Training 2

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Multiple choice questions (0.

5 marks/question):
1. In scientific research, the process of naming and classifying.
A. Prediction
B. Control
C. Description
D. Understanding
2. The attempt to explain behavior in terms of underlying biological principles.
A. Humanism
B. Biological perspective
C. Self-actualization
D. Cognitive perspective
3. A psychologist who specializes in the treatment of psychological and behavioral
disturbances or who does research on such disturbances.
A. Counselling psychologist
B. Biological perspective
C. Counselor
D. Clinical psychologist
4. In an experiment, the condition being investigated as a possible cause of some behavior
A. Independent variable
B. Extraneous variables
C. Dependent variable
D. intervening variable
5. An ability to accurately forecast behavior.
A. Prediction
B. Control
C. Description
D. Understanding
6. Psychology is:
A. a natural science integrating physiology and neurology
B. the deductive study of forms and functions of human groups
C. the scientific study of behavior and mental processes of any living creature
D. the study of human origins, evolution, and cultures

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7. The psychologist seeking to discover why sociopaths repeat destructive behavior is
pursuing the scientific goal of:
A. understanding
B. prediction
C. control
D. description
8. Of the following, who used introspection as a scientific technique for investigating
A. John Watson
B. B.F. Skinner
C. Ivan Pavlov
D. Wilhelm Wundt
9. The psychoanalytic school of thought emphasizes the role of ________ in development.
A. unconscious impulses, desires, and conflicts
B. subjective experiences, potentials, and ideals
C. external rewards and punishments
D. physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and evolution
10. In an experiment to study the effects of fertilizer on plants, the amount of fertilizer used
on each plant would be:
A. the dependent variable
B. an irrelevant variable
C. an extraneous variable
D. the independent variable
11. In an experiment on the effects of hunger on the reading scores of elementary school
children, the intelligence of the students in this study would be the:
A. dependent variable
B. intervening variable
C. control variable
D. independent variable
12. In the definition of psychology, mental processes mean:
A. Internal, covert processes
B. Unconscious processes
C. Outward or overt actions and reactions
D. Only human nature

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13. Dr. Flora designs an experiment for studying lab rats' reaction to energy drinks in relation
to problem-solving. Dr. Flora is most interested in the goal of:
A. Description
B. Explanation
C. Prediction
D. Control
14. Which perspective would a researcher be taking if she were studying a client's early
childhood experiences and his resulting developing self?
A. Psychodynamic
B. Cognitive
C. Behavioral
D. Evolutionary
15. Which of the following professionals in psychology has no medical training but has a
doctoral degree?
A. Psychiatrist
B. Psychiatric Nurse
C. Psychiatric Social Worker
D. Psychologist
16. The greatest advantage of using a case study is that:
A. Researchers can gather data from large groups of people
B. There is a tremendous amount of detail that can be gathered
C. It can be helpful in forming a hypothesis that can later be tested
D. It uses animals instead of humans and therefore does not endanger the subjects
17. In the definition of psychology, the term behavior means:
A. Internal, covert processes
B. Outward behavior
C. Overt actions and reactions
D. Only animal behavior
18. A psychologist is interested in finding out why married couples seemingly begin to look
like each other after several years of marriage. This psychologist is most interested in the goal
A. Description
B. Explanation
C. Prediction

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D. Control
19. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis focused on:
A. Observable behavior
B. Gestalt perceptions
C. Introspection
D. Early childhood experiences
20. Which perspective is often referred to as the "third force" in psychology and focuses on a
person's freedom of choice in determining their behavior?
A. Biopsychological perspective
B. Behaviorism
C. Cognitive psychology
D. Humanism
21. Dr. Rosa identifies herself with the largest subfield of psychology. What kind of
psychologist is she?
A. Counseling
B. Social Psychology
C. Developmental Psychology
D. Clinical Psychology
22. How mental abilities allow people to adapt to environments
A. Structuralism
B. Behaviorism
C. Functionalism
D. Psychoanalysis
23. field of psychology that concentrates on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological
A. Health Psychology
B. Clinical Psychology
C. Social Psychology
D. Developmental Psychology
24. What do we call the branch of psychology concerned with how our social and mental
situations influence our health?
A. Health psychology
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Health therapy

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D. Psychotherapy
25. Which field of psychology would attribute behavior to a person's genes?
A. biological psychology
B. behavioral psychology
C. cognitive psychology
D. humanistic psychology
26. How did Wilhelm Wundt and William James change the study of human behavior?
A. They looked at it from a scientific point of view
B. They applied the principles of functionalism to its study
C. They looked at it from a philosophical point of view
D. They applied humanist principles to its study
27. The field that studies the role of psychology in the development of physical health
problems is:
A. Psychology
B. Health Psychology
C. Illness Psychology
D. Delinquent Behavior
28. The main advantage of a survey is that:
A. Only a small number of subjects need to be accessed
B. A large amount of data can be gathered
C. The chance of experimenter error is removed
D. Subjects will not know if they are part of a control or experimental group
29. it uses the scientific method to carefully observe and analyze its theories
A. Science
B. cognitive psychology
C. Frequency distributions
D. Social Learning Theory
30. are what we do because we learned to respond to specific events in the environment
A. Stability vs Change
B. Introspection
C. Control group
D. Voluntary acts

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