User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience Core

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Core User Manual

Oracle Banking Digital Experience


Part No. F72987-01

November 2022
Core User Manual
November 2022

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Table of Contents

1. Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 1–1

1.1 Intended Audience ...................................................................................................................... 1–1
1.2 Documentation Accessibility ....................................................................................................... 1–1
1.3 Access to Oracle Support ........................................................................................................... 1–1
1.4 Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 1–1
1.5 Related Information Sources ...................................................................................................... 1–1

2. Transaction Host Integration Matrix .............................................................................................. 2–1

3. Dashboards ....................................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 System Administrative Transactions ........................................................................................... 3-5
3.2 Administrative Maker Transactions ........................................................................................... 3-19
3.3 Administrative Approver Transactions ....................................................................................... 3-23

4. User Management ........................................................................................................................... 4-26

4.1 User Management - Create ....................................................................................................... 4-27
4.2 User Management - Search and View....................................................................................... 4-40
4.3 User Management - Edit ............................................................................................................ 4-55
4.4 Reset Password ......................................................................................................................... 4-65

5. Party Preferences ............................................................................................................................. 5-1

5.1 Party Preferences- Search .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 Party Preferences - Create .......................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3 Party Preferences- View ............................................................................................................ 5-16
5.4 Party Preferences - Edit ............................................................................................................ 5-22

6. Party to Party Linkage ...................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Party to Party Linkage- Search.................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2 Party To Party Linkage - Create .................................................................................................. 6-4
6.3 Party to Party Linkage- View ....................................................................................................... 6-6
6.4 Party To Party Linkage - Edit and De-link ................................................................................... 6-7

7. Merchant Management ..................................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Merchant Management – Search ................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2 Merchant Management – Outward Remittance ........................................................................... 7-5
7.3 Merchant Management – Inward Remittance ........................................................................... 7-13
7.4 Merchant Management - Delete ................................................................................................ 7-21

8. Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment ..................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Biller Onboarding ......................................................................................................................... 8-2

9. Limits Definition ................................................................................................................................ 9-1

9.1 Limits Definition - View ................................................................................................................ 9-2
9.2 Limits Definition - Create ............................................................................................................. 9-5
9.3 Limits Definition - Delete Limit ................................................................................................... 9-10

10. Limit Package Management ....................................................................................................... 10-1

10.1 Limit Package Management - View ........................................................................................... 10-2
10.2 Limit Package Management - Create ........................................................................................ 10-6
10.3 Limit Package Management - Edit............................................................................................. 10-9
10.4 Limit Package Management - Clone ....................................................................................... 10-14
10.5 Limit Package Management - Delete ...................................................................................... 10-16

11. User Limits ................................................................................................................................... 11-1

11.1 User Limits - View ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2 User Limits - Edit ....................................................................................................................... 11-7

12. Transaction Group Maintenance ............................................................................................... 12-1

12.1 Transaction Group Maintenance - View .................................................................................... 12-2
12.2 Transaction Group Maintenance - Create ................................................................................. 12-4
12.3 Transaction Group Maintenance - Edit ...................................................................................... 12-5
12.4 Transaction Group Maintenance - Delete ................................................................................. 12-8

13. Party Resource Access .............................................................................................................. 13-1

13.1 Party Resource Access - Mapping (Create) .............................................................................. 13-2
13.2 Party Resource Access- View ................................................................................................... 13-6
13.3 Party Resource Access - Edit .................................................................................................... 13-9
13.4 Party Resource Access - Delete .............................................................................................. 13-12

14. User Resource Access ............................................................................................................... 14-1

14.1 User Resource Access - Mapping (Create) ............................................................................... 14-2
14.2 User Resource Access- Search ................................................................................................ 14-9
14.3 User Resource Access - Edit ................................................................................................... 14-14
14.4 User Resource Access - Delete .............................................................................................. 14-17

15. Approvals ..................................................................................................................................... 15-1

15.1 Workflow Management .............................................................................................................. 15-2
15.2 Approval Rules ........................................................................................................................ 15-22
15.3 Approval Rules – Select User Type......................................................................................... 15-23
15.4 Approval Rules - Admin User - Admin Approval Rules ........................................................... 15-23
15.5 Approval Rules - Corporate User - Approval Rule .................................................................. 15-32
16. Group Corporate Onboarding .................................................................................................... 16-1
16.1 Group Corporate Onboarding – Search Corporate ................................................................... 16-2
16.2 Step 1: Group Corporate Profiling ............................................................................................. 16-9
16.3 Step 2: Party Account Access ................................................................................................. 16-30
16.4 Step 3: User Onboarding ......................................................................................................... 16-49
16.5 Step 4: User Group Maintenance ............................................................................................ 16-74
16.6 Step 5: User Account Access .................................................................................................. 16-82
16.7 Step 6: Report Mapping ......................................................................................................... 16-109
16.8 Step 7: Workflow Management ............................................................................................. 16-118
16.9 Step 8: Approval Rules .......................................................................................................... 16-129

17. Party Migration ........................................................................................................................ 17-163

18. Origination Workflow Configuration ......................................................................................... 18-1

18.1 Search Workflow........................................................................................................................ 18-2
18.2 Single Product Application ......................................................................................................... 18-4
18.3 Bundle Application ................................................................................................................... 18-13

19. Service Request Form Builder ................................................................................................. 19-31

19.1 Service Request Definition - Summary.................................................................................... 19-31
19.2 Service Request Definition - Search and View ........................................................................ 19-32
19.3 Service Request Form Builder - Create................................................................................... 19-40
19.4 Service Request Form Builder - Edit ....................................................................................... 19-49
19.5 Deactivate/Activate Service Request ...................................................................................... 19-55

20. User Group – Service Request Mapping................................................................................... 20-1

20.1 User Group - Service Request Mapping - Search ..................................................................... 20-2
20.2 User Group - Service Request Mapping - Create ..................................................................... 20-5
20.3 User Group - Service Request Mapping - Modify...................................................................... 20-8

21. Feedback .................................................................................................................................... 21-12

21.1 Feedback Template Maintenance ........................................................................................... 21-12
21.2 Feedback Analytics.................................................................................................................. 21-29

22. SMS Banking ............................................................................................................................... 22-1

22.1 SMS Banking - Edit.................................................................................................................... 22-3
22.2 Missed Call Banking - Search ................................................................................................... 22-4
22.3 Missed Call Banking - Edit ......................................................................................................... 22-6

23. System Rules ............................................................................................................................... 23-1

24. First Time Login .......................................................................................................................... 24-7

25. Transaction Aspects ................................................................................................................... 25-1
25.1 View Transaction Aspects ......................................................................................................... 25-2
25.2 Update Transaction Aspects ..................................................................................................... 25-3

26. ATM / Branch Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 26-1

26.1 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Search ......................................................................................... 26-2
26.2 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add .............................................................................................. 26-5
26.3 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Edit............................................................................................. 26-13
26.4 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Delete ........................................................................................ 26-15

27. Product Mapping ......................................................................................................................... 27-1

27.1 Product Mapping - View ............................................................................................................ 27-2
27.2 Product Mapping - Edit .............................................................................................................. 27-5
27.3 Product Mapping - Create ......................................................................................................... 27-7

28. User Profile Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 28-1

28.1 User Profile - View ..................................................................................................................... 28-2
28.2 User Profile - Edit....................................................................................................................... 28-3

29. Payee Restriction Setup ............................................................................................................. 29-1

29.1 Payee Restriction Setup - View ................................................................................................. 29-2
29.2 Payee Restriction Setup - Edit ................................................................................................... 29-5
29.3 Payee Restriction Setup - Create .............................................................................................. 29-8

30. Forex Deal Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 30-1

30.1 Add Currency Pairs.................................................................................................................... 30-1
30.2 Update Forex Deal..................................................................................................................... 30-3

31. Biller Category Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 31-1

31.1 Biller Category Maintenance - Summary ................................................................................... 31-2
31.2 Biller Category Maintenance - Add Category ............................................................................ 31-3
31.3 Biller Category Maintenance - Edit Category ............................................................................ 31-4
31.4 Biller Category Maintenance - Delete ........................................................................................ 31-5

32. Touch Point Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 32-1

32.1 Touch Point Maintenance - View ............................................................................................... 32-2
32.2 Touch Point Maintenance - Edit ................................................................................................ 32-5
32.3 Touch Point Maintenance - Create ............................................................................................ 32-7

33. Touch Point Group Maintenance ............................................................................................... 33-1

33.1 Touch Point Group Maintenance - View .................................................................................... 33-1
33.2 Touch Point Group Maintenance - Edit ..................................................................................... 33-4
33.3 Touch Point Group Maintenance - Create ................................................................................. 33-6
34. Role Transaction Mapping ......................................................................................................... 34-1
34.1 Search & View Application Role ................................................................................................ 34-2
34.2 Edit Application Role.................................................................................................................. 34-7
34.3 Delete Application Role ........................................................................................................... 34-11
34.4 Create Application Role ........................................................................................................... 34-12

35. Entitlements ................................................................................................................................. 35-1

35.1 Entitlements - View .................................................................................................................... 35-1
35.2 Entitlements - Edit...................................................................................................................... 35-3

36. User Segment Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 36-1

36.1 User Segment Maintenance - Search ....................................................................................... 36-2
36.2 User Segment Maintenance - Edit............................................................................................. 36-6
36.3 User Segment Maintenance - Create ........................................................................................ 36-9

37. Authentication ............................................................................................................................. 37-1

37.1 Authentication - View ................................................................................................................. 37-2
37.2 Authentication - Edit................................................................................................................... 37-6
37.3 Authentication - Create ............................................................................................................ 37-10

38. Security Questions Maintenance ............................................................................................... 38-1

38.1 View Security Questions ............................................................................................................ 38-2
38.2 Security Questions Maintenance - Edit ..................................................................................... 38-3
38.3 Security Questions Maintenance - Create ................................................................................. 38-4

39. Password Policy Maintenance ................................................................................................... 39-1

39.1 Password Policy Maintenance - Search .................................................................................... 39-2
39.2 Password Policy Maintenance - View........................................................................................ 39-3
39.3 Password Policy - Create .......................................................................................................... 39-7
39.4 Password Policy Maintenance - Edit ....................................................................................... 39-11

40. Security Keys ............................................................................................................................... 40-1

40.1 Password Encryption and Decryption with Public and Private Key Pairs ................................. 40-1
40.2 API Key ...................................................................................................................................... 40-1
40.3 JWT Encryption Key .................................................................................................................. 40-1

41. User Group - Subject Mapping .................................................................................................. 41-1

41.1 User Group - Subject Mapping - Search ................................................................................... 41-2
41.2 User Group - Subject Mapping - Create .................................................................................... 41-4
41.3 User Group - Subject Mapping - Modify .................................................................................... 41-7

42. Alerts Maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 42-1

42.1 Alerts Maintenance - Search ..................................................................................................... 42-2
42.2 Alerts Maintenance- Create ....................................................................................................... 42-8
42.3 Alerts Maintenance- Edit ......................................................................................................... 42-14
42.4 Alerts Maintenance- Delete ..................................................................................................... 42-15

43. Mailers .......................................................................................................................................... 43-1

43.1 Mailers - Search and View ......................................................................................................... 43-1
43.2 Mailers - Create ......................................................................................................................... 43-6
43.3 Mailers - Edit .............................................................................................................................. 43-8
43.4 Mailers - Delete........................................................................................................................ 43-11

44. Account Aggregation .................................................................................................................. 44-1

44.1 External Bank Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 44-2

45. Spend Category ........................................................................................................................... 45-1

45.1 Spend Category - Search .......................................................................................................... 45-2
45.2 Spend Category - Create ........................................................................................................... 45-4
45.3 Spend Category - Edit ............................................................................................................... 45-6

46. Goal Category Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 46-1

46.1 Goal Category - Search ............................................................................................................. 46-2
46.2 Goal Category - Create ............................................................................................................. 46-6
46.3 Goal Category - Edit .................................................................................................................. 46-8

47. Manage Brand .............................................................................................................................. 47-1

47.1 Manage Brand - Create ............................................................................................................. 47-3
47.2 Manage Brand - View .............................................................................................................. 47-23
47.3 Manage Brand - Edit ................................................................................................................ 47-24
47.4 Manage Brand - Delete ........................................................................................................... 47-44
47.5 Brand Mapping ........................................................................................................................ 47-46

48. Dashboard Overview................................................................................................................... 48-1

48.1 Dashboard Overview– Summary............................................................................................... 48-2
48.2 Dashboard Overview– View ...................................................................................................... 48-3
48.3 Dashboard Overview – Create .................................................................................................. 48-6
48.4 Dashboard Overview – Design – Create Administrator Template .......................................... 48-10
48.5 Dashboard Overview – Edit ..................................................................................................... 48-14
48.6 Dashboard Overview – Clone .................................................................................................. 48-16
48.7 Dashboard Overview – Delete ................................................................................................. 48-18
48.8 Dashboard Mapping – Summary ............................................................................................. 48-19

49. Relationship Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 49-1

49.1 Relationship Mapping ................................................................................................................ 49-1
49.2 Relationship Matrix .................................................................................................................... 49-6

50. Transaction Blackout .................................................................................................................. 50-1

50.1 Transaction Blackout - Search .................................................................................................. 50-2
50.2 Transaction Blackout - Create ................................................................................................... 50-5
50.3 Transaction Blackout - Edit ........................................................................................................ 50-8
50.4 Transaction Blackout - Delete ................................................................................................. 50-11

51. Working Window ......................................................................................................................... 51-1

51.1 Transaction Working Window - Search ..................................................................................... 51-2
51.2 Transaction Working Window - Create ...................................................................................... 51-7
51.3 Transaction Working Window - Edit ........................................................................................ 51-12
51.4 Transaction Working Window - Delete .................................................................................... 51-16

52. Audit Log ...................................................................................................................................... 52-1

52.1 Search Audit Details .................................................................................................................. 52-1

53. File Upload ................................................................................................................................... 53-1

53.1 File Identifier Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 53-1
53.2 User File Identifier Mapping ..................................................................................................... 53-23
53.3 File Upload – Bill Presentment .................................................................................................. 53-1
53.4 Uploaded Files Inquiry ............................................................................................................... 53-4

54. OAuth 2.0 ..................................................................................................................................... 54-1

54.1 Identity Domain Maintenance .................................................................................................... 54-2
54.2 Resource Server Maintenance ................................................................................................ 54-10
54.3 Client Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 54-17

55. User Group Management ........................................................................................................... 55-1

55.1 User Groups - Summary ............................................................................................................ 55-2
55.2 User Groups - Admin User – Create ......................................................................................... 55-4
55.3 User Groups - Admin User – Search Summary ........................................................................ 55-5
55.4 User Groups - Admin User – Edit Group ................................................................................... 55-7
55.5 User Groups - Corporate User – Search Party ......................................................................... 55-9
55.6 User Groups - Corporate User – Create.................................................................................. 55-11
55.7 User Groups - Corporate User – Group Summary .................................................................. 55-12
55.8 User Groups - Corporate User – Edit Group ........................................................................... 55-15

56. Print Password ............................................................................................................................ 56-1

56.1 Print Password - Search ............................................................................................................ 56-2
56.2 Print Password - Print ................................................................................................................ 56-5

57. User Alerts Subscription ............................................................................................................ 57-1

57.1 User Alerts Subscription - Search ............................................................................................. 57-2
57.2 Subscribe/ Unsubscribe Alerts .................................................................................................. 57-6

58. Group Corporate Alerts Subscription ....................................................................................... 57-1

58.1 Group Corporate Alerts Subscription - Search .......................................................................... 57-2
58.2 Subscribe/ Unsubscribe Alerts .................................................................................................. 57-5

59. Request Processing ................................................................................................................... 59–1

59.1 Request Processing - Summary ............................................................................................... 59–2
59.2 Service Request Details (For Service Requests available out of the box) ............................... 59–5
59.3 Service Request Details (Requests created using Service Request-Form Builder) ................ 59–8

60. Terms and Conditions Maintenance ........................................................................................ 60–1

60.1 Terms and Conditions - Search and View ................................................................................ 60–1
60.2 Create Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................... 60–5
60.3 Edit Terms and Conditions ....................................................................................................... 60–6
60.4 Copy Terms and Conditions ..................................................................................................... 60–7
60.5 Delete Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................... 60–9

61. Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 61–1

62. Report Generation ...................................................................................................................... 62–1

62.1 Adhoc Reports .......................................................................................................................... 62–2
62.2 Schedule Reports ..................................................................................................................... 62–3
62.3 API Consumption Report ........................................................................................................ 62–11
62.4 Biller Registration Report ........................................................................................................ 62–19
62.5 Biller Reconciliation report ...................................................................................................... 62–25
62.6 Bill Payment Pay Later Report ............................................................................................... 62–31
62.7 Date Wise User Creation Report ............................................................................................ 62–37
62.8 EPI Payment Reconciliation Report ....................................................................................... 62–43
62.9 FATCA & CRS Declaration Report ......................................................................................... 62–49
62.10 File Identifier wise Party User Mapping Report .................................................................. 62–63
62.11 Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping Report ................................................................. 62–69
62.12 Party wise Approval Rule report ......................................................................................... 62–75
62.13 Party wise File Identifiers Mapping Report ......................................................................... 62–81
62.14 Party wise Payee Maintenance Report ............................................................................... 62–87
62.15 Party wise User Group Report ............................................................................................ 62–93
62.16 Approval Rule Report .......................................................................................................... 62–99
62.17 User Segment Summary Report ....................................................................................... 62–103
62.18 Wallets Creation for a Date Range Report ....................................................................... 62–109
62.19 Wallet KYC report ............................................................................................................. 62–115
62.20 Wallets Transaction Activity Report .................................................................................. 62–122
62.21 User Entitlement Report .................................................................................................... 62–128
62.22 User List Report .................................................................................................................... 62–1

63. My Reports .................................................................................................................................. 63–5

63.1 My Reports - Adhoc .................................................................................................................. 63–5
63.2 My Reports - Scheduled ........................................................................................................... 63–7

64. User Report Mapping ................................................................................................................. 64–1

64.1 User Report Mapping - Search ................................................................................................. 64–2
64.2 User Report Mapping - Create ................................................................................................. 64–8
64.3 User Report Mapping - Edit ...................................................................................................... 64–9

65. Message Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 65–1

65.1 Message Maintenance - View .................................................................................................. 65–1
65.2 Message Maintenance - Edit .................................................................................................... 65–3

66. User Helpdesk ............................................................................................................................ 66–1

67. Mailbox ........................................................................................................................................ 67–1

67.1 Mails.......................................................................................................................................... 67–2
67.2 Alerts ....................................................................................................................................... 67–12
67.3 Notifications ............................................................................................................................ 67–14

68. Security Settings ........................................................................................................................ 68–1

68.1 Set Security Question ............................................................................................................... 68–1
68.2 Change Password .................................................................................................................... 68–7

69. Profile .......................................................................................................................................... 69–1

70. Session Summary ...................................................................................................................... 70–1

71. Manage DND Alerts .................................................................................................................... 71–1

72. Session Timeout......................................................................................................................... 72–3

73. ATM & Branch Locator .............................................................................................................. 73–1

74. Forgot Password ........................................................................................................................ 74–6

75. Forgot Username ........................................................................................................................ 75–1


1. Preface
1.1 Intended Audience
This document is intended for the following audience:
 Customers
 Partners

1.2 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program
website at .

1.3 Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information,
visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

1.4 Structure
This manual is organized into the following categories:
Preface gives information on the intended audience. It also describes the overall structure of the
User Manual.
Introduction provides brief information on the overall functionality covered in the User Manual.
The subsequent chapters provide information on transactions covered in the User Manual.
Each transaction is explained in the following manner:
 Introduction to the transaction
 Screenshots of the transaction
 The images of screens used in this user manual are for illustrative purpose only, to provide
improved understanding of the functionality; actual screens that appear in the application may
vary based on selected browser, theme, and mobile devices.
 Procedure containing steps to complete the transaction- The mandatory and conditional fields
of the transaction are explained in the procedure. If a transaction contains multiple
procedures, each procedure is explained. If some functionality is present in many
transactions, this functionality is explained separately.

1.5 Related Information Sources

For more information on Oracle Banking Digital Experience Release, refer to the
following documents:
 Oracle Banking Digital Experience Licensing Guide
 Oracle Banking Digital Experience Installation Manuals

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

2. Transaction Host Integration Matrix


NH No Host Interface Required.

 Pre integrated Host interface available.

 Pre integrated Host interface not available.

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

1 Dashboards

System Administrative

Administrative Maker

Administrative Approver

2 System Rules

Maintain system rules NH NH NH

View system rules NH NH NH

Edit system rules NH NH NH

3 Transaction Aspects

View Transaction Aspects NH NH NH

Update Transaction Aspects NH NH NH

4 Role Transaction Mapping

Create Application Roles NH NH NH

Search Application Roles NH NH NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

View Application Roles NH NH NH

Edit Application Roles NH NH NH

Delete Application Roles NH NH NH

5 Entitlements

Entitlements- View NH NH NH

Entitlements- Edit NH NH NH

6 Limits Definition

Limits Definition – View NH NH NH

Limits Definition – Create NH NH NH

Limits Definition - Delete Limit NH NH NH

7 Limits Package Management

Limit Package Management -


Limit Package Management -


Limit Package Management - Edit NH NH NH

Limit Package Management -


8 Password Policy Maintenance

Password Policy Maintenance -


9 Manage Brand

Manage Brand – Summary NH NH NH

Manage Brand – View NH NH NH

Manage Brand – Create NH NH NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Manage Brand – Edit NH NH NH

Manage Brand – Delete NH NH NH

Brand Mapping NH NH NH

Brand Mapping Summary NH NH NH

Create Mapping NH NH NH

Delete Mapping NH NH NH

10 Alerts Maintenance

Alerts Maintenance - Search NH NH NH

Alerts Maintenance - Create NH NH NH

Alerts Maintenance – Edit NH NH NH

Alerts Maintenance - Delete NH NH NH

11 Authentication

Authentication - View NH NH NH

Authentication - Edit NH NH NH

Authentication - Create NH NH NH

12 Security Questions

View Security Questions NH NH NH

Security Questions Maintenance-


Security Questions Maintenance-


13 Party Preferences

Party Preferences - Search   NH

Party Preferences - Create   NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Party Preferences - View   NH

Party Preferences – Edit NH NH NH

Party Preference for Non 

Customer Corporate

14 User Management

User Management- Create   NH

User Management- View   NH

User Management- Edit   NH

User Management for Non- NH NH 

Customer Corporate User

15 Print Password

Print Password - Search NH NH NH

Print Password - Print NH NH NH

18 Party Resource Access

Party Resource Access -  

Mapping (Create)

Party Resource Access- View   NH

Party Resource Access- Edit NH NH NH

Party Resource Access- Delete NH NH NH

19 User Resource Access

User Resource Access -  

Mapping (Create)

User Resource Access - Search   NH

User Resource Access – Edit NH NH NH

User Resource Access - Delete NH NH NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

21 User Group Management

User Groups - Summary NH NH NH

User Groups - Admin User –


User Groups - Admin User –

Search Summary

User Groups - Admin User – Edit


22 Approvals

22.1 Workflow Management

Admin Workflow Management –


Admin Workflow Management –


Admin Workflow Management –


Admin Workflow Management –


22.2 Approval Rules

Admin Approval Rules – Create NH NH NH

Admin Approval Rules – Search NH NH NH

Admin Approval Rules – View NH NH NH

Admin Approval Rules – Edit NH NH NH

23 Alerts Subscription

Alerts Subscription – Search   NH

Subscribe/ Unsubscribe Alerts   NH

24 Goal Category

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Goal Category – Search NH NH NH

Goal Category – View NH NH NH

Goal Category – Create NH NH NH

Goal Category – Edit NH NH NH

25 Spend Category

Spend Category – Search NH NH NH

Spend Category – View NH NH NH

Spend Category - Create NH NH NH

Spend Category - Edit NH NH NH

26 Working Window

Transaction Working Window -


Transaction Working Window -


Transaction Working Window -


Transaction Working Window -


27 Transaction Blackout

Transaction Blackout - Search NH NH NH

Transaction Blackout - Create NH NH NH

Transaction Blackout - Edit NH NH NH

Transaction Blackout - Delete NH NH NH

28 User Group - Subject Mapping

User Group - Subject Mapping -


Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

User Group - Subject Mapping -


User Group - Subject Mapping -


29 Mailbox

29.1 Mails

Mailbox - Inbox NH NH NH

Mailbox - Sent Mail NH NH NH

Mailbox - Deleted Mail NH NH NH

29.2 Alerts NH NH NH

29.3 Notifications NH NH NH

30 Mailers

Mailers - Search and View NH NH NH

Mailers - Create NH NH NH

Mailers - Edit NH NH NH

Mailers - Delete NH NH NH

31 Reports

32 Report Generation   

View Scheduled Reports   NH

Edit Schedule Reports NH NH NH

33 My Reports

My Reports - Adhoc NH NH NH

My Reports - Schedule NH NH NH

34 User Report Mapping

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

User Report Mapping - Search NH NH NH

User Report Mapping - Create NH NH NH

User Report Mapping - Edit NH NH NH

35 ATM / Branch Maintenance

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - View NH NH NH

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add   NH

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Edit   NH

ATM/ Branch Maintenance -


36 Product Mapping

Product Mapping - Search   NH

Product Mapping - View   NH

Product Mapping - Edit   NH

Product Mapping - Create   NH

37 Payee Restriction Setup

Payee Restriction Setup - Search NH NH NH

Payee Restriction Setup - View NH NH NH

Payee Restriction Setup - Edit NH NH NH

Payee Restriction Setup - Create NH NH NH

38 Audit Log NH NH NH

39 My Profile NH NH NH

40 Security Settings

Change Password NH NH NH

Set Security Questions NH NH NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

41 Touch Point Maintenance

Touch Point Maintenance-


Touch Point Maintenance- View NH NH NH

Touch Point Maintenance- Edit NH NH NH

Touch Point Maintenance- Create NH NH NH

42 Touch Point Group


Touch Point Group Maintenance-


Touch Point Group Maintenance-


Touch Point Group Maintenance-


Touch Point Group Maintenance-


43 Transaction Group

Transaction Group Maintenance -


Transaction Group Maintenance -


Transaction Group Maintenance

- Edit

Transaction Group Maintenance

- Create

Transaction Group Maintenance-


44 Relationship Mapping

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Relationship Mapping  
Maintenance - View

Relationship Mapping  
Maintenance - Edit

45 Relationship Matrix

Relationship Matrix Maintenance

– Search

Relationship Matrix Maintenance

– View

Relationship Matrix Maintenance

- Edit

46 User Helpdesk   NH

47 Feedback Capture

Search Feedback Template NH NH NH

View Feedback Template NH NH NH

Edit Feedback Template NH NH NH

Create Feedback Template NH NH NH

48 Feedback Analytics NH NH NH

49 Request Processing NH NH NH

Service Request – Summary NH NH NH

Service Request Details NH NH NH

Approve or Reject Service


50 Dashboard Builder – Design

Design New Dashboard NH NH NH

View Dashboard NH NH NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Edit Dashboard NH NH NH

Delete Dashboard NH NH NH

Dashboard Mapping

View Dashboard Mapping NH NH NH

Create Dashboard Mapping   NH

Delete Dashboard Mapping NH NH NH

51 Service Request - Form builder

Create Service Requests


Search and View Service


Copy and Create a new Request NH NH NH

Edit Service Requests NH NH NH

52 Session Summary NH NH NH

53 User Segment Maintenance

Search User Segment NH NH NH

View User Segment NH NH NH

Edit User Segment NH NH NH

Create User Segment NH NH NH

54 User Limits

User Limits- Search NH NH NH

User Limits- View NH NH NH

User Limits- Edit NH NH NH

55 Message Maintenance

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Message Maintenance- View NH NH NH

Message Maintenance- Edit NH NH NH

56 Biller Category Maintenance

Manage Biller Category   NH

Add Biller Category   NH

Edit Biller Category   NH

Delete Biller Category   NH

57 Merchant Onboarding

Search Merchant Details   NH

View Merchant Details   NH

Edit Merchant details NH NH NH

Create Merchant   NH

Delete Merchant NH NH NH

58 Account Aggregation –

External Bank Maintenance –


External Bank Maintenance -


External Bank Maintenance –


External Bank Maintenance -


59 Identity Domain Maintenance

Identity Domain Maintenance-


Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Identity Domain Maintenance –


Identity Domain Maintenance –


Identity Domain Maintenance –


60 Resource Server Maintenance

Resource Server Maintenance-


Resource Server Maintenance –


Resource Server Maintenance –


Resource Server Maintenance -


61 Client Maintenance

Create Client NH NH NH

Edit Client NH NH NH

View Client NH NH NH

62 Security Keys NH NH NH

63 File Identifier Maintenance

Search File Identifier NH NH NH

View File Identifier NH NH NH

Edit File Identifier NH NH NH

Create File Identifier NH NH NH

64 User File Identifier Mapping

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

User File Identifier Mapping-


User File Identifier Mapping-


User File Identifier Mapping-


User File Identifier Mapping-


User File Identifier Mapping-

Corporate -Create

User File Identifier Mapping-

Corporate -Edit

65 Upload File - For Admin biller

Uploaded Files Inquiry (For

Admin Biller)

66 Forex Deal Maintenance

Add Currency Pairs NH NH NH

Update Forex Deal NH NH NH

67 User Profile Maintenance

User Profile Maintenance -Create NH NH NH

User Profile Maintenance- View NH NH NH

User Profile Maintenance- Edit NH NH NH

68 Forgot User Name NH NH NH

69 Forgot Password NH NH NH

70 Origination Workflow

Search Workflow NH NH NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Single Product Application - NH

Create Workflow

Single Product Application – View NH

Default/ Custom Workflow

Single Product Application – Edit NH


Bundle Product Application - NH

Create Workflow

Bundle Product Application – NH

View Default/ Custom Workflow

Bundle Product Application – Edit NH


71 Biller Onboarding

Search Biller   NH

View Biller   NH

Edit Biller   NH

Create Biller   NH

72 Group Corporate Onboarding  

Group Corporate Profiling   NH

Party Account Access   NH

User Management   NH

User Group Maintenance   NH

User Account Access   NH

User Report Mapping NH NH NH

Workflow Management   NH

Approval Rules   NH

Transaction Host Integration Matrix

SR Transaction / Function Name Oracle Oracle Oracle Banking

Core Banking Universal Oracle Banking Banking Cash Management

Group Corporate Alerts   NH

73 Subscription

74 Term and Conditions


Create Term and Conditions NH NH NH

Search Term and Conditions NH NH NH

View Term and Conditions NH NH NH

Edit Term and Conditions NH NH NH

Copy Term and Conditions NH NH NH

Delete Term and Conditions NH NH NH

75 Session Timeout NH NH NH

76 ATM / Branch Locator NH NH NH



3. Dashboard
Dashboard allows an administrator user to access various administrative functions of the channel
banking system. The role of the System/Bank administrator is to manage and administer day-to-
day functions of a bank. Administrators can perform various tasks such as doing Day 1
maintenances, maintenances pertaining to retail / corporate banking, creation of roles, user
creation, maintenance of party preferences etc.

Dashboards provides a quick view of the most relevant functions, to achieve a particular objective
or complete a process. OBDX Administrator dashboard is mapped at various available levels like
Party, Segment, User Type or User. This displays the end user's dashboard auto painted based on
the roles assigned. The logged in-user can add or remove widgets while creating the dashboard.
Each widget can be assigned a priority as per the requirement and the widgets to be displayed on
the module dashboards will be based upon the assigned priority.

Note: All Administrative maintenances are supported only on ‘Desktop’ form factor and not
supported on ‘Mobile’ and ‘Tablet’ .

The Administrator dashboard comprises of Quick Links, each of which when clicked launches into
the respective item.



Dashboard Overview



Following icons are present on the System Administrator dashboard:

 : Clicking this icon takes you to the dashboard.

 : Click this icon and navigate to Mailbox or Alerts or Notifications screen.

 : Click this icon and enter the transaction name to search the transactions.

 : Click this icon to view the user's profile and for logout option

 : Click the toggle menu to access the list of all the transactions.
 Select Language: Select your desired language from the drop-down list.
 ATM & Branch Locator: Click to view the address and location of the ATMs and the branches
of the Bank.

Toggle Menu Transactions

Following items are present on the Toggle Menu:

 : Click this menu to access the configuration like System Rules,

System Configuration, Transaction aspects etc.

 : Click this menu to setup access controls and

authorization related transactions like maintain touch points, Application role creation and
entitlement mapping etc.

 : Click this menu to access the security setup related transactions like setting
up second factor authorization, password policy etc.

 : Click this menu to manage limits.

 : Click this menu to onboard and manage, users, merchants and billers.

 : Click on this menu to onboard and manage Party and

Group Corporates with Group corporate Profiling, Party Account Access ,User Management,
User Group ,User Account Access, User Report Mapping, Approval Workflow & Rules

 : Click this menu to set up account access rules for a corporate.

 : Click this menu to access and setup Approval workflow and rules for
Corporate and Administrator users.


 : Click here to access maintenances with respect to payments.

 : Click this menu to plan finances and track expenditures.

It consists of sub menu items like Spend Category Maintenance, Goal Category Maintenance
and External Bank Maintenance.

 : Click this menu to generate reports and view the generated reports.

 : Click this menu to create a file identifier and map it to the user along with
file upload and inquiry

 : Click this menu to access User Group Subject Mapping, Alert

Maintenance and Mailers.

 : Click this menu for controlling and monitoring the transactions

like transaction blackout, working window and Audit log.

 : Click this menu to manage and build your customize dashboards.

 : Click this menu to manage service request form, feedback and SMS
banking templates.

 : Click this menu to manage and limit the third party authorization access to an
HTTP service.

 : User Group Management, Print Password, User Alerts Subscription, Group

Corporate Alerts Subscription, Request Processing and User Help Desk.

 : Click this menu to view the Mails, Alerts and Notifications.

 : Click this menu to view Pending for Approvals, My Initiated List, My

Approved List

 : Click this menu to view the user's profile and login details like start
date and time, end date and time, Channel and IP address of the last sessions of the logged
in user.

 : Click to view the address and location of the ATMs and the
branches of the Bank.

 : Click here to setup security questions and change password.

 : Click this menu to launch the online help.


 : Click this menu to view the information about the application like version
number, copyright etc.

Note: The user will be shown the above options only if he has the access to the all the transactions
falling under that group.

3.1 System Administrative Transactions

A System Administrator is responsible for setting up and maintaining the system. System
Administrators are the members of the information technology department of the Bank who are
mainly responsible for Bank’s Day 1 maintenances or other day to day maintenances like Role
Transaction Mapping, password policy maintenance and rules and roles maintenances etc.

Note: By default System Administrator role is given access to all the administrative functions. If the
Bank wants to change the entitlements, the same can be done using Role Transaction Mapping

Following transactions are present on the System Administrator dashboard and in the menu:
 On-boarding
(a) User Management

User Management function enables the System Administrator to onboard and manage users along
with their login credentials for channel banking access. This module facilitates channel banking
access to the bank’s internal users (administrators) and external users (customers).

User will get access to all the entities and clients mapped to it. Also the limit packages can get
assigned once the user selects the accessible entities.
(b) Merchant Management

Merchant Management facilitates System Administrator to set up and maintain merchants using
channel banking platform. This is to enable the customers to initiate merchant based payments
using channel banking facility. This option allows the administrator to create / onboard new
merchants, view existing merchants and modify their details, if required.
(c) Party Preferences (Through Toggle menu)

Party Preferences maintenance enables Bank administrator to define certain parameter values as
per the corporate entities requirements. Following preferences can be set for a corporate party:
 Cumulative Daily/Monthly limits per transaction
 Transaction limits for users
 Approval flow – Parallel or Sequential or none
 To enable Channel access or not
 To enable Forex Deal creation or not
 To enable a Corporate Administrator or not.


(d) Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance enable the administrator to onboard the Group
Corporate on OBDX in a single flow. Following steps can be followed during Group Corporate
onboarding and send the same as a single approval:
 Group Corporate Profiling
 Party Account Access
 User Onboarding
 User Group
 User Account Access
 Report Mapping
 Workflow Management
 Approval Rules

Mapping of Parties belonging to different entities under a Group Corporate ID is allowed

(e) Biller Onboarding

Using Biller Onboarding, System Administrators can create billers. The system administrator
defines payment methods accepted by biller (e.g. Current and Savings Account, Credit Card, Debit
Card etc.) while creating a biller. He also maintains category of the biller, full address of the biller
and location/ area in which the biller operates or provides his services.

System Administrator creates billers, which are then made available to the customers to register
themselves with these billers to receive and pay bills online.

 Communications
(a) User Group Subject Mapping

This maintenance facilitates mapping of subjects, to user groups in the bank, to streamline
communication between the bank’s users and its end customers.

Once User Groups are mapped to certain transactions or modules, users, in that group can reply
to communication pertaining to the specific subject. The communication channel used is the bank’s
secure mailbox.

This option allows the System Administrator to search and view existing User Group – Subject
mapping, modify the existing mapping and to create a new User Group – Subject mapping.
(b) Alert Maintenance

Alerts maintenance allows the System Administrator to define required parameters for each alert
that is to be sent to the banks customers.


This option allows the System Administrator to search and view existing alerts, create a new alert
and modify or delete an existing alert.
(c) Mailers

Mailers are information or a messages published by the Bank, to communicate about the Banks
Products, services and other information to its users. A Bank may send mailers to announce a
limited period promotional offer, launch of a product or service, etc.

The System Administrator creates Mailers which are sent to specific users, parties or user
segments (all Retail / Corporate / Admin) users. Mailers can be customized to reach some or all
users, to be sent now or on a specific date and time, in the future.

 Configuration
(a) System Configuration

Using this option System Administrator defines the basic components of this application which is
necessary to run the application. The creating of system configuration is done at 'Day 0'

(b) System Rules

System rules are defined to set different parameters for each enterprise role. The parameters that
can be set for each enterprise role (Retail or Corporate Users) are Party Mapping, Limits Check,
Party Preferences Check, Account Transaction Mapping, and Approvals Check, Group Corporate
Check. If these parameters are enabled, application will check for a fulfillment of the maintenances,
before final processing.

E.g. if Approval check flag is enabled for ‘Corporate User’ type of enterprise role; then
transactions initiated by corporate type of users will follow the approval maintenance for a party
mapped to user and vice versa.

The flag ‘Group Corporate’ is applicable only for Corporate User’ type of enterprise role. This
flag in System Rules screen defines the mode of corporate onboarding.

If Group Corporate flag is set ON then Bank administration will be able to onboard Group
Corporate. The Group Corporate flag is enabled by default and always “ When in the Enterprise
Role field user type is selected as Corporate User then the Group Corporate flag will get
displayed in non editable mode.

(c) Transactions Aspects

Using this option, System Administrator can define the aspects for a transaction. Depending on the
aspects defined for a transaction through this maintenance, the transaction will be
available/unavailable for selection in the respective maintenance screen.


User can view the aspects for a selected transaction and also edit the aspects i.e. enable/disable
the aspects for the selected transaction.
(d) ATM/ Branch Maintenance

ATM Branch Locator feature available to the bank customers enables the users to locate the bank’s
ATMs/ branches available within a specific radius of his current location.

For the customers, to fetch the relevant information related to ATMs and Branches, system
administrator maintains the data at their local databases. The basic details of ATMs and Branches
are fetched from the core banking application, which is further enriched and stored in local
database. This is a one-time activity at the time of implementation. Subsequently, as and when
branches and ATMs are added, or any details regarding them updated, the administrator performs
the necessary updates to the bank database.

Using this option, the System Administrator can search and view the ATM/ branch and its details
(Fetched from Core Banking application) which include branch/ ATM id, branch name, address
details, phone number, work timings and services offered by the bank. New ATM and branch details
can also be manually added, viewed and edited.

The bank administrator can manually add new branch/ ATM details one by one, or add multiple
branches / ATMs details simultaneously through file upload.
(e) Product Mapping

Product Mapping feature allows the System Administrator to map products with the channel. The
business users will be able to access accounts related to the products mapped to the channel.

The System Administrator will be allowed to register the banks products to be made available to
bank users for opening further accounts.
(f) User Profile Maintenance

This function enables the System/ Bank Administrator user to manage the user profile details that
needs to be shown and needs to be made available for modification for Retail users. Details
maintained on user profile includes date of birth, PAN card number, Aadhar number, passport
number, national ID, driving license, communication address, email ID, and contact number, fax
number, etc.

In a multi entity scenario, Administrator can do this setup for each entity by selecting the entity.
(g) First Time login

Using this option System administrator can configure the steps for banks business users to follow
when the first-time login into the application. This step includes accepting Terms and Conditions,
Setting up Security Questions, My profile, and limit information. The first-time login events are
configurable at the Entity Level. Bank Admin would be able to define the mandatory and skippable
steps for each entity. Post first-time login to the application, the system will check the configured
steps for the logged-in entity and will be displayed to the user.
 Security
(a) Authentication


Passwords are the most common form of authentication used in the world today. But passwords
are commonly forgotten and easily compromised. Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra
layer of security by requiring users to use two different authentication factors to verify user’s identity.

The two step verification or Two Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security that is a subset
of "multi factor authentication" that requires not only a password and username but also something
that user has or something user knows or something they are e.g. tokens, OTP, biometrics etc.
Using a Two Factor Authentication process can help to lower the number of cases of identity theft
on the Internet, as well as phishing via email. For security reason authentication is used by user
(Retail/ Corporate) while performing transactions through internet channel.

The two factor Authentication requires two different kinds of evidences before executing any
transaction successfully. This option enables the system administrator to maintain authentication
pattern for each transaction of a specific user segment.

The types of two factor authentication used in the application are as follows:
 Security Question
 Soft Token
 One Time Password (OTP)
(b) Security Question Maintenance

Application allows the System Administrator user to set up security questions, which will then be
used as another layer of security (Over and above the Login credentials), before a user (Retail/
Corporate) can complete transactions through the internet channel.

Through the Manage Security Questions functionality, the administrator user can create and modify
security questions that need to set and answered by user for completing any transaction.
Administrator can add the security questions, if required.
(c) Password Policy Maintenance

Password policy maintenance enables System Administrator to define password parameters for
users. Using this option System Administrator create, view and edit password policy for different
user role/segments (Admin, Retail, and Corporate). Password policy maintenance contains
following sections:
 Password Validators: This section contains the validations for a password. The validations
include minimum and maximum length of the password, allowed characters in a password,
repetitive and successive characters allowed, details to be excluded in the password like, date
of birth, first and last name, user ID and party ID, and bank defined restricted passwords. User
can also define number of successive incorrect attempts allowed, and number of previous
password disallowed.
 Password Expiry Parameters: This section contains details about password expiry period,
first password expiry period, and whether to force user to change password if there is a change
in password policy (so that users can change their password as per the new password policy).
(d) Security Keys (Through Toggle menu)

Security key includes:

Password Encryption and Decryption with Public and Private Key Pairs:


Encryption and decryption allow communication between two parties to disguise information. The
sender encrypts information before sending it and the receiver decrypts the information after
receiving it. While in transit, the information is encrypted to ensure that it is protected from an
 Public and Private key pair helps to encrypt information that ensures sensitive data is protected
during transmission. Whatever is encrypted with a Public Key can only be decrypted by its
corresponding Private Key and vice versa.
 JWT Encryption Key: A JSON web token is a JSON object to represent a set of information.
On sign in, user is authenticated and JWT token is generated. This JWT is subsequently
passed to make API calls. To keep sensitive information hidden from the bearer (client) or third
parties, JWT should be encrypted. A single key can be used to encrypt the data, if the JWT is
encrypted with the key then the data can be decrypted using the same key.

 Payments
(a) Payee Restrictions

Payee Restriction Set up maintenance allows System Administrator to restrict the number of
payees that a retail user can create for each payment network per day.

System Administrator can also restrict the total number of payees irrespective of payment network
that the retail user can create per day.

This option allows the administrator to create payee restriction maintenance, View and Edit existing

(b) Biller Category Maintenance

System Administrator creates new biller categories and map it to the billers. E.g. administrator can
create biller category as ‘Insurance’ and use it as Biller Category when creating billers related to

The System administrators can change the order of the categories as per their priority by dragging
the categories. In the business user screen, these categories appear in the same order for selection
to the customers, as defined by the administrators.
(c) Forex Deal Maintenance

Using Forex Deal Maintenance option, System Administrator can maintain currency pair. The
maintained currency pairs are made available to corporate users to book deals and utilize those
while making payments. Based on the treasury system, timer window can also be set for each
currency pair so that the deal expires after the setup time, which helps corporate user to get the
latest rate possible.

 Personal Finance
(a) Spend Category Maintenance


Using this option, the System Administrator can maintain the spend categories. Spend Category
maintenance allows the administrator to create, modify or expire categories under which user can
map expenses.
(b) Goal Category Maintenance

Goal Category maintenance allows the System Administrator to create, modify or expire goal
categories. This maintenance is done only for Retail users and is not applicable to corporate.

The System Administrator created categories are linked with a product which will decide the other
key parameters which will govern the Goal category. These parameters could be:
 Goal Amount Range ( Minimum and Maximum Value)
 Interest Rate Offered
 Tenure Range ( Minimum and Maximum)

The System Administrator can search and view goal categories, create a new goal category, and
modify an existing goal category.
(c) External Bank Maintenance

The account aggregation feature empowers customers to view information of financial accounts
that are external to OBDX, in addition to the customer’s OBDX accounts. This feature also provides
the customer with a consolidated view of accounts, net worth and recent transactions, across
OBDX and external bank accounts.

To enable a retail user to access external bank accounts, and aggregate accounts with OBDX, the
system administrator has to perform External Bank Maintenance

 Authorization and Access Controls

(a) Touch Points

Touch Points are different channels/ medium through which transactions or inquiries can be
performed in OBDX. These can be created or modified under this section.

Touch Points in OBDX are of type ‘Internal’ and ‘External’. Internal Touch Points are defined as
part of Day 0 definition whereas External Touch Points are typically third party applications that can
be defined by the System/ Bank Administrator as part of onboarding in OBDX
(b) Touch Points Groups

Touch Points are different channels e.g. Internet, Mobile, SMS, Third Party applications etc.
through which the OBDX services can be accessed. This maintenance enables the System
Administrator user to group two or multiple touch points together for the purpose of defining
common limits for a transaction accessed from any touch point grouped together.
(c) Role Transaction Mapping


This function enables System Administrator to create Application Role and transaction mapping to
application roles will be done for Touch Points. Administrator can create the application roles for
the User Segments (Retail/ Corporate/ Administrator) and map the transactions to the application
roles for internal as well as external touch points. The benefit of mapping the transactions on a
touch point is that the Bank can control transaction access at each touch point.
(d) Entitlements

Entitlements are the transactions that the user can perform. Each Entitlement is linked to a single
or group of resources.

Using this transaction user can view and edit the services and UI components linked to an
entitlement for different actions i.e. Perform, Approve, and View.
(e) User Segment Maintenance

In order to offer appropriate product and services to the customers, banks can employ some
method of segmentation. Banks can group customers into different segments based on different
attributes of the customer; it could be demographic information, geographical information,
behavioral information etc.

Banks can have different communication mailers, authentication mechanisms transaction limits and
branding aspects based on customer segmentation.

User segment maintenance screen, allows the system administrator to create new segments and
subsequently use these segments to define specific maintenances at user segment level. Limits
can also be defined specific to a user segment. Within each user segment, limits package can be
associated to different touch points.

 Limits
(a) Limit Definition

Limits are defined by the bank to set up amount and duration based restrictions on the transactions
that can be carried out by the user.

As part of Limits Definition maintenance, the System Administrator can define:

 Transaction Limits: It is the initiation limit with minimum and maximum amount, defined
typically for a user with role ‘Maker’.
 Cumulative Limits: It is the collective transaction amount limit for all the transactions that can
be performed during a day and maximum number of transactions in a day.
 Cooling Period Limits: It is the time set by the bank during which fund transfer is not allowed
to a newly added payee.

This option allows the System Administrator to search and view limits, create limits and edit / delete
existing limits.

(b) Limits Package Management


As part of the Limits Package definition, the created limits can be mapped to relevant transactions
and/or roles.

The Limits Packages once created can be associated at User Level, Party Level and Role Level at
an touch point level.

This option allows the System Administrator to search and view Limit Package, create a new Limit
Package, and edit / delete existing Limit Package.
(c) Transaction Group Maintenance (Through Toggle menu)

Transaction group maintenance enables the System Administrator user to create and maintain
group of transactions. Administrator can maintain a transaction group for the purpose of defining
consolidated transaction limits. Once limits are assigned at transaction group, these limits acts as
collective limit for selected transactions in a group.
(d) User Limits

This option allows the System Administrator to view the current available and utilized limits of
specific retail user and also can modify (increase or decrease) the limits as per the requirement.

The user limits can be set for specific transaction level or at transaction group level or for a specific
channel or for a group of channels.

The different types of limits are as follows:

 Daily Count- Permitted number of transactions in a day
 Daily Amount- Cumulative amount of transactions in a day
 Monthly Count- Permitted number of transactions in a month
 Monthly Amount- Permitted number of transactions in a month

 Templates
(a) Service Request Form Builder

Service Request Form Builder transaction allows the system administrator to define service
requests by defining its attributes and by building the form (Request page that should be available
to business user) which are then available for Retail users for creating a new Service Request.
(b) Feedback Template

Using this option, the System Administrator can maintain the feedback templates by defining the
feedback question, selecting the rating scale, adding new questions along with new options,
selecting the transactions for which feedback capture needs to be enabled.

The administrator can also decide whether an additional question is to be asked for a scale weight
and select the applicable options for the question.
(c) SMS and Missed Call Banking

Using this option, the System Administrator can maintain the sms and missed call templates. The
templates can be defined as:


 SMS: You can set the template / format of the message, which the account holder will be
sending to the bank to receive the information in a specified format.
 Missed Call: You can set the template / format the account holder will receive, once he / she
gives a miss call on the specified phone number.

(d) Manage Brand

Banks can have varied requirements with regards to the theme and for look and feel of the

Manage Brand is an administrative maintenance that allows the System Administrator to define the
preferred theme for the application.

There is a list of categories on the left of the screen to choose from. System administrator can click
and navigate the categories to upload their bank logo, select the preferred colors of the headers,
back ground, Font, label, buttons etc. System administrator can also set the font style and font size.
(e) Dashboard Builder

Dashboard Builder is an administrative maintenance that allows the System Administrator to create
and configure dashboard templates for Retail and Corporate users.

System Administrator can configure new dashboards by dragging and dropping the desired widget
at desired location in template. And also can add and edit rows and columns while configuring new
dashboard to add more widgets. Facility is also provided to search, view, edit and delete the
configured dashboards.

These configured dashboards are responsive and can adapt to any type device that Bank wants to
enable it to the customers’ i.e. desktop, mobile and tablet. System allows the user to design new
template and preview on different types of devices before enabling it.

The administrator can define multiple dashboards with the various attributes/ widgets. Further these
templates can be mapped to the user segment, party or even to a specific user.

 Controls & Monitoring

(a) Transaction Blackout

The System Administrator can maintain a transaction blackout, for a period, when transaction/s are
not accessible to users of the bank’s retail and corporate or even to Bank administrators, for a
preset time period.

The administrator may use the time, when a transaction is blacked-out, to do necessary

Through this maintenance, the System Administrator can create a transaction blackout, User can
search and view existing blackouts, and modify these if required. User can delete future dated
(b) Transaction Working Window


A working window is maintained, by the System Administrator for each transaction for which a value
date is applicable for processing. In order to enable such transactions on the channel, it is
mandatory to define a working window for all the days of a week as Day 0 Maintenance. By
performing this maintenance, the System Administrator defines the channel working window for
each day of the week for a specific transaction.

Further, administrator can also define the processing pattern if the transaction is initiated by
customers after the window is closed. Through this maintenance, the System Administrator can
create a working window for a transaction, and also can create an exception to the normal window.
User can search and view existing maintenances, and modify these if required.
(c) Audit Log

Audit log is set of records that provide information about operations performed in the application
and details of the user who has performed it along with date and time when it was performed. The
System Administrator can search and view the Audit Log.
(d) Feedback Analytics

Using this option, the System Administrator can analyze the feedback for different transactions.
System Administrator can view top and bottom three transactions based on average customer
review or he can search for individual transactions for a selected time period. Feedback Analytics
gives the bank a quick analysis of the feedback information collected. The analytics covers
information the average of feedback ratings transactions have got, trends in how the average
ratings have changes, the top and bottom transactions in terms of ratings etc. The analytics helps
banks in quickly identifying the pain points in customer journeys in the system points out the
specific areas for improvement and action.
Using this option, the System Administrator can analyze the feedback given by users of the
(e) Relationship Mapping

Customer Relationship Maintenance enables the System Administrator to set up the transaction
access logic for Bank’s retail customers from Digital Banking Platform based on their account -
mode of operation or relationship.

E.g. If a customer relationship (Mode of operation) is ‘Either or Survivor’, provide an access of all
transactions whereas, if a customer relationship (Mode of operation) is ‘Jointly’, provide an
access of all Inquiries and restrict all financial transactions from Digital Banking Platform. Such
account and transaction access rules can be set up by the System Administrator using
‘Relationship Maintenance Module’.
(f) Relationship Matrix

Relationship Matrix maintenance allows the System Administrator to define the transaction access
based on the account relationships. Administrator can enable or disable each transaction for each
relationship code. OBDX first checks if the transaction is enabled in a role attached to a user and
then if it is enabled in relationship matrix. If both the conditions are satisfied, an access of a
transaction and of an account is provided to the user.

Additional options accessible via Menu

 Access Management
Resource Access


(a) Party Resource Access

As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than
account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a Corporate Party.
(b) User Resource Access

As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than
account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a specific corporate user.
(a) Workflow Management

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are
required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to
have up to 5 levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level.

System Administrator can search and view approval workflows maintained and create new
workflows. As a part of creating workflows, user can add various levels of approvals and map users
or user groups to each level. User can also modify workflows maintained.
(b) Rules Management

The Administrator, can set up rules for approvals. Applying a rule makes the requirement for an
approval more customized. For instance, through this screen, the bank administrator can create a
rule, so that all administrator maintenances initiated by a certain user-group, always require

 Reports
(a) Report Generation

Using this option, the System Administrator, can generate various adhoc reports. Application
provides an option to generate reports using Oracle Analytics Publisher and / or by using an
internal application.
(b) My Reports

On accessing ‘My Reports’ menu, the System Administrator, can view the last 10 reports generated
with the respective report status. He can choose to search a specific report using the search criteria
or can opt to view/ download detailed report.
(c) User Report Mapping

The user report mapping maintenance allows the Bank Administrators to map the report or set of
reports to a specific corporate user. The corporate users can generate and view the reports which
they have an access to.

Bank administrator searches a corporate user based on the party id and view the reports mapped
to him, he can also un-map the reports from specific corporate user so that access of the specific
report/ s can be removed to that corporate user.


The System Administrator can also map the accounts of primary and linked parties for which the
reports can be generated by a corporate user, so that corporate user can generate the report only
for the accounts mapped to him.

 File Upload
(a) File Identifier Maintenance

System Administrator, can create file identifiers (FI) for a corporate entity. A File Identifier is always
mapped to a specific single file template. It permits configuration of corporate preferences like
approval type (file level/ record level) for a particular type of file. This is a pre-requisite for the File
Uploads functionality, for a corporate.
(b) User File Identifier Mapping

Through this option Administrator, can map a file identifier to a user to grant access rights to the
user, for this specific file type. This maintenance enables a user to upload a specific file, approve
the uploaded file and view its status. System administrator can map / un-map file identifiers to a
User. Further, user can enable or disable the sensitive data check. This is a pre-requisite
maintenance, for the File Uploads functionality, for a corporate.
(c) File Upload

This option allows the System administrator user to upload the files containing EBPP Billers. Billers
uploaded will be available for retail users to register and make online bill payment & pre-paid
recharge transactions.
(d) Uploaded File Inquiry

Through this option the user can view the Billers file uploaded and their status.
 The search can be filtered on various parameters like status and file reference ID.
 The user can track the status of the file and if there is an error in the file, he / she can download
the error file to arrive at the exact reason for error.
 For files in the ‘Processed’ status, the user can download Response file, to vet status of
processing (in the host) for each record, of the file.
 The user can track file history and also check Individual record details.

 OAuth
(a) Identity Domain Maintenance

The Identity Domain corresponds to the notion of a tenant and each identity domain corresponds
to an identity store. All artifacts such as resource server and client needs to be created under an
identity domain.

As part of the Identity Domain definition, Identity store as well as token settings can be defined.

Currently only ‘Embedded LDAP’ i.e. DB Authenticator as Identity Store is supported.

(b) Resource Server Maintenance


The resource server is the server that contains the user's information that is being accessed by the
third party application and handles authenticated requests after the application has obtained an
access token.

Resource Server is always associated to one Identity Domain. Through this maintenance, the
administrator can define scopes for the resource server. Scopes are transactions or inquiries that
are provided to the client so that the TPP/client can transact or inquire on behalf of the customer
with an access token provided the customer has provided consent to the TPP.
(c) Client Maintenance

Clients are Third Party Provides (TPPs) that can access information from the resource server on
behalf of the user provided the user has provided consent to the TPPs. As part of this definition,
the administrator can define client details i.e. client ID, client name, scopes, redirect URLs etc.

 Others
(a) User Group Management

The System Administrator, can create administrator user groups with two or more users. User can
search and views already maintained groups, and also modify these. The maintained administrator
user groups are used for further maintenances like – User Group Subject Mapping or while creating
approval rules.

(b) Print Password

When a new user opens an account in the bank and registers for internet banking, the bank sends
the printed password along with some other documents like Welcome letter, Terms & Conditions
document and applicable promotional offers to the registered user via courier or post. This screen
allows the Bank Administrator to print the password along with these documents for new users as
well as for existing users who have requested for reset password.
(c) User Alerts Subscription

The System Administrator, can subscribe users to mandatory alerts, through this option. In addition,
Retail and Corporate users of the bank, can subscribe to alerts, and choose whether they want
alerts delivered through Email, SMS or in their secured mailbox. The bank administrator processes
the subscription request, received from customers. (For non-mandatory alerts).
(d) Request Processing

Service requests allows the System Administrator to search and view all the service requests that
have been initiated by the Bank customers and are available with various statuses like Open,
Completed and Rejected. Bank Administrator can search the service requests with specific search
criteria and can update the status of open service requests.
(e) User Help Desk

This option enables the Administrator to create business user's session and perform the transaction
requested by business user if he has forgotten his internet banking password or is unable to perform
a transaction using his internet banking.


To authenticate the user, system will send an OTP to the customer and the same OTP needs to
be communicated to the administrator user so that he can enter it on the screen to create user’s
(f) Message Maintenance

Using this option, System Administrator can inquire the existing Error Messages defined in the
system for an OBDX error code. It also allows you to modify the text defined for a message code
for a particular Language.
(g) Group Corporate Alert Subscription

Using this option the System/Bank Administrator can subscribe alerts at the Group Corporate
level for selected events. The Bank Administrator subscribes the Corporate Party associated with
Group Corporate to alerts, delivered through Email, SMS, through push notification or in their on-
screen mailbox. This functionality is applicable for non-mandatory alerts.

 Notifications

The notification section allows the System Administrator user to view last ‘N’ number of notifications
sent by the bank. Click View All to view all the notifications sent by the bank.

1) If the setup requires an approval workflow, it will be initiated. Once approved by the required
number of approvers, the maintenance will be effective.

2) If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, the maintenance
will come into effect on confirmation.

3.2 Administrative Maker Transactions

Following transactions are available for the System Administrator in the dashboard and in the

Bank Administrator Maker’s role involves the maintenances which are mainly required for day to
day business in banks. Maintenances like onboarding the users on Digital Platform and providing
them the account and transactions access, etc.
Note: Transactions appearing in toggle menu for Bank Administrator – Maker is same as ‘System
Administrator’ transactions depending upon the access provided to the associated role in Role
Transaction Mapping maintenance.

(a) User Management

Bank Administrator can search and view users, create users and modify users. User can reset
passwords of the users. Bank Administrator can also change the user status (lock/unlock) and
grant/deny the channel access to a user, through this option.


(b) Party Preferences

Party Preferences maintenance enables Bank administrator to define certain parameter values as
per the corporate entities requirements. Following preferences can be set for a corporate party:
 Cumulative Daily/Monthly limits per transaction
 Transaction limits for users
 Approval flow – Parallel or Sequential or none
 To enable Channel access or not
 To enable Forex Deal creation or not
 To enable a Corporate Administrator or not.
 Group Corporate Mapping.
(c) Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance enable the administrator to onboard the Group
Corporate on OBDX in a single flow. Following steps can be followed during Group Corporate
onboarding and send the same as a single approval:
 Group Corporate Profiling
 Party Account Access
 User Onboarding
 User Groups
 User Account Access
 Report Mapping
 Workflow Management
 Approval Rules

Mapping of Parties belonging to different entities under a Group Corporate ID is allowed

(a) Workflow Management

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are
required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to
have up to 5 levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level.

Bank Administrator Maker can search and view approval workflows maintained and create new
workflows. As a part of creating workflows, user can add various levels of approvals and map users
or user groups to each level. User can also modify workflows maintained.
(b) Rules Management

The Bank administrator – Maker, can set up rules, for approvals. Applying a rule makes the
requirement for an approval more customized. For instance, through this screen, the bank
administrator can create a rule, so that all administrator maintenances initiated by a certain user-
group, always require approval.


Resource Access
(a) Party Resource Access

As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than
account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a Corporate Party.
(b) User Resource Access

As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than
account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a specific corporate user.

File Upload
(a) File Identifier Maintenance

Bank administrator – Maker, can create file identifiers (FI) for a corporate entity. A File Identifier is
always mapped to a specific single file template. It permits configuration of corporate preferences
like approval type (file level/ record level) for a particular type of file. This is a pre-requisite for the
File Uploads functionality, for a corporate.
(b) User File Identifier Mapping

Through this option Bank Administrator – Maker, can map a file identifier to a user to grant access
rights to the user, for this specific file type. This maintenance enables a user to upload a specific
file, approve the uploaded file and view its status. Bank administrator maker can map / un-map file
identifiers to a User. Further, user can enable or disable the sensitive data check. This is a pre-
requisite maintenance, for the File Uploads functionality, for a corporate.

Origination Administrator
(a) Request Processing

Service requests allows the Bank Administrator- maker to search and view all the service requests
that have been initiated by the Bank customers and are available with various statuses like Open,
Completed and Rejected. Bank Administrator can search the service requests with specific search
criteria and can update the status of open service requests.

(b) Feedback

Using this option, the Administrator can maintain the feedback templates by defining the feedback
question, selecting the rating scale, adding new questions along with new options, selecting the
transactions for which feedback capture needs to be enabled.


The administrator can also decide whether an additional question is to be asked for a scale weight
and select the applicable options for the question.
(c) User Help Desk

This option enables the Administrator to create business user's session and perform the transaction
requested by business user if he has forgotten his internet banking password or is unable to perform
a transaction using his internet banking.

To authenticate the user, system will send an OTP to the customer and the same OTP needs to
be communicated to the administrator user so that he can enter it on the screen to create user’s

- If the setup requires an approval workflow, it will be initiated. Once approved by the required
number of approvers, the maintenance will be effective.
- If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, the maintenance
will come into effect on saving and confirming.

1. Click Back to navigate to the Dashboard.


3.3 Administrative Approver Transactions

Bank administrator users can approve the transactions initiated by Bank administrator in maker
role. Approver has the responsibility to ensure correctness of the maintenances as per the bank
and corporate mandate, to ensure speedy and accurate processing.

Note: Toggle menu transactions of Bank Administrator – Approver is same as ‘System

Administrator’ transactions depending on the access as provided to the user.

 Pending for Approval
 My Initiated List
 My Approved List
1) Pending for Approval
This section displays the details of transactions that are initiated by the maker and are pending for approval.
User can click on transactions to view the details of transactions that are pending for approval.
The transactions pending approval within a period can be searched by providing a date range. Click on
date picker icon to search the transactions based on Date range.
2) My Initiated List
Displays the list of all the administrative transactions initiated by the Administrator.
Date Picker: Click this icon to search the transactions that are performed on a particular date. A date range
( From Date and To Date) can be provided to search the transaction.
3) My Approved List
This section displays the details of transactions that are approved by the approver user. Click on the
transactions already approved to view the details with respective statuses and details.
The transactions that are approved within a period can be searched by providing a date range. Click on
date picker icon to search the transactions based on Date range.
Date Picker:Click this icon to search the transactions that are approved on a particular date. A date range
( From Date and To Date) can be provided to search the transaction.

Dashboard Overview
Pending for Approvals
The Bank Administrator – Approver, can view the items pending for his approval. For ease of use, he can
expand this page.
(a) User Management
The Bank Administrator can search and view users, create users and modify users. User can reset
passwords of the users. Also user can lock / unlock a user, through this option.
(b) Party Preferences


Party Preferences maintenance enables Bank Administrator to define certain parameter values as per the
corporate entities requirements. Following preferences can be set for a corporate party:
 Cumulative Daily/Monthly limits per transaction
 Transaction limits for users
 Approval flow – Parallel or Sequential or none
 To enable Channel access or not
 To enable Forex deal or not
 To enable a Corporate Administrator or not.
 Group Corporate Mapping
(c) Group Corporate Onboarding
Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance enable the administrator to onboard the Group Corporate on
OBDX in a single flow. Following steps can be followed during Group Corporate onboarding and send the
same as a single approval:
 Group Corporate Profiling
 Party Account Access
 User Onboarding
 User Groups
 User Account Access
 Report Mapping
 Workflow Management
 Approval Rules

(a) Workflow Management

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are required
in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to have up to
5 levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level.

Bank Administrator Approver can search and view approval workflows maintained and create new
workflows. As a part of creating workflows, user can add various levels of approvals and map users or
user groups to each level. User can also modify workflows maintained.

(b) Rules Management

The Bank administrator – Approver, can set up rules, for approvals. Applying a rule makes the
requirement for an approval more customized. For instance, through this screen, the Bank
Administrator can create a rule, so that all administrator maintenances initiated by a certain user-group,
always require approval.
Resource Access


(a) Party Resource Access

As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than
account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a Corporate Party.
(b) User Resource Access

As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than
account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a specific corporate user.

File Upload
(a) File Identifier Maintenance

Bank administrator – Approver, can create file identifiers (FI) for a corporate entity. A File Identifier is
always mapped to a specific single file template. It permits configuration of corporate preferences like
approval type (file level/ record level) for a particular type of file. This is a pre-requisite for the File
Uploads functionality, for a corporate.
(b) User File Identifier Mapping

Through this option bank administrator – Approver, can map a file identifier to a user to grant access
rights to the user, for this specific file type. This maintenance enables a user to upload a specific file,
approve the uploaded file and view its status. Bank administrator Approver can map / un-map file
identifiers to a User. Further, user can enable or disable the sensitive data check. This is a pre-requisite
maintenance, for the File Uploads functionality, for a corporate.

(a) Request Processing

Service requests allows the bank administrator- approver to search and view all the service requests
that have been initiated by the maker and are pending for approvals. This option also allows him to
approve or reject the service requests.
(b) Feedback

Using this option, the Administrator can maintain the feedback templates by defining the feedback
question, selecting the rating scale, adding new questions along with new options, selecting the
transactions for which feedback capture needs to be enabled.

The administrator can also decide whether an additional question is to be asked for a scale weight and
select the applicable options for the question.
(c) User Help Desk

This option enables the Administrator to create business user's session and perform the transaction
requested by business user on his behalf in case, he has forgotten his internet banking password or
is unable to perform a transaction using his internet banking.

To authenticate the user, system will send an OTP to the customer and the same OTP needs to be
communicated to the administrator user so that he can enter it on the screen to create user’s session.

User Management

4. User Management
User Management function enables System/ Bank Administrator to onboard and manage users
and their login credentials for channel banking access. This module facilitates channel banking
access to the bank’s internal users (administrators) and external users (customers).

This function also lets the System/Bank Administrator to define the various touch points from which
the user can access the channel banking and limit package applicable for the same.

Users can also be mapped to a User Segment, so that the attributes applicable at the segment
level should get applied to the user. Currently user segments are only applicable for user type

The user details also shows the list all the user groups associated with a particular user. In order
to remove a particular user from a user group, the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

In a multi entity scenario, this function enables system/ bank administrator to provide access to
multiple entities to users.

Note :
• If Group Corporate Flag is set as “ON” in system rules, then the corporate user onboarding will
not be allowed using this menu option. The Corporate User will be onboarded using Group
Corporate onboarding only.
• Admin will be able to view the corporate user details and he can also change the corporate
user status or the channel access permission for a user using this screen.
• If Group Corporate Flag is set as “OFF” in system rules, then the corporate user onboarding will
be allowed using below mentioned steps.

Internal Users
 System Administrator
 Bank Administrator

External Users
 Retail User
 Corporate User
 Non Customer- Corporate users
 Corporate Administrator

 User Segment and Application roles are maintained
 Transactions are associated with each Application role
 Transaction (User Management) access is provided to System/Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank administrator to perform the actions.
 Party Preference is maintained for corporate user

User Management


Features Supported In Application

The User Management module allows the system/bank administrator to

 Create User
 View User
 Edit User
 Reset Password

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Onboarding > User Management

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Onboarding > User

Note: Non Customer Corporate users (for which the linked party id is not maintained in UBS or in
Core banking system), can also be on boarded on OBDX. For such cases i.e. for non customer
corporate users (counterparties on boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in

4.1 User Management - Create

System/Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the User Management screen.
This function allows the administrator to create internal and external users.

Note: In case of multi entity implementation, if the system/bank administrator has access to multiple
entities, then the administrator can select the entity from the entity switcher on which the user needs
to be on boarded. The selected entity of the user as part of onboarding will be the default/home
entity of the user being created.

To create a new user:

1. In the User Management screen, click Create. The User Management - Create New User
screen appears.
2. From the User Type list, select the appropriate type for the user being created.
If the user type selected is Retail User or Corporate User, then the Party ID and Party

User Management

Name fields appear.

If the user type selected is Administrator, then the Personal Information, Contact Details,
Roles, Touch Points, and Accessible Entity Details sections appear.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Create User - Select User Type

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type User type for which the new user is to be created.
The user can be:
 Corporate
 Retail
 Administrator

Create User – Map Party ID

If the user type to be created is selected as Retail or Corporate User, then an option is provided to
search for the party that is present in the core banking system. The user can search for the party
either using the party ID or party name.. The matching results are displayed on the screen.

User Management

In case of a party search by party ID, it is an exact match and Party ID entered by the user gets
validated from the core banking application. After the core banking application validation is
successful, party name gets displayed on the screen.

In case of a party search by name, system displays the matching party records. The records have
parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking
on the Party ID from the list.

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Enter Party ID to search the party for mapping it to the user.

Party Name Enter Party Name to search the party for mapping it to the user.

3. In the User Management – Create New User screen, do the following:

User Management

a. If you select Retail User or Corporate User option:

i. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name partially or fully.
ii. Click Search.
In case of party ID search, the exact match appears. In case of party name search,
then the matching results are displayed.
iii. Select the Party ID from the search results, in case of party name search.

iv. Click Create.

The Personal Information, Contact Details, Limit & Roles, Touch Points and
Accessible Entity Details sections appear.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.

User Management

User Management - Create New User

User Management

DND Alerts - Category Details

Field Description

User Management

Field Name Description


User Type Type of user.

The user can be:
 Corporate User
 Retail User
 Administrator

Party ID Party ID for which the user is to be created is displayed.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

Note: For Non Customer Corporates (counterparties on

boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party

Party Name Party Name of the party ID for which the user is to be created is
This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

Organization Organization that the user belongs to.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Manager Manager of the user.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Employee Number Employee number of the user.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Personal Information

User Name Define the name of the user (login ID) which is to be created. It is
case insensitive.

Note: Usernames are case insensitive i.e. User can login

in OBDX with any case.

User Management

Field Name Description

Title Title of the user.

If User type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.
For the user type corporate user and administrator are:
 Mr
 Mrs
 Miss
 Ms
 Dr
 Master

First Name First name of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Last Name Last name / surname of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Details

Email ID Email id of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Number Mobile number of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Number Phone number (land line) number of the user.

(Land Line)

User Management

Field Name Description

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the host and defaulted
value is fetched from the core banking application and defaulted.

Country Country of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

City City in which the user resides.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.
If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Global Roles The global roles are available for mapping it to the users.

Roles Application roles mapped to the user.

In case of multi entity setup, these roles will be for the
default/home entity of the user.

DND Alerts

Select Category Select the categories for which DND needs to be enabled.
All the categories for which DND is applicable are available for

Note: Click on category link to view list of all the events

for which alerts will not be sent to the user.

Limits & Roles

User Groups Indicates an option to add the user being onboarded to existing
user groups. This option is available only if the Corporate User
option is selected from the User Type list.

User Management

Field Name Description

This section appears if you select Retail User or Corporate User option from the User
Type list. If limit check is required, assign a limit package. In case of multi entity set up,
limit packages need to be mapped at each entity level. All the touch points and touch point
groups maintained in the system are listed under each entity. Packages can be mapped
for each touch point and for a group. Also an option is provided to map the limit package
at Global level (a system created group with all internal and external touch points).

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups under a specific entity to which the
limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages which can be mapped to touch points/

groups. Only limit packages maintained for the selected touch
point/group will get listed here.

Actions Indicates the option to reset the limit package assigned to the

touch point/group. This can be achieved by clicking .

User Segment Segment of the user for which the application role is created. All
the application roles linked to the segment will get assigned to the
user. This field appears for retail user type.

Note: User can click on icon, which displays the roles

linked to the selected user segment. All the roles
associated to the segment gets assigned to the user.

Roles Name of the application role. All the roles which are not
associated to any User Segment gets displayed here.
Administrator can assign additional roles (over and above to the
roles assigned in segment).

Touch Points

User Management

Field Name Description

Select Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) allows a user to perform
transactions using the touch points.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

Accessible Entity Details

This section will only appear if the Bank has multi entity setup.

Entity Name Select the entity name i.e. accessible entity to be attached to the
new user. This is applicable only if the Bank has a multi entity
setup and the System/Bank administrator has access to more
than one entity.

Party ID Enter Party ID to search the party to be associated to the user for
accessible entity selected. This field is only applicable for retail
and corporate type of user.

Party Name Enter the party name to search the party to be associated to the
user for accessible entity selected. This field is only applicable for
retail and corporate type of user.

Limits – Touch Points/Groups

Select the limits package to be associated to the user for the accessible entity for each
touch point. This section is only applicable for retail and corporate type of user.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups under a specific entity to which the
limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages which can be mapped to touch points/

groups. Only limit packages maintained for the selected touch
point will get listed here.

User Management

Field Name Description

Roles For the accessible entity selected/added, system will default the
roles same as that of home entity of the user. The administrator
cannot define separate roles for each of the entities.

Select Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) allows a user to perform
transactions using the touch points.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

v. In the User Name field, enter the required details. Click Check Availability to check
the uniqueness of the user ID. If the user ID is already used, then enter a unique valid
vi. In the rest of the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
vii. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
viii. In the Global Roles section, Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles, to map to the
ix. In Select Category field under DND Alerts section, select the desired categories for
which DND needs to be enabled.
x. In the User Groups field, enter the user groups that the user must be added to. This
field is present if a corporate user type is being onboarded.
xi. In the Limits section, select the limit packages to be mapped to touch points from the
limit package list.

 Click to reset the limit package assigned.

 Click to view the details of a touch point group. The View Details popup
window appears. For more information, refer the Touch Points Group - View
Details section below.
xii. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate segment for the user in Limits
and Roles section. This field is present if a retail user type is being onboarded.

User Management

xiii. Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles, to map to the selected User Segment.
xiv. In the Touch Points section, select the check boxes beside the touch points to be
mapped to the user.
xv. Add the accessible entities for the user and select the party and limits for that entity
(applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup), as follows:
1. Click Add Accessible Entity button, to add accessible entity to a user.
2. From the Entity Name list, select the name of the entity.
3. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
4. In the Party Name field, enter the party name.
5. Click Search. The search result is displayed.
6. Select the appropriate party ID.
7. In the Limits section, select the appropriate limit package under the Package for
each touch point.

Touch Points Group - View Details

This pop-up screen appears on clicking beside a touch point group in the Limits section,
which appears when onboarding corporate or retail user types.

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Group description defined for touch point groups.


User Management

Field Name Description

Group Type Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

b. If you select the Administrator option from the User Type list:
i. In the Organization field, enter the organization of the employee.
ii. In the Manager field, enter the name of the manager of the user being created.
iii. In the Employee Number field, enter the six digit employee number of the user.
iv. In the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
v. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
vi. In the Roles section, select the roles to be assigned to the administrator.
vii. In the Touch Points section, select the check boxes beside the touch points to be
mapped to the user.
viii. Add the accessible entities for the user (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity
4. Click Save to save the user details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
The user will be navigated back to the create screen
6. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

4.2 User Management - Search and View

Using this option, System/ bank administrators can search and view details of the existing users.
Administrator selects the user type of the user to be searched.

System/ bank administrators can also change the user status or the channel access permission for
a user using this screen.

Default search is available with User Name, but the user can also be searched by providing other
details like First Name, Last Name, Party ID. Email ID and Mobile Number.

To search for a user:

User Management

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.

The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.

User Management - Search

User Management - More Search Options

User Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Type of user to be searched.

The user can be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User

User Name To search the user with the user name.

Partial search is allowed. The User ID is case insensitive.

More Search Options

Below fields appears if you click the More Search Options link.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the user.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Email Allows to search based on email id of the user.

Mobile Number Allows to search based on mobile number of the user.

Party ID Allows to search based on Party id.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

To view the user details:

1. Enter the search criteria and click Search in the User Management screen.
The search results appear based on the search parameters.

User Management

User Management - Search Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Results

Full Name First name and last name of the user.

User Name User Name of the user.

Partial search is allowed. The User ID is case insensitive.

Status Status of the user. Locked or Unlocked.

Channel Access
Indicates whether channel access is granted. Click to grant /
revoke access rights.

Note: Channel access feature will only be available with DB

authenticator as Identity Management System.

2. Click the User Name link of the record for which you want to view the user details.
The User Management - View screen appears.

User Management

User Management - View

User Management

Field Description

Field Name Description


User Management

Field Name Description

User Type Type of user.

The user can be:
 Corporate User
 Retails User
 Administrator

Party ID Party ID mapped to the user is displayed.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

Party Name Party Name of the party ID mapped to the user.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

Organization Organization that the user belongs to.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Manager Manager of the user.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Employee Number Employee number of the user.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Personal Information

User Name Name of the user (login ID) of the user.

Title Title of the user.

The options are:
 Mr
 Mrs
 Miss
 Ms
 Dr
 Master

User Management

Field Name Description

First Name First name of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Last Name Last name/ surname of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Details

Email ID Email id of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Number (Mobile) Mobile number of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Number (Land Line) Phone number (land line) number of the user.

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Country Country of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

City City in which the user resides.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

User Management

Field Name Description

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.
If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

User Groups And Global Roles

User Groups The list of all user groups to which the selected user belongs.

• This information is read-only and hence cannot be
• If a particular user needs to be removed from a user
group, then the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

Roles The global roles which are mapped to the users.

DND Alerts

Select Category The list of categories for which DND is configured can be
enabled or disabled using this option.

Limits & Roles

User Groups Displays the user groups that are assigned to the user. This field
is displayed only for a corporate user type.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option from User Type list.
In case of multi entity setup, if the user has access to multiple entities, the limits package
displayed will be the one associated to the default/home entity of the user.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for whom the limit packages are mapped.

Package Name of the limit package mapped against specific touch points
/touch point groups

Selected Segment Segment of the user for which the application role is created.
This field is displayed only for a retail user type.

User Management

Field Name Description

Roles Application roles mapped to the user.

In case of multi entity setup, these roles will be for the
default/home entity of the user.

Touch Points

Selected Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) selected for a user to
perform transactions.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

Device Registration

Android Devices This option shows if the user has registered Zig Bank application
on any android devices/s. Enabling of the device happens when
the user installs and registers on the app on the android device.
Administrator cannot manually enable the device.
If the Administrator deregisters the device, the user gets logged
out from all the android devices and his alternate login gets
disabled from all the android devices on which the user has
installed the application.

iOS Devices This option shows if the user has registered Zig Bank application
on any iOS devices/s. Enabling of the device happens when the
user installs and registers on the app on the iOS device.
Administrator cannot manually enable the device.
If the Administrator deregisters the device, the user gets logged
out from all the iOS devices and his alternate login gets disabled
from all the iOS devices on which the user has installed the

Push Notifications

User Management

Field Name Description

Android Devices This option shows if the user has registered for push notifications
for android devices. Enabling of the push notification is done by
user himself and administrator cannot do the same.
If the administrator disables this, the user will stop getting
notifications as a pop-up message (push notification) on the
user's registered mobile number.

iOS Devices This option shows if the user has registered for push notifications
for iOS devices. Enabling of the push notification is done by user
himself and administrator cannot do the same.
If the administrator disables this, the user will stop getting
notifications as a pop-up message (push notification) on the
user's registered mobile number.

Note: To receive push notification user will have to allow

the same on the device settings.

Accessible Entity Details

Entity Name Accessible Entity name associated to the user.

Party ID Party ID associated to the user for accessible entity. This field is
only applicable for retail and corporate type of users.

Party Name Party name of the party associated to the user for accessible
entity. This field is only applicable for retail and corporate type of

Limits - Touch Point/Groups

Limits package associated to the user for the accessible entity. This field is only applicable for
retail and corporate.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for which the limit packages are mapped.

Package Name of the limit package mapped against specific touch points
/touch point groups.

Roles For the accessible entity selected/ added, system will default the
roles same as that of home entity of the user. The administrator
cannot define separate roles for each of the entities.

User Management

3. Click Edit to edit the user details.

Click Reset Password to reset user’s password. For more information refer, Reset
password section.
If user clicks ‘No’, the action gets cancelled.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Click to download the user details.

User Management - Change user status

This section allows you to lock and unlock a user.

To lock or unlock a user:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search

Lock / Unlock User

2. Click in the Status column to lock / unlock a user. The User Status Maintenance screen

User Management

3. In the Lock Status field move the slider to lock / unlock a user.
4. In the Reason field enter the appropriate description.
5. Click Submit to save.
Click Cancel to close.

User Management - Channel Access Permission

This section allows the administrator to grant / revoke channel access for a user. In case Bank
administrator changes the channel access from grant to revoke, user will not be able to access his
channel banking.

Note: Channel Access feature is only available and displayed if the Application is configured on
DB Authenticator as Identity Management system.

To grant or revoke channel access:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search parameters.

User Management

Channel Access

2. Click in the Channel Access column to grant / revoke channel access to a user. The User
Channel Access screen appears.

3. In the Channel Access field move the slider to grant / revoke channel access rights for a

User Management

4. In the Reason field enter the appropriate description.

5. Click Submit to save.
Click Cancel to close.

User Management

4.3 User Management - Edit

This function enables the Administrator to edit the existing user details.

To edit or update a user details:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
2. In the User Management - Search Results section, click the User Name link of the record
for which you want to edit the user details.
The User Management - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to update the user information.
Click Reset Password to reset user’s password. For more information refer, Reset
password section.
If user clicks No, the action gets cancelled.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Management

User Management - Edit User

User Management

Field Description

Field Name Description


User Management

Field Name Description

User Type Type of user.

The user can be:
 Corporate User
 Retails User
 Administrator

Party ID Party ID for which the user is to be created is displayed.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

Party Name Party Name of the party ID for which the user is to be created is
This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option
from User Type list.

Organization Organization that the user belongs to.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Manager Manager of the user.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Employee Number Employee number of the user.

This field appears if you select Administrator option from User
Type list.

Personal Information

User Name Name of the user (login ID) which is to be created.

User Management

Field Name Description

Title Title of the user.

If User type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and non editable.
Value can be edited only if the user type is Administrator or
Corporate User, options are:
 Mr
 Mrs
 Miss
 Ms
 Dr
 Master

First Name First name of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Last Name Last name/ surname of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Details

Email ID Email id of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Number (Mobile) Mobile number of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Contact Number (Land Phone number (land line) number of the user.

User Management

Field Name Description

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Country Country of the user.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

City City in which the user resides.

If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.
If user type is Retail, value is fetched from the core banking
application and defaulted.

User Groups And Global Roles

User Groups The list of all user groups to which the selected user belongs.

• This information is read-only and hence cannot be
• If a particular user needs to be removed from a user
group, then the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

Roles The global roles which are available for mapping it to the users.

Limits & Roles

User Groups Indicates the user groups assigned to the user. This field is only
displayed for a corporate type of user.

This field appears if you select Retail or Corporate User option from User Type list. If limit check
is required, assign a limit package. In case of multi entity set up, limit packages needs to be
mapped at each entity level. All the touch points and touch point groups maintained in the system
are listed under each entity. Packages can be mapped for each touch point and for a group. Also
an option is provided to map the limit package at Global level (a group created with all internal
and external touch points).

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups under a specific entity to which the
limit packages are to be mapped.

User Management

Field Name Description

Package List of the packages which is to be mapped to touch points/

groups. Only limit packages maintained for the selected touch
point will get here

Click to reset the limit package assigned.

User Segment Segment of the user for which the application role is created. This
field is only displayed for a retail type of user.

Roles Application roles like maker, checker etc. maintained under

respective user types are listed.
Multiple Application roles can be mapped to the user.

Touch Points

Select Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) selection allows a user to
perform transactions using the touch points.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

Device Registration
This section does not appear if you select Administrator option from User Type list.

User Management

Field Name Description

Android Devices This option lets the administrator to deregister the android
devices/s. Enabling of the device happens when the user installs
and registers on the app on the android device. Administrator
cannot manually enable the device.
If the Administrator deregisters the device, the user gets logged out
from all the android devices and his alternate login gets disabled
from all the android devices on which the user has installed the

iOS Devices This option lets the administrator to deregister the iOS devices/s.
Enabling of the device happens when the user installs and registers
on the app on the iOS device. Administrator cannot manually
enable the device.
If the Administrator deregisters the device, the user gets logged out
from all the iOS devices and his alternate login gets disabled from
all the iOS devices on which the user has installed the application.

Push Notifications

Android Devices This option lets the administrator disable push notifications for
android devices. Enabling of the push notification is done by user
himself and administrator cannot do the same.
If the administrator disables this, the user will stop getting
notifications as a pop-up message (push notification) on the user's
registered mobile number.

iOS Devices This option lets the administrator disable push notifications for iOS
devices. Enabling of the push notification is done by user himself
and administrator cannot do the same.
If the administrator disables this, the user will stop getting
notifications as a pop-up message (push notification) on the user's
registered mobile number.

Note: To receive push notifications (for both iOS and

android) user will have to allow the same on the device

Accessible Entity Details

This section will only appear if the Bank has multi entity setup.

Entity Name Select the entity name i.e accessible entity to be attached to the
new user. This is applicable only if the Bank has a multi entity
setup and the system administrator/bank administrator has
access to more than one entity.

User Management

Field Name Description

Party ID Enter Party ID to search the party to be associated to the user for
accessible entity selected. This field is only applicable for retail
and corporate type of user.

Party Name Enter the party name to search the party to be associated to the
user for accessible entity selected. This field is only applicable for
retail and corporate type of user.

Limit - Touch Points/ Group

Select the limits package to be associated to the user for the accessible entity. This field is only
applicable for retail and corporate type of user.

Select Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) allows a user to perform
transactions using the touch points.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

Roles For the accessible entity selected/added, system will default the
roles same as that of home entity of the user. The administrator
cannot define separate roles for each of the entities.

4. In the User Name filed, enter the required details. Click Check Availability to check the
uniqueness of the user ID. If the user ID is already used.
5. In the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
6. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
7. In the Limits & Roles section, add the user groups to be assigned to the user, in the User
Groups field.
8. In the Limit section, select the limit packages to be mapped to touch points from the limit
package list.

 Click to reset the limit package assigned.

User Management

 Click to view the details of a touch point group. The View Details popup window
appears. For more information, refer the Touch Points Group – View Details section
9. From the User Segment list (applicable only for retail user type), select the appropriate
segment for the user
10. Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles, to map to the user.
11. In the Touch Points section, select the touch points to be mapped to user.
12. In the Accessible Entity Details section, add the accessible entities for the user and select
the party and limits for that entity (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup).
a. Click Add Accessible Entity button, to add accessible entity to a user.
b. From the Entity Name list, select the name of the entity.
c. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
d. In the Party Name field, enter the party name.
e. Click Search. The search result is displayed.
f. Select the appropriate party ID.
g. In the Limits section, select the appropriate limit package under the Package for each
touch point column.

Touch Points Group - View Details

User Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Group description defined for touch point groups.


Group Type Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

13. Click Save to update the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
14. The Review User Details screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
15. The success message of updates appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

4.4 Reset Password

This function enables the Administrator to reset the password.

To reset password:
1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
2. In the User Management - Search Results section, click the User Name link of the record
for which you want to edit the user details.
The User Management - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to update the user information.
Click Reset Password to reset user’s password. A warning message ‘Are you sure you
want to reset the password of this user?’ appears on the screen.

User Management

Reset Password popup screen

4. If Administrator clicks Yes, a reset password confirmation screen is displayed.

5. User for whom the password is being reset gets the link to generate the new password on
his/her registered email ID/mobile number (as per the alert mode maintained by bank).
6. User clicks on the link received on his/her email id and reset password screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Reset Password screen for end user

User Management

Password Policy popup

Field Description

Field Name Description

Password New password for channel access.

Re-enter Re-enter the new password to confirm.


7. In the Password field, enter the password.

Click icon to enter the new password using the virtual keyboard.
(See Password Condition section on the application screen to view the policy of setting a new
8. In the Re-enter Password field, re-enter the password.
Click icon to re-enter the password using the virtual keyboard.
9. Click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
10. The success message of changing the password appears. Click Login on confirmation
screen to log in to the application.

Note: Password Conditions gets highlighted in green if the user’s password is meeting the
Password Policy criteria and similarly in Red if the password is not as per the Password Policy

User Management


1. Who can create / update the user?

System administrator, bank administrator and corporate administrator can create or edit the users.
Corporate Administrator can create user for the part ID he belongs to.

2. Can I edit the party id mapped to the user?

No, party ID mapped to the user cannot be edited.

3. When does the system update a user status as ‘locked’?

User status can get locked if he has exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed for
entering a wrong password.

4. When will the System/ Bank Administrator use Revoke Channel Access feature?

Incase if the customer does not want to use his channel banking and requests bank to disable his
internet banking, bank user can do the same by revoking the channel access for his user. Similarly
if a corporate user leaves a corporate house, his channel access should be revoked using this
feature, so that he should not be able to access the company accounts.

5. Can I set the user name which is already used in the application?

No, uniqueness of a user name/user ID is checked while creating or modifying a user.

6. Can I edit personal and contact details of Retail user?

No, personal and contact details of Retail user are fetched from the core banking application and
cannot be edited using User Management functionality.

7. Can one assign multiple Application roles to a user?

Yes, multiple Application roles can be assigned to the user. e.g. Corporate user is acting as maker
of few transactions and approver of few other transactions.

8. What are the different child roles available out of box?

Following are the Application role associated with each application role out of box.

Application Role Application Roles

Retail User Customer

User Management

Application Role Application Roles

Corporate User  Maker

 Checker
 Viewer
 Corporate Admin Maker
 Corporate Admin Checker
 Non Customer Maker
 Non Customer Checker
 Non Customer Viewer
 Non Customer Corp Admin Maker
 Non Customer Corp Admin Checker

Administrator  Admin Maker

 Admin Checker

9. If I update the limit package associated with a user, what will happen to the in-flight

Yes, new limit package can be mapped to a user. Limits get applied from an immediate effect if the
effective date is less than or equal to current date. And if the effective date is future date, the limit
package will be applied from the date available in the package.

10. If I update the Application role associated to a user, what will happen to the in-flight

In case of any update of Application roles mapped to the user as edit user functionality, the
privileges associated with new child roles get applied to the user with an immediate effect.
So if any transaction is pending with approver for approval, user can view and approve those
transactions only if checker role is mapped to him. As soon as checker role is unmapped, then user
will not be able to view and approve the transactions which were pending for his approval.
11. Can administrator with one entity have right to create users in different entity?
No, administrator can only create users in his own entity only.

12. Can I assign a user Segment to a Corporate User?

No, User Segment can only be attached to a Retail user.

13. Can I assign additional roles to a Retail user associated to a Segment?

Yes, system displays all the application roles which are not linked to a segment against the roles
field, these roles can be attached to a user in addition to the roles attached to a segment.

User Management

14. If a user’s User ID is locked and he/she has requested for a reset password, does the
admin needs to unlock it separately ?

No, the user ID will automatically get unlocked at the time of resetting the password by Admin.


Party Preferences

5. Party Preferences
Party Preference setup allows the administrator to onboard the party on OBDX along with definition
of attributes like limits, Approval flow, grace period etc. This maintenance is done only for corporate
type of parties and is not applicable for retail type of parties. Parameter values maintained against
a corporate party defines the system behavior for the following:
 Cumulative daily limits per transaction for the corporate party
 Transaction limits for the users
 Type of approval flow applicable
 Group Corporate Mapping
 Channel access preferences
 Availability of corporate administrator facility

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Party for which preference needs to be set up is created in core banking application.


Features Supported In Application

Party Preference maintenance available for bank administrator in the application includes:
 Create Party Preferences
 View Party Preferences
 Edit Party Preferences

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu> Menu > Corporate Onboarding > Party
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Party Preferences

Party Preferences

Note: For Non Customer Corporates (for which the party id is not maintained in UBS or in Core
banking system), can also be on boarded on OBDX using Party Preference. For such cases i.e. for
non customer corporate (counterparties on boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the
party ID in OBSCF/OBCMS.

5.1 Party Preferences- Search

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Party Preferences screen.

System displays a screen to enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search party
for which the preferences are to be maintained or viewed.

User can enter the party ID (if known) or the party name with a minimum of 5 characters. System
matches the input provided by the user with the party name records and displays the matching
party records.

In case of a party search by party ID, it is an exact match and system displays the party preference
maintained if any, else displays an option to create party preference.

In case of a party search by account type and account number, system displays the associated
party ID and Party name in the search results. The records have parties listed with both Party ID
and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking on the Party ID from the list.To
search party preferences of party:
1. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID whose party preferences you want to view.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party whose party preferences you want to
In the Account Type field, select account type (i.e. CASA,TD & Loan) and Enter account
number of party whose party preferences you want to view
2. Click Search.
If party preference is already maintained, user is directed to Party Preference – View
If party preference is not maintained, user is directed to Party Preference – Create screen.
In case of invalid party, error message is shown on the screen.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.

Party Preferences- Search (Party Id)

Party Preferences

In case of a party search by name, system displays the matching party records. The records have
parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by
clicking on the Party ID from the list.

Party Preferences- Search (Party Name)

Party Preferences

Party Preferences- Search(Account Number & Account Type)

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which the party preference to be maintained/ viewed.

Party Name Party Name of a party for which the party preference to be maintained
or viewed.

Account Type Account type of Party for which the party preference to be maintained/
Account type can either CASA, TD & Loan.

Account Name Account Number of a party for which the party preference to be
maintained or viewed.

3. Click Edit to edit the party preferences.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Party Preferences

5.2 Party Preferences - Create

Using this option, Bank Administrator can configure party preferences for a specific party.

To create the party preferences:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID you want to view the party preferences you want to
view. Party ID entered by the user gets validated from the core banking application. After the
core banking application validation is successful, a check is performed in application to verify
if preferences are already maintained for a party.
If the preferences are already maintained then user is directed to Party Preference – View
2. Click Search.
The party preference maintained for the party ID appears based on the entered search
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
3. Click the desired party ID link under the Party ID column.
The Party Preferences screen appears.

Party Preferences

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which the party preference to be maintained or viewed

Party Name Party Name of a party for which the party preference to be maintained/

Party Preferences

4. Click Create to create party preference.

The Create screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Party Preferences Maintenance – Create

Party Preferences

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which the party preference to be maintained.

Note: For Non Customer Corporates (counterparties on

boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party

Party Name Party Name of a party for which the party preference to be

Map to Group Corporate Select this to map corporate party to Group Corporate.
Note :
 Existing – Click this to map with existing Group
Corporate maintained within system
 New –Click this to map corporate party with new Group

Group Corporate Group Corporate ID and Name with which the Corporate Party is
to be mapped.

View Linked Parties If an existing Group Corporate is selected, a link is available to

view the linked parties. Click on the link to view the linked parties
under a Group Corporate.

Grace Period Provision of time period is made to allow user to approve the
transaction after the actual due date.

Note: The tooltip with information will appear on

dashboard in the Pending for Approvals section only
when the user hovers on grace period.

Grace Period Expiry Alert Enter the number of days prior to Grace Period Expiry, before
which the alert needs to be sent to Maker and Approver
regarding transaction approval expiry period.
For e.g. if the value is set as 1 in this field then the alert should
be sent one day before the grace period expiry date.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

1) The value entered in this field should be less than
the value entered in Grace Period field.
2) If there is no Grace Period present, then this will not
get enabled.

Occurrence Specify the alert preference.

The options are:
 Recurring- an alert will be sent daily, starting from the
number of days configured in the above field before the
before the grace period expiry date till the transaction
is approved or expired (whichever is earlier) .
 One Time- an alert would be sent only once with
respect to value set in Grace Period
For eg. if the grace period is set as 5 days, and the days before
the alert is required to be sent is set as 3 days and the alert
preference is set as recurring then an alert will be sent for 3 days
in a row (daily) before the grace period expiry date or until the
transaction is approved (whichever is earlier) . if this parameter
is set as ‘one time’ then the alert would be sent only once i.e. 3
days before the grace period expiry date.

1) The field will become 'Mandatory' if the user inputs
value in the Grace Period Expiry Alert field.
2) If there is no Grace Period present, then this will not
get enabled.

Alert on Transaction Expiry Specify if the alert is required to be sent on the Transaction
Expiry Date.
The options are:
 Yes
 No

1) The field will become 'Mandatory' if the user inputs
value in the Grace Period days field.
2) If there is no Grace Period present, then this will not
get enabled.

File Encryption Key File Encryption key is the unique key provided to the corporate
for encrypting/decrypting the bulk files that he is uploading.

Approval Flow The approval type for the party.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

The options are:

 Sequential
 Parallel
 No Approval

Channel Access Whether users associated with a party can start transacting
through the channel.
The options are:
 Enable : Allows bank administrator to enable the party
for channel access
 Disable: Allows bank administrator to disable the party
for channel access

Forex Deal Creation Whether users associated with a party can create forex deals.
The options are:
 Enable: If this option is enabled, corporate user
associated with this party can create forex deals.
 Disable: If this option is disabled, corporate user
associated with this party cannot create forex deals.

Corporate Administrator This is to enable a corporate to have corporate administrator

Facility facility. Only if this facility is enabled, a corporate administrator
user can be created for that party.
The options are:
 Enable
 Disable

Accessible roles This field only gets enabled if the user has selected Corporate
Admin facility as ‘enabled’ in the previous field.
Select the roles for which the corporate administrator can
onboard the new users. Corporate administrator will be able to
onboard, modify, reset password, enable/disable user ID and
grant/deny channel access (using User Management screen)
only for the users having the roles assigned in this field.
Corporate Administrator will be able to view the details of all the
users using User Management screen) associated to his party
irrespective of the roles assigned here.
The options are:
 Corporate Admin Maker – If this is selected, corporate
administrator will be able to onboard a user in
corporate admin maker role.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

 Corporate Admin Checker – If this is selected,

corporate administrator will be able to onboard a user
in corporate admin checker role.
 Maker – If this is selected, corporate administrator will
be able to onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Checker – If this is selected, corporate administrator
will be able to onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Viewer – If this is selected, corporate administrator will
be able to onboard a user in corporate viewer role.
For Non Customer Corporate, the options are:
 Non Customer Corporate Admin Maker – If this is
selected, non-customer corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in non-customer corporate
admin maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Admin Checker – If this is
selected, non-customer corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in corporate non-customer
admin checker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Maker – If this is selected,
non-customer corporate administrator will be able to
onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate non-customer Checker – If
this is selected, corporate administrator will be able to
onboard a user in non-customer corporate maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Viewer – If this is selected,
corporate administrator will be able to onboard a user
in non-customer corporate viewer role.

Note: If a non customer corporate is being on boarded

then bank admin should select only the non-customer
corporate roles.

Cumulative Limit
It allows Bank Administrator to map customer cumulative daily limits to the party. All the touch
points and touch point groups maintained the system are listed on the screen. Administrator
needs to ensure that the relevant packages are mapped to all the touch points/groups accessible
by the party users. Also an option is provided to map the limit package at Global level (a group
created with all internal and external touch points)
All the touch points and touch point groups maintained in the system are listed under each entity.
Packages can be mapped for each touch point and for a group.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for which the limit packages are to be mapped.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Package List of the packages available for mapping to touch points/ group
are listed here. Limit packages maintained for the selected touch
point will get here.

User Limits
This field allows the Bank Administrator to map customer user level limits (CUL) to the party. All
the touch points and touch point groups maintained the system are listed on the screen.
Administrator needs to ensure that the relevant packages are mapped to all the touch
points/groups accessible by the selected party users. Also an option is provided to map the limit
package at Global level (a group created with all internal and external touch points)

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/group maintained under a specific entity
for which the user limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages available for mapping to touch points/ group
are listed

Search Group Corporate to Map with Existing Group Corporate

Search Result

Party Preferences

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Corporate ID Search Group Corporate ID to map with the Corporate party whose
preferences are being setup

Group Corporate Search Group Corporate Name to map with the Corporate party whose
Name preferences are being setup

Search Result

Group Corporate ID List of Group Corporate ID that can be mapped with the Corporate party

Group Corporate List of Corporate Name that can be mapped with the Corporate party

View Linked Parties

Corporate Party Map with New Group Corporate

Party Preferences

Field Description

Party Preferences

Field Name Description


Group Corporate Enter the new Group Corporate Name to map with the Corporate party
Name whose preferences is being setup

Search Result

Group Corporate ID The Group Corporate ID will be fetched from the application and will be
assigned to the new Group Corporate

Group Corporate List of Corporate Name that can be mapped with the Corporate party

5. Admin can map a party to an existing Group Corporate or can create a new Group
Corporate by providing a new name:
For creating a new Group Corporate ID,
Admin will provide a Group Corporate name and click on ‘check availability’ to check if the
Group Corporate name entered is available in the application (as the name has to be unique).
If the Group Corporate name is available, admin can click on save and system will show the
Group corporate ID and name on the screen.
Admin can search an existing Group Corporate ID with the help of search panel provided to
map with corporate party
Note : If Group Corporate flag is set as ‘On’ in system rules then,
 It is mandatory to map a Group Corporate ID In Party Preferences
 Even if it is a single party onboarding , it has to be mapped to a Group Corporate
6. In the Grace Period field, enter the number of grace period.
7. In the Grace Period Alert field, enter the days prior to Grace Period Expiry, to alert Maker
and Approver regarding transaction approval expiry period.
8. In the Occurrence field, specify the alert preference.
9. In the Alert On Transaction Expiry field, specify whether to sent alert on the transaction
expiry date or not.
10. In the File Encryption Key field, enter the unique File Encryption key provided to the
corporate for encrypting/decrypting the bulk files that he is uploading.
11. In the Approval Flow field, select the appropriate option.
12. In the Channel Access field, select the appropriate option.
13. In the Forex Deal Creation field, select the appropriate option.
14. In the Corporate Administrator Facility field, select the appropriate option.

Party Preferences

15. From the Accessible Roles list, select the appropriate option.
16. From the Cumulative Daily Limits list, select the appropriate option.
17. From the User Limit list, select the appropriate option.

Note: Click to refresh the option.

18. Click to view the details of touch points group. The View Details popup window appears.

View Details- Touch Point Group

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Description Group description defined for touch point groups.

Touch Point / Group Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or
Type external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

19. Click Save to save party preferences.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
20. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Party Preferences

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
21. The success message of party preference creation appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

5.3 Party Preferences- View

Administrator user is directed to Party Preference – View screen if preference for the party is
already maintained. Preferences set for the party will be displayed on the screen.

Party Preferences

To view party preferences of party:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party ID whose party preferences you want to view.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party whose party preferences you want to
2. Click Search.
The party preference maintained for the party ID appears based on the entered search
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
3. Click the link under the Party ID column.
The search result according to the search criteria appears.

Party Preferences- View

Party Preferences

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID for which the party preference to be maintained.

Party Name Party Name of a party for which the party preference to be

Group Corporate Group Corporate ID and Name with which the Corporate Party is

View Linked Parties Click on the link to view the linked parties under the selected
Group Corporate.

Grace Period Provision of time period is made to allow user to approve the
transaction after the actual due date.

Note: The tooltip with information will appear on

dashboard in the Pending for Approvals section only
when the user hovers on grace period.

Grace Period Expiry Alert Displays the days prior to Grace Period Expiry ,to alert Maker
and Approver regarding transaction approval expiry period.

Occurrence Displays the alert preference set is recurring or needs to be sent


Alert on Transaction Expiry Displays the alert is required to be sent on the transaction expiry
date or not.

Approval Flow The approval type for the party.

The options are:
 Sequential
 Parallel
 No Approval

Channel Access Whether users associated with a party can start transacting
through the channel.
The options are:
 Enable : Allows bank administrator to enable the party
for channel access
 Disable: Allows bank administrator to disable the party
for channel access

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Forex Deal Creation Whether users associated with a party can create forex deals.
The options are:
 Enable: If this option is enabled, corporate user
associated with this party can create forex deals.
 Disable: If this option is disabled, corporate user
associated with this party cannot create forex deals.

Corporate Administrator This is to enable a corporate to have r corporate administrator

Facility facility. Only if this facility is enabled, a corporate administrator
user can be created for that party.
The options are:
 Enable
 Disable

Party Preferences

Accessible roles This field only gets enabled if the user has selected Corporate
Admin facility as ‘enabled’ in the previous field.
Corporate administrator will be able to onboard, modify, reset
password, enable/disable user ID and grant/deny channel
access (using User Management screen) only for the users
having the roles assigned in this field.
Corporate Administrator will be able to view the details of all the
users using User Management screen) associated to his party
irrespective of the roles assigned here .
The options are:
 Corporate Admin Maker – If this is selected, corporate
administrator will be able to onboard a user in
corporate admin maker role.
 Corporate Admin Checker – If this is selected,
corporate administrator will be able to onboard a user
in corporate admin checker role.
 Maker – If this is selected, corporate administrator will
be able to onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Checker – If this is selected, corporate administrator
will be able to onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Viewer – If this is selected, corporate administrator will
be able to onboard a user in corporate viewer role.
For Non Customer Corporate, the options are:
 Non Customer Corporate Admin Maker – If this is
selected, non-customer corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in non-customer corporate
admin maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Admin Checker – If this is
selected, non-customer corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in corporate non-customer
admin checker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Maker – If this is selected,
non-customer corporate administrator will be able to
onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate non-customer Checker – If
this is selected, corporate administrator will be able to
onboard a user in non-customer corporate maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Viewer – If this is selected,
corporate administrator will be able to onboard a user
in non-customer corporate viewer role.

Note: If a non customer corporate is being onboarded

then bank admin should select the non customer
corporate roles.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Cumulative Limit
It allows Bank Administrator to map customer cumulative daily limits (CCL) to the party. All the
touch points and touch point groups maintained the system are listed on the screen. Administrator
needs to ensure that the relevant packages are mapped to all the touch points/groups accessible
by the party users. Also an option is provided to map the limit package at Global level (a group
created with all internal and external touch points).
All the touch points and touch point groups maintained in the system are listed under each entity.
Packages can be mapped for each touch point and for a group.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for which the limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages available for mapping to touch points/ group
are listed here. Limit packages maintained for the selected touch
point will get here.

User Limits
This field allows the Bank Administrator to map customer user level limits (CUL) to the party. All
the touch points and touch point groups maintained the system are listed on the screen.
Administrator needs to ensure that the relevant packages are mapped to all the touch
points/groups accessible by the selected party users. Also an option is provided to map the limit
package at Global level (a group created with all internal and external touch points).

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/group maintained under a specific entity
for which the user limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages available for mapping to touch points/ group
are listed

4. Click Edit to edit the party preferences.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Party Preferences

5.4 Party Preferences - Edit

Administrator can edit the party preferences maintained for a party.

To edit the customer preferences:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party ID whose party preferences you want to view.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party whose party preferences you want to
2. Click Search.
The party preference maintained for the party ID appears based on the entered search
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
3. Click Edit to edit the party preferences.
The Details screen appears along with the party ID.

Party Preferences

Party Preferences Maintenance – Modify

Party Preferences

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which the party preference to be edited will be


Party Name Party Name of a party for which the party preference to be edited
will be displayed.

Map to Group Corporate Select this to map corporate party with Group Corporate.
Note :
 Existing – Click this to map with existing Group Corporate
maintained within system
 New –Click this to map corporate party with new Group

Group Corporate Group Corporate ID and Its Name with which Corporate Party is

View Linked Parties Click on the link to view the linked parties under the selected Group
Refer View Linked Parties Under Group Corporate section under
the Group Corporate On boarding transaction for more details.


Grace Period Provision of certain period of time is made to allow user to approve
the transaction after the actual due date.

Note: The tooltip with information will appear on dashboard

in the Pending for Approvals section only when the user
hovers on grace period.

Grace Period Expiry Alert Enter the days prior to Grace Period Expiry, to alert Maker and
Approver regarding transaction approval expiry period.

1) The value entered in this field should be less than the
value entered in Grace Period field.
2) If there is no Grace Period present, then this will not get

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Occurrence Specify the alert preference.

The options are:
 Recurring- an alert will be sent in a row before the grace
period expiry date or until the transaction is approved
(whichever is earlier) .
 One Time- an alert would be sent only once with respect
to value set in Grace Period

1) The field will become 'Conditional Mandatory' if the user
inputs value in the Grace Period Expiry Alert field.
2) If there is no Grace Period present, then this will not get

Alert on Transaction Specify if the alert is required to be sent on the Transaction Expiry
Expiry Date.
The options are:
 Yes
 No

1) The field will become 'Conditional Mandatory' if the user
inputs value in the Grace Period Expiry Alert field.
2) If there is no Grace Period present, then this will not get

File Encryption Key File Encryption key is the unique key provided to the corporate for
encrypting/decrypting the bulk files that he is uploading.

Approval Flow The approval type for the party.

The options are:
 Sequential
 Parallel
 No Approval

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Channel Access Whether users associated with a party can start transacting through
internet and mobile banking.
The options are:
 Enable : Allows bank administrator to enable the party for
application channel access
 Disable: Allows bank administrator to disable the party for
application channel access

Forex Deal Creation Whether users associated with a party can create forex deals.
The options are:
 Enable : Allows bank administrator to enable the party for
forex deals
 Disable: Allows bank administrator to disable the party for
forex deals

Corporate Administrator This is to enable a corporate to have their corporate administrator

Facility facility. Only if this facility is enabled, a corporate administrator type
of user can be created under a party in editable form.
The options are:
 Enable
 Disable

Party Preferences

Accessible roles This field only gets enabled if the user has selected Corporate
Admin facility as ‘enabled’ in the previous field.
Select the roles for which the corporate administrator can onboard
the new users. Corporate administrator will be able to onboard,
modify, reset password, enable/disable user ID and grant/deny
channel access (using User Management screen) only for the users
having the roles assigned in this field.
Corporate Administrator will be able to view the details of all the
users using User Management screen) associated to his party
irrespective of the roles assigned here.
The options are:
 Corporate Admin Maker – If this is selected, corporate
administrator will be able to onboard a user in corporate
admin maker role.
 Corporate Admin Checker – If this is selected, corporate
administrator will be able to onboard a user in corporate
admin checker role.
 Maker – If this is selected, corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Checker – If this is selected, corporate administrator will
be able to onboard a user in corporate maker role.
 Viewer – If this is selected, corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in corporate viewer role.
For Non Customer Corporate, the options are:
 Non Customer Corporate Admin Maker – If this is
selected, non-customer corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in non-customer corporate admin
maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Admin Checker – If this is
selected, non-customer corporate administrator will be
able to onboard a user in corporate non-customer admin
checker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Maker – If this is selected, non-
customer corporate administrator will be able to onboard a
user in corporate maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate non-customer Checker – If this
is selected, corporate administrator will be able to onboard
a user in non-customer corporate maker role.
 Non Customer Corporate Viewer – If this is selected,
corporate administrator will be able to onboard a user in
non-customer corporate viewer role.

Note: If a non customer corporate is being onboarded then

bank admin should select the non customer corporate roles.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Cumulative Daily Limit

Name of the limit package defined. It allows Bank Administrator to map cumulative level limits to
the party. All the limit packages maintained are listed. The cumulative limit set for the touch point
/ group. In case of multi entity set up, limit packages needs to be mapped at each entity level.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups under a specific entity to whom the
limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages which are to be mapped to touch points/

groups. Only limit packages maintained for the selected touch
point will get here.

User Limits
Name of the limit package. It allows mapping user level limits to the party. All the limit packages
maintained are listed. The user limit set for the touch point / group. In case of multi entity set up,
limit packages needs to be mapped at each entity level.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups under a specific entity to whom the
user limit packages are to be mapped.

Package List of the packages which are to be mapped to touch points/

groups. Only user limit packages maintained for the selected
touch point will get here.

4. Admin can map a party to an existing Group Corporate or can create a by providing a new
Group Corporate name:
For creating a new Group Corporate ID,
Admin will provide a Group Corporate name and click on ‘check availability’ to check if the
Group Corporate name entered is available in the application (as the name has to be unique).
If the Group Corporate name is available, admin can click on save and system will show the
Group corporate ID and name on the screen.
Admin can search an existing Group Corporate ID with the help of search panel provided to
map with corporate party
Note : If Group Corporate flag is set as ‘On’ in system rules then ,
 It is mandatory to map a Group Corporate ID In Party Preferences
 Even if it is a single party onboarding , it has to be mapped to a Group Corporate
5. In the Grace Period field, enter the number of grace period.
6. In the Grace Period Alert field, enter the days prior to Grace Period Expiry, to alert Maker
and Approver regarding transaction approval expiry period.
7. In the Occurrence field, specify the alert preference.

Party Preferences

8. In the Alert On Transaction Expiry field, specify whether to sent alert on the transaction
expiry date or not.
9. In the File Encryption Key field, enter the unique File Encryption key provided to the
corporate for encrypting/decrypting the bulk files that he is uploading.
10. In the Approval Flow field, select the appropriate option.
11. In the Channel Access field, select the appropriate option.
12. In the Forex Deal Creation field, select the appropriate option.
13. From the Enable for Corporate Administrator list, select the appropriate option.
14. From the Cumulative Daily Limits list, select the appropriate option.
15. From the User Limit list, select the appropriate option.

Note: Click to refresh the option.

16. Click to view the details of touch points group. The View Details popup window

View Details - Touch Point Group

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Description Group description defined for touch point groups.

Party Preferences

Field Name Description

Touch Point / Group Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or
Type external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

17. Click Save to save Party Preference. User is directed to the Party Preference - Review
page post necessary validations.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to Dashboard.
18. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to Dashboard.
19. The success message of updation appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. What is sequential type of approval flow?

Under Sequential approval flow, the approval can be done only in the sequence as mentioned in
approval workflow. So, at the 1st level of approval, users/user groups who are assigned to authorize
only can view and approve the transaction. After the transaction is approved by level 1 user,
users/user groups having rights for 2nd level of approval will be able to view and authorize the
transaction. The transaction is marked as approved only after the user at the last level
approves/authorizes it.
2. What is Parallel type of approval flow?

It is “Non-Sequential” type of approval flow which doesn’t follow any specific sequence. Any user
(who is part of the approval flow) from any approval level can pick up the transaction/maintenance
and approve it. The transaction/maintenance is marked as approved if one user from each approval
level (as configured) has approved/authorized the transaction.
3. What is cumulative daily limit package?

This limit package acts as a cumulative limit for all users of a party and is utilized as and when any
user authorizes the transaction as a final approver. The daily limit per transaction and number of
transactions allowed limit is checked and updated against the cumulative limit set.
4. What is User limit package?

Party Preferences

This limit package is applicable for all users of the party (Users to whom this party ID is mapped as
primary Party ID). This package will be overridden by User level limits package, if defined, at User
level in User Management screen.
5. Can administrator delete Party Preference?

No, party preference cannot be deleted but can be disabled.

6. If I change the approval type from sequential to parallel or vice versa, what happens to the
in-flight transactions/maintenances?

Edited approval type is applicable for new transactions initiated post modification. Previously
initiated transactions (in flight transactions/maintenances) which are pending approval will follow an
approval type which was applied at the time of transaction initiation.
7. If I edit the ‘Allowed Roles field’ and remove one of the options supported earlier, what impact
will it have to the existing users on-boarded on that role?

If the Bank administrator edits and removes the roles mapped as ‘Allowed Roles’., the removed role
will not be available to corporate administrator while creating new user and editing existing user. Old
users whom the role is already mapped will continue to get the privileges.
8. Can I edit the limit packages? How does it impact the transactions?

Yes, new limit package can be mapped for party. Limits get applied from an immediate effect if the
effective date is less than or equal to current date. And if the effective date is future date, the limit
package will be applied from the date available in the package.

9. Is it mandatory to map packages for all the touch points and groups available under each

Mapping the limit packages (CCL) for each touch point and for all groups is not mandatory.
Whereas, administrator needs to operationally ensure that packages are mapped to the relevant
touch point/groups which are accessible by the party users.

In case of customer user limit packages (CUL), if the package will be overridden by User level limits
package, if defined, at User Maintenance. Or packages maintained for a user segment at system
rules will be applicable if not package mapping is not defined at user or party level.

10. Can I manually define Global touch point group?

No, Touch Point – Global is nothing but a group of all internal and external touch points available
in the application. This group cannot be maintained manually.


Party to Party Linkage

6. Party to Party Linkage

Party to Party linkage is required by medium and large corporates if the user(s) of the parent
company needs to access accounts of the subsidiary companies. For e.g. consider a case wherein
say ‘ABC Industries’ is the parent company with a subsidiary company ‘PQR Enterprises’ and the
users of ABC Industries need to access accounts of PQR Enterprises to carry out transactions
and/or inquiries. The corporate will provide a mandate/ board resolution to the bank for creation of
Party to Party linkage. Bank Administrator will setup a Party to Party linkage by selecting the parent
party and the parties to be linked. As part of linkage creation, more than one party can be linked to
the parent party selected. Parent party users can approve/reject the transactions initiated by the
users belonging to the same party id ( Primary party of those users should match). Users whom
the specific party is mapped as linked party cannot approve/reject the transactions initiated by the
users whom the same party is mapped as primary party.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the action.
 Party preferences should be maintained for the parent as well as the party to be linked
 Channel Access should be enabled for both the parent as well as the party to be linked


Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of Party to Party linkage maintenance
 Search a party for Party to Party linkage
 Create Party to Party linkage
 View an existing Party to Party Linkage
 Edit and Delink Party to Party Linkage

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu> Menu > OnBoarding > Party To Party

Party to Party Linkage

6.1 Party to Party Linkage- Search

Once the logged in user navigates to Party to Party Linkage screen, user will have an option to
enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search party.

User can enter the party ID (if known) or the party name with a minimum of 5 characters. In case
of search by party name, system matches the input provided by the user with the party name
records and displays the matching party records.

In case of a party search by party ID, it will be an exact match and system will display the party
details with appropriate options of linkage creation (if no linkage maintained) and created linkage(s)
(if maintained) for the input parent party ID.

Party to party Linkage - search by party ID

In case of a party search by name, system will display the matching party records. The records
will have parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User will select the record
by clicking on the Party ID from the list.

Party to Party Linkage

Party to Party Linkage - search by party name

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Parent party ID of the corporate user to which you want to link other party.

Party Name Name of the parent party.

To search the party to party linkage:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the parent party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the parent party name of the user.
2. Click Search.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
The Party to Party Linkage screen with search results with parent party identified and list of
linked parties.

Party to Party Linkage

6.2 Party To Party Linkage - Create

The Bank Administrator gets a request to create a Party to Party Linkage in the system with details
of the parent party and the party to be linked. As part of linkage creation, more than one party can
be linked to the parent party selected.

To create a new party to party linkage:

1. Search the parent party by party ID or party name as specified in Party to Party Linkage -
Search section.
2. Click Create. The Party To Party Linkage - Create screen with parent party details will
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party To Party Linkage - Create

3. There is a linked party section with an option to search a party to be linked.

4. Search a party to be linked by party ID or party name as specified in ‘Party Search’ section.
Once the party appears in the linked party section, there is an option to remove the linkage if

there is an erroneous selection. This can be done by clicking the icon.

5. Click Add to if the user wishes to Add more than one linked party to the selected parent

Party to Party Linkage

Party To Party Linkage - to link party

Field Description

Field Name Description


Parent Party ID Parent party ID of the corporate user to which you want to link other

Parent Party Name of the parent party.


Link Parties

Party ID A party ID which you want to link to parent party ID

Party Name Name of the parent party which is to be linked to parent party ID

Action To delete the party linkage.

a. In the Party ID field, enter the party to be linked by party ID or party name as specified in
‘Party Search’ section.
b. Click Search. The party details appear.
Once the party is selected, it will appear in the linked party section i.e. there will be a row
displayed for each party with a icon.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

Party to Party Linkage

6. Click Save to save the linkage of the linked parties with the parent party.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The Party To Party Linkage - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The screen with success message and reference number appears. Click OK to complete the

6.3 Party to Party Linkage- View

The Bank Administrator would want to view the Party to Party Linkage by entering the details of the
parent party.

To view party to party linkage:

1. Search the parent party by party ID or party name as specified in ‘Party Search’ section.
2. Click Search.
Parent party details will appear. There will be a linked party section with details of the parties
linked to the parent party. It will have party ID and party name of the linked party.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
The Party to Party Linkage screen with search results with parent party identified and list of
linked parties appears.

Party to Party Linkage

Party To Party Linkage - View

3. Click Edit to update the Party to Party Linkage.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

6.4 Party To Party Linkage - Edit and De-link

The Bank Administrator gets a request to edit Party to Party Linkage in the system with details of
the parent party and the party to be linked and/or de-linked. As part of linkage creation, more than
one party can be linked to the parent party selected.

To edit or de link a party to party linkage:

1. Search the parent party by party ID or party name as specified in Party To Party - Search
2. Click Search, Party to Party Linkage - View screen appears. Linkages displayed (if already
exists) or click Add (if new linkage to be added) or click delete against the party (if existing to
be delinked).
3. Click Edit. The Party To Party Linkage - Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party to Party Linkage

Party To Party Linkage - Edit

4. Parent party details will appear. There will be a linked party section with linked party details.
As part of edit, existing linked party can be de-linked or new parties can be linked.
5. Click Add will open up party search panel. Search a party to be linked by party ID or party
name as specified in ‘Party Search’ section. Once the party is selected, it will appear in the
linked party section i.e. there will be a row displayed for each party with an icon.
6. Once the party appears in the linked party section, there will be an option to remove the
linkage. Click to remove the linkage if there is an erroneous selection. User can remove
the existing linked party for the parent party.
7. Click Save to save the changes made as part of edit i.e. added/removed linkages.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The Party To Party Linkage - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
9. The screen with success message with reference number appears. Click OK to complete the

Party to Party Linkage


1. I am unable to maintain Party to Party linkage with an error of Channel Access not

Party to Party linkage cannot be maintained if Channel Access is disabled either for the parent
party and/or selected linked party. You can maintain channel access by visiting party
preferences screen and selecting parent party and/or linked party.

Navigation: (i) Dashboard > OnBoarding > Party Preferences (ii) Dashboard > Party

2. I am unable to maintain Party to Party linkage with an error of Party Preference not

Party to Party linkage cannot be maintained if party preference is not maintained either for the
parent party and/or selected linked party. You can maintain party preference by visiting party
preferences screen and selecting parent party and/or linked party.

Navigation: (i) Dashboard > OnBoarding > Party Preferences (ii) Dashboard > Party

3. I am unable to delink a party (linked party)?

Linkage with the parent party cannot be removed/deleted if there is an active Party Account
Access linkage or User Account Access maintained. User will need to delete the party account
and user account access linkage for the linked party and then proceed with deletion of party to
party linkage.

4. Can a linked party have more than one parent party?

No. A party cannot be linked to more than one parent party i.e. if a party has been linked to a
parent party then that party cannot be linked to another party.

5. Can there be multiple associations between the parent and the linked party?

No. The parent party cannot be linked to the linked party with linked party as the parent. For
e.g. if there is a linkage already maintained with P1 (parent party) to P2 (child party) then
system will not allow another linkage of P1 and P2 with P2 as parent and P1 as child party.

6. Can the parent party be a linked party to another party?

Yes, the parent party to a linked party can exist as a linked party to another parent party.

Party to Party Linkage

7. Have created a linkage between the parent party and linked party but it is not reflecting
in the system even after a successful maintenance save message?

There is a possibility that the maintenance is saved but the status is ‘Pending Approval’. For
the maintenance, if there is an approval required then the changes will reflect only once the
approver(s) approve the submitted request. If the setup does not require an approval workflow
or is self / auto approved, then the linkage will be effected for the party immediately.


Merchant Management

7. Merchant Management
Merchant Onboarding facilitates the system administrator to set up and maintain merchants using
the channel banking platform. This, in turn, enables the users to initiate merchant based payments
using the channel banking facility. This is also helpful in maintaining merchant which will act as a
payment aggregator for sourcing funds from external sources to the wallet account.

Using this option, the system administrator can create and maintain merchant details in the
application. Administrators can map the CASA account of the merchant, to enable the merchant
payments. The system administrator can also select the required remittance type to be mapped for
the merchant payments while creating a merchant.

The remittance type can be:

 Outward
 Inward

 Transaction access is provided to the System Administrator
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions
 Checksum type and checksum algorithm is maintained
 Enterprise roles are maintained in the application
 Merchant’s account is maintained in the host system


Features Supported In Application

The following features are available for merchant maintenance:

 Create Merchant
 View Merchant Details
 Edit Merchant details
 Delete Merchant

Merchant Management

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Onboarding > Merchant Onboarding > Merchant
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Onboarding > Merchant

7.1 Merchant Management – Search

From this screen, the administrator is able to search existing merchant maintenances based on the
search parameters provided. On being displayed the search results based on the search criteria
defined, the administrator is able to view the details of any merchant maintenance by selecting a

To search merchant:
1. Navigate to the Merchant Management screen.

Search Merchant

Field Description

Field Name Description

Merchant Id Enter the unique ID of the merchant whose details you want to view.

Merchant Enter the description of the merchant whose details you want to view.

Merchant Management

2. In the Merchant Id field, enter the unique id of the merchant.

In the Merchant Description field, enter the description of the merchant.
3. Click Search. The Merchant Management screen with search results appears based on the
search parameters.
Click Clear, if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel, if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Create to create another merchant maintenance.

Merchant Management - Search Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

Merchant Id The facility to search for a specific merchant maintenance record on the
basis of the unique ID/key assigned to the merchant by the bank.

Merchant The facility to search for a specific merchant maintenance based on the
Description description of the merchant.

Search Results
The following details are displayed per merchant record which are retrieved based on the
search criteria identified in the fields defined above.

Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Merchant Id The unique ID/key assigned to the specific merchant by the bank.

Merchant The description of the merchant corresponding to the merchant Id.


4. To view the details of a specific merchant, click the record. The Merchant Management -
View screen appears.

Merchant Management

7.2 Merchant Management – Outward Remittance

Outward remittance involves the transfer of money from the merchant’s accounts to other accounts
through various channels. The Merchant Management screen allows the system administrator to
view, create, edit and delete the merchant details.

7.2.1 Merchant Management – Outward Remittance – View

On selecting a specific merchant record by clicking on the link provided on the merchant
description, the screen displaying the details of the selected merchant is displayed.

Merchant Management – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Remittance Type The type or remittance mapped to the merchant.

The remittance type can be:
 Outward
 Inward

Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Merchant Id The unique ID/key assigned to the merchant by the


Merchant Description The description of the merchant.

QR Code Click the QR code link to view the QR code assigned to

the merchant.


Credit Account Details

Account Type The type of account associated with the merchant, e.g.

Account Number The merchant’s account number.

Service Charge Account Details

Define another account for service This checkbox is selected if the merchant has another
charge account defined for service charge.

Account Type The service charge account type associated with the
merchant e.g. CASA account.
This field appears if Define Account number for
service charge check box is selected.

Account Number The merchant’s account number.

This field appears if Define Account number for
service charge check box is selected.

Default customer’s debit account This check box is selected if the customer’s debit
number as request parameter account number is defaulted as request parameter.

Response Redirections

Success URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if
it is a successful transaction.

Failure URL The URL for sending the dynamic response of the
transaction if it is a failed transaction.

Checksum Details

Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Checksum Type The checksum type.

Checksum Algorithm The checksum algorithm.

Security Key Input the security key.

Field will be displayed if a value is selected in
checksum algorithm.

1. Click the QR Code link to view the QR Code of the merchant. A pop-up screen with QR code
appears. You can also download the QR Code so as to send it to the merchant through
offline mode.
2. Click Edit to edit merchant details. The user is directed to the Merchant Management - Edit
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Delete to delete the merchant maintenance.

QR code

The QR code is displayed if the system administrator clicks on the QR code link on the Merchant
Maintenance details screen. The administrator is provided with the facility to download the QR code
so as to send it to the merchant through any offline mode.

3. Click to download the QR Code image of the merchant.

Merchant Management

7.2.2 Merchant Management – Outward Remittance – Create Merchant

The system administrator can create a new merchant so that the bank’s customers can make
payments to the merchant using channel banking or by scanning the QR code of the Merchant
without entering merchant account details. The QR code is generated once the merchant is created
by the bank administrator.

To create a merchant:
1. In the Merchant Maintenance screen, click Create. The Merchant Management – Create
screen appears.

Create Merchant

Merchant Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Remittance Type The type or remittance to be mapped to the merchant.

The remittance type can be:
 Outward Remittance
 Inward Remittance

Merchant Id Specify a unique ID by which the merchant will be


Merchant Description Enter a description of the merchant.


Credit Account Details

Account Type Specify the type of account i.e. GL or CASA account,

associated with the merchant.

Account Number Specify the merchant’s credit account number.

Service Charge Account Details

Define another account for service The option to define another account of the merchant.

Account Type Select the type of service charge account being

added e.g. CASA account.
This field appears if you select the Define another
Account for service charge check box.

Account Number Enter the merchant’s service charge account number

to be added.
This field appears if only if you select the Define
another Account for service charge check box.

Default customer’s debit account Select this box to enable defaulting of the customers
number as request parameter debit account number from request parameter.

Response Redirections

Success URL Specify the URL for sending the response of the
transaction if it is a successful transaction.

Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Failure URL Specify the URL for sending the response of the
transaction if it is a failed transaction.

Checksum Details

Checksum Type Specify the checksum type.

Checksum Algorithm Specify the checksum algorithm.

Security Key Input the security key.

This field appears if a value is selected in checksum

2. In the Merchant Id field, enter the ID of the merchant.

3. In the Merchant Description field, enter the description of the merchant.
4. From the Account Type list under the section Credit Account Details, select the
appropriate account type.
5. In the Account Number field, enter the account number of the merchant corresponding to
the account type selected.
6. In the Response Redirections section, enter the valid URL in the Success URL field.
7. In the Response Redirections section, enter the valid URL in the Failure URL field.
8. Click Save to save the Merchant details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
9. The Review screen appears, verify the details and click Confirm to confirm the details.
Click Edit to make changes if any.
The administrator is directed to Merchant Management – Create screen with values in
editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and to navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
10. The success message appears along with the status of the transaction. Click Done.

7.2.3 Merchant Management – Outward Remittance – Edit

The system administrator can edit the details of any merchant maintained in the application. In
order to edit the details of any merchant, the user must select the Edit option provided on
Merchant Maintenance – View (details) page of the specific merchant.

Merchant Management

To edit a merchant:
1. Navigate to the Merchant Management screen and in the Merchant Id field, enter the
unique id of the merchant whose details you want to edit.
In the Merchant Description field, enter the description of the merchant whose details you
want to edit.
Click Search. The search results appear based on the search parameters defined.
Click Clear, if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel, if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Create to create a new merchant maintenance.
2. Select the merchant record of which details you want to edit, by selecting the link provided on
the merchant description. The Merchant Management – View screen appears.
3. Click the Edit option available on the Merchant Management– View screen to edit merchant
details. The administrator is directed to the Merchant Management - Edit screen.

Merchant Management – Outward Remittance - Edit

Merchant Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Remittance Type The type or remittance mapped to the merchant.

The remittance type can be:
 Outward Remittance
 Inward Remittance

Merchant Id The unique ID assigned to the merchant by the bank.

This field cannot be edited.

Merchant Description The description of the merchant. This field is editable.


Credit Account Details

Account Type The type of account associated with the merchant, e.g.
CASA. This field is editable.

Account Number The merchant’s credit account number.

This field is editable.

Service Charge Account Details

Define another account for This check box is checked if the merchant has another
service charge account defined for service charge. This field is editable.

Account Type The service charge account type associated with the
merchant e.g. CASA account. This field is editable.
This field appears if Define Account number for
service charge check box is selected.

Account Number The merchant’s credit account number. This field is

This field appears if Define Account number for
service charge check box is selected.

Default customer’s debit This checkbox is checked if the customer’s debit

account number as request account number is defaulted as request parameter.
This field is editable.

Response Redirections

Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Success URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if it
is a successful transaction.

Failure URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if
it is a failed transaction.

Checksum Details

Checksum Type The checksum type. This field is editable.

Checksum Algorithm The checksum algorithm. This field is editable.

Security Key Input the security key. This field is editable.

This field appears only if a value is selected in
checksum algorithm.

4. Update the required fields, click Save to save the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel edit of the merchant maintenance.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. The Review screen appears, verify the details and click Confirm to confirm the details.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
The administrator is directed to Merchant Management – Edit screen with all values (other
than Merchant ID) in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
6. The success message appears along with the status of the transaction. Click Done.

7.3 Merchant Management – Inward Remittance

Inward remittance refers to money being received to merchant's account/s from the various

Using this maintenance System/Bank administrator can save the details of Payment aggregator
which will act as a medium for transferring the funds to user’s wallet account from the external
source (Credit card/ Debit card/ Net banking). The Merchant Management screen allows the
system administrator to view, create, edit and delete the inward merchant details.

Merchant Management

7.3.1 Merchant Management – Inward Remittance – View

On selecting a specific merchant record by clicking on the link provided on the merchant
description, the screen displaying the details of the selected inward remittance merchant is

Merchant Management – Inward Remittance – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Remittance Type The type or remittance mapped to the merchant.

The remittance type can be:
 Outward
 Inward

Merchant Id The unique ID/key assigned to the merchant by the bank.

Merchant The description of the merchant.



Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Debit Account Details

Account Type The type of account associated with the merchant, Only CASA type of
accounts are supported.

Account Number The merchant’s account number.

Response Redirections

Redirection URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction for redirection.

Success URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if it is a successful

Failure URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if it is a failed

Checksum Details

Checksum Type The checksum type.

Checksum The checksum algorithm.


Security Key Input the security key.

Field will be displayed if a value is selected in checksum algorithm.

7. Click Edit to edit merchant details. The user is directed to the Merchant Management - Edit
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Delete to delete the merchant maintenance.

Merchant Management

7.3.2 Merchant Management – Inward Remittance – Create Merchant

The system administrator can create a new inward remittance merchant so that the bank’s
customers can receive payments in their wallet using the merchant ( payment aggregator) using
channel banking.

To create a merchant:
1. In the Merchant Maintenance screen, click Create. The Merchant Management – Create
screen appears.

Create Merchant – Inward Remittance

Merchant Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Remittance The type or remittance to be mapped to the merchant.

The remittance type can be:
 Outward Remittance
 Inward Remittance

Merchant Id Specify a unique ID by which the merchant will be identified.

Merchant Enter a description of the merchant.



Debit Account Details

Account Type Specify the type of account associated with the merchant, Only CASA
type of accounts are supported.

Account Number Specify the merchant’s credit account number.


Redirection URL Specify the URL for sending the response of the transaction for

Success URL Specify the URL for sending the response of the transaction if it is a
successful transaction.

Failure URL Specify the URL for sending the response of the transaction if it is a
failed transaction.

Checksum Details

Checksum Type Specify the checksum type.

Checksum Specify the checksum algorithm.


Security Key Input the security key.

This field appears if a value is selected in checksum algorithm.

Merchant Management

2. In the Merchant Id field, enter the ID of the merchant.

3. In the Merchant Description field, enter the description of the merchant.
4. From the Account Type list under the section Account Details, select the appropriate
account type.
5. In the Account Number field, enter the account number of the merchant corresponding to
the account type selected.
6. In the Redirection URL field, enter the valid URL.
7. In the Success URL field, enter the valid URL.
8. In the Failure URL field, enter the valid URL.
9. Click Save to save the Merchant details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
10. The Review screen appears, verify the details and click Confirm to confirm the details.
Click Edit to make changes if any.
The administrator is directed to Merchant Management – Create screen with values in
editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and to navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
11. The success message appears along with the status of the transaction. Click Done.

7.3.3 Merchant Management – Inward Remittance – Edit

The system administrator can edit the details of any inward remittance merchant maintained in
the application. In order to edit the details of any merchant, the user must select the Edit option
provided on Merchant Maintenance – View (details) page of the specific merchant.

To edit a merchant:
1. Navigate to the Merchant Management screen and in the Merchant Id field, enter the
unique id of the merchant whose details you want to edit.
In the Merchant Description field, enter the description of the merchant whose details you
want to edit.
2. Click Search. The search results appear based on the search parameters defined.
Click Clear, if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel, if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Create to create a new merchant maintenance.
3. Select the merchant record of which details you want to edit, by selecting the link provided on
the merchant description. The Merchant Management – View screen appears.

Merchant Management

4. Click the Edit option available on the Merchant Management– View screen to edit merchant
details. The administrator is directed to the Merchant Management - Edit screen.

Merchant Management – Inward Remittance - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select The type or remittance mapped to the merchant.

Remittance Type
The remittance type can be:
 Outward Remittance
 Inward Remittance

Merchant Management

Field Name Description

Merchant Id The unique ID assigned to the merchant by the bank.

This field cannot be edited.

Merchant The description of the merchant. This field is editable.



Debit Account Details

Account Type The type of account associated with the merchant, Only CASA type of
accounts are supported. This field is editable.

Account Number The merchant’s credit account number.

This field is editable.


Redirection URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction for redirection.

Success URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if it is a successful

Failure URL The URL for sending the response of the transaction if it is a failed

Checksum Details

Checksum Type The checksum type. This field is editable.

Checksum The checksum algorithm. This field is editable.


Security Key Input the security key. This field is editable.

This field appears only if a value is selected in checksum algorithm.

5. Update the required fields, click Save to save the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel edit of the merchant maintenance.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears, verify the details and click Confirm to confirm the details.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.

Merchant Management

The administrator is directed to Merchant Management – Edit screen with all values (other
than Merchant ID) in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
7. The success message appears along with the status of the transaction. Click Done.

7.4 Merchant Management - Delete

The System administrator can delete any merchant maintained in the application.

To delete a merchant:
1. Navigate to the Merchant Management screen and in the Merchant Id field, enter the
unique ID of the merchant whose maintenance you want to delete
In the Merchant Description field, enter the description of the merchant whose maintenance
you want to delete.
2. Click Search. The search results appear based on the search parameters defined.
Click Clear, if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel, if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Create to create a new merchant maintenance.
3. Select the merchant record whose maintenance you want to delete, by selecting the link
provided on the merchant description. The Merchant Management – View screen appears.
4. Click the Delete option available on the Merchant Management – View screen.
5. The application displays a message asking the applicant to confirm deletion.

Merchant Management - Delete

Merchant Management

6. Click Yes to delete the merchant. A confirmation page appears with a success message and
the status of deletion.
Click No if you do not wish to delete the Merchant Maintenance.
7. Click OK.


1. Who can create or edit merchants?

The System administrator can create and edit the merchants.

2. Can I specify the account number which is not held within this Bank?

No, Merchant account number/GL should be of the same bank.

3. When will the newly added merchants be available to customers?

Newly added merchants will be made available to the customers with immediate effect.

4. What is the significance of defining separate account numbers for service charge

Service charges, if applicable, for an online transaction initiated by a customer will be

accounted separately in the merchant’s account number maintained for service charge


Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

8. Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) is a process that enables the billers to create, and
present the bills / invoices online to their customers. This feature also enables the customers/ users
to pay the bills online. The EBPP services are widely used in many areas like utility bill payment,
fund transfer through net banking against various purchases of utility products and services by the
users, payment to service providers, mobile/ DTH bill payment etc.

The main advantage of electronic bill presentment and payment is that users/ customers can pay
their bills anytime quickly and conveniently, which saves lots of time and paper work.

Note: Electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) module will work only with third party and
is not yet qualified with UBS.


Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

8.1 Biller Onboarding

Bank customers initiate bill (utility) payments from their accounts using channel banking facility by
selecting billers maintained by the Bank. Using Biller Onboarding, System Administrators can
create billers. The system administrator also defines payment methods accepted by biller (e.g.
Current and Savings Account, Credit Card, Debit Card etc) while creating a biller, category of the
biller, full address of the biller and location/ area in which the biller operates or provides his services.

System Administrator creates billers, which are then made available to the customers to register
themselves with these billers to receive and pay bills online.

This option allows the System Administrator to search and view the list of existing billers in the

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Billers are maintained in core banking application.


Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

 Search Biller
 Create Biller
 View Biller
 Edit Biller

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Onboarding > Biller
System Administrator Dashboard > Onboarding > Biller Onboarding

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

8.1.1 Biller Onboarding - Search

Using this option, System Administrators search the existing billers based on parameters like Biller
ID, Biller Name, Biller Category and Biller Location. The search result displays a list of all biller
types, that is Presentment only, Payment only and Presentment + Payment & Recharge type of

Biller Onboarding - Search Biller

Field Description

Field Name Description

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Biller Category The name of the biller category to which the biller belongs.

Biller Location Location of the biller

To search billers:
8. In Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller that is to be searched.
In Biller Category field, enter the category to which the biller belongs.
In Biller Location field, enter the location of the biller.
9. Click Search, to search the billers.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.

Biller Onboarding - Search Result

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Result

Biller Name and Id The name of the biller.

Biller Category The name of the biller category to which the biller belongs.

Biller Location Location of the biller

10. Click Create to create a new biller.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

8.1.2 Biller Onboarding - Create

Using this option, the System Administrator can create a biller with specific labels. System
Administrator defines whether the biller accepts:
 Quick Bill Payment( bill payment without customer registration) - for Payment type billers only
 Quick Recharge(pre-paid recharge without customer registration) - for Recharge type billers
 Bill payments past due date- for presentment only type biller
 Part bill payment - for presentment only type biller
 Excess bill payment - for presentment only type biller

The administrator also defines the various payment methods accepted by the biller like Current and
Savings Account, Credit Card, Debit Card etc. System administrator can also upload image of
biller’s logo and sample bill, if available.

To create a biller:
11. In the Biller Onboarding screen, click Create. The Biller Onboarding - Create screen

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Create Biller

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Description

Field Name Description

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Biller Type The option to select biller type.

The biller type can be:
 Presentment: Biller is of Presentment type
 Payment: Biller is of Payment type
 Presentment and Payment: Biller is of Presentment + Payment type
 Recharge: Biller is of Recharge type

Biller Category to which biller belongs, ex: Telecom, Internet etc.


Biller Currency of the biller.


Biller Status The status of the biller.

The options are:
 Active
 Inactive

Sample Bill The image of the physical bill presented by the biller, which is to be uploaded
Image by the user.
This helps the user to compare and identify Relationship number fields.
This field appears only for biller types Presentment and Presentment and

Biller Logo The biller logo which is to be uploaded by the user. This logo appear as an
icon on the screen after uploading.
Both for biller sample bill and logo JPG & PNG file formats only are

Biller Address

Address Line Address of the biller.

1 to 3

City City of the biller.

State State of the biller.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Name Description

Country Country of the biller.

PIN/ Zip Code Pin/ Zip code of the biller.

Biller Location of the biller. Location could be City or, Country or State or
Location combination of these values.

Biller Specifications

Biller Label 1 Relationship # 1 that the user has with the biller. This label will be displayed
in customer screens ( ex: Add Biller) to capture customer's unique id with
The user can select data type, maximum length of the field and whether the
field is mandatory or optional. The Biller Label 1 field is mandatory.
Click the Add Row link to add more relationships of the user with the biller.
The user can add up to 10 rows to define the different biller labels.

Data Type It captures the biller label data types.

The options are:
 Text
 Numeric
 Alphanumeric
 Data
 List of Values- allowed to specify the multiple values in the
corresponding field which will be further made available to the
customer for selection as a part of biller addition.
This attribute is available in Biller Label field.

Max Length The maximum length allowed for the biller label. This attribute is available in
Biller Label field.

Payment Terms and Validations

Account Account number of the biller.


Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Name Description

Allow Select whether Part Payment, Excess Payment, Late Payment, Quick Bill
Payment and Quick Recharge is allowed by the biller.
The options are:
 Part Payment: The option identifies whether the biller allows bill
payment for an amount less than bill amount.
This option appears for ‘Presentment’ and ‘Presentment and
Payment’ type of biller.
 Excess Payment: The option identifies whether the biller allows
bill payment for amount more than bill amount.
This option appears for ‘Presentment’ and ‘Presentment and
Payment’ type of biller.
 Late Payment: The option identifies whether the biller allows late
bill payment i.e. Payment after due date. This option appears for
‘Presentment’ and ‘Presentment and Payment’ type of biller.
 Quick Bill Payment: The option identifies whether the biller allows
‘Quick bill payment’ i.e. paying the bills without registering the biller.
This option appears for ‘Payment’ and ‘Presentment and
Payment’ type of biller.
 Quick Recharge: The option identifies whether the biller allows
“Quick recharge” i.e. doing recharge transactions without
registering the biller. This option appears for ‘Recharge’ type of

Payment Select the payment method accepted by the biller.

The options are:
 Debit Card
 Credit Card

Auto Payment The number of days before bill due date, when the auto payment will be
Buffer Days triggered by the system.
This field appears for Presentment and Presentment and Payment type of

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Name Description

Validation The type of validation that the biller will employ to validate customers who
Type add the biller for bill payment through channel banking.
The options are:
 Auto
 Offline
 Online
For more information on each validation type, refer the Note on Customer
Validation, at the end of the Biller Onboarding – Create section.

Validation Redirection URL for customer validation.

This field appears if you select the Online option from the Validation Type

Note: Out of the box OBDX does not provide

a. File upload/download for offline validation and
b. Any adapters for online validations

12. In Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller that is to be searched.
13. From the Biller Type list, select the appropriate biller type.
14. From the Biller Category list, select the appropriate option.
15. From the Biller Currency list, select the appropriate option.
16. From the Biller Status list, select the appropriate option.
17. Drag image or click Choose Files to select and upload the Sample Bill Image and Biller Logo
if required.
18. In the Biller Address section, enter the relevant address details of the biller.
19. In the Biller Specifications section, enter the Relationship # 1 in the Biller Label 1 field.
20. Click the Add Row link to add more relationship numbers of the user with the biller.
21. In Account Number field, enter the account number of the biller.
22. To enable the Part Payment, Excess Payment, Late Payment, Quick Bill Payment and Quick
Recharge facilities, select the appropriate check boxes depending on the Biller Type.
23. To enable the payments from current and savings account, debit card or credit card, select
CASA, Debit Card or Credit Card check box.
24. In the Validation Type field, select the appropriate option.
25. If you select Online as Validation Type, enter the redirection URL in the Validation URL
26. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Click Back to navigate to the previous page.
27. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous page.
28. The success message along with the transaction reference number and status appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Note: 1) Bank Administrator can use the ‘Bulk file Upload’ feature to create multiple billers.
2) Customer Validation: When a channel customer does an Add Biller transaction, he is essentially
registering with the biller to make online bill payments. At this stage some billers may want to
validate that the customer is genuine. The validation is performed based on the Validation Type
field, as follows:
- Auto: When a biller is on boarded with validation type as Auto, customers who add this biller do
not need any validation from biller and their registrations are auto-approved and they can initiate
online bill payments to this biller.
- Offline: When a biller is on boarded with validation type as Offline, for retail or corporate
customers who add this biller, their registration status is set to Pending. This means that the biller
will have to do an offline validation of these registrations. These can either be approved or rejected.
OBDX does not provide any OOTB mechanism for downloading Pending registrations and
changing their status by the banker or biller.
- Online: When a biller is on boarded with validation type as Online, for retail or corporate
customers who add this biller, their registrations need to be validated by the biller, online. The
online validation can be a redirect to the biller’s website, where validation can be performed through
REST type web service. OBDX does not provide any OOTB implementation for the online

8.1.3 Biller Onboarding - View

System Administrator can view the list of all the current registered billers. The billers type can be
of Presentment, Payment, Presentment & Payment and Recharge type.

To view the biller:

29. In the Biller Onboarding screen, enter the search criteria and click Search. The Biller
Onboarding screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
30. Click the Biller Name link of the record for which you want to view the details. The Biller
Onboarding - Biller Details screen appears.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Biller Onboarding - Biller Details

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Description

Field Name Description

Biller Details

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Biller Type The biller type.

The biller type can be:
 Presentment: Biller is of Presentment type
 Payment: Biller is of Payment type
 Presentment and Payment: Biller is of Presentment + Payment
 Recharge: Biller is of Recharge type

Biller Category The biller category.

Biller Currency Currency of the biller.

Biller Status The status of the biller.

The options are:
 Active
 Inactive

Sample Bill The image of the physical bill presented by the biller, and uploaded by the
Image user.
This helps the user to compare and identify Relationship number fields.
This field appears only for biller types Presentment and Presentment
and Payment.

Biller Logo The biller logo uploaded by the user. This logo appear as an icon.

Biller Address

Address Line 1 Address of the biller.

to 3

City City of the biller.

State State of the biller.

Country Country of the biller.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Name Description

PIN/ Zip Code Pin/ Zip code of the biller.

Biller Location Location of the biller. Location could be City, Country, State, or
combination of these values.

Biller Specifications

Biller Label 1 Relationship # 1 that the user has with the biller.
The data type, field length and whether the field is mandatory or optional
are also displayed.

Payment Terms and Validations

Account Number Account number of the biller.

Allow Field displaying whether Part Payment, Excess Payment, Late Payment,
Quick Bill Payment and Quick Recharge is allowed by the biller.

Payment Payment method accepted by the biller.

The options are:
 Debit Card
 Credit Card

Auto Payment The number of days before bill due date, when the auto payment will be
Buffer Days triggered by the system.
This field will appear for Presentment and Presentment and Payment
type of billers.

Validation Type The validation type.

The options are:
 Auto
 Offline
 Online

Validation URL Redirection URL for customer validation.

This field appears if the user has selected Online option in the Validation
Type field.

31. Click Edit to edit the biller details.


Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Click Delete to delete the biller details.

Click Back to navigate to the previous page.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

8.1.4 Biller Onboarding - Edit

Using this option, system administrator can edit the biller details. All the fields are editable except
‘Biller Id’, ‘Biller Type’, ‘Biller Category’ and ‘Biller Currency’.

To edit the biller details:

32. In the Biller Onboarding screen, enter the search criteria and click Search. The Biller
Onboarding screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
33. Click the Biller Name and Id link of the record for which you want to modify the details. The
Biller Onboarding - Biller Details screen appears.
34. Click Edit to edit the biller details. The Biller Onboarding - Edit screen appears.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Biller Onboarding - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Name Description

Biller Type The option to select biller type.

The biller type can be:
 Presentment: Biller is of Presentment type
 Payment: Biller is of Payment type
 Presentment and Payment: Biller is of Presentment + Payment
 Recharge: Biller is of Recharge type

Biller Category The biller category.

Biller Currency Currency of the biller.

Biller Status The status of the biller.

The options are:
 Active
 Inactive

Sample Bill The image of the physical bill presented by the biller, which is to be
Image uploaded by the user.
This helps the user to compare and identify Relationship number fields.
This field appears only for biller types Presentment and Presentment
and Payment.

Biller Logo The biller logo which is to be uploaded by the user. This logo appear as
an icon on the screen after uploading.

Biller Address

Address Line 1 to Address of the biller.


City City of the biller.

State State of the biller.

Country Country of the biller.

PIN/ Zip Code Pin/ Zip code of the biller.

Biller Location Location of the biller. Location could be City, Country, State, or
combination of these values.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Field Name Description

Biller Specifications

Biller Label 1 Relationship # 1 that the user has with the biller.
This label will be displayed in customer screens (ex: Add Biller) to capture
customer's unique id with biller.
The data type, field length and whether the field is mandatory or optional
are also displayed against the field and are not editable.

Payment Terms and Validations

Account Number Account number of the biller.

Allow Select whether Part Payment, Excess Payment, Late Payment, Quick Bill
Payment and Quick Recharge is allowed by the biller.
This field appears only for Presentment type of biller.

Payment Select the payment method accepted by the biller.

The options are:
 Debit Card
 Credit Card

Auto Payment The number of days before bill due date, when the auto payment will be
Buffer Days triggered by the system.
This field will appear for Presentment and Presentment and Payment
type of billers.

Validation Type The option to select the validation type.

The options are:
 Auto
 Offline
 Online

Validation URL Redirection URL for customer validation.

35. In Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller that is to be searched, if required.
36. From the Biller Status list, select the appropriate option, if required.
37. Click the Remove link to remove the uploaded image, and click Choose Files to select and
upload a new Sample Bill Image and Biller Logo if required.
38. In the Biller Address section, enter the relevant address details of the biller.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

39. In the Biller Specifications section, edit the Relationship # 1 in the Biller Label 1 field, if
40. In Account Number field, enter the account number of the biller.
41. To enable the Part Payment, Excess Payment, Late Payment, Quick Bill Payment and Quick
Recharge facilities, select the appropriate check boxes depending on the Biller Type.
42. To enable the payments from current and savings account, debit card or credit card, select
CASA, Debit Card or Credit Card check box.
43. In the Validation Type field, select the appropriate option.
44. If you select Online as Validation Type, enter the redirection URL in the Validation URL
45. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous page.
46. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous page.
47. The success message along with the transaction reference number and status appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

8.1.5 Biller Onboarding - Delete

Using this option the system administrator can delete an existing biller.

To delete a biller:
48. In the Biller Onboarding screen, enter the search criteria and click Search. The Biller
Onboarding screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
49. Click the Biller Name and Id link of the record for which you want to modify the details. The
Biller Onboarding - Biller Details screen appears.
50. Click Delete. The application prompt the administrator with a message 'Are you sure you
want to delete the biller' with an option of Yes / No.

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Biller Onboarding - Delete

51. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion request.

It will navigate to confirmation page with a success message along with the status and
reference number.
Click No if you do not wish to proceed with deletion.
52. Click OK to complete the transaction.


Limits Definition

9. Limits Definition
Limits are defined by the bank to set up amount and duration based restrictions on the transactions
that can be carried out by the user.

As part of limits definition maintenance, following types of limits can be defined:

 Transaction: It is the initiation limit with minimum and maximum amount defined typically for
a user with role ‘Maker’
 Cumulative: It is the collective transaction amount limit for all the transactions that can be
performed during a day/month and maximum number of transaction in a day/month
 Cooling Period: Payee cooling period limit is a time and the amount limit set by the bank
during which fund transfer is not allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added
 Limit package maintenance allows the administrator to map these definitions to every

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.


Features supported in application

Using this option system administrator can perform the following actions:
 Search/ View Limits
 Create Limit
 Delete Limits

Limits Definition

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Limits > Limits Definition

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Limits > Limits Definition

9.1 Limits Definition - View

Using this option, administrator can search for particular limit based on different search parameters.
The search results displays a limit list based on different search filters selected.

If the search parameters are not specified, records of all the limits maintained in the application for
selected limit type are displayed.

To search and view limits:

1. In the Limits Definition screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Limits
Definition screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

Limits Definition - Search

Limits Definition

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Code Name of the limit with unique identifier.

Limit Description of the limit.


Limit Type The limit type are:

 Transaction – It is the initiation limit with minimum and
maximum amount
 Cumulative – It is a duration based cumulative limit with
maximum amount and number of transactions for a day/month
 Cooling Period – Payee cooling period limit is a time and the
amount limit set by the bank during which fund transfer is not
allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added

Search Results

Limit Code Name of the limit with unique identifier.

Limit Description of the limit.


Limit Type The limit type are:

 Transaction – It is the initiation limit with minimum and maximum
 Cumulative – It is a duration based cumulative limit with max
amount and number of transactions for a day/month
 Cooling Period – Payee cooling period limit is a time and the
amount limit set by the bank during which fund transfer is not
allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added

2. Click the Limit Code of the record to view the details. The Limits Definition -View screen

Limits Definition

Limits Definition - View

3. Click Delete to delete the limit.

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to dashboard.

Limits Definition

9.2 Limits Definition - Create

Using this option, System Administrator can create a limit as required.

To create a transaction limit:

1. In the Limits Definition screen, click Create. The Limits Definition - Create screen with
Transaction tab appears.

Limits Definition - Transaction - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Type The type of limit.

The limit type for selection are:
 Transaction – It is the initiation limit with minimum and maximum
 Cumulative – It is a duration based limit with maximum amount
and number of transactions for a day/month
 Cooling Period – Payee cooling period limit is a time and the
amount limit set by the bank during which fund transfer is not
allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added

Limit Code The name of the limit with unique identifier.

Limit Description of the limit.


Limits Definition

Field Name Description

Currency The currency to be set for the limit.

Minimum The minimum amount for a transaction in selected currency.


Maximum The maximum amount for a transaction in selected currency.


2. In the Transaction tab screen, enter the code in the Limit Code field.
3. In the Limit Description field, enter the description of the limit.
4. From the Currency field, select the appropriate currency for the limits.
5. In the Minimum Amount and Maximum Amount field, enter the minimum and maximum
amount for a transaction in local currency.
6. Click Save to save the created limit.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to dashboard.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of transaction submission appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Limits Definition - Cumulative - Create

Limits Definition

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Type The type of limit.

The limit type for selection are:
 Transaction – It is the initiation limit with minimum and maximum
 Cumulative – It is a duration based limit with maximum amount
and number of transactions for a day/month
 Cooling Period – Payee cooling period limit is a time and the
amount limit set by the bank during which fund transfer is not
allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added

Limit Code The name of the limit with unique identifier.

Limit Description of the limit.


Frequency The specific duration for which the limits can be utilized and available.
The options are:
 Daily
 Monthly

Currency The currency to be set for the limit.

Cumulative The collective amount in selected currency for transactions that can be
Transaction performed in a day.

Maximum The maximum number of transactions that can be performed per day.

To create a cumulative limit:

1. Click the Cumulative tab. The Limits Definition - Create screen with Cumulative tab
2. Enter the relevant information in Limit Code and Limit Description field.
3. From the Frequency field, select the appropriate duration for the limits.
4. From the Currency field, select the appropriate currency for the limits.
5. In the Cumulative Transaction Amount field, enter the collective amount of transaction in
local currency.
6. In the Maximum Transactions field, enter the value for maximum number of transactions.

Limits Definition

7. Click Save to save the created limit.

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to dashboard.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message of transaction submission appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Limits Definition - Cooling Period – Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Type The type of limit.

The limit type for selection are:
 Transaction – It is the initiation limit with minimum and maximum
 Cumulative – It is a duration based limit with maximum amount
and number of transactions for a day/month
 Cooling Period – Payee cooling period limit is a time and the
amount limit set by the bank during which fund transfer is not
allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added

Limits Definition

Field Name Description

Limit Code The name of the limit with unique identifier.

Limit Description of the limit.


Currency The currency to be set for the limit.

From Time The cooling period start time. It can be in days and/or hours and/or
For example a new payee will be 'active' after a cooling period of 0 days
& 0 hours & 30 minutes

To Time The cooling period end time. It can be in days and/or hours and/or
For example a new payee will be 'active' after a cooling period of 0 days
& 0 hours & 30 minutes.

Cumulative The collective transaction amount in selected currency for a defined

Transaction cooling period.

To set up multiple amount and time limit slabs:

1. Click the Cooling Period tab. The Limits Definition - Create screen with Cooling Period tab
2. Enter the relevant information in Limit Code and Limit Description field.
3. From the Currency field, select the appropriate currency for the limits.
4. From the From Time and To Time field, select the appropriate day, hours and minutes.
5. In the Cumulative Transaction Amount field, enter the collective amount that is applicable
for the defined cooling period.
6. Click Add Time Period if you want to create more than one amount and time limit slabs.
7. Click Save to save the created limit.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to dashboard.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Limits Definition

9. The success message of transaction submission appears.

Click OK to complete the transaction.

Note: You can click to delete a record.

9.3 Limits Definition - Delete Limit

Using this option, System Administrator can delete a limit definition created earlier. Limit definition
can be deleted only if it is not in use (available as a part of any limit package).

To delete a limit:
1. In the Limits Definition screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Limits
Definition screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

Limits Definition - Search

2. Click the Limit Code of the record for which you want to view the details. The Limits
Definition -View screen appears.

Limits Definition

Limits Definition - View

3. Click Delete. The Delete Warning message appears.

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to dashboard.

Delete Limit

4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Click No to cancel the deletion process.
5. The success message of transaction submission appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Limits Definition


1. Can I delete transaction and/ or cumulative/ cooling period limit definitions against a
transaction in limit package?

No, existing limits against a transaction cannot be deleted; it can only be edited if effective date
is starting from a future date.

2. Can I maintain multiple definitions for each limit type?

Yes, you can maintain multiple limit definitions under each limit type.

3. What is a significance of defining different slab limits in case of cooling period limit

Payee cooling period limit is a time and the amount limit set by the bank during which fund
transfer is not allowed or allowed till the specified limit, to a newly added payee. Administrator
can set up 2 or more time slabs to define the payee limits. E.g.
- 0 mins to 30 Mins – Amount limit – $ 0
- 31Min to 60 Mins – Amount limit is $ 5000.

Customer cannot transfer any amount till first 30 mins from the time payee is added. From 31
to 60 mins, customer can maximum transfer upto $ 5000 subject to sufficient transaction and
cumulative limits available.


Limit Package Management

10. Limit Package Management

Limit package is a group of transaction limits. As part of the limit package management, defined
limits (created through ‘Limit Definition’) can be mapped to each transaction or to a transaction
group (Created using Transaction Group Maintenance). Each package is associated with a specific
channel/Touch point or with a group of Touch points.

The limits packages once created can be mapped to

 Enterprise Roles (Retail/Corporate/Administrator) – using System Rules
 User Segment – using System Rules maintenance
 Party – using Party Preferences (Cumulative User Limits and Cumulative Customer limits)
 User – using User Management

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Transaction aspects - limit parameter is enabled for required transactions,
 Transactions groups are maintained as required.
 Touch Point and touch point groups are maintained as required.
 Limit definitions are maintained.


Features supported in application

Following functions can be performed by the bank administrator as part of the limit package
 Search/ View Limit Package
 Create Limit Package
 Edit Limit Package

Limit Package Management

 Clone Limit Package

 Delete Limit Package

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Limits > Limit Package Management

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Limits > Limits Package

10.1 Limit Package Management - View

Using this option, Administrator can search for specific limit package based on different search
parameters like package code, user segments to for which the package is enabled, touch
point/touch point groups to which a package can be mapped etc. The search results displays a list
or particular limit package/s based on different search filters selected.

If the search parameters are not specified, records of all the packages maintained in the application
are displayed.

To search and view limit package:

1. In the Limit Package Management screen, click Search. The Limit Package Management
screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

Limit Package Management - Search

Limit Package Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Package Code The unique code assigned to the limit package.

Package Description of the limit package.


Role The limit is applicable to specific party or role (s).

Touch Point / Name of the touch point or group mapped to a limit package.
 Touch Point – To search the limit packages created with specific
touch point
 Touch Point Group – To search the limit packages created with
specific touch point groups which are manually created by an
 Global – To search the limit packages created for global group
(A group created automatically with all internal and external
touch points) of touch points.

Currency Currency in which the limit package is created.

Updated On Date range in which limit packages were updated.

Search Results

Package Code The unique code assigned to the limit package.

Package Description of the limit package.


Touch Point Name of the touch point mapped to a limit package.

If package is assigned to specific Touch Point - Touch Point Name is
If package is assigned to specific Touch Point Group - Touch Point Group
description is displayed
If package is assigned to Global Touch Point Group – value ‘Global’ is
displayed on screen.

Currency Currency in which the limit package is created.

Updated On Date on which limit package was updated.

Roles The limit is applicable to specific party or role (s).

Limit Package Management

2. Click the Limit Package Code of the record for which you want to view the details. The
Limits Package Management - View screen appears.

Limit Package Management - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Package The unique code assigned to the limit package.


Limit Package Description of the limit package.


Touch Point/ Name of the touch point or group mapped to a limit package.
Touch Point

Roles The party or role (s) to which limit is applicable.

Currency Currency in which the limit package is created.

Transactions / Transaction Groups - Limits

Transactions / Name of the transaction group that is mapped to the limit package.
Group Name

Limit Package Management

Field Name Description

Effective Date The date from which the limit package is effective for the
transaction/transaction group.

Expiry Date Expiry date of a specific limit linked to a transaction.

This field will be displayed only if expiry date is maintained for each

Cumulative Limit The daily cumulative limit set for the specific transaction.
It displays the limit name and description along with the cumulative
transaction amount and transaction count.

Cumulative Limit The cumulative limit set for the specific transaction on basis on month.
It displays the limit name and description along with the cumulative
transaction amount and transaction count.

Transaction The transaction limit set for the specific transaction.

It displays the limit name and description along with the minimum and
maximum transaction amount set for the specific transaction.

Cooling Limit The cooling limit set for the specific transaction.
It displays the limit name and description along with the amount and time

3. Click Clone to make another limit package with similar details.

Click Edit to edit the limit package.
Click Delete to delete the limit.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Limit Package Management

10.2 Limit Package Management - Create

An administrator can create a new limit package using this maintenance. User has to define touch
point or a touch point group and a currency in which a package is to be created. The touch points
and groups defined are listed for selection. An administrator can also create a limit package for
Global Touch point group (a group which is created automatically with all available internal and
external touch points) A package can also be enabled for mapping at multiple user segments.

An administrator can add multiple transactions and transaction groups in a package and can assign
limit definitions created for each transaction and for a group.

Further, these packages can be assigned at each touch point/group level while defining user
segment parameters, party preferences and while creating business users.

To create a limit package:

1. In the Limit Package Management screen, click Create. The Limit Package Management -
Create screen appears.

Limit Package Management - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Package The unique code of the limit package.


Limit Package Management

Field Name Description

Limit Package Description of the limit package.


Touch Point Touch point or a group of touch point for which a package is to be
The options are:
 Touch Point
 Touch Point Group
 Global: This a group of touch points created automatically
(default touch point group has all internal and external touch

Touch Point Internal and external touch points defined using touch point
maintenance is available for selection.
This field is displayed and enabled if you select Touch Point option in
the Touch Point field.

Touch Point Internal and external touch points groups defined using touch point
Group group maintenance are available for selection.
This field is displayed and enabled if you select Touch Point Group
option in the Touch Point field.

Available To User segment/s for which a package is to be enabled for mapping.


Currency The currency to be set for the limit package.

Transactions/ Transaction Group - Limits

Transactions/ The transaction or transaction group name, to assign the limits to it.
Group Name

Effective Date Date from which the limits should be applied for a selected transaction or
transaction group.

Cumulative Limit Cumulative transaction limits which are applicable for each day.
All the limit definitions maintained with cumulative – daily limit type and
with the same currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

Cumulative Limit Cumulative transaction limits which are applicable for each month.
All the limit definitions maintained with cumulative – monthly limit type and
with the same currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

Limit Package Management

Field Name Description

Transaction Transaction minimum and maximum initiation limits.

All the limit definitions maintained with transaction – limit type and with
the same currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

Cooling Limit All the limit definitions maintained with cooling period – limit type and with
the same currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

2. In the Limit Package Code field, enter the code for the limit package.
3. In the Limit Package Description field, enter the description of the limit package.
4. In the Touch Point field, select the appropriate option.
a. If you select Touch Point;
i. From the Touch Point list, select the appropriate option.
b. If you select Touch Point Group;
i. From the Touch Point Group list, select the appropriate option.
c. Select Global, to create a limit package for a group of all touch points.
5. From Available To Role list, select the appropriate role.
6. From Currency list, select the appropriate currency to be associated with the Limit Package.
It enables the Transactions / Transaction Group - Limits section.
7. From the Transaction / Transaction Group Name from the list, select the appropriate option
for the limit package in the Transactions / Transaction Group - Limits section.

Note: Click View Details link to view transaction group details.

View Details -Transaction Group Details

Limit Package Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Search the transaction groups with group code.

Group Search the transaction groups with group description.


No. of Number of transactions associated with the transaction groups.


8. Select the Effective Date from the calendar for the limit package in the Transactions /
Transaction Group - Limits section.
9. From the Cumulative Limit Daily, Cumulative Limit Monthly, Transaction Limit and
Cooling Limit lists, select the appropriate limits.
10. Click Add Transaction and repeat the steps 4 to 6, if you want to assign limits for more
Click Add Transaction Group and repeat the steps 4 to 6, if you want to assign limits for
more transactions groups.
11. Click Save to save the limit package.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
12. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
13. The success message of transaction submission appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Note: You can click to delete a transaction or cooling limit of a transaction.

10.3 Limit Package Management - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can update or edit a limit package created for a specific
channel/touch point. User is not allowed to edit the code, currency and touch point details, whereas
can add or remove the transactions/transaction groups available as a part of package. And also
can edit the limit definitions mapped against each type of limit.

To edit a limit package:

1. In the Limit Package Management screen, click Search. The Limits Package
Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.

Limit Package Management

Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

Limit Package Management - Search

2. Click the Limit Package Code of the record for which you want to modify the details. The
Limits Management-View screen appears.

Limit Package Management – View

Limit Package Management

3. Click Edit. The Limit Package Management - Edit screen appears.

Limit Package Management - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Limit Package The unique code of the limit package. This information cannot be edited.

Limit Package Description of the limit package.

Details provided previously will be shown in an editable form.

Available To User segment/s for which a package is enabled for mapping.

Details provided previously will be shown in an editable form.

Currency The currency which is set for the limit package.

This information cannot be edited.

Transactions/ Transaction Group - Limits

Limit Package Management

Field Name Description

Transactions/ The transaction or transaction group name, to assign the limits to it.
Group Name

Effective Date Date from which the limits should be applied for a selected transaction or
transaction group.

Expiry Date Date from which the limits will be deactivated.

Cumulative Limit Cumulative transaction limits which are applicable for each day.
Already assigned package if any is shown in an editable form. All the limit
definitions maintained with cumulative – daily limit type and with the same
currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

Cumulative Limit Cumulative transaction limits which are applicable for each month.
Already assigned limit definition if any is shown in an editable form. All the
limit definitions maintained with cumulative – monthly limit type and with
the same currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

Transaction Transaction minimum and maximum initiation limits.

Already assigned definition if any is shown in an editable form. All the limit
definitions maintained with transaction – limit type and with the same
currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

Cooling Limit Already assigned definition if any is shown in an editable form. All the limit
definitions maintained with cooling period – limit type and with the same
currency as defined at package level are listed for selection.

4. Edit the required details.

Note: Click View Details link to view transaction group details.

Limit Package Management

View Details -Transaction Group Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Search the transaction groups with group code.

Group Search the transaction groups with group description.


No. of Number of transactions associated with the transaction groups.


5. Click Add Transaction, if you want to add a new transaction.

Click Add Transaction Group, if you want to add a new transaction group.
Click to delete an existing transaction/ transaction group.
6. Click Save to save the changes made to the limit package.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
8. The success message of transaction submission appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Limit Package Management

10.4 Limit Package Management - Clone

To speed up the process of creating new limit package, System Administrator can clone an existing
limit package. All the values available in an existing package are shown in an editable format,
administrator is allowed to make changes in it and save the package with different name.

To clone a limit package:

1. In the Limit Package Management screen, click Search. The Limits Package
Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

Limit Package Management - Search

2. Click the Limit Package Code of the record for which you want to clone the details. The
Limits Package Management-View screen appears.

Limit Package Management

Limit Package Management - View

3. Click Clone. The Limits Package Management - Create screen appears with existing limit
package details.

Limits Package Management - Create

4. Update limit package with required changes.

5. Click Save to save the limit package.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Limit Package Management

Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify the details.
The user will be navigated back to the create screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
7. The success message of transaction submission appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

10.5 Limit Package Management - Delete

Using this option, System Administrator can delete a limit package created for a specific channel/
touch point. Deletion of limit package is allowed only if not in use (not mapped at any level)

To delete a limit package:

1. In the Limit Package Management screen, click Search. The Limits Package
Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

Limit Package Management - Search

Limit Package Management

2. Click the Limit Package Code of the record for which you want to view the details. The
Limits Package Management-View screen appears.

Limit Package Management - View

3. Click Delete. The Delete Warning message appears.

Delete Limit Package

4. Click Confirm to confirm the deletion.

Click Cancel to cancel the deletion process.
5. The success message of limit package deletion appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Limit Package Management


1. Can I delete transaction and/ or cumulative limits against a transaction in limit


No, existing limits against a transaction cannot be deleted; it can only be edited if effective
date is starting from a future date.

2. I am unable to delete a limit through limit maintenance?

There is a possibility that the limit that you are trying to delete is associated in the limit
package against a transaction(s).

3. I am unable to delete limits package through limit maintenance?

There is a possibility that the limit package that you are trying to delete is associated at any
of the entities i.e. User / Party / Segment/ Enterprise Role level.

4. As part of edit, what can I update in the limits package maintenance?

You can edit the transaction and/ or cumulative limits against the transaction.
You can delete the transaction(s) from the limits package and/or you can also add new
transaction(s) as part of the limits package

5. What is the significance of ‘Available to Roles’ in Limits package?

The roles defined in Limits package will make the package available to the users of that role

6. Have created/ edited/ deleted Limits and/ or Limits package but it is not reflecting in
the system even after a successful maintenance save message?

There is a possibility that the maintenance is saved but the status is ‘Pending Approval’.
For the maintenance, if there is an approval required then the changes will reflect only once
the approver(s) approve the submitted request.
If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, then the same
will reflect immediately.

7. How can I define the touch point groups?

A separate menu option ‘Touch Point Group Maintenance’ is available using which you can
maintain internal and external touch point groups.

8. How can I define the transaction groups?

A separate menu option ‘Transaction Group Maintenance’ is available using which you can
maintain group of transactions.

Limit Package Management

9. Can I manually define Global touch point group?

No, Touch Point – Global is nothing but a group of all internal and external touch points
available in the application. This group cannot be maintained manually,

10. Will the limits be applicable for newly added touch point or transactions in a
respective groups?

Yes, limits will also be applicable for transaction or touch points added at a later stage in
respective groups which are mapped as a part of limit package.

11. How the limit will be utilized, if you add a new transaction to the group for which
customers have already initiated transactions during the day but before group

Limits assigned at individual transaction level will be utilized for the transaction Initiated
before the transaction group formation. These limits will not be considered for group limit

12. Can I delete a transaction group which is a part of any limit package?

No, a transaction group cannot be deleted if a group is already associated with the limit

13. How the limits will be applied if the limit definitions are mapped for a specific
transaction and to a group in which the same transaction is available?

Limits mapped for a transaction and group will be checked. Only if the sufficient limits are
available at both the level, then user will be allowed to perform the transaction.


User level daily transaction limit of Domestic Transfer internet banking channel = 100000

User level daily transaction limit of Domestic Transfer for mobile banking channel = 50000

User level daily consolidated touch points transaction limit for Domestic Transfer = 120000

Limit Package Management

Days User action Internet – Mobile – Touch

Touch Touch Point Point
Point Limit limit Group –
User level
For internet as a touch point,
D Transfer transaction limit
a by the Bank is 100000.
1 100000

For Mobile as a touch point,

D Transfer transaction limit 120000
a by the Bank is 50000
This means, user can perform
D transaction worth 100000
a internet and maximum of
y from mobile daily. And touch
1 group limit maintained is
120000 for a day

User level will override the limits

defined at user segment/type level
1. User preforms Domestic
D Transfer transaction worth 20000
a from mobile touch point.
y Now, user will be allowed
1 Domestic transfer transaction of
100000 from internet and 30000
from mobile for that day 100000 30000 100000
3. As per touch point group limits,
user will be allowed to perform
domestic transfer transaction of
100000 from either internet
banking OR mobile banking.
1. User preforms Domestic transfer
D transaction of 50000 from
a internet \ on the same day.
y Now, user will be allowed
1 maximum of 50000 Domestic
transfer transaction from internet
banking and 30000 from mobile
banking for that day. 50000 30000 50000
3. Whereas, as per consolidated
touch point limit, user will be
allowed to perform Domestic
Transfer transaction worth 50000
from either internet or from
1. Now user preforms Domestic
D transfer transaction of 20000
a from mobile.
2. 50000 10000 30000
y Then user will be allowed to
1 perform the transaction of 50000

Limit Package Management

Days User action Internet – Mobile – Touch

Touch Touch Point Point
Point Limit limit Group –
User level
from internet and 10000 from
mobile for that day.
3. As per consolidated touch point
limit, user will be allowed
Domestic Transfer transaction of
30000 from either internet or
4. Now, user will be allowed
transaction of 30000 only from
internet as consolidated channel
limit is reduced to 30000.
1. After above transaction, if user
D utilizes 30000 from internet then
a internet limit will be 20000
y Now, if user performs Domestic
1 transfer transaction of any 20000 10000 0.00
amount from mobile or internet
then user will be displayed an
error message. As touch point
group limits are exhausted.


User Limits

11. User Limits

Using this option the System/Bank Administrator can view the current available and utilized limits
of specific retail user and also can modify (increase or decrease) the limits as per the requirement.

The user limits can be set for specific transaction level or at transaction group level or for a specific
channel or for a group of channels.

The different types of limits are as follows:

 Daily Count- Permitted number of transactions in a day
 Daily Amount- Cumulative amount of transactions in a day
 Monthly Count- Permitted number of transactions in a month
 Monthly Amount- Permitted number of transactions in a month

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Limit package are assigned.
 Approval rule set up for System/Bank Administrator to perform the actions.


Features supported in application

Following functions can be performed by the System administrator as part of the maintenance:
 Search/ View User Limits
 Edit User Limits

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Limits > User Limits

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Limits > User Limits

User Limits

11.1 User Limits - View

Using this option, System Administrator can search and view the current available and utilized limits
of specific retail user.

To search and view user limits:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Limits screen based on the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.

User Limits - Search

User Limits

User Limits - Search Result

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Type of user to be searched.

This will be defaulted to ‘Retail User’.

User Name To search the retail user with the user name. Partial search is

More Search Options

Below fields appears if you click the More Search Options link.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the retail user.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the retail user.

User Limits

Field Name Description

Email Allows to search based on email id of the retail user.

Mobile Number Allows to search based on mobile number of the retail user.

Party ID Allows to search based on Party id of the retail user.

Search Party Name

Allows search based on Party name of the retail user.

Enter Party Name Party name of the retail user based on which search is to be done.

Search Result

Full Name First name and last name of the retail user.

Party ID Displays the party id of the retail user.

User Name Displays the retail user's user name.

2. Click the User Name of the record for which you want to view the user limits details. The
User Limits - View screen appears.

User Limits - View

User Limits

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Details

User Type Type of user whose limits are displayed.

Party ID Displays the party id of the retail user.

Full Name First name and last name of the retail user.

User Name Displays the retail user's user name.

Touch Point Name of the touch point of which the limits to be inquired.
This will be defaulted to ‘Internet’ whereas User can change the touch
point to view specific limits.

Transactions Name of the transaction of which the limits to be inquired.

This defaulted to the 1st transaction available in the drop-down whereas
user can change the transaction to view the transaction specific limits.

View Limits

Transaction Displays the category wise limits allocation for the transaction which is
Name mapped to the retail user.
This section will be displayed if a limits package with selected touch point
and transaction is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available

User Limits

Field Name Description

Transaction Displays the category wise limits allocation for the transaction group which
Group is mapped to the retail user.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with selected touch point
and a transaction group (which has selected transaction) is mapped to the
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available

Channel Group Displays the category wise limits allocation for the Transaction - channel
group which is mapped to the retail user as per Touch Point / Transaction
This section will be displayed if a limit package with touch point group
(which has selected touch point) and a transaction is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available

Channel and Displays the category wise limits allocation for the channel group and
Transaction transaction group which is mapped to the retail user.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with touch point group
(which has selected touch point) and a transaction group (which has
selected transaction) is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available

User Limits

Field Name Description

Consolidated Displays the consolidated category wise limits (Limits assigned at global
Limits level for specific transaction) allocation which is mapped to the retail user
as per Touch Point / Transaction selected.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with Global touch points
and a transaction is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available

Consolidated Displays the category wise limits (Limits assigned at global level for group
and Transaction of transactions) allocation for the consolidated and transaction group
Group which is mapped to the retail user.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with Global touch points
and a transaction group (which has selected transaction) is mapped to the
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available

3. From the Touch Point list, select the appropriate option whose user limits to be viewed.
4. From the Transactions list, select the appropriate option whose user limits to be viewed.
5. Click Edit to edit the user limits.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

11.2 User Limits - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can update or edit (increase or decrease) the limits as per
the requirement for a specific retail user.

To edit user limits:

1. In the User Limits screen, click Search. The User Limits screen with search results
appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

User Limits

Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

User Limits - Search Result

2. Click the User Name of the record for which you want to modify the details. The User
Limits-View screen appears.

User Limits

User Limits - View

3. Click Edit. The User Limits - Edit screen appears.

User Limits

User Limits - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Details

User Type Type of user whose limits are displayed.

Party ID Displays the party id of the retail user.

Full Name First name and last name of the retail user.

User Name Displays the retail user's user name.

Touch Point Name of the touch point of which the limits to be inquired.

User Limits

Field Name Description

Transactions Name of the transaction of which the limits to be inquired.

View Limits

Transaction Displays the category wise limits allocation for the transaction which is
Name mapped to the retail user as per Touch Point / Transaction selected.
This section will be displayed if a limits package with selected touch point
and transaction is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available
 Revised Limits: Specify the new user limit for the transaction.
This field is editable.

Transaction Displays the category wise limits allocation for the transaction group which
Group is mapped to the retail user as per Touch Point / Transaction selected.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with selected touch point
and a transaction group (which has selected transaction) is mapped to the
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available
 Revised Limits: Specify the new user limit for the transaction.
This field is editable.

User Limits

Field Name Description

Channel Group Displays the category wise limits allocation for the channel group which is
mapped to the retail user as per Touch Point / Transaction selected.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with touch point group
(which has selected touch point) and a transaction is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available
Revised Limits: Specify the new user limit for the transaction. This field is

Channel and Displays the category wise limits allocation for the channel and transaction
Transaction group which is mapped to the retail user as per Touch Point / Transaction
Group selected.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with touch point group
(which has selected touch point) and a transaction group (which has
selected transaction) is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available
 Revised Limits: Specify the new user limit for the transaction.
This field is editable.

Consolidated Displays the consolidated category wise limits allocation which is mapped
Limits to the retail user as per Touch Point / Transaction selected.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with Global touch points
and a transaction is mapped to the user.
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available
Revised Limits: Specify the new user limit for the transaction. This field is

User Limits

Field Name Description

Consolidated Displays the category wise limits allocation for the consolidated and
and Transaction transaction group which is mapped to the retail user as per Touch Point /
Group Transaction selected.
This section will be displayed if a limit package with Global touch points
and a transaction group (which has selected transaction) is mapped to the
The categories are:
 Bank Allocated
 User Customized
 Utilized
 Available
 Revised Limits: Specify the new user limit for the transaction.
This field is editable.

Daily Count Displays the maximum permitted number of transactions in a day to a

retail customer. User can specify the revised daily transaction count limit

Daily Amount Displays the cumulative amount of transactions in a day for a retail
customer. User can specify the revised daily transaction cumulative
amount limit.

Monthly Count Displays the maximum permitted number of transactions in a month to a

retail customer. User can specify the revised monthly transaction count

Monthly Amount Displays the cumulative amount of transactions in a month for a retail
customer. User can specify the revised monthly transaction cumulative
amount limit

Effective Date The date from which the limit is effective for the transaction.
This field is editable.

End Date End date for the set limits availability on transactions.
This field is editable.

4. Click Edit to edit the user limits.

From the Touch Point list, select the appropriate option whose user limits to be modified.

User Limits

From the Transaction list, select the appropriate option whose user limits to be modified.
Enter the new values for the limits.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. Edit the required details.
6. Click Save to save the changes made to the user limits.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
8. The success message of limits updation appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. Can I delete transaction and/ or cumulative group of transactions for which the
limits are assigned using this function?

No, the transactions and/or group of transactions available in the limit package cannot be
deleted or new transaction/transaction group can be added using this maintenance.

2. Will the changes made in the user’s limits will be applicable to all other users whom
the same package is mapped?

No, the changes made in the limits will be applicable only the user of whom the details are
being changed. Other users will continue to enjoy the same limits.

3. Will the changes made in the user’s limits will be effective immediately?

The limits will be effective from the date mentioned as ‘Effective Date’ while updating the
limits. If the effective date is current date and day 0 flag is set as ‘Next Day’ for change in
limits applicability. Then the changed limits will be applicable from the next day.

4. How can I reassure of changing the specific limits, as the screen has lot of

As a part if user limits change review screen, only the transactions of which the limits are
changed are shown on the screen with highlighted values. You can recheck the information
and confirm the changes.

User Limits

5. Can I make the changes in the limits assigned to corporate users?

No, changes cannot be done for the limits assigned to corporate users using this

Transaction Group Maintenance

12. Transaction Group Maintenance

Transaction group maintenance enables the System Administrator to create and maintain group of
transactions. Administrator can maintain a transaction group for the purpose of defining
consolidated transaction limits. Once limits are assigned at transaction group, these limits acts as
collective limit for selected transactions in a group.

For e.g., If the cumulative limit daily (for payment transaction group) is set to GBP 2000, then in a
day, customer will be allowed to perform transactions up to GBP 2000 only, spanning across all
selected transactions in a group.

 Transaction access is provided to system administrator.
 Approval rule set up for system administrator to perform the actions.
 Transactions are available for grouping.


Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

 Create Transaction Group
 Search/ View Transaction Group
 Edit Transaction Group
 Delete Transaction Group

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Limits > Transaction Group

Transaction Group Maintenance

12.1 Transaction Group Maintenance - View

Using this option, System Administrator can search and view details of particular transaction group
based on different search parameters like group code or group description. The search results
displays a summary of matching transaction groups.

Further, System Administrator can view the details of transaction groups created for the purpose
of maintaining limits.

To search and view transaction group:

1. In the Transaction Group Maintenance screen, enter the search parameters and click
The Transaction Group Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the
search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Transaction Group Maintenance - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Search the transaction groups with group code.

Group Search the transaction groups with group description.


Transaction Group Maintenance

Field Name Description

Search Results

Group Code Group code defined for a Transaction Groups.

Group Group description defined for a Transaction Groups.


No. of Number of transactions associated with the transaction groups.


2. Click the Group Code link of the record to view the transaction group details. The
Transaction Group Maintenance - View screen appears.

Transaction Group Maintenance - View

Transaction Group Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for a Transaction Groups.

Group Group description defined for a Transaction Groups.


Transactions Displays the transactions which are a part of transaction group.

3. Click Edit to add or remove the transactions from the transaction group.
Click Delete to delete the transaction group.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

12.2 Transaction Group Maintenance - Create

Using this option, System Administrator can create a new transaction group and can add multiple
transactions to a group. Administrator can create multiple transaction groups. Also can add same
transactions as a part of multiple groups.

To create a transaction group:

1. In the Transaction Group Maintenance screen, click Create. The Transaction Group
Maintenance - Create screen appears.

Transaction Group Maintenance - Create

Transaction Group Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Unique group code defined for a Transaction Groups.

Group Group description defined for a Transaction Groups.


Transactions The list of transactions which are a part of transaction group.

2. In the Group Code field, enter the code for the transaction group.
3. In the Group Description field, enter the description for the transaction group.
4. Click Select Transactions, a transaction drop-down appears with the list of transactions
grouped according to the type. Multiple transactions can be selected.

Note: All the transactions for which limit flag is enabled will be displayed according to the type.

5. Add required transactions to group.

6. Click Save to save the transaction group details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message of Transaction Group Maintenance saved successfully appears along
with the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

12.3 Transaction Group Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can update or edit a transaction group by adding / removing
the transactions associated with the transaction group for purpose of limit maintenance.

To edit a transaction group:

1. In the Transaction Group Maintenance screen, click Search. The Transaction Group
Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Transaction Group Maintenance

Transaction Group Maintenance - Search

2. Click the Group Code link of the record to view the transaction group details. The
Transaction Group Maintenance - View screen appears.

Transaction Group Maintenance - View

Transaction Group Maintenance

3. Click Edit to add or remove the transactions from the transaction group.
The Transaction Group Maintenance - Edit screen appears.

Transaction Group Maintenance - Edit

4. Edit the required details, e.g. Group Description, Transactions.

5. Clicking transaction area, a transaction drop-down appears with the list of transactions
grouped according to the type to add a new transaction.
click to delete an existing transaction from the group.
6. Click Save to save the transaction group details
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
8. The success message Transaction Group Maintenance saved successfully appears along
with the Transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Transaction Group Maintenance

12.4 Transaction Group Maintenance - Delete

Using this option, System Administrator can delete the transaction group.

Note: System Administrator cannot delete the transaction group, if the limits are associated with
that group, and it is mapped to the user/ party which is in use.

To delete a transaction group:

1. In the Transaction Group Maintenance screen, click Search. The Transaction Group
Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Transaction Group Maintenance - Search

2. Click the Group Code link of the record to view the transaction group details. The
Transaction Group Maintenance - View screen appears.

Transaction Group Maintenance

Transaction Group Maintenance – View

3. Click Delete. The Delete Warning message appears.

Delete Transaction Group

4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Click No to cancel the deletion process.
5. The success message of transaction group deletion appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Transaction Group Maintenance

1. Can I club one transaction as a part of multiple groups?

Yes, one transaction can be clubbed as part multiple groups.

2. Where can I use these transaction groups?

You can define a transaction limits using ‘Limit Package Management’ for these transaction

3. Can I edit a transaction group which is a part of any limit package?

Yes, you can edit the transaction group details if a group is already associated with the limit

4. How the limit will be utilized, if you add a new transaction to the group for which
customers have already initiated transactions during the day but before group

Limits assigned at individual transaction level will be utilized for the transaction Initiated before
the transaction group formation. These limits will not be considered for group limit utilization.

5. Can I delete a transaction group which is a part of any limit package?

No, if a transaction group cannot be deleted if a group is already associated with the limit


Party Resource Access

13. Party Resource Access

Using this maintenance, the System/ Bank Administrator can provide access to Virtual Account
Management Resource ‘Remitter List’. The Party Resource Access screen lists the remitter IDs for
the selected Corporate.

The administrator can select a global check box of ‘Map All Remitter List ’ to enable all the existing
remitter list under the party for channel banking. If specific remitters are required to be given access
then the user needs to select the respective check boxes preceding the remitter ID.

 Party preferences should be created for the party for which access is to be maintained
 Channel Access should be enabled for party for which resource access is to be maintained
 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.


Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 Party Resource Access - Mapping
 Party Resource Access – View
 Party Resource Access - Edit
 Party Resource Access - Delete

How to reach here:

Bank Administrator Dashboard > Resource Access > Party Resource Access
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Access Management >
Resource Access > Party Resource Access

Party Resource Access

13.1 Party Resource Access - Mapping (Create)

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the Virtual Account Management Remitter list for which
access needs to be provided to the party.

To provide the party with remitters access:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search. For a searched party, Remitter List Mapping Summary appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

Party Resource Access - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party id searched by the bank administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

Module Name The name of the module. Only Virtual Account Management (Remitter
List) is supported.

Remitter List Mapping Summary

Party Resource Access

3. If there is no mapping done for a party, there will be a message No Remitter List mapped
with Map button.
4. Click Map. The Party Resource Access - Create screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party Resource Access - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party id searched by the bank administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

Module Name The name of the module.

Remitter List Mapping

Map All Remitter Mapping all the existing remitter list IDs to enable for channel banking.

Remitter List ID List of remitter IDs present for the selected party.

Remitter List Name of the remitter list available under the party.

Status Status of the remitter list.

Party Resource Access

Field Name Description

New Remitter Mapping of the remitters.

List Mapping
The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to the all future newly added remitter
list IDs and transactions of the party
 Manual: gives specific access to future remitter list IDs. This is to
explicitly map new remitter lists and transactions if access needs
to be provided.

5. All the Remitter List IDs of the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in
the VAM mid-office system will be fetched and displayed.
6. Select a global check box of Map All Remitter List to enable all the existing remitters for
channel banking (on screen, it will serve as a Select All function).
If specific remitter list IDs are required to be given access then the user needs to select the
respective check boxes preceding the remitter ID.
7. To map the new remitters list, select appropriate option from New Remitter List Mapping
Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future Remitter List.
Select Manual if you wish to explicitly map new remitter list and transactions.
8. Click Next. The Party Resource Access - Create (Transaction Mapping) screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party Resource Access - Transaction Mapping - Create

Party Resource Access

9. To map the transactions to the remitter ID, click against the particular remitter list ID to
view the transaction mapping.
10. Select the respective check boxes preceding the transaction to be mapped.
Select Map All Transactions to All Remitter List, if you want to map all the transactions to
all remitter lists.
11. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
12. The Party Resource Access - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
13. The screen with success message appears along with the reference number and status of
the transaction. Click OK to complete the transaction.

Party Resource Access

13.2 Party Resource Access- View

The Bank Administrator can view the remitter lists and transactions under each remitter list ID for
which access has been provided to the party.

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party Id of the corporate user.

Party Name Party name of the corporate user.

To view the remitter and transaction access:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search. For a searched party, Remitter List Mapping Summary appears that provides
details of the Total no. of Remitter List IDs and the number of Remitter List IDs mapped.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

Party Resource Access - Search Results

Party Resource Access

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party id searched by the bank administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

Module Name The name of the module.

Remitter List Mapping Summary

Click on Resource Type to view the respective mapping details.

Resource Type The resource types available under the party for the selected module.
Resource type for Virtual Account Management module is Remitter List.

Total Number of Total number of remitter lists available under the party.
Remitter Lists

Number of Number of remitter lists mapped to the party.

Remitter Lists

3. Click the Remitter List link, which will navigate to the view page.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party Resource Access – View

Party Resource Access

Field Description

Field Name Description

Remitter List Mapping

Map All Remitter List Mapping all the remitters of the VAM module to enable for channel

Remitter List ID List of remitter IDs present in a particular resource type.

Remitter List Name Name of the remitter list available under the party.

Status Status of the remitter list.

New Remitter List Mapping of the remitters.

The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to the all future newly added
remitter lists and transactions of the party
 Manual: gives specific access to future remitter lists. This is
to explicitly map new remitter lists and transactions if
access needs to be provided

4. Click Next. The Party Resource Access - View screen to view the selected remitter lists
and transactions enabled for the selected remitter lists appears.
Click Edit to modify the remitter list mapping.
Click Delete to delete the Party Resource Access setup.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party Resource Access

Party Resource Access - Transaction Mapping- View

5. Click against the particular Remitter List to view the mapped transactions.
Click Edit to update transaction mapping.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

13.3 Party Resource Access - Edit

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the list of remitter lists and transactions under each
Remitter List for which access details needs to be edited for the party.

To edit remitter lists and transaction access for the party:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search. For a searched party, Remitter List Mapping Summary appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
3. If there is no mapping done for a party , the message No Resource mapped for the party
with Map option appears.

Party Resource Access

4. Click the Remitter Type link to view/edit the details. The Party Resource Access- View
screen appears.
5. Click Edit. The Party Resource Access - Edit screen appears.
This enables the selection and de-selection option against the Remitter List IDs and allows
changing the map remitters from Auto to Manual and vice-versa.
Click Next to go to the next tab (Transaction Mapping).
Click Delete to delete the Party Resource Access setup.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party Resource Access - Remitter List Mapping - Edit

6. To map the new resources (remitter lists), select appropriate option from New Remitter List
Mapping field;
Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future remitter list.
Select Manual if you wish to allow specific access to all future remitter list.
7. Select the respective check boxes preceding the Remitter List ID to be mapped.
Select Map All Remitter List, if you want to map all the remitters.
8. Click Next. The Party Resource Access - Edit screen with mapped transaction - to the
remitter appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Party Resource Access

Party Resource Access - Transaction Mapping - Edit

9. To map the transactions to the Remitter lists, click against the particular remitter list ID to
view the transaction mapping.
10. Select the respective check boxes preceding the transaction to be mapped.
Select Map All Transactions, if you want to map all the transactions to all remitter list IDs.
11. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
12. The Party Resource Access - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
13. The screen with success message appears along with the reference number and status of
the transaction. Click OK to complete the transaction.

Party Resource Access

13.4 Party Resource Access - Delete

As part of this option, remitter list mapping and /transaction mapping can be deleted.

To delete remitter list and transaction access for the party:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search. For a searched party, Remitter List Mapping Summary section appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
3. If there is no mapping done for a party (own/ linked), the message No Remitters mapped for
the party with Map option appears.
4. Click the Remitter List link to view/delete the details. The Party Resource Access - View
screen appears.
5. Click Delete. The application prompt the administrator with a message 'Are you sure you
want to delete Remitter List Mapping setup for Party ID – Party name' with an option of Yes /
6. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion request.
It will navigate to confirmation page with a success message and the status.
Click No if you do not wish to proceed with deletion.
7. The success message and the status appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


User Resource Access

14. User Resource Access

Using this option the System/ Bank Administrator can set up remitter list mapping and transaction
access for user(s) of the corporate party. This maintenance can be done only after the Party
Resource Access is setup for the party of the user(s).

 Resource Access should be maintained for the party of the user for which access is to be
 Party preferences should be created for the party of the user for which access is to be
 Channel Access should be enabled for party of the user for which resource access is to be
 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.


Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 User Resource Access - Mapping
 User Resource Access – View
 User Resource Access - Edit
 User Resource Access - Delete

How to reach here:

Bank Administrator Dashboard > Resource Access > User Resource Access
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Access Management >
Resource Access > User Resource Access

User Resource Access

14.1 User Resource Access - Mapping (Create)

This option allows the administrator to provide access to specific users of a party.

To provide the user with account and transaction access:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search.
For a searched party, there will be a list of users displayed with information like user ID, full
name of the user and initials of the user.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

User Resource Access – Search

User Resource Access

User Resource Access - Search Result

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

Search Result

Initials Initials of the user.

User Name User name of the user

Full Name Full name of the user.

User Resource Access

3. Click the User Name link against the user record for which you want to create the mapping.
The User Resource Access – Mapping Summary screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
4. If there is no mapping done for the user for a party, there will be a message No Remitter List
mapped with Map button.
5. If the access for the party to which the user belongs to is not done, then there will be no Map

User Resource Access – Summary Page

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

User ID User ID of the selected user.

User Name User name of the selected user

Module Name The name of the module. Only Virtual Account Management (Remitter
List) is available.

Remitter List Mapping Summary

User Resource Access

6. Click Map. The User Resource Access - Create screen appears.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

User ID User ID of the selected user.

User Name User name of the selected user

Module Name The name of the module.

Remitter List Mapping

Apply Party Level User will get access to remitters that are allowed/ disallowed at the
Changes party level.

User Resource Access

Field Name Description

Map All Remitter Mapping all the remitters of the VAM module to the existing resource.

Remitter List ID List of remitter IDs present in a particular resource type.

Remitter List Name Name of the remitter list available under the party.

Status Status of the remitter access for the party

7. All the remitters held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system will be fetched and displayed.
8. Select a global check box of Map All Remitter List to enable all the existing remitters for
channel banking (on screen, it will serve as a Select All function).
If specific remitter is required to be given access to the user, then the bank administrator
needs to select the respective check boxes preceding the remitter ID.
9. Select Apply Party Level Changes Automatically to automatically apply the party changes.
10. Click Next. The User Resource Access - Create (Transaction Mapping) screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Resource Access - Transaction Mapping - Create

User Resource Access

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

User ID User ID of the selected user.

User Name User name of the selected user

Module Name The name of the module.

Transaction Mapping

Map All Mapping all the transactions to all the remitter list.
Transactions to All
Remitter List

Remitter List ID List of remitter IDs present in a particular resource type.

Remitter List Name Name of the remitter list available under the party.

Status Status of the remitter access for the party

11. To map the transactions to the account, click against the particular remitter ID to view the
transaction mapping.

User Resource Access

User Resource Access - Transaction Mapping (Map Transaction) - Create

12. Select the respective check boxes preceding the transaction to be mapped.
Select Map All Transactions, if you want to map all the transactions to all accounts.
13. Select Apply Party Level Changes Automatically to automatically apply the party changes.
14. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
15. The User Resource Access - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
16. The screen with success message appears along with the reference number and status of
the transaction. Click OK to complete the transaction.

User Resource Access

14.2 User Resource Access- Search

The Bank Administrator can view the list of remitter(s) and transactions for which access has been
provided to the user.

To view the remitter and transaction access:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search.
For a searched party, there will be a list of users displayed with information like user ID, full
name of the user and initials of the user.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

User Resource Access - Search Result

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

User Resource Access

Field Name Description

Search Result

Initials Initials of the user.

User Name User name of the user

Full Name Full name of the user.

3. Click the User Name link against the user record for which you want to view the details. The
User Resource Access – Mapping Summary screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access – Summary Page

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

User ID User ID of the selected user.

User Name User name of the selected user

User Resource Access

Field Name Description

Module Name The name of the module.

Remitter List Mapping Summary

Resource Type The resource types available under the party. The resource type can
 Remitter List

Total Number of Total number of remitter lists available under the party.
Remitter Lists

Number of Remitter Number of remitter lists mapped to the particular resource type.
Lists Mapped

4. Click the Remitter List link to view the remitter mapping. The User Resource Access –
View screen, displaying remitter list mapping appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access – View

Field Description

User Resource Access

Field Name Description

Party ID The party ID searched by the Bank Administrator.

Party Name The name of the party.

User ID User ID of the selected user.

User Name User name of the selected user.

Module Name The name of the module.

Remitter List Mapping

Apply Party Level User will get access to remitter lists that are allowed/ disallowed at the
Changes party level.

Map All Remitter Mapping all the remitter lists to the user that are allowed at the party
List level.

Remitter List ID Remitter List Identifier.

Remitter List Name Name of the remitter list available under the party.

Status Status of the remitter access for the party

5. Click Next. The User Resource Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears.
Click Edit to modify the remitter list mapping.
Click Delete to delete the User Resource Access setup.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access

User Resource Access - Transaction Mapping - View

6. Click against the particular Remitter List to view the mapped transactions.
Click Edit to update transaction mapping.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access

User Resource Access - Transaction Mapping - View Mapping

7. Click Edit to update the User Resource Access mapping.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

14.3 User Resource Access - Edit

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the list of remitter lists and transactions for which
access details needs to be edited for a selected user of the party.

To edit remitter list and transaction access for the user:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search.
For a searched party, there will be a list of users displayed with information like user ID, full
name of the user and initials of the user.
3. Click the User Name link against the user record for which you want to edit the details. The
User Resource Access – Mapping Summary screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access

4. Click the Remitter List link. The User Resource Access – View screen, displaying remitter
list mapping appears.
5. Click Edit. The User Resource Access - Edit screen appears.
This enables the selection and de-selection option against the remitter list. There is also an
option to edit check box Apply Party Level Changes Automatically to apply/ remove the
party changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Resource Access – Edit

6. Select the respective check boxes preceding the Remitter List ID to be mapped.
Select Map All Remitter List, if you want to map all the Remitter Lists available.
Select/ De-select check box Apply Party Level Changes Automatically to apply/remove
the party changes.
7. Click Next. The User Resource Access - Edit screen with mapped remitter list appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
8. To map the transactions to the remitter lists, click against the particular Remitter List ID to
view the transaction mapping.

User Resource Access

User Resource Access - Transaction- Resource Mapping - Edit

9. Select the respective check boxes preceding the transaction to be mapped.

Select Map All Transactions, if you want to map all the transactions to all Remitter Lists.
10. Click Save.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
11. The User Resource Access - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to edit the transaction.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
12. The User Resource Access - Confirmation screen with success message appears along
with the reference number and status of the transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

User Resource Access

14.4 User Resource Access - Delete

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the user information of a party for which access details
needs to be deleted. As part of this option, remitter list mapping can be deleted for a user.

To delete remitter and transaction access for the user:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
2. Click Search.
For a searched party, there will be a list of users displayed with information like user ID, full
name of the user and initials of the user.
3. Click the User Name link against the user record for which you want to delete the details.
The User Resource Access – Mapping Summary screen appears.
4. Click the Remitter List link. The User Resource Access – View screen, displaying remitter
list mapping appears.
5. Click Delete. The application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message with an
option of Yes / No.
Click Edit to modify the remitter list mapping.
Click Next to go to the next screen. The User Resource Access – View (Transaction
Mapping) screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion request. It will navigate to confirmation page with a
success message and the status.
Click No if you do not wish to proceed with deletion.
7. Click OK to complete the transaction.



15. Approvals
Each user is assigned a particular task to perform as per their position in the hierarchy of the
bank/corporate. For instance, some user(s) may be given rights to do data entry for transactions
such as domestic fund transfer, draft issuance by logging in to channel banking. Transaction
created by initiator in the system is routed to the appropriate authorized signatory or group of
signatories for approval depending upon the rules configured. A transaction once approved by all
the required approvers gets processed.

Approval Management function enables the Bank Administrator to configure approval flows for
various financial and non-financial transactions on channel banking for bank’s customers and for

Approval flow includes configuration of rules for the users with following access types:
 Maker/ Initiator – User who is a creator of the transaction.
 Authorizer/ Approver – User who authorizes the transactions created by the maker. His
authorization rights are maintained by an administrator.

Features supported in application

Approval management supported for Bank administrator users includes;

 Approval Workflow Maintenance
 Approval Rule Maintenance

Note: Approval Workflow and Rules can also be maintained for Non Customer Corporates (for
which the party id is not maintained in UBS or in Core banking system). For Non Customer
Corporate (counterparties on boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in

Business scenario

AES Corporation wants to enable approval workflow for all financial transactions. The requirement
is – All the financial transactions will be initiated by ‘Officers’ of the corporate. The transactions
initiated by ‘Officers’ should be sent to ‘Assistant Managers’ for 1st level approval. After the
transaction is approved by any one user from a group of ‘Assistant Managers’ then the transaction
should be sent to ‘Managers’ for final level of approval. The transaction processing should happen
only after final approval.


15.1 Workflow Management

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are
required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to
have up to five levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level.

Workflows can be created independently and can be attached to a specific

transaction/maintenance as part of the Approval Rule configuration.

Note: :
• If Group Corporate Flag is set as “ON” in system rules, then the Approval Workflow setup for
corporate users will not be allowed using this menu option. The Approval Workflow can be setup
using Group Corporate onboarding only.
• If Group Corporate Flag is set as “OFF” in system rules, then the Approval Workflow for corporate
users must be setup using below mentioned steps.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Party preference is maintained.
 Multiple users are maintained under a party or as Bank Administrators
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Necessary user groups are maintained using User Group Management.



Features supported in application

Approval Rule maintenance allows Bank Administrator to:

 View Approval Workflows
 Create Approval Workflows
 Edit Approval Workflows

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Approvals > Workflow
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Approvals > Workflow Management

15.1.1 Approval Workflow – Select User Type

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Approval Workflow screen. On
accessing the ‘Approval Workflow Management’ menu, bank administrator has to select the user
type for whom the workflows are to be maintained.

Approval Workflow – Select User Type

1. Click Admin User to access the workflow management of bank administrator users. The
Admin Workflow Management screen appears.
2. Click Corporate User to access the workflow management of bank administrator users. The
Workflow Management screen appears.


15.1.2 Approval Workflow - Admin User - Admin Workflow Management

Admin Workflow Management

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Code Code of the already maintained approval workflow.

Workflow Description Description of the already maintained approval workflow.

3. Click Create to create new admin workflow. The Admin Workflow Management – Create
screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Enter the search parameters and click Search to search the matching records.
Click Clear to clear the input search parameters.

15.1.3 Admin Workflow Management – Search

Bank Administrator user can search the workflows maintained for administrator users.

Workflows maintained (if any) for admin users are displayed on the screen after searching with
valid input. User can view the details of existing workflow by clicking on the search results or can
create new approval workflow using this screen.


To search the approval workflow for admin users:

1. In the Admin Workflow Management screen, enter the search parameters and click
Search. The Admin Workflow Management screen with search results appears based on
the searched criteria.

Admin Workflow Management – Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Code The approval workflow code to search the approval workflows.

Workflow The approval workflow description to search the approval workflows.


Search Results

Workflow Code Unique code of the already maintained approval workflow.

Workflow Description Description of the already maintained approval workflow.

Approval Level Number of approval levels in each workflow.

2. Click the Work Flow code link, to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Create to create new Approval Workflow for admin users.


15.1.4 Admin Workflow Management – View

Further drill down is given on the each workflow to view the details of the users/ user groups who
are the part of workflow.

Admin Workflow Management – View

Field Description


Field Name Description


Workflow Code Workflow code is displayed.

Workflow Workflow description is displayed.


Approval Details

Approval Level User / user group maintained at each approval level. There can be up to
five levels of approval levels.

User Name / User or a user group maintained at each level of approval.

User Groups
On Approval -Workflow screen, Admin User can click on the Name of the
user group that is part of the workflow to see the list of users which are
part of that Group
User can search specific user name, by using the search window on
Group Details overlay.

3. Click Edit to edit the workflow. The Admin Workflow Management - Edit screen with values
in editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.

15.1.5 Admin Workflow Management – Create

Bank Administrator can create approval workflows for the Admin users. By default, user can specify
minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of workflow.

Administrator can set either an individual user or user group of a corporate as a part of each level
of approval. Approval type (sequential/non-sequential/no authorization) is defined at the party

To create an approval workflow:

1. In the Admin Workflow Management screen, click Create. The Admin Workflow
Management - Create screen appears.


Admin Workflow Management – Create

Field Description

Field Name Description


Workflow Code To specify approval workflow code.

Workflow To specify approval workflow description.


Approval Details
Approval levels for a user / user group. You can click Add for multi level approval

Approval Level Approval levels for a user / user group. User can click Add for multi level
approval process.

User / User Group To select specific user or a user group at each level of approval.

2. In the Workflow Code field, enter the workflow code.

3. In the Workflow Description field, enter the name of the workflow.
4. In the Approval Details section, from the Level 1 field, click appropriate user / user group.
5. From the User Name / User Groups list, select the approver user name.


6. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.

7. Click icon to remove specific approval level.

8. Click Save to save Approval Workflow.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
9. The Admin Workflow Management - Create - Review screen appears post necessary
validations. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
10. The success message of saving the created approval workflow appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to the ‘Dashboard’.

15.1.6 Admin Workflow Management - Edit

This function enables the Bank Administrator to update the description of the workflow and also to
remove existing and add the new approval levels. Edited workflows are applicable for new
transactions initiated post workflow update, whereas the previously initiated and transactions
pending approval follows the old workflow.

To edit an approval workflow:

1. In the Admin Workflow Management screen, click the Work Flow code link, for which you
want to view the details. The Admin Workflow Management - View screen appears.
2. Click Edit. The Admin Workflow Management - Edit screen appears.


Admin Workflow Management - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description


Workflow Code Workflow code is displayed.

Workflow Workflow description is displayed in editable form.


Approval Details

Approval Level Approval levels for a user / user group.

Administrator can remove or add approval levels in a workflow.

User Name / User User or a user group maintained at each level of approval.
Administrator can edit an existing user/user group maintained at each
level and can also specify user/user group for additional approval level.

3. Edit the required details.


4. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.

Click icon to remove specific approval level.

5. Click Save to save Approval Workflow.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to previous screen.
6. The Admin Workflow Management – Edit - Review screen appears post necessary
validations. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to previous screen.
7. The success message of saving the approval workflow modification appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

15.1.7 Approval Workflow - Corporate User - Workflow Management

System displays a screen to enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search party
for which the approval workflows are to be maintained/ viewed.

User can enter the party ID (if known) or the party name with a minimum of five characters.

System matches the input provided by the user with the party name records and displays the
matching party records.

In case of a party search by party ID, it is an exact match and system displays the workflows
maintained if any.

In case of a party search by name, system displays the matching party records. The records have
parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking
on the Party ID from the list.

1) Once a transaction is initiated by the Corporate maker, system checks for the account access
of all the approver/s (found as part of approval rule/workflow maintained). In case approver/s
at one or more level does not have the required account access for the account/s involved in
the transaction, system rejects the transaction and an alert will be triggered to initiator notifying
the same.
2) Approval Workflow can also be maintained for Non Customer Corporates (for which the party
id is not maintained in UBS or in Core banking system). For such cases i.e. non customer
corporate (counterparties on boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in

Workflow Management


Field Description

Field Description

Party ID
Party IDs as per search input.

Note: For Non Customer Corporates (counterparties on boarded by

Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in OBSCF/OBCMS.

Party Party name of the party ID.


Enter the search parameters and click Search to search the matching records.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click on ‘Clear’ to clear the input search parameters.

15.1.8 Workflow Management – Summary

Clicking on Workflow Code Hyperlink, workflows maintained (if any) under a party are displayed on
the screen. User can opt to view the details of existing workflows or can create new approval
workflow using this screen.

Workflow Management – Summary


Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID
Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Workflow Code Code of the already maintained approval workflow.

This field will be displayed only if there are existing approval workflows
available under a party.

Workflow Description of the already maintained approval workflow.

This field will be displayed only if there are existing approval workflows
available under a party

Approval Levels Number of approval levels in each workflow.

This field will be displayed only if there are existing approval workflows
available under a party.

1. Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.
Click Create. The Workflow Management - Create screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.


15.1.9 Workflow Management – View

Further drill down is provided on the each workflow to view the details of the users/ user groups
who are the part of workflow.

To view the approval workflow for corporate users:

1. In the Workflow Management screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The
Workflow Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
2. Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.

Workflow Management – View


Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Workflow Code Workflow code is displayed.

Workflow Workflow description is displayed.


Approval Details

Approval Level User / user group maintained at each approval level.


Field Name Description

User / User User or a user group maintained at each level of approval.

On Approval -Workflow screen, Admin User can click on the Name of the
user group that is part of the workflow to see the list of users which are part
of that Group
User can search specific user name, by using the search window on Group
Details overlay.

3. Click Edit to edit the workflow. The Workflow Management - Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.

15.1.10 Workflow Management – Create

Bank Administrator can create approval workflows for corporate users. By default, user can specify
minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of workflow.

Administrator can set either an individual user or user group of a corporate as a part of each level
of approval. Approval type (sequential/non-sequential/no authorization) is defined at the party

To create an approval workflow:

1. In the Workflow Management screen, enter the party id in the In the Party Id field.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name.
2. Click Search. The Workflow Management screen with both Party ID and Party Name
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Workflow Management – Party Search


Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID List of the Party IDs as per search input.

Party Name List of the Party names of the party IDs as per search input.

3. Click Create. The Workflow Management - Create screen appears.

Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.

Workflow Management – Create

Field Description


Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Workflow Code To specify approval workflow code.

Workflow To specify approval workflow description.


Approval Details

Approval Level Approval levels for a user / user group. User can click Add for multi level
approval process.

User / User Group To select specific user or a user group at each level of approval.

4. In the Workflow Code field, enter the workflow code.

5. In the Workflow Description field, enter the name of the workflow.
6. In the Approval Details section, from the Level 1 field, click appropriate user / user group.
7. From the User Name / User Groups list, select the approver user name.
8. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.

9. Click icon to remove specific approval level.

10. Click Save to save Approval Workflow.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
11. The Workflow Management - Create - Review screen appears post necessary validations.
Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
12. The success message of saving the created approval workflow appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


15.1.11 Workflow Management - Edit

This function enables the Bank Administrator to update the description of the workflow and also to
remove existing and add the new approval levels. Edited workflows are applicable for new
transactions initiated post workflow update, whereas the previously initiated and transactions
pending approval follows the old workflow.

To edit an approval workflow:

1. In the Workflow Management screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The
Workflow Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
2. Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the workflow. The Workflow Management - Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.

Workflow Management - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.


Field Name Description

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which workflows to be viewed/ edited.

Workflow Code Workflow code is displayed.

Workflow Workflow description is displayed in editable form.


Approval Details

Approval Level Approval levels for a user / user group.

Administrator can remove or add approval levels in a workflow.

User Name / User User or a user group maintained at each level of approval.
Administrator can edit an existing user/user group maintained at each
level and can also specify user/user group for additional approval level.

4. Edit the required details.

5. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.

Click icon to remove specific approval level.

6. Click Save to save Approval Workflow.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and go back to previous screen.
7. The Workflow Management - Edit- Review screen appears post necessary validations.
Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and go back to previous screen.
8. The success message of saving the approval workflow modification appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


1. What is approval management?

Approval Management enables a bank administrator to set up approval conditions for

various transactions on channel banking. The approval management allows setting up the
maker / checker flow, wherein a transaction is initiated by a maker and the same is
authorized by a single / multiple checkers depending on the configuration.

2. What is approval workflow maintenance?

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval
are required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be
configured to have up to 5 levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured
at each level.

3. How many approval levels can I set up in the system?

Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of
approval workflow.

4. Can I get the list of users associated with a group from workflow management

No, list of the users associated with a group cannot be viewed using workflow management
screen. However you can view the same from User Group Management screen.



15.2 Approval Rules

This function enables the Bank Administrator to set up conditions for approval as per the
bank/corporate requirements. Rule can be set up for financial transactions, non-financial, non
account financial transactions, and for maintenances. Flexibility exists to define approval rules with
conditions stating that ‘specific transaction’ if initiated by a ‘specific user/ user group’ has to be
approved by a ‘specific approver/approver group’ along with other attributes like amount range
etc.Note: :
• If Group Corporate Flag is set as “ON” in system rules, then the Approval Rules setup for corporate
users will not be allowed using this menu option. The Approval rules can be setup using Group
Corporate onboarding only.
• If Group Corporate Flag is set as “OFF” in system rules, then the Approval Rules for corporate
users must be setup using below mentioned steps.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator
 Party preference is maintained for setting up rules for corporates
 Corporate and Administrator users are maintained
 Workflow configuration is maintained if approval required is to be set as ‘Yes’
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions
 Necessary user groups and approval workflows are maintained

Features supported in application

The Approval Rule maintenances allow the bank administrator to:

 Create Approval Rules
 View Approval Rules
 Edit Approval Rules
 Delete Approval Rules



How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Approvals > Rule Management
> Approval Rules
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Approvals > Rule Management

15.3 Approval Rules – Select User Type

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Rule Management screen. On
accessing the ‘Approval Rules Management’ menu, Bank Administrator has to select the user type
for which the rules are to be maintained.

Approval Rules – Select User Type

1. Click Admin User to access the Approval Rules of Bank Administrator users. The Admin
Approval Rules screen appears.
2. Click Corporate User to access the Approval Rules of Corporate users. The Approval
Rules screen appears.

15.4 Approval Rules - Admin User - Admin Approval Rules

Admin Approval Rules


Field Description

Field Name Description

Rule Code Search rules with a rules code of the already maintained approval rule.

Rule Description Search rules with a rule description of the already maintained approval

3. Click Create to create new admin workflow. The Admin Approval Rules – Create screen
Enter the search parameters and click Search to search the matching records.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click on ‘Clear’ to clear the input search parameters.

15.4.1 Admin Approval Rules – Search

Approval rules maintained (if any) for administrator users are displayed on the screen after
searching with valid input. User can to view the details of existing rule or can create new approval
rule using this screen.

To search the approval rules for admin users:

1. In the Admin Approval Rules screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The
Admin Approval Rules screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.

Admin Approval Rules – Search


Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Results

Rule Code Code of the already maintained approval rule.

Rule Description Description of the already maintained approval rule.

2. Click the Rule code link, to view details of the selected Approval Rule. The Approval Rules -
View screen appears.
Click Create to create new Approval Rules for admin users.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.

15.4.2 Admin Approval Rules – View

Further drill down is given on the each workflow to view the details of the users/ user groups who
are the part of workflow.

To view the admin approval rules:

1. In the Admin Approval Rules screen, click the Rule Code link, for which user wants to view
the details. The Admin Approval Rules - View screen appears.


Admin Approval Rules - View

Field Description

Field Name Description


Rule Code Approval rule code.

Rule Description Approval rule description.


Initiator Type Initiator type specified while creating a rule.

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group defined as initiator for the rule

Transactions Transaction for which the rule is set up.

Workflow Details


Field Name Description

Approval Required Field displays whether approval is required or not for the set

Workflow Details Field displays the approval workflow details along with the
defined approval levels.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required

2. Click Edit to edit the approval rule. The Admin Approval Rule - Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Delete to delete the approval rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
The application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message, Click Yes to confirm.
User is directed to Admin Approval Rule – Delete confirmation page.

15.4.3 Admin Approval Rules – Create

Approval rules can be setup based on the following parameters.

 Transactions
 Initiator
 Specific User
 User Group

Bank Administrator can create multiple approval rules for Administrator users. In a scenario when
a transaction is initiated and multiple rules are applicable as per set conditions, then the complex
rule amongst all the applicable rules is applied for approval.

User can further define if for a condition, the transaction should be auto approved (which means
there is no approval workflow and the transaction gets approved as soon as initiator submits the
transaction) or should follow a set approval workflow and should get approved by the defined set
of approvers. The same is achieved by attaching a workflow maintained for the administrator users.

To create an approval rule:

1. In the Admin Approval Rules screen, click Create. The Admin Approval Rules - Create
screen appears.


Admin Approval Rules - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Rule Code To specify approval rule code.

Rule Description To specify approval rule description.


Initiator Type Initiator type who initiates the transaction.

This has options as ‘User’ and ‘User Group’.

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group as initiator.
If initiator is selected as User, then all the users belongs to
administrator user segment will be listed for selection.
If initiator is selected as User Group, then all the user groups
belongs to the administrator user segment will be listed for


Field Name Description

Transactions All transactions to set the approval rules are listed.

User can select specific transaction or all admin transactions.

Workflow Details

Approval Required Option to decide whether approval is required or not for the set

Workflow Field has description of the approval workflow. All workflows

maintained for the administrator type of user segment are listed
here along with the defined approval level for each of them.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required

2. In the Rule Code field, enter the code.

3. In the Rule Description field, enter the rule name.
4. From the Initiator Type field, click appropriate user / user group and select the user/ user
5. From the Transaction list, select the transactions to be mapped to the rule.
6. In the Workflow Details section, select whether approval is required for the mapped
a. If you select Yes option, select the appropriate Workflow.
7. Click Save to save the approval rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
8. The Approval Rule - Create Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to the ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
9. The success message of saving the created approval rule appears along with the transaction
reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

15.4.4 Admin Approval Rules - Edit

Bank Administrator can edit the approval rules. An Administrator is allowed to change the
description of the rule and is also allowed to change the parameters associated with the specific
approval rule.


Edited rules are applicable for new transactions initiated post rule update. Previously initiated
transactions which are pending approval will follow a rule which was applied at the time of
transaction initiation.

To edit an approval workflow:

1. In the Admin Approval Rules screen, click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view
the details. The Admin Approval Rules - View screen appears.
2. Click Edit. The Admin Approval Rules - Edit screen appears.

Admin Approval Rules - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description


Rule Code Approval rule code provided by the user.

Rule Description Approval rule description provided by the user in editable form.



Field Name Description

Initiator Type Initiator type who initiates the transaction will be displayed in
editable form.

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group as initiator will be displayed in
editable form.
If initiator is selected as User, then all the users belonging to the
administrator type of user segment will be listed for selection.
If initiator is selected as User Group, then all the user groups
belonging to the administrator type of user segment will be listed
for selection.

Workflow Details

Approval Required Whether approval is required will be displayed in editable form.

Workflow Details Details of the approval workflow along with the defined approval
levels for a condition will be displayed in editable form.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required field.

3. Edit the required details.

4. Click Save to save the approval rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to previous screen.
5. The Admin Approval Rule - Edit Review screen appears post necessary validations. Verify
the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to previous screen.
6. The success message of saving the approval rule modification appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


15.5 Approval Rules - Corporate User - Approval Rule

Bank Administrator can enable ‘Self Transaction Approval’ facility as a part of the backend day 0
activity. Once enabled, the user can approve/reject the transactions initiated by self. This is
applicable for all types of users for whom the ‘Approval’ facility is enabled.

While setting up Approval Rules for a party, the bank administrator can select a workflow that
contains the same user that is selected as the user or is part of the user group as Initiator Type.
The Corporate user can approve / reject the those transactions from Pending for Approval which
are part of the approval rule for which the self-initiated transaction approval has been defined.

15.5.1 Approval Rules - Corporate User - Search

System displays a screen to enter the party ID or party name to search the approval rules that are
maintained. User can enter the party ID (if known) or the party name with a minimum of 5
characters. System matches the input provided by the user with the party name records and
displays the matching party records.

In case of a party search by party ID, it is an exact match and system displays the rules maintained
if any.

In case of a party search by name, system displays the matching party records. The records have
parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking
on the Party ID from the list.

1) Once a transaction is initiated by the Corporate maker, system checks for the account access
of all the approver/s (found as part of approval rule/workflow maintained). In case approver/s
at one or more level does not have the required account access for the account/s involved in
the transaction, system rejects the transaction and an alert will be triggered to initiator notifying
the same.
2) Approval rules can also be maintained for Non Customer Corporates (for which the party id is
not maintained in UBS or in Core banking system). For such cases i.e. non customer corporate
(counterparties on boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in

Approval Rules - Corporate User


Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID
Party ID as per search input.

Note: For Non Customer Corporate (counterparties on boarded

by Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in

Party Name Party name of the party ID.

To search the approval rules for corporate users:

1. In the Approval Rules screen, enter the party ID in the In the Party ID field.
In the Party Name field, enter the party name.
2. Click Search to search the matching records. The Approval Rules screen with search
results appears based on the searched criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click ‘Clear’ to clear the input search parameters.

Note: The Approval rule - Corporate User - Party Search Results screen appears only if no approval
rule is created, else the search results displays the approval rules already created by the party.


Approval Rules - Corporate User - Party Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Results

Party ID List of the Party ID as per search input.

Party Name List of the Party names of the party IDs as per search input.

3. Click the Party ID link, to view details. The Approval Rule - Summary screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Approval Rule – Summary


4. Click the Rule code link, to view details of the selected Approval Rule. The Approval Rules -
View screen appears.
Click Create to create new Approval Rule for corporate users.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.


15.5.2 Approval Rule – Corporate User - Create

Bank Administrator can create approval rules for the corporate users. Administrator is allowed to
create an approval rule only if the party preference is maintained and party is in active status.

Approval rules can be setup based on the following parameters.

 Type of Transaction
 Financial Transactions
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transactions, this involves
exchange of money.
 E.g. Money Transfer, Draft Issuance, Redeem Term Deposit etc.
 Non Financial Transactions
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transaction which are for an
account, but does not involve exchange of money.
 E.g. Cheque Book Request, Statement Request, Stop Cheque etc.
 Maintenance
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transaction which are at the party
level and not for a specific account
 E.g. Payee Maintenance, Biller Maintenance etc.
 Administration
 Option is used to setup approval rules for the maintenances which corporate
administrator can initiate. These are mainly configurations related transactions for
that corporate
 E.g. Account-Transaction mapping, Approval related maintenances etc.
 Non Account Financial Transactions:
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transaction with amount range
and no debit account
 E.g. Initiate LC, Supply Chain Finance related transactions like create Invoice.
 Initiator
 Specific User
 User Group
 All Users
 Accounts
 Transactions
 Currency
 Amount Range

Administrator can create multiple approval rules for party users. In a scenario when a transaction
is initiated and multiple rules are applicable as per set conditions, then the complex rule amongst
all the applicable rules is applied for approval.


User can further define if for a condition, the transaction should be auto approved (which means
there is no approval workflow and the transaction gets approved as soon as initiator submits the
transaction) or should follow a set approval workflow and should get approved by the defined set
of approvers. The same is achieved by attaching a workflow maintained for the corporate party.

To create an approval rule for corporate user:

1. In the Approval Rules screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Approval
Rules screen with both Party ID and Party Name appears.
2. Click the Party ID link, to view details. The Approval Rule - Summary screen appears.
3. Click Create. The Approval Rules - Create screen appears.

Approval Rules – Corporate User - Create


Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID
Party ID for which an approval rule is to be maintained.

For Non Customer Corporate (counterparties on boarded by Corporates)

the system will look for the party ID in OBSCF/OBCMS.

Party Name Party name of Party ID for which an approval rule is to be maintained.

Rule Type Transaction rule type for which the approval rule needs to be set up.
The transaction rule for corporate user are:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance
 Administration
 Non Account Financial
The transaction rule types for a non-customer corporate user are:
 Maintenance
 Non Account Financial
 Administration

Rule Code To specify approval rule code.

Rule Description To specify approval rule description.


Initiator Type Initiator type who initiates the transaction.

This has options as ‘User’ , ‘User Group’ and ‘All Users’

User / User Name of the user or user group as initiator.

If initiator is selected as User, then all the users belongs to the party will
be listed for selection.
If initiator is selected as User Group, then all the user groups belongs to
the party will be listed for selection.
If Initiator is selected as ‘All Users’, then the rule which is being created
is applicable for all users of Corporate Party.


Field Name Description

Transactions Type of transactions to set the approval rules.

Type of transactions depends on the selection of rule type.

Accounts Type of accounts.

This field appears if you select Financial and Non Financial in the Rule
Type field.

Currency Currency type in which the financial approval rule for a corporate is
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account Financial in
the Rule Type field.

1) Entity’s base currency (maintained in system configuration) will be
defaulted in the currency field.
2) User will be able to select the currency other than the default
currency from the currency list.

Amount Range

From Amount/ Transactions allowed for the user between the amount range.
To Amount
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account Financial in
the Rule Type field.

Workflow Details

Approval Option to decide whether approval is required or not for the set condition.

Workflow Field has description of the approval workflow. All workflows maintained
for the party are listed here along with the defined approval level for each
of them.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required field.

4. In the Rule Type field, select the appropriate transaction rule type.
5. In the Rule Code field, enter the code.
6. In the Rule Description field, enter the rule name.
7. From the Initiator Type field, click appropriate user / user group and select the user/ user
group or Select ‘All Users’
8. From the Transaction list, select the transactions to be mapped to the rule.
9. From the Accounts list, select the appropriate account, if you have selected Financial option
in the Rule Type field.


10. From the Currency list, select the appropriate account currency, if you have selected
Financial option in the Rule Type field.
11. In the Amount Range section, enter the appropriate amount if you have selected Financial
and Non Account Financial option in the Rule Type field.
12. In the Workflow Details section, select whether approval is required for the mapped
13. If you select Yes option, select the appropriate Workflow.
14. Click Create to save the approval rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
15. The Approval Rule - Create - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to the ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
16. The success message of saving the created approval rule appears along with the transaction
reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

15.5.3 Approval Rules – Corporate User – Rule Summary

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Rules Management screen, and
searches the party. On accessing the party ID, approval rules maintained (if any) for the party
mapped to the user are displayed on the screen. User can opt to view the details of existing rules
or can create new approval rule using this screen.

How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Approvals > Rule Management > Corporate User > Search Party >
View Rule summary


Approval Rule – Search


Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID for which an approval rule is to be viewed.

Party Name Party name of Party ID for which an approval rule is to be viewed.

Search Results

Party ID List of the Party IDs as per search input.

Party Name List of the Party names of the party IDs as per search input.

1. Click the Party ID link to view details. The Approval Rule - Summary screen appears.

Approval Rule – Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID for which an approval rule is to be viewed.

Party Name Party name of Party ID for which an approval rule is to be viewed.

Search Results


Field Name Description

Rule Code The approval rule code.

Maker Initiator type (User ID or User Group Code) of the transaction.

This field will be displayed only if existing approval rules are available
under a party.

Approval Whether approval is required for each rule maintained.


Workflow Code The approval workflow code.

2. Click the Rule code link, to view details of the selected Approval Rule. The Approval Rules -
View screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
Click Create to create new Approval Rule for corporate users.

15.5.4 Approval Rules - View

On accessing ‘Rules Management’ menu option, and searching rules by providing party ID,
summarized view of all the approval rules maintained (if any) for the party are displayed on the
screen. Further drill down is given on the each rule to view the details of approval rule.

To view the approval rules for corporate users:

1. In the Approval Rules screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Approval
Rules screen with both Party ID and Party Name appears.
2. Click the Party ID link, to view details. The Approval Rule - Summary screen appears.
3. Click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View
screen appears.


Approval Rules View

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which an approval rule is to be viewed.


Field Name Description

Party Name Party name of Party ID for which an approval rule is to be


Rule Type Transaction rule type for which the approval rule is set up.
The transaction rule for corporate user are:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance
 Administration
 Non Account Financial
The transaction rule types for a non-customer corporate user
 Maintenance
 Non Account Financial
 Administration

Rule Code Approval rule code.

Rule Description Approval rule description.


Initiator Type Initiator type specified while creating a rule.

Note : “ All Users’ will be displayed for Initiator Type if rule is
created with Initiator type as “All users”

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group defined as initiator for the rule

Transactions Transaction for which the rule is set up.

Accounts Field will display the account for which rule being viewed is set
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Financial in
the Rule Type field.


Field Name Description

Currency Currency type in which the financial approval rule for a corporate
is defined.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account
Financial in the Rule Type field.

1) Entity’s base currency (maintained in System
Configuration) will be defaulted in the currency field.
2) User will be able to select the currency other than the
default currency from the currency list.

Amount Range

From Amount/ To Transactions allowed for the user between the amount range.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account
Financial in the Rule Type field.

Workflow Details

Approval Required Field displays whether approval is required or not.

Workflow Details Field displays the approval workflow details along with the
defined approval levels.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required field.

4. Click Edit to edit the approval rule. The Approval Rule - Edit screen with values in editable
form appears.
Click Delete to delete the approval rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
The application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message, Click Yes to confirm.
User is directed to Admin Approval Rule – Delete confirmation page.

15.5.5 Approval Rules - Edit

Bank Administrator can edit the approval rules. An administrator is allowed to change the
description of the rule and is also allowed to change the parameters associated with the specific
approval rule.

Modifications in approval rule are allowed only if the party preference is in active status.


Edited rules are applicable for new transactions initiated post rule update. Previously initiated
transactions which are pending approval will follow a rule which was applied at the time of
transaction initiation.

To edit an approval workflow:

1. In the Approval Rules screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Approval
Rules screen with both Party ID and Party Name appears.
2. Click the Party ID link, to view details. The Approval Rule - Summary screen appears.
3. Click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View
screen appears.
4. Click Edit to edit the approval rule. The Approval Rule - Edit screen with values in editable
form appears.

Approval Rules - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which an approval rule is to be modified.


Field Name Description

Party Name Party name of Party ID for which an approval rule is to be


Rule Type Transaction rule type for which the approval rule is set up will be
The transaction rule for corporate user are:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance
 Administration
 Non Account Financial
The transaction rule types for a non-customer corporate user
 Maintenance
 Non Account Financial
 Administration

Rule Code Approval rule code provided by the user.

Rule Description Approval rule description provided by the user in editable form.


Initiator Type Initiator type who initiates the transaction will be displayed in
editable form.
Note : Select ‘All Users’ if rule is being created is applicable for
all users of Corporate Party

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group as initiator will be displayed in
editable form.
If initiator is selected as User, then all the users belonging to the
party will be listed for selection.
If initiator is selected as User Group, then all the user groups
belonging to the party will be listed for selection.

Transactions Type of transactions to set the approval rules will be displayed

in editable form.
Type of transactions depends on the selection of rule type.


Field Name Description

Accounts Type of accounts will be displayed in editable form.

This field appears if you select Financial and Non Financial in
the Rule Type field.

Currency Currency type in which the financial approval rule for a corporate
is defined.

Amount Range

From Amount/ To Transactions allowed for the user between the defined amounts
Amount ranges will be displayed in editable form.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account
Financial in the Rule Type field.

Workflow Details

Approval Required Whether approval is required will be displayed in editable form.

Workflow Details Details of the approval workflow along with the defined approval
levels for a condition will be displayed in editable form.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required field.

5. Edit the required details.

6. Click Save to save the approval rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to previous screen.
7. The Approval Rule - Edit Review screen appears post necessary validations. Verify the
details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’
Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to previous screen.
8. The success message of saving the approval rule modification appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


1. How many approval levels can I set up in the system?

Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of
approval workflow. Whereas, maximum levels of approvals that the user can set is
configurable as Day0.
2. Which approval rule will get applied when multiple applicable approval rules are found
for specific transaction?

In a scenario when a transaction is initiated and multiple rules are applicable as per set
conditions, then the complex rule amongst all the applicable rules is applied for approval.
3. What happens to the approval process when approval rule gets edited and a
transaction is pending with one of the approver for approval?

Edited rules are applicable for new transactions initiated post rule update. Previously initiated
transactions which are pending for approval will follow a rule which was applied at the time
of transaction initiation.
4. What happens if the transaction is initiated in the currency in which approval rule is
not maintained?

If the rule is not maintained in specific currency, then the approval rule set in the local
currency for the transaction and amount combination will be applied.
5. What happens if the approval rule in local currency is not maintained in above

If the approval rule is not set for both transaction currency and local currency, then
transaction cannot be initiated.


Group Corporate Onboarding

16. Group Corporate Onboarding

Corporate onboarding is the process that bank undertakes when bringing a new business
customer onboard. OBDX furnishes integrating the onboarding workflow to a business rules
engine that facilitates uninterrupted corporate onboarding processing. Generally, the customer
onboarding process constitutes of multiple activities.

Group corporate onboarding allows the administrator to onboard the corporate party on OBDX
along with definition of various attributes including Group Corporate Profiling, Party and User
Account Access, User Onboarding, User Group Maintenance, User Reports Mapping, Approvals
Workflow and Rules Maintenance etc. in a single flow. After performing these onboarding steps in
a single flow, the applications send the same as a single approval.Group corporate onboarding
allows corporate parties belonging to different entities to map under a Group Corporate ID. The
new flag ‘Group Corporate’ is introduced in System Rules screen for banks to decide the mode of
corporate onboarding.

If Group Corporate flag is set ‘ON’ then Bank would be able to onboard Group Corporate using
the mentioned approach. If this flag is set ‘OFF’, none of the Group Corporate functions would be
available in OBDX.

Group Corporate onboarding function would be a two-step process. Bank admin would be
required to onboard Corporate using his party ID and then proceed to Group Corporate
Onboarding wizard.

This maintenance is done only for corporate type of parties and is not applicable for retail type of
parties. Parameter values maintained against a Group Corporate defines the system behavior for
the following:

 Accessible Roles for Group Corporate

 Workflow and Approval Flow preference
 Party and User level account access
 User onboarding with multi-entity setup and accessible Party Maintenance
 User Group Maintenance for Group Corporate users
 Corporate user report mapping maintenance to generate user reports
 Approval workflow and Rules setup for banking transaction

Group Corporate Onboarding


Features supported in the Application

 Setup Group Corporate Onboarding
 Group Corporate Profiling
 Party Account Access
 User Onboarding
 User Group Maintenance
 User Account Access
 User Reports Mapping
 Approval –Workflow Management
 Approval – Rules Management
 View Group Corporate Onboarding Details
 Edit Group Corporate Onboarding Details

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Corporate Onboarding > Group
Corporate Maintenance
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate

16.1 Group Corporate Onboarding – Search Corporate

Bank administrator logs in to the application and navigates to the Group Corporate onboarding
Screen. On this screen, the administrator will be required to search a Group Corporate and select
the required Group Corporate name from the search results, for setting up the onboarding

System allows bank admin to search Group Corporate by using either Group Corporate details or
Corporate Party details.

To search using Group Corporate details, application gives a provision to enter the Group
Corporate information including Group Corporate ID and Group Corporate Name.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User can enter the Group Corporate ID (if known) or the Group Corporate name with a minimum
of 5 characters. System matches the input provided by the user with the Group Corporate name
records and displays the matching group corporate records.

User can enter party information including Entity ID, Party ID or Party Name, if searching the
Group Corporate using Party details.

User can enter the Entity ID, Party ID (if known) or the Party Name with a minimum of 5
characters. System matches the input provided by the user with the Party Name records and
displays the matching group corporate details.

To search Group Corporate (Using Group Corporate Details):

1. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the Group Corporate ID whose Group Corporate
Details you want to view.
In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the name of the Group Corporate whose Group
Corporate Details you want to view.
2. Click Search.
The Group Corporate summary screen appears with search results as per the searched
In case of invalid Group Corporate details, appropriate error message is shown on the
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.

Group Corporate – Search by Group Corporate ID

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate – Search by Group Corporate Name

Group Corporate – Search by Party ID

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate – Search by Party Name

Format Description

Field Name Description

Search By Group Corporate Details

Group Corporate ID Group Corporate ID for which Group Corporate onboarding is to be

maintained/ viewed.

Group Corporate Name Group Corporate Name for which Group Corporate onboarding is to be
maintained/ viewed.

Search By Corporate Party Details

Entity ID Entity ID of the Corporate Party

Party ID Party ID for which Group Corporate onboarding is to be maintained/


Party Name Party Name for which Group Corporate onboarding is to be

maintained/ viewed.

Search Results

Group Corporate ID
Group Corporate ID for which Group Corporate onboarding is
to be maintained/ viewed.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Group Corporate Name Group Corporate ID for which Group Corporate onboarding is to be
maintained/ viewed.

Onboarding Status Onboarding status of Group Corporate in Application

Modification Status Modification status of Group Corporate in Application

Last Updated Last updated details for the Group Corporate.

3. Click the Onboarding Status link, to view details of the selected Group Corporate. The
Group Corporate - View screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click clear to clear the input search preference.

16.1.1 View Linked Parties under Group Corporate

The Bank Administrator can view the linked parties under the selected Group Corporate on the
Group Corporate Onboarding screen on expanding the Group Corporate details on right top
corner. To search linked parties under Group Corporate:
1. Click on icon adjacent to the Group Corporate ID. An expansion is visible on the Group
Corporate ID from where the user can view the list of parties mapped to the Group Corporate
along with the ID, name and entity details of each mapped party.

Note: A specific party can be searched by providing the Party ID, Name or Entity in the search field.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Allows user to search for the specific Party by giving the ID, Name or

Party ID Displays Party ID of the existing linked party for respective group
corporate ID/ Name

Name Displays Party Name of the existing linked party for respective group
corporate ID/ Name

Entity Displays Entity of the existing linked party for respective group
corporate ID/ Name


Click on Comments icon to view / add stage wise comments. These comments can be added
by any user involved in the maintenance journey e.g., maker, checker etc.

• The comments can be captured at each resource level.
• . Multiple comments can be captured for one resource.
• The user ID and date timestamp will be available for each comment.
• The user can add comments however the added comments cannot be modified or deleted.
• The comments will be available in the activity log for the Group Corporate against the
transaction reference number as long as the Group Corporate data is not purged.
• A history of comments will be available in case the maintenance is picked up by another
approver of same user group for action. The reference number of the transaction continues to be
the same and hence the comments trail can be viewed.

Comments Capture

1. Enter the comments.

Group Corporate Onboarding

2. Click Save to save the comments.

Click Clear to reset the data entered.

16.1.3 Ready to Submit

Any user who modifies a resource in the entire Group Corporate maintenance is registered in the
system as a contributor. When any user submits a transaction, a check is performed if all the
contributors have given readiness for submission or not.

When any user submits a transaction, a check is performed and if all contributors have given
readiness, then the transaction gets submitted successfully.

Note: Any user who has not performed any data modification on any step in the Group Corporate
onboarding wizard but has only entered comments for a resource will not be considered as a

1. Update the transaction details and click Save.

2. On the Group Corporate Onboarding screen on top right corner, click on icon adjacent
to Submission Status. Displays the status of the transaction submission readiness.

Note: The status of the transaction is In-progress until the user provides readiness for submission.

Modified Transaction with status

3. Click Ready to Submit. The Ready to Submit Status modal window appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Note: The status of the transaction changes to Ready to Submit.

Ready to Submit Status modal window

4. A check is performed and after all contributors have given readiness, the transaction is
submitted successfully.

16.2 Step 1: Group Corporate Profiling

Group Corporate Profiling will allow the bank administrator to maintain Group Corporate Profiling
considering various aspect.

While setting up the Profiling, bank administrator can define the accessible roles at Group
corporate level. System will display all the roles available at enterprise level (Application roles are
created using Role Transaction Mapping screen).

Administrator can enable corporate administration facility to handle various administrative

maintenance on behalf of the Group Corporate . Such delegated users with an administrator role
will have restricted scope over these administration functionalities and manage the Group
Corporate to which they belong.

Administrator can select and assign the roles available at enterprise level as is, or user can
create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role available at Group Corporate
level. If Administrator creates a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a bank role, user
can make the changes in that role on the overlay and save it with a different name. Admin will be
able to remove touch points, modules, transactions, actions at the time of modifying the role (on
the overlay).

User can define the Approval workflow type, if it has to be sequential or parallel.

The admin can also specify whether release facility is enabled at the Group Corporate level or


 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.

Group Corporate Onboarding

 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.

 Party for which Group corporate needs to be set up is created in core banking application


How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > Group Corporate Profiling
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
> Group Corporate Profiling

16.2.1 Group Corporate Profiling - Create

Using this option, Bank Administrator can configure Group Corporate Profiling for a specific
Group Corporate ID.

To setup a Group Corporate Profiling:

1. Select Group Corporate ID, from Group Corporate summary details.

Group Corporate Profiling – Create

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Corporate Name Name of the group corporate.

Global Role

Bank Roles Display all the roles available at enterprise level.

Entity Specific Roles The roles associated with different entities .

Create Customer Role Create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role
available at Group Corporate level.

Note : Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and

custom roles to a Group Corporate

Workflow Preferences The preference to implement the workflow. Possible value will be
 Corporate Level
 Rule Level

Approval Flow Define the Approval workflow type. Possible value will be
 Sequential
 Parallel
 No Approval
This field is enabled if Corporate Level option is selected in Workflow
Preferences field.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Approval Routing Type Define the approval routing type. Possible value will be
 Auto- System will resolve the rule and the transaction will be
sent for approval as per the rule resolved by the system. A rule
which is having amount slab closest to the transaction amount
will be resolved. The user will not have an option to select the
approval workflow if routing type is Auto
 Manual- User will be able to select a workflow from the
resolved rules as part of transaction initiation

1) In case system resolves multiple rules with different min-
max slabs, then as per rule resolution logic, it will resolve the
rule which has the nearest ‘max’ value in the defined slab.
> A Day 0 configuration is provided to define if weightage
needs to be checked during rule evaluation (Auto-
routing/Manual routing)
If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule
which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
>>If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule
which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
>>If the Day 0 configuration is no, then he rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. All the rules falling
within the amount range (post currency conversion) will be
resolved. Whichever approver picks the transaction first, that
rule will be the final resolved rule

Release Facility Specify whether the release functionality is enabled or disabled at the
Group Corporate level.
The options are:
 Enable – It means the transaction release facility is enabled at
Group Corporate level. If enabled, user can specify the
workflow and rules for release functionality.

 Disable – It means the transaction release facility is disabled

at Group Corporate level. If disabled, user cannot specify the
workflow and rules for release functionality

Corporate Set this flag if Corporate Admin facility is required for the Group
Administrator Facility Corporate.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Accessible Roles for Select the Roles that should be available to Corporate admin for
Corporate onboarding new users

1. In the Bank Role Name field, select the application role.

2. Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles and assign the Application Roles available at
enterprise level (This Application roles are created using Role Transaction Mapping screen).
3. From the Create Custom Role list, select the role, and click on Add Role, if a custom role is
required to add for the Group Corporate.
4. The Application Role Creation screen to add transaction modules and touch points
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and to go back to previous screen.
5. Select the appropriate Workflow Preference to specify the preference to implement the
workflow, whether at Corporate Level or at Rule Level.
a. If Workflow Preference is selected as Corporate Level;
i. Select the Approval Flow to define the Approval workflow type, if it has to be
sequential or parallel or No Approval is required.

6. Select the Approval Routing Type;

Select Auto if you wish system should resolve the rule and send the transaction for approval
as per the rule resolved by the system.
Select Manual if you wish to allow initiator to choose workflow from the resolved rules as part
of transaction initiation.
7. Select the Release Facility flag if the release functionality needs to be enabled at Group
Corporate level.
8. Select the Corporate Administrator Facility flag if Corporate Admin facility is required for
the Group Corporate.
9. Select Accessible Roles for Corporate Administrator field, select the Roles that should be
available to Corporate admin for onboarding new users.

Create Custom Role - Application Role Creation

Using this option, System Administrator can select and assign the roles available at enterprise
level as is, or can create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role available at
Group Corporate level and map transactions to it for the selected touch points.

Application Role Creation

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Create Custom Role

Application Role Name Name of the application role.

Custom Application Name for the Custom Application role.

Role Name

Description Displays the the description of the application role.

User Type Displays the user type for whom an application role is to be created.

Touch Point Type Displays the touch point type for whom an application role is to be

Role Type Displays the role type for whom an application role is to be created.

Map Transactions

Module Name The modules for which the transaction mapping is to be done.
Transactions under the selected modules will get displayed for

Map Transactions to The internal touch points for which the transaction mapping is done for
Touch Points application role.
All the internal touch point maintained in the system gets displayed
This field is displayed and enabled, only if you select the Internal option
in the Touch Point Type field.

Transaction Name Name of transaction to be mapped to the application role.

Action Name of the action that can be performed for that transaction by the
user to which this application role is assigned.
 Perform- This action allows the user to perform or initiate that
transaction and should be given to maker role.
 Approve- This action allows the user to approve that
transaction and should be provided to approval role
 View- This action allows the user to view the initiated and
approved transactions by other users and should be given to
viewer role

Group Corporate Onboarding

10. In the Application Role Name field, the existing application role from which the clone of the
application role is being created will be displayed.
11. In the Custom Application Role Name, enter the name of the application role.
12. Select appropriate Module Name for transactions mapping.

13. Select the check box against the list of Touch Points to map the transactions to selected
touch points.

14. To map the Transactions to the role, click against the particular module, then select the
transaction type, and then transactions to be mapped
15. Select the respective check boxes preceding to transaction to be mapped.
Select the checkbox at every transaction header level if you want to map all the transactions
belong to that parent transactions at one instance.
16. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.
17. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

18. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
19. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.2.2 Group Corporate Profiling - View

Using this option, System/ Bank administrators can search and view profiling details of the
existing Group Corporate.

To search and view Profiling details of the Group Corporate:

1. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the Group Corporate ID whose Group Corporate
Details you want to view.
In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the name of the Group Corporate whose Group
Corporate Details you want to view.
2. Click Search.
The Group Corporate summary screen with search results appears based on the searched
In case of invalid Group Corporate details, error message is shown on the screen.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
3. Click the link under the Onboarding Status or Modification Status column. The search
result according to the search criteria appears

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Profiling – View

Field Description:

Field Name Description

Group Corporate Name of the group corporate.


Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Global Role

Bank Roles Display all the roles mapped at Group Corporate level.

Entity Specific Roles The roles associated with a particular entity.

• If an application role is assigned to an entity to which the
administrator is not mapped, then the administrator is not
able to access the role for view/modify/delete.
• If a Group Corporate specific application role is created by
extending an existing entity specific application role, the entity
mapping applicable to the parent role from which the Group
Corporate specific application role has been created, would
be applicable to the Group Corporate specific application role.
An administrator will not be able to modify the ‘Entity’ of
custom application roles once created.

Create Custom Role Display the custom role assigned for the Group Corporate (If any ) by
cloning a role available at Group Corporate level.

Note : Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and

custom roles to a Group Corporate

Workflow Preferences Display the workflow preference set up to implement the workflow.
Possible values will be
 Corporate Level
 Rule Level

Approval Flow Display the Approval workflow type, Possible values will be
 Sequential
 Parallel
 No Approval
This field is enabled if Corporate Level option is selected in Workflow
Preferences field.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Approval Routing Displays the approval routing type. Possible value will be
 Auto
 Manual

Note: resolved rules as part of transaction initiation

1) In case system resolves multiple rules with different min-
max slabs, then as per rule resolution logic, it will resolve the
rule which has the nearest ‘max’ value in the defined slab.
> A Day 0 configuration is provided to define if weightage
needs to be checked during rule evaluation (Auto-
routing/Manual routing)
If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule
which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
>>If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule
which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
>>If the Day 0 configuration is no, then he rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. All the rules falling
within the amount range (post currency conversion) will be
resolved. Whichever approver picks the transaction first, that
rule will be the final resolved rule

Release Facility Displays the whether the release functionality is enabled or disabled at
Group Corporate level.

Corporate Display the flag if Corporate Admin facility is maintained for the Group
Administrator Facility Corporate.

Accessible Roles for Display the Roles that made available to Corporate admin for
Corporate onboarding new users

View Custom Role - Application Role

Using this option, System Administrator can view the custom created application role details
assigned for viewing Group corporate at enterprise level.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

View Customer Role

Application Role Name Name of the application role.

Custom Application Name for the Custom Application role

Role Name

Module Name The modules for which the transaction mapping is done. Transactions
under the selected modules will get displayed for mapping

Map Transactions to The internal touch points for which the transaction mapping is done for
Touch Points application role.
All the internal touch point maintained in the system gets displayed
This field is displayed and enabled, only if you select the Internal option
in the Touch Point Type field.

Transaction Name Name of transaction mapped to the application role.

Action Name of the action that can be performed for that transaction by the
user to which this application role is assigned.
 Perform- This action allows the user to perform or initiate that
transaction and should be provided to maker role.
 Approve- This action allows the user to approve that
transaction and should be given to approval role
 View- This action allows the user to view the initiated and
approved transactions by other users and should be given to
viewer role

4. Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.2.3 Group Corporate Profiling - Edit

This function enables administrator user to edit the exiting Group Corporate Profiling details.

To edit the Profiling details of the Group Corporate:

1. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the Group Corporate ID whose Group Corporate
Details you want to Edit.
In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the name of the Group Corporate whose Group
Corporate Details you want to Edit.
2. Click Search.
The Group Corporate summary screen with search results appears based on the searched
In case of invalid Group Corporate details, error message is shown on the screen.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
3. Click the link under the Onboarding Status or Modification Status column. The search result
according to the search criteria appears.

4. Click on the icon adjacent to Group Corporate Name field to modify the name of the
Group Corporate.
a. Enter the new Group Corporate name, and click Check Availability to check the
uniqueness of the name.

Note: If the user ID is already used.

1) Displays Available status if new name assigned is unique and can be used.

2) The icon is provided to reset and re-enter the new name.

3) If user clicks on save without checking the availability, system displays the an error message.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Profiling – Edit

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Corporate Name Name of the group corporate.

Global Role

Bank Roles Display all the roles available at enterprise level.

Entity Specific Roles The roles associated with a particular entity.

• If an application role is assigned to an entity to which the
administrator is not mapped, then the administrator is not
able to access the role for view/modify/delete.
• If a Group Corporate specific application role is created by
extending an existing entity specific application role, the
entity mapping applicable to the parent role from which the
Group Corporate specific application role has been created,
would be applicable to the Group Corporate specific
application role. An administrator will not be able to modify
the ‘Entity’ of custom application roles once created.

Create Customer Role Create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role
available at Group Corporate level.

Note : Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and

custom roles to a Group Corporate

Workflow Preferences The preference to implement the workflow. Possible value will be
 Corporate Level
 Rule Level

Approval Flow Define the Approval workflow type, Possible value will be
 Sequential
 Parallel
 No Approval
This field enable if Corporate Level option is selected in Workflow
Preferences field.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Approval Routing Type Define the approval routing type. Possible value will be
 Auto- System will resolve the rule and the transaction will be
sent for approval as per the rule resolved by the system. A rule
which is having amount slab closest to the transaction amount
will be resolved. The user will not have an option to select the
approval workflow if routing type is Auto
 Manual- User will be able to select a workflow from the
resolved rules as part of transaction initiation

1) In case system resolves multiple rules with different min-
max slabs, then as per rule resolution logic, it will resolve the
rule which has the nearest ‘max’ value in the defined slab.
> A Day 0 configuration is provided to define if weightage
needs to be checked during rule evaluation (Auto-
routing/Manual routing)
If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule
which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
>>If the Day 0 configuration is yes, then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule
which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage
>>If the Day 0 configuration is no, then he rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. All the rules falling
within the amount range (post currency conversion) will be
resolved. Whichever approver picks the transaction first, that
rule will be the final resolved rule

Release Facility Specify whether the release functionality is to be enabled or disabled

at Group Corporate level.

Corporate Set this flag if Corporate Admin facility is required for the Group
Administrator Facility Corporate.

Accessible Roles for Select the Roles that should be available to Corporate admin for
Corporate onboarding new users

5. Click on the icon adjacent to Group Corporate Name field to modify the name of the
Group Corporate.
a. Enter the new Group Corporate name, and click Check Availability to check the
uniqueness of the name.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Note: If the Group Corporate name is already used, the user is not allowed to use the same

The icon is provided to reset and re-enter the new name.

1) Available status is shown if new name assigned is unique and hence can be used.
3) If user clicks on save without checking the availability, the system displays an error message.

6. Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles and assign the Application Roles available at
enterprise level (This Application roles are created using Role Transaction Mapping screen).

7. In the Bank Role Name field, select the application role.

8. From the Create Custom Role list, select the role, and click on Add Role, if a custom role is
required to be added for the Group Corporate.
9. The Application Role Creation screen to add transaction modules and touch points
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and to go back to previous screen.
10. Select the appropriate Workflow Preference to specify the preference to implement the
workflow, whether at Corporate Level or at Rule Level.
a. Select the Approval Flow to define the Approval workflow type, if it has to be sequential
or parallel or No Approval is required.
11. Select the Approval Routing Type;
Select Auto if you wish system should resolve the rule and send the transaction for approval
as per the rule resolved by the system.
Select Manual if you wish to allow initiator to choose workflow from the resolved rules as part
of transaction initiation.
12. Select the Release Facility flag if the release functionality needs to be enabled at Group
Corporate level
13. Select the Roles that should be available to Corporate Administrator for onboarding new

Create Customer Role - Application Role Creation

Using this option, System Administrator can select and assign the roles available at enterprise
level as is, or he can create a custom role for the Group Corporate by cloning a role available at
Group Corporate level and map transactions to it for selected touch points.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Create Customer Role

Application Role Name Name of the application role.

Custom Application Name for the Custom Application role

Role Name

Module Name The modules for which the transaction mapping is to be done.
Transactions under the selected modules will get displayed for

Map Transactions to The internal touch points for which the transaction mapping is done for
Touch Points application role.
All the internal touch point maintained in the system gets displayed
This field is displayed and enabled, only if you select the Internal option
in the Touch Point Type field.

Transaction Name Name of transaction to be mapped to the application role.

Action Name of the action that can be performed for that transaction by the
user to which this application role is assigned.
 Perform- This action lets the user to perform or initiate that
transaction and should be given to maker role.
 Approve- This action lets the user to approve that transaction
and should be given to approval role
 View- This action lets the user to view the initiated and
approved transactions by other users and should be given to
viewer role

1. Click on Add Role ,if a custom role is required to add for the Group Corporate .

2. In the Application Role Name field, the existing application role from which the clone of the
application role is being created will be displayed.
3. In the Custom Application Role Name, enter the name of the application role.
4. Select appropriate Module Name for transactions mapping.

5. Select the check box against the list of Touch Points to map the transactions to selected
touch points.

Group Corporate Onboarding

6. To map the Transactions to the role, click against the particular module, then select the
transaction type, and then transactions to be mapped
7. Select the respective check boxes preceding to transaction to be mapped.
Select the checkbox at every transaction header level if you want to map all the transactions
belong to that parent transactions at one instance.
8. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.
9. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

10. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
11. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number.

16.3 Step 2: Party Account Access

System/Bank Administrator can set up account and transaction access at the Group corporate
level. The System/ Bank Administrator can provide access to accounts held by the corporate parties
associated with Group corporate with as available in the core banking application or the respective
mid-office application.

Bank administrator can set up the Account access for multiple corporate parties under Group
Corporate a single step

Group Corporate Onboarding

Using this function system administrator can manage access for Current and Savings Accounts for
both Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with Liquidity
Management enabled Real Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM enabled Real
and virtual accounts for a Corporate.

Upon navigating to the specific category tab viz. Demand Deposits, Term Deposits, Loans etc., the
administrator can select a global check box of ‘Map accounts’ for All ,to enable all the existing
accounts under the selected category for channel banking. If specific accounts are required to be
given access then the user needs to select the respective check boxes preceding the account

Note: Access Management for Loan Accounts is for accounts fetched from Core Banking System
i.e. FCUBS. It is not supported for accounts from Oracle Banking Corporate Loan (OBCL) system.

As part of this maintenance, Accounts and Transaction mapping maintenance can be done for all
the corporate party ID mapped under Group Corporate in a single step.

 Party preferences should be created for the party for which access is to be maintained
 Channel Access should be enabled for party for which account access is to be maintained
 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.


Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 Party Account Access - Mapping
 Party Account Access – View
 Party Account Access - Edit
 Party Account Access - Delete

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > Party Account Access

Group Corporate Onboarding

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
Party Account Access

16.3.1 Party Account Access – Create

Using this option, Bank Administrator can maintain Accounts and Transaction access for the
corporate parties associated with a specific Group Corporate ID.

To provide the corporate party (Associated to Group Corporate) with account and
transaction access:
1. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
2. For a searched party, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking, modified accounts if
any and Auto account mapping status .

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping Summary of The corporate party for which Party accounts access is being viewed

Modules Banking Module names

Total Accounts Total number of accounts available under the party.

Mapped Accounts Number of accounts mapped to the particular account type.

Modified Accounts Number of accounts modified for the particular account type.

Auto Mapped Mapping status of the accounts.

The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and
transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in
 Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new
accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if
access needs to be provided

Edit or Map Click on the icon next to every module or click on Map button to edit
party account access

3. If there is no mapping done for a party, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’
4. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories i.e. Current and Savings Accounts for both Conventional and Islamic,
Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with Liquidity Management enabled Real
Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM enabled Real and virtual accounts for
a Corporate.
5. Click Map or Edit (available across each banking module). The Party Account Access -
Create screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Party Account Access (Create) – Manage Transaction Group tab

Field Description:

Field Name Description

Manage Transaction Group tab

Modules Select Banking Module to setup account access.

Select Transaction Select the Transaction group to map transactions and maintaining
Groups access in Account Access screens.

Add Transaction Create a new transaction group by clicking the 'ADD' button.
Note :
• A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an
existing transaction group
• Multiple transaction groups can be created.
• Transaction groups of one Group Corporate will be available
for selection only for that Group Corporate

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Following fields appears in overlay window when user click on Add to add new transaction

Name of Transaction Specify the new transaction group to map transactions.

Group Click Verify to check the availability the specific Transaction Group

Party Account Access (Create) – Map Accounts tab

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description:

Field Name Description

Map Accounts tab

Party Select the party to map accounts.

Module Select Banking Module to setup account access.

Auto Map Mapping status of the accounts.

The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and
transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in
 Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new
accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if
access needs to be provided

Action Select the action to be done for selected transaction group.

The options are:
 Map Transaction Group: Select Transaction Group, then select
the account numbers and then click on Save to map the
transaction groups to the selected accounts. Multiple
transactions can be mapped
 Unmap: Select Unmap option, specify the transaction group to
be unmapped and then select the accounts. On clicking Save,
the selected transaction group will be unmapped from the

Note: Only one transaction group can be unmapped at a time.

A transaction group can be unmapped from All Accounts or
Selected Accounts.

Transaction Group Select one or multiple transaction group/s to be mapped to the selected
Select one transaction group to be unmapped from the selected

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Account Selection Select the account numbers to be mapped to the Transaction

groups. User can select all the accounts available under selected
party ID or click on filter and select the specific accounts.

Note :
1) System will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the
transaction group name after the account number.
2) System displays the Account Number along with the
Account Name, Account Currency, and Branch Code.

Delete Party Mapping Click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and party
account access maintenance done for corporate party all at once

6. The Party Account Access screen has two tabs. Header of the screen shows the Group
Corporate Name and Group ID. The manage Transaction Group tab lists down all the
modules, transaction groups created.
7. Navigate and select specific module tab (Including viz. Current and Savings Accounts for
both Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with
Liquidity Management enabled Real Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM
enabled Real and virtual accounts for a Corporate.) in the first column for which account and
transaction access mapping maintenance need to be setup.
8. The user can create a new transaction group by clicking the 'ADD' button. On clicking Add,
a new overlay will open where all the transactions and inquiries will be listed. User can
provide a name the group and select the required transactions and inquiries and click the
save button.
Click Reset to clear added details in overlay screen.
9. A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an existing transaction group. Once
the user selects an existing transaction group, system will populate the screen with the
transactions selected in the copied group in editable mode. User can select or deselect some
of the transactions as per his requirements and create a new group by providing a different
transaction group name
10. There will be one factory shipped Transaction group for each module, which will have all
transactions and inquiries grouped together.

Note: Factory shipped user group cannot be deleted or modified.

11. Once the transaction group/s are created, user can map these transaction groups to one or
multiple accounts . Click on Map Accounts tab and select Party, then select Transaction
Groups, select the account numbers and then click on Save to map the transaction groups to
the selected accounts.
12. Click on the Transaction Group link, to view the list of transactions within the mapped
transaction group in an overlay.
13. Select ‘All Accounts’ option to map/ unmap transaction groups from all accounts.
If specific accounts are required to be mapped, then select the respective check boxes
preceding the account number.

Group Corporate Onboarding

14. Once the user maps the accounts, system will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the
transaction group name after the account number.
15. To map the new accounts, select appropriate option from Auto Map toggle button;
Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future Accounts across banking module.
Select Manual if you wish to explicitly map new accounts and transactions.
16. User can unmap the transaction groups by selecting accounts and then clicking on Save
button to reset their mapping .
17. User can click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and account access
maintenance done for corporate party in one step.
18. User can drill down his search by applying Filter to search an account basis on the account
number, transaction group, account access status, account status and currency
19. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

20. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
21. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number

16.3.2 Party Account Access- View

The Bank Administrator can view the list of account(s) and transactions for which access has
been provided to the party.

To Search and view the party account and transaction access:

1. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
2. For a searched party, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking, modified accounts if
any and Auto account mapping status .

Group Corporate Onboarding

3. Click the link under the total Mapped accounts or Modified accounts, The Party Account
Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears. The search result according to the
search criteria appears
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Party Account Access - Summary Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping Summary of The corporate party for which Party accounts access is being viewed

Modules Banking Module names

Total Accounts Total number of accounts available under the party.

Mapped Accounts Number of accounts mapped to the particular account type.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Modified Accounts Number of accounts modified for the particular account type.

Auto Mapped Mapping status of the accounts.

The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and
transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in
 Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new
accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if
access needs to be provided

Edit or Map Click on the icon next to every module or click on Map button to edit
party account access

4. If there is no mapping done for a party, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’
5. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories

Party Account Access – View

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description:

Field Name Description

Modules Display name of the product for which account access is being viewed.

Mapped Accounts Display Account number associated with corporate party, and the
mapped transaction groups
 Display account number along with the name, currency and
status of the account as Active or Inactive. The mapped
transaction group names can also be viewed against each

Transaction Groups Display the Transaction group details which are mapped to each
Details account of the selected party. The details of the transaction group
includes information related to transactions and inquiries.

6. The Party Account Access details screen has two sections. First column lists down all the
Account numbers mapped with the corporate party, including Status of the account (Active or
Inactive) and transaction group name
7. In the second column, user can view the transaction group details with all the transactions
and inquiries access.
8. Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
9. Click Edit / Map to update the Party Account Access account mapping for new accounts
and existing accounts.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
10. Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

16.3.3 Party Account Access- Edit

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the list of account(s) and transactions for which access
details needs to be edited for the party.

To Search and Edit the party account and transaction access:

1. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
2. For a searched party, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking, modified accounts if
any and Auto account mapping status .
3. Click the link under the total Mapped accounts or Modified accounts, The Party Account
Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears. . The search result according to the

Group Corporate Onboarding

search criteria appears

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
4. If there is no mapping done for a party, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’
5. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories
6. Click Map or Edit (available across each banking module). The Party Account Access -
Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Party Account Access – Edit

Group Corporate Onboarding

Party Account Access – Edit Details

7. The Party Account Access screen has two tabs. Header of the screen shows the Group
Corporate Name and Group ID. The manage Transaction Group tab lists down all the
modules, transaction groups created.
8. Navigate and select specific module tab (Including viz. Current and Savings Accounts for
both Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with
Liquidity Management enabled Real Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM
enabled Real and virtual accounts for a Corporate.) in the first column for which account and
transaction access mapping maintenance need to be setup.
9. The user can create a new transaction group by clicking the 'ADD' button. On clicking Add,
a new overlay will open where all the transactions and inquiries will be listed. User can
provide a name the group and select the required transactions and inquiries and click the
save button.
Click Reset to clear added details in overlay screen.
10. A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an existing transaction group. Once
the user selects an existing transaction group, system will populate the screen with the
transactions selected in the copied group in editable mode. User can select or deselect some
of the transactions as per requirements and create a new group by providing a different
transaction group name
11. There will be one factory shipped Transaction group for each module, which will have all
transactions and inquiries grouped together.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Note: Factory shipped user groups cannot be deleted or modified.

12. Once the transaction groups are created, user can select specific module , along with the
transaction groups and can select ‘All Accounts’ to map the selected transaction group/s to
all the existing accounts under the selected party
If transaction groups need to be mapped to specific accounts, then the user needs to select
the respective check boxes preceding the account number.
13. Once the user maps the accounts, system will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the
transaction group name after the account number.
14. To map the new accounts, select appropriate option from Auto Map toggle button;
Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future Accounts across banking module.
Select Manual if you wish to explicitly map new accounts and transactions.
15. User can unmap the transaction groups by selecting accounts and then clicking on Save
button to reset their mapping with Group Corporate
16. User can click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the transaction and party account
access maintenance done for corporate party in one step.
17. User can drill down his search by applying Filter to search an account basis on Transaction
Group, currency, mapping status
18. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

19. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
20. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number
Note: Following flow explains the Drill down options to search by applying Filter to search an
account for Virtual Accounts Management & Liquidity Management module –

Group Corporate Onboarding

Virtual Account Management (Real Account ) Tab-

To view Virtual Account Management - Real Accounts:

1. In the Account Number field, enter the exact Real Account number.
From the Branch name drop down, select the Branch name.
From the Transaction groups, select the transaction group.
From the Account Access Status field, select an appropriate status.
From the Currency field, select the required currency .
2. Click Apply to Apply the filter.
Click Reset to reset the entered data.
3. The user can filter through two sections :
1. On the basis of the Account Number.
2. A combination of branch name, currency filters and other parameters . After the OR
division, the user can use these search parameters alone or in a combination to filter search

Liquidity Management Tab -

Group Corporate Onboarding

To view Liquidity Management Accounts:

1. In the Account Number field, enter the exact Real Account number.
From the Branch name drop down, select the Branch name.
From the Transaction groups, select the transaction group.
From the Account Access Status field, select an appropriate status.
From the Currency field, select the required currency
2. Click Apply to Apply the filter.
Click Reset to reset the entered data.
3. The user can filter through two sections :
1. On the basis of the Account Number.
2. A combination of branch name, currency filters and other parameters . After the OR
division, the user can use these search parameters alone or in a combination to filter
search results.

Virtual Accounts Tab -

Group Corporate Onboarding

To view Virtual Accounts:

1. In the Virtual Account Number field, enter the exact Virtual Account number.
In the Virtual Account Name field, enter the Virtual Account Name.
From the Virtual Entity search, select the Virtual Entity name.
From the Branch name drop down, select the Branch name.
From the Transaction groups, select the transaction group.
From the Account Access Status field, select an appropriate status.
From the Status drop down, select the status.
From the Currency field, select the required currency
2. Click Apply to Apply the filter.
Click Reset to reset the entered data.
3. The user can filter through two sections :
1. On the basis of the Account Number
2. A combination of branch name, currency filters and other parameters . After the OR
division, the user can use these search parameters alone or in a combination to filter search
results .

16.3.4 Party Account Access- Delete

As part of this option, party account mapping can be deleted.

To delete account and transaction access for the party:

1. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
2. For a searched party, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking, modified accounts if
any and Auto account mapping status .
3. Click the link under the total Mapped accounts or Modified accounts, The Party Account
Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears. . The search result according to the
search criteria appears
All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories
4. Click Map or Edit (available across each banking module). The Party Account Access -
Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

5. Click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and account access
maintenance done for corporate party in one-step.
The application prompt the administrator with a message Are you sure you want to delete
Party Account Access setup for linked Party ID – Party name with an option of Yes / No.
6. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion request.
It will navigate to confirmation page with a success message and the status.
Click No if you do not wish to proceed with deletion.
7. Click OK to complete the transaction.
8. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
9. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction
10. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number

16.4 Step 3: User Onboarding

Using this step user(s) is onboarded under a Group Corporate. This function allow system/ bank
administrator to create a new user from scratch or by copying an existing user.

User Management function enables System/ Bank Administrator to onboard and manage users
and their login credentials for channel banking access.

This function also lets the System/Bank Administrator to define the various touch points from which
the user can access the channel banking and limit package applicable for the same.

In a multi entity scenario, this function enables system/ bank administrator to provide access to
multiple entities to users.

When Corporate User switches to an accessible entity, the roles associated with the new entity are
applicable, allowing the user to perform transactions specific to the switched entity (accessible

Roles mapped to the specific entity shall be available for mapping it to the users

Group Corporate Onboarding

Note: When an administrator creates/modifies a user through User Management either via Group
Corporate onboarding (for corporate user) or via standalone screens (for administrator and retail
user), the global roles would be available for assignment to the user in the same manner as is
available in the current system, however, the entity specific roles would be listed in Entity-specific
sections for each user. Administrator will be able to map multiple roles to the user under each entity

The user details also shows the list all the user groups associated with a particular user. In order
to remove a particular user from a user group, the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

A DND (do not disturb) flag is also enabled at User Onboarding level. It allows System/ Bank
Administrator to enable/disable Do not disturb (DND) Flag for Mandatory Alerts. User will not
receive any alerts for the transactions marked as DND. User will receive the alerts only after
performing any transactions of respective category post removing DND flag.

Internal Users
 System Administrator
 Bank Administrator

External Users
 Corporate User
 Non Customer- Corporate users
 Corporate Administrator

 User Segment and Application roles are maintained
 Transactions are associated with each Application role
 Transaction (User Management) access is provided to System/Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank administrator to perform the actions.
 Party Preference is maintained for corporate user


Group Corporate Onboarding

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > User Onboarding tab
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
User Onboarding tab

16.4.1 User Management - Search and View

Using this option, System/ bank administrators can search and view details of the existing users.
Administrator selects the user type of the user to be searched.

Default search is available with User Name, but the user can also be searched by providing other
details like First Name, Last Name, Party ID. Email ID and Mobile Number.

To search for a user:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Create to create the to create internal and external users.

User Management - Search

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Management - More Search Options

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name To search the user with the user name. Partial search is allowed.

More Search Options

Below fields appears if you click the More Search Options link.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the user.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Email Allows to search based on email id of the user.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Mobile Number Allows to search based on mobile number of the user.

Party ID Allows to search based on Party id.

To view the user details:

1. Enter the search criteria and click Search in the User Management screen.
The search results appear based on the search parameters.

User Management - Search Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Results

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

User Name User Name of the user.

Full Name First name and last name of the user.

Status Status of the user.

2. Click the User Name link of the record for which you want to view the user details.
The User Management - View screen appears.

User Management – View

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Corporate Onboarding

User Type Type of user.

The user will be:
 Corporate User

Group Corporate ID Group Corporate ID mapped to the user is displayed.

Party ID Party ID for which the user is created will be displayed.

Personal Information

User Name Name of the user (login ID) of the user.

Title Title of the user.

The options are:
 Mr
 Mrs
 Miss
 Ms
 Dr
 Master

First Name First name of the user.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

Last Name Last name/ surname of the user.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

Contact Details

Email ID Email id of the user.

Contact Number (Mobile) Mobile number of the user.

Contact Number (Land Line) Phone number (land line) number of the user.

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

Country Country of the user.

Group Corporate Onboarding

City City in which the user resides.

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.

Roles Application roles mapped to the user.

In case of multi entity setup, these roles will be for the
default/home entity of the user.

User Groups And Global Roles

User Groups The list of all user groups to which the selected user belongs.

• This information is read-only and hence cannot be
• If a particular user needs to be removed from a user
group, then the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

Roles The global roles which are mapped to the users.

Is Corporate Administrator Displays whether the corporate user is corporate administrator or


Touch Points

Selected Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) selected for a user to
perform transactions.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

DND Alerts

Group Corporate Onboarding

Select Category The list of categories for which DND is configured can be
enabled or disabled using this option.

Accessible Entity Details

Entity Name Accessible Entity name associated to the user.

Map Role The roles to which the entities are mapped.

Limits - Touch Point/Groups

Limits package associated to the user for the accessible entity.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for which the limit packages are mapped.

Package Name of the limit package mapped against specific touch points
/touch point groups.

Map parties

Primary Party Details Primary Party ID details of the user is associated with the New

Accessible Parties Name Accessible Party Details that user has access.

3. Click Edit to edit the user details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Click to download the user details.

Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.4.2 User Management - Edit

This function enables the Administrator to edit the existing user details.

User Management – Edit

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID for which the user is created will be displayed.

Personal Information

User Name Name of the user (login ID) of the user.

Title Title of the user.

The options are:
 Mr
 Mrs
 Miss
 Ms
 Dr
 Master

First Name First name of the user.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

Last Name Last name/ surname of the user.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

Contact Details

Email ID Email id of the user.

Contact Number (Mobile) Mobile number of the user.

Contact Number (Land Line) Phone number (land line) number of the user.

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

Country Country of the user.

City City in which the user resides.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.

Roles Application roles mapped to the user.

In case of multi entity setup, these roles will be for the
default/home entity of the user.

User Groups And Global Roles

User Groups The list of all user groups to which the selected user belongs.

• This information is read-only and hence cannot be
• If a particular user needs to be removed from a user
group, then the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

Roles The global roles which are available for mapping it to the users.

Is Corporate Administrator Define whether the corporate user is corporate administrator or


Touch Points

Selected Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) selected for a user to
perform transactions.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

DND Alerts

Group Corporate Onboarding

Select Category Select the categories for which DND (do not disturb) needs to be
All the categories for which DND is applicable are listed for

Accessible Entity Details

Entity Name Accessible Entity name associated to the user.

Map Role The roles to which the entities are to be mapped.

Administrator is able to map multiple roles to the user under
each entity.

Limits - Touch Point/Groups

Limits package associated to the user for the accessible entity.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for which the limit packages are mapped.

Package Name of the limit package mapped against specific touch points
/touch point groups.

Map parties

Primary Party Details Primary Party ID details of the user is associated with the New

Accessible Parties Name Accessible Party Details that user has access.

To edit or update a user details:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
2. In the User Management - Search Results section, click the User Name link of the record
for which you want to edit the user details.
The User Management - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to update the user information.
4. In the User Name field, enter the required details. Click Check Availability to check the
uniqueness of the user ID. If the user ID is already used.

Group Corporate Onboarding

5. In the Personal Information section, enter the required details.

6. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
7. In the Roles section, Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles, to map to the user.
8. In the Touch Points section, select the touch points to be mapped to user.
9. In the Accessible Entity Details section, add the accessible entities for the user and select
the party and limits for that entity (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup).
a. Click Add Entity button, to add accessible entity to a user.
b. In the Limits section, select the appropriate limit package under the Package for each
touch point column.
c. In the Primary Party ID field, Select the Primary Party ID details of the user is associated
with the New Entity
d. From the Accessible Party Details, select the parties to map with user.

Touch Points Group - View Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Group description defined for touch point groups.


Group Type Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

10. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
11. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
12. The success message of updates appears.

16.4.3 User Management - Create

System/Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the User Management screen.
This function allows the administrator to create internal and external users.

Note: In case of multi entity implementation, if the system/bank administrator has access to multiple
entities, then the administrator can select the entity from the entity switcher on which the user needs
to be onboarded. The selected entity of the user as part of onboarding will be the default/home
entity of the user being created.

Group corporate Onboarding - User Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

New Allows selecting a Parent Party ID of the user.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Copy From Allows to select an already created user (user created under the same
Group Corporate) and screen will display the copied data for all the
sections except Personal and Contact information. System/ Bank
Administrator would require to fill Personal and Contact information
and he can make the changes in the copied data as well.

Party ID Parent Party ID of the user for mapping it to the user.

To onboard a user:
1. In the User Management screen, Click Create.
2. Select the option to create a new or by copying an existing user.
3. If you select New option;
a. From the Party ID list, select a Parent Party ID of the user.
The Personal Information, Contact Details, Touch Points, Roles, Limits and
Accessible Entity sections appear.
4. If you select the Copy From option;
a. The User Search popup window appears.
b. Enter the search criteria, and click Search.
The search results appear on the Search User screen based on the search parameters.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.

Note: Click icon to refresh the detail entered in select user field.

User Management – User Search

Field Description

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description


User Name To search the user with the user name. Partial search is allowed.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the user.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Search Results

User ID User ID of the user.

First Name First Name of the user.

Last Name Last Name of the user.

c. Click the User ID link of the record for which you want to onboard.
The Personal Information, Contact Details, Touch Points, Roles, Limits and
Accessible Entity sections appear.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Onboarding

Group Corporate Onboarding

DND Alerts - Category Details

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Select Party ID for which the user is to be created.

Personal Information

User Name Name of the user (login ID) of the user.

Title Title of the user.

The options are:
 Mr
 Mrs
 Miss
 Ms
 Dr
 Master

First Name First name of the user.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Last Name Last name/ surname of the user.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

Contact Details

Email ID Email id of the user.

Contact Number (Mobile) Mobile number of the user.

Contact Number (Land Line) Phone number (land line) number of the user.

Address Line 1-4 Address of the user.

Country Country of the user.

City City in which the user resides.

Zip Code The postal code of the city in which the user resided.

Roles Application roles mapped to the user.

In case of multi entity setup, these roles will be for the
default/home entity of the user.

User Groups And Global Roles

User Groups The list of all user groups to which the selected user belongs.

• This information is read-only and hence cannot be
• If a particular user needs to be removed from a user
group, then the administrator must manually go to the
particular user group screen and remove the user.

Roles The global roles which are available for mapping it to the users.

Is Corporate Administrator Define whether the corporate user is corporate administrator or


Touch Points

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Selected Touch Points The touch points (banking channels) selected for a user to
perform transactions.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot
 API Access
 Soft Token Application

DND Alerts

Select Category Select the categories for which DND needs to be enabled.
All the categories for which DND is applicable are available for

Note: Click on category link to view list of all the events

for which alerts will not be sent to the user.

Accessible Entity Details

Entity Name Accessible Entity name associated to the user.

Map Role The roles to which the entities are to be mapped.

Administrator is able to map multiple roles to the user under
each entity

Limits - Touch Point/Groups

Limits package associated to the user for the accessible entity.

Touch Points/ Group Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity
for which the limit packages are mapped.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Package Name of the limit package mapped against specific touch points
/touch point groups.

Map parties

Primary Party Details Primary Party ID details of the user is associated with the New

Accessible Parties Name Accessible Party Details that user has access.

5. In the User Name field, enter the required details. Click Check Availability to check the
uniqueness of the user ID. If the user ID is already used, then enter a unique valid username.
6. In the rest of the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
7. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
8. In the Roles section, Select the checkbox (s) against the Roles, to map to the user.
9. In the Touch Points section, select the touch points to be mapped to user.
10. In Select Category field under DND Alerts section, select the desired categories for which
DND needs to be enabled.
11. In the Accessible Entity Details section, add the accessible entities for the user and select
the party and limits for that entity (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup).
a. Click Add Entity button, to add accessible entity to a user.
b. In the Limits section, select the appropriate limit package under the Package for each
touch point column.
c. In the Primary Party ID field, Select the Primary Party ID details of the user is associated
with the New Entity
d. From the Accessible Party Details, select the parties to map with user.

Touch Points Group - View Details

This pop-up screen appears on clicking beside a touch point group in the Limits section,
which appears when onboarding corporate user types.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Group description defined for touch point groups.


Group Type Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

12. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

13. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Add Another to add another maintenance of the same step.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Click Next to proceed to next step.

Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
14. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.5 Step 4: User Group Maintenance

User group is a set of x users with similar interests and goals.

Using User Group maintenance option Bank administrator can maintain the user groups of
corporate users of Group corporate irrespective of Corporate Party. User Groups will be created at
the Group Corporate level.

User groups maintained by administrators for corporate users are used while creating approval
workflows and approval rules.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Multiple corporate users are maintained.
 Approval rule set up for Bank administrator to perform the actions.
 Party preference for which the groups are to be created is maintained and is active.


Features Supported In Application

User Group Management allows Bank Administrator to:

 Create User Groups
 View User Groups
 Modify User Groups

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > User Group
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
User Group

16.5.1 User Groups – Create

Bank Administrator can create a new User Group for the Group Corporate ID by using this option.
Only the users of single Group Corporate ID can be clubbed together in a User Group.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Administrator can create multiple user groups and one user can be part of multiple user groups.
Bank Administrator will be allowed to create user group even without adding a single user.

To create a user group:

1. The User selection screen appears. Select the appropriate option.

User Group - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code To specify User Group code.

Group Description To specify User Group description.

User Information Search and select user to map with User Group which is being created

Group Corporate Onboarding

Search User

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search User

User ID Search User by using User ID to map with user group

First Name Search and select user by using First name and add a user to the user group.
Users belonging to the same Group Corporate will be listed.

Last Name Search and select user by using Last name and add a user to the user group.
Users belonging to the same Group Corporate will be listed.

Search Result

User ID Display user ID of the searched user

First Name Display First name of the searched user

Last Name Display Last name of the searched user

2. Click Create.
3. In the Group Code field, enter the group code.
4. In the Group Description field, enter the group name.
5. In the User Group section, Click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. Once
added, the user name will be removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
Click to remove a user from the User Group.

Group Corporate Onboarding

6. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Add Another to add new user group in same flow.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction

Note: You can click to delete a record.

16.5.2 User Groups – Summary & View

Once the logged in Bank Administrator navigates to User Group Management screen, and
searches User Group Code. User groups maintained if any under the Group Corporate would be
displayed on the screen. User can opt to view the details of existing user groups.

The summarized view of all the user groups created (if any) for the Group corporate is displayed
on the screen. Further drill down is given on each user group to view the details of the users who
are part of the user group.

To search and view User Group details of the Group Corporate:

1. In User Group Management screen, in the Group Code or in Group Description enter the
Respective details.
2. Click Search. User groups maintained if any under the Group Code or Group Description are
displayed on the screen.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Search User Group

Group Code Enter User group code

Group Description Enter Description provided to the user group.

Search Result

Group Code Display user group code

Group Description Display description provided to the user group

User Count Display Number of users available in each user group

3. Click on Group Code hyperlink to view details of list of users associated with entered user

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Group – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Display user group code

Group Description Display description provided to the user group

User Information

User ID User ID of the user who is part of the user group is displayed.

Name Display name of the User

Mobile Number Display Mobile Number of the user that maintain with bank

4. Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.5.3 User Groups – Edit

This function enables the Bank Administrator to edit the description of existing user groups mapped
under Group Corporate. Bank Administrator can also add new users and remove existing users of
the user group as part of this function.

A check is performed on minimum and maximum number of users allowed as a part of user group
while adding or removing the users from the user group.

To edit or update a user group:

1. In User Group Management screen, in the Group Code or in Group Description enter the
Respective details.
2. Click Search. User groups maintained if any under the Group Code or Group Description are
displayed on the screen.

Field Name Description

Search User Group

Group Code Enter User group code

Group Description Enter Description provided to the user group.

Search Result

Group Code Display user group code

Group Description Display description provided to the user group

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

User Count Display Number of users available in each user group

3. Click on Group Code hyperlink to view details of list of users associated with entered user
4. Click Edit to edit the user group.
The User Groups - Edit screen displays the mapping of the user group.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Group – Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Code Display user group code

Group Description Enter Description provided to the user group.

User Information

User ID User ID of the user who is part of the user group is displayed.

Group Corporate Onboarding

5. In the User Group section, Click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. Once
added, the user name will be removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
Click to remove a user from the User Group.
6. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
The User Group - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click on Add Another to add new User Group.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
15. The success message of user group creation appears along with the transaction reference

16.6 Step 5: User Account Access

Using this option the Bank Administrator can set up account and transaction access for user(s) of
the Group Corporate. This maintenance can be done only after the Party Account Access is setup
for the parent party of the user(s). The user level mapping of accounts and transactions must be
done to provide access to the accounts for performing transactions to the specific user. If this step
is not followed, the corresponding user will not be able to view any accounts on the dashboard
screen or at the individual transactions.

Note: User Account Access is a non-mandatory step. If the Admin does not maintain the user
account access for any of the corporate users, system will refer to the party account access rules
maintained for his associated party ID.

 Account Access should be maintained for the corporate party of the user for which access is
to be maintained
 Account Access for the party should be maintained for associated party accounts if the user
needs access to associated party accounts.
 Party preferences should be created for the party of the user for which access is to be
 Channel Access should be enabled for party of the user for which account access is to be
 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.

Group Corporate Onboarding


Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 User Account Access - Mapping
 User Account Access – View
 User Account Access - Edit
 User Account Access - Delete

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > User Account Access

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
User Account Access

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.6.1 User Account Access – Create

Using this option, Bank Administrator can maintain Accounts and Transaction access for the
corporate users associated with a specific Group Corporate ID.

This option lets the administrator to provide account access to specific users of a party.

To provide the user with account and transaction access:

1. In the User Search field search users for whom Transaction Account access need to be
Select the user from list displayed below.
2. Select the user ID and click on “Map” to navigate to Account Access summary

User Account Access – Search and Search Result

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search (User) User quick search panel so search user for setting up the account

Search Result

User ID User ID the corporate user

User Name User name of the corporate user

Copy Mapping Select this to Inherit and copy account maintenance from already setup
from User user to new user

Status Displays the account mapping status for the corporate user.
 Mapped: Corporate user for which accounts mapping is being
done and authorized.
 Modified: Corporate user for which accounts mapping is being
done but pending approval by authorizer.
 Deleted: Corporate user for which accounts mapping is

3. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id associated
with Corporate User.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
4. For a searched user, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party of that user, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking for user,
modified accounts if any and Auto account mapping status .

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access – Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

User ID User ID the corporate user

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

User Name User name of the corporate user

Mapping Summary of The corporate party for which Party accounts access is being viewed

Modules Banking module names.

Total Accounts Total number of accounts available under the party that can be map
with corporate user.

Mapped Accounts Number of accounts mapped to the particular account type of corporate

Modified Accounts Number of accounts modified for the particular account type of
corporate user.

Auto Mapped Mapping status of the accounts.

The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and
transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in
 Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new
accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if
access needs to be provided

Mapping Summary of Modified Transaction Group

Modules Banking module names.

Modified Groups Number of transaction groups modified for the particular module.

Edit or Map Click on the icon next to every module or click on Map button to edit
User account access

5. If there is no mapping done for a user, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’.
6. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories i.e. Current and Savings Accounts for both Conventional and Islamic,
Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with Liquidity Management enabled Real
Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM enabled Real and virtual accounts for
a Corporate.
7. User Account Access will inherit the account access setup at the party level for all the parties
associated to him (party association will be done at the time of user onboarding in user

Group Corporate Onboarding

management screen). The screen will show the inherited Maintenance in User Account
Access screen. In the Auto Mapped Accounts field, toggled ON to allow access to all future
Accounts across banking module.
In the Auto Mapped Accounts field, toggled OFF to explicitly map new accounts and
transactions manually.
8. Click on the Modified Groups count link to view the details of transaction groups details.
8. Click Map or Edit (available across each banking module). The User Account Access -
Create screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Account Access – Manage Transaction Group Tab

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access – Map Accounts Tab

Field Description:

Field Name Description

User ID User ID the corporate user for whom account access in being setup

User Name User name of the corporate user

Manage Transaction Group Tab

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Module Select Banking Module types available under the selected party to
setup account access.

Select Transaction Select the Transaction group to map transactions and maintain
Groups access in Account Access screens.

Note :
1) Transaction groups mapped to the accounts at party level
will be shown on this screen.
2) In user account access, the accounts can be mapped to
the same transaction group to which the accounts are
mapped at the party level

Transactions Groups Search and add the transaction groups.

Map Accounts Tab

Mapping Summary of The corporate party for which user accounts access is being viewed.

Modules Select Banking Module available under the selected party to setup
account access

Apply Party level Toggle to enable to apply party level changes automatically.

Action Option to map/unmap the transactions and maintain access in Account

Access screens of Transaction Groups.
The options are:
 Map Transaction Group
 Unmap

Note: Only one transaction group can be unmapped at a time.

A transaction group can be unmapped from All Accounts or
Selected Accounts.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Transaction Groups Select one or multiple Transaction group/s to map transactions and
maintain access in Account Access screens.

Note :
1) Transaction groups mapped to the accounts at party level
will be shown on this screen.
2) In user account access, the accounts can be mapped to
the same transaction group to which the accounts are
mapped at the party level

Account Selection Select accounts to map the transaction groups.

The options are:

 All Accounts
 Selected Accounts

Note : System will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the

transaction group name after the account number

All Accounts Click to select all the accounts available under the selected module.

Selected Accounts

Selected Accounts Select the desired accounts to map the transaction group.
System displays the Account Number along with the Account Name,
Account Currency, and Branch Code.

Number of Accounts Number of accounts selected under the particular module.


Delete Party Mapping Click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and
account access maintenance done for corporate users in one step.

9. In the Manage Transaction Group Tab;

a. Select specific module tab (Including viz. Current and Savings Accounts for both
Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with Liquidity
Management enabled Real Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM
enabled Real and virtual accounts for a Corporate.) for which account and transaction
access mapping maintenance need to be setup.

b. Click on the icon to search & select the Transaction group/s under selected module.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User can modify the transaction group other than the factory shipped to select or deselect
the transaction access.
c. Click on the Transaction Group link the Transaction Group Details overlay screen
Click Edit to modify the transaction/ inquires.
Click Save to save the changes.
10. In the Map Accounts Tab;
i. From the Module list, select the factory shipped Transaction group under
selected module which will have all transactions and inquiries grouped together.

Note: Factory shipped user group cannot be deleted or modified.

ii. In the Apply Party Level Changes field, toggle to enable to apply party level
changes automatically.
iii. In Action field, select the desired option to map/ unmap the Transaction Group.
iv. If the Map Transaction Group option is selected;
v. In the Transaction Groups list, select the transaction Group/s to map / unmap
from the drop-down list.
vi. In Account Selection field, select the option to map the transaction groups to all
the accounts or specific accounts.
vii. Once the transaction group/s are created, user can map these transaction groups
to one or multiple accounts . Click on Map Accounts tab and select Party, then
select Transaction Groups, select the account numbers and then click on Save to
map the transaction groups to the selected accounts.
viii. Click on the Transaction Group link, to view the list of transactions within the
mapped transaction group in an overlay.
ix. Select ‘All Accounts’ option to map/ unmap transaction groups from all accounts.
If specific accounts are required to be mapped, then select the respective check
boxes preceding the account number.
x. Once the user maps the accounts, system will show a tag as 'Modified' followed
by the transaction group name after the account number.
xi. To map the new accounts, select appropriate option from Auto Map toggle button;
Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future Accounts across banking
Select Manual if you wish to explicitly map new accounts and transactions.

11. Once the user maps the accounts, system will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the
transaction group name after the account number.
12. If the Unmap option is selected;
i. User can unmap the accounts by selecting accounts and then clicking on Unmap
button to reset their mapping with Group Corporate.
13. User can click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and account access
maintenance done for corporate user in one step.

Group Corporate Onboarding

14. Click on the icon to further drill down by applying new sear criteria in Filter overlay screen
on basis of Account Number, Transaction Group, Currency, Mapping Status.

User Account Access - Filter Criteria

a. Click Apply to Apply the filter.

Click Reset to reset the entered data.
15. Click Save to save the maintenance.
Click Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Back to navigate back to previous scree.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

16. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
17. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.6.2 User Account Access – View

The Bank Administrator can view the list of account(s) and transactions for which access has
been provided to the user.

To view the account and transaction access:

1. In the User Search field search users for whom Transaction Account access is being viewed.
Select the user from list displayed below.
2. Select the user ID and click on “Map” to navigate to Account Access summary.

User Account Access – Search and Search Result

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search (User) User quick search panel so search user for setting up the account

Search Result

User ID User ID the corporate user

User Name User name of the corporate user

Copy Mapping Select this to Inherit and copy account maintenance from already setup
from User user to new user

Status Displays the account mapping status for the corporate user.
 Mapped: Corporate user for which accounts mapping is being
done and authorized.
 Modified: Corporate user for which accounts mapping is being
done but pending approval by authorizer.
 Deleted: Corporate user for which accounts mapping is

3. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id associated
with Corporate User.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
4. For a searched user, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party of that user, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking for user,
modified accounts if any and Auto account mapping status .

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access - Summary Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

User ID User ID the corporate user

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

User Name User name of the corporate user

Mapping Summary of The corporate party for which Party accounts access is being viewed

Modules Banking Module names

Total Accounts Total number of accounts available under the party that can be map
with corporate user.

Mapped Accounts Number of accounts mapped to the particular account type of

corporate user.

Modified Accounts Number of accounts modified for the particular account type of
corporate user.

Auto Mapped Mapping status of the accounts.

The options can be:
 Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and
transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in
 Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new
accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if
access needs to be provided

Edit or Map Click on the icon next to every module or click on Map button to edit
User account access

5. If there is no mapping done for a party, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’
6. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access – View

Field Description:

Field Name Description

Modules Display name of the product for which account access is being viewed.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Mapped Transaction Display the transaction groups selected to setup the user account
Group access.

Transaction Groups Display the Transaction group details with which user account access
Details is maintained along with transaction and inquiries mapped to it.

7. The User Account Access details screen has two section. First section displays the lists down
all the transaction groups mapped.
8. In the second column, user can view the transaction group details with all the transactions
and inquiries access.
9. Click Edit / Map to update the User Account Access account mapping for new accounts
and existing accounts.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

16.6.3 User Account Access – Edit

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the list of account(s) and transactions for which
access details needs to be edited for a selected user of the party.

To Search and Edit the User account and transaction access:

1. In the User Search field search users for whom Transaction Account access is to modify.
Select the user from list displayed below.
2. Select the user ID and click on “Map” to navigate to Account Access summary
3. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
4. For a searched user, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party of that user, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking for user,
modified accounts if any and Auto account mapping status .
5. Click the link under the total Mapped accounts or Modified accounts, The User Account
Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears. . The search result according to the
search criteria appears
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. If there is no mapping done for a user, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’.

Group Corporate Onboarding

7. All the accounts held by the selected user as a relationship with the bank as available in the
core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the
respective categories
8. Click Map or Edit (available across each banking module). The User Account Access - Edit
screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Account Access – Search and Search Result

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access – Summary

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access – Manage Transaction Group

User Account Access – Map Accounts Tab

Group Corporate Onboarding

9. The User Account Access screen has four section. Header of the screen shows the User ID
and User Name. First column lists down all the modules in tabular form, second column list
down the transaction groups and third column list down banking module wise account
10. Navigate and select specific module tab (Including viz. Current and Savings Accounts for
both Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts along with
Liquidity Management enabled Real Accounts (including External Accounts if any) and VAM
enabled Real and virtual accounts for a Corporate.) in the first column for which account and
transaction access mapping maintenance need to be setup.
11. In the second column, There will be one factory shipped Transaction group for each
module, which will have all transactions and inquiries grouped together.

Note: Factory shipped user group cannot be deleted or modified.

12. Once the transaction groups are created, user can select specific module , along with the
transaction groups and can select ‘All Accounts’ to map the selected transaction group/s to
all the existing accounts under the selected party
If transaction groups need to be mapped to specific accounts, then the user needs to select
the respective check boxes preceding the account number.
13. Once the user maps the accounts, system will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the
transaction group name after the account number.
14. To map the new accounts, select appropriate option from Auto Map toggle button;
Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future Accounts across banking module.
Select Manual if you wish to explicitly map new accounts and transactions.
15. User can unmap the transaction groups by selecting accounts and then clicking on Save
button to reset their mapping with Group Corporate
16. User can click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and account access
maintenance done for corporate user in one step.
17. User can drill down his search by applying Filter to search an account basis on Transaction
Group, currency, mapping status
18. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

19. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Click Next to proceed to next step.

Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
20. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number
Note : Following flow explains the Drill down options to search by applying Filter to search an
account for Virtual Accounts Management & Liquidity Management module.

Virtual Account Management (Real Account) Tab-

To view Virtual Account Management - Real Accounts:

1. In the Account Number field, enter the exact Real Account number.
From the Branch name drop down, select the Branch name.
From the Account Access Status field, select an appropriate status.
From the Currency field, select the required currency.
2. Click Apply to Apply the filter.
Click Reset to reset the entered data.
3. The user can filter through two sections :
1. On the basis of the Account Number
2. A combination of branch name, currency filters and other parameters. The user can use
these search parameters alone or in a combination to filter search results.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Liquidity Management Tab -

To view Liquidity Management Accounts:

1. In the Account Number field, enter the exact Real Account number.
From the Branch name drop down, select the Branch name.
From the Account Access Status field, select an appropriate status.
From the Currency field, select the required currency.
2. Click Apply to Apply the filter.
Click Reset to reset the entered data.
3. The user can filter through two sections :

Group Corporate Onboarding

1. On the basis of the Account Number

2. A combination of branch name, currency filters and other parameters. The user can use
these search parameters alone or in a combination to filter search results.

Virtual Accounts Tab: -

To view Virtual Accounts:

1. In the Virtual Account Number field, enter the exact Virtual Account number.
In the Virtual Account Name field, enter the Virtual account name.
From the Virtual Entity search, select the Virtual Entity name.
From the Branch name drop down, select the Branch name.

Group Corporate Onboarding

From the Account Access Status field, select an appropriate status.
From the Status drop down, select the status.
From the Currency field, select the required currency.
2. Click Apply to apply the filter.
Click Reset to reset the entered data.
3. The user can filter through two sections :
1. On the basis of the Account Number
2. A combination of branch name, currency filters and other parameters. The user can use
these search parameters alone or in a combination to filter search results.

16.6.4 User Account Access – Delete

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the user information of a party for which access
details needs to be deleted. As part of this option, account mapping can be deleted for a user.

To delete account and transaction access for the User:

1. In the User Search field search users for whom Transaction Account access is to modify.
Select the user from list displayed below.
2. Select the user ID and click on “Map” to navigate to Account Access summary.
3. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
4. For a searched user, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with
corporate party of that user, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking for user,
modified accounts if any and Auto account mapping status .
5. Click the link under the total Mapped accounts or Modified accounts, The User Account
Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears. . The search result according to the
search criteria appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. User can click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and account access
maintenance done for corporate user in one step.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Account Access – Delete party Mapping

a. Click Yes to delete the party mapping.
Click No to cancel the process.
8. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Admin can submit the maintenance after any step. Maintenances saved so far will be sent
for approval in one flow. Admin would not be able to make any changes or maintain another step
for the same Group Corporate till the time the approval of the wizard is not done.

9. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Submit.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Next to proceed to next step.
Click Retain Draft to save all the steps completed so far, and allow Admin resume the same
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
10. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.7 Step 6: Report Mapping

The user report mapping maintenance allows the Bank Administrators to map the report or set of
reports to first to at group corporate level and then at the a specific corporate user. The corporate
users can generate and view the reports to which they have an access. If ‘map to all user’ option
is enabled , then the reports mapped at the group corporate level will be automatically mapped to
all the user in the group Corporate. If disabled, you can select the user and map the reports

Bank Administrator searches a corporate user, onboarded on Group corporate and view the reports
mapped to him, he can also un-map the reports from specific corporate user so that access of the
specific report/ s can be removed to that corporate user.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > Report Mapping tab
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
Report Mapping tab

16.7.1 User Report Mapping – Search & View

Using this option Bank Administrator can search and view the reports mapped to the user.

To search and view the reports mapping:

1. In the Map Report to field, select the appropriate option whose mapped reports to be
a. If you select Group Corporate option;
i. System displays the report mapping summary at group corporate level.
b. If you select User option;
i. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The User Report Mapping screen with
search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Report Mapping – Mapping Summary (User Level)

Field Description

Field Name Description

Map Report to Select the appropriate option whose mapped reports to be viewed.
The options are:
 Group Corporate
 User

Below fields appears if you select User option in the Map Report to field.

User ID To search the user with the user ID. Partial search is allowed.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

First Name To search the user with the user first name. Partial search is allowed.

Last Name To search the user with the user last name. Partial search is allowed.

Email To search the user with the email address of the user. Partial search is

Mobile To search the user with the mobile number of the user. Partial search is
Number allowed.

Party ID To search the user with the party ID. Partial search is allowed.

Search Result

Initials The initials of the user.

User ID User Id of the corporate user.

User Details Name of the corporate user.

Mapping Displays whether the file identifier is mapped to the user.

 - denotes that the report is mapped to the user

 - denotes that the report is not mapped to the user.

2. Click on the record to view the details. The User Report Mapping - View screen appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Report Mapping – Mapping Summary (Group Corporate Level)

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name Name of the corporate user.

User ID User Id of the corporate user.

Mapping Summary

Report ID Unique id assigned to the mapped report.

Description Description of the report.

Formats Formats in which a report can be generated.

Group Corporate Onboarding

3. Click Edit to update the user report mapping.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

16.7.2 User Report Mapping - Create

Using this option Bank Administrator can map the reports to a specific corporate user.

To map the reports to a user:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The User Report Mapping screen with search results
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

2. Click of user record, for which you want to map the report/ s. The User Report Mapping
screen to create the report mapping appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

User Report Mapping - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name Name of the corporate user.

User ID User ID of the corporate user.

Mapping Summary

Report ID Unique id assigned to a report.

Description Description of the report.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Formats The format in which the report is to be generated.

The format could be PDF, XLSX.

3. In the Mapping Summary section, select the report id of the report which you want to map to
the user.
4. Click Save to save the maintenance, and redirect to the review page.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
5. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
4. OR
Click Add Another to add another maintenance of the same step.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.7.3 User Report Mapping - Edit

Using this option Bank Administrator can edit the mapping or un-map the reports from specific
corporate user.

To edit a User Report Mapping:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The User Report Mapping screen with search results
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

2. Click against the file identifier record for which you want to view the details. The User
Report Mapping - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit. The User Report Mapping - Edit screen appears.

User Report Mapping - Edit

Group Corporate Onboarding

4. View the details of report mapping already saved. Select or de-select the report id record to
map / un-map a report to a user.
5. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.8 Step 7: Workflow Management

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are
required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to
have up to five levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level. The
number of levels can be configured.

Workflows can be configured for approval as well as release.

Workflows can be created independently and can be attached to a specific

transaction/maintenance as part of the Approval Rule configuration.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Party preference is maintained.
 Multiple users are maintained under a party or as Bank Administrators
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Necessary user groups are maintained using User Group Management.


How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > Workflow Management tab
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
Workflow Management tab

16.8.1 Workflow Management – Summary

User can opt to view the details of existing workflows or can create new approval workflow using
this screen based on the choose workflow type

Group Corporate Onboarding

Workflow Management – Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Code Enter the approval workflow code to be searched.

Workflow Enter the description of the approval workflow to be searched.


Workflow Type Specify the workflow type to be searched.

The options are:
 Approval
 Release

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Search Result

Workflow Code Code of the already maintained approval workflow.

This field will be displayed only if there are existing approval workflows

Workflow Description of the already maintained approval workflow.

This field will be displayed only if there are existing approval workflows

Approval Levels Number of approval levels in each workflow.

This field will be displayed only if there are existing approval workflows

Workflow Type Displays the type of workflow whether it is for Approval or Release.

1. In the Workflow Code field, enter the approval workflow code to be searched.
2. In the Workflow Description field, enter the description of the approval workflow to be
3. In the Workflow Type field, select the type of workflow to be searched.
4. Click Search. The Workflow Management screen with search results appears based on the
searched criteria.
5. Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.
Click Create. The Workflow Management - Create screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.

16.8.2 Workflow Management –View

Further drill down is provided on each workflow to view the details of the users/ user groups who
are a part of the workflow

To view the approval workflow for corporate users:

1. In the Workflow Management screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The
Workflow Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
2. Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Workflow Management – View

Field Description

Field Name Description


Workflow Code Workflow code is displayed.

Workflow Workflow description is displayed.


Workflow Type The type of workflow i.e. whether it is for approval or release.

Approval Details

Approval Level User / user group maintained at each approval level.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

User / User User or a user group maintained at each level of approval.

On Approval -Workflow screen, Admin User can click on the Name of the
user group that is part of the workflow to see the list of users which are part
of that Group.
User can search specific user name, by using the search window on Group
Details overlay.

Release Details

User / User Displays the user or a user group maintained to release the transaction.

3. Click Edit to edit the workflow. The Workflow Management - Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

16.8.3 Workflow Management – Create

Bank Administrator can create approval workflows for corporate users. By default, user can specify
minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of workflow.

Bank admin can also create workflow for release if the Release Facility is enabled at Group
Corporate Level. Admin can specify user or user group who will release the transaction. All the
users and user groups created under the Corporate Group will be made available for mapping.

If level type is Approver, the user can provide multiple levels within the workflow. Each level can
be specified as an Approver or Checker and for each level (approver or checker), the type can be
selected as User or User Group.

Group Corporate Onboarding

1) Release functionality can be configured only for corporate user’s transactions.
2) Only one level of releaser can be configured in the workflow.
3) The same user can act on the same transaction only once in a particular role (checker or
approver). For example, the same user can check the same transaction only once as a checker.
4) The bank needs to operationally ensure that approver levels are also added. If only checkers
are added and no approver is added, then the transaction will be processed without an approver.

Administrator can set either an individual user or user group of a corporate as part of each approval
level. Approval type (sequential/non-sequential/no authorization) is defined at the party preference.

Workflow Management – Create

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Workflow Code To specify approval workflow code.

Workflow To specify approval workflow description.


Workflow Type Specify whether the workflow which the administrator is creating are for
approval or for release functionality.
The options are:
 Approval
 Release

Approval Details
Below fields appears if you select Approval option in the Workflow Type field.

Level Type Specify the level type for the workflow.

The options are:
 Approver
 Checker

Level Approval levels for a user / user group. User can click Add for multi-level
approval process.

User / User To select specific user or a user group at each level of approval.
Note: All the users and user groups created under the Group Corporate
will be made available for mapping.

Release Details
Below fields appears if you select Release option in the Workflow Type field.

User / User To select specific user or a user group to release the transaction.
1) All the users and user groups created under the Group Corporate
will be available for mapping.
2) Only one level of releaser can be configured in the workflow.

To create an approval workflow:

1. In the Workflow Code field, enter the workflow code.
2. In the Workflow Description field, enter the name of the workflow.

Group Corporate Onboarding

3. If you have selected Approval option in the Workflow Type field;

a. In the Level Type field, specify the level type for workflow.
b. In the Level 1 field, select the appropriate user / user group in the Approval Details

c. Click icon to add appropriate user / user group.

The User Search popup appears. All the users and User groups created under the
Group Corporate will be available for assigning at various approval levels.

Workflow Management – User Search

Field Description

Field Name Description


User Name To search the user with the user name. Partial search is allowed.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the user.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Search Results

User ID User ID of the user.

Full Name Full Name of the user.

Last Name Last Name of the user

Group Corporate Onboarding

d. From the User Name / User Groups list, click & select the approver user name at
specific level of approval.

Click icon to remove user/ user group.

Note: Click icon to refresh the detail entered.

e. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.

Click icon to remove specific approval level.

4. If you have selected Release option in the Workflow Type field;
a. In the Level 1 field, select the appropriate user / user group in the Approval Details

b. Click icon to add appropriate user / user group.

The User Search popup appears. All the users and User groups created under the
Group Corporate will be available for assigning at various approval levels.
5. Click Save to save Approval Workflow.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
7. Click on Add Another to new Workflow.
Click Edit to modify the details entered.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
8. The success message of saving the created approval workflow appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.

16.8.4 Workflow Management - Edit

This function enables the Bank Administrator to update the description of the workflow and also to
remove existing and add new approval levels. Edited workflows are applicable for new transactions
initiated post workflow update, whereas the previously initiated and pending approval transactions
pending will follow the old workflow.

Group Corporate Onboarding

To edit an approval workflow:

1. In the Workflow Management screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The
Workflow Management screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
2. Click the Workflow Code link to view details of the selected Approval Workflow. The
Workflow Management - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the workflow. The Workflow Management - Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.

Workflow Management - Edit

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description


Workflow Code Workflow code is displayed.

Workflow Workflow description is displayed in editable form.


Workflow Type Specify whether the workflow which the administrator is creating are for
approval or for release functionality..
The options are:
 Approval
 Release

Approval Details

Below fields appears if you select Approval option in the Workflow Type field.

Level Type Specify the level type for the workflow.

The options are:
 Approver
 Checker

Level Approval levels for a user / user group.

Administrator can remove or add approval levels in a workflow.

User Name / User User or a user group maintained at each level of approval.
Administrator can edit an existing user/user group maintained at each
level and can also specify user/user group for additional approval level.

Release Details

Below fields appears if you select Release option in the Workflow Type field.

User / User To select specific user or a user group to release the transaction.
Note: All the users and user groups created under the Group Corporate
will be made available for mapping.

4. Edit the required details.

Group Corporate Onboarding

5. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group at specific level of approval.

Click icon to remove specific approval level.

6. Click Save to save Approval Workflow.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
The Workflow Management - Edit- Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click on Add Another to add new Workflow.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The success message of saving the approval workflow modification appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

16.9 Step 8: Approval Rules

This function enables the Bank Administrator to set up conditions for approval as well as for
Releaser as per the bank/corporate requirements. A rule can be set up for financial, non-financial,
non-account financial transactions and for maintenances. Flexibility is provided to define approval
rules with conditions stating that ‘specific transaction’ if initiated by a ‘specific user/ user group/All
users’ has to be approved by a ‘specific approver/approver group’ along with other attributes like
amount range etc.

For an approval rule, the user has an option to select one workflow within which different levels are
available for approver and checker. The release rules should be resolved at the time of transaction
initiation. The users mapped at the time of transaction initiation will be able to release the
transaction. The rules specific to release can be configured for a combination of initiator type (user,
user group), transactions and accounts. User can set up the release rule only for those transactions
for which the release functionality is required. If no rule is configured for a combination of values,
then it will be considered as ‘no release required’. All the transactions as per the specified rule, will
be sent for release to the configured users/user groups post successful approval at all levels.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator
 Party preference is maintained for setting up rules for corporates
 Corporate and Administrator users are maintained

Group Corporate Onboarding

 Workflow configuration is maintained if approval required is to be set as ‘Yes’

 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions
 Necessary user groups and approval workflows are maintained

Features supported in application

The Approval Rule maintenances allow the bank administrator to:

 Create Approval Rules
 View Approval Rules
 Edit Approval Rules
 Delete Approval Rules


How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Corporate Onboarding > Group Corporate
Maintenance > Approval Rules tab
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Group Corporate Onboarding >
Approval Rules tab

16.9.1 Approval Rules – Summary

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Rules Management screen. User can
opt to view the details of existing Approval Rules or can create new approval rule using this screen.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Rules Management – Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Rule Code Search with Approval rule code.

Rule Description Search with Approval rule description.

Rule Applicable For Search whether rule is applicable for Release or Approval.

Search Result

Rule Code The Approval rule code.

Rule Description The Approval rule description.

Maker Initiator type (User ID or User Group Code) of the transaction.

This field will be displayed only if existing approval rules are

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Approval Required Whether approval is required for each rule maintained.

Change Type Displays the status of the record i.e. if it is created or modified.

Rule Applicable for Displays the whether the approval rule is applicable for Release or

1. In the Rule Code field, enter the approval Rule code to be searched.
2. In the Rule Description field, enter the description of the approval Rule to be searched.
3. In the Rule Applicable For field, specify whether the approval rule is applicable for Release
or Approval.
4. Click Search. The Rule Management screen with search results appears based on the
searched criteria.
5. Click the Rule code link, to view details of the selected Approval Rule. The Approval Rules -
View screen appears.
Click on Add Another to Add the Approval Rules.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
Click Create to create new Approval Rule for corporate users.

16.9.2 Approval Rules - View

On accessing ‘Rules Management’ menu option, and searching rules, summarized view of all the
approval rules maintained (if any) for the party are displayed on the screen. Further drill down is
given on each rule to view the details of approval rule.

To view the approval rules for corporate users:

1. In the Approval Rules screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Approval
Rules screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
2. Click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View
screen appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Approval Rules View

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description


Rule Type Transaction rule type for which the approval rule is set up.
The transaction rule for corporate user are:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance
 Non Account Financial
 Administration
 Service Request

Rule Code Approval rule code.

Rule Description Approval rule description.

Rule Applicable For Displays for which the rule is set up.
It could be:
 Approval
 Releaser


Initiator Type Initiator type specified while creating a rule.

Note : “ All Users’ will be displayed for Initiator Type if

rule is created with Initiator type as “All users”

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group defined as initiator for the rule

Party ID Displays one or multiple Party IDs mapped to the selected

Group Corporate ID.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Transactions The transactions for which the rule is being set up.
The options are:
 All Transactions
 Select Specific Transactions
 All Service Request – rule will be applicable for all the
service requests available in the form builder
 Select Specific Category – all the service request
categories available in the form builder will be listed for
selection where one category can be selected
 Select Specific Service Request - all the service
requests available in the form builder will be listed for
selection where one service requests can be checked
Type of transactions available depends on the selection of rule
The option ‘All Service Requests’, ‘Specific Service Request’
or ‘Specific Category’ is enabled only if the Service Request
option is selected in Rule Type field.

Accounts Field will display the accounts along with their names mapped
based on the Party ID selection for which rule being viewed is
set up.
The options are:
 All Accounts
 Select Specific Accounts
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Financial in
the Rule Type field.

Currency Currency type in which the financial approval rule for a corporate
is defined.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account
Financial in the Rule Type field.

1) Entity’s base currency (maintained in System
Configuration) will be defaulted in the currency field.
2) User will be able to select the currency other than the
default currency from the currency list.

Amount Range

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

From Amount/ To Transactions allowed for the user between the amount range.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account
Financial in the Rule Type field.

Workflow Details

Approval Required Field displays whether approval is required or not.

The options are:
 Yes
 No

Approval Type Displays the Approval workflow type.

Possible value will be:
 Sequential
 Parallel
This field is displayed if Yes option is selected in Approval
Required field and when workflow preference is set at Rule
Level in Group Corporate Profiling setup.

Workflow Field displays the approval workflow details along with the
defined approval levels.
For release, it displays the release workflow details.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required

3. Click Edit to edit the approval rule. The Approval Rule - Edit screen with values in editable
form appears.
Click Delete to delete the approval rule.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

16.9.3 Approval Rules - Edit

Bank Administrator can edit the approval rules. An administrator is allowed to change the
description of the rule and is also allowed to change the parameters associated with the specific
approval rule.

Edited rules are applicable for new transactions initiated post rule update. Previously initiated
transactions which are pending approval will follow a rule which was applied at the time of
transaction initiation.

To edit an approval workflow:

1. In the Approval Rules screen, enter the search parameters and click Search. The Approval
Rules screen with search results appears based on the searched criteria.
2. Click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View
screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the approval rule. The Approval Rule - Edit screen with values in editable
form appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Approval Rules - Edit

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description


Rule Type Transaction rule type for which the approval rule is set up will be
displayed. The rule type cannot be modified.
The transaction rule for corporate user are:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance
 Non Account Financial
 Administration
 Service Request

Rule Code Approval rule code provided by the user.

Rule Description Approval rule description provided by the user in editable form.

Rule Applicable For The rule applicable for Release or Approval in editable form. The
rule applicable for cannot be modified


Initiator Type Initiator type who initiates the transaction will be displayed in
editable form.

Note: If ‘All Users’ is selected, then the rule being

created is applicable for all users of Corporate Party

User Name / User Groups Name of the user or user group as initiator will be displayed in
editable form.
If initiator is selected as User, then all the users belonging to the
party will be listed for selection.
If initiator is selected as User Group, then all the user groups
belonging to the party will be listed for selection.

Party ID The one or multiple Party IDs mapped to the selected Group
Corporate ID will be displayed in editable form.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Transactions The transactions to set the approval rules will be displayed in

editable form.
The options are:
 All Transactions – If selected, the rule can be setup for
all transactions
 Select Specific Transactions – Specific transactions can
be selected for which the rule is applicable. The
transaction type and names are listed for selection
 All Service Request – rule will be applicable for all the
service requests available in the form builder
 Select Specific Category – all the service request
categories available in the form builder will be listed for
selection where one category can be selected
 Select Specific Service Request - all the service
requests available in the form builder will be listed for
selection where one service requests can be checked
Type of transactions available depends on the selection of rule
The option ‘All Service Requests’, ‘Specific Service Request’
or ‘Specific Category’ is enabled only if the Service Request
option is selected in Rule Type field.

Accounts Type of accounts based on the Party ID selection will be

displayed in editable form.
The options are:
 All Accounts – If selected, the rule can be setup for all
accounts within the selected Party IDs
 Select Specific Accounts – Specific accounts can be
selected for which the rule is applicable. The Party ID,
Account Type and Account Numbers along with their
names are listed for selection
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Financial in
the Rule Type field.

Currency Currency type in which the financial approval rule for a corporate
is defined.

Amount Range

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

From Amount/ To Transactions allowed for the user between the defined amounts
Amount ranges will be displayed in editable form.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account
Financial in the Rule Type field.

Workflow Details

Approval Required Whether approval is required will be displayed in editable form.

The options are:
 Yes
 No

Approval Type Define the Approval workflow type. Possible value will be
 Sequential
 Parallel
This field is enabled if Yes option is selected in Approval
Required field and when workflow preference is set at Rule
Level in Group Corporate Profiling setup.

Workflow Details of the approval workflow within which different levels are
available for approver and checker will be displayed in editable
For release, it displays the release workflow details.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required

4. Edit the required details.

5. Click Save to save the approval rule.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
The Approval Rule - Edit Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click on Add Another to add new Rule.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The success message of saving the approval rule modification appears along with the
transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

16.9.4 Approval Rule – Create

Bank Administrator can create approval rules for the corporate users. In Approval Rules, Bank
Administrator can define the rule conditions for various type of transactions.

Approval rules can be setup based on the following parameters.

 Type of Transaction
 Financial Transactions
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transactions, this involves
exchange of money.
 E.g. Money Transfer, Draft Issuance, Redeem Term Deposit etc.
 Non Financial Transactions
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transaction which are for an
account but does not involve exchange of money.
 E.g. Cheque Book Request, Statement Request, Stop Cheque etc.
 Maintenance
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transaction which are at the party
level and not for a specific account
 E.g. Payee Maintenance, Biller Maintenance etc.
 Non Account Financial Transactions:
 This option is used to setup approval rules for the transaction with amount range
and no debit account
 E.g. Initiate LC, Supply Chain Finance related transactions like create Invoice.
 Initiator
 Specific User
 User Group
 All Users
 Party ID
 This option allows to select one or multiple Party IDs
 Accounts
 All Accounts based on party selection
 Select Specific Accounts based on party selection

Group Corporate Onboarding

 Transactions
 All Transactions
 Select Specific Transactions
 Currency
 Amount Range
 Service Requests
 All Service Requests
 Specific Service Request

Specific CategoryAdministrator can create multiple approval rules for corporate users. In a scenario
when a transaction is initiated and multiple rules are applicable as per set conditions, then the most
applicable rule amongst all the resolved rules is applied for approval.

User can further define if for a condition, the transactions should be auto approved (which means
there is no approval workflow and the transactions gets approved as soon as initiator submits the
transactions) or should follow a set approval workflow and should get approved by the defined set
of approvers. The same is achieved by attaching a workflow maintained for the corporate party.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Approval Rules – Corporate User - Create

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Description

Field Name Description

Rule Type Transaction rule type for which the approval rule needs to be set up.
The transaction rule for corporate user are:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance
 Non Account Financial
 Administration
 Service Request

Rule Code To specify approval rule code.

Rule Description To specify approval rule description.

Rule Applicable Specify the rule applicable for Release or Approval.

The options are:
 Approval
 Release


Initiator Type Initiator type who initiates the transaction.

The options are:
 User - For creating an approval rule for a single user. A lookup
will be provided to search for a specific user
 User Group - For creating an approval rule for a User Group
 All Users - For creating an approval rule of all the users of the
Group Corporate

User / User Name of the user or user group as initiator.

If initiator is selected as User, then all the users belonging to the party will
be listed for selection.
If initiator is selected as User Group, then all the user groups belonging to
the party will be listed for selection.
If Initiator is selected as ‘All Users’, then the rule being created is
applicable for all users of Corporate Party.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Party ID The one or multiple Party IDs to be mapped to the selected Group
Corporate ID.

Transactions Select the transactions for which the rule is being set up.
The options are:
 All Transactions – Allow to select all the transactions within
 Select Specific Transactions – Allow to select specific
transactions within each module
 All Service Request – rule will be applicable for all the service
requests available in the form builder
 Select Specific Category – all the service request categories
available in the form builder will be listed for selection where one
category can be selected
 Select Specific Service Request - all the service requests
available in the form builder will be listed for selection where one
service requests can be checked
Type of transactions available depends on the selection of rule type.
The option ‘All Service Requests’, ‘Specific Service Request’ or
‘Specific Category’ is enabled only if the Service Request option is
selected in Rule Type field.

Accounts Specify the accounts mapped based on the Party ID selection for which
rule being viewed is set up.
The options are:
 All Accounts - Allow to select all the accounts of the selected
Party ID
 Select Specific Accounts - Allow to select specific accounts
within each party ID
Based on the Party ID selection, accounts associated to the party ID are
available for selection.
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Financial in the Rule
Type field.

Counts of Displays the number of accounts mapped to the Group Corporate.


Group Corporate Onboarding

Field Name Description

Currency Currency type in which the financial approval rule for a corporate is
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account Financial in
the Rule Type field.

1) Entity’s base currency (maintained in system configuration) will be
defaulted in the currency field.
2) User will be able to select the currency other than the default
currency from the currency list.

Amount Range

From Amount/ Transactions allowed for the user between the amount range.
To Amount
This field appears if you select Financial and Non Account Financial in
the Rule Type field.

Workflow Details

Approval Option to decide whether approval is required or not for the set condition.
The options are:
 Yes
 No

Approval Type Define the Approval workflow type. Possible value will be
 Sequential
 Parallel
This field is enabled if Yes option is selected in Approval Required field
and when workflow preference is set at Rule Level in Group Corporate
Profiling setup.

Workflow All workflows maintained for the party are listed here along with the
defined approval level for each of them. Select one workflow within which
different levels are available for approver and checker.
For release, the release workflow can be selected.
This field appears if you select Yes in the Approval Required field.

To create an approval rule for corporate user:

1. In the Rule Type field, select the appropriate transaction rule type.

Group Corporate Onboarding

2. In the Rule Code field, enter the code.

3. In the Rule Description field, enter the rule name.
4. In the Rule Applicable For field, specify the rule applicable for Release or Approval.
5. From the Initiator Type field, click appropriate user / user group and select the user/ user
group or Select ‘All Users’.

6. Click icon to add appropriate user / user group. The Search User to Copy Mapping
popup appears.

Approval Rules – Search User

Field Description

Field Name Description


User ID To search the user with the user ID. Partial search is allowed.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the user.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Search Results

User ID User ID of the user.

Full Name Full Name of the user.

Group Corporate Onboarding

a. From the User Name / User Groups list, click & select the user ID.

Click icon to remove user/ user group.

Note: Click icon to refresh the detail entered.

7. Click Add to add the selected user/ user group as a initiator.


Click icon to remove specific initiator.

8. From the Party ID list, click and select one or multiple Party IDs to be mapped to the selected
Group Corporate ID.
9. From the Transaction list, select the transactions to be mapped to the rule.
a. If you have selected Select Specific Transactions option, select one or multiple
transactions within modules to mapped to the selected Group Corporate ID.

Note: Click icon to search and add specific transaction from the search lookup.

10. If you have selected Financial option in the Rule Type field;
a. From the Accounts list, select the appropriate accounts.
i. If you have selected Select Specific Accounts option;
1. Click the Party ID whose accounts needs to be mapped, and then select one
or multiple accounts to mapped to the selected Group Corporate.
System displays the count of accounts selected.

Note: Click icon to search and add specific account from the search

b. From the Currency list, select the appropriate account currency.

11. If you have selected Financial and Non Account Financial option in the Rule Type field;
a. In the Amount Range section, enter the appropriate amount.
12. In the Workflow Details section, select whether approval is required for the mapped
a. If you select Yes option,
i. In the Approval Type field, select approval workflow type.
ii. From the Workflow list, select the appropriate Workflow.
13. Click Save to save approval rule.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.
Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Group Corporate Onboarding

14. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click on Add Another to Add The Approval Rule.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
15. The success message of saving the created approval rule appears along with the transaction
reference number and status.

Send to Modify
Approver dashboard is available for Bank administrator users whose main responsibility is of
approving the transactions initiated by Bank administrator in maker role. Approver has the
responsibility to ensure correctness of the maintenances as per the bank and corporate mandate,
to ensure speedy and accurate processing.

When the maker sends the Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance for approval, the approver
will have an option to send the maintenance back for modification.

When the transaction is sent back for modification, then all the users who have access to perform
modifications on Group Corporate onboarding will be able to view the maintenance in their activity
log. Any of the users can pick up the transaction and make the necessary modification.

Note: During Send to Modify, the comments capture by approver are optional. The bank needs
to handle operationally to ensure that specific comments are captured during send for

7. Login to OBDX internet banking application as an approver.

8. Navigate Group Corporate Onboarding screen.

Send to Modify

9. Click Send to Modify to send the Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance back to maker
for modification. A popup appears.

Group Corporate Onboarding

10. Enter the comments while sending for modification to specify the reason for sending the
maintenance for modification.
11. Click Save to save the comments and send the maintenance to maker for modification.
Click Clear to reset the data entered.
12. Click Send and Back to send back to maker.
13. Now login to OBDX internet banking application as an maker.
14. View the Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance in Activity Log, and make the necessary
modifications and send back to approver.
15. On re-login as approver, then the modified data will be highlighted for the approver to
understand the changes.

1) For all the updated values, the previous as well as new value will be shown
The modified value will be highlighted even in cases when the maker modifies any existing data
and send it for approval
2) Click on the View Update to view the new changes in case the field has multiple values.

View Update

Group Corporate Onboarding

Modified data highlight

16. Click on highlighted data to view the modifications.

17. Verify the changes and approve the transaction.


Step 1: Group Corporate Profiling

1. Can administrator modify Bank role before assigning to Group Corporate?

No, if the Administrator assigns a Bank role to Group Corporate, all the entitlements available
in the selected roles will be assigned at Group Corporate level. Any modification required in
the bank roles can be done using Role transaction mapping screen. If in future bank assigns a
new transaction access in the bank role (from Role transaction mapping screen), it will
automatically be given to the all the Group Corporates having that roles mapped

2. Is mapping of custom role is mandatory?

No. Administrator can select and assign the roles available at enterprise level as is, or he can
create a custom role as per his requirement for the Group corporate by cloning a role available
at Group Corporate level.

Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and custom roles to a Group Corporate.

3. Are the Customize bank roles will be applicable across the application?

No, The Customize bank role will be available only for the Group Corporate for which it was
created. Any changes done in the bank roles, from which this custom role has been created,
will not have any impact on the custom created roles

Group Corporate Onboarding

4. What is sequential and parallel type of approval flow?

Under Sequential approval flow, the approval can be done only in the sequence as mentioned
in approval workflow. It is “Non-Sequential” type of approval flow, which does not follow any
specific sequence. Any user (who is part of the approval flow) from any approval level can pick
up the transaction/maintenance and approve it. This will be applicable across Group Corporate

5. What is the approval currency?

Approval Currency is the preferred currency for setting up the approval rules.

6. How can the user define Sequential or Parallel approval flow at the Corporate Level and
Rule Level?

During Group Corporate Profiling setup, the user has an option to select the workflow
preference at Corporate Level or Rule Level. If Corporate Level is specified, then the approval
flow (Sequential/Parallel/No Approval) can be captured on the same screen. If Rule Level is
selected, then the approval flow (Sequential/Parallel) must be specified during rule creation.

Step 2: Party Account Access

1. Is it necessary to setup Party Account Access Management before setting up User

Account Access for Group Corporate?

Yes. For the Group Corporate, the party account access setup must be done before the user
level mapping of accounts and transactions

2. What is the significance of Transactions or Inquiry Group?

Transaction groups are for the purpose of grouping transactions and maintaining access in
Account Access screens.

There will be one factory shipped Transaction group for each module, which will have all
transactions and inquiries grouped together. Factory shipped user group cannot be deleted or

A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an existing transaction group. Deletion of
custom transaction group will be allowed.

Transaction groups of one Group Corporate will be available for selection only for that Group

3. Can we setup Party Account Access for multiple corporate parties associated with
Group Corporate in single flow?

Yes, All the party ID mapped under Group Corporate will be listed in the dropdown. Admin can
select one party at a time and setup the party account access for the same .Once he is done
he can follow the same flow by selecting another party for Account maintenance before final

Group Corporate Onboarding


He can save the application in draft for further modification.

4. What is the significance of Auto and Manual option in ‘Map Accounts’?

This feature allows the administrator to configure access policies for accounts and associated
transactions, which may get added subsequently in the future.

Auto: Gives access to the newly added accounts and transactions of the party as soon as the
account is opened. This option can be selected whenever bank administrator wishes to provide
access by default

Manual: Denies the newly added accounts and transactions by default. This is to ensure that
access to accounts and transactions is provided only upon receiving specific instructions from

5. Will Party Account Access – Deletion for a party (Own/Linked) lead to automatic
deletion of User Account Access?

Yes. Deletion of account access for a party will lead to automatic deletion of access for the
users of that party.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Step 3: User Onboarding

1. Who can create / update the user at Group Corporate level?

System administrator and bank administrator can create or edit the users.

2. Does the application allows admin to create new user by cloning the exiting one?

Yes. An option to create a new user from by copying an existing user is provided.

If ‘Copy’ is selected, admin will be able to select an already created user (user created under
the same Group Corporate) and screen will be displayed the copied data for all the sections
except Personal and Contact information. Admin will be require to fill Personal and Contact
information and he can make the changes in the copied data as well.

3. Can one assign multiple Application roles to a user?

Yes, multiple Application roles can be assigned to the user. All the Roles (both Enterprise and
Customer) mapped at the Group Corporate level will be available for selection while setting up
the user management.

4. What is the significance of primary and Accessible parties?

Corporate users at Group Corporate level will have one primary party and multiple assessable
parties for each entity. Show primary party selected on the top will by default as selected under
Primary Party for that Entity.

Step 4: User Group Maintenance

1. Is the user selection for user group maintenance is depends on the parent party?

No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down the
entire user associated with group corporate for user group creation irrespective of parent party.

2. Can a user be the part of multiple user groups created under a Group Corporate?

Yes, same user can be part of multiple user groups under group corporate. Whereas, User
Group would be allowed to create even without adding a single user

3. Can I delete an existing user group?

No, user groups cannot be deleted but can be edited. Administrator can add new users and
remove existing users of the user group.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Step 5: User Account Access

1. If user is associated with one parent corporate party and multiple accessible
parties, then will he be allowed to setup account access for the corporate parties in
single flow?

Yes, All the party ID mapped under Group Corporate and associated with corporate user
will be listed in the dropdown. Admin can select one party at a time and setup the user
account access for the same .Once he is done he can follow the same flow by selecting
another party for user Account maintenance before final submission.


He can save the application in draft for further modification.

2. Will Party Account Access – Deletion for a party lead to automatic deletion of User
Account Access?

Yes, deletion of account access for a party will lead to automatic deletion of access for the
users of that party.

3. If I remove access of account(s) and transaction(s) for a party, will it lead to

automatic access removal for the users of that party?

Yes, access removal at party level for an account and/or transaction will automatically
remove access at user level of the selected party.

4. Have mapped/edited/deleted user account access for a party but it is not reflecting
in the system even after a successful maintenance save message?

There is a possibility that the maintenance is saved but the status is ‘Pending Approval’.
For the maintenance, if there is an approval required then the changes will reflect only once
the approver(s) approve the submitted request. If the setup does not require an approval
workflow or is self / auto approved, then the same will reflect immediately.

Step 6: User Report Mapping

1. What is the significance of user report mapping?

The user report mapping maintenance allows the Bank Administrators to map the report or
set of reports to a specific corporate user. The corporate users can generate and view the
reports to which they have an access.

2. Is the user selection for user report mapping maintenance is depends on the
parent party?

No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down
the entire user associated with group corporate for user report mapping irrespective of
parent party.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Step 7: Workflow Management

1. Is the user selection for workflow maintenance is depends on the parent party?

No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down
the entire user associated with group corporate for workflow maintenance irrespective of
parent party.

2. What is approval workflow maintenance?

Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval
are required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be
configured to have up to five levels of approval with a specific user or a user group
configured at each level.

3. How many approval levels can I set up in the system?

Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of
approval workflow.

4. Can I get the list of users associated with a group from workflow management

Yes, list of the users associated with a group can be viewed using workflow management

Step 8: Approval Rules

1. Is the user selection for workflow maintenance is depends on the parent party?

No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down
the entire user associated with group corporate for approval -rules maintenance
irrespective of parent party.

2. How many approval levels can I set up in the system?

Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of
approval workflow. Whereas, maximum levels of approvals that the user can set is
configurable as Day0.

6. Explain by examples how the rules are resolved during auto and manual approval

If the Day 0 configuration is yes (i.e., weightage needs to be checked), then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule which is resolved will be as
per the calculated weightage.

Group Corporate Onboarding

If the Day 0 configuration is no (i.e., weightage need not be checked), then the rules will be
evaluated irrespective of the currency, and all the rules falling within the amount range (post
currency conversion) will be resolved. For Manual Routing, whichever rule the maker picks
up will be the resolved rule. For Auto Routing, the nearest ‘max’ value logic will be checked
and the rule with nearest max slab will be evaluated. However, if two rules have the same
nearest ‘max’ slab, then whichever approver picks the transaction first, that rule will be the
final resolved rule.

Some use cases are listed below for better understanding:

Use Case 1: Rule CCY = TXN CCY

Maintenance System Behavior

Entity Base CCY – AED Applicable Rules*:

Approval Type – Auto Routing Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled
Rules maintained are as follows: Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency. The rules (Rule 1, Rule 2 and Rule 3)
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k falling within the transaction range will be resolved,
The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 9K however as per the weightage logic, the rule maintained
(equivalent to USD 23.8k, QAR 86.9k) in TXN CCY will have higher weightage. Hence only
Rule 3 will be resolved

*Considering all other rule criteria are matching

Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency without checking any rule weightage

Note: Out of the box, the weightage check will always

be enabled for auto routing.

Use Case 2: Rule CCY = Entity Base CCY

Maintenance System Behavior

Entity Base CCY – AED Applicable Rules*:

Approval Type – Auto Routing Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled
Rules maintained are as follows: Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k Rule 3 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 3 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

Group Corporate Onboarding

The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 10K Reason – The system will check if any rule is available
(equivalent to USD 26.5k, AED 97.5k, QAR 96.5k) in the TXN CCY as per weightage logic. If the TXN CCY
rule is not available, all the other rules irrespective
of any CCY will be applicable provided it matches the
*Considering all other rule criteria are matching amount slab

Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 3 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency without checking any rule weightage

Note: Out of the box, the weightage check will always

be enabled for auto routing.

Use Case 3: Rule CCY = Multiple TXN CCY rules

Maintenance System Behavior

Entity Base CCY – AED Applicable Rules*:

Approval Type – Auto RoutingRules maintained are as Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k of any currency, however as per the weightage and
‘to/max’ amount logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k will have higher weightage. Hence Rule 3 and Rule 4
Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 50k will be resolved. Based on the users approving at each
level, exact rule will be determined
Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k
The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 10K
(equivalent to USD 26.5k, AED 97.5k, QAR 96.5k) Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

*Considering all other rule criteria are matching Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k
Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 50k
Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency without checking any rule weightage

Note: Out of the box, the weightage check will always

be enabled for auto routing.

Group Corporate Onboarding

Use Case 4: Rule CCY = TXN CCY (Flexi Routing)

Maintenance System Behavior

Entity Base CCY – AED Applicable Rules*:

Approval Type – Flexi Routing Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled
Rules maintained are as follows:
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency, however as per the weightage and
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k ‘to/max’ amount logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY
Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 20k will have higher weightage

Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

The customer is initiating a transaction in Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

BHD 9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k, AED 87.6k, QAR Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
86.9k) Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
*Considering all other rule criteria are matching Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k
Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 20k
Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency. Maker will be expected to select one
rule and route for approval.

Use Case 5: Sequential/Non-Sequential Rules (Flexi Routing)

Maintenance System Behavior

Entity Base CCY – AED Applicable Rules*:

Approval Type – Flexi Routing
Rules maintained are as follows: Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k of any currency, however as per the weightage and
(Sequential) ‘to/max’ amount logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k (Non- will have higher weightage. In this case based on the
Sequential) Day0 configuration, the default behavior is ‘Sequential’
rule which needs to be given precedence.
The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 9K
(equivalent to USD 23.8k, QAR 86.9K) However, bank can change this configuration to ‘Non-
sequential’ rule to be given precedence
*Considering all other rule criteria are matching
Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

Group Corporate Onboarding

Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k
Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective
of any currency. Maker will be expected to select one
rule and route for approval.

Use Case 6: Sequential/Non-Sequential Rules (Auto Routing)

Maintenance System Behavior

Entity Base CCY – AED Applicable Rules*:

Approval Type – Auto Routing Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled
Rules maintained are as follows: Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
In case of auto routing, based on the Day0
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k configuration, the default behavior is ‘Sequential’ rule
(Sequential) which needs to be given precedence.
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k (Non- However, bank can change this configuration to ‘Non-
Sequential) sequential’ rule to be given precedence
Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled
The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 9K Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
(equivalent to USD 23.8k)
Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
*Considering all other rule criteria are matching
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective

of any currency. Maker will be expected to select one
rule and route for approval.

Use Case 7: Rule Weightage Logic

Entity Base CCY – AED

Rules maintained are as follows:

Rules Accounts Transactions CCY Amount Approval Flow


Rule 1 10000909 All Financial Transactions USD 5k to 25k Group A > Group
10000908 B > Group C
10000907 <International Fund Transfer is a part of
Payment Transaction Group>

Group Corporate Onboarding

Rule 2 All Accounts International Fund Transfer AED 50k to Group A > Group
100k D > Group E

Rule 3 All Accounts International Fund Transfer BHD 5k to 10k Group A > Group
C > User X

Rule 4 10000908 International Fund Transfer, Multiple BHD 9k to 10k User P > User Q
10000907 Payment Transactions

The customer is initiating an International Fund Transfer from account 10000907 of BHD
9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k, AED 87.6k)

Applicable Rules:

Auto Routing (when weightage check is enabled) -

Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

Reason – System will first check if the matching rule is available in TXN CCY (BHD). There are
2 rules available in BHD, Rule 3 and Rule 4. However, in auto routing only Rule 4 will be
resolved as specific values are maintained for account and transactions as compared to Rule

Flexi Routing (when weightage check is disabled) -

Rule 1- CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k
Rule 2- CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k
Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k
Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency. As all the rules fall
within the amount range, hence all the rules will be displayed to the user for selection.


Party Migration

17. Party Migration

Using this feature a party can be moved from one Group Corporate to another Group Corporate.
System displays a screen to enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search party
for which the movement of party is to be done. Party migration can be updated to an existing or
new Group Corporate.

Before movement, a simulation needs to be generated to show the conflicts/impacted areas due to
Party migration. The simulation will be generated module wise to view impact of party migration.
The user can view the current generated simulations as well as the historical simulations generated
for the movement of selected Party ID.

The administrator must manually take corrective actions on the conflicting impacted areas, post
which only the party migration can be initiated.

Note: After rectification of all conflicted impacts, the simulation needs to be re-generated to validate
for any remaining conflicts

The impact of Party movement:

 If mapping (Party Migration) is done to an existing Group Corporate, then the common roles
and touch points between the new Group Corporate and user being moved will be assigned
to the respective user
 If mapping (Party Migration) is done to new Group Corporate, then a default role will be
assigned to the user and touch points common to default role and respective user will be
mapped to that user
 User will be able to access the reports mapped to the user at Party level even after moving
the Party under new Group Corporate
 The user’s personal and contact information along with limits will be retained during movement
to the new Group Corporate
 Moved Party will not be available under the old Group corporate and any mapping of the
moved Party with the users of old Group Corporate will get deleted
 Any approval rule created exclusively for the accounts of moved Party will not be
automatically moved along with the Party
 The users moving to new Group Corporate along with the Party will not be able to view the
details of transactions/maintenances (happened in the other Party s of previous Group
Corporate ) where they have acted as either ‘maker or approver’.
 The users moving to new Group Corporate along with the Party will be able to view the details
of transactions/maintenances (happened in the Party before movement) where they have
acted as either ‘maker or approver’. They will be able to view this data through their respective
activity logs
 Also, the users who are part (either maker or approver) of any transaction/maintenance in the
Party before movement, and are not moving with the Party , will not be able to view that data
in their respective activity logs
 If the user being moved has a User Level Alert Subscription, then the Alert Subscription
Configuration will be retained for the Party being moved but will be dropped for other Party s

Party Migration

Once the admin user simulates the party movement and all the conflicts are resolved, the user can
migrate the party to new group corporate. On submission, the maintenance is sent for an approval
if configured. Once the maintenance is authorized, the party will get mapped to the new Group
corporate. Post party migration, the user can search the Party based upon Party ID or Party Name
and view details of the movement. Details related to all the impacted areas will be displayed. This
data will be available module wise which can be viewed as well as downloaded in PDF format. The
migration information of the historic movements can also be viewed if in future the same party
needs to be migrated again.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Corporate Onboarding > Party
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard> Corporate Onboarding widget > Party Migration

Party Migration – Party Search (Party ID/Party Name)

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Search by party ID for which the party migration to be done.

Party Name Search by party name of a party for which the party migration to be done.

Search Result

Party Migration

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID for which the party migration to be done.

Party Name Party Name of a party for which the party migration to be done.

Status Displays the status of the searched party.

It could be:
 Simulation in Conflict
 Migration Success

To search party for party migration and generate the stimulation report:
1. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID whose party migration to be done.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party whose party migration to be done.
2. Click Search. The system displays the matching party records. The records have parties
listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking
on the Party ID from the list.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
3. Click on the Party ID link to view the existing Group Corporate ID and Name to which the
Party is currently mapped.

Party Migration – Map to Existing/ New Group Corporate

Party Migration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Displays the Party ID for which the party migration is to be done.

Party Name Displays the Name of the party for which the party migration to be done.

Entity ID Displays the Entity ID of the Corporate Party.

Note: Party Migration is allowed within same entity.

Mapped Group Displays the existing Group Corporate ID to which party is mapped.

Change Party Mapping To

Map to Group Specify if new mapping for Party is to an existing Group Corporate or to a new
Corporate Group corporate.

Group Corporate Group Corporate ID for which party migration is to be done.

Search Group Corporate

This popup appears, if user wishes to move Party to existing Group Corporate.

Group Corporate Search by existing Group Corporate ID to which the Party is being moved.

Group Corporate Search by existing Group Corporate Name to which the Party is being moved.

Search Result

Group Corporate Existing Group Corporate ID to which the Party is being moved.

Group Corporate Existing Group Corporate Name to which the Party is being moved.

4. In Change Party Mapping To section,

a. In the Map to Group Corporate field, select the desired option for new mapping for
Party whether it is from an existing Group Corporate or to a new Group corporate.
b. If Existing option is selected in the Map to Group Corporate field,
i. Click icon against the Group Corporate field, the Search Group Corporate
popup window appears.

Party Migration

1. Click and enter the Group Corporate ID in the Group Corporate ID field to
which the Party is being moved.
In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the existing name of the Group
Corporate to which the Party is being moved.
2. Click Search. The existing Group Corporate appears based on search
Click Reset to reset the details.
c. If New option is selected in the Map to Group Corporate field,
i. In the Group Corporate field, enter the new Group Corporate to which the Party is
being moved.
ii. Click Check Availability to check the uniqueness of the user ID. If the Group
Corporate is already used, then enter a unique valid Group Corporate name.
5. Click Simulate Migration to generate reports module wise showing module wise impact of
party migration . User can also view the report generation status.
The Warning popup appears to restrict the channel access to the party while the simulation
is being generated so that no further changes to the party will be allowed.

Simulate Migration Warning popup

a. Click Proceed to continue the process.

In Simulation section list of total reports generated after stimulation gets displayed.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

b. Click icon to expand and view the details of reports module wise.
c. Click on the Download link against the respective module to download the stimulation
migration report.

Click Discard Migration to revert the party migration changes. It removes all the simulation
reports generated from the system for the party being moved.

Party Migration

Discard Migration popup

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.

Simulate Migration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Displays the Party ID for which the party migration to be done.

Party Migration

Field Name Description

Party Name Displays the Party Name of a party for which the party migration to be done.

Entity ID Displays the Entity ID of the Corporate Party.

Note: Party migration is allowed within same entity.

Mapped Group Displays the existing Group Corporate ID to which party is mapped.

Status Displays the stimulation status.

Following fields appears after the stimulation report is generated module wise for the party is being

Party ID Displays the Party ID for which the party migration to be done.

Party Name Displays the Party Name of a party for which the party migration to be done.

Source Group Displays the existing Group Corporate ID to which party is mapped.

Target Group Specify new Group Corporate to which the Party is being migrated.

Creation Date The date and time of stimulation report generated.

Summary Displays the summary of total stimulation report generated along with its
status and count.
The options are:
 Success
 Failed
 Conflict
 Pending

Module Name Name of the module whose stimulation reports are generated before party

Party Migration

Field Name Description

Module Status The simulation generation status can also be viewed.

The options are:
 Success: Party impact present with no conflict
 Failure: Simulation fails due to technical error
 Conflict: Simulation comprises of atleast one conflict
 Pending: Awaiting for response

Download Click on the Download link to download the respective simulation in PDF

Note: Click on the Download All link to download all the modules

Historical Simulation

Party Migration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Historical Simulation
This section displays the all the previous list of stimulation reports.
Following fields appears after the stimulation report is regenerated module wise for the party is
being migrated.

Note: This section is displayed only if the stimulation report is generated for the same
party multiple times to resolved the Failure /Conflict type of report.

Party ID Displays the Party ID for which the party migration to be done.

Party Name Displays the Party Name of a party for which the party migration to be done.

Source Group Displays the existing Group Corporate ID to which party was mapped.

Target Group Displays the new Group Corporate to which the Party is migrated.

Creation Date The date and time of stimulation report generated.

Summary Displays the summary of total stimulation report generated along with its
status and count.
The options are:
 Success
 Failed
 Conflict
 Pending

Click Historical Migration to view all the previous list of stimulation reports module wise.
Click Migrate Party to initiate the request to party migration between group corporates.
The Confirmation popup window appears.
a. Click No to cancel the process.
Click Yes to proceed the party migration. The success message of request initiation for
party migration.
i. Click on the Party Migration link to view the status of the migration. System redirect
to the Party Migration screen.

Party Migration

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID whose party migration is done.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party whose party migration is
2. Click Search. The system displays the party details along with migration history

Post Party Migration Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Migration Details
This section is displayed post party migration.

Party Migration

Field Name Description

Source Group Displays the source Group Corporate ID to which party was mapped.

Target Group Displays the new Group Corporate to which the Party is migrated.

Creation Date Displays the date and time of party migration is executed.

Status Displays the status of the migration.

Summary Click on the Simulation and Migration Details link to view the
summary of total stimulation report generated along with its status and
count while migrating.

Sample Migration reports:


Origination Workflow Configuration

18. Origination Workflow Configuration

Banks across different geographies can have varied requirements with regards to sequence of
steps in originations for different products.

Workflow configuration is an administrative maintenance using which the bank administrator can
define the sequence of the sections in application form for each of the products as well as for the
bundle application.

There will be a default workflow defined in the system as part of Day0 definition for each of the
product along with identified set of steps.

You can create and maintain the priority to be assigned to each product category that can be part
of a bundled application. This will dictate the sequence of steps within the bundled application form.

Bank administrator will have an option to view the default workflow for each of the products. If the
sequence defined for a product does not suit the bank requirements, the administrator can opt to
create a custom workflow by re-arranging the steps.

Bank administrator also will have a choice to decide on the workflow to be applied for products i.e.
default / custom.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator
 Default Workflow with set of steps applicable for each product category is defined in the system

Features supported in application

Workflow configuration allows Bank Administrator to:

 Single Product Application
 View Default Workflow
 View Custom Workflow
 Create Custom Workflow
 Edit Custom Workflow
 Bundle Application
 View Default Workflow
 View Custom Workflow
 Create Custom Workflow
 Edit Custom Workflow

Origination Workflow Configuration

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Others > Origination Workflow

18.1 Search Workflow

Using this option Bank Administrator can view the workflow defined for the single as well as for
bundle application

To search the origination workflow:

 In the Configure workflow for field, click the desired product application tab. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for the selected product application.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Configure Select the desired product application for which the workflow needs to be
workflow for viewed or custom workflow is to be defined.
The options are:
 Single Product Application
 Bundle Application

Select Product Select the product category name for which the workflow needs to be
Category viewed or configured. The list will be populated based on the Day 0
configurations done in the application.
The options are:
 Savings Account
 Checking Account
 Term Deposits
 Credit Card
 Auto Loan
 Personal Loan
 Home Loan
 Education Loan
This field is appears only if the Single Product Application tab is
selected in the Configure workflow for field.

Flow Type Displays the available flow types for the product are displayed.
The options are:
 Default
 Custom

Status Indicates the status against the flow type i.e. whether the default or the
custom flow is active / inactive. At any point in time, either the default or
the custom flow type for a product can remain in active state.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Name Description

Actions Displays the available action buttons against each of the Flow Type.
The action button can be:
 View: Click to view the workflow details and activate it for the
selected product.
 Create: Click to define new custom workflow for the selected
This option will be available only if there is no custom workflow
defined for the selected product. Once the custom workflow is
created, administrator can view or edit the custom workflow.

6. In the Actions column, click View to view the default/ custom workflow details and activate it
for selected product.
Click Create to create a new custom workflow (Link is enabled only if no workflow is created
for selected product).
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

18.2 Single Product Application

Using this option, Bank administrator can view the sequence in which the origination steps will be
presented as a part of the default workflow to the end customer when an application is initiated for
the product available under the selected product category.

Administrator can further define the custom workflow for each product category if required.

18.2.1 View Default Workflow

Using this option Bank Administrator can view the default workflow for the selected product.

To view the product application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Single Product Application tab. The Flow Type,
Status and Actions column appears for the selected product application.
a. From the Select Product Category list, select the desired product category. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for selected product category.
b. In the Action column against the default workflow, click View. The Origination
Workflow Configuration - View screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Origination Workflow Configuration - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Product Displays the product name as selected in the previous screen.


Flow Type The flow type for the product against which the action of view is selected
is displayed.
The options are:
 Default

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Name Description

Application Flow

Application Flow Default application workflow steps defined for the selected product
category is shown on the screen. It shows the sequence in which the
information will be asked to the end user as a part of product application.

2. Click Activate Flow to make workflow active. The Activate Flow popup window appears.
a. Click Yes to activate the flow. The success message of workflow activation appears.
Click No to cancel the transaction.

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

18.2.2 Create Custom Workflow

Using this option, bank administrator can choose to create the new application workflow if required
for specific product category. User can simply drag and drop the steps to change the sequence.

Administrator can even see and compare the custom workflow with the default workflow set for the
selected product category and make the changes accordingly. Further user can choose to delete
the specific step if required which is configured as an ‘optional’ step. The custom workflow is
automatically activated upon creation.

However, all the steps configured as a product origination workflow will be shown to the end user
based on the type of the customer who is initiating an application. E.g. for Guest user, the sequence
of the steps defined in workflow will remain same, but for an existing customer having valid KYC in
place will not be asked for furnishing the personal, employment information and even for providing
the documents again if already present in bank’s records.

Sequence configured as a part of custom workflow will have an impact on flows defined for bundled

To create the product application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Single Product Application tab. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for the selected product application.
2. In the Actions column, click Create to create a new workflow (Link is enabled only if no
workflow is created for selected product). The Origination Workflow Configuration - Create
screen appears.
The steps as defined in the default workflow will be displayed with an option to rearrange the
steps in the order as required. At any point in time, the user will have an option to view the
default workflow.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Origination Workflow Configuration - Create Custom Flow

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Product Displays the product name as selected in the previous screen.


Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Name Description

Flow Type The flow type for the product against which the action of view is selected
is displayed.
The options are:
 Custom

Application Flow

Default Flow Default application workflow defined for the selected product category is
displayed on the screen It shows the sequence in which the information
will be asked to the end user as a part of product application.

Custom Flow Displays the customized application workflow for the selected product.
Drag and drop blocks to customize application workflow. User is allowed
only to change the sequence of the steps or to delete the optional steps.
However user will not be allowed to change the sequence of few steps
which are placed logically e.g. Review, Confirmation etc.

3. Click the cards marked with icon and drop to the area where it needs to be placed in

Note: You can icon to remove the step from the application flow if not required.

4. Click Submit to save the transaction.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. The success message of workflow creation appears along with the transaction reference
number and status of transaction. The workflow is automatically activated upon creation.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Origination Workflow Configuration

18.2.3 View Custom Workflow

Using this option Bank Administrator can view the custom application workflow created for the
selected product category.

To view the product application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Single Product Application tab. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for the selected product application.
a. From the Select Product Category list, select the desired product category. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for selected product category.
b. In the Action column against the Custom workflow, click View. The Origination
Workflow Configuration - View screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration - View

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Product Displays the product name as selected in the previous screen.


Flow Type The flow type for the product against which the action of view is selected
is displayed.
The options are:
 Custom

Application Flow (Custom)

Application Flow Custom application workflow configured by the bank administrator for the
selected product category is displayed on the screen. It shows the
sequence in which the information will be asked to the end user as a part
of product application.

2. Click Activate Flow to make workflow active. The Activate Flow popup window appears.
a. Click Yes to activate the flow. The success message of workflow activation appears.
Click No to cancel the transaction.

Click Edit to edit the workflow configuration. The Origination Workflow Configuration -
Edit screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

18.2.4 Edit Custom Workflow

If the custom workflow defined for a product category does not suit the business needs, then bank
administrator can edit the defined custom workflow by re-configuring the sequence of the steps in
workflow. To edit custom workflow, bank administrator will need to follow the steps mentioned

As a part of editing a workflow, administrator can even see and compare the custom workflow with
the default workflow set for the selected product category and make the changes accordingly.
Administrator can further choose to delete the specific step if required which is configured as an
‘optional’ step.

Origination Workflow Configuration

To edit the product application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Single Product Application tab. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for the selected product application.
a. From the Select Product Category list, select the desired product category. The Flow
Type, Status and Actions column appears for selected product category.
b. In the Action column against the Custom workflow, click View. The Origination
Workflow Configuration - View screen appears.
2. Click Edit to edit the workflow configuration. The Origination Workflow Configuration -
Edit screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration - Edit

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Product Displays the product name as selected in the previous screen.


Flow Type The flow type for the product against which the action of view is selected
is displayed.
The options are:
 Custom

Application Flow

Default Flow Default application workflow defined for the selected product category is
displayed on the screen It shows the sequence in which the information
will be asked to the end user as a part of product application.

Custom Flow Customized application workflow for the selected product. Drag and drop
blocks to customize application workflow. User is allowed only to change
the sequence of the steps or to delete the optional steps. However user
will not be allowed to change the sequence of few steps which are placed
logically e.g. Review, Confirmation etc.

3. Click the cards marked with icon and drop to the area where it needs to be placed in

Note: You can icon to remove the step from the application flow if not required. This icon
will be shown only besides the steps configured as an optional step.

4. Click Submit to save the transaction.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. The success message of workflow updation appears along with the transaction reference
number and status of transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Origination Workflow Configuration

18.3 Bundle Application

Using this option Bank Administrator can create and maintain the priority to be assigned to each
product category that can be part of a bundled application. This will dictate the sequence of steps
within the bundled application form.

Based on the product category sequence, the workflows defined at the ‘Single product application’
are considered for auto-generating the workflow for a bundled application. When the bundled
application is initiated by the end-user, common steps across the different products, will be asked
only once to the end-user. However, uncommon steps will be sequenced based on the priority set
as a part of bundled application only for the products selected by the customer in the bundle.

Assume, the following is the workflow defined at each product category (defined using Single
Product Application – custom flow) and the priority set against each product category (Defined
using Bundled application – custom flow)

Checking Account Personal Loan Auto Loan

(Priority set in bundled (Priority set in bundled (Priority set in bundled
application workflow - 1) application workflow - 2) application workflow - 3)

Upload Documents Upload Documents Upload Documents

Personal Information Financial Profile Home Loan Requirements

Account Preferences Personal Loan Requirements Personal Information

Review Personal Information Financial Profile

Terms of Service Employment Information Employment Information

Confirmation Review Review

Terms of Service Terms of Service

Confirmation Confirmation

Now assume that the guest user is applying for a bundled application consisting of one product
from all the above three product categories from the digital platform. In this scenario, the sequence
in which the information asked as a part of the application will be as follows:
1. Upload Documents
2. Personal Information
3. Account Preferences
4. Financial Profile
5. Personal Loan Requirements
6. Employment Information
7. Home Loan Requirements

Origination Workflow Configuration

8. Review
9. Terms of Service
10. Confirmation

18.3.1 View Default Workflow

Using this option Bank Administrator can view the default workflow for the bundle application
product. Bank Administrator can view the priority assigned to each product category that can be
part of a bundled application. Apart from this, an option is provided to see the sequence of steps in
which the information will be asked to the end customer in case of bundled application.

To view the bundle application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Bundle Application tab. The Flow Type,
Status and Actions column appears for the selected bundle product application.
a. In the Action column against the default workflow, click View. The Origination
Workflow Configuration - View screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration - View

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Flow Type The flow type for the bundle product against which the action of view is
selected is displayed.
The options are:
 Default

Product Priority for Bundled Application

Product Displays the default bundle application flow which includes product
Category categories priority offered by the bank.

View Application Click on the link to view the product categories and application stages flow
Flow in bundle application.
Bank administrator can select any 2 or more product categories
(maximum allowed in the bundle is 3 products) to view the default
application workflow if those products which are selected in a bundle.

2. Click on the View Application Flow link to view the product categories and application
stages flow in bundle application. The Default Application Flow overlay screen appears.
a. By selecting checkbox in product categories and add the product categories to view the
same Application Flow.
b. Click OK.

Note: You can add maximum of three Product Categories to view the resulting Application

Origination Workflow Configuration

Default Application Flow

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Product Displays the product categories offered by the bank in card form.
Categories to
User can select the product categories to view how the workflow will look
see Application
like if these products are selected by the customer in the bundled
application. User will be allowed to select maximum of 3 product

Application Flow Displays the default application flow for the bundle application.

3. Click Activate Flow to make workflow active. The Activate Flow popup window appears.
a. Click Yes to activate the flow. The success message of workflow activation appears.
Click No to cancel the transaction.

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

18.3.2 Create Custom Workflow

Using this option, bank administrator can create the new application workflow for bundle
application. The workflow will be automatically activated upon creation.

To create the bundle application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Bundle Application tab. The Flow Type,
Status and Actions column appears for the selected bundle product application.
2. In the Actions column, click Create to create a new workflow (Link is enabled only if no
workflow is created for selected product). The Origination Workflow Configuration - Create
screen appears.
The product categories listed can be added/ removed from the default list. The steps as
defined in the default workflow will be displayed with an option to rearrange the steps in the
order as required. At any point in time, the user will have an option to view the default

Origination Workflow Configuration

Origination Workflow Configuration - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Name Description

Flow Type The flow type for the product against which the action of view is selected
is displayed.
The options are:
 Custom

Product Priority for Bundled Application

Default Flow Displays the default bundle application flow which includes product
categories priority offered by the bank.
The default flow is:
 Auto Loan
 Personal Loan
 Savings Account
 Checking Account
 Credit Card
 Home Loan
 Term Deposit

Custom Flow Customized the bundle application flow which includes product categories
priority offered by the bank. Drag and drop product category blocks to
customize bundle application workflow.

View Application Click on the link to select the product categories whose application flow
Flow you wish to configure.

3. Click on the View Application Flow link to select the product categories and application
stages flow in bundle application. The Proposed Application Flow overlay screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Proposed Application Flow

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Product Displays the product categories offered by the bank in card form. Select
Categories to the product categories for the bundle application.
see Application

Application Flow Displays the default and custom application flow for the bundle
Bank administrator can select any 2 or more product categories
(maximum allowed in the bundle is 3 products) to view the default
application workflow if those products which are selected in a bundle.

a. In the Select Product Categories to see Application Flow field, select the checkbox
against the product category card which you wish to add in Bundle application, and
whose application workflow to configured.
b. Click OK to add the product categories to bundle application.

4. Click the cards marked with icon and drop to the area where it needs to be placed in
5. Click Submit to save the transaction.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The success message of workflow creation appears along with the transaction reference
number and status of transaction. The workflow will be automatically activated upon creation.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

18.3.3 View Custom Workflow

Similarly Bank Administrator can view the bundle application workflow created by them.

To view the bundle application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Bundle Application tab. The Flow Type,
Status and Actions column appears for the selected bundle product application.
a. In the Action column against the Custom workflow, click View . The Origination
Workflow Configuration - View screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Origination Workflow Configuration - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Flow Type The flow type for the bundle product against which the action of view is
selected is displayed.
The options are:
 Custom

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Name Description

Product Priority for Bundled Application

Product Displays the custom bundle application flow which includes product
Category categories priority offered by the bank.
The default flow is:
 Auto Loan
 Personal Loan
 Savings Account
 Checking Account
 Credit Card
 Home Loan
 Term Deposit

View Application Click on the link to select the product categories and application stages
Flow flow in bundle application.
Bank administrator can select any 2 or more product categories
(maximum allowed in the bundle is 3 products) to view the default
application workflow if those products which are selected in a bundle.

2. Click on the View Application Flow link to select the product categories and application
stages flow in bundle application. The Custom Application Flow overlay screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Custom Application Flow

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Product Displays the product categories offered by the bank in card form. Select/
Categories to deselect the product categories for the bundle application.
see Application
User can select the product categories to view how the workflow will look
like if these products are selected by the customer in the bundled
application. User will be allowed to select maximum of 3 product

Application Flow Displays the default application flow for the bundle application.
Bank administrator can select any 2 or more product categories
(maximum allowed in the bundle is 3 products) to view the default
application workflow if those products which are selected in a bundle.

b. In the Select Product Categories to see Application Flow field, select/ deselect the
checkbox against the product category card which you wish to add/ remove in Bundle
application, and whose application workflow to configure.
c. Click OK to add the product categories to bundle application.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Note: You can add maximum of three Product Categories to view the resulting Application

3. Click Activate Flow to make workflow active. The Activate Flow popup window appears.
a. Click Yes to activate the flow. The success message of workflow activation appears.
Click No to cancel the transaction.

Click Edit to edit the workflow configuration. The Origination Workflow Configuration -
Edit screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Origination Workflow Configuration

18.3.4 Edit Custom Workflow

If the custom workflow defined for a product does not suit the business needs, then bank
administrator can edit the defined custom workflow To edit custom workflow, bank administrator
will need to follow the steps mentioned below.

To edit the bundle application workflow:

1. In the Configure workflow for field, click the Bundle Application tab. The Flow Type,
Status and Actions column appears for the selected bundle product application.
a. In the Action column against the Custom workflow, click View. The Origination
Workflow Configuration - View screen appears.
2. Click Edit to edit the workflow configuration. The Origination Workflow Configuration -
Edit screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration - Edit

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Workflow Details

Configuration Displays the type of application for which the workflow is configured.

Flow Type The flow type for the product against which the action of view is selected
is displayed.
The options are:
 Custom

Product Priority for Bundled Application

Default Flow Displays the default bundle application flow which includes product
categories priority offered by the bank.
The default flow is:
 Auto Loan
 Personal Loan
 Savings Account
 Checking Account
 Credit Card
 Home Loan
 Term Deposit

Custom Flow Customized application workflow for the selected product. Drag and drop
blocks to customize application workflow. User is allowed only to change
the sequence of the steps or to delete the optional steps. However user
will not be allowed to change the sequence of few steps which are placed
logically e.g. Review, Confirmation etc.

View Application Click on the link to select the product categories whose application flow
Flow you wish to configure.
Bank administrator can select any 2 or more product categories
(maximum allowed in the bundle is 3 products) to view the default
application workflow if those products which are selected in a bundle.

3. Click on the View Application Flow link to select the product categories and application
stages flow in bundle application. The Proposed Application Flow overlay screen appears.

Origination Workflow Configuration

Proposed Application Flow

Origination Workflow Configuration

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Product Displays the product categories offered by the bank in card form. Select /
Categories to deselect the product categories for the bundle application.
see Application
User can select the product categories to view how the workflow will look
like if these products are selected by the customer in the bundled
application. User will be allowed to select maximum of 3 product

Application Flow Displays the default and custom application flow for the bundle
Bank administrator can select any 2 or more product categories
(maximum allowed in the bundle is 3 products) to view the default
application workflow if those products which are selected in a bundle

a. In the Select Product Categories to see Application Flow field, select/ deselect the
checkbox against the product category card which you wish to add /remove in Bundle
application, and whose application workflow to configured.
b. Click OK to add the product categories to bundle application.

4. Click the cards marked with icon and drop to the area where it needs to be placed in
5. Click Submit to save the transaction.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The success message of workflow updation appears along with the transaction reference
number and status of transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Origination Workflow Configuration


1. Do I have to activate the custom flow once created?

No, custom flow gets auto activated upon creation.

2. Is it mandatory to create custom workflow?

No, bank can use default workflows if no changes are required in the flow.

3. What will be the expected system behaviour when the specific step is configured
as an optional step?

If the step is configured as an optional step, user can choose to skip that step while filling the
application form.

4. Can I delete the optional step from the workflow?

Yes, once you delete the optional step, end user will not be shown that step as part application

5. What will happen to the applications which are in draft status with the old
origination workflow?

The application will be processed as per the new workflow defined by the banker. The
information which is already filled by the customer will be pre-populated. In addition, user will
be asked to provide the information if any as per the newly configured workflow.

7. How many custom flows can I create per product category?

Banker would be allowed to create only one custom flow. Modifications can be made in the
custom flow at the later stage as per the bank’s requirement.

8. Can I configure the workflows at the product level available under each product

No, as of now banker will be allowed to configure the workflows at product category level.


Service Request Form Builder

19. Service Request Form Builder

Service Request Form Builder transaction allows the system administrator to define service
requests by defining its attributes and by building the form (Request page that should be available
to business user) which are then available for Retail users for creating a new Service Request.

This screen is divided in three sections – Request Parameters, Build your Form and Preview

Request Parameters section lets the System/Bank Administrator to create a service requests by
defining attributes like, SR Name, description, Product, Category name, SR type, severity, and
status etc..

Second tab which is the Form Builder page lets the System/Bank administrator define the request
form and the fields that needs to be available on the Service Request screen to retail user. Field
attributes like field name, field type, allowed characters and error message with respect to that field
can also be defined for each field.

Preview Section lets the administrator preview the Service Request form created in the same way
as it will be shown to the retail user while raising the Service Request.

 Transaction access is provided to System/Bank Administrator.

Features Supported In Application

The module supports following features:

 Create Service Requests Form
 Search and View Service Request
 Copy and Create a new Request
 Edit Service Requests

How to reach here:

System / Bank Administrator Dashboard > Templates > Service Request - Form Builder
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Templates > Service Request -
Form Builder

19.1 Service Request Definition - Summary

Last three service requests that are created by the administrator are by default displayed on the
Service Request Definition summary screen.

To view the service requests:

1. Navigate to the Service Request Definition screen. The initial (summary) page of the
service request appears.

Service Request Form Builder

Service Request Definition - Summary

2. Click against a specific service request record if you want to create a new Service
Request definition by copying the definition of that service request.

19.2 Service Request Definition - Search and View

The System/Bank Administrator can search and view Service Request using a search criteria.

To search and view an existing Service Request definition:

1. In the Request Name field, enter the name of the service request.
In the Request Description field, enter the description of the service request.
From the Product Name list, select the name of the product.
From the Request Type list, select the type of request.

Service Request Form Builder

Service Request - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Criteria

Request Name The name of the service request that is to be searched.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Request The description of the service request.


Product Name The name of the product for which service request is to be searched.

Request Type The administrator can select the type of service request to be displayed
in the search result records.
The options are:
 Complaint
 Feedback
 Query
 Request
 Lead
 Fraud

Search Results

Request Name The name of the service request.

Request The description of the service request.


Request Type The type of service request.

Product Name The name of the product.

Activation Status The link to activate or de-activate the service request.

The statuses are:
 Active
 Inactive

Copy The administrator can create a new Service Request Definition by

copying of the service request.

Recently Added Service Request

Request Name The name of the service request that is added recently.

Created On Date on which the service request is created.

Service Request Form Builder

2. Click Search. The Service Request Definition screen with search results appears based on
the searched criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process and to go back to dashboard.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
3. Click the Request Name of the record for which you want to view the details. The Service
Request Form Builder - View screen appears.
In the Recently Added Service Request section click the Service Request that you want to

Service Request Form Builder - View

Service Request Form Builder

Field Description

Field Name Description

Request Parameters

Request Name The name of the service request.

Request The description of the service request.


Product Name The name of the product for which service request is applicable.

Request The service request category name that appears on the business user's
Category Name screen.

Request Type The type of service request.

Applicable The statuses that are applicable for the service request.

Severity The severity of the service request.

Activation The option to activate or deactivate the service request.

The statuses are:
 Active
 Inactive

Build Your Form

This section displays all the fields available in the form builder for the selected Service
Request definition

Text Box

Type Label The label name of the field.

This field is mandatory if the user selects Text box.

Type Hint Text The hint text to explain the field.

Field Length - The field length of the text box for the text to be entered.
Min Value-Max

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Allowed Characters that should be allowed in the text box as input.

The options are:
 Alphabets
 Numbers
 Alphanumeric
 Alphanumeric with space
 Alphanumeric with special characters

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field which is defined as mandatory field.

Radio Button

Type Label The label name of the field.


Type Value 1 The first option of the radio button field.

Type Value 2 The second option of the radio button field.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field which is defined as mandatory field.

Check Box - Multiple Choice

Type Value The label name of the multiple-choice field.

Type Value 1 The first option of the multiple-choice field.

Type Value 2 The second option of the multiple-choice field.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Drop List

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Type Value The label name of the drop-down list field.

Combo Box for The combo box to enter the options of the drop-down list.
Drop - down

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

File Upload

Type Label The label name of the field, against which the user has to upload the file.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Multi Select

Type Value The label name of the multi select field.

Combo Box for The combo box to enter the options of the multi select field.
Drop - down

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Predefined The fields that are already defined and are commonly used, can be added
Elements directly in the business user form. Value for these fields gets auto
populated, administrator can only define the label name, validations and
error message for the same.
Following predefined elements are defined in this option:
 Account Number: Text box to enter the account number of the
user. This field populates all active accounts for the customer
who is raising that Service Request when displayed on the
Service request form.
 Account Number & Debit Card: Drop-down to select the
account number and debit card. This field populates all active
accounts and debit cards (for the selected account) for the
customer who is raising that Service Request when displayed on
the Service request form.
 Gender: Drop-down to select the gender of the user.
 Salutation: Drop-down to select the salutation of the user
 Date: Date picker to select the date
 Country And States: Drop-down to select the country and state
of the user

Page Elements The page elements consists of text that needs to be displayed to the
business user.
The page elements are:
 Confirmation Message: confirmation message that is to be
displayed to the business user after submission of the request.

Information Box This field displays the information header, text and icon uploaded by
administrator that should be available to the retail user in information panel
section while raising this service request.

4. Click Edit to edit the service request.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen

Note: The above mentioned fields appear in the Build Your Form section depending upon the
on type of field you have selected to build the service request definition.

Service Request Form Builder

19.3 Service Request Form Builder - Create

Service Request Form Builder feature allows the System/Bank Administrator to create Service
requests. The Service Request Form Builder involves following steps to create a service request
 Request Parameters: This step involves entering the request name, description, product,
type of service request etc.
 Build Your Form: In this steps System/ Bank administrator defines the various form fields and
its attributes like field name, field type, field validations and error message which will be used
to create business user's 'Service Request' screen for raising a new SR.
 Preview: After completing the screen creation System/Bank administrator previews the
created Service Request in this step.

To create a new service request:

1. In the Service Request Definition screen, click Create. The Service Request - Form
Builder screen appears.

Service Request Form Builder - Request Parameters

Service Request Form Builder

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Specify the user type for whom the service request that is to be created.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Retails User

Request Name The name of the service request that is to be created.

Request The description of the service request.


Product Name The name of the product for which service request is applicable.
Service request definition will get listed in the business user's login, under
the Product name selected in this field.
Click the Add New link to add a new product that is not listed in the drop-
down list.

Request Category list gets populated on the basis of the product name selected.
Category Name
Service request definition will get listed in the business user's login, under
the category name selected in this field.
Click the Add New link to add a category that is not listed in the drop-
down list.

Request Type The type of service request.

The options are:
 Complaint
 Feedback
 Query
 Request
 Lead
 Fraud

Applicable Status The statuses that should be applicable for the service request.
Administrator can select multiple status in this field.
Default status for any request that raised by user will in 'Initiated' status.

Severity The severity of the service request.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Activation Status The option to activate or de-activate the service request. Only Active
requests will be available for getting raised by business user.
The statuses are:
 Active
 Inactive

2. In the User Type field, select the appropriate user type for whom the service request that is
to be created
3. In the Request Name field, enter the name of the service request.
4. In the Request Description field, enter the description of the service request.
5. From Product Name list, select the appropriate product for the service request.
Click the Add New link, if you want to add a product that is not listed in the drop-down list.
6. From Request Category Name list, select the appropriate product category for the service
Click the Add New link, if you want to add a new product category that is not listed in the
drop-down list.
7. From Request Type list, select the appropriate type of service request.
8. From Applicable Status list, select the status applicable for the service request.
9. From Severity list, select the severity of the service request.
10. In the Activation Status toggle field, select the activation status of the service request.
11. Click Next. The Service Request Form Builder - Build Your Form screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to the Service Request Definition screen.

Service Request Form Builder

Service Request Form Builder - Build Your Form

Field Description

Field Name Description


H1 Page Header Page header for the request form. By default the header is available on the
form, there it is shown is disabled mode on the left side panel.

H2 Section The section header of the request form.


H3 Sub Header The section sub header of the request form.

Form Fields

Text Box

Type Label The label name of the field.

This fields is mandatory If the user selects Text box.

Type Hint Text The hint text to explain the field.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Field Length - Minimum and maximum field length of the text box for the text to be
Min Value-Max entered.

Allowed Characters that should be allowed in the text box as input.

The options are:
 Alphabets
 Numbers
 Alphanumeric
 Alphanumeric with space
 Alphanumeric with special characters

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Radio Button

Type Label The label name of the field.


Type Value 1 The first option of the radio button field.

Type Value 2 The second option of the radio button field.

Add More The button to add more options to the radio button.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Check Box - Multiple Choice

Type Value The label name of the multiple-choice field.

Type Value 1 The first option of the multiple-choice field.

Type Value 2 The second option of the multiple-choice field.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Add More The button to add more options to the multiple-choice check box.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Drop List

Type Value The label name of the drop-down list field.

Combo Box for The combo box to enter the options of the drop-down list.
Drop - down

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

File Upload

Type Label The label name of the field, where the user want to upload the file.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Multi Select

Type Value The label name of the multi select field.

Combo Box for The combo box to enter the options of the multi select field.
Drop - down

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Predefined The fields that are already defined and are commonly used, can be added
Elements directly in the business user form. Value for these fields gets auto
populated, administrator can only define the label name, validations and
error message for the same.
Following predefined elements are defined in this option:
 Account Number: Text box to enter the account number of the
user. This field populates all active accounts for the customer
who is raising that Service Request when displayed on the
Service request form.
 Account Number & Debit Card: Drop-down to select the
account number and debit card. This field populates all active
accounts and debit cards (for the selected account) for the
customer who is raising that Service Request when displayed on
the Service request form.
 Gender: Drop-down to select the gender of the user
 Salutation: Drop-down to select the salutation of the user
 Date: Date picker to select the date
 Country And States: Drop-down to select the country and state
of the user

Page Elements The page elements consists of text that needs to be displayed to the
business user.
The page elements are:
Confirmation Message: confirmation message that is to be displayed to
the business user after submission of the request.

Information The header name and the information notes that is to be displayed on
Header information panel section of the Service request page of the business

12. In the H1 Page Header field, enter the header of the service request form and click .
13. Select the H2 Section Header and H3 Sub Header field (if required) and enter the H2
header name and H3 sub header name on the request form.
14. In the Form Fields, click the Text Box field if required, the text box section appears.
a. In the Type Label Name field, enter the label name of the field.
b. In the Field Length field, enter the minimum and maximum value for the length of the
c. In the Allowed Characters field, select the appropriate option.
d. In the Error Message field, enter the error message to be displayed to the business

Service Request Form Builder

e. Click Save to save the details.

Click Copy if you want to make the copy of this field with similar field attributes.
15. In the Form Fields, click the Radio button field if you want to add radio button in the
business user request form the radio button section appears.
Click Add More Values to add more options of radio button.
16. Enter the required detail and click Save to save the details.
Click Copy if you want to make the copy of this field with similar field attributes.
17. You can also add Check Box, Drop-Down list, Multi Select fields, if required to build the
business user request form.
18. You can drag and drop the field attributes window, if you want to change the sequence of the
19. Click the Predefined Elements section, if you want to add the fields that are already defined.
20. In the Page Elements field select Confirmation message, enter the required text message
which you want to appear in the business user form on the confirmation page.
21. In the Information box, enter the header name and the information notes that you want to
appear in the right side of the business user service request form.
Click the Upload icon, if you want to upload an image.
22. Click Next. The Service Request Form Builder - Preview screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to the Service Request Form Builder - Request Parameters

Service Request Form Builder - Preview

Service Request Form Builder

23. Click Save to save the details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous page.
24. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the Service Request Form Builder - Preview screen.
25. The success message appears along with the reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

19.3.1 Copy and Create a new Request

This option allows the system administrator to create a new service request by copying the already
existing service request.

To create a new service request by copying the existing service request:

1. In the Service Request screen, enter the search criteria.
2. Click Search. The Service Request Definition screen with search results appears based on
the searched criteria.

Service Request Form Builder

Service Request Definition

3. Click against the record for which you want to create a new service request definition.
A confirmation message of creating a copy of the service request appears.
Click Ok to continue to the Service Request Form Builder screen. A copy of the Service
requests selected will get open in editable mode, administrator can define a new name for the
request, change the required fields and save the request.

In the Recently Added Service Request section click against the record for which you
want to create a new service request definition.

19.4 Service Request Form Builder - Edit

The System Administrator can edit the available Service Requests definitions only if there are no
service requests raised by the business user for that SR definition.

To modify the service request definition:

1. In the initial Service Request Definition screen, enter the search criteria and click Search.
The Service Request Definition screen with search results appears based on the searched

Service Request Form Builder

In the Recently Added Service Request section click the Service Request that you want to
2. Click the Request Name of the record for which you want to edit the details. The Service
Request Form Builder - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the service request.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Service Request Form Builder – Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Request Name The name of the service request that is to be created.

Request The description of the service request.


Product Name The name of the product for which service request is applicable.
Service request definition will get listed in the business user's login,
under the product name selected in this field.
Click the Add New link to add a product that is not in the drop-down list.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Request Category Service request definition will get listed in the business user's login,
Name under the category name selected in this field.
Click the Add New link to add a category that is not in the drop-down

Request Type The type of service request.

The options are:
 Complaint
 Feedback
 Query
 Request
 Lead
 Fraud

Applicable Status The statuses that should be applicable for the service request.
Default status for any request that raised by user will in 'Initiated' status.

Severity The severity of the service request.

Activation Status The option to activate or de-activate the service request.

The statuses are:
 Active
 Inactive

4. Edit the required details and click Next. The Service Request Form Builder - Build Your
Form screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to the Service Request Definition screen.

Service Request Form Builder

Service Request Form Builder - Build Your Form

Field Description

Field Name Description


H1 Page Header Page header for the request form.

H2 Section The section header of the request form.


H3 Sub Header The section sub header of the request form.

Form Fields

Text Box

Type Label Name The label name of the field.

This fields is mandatory If the user selects Text box.

Type Hint Text The hint text to explain the field.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Field Length - The field length of the text box for the text to be entered.
Min Value-Max

Allowed Characters that should be allowed in the text box as input.

The options are:
 Alphabets
 Numbers
 Alphanumeric
 Alphanumeric with space
 Alphanumeric with special

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Radio Button

Type Label Name The label name of the field.

Type Value 1 The first option of the radio button field.

Type Value 2 The second option of the radio button field.

Add More Values The button to add more options to the radio button.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Check Box - Multiple Choice

Type Value The label name of the multiple-choice field.

Type Value 1 The first option of the multiple-choice field.

Type Value 2 The second option of the multiple-choice field.

Add More Values The button to add more options to the multiple-choice check box.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Drop List

Type Value The label name of the drop-down list field.

Combo Box for The combo box to enter the options of the drop-down list.
Drop - down

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

File Upload

Type Label Name The label name of the field, where the user want to upload the file.

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Multi Select

Type Value The label name of the multi select field.

Combo Box for The combo box to enter the options of the multi select field.
Drop - down

Validations The validation to define whether the field is mandatory or optional.

Error Message The error message to be displayed to the business user if he does not
enter data in the field that is defined as mandatory field.

Predefined The fields that are already defined and are commonly used, can be
Elements added directly in the business user form. The predefined elements can
be Account Number, Gender, Salutation, Date, Country And States etc.

Service Request Form Builder

Field Name Description

Page Elements The page elements consists of text that needs to be displayed to the
business user, like confirmation message that is to be displayed to the
user after completion of the transaction.

Information The header name and the information notes that is to be displayed on
Header information panel section of the Service request page of the business

5. Edit the required details.

You can add more fields if required from Form Fields section.
6. Click Next. The Service Request Form Builder - Preview screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to the Service Request Form Builder - Request Parameters

7. Click Save to save the details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to Dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous page.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the Service Request Form Builder - Preview screen.
9. The success message appears along with the reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

19.5 Deactivate/Activate Service Request

System/Bank Administrator can deactivate the Service Request which is no longer required by the
bank and it will not be available to the business users.

The System/Bank administrator can also activate the service requests whenever it is required by
the bank.

Service Request Form Builder

To deactivate the service request:

1. In the initial Service Request Definition screen, enter the search criteria and click Search.
The Service Request Definition screen with search results appears based on the searched
2. Click the Activation Status link, of the service request record, which you want to deactivate.
The Service Request Definition screen with Update Activation Status pop-up box

Deactivate Service Request

3. In the Status toggle field, click the toggle to deactivate.

4. In the Remarks field, enter the remarks.
5. Click Ok. The success message appears.
Using the same flow Admin can activate a deactivated Service Request.

Service Request Form Builder

1. How can I change the sequence of fields defined on form builder while creating the
Service Request-form?

You can drag and drop the fields for changing the sequence of the form fields at the time of
2. Can I edit the fields on preview page?

No, you cannot edit the form fields on preview page, but you can go back to form builder
page and edit the fields.
3. Can I edit an existing Service Request Form ?

You can only update a Service Request form only if there are no service request raised for
that Service Request- form, by business users.
4. Can I delete a Service Request –form ?

No, Service Request form cannot be deleted. However you can deactivate the Service
Request –form and it will stop appearing in the business user’s login.
5. Can I create two Service Request forms with the same names?

No, Service Request Forms are unique, so two forms cannot have the same names.
6. Can I maintain the Service Request forms in the language other than English?

No, as of now using this maintenance service request forms can be built in English only.


User Group – Service Request Mapping

20. User Group – Service Request Mapping

Using this screen, the bank admin user can map the service requests to the user groups. A specific
user group can be mapped to either all service requests or specific service requests. Once User
Groups are mapped to all or specific service requests, bank admin users in that group will be able
to work on the raised service requests.

The bank needs to ensure that the user group-service request mapping is maintained.
Administrator will be able to enable the specific service request only when Service Request is
mapped to the specific user group.

If service requests are mapped at the product level like CASA, Loan etc. to the specific user group
and later a new service request gets added under the product, then the service request will be
automatically mapped to the user group.

Similarly if the service requests are already raised by the corporate users and later the service
request gets assigned to a new group, then the new group will be able to view the service requests
raised before the ‘User Group-Service Request Mapping’ was done.

In case the access of the specific service request or service request group (product level) is
removed from the user group, the check will be performed real-time and only those user groups
who have access will be able to work on the respective service requests.

The new users who are mapped to the user group will get access to the service requests
automatically (as they are now a part of the user group).

1) When the service request is fully approved by the corporate approver, the service request will
be assigned to the bank admin user group for resolution.
2) Alert will be sent to the maker when the service request is initiated and alerts will be sent to the
admin users of the selected user group, once the service request is assigned (i.e., once it is fully

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Administrator user groups are maintained.
 Maintain applicable service requests for each Module


User Group – Service Request Mapping

Features Supported In Application

 Search User Group – Service Request Mapping
 Create User Group - Service Request Mapping
 Modify User Group - Service Request Mapping

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Communications > User Group - Service Request

20.1 User Group - Service Request Mapping - Search

User Group – Service Request mapping search option allows System Administrator to view the
existing User Group - Service Request Mapping.

To view User Group - Service Request Mapping:

1. In the Mapping Code field, enter the user group - service request code for which you want
to view the details.
In the Description field, enter the user group - service request mapping description for
which you want to view the details.
From the Group Code list, select the group code already maintained to view the details of
the same.
2. Click Search to display results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Group - Service Request Mapping - Search

User Group – Service Request Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - service request mapping code.


Description The user group - service request mapping description.

Group Code The group code to enquire about user group service request mapping,
already maintained.

3. Click the Mapping Code for which you want to view the mapping details. The User Group -
Service Request Mapping - View screen displays the mapping of service request to the
user group.

User Group - Service Request Mapping - View

User Group – Service Request Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - service request mapping code.


Description The user group - service request mapping description.

Mapping Details

User Group – Service Request Mapping

Field Name Description

Group Code The group code assigned to user group service request mapping.

Service The list of all service request maintained.

1) All Service Request: if this is checked, then all service requests will be
mapped with selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards
2) List of Individual Service Request: Module wise list of service requests will
be available with check box against those. If this is checked, then individual
service request is mapped with selected group code within the CASA, TD,
Loans, Credit Cards and other modules.

4. Click Edit to edit the service requests mapping details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

20.2 User Group - Service Request Mapping - Create

Using User Group – Service Request mapping - Create option, System Administrator can create
the user group - Service Request mapping.

To create User Group - Service Request Mapping:

1. Click Create.
The User Group - Service Request Mapping - Create screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Group – Service Request Mapping

User Group - Service Request Mapping - Create

User Group – Service Request Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - service request mapping code.


Description The user group - service requests mapping description.

Mapping Details

Group Code The group code to create user group service request mapping.

Service The list of all service requests maintained.

1) All Service Request: if this is checked, then all service requests will be
mapped with selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards
2) List of Individual Service Request: Module wise list of service requests will
be available with check box against those. If this is checked, then individual
service request is mapped with selected group code within the CASA, TD,
Loans, Credit Cards and other modules.

2. In the Mapping Code field, enter the user group - service request mapping code.
3. In the Description field, enter the user group - service request mapping description.
4. From the Group Code list, select the appropriate option.
5. Select the respective check boxes preceding the service request to be mapped.
Select All Service Requests check box, if you want to map all subjects.
6. Update the required details.
7. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Edit to modify the details.
9. The success message of creation of user group - service request mapping along with the
transaction reference number appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

User Group – Service Request Mapping

1) If the mapping setup requires an approval workflow, the maintenance will be initiated. Once
approved by the required number of approvers, the mapping will be in effect.
2) If the setup does not require an approval or is self / auto approved, then the mapping will be in
effect immediately.

20.3 User Group - Service Request Mapping - Modify

Using User Group – Service Request Mapping - Modify option; System Administrator can edit the
user group - Service Request mapping.

To edit the User Group - Service Request Mapping:

1. In the Mapping Code field, enter the user group - service request mapping code for which
you want to view the details.
In the Description field, enter the user group - service request mapping description for
which you want to view the details.
From the Group Code list, select the group code already maintained to view the details of
the same.
2. Click Search to display results based on search criteria.
3. Click the Mapping Code for which you want to view the mapping details. The User Group -
Service Request Mapping - View screen displays the mapping of service request to the
user group.

User Group – Service Request Mapping

User Group - Service Request Mapping - Edit

User Group – Service Request Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - service request mapping code.


Description The user group - service request mapping description.

Mapping Details

Group Code The group code assigned to user group service request mapping.

Service The list of all service requests maintained.

1) All Service Request: if this is checked, then all service requests will be
mapped with selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards
2) List of Individual Service Request: Module wise list of service requests will
be available with check box against those. If this is checked, then individual
service request is mapped with selected group code within the CASA, TD,
Loans, Credit Cards and other modules.

4. Select the respective check boxes preceding the service request to be mapped.
Select All Service Requests check box, if you want to map all service requests.
5. Update the required details.
6. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Edit to modify the details.
8. The success message of update along with the transaction reference number appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

1) If the mapping setup requires an approval workflow, the maintenance will be initiated. Once
approved by the required number of approvers, the mapping will be effected.
2) If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, then the mapping
will be effected immediately.

User Group – Service Request Mapping


1. If a user has been mapped to all service requests in the CASA module, what does it

If the user group is mapped to all service requests in CASA, bank admin users in that group
will be able to work on the raised service requests with respect to that module, and if later a
new service request gets added under the product, then the service request will be
automatically mapped to the user group.

2. How does this maintenance help the bank and its customers?

This set-up allow bank admin user to map the service requests to the user groups so bank
admin users in that group can work on the raised service requests.

3. Can bank enable service request without User Group – Service Request mapping?

No, unless the User Group – Service Request mapping maintenance is done for the all group
or specific group is done, bank cannot enable service request.



21. Feedback
Customer experience and satisfaction are very important aspects for the banks and it differentiates
one bank from another, hence measuring customer satisfaction is exceedingly important. Feedback
capture allows the customers to express their opinion on the services offered by the bank.

The following capabilities are available as part of feedback:

 Feedback Template definition
 Feedback capture on transaction completion
 General Feedback capture
 Feedback Analytics

As part of feedback template definition, the administrator can define the feedback question, the
rating scale, question and option set along with deciding the set of transaction(s) for which feedback
capture needs to be enabled.

The business users i.e. retail and corporate users will get an option to capture feedback on
completion of transaction depending upon whether the transaction is part of the feedback template
applicable to the role of the user.

The business user also has an option to capture general feedback if required and not necessarily
perform a transaction to capture feedback.

Feedback captured by the user in terms of the rating and the options selected on the subsequent
questions asked are stored in the system for the bank to carry out analysis for corrective actions if
required. The administrator will have an option to view the details.

21.1 Feedback Template Maintenance

Using this option, the System Administrator can maintain the feedback templates by defining the
feedback question, selecting the rating scale, adding new questions along with new options,
selecting the transactions for which feedback capture needs to be enabled.

The administrator can also decide whether an additional question is to be asked for a scale weight
and select the applicable options for the question.

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Templates > Feedback Template

Bank Administrator Dashboard > Others > Feedback
System / Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Templates > > Feedback


21.1.1 Feedback Template Maintenance - Search

To search feedback template:

1. In the Template ID field, enter an appropriate template ID if you wish to search by template
2. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template to be searched.
3. Select appropriate role(s) if you wish to search the template based on the parameter
Applicable to Role.
4. Click Search.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction

Feedback Template Maintenance-Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Template ID Specify the template ID you want to search.

Template Name Specify the template name you want to search.

Applicable To Role Select the role if you wish the search the template based on the

Search Results


Field Name Description

Template ID Displays the template ID of the applicable template based on the

search criteria.

Template Name Displays the template name of the applicable template based on
the search criteria.

Applicable To Role The role to which the searched feedback template is applicable.

5. Click the link under the Template ID column. The Feedback Template Maintenance screen
appears with the details of the feedback template i.e. template ID, template name, feedback
question, question and option set along with the set of transactions for which template is

Feedback Template – View


Select Scale – View


Link Transaction – View


6. Click against the respective section to edit the feedback template.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.


21.1.2 Feedback Template Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, the administrator can modify details in the feedback template i.e. update feedback
question, change the rating scale, add new questions and options, add / remove transactions from
the template.

To edit or modify feedback template:

1. Search the Feedback template by specifying different search criteria and click Search. The
search results appear on the Feedback Template Maintenance screen based on the search
2. Click the link under the Template ID column. The Feedback Template Maintenance screen

3. Click to edit the details in respective section of the feedback template. The Feedback
Template Maintenance - Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
4. The administrator will be navigated to the respective section i.e. feedback template details or
scale definition or select question or link transaction depending on the edit option selected
against the respective section.
5. As part of feedback template details, feedback question, template ID, template name and
applicable to role can be modified
6. As part of scale definition, the administrator can change the rating scale
7. As part of select question section, the administrator can add new questions and also add new
options for existing as well as new questions defined.
8. As part of link transaction section, the administrator can add new transactions as well as
remove existing transactions.
Administrator can also add new options, to the existing questions associated to each scale
weight of the rating scale applicable to general feedback as well as for transactions
9. Edit the required details in the respective section and click Save if you need to go to review
Click Next, to go to the next step in the process and edit details wherever required.
Click Back to go to the previous page.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction


Feedback Template - Edit

Select Scale - Edit


Select Question – Edit


Link Transaction - Edit


10. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to go to previous screen.
11. The success message with reference number appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

21.1.3 Feedback Template Maintenance - Create

Using this option, the administrator can create feedback template for a specific user type i.e. retail
/ corporate by defining the details i.e. the feedback question, selecting the rating scale, addition of
new questions along with options, select transactions for which the feedback capture needs to be

To create feedback template:

1. Navigate to the Feedback Template Maintenance screen and click Create. The Feedback
Template Maintenance - Create screen appears.
2. In the Template ID field, enter the template ID.
3. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template.
4. Select the role(s) for which the feedback template is applicable by selecting check box in the
Applicable to Role field.
5. In the Feedback Question field, enter the name of the feedback question.

Feedback Template Maintenance - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Template ID Enter the template ID.


Field Name Description

Template Name Enter the template name for the template being created.

Applicable To Role Select the role(s) for which the template will be applicable. You
can select multiple roles and the system will resolve the template
based on the role of the user when the user wishes to capture

Feedback Question Define the feedback question. This is the question that will be
asked to the user as part of feedback capture on which he/she
can rate on the rating scale.

6. Click Next. The select scale screen section in the feedback template maintenance screen is
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Feedback Template Maintenance - Select Scale

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Scale Select the required scale. The scale will be available for the user to
rate as part of feedback capture.


7. In the Select Scale field, select the appropriate option.

8. Click Next. The select question section as part of Feedback Template Maintenance screen
is displayed.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Feedback Template Maintenance - Select Question


Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Question

Question Displays the default questions as defined in the system. The user
can add new questions as part of the template definition. The default
questions as well as the newly added questions will be associated to
the scale weight of the rating scale.

Options Displays the default options as defined in the system. The user can
add new options as part of the template definition. The newly added
options can be associated to the existing default questions as well
as newly added questions.

9. Click in the Options field to add more options to the existing questions.
10. To add a new question, type the question in the text area in ‘Add another question’ and click
the Add button.
11. Once the question is added, click in the Options field to add answers to the newly added

Note: Click to delete the newly added question.

12. Click Next. The Feedback Template Maintenance screen is displayed.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.


Feedback Template Maintenance - Link Transaction

Field Description

Field Name Description

Link Transactions


Field Name Description

Feedback Type Indicates whether feedback type is general or is specific to

The options are:
 General: This is very generic in nature and not feedback
specific to a transaction. The template defined will be
applicable when the user wishes to leave feedback
generally through the menu option.
 Transactions: This is in case wherein administrator
wants to define the template very specific to a set of
transaction or a set of transactions.

13. Select the applicable feedback type i.e. general or transactions or both
14. If you select General option, there will be a panel available to define questions along with
options against each of the scale weights of the rating scale. It is not mandatory to assign a
question to each scale weight.
15. If you select Transaction option, there will be a panel available to select the transactions in
the ‘Select transaction’ field and also define questions along with options against each of
the scale weights of the rating scale. It is not mandatory to assign a question to each scale
16. Click Save to save the template information.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
17. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to go to previous screen.



1. Can I define multiple feedback questions as part of the template definition?

No. Only one feedback question can be defined as part of the template and this will be asked
to the business user on which he/she will rate. The same question will be applicable to
General feedback and for transactions.
2. What is the relevance of the questions and option set defined as part of select question

The questions and options defined as part of the select question section are used for
association to the scale weights if required which will be asked to the user on he/she selecting
the weight on the rating scale as part of actual feedback capture.
3. Can I have separate questions associated at scale weight level for different

Yes, you will need to select and group transactions for which you wish to have common
questions and options at scale weight level. Click on Add Another Transaction to add
transactions that require different set of questions and options at scale weight level.

4. Can I remove the questions associated at scale weight level as part of edit?

No. Currently questions once defined can’t be removed.

5. Can the same feedback template be applicable to multiple roles?

Yes, provided multiple roles have been selected in the ‘Applicable to Role’ field.



21.2 Feedback Analytics

Feedback Analytics gives the bank a quick analysis of the feedback information collected from the
customers. The analytics covers information about the average of feedback ratings that
transactions have got, trends in how the average ratings have changed the top and bottom
transactions in terms of ratings etc. The analytics helps banks in quickly identifying the pain points
in customer journeys and points out the specific areas for improvement and action.

Using this option, the System Administrator can analyse the feedback given by users.

The following information will be available to the administrator as part of analytics:

 Top three and bottom three transactions: Shows the top three and bottom three transactions
based on user given rating
 Individual Transactions: Shows the user given ratings, distribution of the ratings given, the
answer options chosen for the associated question & change of ratings over three time periods
for an individual transaction
 All Transactions : Shows the user given ratings, distribution of the ratings given, and change
of ratings over three time periods
 General Feedback: Shows the user’s general feedback i.e. Average rating for the selected time
period, Rating over time (last month, last quarter, last year), Recent comments by user grouped
based on ratings, and the Customer response for the question associated with each rating

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Controls & Monitoring > Feedback Analytics
System / Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Controls & Monitoring >
Feedback Analytics


21.2.1 Top Three and Bottom Three Transactions

Top three and bottom three transactions

Field Description

Field Name Description

Top / Bottom 3 Displays the top / bottom three transactions in graphical format. It
Transactions also displays the ratings given by the user to that particular


21.2.2 Individual Transactions

To view individual transactions:

1. From the Data Set list, select the user for which the transaction is to be searched.
2. From the Touch Point list, select the banking channel.
3. From the Select Transaction list, select the transaction name for which the feedback is to be
4. From the Time Frame list, select the duration in number of months / years.
5. Click Submit. The search results are displayed.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search criteria.

Individual Transactions


Field Description

Field Name Description

Data Set Select the type of the user from the list.
The options are:
 Administrator
 Corporate User
 Retail User

Touch Point Select the banking touch point from the list.
The options are:
 Mobile Application
 Internet
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Wearables
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Siri / Chatbot
 Snapshot

Select Transaction Select the transaction from the list for which you wish to analyze
the feedback.

Time Frame Select the time period for which you wish analyze the feedback.
You can search the feedback on the basis of time range, by
entering the From Date and To Date. The From Date and To
Date fields are displayed, if you select Select Period option from
the Time Frame field.


21.2.3 All Transactions

To view all transactions:

1. From the Data Set list, select the user for which the transaction is to be searched.
2. From the Touch Point list, select the banking channel.
3. From the Select Transaction list, select the transaction name for which the feedback is to be
4. From the Time Frame list, select the duration in number of months / years.
5. Click Submit. The search results are displayed.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search criteria

All Transactions

Field Description

Field Name Description

All Transactions Displays the feedback for all transactions and for a period.
The feedback is segregated in:
 Ratings for All Transactions: It is a rating given by the
users for all transactions across available data groups
and touch point for last one year.


 Rating Over Time: It is a rating given for a period of

time, for example, one month, three month and one

21.2.4 General Feedback

To view general feedback:

1. From the Data Set list, select the user type for which general feedback is to be viewed.
2. From the Touch Point list, select the banking channel for which feedback information needs
to be viewed.
3. From the Time Frame list, select the duration for which the feedback information needs to be
4. Click Submit. The results are displayed based on the search criteria input.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search criteria

General Feedback


Field Description

Field Name Description

Data Set Select the type of the user from the list.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Retail User

Touch Point Select the touch point from the list.

The options are:
 Internet
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Mobile Application

Time Frame Select the time period for which you wish analyze the feedback
from the customer.
You can search the feedback on the basis of time range, by
entering the From Date and To Date. The From Date and To
Date fields are displayed, if you select Select Period option from
the Time Frame field.

Search Result

General Feedback Displays the general feedback details for and the selected search
 Ratings: It displays the percentage of ratings for each
rating given by the users as part of general feedback. It
also displays the average rating value and also displays
the total no. of ratings.
 Rating Over Time: It displays the general feedback
ratings given over a time period i.e. last month, last
quarter, last year.
 Customer Review: It displays the recent 5 comments
provided by users and grouped based on ratings.
 Customer Response: It displays responses chosen by
users for the question associated with each rating


SMS Banking

22. SMS Banking

SMS and Missed call banking gives business user the control to manage his/her account whenever
and wherever needed by sending a SMS or by giving a missed call on a designated number.

Business user just needs to register his/her mobile number with the bank and explicitly opt for
SMS/Missed Call banking services to access the required information.

Using this option, the system administrator can maintain the following templates
 SMS Banking: The template for an event and locale combination can be created by defining
the input keyword, data attributes, whether PIN required and response message.
 Missed Call Banking: The template for an event and locale combination can be created by
defining the contact number on which the customer would need to give a missed call and
response message.

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Templates > SMS and Missed Call Banking > SMS
System / Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Templates > SMS and Missed
Call Banking

SMS Banking - Search

To search SMS template:

1. From the Event Name list, select the appropriate event.
2. From the Locale list, select the language.
3. Click Search. The View screen appears, depending on the search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

SMS Banking

SMS Banking - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Event Name Select the event name.

Locale Select the locale of the template. Currently only ‘English’ is


Event Name Displays the event name as selected on the search page for
which the template details are to be viewed.

Locale Displays the language in which the SMS template is defined i.e.
input syntax as well as the response message

Pin Required Indicates whether PIN is required while requesting information

from the bank.

Input Displays the input syntax containing the keyword, data

attribute(s) and PIN (if required) for the selected event and locale
The format in which the user needs to send the text message
with the required attribute(s) to receive appropriate information.

SMS Banking

Field Name Description

For example: If the account holder wishes to receive account

balance information from the bank and the template is defined
as MBAL <PIN> <AccountNumber>, user’s PIN is defined as
5678, and account number is AT30012100012, then user will
need to send SMS as MBAL 5678 AT30012100012.

Response Displays the response message along with the data attributes as
defined for the event and locale combination. It is the response
message that the account holder would be receiving on sending
a SMS for a specific inquiry or transaction.

Data Attributes Displays the data attributes used as part of response message
for the respective event.

4. Click Edit to if you want to edit the SMS template.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

22.1 SMS Banking - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can modify the SMS Banking template defined for an event
and locale combination.

To edit or update a SMS template:

1. Select the Event and Locale and click Search. You will be navigated to the SMS Banking
Template in View mode.
2. Click Edit to modify the details. The SMS Banking- Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

SMS Banking - Edit

SMS Banking

3. As part of edit, you can modify the keyword defined for the event, include new data attributes
in the input syntax or remove existing data attributes, modify the response message and also
include new data attributes as part of response message.
4. Click Save to update the changes.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
5. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Back to go to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. The success message about modification appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

22.2 Missed Call Banking - Search

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Templates > SMS and Missed Call Banking > Missed Call

Missed Call Banking - Search

Missed Call Banking - Search

To search Missed Call Banking template:

1. From the Event Name list, select the appropriate event.
2. From the Locale list, select the language.
3. Click Search. The View screen appears, depending on the search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction

SMS Banking

Missed Call Banking - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Event Name Select the event name from the list.

Locale Select the locale of the template. Currently only ‘English’ is


Event Name Displays the event name as selected on the search page for which
the template details are to be viewed

Locale Displays the locale as selected on the search page for which the
template details are to be viewed
It is the language in which the information is communicated to the
account holder on request.

Contact Number Displays the contact number defined for the selected event and
locale combination on which the user needs to give a missed call
to get the required information.

Response Displays the response message as defined for the event and locale
combination with the required data attributes. It is the response
message that the account holder would be receiving when he gives
a missed call on a specific contact number

Data Attributes Data attributes that are used as part of response message for the
respective event.

SMS Banking

4. Click Edit to if you want to edit the missed call template.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

22.3 Missed Call Banking - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can modify the Missed Call Banking template defined for
an event and locale combination.

To edit or update a missed call template:

1. Select the Event and Locale from the list and click Search. You will be navigated to the
Missed Call Banking template in View mode.
2. Click Edit to modify the details. The Missed Call Banking- Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Missed Call Banking - Edit

3. As part of edit, you can modify the contact number as well as the response message
4. Edit the required details.
5. Click Save to update the changes.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.

SMS Banking

Click Back to go to previous screen.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
7. The success message about modification appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. How can the business user register for SMS Banking?

User can send a SMS with the required keywords and data attributes defined by the bank to a
specified contact number. User needs to send the SMS from his/her registered mobile number
with the bank. Alternatively he/she can login to Internet Banking and register for SMS Banking.
2. Is it mandatory to have a PIN in each of the request for SMS Banking?

It will depend on the template defined for event and locale combination. If PIN is required, then
user needs to define the PIN as part of registration process and subsequently send that as part
of the request.
3. Does the user need to specify an account number as part of the request while sending

No, it is not necessary. If the user does not specify the account number, system will return
response for the primary account number if defined.
4. For which account does system return the response in case of Missed Call Banking?

System will always return the response for the primary account number (if defined) on receipt of
request through missed call banking
5. User is unable to receive information and getting an error, how can he/she find the
correct keyword?

User might be getting an error due to keyword and/or account number not being valid or the
required data attributes not present. He/she can find the keywords by sending a help message
and system will return the set of business functions supported through SMS Banking along with
keywords for each of the transactions.
6. Should the user be on-boarded on channel platform for him/her to access SMS Banking?

Yes, the user needs to be on-boarded on OBDX with SMS Banking as a touch point enabled to
access SMS Banking.


System Rules

23. System Rules

System rules are defined to set different parameters for each enterprise role (User Type- Retail,
Corporate and Administrator). Various parameters that can be set for each enterprise role are Party
Mapping required Limits check, Party Preferences check, Account Transaction Mapping and
Approvals check, Group Corporate Check. Enabling these parameters at enterprise role, enforces
the system to check if respective maintenances are available for users associated with those
enterprise roles.

E.g. if Approval check flag is enabled for ‘Corporate User’ type of enterprise role; then transactions
initiated by corporate type of users will follow the approval maintenance for a party mapped to user
and vice versa.
The flag ‘Group Corporate’ is applicable only for ‘Corporate User’ type of enterprise role. This flag
in System Rules screen defines the mode of corporate onboarding.
If Group Corporate flag is set ‘ON’ then Bank administration will be able to onboard Group
Corporate. The Group Corporate flag is enabled by default and always “ON”.
When in the Enterprise Role field user type is selected as Corporate User, then the Group
Corporate flag will get displayed in non-editable mode.

This screen allows the System Administrator to search and view existing system rules, and create
new system rule.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Enterprise roles are maintained in application.
 Touch point groups are maintained, if required.
 Limit packages are maintained.


Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

 Maintain system rules

System Rules

 View system rules

 Edit system rules

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Configuration > System Rules

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Configuration > System Rules

System Rules

System Rules

Field Description

Field Name Description

Enterprise Role Name of enterprise roles set in application.

The options can be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User
On selecting an application role, system rules maintained if any, are
shown in editable form.

Party Mapping Party mapping check is required for a particular enterprise role or not.

Party Party preferences check is required or not.


Account Account transaction mapping check is required or not.


Approvals Approvals check is required or not.


Account Account Relationship check is required or not.

Note: The Account relationship check has to be disabled for the
corporate user.

Group Corporate Group Corporate onboarding is required for corporate or not.

1) The Group Corporate flag is enabled by default and always
“ON”. When in the Enterprise Role field user type is selected as
Corporate User, then the Group Corporate flag will get
displayed in non-editable mode.
2) Group Corporate flag = ‘On’, then Bank administration will be
able to onboard Group Corporate.

Limits Check Limits check is required or not.

System Rules

Field Name Description

Limits - Entity Level Configuration

If limit check is required, assign a limit package.
In case of multi entity set up, limit packages needs to be mapped at each entity level.

Name of the Name of entity under which limit packages are to be mapped is shown in
entity the header.

Touch Points/ Name of touch points/ groups under a specific entity to whom the limit
Group packages are to be mapped. Also an option is provided to map the limit
package at Global level (a group created with all internal and external
touch points)

Package List of the packages which are to be mapped to a touch points/ groups.
Only limit packages maintained for the selected touch point will get listed

To set the system rules:

1. From the Enterprise Role list, select the appropriate option.
2. In the Party Mapping Required field, select the appropriate option.
3. In the Party Preferences Check field, select the appropriate option.
4. In the Account Transaction Mapping Check field, select the appropriate option.
5. In the Approvals Check field, select the appropriate option.
6. In the Account Relationship Check field, select the appropriate option.
7. In the Group Corporate Check field, select the appropriate option.
8. In the Limits Check field, select the appropriate option.

a. Click of desired entity to whom limit package to be mapped.

Displays the list of touch points/ groups to map limit package.
b. From the Package list, select the appropriate option.

Note: Click to refresh the option.

c. Repeat steps a to b of step 8 for all touch points/ groups.

i. Click to view the details of touch points group. The View Details -Touch Point
Group popup window appears.

System Rules

View Details -Touch Point Group

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for a touch point group.

Group Description Group description defined for a touch point groups.

Touch Point Group Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or
Type external.

Touch Points List of the internal or external touch points.

9. Click Submit to save system rules.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
The success message appears.
10. The System Rules - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Back to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
11. The success message of System Rules maintenance appears along with the transaction
reference number. Click OK to complete the transaction.

System Rules


1. Who can create-edit this maintenance?

System Administrator can create and edit this maintenance.

2. How can I find out what checks are granted to a particular role and can I change it?

You can select a role and view the checks mapped to the role, you can also edit the type
of checks.

3. How can I group the touch points?

A separate menu option ‘Touch Point Group Maintenance’ is available to the system
administrator user to maintain the groups. Groups maintained under specific entity are
shown on the System Rules screen against which a consolidated limit package can be

4. Is it mandatory to map packages for all the touch points and groups available
under each entity?

Mapping the limit packages for each touch point and for all groups available under each
entity is not mandatory. But it is mandatory to map a limit package at Global level for each


First Time Login

24. First Time Login

Whenever a new user logs into the application for the first time with the user name and password
provided by bank, there are certain tasks that he/she needs to fulfil before being able to access the
online services of the bank. These steps are configured by Bank and can include accepting Terms
and Conditions, Setting up Security Question, My profile and limit information.

The first time login event are configurable at Entity Level. Bank Admin would be able to define the
mandatory and skippable steps for each entity.

Post first time login to the application , system will check the configured steps for the logged in
entity and will be displayed to user. Once the user completes the first time login steps for his
primary entity, and switches to another entity, system will check if the user has completed the first
time login steps for the switched entity, if not system will ask the user to complete the same for
the switched entity.

Each step will either have Next or Skip button basis on the configuration (mandatory/optional) done
by Bank Administrator.
User will be allowed to skip Non-Mandatory Steps.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Enterprise roles are maintained in application.
 Touch point groups are maintained, if required.
 Limit packages are maintained.

Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

 Maintain First Time Login Event
 View First Time Login Event
 Edit First Time Login Event

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Configuration > First Time

First Time Login

First Time Login

Field Description

Field Name Description

Enterprise Name of enterprise roles set in application.

The options can be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User
On selecting an application role, system rules maintained if any, are shown
in editable form.

First Time First time login steps to be followed or not. Administrator can also configure
Login Steps the steps along with the order of the steps that need to be displayed to use

Below field are displayed if the First Time Login Steps option is enabled

Select Option to decide whether that transaction is to be displayed as part of the first
time login steps.

First Time Login

Field Name Description

Name of Name of the transaction which is to be included as part of First Time Login
Screen Steps process.

Level Display the Level for First Time Login event .whether its Entity or Enterprise
Level (non-editable)

Mandatory Option which will decide whether the transaction is mandatory to execute as
part of First Time Login Steps process.

Reorder Order in which the transactions will get displayed when the user logs in for
the first time. Administrator can click on the reorder icon and configure the
order of steps in which these steps need to be displayed to user.

To set up the First Time Login Steps:

1. In the First Time Login Steps field, select the appropriate option.
a. To include in the First Time Login Steps process, select the checkbox(s) against the
transaction and configure the steps.
b. Slide Mandatory option to enabled /disabled the execution of transaction in the First
Time Login Steps process.
c. Slide icon to set order in which transaction are executed in the First Time Login
Steps process.
2. Click Submit to save First Time Login events.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
The success message appears.
3. The First Time Login - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Back to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
4. The success message of First Time Login maintenance appears along with the transaction
reference number. Click OK to complete the transaction.

First Time Login


1. Who can create-edit this maintenance?

System Administrator can create and edit this maintenance.

2. How can I find out first time login checks are granted to a particular role and can I
change it?

You can select a role and view the first time login checks mapped to the role, you can also
edit the type of checks ,reorder it and define it those checks are mandatory or not post
login to the application

3. If user closes the window without completing any mandatory step post first time
login in to application , what will be the system behaviour?

In case the user closes the window without completing any mandatory step, user will be
asked to set up the same in his subsequent login.

Transaction Aspects

25. Transaction Aspects

Using this option, System Administrator can define the aspects for a transaction. Depending on
the aspects defined for a transaction through this maintenance, the transaction will be available/
unavailable for selection in the respective maintenance screen.

User can view the aspects for a selected transaction and also edit the aspects i.e. enable/disable
the aspects for the selected transaction.

The following aspects are available for a transaction:

 Limits Check
 Approvals
 Grace Period
 Working Window
 Blackout
 2 Factor Authentication
 Audit
 e-Receipts
 Customer Relationship Matrix


System Administrator has access to the specified transaction

Note: There are certain transactions in the system for which all the aspects are not applicable. In
such cases on selection of the transaction, the aspect(s) that are not applicable will not get
displayed to user.

Features supported in Application:

 View Transaction Aspects
 Edit Transaction Aspects

How to reach here:

System Administrator
Dashboard > Configuration > Transaction Aspects
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Configuration > Transaction

Transaction Aspects

25.1 View Transaction Aspects

System Administrator can view the aspects enabled/disabled for a transaction.

To view the transaction aspects:

1. From the Transaction list, select the transaction for which you wish to view the defined

Transaction Aspects

Field Description

Field Name Description

Transaction The name of the transaction for which aspects are to be listed.

2. Click Search. The Transaction Aspects- View screen appears.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the selected transaction.

Transaction Aspects

Transaction Aspects- View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Transaction The name of the transaction for which aspects are to be listed.


List of Aspects The list of aspects for a transaction.

3. Click Edit to modify the aspects.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

25.2 Update Transaction Aspects

Using this option user can update the listed aspects for a transaction by enabling or disabling it.

To modify the transaction aspects:

1. From the Transaction list, select the appropriate transaction.
2. Click Search. The Transaction Aspects- View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to modify the aspects i.e. the aspect for a transaction can be enabled/disabled.
The Transaction Aspects- Edit screen appears.

Transaction Aspects

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Transaction Aspects- Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Transaction The name of the transaction for which aspects are to be updated.


List of Aspects The list of aspects applicable for the selected transaction.

4. Click on the toggle button against the respective aspect to enable/disable the aspect
5. Click Save to confirm the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any. User is directed to the Transaction Aspects- Edit
screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
7. The success message appears confirming the modification of aspects for the transaction.


ATM / Branch Maintenance

26. ATM / Branch Maintenance

ATM Branch Locator feature available to the bank customers enables the users to locate the bank’s
ATMs/ branches available within a specific radius of his current location.

Default radius is 2.5 Kms which can be configured by updating the value of
DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS in digx_fw_config_all_b. Changed value will be in effect post server

For the customers, to fetch the relevant information related to ATMs and Branches, System
Administrator maintains the data at their local databases. The details of ATMs and Branches are
fetched from the core banking application, which is further enriched and stored in local database.
This is a one-time activity at the time of implementation. Subsequently, as and when branches and
ATMs are added, or any details regarding them updated, the administrator performs the necessary
updates to the bank database.

Using this option, the System Administrator can search and view the ATM/ branch and its details
(Fetched from core banking application) which include branch/ ATM ID, branch name, address
details, phone number, work timings and services offered by the bank. New ATM and branch details
can also be manually added, viewed and edited.

The System Administrator can manually add new branch/ ATM details one by one, or add multiple
branches / ATMs details simultaneously through file upload.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 ATM and Branches are maintained in core banking application.


Features Supported In Application

 Add ATM/ branches
 View ATM/ branches
 Edit ATM/ branches
 Delete ATM / branches

ATM / Branch Maintenance

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Configuration > ATM/ Branch Maintenance

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Configuration > ATM/ Branch

26.1 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Search

Using this option, System Administrator can search for particular ATM/ Branch based on search
parameters. The search results display a list of ATM/ Branch corresponding to the search inputs.

If the search parameters are not specified, records of all the limits maintained in the application are

To search the ATM/ branch:

1. Click Search. The ATM/ Branch Maintenance screen with search results appears based on
the searched criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Search

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Country Select the country in which you want to locate a branch or ATM of the bank.

City Select the city in which you want to locate a branch or ATM of the bank.

ATM/ Branch Unique key to identify the ATM / Branch. Specify valid Branch / ATM ID
ID maintained in the system.

ATM/ Branch Select if the search is for a branch or ATM.

Search Result

ATM/ Branch Unique key of the ATM / Branch.


Address The address of the ATM / branch that corresponds with the ATM / branch ID.

2. View the search results. Click the ATM/ Branch ID link of the record for which you want to
view the details. The ATM/ Branch Maintenance - View screen appears.

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - View

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

ATM/ Branch ID Unique key to identify the ATM / branch.

ATM/ Branch Name Name of the ATM / branch.

Latitude The location of the ATM/ branch in term of latitude which is the angular
distance, north or south of the equator (an imaginary circle around the
Earth halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole).

Longitude The location of the ATM/ branch in term of longitude which is angular
distance, east or west of the prime meridian (an imaginary line running
from north to south through Greenwich, England).

Address Line 1 - 4 The address of the ATM / branch that corresponds with the ATM /
branch ID.

City The city of the ATM / branch that corresponds with the ATM / branch

Country The country of the ATM / branch.

Work Timings The operating hours of the branch / ATM.

This field appears if you are viewing the details of a Branch of the bank.

Additional Details Additional details if any.

This field appears if you are viewing the details of a Branch of the bank.

Phone Number The phone number of the branch / ATM.

This field appears if you are viewing the details of a Branch of the bank.

Services Offered The services offered by the bank branch / ATM.

3. Click Edit to edit the ATM/ branch details.

Click Delete to delete the ATM/ branch details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

ATM / Branch Maintenance

26.2 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add

Using this option, System Administrator can add ATM or branch details. Single ATM/ branch details
can be added directly using the Add ATM/ branch Details screen. Multiple ATMs or branches can
be added by uploading a File.

Adding ATM/ branches feature allows the bank administrator to:

 Add Single ATM/ Branches
 Add Multiple ATM/ Branches

To add an ATM/ Branch:

1. Navigate to the ATM/Branch Maintenance screen.
2. Click Create.
The ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add ATM/ Branch Details screen appears.

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add Single ATM/ Branch Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Add ATM/ Branch Details

Add New – ATM / Buttons to be selected for adding either the ATM or the branch
Branch details.
The buttons are:
 Branch

3. In the Add New field, click the appropriate button to add the ATM or branch details.
The ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add ATM/ Branch Details screen with options to add
single or multiple ATM/ Branch details appear.

ATM / Branch Maintenance

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add ATM/ Branch Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Add New – ATM / Branch Buttons for adding either the ATM or the branch details.

Input Type Options to add single or multiple ATM/ branch details.

 Add Single ATM/ Branches
 Add Multiple ATM/ Branches

Select the file to be uploaded.


4. In the Input Type field, click the appropriate option to add the single or multiple ATM/ branch
a. If you select Single ATM/ Branches option, the fields for adding the details appears on
the ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add ATM/ Branch Details screen.

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Add Single ATM/ Branches Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Add ATM/ Branch Details

Add New – ATM Buttons for adding either the ATM or the branch details.
/ Branch

Input Type Options to add single or multiple ATM/ branch details.

 Single ATM/ Branch
 Multiple ATMs/ Branches via file upload (.xml format only)

ATM/ Branch ID Unique key to identify the ATM / branch.

ATM/ Branch Name of the ATM / branch which is to be added.


Coordinates The location of the new ATM/ branch in term of latitude which is the angular
distance, north or south of the equator (an imaginary circle around the
Earth halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole).

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Field Name Description

The location of the new ATM/ branch in term of longitude which is angular
distance, east or west of the prime meridian (an imaginary line running from
north to south through Greenwich, England).
Click the Search Location link to auto populate the coordinates value.

Address Line 1 The address of the ATM / branch that corresponds with the ATM / branch
-4 ID.

City The city in which a branch or ATM of the bank is located.

Country The country a branch or ATM of the bank is located.

Work Timings The operating hours of the branch

This field appears if you click Branch button in the Add New field.

Additional Additional details if any.

This field appears if you click Branch button in the Add New field.

Phone Number The phone number of the branch / ATM.

This field appears if you click Branch button in the Add New field.

Alternate A contact number other than your main phone number, if you have any.
Phone Number
This field appears if you click Branch button in the Add New field.

Services Services offered by the bank.

Following services are offered if you click ATM button in the Add New field.
(The information will be fetched based on the data maintained as Day 0).
 Non-Metro ATM
 Metro ATM
 Cardless Cash
Following services are offered if you click Branch button in the Add New
field. (The information will be fetched based on the data maintained as Day
 Wealth branch
 Loan Servicing Branch
 Forex Branch
 Gold Loan Branch
 Touch Banking Branch
 Lockers Enabled Branch

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Field Name Description

 Retail Branch

b. In the ATM/ Branch ID field, enter the unique id for ATM/ branch.
c. In the ATM/ Branch Name field, enter the name of the new ATM/ branch.
d. In the Coordinates field, click the Search Location link to enter the location. The
coordinate value appears in the field.
e. In the Address Line 1, 2 field, enter the address of the new ATM/ branch.
f. In the City field, enter the city of the ATM/ branch.
g. From the Country list, select the country of the new ATM/ branch.
h. In the Phone Number field, enter the phone number of the bank branch.
i. Click Add to add the ATM/ branch details.
Click Cancel to cancel current transaction.
j. The Add ATM/ Branch Details - Review screen appears post necessary validations.
Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
User is directed to the Add ATM/ Branch Details screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
k. The success message of saving the ATM/ Branch maintenance appears along with the
transaction reference number and status of the transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
5. In the ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add Branch Details screen, if you select Multiple ATM/
Branches option, the ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add ATM/ Branch Details screen for
uploading the files appears.

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add Multiple ATM/ Branch Details

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Add ATM/ Branch Details

Add New Buttons to be selected for adding either the ATM or the branch details.

Input Type Options to add single or multiple ATM/ branch details.

 Single ATM/ Branch
 Multiple ATM/ Branches

File Select the file to be uploaded.

6. In the Input Type field, click the appropriate option to add the single or multiple ATM/ branch
a. If you select Multiple ATM/ Branches option, the fields for uploading file (specific file
format is mentioned here – XML only) appears on the ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Add
ATM/ Branch Details screen.
b. In the File field, select the file to be uploaded.
c. Click Add to add the ATM/ branch details.
Click Cancel to cancel current transaction.
d. The Add ATM/ Branch Details - Review screen appears post necessary validations.
Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
User is directed to the Add ATM/ Branch Details screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
e. The success message of saving the ATM/ Branch maintenance appears along with the
transaction reference number and status of the transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

ATM / Branch Maintenance

ATM file template example


ATM / Branch Maintenance

Branch file template example


ATM / Branch Maintenance

26.3 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can update or edit an ATM/ branch details.

To edit an ATM/ branch details:

1. In the ATM/ Branch Maintenance screen, click Search. The ATM/ Branch Maintenance screen with
search results appears based on the search criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
2. Click the ATM/ Branch ID link of the record for which you want to view the details. The ATM/
Branch Maintenance - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the ATM/ branch details. The ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Edit screen

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

ATM/ Branch Unique key to identify the ATM / branch.

This field is not editable.

ATM / Branch Maintenance

Field Name Description

ATM/ Branch Name of the ATM / branch which is to be edited.


Latitude The location of the ATM/ branch in term of latitude which is the angular
distance, north or south of the equator (an imaginary circle around the Earth
halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole).

Longitude The location of the ATM/ branch in term of longitude which is angular distance,
east or west of the prime meridian (an imaginary line running from north to
south through Greenwich, England).

Address Line The address of the ATM / branch that corresponds with the ATM / branch ID.

City The city of the ATM / branch that corresponds with the ATM / branch ID.

Country The country of the ATM / branch.

Work The operating hours of the branch / ATM.

This field is only applicable when the user is editing details of the Branch.

Additional Additional details if any.

This field appears if you are viewing the details of a Branch of the bank.

Phone The phone number of the branch / ATM.

This field is only applicable when the user is editing details of the Branch.

Services The services offered by the bank branch/ ATM.


4. In the ATM/ Branch Name field, edit the name of the new ATM/ branch if required.
5. In the Coordinates field, click the Search Location link to enter the location. The coordinate
value appears in the field. Modify, if required.
6. In the Address Line 1, 2 field, edit the address of the new ATM/ branch if required.
7. In the City field, edit the city of the ATM/ branch (if required).
8. From the Country list, select the country of the new ATM/ branch.
9. In the Phone Number field, edit the phone number of the bank branch if required.
10. Click Save to update the ATM/ branch details.
Click Cancel to cancel current transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

ATM / Branch Maintenance

11. The Edit ATM/ Branch Details - Review screen appears post necessary validations. Verify
the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make changes if any.
User is directed to the Edit ATM/ Branch Details screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
12. The success message of saving the ATM/ Branch maintenance appears along with the status
of the transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

26.4 ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Delete

The System Administrator can delete the ATM and branch details.

To delete ATM/ branch details:

1. In the ATM/ Branch Maintenance screen, click Search. The ATM/ Branch Maintenance
screen with search results appears based on the search criteria.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
2. Click the ATM/ Branch ID link of the record for which you want to view the details. The ATM/
Branch Maintenance - View screen appears.
3. Click Delete to delete the ATM/ branch details.
The application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message with an option of Yes /

ATM/ Branch Maintenance - Delete

ATM / Branch Maintenance

4. Click Yes to delete ATM / Branch. It will navigate to confirmation page with a success
message and the status.
Click No if you do not wish to delete the ATM / Branch.
5. Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. In which format I can upload a file with ATM and Branch details?

You can upload a file in xml format to add new branches and ATMs.

2. Do I need to remember the latitude and longitude while updating single


No, you may search the location. Based on the location selected latitude and longitude
data will be auto fetched and shown on the screen.

3. Can I edit the address and other details of already saved ATM/Branch?

Yes, an option to edit the information of already saved ATM/Branches is provided.


Product Mapping

27. Product Mapping

Product mapping feature allows the System Administrator to map products to users from the

System Administrator can map products maintained in the core banking system to different User
type and all the users falling under that user type can open accounts for the mapped products only.
This option is currently enabled for Term Deposit and Recurring Deposit module.

For example: A user can open a term deposit or a recurring deposit only under those products
which are mapped to the User Type/User Segment assigned to the user. Products which are not
mapped, will not be available (for opening deposit accounts) to a channel user. This will be a part
of Day 1 setup.

Note: For User Type – Retail, product mapping can be done for User Type and User Segment

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule is set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Necessary products are maintained in core banking application.


Features Supported In Application

The module supports following features:

 View Product Mapping
 Edit Product Mapping
 Create Product Mapping

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Configuration > Product Mapping

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Configuration > Product

Product Mapping

27.1 Product Mapping - View

Using Product mapping view option, System Administrators can view the list of products mapped
to the product module. The System Administrator can view the mapping details by clicking the User
Segments link.

To view the product mapping:

1. Navigate to the Product Mapping screen. The Product Mapping screen with mapped
products appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the dashboard.

Product Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type available for mapping products.

Product Module Following product modules are available for mapping:

 Term Deposit
 Recurring Deposit

Product Type The type of products available to be mapped to the user segment or
to the role for that product module.

Search Result

Product Mapping

Field Name Description

User Type The user for which products are mapped.

User Segment The user segments for which products mapped. This field is
applicable only for Retail user type.

Products Mapped The number of products mapped to the user segment or user type
for that product type and product module.

2. Click the Product Mapped link of the user record for which you want to view the details.
The Product Mapping - View screen appears.

Product Mapping - View

Product Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description


User Type The user for which products are mapped.

Product Module Following product modules are available for mapping:

 Term Deposit
 Recurring Deposit

Note: For corporate only Term Deposit product module is


Product Type The type of product under the selected module for which the product
list needs to be fetched .

User Segment The user segment for which products are mapped. This field is
applicable only for Retail user type.

Product Name Name of the product which is mapped to the user type for the
selected product type and product module.

Expiry Date The expiry date of the product.

If the product is expired, an 'Expired' flag is shown against the

Status The current status of the product.

Currency The currency in which products are maintained.

Minimum Amount The minimum permissible amount for opening deposit under the
selected product.

Maximum Amount The maximum permissible amount for opening deposit under the
selected product.

3. Click Edit to edit the user-segment - product mapping.

Click Cancel the operation and navigate to the ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Product Mapping

27.2 Product Mapping - Edit

This function enables the System Administrator to edit the product mapping. The System
Administrator can map or delete the products to the product module.

To edit or update the product mapping:

1. In the Product Mapping screen, click the Product Mapped link of the user record for which
you want to edit the details.
The Product Mapping - View screen appears.
2. Click Edit to edit the user-segment - product mapping. The Product Mapping – Edit screen
Click Cancel the operation and navigate to the ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Product Mapping - Edit

Product Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description


User Type The user for which products are mapped.

Product Module One of the following product modules for which the mapping is to be
 Term Deposit
 Recurring Deposit

Product Type The list of product type, available for mapping.

User Segment The user segment, for which products are mapped.

Product Name Name of the product which is mapped to the user type for the
selected product type and product module.

Expiry Date The expiry date of the product.

If the product is expired, an 'Expired' flag is shown against products.

Status The current status of the product.

Currency The currency in which products are maintained.

Minimum Amount The minimum permissible amount for opening deposit under the
selected product.

Maximum Amount The maximum permissible amount for opening deposit under the
selected product.

3. Edit View the defined values for fields, in an editable form.

4. Edit the required details.
5. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Product Mapping

7. The success message of transaction submission appears along with the transaction
reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

27.3 Product Mapping - Create

This option enables the System Administrator to select the products and map it to the Product

To create a new product mapping:

1. Navigate to the Product Mapping screen.
2. Select the User Type for which the product mapping needs to be maintained
3. Select the User Segment (applicable only for Retail user type).

Product Mapping

4. Click Map Products.

The Product Mapping - Create screen appears.

Note: The Map Products link is available only if no products are mapped to the user segment.

Product Mapping

Product Mapping - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description


User Type The user for which products are mapped.

Product Module Following product modules are available for mapping:

 Term Deposit
 Recurring Deposit

Product Type The list of product, available for mapping.

Product Mapping

Field Name Description

User Segment The user segment, for which products are to be mapped.

Product Name Name of the product which is mapped to the user type for the
selected product type and product module.

Expiry Date The expiry date of the product.

If the product is expired, an 'Expired' flag is shown against products.

Status The current status of the product.

Note: Only the active products are displayed

Currency The currency in which products are maintained.

Minimum Amount The minimum permissible amount for opening deposit under the
selected product.

Maximum Amount The maximum permissible amount for opening deposit under the
selected product.

5. From the User Type list, select user for which products are mapped.
6. From the Product Module list, select product modules which are available for mapping.
7. From the Product Type list, select product type available for mapping.
8. Select the checkbox(s) for the product which has to be mapped to the user.
9. In the Minimum Amount field, enter the minimum permissible amount for opening deposit
under the selected product.
10. In the Maximum Amount field, enter the maximum permissible amount for opening deposit
under the selected product.
11. Click Save to save the mapping.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
12. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
13. The success message of transaction submission appears along with the transaction
reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Product Mapping


1. For which type of products, product mapping functionally is available?

As of now, product mapping feature is enabled only for Term Deposit and Recurring Deposit
type of products for retail users and Term Deposit for corporate users.

2. Can customer view the account details of an account opened under a product which is
not mapped?

Yes, user can view the account details of an account opened under a product which is not
mapped. The restriction will only be for opening new account from channel.

3. What will happen once the products mapped gets expired?

The expired products will no longer be available for product mapping. Also customers will not
be able to open new accounts using expired product.

4. What will happen if the products are not mapped to any user segment and are only
mapped to user type?

In this case, all the products mapped to the user type will be available for account opening to
the users associated to that user type.


User Profile Maintenance

28. User Profile Maintenance

This function enables the System/Bank Administrator user to manage the user profile details that
needs to be shown and needs to be made available for modification for Retail users. Details
maintained on user profile includes date of birth, PAN card number, Aadhar number, passport
number, national ID, driving license, communication address, email ID, and contact number, fax
number, etc.

In a multi entity scenario, Administrator can do this setup for each entity by selecting the entity.

Note: For the business users to be able to modify the ‘My Profile’ fields, the modification of those
fields should be allowed in FCUBS or in the backend Host System.
FCUBS has a separate maintenance for allowing modification of user’s details, please make sure
that modification of the required user details in enabled (if the FCUBS is configured as a backend

 User must have a valid Login credentials
 Transaction access is provided to system administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank administrator to perform the actions.


Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

 View User Profile
 Edit User Profile

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Configuration > User Profile Maintenance
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Configuration > User Profile

User Profile Maintenance

28.1 User Profile - View

This screen displays the setup done for user profile maintenance done for user type –Retail.

To view user profile details:

1. Navigate to the User Profile Maintenance screen, the user profile maintained for the user

User Profile Maintenance- View

User Profile Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Displays the user type for whom the user profile is to be created.
The user can be:
 Retail

Details to be displayed on User Profile

Personal Displays the personal details maintained for the bank/system

Information administrator for being shown to business user on his/her profile.
The options against each field are:
 Enable: If the toggle is displayed as enabled, that field can be
modified by the business user.
 Disable: If the toggle is displayed as disabled, that field cannot
be modified by the business user.

Contact Displays the contact details maintained for the bank/system administrator
Information for being shown to business user on his/her profile.
The options against each field are:
 Enable: If the toggle is displayed as enabled, that field can be
modified by the business user.
 Disable: If the toggle is displayed as disabled, that field cannot
be modified by the business user.

28.2 User Profile - Edit

This function enables the bank/system administrator to modify the existing setup done for user
profile details.

To modify user profile details:

1. Navigate to the User Profile Maintenance screen, if the user profile is already maintained for
user, appears on User Profile Maintenance- View screen.
2. Click Edit to modify the user profile details. The User Profile Maintenance - Edit screen
appears with the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Profile Maintenance

User Profile Maintenance- Edit

3. Modify the required details, e.g. date of birth, PAN number, Aadhar number, passport number
communication address and phone number, fax number etc.
4. Click Save to save the user profile details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
5. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Edit to modify the user profile details.
6. The success message of user profile maintenance completed successfully appears along
with the transaction reference number and status.

User Profile Maintenance


5. Can this maintenance be done for Corporate and Admin users as well?

No, this maintenance can only be done for Retail users.

6. Can the System/bank administrator select any value from the personal /contact
information field and the same will start appearing on the business user’s profile

Yes, the values selected by Bank administrator will be displayed to business user in his/her
profile, provided those fields are supported by host system.


Payee Restriction Setup

29. Payee Restriction Setup

Bank customers add payees or beneficiaries to transfer funds from one account to another. Bank
can limit the number of payees that can be added by the retail user in a day.

Payee Restriction set up maintenance allows the System Administrator to restrict the number of
payees that a retail user can create for each payment network per day.

System Administrator can also restrict the total number of payees irrespective of payment network
that the retail user can create per day.

Payee restriction setup can be done for a User type and also for a User type and Segment

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions


Features supported in Application

Payee Restriction Setup maintenance is created only once at the 'Day 1' configuration by the
System Administrator. However it can later be viewed and modified.

This option allows an administrator to:

 Create Payee Restriction Maintenance
 View Existing Maintenance
 Edit Maintenance

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Payments > Payee Restrictions

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Payments > Payee Restrictions

Payee Restriction Setup

29.1 Payee Restriction Setup - View

Using this option, administrator can search for particular payee restriction set up based on different
search parameters. The search results displays a payee restriction set up based on search filters

System displays the payee restriction set up for the search criteria entered. When System
Administrator user is accessing Payee Restriction Set-up for the very first time, the limit set up for
payment network type is defaulted to ‘No’.

To view payee restriction setup:

1. From the User Type list, select the appropriate user whose payee restriction setup to be
2. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate name of segment whose payee
restriction setup to be viewed.
3. Click View. The Payee Restriction Setup screen with payee restriction setup appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the process.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Select the user type for which payee restriction setup details needs to be

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Name Description

User Select the name of segment or which payee restriction setup details needs to
Segment be searched.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type for which payee restriction setup is done.

User Segment The user segment for which payee restriction setup is done.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Name Description

Cumulative Payee Whether the cumulative payee restriction is enabled or not.


Total number of Payees Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
permitted per day cumulative payee restriction is enabled.

Internal Payment

Account Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction internal payment.

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.

Domestic Payment

Account Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction domestic payment.
For India region this will be applicable for all the payments falling
under domestic type of payment (NEFT, RTGS and IMPS).

Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the

Payees Per day
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.

Draft Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for a
Restriction domestic draft payment.

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.

International Payment

Account Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction international payment.

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for international payment is enabled.

Draft Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction international draft payment.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Name Description

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for international draft payment is

4. Click Edit to edit the payee restriction set up.

The Payee Restriction Set-up-Edit screen with values in editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

29.2 Payee Restriction Setup - Edit

System Administrator can modify existing payee restriction maintenance.

Using this option, System Administrator can edit the payee restriction option for a specific payment
network. Also an edit is permitted on number of payees per payment network and for cumulative
combined limit irrespective of payment network.

To edit a payee restriction setup:

1. Click Edit. The Payee Restriction Setup - Edit screen appears.

Payee Restriction Setup

Payee Restriction Setup - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type for which payee restriction setup is done.

User Segment The user segment for which payee restriction setup is done.

Cumulative Payee Whether the cumulative payee restriction is enabled or not.

This field is not editable.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Name Description

Total number of Payees Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
permitted per day cumulative payee restriction is enabled.
This field will only be displayed if cumulative payee restriction is

Internal Payment

Account Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction internal payment.
For India region this will be applicable for all the payments
falling under domestic type of payment (NEFT, RTGS and

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if Account - Payee Restriction for
Internal Payment is disabled.

Domestic Payment

Account Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction domestic payment.

Draft Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for a
Restriction domestic draft payment.

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if Draft - Payee Restriction for
Domestic Payment is disabled.

International Payment

Account Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction international payment.

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for international payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if International Payment - Payee
Restriction for Domestic Payment is disabled.

Draft Payee - Payee Whether the account payee restriction is enabled or not, for
Restriction international draft payment.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Name Description

Payees Per Day Displays the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for international draft payment is
Field will not be displayed if International Draft - Payee
Restriction for Domestic Payment is disabled.

2. In the Cumulative Payee Restriction/ Account Payee - Payee Restriction/ Draft Payee -
Payee Restriction field, select the appropriate option.
a. If user select Yes option:
i. Edit the values in Total number of Payees permitted per day field.
Click or to edit the values.
b. If user select No option:
i. Fields Total Number of payees per day and Payees per day are not displayed for
respective payment type.
3. Select the transactions whose details you want to edit.
4. Click Save to save the changes made to the payee restriction set up. The message box
informing that the changes will be effective next day appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
5. The Payee Restriction Set-up – Edit – Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
The success message of Payee Restriction Set-up – Edit appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

29.3 Payee Restriction Setup - Create

System Administrator can setup Payee Restriction at the 'Day 1' configuration for a user type or a
user type and user segment combination.

Using this option, System Administrator can setup payee restriction for a specific payment network.
Administrator can also define permitted number of payees per payment network along with the
cumulative combined limit for the number of payees irrespective of payment network.

To create payee restriction setup:

1. From User Type list, select appropriate user for whom payee restriction setup is to be done.

Payee Restriction Setup

2. From the User Segment list, select appropriate user segment for whom payee restriction
setup is to be done.
3. Click View. The popup message of Payee Restriction Setup for the selected segment not
done appears.

Payee Restriction Setup screen

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type for which payee restriction setup is done.

User Segment The user segment for which payee restriction setup is done.

4. Click Set Up Now to create Payee Restriction Setup. Payee Restriction Setup - Create
screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Payee Restriction Setup screen

Payee Restriction Setup

Payee Restriction Setup - Create

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type for which payee restriction setup is being done.

User Segment The user segment for which payee restriction setup is being

Cumulative Payee Enable cumulative payee restriction to define the total number of
Restriction payees across the network types

Total number of Payees Specify the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
permitted per day cumulative payee restriction is enabled.
This field will only be displayed if cumulative payee restriction is

Internal Payment

Account Payee - Payee Enable cumulative payee restriction to define the number of
Restriction payees for internal payment.
For India region this will be applicable for all the payments
falling under domestic type of payment (NEFT, RTGS and

Payees Per Day Specify the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if Account - Payee Restriction for
Internal Payment is disabled.

Domestic Payment

Account Payee - Payee Enable cumulative payee restriction to define the number of
Restriction payees for domestic payment.

Payees Per Day Specify the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if Account Payee Restriction for
Domestic Payment is disabled.

Draft Payee - Payee Enable cumulative payee restriction to define the number of
Restriction payees for a domestic draft payment.

Payees Per Day Specify the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for internal payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if Draft - Payee Restriction for
Domestic Payment is disabled.

Payee Restriction Setup

Field Name Description

International Payment

Account Payee - Payee Enable cumulative payee restriction to define the number of
Restriction payees for international payment.

Payees Per Day Specify the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for international payment is enabled.
Field will not be displayed if International Payment - Payee
Restriction for Domestic Payment is disabled.

Draft Payee - Payee Enable cumulative payee restriction to define the number of
Restriction payees for international draft payment.

Payees Per Day Specify the total number of payees that are permitted, if the
account payee restriction for international draft payment is
Field will not be displayed if International Draft - Payee
Restriction for Domestic Payment is disabled.

5. In the Cumulative Payee Restriction/ Account Payee - Payee Restriction/ Draft Payee -
Payee Restriction field, select the appropriate option.
a. If user select Yes option:
i. Edit the values in Total number of Payees permitted per day or Payees Per Day
Click or to increase or decrease the values.
b. If user select No option:
i. Fields Total Number of payees per day and Payees per day are not displayed for
respective payment type.
6. Select the transactions whose details you want to define.
7. Click Save to save the changes made to the payee restriction set up. The message box
informing that the changes will be effective next day appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
8. The Payee Restriction Set-up– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation.
The success message of Payee Restriction Set-up creation appears along with the

Payee Restriction Setup

transaction reference number.

Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
9. Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


1. Will edited maintenance be applicable from immediate effect?

No, edited maintenance will be applicable from next calendar date.

2. What happens if the user’s cumulative payee limit for a day is fully utilized but
network for which he is creating a payee is available?

System will first check the availability of cumulative payee limit. If available, will check
network level payee availability limit. If both the conditions are met, user is allowed to create
a payee.

3. Is this maintenance is also applicable for corporate type of users?

No, currently this maintenance is applicable only to Retail Users.


Forex Deal Maintenance

30. Forex Deal Maintenance

Using this option System Administrator can maintain currency pair. The maintained currency pairs
are made available to corporate users to book deals and utilize those while making payments.

Features supported in application

Using this option System Administrator can perform the following actions:
 Maintain currency Pair

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Payments > Forex Deal Maintenance

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Payments > Forex Deal

30.1 Add Currency Pairs

Using this option System Administrator can define currency pairs.

To add currency pair:

1. From the Currency Pair list, select the appropriate currency pair.
2. Click Add to add the currency pair.

Forex Deal Maintenance - Create

Forex Deal Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Add Currency Pair Details

Currency Pair List of the permissible currency combinations in which corporate user can
book a deal.

Selected Currency Pairs

Currency Pair The maintained currency pair for corporate users.

Action Allows user to maintain i.e. delete the selected currency pairs.

3. The Currency pair gets added in the Selected Currency Pairs section.

4. Click to delete the added currency pair.

5. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Forex Deal Maintenance

30.2 Update Forex Deal

Using this option, System Administrator can modify active currency pairs maintained in the
application. System Administrator can delete the existing maintained currency pair.

To update forex deal:

1. Click Edit.
The list of active currency pairs maintained in application appears.

Forex Deal Maintenance- Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Active Currency Pairs

Action Allows user to maintain i.e. delete the existing currency pairs.

2. Click to delete the selected currency pair.

3. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Reset to clear the entered details.


Biller Category Maintenance

31. Biller Category Maintenance

Using this function System Administrator can create new biller categories and can upload an image
(image file type allowed SVG & PNG only) for that biller, which will appears as icon for these
categories. These categories are mapped to billers when system administrator is creating billers.
E.g. administrator can create biller category as ‘Insurance’ and link this Biller Category when
creating Insurance billers like ‘United Healthcare’ and ‘Healthspring’ and ‘WellCare Health Plans’.

The System administrators can change the order of the categories as per their priority by dragging
the categories. In the Biller Category drop-down these categories appear in the same order for
selection to the customers, as defined by the administrators.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.


Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

 Manage Biller Category
 Add Biller Category
 Edit Biller Mapping Category
 Delete Biller Category

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Payments > Biller Category Maintenance

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Payments > Biller Category

Biller Category Maintenance

31.1 Biller Category Maintenance - Summary

Biller Category Maintenance screen displays a list of all the billers along with the biller icon and
number of billers mapped to the selected biller category.

Biller Category Maintenance - Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Biller Icon The image associated with the category.

Displays the preview of the image uploaded for the category.

Biller Category The name of the biller category.

Mapped Billers The number of billers mapped to the category at a given point of time.

4. Click the Add Category link to add a new biller category.

Click to edit the biller category.
Click . to delete existing biller category.
Click the Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Biller Category Maintenance

31.2 Biller Category Maintenance - Add Category

Using this option, the System Administrator can add a new biller category.

To add a new biller category:

5. In the Biller Category Maintenance screen, click the Add Category link to add a new biller
category. The Biller Category Maintenance screen with a row to add new category appears.

Biller Category Maintenance - Edit Category

Field Description

Field Name Description

Biller Icon The image associated with the category.

Displays the preview of the image uploaded for the category.

Biller The name of the biller category. Category name should be unique.
Category name entered here will appear as a Biller Category drop-down to
the customers screens.

6. Click the Biller Icon field, select and upload the biller image. OBDX provides a set of icons for
categories out of the box. These image files have to be copied to the user’s local drive before
selection. Alternatively user can select his own icon images as long as they are in SVG or
PNG format.
7. In the Biller Category field, enter the name of the biller category.

Biller Category Maintenance

8. Click .
Click to cancel the transaction.
Click the Remove link to remove the uploaded image and upload a new biller image.
9. The success message of saving the biller category appears along with the status and
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

31.3 Biller Category Maintenance - Edit Category

System Administrator can modify the existing biller category using this screen.

To edit a biller category:

10. In the Biller Category Maintenance screen, select and click against the record for which
you want to edit the biller category. The Biller Category Maintenance screen appears in the
editable form.

Biller Category Maintenance - Edit Category

11. In the Biller Icon field, click the Remove link to remove the uploaded image and upload a
new biller image, if required.
12. In the Biller Category field, edit the name of the biller category, if required.

13. Click .
Click to cancel the transaction.

Biller Category Maintenance

14. The success message of saving the biller category appears along with the status and
reference number. Click OK to complete the transaction.
15. Click and drag against a record to re-arrange the biller categories, if required.

31.4 Biller Category Maintenance - Delete

Using this option the system administrator can delete a biller category. As part of this option, only
those biller category can be deleted if there are no billers mapped to the existing biller category.

To delete a biller category:

16. In the Biller Category Maintenance screen, select and click against the record for which
you want to delete the biller category. The application prompt the administrator with a
message 'Are you sure you want to delete the category' with an option of Yes / No.

Biller Category Maintenance - Delete

17. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion request.

It will navigate to confirmation page with a success message along with the status and
reference number.
Click No if you do not wish to proceed with deletion.
18. Click OK to complete the transaction.

Biller Category Maintenance

1. Can I link a biller to multiple biller categories?
No, one biller can be linked only to one biller category.
2. Can I delete a biller category which is having billers mapped to it?
No, biller category can only be deleted if no billers are mapped to a category.
3. Can I change the icon image associated with a category?
Yes, you can change the image as long as the new images are in PNG or SVG format.
4. If I change the order of the categories, how long does it take to come into effect in the
The change happens in real time (or after checker approves the change). You will start seeing
the revised order of categories in all Biller Category drop-downs immediately.


Touch Point Maintenance

32. Touch Point Maintenance

Touch points are different channels/medium through which transactions or inquiries can be
performed in OBDX.

Touch points in OBDX are of type ‘Internal’ and ‘External’.

Internal Touch points are defined as part of Day 0 definition whereas External Touch Points are
typically third party applications that can be defined by the System Administrator as part of
onboarding in OBDX.

Internal Touch Points defined/available as parts of OBDX system are as follows:

 Internet
 Mobile App
 Mobile Browser
 Missed Call
 Siri/Chatbot
 Snapshot
 Wearables

External Touch Points enable the user to perform inquiries and transactions from Third Party
applications provided the user has provided consent to the Third Party Application. Each Third
Party application i.e. Client defined on the OAuth Server is onboarded as an External Touch

As part of Touch Point Maintenance, Touch Points can be defined/created, viewed/inquired and
modified by the System Administrator

 Transaction Access has been provided to the System Administrator
 Approval Rules have been setup for approval of Touch Point Maintenance


Touch Point Maintenance

Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

 Search/ View Touch Point
 Create Touch Point
 Edit Touch Point

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Authorization and Access Controls >Touch Points
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Authorization and Access
Controls >Touch Points

32.1 Touch Point Maintenance - View

Using this option, System Administrator can search and view details for specific touch point based
on different search parameters like Touch Point ID or Touch Point name.

To search and view touch point:

1. In the Touch Point Maintenance screen, enter the search parameters and click Search.
The Touch Point Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the search
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Touch Point Maintenance - Search

Touch Point Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Touch Point ID Specify the touch point ID to search a specific Touch point by ID.

Touch Point Specify the touch point name to search a Touch point by name.

Search Results

Touch Point Displays the touch point name and unique ID defined for a Touch point.
Name and ID

Touch Point Displays the touch point type i.e. internal/ external against the Touch
Type points.

2. Click the Touch Point Name and ID link to view details of the touch point. The Touch Point
Maintenance - View screen appears.

Touch Point Maintenance - View

Touch Point Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Touch Point ID Unique ID defined for the Touch Point.

Touch Point Name of the touch point.


Touch Point Type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal or external.

Client ID Client ID of the touch point if touch point is of type internal or external.

Scope The applicable scope(s) defined for touch point in case of type External.

Upload Logo The logo of the Third Party. This field is displayed if the Touch Point Type
is External.

Touch Point Status of the Touch Point i.e. whether it is Inactive or Active. If touch point
Status is marked as Inactive, then the system will not honor the request i.e.
transaction or inquiry is initiated from that touch point.

Headless Mode Mode in which the touch point operates i.e. headless mode enabled /
disabled. If headless mode is enabled, it means the touch point is capable
of working without user interface and session parameters

Note: By default, the mode is in disabled state.

Two Factor Two Factor Authentication enabled / disabled for the touch point.

Default Available Touch point default available to users. If enabled, then the user gets
access to touch points which are default available.

Self On Board Whether the user can self on board himself on the touch point or by bank
Touch Points administrator.

Skip First Time Displays if Skip First Time Login Flow option is checked by the user.
Login Flow
If this option is enabled for the selected touch point, user will not be shown
the first time login steps (configured in system rule), when he/she logs in
for the first time.

Consent To decide if Consent definition and validation is required for a Touch Point
Required i.e. TPPs. For UK Open Banking, it should always be defined as ‘Y’.

Touch Point Maintenance

3. Click Edit to modify touch point details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

32.2 Touch Point Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can modify the details of a touch point

To modify touch point details:

1. In the Touch Point Maintenance screen, enter the search parameters and click Search.
The Touch Point Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the search
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
2. Click the Touch Point Name and ID link to view details of the touch point. The Touch Point
Maintenance - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to modify the touch point details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Touch Point Maintenance - Edit

Touch Point Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Touch Point ID Displays the Unique ID for the Touch Point and cannot be modified.

Touch Point Displays the name of the touch point. The same can be modified.

Touch Point Displays the type of touch point i.e. whether touch point is of type internal
Type or external. The same can be modified

Client ID Displays the Client ID of the touch point if touch point is of type External.
The same can be modified.
This field is mandatory for External type of touch point.

Scope Displays the applicable scope(s) defined for touch point in case of type
External. The same can be modified i.e. new scopes can be added and/or
existing can be removed.

Upload Logo The logo of the Third Party. This field is displayed if the Touch Point Type
is External.

Touch Point Displays the status of touch point. The same can be modified to enable to
Status an active state or disable to make it inactive.

Headless Mode Displays the mode in which the touch point operates i.e. headless mode
enabled / disabled. The same can be modified to enable/disable the mode

Two Factor Displays if Two Factor Authentication is enabled/disabled for the touch
Authentication point. The same can be modified.

Default Available Displays if Touch point is available to users by default. If enabled, then
the user gets access to touch points which are default available.

Self On Board Displays if Touch point can be on boarded by the user. The same can be
Touch Points modified.

Skip First Time Displays if Skip First Time Login Flow option is checked by the user.
Login Flow
If this option is enabled for the selected touch point, user will not be shown
the first time login steps (configured in system rule), when he/she logs in
for the first time. The same can be modified.

Consent To decide if Consent definition and validation is required for a Touch Point
Required i.e. TPPs.
For UK Open Banking, it should always be defined as ‘Y’. The same can
be modified.

Touch Point Maintenance

4. Modify the required details, e.g. Touch Point Name, Touch Point Type, Client ID, Scope,
Logo, Touch Point Status, Headless Mode, Two Factor Authentication, Default Available and
Self On board Touch Points.
5. Click Save to save the touch point details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The success message of Touch Point Maintenance saved successfully appears along with
the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

32.3 Touch Point Maintenance - Create

Using this option, System Administrator can create new touch point of type Internal or External

To create a touch point:

1. In the Touch Point Maintenance screen, click Create. The Touch Point Maintenance -
Create screen appears.

Touch Point Maintenance - Create

Touch Point Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Touch Point ID Specify the unique ID for the Touch Point.

Touch Point Specify the name for the Touch Point.


Touch Point Select the type of Touch point type i.e. whether the type is Internal or
Type External

Client ID Specify the Client ID for the touch point. This field is mandatory for
External Type of Touch point.

Scope Specify the applicable scope(s) for the touch point.

This field is enabled, if you select External option in the Touch Point
Type field.

Upload Logo Upload logo of the Third Party Provider through browse and upload image
option. This field is enabled, if you select External option in the Touch
Point Type field.

Touch Point Select the status for the touch point i.e. whether it is active/inactive.

Headless Mode Select the mode in which the touch point operates i.e. whether headless
mode is to be enabled for a touch point.

Note: By default this mode is in disabled state.

Two Factor Select if Two Factor Authentication is required for a touch point.

Default Available Select if Touch point is to be default made available to users. If enabled,
then the user gets access to touch points which are default available

Self On Board Select if user will self on board himself on the touch point or by the bank
Touch Points administrator. If the bank administrator on boards the user on a touch
point, then the same needs to be disabled.

Skip First Time Select if user wants to skip the first time login flow for a touch point. If this
Login Flow option is enabled for the selected touch point, user will not be shown the
first time login steps (configured in system rule), when he/she logs in for
the first time.

Touch Point Maintenance

Field Name Description

Consent Select if user wants Consent definition and validation is required for a
Required Touch Point i.e. TPPs. For UK Open Banking, it should always be defined
as ‘Y’.

2. In the Touch Point ID field, enter the unique ID for the touch point.
3. In the Touch Point Name field, enter the name for touch point.
4. In the Touch Point Type field, select the appropriate option i.e. Internal or External.
5. In the Client ID field, enter the client ID
a. If you select External;
i. Click Scope; select the appropriate scope from the drop-down.
ii. Click on upload icon to upload a logo for the external type of touch point.
6. Click the Touch Point Status toggle to enable it to mark the touch point ‘Active’.
7. Click the Headless Mode toggle to enable the touch point in headless mode.
8. Click the Two Factor Authentication toggle to enable 2FA for a touch point.
9. Click the Default Available toggle to make the touch point available to users by default in
case of self-onboarding.
10. Click the Self On board Touch Point toggle if the user will self-onboard himself on the touch
point and not by bank administrator.
11. Click the Skip First Time Login Flow toggle if the user wants to skip it for touch point.
12. Click Save to save the Touch Point details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
13. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
14. The success message of touch point creation successfully appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


Touch Point Group Maintenance

33. Touch Point Group Maintenance

Touch points are different channels e.g. Internet, Mobile, SMS, Third Party applications etc. through
which the OBDX services can be accessed. This maintenance enables the System Administrator
user to group two or multiple touch points together for the purpose of defining common limits for a
transaction accessed from any Touch point grouped together.

Further this maintenance facilitates user to view and modify the touch point groups.

 Transaction access is provided to system administrator.
 Approval rule set up for system administrator to perform the actions.
 Multiple touch points are maintained.


Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

 Create Touch Point Groups
 Search/ View Touch Point Groups
 Edit Touch Point Groups

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Authorization and Access Controls >Touch Point Groups
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Authorization and Access
Controls > Touch Point Groups

33.1 Touch Point Group Maintenance - View

Using this option, System Administrator can search and view details for particular touch point
groups based on different search parameters like group code and/or group description.

To search and view touch point group:

1. In the Touch Point Group Maintenance screen, enter the search parameters and click

Touch Point Group Maintenance

The Touch Point Group Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the
search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Touch Point Group Maintenance - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Search the touch point groups with group code.

Group Search the touch point groups with group description.


Search Results

Group Code Displays the group code defined for Touch Point Groups.

Group Displays the group description defined for Touch Point Group.

No of Touch Displays the number of touch points associated with the touch point
Points groups.

2. Click the Group Code link to view the touch point group details. The Touch Point Group
Maintenance - View screen appears.

Touch Point Group Maintenance

Touch Point Group Maintenance - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Group description defined for touch point groups.


Touch Point Type of touch point group i.e. whether touch point group type is internal
Group Type or external.

Internal Touch Displays internal touch points which are part of touch point group in
Points disable mode.

External Touch Displays external touch points which are part of touch point group in
Points disable mode.

3. Click Edit to add or remove the touch points from the touch point group.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Touch Point Group Maintenance

33.2 Touch Point Group Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can add or remove the touch points from the touch point
group. Clubbing of touch points as a part of multiple groups is not allowed. Touch points already
grouped as a part of other groups will not be available for selection.

To modify touch point group:

1. In the Touch Point Group Maintenance screen, enter the search parameters and click
The Touch Point Group Maintenance screen with search results appears based on the
search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
2. Click the Group Code link to view the touch point group details. The Touch Point Group
Maintenance - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit the Touch Point Group Maintenance - Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Touch Point Group Maintenance - Edit

Touch Point Group Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Group code defined for touch point group.

Group Group description defined for touch point groups.


Touch Point Displays the type of touch point group i.e. whether touch point group is of
Group Type type internal or external. The same can be modified.

Touch Points

Internal Touch Displays all the internal touch points. Touch points which are the part of a
Points group will be shown as pre-selected.

1) User can de-select a pre-selected internal touch points which
are already part of the group.
2) Other Internal touch points which are not part of any other
group will be listed for selection.
3) The touch points which are already a part of one of the
groups will be shown in disable mode. (one Touch point can be
part of on group only)

External Touch Displays all the external touch points. Touch points which are the part of
Points a group will be shown as pre-selected.

1) User can de-select an external touch points which are already
part of a group will be shown as pre-selected.
2) Other external touch points which are not part of any other
group will be listed for selection.
3) The touch points which are already a part of one of the group
will be shown in disable mode.

4. Modify the required details, e.g. Group Description, Internal / External Touch Points.
5. Click Save to save the touch point group details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Touch Point Group Maintenance

7. The success message of Touch Point Group Maintenance saved successfully appears along
with the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

33.3 Touch Point Group Maintenance - Create

Using this option, System Administrator can create a new touch point group and add touch points
to a group.

Note: System Administrator cannot club one touch point as part of multiple groups.
While creating group, touch points which are already part of a group will not be available for

To create a touch point group:

1. In the Touch Point Group Maintenance screen, click Create. The Touch Point Group
Maintenance - Create screen appears.

Touch Point Group Maintenance - Create

Touch Point Group Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Code Unique group code defined for touch point group.

Group Touch point group description defined for touch point groups.

Touch Point Select the type of Touch point group type i.e. whether the type is Internal
Group Type or External.

Touch Points

Internal Touch Displays all the internal touch points maintained.


1) Internal touch points which are not part of any other group will
be listed for selection.
2) Touch points which are already a part of any other group will
be shown in disabled mode.

External Touch Displays all the external touch points maintained.


1) External touch points which are not part of any other group
will be listed for selection.
2) Touch points which are already a part of any other group will
be shown in disabled mode.

2. In the Group Code field, enter the unique group code for touch point group.
3. In the Group Description field, enter the touch point group description.
4. In the Touch Points field, select the checkbox against the Internal / External Touch Points.

Note: To select all available Internal / External Touch Points in one instance, select the checkbox
adjacent to Internal / External Touch Points.

5. Click Save to save the Touch point group details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Touch Point Group Maintenance

7. The success message of Touch Point Group Maintenance saved successfully appears along
with the transaction reference number.


1. From where can I get the list of touch points which I can club together?

Internal and external touch points maintained by the System Administrator using ‘Touch Point
Maintenance’ will be listed for group creation.

2. Can I club internal and external touch points together in one group?

No, clubbing of internal and external touch points together in one group is not allowed.

3. Can I club one touch point as a part of multiple groups?

No, one touch point can be a part of only one group.

4. Where can I use these touch point groups?

You can create a transaction limit package using ‘Limit Package Management’ for touch point


Role Transaction Mapping

34. Role Transaction Mapping

OBDX application has many roles for different type of users defined under different user types i.e.
Retail, Corporate, and Admin. These roles are defined for internal as well as for external touch

Application roles mapped to Internal Touch Points (Internet, Mobile Application, SIRI, Chatbot, etc.)
are used by OBDX itself, whereas Application roles mapped to External Touch Points are defined
for being used by third party system. Each External role is mapped to a scope (defined in Identity
Management System) and the same scopes are mapped to External Touch Points in Touch Point
Maintenance screen.

For Internal Touch Points, a user can perform only those transactions which are mapped to the
application role assigned to that user. Whereas for External Touch Points, third party system can
only perform only those transactions (on behalf of the user), which are mapped to the application
role, mapped to the scope assigned to that external touch point (third party system).

Using this option the system administrator can define an Application role alongwith entity
information. However, mapping an Entity to a role is not mandatory. If no entity is mapped to an
application role, it would be globally available across all entities. Factory shipped roles will be
always ‘Global’ roles.

Application Roles are mapped to Entitlements for various Touch Points, so that System
Administrator can decide which all transactions should be available for which touch points.

Apart from the transactions, OBDX widgets are also available as entitlement and can be mapped
to the application roles.

System displays only those menu options widgets and dashboard which are mapped to the
application role assigned to the logged in user. For e.g. If a user with application role ‘Retail’ does
not have access to transactions widgets & dashboard related to Wealth Management module, then
those transactions, widgets and dashboard will not be shown on the UI to user.

System Administrator user will be able to map transactions and privileges such as Perform,
Approve and View, Release and Check to the various roles.

Note: The users can have access only to those transactions, dashboards and widget which are
mapped to the role associated to the him/her.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.

Role Transaction Mapping


Features supported in application

Using this option System Administrator can perform the following actions:
 Create Application Roles
 View Application Roles
 Edit Application Roles
 Delete Application Roles

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Authorization and Access Controls > Role Transaction Mapping
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Authorization and Access
Controls > Role Transaction Mapping

34.1 Search & View Application Role

Using this option, System Administrator can search application roles based on the search criteria.
By default all the application roles will be displayed on this screen, Administrator can filter the list
by entering the values in search criteria.

To search & view application role/ application roles:

1. In the User Type field, select the user type.
2. In the Touchpoint Type field, select desired option.
3. In the Role Type field, select the desired option. If entity specific is selected, the entity needs
to be specified
4. In the Application Role Name field, enter the name of the application role.
5. Click Search.
The search result based on search criteria displayed in Application Role Details section.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process and to go back to dashboard.

Role Transaction Mapping

Search Application Roles - Search Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type User type for which the application role is created.
Retail, Corporate and Administrator are three types available in the

Touchpoint Type Type of the touchpoint.

The options are:
 Internal
 External

Role Type Type of the role.

The options are:
 Global
 Entity Specific

Role Transaction Mapping

Field Name Description

Application Role Name of the application role.


Application Role Details

Application roles can be views based on Touch Point Type-Internal and External in different
tabs. Application roles are grouped and displayed User Segment wise.

Application Role Name of the application role.


Application Role Description of the application role.


6. Click on the Application Role Name to view the details. Role Transaction Mapping - View
screen appears.

Role Transaction Mapping

Role Transaction Mapping - View

Role Transaction Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Application Role View

Application Role Name of the application role.


Description Description of the application role.

User Type User type for which the application role is created.

Touch Point Type of Touch Point.


User Segment Segment of the user for which the application role is created.
This is applicable only for Retail user type and Internal touch point type.

Map Transactions

Module Name Name of the module for which role transaction mapping is done.

Map Touch points for which the transaction mapping is done for application
Transactions to role.
Touch Points

Transactions Displays all the transactions for the selected module which are mapped
to the application role for the selected touch points. Transactions are
grouped under Transaction Categories and Module.

Type of Action Name of the action that can be performed for that transaction by the user
to which this application role is assigned.
 Perform- This action lets the user to perform or initiate those
transactions and should be given to maker role.
 View- This action lets the user to view the initiated and approved
transactions by other users and should be given to viewer role.
 Check- This action lets the user to check those transactions to
which he/she has access and should be given to checker role.
 Approve- This action lets the user to approve those transactions
and should be given to approver role
 Release- This action lets the user to release those transactions
to which he/she has access and should be given to releaser role

7. Click against the particular category to view the transaction mapping details.

Role Transaction Mapping

8. Click to modify the transaction role mapping. The Role Transaction Mapping screen
appears in editable form.
Click Delete To delete the application role along with the transaction mapping.
(Deletion of any role is only allowed if there are no users attached to that role)
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the search process and to go back to dashboard.

34.2 Edit Application Role

Using this option System Administrator can edit or update the details of an existing role transaction

To modify role transaction mapping:

1. Repeat step 1 to 4 of Search Application Role section.

2. Click against the Map Transactions.

Screen in editable mode appears.

Role Transaction Mapping - Edit

Note: Application Role Name, User Type, and Touch Point Type fields cannot be edited.

3. Update the role description if required.

Role Transaction Mapping

4. Add/ remove the user segment as per requirement.

5. Select/ deselect module names for which the transaction mapping is to be done.
6. Check/uncheck the touch points for which the transaction mapping is to be done.
7. Click Next to link/ delink transactions.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.

Note: If the administrator deselects a module from Module name field, transaction mapping done
for all the transactions under that module will get removed for that module. Similarly if the
administrator unchecks and existing touch point, transaction mapping done for all modules for that
touch point will get removed for that Touch Point.

Role Transaction Mapping

Role Transaction Mapping

8. Modify the transactions mapping for different touch points. Click against the particular
category to view and update the transaction mapping.
9. Click on the next touch point tab, a pop up window appears for asking Copy data from
touch point.

Copy data from touch point Confirmation popup window

a. Click Yes to select the touch point from which the data has to be copied.
b. Copy transaction mapping details of touch point to another popup window.

Copy data from touch point Confirmation popup window

a. From the Select list, select the touch point from the list.
b. Click Apply.
Click No. to do the mapping operationally.
10. Modify the transactions mapping for current touch points if required.
11. Click Save to save the updates.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
12. The screen with success message appears. Click OK to close the message screen.

Role Transaction Mapping

34.3 Delete Application Role

Using this option System Administrator can delete an existing role transaction mapping. Deletion
of any role is only allowed if there are no users attached to that role.

To delete role transaction mapping:

1. Repeat step 1 to 4 of Search Application Role section.
2. Click Delete to delete the application role along with the transaction mapping.
The Delete Warning message appears.

Delete Application Role

3. Click Yes.
The Role Transaction Mapping screen with the successful role deletion message appears.
Click No to cancel the transaction.

Role Transaction Mapping

34.4 Create Application Role

Using this option System Administrator can define an application role and map transactions to it for
selected touch points.

To create an application role transaction mapping:

1. In the Role Transaction Mapping screen, click Create. The Role Transaction Mapping -
Create screen appears.

Application Role Creation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Application Role Name of the application role.


Description Description of the application role.

User Type Type of the user for which the application role is to be created.
The options are:
 Retail User
 Corporate User
 Administrator

Role Transaction Mapping

Field Name Description

Touch Point Type of Touch Point.

The options are:
 Internal: (for internal touch points like internet, Mobile
Application, Siri, Chatbot etc.)
 External : (for third Party applications)

User Segment User segments of selected user type for which the maintenance is to be
done. This field is applicable only for Retail user type and Internal touch
point type.

Scope Name List the scopes for the external touch point.
This field is displayed and enabled, if you select External option in the
Touch Point Type field.
Once a scope is mapped to a role, it cannot be mapped to any other role.

Role Type

2. In the Application Role Name field, enter the name of the application role.
3. In the Description field, enter the description of the application role.
4. From the User Type list, select appropriate type for which role is to be created.
5. From the Touch Point Type list, select appropriate option.
a. If you select External;
i. From the Scope Name list, select the appropriate scope to map to application role.
b. If you select Internal and User Type as Retail;
i. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate segments for which
maintenance is to be done.
ii. If you select Internal;
1. From the Role Type list, select the role type Global or If there is any specific
role then select Entity Specific.
i. If you select Entity Specific option, then select the Entity specific role
from list.
6. Click Map Transaction to map transaction to the role.
The Application Role Creation screen to add transaction modules and touch points
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and to go back to dashboard

Role Transaction Mapping

Role Transaction Mapping - Application Role Creation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Map Transactions
In following section user can do entitlement mapping.

Module Name The modules for which the transaction mapping is to be done.
Transactions under the selected modules will get displayed for mapping.
Note: Select All option from the drop-down to select all modules.

Map The internal touch points for which the transaction mapping is done for
Transactions to application role.
Touch Points
All the internal touch point maintained in the system gets displayed here.

7. Select appropriate modules for transactions mapping.

8. Select the check box (against the list of Touch Points to map the transactions to selected
touch points.

Role Transaction Mapping

9. Click Next. The entitlement mapping section Map Transaction appears.

Click Clear to reset the entered details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and to go back to dashboard.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.

Role Transaction Mapping - Map Transaction

Field Description

Field Name Description


Transaction Name of transaction to be mapped to the application role.


Role Transaction Mapping

Field Name Description

Action Name of the action that can be performed for that transaction by the user
to which this application role is assigned.
 Perform- This action lets the user to perform or initiate those
transactions and should be given to maker role.
 View- This action lets the user to view the initiated and approved
transactions by other users and should be given to viewer role.
 Check- This action lets the user to check those transactions to
which he/she has access and should be given to checker role.
 Approve- This action lets the user to approve those transactions
and should be given to approver role
 Release- This action lets the user to release those transaction
and should be given to releaser role

10. Click on the desired Touch Point tab for e.g. Internet.

11. To map the transactions to the role, click against the particular module, then select the
transaction type, and then transactions to be mapped.
12. Select the respective check boxes preceding to transaction to be mapped.
Select the checkbox at header level if you want to map all the transactions below that at one
13. Click on the next touch point tab, a pop up window appears for asking Copy data from
touch point.

Copy data from touch point Confirmation popup window

a. Click Yes to select the touch point from which the data has to be copied.
b. Copy transaction mapping details of touch point to another popup window.

Copy data from touch point Confirmation popup window

Role Transaction Mapping

a. From the Select list, select the touch point from the list.
b. Click Apply.
Click No. to do the mapping operationally.
14. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.
15. The Role Transaction Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.
16. The screen with success message of Application Role Policy Map appears. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

Role Transaction Mapping


1. Is it mandatory to map transactions to the created application role?

Yes. You will need to associate transactions for at least one module for a touch point, once
an application role is created.

2. Do I need to mandatorily map transactions for each touch point for the new application
role created?

No, it is not mandatory to map transactions for each touch point for the new role created
but if the same are not defined then on initiation of transaction from that touch point, system
will give an access denied message.

3. Why am I unable to select an action against a specific entitlement for a transaction?

This could be because that the specific action is not applicable or relevant for an entitlement
i.e. approve as an action is not applicable to inquiry entitlement for a transaction.

4. Can I copy the same transaction mapping for an application role from one touch point
to another?

Yes, you can copy the details along with an option to decide from which touch point the
details need to be copied. On selection of a touch point, system will prompt to select the
touch point from which the entitlements need to be copied. If you had selected ‘No’ and
later wish to copy the details, then you will need to click on the touch point tab again for
the system to provide that option.

5. Once I select the module and touch points for transaction mapping to an application,
can I include additional modules and touch points?

Yes, you can click on ‘Edit’ and include additional modules and touch points for mapping.

6. Can I associate multiple scopes to an application role of type external and how are
they associated to external touch points?

No. Only one scope can be mapped to an application role to map transactions. Once a
scope is mapped to an application role, that scope cannot be mapped to another
application role. Multiple scopes can be associated to an external touch point as part of
touch point definition and the same scope can be mapped to different external touch points.



35. Entitlements
Entitlements are the transactions that the user can perform. Each Entitlement is linked to a single
or group of resources. Access of these entitlements to a role is given basis on the necessity and
relevance of entitlement to that role. For creation of role and mapping entitlements to that role
please refer to Role Transaction Mapping screen.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.


Features supported in application

Using this option system administrator can perform the following actions:
 View Entitlement
 Edit Entitlement

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Authorization and Access Controls > Entitlements
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard >Toggle Menu > Menu > Authorization and Access
Controls > Entitlements

35.1 Entitlements - View

Using this option, Administrator can search and view the existing entitlements.

To search entitlement (s):

1. From the Module Name list, select the appropriate module for which the entitlements are to
be viewed.
2. From the Category Name list, select the appropriate category of the selected module. 3.
Enter the entitlement name.


3. Click Search. The based on the search criteria the list of entitlements appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the entered details.
Enter the value directly in the Entitlement Name field and Click Search.

Entitlements - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Module Name Name of the module under which all transactions are maintained.
This field lists all the module names for the entitlements maintained
in the system.

Category Name Name of the category.


Field Name Description

Entitlement Name Name of entitlement/ transaction.

Entitlement Details

Module Name Name of the module under which all transactions/ entitlements are

Category Name Name of the category under the module.

Under each module entitlements are grouped under a category.

Transaction Name Name of entitlement/ transaction.

Service Displays the list of service resources mapped to the entitlements.

User Interface Displays the list of user interface components mapped to

Component entitlements.

Action Name Name of available actions for an entitlement.

The options are:
 Approve
 Perform
 View

Resource Name Name of the resources mapped to entitlement for each action-
Approve/Perform/View under Services or User Interface Component.

4. Click against the particular category to view the entitlement under that category.
5. Select the Service or User Interface Component tab to view respective details.

6. Click to update entitlement details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and go back to dashboard.

35.2 Entitlements - Edit

Using this option, Administrator can add or delete the resources under Services and User Interface

To update entitlement details:

1. From the Module Name list, select the appropriate module for which the entitlements are to
be viewed.


2. From the Category Name list, select the appropriate category of the selected module. 3.
Enter the entitlement name.
3. Click Search. The based on the search criteria the list of entitlements appears.
Enter the value directly in the Entitlement Name field and Click Search.

4. Click against the particular category to view the entitlement under that category.

5. Click to update entitlement details. The Entitlements - Edit screen appears.

Entitlements - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Module Name Name of the module under which all transactions are maintained.
This field lists all the module names for the entitlements maintained
in the system.

Category Name Name of the category.

Entitlement Name Name of entitlement/ transaction.

Service Displays the list of service resources mapped to the entitlements.

User Interface Displays the list of user interface components mapped to

Component entitlements.


Field Name Description

Action Name Name of available actions for an entitlement.

The options are:
 Approve
 Perform
 View

Resource Name Name of the resources mapped to entitlement for each action-
Approve/Perform/View under Services or User Interface

6. Select the Service or User Interface Component tab to update the respective details.
7. Click Add Resources link to add resource. This field populates all the existing resources in
the system for selection.
Select the existing resources and click Delete link to delete the selected resource.
8. Click Save to save the changes made to the entitlements.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
9. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
10. The success message of entitlements updation appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


User Segment Maintenance

36. User Segment Maintenance

In order to offer appropriate product and services to the customers, banks can employ some
method of segmentation. Banks can group customers into different segments on the basis of
different attributes of the customer; it could be demographic information, geographical information,
behavioral information etc.

Banks can have different communication mailers, authentication mechanisms, transaction limits
and branding aspects on the basis of customer segmentation.

User segment maintenance screen allows the system administrator to create new segments and
subsequently use these segments to define specific maintenances at user segment level. Limits
can also be defined specific to a user segment. Within each user segment, limits package can be
associated to different touch points.

 Transaction access is provided to System / Bank Administrator.
 Application roles are maintained


Features Supported In Application:

 Create User Segment
 Search and View User Segment
 Edit User Segment

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Authorization and Access
Controls > User Segments Definition
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Authorization and Access Controls > User Segments

User Segment Maintenance

36.1 User Segment Maintenance - Search

Using this option, System Administrator user can search the user segments maintained for retail
users. The search result displays matching results based on search criteria entered.

System Administrator can view details of a specific segment by selecting the segment ID to get
required details for a segment.

To search user segments:

1. In the Segment Code field, enter the segment code whose details you want to view.
In the Segment Name field, enter the name of the segment whose details you want to view.
From the User Type list, select the user type for which you wish to view user segment
details. Currently only segments for user type ‘Retail’ can be defined.
2. Click Search.
The search results appear on the User Segment Maintenance screen based on the search
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and the administrator will be navigated back to the

User Segment Maintenance- Search Result

User Segment Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Parameters

Segment Code Enter the segment code of the segment that needs to be searched.

Segment Name Enter the name of the segment that needs to be searched

User Type Select the user type for which segment details needs to be searched

Search Result

Segment Code System displays the code of the segment(s) based on the search criteria

Segment Name System displays the name of segment(s) based on the search criteria

User Type System will display the user type i.e. Retail / Corporate against each of
the search result.

Status System displays the status of the segment whether it is active/inactive.

3. Click the Segment Code link of the record for which you want to view the user segment
details. The User Segment Maintenance - View screen appears.

User Segment Maintenance

User Segment Maintenance- View

User Segment Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Segment Code System displays the Segment Code of the segment that was selected to
view details.

Segment Name System displays the name of the segment that was selected to view

User Type System displays the user type of the segment that was selected to view
the details.

Allowed System displays the application roles that are mapped to the selected
Application segment.

Status System displays the current status of the selected segment i.e. whether
the segment is active / inactive.

Note: If the user segment is no longer active and needs to be disabled

then the same can be done in Edit mode.

Limits - Touch Points /Group/ Global

Limits package can be optionally attached at user segment level. All the touch points and
touch point groups maintained in the system are listed under each entity in case of multi entity
setup. Limits Package can be mapped for each touch point and for a touch point group.

Touch Points/ Name of touch points/ groups/ global under a specific entity (with all
Group/ Global internal and external touch points).

Internal Touch Displays the touch points which are the part of a group.
Points Group for

User Segment Maintenance

Field Name Description

Touch Points Displays the touch points (banking channels) which allows a user to
perform transactions using the touch points.
The touch points could be:
 Mobile Application
 Mobile (Responsive)
 Internet
 Mobile Banking
 Missed Call Banking
 SMS Banking
 Wearables
 Snapshot
 Siri / Chatbot

4. Click Edit to modify the segment details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

36.2 User Segment Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can modify the details of the existing user segment.

To edit the user segment details:

1. In the Segment Code field, enter the segment code whose details you want to modify.
In the Segment Name field, enter the name of the segment whose details you want to
From the User Type list, select the user type whose user segment details you want to
2. Click Search.
The search results appear on the User Segment Maintenance screen based on the search
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction. The Dashboard appears.
3. Click the Segment Code link of the record to select the segment for which you want to
modify the details. The User Segment Maintenance - View screen appears.

User Segment Maintenance

4. Click Edit to modify the User Segment details.

The User Segment Maintenance - Edit screen appears. .

User Segment Maintenance- Edit

User Segment Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Segment Code System displays the segment code of the segment selected and is non-

Segment Name System displays the name of the selected segment and is available for

User Type System displays the User type for the selected segment and is non-

Allowed System displays the application roles that have been mapped to the
Application selected segment and are available for edit. As part of edit, new
Roles application roles can be mapped and existing roles can be removed.

Status System displays the current status of the user segment and is available
for edit.

Note: You can modify the segment status to Active if the current state is
Inactive and vice-versa.


Limit - Touch Points /Group

Limits package can be optionally attached at user segment level. All the touch points and
touch point groups maintained in the system are listed under each entity in case of multi entity
setup. Limits Package can be mapped for each touch point and for a touch point group.

Touch Points/ Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity to which
Group the limit packages can be mapped.

Package System lists the packages available for mapping to a touch point/ touch
point group. If there was any limits package to a touch point/group
mapped earlier, it will be shown in editable form.

Click to reset the limit packages defined for a segment.

5. Edit the required details i.e. segment name, allowed Application Roles, Status, and Limits
package for any of the touch point/touch point group.
6. Click Save to update the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

User Segment Maintenance

7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to Dashboard.
8. The success message of modification appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

36.3 User Segment Maintenance - Create

Using this option, System Administrator can create new user segment for a user type ‘Retail’.

To create the user segment:

1. In the User Segment Maintenance screen, click Create. The User Segment Maintenance -
Create screen appears.

User Segment Maintenance

User Segment Maintenance- Create

User Segment Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Segment Code Enter the unique code for the user segment to be created.

Segment Name Enter the name of the user segment to be created.

User Type Select the User type from the list for which the user segment is to be
created. Currently only user type ‘Retail’ is supported

Allowed Select the application role(s) that needs to be associated to the user
Application segment being created. The selected application role(s) will be by default
Roles available to the users to whom the created segment is associated.


Limit - Touch Points /Group

In this section user can define limits package for a user segment so that, bank can have
varying limits depending on the segment of the user.

Touch Points/ Name of touch points/ groups maintained under a specific entity to which
Group the limit packages can be mapped.

Note: The limits package will be associated to a touch point/touch point

within a segment. It is not mandatory to associate limits package to each
touch point / touch point group.

Package Select the limits package from the list of packages available for mapping
to a touch points/ groups.

Click to reset the limit packages selected against the touch point.

2. In the Segment Code field, enter the unique code for the user segment to be created.
3. In the Segment Name field, enter the name of the user segment to be created.
4. In the User Type list, select the appropriate user type for the user segment being created.
5. In the Allowed Application Roles list, select the application role(s) to be mapped to the
6. In the Limits section, select the limit packages to be mapped to touch points / touch point
from the limit package list. The limits package selected as part of this definition will be
applicable to the users to whom this segment is associated and will also depend on the limits
preference applicability.

Note: Click to reset the limit packages applicable to a segment.

User Segment Maintenance

7. Click Save to save the user segment details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
The user will be navigated back to the create screen.
9. The success message of transaction completion appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. Is it mandatory to create a User Segment as part of Day 1 maintenances?

No. It is not mandatory to create User Segments as part of Day 1 definition. If User Segments
are created, then the same will be available for association to user as part of User Onboarding
but it is not mandatory to associate user segment to business users as part of onboarding.

2. What is the relationship between User Segment and Application Roles?

Association of application roles to user segment is not mandatory. Multiple application roles
can be assigned to a user segment and those application roles will be by default available to
all users who are assigned that segment. The same application role can be mapped to multiple
user segments.

3. Can I remove specific application role(s) from the user level if I associate user

The application role(s) that are mapped to a user segment cannot be removed from the user if
the segment is associated to the user, however the application role(s) that are not associated
to any user segment will be available for mapping/unmapping at user level.

4. What will happen if I disable a Segment which is associated to Users?

Access to all the maintenances done on that segment level like Dashboard Builder, Product
mapping, 2FA, Limits will not be referred. System will start referring to the maintenance done
for the User Type associated to the users attached to the disabled segment, for Dashboard
Builder, Product mapping, 2FA and Limits.
Users associated to the disabled segment will not have access to the application roles
attached to that segment, hence bank user should attach new segment or application
operationally to those users.



37. Authentication
Passwords are the most common form of authentication used in the world today. But passwords
can easily be forgotten and commonly compromised. Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra
layer of security by requiring users to use two different authentication factors to verify their identity.

The two step verification or 2 Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security that is known as
"multi factor authentication" that requires not only a password and username but also something
that only, and only, the user knows e.g. tokens, OTP, answer of security questions etc. Using a
Two Factor Authentication process can help to lower the number of cases of identity theft on the
Internet, as well as phishing via email. For security reason authentication is used by user (Retail/
Corporate) while performing transactions through digital platform.

The Two Factor Authentication requires two different kinds of evidence before executing
transaction successfully. This option enables the System Administrator to maintain authentication
pattern for each transaction of a specific user segment.

Second Factor authentication can be set for each User type (Retail & Corporate) and for user type
and User Segment combination (as of now user segment is only available for Retail user type).

This maintenance can be setup for each entity in a multi entity setup, which enables banks in
defining different authentication mode for a same transaction for each entity.

In a multi entity setup, if the user is changing his entity, post login, then system should ask for
second factor authentication.

The types of 2 factor authentication used are as follows:

 OTP : A onetime password will sent on user’s registered mobile number or email id .
 Security Questions: User will be asked to answer the security questions set up by him.
 Random Number based Soft Token: The token randomly changes on the soft token app after
the system defined time, and user will be required to enter the same on screen to authenticate
the transaction.
 Time based Soft Token : It is a time based soft token that gets generated on the soft token
application. Token gets expired after a defined time and user will be required to generate a
new token.
 Push Notifications based 2FA :User will get a push notification to authenticate and complete
a transactions on his registered device (mobile/wearable), on initiation of a transaction from a
different form factor .
 Since the user is required to authenticate the transaction on the device where he has received
the push notification, It acts as an additional security wherein the user can approve/reject the
transaction only from his registered device. For receiving push notifications user should allow
the same for the respective app on his device.

Note: Two factor authentication is only for retail and corporate user.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.


 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.

 Transactions are enabled for 2 Factor Authentication aspect.


Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 View Authentication
 Edit Authentication
 Create Authentication

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Security > Authentication

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Security > Authentication

37.1 Authentication - View

On accessing ‘Authentication’ menu, system displays the existing maintenance available for
selected user segment to view the authentication setup for user segment:

To view the authentication setup for user segment:

1. From the Enterprise Role list, select the appropriate role.
2. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate user segment.

Authentication Setup


Field Description

Field Name Description

Enterprise Name of enterprise roles set in application.

The options are:
 Retail User
 Corporate User

User Segment The user segments maintained by the Bank (applicable for Retail User type

3. Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Click Back to go back to Dashboard.
Click View to view the 2FA maintained for the user segment. The Authentication - View
screen appears.

1) If the existing maintenance is not available for selected user segment, message will be displayed
"2 Factor Authentication for this user segment has not been set up yet" with the Set up now button
which launches the screen to maintain 2 Factor Authentication.
2) Only OTP should be maintained as the second factor authentication mode for ‘Wallet
Registration’ event. Other second factor authentication modes like Soft Token and Security
Questions are not supported for this event.
3) 2FA mode Push Notification based 2FA is not supported for the following transactions:
Push Notification registration
Soft Token registration
4) If the user is changing his entity post login, system will check the 2FA mode configured for
Login event for the changed/destination entity, and if the 2FA mode for ‘Login’ event is different
for the changed/destination entity then the user will be asked for the incremental second factor
authentication (as per the setup).
5) If the 2FA mode is same for both the entities, then on switching the entity user will not be
asked for any second factor authentication.
6) Following modes of 2FA will be supported on Login event :
Soft Token


Authentication Setup- View


Field Description

Field Name Description


Enterprise View the enterprise role for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

User Segment View the user segment for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.


Field Name Description


Transaction The transaction type for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

Level 1 Displays the first level of two factor authentication mode (Security
Questions, One Time Password, Soft Token, Push Notification based 2FA)
set for the transaction type.

Number of Number of security questions to be asked from user at level 1 authentication.

This field appears only if the Security Question option is selected as the
Authentication mode.

Level 2 Displays the second level of two factor authentication mode (Security
Questions, One Time Password , Soft Token, Push Notification based 2FA)
set for the transaction type.

Number of Number of security questions to be asked from user at level 2 authentication.

This field appears only if the Security Question option is selected in the

4. Click Edit to update the details. Screen in editable mode appears.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.

37.2 Authentication - Edit

System Administrator can modify existing authentication maintenance.

To edit the authentication setup:

1. From the Enterprise Role list, select the appropriate role.
2. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate user segment (if applicable).
3. Click View to view the 2 Factor Authentications maintained for the user segment. The
Authentication - View screen appears.
4. Click Edit. The Authentication – Edit screen with values in editable form appears.


Authentication - Edit


Field Description

Field Name Description


Enterprise The enterprise role for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

User Segment The user segment for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.


Field Name Description


Transaction The transaction type for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

Level 1 The first level of two factor authentication mode (Security Questions, One
Time Password , Soft Token, Push Notification based 2FA) set for the
transaction type.
The options are:
 None
 Security Question
 One Time Password
 Soft Token
 Push Notification

Number of Number of security questions to be asked from user at level 1

Question authentication.
This field appears only if the Security Question option is selected as the
Authentication mode.

Level 2 The second level of two factor authentication mode (Security Questions,
One Time Password , Soft Token, Push Notification based 2FA) set for the
transaction type.
The options are:
 None
 Security Question
 One Time Password
 Soft Token
 Push Notification

Number of Number of security questions to be asked at level 2 authentication.

This field appears only if the Security Question option is selected as the
Authentication mode.

5. In Transactions section, in Level 1 of authentication select the appropriate option.

a. If user selects Security Question option:
6. In the Number of questions field enter the number of security questions to be asked.
7. In Transactions section, in Level 2 of authentication select the appropriate option.
a. If user selects Security Question option:


8. In the Number of questions field enter the number of security questions to be asked.

Note: Click Apply to all to apply the same kind of level 1 & level 2 authentication for all transaction

9. Click Save to save the changes made.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
10. The Authentication Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
The Authentication – Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
11. The success message of Authentication setup appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

37.3 Authentication - Create

System Administrator can create authentication maintenance if the maintenance is not available.

To create the authentication setup for user segment:

1. From the Enterprise Role list, select the appropriate role.
2. From the User Segment list select the user segment (if applicable)

Authentication Setup


Field Description

Field Name Description

Enterprise Role The enterprise role for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

User Segment The user segments maintained by the Bank.

The options are:
 Retail User
 Corporate User

3. Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Click View to view the 2 Factor Authentications maintained for the user segment. The
Authentication - View screen appears.

Note: If the existing maintenance is not available for selected user segment, message will be
displayed "Authentication for this user segment has not been set up yet" with a setup now button.

4. Click Set up now to create new 2Factor Authentication. The Authentication - Create screen


Authentication - Create



Field Description

Field Name Description


Enterprise The enterprise role for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

User Segment The user segment for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up from. The
options are:
 Retail User
 Corporate User


Transaction The transaction type for which the 2 Factor Authentication is set-up.

Level 1 The first level of two factor authentication mode (Security Questions, One
Time Password , Soft Token, Push Notification based 2FA) set for the
transaction type.
The options are:
 None
 Security Question
 One Time Password(OTP)
 Soft Token
 Push Notification

Number of Number of security questions to be asked from user at level 1 authentication.

This field appears only if the Security Question option is selected as the
Authentication mode.

Level 2 The second level of two factor authentication mode (Security Questions,
One Time Password , Soft Token, Push Notification based 2FA) set for the
transaction type.
The options are:
 None
 Security Question
 One Time Password(OTP)
 Soft Token
 Push Notification


Field Name Description

Number of Number of security questions to be asked from user at level 2 authentication.

This field appears only if the Security Question option is selected as the
Authentication mode.

5. In Transactions section, in Level 1 of authentication select the appropriate option.

a. If user selects Security Question option: In the Number of questions field enter the
number of security questions to be asked.
6. In Transactions section, in Level 2 of authentication select the appropriate option.
a. If user selects Security Question option: In the Number of questions field enter the
number of security questions to be asked.

Note: Click Apply to all to apply the same kind of level 1 & level 2 authentications for all transaction

7. Click Save to save the changes made.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back tom previous screen.
8. The Authentication Create– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
The Authentication – Edit screen with values in editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
The success message of Authentication setup appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


1. Can I also set the 2 Factor Authentication for transaction approval?

You don’t have to set up separate 2 Factor Authentication for transaction approval. The 2
Factor Authentication set for transaction initiation will also applied for transaction approval as

2. When will the changes made in authentication maintenance be applied?

Changes made in the authentication maintenance will be effective from an immediate effect.
This will be applicable to new transactions initiated as well as for transactions pending for
approval post the changes are effective.


3. Is it mandatory to set authentication method at both the levels?

No, you may set 1 level authentication for specific transaction. This can be achieved by
selecting specific authentication method at level 1 and by specifying ‘None’ option at level 2.

4. Can I set ‘No additional authentication required’ for specific transaction?

Yes, this can be achieved by selecting ‘None’ option at level1 and level 2. No additional
authentication is required for transaction initiation and approval if both levels are set as ‘None’.

5. Where can I define which security questions to be asked to the users?

A separate maintenance ‘Manage Security Questions’ is available to set the up the questions
which are to be asked to the users as a part of authentication process.

6. Is it mandatory to set up 2 factor authentication for a User Type and User Segment

No, User Segment is an optional field and is applicable for only for Retail type of users. If the
Bank doesn’t want to setup the authentication for a user segment, they can simply do it for
each user type.

7. Can I set up this maintenance for each entity in case of a multi entity setup?

Yes, Authentication can be setup for each entity in case of a multi entity setup. User can select
the entity from the entity selection drop-down available on the top right corner of the application
to set up the maintenance.

8. If Push notifications is set a second factor authentication, then how will the user
authenticate a transaction ?

User will receive a push notification on his registered device (mobile/wearable), he can click on
the notification and authenticate and complete the transaction on the device where he has
received the notification.

9. If the user initiates a transaction form his mobile app and Push notification is set as
the 2FA for that transaction , in this case where will he receive the push notification ?

User will receive the notification on his registered device i.e. mobile or wearable. He can
complete the transaction by clicking on the same on the mobile itself.


Security Questions Maintenance

38. Security Questions Maintenance

This function allows the System Administrator to set up security questions, which will then be used
as another layer of security (Over & above the Login credentials), before a user (Retail/ Corporate/
Administrator) can complete transactions through the internet channel.

Through the Manage Security Questions functionality, the administrator user can create and modify
security questions. He / She can add the security questions, if required.

Features Supported In Application

The following options are available to the administrator user as part of this maintenance:
 View Security Questions
 Edit Security Questions (Add new)
 Setup Security Questions (1st time setup)

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.


How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Security> Security Questions Maintenance

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Security > Manage Security

Security Questions Maintenance

38.1 View Security Questions

On accessing ‘Manage Security Questions’ option, system displays the existing security questions
already maintained if any.

To view the existing security questions maintenance:

Security Questions Maintenance - View

Field Description

Field Name Description


Questions The list of security questions set for users, as an added layer of security.

Note: If the first-time maintenance is not already done, a message will be displayed "Security
Questions has not been set up yet". With a button alongside – ‘Set up now’

1. Click Edit to update the set of security questions. An editable screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Security Questions Maintenance

38.2 Security Questions Maintenance - Edit

System Administrator can modify existing maintenance for security questions. Administrator is
allowed to add security questions but cannot delete the existing questions.

To edit the security questions set:

1. Click View to view the security questions already set. The Security Questions Maintenance
- View screen appears.
2. Click Edit. The Security Questions Maintenance – Edit screen appears.

Security Questions Maintenance - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description


This section displays the security questions.

Questions The list of security questions.

3. Click Add More to add more security questions.

a. Type the new question to be added in the set.

Security Questions Maintenance

4. Click Confirm to save the changes made.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
5. The Security Questions Maintenance – Review screen appears. Verify the details, and
click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
The success message of security question setup appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

38.3 Security Questions Maintenance - Create

As a part of first-time maintenance of Security Questions, the System Administrator can set-up
security questions.

To set security questions:

Security Question Maintenance - Setup

Note: Since the security question maintenance is not available, message will be displayed "Security
Questions have not been set up yet". Alongside a button – “Set up now”

1. Click Set up now to set-up security questions. The Security Questions Maintenance -
Create screen appears.

Security Questions Maintenance

Security Questions Maintenance - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description



Questions The list of security questions

2. Type the security question to be added.

Note: Click adjacent to question to delete the particular question.

3. Click Add More to add more security questions.

a. Type the new question to be added in the set.
4. Click Save to save the changes made.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back tom previous screen.
5. The Security Questions Maintenance – Review screen appears. Verify the details, and
click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Security Questions Maintenance

Click Back to go back tom previous screen.
6. The success message of security question setup appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


1. Can I delete the existing security questions?

No, you can add more questions, but cannot delete the existing questions.

2. How many questions will be asked to the user as layer of security?

Number of questions to be asked shall be defined while defining ‘Authentication’ mode

using ‘Authentication’ maintenance.


Password Policy Maintenance

39. Password Policy Maintenance

Password policy maintenance enables System Administrator to define password parameters for
users. Using this option System Administrator can create, view and edit, password policy for
different user types (Admin, Retail and Corporate). Password policy maintenance contains
following sections:
 Password Validators: This section contains the validations for a password. The validations
include minimum and maximum length of the password, allowed characters in a password,
repetitive and successive characters allowed, details to be excluded in the password like, date
of birth, first and last name, user ID and party ID and Bank defined restricted passwords. User
can also define, number of successive incorrect attempts allowed, and number of previous
passwords disallowed.
 Password Expiry Parameters: This section contains details about password expiry period in
days, first password expiry period in days and whether to force user to change password if
there is a change in password policy(so that users can change their password as per the new
password policy).

Note: This feature will only be available with OBDX DB authenticator as Identity Management

 Provide transaction access to System Administrator.


How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Security > Password Policy Maintenance
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Security > Password Policy

Password Policy Maintenance

39.1 Password Policy Maintenance - Search

To search password policy:
1. In the Policy Name field, enter the password policy name.
2. Click Search. The search results corresponding to the search criteria are displayed.
Click Clear to reset the entered details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Password Policy Maintenance -Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Criteria

Policy Name Password policy name.

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

Search Result

Policy Name Password policy name.

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

User Type Type of users for which the password policy to be applied.

39.2 Password Policy Maintenance - View

To view password policy details:
1. In the Policy Name field, enter the password policy name.
2. Click Search. The search results corresponding to the search criteria are displayed.
Click Clear to reset the selected transaction.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Password Policy Maintenance -Search

3. Click the Policy Name link of the record for which you want to view the password policy
details. The Password Policy Maintenance - View screen appears.

Password Policy Maintenance

Password Policy Maintenance - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Indicates the user type for which the password policy is
applied. Multiple user types can be selected for a single
The user type are:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User

Policy Name Password policy name.

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

Password Validators

Password Length The minimum and maximum length of the password.

Allowed Characters Characters allowed in the password. Different types of

characters are:
 Upper Case
 Lower Case
 Special Characters
 Numbers

Allowed Special The allowed Special characters in the password.

The example of special characters could be, @, #, &, etc.
This field only gets enabled if the Administrator has allowed
special characters in the password (in Allowed Characters

Repetitive Characters Number of repetitive characters allowed in the password.

For example: If you enter 2 in this field, user can enter 2
repetitive characters in his password like aabcd. If user
enters aaabcd as his password, system will display error.

Successive Characters Number of successive characters allowed.

For example: If you enter 4 in this field, then user cannot
enter four successive characters (aaaa/1111) in the

Exclusion Details in The exclusion options. It can be multiple values.

Exclusion details includes:
 First Name
 Last Name
 User ID
 Date of Birth
 Party ID

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

Restricted Password The restricted password. The multiple commonly used

passwords which are entered by user which the Bank does
not want it’s user to define as password..
For example: If you enter restricted password as
Password123, the system does not allow the user to set his
password as ‘Password123’.

Successive Invalid The number of attempts allowed for login with incorrect
Login Allowed password. User will get locked once he reached the
maximum invalid attempts allowed.

Previous Password The disallowed number of historic passwords.

For example: If you enter 5 in this field user can not define
his last five passwords as his new password.

Password Expiry Parameters

Password Expiry The number of days after which the password will get
Period expired.

Password Warning The period in days in this field, post which user will get a
Period warning message to change his password.
This field gets only enabled if the Password Expiry Period
is set.

First Password Expiry The number of days after which user’s first system generated
Period password will get expired.

Force Password The check box to force change the password if there is a
Change with Policy change in any of the parameter in the password validators
Change section.

4. Click Edit if you want to edit the password policy details.

Click Cancel to cancel the password policy maintenance and to go back to dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Password Policy Maintenance

39.3 Password Policy - Create

To create a new password policy:
1. In the Password Policy Maintenance screen, click Create. The Create New Password
Policy screen appears.
2. To apply the password policy, select the appropriate user type.
3. In the Policy Name field, enter the password policy name.
4. In the Policy Description field, enter the password description.
5. In the Password Validators section, enter the minimum and maximum length of the
password in the min and max field.

Create New Password Policy

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Indicates the user type for which the password policy is applied.
Multiple user types can be selected for a single policy.
The user type are:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User

Policy Name Password policy name.

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

Password Validators

Password Length The minimum and maximum length of the password.

Allowed Characters Characters allowed in the password. Different types of characters are:
 Upper Case
 Lower Case
 Special Characters
 Numbers

Mandatory Select the Mandatory check box to make the selected allowed
character mandatory in the password.
This field only gets enabled if the user has selected ‘Allowed’ for that

Mandatory Characters Enter the number of mandatory characters that should be present in
Allowed the password.
This field only gets enabled if the user has selected ‘Mandatory’ for
that character.

Allowed Special Enter the allowed Special characters in the password.

The example of special characters could be, @, #, &, etc.
This field only gets enabled if the Administrator has allowed special
characters in the password (in Allowed Characters field).

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

Repetitive Characters Number of repetitive characters allowed in the password.

For example: If you enter 2 in this field, user can enter 2 repetitive
characters in his password like aabcd. If user enters aaabcd as his
password, system will display error.

Successive Characters Number of successive characters allowed.

For example: If you enter 4 in this field, then user cannot enter four
successive characters (aaaa/1111) in the password.

Exclusion Details in Select the exclusion option from the list. You can select multiple
Password values from the list.
Exclusion details includes:
 First Name
 Last Name
 User ID
 Date of Birth
 Party ID

Restricted Password Enter the restricted password. User can input multiple commonly
used passwords which the Bank does not want it’s user to define as
For example: If you enter restricted password as Password123, the
system does not allow the user to set his password as ‘Password123’.

Successive Invalid Enter the number of attempts allowed for login with incorrect
Login Allowed password. User will get locked once he reached the maximum invalid
attempts allowed.

Previous Password Enter the disallowed number of historic passwords.

For example: If you enter 5 in this field user can not define his last five
passwords as his new password.

Password Expiry Parameters

Password Expiry Enter the number of days after which the password will get expired.

Password Warning Enter the period in days in this field, post which user will get a warning
Period message to change his password.
This field should only be enabled if the Password Expiry Period is

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

First Password Expiry Enter the number of days after which user’s first system generated
Period password will get expired.

Force Password Select the check box to force change the password if there is a
Change with Policy change in any of the parameter in the password validators section.

6. Click Save to save the password policy details.

Click Cancel to cancel the password policy maintenance and to go back to dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of password creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Password Policy Maintenance

39.4 Password Policy Maintenance - Edit

To edit password policy:
1. In the Policy Name field, enter the password policy name.
2. Click Search. The search results corresponding to the search criteria are displayed.

Edit Password Policy-Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Criteria

Policy Name Password policy name.

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

Search Result

Policy Name Password policy name.

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

User Type Type of users for which the password policy to be applied.

3. Click the password policy name in the Policy Name column.

4. The password policy details screen is displayed. Click Edit.

Password Policy Maintenance

Edit Password Policy

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Indicates the user type for which the password policy is
applied. Multiple user types can be selected for a single
The user type are:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User

Policy Name Password policy name.

Policy Description Brief description of the password policy.

Password Validators

Password Length The minimum and maximum length of the password.

Allowed Characters Characters allowed in the password.

Different types characters are:
 Upper Case
 Lower Case
 Special Characters
 Number

Mandatory Select the Mandatory check box to make the selected

allowed character mandatory in the password.
This field only gets enabled if the user has selected
‘Allowed’ for that character.

Mandatory Characters
Number of mandatory characters that should be present
in the password.
This field only gets enabled if the user has selected
‘Mandatory’ for that character.

Allowed Special Special characters allowed in the password.

The example of special characters could be, @, #, &, etc.
This field only gets enabled if the Administrator has
allowed special characters in the password (in Allowed
Characters field).

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

Repetitive Characters Number of repetitive characters allowed in the password.

For example: If you enter 2 in this field, user can enter 2
repetitive characters in his password like, aabcd. If user
enters aaabcd as his password, system will display error.

Successive Characters Number of successive characters allowed.

For example: If you enter 4 in this field, then user cannot
enter four successive characters (aaaa/1111) in the

Exclusion Details in Select the exclusion option from the list. You can select
Password multiple values from the li
Exclusion details includes:
 First Name
 Last Name
 User ID
 Date of Birth
 Party ID

Restricted Password Enter the restricted password. User can input multiple
commonly used passwords which the Bank does not
want it’s user to define as password.
For example: If you enter restricted password as
Password123, the system does not allow the user to set
his password as 'Password123'.

Successive Invalid Enter the number of attempts allowed for login with
Login Allowed incorrect password. User will get locked once he
reached the maximum invalid attempts allowed.

Previous Password Enter the disallowed number of historic passwords. For

Disallowed example: If you enter 5 in this field user can not define
his last five passwords as his new password.

Password Expiry Parameters

Password Expiry Enter the number of days after which the password will
Period get expired.

Password Policy Maintenance

Field Name Description

Password Warning Enter the period in days in this field, post which user will
Period get a warning message to change his password.
This field should only be enabled if the Password
Expiry Period is set.

First Password Expiry Enter the number of days after which user’s first system
Period generated password will get expired.

Force Password Select the check box to force change the password if
Change with Policy there is a change in any of the parameter in the
Change password validators section.

5. Modify the appropriate details.

6. Click Save to update the modified password policy details.
Click Cancel to abort the edit password policy process.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of password creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Password Policy Maintenance


1. If I edit a password policy, will the new policy be applied for the existing users
mapped under the user category?

Yes, the new password policy will get applied to existing as well as new users.

2. If an existing password policy has changed will the existing users be asked to
change their password to meet criteria as per the new policy

Existing users will only be asked to change their password if the Force Password
Change with Policy Change checkbox is checked in the password policy.

3. Will the user be shown any warning before the password expiry?

Yes, user will be shown a message on his dashboard prompting him to change his
password starting from the number of days maintained in password warning period until
the password gets expired.

4. Can the Bank define more than one password policy for a user type

No, only one policy can be defined for a particular user type.

5. Can the System Administrator delete a Password policy?

No, deletion of password policy is not permitted; however system administrator can make
changes to the existing password policy.


Security Keys

40. Security Keys

40.1 Password Encryption and Decryption with Public and Private

Key Pairs
Encryption and decryption allow communication between two parties to disguise information. The
sender encrypts information before sending it and the receiver decrypts the information after
receiving it. While in transit, the information is encrypted to ensure that it is protected from an

Public and Private key pair helps to encrypt information that ensures sensitive data is protected
during transmission. Whatever is encrypted with a Public Key can only be decrypted by its
corresponding Private Key and vice versa.

40.2 API Key

The API key is unique identifier that helps authentication server handle non authenticated
requests. This can be generated by clicking the generate button.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Security > Security Keys > API


40.3 JWT Encryption Key

A JSON web token is a JSON object to represent a set of information. On sign in, user is
authenticated and JWT token is generated. This JWT is subsequently passed to make API calls.

Security Keys

To keep sensitive information hidden from the bearer (client) or third parties, JWT should be

A single key can be used to encrypt the data, if the JWT is encrypted with the key then the data
can be decrypted using the same key.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security > Security Keys

Security Keys

To generate the security keys:

1. The default behaviour in the product will be no encryption for password as well as JWT.
2. If encryption needs to be enabled, then the system administrator should generate the
respective keys.
3. Click Generate against the Public and Private Key Pair. System will generate public as well
as private keys.
4. Click Generate against the JWT Encryption Key. System will generate the symmetric key
for encryption.
5. Click OK to navigate back to dashboard

Note: The server will need to be restarted post key generation.


User Group - Subject Mapping

41. User Group - Subject Mapping

This maintenance facilitates mapping of subjects, to user groups in the bank, to streamline
communication between the bank’s users and its end customers.

Once User Groups are mapped to certain transactions or modules, users, in that group can reply
to communication pertaining to the specific subject. The communication channel used is the bank’s
secure mailbox. For instance, employees in the Credit Card department of the bank will be able to
reply to / address queries raised by customers who are overdue on their payments or who want to
seek clarification on their monthly statement.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Administrator user groups are maintained.
 Maintain applicable subjects, for each Module


Features Supported In Application

 Search User Group - Subject Mapping
 Create User Group - Subject Mapping
 Modify User Group - Subject Mapping

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Communications > User Group Subject Mapping
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Communications > User Group
Subject Mapping

User Group - Subject Mapping

41.1 User Group - Subject Mapping - Search

User Group – subject mapping search option allows System Administrator to view the existing User
Group - Subject Mapping.

To view User Group - Subject Mapping:

1. In the Mapping Code field, enter the user group - subject mapping code for which you want
to view the details.
In the Description field, enter the user group - subject mapping description for which you
want to view the details.
From the Group Code list, select the group code already maintained to view the details of
the same. Click Search, display results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Group - Subject Mapping - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - subject mapping code.


Description The user group - subject mapping description.

User Group - Subject Mapping

Field Name Description

Group Code The group code to enquire about user group subject mapping, already

2. Click the Mapping Code for which you want to view the mapping details. The User Group -
Subject Mapping - View screen displays the mapping of subject to the user group.

User Group - Subject Mapping - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - subject mapping code.


User Group - Subject Mapping

Field Name Description

Description The user group - subject mapping description.

Mapping Details

Group Code The group code assigned to user group subject mapping.

Subjects The list of all subjects maintained.

1) All Subjects: if this is checked, then all subjects will be mapped with
selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards modules.
2) List of Individual Subject: Module wise list of subjects will be available with
check box against those. If this is checked, then individual subject is mapped
with selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards and
other modules.

3. Click Edit to edit the subject mapping details.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

41.2 User Group - Subject Mapping - Create

Using User Group – Subject mapping - Create option, System Administrator can create the user
group - subject mapping.

To create User Group - Subject Mapping:

1. Click Create.
The User Group - Subject Mapping - Create screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Group - Subject Mapping

User Group - Subject Mapping - Create

User Group - Subject Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - subject mapping code.


Description The user group - subject mapping description.

Mapping Details

Group Code The group code to create user group subject mapping.

Subjects The list of all subjects maintained.

1) All Subjects: if this is checked, then all subjects will be mapped with selected
group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, and Credit Cards modules.
2) List of Individual Subject: Module wise list of subjects will be available with
check box against those. If this is checked, then individual subject is mapped
with selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards and other

2. In the Mapping Code field, enter the user group - subject mapping code.
3. In the Description field, enter the user group - subject mapping description.
4. From the Group Code list, select the appropriate option.
5. Select the respective check boxes preceding the subject to be mapped.
Select All Subjects check box, if you want to map all subjects.
6. Update the required details.
7. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Edit to modify the details.
9. The success message of creation of user group - subject mapping along with the transaction
reference number appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

User Group - Subject Mapping

1) If the mapping setup requires an approval workflow, the maintenance will be initiated. Once
approved by the required number of approvers, the mapping will be effected.
2) If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, then the mapping
will be effected immediately.

41.3 User Group - Subject Mapping - Modify

Using User Group – Subject Mapping - Modify option; System Administrator can edit the user group
- subject mapping.

To edit the User Group - Subject Mapping:

1. In the Mapping Code field, enter the user group - subject mapping code for which you want
to view the details.
In the Description field, enter the user group - subject mapping description for which you
want to view the details. OR
From the Group Code list, select the group code already maintained to view the details of
the same.
2. Click Search to display results based on search criteria.
3. Click the Mapping Code for which you want to view the mapping details. The User Group -
Subject Mapping - View screen displays the mapping of subject to the user group.

User Group - Subject Mapping - Edit

User Group - Subject Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping The user group - subject mapping code.


Description The user group - subject mapping description.

Mapping Details

Group Code The group code assigned to user group subject mapping.

Subjects The list of all subjects maintained.

1) All Subjects: if this is checked, then all subjects will be mapped with
selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, and Credit Cards modules.
2) Individual Subject: if this is checked, then individual subject is mapped with
selected group code within the CASA, TD, Loans, Credit Cards modules.

4. Select the respective check boxes preceding the subject to be mapped.

Select All Subjects check box, if you want to map all subjects.
5. Update the required details.
6. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Edit to modify the details.
8. The success message of update along with the transaction reference number appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

1) If the mapping setup requires an approval workflow, the maintenance will be initiated. Once
approved by the required number of approvers, the mapping will be effected.
2) If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, then the mapping
will be effected immediately.

User Group - Subject Mapping


1. If a user has been mapped to all subjects in the CASA module, what does it mean?

If the bank user is mapped to all subjects in CASA, he will be able to receive and reply to the
business users on those CASA subjects.

2. How does this maintenance help the bank and its customers?

This set-up is a way to allow or restrict access, to the users of the bank. This enables a secure
communication channel between the bank and its end customers.

3. I am an employee of the bank, and I belong to the user group that is mapped to all
Term Deposits subjects. Can I initiate an email and send it to the customer?

No, you cannot initiate a correspondence with a customer, you can only reply to his queries on
Term Deposits, through the mailbox.


Alerts Maintenance

42. Alerts Maintenance

Alerts maintenance allows the System Administrator to define required parameters for each alert
that is to be sent to the banks internal (Administrators) and external users (Business users). User
can define the alert messages to be sent to different recipients on different channels. Also the type
of alert Mandatory or subscribed can be defined by the user for each event.

Application also supports actionable alerts. Actionable alerts help user taking an action on the alert
message received so that he/she does not have to navigate to the respective transaction manually
to take specific action on the message. These alerts can be defined for any of the delivery mode
i.e. email, SMS, push notification and on screen.

Factory shipped Actionable Alerts:

Corporate Approval – User will be able to click on the link available in the alert and he or she will
be redirected to transaction approval page.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Various events are maintained


Features Supported In Application

Alert maintenance available features available to System Administrator users in the application:
 View alerts already maintained
 Create a new alert
 Edit an alert
 Delete an alert

Alerts Maintenance

How to reach here:

System Administrator Dashboard > Communications > Alert Maintenance

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Communications > Alert

42.1 Alerts Maintenance - Search

Using this option, System Administrator can search and view the details of any alerts maintained
based on the search parameters. If the search parameters are not specified, records of all the alerts
maintained in the application are displayed (i.e. a blank search is allowed).

To view alerts:
1. From the Module Name list, select the appropriate option whose alerts you to view.
2. From the Event Name list, select the event, for which one wants to view the alerts
3. Click Search.
The alerts maintained appear based on the entered search parameters.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Alerts Maintenance- Search

Alerts Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Module Name of the module to which alert is maintained.


Event The event activity associated with the alert based on the Module name
Name selection.

Search Results

Event The event activity associated with the alert.


Module Name of the module to which the event was linked.


Alert Type The type of alert i.e. if the alert is a subscription based alert or is one that is sent
by the bank by default.
The options are:
 Subscribed
 Mandatory (Bank Notification)

4. To view the details of a specific alert, click the Event Name field, in the Search Results table.
The Alert Maintenance- View screen with maintained details appears.

Alerts Maintenance

Alerts Maintenance – Detailed View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Module Name Name of the module for which alert is maintained.

Alerts Maintenance

Field Name Description

Event Name The event activity associated with the alert based on the Module name

Alert Type The type of alert i.e. if the alert is a subscription based alert or is one that
is sent by the bank by default (mandatory).
The options are:
 S: Subscribed
 M: Mandatory (Bank Notification)

Message Settings

Recipient Type The facility to select the category of recipients of the alert.
The values can be:
 Corporate
 Approver
 Initiator
 Next Approver
 Previous Approver
 User
 Banker
 Approver
 Initiator
 Next Approver
 Previous Approver
 External
 User
 Party
 Customer

Locale Language in which the message is defined.

Alert Type The type of alert i.e. if the alert is a subscription based alert or is one that
is sent by the bank by default.
The options are:
 S: Subscribed
 M: Mandatory (Bank Notification)

Alerts Maintenance

Field Name Description

Delivery Mode The delivery mode through which the alert is to be sent.
The options are:
 Email: alert is to be sent as an email
 SMS: alert is to be sent as an SMS on the user’s mobile number
 On screen: Alert is sent as a message to customer's secured
mail box (mailbox available within OBDX).
 Push Notification: notifications are sent as a banner or pop-up
message on the user’s mobile number

Below fields appears, if the Delivery Mode is Email.

Email Subject The subject as specified in the template.

Email Message The content of the template.

Attribute Mask The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of
the account number.

Data Attribute The data attribute that is to be masked, in the communication.

Below fields appear, if the Delivery Mode is On Screen.

On Screen The subject as specified in the On Screen template.


On Screen The content of the template.


Attribute Mask The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of
the account number.

Data Attribute The data attribute that is to be masked, in the communication.

Below fields appear, if the Delivery Mode is Push Notification.

Message Title The title as specified in the Push Notification template.

Notification The content of the notification template.


Attribute Mask The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of
the account number.

Alerts Maintenance

Field Name Description

Data Attribute The data attribute that is to be masked, in the communication.

Below fields appears, if the Delivery Mode is SMS.

SMS Message The content of the SMS template.


Attribute Mask The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of
the account number.

The below fields are applicable only for Actionable Alerts.

Action ID The unique action ID assigned to the action defined for the event.
This is defined at the time of creating the alert. Admin user will not be
able to make any changes in it from UI.

Description The description about the action added on the alerts for a specific
delivery mode. This field is not editable.

Action Text The text that needs to be displayed instead of the URL in the alert
message. By clicking on which the user will be redirected to the
respective URL.

Status The current status of the alert.

The options are:
 Disabled- does not allow user to take action on alert
 Enabled- allow user to take action on alert message

5. Click Edit to edit the alerts details.

Click Delete to delete the alert. (Only non-mandatory alerts can be deleted).
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Alerts Maintenance

42.2 Alerts Maintenance- Create

Using this option, the System Administrator defines the alerts. User has to select the module-
event combination for which the alert needs to be maintained. Further user has to select the
recipients for whom the alerts need to be sent on an event.

To create an alert:
1. Click Create to create an alert. The Alert Maintenance - Create screen appears.

Alerts Maintenance- Create

Field Description

Field Description

Module The unique name to be given to the module for which alert is to be created.
The options are:

Alerts Maintenance

Field Description

 Term Deposits
 Current and Savings Account
 Loan
 Originations
 Payments
 Host
 User Management
 Back Office
 File Upload
 Approvals
 Credit Card
 Reports
 Wallets

Event The event activity associated with the alert.


Alert Type The type of alert i.e. if the alert is a subscription based alert or is one that is sent
by the bank by default.
The options are:
 S: Subscribed
 M: Mandatory (Bank Notification)

Message Settings
Click the ‘add’ button to enable the following fields. Click on the drop down for Recipient type
1. (Repeat the following steps, for every new recipient you wish to add)

Recipient The facility to select the category of recipients of the alert.

The values can be:
 Corporate
 Approver
 Initiator
 Next Approver
 Previous Approver
 User

Alerts Maintenance

Field Description

 Banker
 Approver
 Initiator
 Next Approver
 Previous Approver
 External
 User
 Party
 Customer

Locale Language in which the message is to be defined.

Alert Type The type of alert i.e. if the alert is a subscription based alert or is one that is sent
by the bank by default.
The options are:
 S: Subscribed
 M: Mandatory (Bank Notification)

Delivery The delivery mode through which the alert is to be sent.

The options are:
 Email: alert is to be sent as an email
 SMS: alert is to be sent as an SMS on the user’s mobile number
 On screen: Alert is sent as a message to customer's secured mail box
(mailbox available within OBDX).Push Notification: notifications are
sent as a banner or pop-up message on the user’s mobile number

Note: For Push Notification alerts, user can define separate

sound/notification tone for different notifications so that, there can be a
clear differentiation in the tone between an update (related to an account)
and promotions.

Click on one or more of the delivery mode to enable the following fields

Below fields appears, if the Email option is selected in Delivery Mode field.

Email The subject as specified in the template.


Alerts Maintenance

Field Description

Email The content of the template.


Attribute The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of the
Mask account number.
Click Add to add one or more data attributes.

Data The data attribute that is to be masked, in the communication.


Below fields appear, if the On Screen option is selected in Delivery Mode field.

On Screen The subject as specified in the On Screen template.


On Screen The content of the template.


Attribute The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of the
Mask account number.
Click Add to add one or more data attributes.

Data The data attribute that is to be masked, in the communication.


Below fields appear, if the Push Notification option is selected in Delivery Mode field.

Message The title as specified in the Push Notification template.


Notification The content of the Notification template.


Attribute The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of the
Mask account number.
Click Add to add one or more data attributes.

Data The data attribute that is to be masked, in the communication.


Below fields appear, if the SMS option is selected in Delivery Mode field.

Alerts Maintenance

Field Description

SMS The content of the SMS template.


Attribute The attribute mask may be in the form of masking all but the last 4 digits of the
Mask account number.
Click Add to add one or more data attributes.

The below fields are applicable only for Actionable Alerts.

Action ID The unique action ID assigned to the action defined for the event. This is defined
at the time of creating the alert. Admin user will not be able to make any changes
in it from UI.

Description The description about the action added on the alerts for a specific delivery
mode. Admin user will not be able to make any changes in it from UI.

Action Text The text that needs to be displayed instead of the URL in the alert message. By
clicking on which the user will be redirected to the respective URL.

Status The current status of the alert.

The options are:
 Disabled- does not allow user to take action on alert message
 Enabled- allow user to take action on alert message

2. From the Module Name list, select the appropriate option for which you want to create alert.
3. From the Event Name list, select the appropriate option which you want to create alert.
4. From the Alert Type list, select the appropriate option.
5. In the Message Settings section, click Add, the Recipient Type field appears.

6. Click against the Recipient Type field.

7. From the Recipient list, select the appropriate recipient type.
8. From the Locale list, select the appropriate option
9. From the Alert Type list, select the appropriate option.
10. In the Delivery Mode field, select the appropriate option. If you select Email option:
a. In the Email Subject field, enter the subject for the email message.
b. In the Email Message field, enter the content for the email message.

Alerts Maintenance

c. In the Attribute Mask section, select the Data Attribute that is to be masked, in the
d. In the Attribute Mask field, enter the information to be masked.
e. Click Save to save the details entered.
Click Add to add more attributes.
11. In the Delivery Mode field, if you select On Screen option:
a. Select the Copy Content from Email option, if you want to copy the contents from email.
b. In the On Screen Subject field, enter the subject for the On Screen message.
c. In the On Screen Message field, enter the content for the On Screen message.
d. Repeat steps 10 c to e.
12. In the Delivery Mode field, if you select Push Notification option:
a. In the Message Title field, enter the subject for the push notification message.
b. In the Notification Message field, enter the content for the push notification message.
c. Repeat steps 10 c to e.
13. In the Delivery Mode field, if you select SMS option:
a. In the SMS Text Message field, enter the content for the SMS message.
b. Repeat steps 10 c to e.
14. For Actionable Alerts:
a. Define the Data Attributes for the alert message.
b. Provide the Action Text that needs to get displayed instead of the URL in the alert
c. Enable the toggle button against the Status to send the actionable link in the alert, of
Disable the toggle button against the Status to send the alert as normal alert without any
actionable link.
15. Click Add if you want to add more recipients.

Click if you want to delete the added recipients.

16. Click against the message template to enter the required details.
17. Click Save to save the details entered.
18. The Review screen appears. Verify the details and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any. The Alert Maintenance – Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
19. The success message appears. Click OK to complete the transaction.

Alerts Maintenance

42.3 Alerts Maintenance- Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can edit the details of selected alerts maintenance defined
in the application.

To modify an alert:
1. Enter the search criteria, and click Search.
The alerts maintained appear based on the entered search parameters.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
2. Click on alert whose details you want to modify. The Alert Maintenance- View screen with
maintained details appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the alerts details. The Alert Maintenance- Edit screen appears.

Alerts Maintenance- Edit

Alerts Maintenance

4. Update the required fields.

Module Name, Event Name and Alert Type fields are read only, and cannot be edited.

5. You can click against the particular message template to delete it.
6. View the value for recipient type – modify if required.
7. If Alert Type field selection is mandatory above, this field will be defaulted.
8. Click to enable / disable the delivery mode, by clicking the check box.
9. Click Edit, against each delivery Mode to view the Subject, Message and Attribute masks (if
any). Modify if required.
10. Click Save to update the alert maintenance. User will be directed to the Alert Maintenance -
Edit - Review page post necessary validations.
11. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any. The Alert Maintenance – Edit screen with values in
editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
12. The success message appears. Click Done to complete the transaction.

42.4 Alerts Maintenance- Delete

Using this option, you can search and delete an existing alert. Note that mandatory alerts cannot
be deleted.

To delete an alert:
1. Repeat steps 1 to 2 of Edit Alert section.
2. To delete an alert, click Delete.
3. The Delete Warning message appears, click Yes.
4. The Alert Maintenance screen with the successful object deletion message appears. Click
OK to complete the transaction.

To view the list of events for Alert Maintenance, click .

Alerts Maintenance


1. What is a significance of Mandatory and Subscribe types of alerts?

Recipients will get an alert by default for the alert types defined as Mandatory and will have
to subscribe for those alerts for which the alert type is defined as ‘Subscribe’.

2. What is a reason for applying attribute masking?

The main reason for applying masking to a data field is to protect data that is classified
as personal identifiable data, personal sensitive data or commercially sensitive data as a
communication between the customer and Bank.

3. Can I define the masking for data attribute available in subject?

No, data attribute masking can be defined only for the data available in the message body.

4. Can I add an attribute masks for more the one data attribute for a specific recipient
and channel?

Yes, you can add multiple attribute masks for different data attributes for a specific recipient
and channel.

5. Can I delete specific recipient added for an alert event in Alert Maintenance?

Yes, administrator can delete specific recipient mapped to an event.

6. What happens to the in-transit transactions if I edit the alert maintenance for
specific recipient?

An updated maintenance will be applicable for any new event performed after maintenance
is saved successfully.

7. Can the administrator define any of the existing alerts as an actionable alert by
defining the Action ID and Action Text?

No, actionable alerts cannot be configured by the Administrator, these alerts are factory
shipped or can be defined at the time of implementation. Administrator can only define the
Action Text for and can enable/disable the actionable alert.



43. Mailers
Mailers are information or messages published by the Bank, to communicate about the Bank’s
Products, services and other information to its users. Bank may send mailers to announce a limited
period promotional product rate, launch of a product or service, etc.

Using this option, the System Administrator creates Mailers which are sent to specific users, parties
or user segments. Mailers can be customized to reach some or all users, to be sent now or on a
specific date and time, in the future.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Approval rule set up for Administrator to perform the actions


Features Supported In Application

The Mailers module supports following features:

 Search and View Mailers
 Create Mailers
 Edit Mailers (Only for Scheduled Mailers)
 Delete Mailers (Only for Scheduled Mailers)

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Communications > Mailers

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Communication > Mailers

43.1 Mailers - Search and View

Using Mailers – search option, System Administrators can search and view the list of mailers
created in the application. System Administrator enters the mailer code or mailer description to
search the user, however blank search is also allowed.


The information will be displayed sorted by Date of creation.

To search the mailer:

1. In the Mailer Code field, enter the mailer code to view the mailer details.
In the Mailer Description field, enter the mailer description to view the mailer details.
2. Click Search.
3. The search results appear on the Mailers screen.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.

Mailers - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mailer Code The unique key to identify the mailer.


Field Name Description

Mailer Description The description of the mailer corresponding to mailer code.

Search Results

Mailer Code The mailer code.

Mailer Description The description of the mailer corresponding to mailer code.

Date Created The date on which the mailer was created.

Send Date The date on which mailer is sent.

Status The status of the mailer - viz., scheduled, sent and expired.

To view the mailer details:

1. In the Mailer - Search Results section, click the Mailer Code link of the record for which you
want to view the details.
The search results appear on the Mailers - View screen appears.

Mailer - View


Field Description

Field Name Description


Mailer Code The unique key to identify the mailer.

Mailer The description of the mailer corresponding to the mailer code.


Send Date The date and time on which the mailer was sent.


Field Name Description

Expiry Date The date and time on which the mailer will expire and will stop appearing
in user’s mailbox.

Send Time The time on which the mailer was sent.

Priority The priority of the mailer.

The options can be:
 Low
 Medium
 High

Subject The subject of the mailer.

Mail Body The content of the main body of the mailer.


Send To The recipients of the mailer.

The recipients can be:
 All Corporate Users
 All Bank Administrator
 All Retail Users
 Segmented Users
 Non-Segmented Users
 User IDs
 Party IDs

2. Click Edit to edit the mailer.

Click Delete the delete the mailer.
Click Cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Note: The Edit and Delete option is available only for Mailers that have a status as ‘Scheduled’.


43.2 Mailers - Create

This function allows the System Administrator to create mailers. The System Administrator creates
the content of the mailers, specifies the date - when a mailer is to be sent, priority of the mailer,
and the recipients to whom the mailer needs to be sent.

To create a new mailer:

1. In the Mailers screen, click Create. The Mailers - Create screen appears.

Mailer - Create

Field Description


Field Name Description

Mailer Specify the unique key to identify the mailer.


Mailer The description of the mailer corresponding to the mailer code.


Send Date The desired date and time for sending the mailer.

Expiry Date The date and time on which the mailer will expire and it will stop appearing in
the user’s mailbox.

Priority The priority of the mailer.

The options are:
 Low
 Medium
 High

Subject The subject of the mailer.

Mail Body The content of the main body of the mailer.


Send To The recipients of the mailer.

The options are:
 All Corporate Users
 All Bank Administrator
 All Retail Users
 Segmented Users
 Non-Segmented Users
 List of User ID: This field is enabled, if you click the Add List of User
ID button.
 List of Party ID: This field is enabled, if you click the Add List of
Party ID button.

2. In the Mailer Code field, enter the mailer id.

3. In the Mailer Description field, enter the mailer description.
4. From the Send Date list, select the appropriate date and time to send the mailer.
5. From the Expiry Date list, select the appropriate date and time on which the mailer will


6. In the Priority field, select the priority to send the mailer.

7. In the Subject field, enter the appropriate subject for the mailer.
8. In the Mail Body field, enter the appropriate content for the mailer.
9. To send the mailer, select the type of recipients from the Send To list.
Click the against the Segmented Users/ Non Segmented Users field to view and select the
desired user.
Select the check box to select all the segmented users/ non segmented users.
Click Add List of User ID and enter the user ids, if you want to add specific user ids as
mailer recipients.
Click Add List of Party ID and enter the party ids, if you want to add specific party ids as
mailer recipients.
Click Save to save the details.
Click Cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
10. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
11. The success message of mailer creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction.

43.3 Mailers - Edit

This function enables the System Administrator to edit the mailer details.

Note: This option is available only for Mailers, which have status as ‘Scheduled’ (future dated).

To edit or update a mailer details:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the Mailers screen.
2. In the Mailer - Search Results section, click the Mailer Code link of the record for which you
want to view the details.
The search results appear on the Mailers - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the mailer. The Mailers - Edit screen appears
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.


Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Mailers - Edit

Field Description


Field Name Description


Mailer Code The unique key to identify the mailer.

This field is not editable.

Mailer Description The description of the mailer corresponding to mailer code.

Send Date The desired date and time for sending the mailer.

Expiry Date The date and time on which the mailer will expire.

Priority The priority of the mailer.

The options are:
 Low
 Medium
 High


Subject The subject of the mailer.

Mail Body The content for the mail body of the mailer.


Send To The recipients of the mailer.

The options are:
 All Corporate Users
 All Bank Administrator
 All Retail Users
 Segmented Users
 Non-Segmented Users
 List of User ID: This field is enabled, if you click the Add List of
User ID button.
 List of Party ID: This field is enabled, if you click the Add List of
Party ID button.

4. View the defined values for fields, in an editable form.

5. Modify the required details.


6. Click Save to update the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of mailer update appears along with the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

43.4 Mailers - Delete

Using this option, the System Administrator can delete the mailer.

Note: This option is available only for Mailers, which have status as ‘Scheduled’ (future dated).

To delete the mailer:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
The search results appear on the Mailers screen.
2. In the Mailer - Search Results section, click the Mailer Code link of the record for which you
want to view the details.
The search results appear on the Mailers - View screen appears.
3. Click Delete. The application prompt the System Administrator with a delete confirmation
message with an option of Yes / No.

Mailers - Delete


4. Click Yes to continue.

Click No to cancel the deletion process.
5. The screen with success message appears. Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. Can I attach a file while creating a Mailer?

No, option to attach files is not supported.

2. Till which date I can see the mailers which are already sent to the customers?

You can view already sent mailers till the date, data is available in the system. This will be
based on the Bank’s purging policy.

3. Can I send mailers to specific customers?

Mailers can be sent to all the customers (Retail/corporate/Administrators), specific user

segments or to specific user(s) by specifying the user IDs or party IDs.

4. Who will be the recipients of the mailers incase if mailers are targeted for specific
party id(s)?

The users to whom the party ID is mapped as primary party will receive the mailers on
scheduled date and time.


Account Aggregation

44. Account Aggregation

Account aggregation feature allows retail users to link their external bank accounts to OBDX and
provides with an ability to view and access all their savings, term deposits and loan accounts
information anytime, anywhere using single digital platform. The benefit of account aggregation is
that retail users get a snapshot of all financial accounts while being able to easily retrieve account
details, such as net balance available across all the current and savings accounts, recent
transactions, etc. in one place. Using this feature, the user log on to the application to see all
financial accounts, instead of log in to several accounts to tally up a financial overview, which saves
time and effort of the user.

As a part of Account Aggregation module OBDX enables a retail user to access external bank
accounts, and aggregate accounts with OBDX, the system administrator has to perform External
Bank Maintenance.


Account Aggregation

44.1 External Bank Maintenance

Using external bank maintenance, System Administrators can add an external bank. The external
bank logo, address, URL and other details can be maintained. In addition to this, the authorization
details can be captured, that will enable linking of OBDX with the external bank. Multiple external
APIs can be saved, to facilitate access of data, which will then be available for the perusal of the
OBDX customer.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions


Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

 View External Bank Details
 Add External Bank
 Update External Bank Details
 Delete External Bank

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Personal Finance > External Bank Maintenance
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Personal Financial
Management > External Bank Maintenance

Account Aggregation

44.1.1 Search and View External Bank's Details

System Administrators can search and view the details of the external banks already maintained
in the application.

To view external bank's details:

1. In the Bank Name field, enter the bank name to search for a specific external bank.
2. Click Search.
List of external banks matching search criteria appears in search summary section.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click ADD to add new external bank.

External Bank Maintenance - Search Result

Field Description

Field Name Description

Bank Logo The external Bank's logo.

Bank Name The name of the external bank maintained in OBDX.

Bank URL The URL of the external bank maintained in OBDX.

Account Aggregation

Field Name Description

Enable OAuth The status of the external bank's authorization details, if enabled or
Details disabled.

Enabled on If the status of an external bank is enabled, then date and time on which
the bank is enabled for customers.

3. Click Bank Name link on External Bank Maintenance screen.

The bank details maintained appears on External Bank Maintenance - View screen.

External Bank Maintenance - View

Account Aggregation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Bank Details

Bank Name The name of the external bank maintained in OBDX.

Bank Address The address of the external bank maintained in OBDX.

Bank URL The URL of the external bank maintained in OBDX.

Bank Logo The external Bank's logo.

Bank Identifier The external bank identifier.

OAuth Authorization Details

Enable OAuth Displays the authorization details status for the external bank i.e. whether
Details to enable /disable.

Authorization Displays the authorization url.


Token URL Displays the Token url.

Revoke URL Displays the Revoke url.

Redirect URL Displays the Redirect url.

Client ID Displays the Client ID.

Client Secret Displays the Client secret keys.


Scope Displays the applicable scope(s) for the external bank.

External API Details

External API's Displays the category of external API's exchanged between the Banks.

API URL Displays the API URL.

Account Aggregation

4. Click Edit to edit the external bank details.

Click Delete to delete the external bank details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

44.1.2 Add External Bank

System Administrators can add an external bank - so that it is available to the Retail User for
account aggregation services (on successful authorization of this maintenance). System
Administrators can add external bank details like Bank details, Bank Authorization details, multiple
external APIs (to facilitate access of data between OBDX and the External Bank.)

To add external bank:

1. In the External Bank Maintenance screen, click Add. The External Bank Maintenance -
Create screen appears.

External Bank Maintenance - Add

Account Aggregation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Bank Details

Bank Name Specify the name of the external bank.

Bank Address Enter address of the external bank.

Bank URL Specify the URL of the external bank.

Bank Logo Upload logo of the bank through browse and upload image option.

Bank Identifier Enter the external bank identifier.

OAuth Authorization Details

Enable OAuth Select the authorization details status for the external bank i.e. whether to
Details enable /disable.

Below fields is enabled only if the Enable OAuth Details field is enable under OAuth
Authorization Details section

Authorization Specify the authorization URL.


Token URL Specify the Token URL.

Revoke URL Specify the Revoke url.

Redirect URL Specify the Redirect url.

Client ID Specify the Client ID.

Client Secret Specify the Client secret keys.


Scope Specify the applicable scope(s) for the external bank.

External API Details

Account Aggregation

Field Name Description

External API's Select the external API's category, to access data between OBDX and the
External Bank.
The External API could be to access the following information of the User's
External Bank accounts:
 Account List
 Account Details
 Account Summary
 Account Activity

API URL Specify the API URL.

2. In the Bank Name field, enter the external bank's name.

3. In the Bank Address field, enter the external bank's address.
4. In the Bank URL field, enter the external bank's url.
5. Click Choose Files or Drag Files here, browse and upload image of bank logo.
6. In the Bank Identifier field, enter the external bank's identifier.
7. Click the Enable OAuth Details toggle button to enable or disable the authorization details.

Note: OAuth Authorization Details are maintained for the external bank, if the status of the
Enable OAuth Details field is enabled.

8. In the Authorization URL field, enter the external bank's authorization url.
9. In the Token URL field, enter the external bank's token url.
10. In the Revoke URL field, enter the external bank's revoke url.
11. In the Redirect URL field, enter the external bank's redirect url.
12. In the Client ID field, enter the external bank's client ID.
13. In the Client Secret Keys field, enter the external bank's client secret keys.
14. In the Scope field, enter the appropriate scope for the external bank.
15. From the External APIs list, select the external API's exchanged between the Banks in
External API Details section.
16. Click + Add External API to add more APIs.
The list appears to select the APIs.
a. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate option.
b. In the API URL field, enter the API url.
c. OR
Click against the particular already added External API to delete it.

Account Aggregation

17. Click Save to update the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
18. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
19. The success message of external bank details creation appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

44.1.3 Update External Bank's Details

System Administrators can view and update the details of the external banks already maintained
in the application. System Administrators can modify Bank details, Authorization details and
External API information.

To edit External bank details:

1. In the Bank Name field, enter the bank name to search for the specific external bank.
2. Click Search.
List of external banks matching the search criteria appears in search summary section.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.
3. Click Bank Name link on External Bank Maintenance screen.
The bank details maintained appears on External Bank Maintenance - View screen.
4. Click Edit to edit the external bank details. The External Bank Maintenance - Edit screen
appears with values in editable form.

Account Aggregation

External Bank Maintenance - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Bank Details

Bank Name Displays the name of the external bank.

This field is editable.

Bank Address Displays an address of the external bank.

This field is editable.

Account Aggregation

Field Name Description

Bank URL Displays the URL of the external bank.

This field is editable.

Bank Logo Displays the logo of the bank.

This field is editable.

Bank Identifier Displays the external bank identifier.

This field is editable.

OAuth Authorization Details

Enable OAuth Displays the authorization details status for the external bank i.e. whether
Details it is enable /disable.
This field is editable.

Authorization Displays the Authorization URL.

This field is editable.

Token URL Displays the Token URL.

This field is editable.

Revoke URL Displays the Revoke url.

This field is editable.

Client ID Displays the Client ID.

This field is editable.

Client Secret Displays the Client keys.

This field is editable.

External API Details

Account Aggregation

Field Name Description

External API's Displays the category of external API's to access data between OBDX and
the External Bank.
The options are:
 Account List
 Account Details
 Account Summary
 Account Activity
This field is editable.

API URL Displays the API URL.

This field is editable.

5. Update the required details.

6. Click Save to update the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of updates appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

44.1.4 Delete External Bank's Details

System Administrators can search and delete existing external bank details.

To delete external bank details:

1. In the Bank Name field, enter the bank name to search for the specific external bank.
2. Click Search.
List of external banks matching the search criteria appears in search summary section.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.
3. Click Bank Name link on External Bank Maintenance screen.
The bank details maintained appears on External Bank Maintenance - View screen.
4. Click Delete to delete the external bank details.

Account Aggregation

5. The Delete Warning message appears, click Yes.

External Bank Maintenance - Delete

6. The External Bank Maintenance screen with the successful object deletion message
appears. Click OK to complete the transaction.


Spend Category

45. Spend Category

Using this option, the System Administrator can maintain the spend categories. Spend Category
maintenance allows the System Administrator to create, modify or expire categories. For each of
the Spend Category, System Administrator shall be able to map its corresponding sub categories
under which the transactions will be tagged. This maintenance is done only for retail customers.
Any time there can be a maximum of 7 categories available and each will have a unique category
code. Spend categories cannot be deleted.

The each spend category can have up to four sub categories each.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Transactions which needs to be mapped to different categories are maintained
 Transaction description must have keywords which can be distinguished by rule engine for
classification into subcategories

Features Supported In Application

The Spend Category maintenance allows the System Administrator to:

 Search and View Spend Category
 Create Spend Category
 Edit Spend Category
 Add Spend Sub Category
 Edit Spend Sub Category

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Personal Finance > Spend Category
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Personal Financial
Management > Spend Category

Spend Category

45.1 Spend Category - Search

Using Spend category search option, System Administrators search the existing spend category.
The search result displays a particular spend categories based on search criteria entered.

If the search parameters are not specified, then it displays all the records.

To search a spend category:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The search results appear on the Spend Category
screen based on the search parameters.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.

Spend Category - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Category Unique ID maintained for the spend category.


Spend Category

Field Name Description

Category Name of the spend category. Transactions are mapped to the category name
Name to classify spending under each category.

Search Results

Category Category codes of the searched spend categories.


Category Name of the searched categories.


45.1.1 Spend Category - View

Using spend category view option, the System Administrator can view the spend categories and
sub categories.

To view a spend category:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The search results appear on the Spend Category
screen based on the search parameters.
2. Click the Category Name link of the record for which you want to view the spend category.
The Spend Category - View screen appears.

Spend Category - View

Spend Category

Field Description

Field Name Description

Category Unique ID maintained for the spend category


Category Name of the category. Transactions are mapped to the category name to
Name classify spending under each category.

Sub Category Details

Sub Unique ID maintained for the spend sub-category.


Sub Name of the subcategory based on the category name. Transactions can be
Category further classified under the sub categories available under a category. For e.g.
Name Spend category name could be Household Expenses and under that, sub
categories could be Grocery, Rent etc.

3. Click Edit to if you want to edit the spend category.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

45.2 Spend Category - Create

Using spend category create option, the System Administrator can create new spend categories
and sub categories.

To create a spend category:

1. In the Spend Category screen, click Create. The Spend Category - Create screen appears.

Spend Category

Spend Category - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Category Unique ID maintained for the spend category.


Category Name of the category. Transactions are mapped to the category name to
Name classify spending under each category.

Sub Category Details

Sub Unique ID maintained for the spend sub-category.


Sub Name of the subcategory based on the category name. Transactions can be
Category further classified under the sub categories available under a category. For e.g.
Name Spend category name could be Household Expenses and under that, sub
categories could be Grocery, Rent etc.

Spend Category

2. In the Category Code field, enter the code for the spend category.
3. In the Category Name field, enter the name of the spend category.
4. In the Sub Category Details section, enter the relevant information for subcategories.
5. Repeat step 4 to add more sub categories to a sub category.

Note: You can click to delete a spend sub category or click Add to add more spend sub

6. Click Save to save the category and sub category details.

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify the details.
The user will be navigated back to the create screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
8. The success message of spend category creation appears.
Click Ok to complete the transaction.

45.3 Spend Category - Edit

Using spend category edit option, System Administrator can modify the spend category details.

To edit or update a spend category:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The search results appear on the Spend Category
screen based on the search parameters.
2. Click the Category Name link of the record for which you want to edit the spend category.
The Spend Category - View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the spend category. The Spend Category- Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Spend Category

Spend Category - Edit

4. Edit the required details.

5. Click Save to update the changes.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify the details.
The user will be navigated back to the create screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
7. The success message of updates appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Spend Category


1. How many spend categories can a System Administrator can create?

A System Administrator can create maximum of seven categories. However this is a Data base
configuration and can be increased or decreased at the time of implementation.

2. How many spend sub-categories can a System Administrator can create?

A System Administrator can create a maximum of four sub-categories under a main category.

3. What is category code used for?

It is used as a unique key to distinguish different categories.

4. How are the transactions being mapped to the categories?

The categories would be linked to a rule engine which will use some keywords in the description
of transaction and get mapped to the category or sub category on its own.


Goal Category Maintenance

46. Goal Category Maintenance

Goal Category maintenance allows the System Administrator to create, modify or expire goal
categories. For each of the Goal Category, System Administrator can map the Product under which
the goals will be opened. This maintenance is done only for retail type of parties and is not
applicable for corporate type of parties. Any time there can be a maximum of 10 categories
available and each will have a unique category code.

Administrator created categories needs to be linked with a product which will decide the other key
parameters which will govern the Goal category. These parameters would be:
 Goal Amount Range ( Minimum and Maximum Value)
 Interest Rate Offered
 Tenure Range ( Minimum and Maximum)

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Products which needs to be mapped to different categories are well maintained
 Goal categories to be made are limited and cannot be deleted


Features Supported In Application

Goal category maintenance available for System administrator include

 Search Goal Category
 Create Goal Category
 Edit Goal Category

Goal Category Maintenance

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Personal Finance > Goal Category
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Personal Financial
Management > Goal Category

46.1 Goal Category - Search

Using this option, System Administrators can search the existing goal category already created.
The search result displays matching results of the goal based on search criteria entered.

If the search parameters are not specified, then it displays all the records. The search criteria
comprises of two parameters:
 Category Code
 Category Name

Category code will be a unique code which can be used by administrator to distinguish Goals which
can vary on the product mapped.

To search a goal category:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The search results appear on the Goal Category
screen based on the search parameters.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.

Search Goal Category

Goal Category Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Category Code Unique ID maintained for the category for internal search for bank

Category Name of the category.


Search Results

Category Code Category code of the searched goal(s).

Category Name of the searched category.


Product Type Type of product mapped to the category under which the goals are opened.

Product Name of the product which is mapped to the category.

Status Status of the category, whether it is active or expired.

46.1.1 Goal Category - View

Using Goal category view option, the System Administrator can view the goal categories which
already exist.

To view a goal category:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The search results appear on the Goal Category
screen based on the search parameters.
2. Click the Category Name link of the record for which you want to view the goal category. The
Goal Category - View screen appears.

Goal Category Maintenance

Goal Category - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Category Code Unique ID maintained for the category for internal search for bank

Category Name Name of the category.

Expiry Date Expiry date of the goal category. If the expiry date reaches, the user will
not able to view the category.

Category Image Image assigned for goal category.


Product Name of the product mapped to the category under which the goal shall
be opened.

Product Details

Initial Funding The initial amount that the user can invest for his goal.

Tenure The period of the goal created should fall within this range.

Goal Category Maintenance

Field Name Description

Currency The currency with which a goal can be created.

Interest Rate Click the View Interest Rates hyperlink to view the interest rate slab.
Interest rate slab is set for the particular tenure, and is displayed
according to the amount selected.

Top Up Allowed Whether top up for the goal is allowed or not.

Partial Whether partial withdrawal of the goal is allowed or not.


3. Click Edit to if you want to edit the goal category.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Goal Category Maintenance

46.2 Goal Category - Create

Using Goal category create option, the System Administrator can create new goal categories and
sub categories.

To create a goal category:

1. In the Goal Category screen, click Create. The Goal Category - Create screen appears.

Goal Category - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Category Code Unique id maintained for the category. Which will be used for internal
search for bank administrator.

Category Name Name of the category.

Goal Category Maintenance

Field Name Description

Expiry Date Expiry date of the goal category. If the expiry date reaches, the user will
not be able to view the category while creating a new goal.

Category Image Image of the category for which category to be created.

Product Mapping

Product Name of the product to be mapped to the category under which the goal
shall be opened. Bank maintains different products based on the category
of the goal.

Product Details

Initial Funding The initial amount that the user is investing for his goal. It must be within
Limit the limits of the product mapped.

Tenure The period of the goal created should fall within this range.

Currency The currency with which a goal can be created.

Interest Rate Click the View Interest Rates hyperlink to view the interest rate slab.
Interest rate slab is set for the particular tenure, and is displayed
according to the amount selected.

Top Up Allowed Whether top up for the goal is allowed or not.

Partial Whether partial withdrawal of the goal is allowed or not.


2. In the Category Code field, enter the code for the goal category.
3. In the Category Name field, enter the name of the goal category.
4. From the Expiry Date list, select the appropriate date.
5. Click Choose Files to choose the category image.
6. From the Product list, select the appropriate option.
7. Click Save to save the category details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Goal Category Maintenance

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message of goal category creation appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

46.3 Goal Category - Edit

Using Goal category edit option, System Administrator can modify the goal details at any time
during the tenure of the goal. Administrator can edit Category Name, Expiry Date and Interest Rate

To edit or update a goal category:

1. Enter the search criteria, click Search. The search results appear on the Goal Category
screen based on the search parameters.
2. Click the Category Name link of the record for which you want to edit the goal category. The
Goal Category View screen appears.
3. Click Edit to edit the goal category. The Goal Category Edit screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Goal Category - Edit

Goal Category Maintenance

4. Edit the required details.

5. Click Save to update the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The success message of updates appears.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. Can I create a category with unique category code but a common category name?

No, category code and category name, both should be unique.

2. Can I delete a goal category?

No, goal category once created cannot be deleted. However you can update an expiry date.

3. How many Goal categories can be created?

Administrator can create a maximum of ten goal categories. At a time there can be a maximum
of ten active goal categories. Expired goal categories are treated as inactive categories.


Manage Brand

47. Manage Brand

Banks can have varied requirements with regards to the theme and for look and feel of the

Manage Brand is an administrative maintenance that allows the System Administrator to define the
theme using brand logo, colors, fonts and font sizes.

System Administrator can configure the style / theme by selecting brand logo, header, background,
label, button and font colors, font type and sizes for header text, menu, buttons etc. The
administrator can define multiple themes with the above-mentioned attributes and once defined,
the administrator can activate one of the themes from the available list. The administrator defines
brand attributes for user segments.

This function also enables the System Administrator to create themes which will be available for
Retail user for personalizing his view.

At any point in time, the administrator can deactivate a theme and activate another one.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator

Features supported in application

 View Brand
 Create Brand
 Edit Brand
 Delete Brand
 Brand Mapping

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Templates > Manage Brand

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > User Experience > Manage

Manage Brand

Manage Brand – Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Brand Name Displays the theme name as defined.

Brand Displays the theme description as defined.


Date Created Displays the date of theme creation.

Actions The available action buttons against the theme are displayed.
The action button can be:
 View: Click to view the created theme.

1. In the Action column, click the View link to view the already created theme.
Click Create to create a new theme.

Manage Brand

47.1 Manage Brand - Create

Using this option, System Administrator can create a new theme for retail, corporate and
administrator users.

To create a brand:
1. In the Manage Brand screen, click Create. The Create Brand screen appears.

Manage Brand - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Brand Name Enter a name for the brand being created.

Brand Enter a description for the brand being created.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Available for The toggle button to define whether the brand will be available to business
Business users or not for personalization. If this toggle is enabled, then the created
Users theme will be available for Retail users for personalization. Retail user can
select from the available themes and can personalize his view.

Customized Brands

Assets Upload a zip file which contains the icons and logo for the brand. The name
of the assets uploaded should be same as the ones available in the
For e.g. if the logo is available in the application with the name “logo.svg”,
the updated logo should be uploaded with the same name. The file path
should be like “common/logo.svg”.

Note: For mac users, create the zip file using command line to exclude
DS_Store files.

Typography The typography of the brand being created is defined in this section.
The typography includes:
 Base Font URL
 Base Font Family

Base Font URL The URL for the base font that is to be used in the brand.

This field appears if you click against the Typography field.

Base Font The name of the base font family that is to be applied for creating the brand.
This field appears if you click against the Typography field.


A header of the application is the most valuable area. It runs across the top of the
page and has important information and links, which make the navigation across
the application easier and quick.
The application header related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the header will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Header field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The header background color is defined in this section.

The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Icon Size The size of the header icon is defined in this section.

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the header is defined in this

Header Height The height of the brand header is defined in this section.
Border The color of the border for the header is defined in this section.

The area that appears at the bottom on every page of the application is known as the footer.
It contains site information for e.g. the copyright details and the release year of the application.
The application footer related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the footer will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Footer field.

Background The footer background color is defined in this section.

The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the footer is defined in this

Footer Height The height of the brand footer is defined in this section.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Help Panel
The area that appears on the right side of the form on every page of the application is the
Help Panel. It contains brief information related to the module it appears on.
The application help panel related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the help panel will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Help Panel field.

Background The typography color, size and weight for the header is defined in this
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and header font size and weight for the help
panel is defined in this section.

Header The font size and color of the help panel is defined in this section.

Icon Size The size of the header icon is defined in this section.


The collapsible area that appears on the click of the Hamburger menu icon on the top left
corner of the application is known as the menu. It contains links to navigate across
The application Menu related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the menu will be displayed, based on brand definition can be viewed. By
clicking on the hamburger icon on the top left corner of the header.

Below fields appear if you click against the Menu field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The menu background color is defined in this section.

The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and header font size and weight for the Menu
is defined in this section.

Hover The mouse hover color on the menu items is defined in this section.

Interaction The type of menu interaction is selected from this section.

The options are:
 Collapsible
 Sliding

A formatted structure with rows and columns to represent the data is known as the table.
The application table related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the table will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and appears
on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Table field.


Background The background color of the table header is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and header font size and weight for the Menu
is defined in this section.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description


Background The background color of the table body is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and body font size and weight for the Menu is
defined in this section.

Border The color of the border for the table is defined in this section.

Hover The color of the hover on the table is defined in this section.

A structural representation of user related input fields is known as a form.
The application form related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the form will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and appears
on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Form field.

Form Section Header

Background The background color of the section header of the form is defined in this
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the section header of
form is defined in this section.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the Labels of form is
defined in this section.

Information Text

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the Information text of
form is defined in this section.


Dimension The color, font size and weight for the icons in the form is defined in this

Hover The color of the hover in the form is defined in this section.

Disabled Input

Background The background color of the disabled input is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the disabled text of form
is defined in this section.


Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the links in form is
defined in this section.

Hover The color of the hover of disabled field in the form is defined in this section.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

An element that allows the user to take actions with a single tap and interact with them is
known as the button.
The application buttons related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the buttons will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Button field.

Primary / Secondary / Tertiary/ Help

Border The color of the border for the buttons is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The background color of the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Help button
is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for button text is defined in this

Icon Size The size of the icon used in the button.

Button Set
A preview of how the button set for e.g. Toggle buttons, Switch buttons will be displayed,
based on brand definition is focused and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Button Set field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Border The color of the border for the button set is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The background color of the button set is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the button text in the button
set is defined in this section.


Border The color of the border for the selected button in the button set is defined in
this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The background color of the selected button in the button set is defined in
this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the selected button in the
button set text is defined in this section.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Generic Components
The accordion includes components which are generic to the application.

Below fields appear if you click against the Generic Components field.

Background The background color of the application is defined in this section.

The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Page Title

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Page Title text is defined
in this section.

Default Base Border

Border The color of the border for the application in general is defined in this

Font Size The size of the small, medium, large, larger and default fonts to be used in
Small/ Medium the brand application is defined in this section.
/ Large/ Larger/

Modal Window
An element that appears as a subordinate to the main page where an action is to be taken or
information is provided is known as the Modal Window. The window disables the main page
which it is on, making it it’s child.
The application modal window related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the modal window will be displayed, based on brand definition can be
viewed by clicking on the Show Modal Window button on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Modal Window field.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The background color of the Modal Window header is defined in this
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Modal Window header
text is defined in this section.


Background The background color of the Modal Window body is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Modal Window body text
is defined in this section.

Navigation List
An element that appears as quick links which makes switching between different pages of
the same component easier is known as the Navigation List.
The application Navigation List related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Navigation List will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused
and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Navigation List field.


Typography The default typography color, font size and weight for the Navigation List
body text is defined in this section.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Typography The hover typography color, font size and weight for the Navigation List
body text is defined in this section.

Border The hover color of the border for the Navigation List is defined in this
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The hover background color for the Navigation List is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background


Typography The selected typography color, font size and weight for the Navigation List
body text is defined in this section.

Border The selected color of the border for the Navigation List is defined in this
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Information Banner
An area where the information summary about any transaction is available in the application
is known as the Information Banner.
The application Information Banner related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Information Banner will be displayed, based on brand definition is
focused and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Information Banner field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The background color for the Information Banner is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Information Banner body
text is defined in this section.

Review Banner
A preview of how the Review Banner will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused
and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Review Banner field.

Background The background color for the Review Banner is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Border The color of the border for the Review Banner is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Review Banner body text
is defined in this section.

Confirmation / Error Banner

A preview of how the Confirmation/Error Banner will be displayed, based on brand definition
is focused and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Confirm Screen field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Border The color of the border for the Confirmation/Error Banner is defined in this
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Confirmation/Error
Banner body text is defined in this section.


Background The background color for the Confirmation Banner is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Border The color of the border for Confirmation Banner is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius


Background The background color for the Error Banner is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Border The color of the border for Error Banner is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Scroll Bar
An example of how the scroll bar will be displayed, based on brand definition appears in the
scroll bar on the form section (right hand side) of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Scroll Bar field.

Scroll Track

Border The color of the border for the Scroll track is defined in this section.

Scroll Thumb

Border The color of the border for the Scroll Thumb is defined in this section.

A vertically stacked element which allows the user to toggle between sections of content.
The application Accordion related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Accordion will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Accordion field.

Border The color of the border for Accordion is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The background color for the Accordion header is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Accordion header text is
defined in this section.


Background The background color for the Accordion body is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Accordion body text is
defined in this section.

Disabled Accordion Header

Background The background color for the Disabled Accordion header is defined in this
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Disabled Accordion
header text is defined in this section.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

An element that appears as a subordinate to the main page overlaying the same where an
action is to be taken or information is provided is known as the Overlay. The window disables
the main page which it is on, making it it’s child.
The application overlay related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Overlay will be displayed, based on brand definition can be viewed by
clicking on the Show Overlay button on the right-hand side of the screen

Below fields appear if you click against the Overlay field.

Background The background color for the Overlay header is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background


Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Overlay header text is
defined in this section.

Alert Message
The application Alert Message related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Alert Message will be displayed, based on brand definition can be
viewed by clicking on the Show Alert Message button on the right-hand side of the screen

Below fields appear if you click against the Alert Message field.

Border The color of the border for Alert Message is defined in this section.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius


Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Alert Message header
text is defined in this section.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description


Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Alert Message body text
is defined in this section.

Welcome Panel
An element that appears on the top of the Menu Panel by clicking the menu icon is the
Welcome Panel. It contains the user name, language selection and entity.

The application Welcome Panel related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Welcome Panel will be displayed, based on brand definition can be
viewed by clicking on the Menu icon on the left-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Welcome Panel field.
Background Color - The background color for the Overlay header is defined in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular direction
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

The following section displays a preview of all the components comprising of the brand theme
as defined under the Customize Brand section.

Font Color Text displaying the color of the font, as defined.

Anchor Text The anchor text color of the brand.


Label Color The label color, as defined.

Input An example of how an input field will be displayed.


Primary Button An example of how a primary button will be displayed.


Secondary An example of how a secondary button will be displayed.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Tertiary Button An example of how a tertiary button will be displayed.


Help Button An example of how a help button will be displayed.


Option 1, 2, 3 An example of how the navigation list will be displayed, based on brand

Table Example An example of how the table will be displayed, based on brand definition.

Button Sets An example of how the button sets will be displayed, based on brand
Clicking on the button displays how the modal window will appear, based
Show Modal
on brand definition.

Show Overlay
Clicking on the button displays how the overlay will appear, based on brand

Show Alert Clicking on the button displays how the alert box will appear, based on
Box brand definition.

Help Panel An example of how the help panel will be displayed, based on brand

Information An example of how the information banner will be displayed, based on

Banner brand definition.

Review Banner An example of how the review banner will be displayed, based on brand

Confirmation An example of how the confirmation banner will be displayed, based on

Banner brand definition.

Error Banner An example of how the error banner will be displayed, based on brand

Footer An example of how the footer will be displayed, based on brand definition.

Welcome - An example of how the Welcome Panel will be displayed, based on brand
Panel definition.

Manage Brand

2. In the Brand Name field, enter the name of the theme.

3. In the Brand Description field, enter the description for the theme.
4. Under the Customized Brands section:
a. In the Asset section, click Choose File to browse and upload the assets like the logo,
icons, images for brand.
b. In the Typography section, enter the base font family name and base font URL.
c. In the Header/ Footer section, enter the values for background color, icon size and
header/ footer size.
d. In the Help Panel section, enter the required details for help panel.
e. In the Menu section, select the background, typography, menu hover color and
interaction type for the menu to be defined.
f. In the Table section, select the background, typography of table header and table body.
g. In the Form section, select the form background color and typography for form header,
form disabled input, label, info text icon and links.
h. In the Button/ Button Sets section, select the values for border, background and
typography for primary, secondary, tertiary, help button and other buttons.
i. In the Generic Components section, define the background color and font size for
various components in the application.
j. In the Modal Window section, select the values for modal window header, and modal
window body.
k. In the Navigation Bar section, colors to be assigned to the various components that form
part of the navigation bar.
l. In the Information Banner section, select the colors and dimension to be assigned to the
various components that form part of banners.
m. In the Review Banner section, select the colors and dimension to be assigned to the
various components that form part of review banner.
n. In the Confirmation/ Error Banner section, select the colors and dimension to be
assigned to the various components that form part of confirm/error banner.
o. In the Scroll Bar section, click and select the border colors for scroll track and scroll
p. In the Accordion section, select the colors and typography to be assigned to the various
components of accordion.
q. In the Overlay section, select the background colors and header typography to be
assigned to the various components of overlay window.
r. In the Alert Message section, select the colors and typography to be assigned to the
various components of alert messages.
s. In the Welcome Panel section, select the background colors to be assigned to the
various components of alert messages.
5. An example of how the various components of the brand will be displayed, based on brand
definition appears in the form section (right hand side) of the screen.
Click Show Modal Window to view the defined modal window.

Manage Brand

Click Show Overlay to view the defined overlay window.

Show Alert Box to view the defined alert box.
6. Click Save to save the details.
Click Preview to preview the defined brand.
Click Cancel to cancel the maintenance and to navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Reset to clear the entered values entered in all sections under Customize Brand.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the maintenance.
8. The success message appears along with the status of maintenance. Click OK to return to
the dashboard.

47.2 Manage Brand - View

Using this option System Administrator can view the created theme or brand.

To view the brand:

1. In the Action column, click View against the brand which you want to view. The Manage
Brand - View screen appears.

Manage Brand - View

Manage Brand

2. Click Edit to edit the theme. The Manage Brand - Edit screen appears.
Click Delete to delete the brand.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

47.3 Manage Brand - Edit

If the defined theme does not suit the requirement, then system administrator can edit the defined
theme using the Update option.

To edit the brand:

1. In the Action column, click View against the brand which you want to edit. The Manage
Brand - View screen appears.
2. Click Edit to edit the brand. The Update Brand screen appears.
Click Delete to delete the brand.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen

Manage Brand - Edit

Manage Brand

Field Description

Field Name Description

Brand Name Name for the brand is displayed in editable form.

Brand Description for the brand is displayed in editable form.


Available for The toggle defining whether the brand is available to business users or not
Business for personalization. If this toggle is enabled, then the created theme will be
Users available for Retail users for personalization. Retail user can select from the
available themes and can personalize his view

Customized Brands

Assets Upload a zip file which contains the icons and logo for the brand. The name
of the assets uploaded should be same as the ones available in the
For e.g. if the logo is available in the application with the name “logo.svg”,
the updated logo should be uploaded with the same name.

Note: For mac users, create the zip file using command line to exclude
DS_Store files.

Typography The typography of the brand is defined in this section and available for edit.
The typography includes:
 Base Font URL
 Base Font Family

Base Font URL The URL for the base font that is used in the brand is displayed in editable

This field appears if you click against the Typography field.

Base Font The name of the base font family that is to be applied for creating the brand.
This field appears if you click against the Typography field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description


A header of the application is the most valuable area. It runs across the top of the
page and has important information and links, which make the navigation across
the application easier and quick.
The application header related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the header will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Header field.

Background The header background color is defined in this section and is displayed in
the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Icon Size The size of the header icon is defined in this section and is displayed in the
editable form.

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the header is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.

Header Height The height of the brand header is defined in this section and is displayed in
the editable form.
The color of the border for the header is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.

The area that appears at the bottom on every page of the application is known as the footer.
It contains site information for e.g. the copyright details and the release year of the application.
The application footer related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the footer will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Footer field.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The footer background color is defined in this section and is displayed in
the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the footer is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.

Footer Height The height of the brand footer is defined in this section and is displayed in
the editable form.

Help Panel
The area that appears on the right side of the form on every page of the application is the
Help Panel. It contains brief information related to the module it appears on.
The application help panel related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the help panel will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Help Panel field.

Background The typography color, size and weight for the header is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and header font size and weight for the help
panel is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Header The font size and color of the help panel is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.

Icon Size The size of the header icon defined in this section and is displayed in the
editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

The collapsible area that appears on the click of the Hamburger menu icon on the top left
corner of the application is known as the menu. It contains links to navigate across
The application Menu related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the menu will be displayed, based on brand definition can be viewed. By
clicking on the hamburger icon on the top left corner of the header.

Below fields appear if you click against the Menu field.

Background The menu background color is defined in this section and is displayed in the
editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and header font size and weight for the Menu
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Hover The mouse hover color on the menu items is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.

Interaction The type of menu interaction is selected from this section, and is displayed
in the editable form.
The options are:
 Collapsible
 Sliding

A formatted structure with rows and columns to represent the data is known as the table.
The application table related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the table will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and appears
on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Table field.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The background color of the table header is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and header font size and weight for the Menu
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Background The background color of the table body is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body and body font size and weight for the Menu is
defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Border The color of the border for the table is defined in this section and is displayed
in the editable form.

Hover The color of the hover on the table is defined in this section and is displayed
in the editable form.

A structural representation of user related input fields is known as a form.
The application form related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the form will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and appears
on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Form field.

Form Section Header

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The background color of the section header of the form is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the Section header of
form is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the Labels of form is
defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Information Text

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the Information text of
form is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Dimension The color, font size and weight for the icons in the form is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.

Hover The color of the hover in the form is defined in this section and is displayed
in the editable form.

Disabled Input

Background The background color of the disabled input is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the disabled text of form
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description


Typography The typography color, body font size and weight for the links in form is
defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Hover The color of the hover of disabled field in the form is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.

An element that allows the user to take actions with a single tap and interact with them is
known as the button.
The application buttons related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the buttons will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Button field.

Primary / Secondary / Tertiary/ Help

Border The color of the border for the buttons is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The background color of the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Help button
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for button text is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.

Icon Size The size of the icon used in the button and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Button Set
A preview of how the button set for e.g. Toggle buttons, Switch buttons will be displayed,
based on brand definition is focused and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Button Set field.

Border The color of the border for the button set is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The background color of the button set is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the button text in the button
set is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Border The color of the border for the selected button in the button set is defined in
this section and is displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Background The background color of the selected button in the button set is defined in
this section and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the selected button in the
button set text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Generic Components
The accordion includes components which are generic to the application.

Below fields appear if you click against the Generic Components field.

Background The background color of the application is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Page Title

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Page Title text is defined
in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Default Base Border

Border The color of the border for the application in general is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.

Font Size The size of the small, medium, large, larger and default fonts to be used in
Small/ Medium the brand application is defined in this section and is displayed in the
/ Large/ Larger/ editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Modal Window
An element that appears as a subordinate to the main page where an action is to be taken or
information is provided is known as the Modal Window. The window disables the main page
which it is on, making it it’s child.
The application modal window related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the modal window will be displayed, based on brand definition can be
viewed by clicking on the Show Modal Window button on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Modal Window field.


Background The background color of the Modal Window header is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Modal Window header
text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Background The background color of the Modal Window body is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Modal Window body text
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Navigation List
An element that appears as quick links which makes switching between different pages of
the same component easier is known as the Navigation List.
The application Navigation List related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Navigation List will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused
and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Navigation List field.


Typography The default typography color, font size and weight for the Navigation List
body text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Typography The hover typography color, font size and weight for the Navigation List
body text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Border The hover color of the border for the Navigation List is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Background The hover background color for the Navigation List is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background


Typography The selected typography color, font size and weight for the Navigation List
body text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Border The selected color of the border for the Navigation List is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Information Banner
An area where the information summary about any transaction is available in the application
is known as the Information Banner.
The application Information Banner related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Information Banner will be displayed, based on brand definition is
focused and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Information Banner field.

Background The background color for the Information Banner is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Information Banner body
text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Review Banner
A preview of how the Review Banner will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused
and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Review Banner field.

Background The background color for the Review Banner is defined in this section and
is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Border The color of the border for the Review Banner is defined in this section and
is displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Review Banner body text
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Confirmation / Error Banner

A preview of how the Confirmation/Error Banner will be displayed, based on brand definition
is focused and appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Confirm Screen field.

Border The color of the border for the Confirmation/Error Banner is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Confirmation/Error
Banner body text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable


Background The background color for the Confirmation Banner is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Border The color of the border for Confirmation Banner is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius


Background The background color for the Error Banner is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Border The color of the border for Error Banner is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius

Scroll Bar
An example of how the scroll bar will be displayed, based on brand definition appears in the
scroll bar on the form section (right hand side) of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Scroll Bar field.

Scroll Track

Border The color of the border for the Scroll track is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.

Scroll Thumb

Border The color of the border for the Scroll Thumb is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

A vertically stacked element which allows the user to toggle between sections of content.
The application Accordion related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Accordion will be displayed, based on brand definition is focused and
appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Accordion field.

Border The color of the border for Accordion is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius


Background The background color for the Accordion header is defined in this section
and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Accordion header text is
defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Background The background color for the Accordion body is defined in this section and
is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Accordion body text is
defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Disabled Accordion Header

Background The background color for the Disabled Accordion header is defined in this
section and is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Disabled Accordion
header text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

An element that appears as a subordinate to the main page overlaying the same where an
action is to be taken or information is provided is known as the Overlay. The window disables
the main page which it is on, making it it’s child.
The application overlay related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Overlay will be displayed, based on brand definition can be viewed by
clicking on the Show Overlay button on the right-hand side of the screen

Below fields appear if you click against the Overlay field.

Background The background color for the Overlay header is defined in this section and
is displayed in the editable form.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background


Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Overlay header text is
defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Alert Message
The application Alert Message related attributes are defined in this section.
A preview of how the Alert Message will be displayed, based on brand definition can be
viewed by clicking on the Show Alert Message button on the right-hand side of the screen

Below fields appear if you click against the Alert Message field.

Border The color of the border for Alert Message is defined in this section and is
displayed in the editable form.
The border attribute includes:
 Border Color
 Border Width
 Border Radius


Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Alert Message header
text is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.


Typography The typography color, font size and weight for the Alert Message body text
is defined in this section and is displayed in the editable form.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Welcome An element that appears on the top of the Menu Panel by clicking the
Panel menu icon is the Welcome Panel. It contains the user name, language
selection and entity.
The application Welcome Panel related attributes are defined in this
A preview of how the Welcome Panel will be displayed, based on brand
definition can be viewed by clicking on the Menu icon on the left-hand
side of the screen.

Below fields appear if you click against the Welcome Panel field.
Background Color - The background color for the Overlay header is defined
in this section.
The color includes:
 Solid Color - A flat single color to be used in the background
 Gradient - Two colors appearing in progression in a particular
 Transparent - No color is defined to be used in the background

The following section displays a preview of all the components comprising of the brand theme
as defined under the Customize Brand section.

Font Color Text displaying the color of the font, as defined.

Anchor Text The anchor text color of the brand.


Label Color The label color, as defined.

Input An example of how an input field will be displayed.


Primary Button An example of how a primary button will be displayed.


Secondary An example of how a secondary button will be displayed.


Tertiary Button An example of how a tertiary button will be displayed.


Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Help Button An example of how a help button will be displayed.


Option 1, 2, 3 An example of how the navigation list will be displayed, based on brand

Table Example An example of how the table will be displayed, based on brand definition.

Button Sets An example of how the button sets will be displayed, based on brand

Show Modal Clicking on the button displays how the modal window will appear, based
Window on brand definition.

Show Overlay Clicking on the button displays how the overlay will appear, based on brand

Show Alert Clicking on the button displays how the alert box will appear, based on
Box brand definition.

Help Panel An example of how the help panel will be displayed, based on brand

Information An example of how the information banner will be displayed, based on

Banner brand definition.

Review Banner An example of how the review banner will be displayed, based on brand

Confirmation An example of how the confirmation banner will be displayed, based on

Banner brand definition.

Error Banner An example of how the error banner will be displayed, based on brand

Footer An example of how the footer will be displayed, based on brand definition.

Welcome An example of how the Welcome Panel will be displayed, based on brand
Panel definition

Manage Brand

3. In the Brand Name field, edit the name of the brand, if required.
4. In the Brand Description field, edit the description of the theme, if required.

5. Under the Customized Brands sections, click and expand any sub section and make
changes to any component as required.
6. Click Update to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the maintenance and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Reset to clear the entered values in the screen.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the maintenance.
8. The success message appears along with the status of maintenance. Click OK to return to
the dashboard.

47.4 Manage Brand - Delete

The System Administrator can delete a created brand maintained in the application.

To delete the brand:

1. In the Action column, click View against the brand which you want to delete. The Manage
Brand - View screen appears.
2. Click Delete. A message appears asking the user to confirm brand deletion. Click Delete to
confirm deletion of the brand.
Click Cancel to cancel deletion and return to the Manage Brand – View screen.

Manage Brand

Delete Brand

3. The success message appears along with the status of the maintenance. Click Ok to return
to the dashboard.

Manage Brand

47.5 Brand Mapping

Using this option System Administrator can map the existing brands to any user, party, role or

47.5.1 Brand Mapping Search

To view the brand mapping details:

1. In the Manage Brand screen, click the Brand Mapping tab. The Manage Brand - Brand
Mapping screen appears.

Brand Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping Type A list of options for the mapping type to search which brand it is mapped
to appear.
The options are:
 User
 Party
 Segment
 User Type
 Entity

2. From the Mapping Type list, select the option for which you want to view the mapping. The
Manage Brand – Search Results appear.

Manage Brand

Manage Brand - Brand Mapping Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Brand Mapping Summary

Brand Id The identification number of the mapped theme.

Mapped Value The value, which is mapped to the brand.

The mapped value depends on the selected mapping type. For example,
If the mapping type is 'user' the mapping value will be 'user ID',
If the mapping type is 'party' the mapping value will be 'party ID',
If the mapping type is 'role' the mapping value will be user role, such as
'Corporate' 'Retail' and 'Administrator',
If the mapping type is 'entity' the mapping value will be 'entities'.

Mapping Type The level at which the brand is mapped.

Date Created The date on which the brand mapping was performed.

Actions The available actions that can be performed against the brand mapping
are displayed.
The options can be:
 Delete

Manage Brand

3. Click Delete against a record to delete the brand mapping.

Click Create Mapping in the Help Panel, to create a brand mapping.

47.5.2 Create Mapping

Using this option System Administrator can create a brand mapping.

To create the brand mapping:

1. In the Brand Mapping tab, click Create Mapping button in the Help Panel. The Manage
Brand - Create Mapping screen appears.

Manage Brand- Create Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping Type Select the level at which the brand is to be mapped.

The options are:
 User
 Party
 User Type
 Entity

Brand Select a brand to be mapped at the level selected under Mapping Type.

Manage Brand

Field Name Description

Mapping Value Enter a mapping value.

This field appears if you select Party option from the Mapping Type list,
click the Party Search link and search for a party. The result will populate
in the Mapping Value field.

Segment Segment of the user for which the value is to be mapped.

This field appears if you select User Type option from the Mapping Type

2. From the Mapping Type list, select the appropriate option to be mapped.
3. From the Brand list, select a brand.
4. In the Mapping Value field, enter the value to be mapped.
If you have selected Party option from the Mapping Type list, click Party Search, to search
the party Id. The Mapping Value field gets populated.
If you have selected User Type option from the Mapping Type list, click Segment list to select
the segment.
5. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the maintenance.
Click Back to return to the previous screen.
6. The success message along with the status of maintenance appears. Click Ok to return to
the dashboard.

47.5.3 Delete Mapping

Using this option System Administrator can delete a brand mapping.

To delete a brand mapping:

1. In the Mapping tab, select the appropriate option from the Mapping Type list. The Brand
Mapping Summary screen appears.
2. Click Delete against a mapping record in the action column, that you want to delete.
3. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the maintenance.
4. The success message appears along with the status of maintenance. Click OK to return to
the dashboard.


Dashboard Overview

48. Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Builder provides an ability to the Bank to build custom dashboards.

Dashboard Builder is an administrative maintenance that allows the System Administrator to create
and configure dashboard templates for Retail, Corporate and Administrator users.

System Administrator can configure new dashboards by dragging and dropping the desired widget
at desired location in template. System administrator can define the dashboard for a user segment,
application role, module and for a user type. Facility is provided to search, view, edit and delete the
configured dashboards.

These dashboards are responsive and can adapt to any type of device i.e. desktop, mobile and
tablet. System allows the user to design new template and preview it for different types of devices
before enabling it. The user can also change the size of the widget (expand and compress) and
can remove the widget from the template if desired. The widgets on the dashboard auto adjust itself
according to the place available on the dashboard.

The administrator can define multiple dashboards with the various attributes/ widgets. Further these
templates can be mapped to the roles, party or even to a specific user.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions
 Application roles are maintained in application and widgets are mapped to application roles


Dashboard Overview

Features supported in application

 Create New Dashboard
 View Dashboard
 Edit Dashboard
 Delete Dashboard

 View Dashboard Mapping
 Create Dashboard Mapping
 Delete Dashboard Mapping

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Templates > Dashboard Builder

Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > User Experience > Dashboard

48.1 Dashboard Overview– Summary

Dashboard Overview- Design summary page displays the list of already designed templates, with
template name, description, dashboard type, value and date of creation. The administrator can

view the dashboard template details by clicking the View/Edit Dashboard link in menu icon
under the Action column against the respective template.

To view the Dashboard summary:

1. Navigate to the screen, the Dashboard Overview screen appears.

Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

Field Description

Field Name Description

Create Click to create Dashboard for the specific user segment or module or user
Dashboard type.

View Dashboard Click to view already created dashboard template.

Create Mapping Click to create dashboard of the dashboard type, the dashboard template
and to a user/party/user segment/user type.

View Mapping Click to view dashboard mapping already created for the dashboard
template with the user/party/user segment/user type.

48.2 Dashboard Overview– View

Using this option, System Administrator can view the details of already created dashboard
template. The system administrator can view the template in desktop, tablet and for mobile mode
by clicking the respective icons.

To search and view a dashboard template:

1. On the Dashboard Overview screen, click on View Dashboard tab.
The Dashboard Listing screen appears.

Dashboard Overview – Dashboard Listing

Dashboard Overview

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type for which the dashboard template needs to be viewed.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User

Template Name Name of the template that the administrator can enter to view the specific

Search Results

Template Name Displays the name of the custom dashboard template.

Description Displays the description as defined for the custom dashboard template.

Type Displays the type for which the dashboard template is created i.e.
segment, user type or module.

Dashboard Overview

Field Name Description

Value Displays the name of the segment / module for which the dashboard
template is defined.

Actions The available action buttons against the dashboard template are
The action button can be:
 View/Edit Dashboard: Click to view/edit the created dashboard
 Clone Dashboard: Click to clone an existing dashboard
 Delete Dashboard: Click to delete existing dashboard template.
 Create Mapping: Click to create dashboard mapping of the
dashboard type, the dashboard template to a user/party/user
segment/user type.

2. In the Dashboard Listing screen, select the appropriate type of user in the User Type field. All
the dashboard templates of the selected user type appears on the screen.
In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template that you want to search. The
searched dashboard template appears on the screen.

3. In Action column against the already created dashboard template, click on the icon, and then
click View/Edit Dashboard link to view the dashboard template details.
The Dashboard Overview - View Dashboard screen appears.
Click Create Dashboard to create a new dashboard template.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Dashboard Overview

View Dashboard Template

4. Click Edit to modify the template. The Dashboard Listing – Edit Dashboard screen
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click the Desktop/ Tab/ Mobile icon to view the template in desktop, tab or mobile mode.

48.3 Dashboard Overview – Create

System Administrator can create new custom dashboard template for Retail, Corporate and
Administrator user using this option.

As part of creation of custom dashboard, the administrator needs to select the appropriate tab for
which the dashboard needs to be created/ designed i.e. user segment or module or user type.

System will facilitate the user with a default dashboard available and the administrator can decide
to create a custom dashboard by dragging and dropping new widgets available from the list of

Dashboard Overview

Following types of dashboard can be created:

 Segment Dashboard - Design dashboard for a user segment
 Module Dashboard - Design dashboard for the available application modules i.e. CASA,
Term Deposit, Loans etc.
 User Type Dashboard - Design dashboard for a user type i.e. Retail, Corporate or

To create a new dashboard template:

1. On the Dashboard Overview screen, click on Create Dashboard tab.
The Create Dashboard screen appears.

Create Dashboard Template

Field Description

Field Name Description

Template Name Name of the template that the System Administrator user wants to create.

Template Description for the template.


Design The type of device on which the template will be enabled.

Select Module System lists the dashboard for the segments / user type / module
depending on the option selected.

Dashboard Overview

Field Name Description

User Type Select the user type for which the dashboard needs to be created.

Note: If dashboard needs to be created for a user segment then

user type ‘Retail’ needs to be selected. User Segment is not
supported for Corporate and Administrator user.

Select Module Select the dashboard icon that is displayed based on the selected
Icon segments / user type / module.

List of System displays the list of dashboards available for selection based on
Dashboards the selected module type.

2. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the new template that is to be created.
3. In the Template Description field, enter the description of the new template.
4. To enable the template for Desktop/ Tablet / Mobile, select the required options from the
Design check box.
5. From the Segment Dashboard / Module Dashboard/ User Type Dashboard tabs, select
the appropriate module. The Dashboard Overview - Design screen of the selected module
For example, Retail is selected from the User Type Dashboard. The Dashboard Overview -
Design template for retail user appears.
6. In the User Type field, select the appropriate user type.

Note: If dashboard needs to be created for a user segment then user type ‘Retail’ needs to be
selected. User Segment is not supported for Corporate and Administrator user.

7. Select the appropriate dashboard from the list of dashboards displayed based on the
selected module.
8. Click Next. The Create Dashboard template screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.

Dashboard Overview

Create Dashboard Template

9. Click on the desired widgets from the widget list to appear on dashboard.
In the Search Widget field, enter the name of the widget that you want to appear on the

dashboard and click .icon.

Click on the desired widgets of the dashboard to the desired location. System highlights the
area where the widget can be placed.
10. Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to expand the widget.
Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to compress the widget.

Dashboard Overview

Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to remove the widget from the
11. If the selected widget has multiple widgets on the same like quick links, select the required
widget that you want to appear on the dashboard.
12. Click Save to save the template.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
13. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click the Desktop/ Tab/ Mobile icon to review the created template in desktop, tab or mobile
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
A warning message of canceling the operation appears. Click Yes to confirm.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
14. The success message appears along with the status of transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

48.4 Dashboard Overview – Design – Create Administrator Template

The system administrator can select a default dashboard available for administrator or can create
a custom dashboard by dragging and dropping new widgets available from the list of components.

The administrator can create the administrator dashboard template either by selecting the
administrative maintenance or group of administrative functions.

As part of administrative maintenances UI component, there are individual transaction quick links
put in a single widget to component mapping available, the administrator user on actual login will
be shown only those quick links that user has access to.

As part of system functions UI component, there is a logical group of transactions that can placed
as a widget on the dashboard by selecting the administrative function from the group.

Dashboard Overview

To create a new administrative dashboard template:

1. In the Dashboard Overview screen, click Create. The Create Dashboard screen appears.

Create Dashboard Template – For Administrator User Type

Field Description

Field Name Description

Template Name Name of the template that the System Administrator user wants to create.

Template Description for the template.


Design The type of device on which the template will be enabled.

Select Module System lists the dashboard for the segments / user type / module
depending on the option selected.

User Type Select administrator from the user type list.

List of System displays the list of dashboards available for selection based on
Dashboards the selected module type.

2. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the new template that is to be created.
3. In the Template Description field, enter the description of the new template.
4. To enable the template for Desktop/ Tablet / Mobile, select the required options from the
Design check box.

Dashboard Overview

5. From the Segment Dashboard/ Module Dashboard/ User Type Dashboard tabs, select
the appropriate module. The Dashboard Overview - Design screen of the selected module
To customize the dashboard for an existing administrator user will need to select User Type
Dashboard tab.
6. In the User Type field, select the administrator user.
7. Select the appropriate dashboard from the list of dashboards displayed based on the
selected module.
8. Click Next. The Dashboard Overview - Design template for Administrator appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.

Dashboard Overview - Design – Create Administrator Template

9. Click on the desired widgets from the widget list to appear on the dashboard.
In the Search Widget field, enter the name of the widget that you want to appear on the

dashboard and click .

Click on the desired widgets of the dashboard to the desired location. System highlights the
area where the widget can be placed.

Dashboard Overview

10. Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to expand the widget.
Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to compress the widget.
Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to remove the widget from the
11. If the selected widget has multiple widgets on the same component like 'System
Administrator Action Card', select the required widget that you want to appear on the

Dashboard Overview - Component Input box

Field Description

Field Name Description

Component Select the component type, which you want to appear on your dashboard.
This field is applicable only if the selected widget has multiple

t. From the Component Type list, select the widget component that you want to appear on
the dashboard.
u. Click Confirm. The selected component appears as a widget on the selected location of
your dashboard.
12. Click Save to save the template.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
13. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Dashboard Overview

Click the Desktop/ Tab/ Mobile icon to review the template in desktop, tab or mobile mode.
14. The success message appears.
Click Go to Dashboard to view your customized dashboard.

48.5 Dashboard Overview – Edit

The system administrator can modify the configured dashboard using the Edit option. The
administrator can edit the dashboard widgets for desktop, tablet or mobile devices by clicking the
specific icons.

1) Dashboard Overview - Edit section is common for Administrator user and business users.
2) System Administrator will not be able to edit the factory shipped dashboards.

To edit the configured dashboard:

1. On the Dashboard Overview screen, click on View Dashboard tab.
The Dashboard Overview - Dashboard Listing screen appears.
2. In the Dashboard Overview - Dashboard Listing screen, select the appropriate type of user
in the User Type field. All the dashboard templates of the selected user type appears on the
In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template that you want to search. The
searched dashboard template appears on the screen.

3. In Action column against the already created dashboard template, click on the icon, and
then click View/Edit Dashboard link to edit the dashboard template details.
The Dashboard Overview - View Dashboard screen appears.
Click Create Dashboard to create a new dashboard template.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
4. Click the Edit link to modify the dashboard template. The Dashboard Listing – Edit
Dashboard screen appears in edit mode.
Click the Desktop/ Tablet/ Mobile icon to edit the template in desktop, tablet or mobile
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Edit Dashboard Template

Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

5. Click on the desired widgets from the widget list to add if required.
6. Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to expand the widget.
Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to compress the widget.
Click on the upper right corner of the widget, if you want to remove the widget from the
7. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click the Desktop/ Tablet/ Mobile icon to review the template in desktop, tablet or mobile
Click Edit to make the changes if any for the selected device type.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message appears along with the status of transaction.
Click Ok to complete the transaction.

48.6 Dashboard Overview – Clone

To speed up the process of creating new dashboard template, System Administrator can clone an
existing dashboard template. All the values available in an existing dashboard template are shown
in an editable format, administrator is allowed to make changes in it and save the dashboard
template with different name.

Following types of dashboard can be created:

 Segment Dashboard - Design dashboard for a user segment
 Module Dashboard - Design dashboard for the available application modules i.e. CASA,
Term Deposit, Loans etc.
 User Type Dashboard - Design dashboard for a user type i.e. Retail, Corporate or

To clone a new dashboard template:

1. On the Dashboard Overview screen, click on View Dashboard tab.
The Dashboard Overview – Dashboard Listing screen appears.

2. In Action column against the already created dashboard template, click on the icon, and
then click Clone Dashboard link to clone the dashboard template details.

Dashboard Overview

3. The Dashboard Overview – Create screen appears with existing dashboard template

Clone Dashboard Template

4. Update dashboard template with required changes.

5. Click Save to save the template.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Dashboard Overview

6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click the Desktop/ Tab/ Mobile icon to review the created template in desktop, tab or mobile
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
A warning message of cancelling the operation appears. Click Yes to confirm.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The success message appears along with the status of transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

48.7 Dashboard Overview – Delete

The System Administrator can delete the custom dashboard templates maintained in the
application. Deleting specific template will also result in deleting the template and revert back to
the default dashboard.

To delete the configured dashboard:

1. Navigate to the Dashboard Overview - Dashboard Listing screen.

2. In Action column against the already created dashboard template, click on the icon, and
then click Delete Dashboard link to delete the existing dashboard template.
The Delete Dashboard popup window appears.
Click Create Dashboard to create a new dashboard template.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Dashboard Builder - Delete

3. The application prompts the administrator with a warning message 'Dashboard will be deleted
permanently’ with an option of Delete / Cancel.
4. Click Delete to proceed with the deletion request.
It will navigate to confirmation page with a success message along with the status and
reference number.
Click Cancel if you do not wish to proceed with deletion.
5. Click OK to complete the transaction.

Dashboard Overview

48.8 Dashboard Mapping – Summary

Using this option, System Administrator can map the configured dashboards to the user or party,
or user type or user segments depending on the dashboard template selected. The system
administrator can create mapping and can delete the mapping.

To view the Dashboard mapping summary:

1. Navigate to the screen, the Dashboard Overview screen appears.
2. In the Dashboard Overview screen, click the View Mapping tab. The Dashboard Overview
- Mapping summary screen appears.

Dashboard Mapping Summary

Dashboard Overview

Field Description

Field Name Description

Mapping Type Select the mapping type to search the dashboard template.
The options are:
 User
 Party
 Segment
 User Type

Dashboard System displays the name of the dashboard template.


Dashboard Type System displays the type of the dashboard i.e. module / user type.

Mapped Value System displays the value that is mapped to the template.
In case if the dashboard is mapped to the user, user ID to whom the
dashboard is mapped will be shown as mapped value.
In case if the dashboard is mapped to the party, party ID to whom the
dashboard is mapped will be shown as mapped value.

Date Created The date on which template mapping was created.

Actions Link to delete the mapping.

3. From the Mapping Type list, select the appropriate option for which you want to view the
mapping. The Dashboard Builder - Mapping Summary screen appears.

48.8.1 Create Mapping

Using this option, System Administrator selects the dashboard type, the dashboard template and
then map either to a user/party/user segment/user type. The mapping type will depend on the type
of dashboard selected.

To map dashboard templates:

1. In the Dashboard Overview - Mapping tab, click Create Mapping. The Dashboard
Overview - Create Mapping screen appears.

Dashboard Overview

Create Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

Dashboard Type Select the dashboard type that is to be mapped.

User Type Select the user type for which the dashboard template needs to be

Template Select the template from the list that needs to be mapped.

Mapping Type Select the mapping type i.e. the selected dashboard template to map to
the required option.
The options are:
 User
 Party
 Segment
 User Type
The mapping type options will also depend on the dashboard type
selected i.e. for user type dashboard, system will not have options of User,
Party and Segment

Dashboard Overview

Field Name Description

Mapping Value The mapping value will depend on the option selected in the mapping type.
For Party selected in the mapping type, the admin can capture the party
for which the dashboard template is applicable. For user selected in the
mapping type, the admin can capture the user for which the dashboard
template is applicable. For segment selected as the mapping type, admin
can capture the segment for which the dashboard template is applicable.

Party ID Party Id to search a party that is to be mapped to the dashboard template.

This field appears if you select Party option from the Mapping Type list.

Party Name Party name to search a party that is to be mapped to the dashboard
This field appears if you select Party option from the Mapping Type list.

User ID User ID that is to be mapped to the dashboard template.

This field appears if you select User option from the Mapping Type list.

Select Segment Select the user segment that is to be mapped to the dashboard template.
This field appears if you select Segment option from the Mapping Type

2. From the Dashboard Type, select the appropriate dashboard type i.e. Segment Dashboard
or Module Dashboard or User Type Dashboard.
3. From the User Type, select the user type for which the Template mapping needs to be
4. Select the Template from the list that needs to be mapped.
5. From the Mapping Type list, select the appropriate option to be mapped.
a. If you select User option, enter the user name.
b. If you select Party option, enter the party Id in the Party ID field, and click Search.
The Mapping Value appears.
Click link under the Party ID column to view the party details.
In the Party Name field enter the party name and click Search. The Mapping Value
Click link under the Party ID column to view the party details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the entered value.
c. If you select Segment option, select the role from the User Segment list.
6. Click Save.
The success message along with the status of transaction appears.

Dashboard Overview

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

48.8.2 Delete Mapping

Using this option System Administrator can delete the templates mapped to a User or Party or User
Segment or to a User Type.

To delete the mapped dashboard template:

1. In the Dashboard Overview screen, click the View Mapping. The Dashboard Overview -
Mapping summary screen appears.
2. Click on the Mapping tab.
3. Select the Mapping Type from the list i.e. User / Party / Segment / User Type.
4. In the Action column, click Delete against the template mapping that you want to delete. The
application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message with an option of Confirm/

Delete Mapping

5. Click Confirm to delete the mapping. It will navigate to confirmation page with a success
message and the status.
Click Cancel if you do not wish to delete the mapping.
6. Click OK to complete the transaction.


1. Can I design new widgets using Dashboard Overview functionality?

No, designing of a new widget is not allowed using this functionality. Administrator can use
the existing widgets and can design the required dashboard.

2. Can I design different dashboards for different device types (desktop, mobile and
tablet) using one template?

Dashboard Overview

Yes, you can design different dashboards for different types of devices using one template.
An edit option is available while previewing the dashboard on each type of device, which
will help the user to make the necessary changes for specific device type.

3. Can I delete the template that is mapped to a user / party / segment / user type?

Yes, you can delete the template that are already mapped to a user / party / segment or
user type. A warning message informing about the mapping deletion is shown to the
administrator while deleting a template.

4. Can I map the same template to multiple users or parties?

Yes, you can map the same template to multiple parties or users. Separate entries are
required for such mapping.

5. Can the system/bank administrator edit a Factory shipped dashboard ?

No, Factory shipped dashboards can’t be modified. However system/bank administrator

can modify a custom made I design the dashboard and map for
administrator types of users (Bank/system administrator and corporate administrator)?

6. Can I design a dashboard for System Admin or Bank Admin?

Yes, you can design the administrative dashboards using Dashboard Builder maintenance.

7. When will the newly mapped dashboard be visible to the end customer?

Newly mapped dashboard will be available to the end user with an immediate effect.

8. Can an end user (Retail/Corporate users) design their own dashboards or set their
preferences to see required widgets?

Yes Retail and Corporate users can personalize and design their dashboard.

9. In case of dashboard templates available at user level, segment level, and user
type level, which dashboard will the system resolve? Also what is the order in
which the dashboards are resolved?

If there is a dashboard template mapped at a user level, then the system will display the
user level dashboard on login.

Before rendering the dashboard, system will first check if there is a dashboard at user level,
followed by segment, and then at user type.

In case where a retail user has personalize his/her dashboard, the system will give the
priority to user defined dashboard followed by Administrator defined dashboards as user,
segment, and then at user type.


Dashboard Overview


Relationship Maintenance

49. Relationship Maintenance

Customer Relationship Maintenance enables the System Administrator to set up the transaction
access logic for Bank’s retail customers from Digital Banking Platform based on their account -
mode of operation or relationship.

E.g. If a customer relationship (Mode of operation) is ‘Either or Survivor’, provide an access of all
transactions whereas, if a customer relationship (Mode of operation) is ‘Jointly’, provide an access
of all Inquiries and restrict all financial transactions from Digital Banking Platform. Such account
and transaction access rules can be set up by the System Administrator using ‘Relationship
Maintenance Module’.

This account relationship maintenance is a two-step process.

 Relationship Mapping Maintenance - Using this maintenance System Administrator can map
OBDX relationship codes with core banking relationship codes
 Relationship Matrix Definition - Using this maintenance System Administrator can define the
transaction access based on the account relationships

49.1 Relationship Mapping

Using this option a System Administrator can map OBDX account relationship codes with account
relationship codes defined in Core Banking Application so that the corresponding matrix defined in
OBDX will be followed based on the available account relationship in the core application.

Note: The relationship matrix maintenance is done using Relationship Matrix Maintenance

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Account relationship codes are maintained in OBDX and in Core Banking Application.


Relationship Maintenance

Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

 Create Relationship Mapping
 Search/ View Relationship Mapping
 Edit Relationship Mapping

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Controls & Monitoring > Relationship Mapping
System Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Controls & Monitoring > Relationship

49.1.1 Relationship Mapping Maintenance - View

By accessing this menu option, System Administrator can view the account relationship codes
maintained in OBDX and paired with the codes maintained in Core Banking Application

Relationship code maintained in OBDX appears on left side of the screen and paired codes if any
appears on right side of the screen
1. All the relationships maintained under user account appears on Relationship Mapping
Maintenance screen.
Click Edit to edit the maintenance.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Instead of the Edit option, the Save option available if user is accessing it for the first time.

Relationship Maintenance

Relationship Mapping Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Relationship Lists all the relationships maintained in OBDX.

Name and ID

Map Lists all the relationships maintained in Core Banking Application.


Relationship Maintenance

49.1.2 Relationship Mapping Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator is allowed to map the newly added relationship codes with
the codes defined in core application. As well as System Administrator can remove the relationship
codes which are selected from the default list.

To modify relation mapping:

1. Navigating to Relationship Mapping Maintenance screen, application displays the All the
relationships maintained under user account.
2. Click Edit to edit the maintenance.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Relationship Mapping Maintenance - Edit

Relationship Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Relationship To map the OBDX relationships with the relationship codes available in
Name and ID the Core Banking system.

Note: Lists all the relationships maintained in OBDX.

Map Relationship ID to be mapped with OBDX relationship ID.


Note: Lists all the relationships maintained in Core Banking

If an existing mapping is available, a value will be shown in Map
Relation field.

1. Select the checkbox against Relationship Name and ID to map Core Banking relationships
to OBDX relationships.

1) Select the checkbox adjacent to Relationship Name and ID in header row to select all
relationships in one instance.
2) To unmap the relation mapping, uncheck the checkbox

2. In the Map Relationship field, enter the relationships value as maintained in Core Banking
3. Click Save to save the relationship mapping maintenance.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
4. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
5. The success message of Relationship Mapping Maintenance saved successfully appears
along with the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


Relationship Maintenance

49.2 Relationship Matrix

Relationship Matrix maintenance allows the System Administrator to define the transaction access
based on the account relationships. Administrator can enable or disable each transaction for each
relationship code.

OBDX first checks if the transaction is mapped to the role attached to the user and then if it is
enabled in relationship matrix. If both the conditions are satisfied, an access of a transaction and
of an account is provided to the user.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
 Account relationship codes are maintained in OBDX and in Core Banking Application.
 Relationship mapping (mapping of OBDX relationship codes with codes maintained in Core
Banking application) is maintained.


Features supported in application

The administrator can perform the following actions:

 View Relationship Matrix
 Edit Relationship Matrix

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Controls & Monitoring > Relationship Matrix
System Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Controls & Monitoring > Relationship

Relationship Maintenance

49.2.1 Relationship Matrix Maintenance - View

Based on the account relationship and transaction access matrix, System Administrator will know
the account relationships IDs for which the channel access has been granted.

To view relationship matrix:

1. Displays the details maintained under user account relationship and transaction access
matrix in Relationship Matrix Maintenance - View screen.
Click Edit to modify the maintenance.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Note: Instead of the Edit option, the Save option available if user is accessing it for the first time.

Relationship Matrix Maintenance - View

Relationship Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Module Name Name of the module under which all transactions are maintained for
Relationship Matrix.
 Current and Savings
 Deposits
 Loans
 Credit Cards

Transaction Lists all the transactions under a specific module for which a channel
Name access has been granted based on account relationship and transaction
access matrix.
Under each module transactions are mainly grouped as:
 Inquiry
 Transactions

Relationship ID Lists all the relationship IDs maintained in OBDX for which the codes
available in core banking application are mapped.

49.2.2 Relationship Matrix Maintenance - Edit

Using this option, System Administrator can modify the account relationship and transaction access

To modify relationship matrix:

1. Displays the details maintained under user account relationship and transaction access
matrix in Relationship Matrix Maintenance - View screen.
2. Click Edit to modify the maintenance.
The Relationship Matrix Maintenance - Edit screen appears.

Relationship Maintenance

Relationship Matrix Maintenance - Edit

Field Description

Field Name Description

Module Name Name of the module under which all transactions are maintained for
Relationship Matrix.
 Current and Savings
 Deposits
 Loans
 Credit Cards

Transaction Lists all the transactions of a specific account for which a channel access
Name has been granted based on account relationship and transaction access
The transaction categories are:
 Inquiry
 Transactions
Select/ deselect the transactions to maintain relationship matrix.

Relationship Maintenance

Field Name Description

Relationship ID Lists all the relationship IDs maintained in OBDX for which the codes
available in core banking application are mapped.

3. Select the check box available in the header of transaction category (Inquiry and
Transactions), to select all transactions for selected category in one instance.
Select the check box available against the Relationship ID) for each transaction.

1) Select / deselect the check box against the Transaction category (Inquiry and Transactions) to
select all transactions under it.
2) To unmap the relation mapping, deselect the check box.

4. Repeat step 2 for all modules as per requirement.

5. Click Save to save the relationship matrix maintenance.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to previous screen.
7. The success message of Relationship Matrix Maintenance saved successfully appears along
with the transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Relationship Maintenance

1. Is relationship mapping a mandatory step?

Yes, relationship mapping is a mandatory step, without which the accounts will not be
fetched from the core banking application.

2. Will all transactions available be listed under a respective module on relationship

matrix screen?

Transactions for which the Customer Relationship Matrix maintenance flag is enabled in
‘Transaction Aspects’ screen will be listed under the respective modules.

3. Will a user get the access of a transaction and of an account, based on the
relationship matrix definition?

No, OBDX first checks if the transaction is mapped to the role attached to the user and
then if it is enabled in relationship matrix. If both the conditions are satisfied, access of the
transaction and of account is provided to the user.

4. What will happen if an inquiry access for current and savings accounts module
have been granted for a specific relationship code e.g. JAF (Joint and First) and
not provided for a non-inquiry transactions?

In the above case user having an account with the relationship code JAF, will be able to
access all inquiry transactions from digital platform but the account will not be listed in non-
inquiry transaction screen.


Transaction Blackout

50. Transaction Blackout

A blackout period is duration of time when access to something usually available is prohibited.

When a System Administrator maintains a transaction blackout, for a period, transaction/s are not
accessible to users of the bank’s retail and corporate or even to the administrator users for a preset
time period.

The system administrator may use the time, when a transaction is blacked-out, to do necessary

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for system administrator to perform the actions.


Access Transaction (during blackout) – Blackout message needs to be displayed

Check the flow, message part is against access of transaction outside blackout period.

Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 Create a new Transaction Blackout Maintenance
 Search and View Transaction blackouts already maintained
 Delete or Edit transaction blackouts maintained.

Transaction Blackout

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Controls & Monitoring> Transaction Blackout
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Controls & Monitoring>
Transaction Blackout

50.1 Transaction Blackout - Search

This function allows the System Administrator to search for transactions under a particular user
type and also to create a new Transaction blackout. The search is available on the basis of User
type, Transaction Type, Transaction and date. The search result displays only those transactions
under a user type for which the ‘Transaction Blackout’ is maintained.

To search for transactions under a particular user type:

1. Enter the search criteria.
2. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Transaction Blackout- Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Date Date of the transaction blackout.

Transaction Blackout

Field Name Description

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction is blacked out.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User

Transaction Transaction type to be blacked out.

The options are:
 Maintenances
 Administration
 Inquiries
 Non-Financial
 Financial

Transaction The specific transaction, for which a blackout is maintained. Transactions list
displayed here gets populated basis on the transaction type selected in the
previous field.

Search Result

Transaction The specific transaction, for which a blackout is maintained

Start Date Start date for the blackout.

End Date End date for the blackout.

Blackout Type of black out.

 Full: Indicates that it will be complete transaction blackout for the
set date and time.
 Daily: Indicates that it will be daily blackout for the set date and

Status The transaction blackout status.

The options are:
 Ongoing: Indicates that blackout is ongoing.
 Scheduled: Indicates that scheduled for some day in the future.

Transaction Blackout

3. View the table with search results. This table contains the start date and end date of the
blackout maintenance. Transaction for which the blackout is applicable, the type of blackout
(full or daily) and the status – whether the blackout is ongoing, or scheduled for some day in
the future.
4. Click on the field Transaction to view more details.

Transaction Blackout- View details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Transaction The specific transaction, for which a blackout is maintained.

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction is blacked out.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User
 Prospect

Blackout Type of black out.

 Full: Indicates that it will be complete transaction blackout for the set
date and time.
 Daily: Indicates that it will be daily blackout for the set date and time.

Transaction Blackout

Field Name Description

Start On Start date and time for the blackout.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Full’.

End On End date and time for the blackout.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Full’.

Date Range Blackout start and end date.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Daily’.

Time Blackout start and end time.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Daily’.

When blackout type is full - the following fields are displayed and
enabled: Start On (Date and Time) End On and (Date and Time)
When blackout type is Daily - the following fields are displayed and
enabled - Date Range - From and To. Time Range - From and To. And,
an option to Add Time

Status The transaction blackout status.

The options are:
 Ongoing: Indicates that blackout is ongoing.
 Scheduled: Indicates that scheduled for some day in the future.

5. Click Edit to edit the maintenance.

Click Delete to delete the maintenance.
Click Cancel to close the blackout creation process.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

50.2 Transaction Blackout - Create

System Administrator can create new transaction blackout maintenance for the selected
transaction. User needs to select the particular transaction and user type for whom blackout needs
to be applied.

Further user can set up blackout type:

 Full – Black out for the entire period.
 Daily - Blackout between start and end time daily, for the days set.

Transaction Blackout

To create new transaction blackout:

1. Click Create.
2. From the Transaction list select the appropriate option.

Note :
 You can select multiple transactions out of the listed transactions for setting up the
blackout in one go.
 There will be an option as ‘All transactions’ in the dropdown, on selecting the same all the
listed transactions, will get selected for maintaining the blackout.

3. From the User Type select the appropriate option.

4. From the Blackout Type select the appropriate option:
5. If you select Full Day:
a. From the Start On list, select the start date and time of the transaction blackout.
b. From the End On list, select the end date and time of the transaction blackout.
6. If you select Daily:
a. From the Date Range list select the start and end date of the transaction blackout.
b. From the Time Range list select the start and end time of the transaction blackout.

Note: You can click +Add Time Range button, to add multiple time options for transaction

Transaction Blackout- Create

Transaction Blackout

Field Description

Field Name Description

Transaction Transaction type to be blacked out.

The options are:
 Maintenances
 Administration
 Inquiries
 Non-Financial
 Financial

Transaction The specific transaction, for which a blackout is to be maintained.

Note :
 You can select multiple transactions out of the listed
transactions for setting up the blackout in one go.
 There will be an option as ‘All transactions’ in the dropdown,
on selecting the same all the listed transactions, will get
selected for maintaining the blackout.
 Selected transactions will go as an individual maintenance
for approval (one approval for one transaction)
 Selected transactions will be available as a single
maintenance in view and edit.
 Multiple selection would be available only at the time of set
up. Maintained blackout can be inquired and edited only for
one transaction at a time

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction is blacked out.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User
 Prospect

Blackout Type of black out.

 Full: A Full transaction blackout prevents access to a transaction
from a certain day/time to certain day / time. The transaction is not
enabled at all, during a full blackout
 Daily: A daily transaction blackout prevents access to a transaction
for the defined time in a day, over few days. The transaction is
enabled, outside of the blackout window, in case of a daily blackout

Transaction Blackout

Field Name Description

Start On Start date and time for the blackout.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Full’.

End On End date and time for the blackout.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Full’.

Date Range Blackout start and end date.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Daily’.

Time Range Blackout start and end time.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Daily’.

When blackout type is full - the following fields are displayed and
enabled: Start On (Date and Time) End On and (Date and Time)
When blackout type is Daily - the following fields are displayed and
enabled - Date Range - From and To. Time Range - From and To.
And, an option to Add Time Range

7. Click Save to create the transaction blackout. User will be directed to the Transaction
Blackout-Create - review page post necessary validations.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number. Click Ok to
complete the transaction.

50.3 Transaction Blackout - Edit

System Administrator can modify existing blackout instructions. This screen displays the inputs
captured for Daily/Full, End date and End time in the create transaction blackout screen in an
editable form. Whereas user is not allowed to edit Transaction.

To modify blackout instructions:

1. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Date, or User Type.

Transaction Blackout

Note: Alternately, the user can perform a blank search.

2. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.

Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
3. Click on the transaction.
4. Click Edit to edit the maintenance.

Editing a scheduled Maintenance

Field Description

Field Name Description

Transaction The specific transaction, for which a blackout is to be modified.

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction is blacked out.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Administrator
 Retail User
 Prospect

Transaction Blackout

Field Name Description

Blackout Type of black out.

 Full: A Full transaction blackout prevents access to a transaction from
a certain day/time to certain day / time. The transaction is not enabled
at all, during a full blackout
 Daily: A daily transaction blackout prevents access to a transaction for
the defined time in a day, over few days. The transaction is enabled,
outside of the blackout window, in case of a daily blackout

Start On Start date and time for the blackout.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Full’.

End On End date and time for the blackout.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Full’.

Date Range Blackout start and end date.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Daily’.

Time Range Blackout start and end time.

This field will be displayed if the Blackout type is selected as ‘Daily’.

When blackout type is full - the following fields are displayed and
enabled: Start On (Date and Time) End On and (Date and Time)
When blackout type is Daily - the following fields are displayed and
enabled - Date Range - From and To. Time Range - From and To. And,
an option to Add Time Range

5. From the User Type select the appropriate option.

6. From the Blackout Type select the appropriate option:
7. If you select Full Day:
a. From the Start On list, select the start date and time of the transaction blackout.
b. From the End On list, select the end date and time of the transaction blackout.
8. If you select Daily:
a. From the Date Range list, select the start and end date of the transaction blackout.
b. From the Time Range list, select the start and end time of the transaction blackout.

Note: You can click +Add Time Range button, to add multiple time options for transaction blackout.

9. Click Save to button to save Transaction Blackout Maintenance. User is directed to

Transaction Blackout-Edit - review page post necessary validations.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Transaction Blackout

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
10. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
11. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

50.4 Transaction Blackout - Delete

System Administrator can delete existing blackout instructions. User is allowed to delete future
dated blackouts. Deleting ongoing blackout will stop the blackout and the transaction will be
available to the users post approved by necessary levels of approvals.

To delete maintenance:
1. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Date, or User Type.

Note: Alternately, the user can perform a blank search.

2. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.

Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
3. Click Edit to edit the maintenance.
On the Detailed View screen, click Delete to delete the maintenance.
Click Cancel to close the blackout creation process.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
4. The Pop-up Message to confirm deletion appears.

Deleting an Ongoing / scheduled Maintenances

Transaction Blackout

5. On the Detailed View screen, of the blackout, click Delete.

6. The Pop-up Message to confirm deletion appears.
7. Click Yes to delete.
Click No to go back to the maintenance.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number. Click Ok to
complete the transaction.


1. Can I edit an Ongoing Transaction Blackout?

Only the End time and End Date of the ongoing blackout can be edited, that too only if it is
greater than the current system date and time.

2. Can I edit scheduled Transaction Blackout?

Yes. System Administrator has more flexibility in editing a scheduled transaction blackout.

3. Can I delete an ongoing Transaction blackout?

Transaction Blackout

Yes, ongoing transaction blackout can be deleted. Deleting ongoing blackout will stop the
blackout and the transaction will be available to the users post approved by necessary levels
of approvals.

4. Any notification will be sent to the users about the planned blackout?

Administrator can send a notification to the users using the mailers feature available.

5. What happens when user tries to access the transaction which is blacked out?

A message is shown on the screen informing about transaction blackout.


Working Window

51. Working Window

A transaction working window is the period in a day, when a transaction can be initiated, approved
and processed. This is essentially like business hours, for a transaction. It is a time window within
which electronic payments, such as domestic transfers, international transfers etc., must be
submitted for an entry in the system so that the transaction is processed with same value date.

A working window is maintained, by the System Administrator for each transaction for which the
value date is applicable for processing. In order to enable such transactions on channel, it is
mandatory to define the working window for all the days of a week as day 0 maintenance. By doing
this maintenance, user defines the channel working window for each day of the week for a specific
transaction. Further, administrator can also define the processing pattern if the transaction is
initiated by customers after the window is closed. Transactions, that are initiated or approved
outside of the working window, are either processed on the next value date or rejected. Transaction
working window can also be maintained for specific date which will be considered as exceptional
working window, e.g. maintenance for specific public holiday. Working window set for an exception,
overrides the normal working window.

Administrator can set up two different weekly and exceptional working windows for a specific
transaction for different user types (Retail and Corporate User).

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
 Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions
 Enable only those transactions for which the working window maintenance is applicable


Working Window

Features Supported In Application

The following options are available as part of this maintenance:

 Create a Transaction Working Window and an Exception for a particular date for all seven
 Search and View Transaction working windows and Exceptions already maintained
 Delete or Edit transaction working windows / Exceptions maintained.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Controls and Monitoring > Working Window
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Controls and Monitoring >
Working Window

51.1 Transaction Working Window - Search

This function allows the System Administrator to search the working windows which are already
maintained. The search is available on the basis of specific date, transaction and user type.

The screen is broadly divided into:

 Normal Window
 Exception Window

To search the working windows:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select Normal Window tab,
a. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Effective Date, or User Type.
b. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Working Window

Search Normal Window

Field Description

Field Name Description

Normal Window

Effective Date Effective date of working window.

Transaction The specific financial transaction, for which a working window

is maintained.

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction working window is
being maintained.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Retail User

Search Result

Day of Week Day of week for which the transaction working window is

Working Window

Field Name Description

Window Type Type of working window for the transaction.

The type can be:
 Limited Time
 Open All Day
 Closed All Day

From Time Start time of transaction working window.

This field is enabled if you select Limited Time from the
Window Type field.

To Time End time of transaction working window.

This field is enabled if you select Limited Time from the
Window Type field.

Other Details

Treatment Outside Normal Indicates the treatment outside normal window:

The options are:
 Process on Next Value Date
 Reject Transaction

3. View the working window - Current Working Window and Future working window (if any), with
the effective date. This is split day wise. Go through the working window time for each day
and also how processing is set-up, outside the working window.
4. Click Edit to edit the maintenance.
Click Delete to delete the maintenance.

Working Window

If you select Exception Window tab,

Search Exception Window

Field Description

Field Name Description

Exception Window

Exception Exception date for which the transaction is allowed during the specific date
Date or date range.
The exception date could be:
 Specific Date: Transaction allowed for a specific date.
 Date Range: Transaction allowed during a specified period.

User Type Type of user, whether the transaction exception is applicable for a retail or
corporate user.

Transaction The specific financial transaction, for which a working window is maintained.

Remarks Reason for exception.

User Type Type of user, whether the transaction exception is applicable for a retail or
corporate user.


Working Window

Field Name Description

Date and Day Day and date for which the exception is applicable.

Window Type Transaction exception applicable window.

Window types:
 Limited Time: Transaction is applicable for a limited time.
 Open all Day: Transaction can be done for the entire day.
 Close all Day: Transaction is closed for the whole day.

Time Range Transactions are open during the specific time.

This field is enabled, if you select Limited Time, option from the Window
Type list.

5. Click the Exception Date field to launch the Detailed View screen.

Search Exception Window- Detailed View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Exception Exception date for which the transaction is allowed during the specific date
Date or date range.

Working Window

Field Name Description

The exception date could be:

 Specific Date: Transaction allowed for a specific date.
 Date Range: Transaction allowed during a specified period.

User Type Type of user, whether the transaction exception is applicable for a retail or
corporate user.

Transaction The specific financial transaction, for which a working window is maintained.

Remarks Reason for exception.


Window Type Type of working window for the exception.

Window types:
 Limited Time: Transaction is enabled, for the set limited time – the
business hours of the transaction
 Open all Day: Transaction is enabled, for the entire day.
 Close all Day: Transaction is disabled, for the whole day.

Time Range Business hours of the transaction.

This field is enabled, if you select Limited Time, option from the Window
Type list.

6. Click Edit to edit the maintenance.

Click Delete to delete the maintenance.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

51.2 Transaction Working Window - Create

System Administrator can create new transaction working window maintenance for the selected
transaction. Working window can be set as ‘Normal’ working window (for all days of the week) and
‘Exception Window’.

To create normal window:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select Normal Window tab,
a. Click Create.

Working Window

Create Working Window

Field Description

Field Name Description

Effective Date Effective date of working window.

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction working window is
being maintained.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Retail User

Transaction The specific financial transaction, for which a working window

is maintained.

Working Window

Field Name Description

Day of Week Day of week for which the transaction working window is

Window Type Type of working window for the transaction.

The type can be:
 Limited Time
 Open All Day
 Closed All Day

From Time Start time of transaction working window.

This field is enabled if you select Limited Time from the
Window Type field.

To Time End time of transaction working window.

This field is enabled if you select Limited Time from the
Window Type field.

Other Details

Treatment Outside Normal Indicates the treatment outside normal window:

The options are:
 Process on Next Value Date
 Reject Transaction

b. From the Effective Date list, select the start date of the transaction working window.
c. From the Window Type, select the appropriate option.
d. If you select the Window Type as Limited Time, from the From Time / To Time list
select the start and end time of the transaction working window.
e. In the Other Details section, from the Treatment Outside Normal Window field, select
the appropriate option.
3. Click Save to create the transaction working window.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
4. The Review screen is displayed. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify details if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Working Window

5. The success message is displayed along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

To create Exception window:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select Exception Window tab,
a. Click Create.

Create Exception Window

Field Description

Field Name Description

Exception Exception date or date range, when processing for a transaction, overrides
Date that set in the normal transaction working window.
The exception date could be:
 Specific Date: Exception for a single day
 Date Range: Exception for a date range

User Type Type of user, whether the transaction exception is applicable for a retail or
corporate user.

Working Window

Field Name Description

Transaction The specific financial transaction, for which an exceptional working window is

Remarks Reason for exception for e.g. a national holiday.

Exceptions Type of working window for the transaction.

Window types:
 Limited Time
 Open all Day
 Close all Day

Window Type Type of working window for the exception.

Window types:
 Limited Time: Transaction is applicable for a limited time.
 Open all Day: Transaction can be done for the entire day.
 Close all Day: Transaction is closed for the whole day.

Time Range Business hours of the transaction.

This field is enabled, if you select Limited Time, option from the Window
Type list.

b. From the Exception Date list, select the start date of the working window - exception.
c. From the Window Type, select the appropriate option.
d. If you select the Window Type as Limited Time, from the From Time / To Time list
select the start and end time of the working window - exception.
3. Click Save to create the transaction working window.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to close the exception creation process.
4. The Review screen is displayed. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify details if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
5. The success message is displayed along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

Working Window

51.3 Transaction Working Window - Edit

System Administrator can modify existing working window maintenance. In case of normal working
window, edit is allowed only if the effective date is a future date. In case of exception working
window, future window can be edited current exceptional window can also be edited if the set time
is less than the actual time.

To modify normal window:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select Normal Window tab,
a. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Effective Date, or User Type.
b. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
c. Click Edit to edit the working window, from the Detailed View page.
Click Delete to delete the maintenance.

Edit Normal Window

Field Description

Working Window

Field Name Description

Effective Date Effective date of working window.

User Type The type of user for whom the transaction working window is
being maintained.
The user types could be:
 Corporate User
 Retail User

Transaction The specific financial transaction, for which a working window

is maintained.

Window Type Type of working window for the transaction.

The type can be:
 Limited Time
 Open All Day
 Closed All Day

From Time Start time of transaction working window.

This field is enabled if you select Limited Time from the
Window Type field.

To Time End time of transaction working window.

This field is enabled if you select Limited Time from the
Window Type field.

Other Details

Treatment Outside Normal Indicates the treatment outside normal window:

The options are:
 Process on Next Value Date
 Reject Transaction

d. View the effective date, from when the modified maintenance will be effective. Modify if
e. The user can view the days of the week – from Monday through Sunday with a drop-
down of three values against each day( Open all Day, Closed all day, Limited Time)

Note: For open all day and closed all day options, system defaults from and to time values of–
00:00 and 23:59 hours, for the former and 00:00 hours, for the latter. For the limited time option,
specify from and to time, to define the transaction working window.

Working Window

f. View the preferred processing, when transaction is initiated or approved outside of the
working window.
Either Process on Next Value Date or Reject Transaction Modify if required.
3. Click Save to create the transaction working window.
Click Cancel to close the exception creation process.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
4. The Review screen is displayed. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify details if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
5. The success message is displayed along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

To modify exception window:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select Exception Window tab,
a. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Effective Date, or User Type.
b. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
c. Click Edit to edit the working window - exception, from the Detailed View page.
Click Delete to delete the maintenance.

Edit Exception Window

Working Window

Field Description

Field Name Description

Exception Exception date or date range, when processing for a transaction, overrides
Date that set in the normal transaction working window.
The exception date could be:
 Specific Date: Exception for a single day
 Date Range: Exception for a date range

User Type Type of user, whether the transaction exception is applicable for a retail or
corporate user.

Transaction The specific transaction, for which exception is being maintained.

Remarks Reason for exception for e.g. a national holiday.


Working Window

Field Name Description

Window Type Type of working window for the exception.

Window types:
 Limited Time: Transaction is applicable for a limited time.
 Open all Day: Transaction can be done for the entire day.
 Close all Day: Transaction is closed for the whole day.

Time Range Business hours of the transaction.

This field is enabled, if you select Limited Time, option from the Window
Type list.

3. Update the required details.

4. Click Save to create the transaction working window.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to close the exception creation process.
5. The Review screen is displayed. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Edit to modify details if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
6. The success message is displayed along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

51.4 Transaction Working Window - Delete

System Administrator can delete existing working window maintenance. User is allowed to delete
future dated maintenances.

To delete normal window:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select Normal Window tab,
a. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Effective Date, or User Type.
b. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Working Window

c. Click Edit to edit the working window, from the Detailed View page.
Click Delete to delete the working window, from the Detailed View page.

Delete Normal Window

To delete exception window:

1. Select the working window.
2. If you select exception Window tab,
a. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Effective Date, or User Type.
b. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Working Window

c. Click Edit to edit the working window, from the Detailed View page.
Click Delete to delete the working window - exception, from the Detailed View page.

Delete Exception Window

 The user can delete a future transaction working window or an exception with an effective
date in the future.
 Navigate to the particular working window or the exception and click on Delete.
 The system displays a pop-up message with Confirm and Cancel buttons. On confirming
deletion, system displays a transaction successful message, provides a reference number
and the status of the maintenance (e.g. pending approval)
 If the user chooses to cancel the transaction, he’s directed to the admin dashboard

Working Window


1. Can I set the transaction working window from the current date?

No, you cannot set the transaction working window date from current date. You can set that
from future date.

2. If a particular day, have both a normal working window set, and an exception – which
will take precedence?

Working window set for an exception, overrides the normal working window set.

3. If the normal working window for a transaction is set for Open all Day and an
Exception is set as Closed all Day, will I be able to initiate transaction, on that day?

No, I will not be able to initiate the transaction on that day. The transaction will either have the
next working day’s value date or be rejected.

4. Can I delete or edit current applicable normal working window?

No, current applicable normal working window cannot be edited or deleted. User can add a
new window with future effective date.

5. Can I set ‘behavior of transaction outside working window’ for exceptional days?

No, behavior of transaction outside working window for exceptional date maintenance will
remain same as normal window maintenance.


Audit Log

52. Audit Log

Audit log is set of records that provide information about operations performed in the application
and details of the user who has performed it along with date and time when it was performed.

Audit logs are useful both for maintaining security and for auditing any disputed transaction. As part
of this function, the bank administrator and/or system administrator can view details about the
transactions and maintenances performed by different user(s) in the system.

The administrator can search records by providing specific search parameters and system will
display matching records for the search criteria. Maintenances created/edited/deleted/inquired by
bank administrator can be audited through this function by the system administrator. Maintenances
created/edited/deleted/inquired by corporate administrator can be audited through this function by
the bank as well as system administrator.

Transactions carried out by corporate users can be audited if required by the Corporate or Bank
administrator and also by system administrator.

 Transaction access is provided to System and Bank administrator.
 Transactions are available under respective users to check audit log.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard >Controls and Monitoring> Audit Log

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Controls & Monitoring > Audit

52.1 Search Audit Details

To view audit log:
1. From the Date and Time list, select the period for which you want to view the audit log.
2. Enter required search criteria. Click Search.
Audit log appears based on the entered search parameters.
Click Clear to reset the details.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.

Audit Log

Audit Log- Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Date and The date and time from which audit log is to be generated.
The options are:
 Today
 Yesterday
 Last 3 days
 Date Range

Audit Log

Field Name Description

From Start date and time of the request processing.

This field appears if you select Date Range option from the Date and Time

To End date and time of the request processing.

This field appears if you select Date Range option from the Date and Time

Activity Select specific transaction or maintenance from the list.

Party ID Party ID of the logged in user for which audit details are logged.

Search Party Click on the Search Party Name link, the pop up window appears. User can
Name search the Party ID by entering keywords of party name.
Click Search to search the party ID. The search result appears based on
party name, select appropriate party.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

User ID User ID for which the audit details are logged.

Action Type of action.

The options are:
 Initiated: To be selected if only initiated transactions are to be
 Approved: To be selected if only transactions/maintenances in
approved state are to be searched.
 Enquired: To be selected if only maintenances which were
enquired are to be searched
 Edited: To be selected if only maintenances which were edited are
to be searched
 Created: To be selected if only maintenances which were created
are to be searched
 Deleted: To be selected if only maintenances which were deleted

Status Status of the transaction.

The options are:
 Success
 Failed

Audit Log

Field Name Description

User Type To be selected if the search is to be based on the user type. Multiple user
types can be selected. Following are user types.
 Retail User
 Corporate User
 Administrator

Reference Search based on Reference number of the transaction.


Search Result

Date / Time The date and time of the activity i.e. transaction/maintenance.

User ID/ User ID and Name of the user who performed the transaction or carried out
Name the maintenance.
Click on the hyperlink available on the User ID to view the Request/response
details of the transaction/maintenance in json format.

Party ID/ Party ID and Party name for which the maintenance or transaction was
Name carried out.

User Type User type of the user who performed an activity i.e. maintenance/transaction.

Event Name of transaction/maintenance for which audit details of transaction are


Action Name of transaction action.

 Enquired
 Initiated
 Created
 Edited
 Deleted
 Approved

Reference Reference number of the transaction/maintenance.


Audit Log

Field Name Description

Status Status of the transaction.

The options are:
 Success
 Failed


1. Do I need to enter all the parameters to search?

No. You need to enter at least the date and time criteria to proceed with audit search. Rest of
the search parameters are optional and can be entered if the search results are to be narrowed

2. I do not remember the party ID for input, can I search a party if I need to view audit
details for a specific party?

Yes. You can search a party by clicking ‘Search Party’ and searching the party by entering the
party name.

3. As part of input search criterion/parameters, in the action field there are certain
options disabled. Is there a specific reason?

If you select any maintenance in the activity field, ‘Initiated’ as an action will not be available.
If you select any transaction in the activity field, ‘Created’, ‘Edited’ or ‘Deleted’ as actions will
not be available.


File Upload

53. File Upload

File Uploads facilitates processing of multiple transactions through a single file. This is a faster way
of processing transactions than entering single screen transactions. Salary payments, fund
transfers, vendor payments are few examples of financial transactions that can be supported
through file upload. A non-financial transaction to facilitate upload of multiple payee details, at a
single instance, is also possible through file upload.

OBDX has made File Upload functionality available for both Corporate and Bank Users.

Some of the file uploads available for Corporate User are:

 Internal payments (within the bank)
 Domestic payments (within the country)
 International payments (cross border)
 Mixed payments
 Create Payees / Beneficiaries
 Create Virtual Accounts, Structure & Identifiers

File upload available for Bank User

 Bill Presentment

Oracle Banking Digital Experience File Upload module enables banks to process files of payments
according to agreed operational and business rules and save time. File Uploads facility is simple
to use, has daily transaction limits and comes with the security of dual / multi signatory approvals.
 File Upload Set up: Enables the administrator to create file identifiers, and map users to file
 File Upload Servicing: Enables the corporate user to upload, view and approve files, (files
that the user has access to).

File Upload Set up

File Upload set up covers the maintenance part of file upload and is performed by an administrator
user. As a part of the initial set-up, the administrator user -
 Creates a File Identifier for a File Template using the ‘File Identifier’ option
 Maps a File Identifier to a user using the ‘User File Identifier Mapping’ option

File Upload

53.1 File Identifier Maintenance

Bank Administrator can create file identifiers (FI) to upload files for corporate as well as bank
administrator users. This enables the corporate users and bank administrators to process file
uploads. A File Identifier is always mapped to a specific file template. It permits configuration of
party preferences like approval type (file level / record level) for a particular type of file.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator
 User Creation
 Set up Party Account access (for corporate file upload)
 Set up Transaction Account access (for corporate file upload)
 Set up Approval Rules (for corporate file upload)

Features Supported In Application

 Search File Identifier
 Create File Identifier
 Edit File Identifier

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > File Upload > File Identifier
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Quick Links > File Upload > File Identifier Maintenance

File Upload

53.1.1 File Identifier Maintenance – User Type Selection

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the File Identifier Maintenance screen.
On accessing the ‘File Identifier Maintenance’ menu, bank administrator has to select the user type.

File Identifier Maintenance – User Type Selection

1. Click Administrator to access the file identifier for bank administrator users. The File
Identifier Maintenance screen appears.
2. Click Corporate User to access the file identifier of corporate users. The File Identifier
Maintenance screen appears.

53.1.2 File Identifier Maintenance - Administrator User – Summary

For the bank administrators the only file upload available is for the uploading of Bill Presentment
file. Once the logged in user navigates to File Identifier Maintenance (Administrator User) screen,
user can view the record details of the File Identifiers already created.

To search and view the file identifiers:

1. Navigate to the File Identifier Maintenance screen. The File Identifier - summary screen

File Upload

File Identifier - Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

File Identifiers

Sr. No. Serial number of the record.

File Identifiers Unique code/ name assigned as per party preferences for handling of
payment files.

Description File name / code description corresponding to the file upload code.

Transaction Type of transaction:

The Transaction types could be:
 Bulk Bill Upload

Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.

2. Click the File Identifier link against the record, for which you want to view the details.
The File Identifier Maintenance- View screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.

File Upload

File Identifier Maintenance - View

Field Description

Field Name Description


File Identifier Unique code/ name assigned for handling of payment files.

Description File name / code description corresponding to the file upload code.

File Template Predefined file templates.

Following file templates are available:
 Bulk Bill Upload

Maximum No of Maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file.


File Upload

Field Name Description

Partial Processing The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms).
Tolerance (%) Suppose, the user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or
more, of the records in a file clear the validation stage, then the file can
go for further processing. If less than 60% of the records in a file clear
the validation stage, then the file is rejected.

Transaction Type Type of transaction:

The Transaction type can be:
 Bulk Bill Upload

File Type The file type - delimited or fixed length.

Format Type The format in which file is uploaded.

The format could be .CSV, .XLS, .XLSX.

Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and
all records are either processed or rejected en-masse.
 Record Level- The approver accepts some records, and
rejects others. Payments are processed only for approved

3. Click Edit to modify the file identifier.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

53.1.3 File Identifier Maintenance - Administrator User - Create

Using this option the administrator user can create a new file identifier.

To create a file identifier:

1. In the File Identifier Maintenance screen, click Create. The File Identifier Maintenance -
Create screen appears.

File Upload

File Identifier Maintenance - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description


File Identifier Unique code or name assigned to the uploaded file.

Description Descriptions corresponding to the file identifier.

File Template Predefined file templates.

Following file templates are available:
 Bulk Bill Upload

Maximum No of Maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file.


Partial Processing The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms).
Tolerance (%)
Suppose, the user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or
more, of the records in a file clear the Validation stage, then the file can
go for further processing. If less than 60% of the records in a file clear
the validation stage, then the file is rejected.
This field is enabled if approval is ‘Record Type’.

File Upload

Field Name Description

Transaction Type Type of transaction:

The Transaction type could be:
 Bulk Bill Upload

File Type The file type – delimited or fixed length.

Format Type The format in which file is uploaded.

The format could be CSV, XLS, XLSX.

Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and
all records are either processed or rejected en-masse.
 Record Level- The approver accepts some records, and
rejects others. Payments are processed only for approved

2. In the File Identifier field, enter the code of the file to be maintained for upload.
3. In the Description field, enter the file description corresponding to the file code.
4. From the File Template list, select the file template.
5. Select the appropriate Approval Type.
6. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The File Identifier Maintenance - Review screen appears. Verify the details and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.1.4 File Identifier Maintenance - Administrator User – Edit

Using this option the administrator can edit and update a file identifier.

To edit file identifier:

1. In the File Identifier Maintenance screen, click the File Identifier link against the record,
which you want to modify.
The File Identifier Maintenance- View screen appears.

File Upload

2. Click Edit to edit the file identifier.

The File Identifier Maintenance - Edit screen appears.

File Identifier Maintenance - Edit

3. Edit the required fields of file identifiers. E.g. Description, Maximum Number of Records, and
Partial Processing Tolerance, Debit Account Number – if required.

User Interface Details

Field Name Description

Description Descriptions corresponding to the file upload code.

Maximum No of Maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file.


Partial The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms) Suppose,
Processing the user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or more, of the
Tolerance (%) records in a file clear the Validation stage, then the file can go for further
processing. If less than 60% of the records in a file clear the validation
stage, then the file is rejected.

4. Click Save to save the modified details.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

File Upload

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
5. The File Identifier Maintenance – Edit - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and
click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
6. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.1.5 File Identifier Maintenance - Corporate User – Search and View

Once the logged in user navigates to File Identifier Maintenance (for Corporate User) screen, user
can search and view the files that are uploaded under a party with the future date with file type as
SDSC(Single Debit Single Credit), SDMC (Single Debit Multiple Credit), and MDMC (Multiple Debit
Multiple Credit) and view the record details of the File Identifiers already created.

To search and view the file identifiers:

1. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The File Identifier Maintenance screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

File Identifier Maintenance - Search

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID of the corporate for whom the file identifier is created.

Party Name Party name corresponding to the party id.

File Identifiers

Sr. No. Serial number of the record.

File Identifier Unique code/ name assigned as per party preferences for handling of
payment files.

Description File name / code description corresponding to the file upload code.

Transaction Type of transaction:

The Transaction types could be:
 Internal Funds Transfer
 Domestic Funds Transfer
 International Funds Transfer
 Mixed Transfer
 Internal Payee
 Domestic Payee
 International Payee
 Mixed Payee
 Domestic Demand Draft Payee
 International Demand Draft Payee
 Create Virtual Accounts
 Delete Virtual Accounts
 Create Virtual Account structure
 Create Virtual Identifier
 Create Invoice
 Bulk Bill Upload

Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.

3. Click the File Identifier link against the record, for which you want to view the details.
The File Identifier Maintenance- View screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

File Upload

Click Back to go back to previous screen.

File Identifier Maintenance - View

Field Name Description

Party ID The party id searched by the bank administrator.

Party Name Party name corresponding to the party ID.


File Unique code/ name assigned for handling of payment files.


Description File name / code description corresponding to the file upload code.

File Predefined file templates.

Following file templates are available:
 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC

File Upload

Field Name Description

 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC

 Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC with Account ID defined
at File Identifier level
 Internal and Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 Internal and Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
 Internal Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC with Account ID defined at
File Identifier level
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC with Account ID defined at
File Identifier level
 International Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
 International Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
 International Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
 International Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
 International Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 International Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Demand Draft Payees
 Domestic Payees
 Internal payees
 International Payees
 Mixed Payees
 Mixed Payments Delimited MDMC
 Mixed Payments Fixed MDMC
 Mixed Payments Delimited SDSC
 Mixed Payments Fixed SDSC
 Create Virtual Accounts
 Create Virtual Accounts Structure
 Create Virtual Identifier
 Create Invoice

File Upload

Field Name Description

 Bulk Bill Upload

Maximum Maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file.

No of

Partial The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms). Suppose, the
Processing user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or more, of the records in
Tolerance a file clear the validation stage, then the file can go for further processing. If
(%) less than 60% of the records in a file clear the validation stage, then the file is

Debit Account number from which amount is to be debited.

This field appears for templates having AcctId defined at FI level.

Transaction Type of transaction:

The Transaction type can be:
 Internal Funds Transfer
 Domestic Funds Transfer
 International Funds Transfer
 Mixed Transfer
 Internal Payee
 Domestic Payee
 International Payee
 Mixed Payee
 Domestic Demand Draft Payee
 International Demand Draft Payee
 Virtual Account
 Virtual Account Structure
 Virtual Identifier
 Virtual Account Structure
 Create Invoice
 Bulk Bill Upload

File Upload

Field Name Description

Accounting Accounting type of transaction:

The accounting type can be:
 SDSC: Single Debit Single Credit
 SDMC: Single Debit Multi Credit
 MDMC: Multi Debit Multi Credit
This field does not appear for Demand Draft Payees, Domestic Payees,
Internal payees, International Payee and Mixed Payees, Invoice and
Virtual Account templates.

File Type The file type - delimited or fixed length.

Format The format in which file is uploaded.

The format could be .CSV, .XML, .XLS, .XLSX.

Approval The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and all
records are either processed or rejected en-masse.
 Record Level - The approver could approve some records, and
rejects others. Payments are processed only for approved records.

4. Click Edit to modify the file identifier.

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.1.6 File Identifier Maintenance - Corporate User - Create

Using this option the administrator user can create a new file identifier.

To create a file identifier:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The File Identifier Maintenance screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
3. Click Create. The File Identifier Maintenance - Create screen appears.

File Upload

File Identifier Maintenance - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party id for whom the file identifier is created.

Party Name Party name corresponding to the party id.


File Identifier Unique code or name assigned to the uploaded file.

Description Descriptions corresponding to the file identifier.

File Template Predefined file templates.

Following file templates are available:
 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC

File Upload

Field Name Description

 Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC

 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC with Account ID
defined at File Identifier level
 Internal and Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 Internal and Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
 Internal Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC with Account ID
defined at File Identifier level
 Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC with Account ID
defined at File Identifier level
 International Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
 International Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
 International Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
 International Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
 International Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
 International Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
 Demand Draft Payees
 Domestic Payees
 Internal payees
 International Payees
 Mixed Payees
 Mixed Payments Delimited MDMC
 Mixed Payments Fixed MDMC
 Mixed Payments Delimited SDSC
 Mixed Payments Fixed SDSC
 Create Virtual Accounts
 Create Virtual Accounts Structure
 Create Virtual Identifier

File Upload

Field Name Description

 Create Invoice
 Bulk Bill Upload

Maximum No of Maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file.


Partial Processing The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms).
Tolerance (%)
Suppose, the user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or
more, of the records in a file clear the Validation stage, then the file can
go for further processing. If less than 60% of the records in a file clear
the validation stage, then the file is rejected.
This field is enabled if approval is ‘Record Type’.

Debit Account Account number from where amount has to be debited.

This field appears for templates having AcctId defined at FI level.

Transaction Type Type of transaction:

The Transaction type could be:
 Internal Funds Transfer
 Domestic Funds Transfer
 International Funds Transfer
 Mixed Transfer
 Internal Payee
 Domestic Payee
 International Payee
 Mixed Payee
 Domestic Demand Draft Payee
 International Demand Draft Payee
 Virtual Account
 Virtual Account Structure
 Virtual Identifier
 Virtual Account Structure
 Create Invoice
 Bulk Bill Upload

File Upload

Field Name Description

Accounting Type Accounting type of transaction:

The accounting type could be:
 SDSC: Single Debit Single Credit
 SDMC: Single Debit Multi Credit
 MDMC: Multi Debit Multi Credit
This field does not appear for Demand Draft Payees, Domestic
Payees, Internal payees, International Payee, Mixed Payees,
Invoice and Virtual Account templates.

File Type The file type – delimited or fixed length.

Format Type The format in which file is uploaded.

The format could be CSV, XML, XLS, XLSX.

Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and
all records are either processed or rejected en-masse.
 Record Level - The approver could approve some records, and
reject others. Payments are processed only for approved

4. In the File Identifier field, enter the code of the file to be maintained for upload.
5. In the Description field, enter the file description corresponding to the file code.
6. From the File Template list, select the file template.
a. If you have selected a file template with AcctId defined at FI level from the File
Template list, enter the Debit Account Number.
7. Select the appropriate Approval Type.
8. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
9. The File Identifier Maintenance - Review screen appears. Verify the details and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
10. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

File Upload

53.1.7 File Identifier Maintenance - Corporate User – Edit

Using this option the administrator can edit and update a file identifier.

To edit file identifier:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The File Identifier Maintenance screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
3. Click the file identifier record.
The File Identifier Maintenance- View screen appears.
4. Click Edit to edit the file identifier mapping.
The File Identifier Maintenance - Edit screen appears.

File Identifier Maintenance - Edit

5. Edit the required fields of file identifiers. E.g. Description, Maximum Number of Records, and
Partial Processing Tolerance, Debit Account Number – if required.

File Upload

User Interface Details

Field Name Description

Description Descriptions corresponding to the file upload code.

Maximum No of Maximum Number of records permissible in the uploaded file.


Partial The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms) Suppose,
Processing the user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or more, of the
Tolerance (%) records in a file clear the Validation stage, then the file can go for further
processing. If less than 60% of the records in a file clear the validation
stage, then the file is rejected.

6. Click Save to save the modified details.

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
7. The File Identifier Maintenance – Edit - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and
click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

File Upload

1. For bank administrators which transactions have file upload support?
Currently the file upload feature for bank administrators is available for addition of billers

2. What are the different transaction types, accounting types and file formats
The following table details the different transaction types, accounting types and file formats
supported. A file identifier with a specific template is a combination of the parameters

Sr. Parameter Types


1 Transaction Type Internal funds Transfer

Domestic Funds Transfer
International Funds Transfer
Mixed Transfer
Admin Biller (available only for admin user)
Payee Files (Internal / Domestic / International Or Mixed
Payee Files)
Virtual Account related (Accounts, Structure & Identifiers
Invoice Creation
Bulk Bill Upload

2 Accounting Type Single Debit, Single Credit (SDSC)

Single Debit, Multi Credit (SDMC)
Multi Debit, Multi Credit (MDMC)

3 Approval Type File Level

Record Level

4 Format Type CSV, XML, XLS, XLSX

3. Why do we have different accounting types?

File templates support different accounting types, and business users can use the
template that best support their needs. Details with business examples below:

File Upload

Sr Accounting Type Business Example Approval

No. Type

1 Single Debit, Single A corporate may want to make monthly Record

Credit (SDSC) payments to its various vendors from one Type or File
central account. So though the debit account is Type
the same across all records, the credit accounts
are different and the debit accounting entry is
not consolidated.

2 Single Debit, Multi A corporate may want to make monthly salary File Type
Credit (SDMC) payments to all its employees. A single
consolidated debit entry is required to be
passed, against multiple credits to different

3 Multi Debit, Multi This file format caters to a lot of one to one Record
Credit (MDMC) transfers between two parties for various Type
payments. Organizations that are brokers or
intermediaries in trade contracts, may find this
format more suitable for their business needs.

4. What is the business rationale of having different approval types?

A record type approval, gives more flexibility to the corporate user – in the sense, that even
if some records are not validated, the file could still be processed (only those records that
have passed validations) and file type approval, gives more control to the corporate user.
Since all records in the file have to pass validations, before a file is processed.

5. Who can create File Identifiers for a corporate party?

Only a bank administrator or a corporate administrator with required rights can create file
identifiers for a corporate party.

6. What is a 'File Upload Template'?

A template that is used to upload a file is called as file template. It distinguishes one file
from another depending on:
a) Transaction type of the file
b) Format of the file to be uploaded
c) Approval type set-up for the file
d) Accounting type of a payment file


File Upload

53.2 User File Identifier Mapping

This function can be used by the administrator to map the required file identifier to a specific user
or a set of users so that the user can upload and view the required file types. In case of corporate
user the mapping will be done for the Party ID and for bank administrators mapping will be done
for the User ID.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator User Creation
 Party and Account access (for corporate file upload)
 Set up Transaction and account access (for corporate file upload)
 Set up Approval Rules (for corporate file upload)
 File Identifier Maintenance

Features Supported In Application

 Search User File Identifier Mapping
 Create User File Identifier Mapping
 Edit User File Identifier Mapping

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > File Upload > User File
Identifier Mapping
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Quick Links > File Upload > User File Identifier Mapping

File Upload

53.2.1 User File Identifier Mapping – User Type Selection

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the User File Identifier Mapping screen.
On accessing the ‘User File Identifier Mapping’ menu, bank administrator has to select the user

User File Identifier Mapping – User Type Selection

1. Click Administrator to access file identifier for bank administrator users. The User File
Identifier Mapping screen appears.
2. Click Corporate User to access the file identifier of corporate users. The User File Identifier
Mapping screen appears.

File Upload

53.2.2 User File Identifier Mapping – Administrator - Search

Using this option the administrator can search and view the file identifiers mapped to the user.

To search and view the file identifiers:

1. In the User File Identifier Mapping screen, enter any one search criteria.
2. Click Search. The User File Identifier Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

User File Identifier Mapping - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The type of user as selected in the User File Identifier Mapping – User Type
Selection screen.
The options are:
 Administrator
 Corporate User

User Name To search the user with the user name. Partial search is allowed.

More Search Options

Below fields appears if you click the More Search Options link.

First Name To search based on first name or given name of the user.

File Upload

Field Name Description

Last Name To search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Email To search based on email id of the user.

Mobile To search based on mobile number of the user.


Search Result

Initials The initials of the user.

User Details The details of the user like user name or user id.

Contact Email and contact number of the user.


Mapping Displays whether the file identifier is mapped to the user.

 - denotes that the file identifier is mapped to the user

 - denotes that the file identifier is not mapped to the user.

3. Click against the file identifier record of which you want to view the details. The User File
Identifier Mapping - View screen appears.

User File Identifier Mapping - View

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name User name of the logged-in user.

User Id User id of the user.

Mapping Summary

Header The check box to select the records for mapping.

Check Box

File Unique code assigned to the uploaded file.


Transaction Type of transaction:

The transaction type could be:
 Admin Biller

Approval The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and all
records are either processed or rejected
 Record Level - The approver could approve some records, and reject
others. Payments are processed only for approved records

Sensitive If selected, the users are barred from viewing the contents of the file.
Data Check

4. Click Edit to modify the user file identifier mapping.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

File Upload

53.2.3 User File Identifier Mapping – Administrator - Create

Using this option the administrator can map the file identifiers to a user.

To map a user to a file identifier:

1. In the User File Identifier Mapping screen, enter any one search criteria.
2. Click Search. The User File Identifier Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

3. Click against the file identifier record, for which you want to map the user. The User File
Identifier Mapping screen appears.

User File Identifier Mapping - Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name User name.

User Id User id of the user.

Mapping Summary

Header The check box to select the records for mapping.

Check Box

File Upload

Field Name Description

File Unique code assigned to the uploaded file.


Transaction Type of transaction:

The Transaction type could be:
 Bulk Bill Upload

Approval The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and all
records are either processed or rejected

Sensitive If selected, the users are barred from viewing the contents of the file.
Data Check

4. In the Mapping Summary section, select the file identifier which you want to map to the user.
5. Check / Uncheck the Sensitive Data check field, to enable / disable access to the contents of
the file.
6. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The User File Identifier Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.2.4 User File Identifier Mapping – Administrator - Edit

Using this option the administrator can edit and update mapping of a file identifier, to a user

To edit a User File Identifier Mapping:

1. In the User Name field, enter the username of the user.
2. Click Search. The User File Identifier Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

File Upload

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

3. Click against the file identifier record. The User File Identifier Mapping - View screen
4. Click Edit. The User File Identifier Mapping - Edit screen appears.

User File Identifier Mapping - Edit

5. View the details of File Identifier mapping already saved. Select or de-select the File Identifier
record to map / un-map a File Identifier to a user.
6. Check / Uncheck the Sensitive Data Check, to enable / disable the complete access to file
7. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The User File Identifier Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.2.5 User File Identifier Mapping - Corporate User - Search

Using this option bank administrator can search and view the file identifiers mapped to the
corporate user.

File Upload

To search and view the file identifiers:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The User File Identifier Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

File Upload

User File Identifier Mapping - Search

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID of the user.

Party Name Party name corresponding to the party ID.

Users List

Initials The initials of the user.

User Details The details of the user like user name or user id.

Contact Details Email and contact number of the user.

Mapping Displays whether the file identifier is mapped to the user.

 - denotes that the file identifier is mapped to the user

 - denotes that the file identifier is not mapped to the user

3. Click against the file identifier record of which you want to view the details. The User
File Identifier Mapping - View screen appears.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

User File Identifier Mapping - View

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name User name of the logged-in user.

User Id User id of the user.

Mapping Summary

File Unique code assigned to the uploaded file.


File Upload

Field Name Description

Transaction Type of transaction:

The transaction type could be:
 Internal Funds Transfer
 Domestic Funds Transfer
 International Funds Transfer
 Mixed Transfer
 Internal Payee
 Domestic Payee
 International Payee
 Mixed Payee
 Domestic Demand Draft Payee
 International Demand Draft Payee
 Create Virtual Accounts
 Create Virtual Accounts Structure
 Create Virtual Identifier
 Create Invoice
 Bulk Bill Upload

Approval The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and all
records are either processed or rejected
 Record Level - The approver could approve some records, and reject
others. Payments are processed only for approved records

Sensitive If selected, the users are barred from viewing the contents of the file.
Data Check

File Upload

4. Click Edit to modify the user file identifier mapping.

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.2.6 User File Identifier Mapping - Corporate User - Create

Using this option the administrator can map the file identifiers to a user.

To map a user to a file identifier:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party id.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The User File Identifier Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

3. Click against the file identifier record, for which you want to map the user. The User File
Identifier Mapping screen appears.

User File Identifier Mapping - Create

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID of the user

Party Name Party name corresponding to the party ID.

User Name User name.

User Id User id of the user.

Mapping Summary

File Unique code assigned to the uploaded file.


Transaction Type of transaction:

The Transaction type could be:
 Internal Funds Transfer
 Domestic Funds Transfer
 International Funds Transfer
 Mixed Transfer
 Internal Payee
 Domestic Payee
 International Payee
 Mixed Payee
 Domestic Demand Draft Payee
 International Demand Draft Payee
 Create Virtual Accounts
 Create Virtual Accounts Structure
 Create Virtual Identifier
 Create Invoice
 Bulk Bill Upload

Approval The approval type is at file level or record level.

 File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and all
records are either processed or rejected
 Record Level - The approver could approve some records, and
rejects others. Payments are processed only for approved records

File Upload

Field Name Description

Sensitive If selected, the users are barred from viewing the contents of the file.
Data Check

4. In the Mapping Summary section, select the file identifier which you want to map to the user.
5. Check / Uncheck the Sensitive Data check field, to enable / disable access to the contents of
the file.
6. Click Save.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The User File Identifier Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

53.2.7 User File Identifier Mapping - Corporate User - Edit

Using this option the administrator can edit and update mapping of a file identifier, to a user

To edit a User File Identifier Mapping:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The User File Identifier Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

3. Click against the file identifier record. The User File Identifier Mapping - View screen
4. Click Edit. The User File Identifier Mapping - Edit screen appears

File Upload

User File Identifier Mapping - Edit

5. View the details of File Identifier mapping already saved. Select or de-select the File Identifier
record to map / un-map a File Identifier to a user.
6. Check / Uncheck the Sensitive Data Check, to enable / disable the complete access to file
7. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The User File Identifier Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

File Upload

1. Can all users of a particular corporate access all file types, mapped to the
User/s have to be mapped to file identifiers to be able to access files. For example, only the
user/s of Human Resource Department of a corporate may have access to upload / view
and enquire status of salary files.
Mapping File Identifier’s to specific users thus enables access of certain types of file/s to
certain user/s.

2. If a user is mapped to a File Identifier and he has uploaded a file – but after this, he is
no longer mapped to the File Identifier – can he view the status of the file?
No, the user will not be able to view the status of the file, if he is not mapped to it, at the
point in time when he is checking for the status.


File Upload

53.3 File Upload – Bill Presentment

Using this option bank administrator can upload a file containing multiple bills which are to be
presented for payment on behalf of the biller .

 File Identifier Maintenance
 User – File Identifier Mapping

Features Supported In Application

 Upload a File

How to reach here:

Corporate Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > File Upload > File Upload
Corporate Dashboard > Quick Links > File Upload

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

File Identifier File identifier created earlier, in order to identify the file.
This will list the file identifiers assigned by the administrator user to the
logged in user for handling of file uploads.

File Name Browse and select the file to be uploaded.

To upload a file:
6. From the File Identifier list, select the file identifier.
The file identifier details appear.

File Upload

7. In the File Name field, select the file to be uploaded.

File Upload

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description

File Identifier Select the File identifier created earlier and mapped to the user in order to
identify the file.

Transaction Displays the transaction type of the file upload.

Information is displayed based on the parameters defined at the file
identifier selected by the user.

File Format Displays the format in which the file can be uploaded.
The file formats could be:
Information is displayed based on the parameters defined at the file
identifier selected by the user.

File Upload

Field Name Description

Approval Type Displays approval level of the file.

For bill presentment type of a file, the approval type will always remain as
Fil Level approval.
 File Level: In a file type approval, the approver accepts or rejects
the entire file, and all records are either processed or rejected.
Information is displayed based on the parameters defined at the file
identifier selected by the user.

Accounting Displays accounting type of the file.

This field is displayed for the files which are financial in nature.

File Name Choose the file from the local machine for upload.
Post choosing the file, displays the file name.

8. Click Upload.
Click Cancel to abort the file uploading process.
9. The success message along with the file reference ID and status of the transaction appears.
Click OK to complete the file upload.
Click the File Reference ID to inquire about the uploaded file status.
The Uploaded File Inquiry screen appears.
Click Home to go to the Dashboard screen.

Click to view sample for file upload

1448 101 424 1 UNPAID 30-03-202231-03-202230-04-2022 516.7 GBP
1534 451 3176 12 UNPAID 30-03-202231-03-202230-04-2022 143.13 EUR
15235 101 3038 104 UNPAID 30-03-202231-03-202230-04-2022 1235.11 EUR

53.4 Uploaded Files Inquiry

Through this option the user can view the files uploaded by the bank administrator user using OBDX
platform (only those files that the user has access to) and their status.
 The search can be filtered on various parameters like status and file reference ID.
 The user can track the status of the file and if there is an error in the file, he / she can download
the error file to arrive at the exact reason for error.
 For files in the ‘Processed’ status, the user can download Response file, to vet status of
processing (in the host) for each record, of the file.
 The user can track file history and also check Individual record details.

 File Identifier Maintenance

File Upload

 User – File Identifier Mapping

Features Supported In Application

 View Uploaded File & its Status (Uploaded File Inquiry)

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > File Upload > Uploaded File
Corporate Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > File Upload > Uploaded File Inquiry
Corporate Dashboard > Quick Links > Uploaded File Inquiry

53.4.1 Uploaded File Inquiry – Default View

On accessing ‘Uploaded File Inquiry’ option from the menu, by default screen displays the summary
of the files uploaded on that day with respective statuses. User can choose to view the details of
the file by clicking on the File Reference ID or can even choose to search the files uploaded on
previous days clicking search filters.

53.4.2 Uploaded File Inquiry – Search Filters

On clicking the search filters gets enabled on the screen, bank administrator can search and
view the files that are uploaded under a party with the file identifier, date range, transaction type,
transaction reference ID and view the record details under the same.

User is expected to provide at least two search parameters to get the better result.

To search and view the uploaded files

File Upload

3. Click to expand the search criteria.

The search section appears.
4. Enter any two search criteria in the search section.
5. Click Search. The search results appear on the Uploaded File Inquiry screen based on the
search parameters.
Click Clear to reset the search criteria.
Click Cancel to close the search panel.

Uploaded File Inquiry – Search

File Upload

Field Description

Field Name Description


File Identifier File identifier created earlier in order to identify the file.
This will list the file identifiers assigned by the administrator user to the
logged in user for handling of file uploads

Transaction Type Search with the transaction type associated with the file.

File Name Search with the file name of the uploaded file.

File Reference ID Search with the file reference number which was generated while
uploading the file.

File Status Search with the status of the file uploads.

 Uploaded
 Approved
 Rejected
 Processing In Progress
 Error
 Processed
 Processed with Exceptions
 Deleted
 Verified
 Expired

From Date From Date, to search for an uploaded file, in the specified date range.

To Date To Date, to search for an uploaded file, in the specified date range.

Search Results

Upload Details Displays the file upload date and time.

Type Displays the transaction type of file uploaded

File Identifier Displays the file identifier selected while uploading the file.

File Name Displays the name of the uploaded file.

File Upload

Field Name Description

File Reference ID Displays the file reference number generated after the file was

File Status Displays the status of the uploaded file.

The file status could be:
 Uploaded: File Uploaded and file reference number is
 Verified: File has been pre-processed and authorization
checks done (limit + account access check). File is now
Pending Approval.
 Error: File has been pre-processed and contains error. The
end of the life cycle of the file (File Level).The user can
download the error file at this stage.
 Processing in Progress: File is not yet liquidated.
 Rejected: File has been rejected (File level). The end of the
life cycle of the file.
 Approved: File has been fully approved.
 Processed: File is completely liquidated. The user can
download a response file at this stage.
 Processed with exception: File is partially liquidated – i.e.
while some records are processed, others are not.
 Expired: File has expired.
 Deleted: File was deleted.

Action The available action icon against the uploaded file.

The action is to delete the uploaded file. Only those files with record
type of approval, and which are uploaded with a future date can be
deleted. Such files are in Processing in Progress status.

6. Click the File Reference ID link to view the details. The Uploaded File Inquiry - File Details
screen appears.

Click against a specific file upload record to delete the record. A delete icon will be
shown against a record, only when if a record is of a future date and is fully approved.

File Upload

53.4.3 Uploaded File Inquiry – File Details – Bill Presentment

On clicking on the File Reference ID from the summary page of bill payment file, following screen
is displayed to the user. The user can view the files uploaded by the bank administrator for bill
presented for payments. Screen displays the basic file details like name, status, reference id etc.
along with the file journey.

User can download file, error report if the file is in error status and even can download response
file to know the record level details.

File details section also shows the records of the file in a summarized view along with respective
status of each record. User can further delete the specific record if of the future date or not

User can also choose to view the record details by clicking on the link available on each record.
User gets directed to the screen which shows the individual record details along with the file details
using which the record was uploaded. Each record details is specific to the transaction type which
user is inquiring.

Note: The maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file is a configurable parameter
at the File Identifier.

File Details

Field Description

File Upload

Field Name Description

File Name File name of the uploaded file.

User can download the file by clicking in the icon available besides the
file name.

Transaction Type Displays the transaction type associated with the file.

File Reference ID Displays the file reference number, which was generated while
uploading the file.

Number of Records Displays the total number of records uploaded as a part of the file.

File Status Displays the status of the file uploads.

Error Report Shows an icon to download the error file in case the uploaded file
faced some runtime issue and failed to execute.

Response File Shows an icon to download the error response file.


Transaction The transaction reference number, which was generated at the time
Reference ID of transaction execution.

File Workflow Flow displaying various stages and status of file upload.

7. In the File Name field, click to download the originally uploaded file.

In the Response File Download field click to download the response file.
8. Click Download as to download the file in .pdf or .csv format.
Click Delete to delete the uploaded file.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Note: If there is an error during file verification (i.e. the file is in error status), an option will be
available to download the generated error file.

File Upload

1. What are some of the validations that a file goes through at various stages, in its life

The following are the validations performed on an uploaded file by OBDX and subsequently by
the Host, before file is liquidated.

Sr Events Applicable to Checks


1 On File Upload All Files File contents should not match an already
uploaded file

2 On File Upload All Files File should not exceed the Maximum Size limit

3 On File Upload All Files The File Extension type should be the ones

4 On File Upload All Files The file should not be Malicious

5 At Pre- All Files The format for all fields, should be as templated
Processing viz., Date, Currency in accordance with ISO
standards, Party - numeric, account number-
alphanumeric etc.

6 At Pre- All Files The Party should be valid, should exist


7 File At Pre- All Files Party and Debit account should belong to each
Processing other

8 At Pre- All Files User should have access to Debit Account

(If applicable for the type of file selected)

9 At Pre- All Files Debit account should not be in closed status

(If applicable for the type of file selected)

10 At Pre- All Files Transaction Limits are not violated at user level
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

11 At Pre- All Files Payment date should not be in the past

(If applicable for the type of file selected)

File Upload

Sr Events Applicable to Checks


12 At Pre- All Files Payment date should not be a holiday as per the
Processing host calendar maintenance
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

13 At Pre- All Files Debit account should be a CASA account, not loan
Processing or TD
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

14 At Pre- All Files Debit currency in the file, should match the
Processing currency of the CASA account
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

15 At Pre- Internal Files Transaction currency should match either the debit
Processing or credit CASA
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

16 At Pre- Internal Files The Credit Account should be a CASA account,

Processing not loan or TD
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

17 At Pre- All SDSC and A file with multiple records, should have the same
Processing SDMC files debit account
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

18 At Pre- Internal Ad The Purpose of remittance should be valid

Processing hoc
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

19 At Pre- Domestic Files The NEFT / RTGS code should be valid

(If applicable for the type of file selected)

20 At Approval All Files Cumulative limits should not be violated either for
the Approver and the Party
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

21 Validations in All Files The Debit account should have sufficient balance
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

22 Validations in All Files Debit account should not be in dormant status

(If applicable for the type of file selected)

23 Validations in All Files Debit account should not be in debit block status
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

File Upload

Sr Events Applicable to Checks


24 Validations in Internal Files The Credit CASA account should not be closed
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

25 Validations in Internal Files There should not be a Credit Block on the CASA
Core account
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

26 Validations in International The BIC / SWIFT code should be valid, as per the
Core Files BIC / Clearing directory as maintained in the host
(If applicable for the type of file selected)

2. If some records in a file are liquidated, others are deleted, what will the status of the
file be?

The following table shows the file status which is followed to depict various status of the file
upload. So if all the records of file are liquidated then the file status is processed, and if any of
the records in the file is liquidated while all the other are rejected the file status will be
processed, and if any of the records is liquidated and rest all have an error the file status will
be processed with exception.

Approv sing in Liquida Rejecte
Verified Deleted Error File Status
ed Progre ted d

All Verified

All Approved

Processing in

All Processed

All Rejected

All Deleted

All Error

1 1 Processed

1 1 Processed

File Upload

Approv sing in Liquida Rejecte
Verified Deleted Error File Status
ed Progre ted d

1 1
with exception

1 1 1 Processed

1 1 1 1
with exception

1 1 Deleted

1 1
with exception

1 1
with exception

3. If a payment file is in the approved status, does it mean that all the records are
successfully liquidated?

No, the file still has to successfully pass validations in the host system, before records are
4. Can a user delete the entire file or deletion of only individual records within a file is

Whether only records can be deleted, or the entire file will be deleted depends on the
accounting type of the file, and the approval type (Record Level or File level)

The table below throws light on the combinations allowed

Sr No Accounting Authorization File / Record Deletion allowed?

Type Type

1 SDMC File Level Not allowed

2 SDSC File Level Not allowed

3 SDSC Record Level Only records can be deleted, and not the entire file

4 MDMC Record Level Only records can be deleted, and not the entire file

5. If a working window is set for the File Upload transaction – how will processing be
impacted outside of the working window?

File Upload

Outside of the transaction working window set for file uploads, processing will depend on
whether the file has a Record Level approval or a File Type approval.

Files with a File Type approval – will be rejected, outside of the transaction working window
Files with Record Type approval – if some records are processed within the working window,
will be completed – if processing of some records, falls outside of the working window – these
will be rejected.

6. What is the impact of limits on processing of File Upload transactions?

File uploads transaction will utilize limits depending on if the transfer is an internal, domestic,
or international funds transfer.
Further, for domestic funds transfer – limits are defined for each network – NEFT, RTGS and
IMPS. Limits will be checked at the pre-processing’s stage for file uploads.

7. After a file is successfully uploaded, is the user provided notifications on its status?

Yes, Users mapped to the FI – initiators and approvers of the file, are provided with alerts /
notification, as file progresses from the Uploaded stage to Approved to Processing in Progress
to the Processed stage. Alternately, users can log in to view the status of the file.


OAuth 2.0

54. OAuth 2.0

The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access
to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction
between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by allowing the third-party application to
obtain access on its own behalf.

 Client - It is the third party app (running on mobile or on browser) that makes requests to the
resource server for protected resources on behalf of the resource owner. The resource owner
must give the app permission to access the protected resources.
 Resource owner - The person who is capable of granting access to a protected resource.
 Resource server - The resource server needs some kind of authorization before it will serve
up protected resources to the app.
 Authorization server - The authorization server is implemented in compliance with the
OAuth 2.0 specification, and it is responsible for validating authorization grants and issuing
the access tokens that give the app access to the user's data on the resource server.

The following administrative maintenances needs to be done as part of OAuth Server Setup:
 Identity Domain Definition
 Resource Server Definition
 Client Definition


OAuth 2.0

54.1 Identity Domain Maintenance

The Identity Domain corresponds to the notion of a tenant and each identity domain corresponds
to an identity store. All artifacts such as resource server and client needs to be created under an
identity domain.

As part of the Identity Domain definition, Identity store as well as token settings can be defined.

Currently only ‘Embedded LDAP’ i.e. DB Authenticator as Identity Store is supported.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.

Features supported in application

Using this option System Administrator can perform the following actions:
 Create Identity Domain
 Edit Identity Domain details
 View Identity Domain details

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > OAuth > Identity Domain

54.1.1 Identity Domain Maintenance - Search

User can search for any maintained Identity Domains by entering the required search parameters.

To search for an Identity Domain

1. In Identity Domain Maintenance screen, enter the Identity Domain Name.
2. Click Search. The search results appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

OAuth 2.0

Identity Domain Maintenance – Search

Identity Domain Maintenance – Search Results

Field Description

Field Name Description

Identity Domain Specify the name of the identity domain that is to be searched

OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description

Search Result

Name System displays the name of the identity domain based on the input
search parameter

Description System displays the description of the identity domain

3. Click on Name link to view details of a specific identity domain.

Identity Domain Maintenance – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Identity Domain Definition

Identity Domain Displays the name of the Identity Domain.


OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description

Identity Domain Displays the description of the Identity Domain.


Identity Store Displays the Identity Domain store.

Consent page Displays the Consent page URL.


Error page URL Displays the Error page URL.

Token Settings

Token Type Displays the token type i.e. Access Token or Authorization Code.

Is Refresh Token Displays whether refresh token is enabled.


Access Token Displays the maintained expiry time for an access token.
Expiry Time

Refresh Token Displays the maintained expiry time for a refresh token.
Expiry Time

Token Type Displays the token type i.e. Access Token or Authorization Code.

Is Refresh Token Displays whether refresh token is enabled for token type ‘Authorization
Enabled Code’.

Access Token Displays the maintained expiry time for an access token with token type
Expiry Time ‘Authorization Code’.

Refresh Token Displays the maintained expiry time for refresh token with token type
Expiry Time ‘Authorization Code’.

4. Click Edit to edit the Identity Domain details. User is directed to the Identity Domain
Maintenance - Edit screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

OAuth 2.0

54.1.2 Identity Domain Maintenance – Edit

This function enables the System Administrator to edit the details of maintained identity domains.
As part of edit, System Administrator can modify the details i.e. URLs as well as token settings for
an identity domain.

To edit or update an identity domain:

1. In Identity Domain Maintenance screen, in the Identity Domain Name field, enter the
identity domain name.
2. Click Search. The search results appears.
3. Click the Name link of the record whose details you want to view.
The Identity Domain Maintenance – View screen appears.
4. Click Edit to modify the identity domain details.
The Identity Domain Maintenance – Edit screen appears in editable form.

Identity Domain Maintenance – Edit

5. Update the details as required.

6. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

OAuth 2.0

7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm..
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of identity domain details modification appears along with the
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

54.1.3 Identity Domain Maintenance – Create

This function enables the System Administrator to create an identity domain. As part of Identity
Domain definition, the administrator can define the identity store, different URLs i.e. redirect and
Error URLs and the token settings.

To create an identity domain:

1. Click Create to create a new Identity Domain. The Identity Domain Maintenance - Create
screen appears.

Identity Domain Maintenance – Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Identity Domain Definition

OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description

Identity Domain Specify the name of the Identity Domain.


Identity Domain Specify the Identity Domain description.


Identity Store Select the Identity store to be mapped for the identity domain. Currently
only Embedded LDAP is supported for the identity store.

Consent page Specify the Consent page URL. This is the page on which the user will get
URL re-directed to provide consent to the Third Party Provider (TPP)

Error page URL Specify the Error page URL. This is the page on which the user will get
re-directed to in case of incorrect details.

Token Setting

Token Type Displays the token type as Access Token. Token settings can be defined
for both token types i.e. Authorization Code and Access Token

Access Token Specify the expiry time for the access token.
Expiry Time

Is Refresh Token Specify whether the refresh token needs to be enabled. If enabled, the
Enabled TPP will be provided with a refresh token along with access token.

Refresh Token Specify the expiry time for refresh token.

Expiry Time
This field will be enabled to enter the expiry time only if Refresh Token is

Token Type Displays the token type as Authorization Code. Token settings can be
defined for both token types i.e. Authorization Code and Access Token

Access Token Specify the expiry time for the access token for token type as authorization
Expiry Time code

Is Refresh Token Specify whether the refresh token needs to be enabled. If enabled, the
Enabled TPP will be provided with a refresh token along with access token for
token type Authorization Code.

Refresh Token Specify the expiry time for refresh token.

Expiry Time
This field will be enabled to enter expiry time only if Refresh Token is
enabled for token type ‘Authorization Code’

OAuth 2.0

2. In the Identity Domain Name field, enter name for an identity domain to be created.
3. In the Identity Domain Description field, enter description for an identity domain to be
4. From the Identity Store list, select the Identity store for the identity domain.
5. In the Consent Page URL field, enter URL for the consent page on which the user needs to
be re-directed for providing consent to the TPP.
6. In the Error Page URL field, enter URL for the error page on which the user needs to be re-
directed in case of incorrect details entered.
7. In the Access Token Expiry Time field for token type Access Token, enter the expiry time
for the access token in days and hh:mm format.
8. Click the Is Refresh Token Enabled toggle to ‘Y’ if there is a need to provide with a refresh
token along with an access token.
a. In the Refresh Token Expiry Time field, enter the expiry time for the refresh token in
days and hh:mm format.
9. In the Access Token Expiry Time field of Authorization Code Token type, enter the expiry
time for the access token in days and hh:mm format.
10. Click the Is Refresh Token Enabled toggle to ‘Y’ if there is a need to provide with a refresh
token along with an access token for token type ‘Authorization Code’
a. In the Refresh Token Expiry Time field, enter the expiry time for the refresh token in
days and hh:mm format. This expiry time is for refresh token with token type
‘Authorization Code’
11. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
12. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm..
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
13. The success message of identity domain details creation appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


OAuth 2.0

54.2 Resource Server Maintenance

The resource server is the server that contains the user's information that is being accessed by the
third party application and handles authenticated requests after the application has obtained an
access token.

Resource Server is always associated to one Identity Domain. Through this maintenance, the
administrator can define scopes for the resource server. Scopes are transactions or inquiries that
are provided to the client so that the TPP/client can transact or inquire on behalf of the customer
with an access token provided the customer has provided consent to the TPP.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.

Features supported in application

Using this option System Administrator can perform the following actions:
 Create Resource Server
 Edit Resource Server
 View Resource Server

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > OAuth > Resource Server

54.2.1 Resource Server Maintenance - Search

User can search for any maintained Resource Servers by entering the required search parameters.

To search for a Resource Server.

1. In Resource Server Maintenance screen, in the Resource Server Name field, enter name
of the resource server that is to be searched.
2. From the Identity Domain list, select the appropriate identity domain from which resource
servers are to be searched. One Identity Domain can have multiple resource servers
3. Click Search. Based on the input search parameters, system will display the search results
i.e. Resource Server Name and Description.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server Maintenance – Search

Resource Server Maintenance – Search Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Resource Server Specify the name of the resource server that is to be searched

Identity Domain Select the name of the identity domain in which resource server(s) are to
Name be searched

OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description

Search Result

Resource Server System displays the name of the resource server based on the input
Name search parameter

Description System displays the description of the resource server.

4. Click on Resource Server Name link to view details of a specific resource server.

Resource Server Maintenance – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Resource Server Definition

Resource Server Displays the name of the resource server.


Resource Server Displays the resource server description.


Identity Domain Displays the Identity Domain name to which resource server belongs.

OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description


Scope Name Displays the name of the scopes for resource server.

Scope Displays the description of the defined scopes for resource server.

5. Click Edit to edit the Resource Server details if required. User is directed to the Resource
Server Maintenance - Edit screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

54.2.2 Resource Server Maintenance – Edit

This function enables the System Administrator to update the details of the maintained resource
servers. System Administrator can modify the resource server details i.e. add new scopes or
remove existing scopes.

To update resource server details:

1. In Resource Server Maintenance screen, in the Resource Server Name field, enter name
of the resource server which is to be searched.
2. From the Identity Domain list, select the appropriate identity domain from which resource
server is to be searched.
3. Click Search . The search summary appears.
4. Click the Resource Server Name link of the record whose details you want to view.
The Resource Server Maintenance – View screen appears.
5. Click Edit to edit the Resource Server.
The Resource Server Maintenance – Edit screen appears in editable form.

OAuth 2.0

Resource Server Maintenance – Edit

5. Update the details as required.

Note: Click on icon to add new scope(s) for the resource server.

Click on icon against the already added scope to remove the scope from the
resource server.

6. Click Save to save the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of resource server details modification appears along with the
transaction reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

OAuth 2.0

54.2.3 Resource Server Maintenance – Create

This function enables the System Administrator to create a resource server. As part of Resource
definition, the administrator can select the Identity Domain in which the resource server needs to
be created and also define the scopes for the resource server.

To create resource server:

1. Click Create to create resource server. The Resource Server Maintenance - Create screen

Resource Server Maintenance – Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Resource Server Definition

Resource Server Specify the name of the resource server.


Resource Server Specify the resource server description.


Identity Domain Select an Identity Domain in which the Resource Server needs to be


OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description

Scope Name Specify the name of the scope to be created for a resource server

Scope Specify the description for the scope to be created for a resource server.

2. In the Resource Server Name field, enter name for resource server to be created.
3. In the Resource Server Description field, enter description for resource server to be
4. From the Identity Domain list, select the appropriate identity domain in which the resource
server is to be created.
5. In the Scope Name field, enter the scope name for resource server.
6. In the Scope Description field, enter the description for the scope to be defined for resource

Note: Click on icon to add scope for the resource server.

Click on icon against the already added scope to delete it.

7. Click Save to save the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm..
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
9. The success message of resource server creation appears along with the reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


OAuth 2.0

54.3 Client Maintenance

Clients are Third Party Provides (TPPs) that can access information from the resource server on
behalf of the user provided the user has provided consent to the TPPs. As part of this definition,
the administrator can define client details i.e. client ID, client name, scopes, redirect URLs etc.

 Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.

Features supported in application

Using this option System Administrator can perform the following actions:
 Create Client
 Edit Client
 View Client

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > OAuth > Client Maintenance

54.3.1 Client Maintenance - Search

User can search for any maintained Clients by entering the required search parameters.

To search for any maintained client

1. In Client Maintenance screen, enter the Client Name as one of the search criteria.
2. Click Search. The search summary appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

Client Maintenance – Search

OAuth 2.0

Client Maintenance – Search Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Client ID Specify the Client ID that is to be searched.

Client Name Specify the Client Name if the client needs to be searched based on client

Identity Domain Select the Identity Domain in which the client needs to be searched.

Client Type Select the type of client based on which search is to be done.

Search Result

Client ID System displays the client ID of the client based on the input search

Client Name System displays the client name of the client based on the input search

Identity Domain System displays the name of identity domain to which client belongs.

Client Type System displays the client type for the searched client.

3. Click on Client Id link to view details of the selected client.

OAuth 2.0

Client Maintenance – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Client Definition

Client ID Displays the Client ID of the selected Client

Client Name Displays the Client Name of the selected client.

Client Displays the Client description of the selected client.


Identity Domain Displays the name of the Identity Domain to which client belongs.

Grant Type Displays the grant type for the selected client.

Redirect URL

Redirect URL Displays the redirect page URLs for the selected client.

OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description


Resource Server Displays the name of the resource server to which the mapped scopes

Scope Displays the scope name defined for the client.

Default Scope Displays the default scope defined for the client.

4. Click Edit to update details of the client. User is directed to the Client Maintenance - Edit
screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

54.3.2 Client Maintenance – Edit

This function enables the System Administrator to update the details of the maintained clients.
System Administrator can update specific client details, Redirect URL, and scopes.

To update client details:

1. In Client Maintenance screen, enter the search criteria.
2. Click Search. The search summary appears.
3. Click the Client ID link of the record whose details you want to view.
The Client Maintenance – View screen appears.
4. Click Edit to update the client details.
The Client Maintenance – Edit screen appears in editable form.

OAuth 2.0

Client Maintenance – Edit

5. Update the details as required.

6. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm..
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of client details modification appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.

OAuth 2.0

54.3.3 Client Maintenance – Create

This function enables the System Administrator to create a new client i.e. Third Party Provider and
define details like Client ID, Client Secret, Scopes, Redirect URLs etc.

To create client:
1. Click Create to create a new client. The Client Maintenance - Create screen appears.

Client Maintenance – Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Client Definition

Client ID Specify the Client ID or click Generate to auto-generate the client Id for
the client to be created.

OAuth 2.0

Field Name Description

Client Name Specify the client name for the client to be created.

Client Specify the client description for the client to be created.


Identity Domain Select the Identity Domain to which client belongs.

Client Secret Specify the client secret or click Generate to auto-generate the client secret
for the client to be created.

Client Type Select the client type for the client to be created.

Grant Type Select the grant type for the client to be created. User can select multiple
grant types.

Redirect URL

Redirect URL Specify the redirect page URL. It is the page that the user will need to be
re-directed to post Authorization Code flow

Select Scopes

Resource Server Select the resource server from which the scopes need to be selected for
the client.

Scope Select the scope to be defined for the client. User can select multiple
scopes from the same resource server.

Default Scope Select the default scope to be defined for the client.

2. In the Client Id field, enter the client Id or click Generate to auto-generate the client Id for the
client to be created.
3. In the Client Name field, enter name for the client to be created.
4. In the Client Description field, enter description for the client to be created.
5. From the Identity Domain list, select the identity domain in which the client needs to be
6. In the Client Secret field, enter the client secret or click Generate to auto-generate the client
secret for the client to be created.
7. From the Client Type list, select the appropriate client type for the client to be created.
8. From the Grant Type list, select the appropriate grant type for the client to be created.

OAuth 2.0

Note: Click to add Redirect page URL.

Click to remove already added Redirect page URL.

9. From the Default Scope list, select the default scope to be defined for the client.
Note: Click Add Scope to add scope.
Click Add Default Scope to add default scope.
Click to remove already added default scope.

10. Click Save to save the changes.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
11. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
12. The success message of client creation appears along with the reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction.


User Group Management

55. User Group Management

User group is a set of x users with similar interests and goals.

Using User Group Management option Bank administrator can maintain the user groups of Bank
administrator and of corporate users of same party ID. User groups maintained by administrators
for Bank administrator users and corporate users are used while creating approval workflows and
approval rules.

Also the user groups created for Bank administrator type of user are used for mapping secured
mail subjects. Each subject category can be linked to a group of Bank Administrator users. So that
administrators will receive the mails only of the subjects mapped to the users.

Note :

 If Group corporate Flag is set as “ON” in system rules, then the corporate users group
creation will not be allowed using this menu option. The Corporate Users Group can be
setup using Group Corporate onboarding only,

 If Group corporate Flag is set as “OFF” in system rules, then the corporate user group must
be setup using below mentioned steps.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Multiple corporate and administrator users are maintained.
 Approval rule set up for Bank administrator to perform the actions.
 Party preference for which the groups are to be created is maintained and is active.


Features Supported In Application

User Group Management allows Bank Administrator to:

 Create User Groups
 View User Groups

User Group Management

 Modify User Groups

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Others > User Group

Note: User Groups can also be maintained for Non Customer Corporates (for which the party id is
not maintained in UBS or in Core banking system). For such cases i.e. non customer corporate
(counterparties on boarded by Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in OBSCF/OBCMS.

55.1 User Groups - Summary

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the User Group screen. On accessing
the ‘User Group Management’ menu, Bank Administrator has to select the user type for whom the
user groups are to be maintained.
1. The User Type Selection screen appears. Select the appropriate option.
Click Admin User to access the user group management of Bank Administrator users.
Click Corporate User to access the user group management of corporate users.

User Type Selection

User Group- Admin User:

Bank Administrator user can search the user groups maintained for administrator users.
2. Click Search to search the matching records.

User Group Management

Click Cancel to abort the user group maintenance process.

Click Clear to reset the entered details.

User Group Management

55.2 User Groups - Admin User – Create

Bank Administrator can create user groups for the Administrator users. Administrator can create
multiple user groups and one user can be part of multiple user groups, whereas creating a user
group without any user is not allowed.

To create a user group:

1. The User selection screen appears. Select the appropriate option.

Admin User Group -Create

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Code User group code.

Group Description Description provided to the user group.

Search Results - User Group

User Name User name list to select and add a user to the user group.
All the administrator users will be listed down

User ID User IDs of each user selected from user list are displayed.

2. Click Create.
3. In the Group Code field, enter the group code.
4. In the Group Description field, enter the group name.

User Group Management

5. In the User Group section, click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. Once
added, the user name will be removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
6. Click Save to create the user groups.
Click Cancel to close the maintenance creation process.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message of user group creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Note: You can click to delete a record.

55.3 User Groups - Admin User – Search Summary

User Groups maintained (if any) for administrator users are displayed on the screen after searching
with valid input. User can opt to view the details of existing user groups or can create new user
group using this screen.
1. In Administrator User Group screen, in the Group Code field, enter the group code.
In the Group Description field, enter the group name.
2. Click Search. The search summary appears.

Admin User – Search Summary

User Group Management

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Code Code of the already maintained user group.

Group Description Description of the already maintained User group.

Users Number of users associated with each user group.

3. Click Create to create new user group.

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to abort the user group maintenance process.
Click on Group Code Hyperlink to view details of the selected User Group.
Further drill down is given on the each user group to view the details of the users mapped to
each group.

Admin User – View Group Details

User Group Management

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Code User Group code is displayed.

Group User Group code description is displayed.


User Name User name of the user who is part of the selected user group is

User ID User ID of the user who is part of the user group is displayed.

4. Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Click Cancel to abort the user group maintenance process.
Click Edit to edit the user group. User is directed to the User Group-Edit screen with values
in editable form.

55.4 User Groups - Admin User – Edit Group

This function enables the Bank Administrator to edit the description of existing user groups. Bank
Administrator can also add new users and remove existing users of the user group as part of this
function. A check is performed on minimum and maximum number of users allowed as a part of
user group while adding or removing the users from the user group.

To edit or update a user group:

1. In Admin User Group screen, in the Group Code field, enter the group code.
In the Group Description field, enter the group name.
2. Click Search. The search summary appears.
3. Click the Group Code link of the record whose details you want to view.
The User Groups - View screen appears.
4. Click Edit to edit the user group.
The User Groups - Edit screen displays the mapping of the user group.

User Group Management

Admin User – Edit Group

Field Description

Field Name Description


Group Code User Group description is displayed in editable form.

Group User name of the user who is part of the user group.
User name list to select and add a new user to the user group.

Users Number of users available in each user group.

(This field will be displayed only if there are existing user groups available
under a party).

5. Click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. Once added, the user name will be
removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
Click to remove a user from the User Group.
6. Click Save to save the User Group .The User Group-Create - Review screen post
necessary validations appear.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’
Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
7. Verify the details, and click Confirm. The User Group-Edit – Confirmation screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

User Group Management

Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of user group creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘User Groups’ screen.

55.5 User Groups - Corporate User – Search Party

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the User Group Management screen.
1. The User Type Selection screen appears. Select the appropriate option.
Click Corporate User to access the user group management of corporate users.

System displays a screen to enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search
party for which the user groups are to be maintained/ viewed.

User can enter the party ID (if known) or the party name with a minimum of 5 characters. System
matches the input provided by the user with the party name records and displays the matching
party records.

In case of a party search by party ID, it is an exact match and system displays the user groups
maintained if any.

Corporate User – Search Party

System displays a screen to enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search party
for which the user groups are to be maintained/ viewed.

In case of a party search by name, system displays the matching party records. The records have
parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking
on the Party ID from the list.

User Group Management

Corporate User – Search by Party name

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID List of the Party IDs as per search input.

Party Name List of the Party names of the party IDs as per search input.

2. After providing party ID or name of party, click Search.

Click on Party ID hyperlink to view details of the selected user group.
Click Clear to clear the input search parameters.
Click Cancel to abort the user group maintenance process.

User Group Management

55.6 User Groups - Corporate User – Create

Bank Administrator can create a new User Group for a specific Party ID by using this option. Only
the users of party ID can be clubbed together in a User Group.

Administrator can create multiple user groups and one user can be part of multiple user groups,
whereas creating a user group without any user is not allowed.

To create a user group:

1. The User selection screen appears. Select the appropriate option.

Corporate User Group -Create

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID mapped for which user group to be created is displayed.

Note: For Non Customer Corporate (counterparties on boarded by

Corporates) the system will look for the party ID in OBSCF/OBCMS.

Party Name Party name of Party ID for which user group to be created is displayed.

Group Code To specify User Group code.

Group To specify User Group description.


User Group Management

Field Name Description

User Name User name list to select and add a user to the user group.
Users belonging to the same Party are listed.

User ID User IDs of each user selected from user list are displayed.

2. Click Create.
3. In the Group Code field, enter the group code.
4. In the Group Description field, enter the group name.
5. In the User Group section, click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. Once
added, the user name will be removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
6. Click Save to create the user groups.
Click Cancel to close the maintenance creation process.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
8. The success message of user group creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction.

Note: You can click to delete a record.

55.7 User Groups - Corporate User – Group Summary

Once the logged in Bank Administrator navigates to User Group Management screen, and
searches the party ID. User groups maintained if any under the party are displayed on the screen.
User can opt to view the details of existing user groups or can create new user group using this
1. In User Group Management screen, in the Party ID field, enter the Party ID.
2. Click Search. User groups maintained if any under the party are displayed on the screen.
3. Click on Party ID hyperlink to view details of the selected Approval Workflow.

User Group Management

Corporate User – Group Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID of which user groups are to be viewed/ edited.

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which user groups are to be viewed/ edited.

Search Result

Group Code User group code.

(This field will be displayed only if there are existing user groups available
under a party).

Group Description provided to the user group.

(This field will be displayed only if there are existing user groups available
under a party).

Users Number of users available in each user group.

(This field will be displayed only if there are existing user groups available
under a party).

User Group Management

4. Click Create to create new user group.

Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
Click Cancel to abort the user group maintenance process.
Click on Group Code hyperlink to view details of the selected User Group.
Further drill down is given on the each user group to view the details of the users mapped to
each group.

Corporate User- View Group Details

On accessing ‘User Group Management’ menu option and searching the user groups of specific
party, summarized view of all the user groups created (if any) for the Party is displayed on the
screen. Further drill down is given on the each user group to view the details of the users who are
the part of user group.

Corporate User – View Group Details

User Group Management

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID of which user groups are to be viewed/ edited.

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which user groups are to be viewed/ edited.

Group Code User Group code is displayed.

Group User Group description is displayed.


User Name User name of the user who is part of the selected user group is

User ID User ID of the user who is part of the user group is displayed.

5. Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Click Cancel to abort the user group maintenance process.
Click Edit to edit the user group. User is directed to the User Group-Edit screen with values
in editable form.

55.8 User Groups - Corporate User – Edit Group

This function enables the Bank Administrator to edit the description of existing user groups. Bank
Administrator can also add new users and remove existing users of the user group as part of this

A check is performed on minimum and maximum number of users allowed as a part of user group
while adding or removing the users from the user group.

To edit or update a user group:

1. In User Group Management screen, in the Party ID field, enter the Party ID.
2. Click Search. User groups maintained if any under the party are displayed on the screen.
3. Click on Party ID hyperlink to view details of the selected Approval Workflow.
4. Click Edit to edit the user group.
The User Groups - Edit screen displays the mapping of the user group.

User Group Management

Corporate User – Edit Group

Field Description

Field Name Description


Party ID Party ID of which user groups are to be viewed/ edited.

Party Name Party name of Party ID of which user groups are to be viewed/ edited.

Group Code User Group code is displayed.

Group Description User Group description is displayed in editable form.

User Name User name of the user who is part of the user group.
User name list to select and add a new user to the user group.

User ID User ID of the user who is a part of the user group is displayed.

User Group Management

5. Click Add to add the selected user in the User Group. Once added, the user name will be
removed from the user drop-down to avoid duplication of users.
Click to remove a user from the User Group.
6. Click Save to save the User Group .The User Group-Edit- Review screen post necessary
validations appear.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
7. Verify the details, and click Confirm. The User Group-Edit – Confirmation screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to cancel the operation to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message of user group creation appears along with the transaction reference
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘User Groups’ screen.


1. Can a user be the part of multiple user groups created under a party?

Yes, same user can be part of multiple user groups. Whereas creating a user group without
any user is not allowed.

2. Where can these Administrator User Groups be used?

User groups created for Administrator users are used for approval and for User Group – mail
subject mapping.

Approval - User groups maintained by administrators are used while creating approval
workflows and approval rules.

Secured Mailbox - Each subject category is linked to a group of Bank Administrator users.
Depending upon the mail-subject mapping to each Bank Administrator user, administrators will
receive the mails only of the subjects mapped to the users and initiated by bank’s customers.

3. Can I delete an existing user group?

No, user groups cannot be deleted but can be edited. Administrator can add new users and
remove existing users of the user group.

4. Can I add users of linked party ID while creating a user group for primary party?

No, only users of primary party can be the part of user group.


Print Password

56. Print Password

When a new user opens an account in the bank and registers for channel banking, the bank sends
the printed password along with some other documents like Welcome letter, Terms & Conditions
document and applicable promotional offers to the registered user via courier or post. This screen
allows the Bank Administrator to print the password along with these documents for new users as
well as for existing users who have requested for reset password.

 Application roles and child roles are maintained
 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.


Features Supported In Application

The Print Password allows the Bank Administrator to

 Print Password and other welcome documents for new and existing users

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Others > Print Password

Print Password

Print Password

56.1 Print Password - Search

Using this option, Bank Administrators can search the users to send the printed password.

All the users (new & existing) for which the password has been generated for first time or got reset
will be available on this screen. Once the password gets successfully printed for a user, that record
will get removed from the list.

To search user:
1. From the User Type list, select the appropriate type of user.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
2. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
3. From the Password Type list, select the appropriate option.
4. Enter the other search criteria if required.

Print Password

Print Password - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type Type of user, which is to be searched.

The user types are:
 Corporate
 Retail
 Administrator

User Name To search the user with the user name. Partial search is allowed.

Party ID Allows to search based on Party id.

First Name Allows to search based on first name or given name of the user.

Print Password

Field Name Description

Last Name Allows to search based on last name/ surname of the user.

Email ID Allows to search based on email id of the user.

Mobile Allows to search based on mobile number of the user.


Password Allows to search based on password generation date.


Password Allows to search based on password generation date.

Generation To

Password Allows to search based on password type.

The options are:
 New- Password created for new users of the bank.
 Reset- Password created for the existing users of the bank who
are requested for the password reset.
 All- Password created for new users as well as existing users of
the bank.

Search Results

Full Name First name and last name of the user.

User Name User Name of the user.

Print Status Print status of the password. If the password printing gets failed due to some
reason for a user, system will show the status as ‘error in printing’ for that
record. If the record gets successfully printed that record will get removed
from the list.
For the records which are not printed yet, this status remains blank.

5. Click Search.
The search results appear on the Print Password screen based on the search parameters.
Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
Click Print if you want to print the password letter, welcome letter, terms and conditions
Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.

Print Password

56.2 Print Password - Print

This feature allows the Bank Administrator to print the password letter, welcome letter, terms and
conditions document etc.

To print the password letter for the user:

1. In the Print Password - Search Results section, select the user record for which you want
to print the password letter.
2. Click Print. The 'Select Documents' pop up window appears.

Print Password

Print Password

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Documents

Terms & Conditions Document containing terms and conditions of the bank.

Welcome Letter Welcome letter for the user for opening the account.

Promotional Offer Promotional offers of the bank.

3. Select the documents, which you desire to print.

4. Click Print to print the documents.
Click Cancel to cancel the printing.

Note: For printing the password, the implementation team will need to write a utility. For more
information on implementation of ‘Print Password’, refer Oracle Banking Digital Experience
Security Guide.


1. Can the password be only printed by the same Administrator user who has created
the user/reset the password or it can be done by any other Administrator user as

All the reset/new passwords can be printed by all the admin users who have access to
Print Password Screen.

2. Can the Bank maintain separate documents for each type of user role?

No, documents cannot be maintained as per the user role. Same documents will be
available for all type of users (Retail/Corporate/Administrator).


User Alerts Subscription

57. User Alerts Subscription

Using this option System/Bank Administrator can subscribe alerts for a user for selected events.
Retail and Corporate users of the bank, can contact the bank to subscribe to alerts. The Bank
Administrator subscribes users to alerts, delivered through Email, SMS, through push notification
or in their on-screen mailbox.

Note that this functionality is for non-mandatory alerts.

The subscribed alert types are:

 User Level Alerts
 Customer Level Alerts
 Account Level Alerts

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Maintain Alerts, so that these are available for subscription
 Customers (retail and corporate users) are maintained


Features Supported In Application

 Search alerts subscribed
 Subscribe / unsubscribe to alerts

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Others > User Alerts

User Alerts Subscription

57.1 User Alerts Subscription - Search

Using this option, the Bank Administrator can search and view the details of alerts subscribed for
the Retail or Corporate users of a Party. Here, bank admin is required to search user to whom alert
maintenance is to be set up by entering party id of retail/ corporate user .

Once party id is identified application will display all the user records on boarded for selected Party
Id with their Alerts Subscription Status. For the users whose alerts subscription is completed will
be displayed with an indicator as alert subscription is done. Once, Admin selects the user, he will
be navigated to User alert subscription detailed page.

All the alerts subscribed for a party will be displayed in the respective categories viz. Current and
Savings, Term Deposits, Loans etc. in a table.

To view subscribed alerts for a Party:

1. In the Party Id field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The party id will be displayed based on the search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

User Alerts Subscription – Party Search

User Alerts Subscription

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party Id of the user.

Search Party Enter Party Id, and click to search the party name of the user.

Search Result

Party Id Display Party ID

Party Name Display Party name

To view subscribed alerts for a User:

3. From the User Name list, select the appropriate option whose alerts you wish to view.
4. In the User Name field, enter the user name.
5. Click Search.
The search result appears based on the search criteria.
Click Back to go back to previous step.

User Alerts Subscription – User Search

User Alerts Subscription

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Display Party ID

Party Name Display Party name

Search User Enter user name maintained in the core banking application for retail users
and maintained for corporate users.

Search Result

Initials Display Initials of the User

User Name Display User Name

Full Name Display Corporate / Retail users Full name

Note: For the users whose alerts subscription is completed will be
displayed with an indicator as alert subscription is done.

6. For the detailed view, click on User Name field. The tabs for all modules CASA/ Term
Deposit/ Loans / Profile that the user has access to with the respective account numbers
7. Select the particular account number to view alert type and delivery mode, for each CASA
(Current and Savings Accounts) / TD (Term Deposits) / Loans account.

Note: View the icon on the delivery mode against the alert, if the user has subscribed to any
alerts for that.

User Alerts Subscription

User Alerts Subscription - Detailed View

User Alerts Subscription

8. Subscribe/ unsubscribe alerts, and click confirm to subscribe/ unsubscribe alerts.

Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

57.2 Subscribe/ Unsubscribe Alerts

Using this option, Bank Administrator can modify the alerts subscribed for the user.

To subscribe / unsubscribe alerts:

1. Repeat steps 1 to 5 of Alerts Subscription- Search section.
The categories viz details of an alert subscribed appears.
2. Select the particular account number to view the alerts subscribed.

User Alerts Subscription

User Alerts Subscription - Subscribe / Unsubscribe

Field Description

User Alerts Subscription

Field Name Description

Party ID Party Id of the user for whom alerts to be subscribed.

Party Name Party Name of The user.

User Name User name maintained in the core banking application for retail users and maintained
for corporate users.

Module Name Name of the module to which alerts is maintained.

The options can be:
 Loan
 TD
 Profile
 Payments

Account Account number for which the user is viewing/ updating the alert subscription.
• Bank Admin will be allowed to select and setup alert subscription for multiple
or all accounts in single maintenance.
• Once the subscription is done for an account that account will be shown with
a ‘Subscribed’ tag.
• Bank admin will be able to quick search account number from search panel
for the alert subscription

CASA /TD/ Loans/ Payments

Subscribed alerts displayed in tabs for all modules that the user has access to with the respective
account numbers.

Alert Name The alert type mostly in the form of an event for which an alert is to send to a user.

User Alerts Subscription

Field Name Description

Send Alert The delivery mode through which the alert is to be sent.
The options are:
 Email: alert is to be sent as an email
 SMS : alert is to be sent as an SMS on the user’s mobile number
 On screen Mailbox: on screen, alert sent to as an email to user’s mailbox
 Push Notification: notifications are sent as a banner or pop-up message on
the user’s mobile number

Note: The selected mode has icon against it.

Bank Admin will be allowed to map all modes of alerts subscription for all the
transactions in one go for the selected account

3. Click against the particular account number to update the details.

a. Click to send alert as an email.

Click to send alert as a mail to On screen mailbox.
Click to send alert as SMS on the user’s mobile number.
Click to send alert via push notifications. Push notification is as a banner or pop-up
message on the user’s mobile number.

4. The selected mode has an icon against it.

5. Click Save to save the Alert Subscription.
User will be directed to the Alert Subscription - Edit - Review page post necessary
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
7. The success message along with the transaction reference number appears. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

User Alerts Subscription


1. Which alerts can the Bank Administrator subscribe or unsubscribe, for the retail or
corporate user?

The alerts which are not mandatory can be subscribed or unsubscribed, by the Bank
Administrator for the retail/corporate user.

2. What if a Retail or Corporate customer wants to opt-out of alerts?

The Bank Administrator can unsubscribe the alerts for a Retail or Corporate customer.
Please note that the customer will continue to receive the mandatory alerts irrespective of
his choice on the subscribed alerts.


Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

58. Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

Using this option System/Bank Administrator can subscribe alerts at the Group Corporate level
for selected events. The Bank Administrator subscribes the Corporate Party associated with
Group Corporate to alerts, delivered through Email, SMS, through push notification or in their on-
screen mailbox.

If Group Corporate Alerts Subscription has been maintained for particular corporate Party, then
the same will be inherited to the users of that corporate party and will be available at User Alert
subscription for any modification.

Incase User Alert Subscription is not maintained for a user and Group Corporate Alerts
subscription is maintained then system will read whatever is maintained at the corporate Party

If both Party and User level subscription is not maintained, no alerts will be sent to the user.

Note that this functionality is for non-mandatory alerts.

The subscribed alert types are:

 Group Corporate Level Alerts
 Party Level Alerts
 Account Level Alerts

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Maintain Alerts, so that these are available for subscription
 Party Preferences is maintained


Features Supported In Application

 Search alerts subscribed
 Subscribe / unsubscribe to alerts

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Others > Group Corporate
Alerts Subscription

58.1 Group Corporate Alerts Subscription - Search

Using this option, the Bank Administrator can search and view the details of alerts subscribed for
the Corporate Party associated with Group Corporate. Here, bank admin is required to search
Group corporate for whom the alert maintenance is to be set up by entering Group Corporate ID or
Group Corporate Name.

Once the Group Corporate is identified, application will navigate the user to Alerts Subscription
detailed page. Here user can select the corporate party associated with Group Corporate from the
available list and Application will display their current Alerts Subscription Status.

For the Corporate Parties whose alerts subscription is completed will be displayed with an indicator
as alert subscription is done with tag name as “subscribed”

All the alerts subscribed for a party will be displayed in the respective categories viz. Current and
Savings, Term Deposits, Loans etc. in a table.

To view subscribed alerts for a Party:

8. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the Group Corporate id of the corporate Party.
In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the name of the Group Corporate.
9. Click Search. The Group Corporate id will be displayed based on the search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription - Group Corporate search

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Enter Group Corporate ID for which the Alerts subscription to be

Corporate ID maintained or viewed

Group Enter Group Corporate name for which the Alerts subscription to be
Corporate Name maintained or viewed

Search Result

Group Group Corporate ID for which the Alerts subscription to be maintained or

Corporate ID viewed

Group Group Corporate Name for which the Alerts subscription to be maintained
Corporate Name or viewed.

10. For the detailed view, click on Group Corporate ID field. The tabs for all modules CASA/
Term Deposit/ Loans / Profile that the Group Corporate has access to with the respective
Corporate Party associated and account numbers appears.
11. Select the particular Corporate party from the available list and account number to view alert
type and delivery mode, for each CASA (Current and Savings Accounts) / TD (Term
Deposits) / Loans account.

Note: View the icon on the delivery mode against the alert, if the corporate party has
subscribed to any alerts for that.

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription - Detailed View

12. Subscribe/ unsubscribe alerts, and click confirm to subscribe/ unsubscribe alerts.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

58.2 Subscribe/ Unsubscribe Alerts

Using this option, Bank Administrator can modify the alerts subscribed for the Corporate Party
associated with Group Corporate.

To subscribe / unsubscribe alerts:

13. Repeat steps 1 to 5 of Alerts Subscription- Search section.
The categories viz details of an alert subscribed appears.
14. Select the particular account number to view the alerts subscribed.

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

Field Description

Field Name Description

Group Group Corporate ID for which the Alerts subscription to be maintained.

Corporate ID

Group Group Corporate Name for which the Alerts subscription to be maintained.

Select Party ID Corporate Party associated with the Group Corporate for whom alerts to be

Module Name Name of the module to which alerts is maintained.

The options can be:
 Loan
 TD
 Party
 Payments

Account Account number for which the user is viewing/ updating the alert subscription.
 Bank Admin will be allowed to select and setup alert subscription for multiple
or all accounts in single maintenance.

 Once the subscription is done for an account that account will be shown
with a ‘Subscribed’ tag.

CASA /TD/ Loans/ Payments

Subscribed alerts displayed in tabs for all modules that the user has access to with the respective
account numbers.

Alert Name The alert type mostly in the form of an event for which an alert is to send to a
Corporate Party of Group Corporate.

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription

Field Name Description

Send Alert Via The delivery mode through which the alert is to be sent.
The options are:
 Email: alert is to be sent as an email
 SMS : alert is to be sent as an SMS on the Corporate Party of Group
Corporates mobile number
 On screen Mailbox: on screen, alert sent to as an email to Corporate Party
of Group Corporates Mailbox
 Push Notification: notifications are sent as a banner or pop-up message on
the Corporate Party of Group Corporates mobile number

Note: The selected mode has icon against it.

Bank Admin will be allowed to map all modes of alerts subscription for all
the transactions in one go for the selected account

15. Click against the particular account number to update the details.

b. Click to send alert as an email.

Click to send alert as a mail to On screen mailbox.
Click to send alert as SMS on the user’s mobile number.
Click to send alert via push notifications. Push notification is as a banner or pop-up
message on the Corporate Party’s mobile number.

16. The selected mode has an icon against it.

17. Click Save to save the Group Corporate Alert Subscription.
User will be directed to the Alert Subscription - Edit - Review page post necessary
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
18. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.
19. The success message along with the transaction reference number appears. Click OK to
complete the transaction.

Group Corporate Alerts Subscription


1. Which alerts can the Bank Administrator subscribe or unsubscribe, for the Group

The alerts, which are not mandatory, can be subscribed or unsubscribed, by the Bank
Administrator for the Group Corporate.

2. What if a Group Corporate wants to opt-out of alerts?

The Bank Administrator can unsubscribe the alerts for Group Corporate. Please note that
the Corporate will continue to receive the mandatory alerts irrespective of his choice on the
subscribed alerts.

3. Can Bank Administrator subscribe or unsubscribe alert maintenance for multiple

corporate parties associated with Group corporate in single flow?

Yes. Bank administrator needs to select the corporate party associated with Group
Corporate from the available dropdown to subscribe or unsubscribe alert maintenance for
multiple corporate parties in single flow.


Request Processing

59. Request Processing

This feature enables the Bank Administrator to view the details of each service request initiated by
business user and hence, enables the administrator to take an informed decision regarding the
approval or rejection of the service request. Alternately, the administrator can also select multiple
service request records from the summary page to approve or reject multiple requests at once. The
search criteria provided enables the administrator to filter service requests based on various criteria
such as request type, status, reference number, etc.

For the requests built using Service Request Form builder feature, once the Administrator
approves/rejects a Service Request, he can change the status of the request and can also enter
the comments while updating the status.

Below are the Service Requests that are available out of the box in the system:
 Credit Card Supplementary
 Credit Card PIN Request
 Replace Credit Card
 Update Card Limits
 Update Credit Card Auto Payment
 Register Credit Card Auto Payment
 Deregister Credit Card Auto Payment
 Activate Credit Card
 Hotlist Debit Card
 Cancel Debit Card
 Debit Card PIN Request
 Apply Debit Card
 Replace Debit Card
 Block Debit Card (temporary block)
 Unblock Debit Card (remove temporary block)
 Upgrade Debit Card

Apart from the above mentioned Service Requests, Bank can define new Service Requests
definitions using Service Request-Form builder.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.

Request Processing

Features Supported In Application

The module supports following features:

 View details of Service Request raised by customers
 Approve / Reject Service Requests
 Changes status of Service Request and input comments (for service requests built using
Service Request-form builder)

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Others > Request Processing
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Others > Request Processing

59.1 Request Processing - Summary

To view service requests:
1. Select the Request Processing option on the dashboard or menu. The initial (summary)
page of the Request Processing appears.

Request Processing - Summary

Request Processing

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Criteria

Product The administrator can search for service requests based on type of product.

Request The administrator can search for service requests based on service request
Category category.
Category list gets populated on the basis of the product name selected.

Severity The administrator can search for service requests based on severity of the
service request.

Status The administrator can search for service requests based on status.
On selecting a status, the administrator is required to mandatorily specify a
date range so as to be displayed all the service requests that were initiated
within the specified date range and that are in the particular status.

Request Name The administrator can search for service requests on the basis of name of
the service request.

Request Type The administrator can select the type of service request to be displayed in
the search result records.

Reference No The administrator can search for a service request based on reference
number that was generated at the time the service request was initiated.

Date Range The administrator can search for service requests initiated between two
dates by specifying a date range. The administrator cannot specify a date
range that exceeds 30 days. (The maximum date range is configurable).

First Name The administrator can search for service requests initiated by a particular
business user by specifying the user’s first name

Last Name The administrator can search for service requests initiated by a particular
business user by specifying the user’s last name or surname

User Name The administrator can search for service requests initiated by a particular
business user by specifying the user’s user name.

Party ID The administrator can search for service requests initiated by business
users on the basis of party ID.

Search Results

Date The date on which the service request was raised.

Request Processing

Field Name Description

Request Name The name of the service request.

Requested by The name of the customer who has raised the service request.

User Name The user name of the customer who has raised the service request

Party ID The party ID of the user who has raised the service request.

Reference No The reference number generated at the time the service request was raised.

Status The current status of the service request.

2. Click on a specific service request record to view the details of that service request.
Select the checkbox of one or multiple service requests to approve or reject service requests.

To search for specific service requests:

1. Enter the required information in the search criteria fields.
2. Click Search. The specific service request records are displayed based on the search criteria
Click Reset to clear the search parameters.

Service Request - Search Result

3. Click on a specific service request record to view the details of that service request.
Select the check box of one or multiple service requests to approve or reject service

Request Processing

59.2 Service Request Details (For Service Requests available out of

the box)
This page is displayed once the Bank Administrator selects a service request record from the
previous summary page. This screen comprises of three sections which display the details of the
service request, the details of the initiator of the service request and also the transaction journey
i.e. a time line graph depicting the stages of the service request.

Below are the Service Requests that are available out of the box in the system:
 Credit Card Supplementary
 Credit Card PIN Request
 Replace Credit Card
 Update Card Limits
 Update Credit Card Auto Payment
 Register Credit Card Auto Payment
 Deregister Credit Card Auto Payment
 Activate Credit Card
 Hotlist Debit Card
 Cancel Debit Card
 Debit Card PIN Request
 Apply Debit Card
 Replace Debit Card
 Block Debit Card (temporary block)
 Unblock Debit Card (remove temporary block)
 Upgrade Debit Card

Request Processing

To view the service requests details:

1. Enter the required information in the search criteria fields.
2. Click Search. The specific service request records are displayed based on the search criteria
Click Reset to clear the search parameters.
3. Click on a specific service request record to view the details of that service request.
The service request details appears on the Service Request Details screen.

Service Request Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Request Details

Reference No The reference number generated at the time the service request was

Date Requested The date on which the service request was raised.

Request Type The type of service request initiated.

User Details

User Name The user name of the business user who initiated the service request.

Request Processing

Field Name Description

User ID The user Id of the business user who initiated the service request.

Party ID The party Id of the user who initiated the service request.

Transaction Journey
This section displays the stages of the service request in the form of a timeline graph. Details
pertaining to when the service request was initiated along with when the service request was
approved or rejected are displayed with the help of this timeline.

4. Click Approve to Approve the Service Request.

Click Reject to Reject the Service Request.
5. Click Back to navigate back to the Request Processing - Summary screen.

59.2.1 Approve or Reject Service Requests (For Service Requests available out of
the box)

The Bank Administrator can take action on service requests initiated by business users by either
approving or rejecting requests. The Administrator can select multiple service requests to approve
or reject from the Service Request Summary page and can also approve or reject a service request
individually after having viewed the details of the request from the Service Request Details page.

To approve / reject service requests from Service Requests Summary page:

1. Select the check boxes of the service requests that you wish to take action on.
The pop up on which to specify remarks for Approval/Rejection is displayed.
2. Enter Remarks and click Approve/Reject.
The service requests get approved / rejected.

Multiple Service Request Approve or Reject

Request Processing

To approve / reject a service request from the Service Requests Details page:
1. Select the service request on which you wish to take action from the Service Request
Summary page
2. Click Approve or Reject button.
The pop up on which to specify remarks for Approval/Rejection is displayed.
3. Enter Remarks and click Approve/Reject.
The service requests get approved/ rejected.

Individual Service Request Rejection

59.3 Service Request Details (Requests created using Service

Request-Form Builder)
This page appears for the service requests created using ‘Service Request Form Builder’ screen.

The Bank Administrator selects a service request record from the summary page. This screen
comprises of three sections which display the request attributes, the details of the service request
and the user details.

To view the service requests details:

1. Enter the required information in the search criteria fields.
2. Click Search. The specific service request records are displayed based on the search criteria
Click Reset to clear the search parameters.
3. Click on a specific service request record to view the details of that service request.
The service request details appears on the Request Processing details screen.

Request Processing

Request Processing - Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Request Attribute

Reference No The reference number generated at the time the service request was

Status The status of the service request.

Date Requested The date on which the service request was raised.

Product The type of product for which the service request was raised.

Request Category The service request category for which the service request was raised.
Category is based on the type of product name selected.

Request Name The name of the service request.

Request Processing

Field Name Description

Request Type The type of service request initiated.

Severity The severity of the service request.

Request Details
This section displays the details of the service request. The fields vary depending on the type
of service request.

User Details

User name The user name of the business user who initiated the service request.

User ID The user Id of the business user who initiated the service request.

Party ID The party Id of the user who initiated the service request.

4. Click Approve to Approve the Service Request.

Click Reject to Reject the Service Request.
5. Click Back to navigate back to the Request Processing - Summary screen.

59.3.1 Approve or Reject Service Requests (created using Service Request Form

The Bank Administrator can take action on service requests initiated by business users by either
approving or rejecting requests. The Administrator can select multiple service requests to approve
or reject from the Service Request Summary page and can also approve or reject a service request
individually after having viewed the details of the request from the Service Request Details page.

To approve / reject a service request:

1. Select the service request on which you wish to take action from the Service Request
Summary page
2. Click Approve or Reject button.
The pop up on which to specify remarks for Approval/Rejection is displayed.

Request Processing

Service Request Approval

3. Enter Remarks and click Approve/Reject.

The success message along with the reference number, service request number and status
4. Click Ok to complete the transaction and navigate the dashboard.
5. Navigate to the Request Processing transaction and search the service request that you
have approved.
The Request Processing details screen appears.

Request Processing

Request Processing - Details

6. Click Change Status to change the status of the service request. A pop up to specify
remarks appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the dashboard.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Request Processing

Request Processing - Change Status

Field Description

Field Name Description

Change Status

Status The status of the service request.

Remarks Remarks for changing the status of the service request.

7. From the Status list, select the status of the service request.
8. In the Remarks field, enter the remarks if any.
9. Click Submit.
The success message along with the reference number, service request number and status


Terms and Conditions Maintenance

60. Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Terms and Conditions are set by Bank to layout the expected guidelines, and act as the backbone
for the transactional agreement between customer and the bank.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance screen allows the bank administrator user to maintain terms
and condition text for All/Specific Parties for All/Specific Transactions, so that corporate users gets
to view and accept it while initiating a trade finance transaction.

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Party for which preference needs to be set up is created in core banking application.


Features Supported In Application

Terms and Conditions maintenance available for bank administrator in the application includes:
 Create Terms and Conditions
 View Terms and Conditions
 Edit Terms and Conditions
 Delete Terms and Conditions
 Copy Terms and Conditions

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu> Menu > Others > Terms and Conditions

60.1 Terms and Conditions - Search and View

Bank Administrator can search and view the previously maintained Terms and Conditions.
Administrator can narrow the result using the available fields as filters such as ALL or Specific Party
ID, Module, Transaction Area and Transaction Name (Only If he selects any Specific Transaction

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

All the applicable transactions will be listed here, and user can select any maintenances from the
list, by clicking on view to see the details.

To search Terms and Conditions:

1. In the Party field, select the appropriate tab.

Terms and Conditions - Search and View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party Option to select the party type.

The options are:
 All
 Enter Party

Party ID Party ID for which the term and conditions are maintained/ viewed.
This field appears if Enter Party option is selected in the Party field.

Module Name The name of the module. Only Trade Finance is supported.

Transaction Area The list of transaction area which are a part of transaction group.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Field Name Description

Transaction Name Name of transactions which are a part of transaction group.

This field appears if any transaction other than All is selected in the
Transaction Area list.

Search Result

Party ID Party ID for which the term and conditions are maintained/ viewed.

Transaction Area The list of transaction groups of Trade Finance Module.

Transaction Name Name of transactions which are a part of transaction group.

This field appears if any transaction other than All is selected in the
Transaction Area list.

Actions The available actions that can be performed against the term and
conditions for transactions are displayed.
The actions can be:
 View: Click to view the already maintained terms and

 Delete ( ): Click to delete the already maintained terms and

 Copy ( ): Click to copy the already maintained terms and
 Edit ( ): Click to edit the already maintained terms and

2. If you have selected Enter Party option, specify the party ID in the Party ID field.
3. From the Transaction Area list, select the appropriate option.
4. From the Module Name list, select the listed option.
5. If you have selected any transaction other than All;
6. From the Transaction Name list, select the appropriate transaction.
7. Click Search. The screen displays results based on search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.

60.1.1 Terms and Conditions - View

8. In the Terms and Conditions search result screen, click the View link to view the already
maintained terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Terms and Conditions - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party ID for which the term and conditions are maintained/ viewed.

Module Name The name of the module. Only Trade Finance is supported.

Transaction Area The list of transaction area which are a part of transaction group.

Transaction Name Name of transactions.

Terms & Conditions The description of already maintained terms and conditions.

9. Click Edit to edit the Terms & Conditions description.

Click Copy to copy the Terms & Conditions text.
Click Delete to delete the Terms & Conditions description.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

60.2 Create Terms and Conditions

Using this option, Bank Administrator can configure terms and conditions for a specific party. The
administrator user can select the maintenance for all parties or for a specific party. The
administrator user can also select the term and condition text to appear for all transactions or
specific ones.

Admin will get a list of transactions areas, which are high level classification. Under each
Transaction area, there can be several Transactions names which are the actual transactions
getting initiated at OBDX. Admin user can select one of them, or all and have the Terms and
Condition maintained for it.

To create Terms and Conditions text:

1. In the Terms and Conditions screen, click Create Terms & Conditions.
The Create Terms and Conditions screen appears.

Create Terms and Conditions

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party Option to select the party type.

The options are:
 All
 Enter Party

Party ID Party ID for which the term and conditions are maintained/ viewed.
This field appears if Enter Party option is selected in the Party field.

Module Name The name of the module. Only Trade Finance is supported currently.

Transaction Area The list of transaction area which are a part of transaction group.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Field Name Description

Transaction Name Name of transactions which are a part of transaction group.

This field appears if any transaction other than All is selected in the
Transaction Area list.

Terms & Conditions The description of terms and conditions that is to be created.

2. If you have selected Enter Party option, specify the party ID in the Party ID field.
3. From the Transaction Area list, select the appropriate option.
4. From the Module Name list, select the listed option.
5. If you have selected any transaction other than All;
6. From the Transaction Name list, select the appropriate transaction.
7. In the Terms & Conditions Description field, enter the description terms and conditions.
8. Click Submit. The screen displays results based on search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.
9. The Review Terms and Conditions screen appears. Verify the details and click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
10. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

60.3 Edit Terms and Conditions

Administrator can edit the party terms and conditions description.

To edit the terms and conditions description:

1. In the Terms and Conditions search result screen, click the icon to view the already
maintained terms and condition description.
In the Terms and Conditions View screen, click Edit to edit the already maintained terms
and condition description.
The Edit Terms and Conditions screen appears.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Edit Terms and Conditions

2. In the Terms & Conditions Description field, modify the description of terms and conditions,
if required.
3. Click Submit. The screen displays results based on search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.
4. The Review Terms and Conditions screen appears. Verify the details and click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

60.4 Copy Terms and Conditions

Administrator can copy the already maintained terms and conditions description.

To copy the terms and conditions description:

1. In the Terms and Conditions search result screen, click the icon to copy the already
maintained terms and condition description.
In the Terms and Conditions View screen, click Copy to copy the already maintained
terms and condition description.
The Copy Terms and Conditions screen appears.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Copy Terms and Conditions

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party Option to select the party type.

The options are:
 All
 Enter Party

Party ID Party ID for which the term and conditions are maintained/ viewed.

Module Name The name of the module. Only Trade Finance is supported.

Transaction Area The list of transaction area which are a part of transaction group.

Transaction Name Name of transactions.

Terms & Conditions The description of already maintained terms and conditions.

2. In the Terms & Conditions Description field, copy the description of terms and conditions.
3. Click Submit. The screen displays results based on search criteria.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.
Click Clear to reset the details.
4. The Review Terms and Conditions screen appears. Verify the details and click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
5. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

60.5 Delete Terms and Conditions

Administrator can delete the terms and conditions description.

To delete the terms and conditions description:

1. In the Terms and Conditions search result screen, click the icon to delete the already
maintained terms and condition.
In the Terms and Conditions View screen, click the Delete to delete the already maintained
terms and condition.
The application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message.

Delete Terms and Conditions

2. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion request. It will navigate to confirmation page with a
success message and the status.
3. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.



61. Reports
Using this option, Administrators can generate various adhoc and schedule banking reports.
Application provides an option to generate and schedule reports using Oracle Analytics Publisher
Oracle Analytics and also by using an internal application. The adoption Oracle Analytics Publisher
provides a simple and easy tool for the Operational and MIS reports

 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator
 Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
 Oracle Analytics Publisher is configured.


Features supported in application

Reports module allows Bank Administrator to

 Generate and schedule Customer and Administrative Reports
 View/ Download generated Reports.
 View User Report Mapping
 Create User Report Mapping
 Edit User Report Mapping
 View Scheduled Report

Report Generation

62. Report Generation

Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to Report Generation screen. On accessing
‘Report Generation menu, Bank Administrator has to select an option if an adhoc report is to be
generated or report needs to be scheduled.

Reports are categorized as:

 Adhoc Reports: When a report needs to be generated immediately on a need basis
 Schedule Reports: When report generation needs to be scheduled at fixed intervals e.g.
daily, weekly, monthly etc.

After selecting the report generation category, user has to select a type of a report which needs to
be generated. Other reports parameters with respect to each report are displayed on the screen as
input fields so that report can be requested with specific data.

Note: If 2 factor authentication is enabled, the reports get generated only after successful

The list of reports is:

 API Consumption Report
 Bill Payment Pay Later Report
 Biller Reconciliation Report
 Biller Registration Report
 Date wise User Creation Report
 EPI Payment reconciliation Report
 FATCA &CRS Declaration Report
 File Identifier wise Party User Mapping Report
 Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping Report
 Party wise Approval Rule Report
 Party wise File Identifiers Mapping Report
 Party wise Payee Maintenance Report
 Party wise User Groups Report
 Party wise Workflows Report
 User Segment Summary Report
 Wallet Transaction Activity Report
 Wallets KYC Report
 Wallets Creation for a Date Range Report
 User List Report
 User Entitlement Report
 Approval Rule Report

Report Generation

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

62.1 Adhoc Reports

Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports can be viewed using
‘My Reports’ screen.

Adhoc Reports

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics PublisherOracle Analytics are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Note: Other reports parameters with respect to each report are displayed on the screen as input
fields so that report can be requested with specific data.

62.2 Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

Schedule Reports

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics PublisherOracle Analytics are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Start date of the date range from which you want to generate the report.

Stop Generating End date of the date range up-to which you want to generate the report.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled by the logged in user and
Reports other Bank administrator users.

Report Generation

Note: Other reports parameters with respect to each report are displayed on the screen as input
fields so that report can be requested with specific data.

Report Generation

62.2.1 View Scheduled Reports

Using this option, Bank Administrator can view all the reports and its details that are scheduled by
logged in user or any other Bank Administrator user with the future date.

To view the scheduled reports:

1. Click the Schedule tab. The scheduled report generation screen appears.
2. Click the View Scheduled Reports link.
The Scheduled Reports screen appears.

Scheduled Reports

Field Description

Field Name Description


Report Name Select the report that is to be searched.

Search Results

Report Name Name of the scheduled reports.

Report ID IDs of the reports that are scheduled.

Schedule The frequency on which the report is scheduled.


Start Date Date from which the report will be generated as per the frequency

Report Generation

Field Name Description

End Date Date till which the report will be generated as per the frequency

3. Click on desired Report ID to view the details of the scheduled report. The View Reports Schedule
screen appears.
Click on the icon against the Report ID, to select the Report from the list, which you want to
view. The searched report appears in the search result section.
Click the Report ID to view the details of the scheduled report.

View Reports Schedule

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Name of the scheduled report.

Report ID ID of the scheduled report.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

Report The frequency at which the reports are scheduled to run.


Report Generation

Field Name Description

Start Date Date from which the report will be generated as per the frequency

Stop Date Date till which the report will be generated as per the frequency defined.

Scheduled By User ID of the user who has scheduled the report generation.

62.2.2 Edit Schedule Reports

Using this option, Bank Administrator can edit the parameters defined for scheduled reports. These
changes are applied to generate the reports of next scheduled cycle.

To edit the schedule reports:

1. Click the Schedule tab. The scheduled report generation screen appears.
2. Click the View Scheduled Reports link.
The Scheduled Reports screen appears.
3. Click on desired Report ID to edit the details of the scheduled report. The View Report
Schedule screen appears.
4. Click Edit to modify the report schedule. The Edit Report Schedule screen appears.
Click Delete to delete the report schedule.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Edit Reports Schedule

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Name of the scheduled reports.

Name of the report will be displayed in non-editable form.

Report ID ID of the reports that are scheduled.

This is a non-editable field.

Report Format The report format of the scheduled report.

Report Frequency The frequency of the scheduled report.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating The start date of the scheduled report.

This field can be edited only if the date and time is in future.

Stop Generating The date till which the report is to be generated.

Scheduled By User ID of the user who scheduled the report generation.

5. Modify the details, if required. You can modify the Report Format, Report Frequency, Start
generation date and time (if future date) and Stop Generating date and time.
6. Click Save to save the changes. The Confirm Edit Report Schedule screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
7. Click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
8. The success message along with the reference number and status appears.
Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.

Report Generation

62.2.3 Delete Schedule Reports

The Bank Administrator can delete the scheduled reports which are no longer required.

To delete account and transaction access for the user:

1. In the Reports screen, click the Schedule tab. The scheduled report generation screen
2. Click the View Scheduled Reports link.
The Schedule Reports screen appears.
3. Click on desired Report ID to delete the scheduled report. The View Report Schedule
screen appears.
4. Click Delete.
The application will prompt the administrator with a deletion message.

Delete Reports Schedule

5. Click Confirm to proceed with the deletion request. It will navigate to confirmation page with
a success message and the status.
6. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.


Report Generation

62.3 API Consumption Report

API Consumption report provides information on API consumption for a selected access point for
a particular user.

The user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of both
Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.3.1 API Consumption - Adhoc Report

API Consumption Adhoc report is generated on demand or on request. Report can be requested
from the 'Report Generation' screen. Adhoc reports can be viewed using 'My Reports' screen.

To generate the API Consumption adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

API Consumption - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics PublisherOracle Analytics are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Duration The period for which the report is to be generated.

Start date of the date range from which you want to generate the report.
End date of the date range up-to which you want to generate the report.

Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Touch Point The different channels/ medium for which you want to generate the report.

Party ID The party ID for whom the report is to be generated.

User Segment The segment of user for whom the report is to be generated.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Retail User
 Administrator

User id The user id of the user for whom the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the appropriate report output format.
4. From the Duration - From Date and Duration - To Date list, select the appropriate duration.
5. From the Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
6. From the Touch Point list, select the appropriate option.
7. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.

Report Generation

8. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate type of user.
9. In the User Id field, enter the id of the user for whom the report is to be generated.
10. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
11. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
12. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

From Date Date from which the report is generated.

To Date Date till which the report is generated.

Frequency The frequency at which the report is generated.

Access Point The different channels/ medium for which report is generated.
(Touch Point)

Party ID The party ID for whom the report is generated.

Party Name The name of the party for whom the report is generated.

User Segment The user segment for which, the report is generated.

User ID ID of the user.

API Name The name of the API for which the report is generated.

From Date Date from which the report is generated.

To Date Date till which the report is generated.

Count The total count of transactions that are successful and failed.

Touch Point The different channels/ medium for which report is generated.

Status The status of the transaction.

Report Generation

62.3.2 API Consumption - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the API consumption schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

API Consumption Report - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per frequency defined.

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per frequency defined.

Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Touch Point The different channels/ medium for which you want to generate the report.

Party ID The party ID for whom the report is to be generated.

User Segment The user segment for which the report is to be generated.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Retail User
 Administrator

User id The user id of the user for whom report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the appropriate report output format.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. From the Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
7. From the Touch Point list, select the appropriate option.
8. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
9. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate segment.

Report Generation

10. In the User Id field, enter the id of the user for whom the report is to be generated.
11. Click Schedule Report to generate and view the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
12. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
13. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.

Report Generation

62.4 Biller Registration Report

Biller Registration report provides the details of customers registered to a biller for online bill
payment. Administrator has to select the biller id of which the report is to be generated.

Further, the administrator user can choose the report format as CSV or pdf. The generation of both
Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported. This report is available only with the internal reporting

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.4.1 Biller Registration - Adhoc Report

Biller Registration Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports can
be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Biller Registration adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Biller Registration - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Biller Id Specify the unique code assigned to a specific biller.

Biller Name Specify the name of the biller.

Duration Select the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Biller Id field, enter the id of the biller for whom the report to be generated.
5. In the Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller.
6. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
7. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Biller ID The unique ID of the biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Date From The date from which the report is generated.

Date To Date till which the report is generated. .

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Customer Id The unique id of the customer/Party.

Customer Name The name of the customer/party.

Customer Phone No and Email The phone number and Email address of the customer.

Biller Nickname The nick name of the biller.

Registration Date The date on which customer is registered to the biller.

Registration Status The status of registration.

62.4.2 Biller Registration - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Biller Registration schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Biller Registration - Schedule Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per frequency

Biller Id The unique code assigned to a specific biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Biller Id field, enter the id of the biller for whom the report to be generated.
7. In the Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller.
8. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Report Generation

9. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
10. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report.. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.5 Biller Reconciliation report

Biller Reconciliation report provides information on reconciliation of bill payment transactions made
to a biller for a selected period. Administrator has to select the biller id of which the report is to be

The administrator user can choose the report format as CSV or pdf. The generation of both Adhoc
and Scheduled reports are supported. This report is available only with the internal reporting

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.5.1 Biller Reconciliation - Adhoc Report

Biller Reconciliation Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports can
be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Biller Reconciliation adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Biller Reconciliation - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated..

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Biller Id The unique code assigned to a specific biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Duration Select the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Biller Id field, enter the id of the biller for whom the report is to be generated.
5. In the Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller.
6. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
7. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Biller ID The unique ID of the biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Date From Date from which the report is generated.

Date To Date till which the report is generated.

Date Transaction date and time.

Transaction ID The transaction Id of the transaction.

Amount The amount of the transaction in local currency.

Customer Name & Account The name of the customer and an account number

Customer Id The unique id of the customer/party.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Customer Phone No and Email The phone number and Email address of the

Status The status of the transaction.

Error Error if any.

62.5.2 Biller Reconciliation - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Biller Reconciliation schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Biller Reconciliation - Schedule Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is generated.

Stop Generating Date till which the report is generated.

Biller Id The unique code assigned to a specific biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

View Scheduled Reports Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Biller Id field, enter the id of the biller for whom the report is to be generated.
7. In the Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller.
8. From the Duration - From Date and Duration - To Date list, select the appropriate duration.
9. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
10. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.

Report Generation

Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
11. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.6 Bill Payment Pay Later Report

Bill Payment Pay Later report provides the details of "Pay Later" transactions set up for a biller for
a given period. The user has to select the biller id of which the report is to be generated.

The administrator user can choose the report format as CSV or pdf. The generation of both Adhoc
and Scheduled reports are supported. This report is available only with the internal reporting

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.6.1 Bill Payment Pay Later - Adhoc Report

Bill Payment Pay Later Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports
can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Bill Payment Pay Later adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Bill Payment Pay Later - Adhoc Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Biller Id The unique code assigned to a specific biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Duration Select the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Biller Id field, enter the id of the biller for whom the report is to be generated.
5. In the Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller.
6. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
7. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Biller ID The unique ID of the biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

Date From Date from which the report is generated.

Date To Date until which the report is generated.

Customer Id The unique id of the customer/party.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Customer Name The name of the customer/party.

Customer Phone No and The phone number and Email address of the customer.

Biller Nickname The nick name of the biller.

Pay Later Setup Date This is a date on which the request for bill payment is initiated.

Pay Later Date The future date on which the funds are to be transferred to the

Status Status of the bill payment

Deletion Date The date on which the future bill payment cancellation request
was initiated

62.6.2 Bill Payment Pay Later - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Bill Payment Pay Later schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Bill Payment Pay Later - Schedule Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated..

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated .

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated,

Biller Id The unique code assigned to a specific biller.

Biller Name The name of the biller.

View Scheduled Reports Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Biller Id field, enter the id of the biller for whom the report is to be generated.
7. In the Biller Name field, enter the name of the biller.
8. From the Duration - From Date and Duration - To Date list, select the appropriate duration.
9. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
10. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.

Report Generation

Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
11. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.7 Date Wise User Creation Report

Date wise user creation report provides a list of users created with particular application role within
given duration. An administrator can request to generate an adhoc report with following additional
 User Type (Application Roles)
 Party ID
 Frequency
 Date Range

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.7.1 Date Wise User Creation - Adhoc Report

Date Wise User Creation Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated
reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the date wise user creation adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Date Wise User Creation - Adhoc Reports

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID The party ID of the users of whom the report is to be generated.

User Type The user type for whom report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Corporate User
 Retail User
 Administrator

Duration Specify the date range for which the report is to be generated.
Date from which the report is to be generated. .
Date till which the report is to be generated

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
5. From the User Type list, select the appropriate user.
6. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
7. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.

Report Generation

9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID The ID of party for whom the report is generated.

Party Name The name of the party for whom the report is generated.

Date From Date from which the report is generated.

Date To Date till which the report is generated.

User Type The user type for whom report is generated and is selected at the time
of report generation.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Name Name of the user.

Roles Child roles assigned to each user.

User Name User ID assigned to the user.

Email ID Email ID of the user.

Mobile No Mobile number of the user.

Creation Date and Date on which the user is created.


62.7.2 Date Wise User Creation - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

An administrator can schedule – Date wise user creation report.

To generate the Date Wise User Creation schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Date Wise User Creation - Schedule Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID The ID of party of whom the report is to be generated.

User Type The user type for whom report is generated and is selected at the time
of report generation.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
7. From the User Type list, select the appropriate user.
8. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Report Generation

9. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
10. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.8 EPI Payment Reconciliation Report

EPI Payment Reconciliation report provides the status of all reconciled transactions, in a given
duration. The user has to select the merchant code for which the report is to be generated,

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.8.1 EPI Payment Reconciliation - Adhoc Report

EPI Payment Reconciliation Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated
reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the EPI Payment Reconciliation adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

EPI Payment Reconciliation Report - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Merchant Code The unique code assigned to a specific merchant by the Bank.

Duration Specify the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To Date.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Merchant Code field, enter the merchant's code for whom the report to be generated.
5. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
6. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
7. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
8. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. The report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or
generating an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Merchant Description The description of the merchant.

Merchant Code The unique code assigned to a specific merchant by the


Report Generation

Field Name Description

Date From The start date of period for which the report is generated.

Date To The end date of the date for which the report is generated.

Date Time Transaction date and time.

Transaction ID The transaction Id of the transaction.

Description The description of the transaction.

Customer Name-Account The name and account number of the customer.


Merchant Account Number The merchant's account number.

Transaction Type The transaction type.

The options are:
 Sale
 Commission

Amount, CCY The amount of the transaction in local currency.

Status The status of the transaction.

Report Generation

62.8.2 EPI Payment Reconciliation – Schedule Report

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the EPI Payment Reconciliation scheduled report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

EPI Payment Reconciliation - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Merchant Code The unique code assigned to a specific merchant by the Bank.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Merchant Code field, enter the merchant's code for whom the report to be generated.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.9 FATCA & CRS Declaration Report

The FATCA & CRS Declaration report contains details related to the information submitted by the
users in the forms along with information pertaining to the date and time at which each form was
submitted. The administrator can generate separate reports for the FATCA & CRS Self-Certification
form for Individuals and the FATCA & CRS Self-Certification form for Entities.

The generation of both Adhoc and Scheduled FATCA & CRS Declaration reports are supported.
These reports can be generated in CSV format.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.9.1 FATCA & CRS Declaration - Adhoc Report

Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request.

To generate the FATCA & CRS Declaration Adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

FATCA & CRS Declaration - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Select the type of report to be generated.


Report Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The FATCA & CRS Declaration report can be generated in format CSV only.

Generate By Specify whether the report is to be generated on the basis of party ID or form
type as Individual or Entity.
The options are:
 Party ID
 Form Type

Enter Party Specify the party ID of the user for whom report is to be generated.
This field appears if you have selected Party ID in the Generate By field.

Form Type Select whether you want to generate the report for the FATCA & CRS forms
of entities or individuals.
The options are:
 FATCA & CRS - Entity
 FATCA & CRS - Individual
This field appears if you have selected Form Type in the Generate By field.

Duration Specify the period for which the report is to be generated.

 From – The date from which you want to generate the report.
 To – The date until which you want to generate the report.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Generate By field, select the option of choice.
a. If you have selected the option Party ID, enter the party ID of the user for whom the
report is to be generated in the Enter Party ID field.
b. If you have selected the option Form Type, select the required form type from the Form
Type list.
From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the desired duration.
5. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
6. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request ID
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.

Report Generation

Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
7. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

For reference, a specimen of the report generated for FATCA & CRS form for Individuals is
displayed below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

FATCA & CRS Declaration report for Individuals

The following four fields comprise of the criteria on the basis of which the report has
been generated.

Party ID The party ID of the user who has submitted the form.
This field is displayed only if at the time of report generation, the
administrator chose to generate the report by specifying a party ID.

Form Type The type of FATCA & CRS form for which the report is being
The form types are:
 Entity
 Individual

Duration The period for which the report is generated. This field is displayed
only if at the time of report generation, the administrator chose to
generate the report on the basis of form type.

The following fields comprise of the main body of the report.

FATCA Submission The date at time at which the form was submitted by the user.
Date & Time

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Mode of Submission The mode through which the form was submitted e.g. online,

Party ID The party ID of the user who submitted the form.

Party Name The party name of the user who submitted the form.

Form Submitted by The user ID of the user who has filled and submitted the FATCA
User ID and CRS form.

User Name The name of the user who has filled and submitted the FATCA and
CRS form.

Address Line 1-2 The address details of the user, as entered in the form.

City The name of the city, as entered in the form.

State The state, as entered in the form.

Country The country, as entered in the form.

Zip Code The zip code of the user, as entered in the form.

Mailing Address Line The mailing address of the user, as entered in the form.

Mailing Address City The city of the user’s mailing address, as entered in the form.

Mailing Address State The state of the user’s mailing address, as entered in the form.

Mailing Address The country of the mailing address of the user.


Mailing Address Zip The zip code of the mailing address of the user.

Nationality The nationality of the user, as entered in the form.

Country of Birth The country of birth of the user, as entered in the form.

City/ Place of Birth The city of birth of the user, as entered in the form.

Identification Type The identification document that serves as proof of identity.

Identification Number The identification number corresponding to the identification type.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Father's Name The name of the user’s father, as entered in the form.

Spouse's Name The name of the user’s spouse, as entered in the form.

Occupation The employment type of the user, as entered in the form.

The occupation type could be any of the following:
 Service
 Business
 Others

Gross Annual Income The gross annual income that the user enters, as entered in the

Politically Exposed The political status of the user.

Person(PEP) Status

Was the Entity The value in this field will identify whether the entity was established
established in a in the country in which the bank accounts are held. This field is
country other than applicable to sole proprietors only.
<country name>?

Are you a tax resident Whether the user is a tax resident of any country other than the
of any country other country in which the bank accounts are held.
than <country name>?

Country of Tax The name of the country in which the user is a tax resident. A value
Residence will be displayed against this field only if the value against the field
‘Are you a tax resident of any country other than <country
name>?’ is Yes.

TIN Available Whether the user's taxpayer identification number of the country in
which he is a tax resident, is available or not. A value will be
displayed against this field only if the value against the field ‘Are
you a tax resident of any country other than <country name>?’
is Yes.

Tax Identification The tax identification type of the user. A value will be displayed
Type against this field only if the value against the field ‘Are you a tax
resident of any country other than <country name>?’ is Yes and
if the value displayed against ‘TIN Available’ is Yes.

TIN / TIN Equivalent The user’s taxpayer identification number or equivalent. A value will
be displayed against this field only if the value against the field ‘Are
you a tax resident of any country other than <country name>?’
is Yes and if the value displayed against ‘TIN Available’ is Yes.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Reason for Non The reason for which the user’s taxpayer identification number is
Availability not available. The user’s taxpayer identification number or
equivalent. A value will be displayed against this field only if the
value against the field ‘Are you a tax resident of any country
other than <country name>’ is Yes and if the value displayed
against ‘TIN Available’ is No.

Are you a citizen of Whether the user has a citizenship of the United States of America.
United States of

Do you meet the Whether the user meets the Substantial Presence Test criteria.
Substantial Presence

Do you have a green Whether the user holds a United States green card.

For reference, a specimen of the report generated for FATCA & CRS forms for Entities is
displayed below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

FATCA & CRS Declaration report for Entity

The following four fields comprise of the criteria on the basis of which the report has
been generated.

Party ID The party ID of the user who has submitted the form.
This field is displayed only if at the time of report generation,
the administrator chose to generate the report by specifying a
party ID.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Form Type The type of FATCA & CRS form for which the report is being
The form types are:
 Entity
 Individual

Duration The period for which the report is generated. This field is
displayed only if at the time of report generation, the
administrator chose to generate the report on the basis of form

The following fields comprise of the main body of the report.

FATCA Submission Date & The date at time at which the form was submitted by the user.

Mode of Submission The mode through which the form was submitted e.g. online,

Party ID The party ID of the organization on behalf of which the form

was submitted.

Party Name The party name of the organization on behalf of which the form
was submitted.

Form Submitted by User ID The user id of the user who has filled and submitted the FATCA
and CRS form on the behalf of the organization.

User Name The name of the user who has filled and submitted the FATCA
and CRS form on behalf of the organization.

Capacity The capacity in which the user has submitted the form on
behalf of the organization. The values that can be displayed
under this column are TRU for trustee, AUS for Authorized
Signatory or SOW for Single Ownership.

Address Line 1-2 The address details of the organization.

City The city name of the organization.

State The state of the organization.

Country The country of the organization.

Zip Code The zip code of the organization.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Mailing Address Line 1-2 The mailing address of the organization.

Mailing Address City The city of the mailing address of the organization.

Mailing Address State The state of the of the organization’s mailing address.

Mailing Address Country The country of the mailing address of the organization.

Mailing Address Zip Code The zip code of the mailing address of the organization.

Country of Incorporation The country in which the organization was incorporated.

or Organization

Is the Entity a tax resident Whether the entity is a tax resident of country other than
of any country other than country in which the entity’s accounts are held within the bank.
<country name>?

Country of Tax Residence The name of the country in which the organization is a tax
resident. A value will be displayed against this field only if the
value against the field ‘Is the Entity a tax resident of any
country other than <country name>?’ is Yes.

TIN Available Whether the organization's taxpayer identification number of

the country of which it is a tax resident, is available or not. A
value will be displayed against this field only if the value against
the field ‘Is the Entity a tax resident of any country other
than <country name>?’ is Yes.

Tax Identification Type The tax identification type of the organization. A value will be
displayed against this field only if the value against the field ‘Is
the Entity a tax resident of any country other than
<country name>?’ is Yes and if the value displayed against
‘TIN Available’ is Yes.

TIN / TIN Equivalent The taxpayer identification number or equivalent. A value will
be displayed against this field only if the value against the field
‘Is the Entity a tax resident of any country other than
<country name>?’ is Yes and if the value displayed against
‘TIN Available’ is Yes.

Reason for Non The reason for which the entity’s taxpayer identification
Availability number is not available. A value will be displayed against this
field only if the value against the field ‘Is the Entity a tax
resident of any country other than <country name>?’ is
Yes and if the value displayed against ‘TIN Available’ is No.

Entity incorporated in the Whether the entity was incorporated in the United States of
United States of America? America or not.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Entity has any ultimate Whether any of the beneficial owners including the controlling
beneficial owners who are persons of the entity/ organization is a tax resident of any
tax residents of countries country other than the country in which the entity’s accounts
other than <country are held within the bank.

Entity Category The category to which the entity belongs.

The categories are: Financial Institution and Non- Financial

An Investment Entity Whether the entity is an investment entity located in a Non-

located in a Non- Participating Jurisdiction and managed by another Financial
Participating Jurisdiction Institution. The value against this field will be Yes or No if the
and managed by another entity is a Financial Institution and an Investment Entity. If the
Financial Institution entity is a non-financial institution or a financial institution that
is a Depository Institution, Custodial Institution or Specified
Insurance Company the value will be NA.

Other Investment Entity Whether the entity is a type of investment entity that is different
from that of an investment entity located in a Non-Participating
Jurisdiction and managed by another Financial Institution. The
value against this field will be Yes or No if the entity is a
Financial Institution and an Investment Entity. If the entity is a
non-financial institution or a financial institution that is a
Depository Institution, Custodial Institution or Specified
Insurance Company the value will be NA.

Depository Institution, Whether the entity is a depository institution, custodial

Custodial Institution or institution or an insurance company. The value against this
Specified Insurance field will be Yes or No if the entity is a Financial Institution. If
Company the entity is a non-financial institution, the value will be NA.

GIIN Available Whether the entity's Global Intermediary Identification

Number, is available or not. The value against this field will be
Yes or No if the entity is a Financial Institution. If the entity is a
non-financial institution, the value will be NA.

GIIN The entity's Global Intermediary Identification Number. The

value against this field will be defined if the entity is a Financial
Institution and if the value against GIIN Available is Yes. If the
entity is a non-financial institution, the value will be NA.

Reason for Non The reason for which the entity’s GIIN is not available. The
Availability value against this field will be defined if the entity is a Financial
Institution and if the value against GIIN Available is No. If the
entity is a non-financial institution, the value will be NA.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Active NFE - A Whether the entity is an active NFE and the entity’s stock is
corporation, the stock of regularly traded on an established securities market. The value
which is regularly traded against this field will be Yes or No if the entity is an Active Non-
on an established Financial Institution. If the entity is a financial institution, the
securities market value will be NA.

Name of the established The name of securities market on which the entity trades
securities market on which regularly. The value against this field will be defined if the entity
the corporation is is an Active Non-Financial Institution and is a corporation, the
regularly traded stock of which is regularly traded on an established securities
market. The value displayed against this field will be NA if the
entity is a financial institution or is any type of non-financial
institution other than Active NFE – whose the stock of which is
regularly traded on an established securities market.

Active NFE - Entity is Whether the entity is an active non-financial entity and is
related to a corporation related to a corporation whose stock is regularly traded on an
whose stock is regularly established securities market. The value against this field will
traded on an established be Yes or No if the entity is an Active Non-Financial Institution.
securities market If the entity is a financial institution, the value will be NA.

Name of the related The name of securities market on which the entity’s stock is
corporation whose stock traded regularly. The value against this field will be defined if
is traded the entity is an Active Non-Financial Institution and is related
to a corporation whose stock is regularly traded on an
established securities market. The value displayed against this
field will be NA if the entity is a financial institution or is any
type of non-financial institution other than Active NFE and is
related to a corporation whose stock is regularly traded on an
established securities market.

Nature of relation The relation that the entity has with the company whose stock
is traded. The value against this field will be defined if the entity
is an Active Non-Financial Institution and is related to a
corporation whose stock is regularly traded on an established
securities market. The value displayed against this field will be
NA if the entity is a financial institution or is any type of non-
financial institution other than Active NFE and is related to a
corporation whose stock is regularly traded on an established
securities market.
The value displayed can be any one of the following:
 Subsidiary of the listed company
 Controlled by a listed company
 Common control as a listed company

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Name of the established The name of security market in which the stock of the related
securities market on which corporation is traded regularly. The value against this field will
the stock of the related be defined if the entity is an Active Non-Financial Institution
corporation is regularly and is related to a corporation whose stock is regularly traded
traded on an established securities market. The value displayed
against this field will be NA if the entity is a financial institution
or is any type of non-financial institution other than Active NFE
and is related to a corporation whose stock is regularly traded
on an established securities market.

Active NFE - A Whether the entity is an active non-financial Governmental

Governmental Entity or Entity or Central Bank. The value against this field will be Yes
Central Bank or No if the entity is an Active Non-Financial Institution. If the
entity is a financial institution, the value will be NA.

Active NFE - An Whether the entity is an active non-financial international

International Organization organization. The value against this field will be Yes or No if
the entity is an Active Non-Financial Institution. If the entity is
a financial institution, the value will be NA.

Active NFE - Other - e.g. a Whether the entity is any other type of active non-financial
start-up NFE or a non- organization e.g. a start-up NFE or a non-profit NFE. The value
profit NFE against this field will be Yes or No if the entity is an Active Non-
Financial Institution. If the entity is a financial institution, the
value will be NA.

Sub-Category of Active The sub-category of the active non- financial entity. The value
NFE against this field will be defined if the entity is an Active Non-
Financial Institution and is either a government entity or central
bank, an international organization or any other type of active
NFE. If the entity is a financial institution, the value will be NA.

Passive Non-Financial Specify Whether the entity is a passive non-financial entity.

Entity (NFE) The value against this field will be Yes or No if the entity is a
Non-Financial Institution. If the entity is a financial institution,
the value will be NA.

Report Generation

62.9.2 FATCA & CRS Declaration - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in a specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,
and annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the FATCA & CRS Declaration schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select FATCA & CRS Declaration Report as the report to be
The respective report generation screen appears.

FATCA & CRS Declaration - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The FATCA & CRS Declaration report can be generated in format CSV

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per frequency defined.

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per frequency defined.

Generate By Specify whether the report is to be generated on the basis of party ID

or form type as Individual or Entity.
The options are:
 Party ID
 Form Type

Enter Party ID Specify the party ID of the user for whom report is to be generated.
This field appears if you have selected Party ID in the Generate By field.

Form Type Select whether you want to generate the report for the FATCA & CRS
forms of entities or individuals.
The options are:
 FATCA & CRS - Entity
 FATCA & CRS - Individual
This field appears if you have selected Form Type in the Generate By field.

Duration Specify the period for which the report is to be generated.

 From – The date from which you want to generate the report.
 To – The date until which you want to generate the report.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Generate By field, select the option of choice.
a. If you have selected the option Party ID, enter the party ID of the user for whom the
report is to be generated in the Enter Party ID field.
b. If you have selected the option Form Type, select the required form type from the Form
Type list.
From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the desired duration.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Report Generation

Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request ID
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports .


Report Generation

62.10 File Identifier wise Party User Mapping Report

File Identifier wise Party User Mapping report provides the summary of user IDs mapped to each
file identifiers under a specific party ID. Administrator has to provide a party ID for which the File
identifier – user mapping request is to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.10.1 File Identifier wise Party User Mapping - Adhoc Report

File Identifier wise Party User Mapping Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request.
Generated reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the File Identifier wise Party User Mapping adhoc report:
1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

File Identifier wise Party User Mapping - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID The ID of party of whom the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Frequency list, select the appropriate option to generate a frequency based report.
5. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
6. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
7. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
8. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu >
Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID The party ID of whom the report is generated.

Party Name The name of the party of whom the report is generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

File Identifier Code The file identifier code mapped to the users.

Transaction Type The transaction type associated with the file identifier code.

Approval Type Approval type for the file - either Record or File.

Sr No Serial number of the records.

User Name Name of the user to whom the file identifiers are mapped.

User ID ID of the user.

62.10.2 File Identifier wise Party User Mapping - Schedule Report

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the File Identifier wise Party User Mapping scheduled report:
1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

File Identifier wise Party User Mapping - Schedule Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID Party ID of whom the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
7. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
8. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Report Generation

9. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
10. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.11 Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping Report

Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping Report provides a summary of file identifiers mapped to
each user of a specific party. Administrator has to provide a party ID for which the Party User wise
File Identifiers Mapping Report is to be generated. Further, user has to select a format in which the
report needs to be generated.

The generation of both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.11.1 Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping - Adhoc Report

Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request.
Generated reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping adhoc report:
1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping - Adhoc Reports

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID Party ID for which the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
5. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
6. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
7. In the My reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report.. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID The party ID for which the report is generated.

Party Name The name of the party for which the report is generated.

User Name Name of the users to whom the file identifiers are mapped.

User ID ID of the user

File Identifier Code The file identifier code mapped to the users.

Description Description of the file identifier mapped to the user.

File Type File type of the file identifier mapped to the user.

Transaction Type Transaction type of the file identifier mapped to the user

Accounting Type The accounting type of the file identifier mapped to the user.

Approval Type Approval type of the file identifier mapped to the user

File Template File template of the file identifier mapped to the user.

Format Type Format type of the file identifier mapped to the user.

Report Generation

62.11.2 Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping schedule report:
1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party User wise File Identifiers Mapping – Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID The party ID for which the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.12 Party wise Approval Rule report

Party wise approval rule report provides summary of approval rules set for a party. Approval rule
maintenance is used to configure the conditions that define an approval flow. Administrator has to
provide a party ID for which the Party wise Approval Rule Report is to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.12.1 Party wise Approval Rule - Adhoc Report

Party wise Approval Rule Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated
reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Party wise Approval Rule adhoc report

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise Approval Rule - Adhoc Reports

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID The party ID of whom the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Party Id field, enter the party id.
5. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
6. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another Report to generate another report.
7. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID Party ID of whom the report is generated.

Party Name Party name of whom the report is generated.

Sr No Serial number of the records.

Rule Type Transaction rule type.

The transaction rule type could be:
 Financial
 Non Financial
 Maintenance

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Rule Code Approval rule code.

Rule Description Description given to an approval rule.

Initiator Type Type of the initiator if specific user or group to whom the approval rule is

Transactions Type of transactions for which the approval rule is applicable.

Accounts Type of accounts for which the approval rule is applicable.

Approval Whether approval is required for the condition set. Yes or No.

Workflow Workflow mapped for approving the transaction.

62.12.2 Party wise Approval Rule - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Party wise Approval Rule schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise Approval Rule - Schedule Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID Party ID of whom the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.

Report Generation

8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.13 Party wise File Identifiers Mapping Report

Party wise file identifier mapping report provides summary of file identifiers mapped to a specific
party ID. Administrator has to provide a party ID for which Party wise file identifier mapping report
is to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated.

The generation of both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.13.1 Party wise File Identifiers Mapping - Adhoc Report

Party wise File Identifiers Mapping Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request.
Generated reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Party wise File Identifiers Mapping adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise File Identifiers Mapping - Adhoc Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID Party ID of whom the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
5. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
6. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
7. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID Party ID of whom the report is generated.

Party Name Party name of whom the report is generated.

Sr No Serial number of the records.

File Identifier Code The file identifier codes mapped to the specific party.

Description Description of file identifiers mapped to the party.

File Type File type of file identifiers mapped to the party.

Transaction Type Transaction type of file identifiers mapped to the party.

Accounting Type The accounting type of file identifiers mapped to the party.

Approval Type Approval type of file identifiers mapped to the party.

File Template File template of file identifiers mapped to the party.

Format Type Format type of file identifiers mapped to the party..

Report Generation

62.13.2 Party wise File Identifiers Mapping - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Party wise File Identifiers Mapping schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise File Identifiers Mapping - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID Party ID of which the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.14 Party wise Payee Maintenance Report

Party wise Payee Maintenance Report provides summary of account and draft payees maintained
under a specific party ID. Administrator has to provide a party ID for which Party wise Payee
Maintenance Report is to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.14.1 Party wise Payee Maintenance - Adhoc Report

Party wise Payee Maintenance Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated
reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Party wise Payee Maintenance adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise Payee Maintenance - Adhoc Reports

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID Party ID of which the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Party Id field, enter the party id.
5. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
6. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another Report to generate another report.
7. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID Party ID of whom the report is generated.

Party Name Party name of the party for whom the report is to be generated.

Report Parameters
Below field appears for Account type payee

Payee Name Name of the payee.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Account Type Type of account associated with the payee.

Account Details The details of the account i.e. the account number of the payee’s

Nickname Account nickname of the payee to identify the account for fund

Created By ID of the corporate user who created a payee.

Access Type The access type of the payee.

The options are:
 Public
 Private

Report Parameters
Below field appears for Demand Draft type payee

Payee Name Name of the payee.

Draft Type Type of draft associated with the Payee.

The type can be:
 Domestic
 International

Draft Favouring Draft favouring details.

Created By ID of the corporate user who created a payee.

Access Type The access type for payee.

The options are:
 Public
 Private

Report Generation

62.14.2 Party wise Payee Maintenance - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Party wise Payee Maintenance schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise Payee Maintenance - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID Party ID of which the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party Id field, enter the party id.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu >
Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.15 Party wise User Group Report

Party wise User Group Report provides a summary of User Groups created under a specific party
ID. Administrator has to provide a party ID for which the Party wise User Group Report is to be

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.15.1 Party wise User Group - Adhoc Report

Party wise User Groups Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports
can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Party wise User Group adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise User Group - Adhoc Reports

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated..

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID Party ID of which the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
5. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
6. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
7. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Party ID Party ID for which the report is generated.

Party Name Party name for which the report is generated.

Group Code The group code of the user groups available under a party.

Group Description The group description of the user groups available under a party.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Number of Users Count of the users available in a group.

Sr No Serial number of the records.

User Name Name of the users available in a user group.

User ID User ID of the users available in a group.

62.15.2 Party wise User Group - Schedule Report

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Party wise User Groups schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Party wise User Group - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Party ID Party ID of which the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
7. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My

Report Generation

Reports screen. The list of reports appears.

Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.16 Approval Rule Report

Approval Rule Report provides the list of rules and workflows belonging to a group corporate.
Administrator has to provide a party ID for which the Approval RuleReport is to be generated.

System Administrator has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. This report
can be generated only on an Adhoc basis and is not available under ‘Schedule’ option.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.16.1 Approval Rule Report - Adhoc Report

Approval Rule Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports can be
viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Approval Rule adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Approval Rule Report - Adhoc Reports

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The approval rule report can be generated in format CSV only.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Group Corporate ID The Group Corporate ID of the user for whom report has been

Group Corporate The Group Corporate Name of the user for whom report has been
Name generated

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the Group Corporate ID.
5. In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the Group Corporate name.
6. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
7. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
8. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Group Corporate ID The Group Corporate ID of the user for whom report has been

Group Corporate Name The Group Corporate Name of the user for whom report has
been generated

Transaction rule type for which the approval rule is set up.
Rule Type

Rule Code Approval rule code.

Rule Description Approval rule description.

Rule/Workflow Applicable User name /group name of the user maintained in a workflow
For at level.

Initiator Type Initiator type specified while creating a rule.

Party ID Party ID of workflow.

Transactions Transaction for which the rule is set up.

Accounts Accounts for which the rule is set up.

Currency Currency set for the rule.

From Amount The minimum amount for the transactions allowed for the user.

To Amount The maximum amount for the transactions allowed for the user.

Approval Required Field displays whether approval is required or not for the set

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Workflow Preference The preference of the approval workflow.

Workflow Code Code of the approval workflow.

Workflow Description The approval workflow description.

Levels in Workflow Approval levels for a user / user group.


Report Generation

62.17 User Segment Summary Report

User Segment Summary Report enables the System Administrator user to view the count of users
mapped to a segment.

System Administrator has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. Generation
of both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.17.1 User Segment Summary - Adhoc Report

User Segment Summary Report Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Reports
can be requested from the 'Reports' screen. Adhoc reports can be viewed using 'My Reports'

To generate the User Segment Summary adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

User Segment Summary Report - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

User Type The user type for which, the report is generated.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Administrator User
 Retail User

User Segment The user segment for which the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the appropriate report output format.
4. From the User Type list, select the appropriate type of user.
5. From the User Segment list, select the appropriate user segment.
6. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
7. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
8. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

User Type The user type for which, the report is generated.

User Segments The user segments mapped to the user type.

User Segment The user segment for which, the report is generated.

Status The status of the transaction.

Count of Users The count of users mapped to a segment for which, the report is

Report Generation

62.17.2 User Segment Summary - Schedule Reports

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the user segment summary schedule report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

User Segment Summary - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per frequency defined.

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per frequency defined.

User Type The user type for which, the report is generated.
The options are:
 Corporate User
 Administrator User
 Retail User

User Segment The user segment for which the report is to be generated.

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the appropriate report output format.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. From the User Type list, select the appropriate type of user.
7. From the User Segments list, select the appropriate user segment.
8. Click Schedule Report to generate and view the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
9. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My Reports
screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.

Report Generation

10. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.18 Wallets Creation for a Date Range Report

This is bank’s internal report. Wallet creation report provides the summary of wallets created during
specific date range. User has to specify the date range and select a format in which the report
needs to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.18.1 Wallets Creation for a Date Range - Adhoc Report

Wallets Creation for a Date Range Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request.
Generated reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Wallets Creation for a Date Range adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Wallets Creation for a Date Range - Adhoc Reports

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated..

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Duration Specify the Date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
5. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
6. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

From Date Date from which the report is to be generated.

To Date Date till which the report is to be generated.

Account Opening Date The wallet account opening date.

Wallet ID The wallet user ID.

Party ID The party Id under which wallet is opened.

Full Name First name and last name of the wallet user.

Email Id Email id of the wallet user.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Mobile Number Mobile number of the wallet user.

62.18.2 Wallets Creation for a Date Range - Schedule Report

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Wallets Creation for a Date Range scheduled report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Wallets Creation for a Date Range

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name
Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
7. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.

Report Generation

Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
8. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu >
Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.19 Wallet KYC report

This is bank’s internal report. Wallet KYC report provides the KYC status of specific wallet
account/s. User has to specify email ID, mobile number, date range and select KYC status with
which the report is to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.19.1 Wallets KYC - Adhoc Report

Wallets KYC Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports can be
viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Wallets KYC adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Wallets KYC - Adhoc Reports

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Email ID Email ID of the wallet user of whom report is to be generated.

Mobile Number Mobile number of the wallet user of whom report is to be generated.

Duration Specify the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

KYC Status KYC status of the wallet user.

The options are:
 Pending
 Complete

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Email ID field, enter the email address of the user.
In the Mobile Number field, enter the mobile number of the user.
5. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
6. From the KYC Status list, select the appropriate option.
7. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.

Report Generation

9. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu >
Reports > My Reports.

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Email ID Email id of the wallet user.

Mobile No Mobile number of the wallet user.

Date From Date from which the report is generated.

Date To Date till which the report is generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

KYC Status Current KYC status.

Sr No Serial number of the records.

Name First name and last name of the wallet user.

Email Id Email ID of the wallet user.

Mobile No Mobile number of the wallet user.

Opened Date Wallet open date with the time stamp.

KYC Status Current KYC status.

Report Generation

62.19.2 Wallets KYC - Schedule Report

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Wallets KYC scheduled report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Wallets KYC - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated.

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Email ID Email ID of the wallet user for whom report is to be generated.

Mobile Number Mobile number of the wallet user for whom report is to be generated.

Duration Specify the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

KYC Status KYC status of the wallet user.

The options are:
 Pending
 Complete

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Email ID field, enter the email address of the user.
In the Mobile Number field, enter the mobile number of the user.
7. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
8. From the KYC Status list, select the appropriate option.
9. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Report Generation

Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
10. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
11. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu >
Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.20 Wallets Transaction Activity Report

This is bank’s internal report Wallet transaction activity report provides the list of transaction
activities done in specific wallet. User has to specify email Id, mobile number, date range and select
transaction type with which the report is to be generated.

Further, user has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The generation of
both Adhoc and Scheduled reports are supported.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.20.1 Wallets Transaction Activity - Adhoc Report

Wallets Transaction Activity Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated
reports can be viewed using ‘My Reports’ screen.

To generate the Wallets Transaction Activity adhoc report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Wallets Transaction Activity - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Email ID Email ID of the wallet user for whom report is to be generated.

Mobile Number Mobile number of the wallet user for whom report is to be generated.

Duration Specify the date range for which the report is to be generated.
User has to enter From and To dates.

Transaction Type The transactions providing transaction type.

The options are:
 Debit
 Credit

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. In the Email ID field, enter the email address of the user.
In the Mobile Number field, enter the mobile number of the user.
5. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.
6. From the Transaction Type list, select the appropriate option.
7. Click Generate Report to view and generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
8. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another Report to generate another report.

Report Generation

9. In the My reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

From Date Date from which the report is to be generated.

To Date Date till which the report is to be generated.

Sr No Serial number of the records.

Name First name and last name of the wallet user.

Email ID Email Id of the user.

Mobile No Mobile number of the user.

Date Date of the transaction.

Description Description of the transaction.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Reference Number Reference number for each transaction.

Amount Amount of the transaction.

62.20.2 Wallets Transaction Activity - Schedule Report

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To generate the Wallets Transaction Activity scheduled report:

1. Click the Schedule tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The receptive report generation screen appears.

Wallets Transaction Activity - Schedule Report

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name
Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated..

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Select Frequency Select the frequency at which the report is to be generated.

The options are:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

Start Generating Date from which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Stop Generating Date till which the report is to be generated as per the frequency

Email ID Email ID of the wallet user of whom report is to be generated.

Mobile Number Mobile number of the wallet user of whom report is to be generated.

Transaction Type The transactions providing transaction type.

The options are:
 Debit
 Credit

View Scheduled Link to view all the reports that are scheduled.

3. From the Report Format list, select the format in which the report is to be generated.
4. From the Select Frequency list, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Start Generating and Stop Generating list, select the appropriate duration.
6. In the Email ID field, enter the email address of the user.
In the Mobile Number field, enter the mobile number of the user.
7. From the Duration - From and Duration - To list, select the appropriate duration.

Report Generation

8. From the Transaction Type list, select the appropriate option.

9. Click Schedule Report to view and generate the report.
Click the View Scheduled Reports link to view all the scheduled reports. The Scheduled
Reports screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
10. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Schedule another Report to generate another report.
11. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the generated
report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling or generating
an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports > Scheduled Reports.


Report Generation

62.21 User Entitlement Report

User Entitlement Report enables the System Administrator user to view the details of corporate
user’s entitlement within the OBDX application.

System Administrator has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The User
Entitlement Report supports only Adhoc report generation. This report will not be available under
‘Schedule’ option.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.21.1 User Entitlement Report- Adhoc Report

User Entitlement Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Reports can be requested
from the 'Reports' screen. Adhoc reports can be viewed using 'My Reports' screen.

To generate the User Entitlement adhoc Report:

1. Click the Adhoc tab.
2. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

User Entitlement Report - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:
The options with Internal Reporting Application are:

Party ID The party ID of the user for whom the report is to be generated.

User id The user id of the user for whom the report is to be generated.

3. From the Report Format list, select the appropriate report output format.
4. In the Party ID field, enter the party id & click on ‘Search’
5. From the User Id list, select the appropriate id of the user for whom the report is to be
6. Click Generate Report to generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
7. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another report to generate another report.
8. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

Report Generation

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

Report Generation

Field Name Description

Group The Group Corporate ID of the user for whom report has been generated
Corporate ID

Group The Group Corporate Name of the user for whom report has been
Corporate Name generated

Party ID The party ID of the user for whom the report has been generated.

Party Name The party Name of the user for whom the report has been generated.

User ID The user id of the user for whom the report has been generated.

User Status The User Status in the OBDX application

Report Details

Touch Point The touch points enabled for the User to access the application

Transaction The accessible transaction for the user


Permission The permission to access the transaction whether its perform, Approve or

Party ID The Party ID of Accessible Transactions Account number

Account The Account number to which user has access to perform the
Number transactions.

Report Generation

62.22 User List Report

User List Report enables the System Administrator user to view the list of users belonging to a
specific party/group corporate ID.

System Administrator has to select a format in which the report needs to be generated. The User
List Report supports only Adhoc report generation. This report will not be available under ‘Schedule’

How to reach here:

System/Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > Report Generation

62.22.1 User List Report- Adhoc Report

User Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Reports can be requested from the
'Reports' screen. Adhoc reports can be viewed using 'My Reports' screen.

To generate the User List adhoc Report:

9. Click the Adhoc tab.
10. From the Report Name list, select the appropriate report to be generated.
The respective report generation screen appears.

User List Report - Adhoc Report

Report Generation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Name Select the type of report to be generated.

Report Format Select the format in which the report is to be generated

The options with Oracle Analytics Publisher are:

User Type The user type for whom the report is to be generated.

Party ID The party ID of the user for whom the report is to be generated.

Duration The period for which the report is to be generated.

Start date of the date range from which you want to generate the report.
End date of the date range up-to which you want to generate the report

Group The group corporate ID for whom the report is to be generated.

Corporate ID
Note: This field is displayed only for a Corporate user.
For a corporate user, if both Group Corporate ID and Party ID is
provided, then all users belonging to the given Group Corporate
and having given party as the ‘Primary Party’ of the ‘Primary
Entity’ will be listed in the report .

Group The group corporate name for whom the report is to be generated.
Corporate Name

11. From the Report Format list, select the appropriate report output format.
12. From the User Type list, select the desired user for whom report to be generated.
13. In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
14. From the Duration - From Date and Duration - To Date list, select the appropriate duration.
15. In the Group Corporate ID field, enter the appropriate id of the Group Corporate ID for
whom the report is to be generated.
In the Group Corporate Name field, enter the name of the Group Corporate for whom the
report is to be generated.

16. Click on icon. Based on entered details, the Group Corporate ID and Name appears,
17. Select appropriate Group Corporate ID for whom report is to be generated.
Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
18. Click Generate Report to view & generate the report.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Report Generation

Click Clear to reset the search parameters.
19. The success message along with the reference number, status and Report Request Id
appears. Click Ok to close the screen and navigate to the dashboard.
Click on the View Reports link to download the report. The user is directed to the My
Reports screen. The list of reports appears.
Click Generate another Adhoc Report to generate another report.
20. In the My Reports screen, click on desired Report Sub ID to view and download the
generated report. A report will be generated in the format specified at the time of scheduling
or generating an adhoc report.

Note: You can also download the requested report from Administrator Dashboard > Toggle
Menu > Reports > My Reports.

For reference, a specimen of the report generated is given below:

User List

Field Description

Field Name Description

Report Parameters

User Type The Type of the user for whom the report has been generated.

Party ID The party ID of the user for whom the report has been generated.

Group The Group Corporate ID of the user for whom report has been generated
Corporate ID

Start Date Date from which the report is generated.

End Date Date till which the report is generated.

Group The Group Corporate ID of the user for whom report has been generated
Corporate ID

Group The group corporate name of the user for whom report has been
Corporate Name generated

User Name The user name of the user for whom the report has been generated.

Title Title of the user.

Report Generation

Field Name Description

First Name First name of the user.

Middle Name Middle name of the user.

Last Name Last name of the user.

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.

Email ID Email ID of the user.

Contact Number Contact number of the user.

Status Status of the user.

Touchpoints Name of the touch points.

Primary Entity Name of the primary entity.

Primary Party Name of the primary party.

Accessible Party Name of the accessible party.

Accessible Name of the accessible entity.


Primary Party Name of the primary entity.


Accessible Party Name of the accessible party.


Roles Details of user role.

User Creation Details of user creation date/time.


Created By Name of the user who created report.

My Reports

63. My Reports
This option enables the user to download the adhoc/scheduled reports generated using Report
Generation screen. On accessing ‘My Reports’ menu, last 10 reports which generated by the
system are listed with the respective report status. User can choose to search the specific report
using the search criteria or can opt to view/ download detailed report.
The reports generated on adhoc basis will appear under ‘Adhoc’ tab, whereas the scheduled
reports generated as per set frequency will appear under ‘Scheduled’ tab.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > My Reports

63.1 My Reports - Adhoc

Adhoc reports are generated on demand or on request. Generated reports can be viewed using
‘My Reports’ screen.

To view and download the generated adhoc reports:

My Reports - Adhoc

My Reports

Field Description

Field Name Description


Report ID Report ID to search specific report. All the report IDs will be listed.

Report Name Report Name to search specific report. All the reports with the
names will be listed.

Generation Date To search generated reports between specific date ranges.

 From date – To search the reports generated from specific
 To date – To search the reports generated till specific date

Report List

Report Name Report Name to search specific report. All the reports with the
names are listed.

Report Sub Id Report sub ID with the hyperlink to see the report details. .

Generation Date and Report generation time and date.


Status Status of generated reported.

The status can be:
 Processed
 Pending
 Error

1. Click search icon to search the reports with given search criteria. The search results
matching to the search criteria are shown on the same screen.
2. Click on Report Sub Id hyperlink to view the detailed report. (Refer specimen provided for
each report)

My Reports

63.2 My Reports - Scheduled

The reports that are generated in specific time frame such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and
annually are categorized under scheduled reports.

To view and download the generated scheduled reports:

1. Click the Scheduled tab. The list of scheduled reports appear.
Click search icon to search the reports with given search criteria. The search results
matching to the search criteria are shown on the same screen.

My Reports - Scheduled

Field Description

Field Name Description


Report ID Report ID to search specific report. All the report IDs will be listed.

My Reports

Field Name Description

Report Name Report Name to search specific report. All the reports with the names
will be listed.

Generation Date To search generated reports between specific date ranges.

 From date – to specify the date from which the generated
reports to be searched.
 To date – to specify the date till which the generated
reports to be searched.

Report List

Report Name Report Name to search specific report. All the reports with the names
will be listed.

Report Sub Id Links of view the specific report.

Generation Date and Report generation time and date.


Status Status of generated reported.

The status can be:
 Processed
 Pending
 Error

2. Click on Report Sub ID hyperlink to view the detailed report. (Refer specimen provided for
each report)


1. Can I choose a format in which a report is to be downloaded from My Reports


A report can be downloaded in a format selected while generating a report.

2. Can I view and download a report which is generated by other administrator


Yes, you can view and download the reports which are generated by other administrator
users using My Reports screen.


User Report Mapping

64. User Report Mapping

The user report mapping maintenance allows the Bank Administrators to map the report or set of
reports to a specific corporate user. The corporate users can generate and view the reports of
which they have an access to.

Bank Administrator searches a corporate user based on the party ID and view the reports mapped
to him, he can also un-map the reports from specific corporate user so that access of the specific
report/ s can be removed to that corporate user.

The Bank Administrator can also map the accounts of primary and linked parties for which the
reports can be generated by a corporate user, so that corporate user can generate the report only
for the accounts mapped to him.

Note: :
• If Group corporate Flag is set as “ON” in system rules, then the corporate user report mapping
will not be allowed using this menu option. The Corporate Users report mapping can be setup
using Group Corporate onboarding only,
• If Group corporate Flag is set as “OFF” in system rules, then the corporate user reports mapping
must be setup using below mentioned steps.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Reports > User Report

User Report Mapping

64.1 User Report Mapping - Search

Using this option Bank Administrator can search and view the reports mapped to the user.

To search and view the reports mapping:

1. In the Username field, enter the username of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the First Name field, enter the first name of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Email field, enter the email of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Mobile field, enter the mobile number of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.

Note: Click on More Search Options to allows search based on more criteria.

2. Click Search. The User Report Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

User Report Mapping

User Report Mapping - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Search Filter

Username Allows to search based on username of the user whose report mapping
to be done.

First Name Allows to search based on first name of the user whose report mapping
to be done.

Last Name Allows to search based on last name of the user whose report mapping
to be done.

Email Allows to search based on email ID by the user whose report mapping
to be done.

User Report Mapping

Field Name Description

Mobile Allows to search based on mobile number of the user whose report
mapping to be done.

Party ID Allows to search based on Party ID of the user whose report mapping
to be done.

Search by Party Click on the link to search by party name corresponding to the party ID.

Search Result

Initials The initials of the user.

User ID The User ID of the user.

User Details The details of the user like user name or user id.

Mapping Displays whether the file identifier is mapped to the user.

 - denotes that the report is mapped to the user

 - denotes that the report is not mapped to the user.

3. Click on the Party ID link to view the details. The User Report Mapping - View screen

User Report Mapping

User Report Mapping - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Party ID Party Id of the corporate user.

Party Name Party name of the corporate user.

User Report Mapping

Field Name Description

Users List

Initials The initials of the user.

User Details The details of the user like user name or user id.

Mapping Displays whether the file identifier is mapped to the user.

 - denotes that the report is mapped to the user

 - denotes that the report is not mapped to the user.

4. Click against the user record for which you want to view the details. The User Report
Mapping – Mapping Summary screen appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

User Report Mapping – Mapping Summary

User Report Mapping

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name Name of the corporate user.

User ID User Id of the corporate user.

Mapping Summary

Report ID Unique id assigned to the mapped report.

Description Description of the report.

Formats Formats in which a report can be generated.

5. Click Edit to modify the user report mapping.

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

User Report Mapping

64.2 User Report Mapping - Create

Using this option Bank Administrator can map the reports to a specific corporate user.

To map the reports to a user:

1. In the Username field, enter the username of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the First Name field, enter the first name of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Email field, enter the email of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Mobile field, enter the mobile number of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The User Report Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

3. Click of user record, for which you want to map the report/ s. The User Report Mapping
screen to create the report mapping appears.

User Report Mapping - Create

Field Description

User Report Mapping

Field Name Description

User Name Name of the corporate user.

User Id User Id of the corporate user.

Mapping Summary

Report ID Unique id assigned to a report.

Description Description of the report.

Formats The format in which the report is to be generated.

The format could be PDF, XLSX.

4. In the Mapping Summary section, select the report id of the report which you want to map to
the user.
5. Click Save to save the mapping.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
6. The User Report Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details and click Confirm.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
7. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of
the transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

64.3 User Report Mapping - Edit

Using this option Bank Administrator can edit the mapping or un-map the reports from specific
corporate user.

To edit a User Report Mapping:

User Report Mapping

1. In the Username field, enter the username of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the First Name field, enter the first name of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Email field, enter the email of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Mobile field, enter the mobile number of the user whose report mapping to be done.
In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.
In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.
2. Click Search. The User Report Mapping screen with search results appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

3. Click against the file identifier record for which you want to view the details. The User
Report Mapping - View screen appears.
4. Click Edit. The User Report Mapping - Edit screen appears.

User Report Mapping - Edit

5. View the details of report mapping already saved. Select or de-select the report id record to
map / un-map a report to a user.
6. Click Save to save the modified details.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

User Report Mapping

7. The User Report Mapping - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
8. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number and status of the
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


Message Maintenance

65. Message Maintenance

Using this option, System Administrator can inquire the existing Error Messages defined in the
system for an OBDX error code. It also allows you to modify the text defined for a message code
for a particular Language.

 Transaction access is provided to the administrator.
 Approval rule is setup


Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System/Bank Administrator to:

 View Message Maintenance
 Edit Message Maintenance

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Others > Message Maintenance

65.1 Message Maintenance - View

This screen allows the System Administrator to view the Error Messages defined in the system.

To view the Error Messages:

1. Navigate to the Message Maintenance screen.
2. Enter the search Criteria.
3. Click Search. The search summary appears.
Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Message Maintenance

Message Maintenance - Search Result

Field Description

Field Name Description

Error Code Enter the name of the error code to be searched.

Language Select language in which the error message is defined.

Search Result

Error Code Displays the error code.

Language Displays the language in which the error messages are defined.

Error Message Displays the error message content.

4. Click on Error Code link to view details of the selected error message.
5. The Message Maintenance – View screen appears with the details.

Message Maintenance

Message Maintenance – View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Error Code Displays the name of the error code.

Language Displays the language in which the error message is defined.

Error Message Displays the error message content.

6. Click Edit to update details of the client. User is directed to the Message Maintenance - Edit
screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

65.2 Message Maintenance - Edit

You can modify the text defined for a message code for a particular Language.

To modify the error Messages:

1. Navigate to the Message Maintenance screen.
2. Enter the search Criteria.
3. Click Search. The search summary appears.
4. Click on Error Code link to view details of the selected error message.
5. The Message Maintenance – View screen appears with the details.
6. Click Edit to make changes, if any. The user is directed to the Message Maintenance - Edit
screen with values in editable form.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and to go back to the dashboard.

Message Maintenance

Message Maintenance - Edit

7. Modify the message of the error code.

8. Click Save to save the changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.
9. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
10. The message confirming updation appears along with the transaction reference number.
11. Click Ok to complete the transaction.

User Helpdesk

66. User Helpdesk

This feature will allow Bank administrator to create business user's session and perform the
transaction requested by business user if he has forgotten his internet banking password or is
unable to perform a transaction using his internet banking.

To authenticate the user, system will send an OTP to the customer and the same OTP needs to
be communicated to the administrator user so that he can enter it on the screen to create user’s

Note: OTP should be maintained as the second factor authentication for ‘Create Helpdesk Session’
event in Authentication setup.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Others > User Helpdesk
Bank Administrator Dashboard > Others > User Helpdesk

User Helpdesk - Search

To search user helpdesk:

1. From the User Type list, select the user.
2. In the User Name field, enter the name of the user.
In the Party ID field, enter the party ID.
3. Click Search.

User Helpdesk - Search

User Helpdesk

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Type The user type for which the help desk session has to be created.

User Name User name (User ID) of the user for which help desk session has to be

Party ID Party ID of the user for which the help desk session has to be created.
Administrator can enter either the party ID or the user name.

Search Result

Full Name Displays the full name of the user.

User Name Displays the user name (user ID) of the user.

Party ID Displays the party ID of the user.

User Type Displays the type of the user (Retail/Corporate).

4. Click on the User Name. Session of the selected user gets displayed.

User Helpdesk

User Helpdesk - Detail

The header displays the user name on behalf of whom the session is in progress. You can click

icon to close the active session. Once the active session is successfully closed, the
Administrator will be navigated to the Dashboard.

User Helpdesk


1. Can the Bank administrator create the helpdesk session for a new user (who has
channel banking facility but has never logged in)?

No, for new users helpdesk session cannot be created, new users must login himself for
the first time.

2. Can the administrator set the 2FA mode anything else other than OTP for ‘Create
Helpdesk session’ event in the Authentication screen?

System does not restrict the administrator from selecting a mode while setting up 2FA for
‘Create Helpdesk session’, however Administrator must set OTP as the 2FA mode for
creating user helpdesk session.

3. Can the administrator create the helpdesk session for the user, whose status is
updated as ‘Locked’?

No, the system will alert Bank Administrator to update the status of the user to “Unlock”
from the User Management before creating the helpdesk session.



67. Mailbox
Mailbox is a two way communication channel between Bank customers and Bank administrators.
Customers communicate with the bank via secured mailbox facility. Customers can send mail
messages to the bank with specific pre-defined subjects for their queries/ complaints /feedback. In
application, as day 0 maintenance each subject category is linked to a group of bank administrators’
users. Depending upon the mail-subject mapping to each bank administrator user, administrators
will receive the mails only of the subjects mapped to the users.

Administrators can view the number of received e-mails and access all received and sent e-mails
from their secured mailbox. User can click the message to read the detailed content of the
message. The subject of the message gives a brief understanding of what the message is about.
User can view the message details, the sender information and also view the chain of messages
exchanged if any.

The complete chain of message helps user to understand and know the information exchanged
with the bank on a particular subject. Bank administrators can also view the alert messages sent
by the bank on various banking events.

As a Day 0 maintenance, Bank has to define whether the OBDX mailbox should point to the UBS-
interaction module or to the internal mailbox. In case if the mailbox is pointed to the UBS-Interaction
module, the mail initiated by customers will be sent to the UBS bank user for his action and will not
be sent to the OBDX administrator.

 Roles and departments for various Bank Administrator must be defined in reference to mail
 Alerts must be pre-set by bank and gets auto triggered if subscribed by customer or set as

Features supported in Application:

 Inbox: Where bank administrators can view the messages sent by the customers and also
can reply and delete the mails.
 Sent Mail folder: This allows user to view the mails replied by logged in user. Also an option
is provided to delete the mails.
 Deleted Mail Folder: This allows the user to view mails deleted from user’s inbox and sent
folders and can permanently delete the mails. There is an option to restore the deleted mails
to respective folder.
 Alerts: View the alerts sent by the bank and received by logged in user. Also an option is
provided to delete the alerts.
 Notifications - This section allows the logged in user to view all the notifications sent by the
bank. Also an option is provided to delete the notifications.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Mailbox > Mails
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Click


67.1 Mails
The following features are available under Mails:
 Inbox: This folder displays all the mail messages received by the user.
 Sent Mails: This folder displays the list of mail messages sent by the user to the bank.
 Deleted Mails: This folder contains the list of mail messages deleted by the user from the
inbox and the sent mail folders.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Mailbox > Mails
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > > Click > Mails > View All


67.1.1 Inbox
Using this feature, the user can view the messages received in his Inbox. The user can view an
individual message by clicking on the subject of the specific mail.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Mailbox > Mails > Inbox
Access through the kebab menu of any other screens available under Mailbox

To view received mails:

1. The list of received messages appears on the Inbox screen. Click on the subject link of an
individual message to view the details of that message.


Field Description

Field Name Description

From The name of the sender of the mail.

Subject The subject of the mail is displayed against each mail record.


Field Name Description

The date and time on which the mail was received is displayed
against each mail record.

To access the Inbox:

1. Click the subject of a mail you want to view. The mail details are displayed on the overlay
Click Refresh to refresh the folder.
To delete one or multiple messages, select the specific check boxes against the mail and
click Delete.
Click on kebab menu to access mailbox related transactions.

Inbox - Message Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Message Details

Message Heading The subject of the received mail.

From The name of the sender of the mail.

Sent The date and time on which the mail was received.

Content The content of the mail.


Field Name Description

Mail Chain All the mails forming part of the mail chain being viewed are
displayed one below the other with the mail received most recently
displayed on top.
Each mail in the chain contains the following:
 The name or ID of the sender of the mail. Mails sent by
you will have your name displayed against the From field
and those sent by a bank administrator will have the ID of
the bank administrator displayed.
 The date and time at which the mail was sent.
 The content of the mail as sent by you or the

Note: A mail chain is formed when a user sends a mail to the bank
and a bank administrator responds to the mail.

2. An overlay containing the details of the mail appears. Click Reply if you wish to respond to
the mail.
Click Delete to delete the message.
Click icon to close the overlay window.

Inbox - Reply

Field Description

Field Name Description

Message - Reply


Field Name Description

Message Enter a response to be sent to the bank.

Attach File + Browse and select the reference document file sent along with an
email message.

Note: Maximum allowed file size 5MB and allowed file types

3. Click Send to send the response to the bank.

A message confirming that the mail has been sent successfully appears.
Click Attach File + to add an attachment to the response mail.

67.1.2 Sent Mail

This folder displays all the messages sent by the user to the bank.

How to reach here:

Access through the kebab menu of transactions available under the Mailbox

To view the sent messages:

1. Click Sent Mail. The list of sent mails appears on the screen. Click on the subject link of an
individual message to view the details of that message.

Sent Mail


Field Description

Field Name Description

To The name of the receiver of the mail.

Subject The subject of the mail is displayed against each mail record.

Date The date and time on which the mail was sent is displayed against
each mail record.

2. Click the link on the subject of the specific sent message that you wish to view.
Click Refresh to refresh the mailbox.
To delete a single or multiple mails, select the check box (s) against the mail, and click
Delete to delete the message.
Click on kebab menu to access other mailbox related transactions.
3. An overlay with details of the selected mail appears. Click Reply if you wish to respond
further to the mail. Type the reply, and click Send. The success message appears.
Click Delete to delete the message.

67.1.3 Sent Mails – Details

Sent Mail - Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Message Details
This section displays the detailed message.


Field Name Description

Message Heading The subject of the sent mail.

From The name of the sender of the mail.

Sent The date and time on which the mail was sent.

Content The content of the mail.

Mail Chain All the mails forming part of the mail chain being viewed are
displayed one below the other with the mail received most recently
displayed on top.
Each mail in the chain contains the following:
 The name or ID of the sender of the mail. Mails sent by
you will have your name displayed against the From field
and those sent by a bank administrator will have the ID of
the bank administrator displayed.
 The date and time at which the mail was sent.
 The content of the mail as sent by you or the

Note: A mail chain is formed when a user sends a mail to

the bank and a bank administrator responds to the mail.

Message - Reply
This section will be displayed if you have selected the option Reply.

Message Enter a response to be sent to the bank.

4. The overlay with details of the selected Sent Mail appears.

5. Click Reply if you wish to send a response to the bank.
a. Type the reply and click Send. The success message appears.
Click Attach File to add an attachment to the response mail.
Click Delete to delete the message.
Click to close the overlay window.


67.1.4 Deleted Mail

This folder displays all the messages that are deleted by the user from the Inbox and Sent Mail

How to reach here:

Access through the kebab menu of transactions available under the Mailbox

To view the deleted messages:

1. The list of deleted messages appears on the screen. Click the link on the subject of any
individual message to view the details of that message.

Deleted Mail

Field Description

Field Name Description

From The name of the sender of the mail.

Subject The subject of the mail is displayed against each mail record.


Field Name Description

Received The date and time on which the message was sent/received is
displayed against each mail record.

2. Click the subject link of the deleted message that you wish to view.
Click Refresh to refresh the folder.
To delete a single or multiple mails, select the check box (s) against the mail, and click
Delete to delete the message/s.
To restore the deleted mails back to inbox, select the check box(s) against the mail, and click
Click on kebab menu to access mailbox related transactions.
3. The overlay screen on which details of the selected mail are displayed, appears.
Click to close the overlay window.

Deleted Mail Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Message Details
This section displays the detailed message.

Message Heading The subject of the deleted mail.

From The name of the sender of the mail.

Sent The date and time on which the message was sent/received.


Field Name Description

Message Contents The content of the deleted mail.

4. Click Delete to delete the message.

Click to close the overlay window.


67.2 Alerts
Under this section, all the alerts auto generated and sent to the logged in user will be displayed.
User is not allowed to reply to the alerts received in his mailbox. Number of unread mail count if
any will be shown in this section.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Mailbox > Alerts
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Click > Alerts > View All
Access through the kebab menu of transactions available under the Mailbox

To view the alerts:

1. The alert screen appears.


Field Description

Field Name Description

Subject The subject of the alert is displayed against the specific alert record.


Field Name Description

Received The date and time on which the alert was sent is displayed against
the specific alert record.

2. Click an individual alert to view the details of the alert. The details of the alert appears.
Click icon to refresh the mailbox.

To delete multiple alerts, select the check box (s) against the alert, and click to delete the

Alerts Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Alerts Details

Received Date & Time The date and time on which the alert was received.

Message The content of the alert.

3. Click to delete the alert. The delete warning message appears.

Click Back to navigate to the previous page.


67.3 Notifications
This section lists all the notifications sent to the logged in user will be displayed. The user can view
the detailed notifications but cannot reply to these notifications. Number of unread notification count
if any will be shown in this section.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Mailbox > Notifications
System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Click > Notifications > View All
Access through the kebab menu of transactions available under the Mailbox

To view the notifications:

1. The Notification screen appears.


Field Description

Field Name Description

Subject The subject of the notification.

Received The date and time on which the notification was received.

2. Click an individual notification to view the details of that notification. The screen on which the
details of the notification are displayed appears.

3. Click icon to refresh the notifications.


To delete multiple notifications, select the check box (s) against the notification, and click
icon to delete the notification.


Notification Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Notification Details

Received The date and time on which the notification was received.

Message The message body of the notification.

4. Click icon to delete the notification. The delete warning message appears.
Click Back to navigate to the previous page.


1. Can Bank Administrator initiate fresh mails?

No, Bank administrator can not initiate fresh mail. Administrator will be allowed only to reply to
the mails received in their inbox.

2. Will Bank Administrators receive all mails initiated by bank’s customers?

Bank Administrators will receive only those mails of which the mail subject is mapped to
individual user or group of users. E.g. Mail initiated by customer with subject ‘Change of
communication address’ will only be sent to the users whom this subject is mapped.

3. Can Bank Administrator view reply sent by other Administrator to customer’s mail?

Yes, bank administrators can view the mails replied by other administrators, only if the mail
subject is mapped to the user.


4. Can Bank Administrator delete multiple mails?

Yes, user can select multiple mails and delete the same.

5. Can Bank Administrator restore the deleted mails?

Deleted mails from inbox and sent mail folder will be stored in Deleted Mails folder. User can
view the details of deleted mail and can restore the mail back in respective folders. Mails will
get permanently deleted from user’s view if further deleted from ‘Deleted Mail folder’.


Security Settings

68. Security Settings

Security settings includes changing of password and setting of security questions for the user.

 User must have a valid Login credentials
 Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator


Features supported in application

The Security Settings maintenance allow the Bank Administrator to:

 Changing of old password to new Password
 Set Security Questions
 View Security Questions
 Edit Security Questions

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Security & Login

68.1 Set Security Question

Security Questions are the second layer of authentication mode set by the Bank to complete
various transactions.

This feature allows the administrator user to set up the answers of the security questions, which
will then be used as another layer of security (Over and above the Login credentials).

User will be asked to answer these security questions to complete the transactions for which bank
would have set Security Question as the second factor authentication.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Security & Login > Set Security Question

Security Settings

Set Security Question

To set up security questions:

Note: Since security questions have not been set-up by the user, message will be displayed
"Security Questions are not set up yet".

1. Click Set up now to set-up security questions. The User Security Question screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.

Security Settings

User Security Question

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Security Questions

Security Question Questions available for selection for setup.

Answer Enter the answers corresponding to the security question.

2. From the Security Questions list, select the appropriate security question to be added in set.
3. In the Answers field, enter the answers corresponding to the security question.
4. Click Save to save the changes made.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.
5. The User Security Question – Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click

Security Settings

Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Click Back to make the changes if any.
The User Security Question – Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears
6. The success message appears along with the status of transaction.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

68.1.1 View Security Questions

On accessing ‘Manage Security Questions’ option, system displays the existing security questions
already maintained if any.

To view the existing t security questions maintenance:

1. Navigate to Set Security Question screen, Set Security Question - View screen appears.

Set Security Question - View

Field Description

Field Name Description

Set Security Question - View

User ID User ID of the logged in user.

Security Questions The list of security question, which is the existing set, for the user

Security Settings

2. Click Edit to make the changes if any. The User Security Question – Edit screen with
values in editable form appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to previous screen.

68.1.2 User Security Question - Edit

Bank Administrator can modify existing maintenance for security questions. Administrator is
allowed to add security questions but cannot delete the existing questions.

To edit the security questions set:

1. Click View to view the security questions already set. The User security questions – View
screen appears.
2. Click Edit. The User Security Question - Edit screen with values in editable form screen

User Security Question - Edit

Security Settings

Field Description

Field Name Description

User Security Question - Edit

Questions The list of security question, which is the existing set, for the user.

Answer Answers will not be visible in edit mode due to security reasons.

3. From the Security Questions list, view the existing questions. Modify if required.
4. In the Answers field, enter the answers corresponding to the security question.
5. Click Save to save the changes made.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen.
6. The User Security Question– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
Click Back to make the changes if any.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
7. The User Security Question – Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
The success message of security question setup appears along with the transaction
reference number.
Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Security Settings

68.2 Change Password

This feature allows the Administrator to change their password.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Security & Login > Change Password

Change Password

Field Description

Field Name Description

Old Password Old password for channel access.

New Password New password for channel access.

Re-enter Password Re-enter the new password to confirm.

To reset the password:

1. In the Current Password field, enter the password.
Click icon to enter the password using the virtual keyboard.
2. In the New Password field, enter the password.
Click icon to enter the new password using the virtual keyboard.
(See Password Condition section on the application screen to view the policy of setting a new

Security Settings

3. In the Re-enter Password field, re-enter the password.

Click icon to re-enter the password using the virtual keyboard.
4. Click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
5. The success message of changing the password appears.
6. As the login user changed his password using ‘Change Password’ option, system will logout
the user and user will be shown a confirmation message of password change along with an
option to login again. Click Login on confirmation screen to log in to the application.

Note: Password Conditions gets highlighted in green if the user’s password is meeting the
Password Policy criteria and similarly in Red if the password is not as per the Password Policy


1. Can I modify the security questions already set by me?

Yes, Answer to security Questions can be modified.



69. Profile
Using this option, the bank administrator can view his profile details. Details that can be viewed
include user name, last login time, email id, phone number, and date of birth and address of the


User must have a valid Login credentials

Features Supported In Application

 View the profile details of bank administrator user

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Menu > Account Setting > Profile
User Name icon (top right corner of the screen) > Profile


Field Description

Field Name Description

User Name First name and last name of the logged in user.

Personal Information

Date of Birth Date of birth of the user.


Field Name Description

Contact Information

Communication Address Address of the user.

Email Email id of the user, in masked format.

Phone Number The mobile number of the user, in masked format.

1. Click OK to navigate to the previous screen.


1. Can the bank administrator user edit his profile information?

No, the bank administrator user cannot edit his profile information; he/she can only view the
profile details.


Session Summary

70. Session Summary

The option used by the user to check the log of transactions and login details for the previous five
logins. The System Administrator can view the entire session summary of the previous five logins,
login and logoff date and time for each session, channel in which transactions are carried out in
each session along with the IP address of the channel.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Account Settings > Session

Session Summary

Field Description

Field Name Description

Start Date & Time The start date and time of the session.

End Date & Time The end date and time of the session.

Channel The channel of access for the session (Desktop Browser).

IP Address IP address of the channel.

1. Click against a specific record to view the details of that session. The session details
Click OK to navigate to the Dashboard screen.

Session Summary

Session Summary - Details

Field Description

Field Name Description

Start Date & Time The start date and time of the session.

End Date & Time The end date and time of the session.

Channel The channel of access for the session (Desktop Browser).

IP Address IP address of the channel.

Session Summary - Details

Transaction Name Name of the transaction, performed in the session.

Status Status of the transaction.

Transaction Date & Time The date and time of the transaction.


Manage DND Alerts

71. Manage DND Alerts

This option allows user to enable/disable do not disturb (DND) flag for mandatory alerts for the
selected categories. Day 0 configuration is provided for the events which are applicable for
DND. The bank can create a category of events for which DND needs to be configured.
 The user must have valid login credentials to access the digital banking platform.

How to reach here:

System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > Account Settings > Manage
DND Alerts

Manage DND Alerts

Field Description

Field Name Description

Select Category Select the categories for which DND need to be configured.
All the categories configured for DND are listed for selection.

Note: Click on category link to view list of all the events for
which alerts will not be sent to the user.

To set DND alerts :

2. In the Select Category field, select the desired categories for which DND need to be
b. Click on category link to view list of all the events for which alerts will not be sent to
the user.

DND Alerts

Manage DND Alerts

3. Click Submit.
A message confirming DND alert set appears.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.

Session Timeout

72. Session Timeout

Session timeout represents the event occurring when a user does not perform any action on an
application during a configured interval .
The below configurations are provided:

 To configure the inactive screen time. It is a backend configuration where the inactive
time after which a warning message will be shown can be configured. This time needs
to be lower than the configured active timeout. Note: Default inactive screen time is
configured as 10 minutes
 To configure if timeout warning needs to be shown or not. Session timeout warning
configuration flag is added on the System Configuration screen
The session timeout feature is available across Oracle Banking Digital Experience product i.e.,
for Retail User, Corporate User and Administrator screens.

A timeout warning message will be shown when the configured inactive time is reached. The
user can view the time remaining for timeout in the warning message. The below actions will be
visible to the user on the timeout warning message:

1. Stay Connected
2. Logout
When the user clicks on 'Stay Connected', whichever transaction the user was on will be shown
with any pre-filled information previously captured. When the user clicks on ‘Logout’, the user
will be logged out of the application. At the end of timeout, the ‘Login’ option will be shown to
the user as the session is expired.

• In case the user clicks on ‘x’ (right hand side top corner on popup), then the popup will close
but the timer would continue in the backend. If any action is performed, then timer will reset
• On timeout, if the user clicks on ‘x’ (right hand side top corner on popup) or login button, the
login page will appear.

Session Waring – Pre Session Timeout Message

Session Timeout

4. Click Stay Connected to continue.

Click Logout to log out of the application.

When the session expires, the Session Warning popup appears.

Session Waring- Post Session Timeout Message

1. Click Login to re-login to the application.


ATM & Branch Locator

73. ATM & Branch Locator

Using this option a user can view the address and location of the ATMs and the branches of the
Bank available to serve the user in a certain location. The user is provided with the options to
search for the bank’s ATMs and branches in his vicinity by entering a location. The search results
display the list of ATMs / branches name and distance from the user's current location.
This feature enables the user to locate the bank’s ATMs/ branches available within a specific radius
of his current location. The user can select a Branch / ATM from the search list and on clicking the
View Details icon; the user will be able to view the address and services provided by the specific
ATM/ branch. The additional filter feature is provided to search the ATM/Branch based on their
services. In addition the user can view the detailed directions to the ATM/ branch by clicking Get
Directions, and will also be able to view its location on a map.

Features supported in the application

 Locate Branches
 Locate ATMs

How to reach here:

OBDX portal landing page> ATM & Branch Locator
Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Menu > ATM & Branch Locator
Dashboard > ATM & Branch Locator

ATM & Branch Locator

Field Description

Field Name Description

ATM & Branch Specify whether you want to search for the bank’s ATMs or
The options are:
 Branch

ATM & Branch Locator

To locate an ATM or Branch

2. Select the desired option and enter the location in which you wish to locate ATMs or
c. If you select the Branch option, the list of all the branches and their locations appear.
d. If you select the ATM option, the list of all the ATMs and their locations appear.

ATM & Branch Locator - Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Location Key in the address/location/pin-code or city to search for an ATM /


Number of A statement identifying the number of ATMs/Branches, as the case

ATMs/Branches may be, will be displayed

The following will be displayed per ATM/Branch record:

Name The name of the ATM / branch.

Distance The distance of the ATM / branch from the location entered.

Address The address of the ATM / branch that you have searched for.

ATM & Branch Locator

Field Name Description

Get Directions Click the link, to view the directions to the branch / ATM from your
current location in the map.

View Details
Clicking this link displays the following details.

Services The services offered by the bank’s ATM / branch.

Additional Information Any additional information of the bank’s ATM/branch as maintained

with the bank will be displayed.

3. In the Search box, enter the desired location. The list of ATMs / branches with Name and
Distance details appear.

4. Click the icon to view the ATMs/branches in the location entered.

5. Click the View Details link, to view the detailed address, phone number (applicable for a
branch), work timings (applicable for a branch) and services provided by the bank branch/

6. Click the to filter ATMs or Branches on the basis of services that the ATMs or Branches

ATM & Branch Locator - View Details

7. Click on Hide Details to hide the details of the specific ATM/branch.

Hover over the ATM/branch marker on the map to view the address of the ATM/branch.
Click the to filter ATMs or Branches on the basis of services that the ATMs or Branches

ATM & Branch Locator

ATM & Branch Locator – Refine your Search

Field Description

Field Name Description

Service The list of services provided by the bank in the bank’s ATMs or
Branches will be listed down with checkboxes available against
Select any checkbox to filter your search for ATMs or Branches on
the basis of service.

8. Select any checkbox to filter your search for ATMs or Branches on the basis of desired
9. Click Ok to search for ATMs or Branches on the basis of the services selected.
The system filters ATMs/Branches on the basis of services selected.

ATM & Branch Locator – Get Directions

ATM & Branch Locator

10. Hover over the ATM/branch marker on the map to view the address of the ATM/branch.


2. Can I view ATM/ Branches of other cities/ states/ countries?

Yes, you can view the ATMs or Branches of the bank located in any city/state or country in
the map and also get their details such as address and phone numbers, working hours,
services offered, etc.


Forgot Password

74. Forgot Password

The login password is the password using which the user can log into the internet banking platform.
The user cannot access his bank accounts without this password. The Forgot Password feature
enables users to reset their login password.

The user is required to enter his User ID and Date of Birth. His identity is validated through the
2factor authentication process, post which, the user can setup a new login password for channel

 The user must have valid login credentials to access the digital banking platform.
 The system administrator must have setup 2 factor authentication for Forgot Password.

Features Supported In the Application

 User Verification
 New Password Creation

How to reach here:

OBDX Portal > Forgot Password

To reset the password:

1. In the Login page, click Forgot Password. The Forgot Password screen appears.

Forgot Password - User Verification

Forgot Password

Field Description

Field Name Description

Username Enter your login username.

Date of birth Enter your date of birth.

2. In the Username field, enter your login username.

3. In Date of birth field, enter your date of birth.
4. Click Continue.
Click to Cancel the transaction.
5. The Verification screen appears. The user has to pass the 2factor authentication, before he
can proceed. 2 factor authentication (OTP/Security question/Soft Token) will be as per the
setup done by the system administrator.
6. The Forgot Password screen appears.

Forgot Password – New Password Creation

Field Description

Field Name Description

Please enter your new password

Password Enter a new password for channel access.

Forgot Password

Field Name Description

Re-enter Password Re-enter the new password to confirm the same.

7. In the Password field, enter a new password.

Click icon to enter a new password using the virtual keyboard.
8. In the Re-enter Password field, re-enter the new password.
Click icon to re-enter the new password using the virtual keyboard.
9. Click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
10. A message confirming the successful reset of the password appears. Click Login to log in to
the application.


Forgot Username

75. Forgot Username

Using this feature user can retrieve his channel banking Username, in case he has forgotten the

 The user must have valid login credentials to access the digital banking platform.
 The system administrator must have setup 2 factor authentication for Forgot Username.

How to reach here:

OBDX Portal > Forgot Username

To reset the username:

1. In the Login page, click Forgot Username. The Forgot Username screen appears.

Forgot Username - User Verification

Field Description

Field Name Description

Email Enter your email ID that is registered with the bank.

Date of birth Enter your date of birth.

Forgot Username

2. In the Email field, enter your email ID that is registered with the bank.
3. In Date of birth field, enter your date of birth.
4. Click Submit.
Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
5. The verification screen appears if the transaction is configured for Two Factor Authentication.
6. Enter the details required for second factor authentication.
The Forgot Username confirmation screen appears.

Forgot Username – Confirmation Page

7. A message stating that the username has been sent to your registered email address
appears. Click the Click here link to log in to the application.

Note: If a user has more than one user ID with the same email ID and DOB, then he/she will not
be able to retrieve his/her User ID using the above function. In that case, the user will have to
contact the bank for retrieving his/her user ID.



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