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Department of CSE
Mathematics - III
ACAM - 16302
Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: To teach computer based Engineering Mathematics to students. After this course the student will be able to solve
complex computer-oriented problems.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To enable the students to use the concept of Fourier Series and different wave forms.
CO2 Know about Laplace transform and its properties: use of Laplace transform of various standard functions. To
enable the students to learn the formation of partial differential equations.
CO3 To enable the students how to solve linear system of equations using gauss elimination, Jordan and seidel. Enable
the students to learn the properties of Linear Transformation & how to find eigen values and eigen vectors
CO4 Apply Numerical Methods to find the solution of equation using different methods like euler method, modified
Euler Method, RK Methods.
CO5 To understand how to find probability using Binomial, Poisson, Normal Distribution, how to find mean and
variance, knowledge about discrete and continuous random variables.
CO6 Introduction to sampling, Hypothesis, error, level of significance, General awareness of testing of hypothesis
using t , f and chi square test.

Fourier series: Periodic Functions, Euler’s Formula. Even and odd Functions, Half range expansions.
Laplace transformations: Laplace transforms of various standard functions, properties of Laplace transform.
Part -II
Partial Differential Equations: Formation of Partial Differential Equations, Homogeneous Partial Differential Equations with
constant coefficients. Classification of partial differential equations
Linear Systems and Eigen- Values: Gauss - elimination method, gauss- Jordan method, Gauss- Seidel iteration method,
Rayleigh’s Power method for Eigen values and Eigenvectors.
Part - III
Differential Equations: Solutions of Initial values problems using Eulers, modified Euler’s method and Runge- kutta (upto
fourth order) methods.
Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution
Part - IV
Sampling Distribution & testing of Hypothesis: Sampling, Distribution of means and variance, Chi-Square distribution, t-
distribution, F- distribution. General concepts of hypothesis, Testing a statistical Hypothesis, One and two tailed tests. Single

Department of CSE
and two sample tests on proportion, mean and variance.
References :
1. E. Kreyszig,” Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 5th Edition, Wiley Eastern 1985.
2. P. E. Danko, A. G. Popov, T. Y. A. Kaznevnikova, “ Higher Mathematics in Problems
and Exercise”, Part 2, Mir Publishers, 1983.
3. Bali, N. P., “A Text Book on Engineering Mathematics”, Luxmi Pub., New Delhi.
4. Peter V.O'Neil,” Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Cengage Learning

Department of CSE
Digital Circuit and Logic Design
ACEC - 16302

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: Demonstrate the operation of simple digital gates, identify the symbols, develop the truth table for those gates;
combine simple gates into more complex circuits; change binary, hexadecimal, octal numbers to their decimal equivalent and
vice versa, demonstrate the operation of a flip-flop. Design counters and clear the concept of shift registers. Study different
types of memories and their applications. Convert digital signal into analog signal and vice versa.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To be well versed with various number systems, conversions, associated algebra and various digital codes.
CO2 To have understanding of various logic gates along with knowledge of boolean minimization techniques, K -
map and Q - method.
CO3 To be able to design combinational circuits such as adder, subtractor, encoder, decoder, multiplexer,
demultiplexer, comparators, code converters and parity checker.
CO4 Knowledge of clocked flip flops, SR, JK, D, T and edge triggered flip flops.
CO5 To be able to design sequential circuits such as shift registers, counters etc. using various flip flops.
CO6 To understand various types of A / D and D / A converters and logic families such as RTL, DCTL, DTL, TTL,
ECL, CMOS and their characteristics.

Number System and Binary Code: Introduction, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number System (Conversion, Addition &
Subtractions). Signed and unsigned numbers, Binary Subtractions using 1's and 2's compliment, ASCII code, Excess 3 code,
Grey code, BCD code and BCD additions.
Minimization of logic function: OR, AND,NOT,NOR,NAND,EX-OR, EX-NOR, Basic theorem of Boolean Algebra, Sum
of Products and Product of Sums, canonical form, Minimization using K-map and Q-M method.
Combinational Circuits: Introduction, Combinational circuit design, Encoders, decoders, Adders, Sub tractors and Code
converters. Parity checker, seven segment display, Magnitude comparators. Multiplexers, De-multiplexer, Implementation of
Combinational circuit using MUX.
Sequential Circuits: Introduction, flip flops, Clocked flip flops, SR, JK, D, T and edge triggered flip flops. Excitation tables
of Flip flops. Shift Registers, Type of Shift Registers, Counter, Counter types, counter design with state equation and state

Department of CSE
D/A and A/D Converters: Introduction, Weighted register D/A converter, binary ladder D/A converter, steady state accuracy
test, D/A accuracy and resolution, parallel A/D converter, Counter type A/D converter Successive approximation A/D
converter. Single and dual slope A/D converter, A/D accuracy and resolution.
Logic Families: RTL, DCTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS and its various types, Comparison of logic families.
1. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd
2. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, 5 ed., Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2003.
3. R.P.Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 3 ed., Tata McGraw–Hill publishing company limited, New Delhi,
4. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, Inc, New Delhi, 2003

Department of CSE
Data Structures
ACCS – 16301

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: This course should provide the students with a fairly good concept of the fundamentals of different types of data
structures and also the ways to implement them. Algorithm for solving problems like sorting, searching, insertion & deletion
of data etc. related to data structures should also be discussed. After completion of this subject student should be able to choose
an appropriate data structure for a particular problem.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the concept of Dynamic memory management, data types, algorithms, Big O notation.
CO2 Implementation of Data Structure like Arrays, Linked List, Stacks, Queues, Graphs.
CO3 Develop the logic for problem solution identification with algorithms.
CO4 Describe the hash function and concepts of collision and its resolution methods.
CO5 Apply Algorithm for solving problems like sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data.
CO6 Implementation and analysis of algorithms with consideration to their respective complexities.

Part - I
Introduction: Concept of data type, definition and brief description of various data structures, data structures versus data
types, operations on data structures, algorithm complexity, Asymptotic notations.
Part - II
Arrays & Linked List: Linear and multi-dimensional arrays and their representation, operations on arrays, sparse matrices
and their storage. Linear linked list, operations on linear linked list, header and circular linked list, doubly linked list, operations
on doubly linked list, applications of linked lists, Comparing arrays with linked lists, advantages and disadvantages of linked
Stacks & Queues: Sequential and linked representations, operations on stacks, application of stacks such as parenthesis
checker, evaluation of postfix expressions, conversion from infix to postfix representation, implementing recursive functions.
Sequential representation of queue, linear queue, circular queue, operations on linear and circular queue, linked representation
of a queue and operations on it, deque, priority queue, applications of queues.
Part – III
Trees: Basic terminology, sequential and linked representations of trees, traversing a binary tree using recursive and non-
recursive procedures, inserting a node, deleting a node, brief introduction to binary search trees with its operations like
searching, insertion, deletion. AVL trees and B-trees, insertion and deletion in a heap.
Graphs: Basic terminology, representation of graphs (adjacency matrix, adjacency list), traversal of a graph (breadth-first
search and depth-first search), Warshall’s algorithm and applications of graphs.

Department of CSE
Part - IV
Hashing & Hash Tables: Introduction to hashing, hash functions, concept of collision and its resolution using open addressing
and separate chaining, double hashing, rehashing.
Searching & Sorting: Searching an element using linear search and binary search techniques, Sorting arrays using bubble
sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, shell sort and radix sort, complexities of searching & sorting
References :
1. Sartaj Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Tenenbaum, Augenstein, & Langsam, Data Structures using C and C++, Prentice Hall of India.
3. R. S. Salaria, Data Structures & Algorithms Using C++, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd.
4. Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures, Schaum's Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill

Department of CSE
Object Oriented Programming using C++
ACCS - 16302

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: To understand the basic concepts of object oriented programming languages and to learn the techniques of
software development in C++.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the concepts of structures and classes and differentiate between them and to design and develop
programs with classes.
CO2 Understand the principles of the object-oriented programming paradigm specifically including abstraction,
encapsulation and polymorphism.
CO3 Reuse the code using concept of inheritance.
CO4 Implement the concept of generic programming using class and function templates.
CO5 Implement the concept of file handling to store the contents of a program into the secondary storage.
CO6 Clarify the logic for developing a program and to be able to discuss different data structures to represent real
world problems.

Part - I
Introduction , Basic terminologies & Control structure: Introduction, comparison between procedural programming
paradigm and object-oriented programming paradigm, Application areas, Different compilers. Basic concepts of object-
oriented programming concepts of an object and a class, interface and implementation of a class, operations on objects,
relationship among objects, abstraction, encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance, overloading, polymorphism, messaging.
Tokens- keywords, identifier, constant, operators, special characters and strings, control statements- conditional, loop, branch,
data types- basic, user, & derived, manipulators, Concept of streams, input/output using overloaded operators >> and << and
members functions of i/o stream classes, formatting output.
Part -II
Function, Array & Structure: Types of functions-user & pre (standard) defined, Advantages and disadvantages of using
functions, Types of calling, inline function, difference between inline and macros, default valued function, function
overloading, array definition and types, uses, advantages and disadvantages of using array, passing an array to a function.
Defining structure, role of structure, self referential structure, bit level field
Pointers and dynamic memory management: Declaring and initializing pointers, accessing data through pointers, pointer
arithmetic, memory allocation (static and dynamic), dynamic memory management using new and delete operators, pointer to
an object, void pointer, pointer related problems - dangling/wild pointers, null pointer assignment, memory leak and allocation

Department of CSE
Part - III
Classes and Constructors : Specifying a class, creating class objects, accessing class members, access specifiers, static data
members and member functions, use of const keyword, friends of a class, friend with multiple classes, empty class, nested
classes, container classes, difference between class and structure. Definition of constructor , characteristics, Need for
constructors and destructors, Types of constructor- default, parameterized, default valued, copy constructor ,constructor
overloading, dynamic constructors, explicit constructor calling and implicit constructor calling, destructors.
Inheritance: Introduction, defining derived classes, forms of inheritance, types of derivation, virtual base class, abstract class,
object slicing, ambiguity, overriding member functions, order of execution of constructors and destructors.
Polymorphism: Concept of binding - early binding and late binding, Operator overloading, rules for operator overloading,
type conversions-(user defined to pre-defined, user to user defined, pre to user defined and pre to pre-defined) , virtual
functions, pure virtual functions, abstract class, virtual destructors.

Part - IV
Templates and Generic Programming & File Handling: Template concepts, Function templates, class templates, illustrative
examples. File streams, hierarchy of file stream classes, error handling during file operations, reading/writing of files, accessing
records randomly, updating files.
1. Lafore R., Object Oriented Programming in C++, Waite Group.
2. E. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. R. S. Salaria, Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with C++, Salaria Publishing House.
4. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley.

Department of CSE
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming (COALP)
ACCS - 16303

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of the various functional units of a computer system and prepares the
student to be in a position to design a basic computer system
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the organization of basic computer, its design and the design of control unit.
CO2 Understand the bus structure and the various micro-operations.
CO3 Demonstrate the working of central processing unit and RISC and CISC Architecture.
CO4 Analyze instruction formats and general register organization.
CO5 Understand the organization of memory and memory hardware.
CO6 Elaborate advanced concepts of computer architecture, Parallel Processing, inter-processor communication and

Part - I
Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register transfer language & operations, Bus and Memory Transfer, arithmetic
microoperations, logic microoperations, shift microoperations, arithmetic logic shift unit.
Part – II
Basic Computer Organisation and Design: Registers ,Buses , Instruction Formats, Instruction Set , Instruction Cycle,
Timing and control ,Input/ Output and Interrupt with respect to 8085. Instruction codes, Computer Instructions, Control
memory, design of control unit – microprogrammed, hardwired, and their comparative study.
Part – III
Central Processing Unit: Stack Organisation, Addressing Modes, Program control with respect to 8085 ,RISC and CISC
architecture. Input-Output Organisation: Peripheral devices, I/O Interface, asynchronous data transfer, modes of transfer,
priority interrupt, DMA ,Architectures 8237A, I/O processor, serial communication
Part – IV
Memory Organisation & Advanced concepts of Computer Architecture: Associative memory, cache memory, Virtual
memory. Concept of pipeline , Arithmetic and instruction Pipeline
References :
1. M. Moris Mano, Computer System Architecture, Pearson Education.
2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Pearson Education.
3. David A Patterson, Computer Architecture, Pearson Education.
4. P. Pal Choudhri, Computer Organization and Design, PHI.

Department of CSE
Digital Circuit and Logic Design Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To have practical understanding of logic gates IC’s their input and output pins and logic levels.
CO2 To be able to implement combinational logic circuits such as half / full adders and subtractors.
CO3 To practically design the various combinational circuits such as comparators, encoders, code convertors (binary
to gray, gray to binary etc.) using logic gate IC’s.
CO4 To verify practically the truth table and working schematic of various sequential circuits such as RS, JK, D, T,
JK master - slave flip flops.
CO5 To implement sequential circuits such as counters using discrete logic.
CO6 To verify theoretical details with practical observations.

1. Study of Logic Gates: Truth-table verification of OR, AND, NOT, XOR, NAND and NOR gates.
2. Realization Half Adder / Full Adder , Half Subtractor / Full Subtractor using Logic gates.
3. Design 4-Bit Binary-to-Gray & Gray-to-Binary Code Converter.
4. Multiplexer: Truth-table verification and realization of Half adder and Full adder using MUX.
5. Flip Flops: Truth-table verification of RS, JK , D, JK Master Slave Flip Flops.
Do any Five live projects from the list below:
I. Musical Bell
II. IR Remote Tester
III. sStatic Electricity Detector
IV. Ticking Bomb
V. The Fading LED
VI. Light Activated LED
VII. Dark activated LED
VIII. LED Dimmer
IX. Single Chip Electronic Dice
X. Manual counter

Department of CSE
Data Structures Lab
ACCS – 16304

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Implement basic data structures such as arrays and linked list.
CO2 Programs to demonstrate fundamental algorithmic problems including Tree Traversals, Graph traversals, and
shortest paths.
CO3 Implement various searching and sorting algorithms.
CO4 To verify practically the truth table and working schematic of various sequential circuits such as RS, JK, D, T,
JK master - slave flip flops.
CO5 Programs to demonstrate the implementation of various operations on stack and queue data structure.
CO6 Implementation and analysis of algorithms with consideration to their respective complexities.

Part- A
1. Write a menu driven program that implement following operations (using separate functions) on a linear array:
• Insert a new element at end as well as at a given position
• Delete an element from a given whose value is given or whose position is given
• To find the location of a given element
• To display the elements of the linear array
2. Write a menu driven program that maintains a linear linked list whose elements are stored in on ascending order and
implements the following operations (using separate functions):
• Insert a new element
• Delete an existing element
• Search an element
• Display all the elements
3. Write a program to demonstrate the use of stack (implemented using linear array) in converting arithmetic expression from
infix notation to postfix notation.
4. Program to demonstrate the use of stack (implemented using linear linked lists) in evaluating arithmetic expression in postfix
5. Program to demonstration the implementation of various operations on a linear queue represented using a linear array.
6. Program to demonstration the implementation of various operations on a circular queue represented using a linear array.
7. Program to demonstration the implementation of various operations on a queue represented using a linear linked list (linked
8. Program to illustrate the implementation of different operations on a binary search tree.
9. Program to illustrate the traversal of graph using breadth-first search.

Department of CSE
10. Program to illustrate the traversal of graph using depth-first search.
11. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using bubble sort.
12. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using selection sort.
13. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using insertion sort.
14. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using radix sort.
15. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using merge sort.
16. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using quick sort.
17. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using heap sort.
18. Program to sort an array of integers in ascending order using shell sort.
19. Program to demonstrate the use of linear search to search a given element in an array.
20. Program to demonstrate the use of binary search to search a given element in a sorted array in ascending order
Part - B
1. Implementing Hashing based application.
2. Implement Shortest path in graphs ( Travelling Salesman ).

Department of CSE
Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Lab
ACCS – 16305

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Develop solutions for a range of problems using object oriented programming.
CO2 Understand the principles of the object oriented programming paradigm specifically including abstraction,
encapsulation and polymorphism and reuse the code using concept of inheritance.
CO3 Develop scenarios to explain behavior and demonstrate correctness of programs.
CO4 Familiarization with the critical thinking skills and creativity to solve the problems.
CO5 Implement divide and conquer strategy to searching and sorting problems using iterative and/or recursive solutions.
CO6 Store the contents of a program into the secondary storage as a file using file handling.

1.[Control statements] Write programs to implement basics of control structures
2.[Function Array & Structure] Write a programs to implement the concepts of function types, array and structures
3.[Pointer] Write the programs to implement the concept of pointer.
4. [Classes and Objects] Write a program that uses a class where the member functions are defined inside a class.
5. [Classes and Objects] Write a program that uses a class where the member functions are defined outside a class.
6. [Classes and Objects] Write a program to demonstrate the use of static data members.
7. [Classes and Objects] Write a program to demonstrate the use of const data members.
8. [Constructors and Destructors] Write a program to demonstrate the use of zero argument and parameterized constructors.
9. [Constructors and Destructors] Write a program to demonstrate the use of dynamic constructor.
10. [Constructors and Destructors] Write a program to demonstrate the use of explicit constructor.
11. [Inheritance] Write a program to demonstrate the multilevel inheritance.
12. [Inheritance] Write a program to demonstrate the multiple inheritance.
13. [Inheritance] Write a program to demonstrate the virtual derivation of a class.
14. [Operator Overloading] Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of increment an decrement operators.
15. [Operator Overloading] Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of binary arithmetic operators.
16. [Operator Overloading] Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of memory management operators.
17. [Typecasting] Write a program to demonstrate the typecasting of basic type to class type.
18. [Typecasting] Write a program to demonstrate the typecasting of class type to basic type.
19. [Typecasting] Write a program to demonstrate the typecasting of class type to class type.
20. [Polymorphism] Write a program to demonstrate the runtime polymorphism.
21. [Templates and Generic Programming] Write a program to demonstrate the use of function template.
22. [Templates and Generic Programming] Write a program to demonstrate the use of class template.

Department of CSE
23. [File Handling] Write a program to copy the contents of a file to another file byte by byte. The name of the source file
and destination file should be taken as command-line arguments,
24. [File Handling] Write a program to demonstrate the reading and writing of mixed type of data.
25. [File Handling] Write a program to demonstrate the reading and writing of objects.
[Application Development] Based on file handling develop an application which can perform store, search, display, delete
and update data file operations

Department of CSE
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming (COALP) Lab
ACCS - 16306

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the microprocessor operations.
CO2 Understand the architecture of microprocessor.
CO3 Understand the instructions of 8085.
CO4 Understand and design an assembly language programs.
CO5 Design and implement microprocessor-based systems.
CO6 Interface microprocessor with different peripheral devices through interfacing chips and can handle data transfer in
different ways for different applications.

1. Introduction to 8085 kit.
2. Addition and subtraction of two 8 bit numbers, result 8 bit
3. Find 1’s and 2’s complement of 8 bit number.
4. Find Largest among an array of ten numbers (8 bit).
5. Sum of series of 8 bit numbers.
6. WAP to generate Fibonacci series.
7. Find square of 8-bit number
8. Addition and subtraction of two 16 bit numbers, result 16 bit.
9. Find 1’s and 2’s complement of 16 bit number.
10. To arrange the 8-bit numbers in ascending order.
11. To perform interfacing of Stepper Motor with 8085.
12. To perform interfacing of Traffic Light System with 8085
13. To perform interfacing of 7 segment LED display.

Department of CSE

Department of CSE
Discrete Structures
ACDS – 16402

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

The objective of this course is to provide the necessary back ground of discrete structures with particular reference to
the relationships between discrete structures and their data structure counterparts including algorithm development.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To gain knowledge about the concept and real implementation of sets.To cultivate analytical thinking and
creative problem solving skills. Apply the operations on sets and venn diagrams.
CO2 Understand the concept of relations and functions. determine the domain and range of functions
CO3 To introduce mathematical notations and concepts in discrete mathematics that is essential for computing.
Understanding of Inclusion exclusion principle, recurrence relation and generating function.
CO4 To train on mathematical reasoning and proof strategies. Introduce the concept of rings and Boolean ring.
CO5 To understand group theory. Distinction between various types of groups.
CO6 Clarity about graphs. How to use them in computer.

Part -I
Sets, relations and functions: Introduction, Combination of Sets, ordered pairs, proofs of general identities of sets,
relations, operations on relations, properties of relations and functions, equivalence relations, compatibility relations,
partial order relations.
Rings and Boolean algebra: Rings, Sub rings, Euclidean domains Integral domains and fields Boolean sub-
algebra Boolean Rings Application of Boolean algebra
Part -II
Combinatorial Mathematics: Basic counting principles Inclusion and Exclusion Principle Recurrence
relations, Generating Function, Application.
Part -III
Monoids and Groups: Groups Semigroups and monoids Cyclic semigraphs and submonoids, Subgroups
and Cosets. Morphisms. Normal subgroups.
Part -IV
Graph Theory: Graph- Directed and undirected, Eulerian chains and cycles, Hamiltonian chains and cycles
Trees, Chromatic number Connectivity, Graph coloring, Plane and connected graphs, Isomorphism and Homomorphism.
References :

Department of CSE
1. Discrete Mathematics (Schaum series) by Lipschutz (McGraw Hill).

2. Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science by Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levarseur.

3. Discrete Mathematics by N Ch SN Iyengar, VM Chandrasekaran.

4. Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory(Cengage Learning) by Sartha

Department of CSE
Operating Systems
ACCS – 16402

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: This course should provide the students with good understanding of Operating System including its architecture
and all its components. Good conceptions on all the subjects like processes, inter-process communication, semaphore, message
passing, classical IPC problems, scheduling, memory management, file systems, security and protection mechanism, I/O
hardware and software, deadlocks, etc. should be provided.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Gain knowledge about concept of process and thread their creation and their resource management.
CO2 Understand basics functionality of operating system, scheduling of CPU, process management.
CO3 Understand the knowledge of deadlocks and its recovery.
CO4 Gain knowledge of paging, page replacement algorithms.
CO5 Gain knowledge of multiprocessor and distributed system.
CO6 Understand the difference between physical and logical file system.
CO7 Gain the knowledge of device management, device scheduling.
CO8 Be familiar with protection and security mechanism.
CO9 Mastering various process management concepts including scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks.

Gain knowledge about concept of process and thread their creation and their resource management.
Understand basics functionality of operating system, scheduling of CPU, process management.
Understand the knowledge of deadlocks and its recovery.
Gain knowledge of paging, page replacement algorithms.
Gain knowledge of multiprocessor and distributed system.
Understand the difference between physical and logical file system.
Gain the knowledge of device management, device scheduling.
Be familiar with protection and security mechanism.
Mastering various process management concepts including scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks.

Part - I
Introduction: Operating System and its Classification -Batch, Interactive, Multiprogramming, Time sharing, Real Time
System, Multiprocessor Systems, Multithreaded Systems, System Protection, System Calls, Monolithic and Microkernel
Systems, Operating System Components and Views, Operating System Functions and Services.
Part - II

Department of CSE
Processes & Process Synchronization: Process Concept, Process States, Process State Transition Diagram, Process Control
Block (PCB), Process Scheduling Concepts, Threads and its types, Principle of Concurrency, Producer / Consumer Problem,
Critical Part Problem, Semaphores, Classical Problem in Concurrency: Readers Writers Problem.
Process Scheduling: Definition , Scheduling objectives ,Types of Schedulers ,Scheduling criteria : CPU utilization,
Throughput, Turnaround Time, Waiting Time, Response Time (Definition only) , Scheduling algorithms : Pre emptive and
Non , pre emptive , FCFS ,SJF ,RR , Multiprocessor scheduling : Types , Performance evaluation of the scheduling.
Deadlocks: Definition, Deadlock characteristics, Deadlock Prevention , Deadlock Avoidance :banker’s algorithm, Deadlock
detection and Recovery.
Part - III
Memory Management : Definition ,Logical and Physical address map , Memory allocation : Contiguous and noncontiguous
Memory allocation Fixed and variable partition ,Internal and External fragmentation and compaction , Paging : Principle of
operation ,Page allocation, Hardware support for paging ,Protection and sharing ,Disadvantages of paging, Segmentation,
Basics of Virtual Memory ,Hardware and control structures ,Locality of reference, Page fault , Dirty page/Dirty bit ,Demand
paging ( Concepts only) ,Page Replacement policies : Optimal (OPT) , First in First Out (FIFO) and Least Recently used
Part - IV
Device Management & File System: Secondary Storage Structure, Disk Scheduling :FCFS,SCAN,C-SCAN,LOOK,C-
LOOK,SSTF , File concept, File organization and access mechanism, File directories, File system implementation issues, File
system protection and security.
Protection and Security: Goals and Domain of Protection, Access Matrix, Program Threats: Virus, Worms, Trojan Horse,
TrapDoor, Denial of Service Attacks

Introduction to Unix/Linux
1. A Silberschatz and Peter B. Galvin, “Operating System Concepts" Addison Wesley Publishing Company
2. Dhamdhere, ―Systems Programming & Operating Systems” Tata McGraw Hill
3. Gary Nutt, “Operating Systems Concepts”, Pearson Education Ltd. 3rd Edition
4. Operating System by Madnick Donovan

Department of CSE
Computer Networks
ACCS – 16403

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives: This course provides knowledge about computer network related hardware and software using a layered
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Clarity about various protocols, models in networks.
CO2 Design, implement and analyze simple computer networks.
CO3 Assemble the components of a PC and install one or more operating systems resulting in a functioning PC that
is appropriate for a particular end user.
CO4 Understand the concepts of network security and various network security standards.
CO5 Implement basic tasks expected of a Network Administrator including management of user accounts, shared
resources, and network security.
CO6 Understand difference between Adhoc and cellular networks.

Introduction to Computer Networks:
Data Communication System and its components, Data Flow, Computer network and its goals, Types of computer networks:
LAN, MAN, WAN, Wireless and wired networks, broadcast and point to point networks, Network topologies, Network
software: concept of layers, protocols, interfaces and services, ISO-OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model.
Physical Layer:
Concept of Analog & Digital Signal, Bandwidth, Encoding methods, Transmission Impairments: Attenuation, Distortion,
Noise, Data rate limits : Nyquist formula, Shannon Formula, Multiplexing : Frequency Division, Time Division, Wavelength
Division, Introduction to Transmission Media : Twisted pair, Coaxial cable, Fiber optics, Wireless transmission (radio,
microwave, infrared), Switching: Circuit Switching, Message Switching ,Packet Switching & their comparisons.
Data Link Layer:
Design issues, Framing, Error detection and correction codes: checksum, CRC, hamming code, Data link protocols for noisy
and noiseless channels, Sliding Window Protocols: Stop & Wait ARQ, Go-back-N ARQ, Selective repeat ARQ, Data link
protocols: HDLC and PPP.
Medium Access Sub-Layer:
Static and dynamic channel allocation, Random Access: ALOHA, CSMA protocols, Controlled Access: Polling, Token
Passing, IEEE 802.3 frame format, Ethernet cabling, collision detection in 802.3, Binary exponential back off algorithm.
Network Layer:

Department of CSE
Design issues, IPv4 classsful and classless addressing, subnetting, Routing algorithms: distance vector and link state routing,
Congestion control: Principles of Congestion Control, Congestion prevention policies, Leaky bucket and token bucket
Transport Layer & Application Layer
Introduction to TCP/UDP protocols and their comparison.
World Wide Web (WWW), Domain Name System (DNS), E-mail, File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
Introduction to Network security, Introduction to protocols like SMTP,TFTP,RPC,
Introduction to Wifi
Wifi introduction, Its Components and layered architecture.
References :
1. Computer Networks, 4th Edition, Pearson Education by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
2. Data Communication & Networking, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill. By Behrouz A. Forouzan.
3. Computer Networking, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross

Department of CSE
Programming in Python
ACCS – 16404

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives : This course provides knowledge about the basics of python, its various constructs and concepts
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To Learn Syntax and Semantics and create Functions in Python.
CO2 To Handle Strings and Files in Python.
CO3 To Understand Lists, Dictionaries in Python.
CO4 To Implement Object Oriented Programming concepts in Python.
CO5 1) To learn how to use exception handling in Python applications for error handling.
CO6 To Build GUI applications.

Part- I
Introduction to Python language, Advantages of Python in comparison with other Languages , Different methods of using
python: Using python as a calculator, Setting up the Python development environment, Basic syntax, interactive shell, editing,
saving, and running a script, Concept of data types, Random number, Real numbers, immutable variables, Python console
Input / Output using input and print statements. Arithmetic operators and expressions, Conditions, Comparison operators,
Logical Operators, Is and In operators, Control statements: If , If- else ,Nested if-else, Break and Continue, Loops:
For ,While ,Nested loops
Function and Methods, Defining a function ,Calling a function ,Types of functions ,Function Arguments ,Anonymous
functions , Recursion, Global and local variables Modules: Importing modules: Math module ,Random module , Tuples
,Arrays and Matrices, Sets ,Lists, Accessing list ,Operations ,Working with lists , Dictionaries: Introduction ,Accessing values
in dictionaries , Data Frames, Date and Time Value Manipulation , String Handling, Unicode strings, Strings Manipulation:-
compare strings, concatenation of strings, Slicing strings in python, converting strings to numbers and vice versa.
Part- III
Classes and Object-oriented Programming: Abstract Data Types and Classes, Inheritance, Encapsulation and information
hiding, Graphics, Search Algorithms, Sorting Algorithms, Hashtables, Plotting using PyLab, Plotting mortgages and extended
Exceptions and Assertions: Errors and Formatting, Handling exceptions, Exceptions as a control flow mechanism, Assertions
File handling: Strings and text files; manipulating files and directories, os and sys modules; text files: reading/writing text and
numbers from/to a file; creating and reading a formatted file (csv or tab-separated).
References :

Department of CSE
1. Computers Today by Sanders.
2. Fundamentals of Computers TTTI Publication.
3. Learning Python by Mark Lutz, 5th Edition
4. Python Cookbook, by David Beazley , 3rd Edition

Department of CSE
Relational Database Management System
ACCS – 16405

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Objectives : The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems, with an emphasis on how
to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively - information from a DBMS.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the concept of Database Management system and its various applications in real life.
CO2 Understand the concept of E-R diagrams for conceptual modeling.
CO3 Understand the concept of normalizing tables for effective database design.
CO4 Understand the different database languages i.e., (DDL, DML, DCL, and TCL).
CO5 Understand the concept of concurrent transactions and handling deadlocks effectively.
CO6 Understand the concept of database security and various ways to counter threats to vital data.

Part - I
Introduction to Database Systems:
File Systems Versus a DBMS, Components of a DBMS, Advantages of a DBMS, Describing and Storing Data in a DBMS,
Database System Architecture, Data independence.
Relational Query Languages:
SQL: Basic SQL Query, SQL Data types, Creating Tables and Views, Integrity Constraints in SQL,
SQL as DML, DDL and DCL, SQL Functions: Numeric, character, date and general functions, Aggregate Functions, Nested
Part - II
Data Models:
Relational Model, Network Model, Hierarchical Model, ER Model: Entities, Attributes and Entity Sets, Relationships among
entities, Strong and Weak Entities, Conceptual Database Design with the ER Model.
The Relational Model:
Introduction to the Relational Model, Difference between DBMS and RDBMS, Codd ‘s Rules, ER to Relational Model
Conversion, Keys in relational Algebra, SET operators and Relational Algebra operators:, Relational Algebra queries.
PL/SQL: PL/SQL: Advantages, Anonymous block, control statements, Cursors and its various types: Implicit and Explicit,
Exception handling, Functions and Procedures, Packages, Triggers.
(Programs/Applications relating primarily to table data to be covered.)
Part -III
Database Design:
Functional Dependencies ,Normalization & its need, Normal Forms, First, Second and Third Normal Forms, BCNF, Multi-
valued Dependency, Join Dependency, Fourth and Fifth Normal Forms.

Department of CSE
Transaction Management and Concurrency Control:
ACID Properties of a transaction, Life cycle of a transaction, Schedules: Types of schedules, Serializability, Concurrent
Transactions, Advantages, Lock Management, Lost Update Problem, Inconsistent Read Problem , Read-Write Locks, 2 Phase
Locking protocol,
Part - IV
Distributed Databases:
Distributed Database Concepts, Advantages and Disadvantages, Data Fragmentation, Replication and Allocation Techniques
for Distributed Database Design.
Database Protection and Recovery:
Threats to a database and its prevention, Privileges and its types: Grant and Revoke, Roles and Role Based Security.
Backup and Recovery:
Types of Database Recovery, Recovery Techniques: Deferred Update, Immediate Update, Shadow Paging, Checkpoints,
Buffer Management.
References :
1. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe ,Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. C.J. Date , An Introduction to Database Systems, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education
3. Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon , Database Management Systems, Leon Press.
4. S. K. Singh, Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications, Pearson Education.

Department of CSE
Operating Systems Lab
ACCS – 16406

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Installation of operating system.
CO2 Learn the general structure and any non-obvious aspects of different Operating system.
CO3 Understand various aspects of different Operating system.
CO4 Implement various LINUX commands.
CO5 Understand the basics of shell programming.
CO6 Understand shell programming in conditional and loop statement.

Part A
1. Installation Process of various operating systems
2. Concept of Virtualization, Installation of Virtual Machine Software and Installation of Operating System on Virtual
3. Introduction to UNIX: Architecture, Features.
Introductory Commands: date, cal, banner, write, mesg, who, passwd etc.
Files and directories: pwd, mkdir, cd, ls,rmdir, chmod, chgrp, chown, cat, cp, mv, rm, cmp.
Pipes, Filters and Redirection: Pipes, Filters, Redirection, Tees, head, tail, wc, sort, grep etc.
Processes: ps, kill etc.
4. Vi editor: Introduction, entering text, deleting text, modifying text.
Part B
5. Shell Programming-I: Features of the shell, Shell as a programming language, Creating and executing shell scripts,
shell variables, arithmetic and logical operators, tests. Decision making: if…fi, if….else….fi.
6. Shell programming-II: Looping structure: for loop, while loop, until loop, continue break loop, case…..esac construct.
7. Write a C/C++ program to simulate the following non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithms to find turnaround
time and waiting time.
a. FCFS b. SJF c. Round Robin d. Priority
8. Write a C/C++ program to simulate page replacement algorithms
a. FIFO b. Optimal c. LRU

Department of CSE
Computer Networks Lab
ACCS - 16407

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the practical base in computer network issues.
CO2 Install and configure domain-based local area networks.
CO3 Students are expected to know the implementation of IPv4 address scheme on LAN.
CO4 Students will be able to install open source packet capture software.
CO5 Implement basic tasks expected of a Network Administrator including management of user accounts, shared
resources, and network security.
CO6 Students are able to configure Adhoc networks.

Part A
1. Write specifications of latest desktops and laptops.
2. Familiarization with Networking Components and devices: LAN Adapters, Hubs, Switches, Routers etc.
3. Familiarization with Transmission media and Tools: Co-axial cable, UTP Cable, Crimping Tool, Connectors etc.
4. Preparing straight and cross cables.
5. Study of various LAN topologies and their creation using network devices, cables and computers.
6. Configuration of TCP/IP Protocols in Windows and Linux.
7. Implementation of file and printer sharing.
8. Designing and implementing Class A, B, C Networks
9. Subnet planning and its implementation
10. Installation of ftp server and client
11. Remote Access and Monitoring
12. Generating IP addresses range using Subnet-mask calculator
13. Implementing Who-is Domain tools
Part B
1. Implementing encryption techniques using C++.
2. Application for sharing files through Wi-Fi

Department of CSE
Relational Database Management System Lab
ACCS – 16408

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the setting up of a client server network Understand different database languages i.e., (DDL, DML,
CO2 Understand the data mining concepts.
CO3 Implement various commands of SQL and PL/SQL.
CO4 Understand the concept of triggers, cursors, procedures in PL/SQL.
CO5 Connecting the database with a front end application.
CO6 Understand the setting up of a client server network Understand different database languages i.e., (DDL, DML,

List of Practical
1. Introduction to SQL and installation of SQL Server / Oracle.
2. Creating Tables, Retrieval of Rows using Select Statement, Conditional Retrieval of Rows, Alter and Drop
Statements. Update and Delete Statements.
3. Working with Null Values, Matching a Pattern from a Table, Ordering the Result of a Query, Functions: Character,
Number, Date, and General Functions, Aggregate Functions, Grouping the Result of a Query, Set Operators, Nested
Queries, Joins, Sequences.
4. Views, Database Security and Privileges: Grant and Revoke Commands, Commit and Rollback Commands.
5. PL/SQL Anonymous block, control statements
6. Cursors and its various types: Implicit and Explicit,
7. Exception handling, Functions and Procedures,
8. Packages, Triggers

Department of CSE
Programming in Python Lab
ACCS – 16409

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Describe the Numbers, Math functions, Strings, List, Tuples and Dictionaries in Python
CO2 Express different Decision Making statements and Functions
CO3 Interpret Object oriented programming in Python
CO4 Implementation of Data Structures in python.
CO5 Understand and summarize different File handling operations
CO6 Explain how to design GUI Applications in Python and evaluate different database operations

Part A
Machine Exercises based on:
1. Use of Data Types, Integer Arithmetic, Variables and Assignment
2. Use of Print Function, Branching programs, Strings and Input, Iteration
3. Implementation of Functions and Recursion
4. Application of Global variables
5. Functions as Objects
6. Implementation of Tuples, List and Dictionaries.
7. Implementation of Modules, Files and Dictionaries
8. Implementation of Array and Matrices
9. Use of Exception Handling Mechanisms
10. Applications of Classes and Object-oriented Programming
11. File I/O, Reading CSV and Excel Files, Reading Text Files, Writing and Saving to Files

Part B

Statistical Analysis using Python(Application of python in Big Data Analytics.

Department of CSE

Department of CSE
Programming In Java

Internal Marks : 40 L T P
External Marks : 60 3 - -
Total Marks : 100
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand object oriented programming constructs, bytecodes and basics of java console.
CO2 Implementation of simple java programs using Classes, Inheritance, Exception handling and applets.
CO3 Developing logic for problem solving with programming concepts.
CO4 Developing simple java applications with JDBC connectivity.
CO5 Understand and utilize Java Graphical User Interface in the program writing.
CO6 Understand object oriented programming constructs, bytecodes and basics of java console.

Overview of Java: Object oriented programming concepts, OOPS features, Java class libraries.
Data types and Variables: Integers, floating-point types, characters, Boolean, Variable, Data types and casting, automatic
type promotion in expressions.
Operators, Control Statements and arrays: Arithmetic operators, bit wise operators, relational operators, Boolean logical
operators, ? : Operators, operator precedence, Java’s selection statements, iteration statements, jump statements, arrays in Java
(1 D and 2 D).
String Handling: The string constructors, string length, special string operations, character extraction, string comparison,
searching string, modifying string, data conversion, changing the case of characters, string buffer class.
Introduction to Classes: Class fundamentals, declaring object reference variable, introducing methods, constructors, this
keyword, garbage collection, finalize () method.
Methods and Classes: Overloading methods, using objects as parameters, recursion.
Inheritance: Inheritance basics, using super, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, Abstract Classes, using keyword
final, Package and Interfaces.
Exception Handling: Exception handling fundamentals, Exception types, Uncaught Exceptions Using try and catch, multiple
catch clauses, nested try statements, throw, finally Java ‘s built-in exceptions, creating your own exception.
Multithreaded Programming: The Java thread model, the main thread, creating thread, creating multiple threads, using is
alive () and join (), Thread priorities, synchronization; inter thread communications, suspending resuming and stopping threads.
Applets:, Applet Fundamentals, Applet Architecture, The HTML Applet tag, Passing parameters to Applets.
Networking: Networking basics, Java and the Net, TCP/IP Client Sockets URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets

Department of CSE
Event Handling: Delegation Event Model, Event Listener Interfaces, Adapter Classes, Swings controls (JFrame, JTextField,
JButton) & Layout Managers
Database Connectivity
JDBC drivers, DriverManager Class, Connection interface, Statement interface, Resultset interface, Query Execution
Suggested Readings/Books
1. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference Java 2, McGraw-Hill.
2. Joycee Farrell, Java For Beginners, Cengage Learning
3. Deital and Deital, Java: How to Program, 6th Edition, Pearson Education

Department of CSE
Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the concept of asymptotic notations and average, best and worst case complexities and to analyze
the algorithm.
CO2 Understand the methods for analyzing the efficiency and correctness of algorithms (such as exchange arguments,
recurrence, induction and average case analysis)
CO3 Design algorithms using the dynamic programming, greedy method, Backtracking strategy, and recite algorithms
that employ this strategy.
CO4 Compare, contrast, and choose appropriate algorithmic design techniques to present an algorithm that solves a
given problem and can identify and analyze criteria and specifications appropriate to new problems.
CO5 Develop the efficient algorithms for the new problem with suitable designing techniques.
CO6 To classify the problem into class P or NP and to design the Non Deterministic algorithms

Part I
Introduction: What is an algorithm, Time and space complexity of an algorithm, comparing the performance of different
algorithms for the same problem, Different orders of growth using Insertion Sort, Asymptotic notations, Polynomial vs.
Exponential running time.
Basic Algorithm Design Techniques: Divide-and-conquer:Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Randomized Quick Sort, Recurrence
Part II
Sorting and searching: Linear and Binary search in an ordered array, Hashing.
Sorting algorithms: Heap sort, Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort and Bubble sort with analysis
of their running times.
Dynamic programming: Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence, 0/1 Knapsack Problem.
Part III
Greedy Strategy: Minimum spanning trees using Kruskal’s and Prim’s technique. 0/1 Knapsack, Fractional Knapsack
problem, Travelling salesman problem.
Backtracking: 0/1 Knapsack, N Queens problem, Graph Colouring problem.
Graph Algorithms: Graph traversals: Breadth-first search (BFS) and Depth-first search (DFS), Applications of BFS and
DFS, Topological sorting, Single Source Shortest paths in graphs: Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford, All pair Shortest path in graphs:
Floyd Warshall’s Algorithm
Part IV

Department of CSE
NP-Completeness: Definition of class NP, NP-hard and NP-complete problems, 3SAT is NP complete, proving a problem to
be NP-complete using polynomial-time reductions, Examples of NP Complete, problems. Approximation algorithms for
various NP complete problems.
Pattern matching algorithms: Naive String Matcher, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Rabin Karp Algorithm
Suggested Readings/Books:
1. Introduction to Algorithms 2nd Edition by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, and Clifford Stein,
The MIT Press Cambridge , McGraw-Hill Book Company.
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms 2nd Edition by Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, SanguthevarRajasekaran, Silicon Press,
3. The Design and Analysis of Algorithms by NitinUpadhyay, S. K. Kataria& Sons, 2008.
4. The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3rd Edition by Gajendra Sharma, Khanna Book Publishing Company, Delhi

Department of CSE
Big Data Analytics

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 To provide an overview of an exciting growing field of big data analytics.
CO2 To introduce the tools required to manage and analyze big data like Hadoop, Map Reduce and Pig.
CO3 To teach the fundamental techniques and principles in achieving big data analytics with scalability and streaming
CO4 To enable students to have skills to solve complex real world problems in Data Analytics.
CO5 To equip students with skills to analyze and design parallel and distributed applications.
CO6 To analyze the data, identify the problems, and choose the relevant models and algorithms to apply.

An Overview of Big Data and Big Data Analytics, Big Data sources, Application areas of Big Data. Understanding Hadoop
and its Ecosystem. Brief intro to Hadoop Ecosystem components: Hadoop Distributed File System, MapReduce, YARN,
HBase, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, ZooKeeper, Flume, Oozie, Ambari. Understanding a Hadoop cluster. Introduction to NoSQL. Types
NoSQL Data Models, Schema-Less Databases
Overview of HDFS. Architecture of HDFS, Advantages and disadvantages of HDFS, HDFS Daemons, HDFS Blocks, HDFS
file write and read, NameNode as SPOF, Hadoop HA, heartbeats, block reports and rereplication, Safemode of Namenode,
Hadoopfs commands: cat, ls, put, get, rm, df, count, fsck, balancer, mkdir, du, copyfromlocal, copytolocal.
Hadoopfs commands: expunge, chmod, chown, chgrp, setrep, stat. Hadoopdfsadmin commands. Introduction to Apache Pig,
Need of Pig, Installation of Pig, Execution modes of Pig, Pig – Architecture, Grunt shell and basic utility commands, Data
types and Operators in Pig, Analysing data stored in HDFS using Pig, Pig operators for Data analysis: Dump, Describe,
Explanation, Illustration, Store.
Group, cogroup, join, split, filter, distinct, foreach, order by, limit operators. Functions in Pig: Eval functions, Load and store
functions, Bag and tuple functions, String functions, Data time functions, Math functions, Case Studies: Analyzing various
datasets with Pig.
1. Big Data, Black Book by DT Editorial Services, Dreamtech Press.
2. Hadoop – The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition, Tom White/ OReilly-Yahoo press

Department of CSE
3. Hadoop in Action, Chuck Lam/Manning
4. Hadoop – Beginner’s Guide, Garry Turkington/Packt Publishing

Department of CSE
Software Engineering

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Describe the processes and models involved in SDLC lifecycle.
CO2 Understand software requirements and the SRS document.
CO3 Implementation of different coding standards and software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration
CO4 Understand the role of project management including planning, scheduling, risk management and some ethical
and professional issues that are important for software engineers.
CO5 Learn the basic software quality strategy.
CO6 Describe the processes and models involved in SDLC lifecycle.

Evolution and impact of Software engineering, introduction to agile software development, software life cycle models:
Waterfall, prototyping, Evolutionary, and Spiral models. Feasibility study, Functional and Non-functional requirements,
Requirements gathering, Requirements analysis and specification. Basic issues in software design, modularity, cohesion,
coupling and layering.
Function-oriented software design: DFD and Structure chart, Object modeling using UML, Object-oriented software
development, user interface design, Coding standards and Code review techniques. Software project management, Project
planning and control, size and cost estimation, project scheduling using PERT and Gantt chart.
Fundamentals of testing, White-box, and black-box testing, test case design techniques, mutation testing, Tool: Selenium.
Static and dynamic analysis, verification and validation, Software reliability metrics, reliability growth modeling. Software
quality assurance: quality concepts, quality control, quality assurance, SQA activities, Software reviews, Formal Technical
Reviews, Review guidelines. Quality Assurance Standards: ISO 9000, 9001:2000, CMM, TQM and Six Sigma.
Introduction to SCM, Version Control and Change Management, Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management (RMM),
Computer aided software engineering, software maintenance, Integrated Change Control, software reuse, Component-based
software development.
Suggested Readings/ Books:

Department of CSE
1. Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach,(6th Edition), McGraw Hill,1997.
2. Sommerville,”Software Engineering, 7th edition”, Adison Wesley, 1996.
3. Watts Humphrey,” Managing software process”, Pearson education, 2003.
4. James F. Peters and WitoldPedrycz, “Software Engineering – An Engineering Approach”, Wiley.
5. Mouratidis and Giorgini. “Integrating Security and Software Engineering–Advances and Future”,
IGP. ISBN – 1-59904-148-0.
6. PankajJalote, “An integrated approach to Software Engineering”, Springer/Narosa.

Department of CSE
Information Security

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Able to define what information is & appreciate the value of information to the modern organization.
CO2 Understand the CIA triad of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.
CO3 Appreciate the difficulties that arise when valuable information needs to be shared.
CO4 Understands the various authentication protocols used for the protection of information.
CO5 Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption systems and their vulnerability to attack.
CO6 Ability to apply security based on IP, network, web & system.

Part I
Symmetric Ciphers - Overview: Services, Mechanisms and Attacks, The OSI Security Architecture, A Model of Network
Security. Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques,
Rotor Machines, Steganography. Block Cipher and the Data Encryption Standard: Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles,
The DES, The Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis. Symmetric Ciphers: Triple DES, Blowfish.
Confidentiality using Conventional Encryption: Placement of Encryption Function, Traffic Confidentiality, Key Distribution,
Random Number Generation.

Part II
Public Key Encryption, Digital Signatures - Number Theory, Prime Numbers Formats and Eulers Theorems, Testing for
Primality. Public Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems, The RSA Algorithm, Key
Part III
Authentication Protocols - Message Authentication: Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message
Authentication Codes, MD5 Message Digest Algorithms, Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols: Digital Signatures,
Authentication Protocols, Digital Signature Standards.

Part IV
Network Security - Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 Directory Authentication Service. IP Security: Overview,
IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulation Security Payload. Web Security: Web Security Requirements,
Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction.
System Security- Intruders, Malicious Software, Viruses and Related Threats, Counter Measures, Firewalls and its Design

Department of CSE
Suggested Readings/Books:

1. William Stallings, Network Security Essentials, Applications and Standards Pearson Education.
2. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security Principles and practice. 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Bishop, Matt, Introduction to Computer Security. Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 0-321-24744-2. (2005)
4. Michael. E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord Principles of Information Security, Cengage Learning.

Department of CSE
Programming in Java Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 4

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Implement and develop logics for different OOPS concept using basic syntaxes of control Structures, strings,
arrays and function.
CO2 Implementation of classes, objects and the relationships among them to solve specific problem.
CO3 Develop and achieve reusability using inheritance, interfaces and packages for efficient application development.
CO4 Understanding different exception handling mechanisms and concept of multithreading for developing robust
CO5 Implementing connectivity of java applications with different databases like SQL, oracle etc.

Part -A
1. Machine Exercise 1 based on simple java programs.
2. Machine Exercise 2 based on classes and constructors.
3. Machine Exercise 3 based on packages, interfaces.
4. Machine Exercise 4 based on exception handling.
5. Machine Exercise 5 based on threads.
6. Machine Exercise 6 based implementing basic file reading and writing methods.
7. Machine Exercise 7 based on applets.
8. Machine Exercise 8based on networking
9. Machine Exercise 9 based on swings.
10. Machine Exercise 10 based on swings and Database connectivity using JDBC.
Project based on
• Small application based on Swings and Database Connectivity
• Student Database Management System
• Railway Reservation System
• Chat Server
• File Sharing
• Notepad
• Paint Brush etc.

Department of CSE
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Analyze the complexities of various problems in different domains.
CO2 Analyze the running time of the basic algorithms for those classic problems in various domains.
CO3 Implement methods for analyzing the efficiency and correctness of algorithms (such as exchange arguments,
recurrence, induction, and average case analysis)
CO4 Design algorithms using the dynamic programming, greedy method and recite algorithms that employ this
CO5 Compare, contrast, and choose appropriate algorithmic design techniques to present an algorithm that solves a
given problem.
CO6 Identify and analyze criteria and specifications appropriate to new problems.

Software to be used: C/C++ Language Compiler

Part A

1. Code and analyse Insertion Sort for Best and Worst case as an implementation for algorithm analysis.
2. Code and analyse Merge Sort as an implementation for Divide and Conquer strategy.
3. Code and analyse Quick Sort as an implementation for Divide and Conquer strategy.
4. Code and analyse Randomized Quick Sort as an implementation for Divide and Conquer strategy.
5. Code and analyse Heap Sort.
6. Code and analyse Counting Sort.
7. Code and analyse Radix Sort.
8. Code and analyse optimal Matrix Chain Multiplication as an implementation for Dynamic Programming.
9. Code and analyse to find the Longest Common Subsequence of a pattern between strings as an implementation for Dynamic
10. Code and analyseKruskal’s technique for finding a Minimum spanning tree as an implementation for Greedy Strategy.
11. Code and analyse Prim’s technique for finding a Minimum spanning tree as an implementation for Greedy Strategy.
12. Code and analyse for finding occurrences of pattern in a string using Brute Force approach.
13. Code and analyse for finding occurrences of pattern in a string using Rabin Karp approach.
Part B
Implementation of BST

Department of CSE
Big Data Analytics Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To install the relevant software for setting up a hadoop cluster.
CO2 To introduce the tools required to manage and analyze big data like Hadoop, MapReduce and Pig.
CO3 To learn the concepts required for working with distributed file systems.
CO4 To enable students to have skills to solve complex real world problems in Data Analytics.
CO5 To equip students with skills to analyze and design parallel and distributed applications.
CO6 To enable students to learn and apply Predictive Analytics in real time environment.

Part- A (Installation and commands in HDFS and Pig)

✓ Installation of Hadoop
✓ Installation of HDFS, Pig, Hive etc
✓ Running HDFS Daemons
✓ Safemode and other Hadoop DFS Admin commands
✓ Hadoopfs commands
✓ Pig operators and functions
Part– B (Case Studies)
✓ Accessing files in HDFS using Pig
✓ Storing the processed files back to HDFS
✓ Analysing datasets using Pig

Department of CSE
Software Engineering Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Preparation of SRS document, design document, test cases and software configuration management and risk
management related document.
CO2 Designing of object oriented and function oriented design using Microsoft Visio.
CO3 Able to perform unit testing and integration testing.
CO4 Apply various website testing techniques
CO5 Usage of Openproj tool to track the progress of project.

Part A
I. Tool used: Open Proj
1. Study and usage of OpenProj or similar software to draft a project plan
2. Study and usage of OpenProj or similar software to track the progress of a project
3. Preparation of Software Requirement Specification Document, Design Documents and Testing Phase related documents for
some problems
II. Tool used: Microsoft Visio
4. Study and usage of any Design phase CASE tool (UML Diagrams, DFD)
III. Tool Used: Selenium, Jmeter etc.
5. To perform unit testing and integration testing
6. To perform various white box and black box testing techniques
7. Testing of a web site
Tool Used: Risk Register related tools like Clearrisk etc.
8. Preparation of Software Configuration Management and Risk Management related documents
Project: Real time project report based on all tools discussed above .The project are
• University Management System
• Hospital Management System
• Hotel Management System
• Restaurant Management System etc.

Department of CSE

Department of CSE
Web Technologies

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understanding the working of web page development.
CO2 Understand design principles in CSS for dynamic changes.
CO3 Understanding the form development and events related to them.
CO4 Understanding the scripting language for developing the web page.
CO5 Understanding the server side scripting language and its connectivity with database for storing the data into it

Internet and World Wide Web: Introduction, Internet Addressing, ISP, types of Internet Connections, Introduction to
WWW, WEB Browsers, WEB Servers, URLs, HTTP, WEB Applications, Tools for web site creation.
HTML5: Introduction to HTML5, Lists, adding graphics to HTML5 page, creating tables, linking documents, forms,
CSS: Introduction and types, CSS color, margin, border.
Java Script: Introduction, programming constructs: variables, operators and expressions, conditional checking, functions and
dialog boxes, Event Handler.
DOM: Document Object- Finding HTML Elements ,Changing HTML Elements, Adding and deleting Elements ,Window
object ,History Object, Location object, Navigation object , Changing HTML Styles and form validations.
Cookies: Introduction, Creation and deletion.
Jquery: Introduction, Syntax ,Selectors, Events, Effects.
AJAX: Introduction, HTTP Request, XMLHttpRequest, AJAX Server Script
PHP: Introduction, syntax, statements, operators, function, array. PHP and MySQL connectivity.
Suggested Readings/Books
1. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Application Development using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl CGI, BPB.
2. Steven M. Schafer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python and PHP, Wiley India Textbooks.
3. Paul S. Wang, G. Keller, S. Katila, An Introduction to Web Design + Programming, Cengage Learning.
4. Jeffery C. Jackson, Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective, Pearson Education.
5. Robin Nixon, Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript, Shroff/O'Reilly

Department of CSE
Mobile Application Development

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Demonstrate their understanding of the fundamentals of Android operating systems
CO2 Demonstrate their skills of using Android software development tools ·
CO3 Demonstrate their ability to develop software with reasonable complexity on mobile platform ·
CO4 Demonstrate their ability to deploy software to mobile devices ·
CO5 Demonstrate their ability to debug programs running on mobile devices

INTRODUCTION:- Android,Android Versions,Features of Android, Architecture of Android,Obtaining the Required Tools
, Android SDK , Installing the Android SDK Tools , Configuring the Android SDK Manager – Eclipse , Android Development
Tools (ADT) , Creating Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) , Creating Your First Android Application – Types of Android
Application , Anatomy of an Android Application
ACTIVITIES, FRAGMENTS AND INTENTS: Understanding Activities , Creating Activities Linking Activities Using
Intents – Resolving Intent Filter Collision , Returning Results from an Intent , Passing Data Using an Intent Object , Fragments
, Adding Fragments Dynamically , Life Cycle of a Fragment , Interactions between Fragments , Calling Built, In Applications
Using Intents , Understanding the Intent Object , Using Intent Filters , Adding Categories , Displaying Notifications.
ANDROID USER INTERFACE: -Understanding the Components of a Screen , Adapting to Display Orientation , Managing
Changes to Screen Orientation , Utilizing the Action Bar , Creating the User Interface Programmatically , Listening for UI
Notifications , Designing Your User Interface With Views , Using Basic Views , Using Picker Views , Using List Views to
Display Long Lists , Understanding Specialized Fragments , Displaying Pictures And Menus With Views , Using Image Views
to Display Pictures , Using Menus with Views , Additional Views.
DATABASES, CONTENT PROVIDERS AND MESSAGING:-Saving and Loading User Preferences , Persisting Data to
Files , Creating and Using Databases , Content Providers , Sharing Data in Android , Using a Content Provider , Creating Your
Own Content Providers , Using the Content Provider – Messaging , SMS Messaging , Sending E,mail. Location,Based
Services , Displaying Maps , Getting Location Data , Monitoring a Location , Project — Building a Location Tracker –
Networking , Consuming Web Services Using HTTP , Consuming JSON Services , Sockets Programming , Developing

Department of CSE
Android Services , Creating Your Own Services , Establishing Communication between a Service and an Activity , Binding
Suggested Books
1. Wei - Meng Lee, “Beginning Android 4 Application Development” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2012.
2. Reto Meier, “Professional Android 4 Application Development” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2012.

Department of CSE
Machine Learning

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

ExternalMarks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Recognize the characteristics of machine learning that make it useful to real-world problems.
CO2 Characterize machine learning algorithms as supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised.
CO3 Be able to use support vector machines.
CO4 Be able to use regularized regression algorithms.
CO5 Understand algorithms for learning Bayesian networks.
CO6 Understand Back propagation algorithms.

Introduction : Why Machine learning, Examples of Machine Learning Problems, Applications of Machine Learning ,
Structure of Learning, Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning , Statistical Learning: Bayesian Method, The Naive Bayes
Classifier Learning versus Designing, Training versus Testing, Characteristics of Machine learning tasks, Predictive and
descriptive tasks, Machine learning Models: Geometric Models, Logical Models, Probabilistic Models
Classification: Binary Classification: - Assessing Classification performance , Multiclass Classification
Linear Regression :Prediction using Linear Regression, Gradient Descent, Linear Regression with one variable, Linear
Regression with multiple variables, Polynomial Regression, Feature Scaling/Selection, Support Vector Machines.
Logistic Regression : Logistic Regression :Classification using Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression vs. Linear
Regression, Logistic Regression with one variable and with multiple variables.
Regularization: Regularization and its utility: The problem of Overfitting, Application of Regularization in Linear and
Logistic Regression, Regularization and Bias/Variance.
Neural Networks (10 lectures): Introduction, Model Representation, Gradient Descent vs. Perceptron Training, Stochastic
Gradient Descent, Multilayer Perceptrons, Multiclass Representation, Backpropagation Algorithm.
Trends in machine learning -Model and Symbols- Bagging and Boosting, Multitask learning, Online learning and Sequence
Prediction, Data Streams and Active Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning.
Recommended Books
1. EthemAlpaydin, "Introduction to Machine Learning" 2nd Edition, The MIT Press, 2009.
2. Tom M. Mitchell, "Machine Learning", First Edition by Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.

Department of CSE
3. Christopher M. Bishop, "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Springer, 2007.
4. Mevin P. Murphy, "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" by The MIT Press, 2012.

Department of CSE
Simulation and Modeling

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Define the basics of simulation modeling and replicating the practical situations in organizations
CO2 Generate random numbers and random variates using different techniques.
CO3 Develop simulation model using heuristic methods.
CO4 Analysis of Simulation models using input analyzer, and output analyzer
CO5 Explain Verification and Validation of simulation model.

INTRODUCTION: - Modeling and simulation, System analysis, Application areas, Advantages and disadvantages of
simulation, Classification of system, Model and types of models, Introduction to discrete and continuous system simulation,
steps in a simulation study.
SIMULATION METHODS :- Simulation Methods: Discrete-event Simulation, Time advance Mechanisms, Components
and organization of Discrete-event simulation, Flowchart of next-event time advance approach, Continuous Simulation.
SIMULATION SOFTWARES :- Review of some existing software popular and useful in the industry, e.g., Arena, Matlab,
Simulink, Cloudsim etc., Simulation using languages and environments like C++/GPSS etc.
QUEUEING MODELS :- Single server queueing system, Basic structure of Queueing models, Input source(Calling
population), introduction to arrival and departure time, flowcharts for arrival and departure routine, Determining the events
and variables, Notations and relationships between L, W, Lq, Wq , Little’s Formula.
RANDOM NUMBERGENERATION :- Introduction to Random Numbers, Importance of Random Numbers in Simulation,
Mid-Square random number generator, Residue method, Arithmetic Congruential generator, Testing Numbers for
Randomness, Chi-Square Test, Distributions: Poisson, Exponential, Normal, Binomial.
INPUT MODELING AND OUTPUT ANALYSIS OF A SINGLE MODEL :- Data collection, Identifying the Distribution
with Data: Histograms, Selection of the Appropriate Family of Distributions, Verification and Validation of Simulation
Models- Verification and Validation of Simulation Models, Calibration and Validation: Face Validity, Validation of
Variances, common random numbers, confidence intervals with specified precision.

Department of CSE
SIMULATION LANGUAGES: - Basic Introduction to Special Simulation Languages:-GPSS/ MATLAB/ Network
Suggested Readings/ Books:
1.Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L. Nelson and David M. Nicol, Discrete-Event System and Simulation, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi, 2005
2. Averill M. Law, Simulation modeling and analysis (SIE), Tata McGraw Hill India, 2007
3. David Cloud, Larry Rainey, Applied Modeling and Simulation, Tata McGraw Hill, India.
4. Gabriel A. Wainer, Discrete-event modeling and simulation: a practitioner's approach, CRC Press, 2009.

Department of CSE
Multimedia and its Applications
Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Define multimedia to potential clients.
CO2 Identify and describe the function of the general skill sets in the multimedia industry.
CO3 Identify the basic components of a multimedia project.
CO4 Identify the basic hardware and software requirements for multimedia development and playback.

Multimedia an overview :-Digital representation, Visual Display Systems, Multimedia Input and output Technologies. Text,
Image and Graphics Text: Introduction, Types of Text Unicode Standard , Font, Insertion of Text, Text compression, File
Formats. Image: Image types, Seeing color, Color Models , Basic Steps for image processing ,Scanner ,Digital Camera ,
Specifications of digital images:- Color Management Systems ,Image processing Software , File Formats: – Image output on
monitor ,Image output on printer, Graphics
Audio: Introduction: – Acoustics , Nature of sound waves , Characteristics of Sound , Elements of Audio Systems,
Microphone, Amplifier, Audio Mixer, Digital Audio – Synthesizer ,MIDI , Audio Transmission – Audio recording Devices ,
File Formats, Video, animation. Image compression.
Basic Software Tools: Text, Image and Sound Editing tools: Painting and Drawing tools. Animation tools:FLASH MX:Getting
started, Managing window & panels , Creating objects using the primary drawing tools, choosing & applying colors, Working
with text , modifying graphics , Using symbols and instances , creating animation and effects & techniques, frames & layers,
Integrating media files with flash, adding sound, importing artwork embedding video, working with 3D Graphics.
Dreamweaverx Getting started: Working with tools, working with text , inserting images, using basic HTML in dream weaver
, Adding text to web pages , inserting images to web pages, setting up tables using frame & forms, adding multimedia elements
to dream weaver, building style sheets using web page working with layers , working with timelines , Enhancing web site
management and workflow in dream weaver.
1. Ranjan Parekh, “Principles Of Multimedia”, The McGraw , Hills Company, Twelfth Reprint 2011.
2. Prabhat K. Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia System Design”, PHI. REFERENCES Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt,
“Multimedia Systems”, Springer, 2009. SE1122 – MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM

Department of CSE
Computer Graphics

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the basics of computer graphics, different graphics systems and applications of computer graphics.
CO2 Discuss various algorithms for scan conversion and filling of basic objects and their comparative analysis.
CO3 Use of geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in composite form.
CO4 Extract scene with different clipping methods and its transformation to graphics display device.
CO5 Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of 3D scene on 2D screen.
CO6 Render projected objects to naturalize the scene in 2D view and use of illumination models for this.

Introduction: Computer Graphics and its applications, Elements of a Graphics, Graphics Systems: Video Display Devices,
Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems, Input devices.
Basic Raster Graphics: Scan conversion- Point plot technique, Line drawing, Circle generating and Ellipse generating
Two-dimensional Geometric Transformations: Basic Transformations-Translation, Rotation and Scalling, Matrix
Representation and Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite Transformations, Reflection and Shearing transformations.
Clipping: Window to viewport transformation,Clipping Operations- Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Polygon Clipping and
Text Clipping.
Filling Techniques: Scan line algorithms, Boundary-fill algorithm, Flood-fill algorithm, Edge fill and fence fill algorithms,
Elementary 3D Graphics: Plane projections and its types, Vanishing points, Specification of a 3D view.
Visibility: Image and object precision, Hidden edge/surface removal or visible edge/surface determination techniques; z buffer
algorithms, Depth sort algorithm, Scan line algorithm.
Advance Topics: Introduction of Rendering, Raytracing, Antialiasing, Fractals, Gourard and Phong shading.
Suggested Readings/Books:
1. Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Second Edition, PHI/Pearson Education.
2. Zhigandxiang, Roy Plastock, Schaum’s outlines, “Computer Graphics Second Edition”, Tata Mc-Grawhill edition.
3. C, Foley, VanDam, Feiner and Hughes, “Computer Graphics Principles & Practice”, Second Edition,Pearson Education
4. Erik Reinhard, Kelvin Sung, Michael Ashikhmin, Michael Gleicher, “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics” third edition.

Department of CSE
Cyber Security
Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 To gain knowledge about securing both clean and corrupted systems, protect personal data, and secure computer
CO2 Understanding of online as well as offline application security, application threats & its mitigations and
application security service provider.
CO3 Demonstrate knowledge of security threats to computer systems, and perform countermeasures to secure a
CO4 An ability to apply security principles and practices to the environment, hardware, software, and human aspects
of a system.
CO5 The learner will understand key terms and concepts in cyber law, intellectual property and cyber crimes,
trademarks and domain theft.

Introduction to networks, types of network, Network threats, introduction to information system, its components, categories
of information system, individual in the information system, development of information system, information security and its
importance, threats to information system, cyber security and security risk analysis.

Application Security: Introduction to database, email, internet security, data security consideration, firewall, VPN, Intrusion
detection, access control and its models,
Security threats: introduction to various security threats, network and services attack, security threats to e commerce.

Development of secure information system: Introduction, why information system security is important, developing secure
information system, key elements of the information security policies, information system development life cycle,
application security and its various aspects, risk management, security architecture and design.

Security policies: introduction to computer security policy categories and its type, why do we need security policies, email
security policies, cooperates policies, Information security standards(ISO), IT ACT2000, copyright, patent, IPR, cyber laws in
India, software licenses and its types.

Department of CSE
1. "Fundamentals of cyber security" by mayankbhushan (bpb publishers).
2. “cyber security” by phillipferaro.

Department of CSE
Web Technologies Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understanding the working of web page development.
CO2 Understand design principles in CSS for dynamic changes.
CO3 Understanding the form development and events related to them.
CO4 Understanding the scripting language for developing the web page.
CO5 Understanding the server side scripting language and its connectivity with database for storing the data into it.

1. Creation of Web pages using HTML, DHTML
• Basic HTML tags (font, heading, bold, italic, underline etc.)
• HTML Ordered List tags
• HTML Unordered List tags
• HTML Definition List tags
• HTML List tags to create nested list
• Insert images in webpages
• Creating an image map
• HTML Table tag and its attributes
• HTML form tags and its attributes
• HTML frame tags
• Webpages with CSS (inline, internal and external)
2. Creation of Web pages using JavaScript
• Embedding of JavaScript into a webpage (Internal and external)
• Using various Dialog boxes
• Changing webpage background
• Changing text of HTML element
• Event handling
• Create a calculator utility
• Create Image rollover effect
• Validating user input
• Using DOM objects
• Setting & retrieving Cookie values

Department of CSE
3. Creation of Web pages using JQuery
• Event handling
• Applying various effects to HTML elements
4. Creation of Web pages using AJAX
• To retrieve text from a file and update a part of webpage.
5. Creating web pages using PHP
• Embedding PHP script in a webpage
• Processing HTML form input
• Performing insertion, deletion, updation and selection operation on a database table

1. Create a web-based application for student management.
2. Create a web-based application for faculty management.
3. Create a web-based application for College Stock Management.

Department of CSE
Mobile Application Development Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Demonstrate and Understanding anatomy of an Android application
CO2 Able to work with Intents, Intent Filter Collision,Fragments and Notification.
CO3 Develop various Android applications related to layouts & rich uses interactive interfaces
CO4 Able to work with different Views including List View and Custom views
CO5 Able to work with different Storage Options available in Android System.
CO6 Develop and Deploy various Android applications related to Mobile Phones programs running on mobile

1. Introduction

2. Installing Android Studio

2.1 Installing Android Studio on ubuntu

2.2 Installing Android Studio on windows

3. Creating New Project on Android Studio

4. Open, Re,open and Close existing project on Android studio

5. Creating Android Virtual Devices

6. Android Applications

6.1 Create Hello World application

6.2 Linking Activities using Intent

6.3 Passing Data Using an Intent Object

6.4 Implicit intents Familiarization

6.5 Understanding different layouts in android

6.6 Create a simple listview

6.7 Create a listview with image and text

6.8 Integrate a website inside the application using Webview

Department of CSE
6.9 Saving Data Using the SharedPreferences Object

6.10 Saving Data to Internal Storage as files

6.11 SQLite program for database operations

6.12 Student database using SQlite

6.13 Create a hello world html5 application

6.14 Digital Bio Data Application using HTML


7. Installing an application on a mobile device

Department of CSE
Machine Learning Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Gain knowledge about basic concepts of Machine Learning
CO2 Identify machine learning techniques suitable for a given problem
CO3 Solve the problems using various machine learning techniques
CO4 Implement various machine learning techniques.
CO5 Design application using machine learning techniques

1. Perform elementary mathematical operations in Octave/MATLAB like addition, multiplication, division and exponentiation.
2. Perform elementary logical operations in Octave/MATLAB (like OR, AND, Checking for Equality, NOT, XOR).
3. Create, initialize and display simple variables and simple strings and use simple formatting for variable.
4. Create/Define single dimension / multi-dimension arrays, and arrays with specific values like array of all ones, all zeros,
array with random values within a range, or a diagonal matrix.
5. Use command to compute the size of a matrix, size/length of a particular row/column, load data from a text file, store matrix
data to a text file, finding out variables and their features in the current scope.
6. Generate different subplots from a given plot and color plot data.
7. Perform vectorized implementation of simple matrix operation like finding the transpose of a matrix, adding, subtracting or
multiplying two matrices.
8. Implement Linear Regression problem. For example, based on a dataset comprising of existing set of prices and area/size
of the houses, predict the estimated price of a given house.
9. Based on multiple features/variables perform Linear Regression. For example, based on a number of additional features like
number of bedrooms, servant room, number of balconies, number of houses of years a house has been built – predict the price
of a house.
Implementation of Support Vector Machine

Department of CSE
Simulation & Modeling Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Ability to implement queuing model using C++64 .
CO2 Use network simulators to analyze various network parameters
CO3 Understand how to use MATLAB and its Functionality.
CO4 Use the concepts like branching statements,loops, functions and additional datatypes.

1. Study of MATLAB,its features and components
2. Write a MATLAB program find the length of third side & area of the triangle
3. Write a MATLAB program to obtain the sum of all even no. from 0 to 20,using for loop
4. Write a MATLAB program to add the first 10 digits using While loop
5. Write a MATLAB program to check whether a given no. is greater than or equal to 50, using if else
6. Write a MATLAB program for solving higher order equation in octave
7. Write a MATLAB program to plot the curve given by equation y = x^2
8. Introduction regarding usage of any Network Simulator.
9. Write a MATLAB program to display of Matrix

Implement calculator on MATLAB using GUI tool.

Department of CSE
Multimedia and its Application Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To identify the basic multimedia content types and outline the formats for the multimedia types.
CO2 To prepare and compile Flash Movie programs that uses the multimedia content types using Action Script.
CO3 To identify and apply different statement constructs such as data type checking, inheritance and event handling
techniques for the Action Script.

1. Introduction to various Multimedia Tools
2. Introduction to Corel Draw
3. Drawing Posters and Designing Brochures, Letterhead and data merge
4.Introduction to Photoshop: Image Editing Techniques , The image Editing tool Workspace-navigation, the tools, palettes,
arranging document windows. All about pixels, resolution, and color Depth. Understanding and using color modes- RGB,
CMYK and Grayscale. •
5. Basic techniques :Using brushes, Choosing colors ,• Sampling colors from an image,• Using Pantone colors. • Multiple
undo and taking snapshots ,Using the History palette.
6. Cropping and rotating images,• Changing image size and resolution, Retouching ,Fixing images using the Clone ,Stamp
Tool and the Healing tools .The history brush, The Red –Eye and color ,replacement tools ,Selection techniques ,the marquee
and the lasso tools.
7. The quick selection tool, Working in quick mask mode ,Adding and subtracting selections, Saving a selection, Composition
and design techniques
8. Working with layers-moving content to new layer , Transforming layers,Creating reflection and other effects,•
Transformation-Scaling and rotating. Using colour fill layers ,Using gradients and patterns, Combing images with layer masks
, Applying a Mask to an adjustments layer.
9. Color correction :-Using the levels command histogram, Curves and exposure ,Using the color balance command to modify
color casts. Adjusting vibrance, Hue and Saturation: general and specific color range adjustment, colorising, Working with
type , Working with type layers ,Formatting type , Converting type to pixels ,Effects and Filters ,• Working with layers Styles-
Drop ,shadows, glows, bevels etc. Using filters-corrective and creative filtering technique, using the filter gallery.
10. Introduction to Adobe Flash, Tools in Adobe Flash, Shape Tween and Motion Tween Frame Animation, Creating Flash
Banners, Basics of Action Scripting.
11. WireFraming, Introduction to Balsamiq, & Tools, Efficient design, Prototyping transitions, Creating a responsive website

Department of CSE
1. Project 1: Photo Composite
2. Project 2: Poster Design
3. Project 3: Website Elements
4. Project 4: Landing page for Website

Department of CSE
Computer Graphics Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the basic concepts of computer graphics.
CO2 Design scan conversion problems using C++ programming.
CO3 Apply clipping and filling techniques for modifying an object.
CO4 Understand the concepts of different type of geometric transformation of objects in 2D and 3D.
CO5 Understand the practical implementation of modeling, rendering, viewing of objects in 2D

1. To plot a point (pixel) on the screen.
2. To draw a hut or other geometrical figures.
3. To draw a straight line using DDA Algorithm.
4. To draw a straight line using Bresenham’s Algorithm.
5. Implementation of mid-point circle generating Algorithm.
6. Implementation of ellipse generating Algorithm.
7. To translate an object with translation parameters in X and Y directions.
8. To scale an object with scaling factors along X and Y directions.
9. To rotate an object with a certain angle about origin.
10. Perform the rotation of an object with certain angle about an arbitrary point.
11. To perform the reflection of an object about major axis.
12. To perform composite transformations of an object
13. To clip line segments against windows using line clipping.
14. Perform the clipping against windows using polygon clipping.
15. Implementation of flood-fill and boundary-fill algorithms
To study of any graphics animation software.
To create visual effects, motion graphics, and animation with any graphics software. (SYNFIG STUDIO or AFTER EFFECT

Department of CSE
Cyber Security Lab

Internal Marks : 30 L T P

External Marks : 20 - - 2

Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Students are expected to know the implementation of wired and wireless network
CO2 Students are able to implement cyber attacks like DOS, Phishing.
CO3 Students are expected to know packet filtering technique.
CO4 Students are able to implement reverse engineering.
CO5 Students are able to perform Brute Force Attack.
CO6 Students are expected to perform cryptography and steganography techniques.

1. To wireless network and implementation of Ad-hoc network.
2. Configuration of access point.
3. Implementation of Telnet.
4. Implementation of DoS/ DDoS attacks.
5. Implementation of SQL injecting and phishing attack.
6. Different software use for packet filtering like (wireshark).
7. Implementation of netbus, prorat and killerrat tool.
8. Implementation of reverse engineering (hex editor).
9. Implementation of bruteforce attack.
Implementation of RSA algorithm in any language (C, C++, Python )

Department of CSE
BTECH CSE 7th /8th SEM

Department of CSE
Theory of Computations

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 1 -
Total Marks : 100
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the basic concepts of formal languages, automata and grammar types, as well as the use of formal
languages and reduction in normal forms.
CO2 Demonstrate the relation between regular expressions, automata, languages and grammar with formal
mathematical methods
CO3 Understand the principal models of computation such as finite automata, pushdown automata and Turing
CO4 Understand the correspondence of the different language classes to the models of computation.
CO5 Design push down automata and Turing machines performing tasks of moderate complexity.
CO6 Analyze the syntax and formal properties of LL (k) and LR (k) grammars.

Basics of Strings and Alphabets- Definition of String, alphabets, languages, Grammar, Problem.
Finite Automata – DFA, Transition Diagram, Transition table, String acceptability by FA, non-deterministic FA, Conversion
of NDFA to DFA, Comparison of DFA & NDFA, Design of Finite Automata, Mealy & Moore Machines & its conversion,
Comparison of Mealy & Moore Machine, 2 way Finite automata (2DFA), Definition of dead state & unreachable state,
Minimization of FA, Applications of FA.
Formal Languages- Definition of grammar, Derivation & language generated by grammar, Chomsky Hierarchy, Languages
& automata.
Regular Sets & Regular Grammar- Definition of Regular expressions & regular sets, properties of regular expressions,
Finite Automata & Regular Expression, Definition of pumping lemma for regular sets, Regular sets & regular grammar.
Context Free Languages – Derivation tree, Leftmost and Rightmost derivation, ambiguity in grammar, definition of pumping
lemma for CFL, Simplification of CFG (Reduction, Null & Unit Productions), Normal forms-CNF, GNF, KNF.

Pushdown Automata – Definition of PDA, Acceptance by PDA, PDA with two stacks, context free languages and PDA.
Turing Machines -Basic Model, Definition of TM, types of TM, String acceptability by Turing Machine, Representation of
Turing Machine, Design of Turing Machine, Post Correspondence Problem.

Department of CSE
Definition of LL(k) Grammar, LR(k) Grammar, Properties, Difference between LL(k) & LR(k) grammar, Decidability and
Recursively Enumerable Languages.
Suggested Readings/Books
1. K.L.P. Mishra and N. Chandrasekaran, “Theory of Computer Science, Third Edition”, PHI Learning Private Limited,
2. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory”, Languages and Computation,
Pearson Education.
3. M. Sipser, “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”, Second Edition, Cengage Learning.
4. K. V. N. Sunitha , N. Kalyani, “Formal Languages and Automata Theory”, McGraw-Hill, 2010.

Department of CSE
Artificial Intelligence

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Identify problems from multidisciplinary fields that are amenable to solution by AI methods, and which AI
methods may be suited to solving a given problem.
CO2 Formalize a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods (e.g., as a search problem, as a
constraint satisfaction problem, as a planning problem, etc).
CO3 Implement basic AI algorithms (e.g., standard search algorithms or dynamic programming).
CO4 Inference and reason out from the given facts that helps in decision making.
CO5 Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on a problem formalization, and state the
conclusions that the evaluation supports.

Introduction to AI: Definition of Intelligence, Definition and Importance of Artificial Intelligence, Turing Test, Recent AI
Problem Solving- Definition & Characteristics of problem, formulating problems, problem types, states and operators, state
space search
Heuristic Based Search : search strategies, uninformed and informed search, Heuristic Search, Heuristic function , Generate
and Test, Best first search, A* algorithm, Problem Reduction, AO* Search, Hill Climbing, Constraint Satisfaction Problem,
Crypt arithmetic problems, Means End Analysis
Game Playing - Perfect decision game, imperfect decision game, evaluation function, MiniMax Algorithm, alpha-beta pruning
Inferencing & Reasoning: logical reasoning, Modus Ponen Rule, Modus Tollen Rule, inductive reasoning, deductive
reasoning, formal reasoning, analogical reasoning, mono tonic and non monotonic reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, forward
chaining, backward chaining, resolution, unification
AI languages – Features of LISP, CLIPS
Planning- Definition, linear & non linear planning, reactive & non reactive systems, Components of planning, planning in the
blocks world, partial order planning, hierarchical planning, conditional planning, resource constraints, temporal constraints
Uncertainty - Basic probability, Bayes rule, Belief networks
Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy System : Fuzzy logic, Crisp Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Membership and Fuzzy Operations, Properties of
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy System, Inference in Fuzzy Logic , Fuzzy Rule Based System, Applications of Fuzzy Logic

Department of CSE
Part- IV
Neural Networks and Learning: Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Network(ANN), Architectures of ANN (Feed Forward
and Feedback N/W), Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning
Genetic Algorithm: Introduction, Representation, initialization and selection, operators, mutation.
Natural Language Processing: Introduction to Natural language processing, Syntactic processing, Semantic processing,
Pragmatic processing.
Suggested / Readings & Books
1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, Pearson Education Press, 2001.
2. Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. George F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education, 2001.
4. Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan Kauffman, 2002.

Department of CSE
Cloud Computing

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this paradigm shift came about, the
characteristics, advantages and challenges brought about by the various models and services in cloud computing.
CO2 Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to understand the tradeoffs in power, efficiency and cost,
and then study how to leverage and manage single and multiple datacenters to build and deploy cloud
applications that are resilient, elastic and cost-efficient.
CO3 Discuss system, network and storage virtualization and outline their role in enabling the cloud computing system
model. Virtual Machine creation and deployment.
CO4 Illustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage, network, and demonstrate their use in storage systems such
as Amazon web services, Azure and Google Cloud.
CO5 Broadly educate to know the impact of engineering on legal and societal issues involved in addressing the
security issues of cloud computing.

INTRODUCTION :- Overview of Existing Hosting Platforms, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, Utility Computing,
Autonomic Computing, Introduction to Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing history and evolution, practical applications of
cloud computing for various industries, economics and benefits of cloud computing, Driving factors towards cloud.
CLOUD COMPUTING CONCEPTS: - Concepts of cloud computing, positioning cloud to a grid, infrastructure, Elasticity
and scalability, billing and metering of services.
CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE :- Cloud architecture model, Cloud deployment models, Public clouds, Hybrid
clouds, Community, Virtual private clouds, Cloud based services:- IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, Selection criteria for cloud
VIRTUALIZATION: - Virtualization, Advantages and disadvantages of Virtualization, Types of Virtualization, Resource
Virtualization i.e. Server Storage and Network virtualization, hypervisors, multitenancy and types, API.
SECURITY IN CLOUD COMPUTING :- Cloud security, Understanding security risks, Threats and Attacks, Internal
security breaches, Data corruption or loss, User account and service hijacking, Steps to reduce cloud security breaches,
Detection and forensics, Identity management, Benefits of identity,SLA,Resource Management.

Department of CSE
SECURITY IN CLOUD COMPUTING: - Encryption techniques, Encryption & Encrypting data, Symmetric key encryption,
Asymmetric key encryption, Digital signature, what is SSL
CASE STUDIES: - IBM Smart Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud platform, Windows Azure platform, a
comparison of Cloud Computing Platforms, Common building Blocks.
Suggested Readings/Books
1. Raj Kumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrezei M.Goscinski, Cloud Computing: Principles and
paradigms, 2011
2. Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bllor, Marcia Kaufman, Fern Halper, Cloud Computing for dummies, 2009.
3. Barrie Sosinsky, Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley, 2011.
4. Borko Furht, Armando Escalante (Editors), Handbook of Cloud Computing, Springer, 2010.

Department of CSE
Soft Computing

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Learn about soft computing techniques and their applications.
CO2 Analyze various neural network architectures.
CO3 Understand perceptrons and counter propagation networks.
CO4 Define the fuzzy systems.
CO5 Analyze the genetic algorithms and their applications.

Part- I
Evolution of Computing: Soft Computing Constituents, From Conventional AI to Computational Intelligence: Machine
Learning Basics.
Part- II
Fuzzy Sets, Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Relations, Membership Functions: Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning, Fuzzy
Inference Systems, Fuzzy Expert Systems, Fuzzy Decision Making.
Part- III
Machine Learning Using Neural Network, Adaptive Networks, Feed forward Networks, Supervised Learning Neural
Networks, , Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning , Reinforcement Learning Neural Networks, Adaptive Resonance
architectures, Advances in Neural networks
Part- IV
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (GA), Applications of GA in Machine Learning, Machine Learning Approach to
Knowledge Acquisition.
Suggested Readings/Books
1.Fuzzy Logic: A Pratical approach, F. Martin, , Mc neill, and Ellen Thro, AP Professional, 2000.
2.Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (3rd Edn.), Timothy J. Ross, Willey, 2010.
3.Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Knowldge Engineering, Nikola K. Kasabov, MIT Press, 1998.
4.Fuzzy Logic for Embedded Systems Applications, Ahmed M. Ibrahim, Elesvier Press, 2004.

Department of CSE
Data Analytics

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Students can carry out standard data visualization and formal inference procedures and can comment on the
CO2 Students can choose appropriately from a wider range of exploratory and inferential methods for analyzing data,
and can interpret the results contextually.
CO3 In addition to exploratory and inferential analysis, students can construct complex statistical models, assess the
fit of such models to the data, and apply the models in real-world contexts.
CO4 Students can also compare the performance of multiple methods and models

Regression modeling, Multivariate analysis, Bayesian modeling, inference and Bayesian networks, Support vector and kernel
methods, Analysis of time series: linear systems analysis, nonlinear dynamics - Rule induction - Neural networks: learning
and generalization, competitive learning, principal component analysis and neural networks; Fuzzy logic: extracting fuzzy
models from data, fuzzy decision trees, Stochastic search methods.
Introduction to Streams Concepts – Stream data model and architecture - Stream Computing, Sampling data in a stream –
Filtering streams – Counting distinct elements in a stream – Estimating moments – Counting oneness in a window – Decaying
window - Realtime Analytics Platform(RTAP) applications - case studies - real time sentiment analysis, stock market
Mining Frequent item sets - Market based model – Apriori Algorithm – Handling large data sets in Main memory – Limited
Pass algorithm – Counting frequent itemsets in a stream – Clustering Techniques – Hierarchical – K- Means – Clustering high
dimensional data – CLIQUE and PROCLUS – Frequent pattern based clustering methods – Clustering in non-euclidean space
– Clustering for streams and Parallelism.
MapReduce – Hadoop, Hive, MapR – Sharding – NoSQL Databases - S3 - Hadoop Distributed file systems – Visualizations
- Visual data analysis techniques, interaction techniques; Systems and applications.
1. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer, 2007.
2. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, Mining of Massive Datasets,Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Department of CSE
1. Bill Franks, Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with advanced analystics, John
Wiley & sons, 2012.
2. Glenn J. Myatt, Making Sense of Data, John Wiley & Sons, 2007 Pete Warden, Big Data Glossary, O‟ Reilly, 2011.
3. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Second Edition, Elsevier, Reprinted 2008.

Department of CSE
Software Project Management

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Identify the different project contexts and suggest an appropriate management strategy.
CO2 Practice the role of professional ethics unsuccessful software development.
CO3 Identify and describe the key phases of project management.
CO4 Determine an appropriate project management approach through an evaluation of the business context and scope
of the project.

Part- I
Project Management Fundamentals: Basic Definitions, Project Stakeholders and Organizational, Influences on Project
Management, Project Management Processes, Project Initiating Processes.
Planning and Resourcing a Project: Identifying Requirements, Creating the Work Breakdown structure, developing the
Project Schedule, Developing a Project Cost Estimate, Planning Quality and Organizing the Project Team.
Part- II
Planning for Potential Risks, Managing Contracts, types of Contracts, Stages in Contract Placement, Typical Terms of a
Contract, Contract Management and Acceptance.
Executing and Managing a Project: Project Executing Processes- Acquiring and Developing the Project Team, Managing
the Project Team, Managing Stakeholder Expectations.
Part- III
Project Monitoring and Controlling Processes: Verifying and controlling Scope, Managing Schedule and Cost, Monitoring
and Controlling Risks, Project termination review.
Software Project Testing Techniques: Software testing life cycle, Issues in Object Oriented Testing, Fault-Based Testing,
Scenario-Based Testing, Random Testing and Partition Testing for Classes, Inter Class Test Case Design.
Part- IV
Testing Client/Server Systems, Testing Web based Systems, Testing Off the-Shelf Software, Testing in Multiplatform
Environment, Testing for Real Time Systems, Testing Security.
Project Closing Process: Closing a Project
Suggested Readings/Books
1. Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell, “Software Project Management”, Tata McGraw Hill. (2009).
2. Software Engineering - Somerville (Addison Wesley)
3. Software Engineering-Pressmen.

Department of CSE
Object Oriented Analysis and Design with UML

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Select the basic elements of modeling such as Things, Relationships and Diagrams depending on the views of
UML Architecture and SDLC.
CO2 Apply basic and Advanced Structural Modeling Concepts for designing real time applications.
CO3 Design Class and Object Diagrams that represent Static Aspects of a Software System.
CO4 Analyze Dynamic Aspects of a Software System using Use Case, Interaction and Activity Diagrams.
CO5 Apply techniques of State Chart Diagrams and Implementation Diagrams to model behavioral aspects and
Runtime environment of Software Systems.

Part- I
Introduction to object oriented systems, Classes, Objects, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Message
Sending, Association, Aggregation, Iterative development and the Unified Process (UP), UP phases: Inception, Elaboration,
Construction and Transition, Object-oriented metrics
Part- II
Introduction to UML, Use Cases and functional requirements, Identifying and writing Use Cases, Decomposition of use cases,
Modeling System Workflows using Activity Diagrams, Modeling a System's Logical Structure using Classes and Class
Diagrams, Modeling Interactions using Sequence Diagrams and Communication Diagrams, Timing Diagrams, Interaction
Overview Diagrams, Component Diagram, Package diagram, State Machine Diagrams, Deployment Diagrams
Part- III
Introduction to Patterns, GoF Patterns, Creational Patterns, Structural Patterns, Behavioral Patterns, Software Architectural
patterns, The Observer Pattern, The Template Method Pattern , Factory Patterns: Factory Method and Abstract Factory , The
Singleton Pattern , The Iterator Pattern , The Composite Pattern , The Facade Pattern , The State and Strategy patterns ,
Command Pattern , The Adapter Pattern , The Proxy Pattern , The Decorator Pattern, The Visitor Pattern , AntiPatterns,
Patterns for Assigning Responsibilities: GRASP Patterns
Domain modeling, assigning responsibility using sequence diagrams, mapping design to code, CASE tools, Unit, Cluster, and
System-level testing of Object-oriented programs, Aspect- oriented and Service-oriented software.
Suggested Readings/Books
1. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson ,“The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Pearson Education.
2. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado, “UML 2 Toolkit”, WILEY-Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Meilir Page-Jones,“Fundamentals of Object Oriented Design in UML”, Pearson Education.

Department of CSE
4. Pascal Roques, “Modeling Software Systems Using UML2”, WILEY- Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.

Department of CSE
HAINA (Routing and Switching Technology)

Internal Marks : 40 L T P

External Marks : 60 3 - -

Total Marks : 100

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand and describe the devices and services used to support communications in data networks and the
CO2 Understand and describe the role of protocol layers in data networks
CO3 Understand and describe the importance of addressing and naming schemes at various layers of data networks
in IPv4 and IPv6 environments.
CO4 Understand the concepts of network security and various network security standards.
CO5 Clear HCNA Routing and Switching certification exams.

Part- I
Basic Enterprise Network Architectures, Enterprise Network Constructs, Ethernet Framing, IP Addressing, Internet Control
Message Protocol, Address Resolution Protocol, Transport Layer Protocols, Data Forwarding Scenario, Expanding the Huawei
Enterprise Network, Navigating The CLI, File System Navigation and Management.
Part- II
VRP Operating System Image Management, Establishing a Single Switched Network, Spanning Tree Protocol, Rapid
Spanning Tree Protocol, Segmenting the IP Network, IP Static Routes, Distance Vector Routing with RIP, Link State Routing
with OSPF, DHCP Protocol Principles, FTP Protocol Principles, Telnet Protocol Principles, Advanced Enterprise Solutions
Part- III
Link Aggregation, VLAN Principles, GARP and GVRP, VLAN Routing, Wireless LAN Overview, Bridging Enterprise
Networks with Serial WAN Technology, Frame Relay Principles Establishing DSL Networks with PPPoE, Network Address
Translation, Establishing Enterprise Radio Access Network Solutions, Access Control Lists, AAA.
Part- IV
Securing Data with IPsec VPN, Generic Routing Encapsulation, Simple Network Management Protocol, eSight Network
Management Solutions, Introducing IPv6 Networks, IPv6 Routing Technologies, IPv6 Application Services DHCPv6.
Suggested Readings/Books
1. Routing and Switching Technology Student Guide Volume Ⅰ
2. Routing and Switching Technology Lab Guide Volume Ⅰ
3. Routing and Switching Technology Student Guide Volume Ⅱ
4. Routing and Switching Technology Lab Guide Volume Ⅱ

Department of CSE
Artificial Intelligence Lab
Internal Marks : 30 L T P
External Marks : 20 - - 2
Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 To provide students with in-depth theoretical and practical base for the development of AI based systems in
multidisciplinary fields.
CO2 Formalize a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods.
CO3 To learn control structures of functional, logic, and imperative programming language.
CO4 Implement basic AI algorithms (e.g., standard search algorithms or dynamic programming).
CO5 To Understand how the basic program evaluation mechanism works by goal satisfaction.

Part- A
List of Practical

1. Write a program to implement Breadth first Search

2. Write a program to implement Depth first Search
3. Write a program to implement Best first Search
4. Write a program to implement A* algorithm
5. Solve the crypt arithmetic problems
6. Write any program to implement heuristic search procedure.
7. Write a program to implement water jug problem.
8. Write a program to implement Tower of Hanoi
9. Write a program for Tic Tac Toe
10. Write a program for 3x3 puzzle
Part- B
• Analyse and implement code for any two games:
• Flappy Bird
• Face the hurdle
• Forest
• Marble One
• Brick Hunter
• Number puzzle
• Hangman
• Ping Pong

Department of CSE
• Snake Master
• Dyno
• Battle Tank
• Sudoku
• Car game
• Minesweepers
• T-Rex
• Develop a code for any game of your choice.

Department of CSE
Software Project Management Lab
Internal Marks : 30 L T P
External Marks : 20 - - 2
Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Apply project management concepts and techniques to an IT project.
CO2 Identify issues that could lead to IT project success or failure.
CO3 Identify project management in terms of the software development process.
CO4 Describe the responsibilities of IT project managers.
CO5 Apply project management concepts through working in a group as team leader or active team member on an IT

Part- A
List of Practical
• Develop Flow-Charts to understand basic problem solving technique by the help of Raptor tool.
• Develop requirements specification for a given problem
• Develop DFD model (level-0, level-1 DFD and Data dictionary) of the project
• Structured design for the developed DFD model
• Develop UML Use case model for a problem
• Develop sequence diagram
• Develop Class diagram
• Develop java programming language code for sample class diagram
• Use of testing tool such as Junit
• Project management using Gantt Project
• Version control using Subversion
Case Study of any Website

Department of CSE
Object Oriented Analysis and Design with UML Lab
Internal Marks : 30 L T P
External Marks : 20 - - 2
Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Show the importance of systems analysis and design in solving complex problems.
CO2 Show how the object-oriented approach differs from the traditional approach to systems analysis and design
CO3 Construct various UML models (including use case diagrams, class diagrams, interaction diagrams, state chart
diagrams, activity diagrams, and implementation diagrams) using the appropriate notation.
CO4 Recognize the difference between various object relationships: inheritance, association, whole-part, and
dependency relationships.
CO5 Show the role and function of each UML model in developing object oriented software.

List of practical
1. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for the Passport automation system.
2. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for the Book bank registration system.
3. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for the Exam registration system.
4. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for the Stock maintenance system.
5. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for the Online course reservation system.
6. To draw the diagrams [use case, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for the E-ticketing system.
7. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for Credit Card Processing
8. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for Software personnel management system
9. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for E-book management system
10. To draw the diagrams [usecase, activity, sequence, collaboration, class] for Recruitment system.

Part – B

Students will be implementing the following small applications

1. ATM System
2. Course Registration System
3. Expert System
4. Online Reservation System
5. Quiz System
6. Student Mark Analysis System
7. Library Management System

Department of CSE
8. Course Registration System
9. Payroll system
10. Online Purchase System

Department of CSE
HAINA Lab(Routing and Switching Technology)
Internal Marks : 30 L T P
External Marks : 20 - - 2
Total Marks : 50
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Identification of Network Fundamentals.
CO2 Identification and configuration of LAN switching technologies.
CO3 Description, implementation and verification of IP routing technologies.
CO4 Identification and configuration of different protocols.
CO5 Identification and configuration of infrastructure services.

Module 1 Establishing basic networks with ENSP
Module 2 Basic device navigation and configuration
Module 3 STP and RSTP
Module 4 Routing configuration
Module 5 FTP and DHCP

Department of CSE

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