a cubical set. Conside the identity map id X : X ! X . Then, Mid X is a cubical approximation of id X and
(id X ) = id H (X )
Proof: By Proposition 4.16
which, by Proposition 4.68 is acyclic. Therefore, Mid X is a cubical approximation of id X and (id X ) = Mid X : Let Q 2 K(X ). Then
b jid C (X ) (Q)j = Q = ch (Q) = Mid X (Q): Therefore, id C (X ) is a chain selector for Mid X . Finally, it is easy to check
Proposition 5.31 Let f : X ! X be a continous map on a connected cubical set. If Mf is a cubical approximation of f , then f : H0(X ) ! H0(X )
Proof: The homology map f : H0 (X ) ! H0 (X ) is determined by an appropriate chain map F0 : C0 (X ) ! C0 (X ). Which in turn can be determined by Mf acting on K0 (X ). So let Q 2 K0(X ). By de nition Mf (Q) = ch (f (Q)) which is an elementary cube. Let P 2 K0(ch (f (Q))). b b b b Then, we can de ne F0 (Q) = P , in which case f ( Q]) = P ]. By Theob b rem 4.51, Q] = P ] = 1 2 H0(X ), and hence we have the identity map on H0(X ).
Proposition 5.32 Let X , Y , and Z be cubical sets. Assume f : X ! Y and g : Y ! Z are continuous maps such that Mf , Mg and Mg f are cubical
approximations. Then,
(g f ) = g f
Mg f (x) = ch (g(f (ch (x)))) ch (g(ch (f ch (x)))) = Mg (Mf (x)); i.e. Mg f Mg Mf . Therefore, from Propositions 5.20 and 5.21 (g f ) = (Mg f ) = (Mg Mf ) = (Mg ) (Mf ) = g f :
5.4.2 Rescaling
So far we are able to de ne the homology map of a continuous function when a cubical approximation exists. Unfortunately, as was indicated in Example 5.26 not every map admits a cubical approximation. We encountered this problem before in Section 2. There we adopted the procedure of subdividing the intervals of our graph. We could do the same thing here, i.e. we could try to make the images of all elementary cubes acyclic by subdividing the domain of the map into smaller cubes. However, that would require developing the homology theory for cubical sets de ned on fractional grids. Obviously, this could be done, but it is not necessary. Instead we take an
equivalent path based on rescaling the domain of the function to a large size. Observe that if we make the domain large, then as a fraction of the size of the domain the elementary cubes become small. This leads to the following notation.
De nition 5.33 A scaling vector is a vector of positive integers = ( 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; n ) 2 Zn and gives rise to the scaling : Rn ! Rn de ned by
(x) := ( 1 x1 ; 2x2 ; : : : nxn ): If = ( 1 ; 2; : : : ; n) is another scaling vector, then set := (
1 1 ; 2 2 ; : : : ; d n ):
maps cubical
De nition 5.35 Let X Rn be a cubical set and let 2 Zn be a scaling vector. De ne X := j . The scaling of X by is
X :=
X (X ) =
(X ):
problem involves rescaling the space X . Figure 5.3 shows the e ect of scaling X using the scaling vector = (4; 4). We begin by establishing that scalings are nice continuous maps in the sense that they have cubical approximations.
Example 5.36 Recall that Example 5.26 described a function f for which Mf was not a cubical approximation. The rst step in dealing with this
Proposition 5.37 Let X , Y , and Z be cubical sets and let and be scaling vectors. If (X ) Y , then M X is a cubical approximation. Moreover, if (Y ) Z , then M Y X is a cubical approximation.
The cubical set X R
5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -1
the previous paragraph. Since scalings have cubical approximations they induce maps on homology. Furthermore, since scalings just change the size of the space one would expect that they induce isomorphisms on homology. The simplest way to check this is to show that their homology maps have inverses. Therefore, given a cubical set X and a scaling vector let X : X ! X be de ned by Obviously, X = ( on homology.
1 1 1 X (x) := ( 1 x1 ; 2 x2 ; : : : ; n xn ): 1 X ) . However, we need to know that
M X (x) = (ch ( Y (ch ( X (ch (x)))))): Therefore the acyclicity of M Y M X follows by the same argument as in
it induces a map
(X ), there exists
which is acyclic.
: H (X ) ! H (X )
( X) 1 = (
Proof: It follows from Proposition 5.37 and Lemma 5.38 that M X and M X are cubical approximations. Thus, by Proposition 5.37, M X X and M X X are cubical approximations. Hence, by Propositions 5.32, and 5.30,
( X) ( and (
X) X)
= id X = id H (X
( X) = (
= id X = id H (X ) :
As was indicated in the introduction, the purpose of scaling is to allow us to de ne the homology of an arbitrary continuous map between cubical sets. Thus, given a continuous map f : X ! Y and a scaling vector de ne
f := f
Observe that f : X ! Y .
which is acyclic. Similar checks at all the points on X shows that Mf is acyclic and hence Mf is a cubical approximation.
Proposition 5.41 Let X and Y be cubical sets and f : X ! Y be continuous. Then there exists a scaling vector such that Mf is a cubical approximation of f . Moreover, if is another scaling vector such that Mf
is a cubical approximation of f , then
f ( X) = f ( X)
Proof: Choose > 0 such that for x; y 2 K
) dist (f (x); f (y)) 1 (5.8) 2 and let be a scaling vector such that minf i j i = 1; : : : ; ng 1= . Since
dist (x; y) diam ch (x) 1, we get from (5.8) that diam f (ch (x))
1: 2 Therefore it follows from Proposition 4.68 that Mf is acyclic, i.e. Mf is a cubical approximation of f . Now assume that the scaling vector is such that Mf is also a cubical approximation. Also, assume for the moment that for each i = 1; : : : ; n, i j i . Let i := ii . Then = ( 1 ; : : : ; n) is a scaling vector. Clearly, X= K X . Therefore it follows from Proposition 5.32 that ( X) = (
) ( X) :
On the other hand we also have f =f X ; hence Mf (M X (x)) = ch (f (ch ( X (ch (x))))) = ch (f (ch (x))) = Mf (x): Therefore we get from Proposition 5.32 that f =f ( X ) and consequently f ( X) = f ( X ) ( X) = f ( X) : Finally, if it is not true that i j i for each i = 1; : : : ; n, then let = . By what we have just proven f ( X) = f ( X) = f ( X) which settles the general case. We can now give the general de nition for the homology map of a continuous function.
De nition 5.42 Let X and Y be cubical sets and let f : X ! Y be a continuous function. Let be a scaling vector such that Mf is a cubical approximation to f . Then, f : H (X ) ! H (Y ) is de ned by
f =f X: By Proposition 5.41, this de nition is independent of the particular scaling vector used. However, we need to reconcile this de nition of the homology map with that of De nition 5.23. So assume that Mf is a cubical approximation of f . Let be the scaling vector where each i = 1. Then f = f and hence the two de nitions of f agree. The nal issue we need to deal with involves the composition of continuous functions. We will need the following technical lemma. Lemma 5.43 Let X and Y be cubical sets and let f : X ! Y be continuous.
also acyclic.
Mf is acyclic. Observe that M Y Mf (x) = ch ( Y (Mf (x))) = Y (Mf (x)): Since Mf (x) is acyclic, it follows from Proposition 5.39 that Y (Mf (x)) is
Proposition 5.44 Assume f : X ! Y and g : Y ! Z are continuous maps
between cubical sets. Then
(g f ) = g f
Proof: Select a scaling vector such that Mg is a cubical approximation and for any x; y 2 Y (5.9) dist (x; y) 2 ) dist (g (x); g (y)) 1 : 2 Similarly, select a scaling vector such that Mf and Mh are cubical approximations, and for any x; y in X dist (x; y) 2 ) dist ( f (x); f (y)) 1 : (5.10) 2 Then the maps f and g ( f ) = h have cubical approximations. Moreover, by 5.9 and 5.10, for any x 2 K diam (g ch f ch (x)) < 1: Therefore by Proposition 4.68 Mg M f (x) = ch g ch f ch (x) is acyclic, i.e. the composition Mg M f is acyclic. Hence (g f ) = g f : By Lemma 5.43 we also have that ( K f ) = K f : Let h := g f . It follows from Proposition 4.68 that h = (g K f ) = g ( K f ) :
196 Hence, (g f ) = = = = =
a) Verify that the scaling by := (2; 2) is su cient for Mf to be a cubical approximation of f . b) Find a chain selector of Mf . c) Compute the homology map of f . You may either compute it by hand or use the homology program for that.
5.8 Do the same as in Exercise 5.7 for the map given by 8 (x ) if (x1 ; x2) 2 K1 > 2 > (x ) < 1 if (x1 ; x2) 2 K2 f (x1 ; x2) := > (1 x ) if (x ; x ) 2 K 2 1 2 > : (1 x1 ) if (x1 ; x2) 2 K3 4
We now have a homology theory at our disposal. Given a cubical set X we can compute its homology groups H (X ) and given a continuous map f between cubical sets we can compute the induced map on homology f . What is missing is how these algebraic objects relate back to topology. Section 4.3 was a partial answer in that we showed that H0 (X ) counts the number of connected components of X . In this section we shall pursue the question of when do two continuous maps induce the same homomorphism on homology. In particular, we shall prove the following theorem.
f =g : f = H0 = g :
Proof: By de nition
This was the easy case. What makes this simple is that an approximation for the homotopy provides an approximation for both f and g. Of course, need not admit a cubical approximation. However, as was made clear in the previous section, we can obtain a cubical approximation for an appropriate scaling of . With this in mind, choose a scaling vector such that M is a cubical approximation. Observe that is a homotopy between f and
g . If X Rn then 2 Zn+1 . Let = ( 1; : : : ; n) and let n+1 = k. Set Z = (X ). Then (X ) = Z 0; k]: For i = 0; : : : ; k, let fi : X fig be de ned by fi (x) = f (x; i) and let i : X i; i+1] ! Y be given by i (x; s) = (x; s). Then, i is a homotopy from fi to fi+1. However, by assumption i has a cubical approximation. Therefore, fi = fi+1 and hence, f0 = fk . Now observe that f = f0 and g = fk , therefore f =g : This proves Theorem 5.45 in the general case.
5.9 In one of the two previous exercises you should get the trivial homology map. Prove this in a di erent way, by showing that your f is homotopic to a constant map.
Let G be a nitely generated free abelian group and let : G ! G be a group homomorphism. Since G is free abelian, it has a basis and for a particular choice of basis can written as a matrix A. So in this case de ne tr = tr A: To check that this is a well de ned concept, let fb; : : : ; bn g be a di erent basis for G. Let B : G ! G be the isomorphism corresponding to the change of basis. In this second basis the matrix representation of is given by B 1 AB . Thus, tr (B 1AB ) = tr (B 1(AB )) = tr ((AB )B 1 ) = tr A: We will need to apply these ideas in the context of homology groups. Consider a free chain complex fCk (X ); @k g and a chain map F : C (X ) ! C (X ). Let Hk (X ) be the induced homology groups and f : H (X ) ! H (X ) the induced homology map. Since Ck (X ) is a free abelian group, tr Fk is well de ned for each k. However, the homology groups Hk (X ), while abelian need not be free. Let Tk (X ) denote the torsion subgroup of Hk (X ). Then, Hk (X )=Tk (X ) is free abelian. Furthermore, f : H (X ) ! H (X ) induces a homomorphism
: Hk (X )=Tk (X ) ! Hk (X )=Tk (X ):
is well de ned.
L(f ) :=
( 1)k tr k :
Theorem 5.49 Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem Let X be a cubical set and let f : X ! X be a continuous map. If L(f ) 6= 0, then f has a xed point.
This theorem is an amazing example of how closely the algebra is tied to the topology. To prove it we need to understand how to relate the topology in the form of the map on the chain complexes to the algebra in the form of the induced homology maps on the free part of the homology groups. We begin with a technical lemma.
Lemma 5.50 Let G be a free abelian group, let H be a subgroup and assume that G=H is free abelian. Let : G ! G be a group homomorphism such that (H ) H . Then, induces a map 0 : G=H ! G=H and tr = tr 0 + tr jH :
Proof: The rst step is to understand 0 . Since G is free abelian, and H is a subgroup, H is also free abelian. Let f 1; : : : ; k g be a basis for H and let f 1 + H; : : : ; n + H g be a basis for G=H . Then, 0 is de ned by
i + H) =
( i):
It is left to the reader to check that 0 is a well de ned group homomorphism. Given our choice of basis we can represent 0 as a matrix B = bij ]. In particular, n 0 ( j + H ) = X bij ( i + H ): Similarly, jH : H ! H has the form
i=1 k X i=1
jH ( i) =
and so we can write jH = A = aij ].
bij i = h
# A = 0 B :
Clearly, tr = tr 0 + tr jH .
Theorem 5.51 (Hopf trace theorem) Let fCk (X ); @k g be a free chain complex and F : C (X ) ! C (X ) a chain map. Let Hk (X ) denote the corresponding homology groups with torsion subgroups Tk (X ). Let k : Hk (X )=Tk (X ) !
Hk (X )=Tk (X ) be the induced homomorphism. Then X k X ( 1) tr Fk = ( 1)k tr k :
k k
Proof: We will use the notation from Section 3.7 where Wk (X ) denotes the weak boundaries. Recall that
Bk (X ) Wk (X ) Zk (X ) Ck (X ): Furthermore, since F is a chain map, each of these subgroups is invariant under Fk , i.e. Fk (Bk (X )) Bk (X ), Fk (Wk (X )) Wk (X ), etc. From Lemma 5.50 Fk induces maps Fk jWk (X ) : Wk (X ) ! Wk (X ); Fk0 : Zk (X )=Wk (X ) ! Zk (X )=Wk (X ) Fk00 : Ck (X )=Zk (X ) ! Ck (X )=Zk(X ): From Lemma 3.63 and the following comments we have that for each k, Zk (X )=Wk (X ) and Ck (X )=Zk(X ) are free abelian groups. Therefore, applying Lemma 5.50 twice gives tr Fk = tr Fk00 + tr Fk0 + tr Fk jWk(X ) : (5.11)
However, from Lemma 3.63 Zk (X )=Wk (X ) = Hk (X )=Tk (X ) and furthermore under this isomorphism, Fk becomes k . Therefore, (5.11) becomes tr Fk = tr Fk00 + tr
k + tr Fk jWk (X )
Similarly, Ck (X )=Zk (X ) is isomorphic to Bk 1(X ) and under this isomorphism Fk00 becomes Fk 1 jBk 1 (X ) . An therefore, (5.12) can be written as tr Fk = tr Fk 1 jBk 1(X ) +tr k + tr Fk jWk (X ) : (5.13) We will now show that tr Fk jWk (X ) = tr Fk jBk (X ) . As was done explicitly in Section 3.7 there exists a basis f 1; : : : ; l g for Wk (X ) and integers m1; : : : ; ml , such that fm1 1; : : : ; ml l g is a basis for Bk (X ). Observe that l X Fk jWk (X ) ( j ) = aij i (5.14) and
Fk jBk (X ) (mj j ) =
l X i=1
bij mi
for appropriate constants aij and bij . Both these maps are just restrictions of Fk to the appropriate subspaces. So multiplying (5.14) by mj must give rise to (5.15) and hence mj aij = bij mi and in particular miaii = biimi . Therefore, tr Fk jWk (X ) = tr Fk jBk (X ) . Applying this to (5.13) give tr Fk = tr Fk 1 jBk
1 (X )
k + tr Fk jBk (X )
The proof is nished by multiplying (5.16) by ( 1)k and summing. The Hopf trace formula is the key step in the proof of the Lefschetz xed point theorem. However, before beginning the proof let us discuss the basic argument that will be used. Observe that an equivalent statement to the Lefschetz xed point theorem is the following: if f has no xed points, then L(f ) = 0. This is what we will prove. The Hopf trace formula provides us with a means of relating a chain map F : C (X ) ! C (X ) for f with L(f ). In particular, if we could show that tr F = 0, then it would be clear that L(f ) = 0. Of course, the easiest way to check that tr F = 0 is for all the diagonal entries of F to be zero. However, the diagonal entries of F indicate how the duals of elementary cubes are mapped to themselves. If f has no xed points then the image of a small cube will not intersect itself and so the
diagonal entries are zero. With this argument in mind we turn to the proof, which as is often the case in mathematics, is presented in the reverse order. Proof of Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorem. Assume f has no xed points. We want to show that L(f ) = 0. The rst step is to establish some constants that will used in the proof. Let := min jjx f (x)jj: x2X Since we are assuming that f has no xed points and X is cubical, > 0. Similarly, since X is cubical there exists > 0 such that
jjx yjj < ) jjf (x) f (y)jj < =3: Set := minf ; =6g. Let be a scaling vector with the property that
Mg (x) \ ch (x) = ;: Let y 2 ch (x). This implies that jjy xjj 1 and hence jj X (y) X (x)jj < :
f X (x)jj =3: By the de nition of followed by the triangle inequality we have < jj X (x) f X (x)jj < jj X (x) f X (y)jj + jjf X (y) f X (x)jj This implies that jj X (x) f X (y)jj > 2 =3 and therefore,
X (y )
X (x)
X (y )jj = jjx
X (y )jj >
3 = 4:
This inequality holds for all y 2 ch (x), and therefore Mg (x) \ ch (x) = ;. Observe that the this argument is true for any su ciently large. Therefore, by Proposition 5.41 we can assume that was chosen large enough that Mg is a cubical approximation of g. Let G : C (X ) ! C (X ) be b a corresponding chain map. The standard basis for C (X ) is K(X ), but b b b jG(Q)j \ Q = ; for all Q 2 K(X ), and therefore the diagonal entries of G are zero. In particular, tr G = 0 and therefore by the Hopf trace formula, L(g ) = 0. Finally, by Proposition 5.39
L(f ) = L(g ):
Theorem 5.52 Let X be an acyclic cubical set. Let f : X ! X be continuous. Then, f has a xed point. Proof: Since X is acyclic, the only nonzero homology group is H0 (X ) = Z. But, by Proposition 5.31, f : H0(X ) ! H0 (X ) is the identity map. Therefore, L(f ) = 1.
Of course, the xed point that is of interest lies in X n E . This suggests that we try to develop a homology theory that begins with the set X but \ignores" the set E . This leads to the notion of relative homology.
The set X=[-4,4] [-4,4] 10 10 The set f(X)=[-8,8] [-2,2]
-10 -10
-10 -10
-10 -10
Ck (X; E ) := Ck (X )=Ck (E ):
fCk (X; E ); @k g
where @k : Ck (X; E ) ! Ck 1(X; E ) is the boundary map induced by the standard boundary map on Ck (X ). The relative chain complex gives rise to the relative k-cycles,
Proof: To compute H0 (X; E ) we begin by examining the associated set of cycles Z0(X; E ). Since @0 = 0,
b b From the proof of Theorem ??, X connected implies that for any pair P; Q 2 C0(X ), there exists c 2 C1(X ) such that b b @c = P Q:
b E 6= ;, hence there exists Q 2 K0(E ). By de nition, 0 = Q 2 Z0(X; E ). Therefore, by (6.1) b b 0 = Q] = P ] 2 H0(X; E ) for any P 2 K0(X ). Therefore, H0(X; E ) = 0.
Example 6.3 Let X = 1; 1] R and let E = f 1g. HK (X; E ) = 0 for all k 2, since Kk (X ) = ;. By Proposition 6.2, H0 (X; E ) = 0.
Therefore, all that remains to be computed is H1(X; E ). Observe that C1(X ) Z2 with a basis given by f d0]; 0; 1]g. Since C1(E ) = 0, C1(X; E ) = 1; d C1(X ). The computation of C0(X; E ) is a little more interesting. The standard basis for C0(X ) is f d ; c g, while the corresponding basis for C0 (E ) 1] 0] d g. Therefore, is f 1] C0(X; E ) = Z and generated by c Using these bases the matrix representation for @1 : 0]. C1(X; E ) ! C0(X; E ) is @1 = 1 1]: d The chain d0]+ 0; 1] 2 C1(X; E ) clearly generates the kernel of @1 . There1; fore, H1(X; E ) Z: As will become clear as we progress, relative homology groups are a very powerful tool. So much so that we want a simple shorthand notation for discussing pairs of cubical sets. With this in mind the statement that (X; E ) is a cubical pair or a pair of cubical sets means that X and E are cubical sets and E X .
Example 6.4 Let X = 3; 3] and E = 3; 1] 1; 3]. The exact same arguments as in the previous example show that Hk (X; E ) = 0 if k = 1. 6 d 6 with a basis given by f i; i + 1] j Let us compute H1(X; E ). C1(X ) = Z i = 3; : : : ; 2g. In contrast to Example 6.3, C1(E ) = Z4 with a basis f i; id 1] j i = 3; 2; 1; 2g. This implies that a basis for C1(X; E ) con+ sists of the equivalence classes containing f d0]; 0; 1]g. Repeating this 1; d type of argument on the level of the 0-chains we see that C0(X; E ) = Z with
a basis consisting of the equivalence class de ned by c Observe that on the 0]. level of relative chains we have the same chain complex as in Example 6.3. Therefore,
reasonable to conjecture that if one adds the same cubes to both X and E , then the group of relative chains does not chain and hence the homology should not change. Theorem 6.5, presented shortly con rms this, though at rst glance its statement may appear somewhat di erent. Of course to compare the relative homology groups of di erent pairs we need to be able to talk about maps. So let (X; E ) and (Y; B ) be cubical pairs. Let f : X ! Y be a continuous map. The most basic question is whether f induces a map from H (X; E ) to H (Y; B ). If this is to be the case then there must be an associated chain map F : C (X; E ) ! C (Y; B ). However, this can only occur if F (C (E )) C (B ). This leads to the following condition.
f : (X; E ) ! (Y; B )
is a continuous map between cubical pairs if f : X ! Y is continuous and f (E ) B . To generate a map on the level of relative homology, i.e. f : H (X; E ) ! H (Y; B ) we proceed as before. f : X ! Y is continuous and so for an appropriate scaling vector , Mf : X !Y is a cubical approximation. Since ! f (E ) B and B is cubical, Mf (E ) B . Now let F : C (X ) ! C (Y ) b be a chain selector for Mf . For any Q 2 K(E ), jF (Q)j Mf (Q) B , and hence F (C (E )) C (B ). Thus, F induces a chain map between the relative chain complexes, i.e. with a slight abuse of notation we can write F : C (X; E ) ! C (Y; B ). Then we de ne f : H (X; E ) ! H (Y; B ) by
f ( ]) := F ( )]:
Theorem 6.5 (Excision Isomorphism Theorem) Let (X; E ) be a cubical set. Let U E be a representable set such that E n U is a cubical set. Then, the inclusion map : (X n U; E n U ) ! (X; E ) induces an isomorphism e : H (X n U; E n U ) ! H (X; E ): Proof: Since : (X n U; E n U ) ! (X; E ) is the inclusion map, M (Q) = Q for every Q 2 K(X n U ). Thus, the inclusion map I : C (X n U ) ! C (X ) is a chain selector for Me. Let : C (X ) ! C (X; E ) be the projection map. Then I : C (X n U ) ! C (X; E ) is surjective. To see this observe that a
basis for C (X; E ) consists of all
b Furthermore, the kernel of I is exactly K(E n U ). Therefore, I induces an isomorphism e : C (X n U )=C (E n U ) ! C (X )=C (E ) and hence e : H (X n U; E n U ) ! H (X; E ) is an isomorphism. We began this chapter with a simple example of a linear map on the plane and asked the question whether it is possible to detect the xed point using algebraic topological methods. Referring to Figure 6.1, we see that X = 4; 4] 4; 4] is the region we want to study. Unfortunately, f (X ) 6 X . However, we identi ed E = 4; 2] 4; 4] 2; 4] 4; 4] as the smallest cubical set with the property that if x 2 X and f (x) 62 X , then x 2 E . Thus, E is a cubical representation of the exit set for X , i.e. those points which leave X under one iteration. As was noted before, f (X ) = 8; 8] 2; 2]. Clearly, f (E ) = 8; 4] 2; 2] 4; 8] 2; 2]. Combining these two observations, we can write f (X ) X f (E ): So let Y = X f (E ) and let B = E f (E ). Then f : (X; E ) ! (Y; B ) is a continuous map between cubical pairs. Now let U = Y n X . This is a representable set and B n U = E which is a cubical set. Therefore by the Excision Isomorphism Theorem e : H (Y n U; B n U ) ! H (Y; B ) is an isomorphism. But (Y n U; B n U ) = (X; E ), therefore, e 1 : H (Y; B ) ! H (X; E ) is an isomorphism. De ne f(X;E) : H (X; E ) ! H (X; E ) by f(X;E) := e 1 f . We now have a map, at least on the level of homology, that goes from a space to itself and we can hope to develop a Lefschetz xed point theorem for this map that would tell us about the existence of xed points for f restricted to X n E .
6.1 Let Q 2 Kq be an elementary cube. Let E = fP 2 Kq 1 j P is a proper face of Qg. Prove that Hk (Q; E ) = Z if k = q
0 otherwise.
6.2 Let f : (X; E ) ! (Y; B ) be a continuous map between pairs. Choose a scaling vector such that Mf : X !Y is a cubical approximation. Prove ! that Mf (E ) B . 6.3 Let X = 4; 4] 4; 4], E = 4; 2] 4; 4] 2; 4] 4; 4] and
f = 2 102 : R2 ! R2: 0 =
Compute H (X; E ) and f(X;E) .
is exact at G2 if
1 Proof: ()) Assume that G1 g! G0 ! 0 is an exact sequence. Since : G0 ! 0, ker = G0 . By exactness, image g1 = ker = G0, i.e. g1 is an epimorphism. (() If g1 is an epimorphism, then 1 Lemma 6.8 0 ! G1 g! G0 is an exact sequence if and only if g1 is an
monomorphism. Proof:
is an exact sequence. Then the following are equivalent: 1. g3 is an epimorphism, 2. g1 is a monomorphism, 3. g2 is the zero homomorphism. Proof:
De nition 6.10 A short exact sequence is an exact sequence of the form 3 2 0 ! G3 g! G2 g! G1 ! 0: Example 6.11 Stated as a de nition, it may appear the a short exact se-
quence is a rather obscure notion. However, it appears naturally in many examples. Consider a cubical pair (X; E ) and for each k the following sequence k k 0 ! Ck (E ) I! Ck (X ) ! Ck (X; E ) ! 0 (6.2) where Ik is the inclusion map and k is the projection map. That this is a short exact sequence follows from simple applications of the previous lemmas. b b To begin with, Ik is a monomorphism since K(E ) K(X ). Therefore, by Lemma 6.8 k 0 ! Ck (E ) I! Ck (X ) is exact. Similarly, by de nition of relative chains k is an epimorphism. Hence, Lemma 6.7 implies that
k Ck (X ) ! Ck (X; E ) ! 0 is exact. So all that remains is to show that the sequence is exact at Ck (X ). By de nition the kernel of k is Ck (E ). Similarly, since Ik is a monomorphism, image Ik = Ck (E ), i.e. image Ik = ker k . The short exact sequence (6.2) is called the short exact sequence of a pair.
3 2 0 ! G3 g! G2 g! G1 ! 0 be a short exact sequence. Then, g2 induces an isomorphism from G2 =g3(G3 ) to G1 . Conversely, if K := ker g2 , then the sequence 2 0 ! G3 ! G2 g! G1 ! 0
is short exact where is the inclusion map. Proof: We now turn to the question of maps between exact sequences. Again, in search of the natural de nitions we recall the case of maps between chain 0 0 complexes. Let fCk ; @k g and fCk ; @k g be chain complexes. Recall that the maps of interest between chain complexes are chain maps F : C ! C 0. To
begin to view this in the context of exact sequences, observe that the two chain complexes and chain map form the following commutative diagram. +1 k : : : ! Ck+1 @k! Ck @! Ck 1 ! : : : ? ? ? ?Fk+1 ?Fk ?Fk 1 y y y (6.3) 0 0 @k+1 0 0 @k 0 : : : ! Ck+1 ! Ck ! Ck 1 ! : : : This leads us to the following de nition for the more restrictive case of exact sequences. De nition 6.13 Let +1 k : : : ! Gk+1 gk! Gk g! Gk 1 ! : : : and 0 g0 +1 k : : : ! G0k+1 k! G0k g! G0k 1 ! : : : be exact sequences. A homomorphism F from the rst sequence to the second is a collection of group homomorphisms Fk : Gk ! G0k such that the following diagram commutes +1 k : : : ! Gk+1 gk! Gk g! G? 1 ! : : : k ? ? ?Fk+1 ?Fk ?Fk 1 y y y (6.4) 0 0 gk+1 gk : : : ! G0k+1 ! G0k ! G0k 1 ! : : : F is an isomorphism, if Fk is an isomorphism for each k.
is a short exact sequence. 0!A F B G C!0 ! ! be a short exact sequence of chain complexes. Then, for each k there exist a map @ : Hk (C ) ! Hk 1(A) such that
: : : ! Hk (E ) I! Hk (X ) ! Hk (X; E ) @! Hk 1(E ) ! : : :
where I : E ! X and : (X; ;) ! (X; E ) are inclusion maps. Proof:
X Y := f(x; y) j x 2 X and y 2 Y g:
Let X be any set. A relation on X is a subset R X X .
De nition A.2 R is an equivalence relation on X if 1. R is re exive, i.e. (x; x) 2 R for all x 2 X . 2. R is symmetric, i.e. (x; y) 2 R implies that (y; x) 2 R. 3. R is transitive, i.e. (x; y) 2 R and (y; z) 2 R implies that (x; z) 2 R
When R is an equivalence relation, the standard convention is to write x y if and only if (x; y) 2 R. 217
relation. To see this we must check the three conditions. For every integer n 2 Z , n n since n n = 0 which is a multiple of 2. Observe that if n m then m n is divisible by 2. But this means that n m is divisible by two and so m n. Finally, if n m and m k then there exist integers i and j such that m n = 2i and k m = 2j . But this implies that
k n = k m + m n = 2i + 2j = 2(i + j );
and hence n k. Given an equivalence relation on a set X there is a natural way to partition X into disjoint subsets. Namely, for every x 2 X de ne the equivalence class of x to be the subset
x] := fy 2 X j x yg:
Because, an eqivalence relation is re exive it is clear that x 2 x]. It is easy to check that the equivalence classes are disjoint. To be more precise. Let x] and y] be equivalence classes. Assume that there exists z 2 Z such that z 2 x] and z 2 y]. Then x] = y]. By de nition z 2 x] means that z x. Similarly, z 2 y] means that z y. By transitivity and symmetry, x y and hence x] = y]. Another way of saying this is that if x] 6= y] then x 6 y. A nal important comment concerning equivalence relations has to do with the functions they induce. Let X be a set with an equivalence relation . Let E denote the set of equivalence classes. Let : X ! E be given by (x) = x]. Since equivalence classes are disjoint, is a function. Furthermore, is surjective, since any element of E is an equivalence class which can be represented by x] and therefore, (x) = x]. Another standard notation for the set E is X= .
1] M. Herlihy and N. Shavit, The topological structure of asynchronous computability, preprint. 2] J. R. Munkres, Topology: a rst course, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cli s, New Jersey 1975. 3] J. R. Munkres, Elements of Algebraic Topology Addison-Wesley, 1984.