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04 EEE 2210 Analogue Electronics II Feedback

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What is feedback

• Taking a portion of the signal arriving at the load

and feeding it back to the input.
• It is used to influence the behavior and properties
of a system by the output quantity of the system
General structure of a feedback
Two types of feedback:
negative feedback (degenerative) NF.
• The signal fed back from the output reduces the
effect of the input signal;
• stabilizing effect

positive feedback (regenerative) PF.

• The signal fed back from the output intensifies the
effect of the input signal;
• leads to instability
Effects of a negative feedback
Gain desensitivity
Bandwidth Extension
Noise Reduction
Reduction of the nonlinear distortion
Reduction of the nonlinear distortion
Improvement of the input and
output impedances
Feedback topologies
Feedback topologies
How to determine the topology
• At the input:
in accordance to the method of summing up the signals
• voltage: series connected (in a loop)
• current: parallel connected (in a node)

• At the output:
in accordance to the way of taking (measuring) the signals
• voltage: in parallel (measurement with the voltmeter)
• current: in series (measurement with the ammeter)
Method of Feedback Amplifier Analysis

* Recognize the feedback amplifier’s configuration, e.g. Series-shunt

* Calculate the appropriate gain A for the amplifier, e.g. voltage gain.
Ì This includes the loading effects of the feedback circuit (some
combination of resistors) on the amplifier input and output.
* Calculate the feedback factor βf
* Calculate the factor βf A and make sure that it is:
1) positive and 2) dimensionless
* Calculate the feedback amplifier’s gain with feedback Af using A f = 1 + β f A
* Calculate the final gain of interest if different from the gain
calculated, e.g. Current gain if voltage gain originally determined.
* Determine the dominant low and high frequency poles for the
original amplifier, but taking into account the loading effects of the
feedback network.
* Determine the final dominant low and high frequency poles of the
amplifier with feedback using
( )
ω Hf = 1 + β f A ω H
ω Lf =
(1 + β f A)
Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
* Assumes feedback circuit does not load down the basic
Basic Amplifier amplifier A, i.e. doesn’t change its characteristics
“ Doesn’t change gain A
“ Doesn’t change pole frequencies of basic
amplifier A
“ Doesn’t change Ri and Ro

* For the feedback amplifier as a whole, feedback does

Feedback Circuit change the midband voltage gain from A to Af
Af =
1+ β f A
* Does change input resistance from Ri to Rif
Rif = Ri 1 + β f A )
Equivalent Circuit for Feedback Amplifier * Does change output resistance from Ro to Rof
Rof =
1+ β f A
* Does change low and high frequency 3dB frequencies

ω Hf = 1 + β f A ω H ) ω Lf =
1+ β f A )

Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
Midband Gain
AVf = o = V i = = =
Vs Vi + V f Vf β f Vo 1 + β f AV
1+ 1+
Vi Vi
Input Resistance
Vi + V f Vi + β f Vo
Rif = s =
Ii Ii
⎛Vi ⎞
= Ri 1 + β f AV )
⎜ R ⎟
⎝ i⎠

Output Resistance
V − AV Vi
Vt It = t
But Vs = 0 so Vi = −V f

and V f = β f Vo = β f Vt so

It =
Vt − AV − V f
Vt + AV β f Vt ( )
Ro Ro

Vt 1 + AV β f )
V Ro
so Rof = t =
It (
1 + AV β f )
Practical Feedback Networks

* Feedback networks consist of a set of resistors

Ì Simplest case (only case considered here)
Vi Vo Ì In general, can include C’s and L’s (not
considered here)
Vf Ì Transistors sometimes used (gives variable
amount of feedback) (not considered here)
* Feedback network needed to create Vf feedback
signal at input (desirable)

* Feedback network has parasitic (loading) effects

* Feedback network loads down amplifier input
* How do we take these Ì Adds a finite series resistance

loading effects into account? Ì Part of input signal Vs lost across this series
resistance (undesirable), so Vi reduced
* Feedback network loads down amplifier output
Ì Adds a finite shunt resistance
Ì Part of output current lost through this shunt
resistance so not all output current delivered to
load RL (undesirable)
Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case
* Feedback network consists of a set of
* These resistors have loading effects on the
basic amplifier, i.e they change its
characteristics, such as the gain
* Can incorporate loading effects in a
modified basic amplifier. Basic gain of
amplifier AV becomes a new, modified gain
AV’ (incorporates loading effects).
* Can then use feedback analysis from the
ideal case.

= =βf

Rif = Ri (1 + β f AV ')
AV ' Ro
AVf = Rof =
1 + β f AV ' (1 + AV ' β f )

Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case
Summary of Feedback Network Analysis

Example - Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier

* Two stage amplifier

* Each stage a CE
* Transistor
Given: β1= β2 =50
* Coupled by
capacitors, dc biased
* DC analysis:

IC1 = 0.94 mA, gm1 = C1 = 36 mA/ V ,

DC analysis for each stage can be done separately β1

rπ1 = = 1.4K
since stages are isolated (dc wise) by coupling capacitors.
IC2 = 1.85 mA, gm2 = C2 = 71 mA/ V ,
rπ 2 = = 0.7K
Example - Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
* Redraw circuit to show
Ì Feedback circuit
Ì Type of output sampling
(voltage in this case = Vo)
Ì Type of feedback signal to input
(voltage in this case = Vf)


Vf _ Vo

Example - Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
Input Loading Effects

R1 = h11 = R f 1 R f 2
= 0.1K 4.7 K
= 0.098 K

Output Loading Effects

R2 = h22 = R f 1 + R f 2
= 4.7 K + 0.1K = 4.8K

Amplifier with Loading Effects

R1 R2
Example - Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
* Construct ac equivalent circuit at midband frequencies
including loading effects of feedback network.
* Analyze circuit to find midband gain
(voltage gain for this series-shunt configuration)

R1 R2



Example - Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
Midband Gain Analysis

Vo ⎛ Vo ⎞⎛ Vπ 2 ⎞ ⎛ V o1 ⎞⎛ Vπ 1 ⎞ ⎛ V i1 ⎞
A Vo = = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜
⎟⎜ V
⎟⎜ V
⎟⎜ V
⎟⎜ V

Vs ⎝ Vπ 2 ⎠ ⎝ o1 ⎠⎝ π 1 ⎠ ⎝ i1 ⎠⎝ s ⎠
Vπ 2
= − g m 2 RC 2 R2 )= (
− 71 mA / V 4 . 9 K 4 . 8 K )= − 172
Vπ 2
V o1
= 1 since rx 2 = 0

V o1
Vπ 1
= − g m 1 R C 1 R 12 R 22 rπ 2 )= (
− 36 mA / V 10 K 47 K 33 K 0 . 7 K )= − 22 . 8

Vπ 1 I π 1 rπ 1 rπ 1 1 .4 K
= = = = 0 . 22
V i1 I π 1 rπ 1 + (I π 1 + g m 1V π 1 )R 1 rπ 1 + (1 + β )R 1 1 . 4 K + 51 (0 . 098 K )
+ (I π 1 + g m 1V π 1 )R 1
= rπ 1 + (1 + β )R 1 = 1 . 4 K + 51 (0 . 098 K ) = 6 . 4 K
V i1 I r
R i1 = = π1 π1
Iπ 1 Iπ 1

V i1 R i 1 R 11 R 21 6 . 4 K 150 K 47 K 5 .4 K
= = = = 0 . 52
Vs R s + R i 1 R 11 R 21 5 K + 6 . 4 K 150 K 47 K 10 . 4 K

A Vo =
= (− 172 )(1 )(− 22 . 8 )(0 . 22 )(0 . 52 ) = + 449
A Vo ( dB ) = 20 log 449 = 53 dB

Midband Gain with Feedback
* Determine the feedback factor βf

Xf Vf Rf1 0.1K
βf = = = = = 0.021
Xo Vo ' Rf1 + Rf 2 0.1K + 4.7 K

* Calculate gain with feedback Avf

β f AVo = 449(0.021) = 9.4
AVo 449 449
AVfo = = = = 43.1
1 + β f AVo 1 + 449(0.021) 10.4
AVfo (dB ) = 20 log 43.1 = 32.7 dB
* Note
Ì βf Avo > 0 as necessary for negative feedback
Ì βf Avo is large so there is significant feedback. For βf Avo ¡ 0, there is almost no
Ì Can change βf and the amount of feedback by changing Rf1 and/or Rf2.
Ì NOTE: Since βf Avo >> 0 β f AVo = 449(0.021) = 9.4
1 Rf1 + Rf 2 Rf 2 AVo A 1 1
AVfo ≈ = =1+ AVfo = ≈ Vo = = = 47.6
βf Rf1 Rf1 1 + β f AVo β f AVo β f 0.021
AVfo (dB ) = 20 log 47.6 = 33.6dB
Input and Output Resistances with Feedback

* Determine input Ri and output Ro resistances with loading effects of feedback network.
Ri = RS + RB1 Ri1 Ro = R2 RC 2

= 5K + 38.5K 6.4 K = 10.5K = 4.9 K 4.8 K = 2.4 K

* Calculate input Rif and output Rof resistances for the complete feedback amplifier.
Rif = Ri 1 + β f AVo ) Rof =
2.4 K
= 0.23K
1 + β f AVo 10.4
= 10.5 K [1 + 449(0.021)] = 109.5 K

Equivalent Circuit for Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
* Voltage gain amplifier
* Modified voltage gain, input
and output resistances
Ì Included loading effects of
feedback network
Ì Included feedback effects
of feedback network
Ì Include source resistance
* Significant feedback, i.e.
βf Avo is large and positive
β f AVo = 449(0.021) = 9.4
AVo AVo 1
AVfo = ≈ =
1 + β f AVo β f AVo β f
⎛V ⎞
AVfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ =
= 43.1 ( )
Rif = Ri 1 + β f AVo = 109.5 K =
Rf1 + Rf 2
= 1+
Rf 2
= 47.6
⎝ VS ⎠ f 1 + β f AVo Ro Rf1 Rf1
Rof = = 0.23K
AVfo (dB) = 20 log 43.1 = 32.7dB 1 + β f AVo AVf (dB) ≈ 20 log 47.6 = 33.6dB

Series-Series Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
Voltage fedback * Feedback circuit does not load down the basic
to input amplifier A, i.e. doesn’t change its characteristics
“ Doesn’t change gain A
Output current “ Doesn’t change pole frequencies of basic
sampling amplifier A
“ Doesn’t change Ri and Ro
* For this configuration, the appropriate gain is the
* For the feedback amplifier as a whole, feedback changes
midband transconductance gain from ACo to ACfo
ACfo =
1 + β f ACo
* Feedback changes input resistance from Ri to Rif
Rif = Ri 1 + β f ACo )
* Feedback changes output resistance from Ro to Rof
Rof = Ro 1 + β f ACo )
* Feedback changes low and high frequency 3dB
( )
ω Hf = 1 + β f ACo ω H ω Lf =
1 + β f ACo )
Series-Series Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
Gain (Transconductance Gain)
Io A V A ACo ACo
ACfo = = Co i = Co = =
Vs Vi + V f Vf β f I o 1 + β f ACo
1+ 1+
Vi Vi
Input Resistance
Vs Vi + V f Vi + β f I o
Rif =
⎛Vi ⎞
= Ri 1 + β f ACo )
⎜ R⎟
⎝ i⎠
Output Resistance
R of =
But V s = 0 so V i = −V f
and V f = β f I o = β f I t so V i = − β f I t
V = (I t − ACo V i )R o = (I t − ACo (− β f I t ))R o
V = I t (1 + β f ACo )R o
= R o (1 + β f ACo )
so R of =
Series-Series Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case
* Feedback network consists of a set of resistors
* These resistors have loading effects on the basic
amplifier, i.e they change its characteristics, such as
the gain
Ì Feedback factor βf given by

= =βf

* Can incorporate loading effects in a modified basic

amplifier. Gain ACo becomes a new, modified gain
* Can then use analysis from ideal case

Rif = Ri '(1 + β f ACo ') Rof = Ro ' (1 + β f ACo ')

ACo '
ACfo =
1 + β f ACo '
ω Hf = (1 + β f ACo ')ω H ω Lf =
(1 + β f ACo ')
Series-Series Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case
Ì Find βf from βf = Vf/Io’

Series-Series Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case

* Modified basic amplifier

(including loading effects of feedback
* Can now use feedback amplifier equations

Rif = Ri '(1 + β f ACo ') Rof = Ro ' (1 + β f ACo ')

ACo '
ACfo =
1 + β f ACo '
ω Hf = (1 + β f ACo ')ω H ω Lf =
(1 + β f ACo ')

* Note
Ì ACo’ is the modified transconductance
gain including the loading effects of RS
and RL.
Ì Ri’ and Ro’ are modified input and
output resistances including loading

Example - Series-Series Feedback Amplifier

* Three stage amplifier

* Each stage a CE amplifier
* Transistor parameters
Given: β1= β2 = β3 =100,
* Coupled by capacitors, dc
biased separately
* DC analysis (given):
IC1 = 0.60 mA, gm1 = = 23 mA/ V ,
rπ1 = = 4.3K
IC 2
IC2 = 1.0 mA, gm2 = = 39 mA/ V ,
rπ 2 = = 2.6K
Note: Biasing resistors for each stage are
not shown for simplicity in the analysis. I C3
IC3 = 4.0 mA, gm3 = = 156 mA/ V ,
rπ 3 = = 0.64K
Example - Series-Series Feedback Amplifier
* Redraw circuit to show:
Ì Feedback circuit

Ì Type of output sampling (current in this case = Io)

“ Collector resistor constitutes the load so Io ¡ Ic
“ Emitter current Ie=(β +1) Ib = {(β +1)/ β} Ic ¡Ic = Io

Ì Type of feedback signal to input (voltage in this case = Vf)

Ic3 ≈ Io

Voltage fedback
to input
Output current

Example - Series-Series Feedback Amplifier


Input Loading Effects Output Loading Effects

R1 I2=0 I1=0 R2

R1 = z11 = RE1 [ RF + RE 2 ] R2 = z 22 = RE 2 [ RF + RE1 ]

= 0.1K [0.64 K + 0.1K ] = 0.088 K = 0.1K [0.64 K + 0.1K ] = 0.088 K
Example - Series-Series Feedback Amplifier

Voltage fedback
to input
Output current

Redrawn basic amplifier

with loading effects,
but not feedback.


Example - Series-Series Feedback Amplifier

IC3 * Construct ac equivalent circuit at

midband frequencies including loading
effects of feedback network.
* Analyze circuit to find MIDBAND GAIN
(transconductance gain ACo for this
Io= IE3 ≈ IC3 series-series configuration)
ACo =




Example - Series-Series Feedback Amplifier
Midband Gain Analysis
I‡1 I‡2 I‡3 Io

Vi1 Vi3 Note convention on Io is
into the output of the
last stage of the amplifier.
Ri1 Ri3
Io ⎛ I ⎞⎛ V ⎞⎛ V ⎞⎛ V ⎞⎛ Vπ 1 ⎞ ⎛ V i1 ⎞
A Co = = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ π 3 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ i 3 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ π 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
Vs ⎝ Vπ 3 ⎠⎝ V i3 ⎠⎝ Vπ 2 ⎠⎝ Vπ 1 ⎠ ⎝ V i1 ⎠⎝ V s ⎠
Io g V
= m 3 π 3 = g m 3 = 156 mA / V
Vπ 3 Vπ 3
Vπ 3 I π 3 rπ 3 rπ 3 0 . 64 K
= = = = 0 . 067
V i3 I π 3 rπ 3 + R 2 (I π 3 + g m 3V π 3 ) rπ 3 + R 2 (1 + g m 3 rπ 3 ) 0 . 64 K + 0 . 088 K (101 )
− g m 2 V π 2 (R C 2 [rπ 3 + R 2 (1 + g m 3 rπ 3 )])
= − 39 mA / V (5 K [0 . 64 K + 101 (0 . 088 K )]) =
V i3
= − 128
Vπ 2 Vπ 2
− g m 1V π 1 (R C 1 rπ 2 )
= − 23 mA / V (9 K 2 . 6 K )=
Vπ 2
= − 46 . 4
Vπ 1 Vπ 1
Vπ 1 I π 1 rπ 1 4 .3 K
= = = 0 . 33
V i1 I π 1 rπ 1 + R 1 (1 + g m 1 rπ 1 ) 4 . 3 K + 101 (0 . 088 K )
V i1

= (156 mA / V )(0 . 067 )(− 128 )(− 46 . 4 )(0 . 33 )(1 ) = + 2 . 05 x 10 4 mA / V = 20 . 5 A / V

A Co =
Feedback Factor and Midband Gain with Feedback
* Determine the feedback factor βf Io ’
Xf Vf ' RE1 I f 1 RE 2
βf = = = = RE 1
Xo Io ' Io ' RE1 + RE 2 + RF
= 0.1K = 0.012 K = 12Ω
0.1K + 0.1K + 0.64 K
* Calculate gain with feedback ACfo
VE 2 = I f 1 ( RF + RE1 ) = ( I o '− I f 1 ) RE 2

β f ACo = 20.5 A / V (12Ω) = +246 I f 1 ( RF + RE1 + RE 2 ) = I o ' RE 2

I f1 RE 2
ACo 20.5 A / V 20.5 A / V Io ' RF + RE1 + RE 2
ACfo = = = = 0.083 A / V = 83 mA / V
1 + β f ACo 1 + 20.5 A / V (12Ω) 247

* Note
Ì βf ACo > 0 as necessary for negative feedback
and dimensionless
Ì βf ACo is large so there is significant feedback.
Ì βf has units of resistance (ohms); ACo has units
of conductance (1/ohms)
Ì Can change βf and the amount of feedback by
changing RE1 , RF and/or RE2.
Ì Gain is largely determined by ratio of feedback
resistances 1 R + RE 2 + RF 0.1K + 0.1K + 0.64 K 1
ACfo ≈ = E1 = = 84 = 84 mA / V
βf RE1RE 2 0.1K (0.1K ) K
Input and Output Resistances with Feedback
I‡1 Io

I‡1(1+gm1r‡1) Ro
Ri = Ri1

* Determine input Ri and output Ro resistances with loading effects of feedback network.

= rπ 1 + (1 + g m1rπ 1 )R1
Ri = Ri1 = Ro = RC 3 + ∞ = ∞
Iπ 1
= 4.3K + 101(0.088 K ) = 13.2 K
* Calculate input Rif and output Rof resistances for the complete feedback amplifier.
Rif = Ri 1 + β f ACo )
Rof = Ro (1 + β f ACo ) = ∞
= 13.2 K [1 + 20.5 A / V (12Ω)]

= 13.2 K (247 ) = 3.26 MΩ

Voltage Gain for Transconductance Feedback Amplifier

* Can calculate voltage gain after we calculate the transconductance gain!

⎛V ⎞ ⎛−I R ⎞ ⎛I ⎞
AVfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ o C 3 ⎟⎟ = − RC 3 ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = − RC 3 ACfo = −600Ω(0.083 A / V ) = −49.8V / V
⎝ Vs ⎠ f ⎝ Vs ⎠ f ⎝ Vs ⎠ f
AVfo (dB ) = 20 log(49.8) = 34dB Correct voltage gain
for the amplifier
* Note - can’t calculate the voltage gain as follows: with feedback!
Assume AVfo =
1 + β f AVo
Vo − I o RC 3
Find AVo = = = − RC 3 ACo = −600Ω(20.5 A / V ) = −1.23 x10 4 V / V
Vs Vs
( )
Calculate β f AVo = 12Ω − 1.23 x10 4 V / V = −1.48 x105 Ω (Note this has units (it should not!) and a negative sign )
AVo − 1.23 x10 4 V / V 1
Calculate voltage gain with feedback from AVfo = = = 0.083
1 + β f AVo 1 − 1.48 x10 Ω5
Ω Wrong
Magnitude is off by orders of magnitude and units are wrong! voltage
gain! 33
Equivalent Circuit for Series-Series Feedback Amplifier
* Transconductance gain
amplifier A = Io/Vs
* Feedback modified gain, input
and output resistances
Ì Included loading effects of
feedback network
Ì Included feedback effects
of feedback network
* Significant feedback, i.e.
βf ACo is large and positive
β f ACo = 20.5 A / V (12Ω) = 246
ACo ACo 1
ACfo = ≈ =
1 + β f ACo β f ACo β f
= = 84 mA / V
0.012 K
⎛I ⎞
ACfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ =
1 +
= 83 mA / V ( )
Rif = Ri 1 + β f ACo = 3.3 MΩ
⎝ S ⎠f
( )
f Co
Rof = Ro 1 + β f ACo = ∞
AVfo = RC 3 ACfo = −49.8V / V

Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
* Feedback circuit does not load down the basic
amplifier A, i.e. doesn’t change its characteristics
“ Doesn’t change gain A
“ Doesn’t change pole frequencies of basic
amplifier A
“ Doesn’t change Ri and Ro
* For this configuration, the appropriate gain is the
* For the feedback amplifier as a whole, feedback changes
midband transresistance gain from ARo to ARfo
ARfo =
1 + β f ARo
* Feedback changes input resistance from Ri to Rif
Rif =
(1 + β f ARo )
* Feedback changes output resistance from Ro to Rof
Rof =
(1 + β f ARo )
* Feedback changes low and high frequency 3dB
ω Hf = (1 + β f ARo )ω H ω Lf =
(1 + β f ARo )
Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
Vo A I A ARo ARo
ARfo = = Ro i = Ro = =
I s Ii + I f If β f Vo 1 + β f ARo
1+ 1+
Ii Ii
Input Resistance
Vs Vs Vs
Rif = = =
I s Ii + I f I i + β f Vo
Vs Ri
= =
⎛ V ⎞
I i ⎜⎜1 + β f o ⎟⎟
(1 + β f ARo )
⎝ Ii ⎠

Is = 0 Output Resistance
Io ’ V o ' I o ' R o + A Ro I i I
R of = = = R o + A Ro i
+ Io ' Io ' Io '
Vo’ But I s = 0 so I i = − I f
and I f = β f V o ' so I i = − β f V o '
Ii − β f Vo '
= = − β f R of
Io ' Io '
R of = R o + A Ro − β f R of )
so R of =
(1 + β f ARo ) 36
Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case
* Feedback network consists of a set of resistors
* These resistors have loading effects on the basic
amplifier, i.e they change its characteristics, such as
the gain
* Can use y-parameter equivalent circuit for feedback
Ì Feedback factor βf given by
= =βf

* Can incorporate loading effects in a modified basic

amplifier. Gain ARo becomes a new, modified gain
* Can then use analysis from ideal case

ARo '
ARfo =
1 + β f ARo '
Ri Ro
Rif = Rof =
(1 + β f ARo ') (
1 + β f ARo ' )
ω Hf = (1 + β f ARo ')ω H
ω Lf =
1 + β f ARo ' )

Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case

Example - Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier

* Single stage CE amplifier

* Transistor parameters. Given: β =100, rx= 0
* No coupling or emitter bypass capacitors
* DC analysis:
VBE ,active = 0.7V
I10 K = = 0.07 mA = 70µA I 47 K = I B + 0.07 mA
I C = βI B I 4.7 K = I C + ( I B + 0.07 mA) = (β + 1)I B + 0.07 mA
12V = I 4.7 K 4.7 K + (I B + 0.07 mA)47 K + 0.7V
12V = ((β + 1)I B + 0.07 mA)4.7 K + (I B + 0.07 mA)47 K + 0.7V
12V − 0.33V − 3.3V = (101(4.7 K ) + 47 K )I B

= 0.016 mA = 16 µA I C = βI B = 100(0.016 mA) = 1.6 mA

IB =
I 1.6 mA β 100
gm = C = = 63 mA / V rπ = = = 1.6 K
VT 0.0256 V g m 63 mA / V

Example - Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
* Redraw circuit to show
Ì Feedback circuit
Ì Type of output sampling (voltage in this case = Vo)
Ì Type of feedback signal to input (current in this case = If)

Example - Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier

Input Loading Effects Output Loading Effects

R1 = RF = 47 K R2 = RF = 47 K
Example - Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier

Original Feedback Amplifier Modified Amplifier with Loading Effects,

but Without Feedback


Note: We converted the signal source to a
Norton equivalent current source
since we need to calculate the gain ARfo =
I s 1 + β f ARo

Example - Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier

* Construct ac equivalent circuit at

midband frequencies including loading
effects of feedback network.
* Analyze circuit to find midband gain
(transresistance gain ARo for this shunt-
shunt configuration)
ARo =

Example - Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
Midband Gain Analysis

Vo ⎛ V ⎞⎛ V ⎞
A Ro = = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ π ⎟

Is ⎝ Vπ ⎠ ⎝ I s ⎠
− g m Vπ R C R F ) = − g (R ) ( )
R F = − 63 mA / V 4 . 7 K 47 K = − 269 V / V
m C
Vπ Vπ

IS ⎝ ⎠
( )
= ⎛⎜ R S R F rπ ⎞⎟ = 10 K 47 K 1 . 6 K = 1 . 3 K

= (− 269 )(1 . 3 K ) = − 350 K

A Ro =

Midband Gain with Feedback
* Determine the feedback factor βf
X I ' If ' −1
βf = f = f = =
X o Vo ' (− I f R f ) RF
−1 +
_ Vo’
= = − 0.021 mA / V
47 K
* Calculate gain with feedback ARfo
β f ARo = − 0 .021 mA / V ( − 350 K ) = + 7 .4
Note: The direction of If is
ARo − 350 K
ARfo = = = − 42 K always into the
1 + β f ARo 1 + 7 .4 feedback network!

* Note
Ì βf < 0 and has units of mA/V, ARo < 0 and has units of K>
Ì βf ACo > 0 as necessary for negative feedback and dimensionless
Ì βf ACo is large so there is significant feedback.
Ì Can change βf and the amount of feedback by changing RF.
Ì Gain is determined primarily by feedback resistance

1 1
ARfo ≈ = = − RF = − 47 K
β f (−1 / RF )
Input and Output Resistances with Feedback


* Determine input Ri and output Ro resistances with loading effects of feedback network.

Ri = RS RF rπ = 10 K 47 K 1.6 K = 1.3K Ro = RC RF = 4.7 K 47 K = 4.3K

* Calculate input Rif and output Rof resistances for the complete feedback amplifier.

Ri Ro 4.3K
Rif = Rof = = = 0.5 K
(1 + β f ARo ) (1 + β f ARo ) 8.4
= = 0.15K

Voltage Gain for Transresistance Feedback Amplifier

* Can calculate voltage gain after we calculate the transresistance gain!

⎛V ⎞ ⎛ V ⎞ 1 ⎛V ⎞ ARfo − 42 K
AVfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = = = − 4.2 V / V
⎝ s ⎠f ⎝ s s ⎠f
V I R Rs ⎝ s ⎠f
I R s 10 K
AVfo (dB) = 20 log(4.2 ) = 12.5 dB Correct voltage gain
* Note - can’t calculate the voltage gain as follows:
Assume AVfo =
1 + β f AVo
Vo V A − 350 K
Find AVo = = o = Ro = = − 35 V / V
Vs I s Rs Rs 10 K
Calculate β f AVo = (− 0 .021 mA / V )(− 35 V / V ) = + 0 .74 mA / V (Note this has units; it should not! )
AVo − 35 V / V Wrong
Calculate voltage gain with feedback from AVfo = = = − 20 V / V (?)
1 + β f AVo 1 + 0 .74 mA / V
Magnitude is off by nearly a factor of five and units are wrong!
Equivalent Circuit for Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier
* Transresistance gain amplifier A = Vo/Is
* Feedback modified gain, input and
output resistances
Ì Included loading effects of feedback
Rof network
Ì Included feedback effects of
Rif ARfoI i
feedback network
* Significant feedback, i.e.
βf ARo is large and positive

⎛V ⎞ ARo
ARfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = = − 42 K
⎝ I S ⎠ f 1 + β f ARo
β f ARo = −0.021mA / V (−350 K ) = +7.4
ARo 1
ARfo = ≈ = − 47 K
1 + β f ARo β f
Ri 1. 3 K
Rif = = = 0.15 K
(1 + β f ARo ) 8.4 AVfo =
= − 4.2 V / V

Ro 4 .3 K
Rof = = = 0.5 K
(1 + β f ARo ) 8.4

Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
* Feedback circuit does not load down the basic
amplifier A, i.e. doesn’t change its characteristics
“ Doesn’t change gain A
Current feedback Current sampling “ Doesn’t change pole frequencies of basic
amplifier A
“ Doesn’t change Ri and Ro
* For this configuration, the appropriate gain is the
* For the feedback amplifier as a whole, feedback changes
midband current gain from AIo to AIfo
AIfo =
1 + β f AIo
* Feedback changes input resistance from Ri to Rif
Rif =
(1 + β f AIo )
* Feedback changes output resistance from Ro to Rof
Rof = Ro 1 + β f AIo )
* Feedback changes low and high frequency 3dB
( )
ω Hf = 1 + β f AIo ω H ω Lf =
1 + β f AIo )
Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier - Ideal Case
Io A I AIo AIo AIo
AIfo = = Io i = = =
I s Ii + I f If β f I o 1 + β f AIo
1+ 1+
Ii Ii
Input Resistance
Vs Vs Vs
Rif = = =
I s Ii + I f Ii + β f Io
Vs Ri
= =
⎛ I ⎞
I i ⎜⎜1 + β f o ⎟⎟
(1 + β f AIo )
⎝ Ii ⎠

Output Resistance
Is=0 Io ’
V o ' R o (I o '− A Io I i ) ⎛ I ⎞
R of = = = R o ⎜⎜ 1 − A Io i ⎟⎟
Io ' Io ' ⎝ Io ' ⎠
Vo’ But I s = 0 so I i = − I f
and I f = β f I o ' so I i = − β f I o '
Ii − β f Io '
= = −β f
Io ' Io '
R of = R o 1 + β f A Io )
Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case
* Feedback network consists of a set of resistors
* These resistors have loading effects on the basic
amplifier, i.e they change its characteristics, such as
the gain

Ì Feedback factor βf given by

* Can incorporate loading effects in a modified basic
amplifier. Gain AIo becomes a new, modified gain
* Can then use analysis from ideal case

Rof = Ro (1 + β f AIo ')

AIo ' Ri
AIfo = Rif =
1 + β f AIo ' (1 + β f AIo ')

ω Hf = (1 + β f AIo ')ω H ω Lf =
(1 + β f AIo ')

Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier - Practical Case

Example - Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier

* Two stage [CE+CE] amplifier

* Transistor parameters Given: β =100, rx= 0
* Input and output coupling and emitter bypass capacitors, but
direct coupling between stages
* Capacitor in feedback connection removes Rf from DC bias
* DC bias of two stages is coupled (bias of one affects the other)

DC Bias Analysis

Given :
β1 = β 2 = 100
rx1 = rx 2 = 0

RTH1 = RB1 RB2 =100K 15K =13K

( )
VC1 = 12 V − IC1RC1 = 12 V − 0.87 mA10K = 3.3 V
VB2 = VC1 = VBE2 + I E 2 RE2 = 0.7V + (β + 1)I B2 RE 2
RB2 15K
VTH1 = 12V = 12V =1.6V 3.3V − 0.7V 2.6V
RB1 + RB2 15K +100K I B2 = = = 7.6 µA (<<IC1 =870 A)
(β +1)RE2 101(3.4K )
I B1 =
1.6V − 0.7V
= 8.7 µA ( )
IC 2 = βI B2 = 100 7.6 µA = 0.76 mA
RTH1 + (β +1)RE1 13K + (101)0.87K
( )
IC1 = βI B1 =1008.7 µA = 0.87 mA (neglecting IB2 ) gm2 =
IC2 0.76 mA
= 30 mA/ V
IC1 0.87 mA β 100 β 100
gm1 = = = 34 mA/V rπ1 = = = 2.9K rπ 2 = = = 3.3K
VT 0.0256 V gm1 34mA/V gm2 30 mA/ V
Example - Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier

* Redraw circuit to show

Ì Feedback circuit
Ì Type of output sampling
(current in this case = Io)
Ì Type of feedback signal to
input (current in this case = If)

Io ’

Example - Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier

Io ’ Iout’

Input Loading Effects Output Loading Effects

Io’= 0

R1 R2

R1 = RF + R1 = 10 K + 3.4 K = 13.4 K R2 = RF RE 2 = 10 K 3.4 K = 2.5 K

Example - Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier

Amplifier with Loading Effects but Without Feedback

Example - Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier
Midband Gain Analysis
Ri2 Iout’
Is IC’

R1 R2

I out ' ⎛ I out ' ⎞ ⎛ I c ' ⎞ ⎛ V π 2 ⎞ ⎛ V i 2 ⎞⎛ Vπ 1 ⎞

A Io = = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
Is I '
⎝ c ⎠⎝ π 2 ⎠⎝ i 2 ⎠⎝ Vπ 1
V V ⎠⎝ I s ⎠
I out ' RC 2 8K
= = = 0 . 89
Ic ' RC 2 + R L 8 K + 1K
Ic ' g V
= m 2 π 2 = g m 2 = 30 mA / V
Vπ 2 Vπ 2
Vπ 2 I π 2 rπ 2 r rπ 2 3 .3 K
= = π2 = = = 0 . 013
Vi2 I π 2 rπ 2 + I π 2 (1 + g m 2 rπ 2 )R 2 Ri2 rπ 2 + (1 + g m 2 rπ 2 )R 2 3 . 3 K + 101 (2 . 5 K )
= − g m 1 R C 1 R i 2 = − g m 1 (R C 1 [rπ 2 + (1 + g m 2 rπ 2 )R 2 ]) = − 34 mA / V (10 K [3 . 3 K + 101 (2 . 5 K )]) =
− 327
Vπ 1

( ) (
= R S R 1 rπ 1 R B 1 = 10 K 13 . 4 K 2 . 9 K 13 K = 1 . 7 K )
= (0 . 89 )(30 mA / V )(0 . 013 )(− 327 )(1 . 7 K ) = − 193
I out '
A Io =
Midband Gain with Feedback
* Determine the feedback factor If

Xf If ' − RE 2 − 3.4 K
βf = = =
Xo Io ' (RE 2 + R f ) 3.4 K + 10 K = − 0.25
= +
* Calculate gain with feedback AIfo -
β f AIo = − 193 ( − 0 .25 ) = 48
AIo − 193
AIfo = = = − 3 .9 VE 2 = − I f ' R f = (I o '+ I f ')RE 2
1 + β f AIo 1 + 48
− I f ' (R f + RE 2 ) = I o ' RE 2
AIfo (dB ) = 20 log 3 .9 = 11 .8 dB If ' − RE 2
Io ' R f '+ RE 2
* Note
Ì βf < 0 and AIo < 0
Ì βf AIo > 0 as necessary for negative feedback
and dimensionless
Ì βf AIo is large so there is significant feedback.
Ì Can change βf and the amount of feedback by
changing RF.
Ì Gain is determined by feedback resistance

1 RE 2 + R f
AIfo ≈ =− = − 4.0
βf RE 2
Input and Output Resistances with Feedback



* Determine input Ri and output Ro resistances with loading effects of feedback network.

Ri = RS R1 RB1 rπ 1 = 10 K 13.4 K 13K 2.9 K = 1.7 K Ro = RC 2 RL + ∞ = ∞

* Calculate input Rif and output Rof resistances for the complete feedback amplifier.

Rif = Rof = Ro (1 + β f AIo ) = ∞(49) = ∞
(1 + β f AIo )
1.7 K
= = 0.035 K

Voltage Gain for Current Gain Feedback Amplifier

* Can calculate voltage gain

⎛V ⎞ ⎛ − I 'R ⎞ − RL ⎛ I out ' ⎞ − RL AIfo − 1K
AVfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ out L ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = = (− 4.2) = + 0.42 V / V
⎝ s ⎠f ⎝ s s ⎠f
V I R Rs ⎝ I s ⎠f Rs 10 K
AVfo (dB) = 20 log(0.42) = −7.5 dB
* Note - can’t calculate the voltage gain as follows:
Assume AVfo =
1 + β f AVo
Vo − I o RL − AIo RL − (−193)(1K )
Find AVo = = = = = +19.3 V / V
Vs I s Rs Rs 10 K
Calculate β f AVo = (− 0.25)(19.3 V / V ) = −4.8
AVo − 19.3 V / V
Calculate voltage gain with feedback from AVfo = = = +5.8 V / V
1 + β f AVo 1 − 4.8
Magnitude is off by nearly a factor of ten!
Equivalent Circuit for Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier
* Current gain amplifier A = Io/Is
* Feedback modified gain, input and
output resistances
Ì Included loading effects of feedback
Ì Included feedback effects of
feedback network
* Significant feedback, i.e.
βf AIo is large and positive

β f AIo = − 193 ( − 0 .25 ) = 48

Rif AIfoI i Rof
AIo − 193
AIfo = = = − 3 .9
1 + β f AIo 1 + 48
AIfo (dB ) = 20 log 3 .9 = 11 .8 dB

⎛I ⎞ 1 RE 2 + R f
ARfo = ⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟ =
= − 3 .9 AIfo ≈ =− = − 4 .0
⎝ IS ⎠ f 1 + β f AIo βf RE 2
Rif =
(1 + β AIo )
= 0.035 K Rof = Ro (1 + β f AIo ) = ∞

Summary of Feedback Amplifier Analysis
* Identify the amplifier configuration by:
Xs Xi Xo Ì Output sampling
“ Io = series configuration
“ Vo = shunt configuration
Xf Ì Feedback to input
“ Io = shunt configuration
“ Vo = series configuration
* Calculate loading effects of feedback
Ì On input
Ì On output
* Calculate appropriate midband gain A’
ω Lf = (modified by loading effects of feedback
(1 + β f Ao ) network)
* Calculate feedback factor βf.
ω Hf = (1 + β f Ao )ω H * Calculate midband gain with feedback
A fo =
1 + β f Ao

Summary of Feedback Amplifier Analysis


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