TD-DFT Study On The Sensing Mechanism
TD-DFT Study On The Sensing Mechanism
TD-DFT Study On The Sensing Mechanism
Abstract: An excited-state proton transfer (ESPT) process, induced by both intermolecular and intramolecular
hydrogen-bonding interactions, is proposed to account for the fluorescence sensing mechanism of a fluoride chemo-
sensor, phenyl-1H-anthra(1,2-d)imidazole-6,11-dione. The time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT)
method has been applied to investigate the different electronic states. The present theoretical study of this chemosen-
sor, as well as its anion and fluoride complex, has been conducted with a view to monitoring its structural and pho-
tophysical properties. The proton of the chemosensor can shift to fluoride in the ground state but transfers from the
proton donor (NH group) to a proton acceptor (neighboring carbonyl group) in the first singlet excited state. This
may explain the observed red shifts in the fluorescence spectra in the relevant fluorescent sensing mechanism.
q 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 31: 1759–1765, 2010
Key words: fluorescent Chemosensor; Time–Dependent density functional theory; hydrogen bond; sensing mecha-
nism; Excited-State proton transfer
Table 1. The Calculated Bond Lengths (Å) and Angles (8) for the Three to fluoride in the ground state. We consider CF to be AF
Forms of the Chemosensor PF by the DFT and TDDFT Methods. bonded to a hydrogen fluoride molecule, which explains why
AF and CF are of similar structure and display similar 1H NMR
PF CF AF spectra. Indeed, it is difficult to distinguish them in the above
S0 S1 S0 S1 S0 S1
local minima only have real frequencies. In the S1 state, all three
geometries retain their planar structures, although the dipole
moments are changed (see the Supporting Information). It con-
firms that S02S1 transitions of them have ICT character. The
Figure 1. Top: Calculated chemical shifts in 1H NMR spectra of bond distance H F is shorter in PF (0.98 Å), which is very
three forms of the chemosensor at DFT/B3LYP/TZVP level, TMS is close to that in a free HF molecule. As mentioned above, it has
chosen as a standard substance. (A) PF; (B) CF; (C) AF. Bottom:22 been demonstrated that the intramolecular proton transfer can be
Partial 1H NMR (400 MHz) spectra of the chemosensor (1022 M) in facilitated by the hydrogen bonds in the excited state. In particu-
CD3CN in (A) the absence of [(Bu)4N]F; (B) the presence of 10.0 lar, it has further been confirmed that the N H near the car-
equiv of [(Bu)4N]F. bonyl group often exhibits excited-state proton transfer
(ESPT).38–43 This ESPT process cannot proceed in the chemo-
the O18 H bond length is shortened and the hydrogen bond sensor in the absence of fluoride anion. In CF, relaxation to the
between O18 and H is significantly strengthened after the stable S1 geometry involves proton transfer from a nitrogen do-
HOMO2LUMO transition. nor to an oxygen acceptor. The O18 H bond length is signifi-
cantly shortened to 1.50 Å but the N1 H distance increases to
Optimized Structures in the First Singlet Excited State 2.58 Å compared to the respective bond lengths in the ground
state. Moreover, the F H O18 bond angle changes from
We also obtained the excited-state structures of the chemosensor 102.2 to 163.08. The interaction in the fluoride complex is so
at TDDFT/B3LYP/TZVP with COSMO solvation model. The
Scheme 2. The entire fluorescence sensing processes for the chemosensor phenyl-1H-anthra(1,2-d)im-
idazole-6,11-dione. (A) neutral form; (B) complex form; (C) anionic form.
weak that most characteristics of the excited-state complex form the lower part of Scheme 2. First, the chemosensor binds a
tend towards those of AF with a discrete HF molecule. fluoride ion through an intermolecular hydrogen bond, with con-
comitant proton transfer from N1 to fluoride. Second, the
Emission Spectra
anion2chemosensor complex interacts with its environment and
deprotonation of the chemosensor is induced. Based on a Mul-
As shown in Figure 4, these photophysical characteristics of the liken population analysis of the ground state, we have found
excited states of the three forms are also in good agreement most of the atomic populations in the complexed form to
with the experimental results.22 For all three forms, it is be quite different from those in the neutral form, but close to
observed that, after relaxation of the S1 excited state, the energy those in the anionic form. This confirms that charge distribution
of the first electronic transition decreases significantly. This tran- takes place mainly in the first equilibrium rather than the second
sition should correspond to the respective emission energies. one.
The oscillator strength values of the S12S0 transition in PF, CF The potential-energy curves of CF as a function of the
and AF are 0.204, 0.041 and 0.086 respectively. PF displays a N1 H bond length are studied to understand the proposed
band with a maximum at 546 nm. When fluoride is added, a ESPT process (shown in Fig. 5). The energies of S1 state have
red-shifted emission centered at 677 nm emerges, which can be
assigned to the long-wavelength emission of the ESPT process.
For AF, this band is shifted to 621 nm. It can clearly be
observed that the emission wavelengths of CF are much longer
than the absorption wavelengths. The emission band of AF is
red-shifted by about 75 nm in comparison with that of the neu-
tral form according to our TDDFT calculation. The Stokes shift
of the complex form is larger than that of the other two forms,
since the change in charge distribution of the complex form after
the proton transfer is more pronounced.
been optimized for the N1 H bond length, while the energies between its N H group and the neighboring carbonyl group in
of S0 state have been calculated for the optimized geometries of its ground state. Addition of fluoride anion at this N H group
the S1 state. The energy of S1 state decreases along the ESPT induces the formation of a new hydrogen bond with concomitant
process coordinate with no barrier. It is clear that the nature of capture of the proton. After excitation, the HF moiety in the
emitting state after addition of fluoride anion is different from complex form shifts to the neighboring carbonyl group to form
that of absorbing state. CF, which can be regarded as AF bind- another hydrogen bond through an anion-induced ESPT process.
ing a HF molecule at the position of N1, spontaneously presents Emission transition energies are relatively well reproduced by
the transfer of proton from N1 to carbonyl by the excitation of TD-DFT vertical transition energies computed from the first sin-
light. Then, fluorescence of CF released from the excited states. glet excited optimized geometries. The relaxation of the excited
In this case, CF can be regarded as AF binding a HF molecule states induces a significant lowering of their first electronic tran-
at the position of carbonyl. The results successfully interpret the sitions, which makes the fluorescent difference between this che-
previous conclusion that ESPT process can proceed spontane- mosensor and its fluoride complex. The fluorescence sensing
ously in the S1 state. mechanism for fluoride anion has been verified to be in accord-
Considering the two equilibria in the ground state and the ance with the reported results. The tautomeric structure of the
potential-energy curves mentioned above, we can delineate the fluoride-chemosensor complex makes a major contribution to the
fluorescent sensing mechanism of this chemosensor as follows: dissociation of the HF molecule in the excited state. In conclu-
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the NH group to form an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Subse- excited-state complex and an anion-induced ESPT process.
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as a proton donor and the neighboring carbonyl group acting as
a proton acceptor (However, we are supposing the lifetime of References
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