Service Manual: Resmart Cpap and Autocpap System

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RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP System

Service Manual
Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Table of Contents

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1 Outer Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.2 Inner Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.2 Spare Part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.1 Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.2 Hidden Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4. Malfunction and Countermeasure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.1 Malfunction Determination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.2 Error List and Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Appendix A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Appendix B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

1. Introduction

The RESmart® CPAP / Auto-CPAP units are continuous

positive airway pressure devices designed for the
treatment of adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) only. 

This service manual is intended only for manufacturer

authorized service personnel. Maintenance actions
performed by unauthorized service personnel will serve
to void the manufacturer’s warranty.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

2. Structure
2.1 Outer Illumination

DisplayScreen Medical
Product Note
User Buttons (bottom)

Controller AC Inlet
Air Outlet SD Card
Humidifier Filter Cap
Power & Filter

Port Indicator

Fill Line


2.2 Inner Construction

See appendix A

2.3 Spare Part

See appendix B

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

3. Software
3.1 Instruction for Upgrading Device Software

1. Request copy of upgrade file prior to starting your upgrade, copy on to new
SD card.

2. Power off RESmart® CPAP/AutoCPAP device, then insert new SD Card.

3. Press and hold both Pressure Start/Stop Button and User Button (-). Plug in
power cord while keeping both buttons pressed.

4. System will begin upgrade.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

3.2 Hidden Function

1. Clearing Patient Data

(Available on version 1.28 and later)

Clearing the data of the RESmart CPAP and Auto-CPAP unit requires use of
a hidden function. Caution: Once the data is cleared, there is no possibility of
recovering erased data.

To clear all recorded data and restore the unit to initial factory default settings,
enter the Patient Menu by depressing ramp for 3 seconds or more. Advance
the menu using the “+” sign until you reach the date option. Manually change
the date to reflect: Year = 2097, Month = 07, Day =01, Hour = 0, Minute =26.
Press On/Off button when “Hour” setting is displayed. It is not necessary to
save the setting.

Important note: After data has been cleared, it will be necessary to

re-set the device, reviewing all patient and clinician settings (i.e. enabling
iCode, correcting to current date, etc.).

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

2. Pressure calibration
(Available on version 1.20 and later)

Connect pressure meter to the gas outlet in the device, enter hidden
datesetting, set ‘YYYY/MM/DD’=’2098/08/08’, press ‘On/Off’ when ‘Hour’
setting, thus pressure calibration starts. The device increases pressure to
20hPa(cmH2O), AD sampling data will appear on LCD. When LCD data
displaying is stable, if pressure meter value is not 20, press ‘+/-’ button to
adjust the pressure output. Until output pressure value is 20 and LCD displays
stable, press ‘On/Off’ button to finish pressure calibration.

3. Debug mode
(Available on version 1.19 and later)

Enter hidden date setting, set ‘YYYY/MM/DD’=’2099/08/02(or 03)’, press ‘On/

Off’ when ‘Hour’ setting, thus debug #02 or #03 mode starts. The device can
send real time data to computer via serial port. Only cutting off power supply
can make device back to normal mode.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

4. Malfunction and Countermeasure

4.1 Malfunction Determination

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

4.2 Error List and Information

Index Problem Causing
01 Overheat Error reading from temperature sensor.
Possible temperature sensor damage. Reset
device if singular occurrence.

02 Blower feedback error Check blower and pressure sensor.

03 Blower runs slowly Blower, main board or pressure sensor


04 Temperature sensor is damaged.

07 Zero point drifting of pressure sensor Parameter error or pressure sensor damaged.
ultra limit

08 Version mismatch The system was updated by a wrong version.

09 Device parameter error Check device driver and circuit board

12 Sensor error The device’s temperature is too high or

digital pressure sensor’s problem.

13 Device temperature is lower than 0℃ Digital pressure sensor problem.

14 Blower overheats The temperature of blower is too high or the

blower temperature sensor is damaged.

15 Possible damage to temperature sensor Restart device if singular occurrence.

16 Lack of hardware parameter Unexpected error generated  from sensor

17 BPAP software error Write the software of 25T/30T into 25/25A.

18 BPAP software error Write the software of 25/25A into 25T/30T.

19 Blower driver circuit overheats.

20 The temperature sensor of blower

driver circuit is damaged.

21 Two sensors overheat at the same time The main board and flow sensor overheat
(BPAP, Auto at the same time. CPAP: The main board and
the thermostat of power tube overheat at the
same time.)

22 Blower current is over flow.

23 The mean current of blower is over flow.

24 During pressure calibration, the mean current is over flow.

64 3.3V voltage supplied to digital flow sensor is abnormal.

74 Blower data from serial port is wrong during calibration.

75 Blower cannot run successfully in 20 seconds

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Appendix A:

Device Configuration
1. Main device

Fig. A - Main board (backside) Fig. B – Outlet (leftside)

Hole #1, 2 and 3 in Fig. B, connect to sensor YL and LL via silicon rubber canal.
Specified in Table 1:

Fig. B Fig. A Specification of canal

1 Hole #1 on sensor YL φ2mm, Φ4mm, L12cm

2 Hole #2 on sensor LL φ2mm, Φ4mm, L12cm

3 Hole #1 on sensor LL φ2mm, Φ4mm, L8cm

Table 1

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Fig. C – Power PCBA (front side) Fig. D – Wire connecting on

power PCBA

Sockets figuration



AC Socket 3-pin plug

Fig. E – Power supply connecting



6-pin plug 2-pin plug Reed

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Fig. F – Power supply to humidifier

Connecting relationship:

Table 2

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

2. Humidifier

Fig. G – Humidifier PCBA (back side)

Fig. H – Power supply to humidifier

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Fig. I – Heater PCBA

4-pin plug

3-pin plug


Power Reed to Humidifer

Heater PCBA

Connecting relationship:

Table 3

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Components Illumination

1. Device Inside

S/N Assembly Figure

1 Insert humidifier locker on the

shield bottom.

Orange Black
2 Insert humidifier power supply reed
on the shield bottom as per Fig. E
and F.

3 Assembly the humidifier locker and

button spring.

4 Put fixing on the spring and fix by

screw (2×3mm*8mm).

5 Put power wire. Power wire to


6 Assembly the shield back on the

bottom, fix by screw

7 Assembly foam (bottom) into

shield bottom.

8 Assembly AC power socket on

the shield back (character face up).

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Assembly Figure

9 Clean up the wire.

10 Assembly power PCBA in the

socket and connect all plugs. Clean
up the wire.

11 Connect outlet to blower connector,

fix by clip.

12 Connect blower to connector and

fix by clip. Put the integrated one in
the right place.

13 Covered by foam cover and clean

up wires.

14 Assembly fixing clip on the main FCBA Fixing

board PCBA.
Pressure Sensor

15 Plug the 8-pin plug of blower in

the socket PM plug #2 as in
Fig. E in the socket P24 on the
main board PCBA.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Assembly Figure

FCBA Fixing Pole

16 Assembly the main board PCBA on

fixing pole and make sure the clip
clamps power PCBA.

17 1. As per Table 1, connect sensor

YL to outlet by silicon rubber
12cm canal for YL Sensor

2. Connect sensor LL to outlet by

silicon rubber canal. 8cm canal for LL Sensor
12cm canal for LL Sensor

2. Device Outside
S/N Assembly Figure

18 Put handle in the socket on

shield cover.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Assembly Figure

19 Assembly handle fixing to handle

and fix by screw (4×3mm*8mm).

20 Assembly the infrared window. Infrared


21 Assembly and fix the panel.

23 Put on the key button.

24 Assembly shield cover on the

bottom, adjust the position of outlet
and make sure it is clamped in the
right socket.

Screw Hole
25 Fix the shield by screws

26 Stick four device pads. Device Pad

27 Put in filter and assembly the cover.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Assembly Figure

Plug (up)
28 Put on all plugs if necessary Power Plug
(without humidifier).
Plug (down)

2. Humidifier
S/N Assembly Figure

Black Orange

1 As per Fig. H, assembly the

heater plane and wire. Fix them by
screw (3mm*8mm).

2 Put spring on each of three poles

on heater plane.

3 Assembly the scaleboard on

the heater plane and fix by screw

4 As per Table 3, assembly heater

PCBA and wires.

5 Put the humidifier inner connector

on t he shield.

6 Put on light window.

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Assembly Figure

7 Assembly the inner and outer


8 Fix on screw (M3*10mm). Screw

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Appendix B:

Spare Part Configuration

S/N Name Qty Figure

1 Shield Cover 1

2 Handle 1

3 Handle Fixing 2

4 Shield Bottom 1

5 Humidifier Clip 1

6 Humidifier Locker 1

7 Humidifier Fixing 1

8 Filter Cover 1

9 Shield Back 1

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Name Qty Figure

10 Outlet 1

11 PCBA Fixing 2

12 Infrared Window 2

13 Panel 1

14 Humidifier Outer Shield 1

15 Humidifier Inner Shield 1

16 Light Window 1

17 Pole Platelet 1

18 Humidifier Power Plug 1

19 Humidifier Plug (left-up) 1

20 Humidifier Plug (left-down) 1

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

S/N Name Qty Figure

21 Humidifier Plug (right-up) 1

22 Humidifier Plug (right-down) 1

23 Device Pad 6

24 Blower Connector 1

25 Humidifier Inner Connector 1

26 Key Button 1

27 Humidifier Scaleboard 1

28 Heater Plane Spring 3

29 Button Spring 1

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Spare Part List

Part Name S/N Qty Unit Classify Use
Main Board PCBA 20211261 1 PC PCBA Main Device
Heater PCBA 20212-41 1 PC PCBA Humidifier
Power Supply PCBA 20311101 1 PC PCBA Main Device
Blower 40211 1 PC Assembly Main Device
Heater Plane 45010101 1 Set Assembly Humidifier
Power Supply PCBA Wire 45010201 1 Set Wire Main Device
Main Board PCBA Wire 45010301 1 Set Wire Main Device
Silicon Rubber Canal 50224 1 PC Assembly Main Device
Silicon Rubber Canal 50224 1 PC Assembly Main Device
Foam (bottom) 40191-0101 1 PC Foam Main Device
Foam (cover) 40191-0201 1 PC Foam Main Device
Shield Cover 4011120101 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Handle 4011120201 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Handle Fixing 40111-0301 2 PC Plastic Main Device
Shield Bottom 4011120401 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Humidifier Clip 4011120501 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Humidifier Locker 40111-0601 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Humidifier Fixing 40111-0701 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Filter Cover 4011120801 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Shield Back 4011120901 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Outlet 4011123001 1 Set Plastic Main Device
PCBA Fixing 40111-1301 2 PC Plastic Main Device
Infrared Window 4011101401 2 PC Plastic Main Device
Panel 4011220101 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Power Supply PCBA Fixing 40111-1601 1 PC Plastic Main Device
Humidifier Outer Shield 4011122201 1 PC Plastic Humidifier
Humidifier Inner Shield 4011122301 1 PC Plastic Humidifier
Pole Platelet 40111-2601 1 PC Plastic Humidifier
Light Window 4011142401 1 PC Plastic Humidifier
Button Spring 4013140101 1 PC Metal Main Device
Humidifier Scaleboard 4013130401 1 PC Metal Humidifier
Heater Plane Spring 4013140501 3 PC Metal Humidifier
Humidifier Power Plug 4012110101 1 PC Rubber Main Device
Humidifier Plug (left-up) 4012110201 1 PC Rubber Main Device
Humidifier Plug (left-down) 4012110301 1 PC Rubber Main Device
Humidifier Plug (right-up) 4012110401 1 PC Rubber Main Device
Humidifier Plug (right-down) 4012110501 1 PC Rubber Main Device
Device Pad 4012110601 6 PC Rubber All
Key Button 4012110701 1 PC Rubber Main Device
Blower Connector 4012110801 1 PC Rubber Main Device

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Spare Part List (cont.)

Part Name S/N Qty Unit Classify Use
Humidifier Inner Connector 4012110901 1 PC Rubber Humidifier
Screw-1 8 PC Screw All
Screw-2 9 PC Screw All
Sunk Screw 4 PC Screw Main Device
Filter 1 PC Accessory All
Power Cord 33011101 1 PC Accessory All

Service Manual for RESmart® CPAP and AutoCPAP V1.5

Limited Warranty
3B Medical, Inc. (hereafter ‘3B’) warrants that the RESmart® CPAP
and Auto-CPAP devices will be free of all defects in workmanship and
materials, and will perform according to specifications, for a period of
two (2) years from the date of sale of the device, and 90 days on any

If the product fails to perform in accordance with the product specifications,

3B will repair or replace at its option, the defective material or part. This
warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse,
alteration and other defects not related to material or workmanship.

• 3B will issue an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) within 24

hours of receipt of written notification of a failed or defective unit.
Failed/defective units must be returned within 30 days of the RMA

• Shipping the machine to us for warranty diagnostic is the customer’s

responsibility. Warranty covers Domestic Shipping back to you.
Please contact us for all warranty claims or questions.

• This warranty coverage is applicable to all 3B/BMC CPAP, Auto

CPAP and Auto Bi-level devices.

• The warranty policy does not cover any damages caused as a result
of alteration, intentional damage, modification, or unauthorized repair
of the device.

• Warranty does include reasonable water damage and is at the sole

discretion of 3B.

• This warranty replaces all other expressed or implied warranties,

including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. 3B reserves the right to amend this policy at any

3B Medical, Inc.
21301 Highway 27 N.
Lake Wales, FL 33859 USA
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (863) 226-6285 • Fax: (863) 226-6284

For additional information, please visit our Patient Portal at:


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