Reviewer in Oral Com
Reviewer in Oral Com
Reviewer in Oral Com
LESSON 1: NATURE AND ELEMENTS part of the channel. The quality of the channel depends
on how free it is of noise.
is anything that reduces the quality of the signal
sent by the sender through the channel,
is the process of giving and receiving information weakening the communication between sender
between a human source and a human receiver using and receiver. It could be garbled, too low in
words, symbols, or actions. volume, have too much echo or any other
Communication is essential to human life. Without it, reduction in quality. For example, the
we cannot function properly. One of the primary ways surrounding is very windy or noisy, the words
we communicate is through oral communication. This spoken by speaker can be affected.
includes LANGUAGE.
refers to the message transmitted by the receiver in
Senders response to the message of the speaker. It may come as
feedback on the quality of the observed signal such as
Senders convey messages by converting their thoughts when listener says, “huh?” when he or she does not
into symbols or observable signals such as words. This hear the utterance clearly.
is called codification and is usually done through the Example: “We have no classes today”
use of language. “ Really?”, shows disbelief.
Receivers hear the signals and convert the symbols into Intrapersonal Communication
their thoughts. This is called decoding, deciphering, or
interpretation. It involves talking to yourself. It allows you to get to
know yourself better, organize your thoughts, and heal
Messages yourself emotionally.
are the ideas or thoughts that are transmitted from It allows you to explain yourself about your motives &
sender to receiver. They are the result of interpretation actions against your values and help you to make
of symbols, when meaning is derived from observable adjustments.
signals. Interpersonal Communication
- is the culture and experience together. When the It involves talking to one or a limited number of people.
sender and receiver have similarity between the This requires you to adjust your speech to suit the
schema, there is a much bigger of interpretation character & personality of person or people you talk to.
between them. Since you are communicating with a limited number of
people, the opportunity for feedback and clarification is
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication much greater.
When it is between two people, then it is considered a
Symbols are observable signals transmitted from sender
dyad. In this context, the possibility of clarification &
to receiver. They can be spoken signals that are heard
feedback is maximized because the interlocutors
(such as spoken words), printed symbols that can be
(participants) are focusing one on one. In addition, the
read (such as printed words), hand signals that are seen
opportunity to speak & express ideas is also
(such as signals in sign language), or even symbols that
are felt (such as Braille writing for the blind)
When it is between three or more people, it is
Symbols do not have meaning in themselves.
considered a small group. In this context, the
- For example, when the sender says the word
possibility of clarification & feedback is lessened
“dog”, an image in the mind of the receiver is
because there is more than one person to adjust to. The
formed when the receiver hears the word.
opportunity to focus on the topic is also lessened
However, it is up to the receiver what kind of
because the participant may say something that is not
images comes to mind– whether the dog is furry or
connected to the topic.
not, what breed it is, what color and size it is, etc.
- Sometimes, the meaning stirred up by the word in Public Communication
mind of the receiver may be different from the
meaning intended by the sender. It involves communicating to a wide group of people
Symbols may be verbal or nonverbal. with very varied traits, background, interests, and
- When symbols come in the form of utterances persuasion. Engaging in this type of communication
coming from mouth of a speaker, they are means avoiding specialized language such as jargon or
considered verbal. If they come from body slang. This requires to avoid topics/discussions that
movements other than that of the mouth, they are may be understandable to only a select few.
considered nonverbal. Verbal symbols usually
Intercultural Communication
come in the form of spoken words, but they may
also be in other forms such as grunts (huh or ugh), It involves communicating to a wide a person or group
breaths (hmmm or ahh), shrieks (ahh! Or ay!) or of people who may not share the same assumptions,
anything else coming out of the mouth of the values, allegiances as that of yours and may have
speaker. different assumptions with the symbols you take for
granted as having a particular meaning. This also
means avoiding loaded language such as metaphors &
refers to the medium through which the message is sent. other figures of speech.
It connects the sender and receiver. Usually, it is the air
around the sender and the receiver. When the sender
uses a microphone or other device, then that becomes
LESSON 2: COMMUNICATION do not want to get involved. Everybody has a
sense of reason. You must present facts to the
MODELS audience for them to believe in you.
The Shannon Weaver Model of Communication is
In linear model, communication is considered one-way a mathematical model used for technical
process where sender is the only one who sends communication or machine communication like
message and receiver doesn’t give feedback or telegraph and telephone. In Shannon Weaver’s
response. model, if the channel does not have distorting
Linear model is applied in mass communication like elements or noise producing elements, the
television, radio, etc. This model is not applicable in communication is successful.
general human communication as general human
Concepts in Shannon-Weaver Model
communication has to have feedback and responses.
Key features Sender (Information source)
One-way communication – Sender is the person who makes the message,
Used for the mass communication chooses the channel and sends the message.
Senders send message and receivers only Encoder (Transmitter)
receive – Encoder is the sender who uses machine,
No feedback which converts message into signals or binary
Concept of noise data. It might also directly refer to the
Pros machine.
Good at audience persuasion and propaganda Channel
setting – Channel is the medium used to send message.
Intentional results Decoder (Receiver)
Cons – Decoder is the machine used to convert
Communication is not continuous as no concept signals or binary data into message or the
of feedback receiver who translates the message from
No way to know if communication was signals.
effective Receiver (Destination)
– Receiver is the person who gets the message
Lasswell’s Communication Model
or the place where the message must reach.
The receiver provides feedback according to
the message.
– Noise is the physical disturbances like
environment, people, etc. which does not let
the message get to the receiver as what is
Disadvantages and Criticisms of Lasswell’s Model Berlo’s SMCR Model
1. It does not include feedback. Berlo’s Model was made to understand general
human communication. In Berlo’s Model,
2. Without feedback, a communication process cannot communication depends on many factors: like
be fruitful. communication skills, attitude, knowledge, socio-
cultural systems, the way in which the message
3. Ignores the possibility of noise.
has been sent, the content of the message, senses
4. It is very linear and does not consider barriers in the of the receiver, etc.
communication process.
Types of Linear Communications
Also known as Convergence Model.
Aristotle’s Model The communication process takes place between
Aristotle’s Model is a linear communication humans or machines in both verbal or non-verbal way.
model which was made for public speaking. In This is a relatively new model of communication for
Aristotle’s model, the speaker sent message and new technologies like web.
the audience receive it. The model was made to Example: Internet has increased the opportunity of
establish a propaganda. interactive communication and it is still evolving.
Critical Elements of a Good Communicator Human-computer interaction is also now considered as
Ethos interactive communication as the model is circular
Ethos is the characteristic which makes you where the senders interchange every time.
credible in front of the audience. If there is no
credibility, the audience will not believe in you
and will not be persuaded by you. Expertise and It is the exchange of messages between sender and
positions also give credibility to a person. receiver where each take turns to send or receive
Pathos messages.
If what you say matters to them and they can Both sender and receiver are known as communicators
connect with it, then they will be more and their role reverses each time in the communication
interested and they will think you are more process as both processes of sending and receiving
credible. Emotional bonds will make the occurs at the same time.
audience captivated and they feel the speaker is The model is mostly used for interpersonal
one of their own people. communication and is also called circular model of
Logos communication.
Logos is logic. People believe in you only if The transactional model is the most general model of
they understand what you are trying to say. communication.
People find logic in everything. If there is no
logic behind the speaker’s work or time, they Factors Affecting Transactional Model
Social Context Do you have a pen?
Social context in communication refers to the Declaratives
norms, values, laws and other restrictions of a The idea is that when a person says something,
society to communicate within a specific limit. he/she wants the listener to do something.
It also includes rules that bind people’s ability Example:
to communicate. Society shapes the way a I want to be alone.
person communicates. You need to hurry.
Cultural Context That's not the right thing to do.
Cultural context is the lifestyle and identity of a
person. Caste, class, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Social Interaction
are the contexts which promote communication.
Communication can be used to produced social
Relational Context
interaction. In their daily course of living, human being
Relational context of communication relates to
develop and maintain bonds, intimacy, relations and
relationship history and manners.
as a function of communication refers to a person using
COMMUNICATION a language to express desires, needs, wants, likes and
This fourth model can represent mass communication – dislikes, inclinations, choices and aspirations
that is, how an audience receives information from
media, the intermediaries of information.
Media takes the role of “gatekeeper.” communication can be used giving and getting for
MTRCB takes the function of a gatekeeper. information. Giving information usually comes in the
form of statements of facts (grammatically known as
The most complex of all communication models. Language Forms for Sharing/Obtaining Information
It expounds the role of mass media, as well as the
individuals and groups that control these outlets of Giving information using statements:
information. I have three brothers.
Communication between people (creators and Philippine Normal University was established
consumers) is mediated by messages which are created in 1901.
using language within media; consumed from media For every action, there is a reaction
and interpreted using language. Giving information using rhetorical questions:
Did you know that some earphones can be used
Ecology- refer to the environment where people interact as microphones?
among each other., using a particular language that they Using questions:
commonly understand. Did it rain last night?
E.g. Language of Lawyers. Language of Using imperatives:
Doctors. Show me how to tie a knot.
Using declaratives:
LESSON 3: FUNCTIONS OF I don't know where to find it.