Waddell Japa 2002
Waddell Japa 2002
Waddell Japa 2002
Paul Waddell
the practice and to make recommendations for new banSim has since been applied in Honolulu and Salt
model development that address limitations in the cur- Lake City, and other metropolitan areas are beginning
rent practice. Recommendations put forward at this con- to apply it as well. The UrbanSim software is distributed
ference included the following: as Open Source software under the GNU General Public
License (Free Software Foundation, 1991), which allows
• moving fairly quickly toward random utility-based
anyone to use, modify, and redistribute the source code
at no cost. It can be downloaded from the Internet
• using a clear behavioral basis describing the
(UrbanSim Project, 2002).
principal actors and choices involved in urban
The objectives of this article are twofold. The first is
development and transportation;
to describe the UrbanSim model design at a level that
• placing greater emphasis on the use of models for
facilitates an assessment of how it addresses emerging
policy analysis, planning, and sensitivity testing;
requirements for land use and transportation modeling,
• recognizing the varying temporal and geographic
and of how it compares to other existing modeling ap-
scales relevant to different processes in urban
proaches. The second is to describe the application of
the model to the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area
• moving to disaggregate models and data;
and assess its validity over an historical period. These ob-
• drawing on multiple disciplines;
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Model structure Spatial interaction Spatial input-output Discrete choice Discrete choice
Household location choice Modeled Modeled Not modeled Modeled
Household classification Aggregate, Aggregate, user-defined Not Disaggregate, income,
8 categories represented persons, workers, child
Employment location choice Modeled Modeled Not modeled Modeled
Employment classification Aggregate, Aggregate, user-defined Not modeled Disaggregate,
8 categories 10–20 sectors
Real estate development Not modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled
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Real estate classification 4 land uses Aggregate, user-defined 7 land uses 24 Development types
Real estate measures Acres Acres, units floor space Acres Acres, units floor space
Real estate prices Not modeled Modeled Not modeled Modeled
Geographic basis Census tracts or User-defined zones Grid cells Grid cells
aggregates (2–300)
Temporal basis Quasi-dynamic, Cross-sectional, Annual, Annual, dynamic,
equilibrium (5–10 equilibrium dynamic disequilibrium
year steps)
Interaction with travel models Yes Yes No Yes
Modular model structure Partial No No Yes
Software access Proprietary Proprietary NA Open source
For model structure, spatial interaction refers to mod- For temporal basis, cross-sectional refers to the use of
els that draw on the analogy of the physical relationship one point in time for estimating a model, in contrast to
of gravity. The application to human geography, made a dynamic approach that analyzes changes over multiple
popular by Wilson (1967), recognized the empirical pat- time periods. In the context of economic models, equi-
tern that trips between two locations increase as the ac- librium describes a hypothetical long-term market
tivity (population and employment) in the origin and steady-state condition in which supply, demand, and
destination zones increases and the travel cost decreases. prices are perfectly balanced so that no one can become
A large class of location choice models draws on and ex- better off without someone else becoming worse off. It
tends this metaphor (Fotheringham & O’Kelly, 1989). assumes that all buyers and sellers are operating within
Discrete choice refers to models that draw on discrete competitive markets and have full information about
choice theory and the development of a class of econo- the current and future prices and benefits of consump-
metric models known as random utility maximization tion choices. This condition contrasts with disequilibrium
(RUM). Daniel McFadden (1973, 2000) recently won the where supply and demand are not perfectly balanced, re-
Nobel Prize in economics for his pioneering work in this flecting various limitations in the responsiveness of eco-
area. The approach is suited to modeling choices be- nomic agents. For example, short-term growth in de-
tween alternatives that are mutually exclusive. Many of mand for housing may outpace or lag behind the
the early applications of this class of techniques, includ- growth in housing supply, causing disequilibrium con-
ing multinomial and nested logit models, were focused ditions we commonly refer to as the boom-and-bust
on the transportation mode choice problem. cycle.
In short, the UrbanSim design departs from aggre- tion of its application in the Eugene-Springfield metro-
gate economic and spatial-interaction models that rely politan area.
on cross-sectional equilibrium solutions using large ge-
ogaphic districts, and pursues an approach that is dis- The Database
aggregate and based on predicting changes over small The data integration process for UrbanSim is de-
time steps, as does the CUF-2 model (Landis & Zhang, picted in Figure 1. The input data used to construct the
1998a, 1998b). Unlike the CUF-2 approach, however, the model database, called the data store, include parcel files
UrbanSim design explicitly represents the demand for from tax assessor offices; business establishment files
real estate at each location and the actors and choice from the state unemployment insurance database or
processes that influence patterns of urban development from commercial sources; census data; GIS overlays rep-
and real estate prices. This design approach synthesizes resenting environmental, political, and planning bound-
and extends some of the best features of previous mod- aries; and a location grid. A set of software tools, collec-
eling efforts. It also uses an Open Source approach to tively referred to as the data integration tools, reads these
provide free access to the underlying source code and to input files, diagnoses problems in them such as missing
make the model more open to scrutiny and to further or miscoded data, and applies decision rules to synthe-
extension and adaptation to emerging requirements for size missing or erroneous data and construct the model
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FIGURE 2. Sample grid cell of 150 by 150 meters, the unit of analysis for
location and development. Light lines are parcel boundaries. (Source data
courtesy of City of Seattle)
density residential, on the basis of containing 98 hous- rived from data about real households, businesses, and
ing units and no nonresidential square footage. parcels, it is a synthetic database that represents only
The data store maintains an explicit accounting of selected characteristics of people, jobs, real estate, and
real estate and occupants, linking individual households locations. Similarly, the models and their estimated pa-
to individual housing units, and individual jobs to job rameters attempt to reflect the patterns of observed be-
spaces that can be either nonresidential square footage or havior of real agents but are simplifications and abstrac-
a residential housing unit to account for home-based tions of real behavior, as are all models.
employment. When jobs or households are predicted to
move, the space they occupy is flagged as becoming va- Model Structure and Processing
cant, and when they are assigned to a particular housing UrbanSim includes model components reflecting
unit or job space, that space is reclassified as occupied. By the key choices of households, businesses, developers,
explicit assignment of housing units and nonresidential and governments (as policy inputs) and their interac-
square footage to grid cells of fixed size, densities and tions in the real estate market. By focusing on the prin-
mixtures of housing units and nonresidential square cipal agents in urban markets and the choices they make
footage of industrial, commercial, or governmental types about location and development, the model deals di-
are inventoried. Land values and residential and nonresi- rectly with behavior that planners, policymakers, and the
dential improvement values are also identified for each public can readily understand and analyze. This behav-
cell in the database. This integrated data store of house- ioral approach provides a theoretical structure more
holds, jobs, land, and real estate is what the model com- transparent than “black-box” models that do not clearly
ponents update over time. Although this data store is de- identify the agents and actions being modeled. The
Type No. Name Units (low) Units (high) Sq. ft. (low) Sq. ft. (high) Primary use
1 R1 1 1 0 999 Residential
2 R2 2 4 0 999 Residential
3 R3 5 9 0 999 Residential
4 R4 10 14 0 2,499 Residential
5 R5 15 21 0 2,499 Residential
6 R6 22 30 0 2,499 Residential
7 R7 31 75 0 4,999 Residential
8 R8 76 65,000 0 4,999 Residential
9 M1 0 9 1,000 4,999 Mixed R/C
10 M2 10 30 2,500 4,999 Mixed R/C
11 M3 10 30 5,000 24,999 Mixed R/C
12 M4 10 30 25,000 49,999 Mixed R/C
13 M5 10 30 50,000 9,999,999 Mixed R/C
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structure allows users to incorporate policies explicitly model is tempered by market information that reflects
and to evaluate their effects. the state of the market as a whole, such as vacancy rates.
UrbanSim is not a single model. It might be better The structure and processing sequence of UrbanSim
described as an urban simulation system, consisting of a are shown in Figure 3. Inputs to the model include the
software architecture for implementing models and a base year data store, control totals derived from regional
family of models implemented and interacting within economic forecasts from an external macroeconomic
this environment. The models that are currently imple- model, travel access indicators derived from external
mented employ a range of techniques and approaches. travel demand models, scenario policy assumptions re-
Some of the models, such as the economic and demo- garding development constraints arising from land use
graphic transition models, are aggregate, nonspatial plans and environmental constraints, as well as any user-
models that deal with the interface to external macro- specified events. The individual model components
economic changes. Other components, such as location predict
choice, are discrete choice models of an agent (a house-
hold, for example) making choices about alternative lo- • the pattern of accessibility by auto ownership level
cations, taking a top-down or bird’s-eye view of the met- (Accessibility Model);
ropolitan area. The developer model, by contrast, takes a • the creation or loss of households and jobs by type
mostly bottom-up view from the vantage point of a de- (Economic and Demographic Transition Models);
veloper or landowner at a single location (grid cell) mak- • the movement of households or jobs within the
ing choices about whether to develop and into what type region (Household and Employment Mobility
of real estate. The bottom-up view in the developer Models);
• the location choices of households and jobs from Broadly speaking, government agencies influence
the available vacant real estate (Household and the land development process through a combination
Employment Location Choice Models); of land use regulations and infrastructure provision.
• the location, type, and quantity of new These are frequently combined into packages that at-
construction and redevelopment by developers tempt to foster a development pattern in ways that pro-
(Real Estate Development Model); and mote planning objectives, for example by pursuing one
• the price of land at each location (Land Price or a combination of the following community visions:
• containing development within an urban growth
One special component, the Model Coordinator, boundary;
manages the individual model components and handles • focusing development along primary transporta-
the scheduling and implementation of events, such as tion corridors;
reads and writes to the data store. Taken together as a • focusing development within centers connected by
system, these components maintain the data store and multimodal transportation;
simulate its evolution from one year to the next. For sim- • diverting development into new or existing
plicity, the household and employment counterpart satellite communities;
Downloaded By: [University of Washington Libraries] At: 21:38 14 April 2009
models for transition, mobility, and location are repre- • encouraging development in parts of the region
sented jointly in the diagram and described together in with underused infrastructure; and
Figure 4, since they are parallel and almost identical. • promoting development of impoverished areas.
Each of the model components are executed in the se-
quence shown as t.1 . . . t.7, after which the simulation In the UrbanSim context, use of the term scenario dif-
year is incremented and the process repeats for the next fers from a description of a particular vision such as
simulation year. those listed above. An UrbanSim scenario is a collection
of policy assumptions that can be input to the model to
Simulated and User-Specified Events. The model sys-
examine their potential consequences on outcomes such
tem runs on events generated by the model components.
as urban form, land use mix, density, and travel patterns.
A number of choices by households, businesses, and de-
In other words, the system allows interactive testing of
velopers are simulated on an annual basis, and their out-
how different policy strategies fare in achieving a partic-
comes are implemented as scheduled events. Large-scale
ular vision or set of community objectives. It does not
development projects may be scheduled with multiyear
assume that a particular vision can be realized, but facil-
timetables, defined using a template that describes the
itates exploration of the trade-offs that may be involved
characteristics of different types of development events.
in attempting to achieve it, given the range of policies
In addition to model-generated events, the system ac-
available and their costs and consequences. The model
commodates information that planners have about
does not attempt to optimize policy inputs, but is in-
pending development, corporate relocations, or policy
tended to facilitate interactive use to support an itera-
changes. We have developed a capacity to introduce user-
tive, participatory planning process.
specified events such as these into the model, both to
The translation of these scenarios into inputs to Ur-
allow planners to use available information about devel-
banSim involves interpreting policies and creating input
opments that are in the pipeline and also to provide a ca-
files for the model that represent these policy interpre-
pacity for testing the potential effects of a major project
tations. Interpreting the comprehensive land use plan is
on further development and on traffic.
a key part of constructing a policy scenario in UrbanSim.
Scenario Assumptions. UrbanSim allows users to Each land use plan designation (planned land use, or
specify policy inputs and assumptions, generate and PLU) may be described as a set of restrictions on devel-
compare scenarios, compute evaluation measures, and opment options. For example, the plan designation of
query the database of results. The user interface of the “agricultural” may not allow conversion to any devel-
model is focused on the interaction of the user with the oped urban category under restrictive interpretation of
inputs to each scenario. Scenarios consist of a combina- the land use plan, or may allow conversion to rural-
tion of development policies, represented by appropri- density, single-family residential under a less restrictive
ate input data such as comprehensive plans, infrastruc- interpretation. The adopted comprehensive plan guide-
ture plans, urban growth boundaries, and development lines for a local area should spell out the intended inter-
restrictions on environmentally sensitive lands. These pretation of these plan designations, but the user of the
policies are linked to locations at a grid cell, zonal, mu- model may wish to assess the impact of altering these
nicipal, county, or metropolitan scale. constraints as a matter of policy testing.
Economic and Demographic Transition Models (t.2) has no location. For each such job, a sample of loca-
The Demographic Transition Model simulates births tions with empty sq. ft. or space in housing units for
and deaths in the population of households. Exter- home-based jobs is randomly selected from the set of
nally imposed population control totals determine all possible alternatives.
overall target population values and can be specified The variables used in the Household Location
in more detail by distribution of income groups, age, Model include attributes of the housing in the grid cell
size, and presence or absence of children. This enables (price, density, and age), neighborhood characteris-
the modeling of a shifting population distribution over tics (land use mix, density, average property values,
time. and local accessibility to retail), and regional accessi-
Iterative proportional fitting (Beckman et al., bility to jobs. Variables in the Employment Location
1996) is used to determine how many households of Model include real estate characteristics in the grid
each type are to be created or deleted. Newly created cell (price, type of space, density, and age), neighbor-
households are added to the household list but with- hood characteristics (average land values, land use
out an assignment to a specific housing unit (placed in mix, and employment in each other sector), and re-
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Application to Eugene-Springfield,
The UrbanSim model system was fully implemented
first in Eugene-Springfield, Oregon, in TLUMIP, a pro-
ject funded by the Oregon Department of Transporta-
tion. The test site was chosen for a number of reasons, in-
cluding the relatively small size of the metropolitan area
and the availability of data needed for model applica-
tion. The Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) is the
Metropolitan Planning Organization for the area and
provided all the data used in the model development and
The Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area, shown
in Figure 6, lies in Lane County at the south end of Ore-
gon’s Willamette Valley, a fertile agricultural region that
contains most of the economic activity in the state, in- FIGURE 6. Location of Eugene-Springfield in western
cluding the metropolitan areas of Portland and Salem. Oregon. (Source data courtesy of Oregon Geospatial
Eugene-Springfield is a relatively small metropolitan Data Clearinghouse)
area. In 2000, the population of Lane County was
322,959, with 137,893 residing in Eugene and 52,864 in
Springfield (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000).
The base year for the Eugene-Springfield application and Land Price Model (t.4, t.5, and t.6 in Figure 3). Re-
is 1994, since consistent data were available from that sults are summarized for each traffic analysis zone (TAZ)
year for employment, household survey, and parcels. for input to the Travel Demand Model System.
Population data were derived from a 1994 home inter- The classification of households for use in Urban-
view transportation survey and from the 1990 census, Sim is based on the stratification of five household char-
and adjusted to the 1994 base year using the parcel dis- acteristics, shown in Table 3. Employment was classified
tribution of the housing stock in that year. The scope of using 2-digit standard industrial classification codes,
the study area is the extent of the 271 traffic zones in- grouped into sectors that are generally consistent with
cluded in the LCOG transportation model system. The those used in the LCOG transportation models. These
study area was further subdivided into approximately are shown in Table 4.
15,000 grid cells of 150 by 150 meters as the basic unit of Results from this processing of parcel data for the
spatial analysis in the Household and Employment Lo- Eugene-Springfield application of the model are shown
cation Choice Models, Real Estate Development Model, in Figures 7 and 8. The housing distribution in the 1994
Annual income Age of head No. persons No. workers No. children
database is shown in Figure 7, with traffic zones and the TABLE 4. Employment sector classifications for
urban growth boundary superimposed. Figure 8 depicts Eugene-Springfield.
the distribution of nonresidential square footage in
1994 and conveys a pattern of decentralized employ- Standard industrial
classification codes Sector description
ment centers beyond the central business district.
After developing the database and estimating the 99– 999 Agriculture
parameters of the equations in UrbanSim using the 2400–2499 Lumber and wood
LIMDEP statistical software (Greene, 1998), the perfor- 2500–2599, 3200–3999 Other durable
mance of UrbanSim in Eugene-Springfield was evalu- 2000–2099 Food products
ated over a historical period. A 1980 database was de- 2100–2399, 2600–3199 Other nondurable
veloped, and the 1994 database that was used to 1500–1799 Construction
calibrate UrbanSim became the observed target for 1000–1499 Mining
comparison of simulation results. UrbanSim was run 4000–4999 Transportation
in annual steps from 1980 to 1994, then compared to 5000–5199 Wholesale trade
the observed 1994 data. Table 5 summarizes the corre- 5200–5999 Retail trade
6000–6999 Fire
lation coefficients between the simulated and the ob-
7000–8199 Services
served 1994 data. 8200–8299 Education
The simulation results are compared to observed 9000–9999 Government
data at three units of geography. The unit used in the
models is the 150-meter-square grid cell, although the
model results are not generally intended for use at this
level of detail. Nevertheless, the model simulation results
correlate well to the observed data after 15 years of sim- TABLE 5. Correlation of simulated to observed 1994
ulation. Aggregation of the results to traffic zones used values in Eugene-Springfield.
in transportation models produced higher correlations,
with all but one category above a 0.9 correlation coeffi- Average over
Characteristic Cell Zone 1-cell radius
cient. Another spatial comparison was made on the grid
cells averaged over the cells within one cell radius, and Employment 0.805 0.865 0.917
these produced correlations at least comparable to the Population 0.811 0.929 0.919
zonal aggregations. Nonresidential sq. ft. 0.799 0.916 0.927
A more stringent benchmark than the preceding Housing units 0.828 0.927 0.918
comparison of simulated to observed 1994 values is the Land value 0.830 0.925 0.908
comparison of the observed changes from 1980 to 1994 to
the simulated changes during this period. Figure 9 depicts
this comparison for households and jobs, using the 271
traffic zones as the basis for comparison. The graph
shows the percentage of traffic zones classified according
FIGURE 7. Housing units by grid cell, 1994. (Map courtesy of Lane Council of Governments)
to the difference between the simulated and observed ing. It should be noted that UrbanSim does not contain
changes from 1980 to 1994. For example, the range adjustment factors (sometimes known as K-factors)
“−500 or less” indicates that between 1980 and 1994 the common in the cross-sectional validation of models to
model underpredicted by at least 500 the change in the observed data, so these results are obtained purely from
number of households or jobs. For households, the the underlying behavior of the model and not from ad-
model predicted a change of ±50 (the two middle ranges) justments to correct for errors.
—a total of 57% of the zones. For employment, the model Several factors condition the interpretation of these
predicted a change of 0 to 50—a total of 31% of the zones. results. First, Eugene-Springfield is a fairly small metro-
For households and jobs, the model predicted changes politan region, and the model simulated a period dur-
of ±200 (the four middle ranges)—with respective totals ing which change was modest, with population in the
of 89% and 76% of the zones. These results, while mostly study area growing from 185,000 in 1980 to just over
encouraging regarding the ability of the simulation to 200,000 in 1994, while jobs grew from 75,000 to nearly
reproduce observed changes over time, nevertheless 100,000. Second, policies such as the urban growth
show that changes in some zones were significantly over- boundary were essentially in place at the beginning of
predicted or underpredicted. Employment change was the period, and transportation system changes were rela-
not predicted as well as household change, an outcome tively minor, so changes resulting from policy interven-
that is not entirely surprising given that employment tions were not significant. Third, the difficulties of as-
tends to be more concentrated and volatile than hous- sembling the base year data for model implementation,
FIGURE 8. Nonresidential square footage by grid cell, 1994. (Map courtesy of Lane Council of Governments)
which were substantial even with current data, were While much has been accomplished, many challenges
compounded in the process of assembling a 1980 base remain. Further development priorities include the
year. Archival parcel maps and employment records were following:
difficult to work with, and in the end, considerable error
remained in the historical data, diminishing the capacity • developing software tools for robust data
of the historical validation exercise to inform us about preparation and integration to facilitate applying
how well the model performed. the system to other areas;
The model did not predict isolated events that oc- • developing a version of the system that would be
curred in the region during this period (nor was it de- suitable for classroom use in courses dealing with
signed to). One was a significant downsizing of a Weyer- urban development, transportation, and environ-
houser plant in Springfield and another was the opening mental planning;
of the Gateway Mall on Interstate Highway 5. These • adding environmental components to simulate
kinds of large-scale events will not be accurately mod- land cover change, water demand, and nutrient
eled by any model system and are reminders of the limits emissions (Alberti & Waddell, 2000; Waddell &
of modeling. Alberti, 2000);
• adding an evaluation component that computes
predefined indicators, allows users to construct
Conclusions new ones, and provides useful visualizations of
The UrbanSim project has made significant progress them across multiple scenarios;
toward developing models to support land use and • adding an economic evaluation capacity that
transportation planning and growth management. supports cost-benefit analysis and least-cost
planning, incorporating social and environmental Metropolitan land use, transportation, and envi-
externalities and equity considerations; ronmental planning must be more effectively integrated
• developing an interface for access to the system than has traditionally been the case. This integration re-
over the Internet, to support coordination of the quires robust analytical methods and should be open to
model application across local governments within public scrutiny and deliberation in ways that have not
a region and to provide public access to participate been accomplished in the past. Simulation models can
in scenario development and evaluation; and should be part of this deliberative policy process, but
• adding microsimulation of demographic they will have to come out of the “black box” and become
processes (household change); instruments that facilitate discussion between local gov-
• adding a more behavioral real estate development ernments and their constituents. The challenge of bal-
model that represents the roles of landowners, ancing multiple objectives and agendas within urban
lenders, investors, and specialized developers; areas in the U.S. and abroad have grown increasingly in-
• integrating an activity-based travel model; tractable politically, and this work represents a small ef-
• integrating a macroeconomic model that reflects fort to contribute to more deliberative and informed
the potential macro-effects of local choices about metropolitan governance. It is, in closing, only one step
major infrastructure and land policies; forward. What lies ahead is a challenging agenda to re-
• developing more robust methods for calibrating fine the analytical tools for metropolitan and local plan-
and validating the system, incorporating uncer- ning, make them more accessible and robust, and to
tainty about models and data more explicitly; and generate collaboration in the development and use of
• leveraging open source development to enlist planning methods such as these to help communities
collaborators in the development of new tools and that want to grow smarter.
the application of the system in other areas.
vironment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 25, 795– tion and housing market components of UrbanSim. En-
824. vironment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 27(2), 247–
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models for simulation of transit and land-use policies. Washing- as a decision support system for metropolitan planning.
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Downloaded By: [University of Washington Libraries] At: 21:38 14 April 2009