Icx 069
Icx 069
Icx 069
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Synopsis Running events range from 60-m sprints to ultra-marathons covering 100 miles or more, which presents
an interesting diversity in terms of the parameters for successful performance. Here, we review the physiological and
biomechanical variations underlying elite human running performance in sprint to ultramarathon distances.
Maximal running speeds observed in sprint disciplines are achieved by high vertical ground reaction forces applied
over short contact times. To create this high force output, sprint events rely heavily on anaerobic metabolism, as
well as a high number and large cross-sectional area of type II fibers in the leg muscles. Middle distance running
performance is characterized by intermediates of biomechanical and physiological parameters, with the possibility of
unique combinations of each leading to high-level performance. The relatively fast velocities in mid-distance events
require a high mechanical power output, though ground reaction forces are less than in sprinting. Elite mid-
distance runners exhibit local muscle adaptations that, along with a large anaerobic capacity, provide the ability
to generate a high power output. Aerobic capacity starts to become an important aspect of performance in middle
_ 2max is an important determinant of
distance events, especially as distance increases. In distance running events, VO
performance, but is relatively homogeneous in elite runners. VO _ 2 and velocity at lactate threshold have been shown
to be superior predictors of elite distance running performance. Ultramarathons are relatively new running events,
as such, less is known about physiological and biomechanical parameters that underlie ultra-marathon performance.
However, it is clear that performance in these events is related to aerobic capacity, fuel utilization, and fatigue
Competitive sprinters exhibit higher vertical GRFs The ability to generate force during sprint running is
and shorter contact times than non-sprint athletes likely dependent on leg strength, power, and stiffness, as
and this finding remains not only at the maximum these factors have been shown to be correlated with
speeds of these athletes, but even over a range of sprinting performance (Chelly and Denis 2001; Bret
speeds (Clark and Weyand 1985). Moreover, force et al. 2002). The importance of leg strength is further
application technique, specifically the orientation of illustrated by the finding that age-related muscular at-
the GRF vector, is important for performance rophy and losses in muscle strength are associated with
(Morin and Sève 2011). Additionally, the horizontal longer contact times, lower GRFs, and corresponding
component of the GRF appears to be a determinant decreases in running speed (Korhonen et al. 2009).
of sprinting performance, as the horizontal propul- Skeletal muscle characteristics underlie the force de-
sive impulse has been reported to account for 57% mands with critical determinants of sprint performance
fast velocities require a high mechanical power out- accumulation, have been found to have a significant
put, though GRFs are less than what is seen in relationship with middle distance running perfor-
sprinting (Nilsson and Thorstensson 1989). mance (Yoshida et al. 1990).
Mechanically we see that middle-distance runners
run in a similar manner to sprinters, but differ Distance
from distance runners at both maximal and submax-
Similar to sprint running, distance running has re-
imal velocities. The differences between middle dis-
ceived considerable attention in the scientific litera-
tance and distance runners include increased stride
ture. Distance events consist of the 5000 m, 10,000
length, reduced contact time, increased knee flexion
m, and marathon distances, although some consider
during swing, and greater center of mass oscillation
the 3000 m to be a distance event. The duration of
(Cunningham et al. 2013). Changes in running me-
Billat et al. 2001). Factors that contribute to the high are relatively new to the spectrum of running events,
_ 2max values observed in elite distance runners in-
VO given this and the relatively small numbers of partici-
clude increases in blood volume, capillary density, pants, less is known about the biomechanical and phys-
and mitochondrial density, with a primary factor be- iological parameters that underlie ultramarathon
ing increased stroke volume (Kanstrup and Ekblom performance. However, it is clear that these events
1984; Krip et al. 1997; Martino et al. 2002). rely heavily on aerobic functioning, fuel utilization,
However, VO _ 2max has been found to be relatively and fatigue resistance.
homogeneous in elite runners, and within elite pop-
ulations race times have been shown to have only a Biomechanical
low to moderate correlation with VO _ 2max.
There is a scarcity of research examining the biome-
Alternatively, VO_ 2 at LT and velocity at LT have
chanics of ultramarathon runners. Given the close rela-
running performances at different distances, there aimed at further understanding these factors. Lastly,
are several other factors that affect performance ei- thus far it is understood that physiologically ultra-
ther on their own or via physiology and biomechan- marathon performance is dependent on high run-
ics. These factors may vary considerably across ning economy and fatigue resistance. The
individuals and/or disciplines. A primary factor biomechanical factors of increased stride frequency
that influences running performance is injury avoid- while maintaining contact times, and lower maximal
ance. Running has one of the highest rates of inju- vertical GRFs and loading rate at impact are poten-
ries, with the number of injuries ranging from 2.5 to tially related to the fatigue resistance that is associ-
33.0 per 1000 h of running (Videbæk et al. 2015). ated with successful ultramarathon performance.
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shortened by overuse injuries. Additionally, particu- the physiological and biomechanical variables related
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