Zolar's Encyclopedia of Ancient Forbidden Knowledge 1971

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The document provides an overview of various divination and occult practices mentioned in the book 'The Encyclopedia of Ancient & Forbidden Knowledge'.

The book appears to be an encyclopedia that covers various divination methods and occult topics such as astrology, palmistry, psychometry, and more.

The author is referred to as 'Zolar' and is described as spending much of his life advancing the science of astrology. He began studying it in 1932 and knew he found his life's calling.

_____Zolar _____

of Ancient &
First published in Great Britain in 1971 by
Souvenir Press Ltd
This edition published in 1988 by Peerage
Michelin House
81 Fulham Road
London SW3 6RB

Reprinted 1990

Copyright © Nash Publishing 1970

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall

not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold,
hired out or otherwise circulated without the publish-
er’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover
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ISBN 1 85052 121 2
Printed in Czechoslovakia

I dedicate this book to those Ancient Wise Men whose diligent

application to the Science of the Heavens made this work possible.
All modern research is based upon their findings. Much of my
present work has been taken from old out-of-print manuscripts, whose
authors have long since passed on. Their written words will herein be
preserved for posterity.
Permit me to say, no grander or more soul-enabling theme has ever
been presented to the human intellect than the philosophy and language
of the Heavens. It opens to our inspection an endless volume of sublime
grandeur. Whoever watches fair Venus in her march, with nothing save
the philosophy of distance, time, and motion to observe, will find a deep
satisfaction - beyond the mundane considerations of the materialistic
Unto him who reads the language of the Heavens, and catches the
inspiration of her loftier melodies, there is a positive charm and
enchantment, which makes every Star a divinity and lights all space
with prophetic wisdom.
It is the Wise Man who rules his Stars, and the fool who blindly
obeys them.
The Heavenly bodies predispose and influence, but they do not
Man’s wisdom is in no way subjugated, and is no one’s slave; it has not
renounced or surrendered its freedom.
Therefore the stars must obey man and be subject to him, and not he to
the stars.
Even if he is a child of Saturn and if Saturn has overshadowed his birth,
he can master Saturn and become a child of the sun.

Aslronomia Magna 1537

There’s not a pulse beat in the human frame which Is

not governed by the Heavens above us.
The blood, in all its ebb and flow',
Is swayed by them as certainly as
Are the restless tides of the salt sea
By the respendent Moon; and at thy birth,
Thy Mother’s eyes gazed not more stead-fastly on thee
Than did the Stars that rule thy destiny.
About the author

Called “The Dean of Astrologers’, Zolar has spent much of his life
advancing the science of astrology. He stumbled onto astrology in
1932, a little known subject at the time, and knew that he had found
his life’s work. Zolar had studied psychology, sociology, and every
field of human relationships, and now he began to delve into the occult
with the same vitality. After learning to cast charts he began his now
famous business by selling horoscopes.


culmination of years of study, experience and research. Seldom seen,
because he feels that reality is a disillusionment, he remains simply
‘Zolar’, the name known to everyone.

Most people spend 90 per cent of their time doing what other people
want them to do instead of what they want to do themselves. Most
people, perhaps you, are haunted by self-destructive feelings they don’t
understand. These are feelings which may frighten and depress you, for
example: the constant fear that other people are somehow better; the fear
that you are now, and will always remain, a second- class citizen in life;
or the crushing realization that you always feel poor no matter how
much money you earn, and always feel inadequate no matter how great
your accomplishments.
Because of two crippling pressures—the constant attempts of other
people to exploit you and your own self-destructive feelings of in-
feriority—you spend your life in an emotional prison instead of a palace.
You allow yourself to be surrounded by enemies instead of friends. You
accomplish only a fraction of what you are really able to accomplish.
You find yourself constantly driven away from the real enjoyments, the
real achievements, the real meaning, of your life.
Learn to control your destiny. Study the Ancient sciences, for this
knowledge will guide you through the present age of anxiety and
The very first step for the reader into the hidden pathway of nature’s
mysteries is the face-to-face confrontation with a starting fact—the fact
that all his preconceptions, all his education, all his accumulated
materialistic wisdom, are unable to account for the

simple phenomena which transpire and transcend the action and
interaction of life forces on the planet on which he lives.
As a chemist, he may pursue the discrete discontinuities of force until
they are lost within the realms of the imponderable. “The great
unknown”, or “the aching void”, as it is christened amid the groans of
scientific travail, swallows him. But he can get no further.
As a physicist, he may decompose light and sound into what he thinks
are their component parts and, with scientific accuracy, dissect before
your very eyes these truths as a surgeon would his anatomical subject.
No sooner is that point reached than the shy molecules and timid
vibrations become alarmed at man’s daring presumption, and fly into the
realm of the infinite and occult unknown. There in the aching void they
sport in delight, safe from man’s vulgar intrusion.
The realm of the unknown imponderables is the Universal, an infinite
ocean of something, yet nothing, which Science created in her frantic
endeavor to account for the material phenomena of the real world. For a
time, she was infinitely pleased with her own peculiar offspring, which
has now become a restless phantom, a grim, unlovely spectre, which
haunts the laboratories of its parent night and day, until at last Science
has become frightened at her own child. Now Science tries in vain to
slay that ghost of her own creation, but she dares not enter the void she
has called into existence, and there pursue and recapture the truant atoms
and timid vibrations of this sublunary sphere we call Earth. But much is
Therefore, at the very outset of man’s pilgrimage through these vast
and “scientifically unknown” regions, the reader had best unload all the
heavy and useless baggage of educated opinion and scientific dogmas
which he may carry. If he does not, he will find himself top-heavy, and
will either capsize or be buried amid the debris of conflicting opinion.
The only equipment which man has found useful, and which will
repay the cost of transportation, is an unbiased, open mind, logical
reasoning, genuine common sense, and a calm, reflective brain. Any-
thing else on the voyage into the unknown upon which we are now about
to embark is simply useless, costly deadweight, hence, so far as modern
science is concerned, the less the reader has, the better. If he can use his
scientific acquirements merely as aids and crutches in

climbing the spiritual steps of Occultism and if he will find Science an
auxiliary force, the Science is no longer a sacred cow, but a functional
But this is an exceedingly rare gift, and one seldom found. It also has
a delusive snare, because nine out of every ten people cheat themselves
into the belief that they possess such an ability; whereas, in reality they
are woefully deficient. It is always a safe course to mistrust the absolute
in all opinions and reasoning.
Before starting out on such a mighty and important undertaking, we
must draw serious attention to the major obstacle of the voyage—the one
which will be the most difficult to surmount. This hidden rock, upon
which so many profound students of the Occult become shipwrecked, is
the failure to realize the duality of Truth, The Truth of appearances, The
Truth of realities. The former is relative; the latter is absolute!
If we possess half of anything, we know by the laws of common sense
and logical reasoning that there must be another half somewhere. No
subtle twist of metaphysical sophistry can cheat us into the belief that we
possess the whole. We know and see that we have just exactly half, and
no more.
Furthermore, when we look at any known thing, we know that for it to
possess the attributes of a thing it must possess three dimensions —
length, breadth, and thickness. This being so, we also know it has,
broadly speaking, two sides—an outside and an inside. The outside is
not the same as the inside, any more than the boiler is the steam which
drives the engine.
This logical process of reasoning is the only chart which has so far
been prepared for the Occult explorer. It is vague and probably
unsatisfactory; yet, when it is used in conjunction with man’s conscious
intuition (the only true compass to guide man in his winding, uneven
pathway upon the shores of the Infinite), one never need fear being lost
or failing in his endeavors to know the Truth.
In order to carry the same line of reasoning a little further, let us take
a type of architecture, the Gothic, for example and examine a well-
known specimen of this structural conception .The mind will say, “What
a beautiful building; how imposing and grand; what a triumph of man’s
mechanical skill!”
So it appears, and upon the plane of visual appearance, so it

really is. Consequently, it is a truth for the time. But when examined in
the light of Occult Science, we find this visual truth is only relative. It is
only a truth on the external, transitory plane of material phenomena. We
see, that in addition to being the result of man’s trained mechanical
ability it is the external form of his mental ideal. It is the phenomenal
outcome of man’s creative attributes.
When we look at this solid building from the earth’s plane, we only
see the outside of an object having length, breadth, and thickness. We
know there must be an inside, but we must enter the interior plane before
we can see it. Therein we shall find the building as it exists within the
subjective world of its architect. The solid stone edifice will crumble to
decay and fall; in the end not one material particle will remain to
indicate the place whereon it stood. Hence, the building was not real; it
was only a passing appearance assumed by matter under the moldings
forces of man’s mechanical ability. When the forces which gave it shape
and form became polarized by the restless oceans of planetary
magnetism, it dissolved and finally vanished “like the baseless fabric of
a dream.”
Even though the external structure of stone and mortar was lost within
the realms of “the great unknown”, the idea which created it was eternal.
It was a spiritual reality. Therefore, the idea was the absolute truth,
reality, yet the actual nonreality of stone appeared to be the real.
It is these delusive appearances which created the confusion regarding
the exact meaning of the terms “Spirit” and “Matter.” Science refers all
she cannot grapple with to some undiscovered forces of Matter, whereas
Theology refers them to the Spirit. Both are right, and both are wrong!
As we explore the territory belonging to both Spirit and Matter during
the progress of our journey, we will state that Spirit and Matter as we
know them, are but the duality of expression of the one great Deific
principle. The duality is due to a difference in polarity. Spirit and Matter
are a unity under two modes of action. This duality can be
comprehended in its true relationship when viewed from both planes and
realized by the true science of correspondence. Science is but a material
system of symbolism from which we regulate our conceptions of all
Plato said that ideas rule the world. And Plato was right; for,

before the divine ideal was evolved from within the divine sensorium,
the Universe was not. The result of the divine ideal was the creation of a
pure symbolic form.
Just as symbols are the product of ideas, so in their turn, ideas are the
symbols of thought. Thought itself is but the symbolic response of the
Self to the pulsating throb of the radiant Soul. Beyond this we cannot
penetrate, even in our most exalted conceptions. Thus, all serious study
and meditation as to the nature and existence of God is unprofitable, and
cannot bring the reader any substantial return either in this world or the
next. The infinite can never be comprehended by the finite. We must rest
satisfied with the certain knowledge that we can, by one grand chain of
sequences, trace the transmission of thoughts, ideas, and symbolic forms
to their divine source.
The angelic world is but a prototype or symbolic expression of the
divine sphere of the Infinite. The celestial world is but a reflection of the
angelic. The spiritual world is the prototype and the symbolic outcome
of the celestial heavens. The Astral is the reflection of the spiritual
sphere. And lastly, the material is but the concrete shadow of the Astral
Now the reader can perceive how we, in our present state, are a long
way down on the scale of creative life. But if we exist, we know by the
laws of our being that we can and shall find our way back through this
valley of the shadow. We can leave this plane of inverted images and
delusive appearances for the bright realms of our former state. There in
those spheres of pure angelic life we can exist with the ever living reality
of all the infinitude of apparent realities.

page 17

Ancient and
Forbidden Knowledge
1 THE KABBALAH page 29




5 THE SOUL page 91




9 MIND POWER page 155
The Art
of Prophecy







7 THE TAROT page 330





APPENDIX page 429

Ancient &
The Oldest Science
in the World

Before we can discuss what is the oldest science in the world, we must
arrive at some conclusion as to the definition of science. What exactly is
science? Buckets and buckets of ink have been used in defining the
word, but they all boil down to the statement: Science is knowledge
arrived at by the scientific method. Even more buckets of ink have been
used in trying to define scientific method. The essential of the method
may easily be described. They are a series of steps, the first of which is
direct observation.
Of course, what the scientist observes is often the result of deliber-
ately contrived experimentation. Contrived in some cases, as it were, to
reveal what the scientist wants to see. After such a scientist has made a
whole string of direct observations, he goes into a huddle with himself,
pulls his beard, scratches his head, or perhaps contemplates his navel.
From all this he forms an hypothesis or an explanation of some kind for
the things he designed the observations and experiments to reveal. This
hypothesis is a guess—an educated guess, perhaps, but still a guess.
The next step is a simple one. The scientist says to himself, “I know
my idea is right, and if I do some more experiments I will be able to
prove it.” The final step, then, for this scientist, is to do the new
experiment. If the experiment proves his guess, everything is fine. But if
it doesn’t—which is often the case—he uses Finagle’s Laws and
introduces a constant into the mathematics or a fudge factor into the
experiment. Frequently, merely fudging a little doesn’t really prove

the original hypothesis, so he takes one other step and draws on the truly
mystical realm of mathematics—the art of juggling figures. Now the
hypothesis is substantiated, and it can be called a theory, The theory is
nothing, then, but a well-tested guess.
Yet such scientists have overwhelming confidence in their own
ability, and thus make no attempts to teach the limitations of science. In
fact, they rarely recognize the limitations. But there are limits to science.
Let us consider the question: Can science disprove ghosts? Many
students of modern science would agree that science has found no
evidence, nor reason to suspect evidence, of spirits. Such things are only
superstitions. But ghosts and spirits can appear when the psychological
conditions are exactly right. Perhaps one of the very necessary
conditions for the appearance of any ghost is the absence of a modern
scientist. What then? Science would and could investigate ghost after
ghost but no evidence of ghosts would be found. And ghosts would
continue to appear when the cynical scientists weren’t looking.
This is a very simple case, yet it illustrates the true impossibility of
disproving things by the scientific method. Perhaps this is the case in the
current investigation into flying saucers. The Air Force and the scientists
seem much more interested in disproving their existence than they are in
proving it.
Not many years ago any claim about unknown forces from outside
our world affecting the lives and behavior of human beings would have
thrown scientists into an uproar. To accept such a concept would have
been to acknowledge a belief in Astrology. To the cynical scientist,
believing in Astrology is like believing in ghosts or witchcraft.
Paradoxically, scientists consider Sir Isaac Newton one of the greatest
of all scientists. They conveniently forget that Newton chose Astrology
as his life’s work! It was with great reluctance that he took up the study
of astronomy. He accused his colleagues of thinking too
materialistically. He also accused them of neglecting the real cause of
events. When fellow members of the Royal Society—true- blue
scientists—asked Newton why he believed in Astrology, he replied, “I
do not believe in a universe of accidents and, after all, I have studied the
subject and you haven’t.”

Other notable men who firmly believed in Astrology were Chaucer,
Dante, Shakespeare, Cromwell, Copernicus, Kepler, Plato, and Bacon.
The great Nostradamus based all his predictions on Astrology.
Astrology is the oldest science in the world. It had its origins in the
worship of the moon. Through the long nights before any history books
were written, generations upon generations of savages sat and
contemplated the wondrous and orderly procession of the seasons and
the shining stars in the heavens. Man soon gave them names, and the
names were those of the animal spirits he worshipped.
In Mesopotamia, archaeologists have unearthed clay tablets recording
astrological events which are over sixty centuries old. Five thousand
years ago the astrologer-priests predicted the flooding of the rivers by
watching the starry heavens. The Assyrian priests discovered the Zodiac
and its twelve divisions. They even learned to calculate the irregular
paths of the major planets and predicted eclipses.
In the early days, Astrology was a bloody, religious faith. It was
reserved for the king and rich, powerful citizens. When a major event
occurred in the heavens, a ritual murder frequently occurred. Such
murders rivaled the blood baths of the Aztecs.
Yet Astrologers of the ancient world were the Wise Men who were
the earliest mathematicians and who arranged the first calendars. These
same Astrologers were the founding fathers of the first universities, and
they built the world’s first skyscrapers in order to observe the stars in the
The ancients discovered that each planet controlled the health of
certain parts of the body, and they thought certain food plants grew best
when planted during the full moon. Charlemagne, William the
Conqueror, and the Crusaders required the sanction of the stars. War,
peace, treaties, coronations, marriages, operations - all these required a
special horoscope. The poisoning Borgias cast horoscopes before giving
arsenic to their enemies. Until just before the Spanish American War,
medicine depended on Astrology. Herbs, plants, and elixirs were all
more potent when gathered or manufactured during the proper phase of
the moon.
During the late nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth
century, prior to World War I, Astrology fell into disrepute. The
centuries of opposition by religion, philosophy, and

science drove it underground. Einstein’s works were the vogue!
In World War II the “royal art” played an odd role in the management
of this great war. Hitler had a battery of Astrologers and planned his
campaigns on the basis of their horoscopes. There was nothing for
Roosevelt and Churchill to do but to employ a special super-secret
Astrologer to tell them what the German Astrologers were telling
Adolph Hitler.
Even so, the cynical scientific opinion was that Astrology was nothing
more than a form of witchcraft or mysticism. At best, it was accepted
only as a pseudo-science. Today, however, the climate is rapidly
changing. There is evidence emerging which shows even the cynics that
what goes on in the heavens may have cause-effect connections with all
of us here on earth.
The great Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung, was intrigued by
Astrology. Astrologers have always known that by comparing the
horoscopes of married couples, or couples about to be married, they can
determine actual or future harmony or disharmony. Jung began using
horoscopes to examine the planetary aspects in the charts of 483 married
couples (966 persons). He used a large group of single couples who
hadn’t met as his control group. His remarkable conclusion was: “The
statistical material shows that a practical as well as a theoretically
improbable chance combination occurred which coincides in the most
remarkable way with traditional Astrological expectations. That such a
coincidence should occur at all is so improbable and so incredible that
nobody could have dared predict anything like it. It really does look as if
the statistical material had been manipulated and arranged so as to give
the appearance of a positive result.”
Even though the cynical scientists are becoming interested in
Astrology again, they are still reluctant to acknowledge their interest. A
few, though, do speak out. Frank Brown, a biologist at Northwestern
University, has demonstrated that oysters sense the position of the moon
and regulate their activities by it. Ordinarily oysters open and close their
shells in phase with the ocean tides. Doctor Brown wanted to see what
oysters would do if there were no tides. He hauled some out of the sea
off New Haven, Connecticut, shipped them to Evanston, Illinois, and put
them indoors in a tank of seawater at an even temperature under a steady,
dim light. For two weeks they

continued to open and close their shells in phase with the tides at their
old ocean home.
Abruptly they changed their rhythm. Their shell-opening cycle slipped
into phase with the tides which would have existed in Chicago had there
been an ocean covering Illinois. His hypothesis was that it is not the ebb
and flow of tidal water, but the position of the moon itself which governs
the oysters’ behavior. The mystery now is, What is the force from the
moon which causes this?
It is a statistical fact that the birthdays of geniuses, of criminals, of the
mentally deranged, tend to be grouped in seasons; for example persons
born in March tend to outlive those born in the summer months, and
geniuses are born more frequently in the spring. Physiologists explain
these statistics by talking about seasonal variations in maternal nutrition
during the pregnancy or seasonal changes in the endocrine activity of the
mother, exposing the fetus to differing hormonal environments.
It is well established that the earth’s atmosphere contains an electric
current composed of ascending negative ions and descending positive
ions. This field varies with the seasons and Zodiac and could
conceivably influence maternal metabolism during gestation.
Business cycles were for many years believed to coincide with
sunspot intensity. One explanation was that sunspots cause magnetic and
ionic storms which alter the ionic equilibrium of the atmosphere. If the
proportion of positive ions increases, it would cause headaches and
malaise, thus depressing morale and causing a slump in business activity.
A meteorologist of the Radio Corporation of America once
investigated the effect of various planets on electric storms in the
ionosphere and developed formulae which were very similar to those
used by Astrologers in their calculations of the influence of planets on
personalities. Although no scientist has yet determined the physiologic
or psychologic effects of ionic storms on the individual, the problem
remains open.
German seismologist Rudolf Tomascheck found that strong earth-
quakes usually occur when Uranus is within fifteen degrees of the
meridian. Two of the world’s worst tremors took place when Uranus was
in a very specific aspect in relation to several other planets. It is highly
possible that changes in the interplanetary gravitational

field might produce a “tide” within the earth’s molten core. This “tide”
would place a heavier stress on a surface fault and thus earthquakes
would occur.
The “Third Eye” or pineal gland, which was Descartes’ site of the
soul, is now considered a “clock” for the onset of puberty. It is definitely
affected by the planets and the seasons.
Throughout the history of time, man has always wanted to know and
understand the world in which he fives. It has been the custom to treat
many of man’s attempts at knowledge of nature as folly and superstition,
or as pure nonsense. Currently it is the custom when teaching the history
of science to state, “True science started with Thales.” But man has
always asked questions about the universe in which he lives. It is far too
easy, and really immature, for the modern scientist to dismiss ancient
knowledge and science as crude contrived superstition. It takes
knowledge and experience to compare and judge ideas and beliefs which
arise from a different mode of life than that of the world today.
The world has affected man in many ways, and has always left strong
emotional imprints upon his mind. Fire, flood, crop failure, disease,
defeat, and misfortune directly affected man’s fate and wellbeing. Such
tilings as comets, eclipses, and the stars were observed carefully and
studied. These phenomena impressed man, and he believed they were
vital to his life and welfare. Theories and hypotheses were devised for
the coordination and interpretation of the sensory data collected. Early
man developed these theories and hypotheses to the best of his ability
and not because of fear or superstition. Many such theories failed to
survive when time, ideas, values, tools, and basic assumptions changed
with man’s ever upward progress. New theories were found more
acceptable and replaced the old. The old theories, however, were not acts
of childishness or idiocy. In reality, these old theories were modified,
expanded, and changed gradually over the years to form the new
The Astrological outlook was a set of hypotheses which filled a
vacancy in the mind of early man. This outlook has outlasted any purely
emotional or prejudiced beliefs. In spite of its repeatedly being
challenged and attacked by materialistic and fatalistic tenets the
Astrological outlook remains important today.
Astrology found its support among the most learned as well as

among the common people, and this is why it has endured for nearly six
millennia. It was deep within the womb of Astrology that Astronomy
was nurtured, and there never has been any competition or conflict
between the two. They were very closely connected and inseparable for
many centuries.
From natural Astrology came the calendar and the ability of man to
predict the movements of the sun, moon, and various planets. Natural
Astrology advanced through the ages and in time was able to predict
eclipses of the sun and moon and the appearance of comets. Judicial or
mundane Astrology was studied as a method of predicting and
foretelling the future. Not only was it studied to determine the character
and fate of various individual men, but it was also studied to predict
plagues, wars, earthquakes, and other natural and historical events. It is
this branch of ancient Astrology which is the Astrology of today. It was,
and is, thought by many of the cynical to be a pseudo-science, and is
jumbled together with palmistry, numerology, and magic.
Yet, Astrology is defined as the study of the sun, moon, planets, and
stars. It is disappointing that the modern scientist has not examined this
age-old Science with the modern methods and tools of present day
technology, to prove, or disprove, the effect of the heavenly bodies upon
the affairs and well-being of mankind.
Alchemy has faired better throughout recorded history; it is readily
accepted as the forerunner of modern chemistry. The modern chemist
has even succeeded in the principal purposes of medieval Alchemy. It is
now possible to change base metals into gold and silver.
Pharmacological chemistry is now approaching the other great goal of
Alchemy by seeking substances which will cure the physical and mental
ailments of man. Modem pharmacy has enabled mankind to live longer
and healthier lives. The medieval Alchemist was unable to do either, but
he made the basic chemical discoveries which led to modern day
molecular and atomic chemistry.
Most modern day chemists are willing to credit the medieval
Alchemist with scientific achievement. The alchemical workshops even
resembled the modem chemical experimental laboratory. But the original
four Greek elements of earth, air, fire, and water have now been
expanded into well over a hundred.


COLD Earth Water

HOT Fire Air

Empedocles taught that everything was formed of these four elements

mixed in different proportions by attractive and repulsive tendencies.
The four elements were themselves formed by the attractions or
repulsions of two pairs of contrasting qualities or cosmic forces.
Alchemy contained many highly theoretical components which were
derived from the abstract philosophers, such as Empedocles, Plato, and
Aristotle. Yet, the immediate observed events, the sight of compound
changing color, vapor turning to metal, or water turning to air - these
were undeniable facts. These were also subject to the Alchemist’s
control, for he could repeat them at will.
Neither Astrology nor Alchemy was ever an obstacle to progress.
Progress always requires change - change in ideas and change in beliefs.
Yet, all change is not a forward progress. A change of ideas or change of
beliefs can result in extreme scepticism and regression.
Science should be viewed as an aspect of human behavior and
founded on a cultural matrix. True knowledge comes from deep human
understanding—an understanding which is sympathetic and not critical.
Such should be one’s approach to the study of Astrology and the Occult.
Both have been with us since before the coming of a written history; they
have survived thousands of years and will continue to survive for many
Man is ever seeking ways to control his fate and destiny. Man is ever
asking questions about his Universe. No question should ever be
considered foolish, superstitious, or stupid if it concerns where and
whence man came, where man goest, or why is man.

The lure of the unknown and the lure of hidden things have long intrigued the
human mind. Along with such skills as throwing rocks and fashioning flintstone
spearheads, primitive man developed more subtle crafts, such as foretelling the
weather by the ways the birds flew or the winds blew. From those beginnings
came modern sciences like ballistics and meteorology; and the same applies in
many other instances.
Two factors were present in most primitive sciences: the Psychic and the
Occult. The practitioner of a craft possessed a special faculty not given to
ordinary mortals, enabling him to gain unique results and issue reliable
forecasts. He backed this up by knowledge of secret subjects which he was
pledged not to reveal. This combination of psychic power and occult learning has
persisted into modern times. Skilled artists regard their work as “inspired” and
rely on “trade secrets” for results. So the pattern is similar, even though many
things that once created awe and wonderment are now explained by modern
science. The cycle may now be bringing us to new wonders, perhaps including
some revivals from the past.
The Kabbalah is a metaphysical system by which the elect shall know God and
the Universe. It will raise him above common knowledge and make him
understand the profound meaning and the plan of creation. These secrets are
immanent in Holy Writ, yet not grasped by he who understands the texts literally.
The Old Testament is a book of symbols; its narrations are the mantle in which
are clothed sublime revelations.
These simple accounts are not the whole truth. If this were so, Writ could not
be called the Books of Book; if the wise men of today would meet and compose
collectively a similar book, it would without doubt be more coherent, less
obscure and less shocking.
The Hebrew letters in which the sacred texts are written are not just signs
invented by man for the recording of things, events and thoughts. Letters and
numbers are reservoirs of divine power.

The Kabbalah

When man cannot understand nature, and insofar as he cannot understand

it at any point, he is confronted with an actual vacuum, and into this he
projects himself. What is sought in Alchemy or the Hermetic Books or
the Memphite Theology, or in fads like flying saucers, is the basic
spiritual pattern of the human mind in symbolic garb, as it presents itself
in the individual and behind that, in the enduring structures of the human
As the speculative constructions of religion fall away as explanations
of “reality”, they assume the character of symbolic masks of the states of
the Soul. If they persist in the practices of a cult, we say they have been
etherealized. It is precisely their irrationality which keeps this dogma and
ritual alive. If they can be reduced to “commonsense” explanations or
denials they soon die away. Only the mysteries survive, because they
correspond to the processes of man’s internal life— outward visible signs
of inner spiritual realities.
Kabbalism dates back into the most obscure past of Judaism. What are
the distinguishing ideas of Kabbalism? It is first of all a theory of
emanations (degenerative monism, philosophically). The inscrutable
Godhead fills and contains the Universe. To become active and creative,
God emanated ten sephiroth or intelligences. A special prominence is
given to one of these emanations, which functions as a female principal
in the Deity. This is the final emanation, Malkuth the Queen, the physical
manifestation of Deity in the Universe. She is thought of as a divine
woman—the Bride of God.

Finally, the “innermost secrets” of the Kabbalah are what are Occult in
all occultism, erotic mysticism, and a group of practices of the sort we
call yoga. For the Kabbalist the ultimate sacrament is the sexual act,
carefully organized and sustained as the most perfect mystical trance.
Over the marriage bed hovers the Shekinah. Kab- balism also includes a
group of divinatory and magical practices, manipulations of the alphabet,
magic spells, and rites. All of these elements go back to very early days.
It is these beginnings which shed most light on scholarly Kabbalism and
go far to illuminate the real, the abiding, spiritual meaning. By and large
the special details of Kabbalism are what is Occult in occultism
everywhere; most of the world’s religions can be reinterpreted in these
terms, which give Kabbalism its fascination and its substance.
Kabbalism is probably the only religious movement of the Gnostic
type to come full circle—to create mysteries and explain them, to hide
secrets and discover them, and come at last back to the greater mystery
from which it started, with deeper insights and wider knowledge. Insight
and knowledge of what? In the last analysis, of the human soul, of man
within himself, united with another in marriage, united with his fellows
in love.
In modern times there have been all sorts of rationalizing, philoso-
phizing, psychologizing movements which have in fact accomplished
similar ends. These are either eccentric individuals or modern sophi-
sticated cults. No matter who wrote or gathered and edited the tract of the
Zohar, it shows all the signs of being perfectly natural.
The Kabbalah, playing as it does such an important part in the
unveiling of the Scriptures, must be understood by those who wish to
enter into the details and comprehend fully the methods used by
Kabbalists. Hence, the first and most important question to be answered
is, what is the Kabbalah?
It is easy to give an explanation of the meaning of the word itself, for
its root is Kbl, which means “to receive;” hence, the Kabbalah is the
“received” doctrine. It is the esoteric side of the scriptures of the doctrine
of the eye—the inner Truth as opposed to the outer form.
There is, however, no Book of the Kabbalah, no manuscript called
“The Kabbalah”; but many manuscripts and books were written based
upon the Kabbalistic knowledge, and these different works are known
collectively as the Kabbalah. They are, however, merely

opinions and statements embodying the ideas of the Hidden Wisdom.
These have been taught to companies of students by the teachers of the
Secret Doctrine even though they were seldom written down.
We have to remember, however, when entering upon a study of the
Kabbalah, that it is to be viewed in three ways: historically, as regards
the documents, etc.; in reference to the Kabbalistic methods of teaching
and unveiling the mysteries hidden in the Scriptures; and finally, as the
Kabbalah, the Wisdom itself, or Spirit, Soul, and Body. Everything in the
whole Universe must of necessity be threefold, as will be proved later.
The Kabbalah is no exception.
It is well to remember these distinctions and to realize the difference
between the Kabbalistic wisdom, the means of production, and the
product or appearance. The Kabbalah, then, viewed from this point of
view, is not a book as so often thought, just as the Occult teaching, the
Secret Doctrine, is not a book, even though The Secret Doctrine happens to
be the name of a book containing many of its teachings.
What, then, is the Kabbalah, and whence does it originate? These
questions have puzzled the minds of many scholars in the past and still
continue to puzzle many in the present, especially those who endeavor to
fix and tabulate the Ancient Wisdom. They are those who do not look
beyond the surface.
Hitherto nothing definite has been settled as to the origin of the
Kabbalah. As regards the documentary evidence, there are few historical
facts of an exact kind upon which the intellectual writers could fall back;
hence, many have been driven into the realm of surmise and opinion.
One declares, repeating the information given in a very old
manuscript, that this wisdom was given by God himself to a company of
angels. Esoterically speaking, he may be correct, if he thinks of an
Avatar in the place of a personal God, and of Masters instead of Angels.
Another declares the Kabbalah, or rather that part of it comprised under
the title Zohar, is the work of Simeon ben Yochai, who lived at the time
of the destruction of the second Hebrew Temple. Others declare it is a
modem invention and the work of Moses de Leon.
All seem to forget that the Kabbalah itself, being the expression of

Cosmic Truth, can have had no actual beginning, but must be as eternal
as Truth itself!
It is reasonable to suppose, and many other Occultists who have an
excellent knowledge of the past declare, that there were always some
great ones upon earth with a knowledge of the Secret Wisdom or
Kabbalah. There were, indeed, always men who knew of these doctrines,
and they were continually giving them out to the world in different lands
at different epochs as required—sometimes in one form and at other
times in another, but ever it was the same Truth. Veiled in the teachings
of the Kabbalah or the vehicle for the Divine Wisdom, it is eternal, for it
is the means of manifesting the knowledge stored up in the memory of
This Aether of space is a veritable picture gallery, or rather a
kinematograph which, when wound up by the initiated seer, shows
picture after picture of the Past. These pictures are the true memory of
Nature impressed upon Aether of Akasha, just as human memory of the
past is impressed upon the matter of man’s brain. If the one statement is
found to be reasonable then the other is not a whit less so.
In this sense, the Kabbalah had no beginning except as the world itself
had a beginning, and man himself had a beginning, for the Divine
Wisdom is Eternal in the Heavens.
But there must have been a time when the wisdom was first promul-
gated, when these Kabbalistic doctrines were first given out to students.
True, but then we have to consider our knowledge of history does not
take us far enough back into the time stream. Wherever we look, apart
from the ordinary historical records, we find this inner teaching has
We see it hidden in the ancient writings of South America, in the
temples and on the stones and monuments of Egypt, in sacred writings
the world over, in Sanskrit, in Greek, in Latin, and in Chinese. It is found
in any sacred writing which is truly sacred, one which is capable of
teaching Truth to man.
In the Vedas it looms large; it is to be found upon the papyri of the
Priests of Egypt, on the stones of Assyria and Babylon, in the writings of
the ancient Persians and Sassanians, and in all countries and in all climes.
In Peru and in other parts of America, in China, in Japan, and throughout
Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia, everywhere traces of this great
ancient wisdom are found.

It is, however, sufficient to know that the Kabbalistic works date back
considerably. The date can be placed to the doctrines of the ancient
Egyptians, and it may be said that in the opinion of many students, the
Kabbalistic teachings were undoubtedly of Egyptian and Chaldaic origin
as far as the Jews were concerned.
The Book of Zohar is said to have originated with Rabbi Simeon ben
Yochai. The Book of Zohar is said by its compiler to have been
discovered in a cavern where it had lain for many years; it is not an
unlikely tale. It is quite reasonable to suppose Moses de Leon did find
some old manuscripts written by the disciples of Rabbi Simeon in the
second century. He could have edited them, rearranged their teachings,
and added some of his own wisdom—of which he had an abundance.
However, this does not dispose of the fact that the Kabbalah itself is of
infinitely greater antiquity even if a few of its doctrines may have been
written down in the second century. Hence, the student is reminded that
the study of Kabbalah is not exclusively a Jewish work, but the work of
ancient students of the Occult, whose ideas are beyond the reach of
sectarian differences.
The history of books is not important after all; it is “The Thing-in-
Itself” which matters to the truth seeker. Let us, then, leave these dates
and data, for the history of the Kabbalah has not yet been, nor ever will
be, written by any scholar whose knowledge is in his head only.
The ancient races preserved the remembrance of a primitive book,
written in hieroglyphs by Sages of the earliest epoch of our world. It was
simplified and vulgarized in later days, and its symbols furnished letters
to the art of writing, characters to the Word, and the signs to all true
This book was attributed by the Hebrews to Enoch, seventh master of
the world after Adam; by the Egyptians to Hermes; and by the Greeks to
Cadmus, the mysterious builder of the Holy City..This book was the
symbolical summary of all primitive tradition, called subsequently
Kabbalah, meaning “reception”.
The tradition in question rests on the one dogma of Magic - “The
visible is for us the proportional measure of the invisible.” Now the
ancients, observing that equilibrium is the universal law in physics and
follows the apparent opposition of two forces, argued from physical to
metaphysical equilibrium. They maintained that in the

First Living and Active Cause there must be recognized two properties which
are necessary one to another. These were stability and motion, necessity and
liberty, rational order and volitional autonomy, justice and love, whence also
severity and mercy. And these two attributes were personified, so to speak,
by the Kabbalistic Jews.
According to the Kabbalah, this is the groundwork of all religions and all
sciences—triple triangle and a circle. The notion of this triad was explained
by the balance multiplied by itself in the domains of the ideal. From it came
the realization of this conception in symbolic forms. The ancients attached
the first notion of this simple and impressive theology to the idea of numbers
and qualified the figure of the first decade in the following manner:

1. The Crown, the equilibrating power (Kether).

2. Wisdom, equilibrated in its unchangeable order by the initiative of
intelligence (Chokmah).
3. Active Intelligence, equilibrated by Wisdom (Biuah).
4. Mercy, which is Wisdom in its secondary conception, ever benevolent
because it is strong (Chesed).
5. Severity, necessitated by Wisdom itself, and by good will. To permit
evil is to hinder good (Geburah).
6. Beauty, the luminous conception of equilibrium in forms, inter-
mediary between the Crown and the Kingdom, the mediating
principle between Creator and Creation, or a sublime conception of
poetry and its sovereign priesthood (Tifereth).
7. Victory, the eternal triumph of intelligence and justice (Nesah).
8. Eternity, the conquests achieved by mind over matter, active over
passive, life over death (Hod).
9. Foundation, the basis of all belief and all truth, the Absolute in
philosophy (Yesod).
10. The Kingdom, the Universe, the entire Creation, the work and mirror
of God, the proof of all supreme reason, the formal consequence
which compels us to have recourse to virtual premises, the enigma
which has God for its answer. Supreme and Absolute Reason

Here is the religious and Kabbalistic key of the Tarot, formulated in

technical verses after the mode of the ancient and wise lawgivers.

1. A Conscious, Active Cause in all we see,
2. And number proves the living unity.
3. No bound hath He who doth the whole contain
4. But, all preceding, fills life’s vast domain.
5. Sole worthy worship, He, the only Lord,
6. Doth His true doctrine to clean hearts accord.
7. But since faith’s works a single pontiff need,
8. One law have we, and at one altar plead;
9. Eternal God for aye their base upholds.
10. Heaven and man’s day alike His rule enfolds.
11. In mercy rich, in retribution strong,
12. His people’s King He will upraise ere long.
13. The tomb gives entrance to the promised land, Death only ends; life’s
vistas still expand.
14. Good angels all things temper and assuage,
15. While evil spirits burst with wrath and rage.
16. God doth the lightning rule, the flame subdue.
17. His word controls both Vesper and her drew.
18. He makes the moon our watchman through the night,
19. When dust to dust returns, His breath can call,
20. Life from the tomb which is the fate of all.
21. His crown illuminates the mercy seat,
22. And glorifies the cherubs at His feet.
23. These doctrines sacred, pure and steadfast shine;
24. And thus we close our number’s scale divine.

Four suits present the Name of every name.

Four brilliant beams adorn His crown of flame.
Four rivers ever from His wisdom flow.
Four proofs of His intelligence we know.
Four benefactions from His mercy come.
Four times four sins avenged His justice sum.
Four rays unclouded make His beauty known.

Four times His conquest shall in song be shown.
Four times He triumphs on the timeless plane.
Foundations four His great white throne maintain.
One fourfold kingdom owns His endless sway,
As from His crown there streams a fourfold ray.

By this simple arrangment the Kabbalistic meaning of each card is

shown. We can thus understand how the ancient pontiffs proceeded to
make the oracle speak. The chance dealing of the Tarot deck invariably
produced a fresh Kabbalistic meaning, exactly true in its combinations,
which alone were fortuitous. Seeing that the faith of the ancients
attributed nothing to chance, they read the answers of Providence in the
oracles of the Tarot.
As to the Court Cards, a final couplet will suffice to explain them:


The married pair, the youth, the child, the race;
Thy path by these to Unity retrace.

The Kabbalist’s task is to unriddle this hidden meaning through

methods handed down by tradition. The verities thus gathered are in
accord with the principles established by the founders. But who were
these founders? History and legend disagree on this point. In Kabbalistic
writings we read God Himself revealed the Kabbalah to mankind in
Biblical times.
Adam received a Kabbalistic book from the angel Raziel; and through
this wisdom he was enabled to overcome the grief of his fall and to
regain dignity. The Book of Raziel was handed down to Solomon, who
by its power subdued earth and hell. The book Yetzirah is attributed to
Abraham; but the prevalent Jewish opinion is that on Sinai, Moses
received the key of how to interpret mystically the Scriptures.
A cosmogony based upon letters existed in Israel 150 years before

our Christian era. It is also likely that the Hebrew priesthood heeded oral
traditions, as did the priests of other nations. Empirical lore lived beside
the Scriptures, for Esdras refers to the revelation made to Moses by God:
“These words thou shalt declare and these thou shall hide...” (Exodus II,
14: 5-6).
Remnants of so venerable an age are evident in the numerous works of
the Kabbalah. Many of its ideas are latent in the apocalyptic texts written
in the first and second century of our era. Yet the origin of a well-defined
Kabbalistic doctrine must be placed in eternity.
How strange the destiny of the Jews, those scapegoats, martyrs and
saviours of the world. A people full of vitality, a bold and hardy people,
which persecutors have failed to destroy, for they have not yet
accomplished their mission.
The monarchs of science are the priests of truth, and their sovereignty
is hidden from the common multitude. The kings of science are men who
know truth, and the truth has made them free. If you hold by anything in
this world more than reason, truth, and justice; if your will be uncertain
and vacillating; if logic alarms you; if the naked truth makes you blush; if
you are hurt when your errors are found, do not read this. At the same
time, do not claim it as a pack of dangerous lies.
The Astrologer avails himself of a force which he knows; the sorcerer
seeks to misuse one he does not understand. The Astrologer is the
sovereign pontiff of Nature; the sorcerer is her profaner.
To know. To dare. To will. To keep silent!
Man becomes king of the beasts only by subduing or taming them,
otherwise he would be their victim. The world is a field of battle. Liberty
struggles with inertia by its opposition of active and vital force.
Dictators are millstones. If you cannot be the miller, you must be the
grain. He alone can possess the pleasure of love who has conquered the
love of pleasure. To be able to forbear is to be strong. To yield to the
forces of nature is to follow the stream of negative life and to be the slave
of minor causes. To resist and subdue nature is to make for one’s self a
personal and imperishable life.
To succeed in performing something we must know what is proposed,
or at least we must have faith in someone who does

know. The intelligence and will of man are instruments of incalculable
power and capacity. Intelligence and will possess an instrument of
faculty which is imperfectly known, the omnipotence of which belongs
to the domain of Astrology.
Supreme intelligence is of necessity reasonable. God may only be an
hypothesis, but he is an hypothesis imposed by good sense on true human
reason. Necessity, liberty, and reason—these are the great supreme Triad.
Fatality, will, and power—such is the divine Triad.
Fatality is the inevitable sequence of causes and effects in their
determined order. Will is the directing faculty of intelligent forces for the
conciliation of freedom with the necessity of life. Power is the wise
application of will which enlists fatality in the accomplishment of the
desires. The forces of nature are at the disposal of those who know how
to control them.
Sexual physical love is ever an illusion, for it is the result of an
imaginary mirage. Rivalry often creates success, since we work harder at
that which resists us.
Faith (aspiration towards the infinitive), the noble self-reliance
sustained by confidence in all virtues (the faith which in weak natures
may degenerate into pride) is represented by the Sun. Hope, the enemy of
avarice, is represented by the Moon. Charity, in opposition to luxury, is
represented by Venus. Strength, superior to wrath, is represented by
Mars. Prudence, hostile to idleness, is represented by Mercury.
Temperance, as opposed by gluttony, is represented by Saturn. Justice, in
opposition to envy, is represented by Jupiter. Such are the symbols
borrowed by Astrology from the ancient Hellenic cults.
In the Kabbalah of the Hebrews, the Sun represents the angel of light;
the Moon, the angel of aspirations and dreams; Mars, the destroying
angel; Venus, the angel of loves; Mercury, the angel of progress; Jupiter,
the angel of power; and Saturn, the angel of the wilderness. Infancy is
dedicated to the Sun, Childhood to the Moon, Youth to Mars and Venus,
Manhood to Mercury, Maturity to Jupiter, and Old Age to Saturn.
The seven colors of the prism, and the seven musical notes,
correspond also to the seven planets of the ancients—they are the seven
chords of the human lyre.


Thoughts untranslated into speech are lost to humanity. Words

unconfirmed by acts are only idle words. Thoughts formulated into
speech and confirmed by acts constitute a good work or a crime. Hence,
in either vice or virtue, there is no utterance for which we are not
responsible. Above all else, there are no indifferent acts. Curses and
blessings invariably produce their consequences. Every action, whatever
its nature, whether inspired by love or hate, has its effects analogous to
its motives and its extent and its direction.
Unpopularity may be a proof of integrity and courage, but never of
policy or prudence. The closer the bonds which unite two persons, the
more terrible the consequences of hatred between them. To pardon is
never a crime, but to curse is always a danger and an evil.
Reason has been given to all men, but all do not know how to make
use of it. It is a science to be acquired. Liberty is offered to all, but not all
men are free. It is a right that must be earned. We attain nothing without
more than one effort. The destiny of man is to be enriched by his own
earning. Afterwards he is to have the glory and pleasure of dispensing it.


The different methods are as follows:

1. The key to the Scriptures is in the meaning of the Hebrew letters
themselves (see Appendix), in addition to their meaning collectively.
Each letter has many meanings according to the plane of mani-
festation from the human and man’s surroundings to the Cosmic and
its surroundings. It is sufficient to say that they constitute a veritable
mine of great wisdom and are collectively the true key to the
2. Each of the Hebrew letters has in common with the letters of many
other languages, notably the Greek, a numerical value. These values
are often written down in place of the letters of a word which they
represent. This then constitutes the numerical value of that word.
From this method, wonderful teachings can be derived, especially
with the aid of one who has had experience in Kabbalistic studies. It

is called Gntria or Gematria (a synonym for the Greek word
Grammeteia), which means literally “the amounting to”. Words of
similar values are used to explain the deep truths hidden in the
combinations of letters which are called words.
3. The third method is called Temura, which means “to change”, and is
called “permutation” by Christian Kabbalists. This is an
anagrammatical method in which the letters of a word are changed
about in order to form another word, or at times reversed, as the case
may be; in this way many mysteries are brought to light.
4. Notariquon is a method in which the initials of words are taken to form
other words. The simplest example is of the Chochmah Nestirah, which
means the “hidden wisdom”. The answer is shown us by the teacher
who points to its initial letters from the word Ngh and Chn, the former
referring to Rest (Pralaya) and the latter to Grace. Yet both are
symbols showing the result of a study of the hidden wisdom or
Chochmah Nestirah. Such study is supposed to bring grace, lead to rest,
and to the ultimate perfection of man. In a sense this is the human
condition of Pralaya, the condition of Heaven upon Earth. The true
meaning of Notariquon is simply “quick writing” or “shorthand”.
5. Finally, there are the “Four Ways”—the four ways of interpreting the
Sacred Scriptures.
There is no special authority for these statements, but they are well
known and accepted by Kabbalistic students, having been handed
down from father to son, throughout the ages. The four ways of
reading the Sacred Scriptures according to Kabbalists, as mentioned in
the Book of Zohar, are:
First, the Psht, or Pshat, is the plain or simple literal rendering of the
superficial knowledge which anyone may read. The second method is
called Rmz, or Ramaz, literally, “a hint”, and is intended for students
who are developing their intellect and who do not wish to be taught by
those who see only the literal meaning. The third, Drsh, or Darash, is
the inferential method of reading, in which the eye of intuition (the eye
of the Spirit) is opened. Then man transcends far above the lower mind
and far beyond the intellectual reasoning of the brain consciousness, as
is well known to all Occult students. Finally, there is the fourth, and
most important method, called Slid, or Sod, literally, “secret”. This
method is taught by initiates to their beloved disciples only. They are
careful to whom they divulge this, the deepest of mysteries, knowing
that “Those who hunt what the Gods hide have trouble for their pay.”

The four ways of reading the Sacred Scriptures correspond to the Four
Initiations of Life—the lessons which man has to learn whilst passing
through the experiences of the physical, emotional, mental, and higher
planes. These experiences have to be gained chiefly while in the dense
physical body. The man who has mastered all these four ways and who
has passed the initiations of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire rises above them
and becomes a Pure One (Tahar)
It is curious to note that the same teachings are in the Sanskrit, for in
that wonderful language the word Tahar or Arhat means a “Perfected
One”, Mahatma-a, or Master.
A Master is one who has passed these four initiations, but this does not
mean that he has merely learned to read the Sacred Scriptures as written
upon paper. There are other scriptures, the scriptures formed in the hearts
of men, as well as in the Mind of God. Those who would be perfect have
to learn to read these “Sacred Scriptures” in the four manners
corresponding to Pshar, Ramaz, Darash, and Sud.
This then is the goal set before us; this is the Law: “Be Perfect, even
as the Father in Heaven is perfect.” By conquering all the worlds, by
experiencing all things, by reading the Sacred Books, whether in the
hearts of men, or whether in the records of man or nature, we rise above
the necessity for earthly lessons and become free from our bonds, perfect
masters of the arts and crafts. Thus viewing life, the Kabbalist attains to
Paradise. The secret is hidden in the four words Pshat, Ramaz, Darash and
Sud—the initials of which yield Prds (Paradise).
What is Paradise? Is it a beautiful Garden of Eden, or a materialistic
heaven? Paradise or Nirvana is a state of consciousness, a condition, in
which man becomes all that there is and in which he feels himself to be
at one with all that exists. He is at one with God and man and henceforth
has no further lessons to learn upon earth. He has attained the Goal set
before humanity. He may then pass on to higher realms and enter a new
order of beings. He may remain to help in the great work on earth—to
uplift and benefit his younger brothers.
All this is hidden in the words Pshat, Ramaz, Darash, and Sud. As man
progresses through the different experiences of life and passes the
initiations represented by these four words (the Four Ways), he

extracts from each the essence of spirit and adds it to his store of


In ancient times, the world was not overburdened with literature as it is

now, when millions of books which all treat the same unimportant
material matters are produced in such ghastly numbers. In those days,
man depended more upon personal teachings, and when ready received
his just reward from his teacher.
The method of teaching was the {Cabbalistic one of using the sacred
scrolls, upon which were written glyphs and symbols. Upon this
foundation man built a solid structure of knowledge. The teachings
related to the Macrocosmos, the large world or the Universe, and to the
Microcosmos, the reflection of the larger world to the small one called
Man. From these teachings, hidden in these glyphs and symbols, a
universal science is obtained—a science which treats of the Becoming of
the Universe, of flux and efflux, of Manvantara and Pralaya, from the
generation of the “Gods” to the perfection of Man.
One of the methods used to unravel the mysteries hidden in these
sacred writings or scrolls is that of Temura or permutation, the
anagrammatical method of changing the position of the letters and
forming a word to create a new word which then explains the original. A
striking example of this method, is the following:
The writers on Alchemy speak of a mysterious substance to which no
name is given. It is said to be the cheapest thing in the world and costs
nothing, yet it cannot be bought, but is actually given “for nothing” to all
who are entitled to it. What is this mysterious thing? The Kabbalist
answer is, “It is Grace”.
The Hebrew word Mchn, Mechein, meaning literally “from grace”, has
six permutations of great significance: Mchn, “from grace”; Much, “from
the one who rests”; Chirm, meaning “rich oil”; Nchm, “to comfort”; Nmch,
“to obliterate”; and finally, Chnm, “for nothing”. In these permutations
there is hidden a teaching of the deepest significance.
He who has passed through the fires of life and seen the emptiness

of carnal things, of things transitory—those things which at the utmost
last but fora lifetime—he who has reached this stage becomes Much, the
one who rests from action. He has discovered after bitter lessons, after
repeated trials and tests, that all mundane things are useful only because
of the lessons which they teach the Soul.
Having thus learned from long experience that nothing in the world of
man may bind him, he becomes Much. He goes out into the world a
disciple doing the work of his Master, doing his Master’s will, seeking to
bring anew to earth the mighty truths so long hidden from a materialistic
world. Whatever storm there may be without, however much it may pour
with hailstones, however fearful the lightning and thunder in the world of
man, he stands calmly by, ready to serve those who are sent to him. He
has learned from the silence and becomes Much.
Thus he acquires Grace, Mchn,—that grace which is his due through
resting from effort, whilst ever in the midst of the fight. This Grace, of
Mchn, is like unto “rich oil”, which is Chnm, pouring down upon him,
anointing him and opening up a wider field of consciousness to him. It
tells of perfect unity and at-one-ment. This plane or condition of being is
known in the East as the Buddhic, and is spoken of in the West as
Cosmic Consciousness. Entering into this condition of Buddhic
consciousness through the anointing, all his doubts and fears are
dispelled. Never again can he complain that there is no purpose in life,
nevermore will he rail at the gods for the faults of man, for now he knows,
he realizes and understands the reason He sees the Purpose shining even
in the darkest night of misery. Thus knowing much he is enabled to
forgive all, and sets his feet firmly upon the path of Attainment.
Henceforth, as he looks around him and studies the Sacred Scriptures
written in the hearts of men, he sees nothing evil, except in a relative
sense. There are only lessons to be learned and a something beyond all
forms which is Real and Everlasting. Nothing which is human is evil in
his sight, nothing that is human is wrong; there is no sin but what he
might have committed, no stage but what he himself has passed in his
upward climb. Knowing the effect of these lessons upon himself, he
realizes all is for the best. God, in truth, is indeed in his Heaven, and all
is right with the world.

This then is the meaning of the Alchemists when they assert that the
sacred fire cannot be bought but is to be had “for nothing”. This nothing
is a very precious “something”, for it is Grace, without which no man can
safely be entrusted with the Grand Secret.
We may read the lessons contained in these Temuras in a shorter way
as follows:
The Grace of God is like unto rich oil pouring out from the Heavens,
coming “to comfort” the “one who rests” from strife and serving “to
obliterate” all evil so that nothing is left but the Perfected One, the Tahar
or Arhat.
All love emotions are expansive; all emotions of hatred are restrictive.
Hope and faith are of the nature of love and expand the Soul; but fear and
doubt and despair are of the nature of hate and contract our Souls, thus
making us feel uneasy and unhappy. The snake stands for contraction, for
tightness and indrawing; when men fight and quarrel with one another,
they always resemble more or less the old snake, each drawing to his
side, anxious for self-preservation. Freedom from the snake’s anguish
can only be had by ceasing from the snake’s ways and learning to obey
the law of love, the first dictate of which is self-sacrifice.
There is no death; there is no destruction. All is but change and
transformation—first the caterpillar, then the chrysalis, then the beautiful
butterfly. Likewise, first physical man, then the mighty mind, and at last
a noble Soul.
The scientific mind of this age requires a logical and well-reasoned
foundation for every statement which claims its attention. Credence is
given to naught but the senses and their testimony. Even in the realms of
psychology and metaphysical research, the scientific mind clings to this
rule and demands compliance with its own conditions.
Naturally the Pilgrim on the Path to the Masters finds himself at a loss
to reconcile the man of science. His cold, calculating mind and
relentlessly exacting methods forget a manner of procedure. This is
nothing else but the faith of a little child. Fortunately this does not sound
as ridiculous now as it would have fifty years ago. A great number of
men, distinguished for their learning and sound knowledge, are no longer
strangers to the spirit and things spiritual.
To the ordinary mind, even of cultured people, thought is identified
with Self, and any mental movement within them is looked upon

as the guidance of the Self. This is why they get angry when their wills
are thwarted and their desires opposed. Taking their mind to be
themselves, their spirit rushes out against the supposed enemy who dared
to frustrate what the mind had planned.
The disciple, distinguishing between the eternal and evanescent, and
knowing the mind to be as unreal as the lower manifestations which he
has already conquered, cannot by any possible chance get angry or wish
ill to his opponents. No matter whether his grievance be real or fancied,
the knower of truth is far above the mind and its complications and has
actually nothing to lose or gain. There may arise an exceptional occasion
when for the sake of “younger souls” and their evolution, a defense will
be made by an Occultist against slander.
Those who transcend the personality and the passions completely find
the consciousness of the Higher Self. Those who have won the victory
and scaled the heights return to testify to the Light—the brightness of
which has left its reflection upon their faces. We can see their shining
auras and their glorified countenances, for they, without ceasing to be
children of the earth, have become citizens of the celestial realms. They
are now the twice-born sons and daughters of the Father of Lights, whose
limitless splendor must remain a mystery to the world at large to the end
of time.
The ultimate end of science is to explain the facts of nature. How does
science accomplish this? By generalization and deduction, which means
the placing of the newly discovered fact or the newly revealed truth at the
side of facts already known and truths already familiar to man. But in the
nature of things, science must stop somewhere. The latest fact still
requires a further generalization in order to account for its own origin.
Scientific methods lead to metaphysics.
The basis of all scientific research is the trinity of time, space, and
matter, which are themselves mental conceptions. Now seeing that these
fundamental conceptions of time and space, which form the warp and
woof, are essentially spiritual notions, it naturally follows the subject
aware of these must be above and independent of them.
Prior to this stage, man can never think of anything except as it is,
was, or will be. Likewise we can never think of anything which does not
occupy any space at all or which is devoid of all matter

whatever But the Atomic consciousness needs no such support to
substantiate the operation of its interior sight. It works on the formless
plane, and its experiences are so far removed from our earthly ones that
any terms we may use for their description must be inadequate.
However, the imperfection of the instrument does not detract from the
excellence of the master. The insufficiency of temporary channels does
not lessen the fullness of the eternal fountain. The shortness of our sight
and the narrowness of our horizon leave untouched the limitlessness of
the Divine Wisdom.
These truths were known to all initiates of ancient times. They are now
being revived and proclaimed anew to a doubting world. They are
founded upon the same principle on which the Cosmos itself is
founded—Love. But while being rooted and grounded in the very nature
of things, and identical with the Self in all creatures, they are meant to be
revealed to the few only, the majority of the race being insufficiently
prepared for them.
Love, the motive power of all that lives and breathes, must be the
guiding star of every disciple who has entered and is making progress
upon the Path. It is not only his safety valve at every step of the way, but
serves also to fathom the depths of the water surrounding him during his
voyage to the other shore. The storms and the winds threatening his
Individual Life may often be of such vehemence that constant reliance
and steadily increasing faith in the powers above are needed.
Only faith, hope, and love can save the disciple from destruction. His
enemies are many and mighty; their number and their power keep
increasing as he nears his goal. His only chance of escape is to hide
himself in the bosom whither naught that is evil can follow him —the
bosom of the Eternal Father and Mother.
To the doubting world this may still be fancy and childish talk, but we
can wait patiently until the doubters grow in knowledge and increase
their insight. In the course of time, these truths will become common
knowledge and no more doubted or wondered at than is present day
The Alchemists, who will forever remain our philosophers, friends,
and guides in these matters, knew long ago that the whole Universe is
one homogeneous whole and that we, being members of the whole,

serve our ends best by living for others. Sacrifice, therefore, is the
highest form of self-realization. The proofs in favor of such a conclusion
are so numerous and so substantial as to amount to nothing less than a
mathematical demonstration.

The Realm of Spirit

It is Nature which teaches all things; she receives of the pure spirit that
instructs her. Everything coming from the light of Nature must be
learned, except for the image of potentiality, Man is given creativity and
potentiality, for he possesses life and spirit.
The Kabbalah is actually an intensified development of the teachings
of an earlier oriental mystical trend, and centers around two basic
problems: (1) How to reconcile the relation of Spirit, the most exalted
and most spiritual Being, to the gross materialistic world. (2) How could
such a Spiritual Being create a material world, and from where did the
earthen matter come ? The solution to these problems is best expressed
by one word, Mediation, which means there are mediators between Spirit
and the material world by means of which the true relations are carried
out. The mediators have been identified differently in past ages as angels,
as powers of God embodied in the letters of the alphabet, or as occult
allegorical powers called sephiroth.
The true essence of Spirit and God, according to the Kabbalah, is
unknown. We only know pure Spirit is unlimited and infinite. It is
accordingly denominated in the Sof (Endless) and it must, however,
reveal itself to the world and to the mind of man. To review, there are ten
manifestations of power and media of Spirit called sephiroth. These are:
Kether (Crown), Chokmah (Wisdom), and Binah (Love and
Understanding), forming the first triad, which relates to pure being;
Chesed (Kindness), Geburah (Power), and Tifereth (Beauty and Glory),
which are the moral qualities; Nesah (Victory),

Hod (Spendor), and Yesod (Foundation), representing the world of nature;
and Malkuth (Leadership), which harmonizes the nine active principles
and acts as the medium between the sephiroth and other links in the great
chain of being and existence. The sephiroth are the instruments by means
of which Spirit created the world and through which it is manifest to the
Pure Spirit, per se, is then a diffusive, nonatomic, uncreated, formless,
self-existent being. It is silent, motionless, unconscious, and possesses in
its sublime purity only one attribute expressible in human language. This
is absolute and unconditioned potentiality or creativity.
Such is the realm of Spirit, which for the sake of linguistic con-
venience, was termed by the Occultist “the realm of unmanifested
being”. We do not have to deal with the first emanation of this
inconceivable state. Yet the Kabbalah contains many long and elaborate
treatises upon the various emanations of all ten sephiroth. These are, for
the most part, written in such an allegorical style as to be useless to most
Western readers. Even the Oriental mind finds them somewhat
unsatisfactory, and in many respects totally misleading.
The first emanation or manifestation from this realm of formless
being and power claims the reader’s closest attention. It forms the key
note of the entire divine anthem of creation. This emanation, called by
Kabbalists Kether (the Crown), when stripped of its allegorical and
mystical veil, is the simple and naked activity of pure motion.
Thus, we see the first action of the unconscious mind is thought, and
thought implies a vibration or motion. At the very moment the Deific
mind vibrates with thought, there springs forth from the infinite womb of
Divinity the duality of all future greatness. This duality is the
Kabbalistical twins (Hokmah and Binah) of Love and Wisdom. In turn,
they mean the attributes attraction and repulsion, of pure force and pure
motion. They are male and female, coequal and coeternal, and express
themselves as activity and repose.
No matter how recondite or abtruse our speculations may be, when
the orbit of our metaphysical mediation is complete, we find ourselves
face-to-face once again with our original starting point. This is the
infinite triad of Love, Wisdom, and Crown. In other

words, this triad is the one primal force of pure being containing
unlimited potentialities within itself.
With this divine trinity we, as investigators of nature's occult
mysteries, must rest contented. We console ourselves, whenever
necessary, with the certain knowledge that the nearer we appear to
approach the great white throne of the Infinite, the farther the divine
center recedes from us.
If this were not so, there could be no eternity for the atoms of
differentiated life. Consequently, the immortality of the Soul would be an
empty dream or a mere figment, hatched by some evil and infernal power
within the overheated imagination of poor deluded mankind.
Before going any further, the reader should commit to memory the
following doctrines. These are taught by the Occult initiates of all True
wisdom. They are doctrines to us in our present mortal state, since we
cannot demonstrate them externally by any known form of scientific

1. The whole Universe is filled with the pure, motionless, formless spirit
of creative and pure Divinity.
2. The Universe is boundless and unlimited, a circle whose cir-
cumference is everywhere and whose center is nowhere. The Universe
is a duality and consists of the manifest and the nonmanifest.
3. The life principle emanates from the pure vortices of the central
spiritual Sun of the manifest Universe. From this mighty, in-
conceivable center of life emanate spiritual rays which are scintillating
with activity.

The vast, motionless void, the awful universe of silent, formless spirit
now becomes alive with an infinite number of subordinate universes. The
rays at various points in space are brought into focus. At these points or
foci are formed the centers of smaller universes. An example of this great
process may be seen upon our material plane by observing how primary
suns throw off a series of secondary suns. These secondary suns then
throw off the planets. The planets now become the parents of the moons.
The science of correspondence states, “As it is above, so it is below.”

Remember well these basic doctrines.
The divine purpose of all creation is the differentiation of the
unconscious formless one. The grand outcome of this great purpose is the
ultimation of intelligencies. Then separate minds reflect the idea of the
universal mind, and conscious, individualized mentalities possess
immortal souls capable of eternal progression. They are differentiated
life atoms which become of themselves secondary factors and the
arbitrators of the destinies of manifold worlds.
The processes of creation are a duality of Involution and Evolution.
The one is inseparable from the other. Paradoxical as it may appear to the
uninitiated, it is a divine truth that the Evolution and ultimation of
spiritual life is accomplished only by a strict process of Involution. It is
from the without to the within, or from the infinitely great to the
infinitely small.
To better understand this mystery we must use a series of symbols.
Accordingly, we conceive the divine focus of the primal essence to be
the spiritual center of a universe. This ray constitutes a triune from which
emanates the pure white light of the formless one. This center constitutes
a realm of sephiroth, a sun-sphere of living potentialities— pure divine
beings infinitely beyond the highest archangelhood. As such, we
conceive of it as floating, as if it were a speck in the infinite ocean of
divine love, surrounded by the effulgent brightness of the nameless
This divine sphere is completely passive in such a stage. Nirvana
reigns upon and with the blissful radiance of its motionless bosom. But
the time approaches when its great mission in the scheme of creation
must begin. The moment arrives, and as the first creative pulsation of
thought in the whole sphere of motionless, formless, soft light flashes
forth, it is sparkling with living spiritual energy. Now, behold what a
change has taken place!
The soft, white light has ceased and in its place there goes forth in
every conceivable direction the mighty oceans of force—each ocean
differing in its velocity, color, and potentiality. The passive has now
become active, the motionless has commenced to move, and the void of
space is transversed upon the wings of light.
The Sun has become refracted, and a portion of the Infinite Light is
decomposed into its original unlimited attributes. This is related in the
mystical allegorical language of the Kabbalah as the evolution of

seven active sephiroth from the first trinity of Love, Wisdom and Crown.
It is these seven active sephiroth which constitute the seven principles
of nature. They form seven points or subcenters around their divine
parent center, the spiritual sun. These are the seven states of angelic life
from whose divine spiritual matrix issue all the life atoms of their created
When the dawn of any universe commences, the pure formless
essence is indrawn, before being involved by the Deific will of the
angelic hierarchies. It is indrawn from the realms of unmanifested into
the sun-sphere of creative life. By this contact it immediately undergoes
a great change. It is fornlless no longer, but atomic, and endowed with
the attribute or state of polarity.
This polarity evolves a sort of partnership and equally divides the
formless substance into two basic parts. Each part is a necessary
attendant upon the other in manifested existence. One is positive, the
other negative. The positive ray is that which constitutes the living
spiritual fire of all things. Its atoms are infinitely fine. The negative ray is
ever tending toward a state of rest or inertia. Its atoms are coarse and
loose when compared with those of the positive ray.
It is the substance formed by the negative ray which constitutes every
species of what is called matter. It forms all, from the inconceivably fine
etherealized substance which composes the forms of the divine
archangels of the sun, down to the coarse mineral veins of dense heavy
Therefore, when speaking broadly of spirit and matter, the terms are
perfectly meaningless in an occult sense. That which we call spirit is not
pure spirit, but only the positive or acting attribute of that which we term
matter. Hence, matter is so far unreal; it is only an appearance produced
by the negative ray, and this appearance is the result of polarity or of
more motion. One is straight and penetrating, the other is round and
With this necessary digression we resume our discussion. From the
seven angelic states mentioned before, spiritual involution commences.
Each one of the seven spheres is a reflection of one of the seven refracted
principles which constitute the divine mind. From this reflection spring
forth angelic races, second only in mental power and potentiality to their
parents. Then, in turn, there are produced

still lower celestial states—each state of sphere corresponding in nature,
color, and attributes to the sphere from which it was born or reflected.
Though each state in the descending scale is similar by correspondence,
it becomes less in size and more material. The spiritual potencies of its
angelic races are weaker and less active, because they are more and more
involved with matter as they descend the scale.
Thus does involution proceed; involving state after state, and sphere
after sphere, forming a series of circles whose line of motion or descent
is not in the plane of its orbit. Thus the form becomes as a spiral until the
lowest point is reached. Beyond this point motion is impossible, and the
infinitely great has become the infinitely small. This is the great
polarizing point from which the material world is reflected. It is the
lowest possible spiritual state of life, which formed the first ethereal race
of human beings upon our planet. Thus it ushered into existence the
famous Golden Age of mythological celebrity.
There are thus two schools for man. The school of the earth, which
teaches earthly things, has as its schoolmistress Nature, and is indeed
Nature herself, inculcates knowledge of itself and of those things which
are in it. Then there is the other school—that from above. There the
teacher is Deific spirit. It teaches us in the reborn body, not in the old
body; and in this reborn man, it teaches heavenly wisdom.
What is there in us, mortals, which has not come to us from the
sephiroth ? Whatever teaches us the eternal also teaches us the perishable,
for both spring from the realm of spirit.
There are many who deem man and his power to be the highest good.
There are men who consider the Malkuth to be the highest good, or hold
the highest good to be their fellow men who do them a good turn, give
them gifts, or help them. But in this they are mistaken. For is there not
the triad Love, Wisdom, and Crown above the emperor? Is there not
someone who gives to the man, who in turn gives you what you need? Is
not this someone more? We may rise as high as we can, in search of the
highest good, but all this remains within the earthly sphere; that which is
eternal is above all this.
If he who has the power is just in himself, the power must so sub-
jugate him so that he is sadder than those under him. For power comes
from Spirit and bears the human burdens that derive from it. It

follows that to each is given the spirit he desires: to one the spirit of
wisdom, to another the spirit of science, to a third the spirit of faith, to a
fourth the spirit of healing, to a fifth the spirit of power, to a sixth the
spirit of prophecy, to a seventh the spirit of tongues. Thus God gives
diverse things through Spirit, and not just one, but many hundreds, -so
man may know how marvelous is the Spirit from which all things come.
Each is twofold: on the one hand there is the knowledge we learn from
men, on the other hand the knowledge we learn from the Spirit. The
making of glass is not an art for him who has learned it from someone
else. But he who was the first to invent it of himself deserves to be
praised as an artist, for in him we feel the action of Spirit. But in him
who can do only what he has learned from others, the presence of Spirit
cannot be felt. Man can do none of this by his own strength; all his
wisdom, Ills reason, and everything that is in him cannot discover the
new, let alone fully develop its properties. Those who learned from the
first teachers learned directly from others, but they too lived by the
Spirit. For it was put into those men, and it has thus come down from the
first to the most recent man. And thus the Spirit triumphs on earth among

3 The Origin of
Physical Life

The Involution of Spirit and the reactive Evolution of Matter are based
upon absolute laws, which man may realize. One form disappears only to
give place to another more perfect form; this is a fact observed
throughout nature. Those who possess the attributes of Soul-light in a
sufficiently developed state can perceive the hidden potentialities latent
within the outward form. This being so, we know previous to this natural
evolution, which we distinguish all around us, there must have been a
process of involution. During this process, these latent potentialities
became involved with the external matter.
From nothing, nothing can be produced; it is therefore only the blind
and unreasoning who follow such an illogical creed as the one thus
From nothing ire came, and whatever our station,
To nothing ire owe an immense obligation.
Whatever we do, or whatever we learn,
In time We shall all into nothing return.

To the cold, heartless supporter of this annihilating system of

nothingness—one who flaunts his superficially learned authority under
the name of Agnosticism—we reply with the realized consciousness of a
deathless, progressive immortality:

From an infinite source midst realms of light,
An offspring from Nature, my soul stood its flight,
To gain amid matter, with its trials and pain,
The knowledge to carry it homeward again.
The immutable laws of nature may be traced backward into the eras of
sun formation, or carried forward beyond the present into the equally
dim vista of the eternal future. Those who can see and realize for
themselves the planes of both cause and effect will understand. To be
able to do this we must attain the soul state of equilibrium where both
realms unite. Then there is neither cause nor effect, but the two are one.


This state contains the mystery of those inconceivable laws by the

operation of which the Self becomes an acting entity. It suffices to say
that this is a state of celestial life wherein the purely embryonic center in
the divine are of progressive being is located. This is the point where the
diffusive intelligence of the infinite spirit becomes differentiated and
atomic. The Divine Self of the human Soul is absolutely atomic. It is as
eternal and immortal as the infinite. Though atomic, it is only so as a
purely spiritual conception, a point of radiant light, totally free from
matter, and incapable of uniting itself except by means of reflection.
The twin souls, male and female, or heavenly Isis and Osiris, are the
two halves. They are the masculine and feminine attributes of the Divine
Self. They have alternate cycles of activity and repose. During the cycle
of their fruitful activity, the two respond with intense vibrations to the
divine song of creation. This creates an influx of the formless,
motionless spirit into the celestial sensorium, and the whole sphere
becomes radiant with the scintillations of spiritual harmony. Obeying the
creative impulse, these streams of spiritual force flow along to the
convergent poles from the various centers of the sphere. Each force from
the male is met and balanced by that of the female. The contact
produces, by the exact equilibrium of the masculine and feminine
natures, the living external sparks of immortal life.

In the process of time, these pure twin souls, unconsciously obeying
the internal impulse, become attracted towards matter. Up till now, they
were pure and innocent, knowing neither good nor evil. Thus the Divine
Self, which is incapable of descent into matter, projects the two souls
into the vortex of cosmic evolution, where they become separated and
ultimately incarnated within the minerals of a planet. This is the lowest
point in the arc. In this state, these souls constitute the hidden fire and
spirit of matter and are its latent force.


The souls have arrived at the mineral state, and we now must ascertain
the origin of its motor or its life. We know within the mineral lies
concealed the potencies of an immortal being.
Chemical force is death—balanced, still, and motionless. Spiral
motion is the motion type of life. It is the true motion of life. It is a
spiritual screw, and with all the mechanical advantages of a screw, it
penetrates the universe of matter. The spiral varies in magnitude from the
infinite to the infinitesimal. The lesser forces are but an infinite fraction
less than the greater forces. The spiral may be almost infinite in its sweep
of curve, and will require almost an eternity to reach its culminating
point. Or with the greater the diversity in power, the curve will become
less, until we have the infinitesimally small spiral which will culminate
almost instantly. Between these two extremes we have every
phenomenon of life, from that of the tiniest insect to the great cosmic life
of an Astral Universe.


Motion is the life of matter; but we must now seek for a still higher form,
the immediate product of matter. Having asserted that the spiral is the
motion of life, we will be substantiated in our assertion by the vegetable
kingdom. As external evidence, then, let us call to our aid the phyllotaxy
of plants. On the stems of plants the leaves are placed so a line wound
around the stem, and touching the petiole of

each life, would be a spiral. Where the leaves are in two rows, the space
between two opposite leaves is just half a circle or half the circumference
of the stem. Where there are three rows, it is one-third the circumference,
and so on. The facts are demonstrated by botanical science, and not only
confirm our assertion, but also show that vital force is subject to
In order to understand how the vegetable evolves from the mineral,
the spiral motion of life must be held in view. Also, the various changes
of atomic polarity must be clearly understood. For instance, the atoms of
oxygen and hydrogen by combination produce a substance (water) which
is the direct polar opposite of their original flammable states. From this
change of polarity we have clouds, oceans, and rivers. Now when the
vapor from these waters is drawn upward by the heat of the sun, a small
fraction becomes decomposed into the gaseous state. Although
decomposed, the atoms are actually the same after combining into the
substance known as water as they were when uncombined. They have
only a different angle of motion. Before, they rotated in a circle; they
now ascend and revolve in the form of a spiral. In this ascension they
attract or are attracted by the atoms of carbonic acid gas. Instantly a
violent rotation among the various atoms is produced and they combine.
Another transformation has taken place; a new thing has been produced
as a molecule or germ of physical life.
Under the control of a central atom of fire, the predominating forces
of oxygen and carbon unite, and this union produces another change of
polarity. They become attracted to earth. The water or moisture receives
them, and a species of vegetable slime is the natural result. When this
vegetable product has served its purpose and decays, its liberated atoms
arise in their spiral motion. In turn, they become attracted to, or
themselves attract, some of the atoms in the air with which they have a
natural affinity.
The same process of polarization is repeated, with some slightly
different vibrations, and a still higher germ of life is evolved. The lowest
form of the lichen may result. From the liberated atoms of this life,
spring forth still higher and higher types of the same family until the
climax is attained. Then, by a higher and more ethereal attraction, the
polarized units bring forth the next higher form of life. Thus, as the ages
roll on, from this original form issue all species, classes, and

families of vegetation. From these evolve, through the medium of water,
a still higher round in the gamut of being, animal life, and finally Man.


Probably no truth has been more completely inverted by the ignorant and
concealed by the learned than reincarnation. In every age it has been
thought necessary by the priesthood to overawe the uneducated masses
by some species of pious jugglery. The popular theory of reincarnation,
as understood and taught today, is a typical example of truth perverted.
By reincarnation we mean the doctrine of the rebirth of the human soul
in various human forms and personalities, in different ages, upon the
same planet.
In every bundle of theological chaff there is, undoubtedly a grain of
genuine truth. We must bear in mind that the doctrine of human
reincarnation is not a doctrine of Occultism. It is a theological doctrine
of Oriental sacerdotal systems, formulated by the priesthood either to
conceal the real truth, or to account for what they themselves could not
understand. Up to a point, its teachings are those of truth itself, but
beyond this point the doctrine of rebirth becomes one of the greatest
delusions with which the mystical student must deal.
To those who are upon the plane of appearances, it possesses an
almost irresistible attraction, since it appears to account, in a most
rational and philosophical manner, for the wide differences manifested in
the mental, social, and moral conditions of humanity. Upon the external
material plane, it seems to settle the question of good and evil. It seems
to harmonize all our inequalities with what seems divine justice. All
these delusive appearances, however, are but empty shadows of the
phenomenal world. They can only deceive those who are upon the
external plane and who have obtained their knowledge of Occultism
from the writings of others, accepting such teachings without verifying
them for themselves.
There are two methods of verification: one, the actual experiences of
the Soul; the other, the response of the Soul to the thoughts and ideas we
derive from an author’s work. But, unfortunately, this

latter kind of verification is subject to serious drawbacks. A mediumistic
nature will respond to error because of the more potent thought of the
writer. If we are oversensitive, we may be superficial enough to respond
to an erroneous idea through pure emotional sentiment.
These drawbacks have been seized by the Inversive Brethren to enable
them to fasten this reawakening of the Karma and reincarnation delusion
upon the sensitive minds and mediumistic natures of the human race.
The most finely spun ideals of “the higher life” have been, and are
continuing to be, presented by a host of sentimental spiritually sick
mystical writers to explain “the glorious mysteries” of nature and “the
secret doctrine” of all religious philosophies. Yet they themselves, in real
truth, know very little, apart from the mediumistic ideas which are
projected towards them by the Inversive Magic. The whole is merely a
metaphysical delusion cast over their mentalities by means of a magnetic
It seems very strange that these followers of “the path” which lead to
physical reincarnation can be so blind as to imagine that this earth is the
only place within the infinite Universe whereon divine justice may be
satisfied, and due punishment meted out to the evil doer. The life beyond
is far more real, far more earnest, and much more conscious than this life
on earth. Surely, then, the Soul can work out its redemption better there
than here. Surely, the Soul ought to have the privilege granted of being
conscious of what it is suffering for. This is not the case according to the
fallacies of esoteric Buddhism. Alas! The spiritually blind are blind
In the descent of life into external conditions, we must not omit the
fact that in its descent the monad has passed through every state in the
soul world. It passed through the four realms of the Astral Kingdom, and
lastly, it reappeared upon the external plane at the lowest point possible.
From this point we see it enter successively the mineral, vegetable, and
animal life of the planet. In obedience to the higher and more interior
laws of its own especial round, the divine attributes are ever seeking to
unfold their involved potentialities.
No sooner is one form dispensed with, or its capabilities exhausted,
than a new and still higher form is brought into being—each in its turn
becoming more complex in its structure and diversified in its functions.
Thus we see the atom of life commencing at the mineral in

the external material world. The grand spiral of evolutionary life is
carried forward slowly, imperceptibly, but always progressively. There is
no form too simple, no organism too complete, for the inconceivably
marvelous adaptability of the human Soul in its divine struggle of
progressive life.
Yet, throughout the entire cycle of necessity, the character of its
genius, the degree of its spiritual emanation, and the state of life to which
it originally belonged, are perfectly preserved with exactitude. These
states correspond, in a general sense, to the four ancient elements Fire,
Earth, Air, and Water.
Yet, as a matter of purification alone, each atom must pass through all
these states on its upward journey. Before the human monad can possibly
attain the climax of its material evolution (the grand terminus of its
earthly incarnations), it must also pass through certain phases of
existence upon each planet; and its microcosmic nature in the embodied
man bears a mathematical correspondence to these phases. Thus,
between the mineral and man there is a perfect scale of life. No one form
is parallel with another in the grand chain of cosmic being. Even the
insects count, as the links, as progressive states in the Great Chain of
In the whole of this great chain are seven worlds through which the
soul migrates. No matter at what point or planet the Soul commences its
toilsome cosmic journey, the seventh planet is always the end of its
material orbit. This is the sphere wherein it attains the human form
divine. In no case does the soul monad commence as a mineral and attain
the animal or human upon the same planet. It becomes latent on each
alternate orb.
For example, the mineral atoms on this earth will undergo a purely
impersonal cycle upon Venus, which is their next sphere, and then
become incarnated within the vegetable upon the next planet. The
mineral atoms of the planet Mars, when they reach this planet, are purely
impersonal beings and do not incarnate here as objective forms. They
pass their cycle in the Astral spaces and then enter material conditions
again upon Venus.
Thus the soul monad has four objective states, and three subjective.
The objective states are one, three, five, and seven, or the mineral,
vegetable, animal, and man. The three subjective states are two, four, six,
or the negative states of its embryonic being. After the soul

attains the objective human form or seventh state, the next is beyond
material matter. “Once and only once,” saith the law. After this, Nature
shuts the door behind her. Eternal progression is the anthem of all
creative life.
When we apply these basic laws to external material life, we can
gauge the Soul’s past history with an accuracy which is truly marvelous.
Thus, for instance, the truly martial individual belongs to the state of life
known in Occult phraseology as Fiery. Those peculiar and especial
attributes were “rounded out” upon the planet known as Mars. The fiery
characteristics of an atom belonging to a state of life corresponding to
the fiery triplicity were evolved through various organic forms during its
cycle of incarnation upon the planet of Mars.
On the other hand, a Saturnine individual during his sojourn upon the
Martial plane was only a little attracted to the Martial forms of existence.
In fact, the soul monad, at that stage of its journey, passed through a kind
of impersonal coma instead of an active evolutionary life. This happened
because there was but only little affinity between itself and the planet.
Consequently, the planet did not have sufficient attractive power to
project the impersonal soul into the more outward forms of organic
The same may be said of each planetary characteristic. Their latent or
active expression in the embodied individual reveals to the initiated mind
the whole of the Soul’s past history of its impersonal planetary life. A
careful study of this will do much to explain the true and deeper
mysteries of Astrology. The positions of the planets at a person’s birth
do not make him what he is; they only harmonize with his Soul’s
During the process of the Soul’s involution, the human monad is not
incarnated in any form. The Soul descends into earthly conditions down
the subjective are of the spiral and reascends upon the objective. Rebirth
commences when the objective mineral state is reached. The process of
the monad’s descent through the various realms is a gradual polarization
of its Deific powers. This is caused by its contact with the gradually
externalizing conditions of the downward are of the cycle. At each step,
the Soul becomes more and more involved within the material.
The sphere of the reincarnation—embracing the birth of an external

form, its transient life and death, and the Soul’s rebirth in a higher and
more perfect form of life—is all between the Mineral and Man. Between
these two planes, the Soul must pass through countless forms and phases.
It is an absolute truth that man lives on many planets before he reaches
this one. Myriad worlds swarm in space where the Soul, in its rudimental
states, performs various pilgrimages, until its cyclic progress enables it to
reach our magnificently organized planet. Here its glorious function is to
confer self-consciousness upon man. At this point, and this point alone,
does it become a part of man. At every other step of the wild cosmic
journey, it is but an embryonic being, a fleeting, temporary shape, an
impersonal creature, from which a part of the imprisoned Soul shines
forth. It is a rudimental form with rudimental functions, ever living,
dying, and sustaining a brief spiritual existence only to be reborn again.
Thus it sustains the successive round of births and deaths.
With each change, new organs and new functions are acquired and
utilized by the gradually expanding Soul as a means of its further
development. We see in it the spark of the flint. As we watch the
revolving sparks of the mineral soul, we can see it burst forth in the
sunlight in the garb of the lichen. It guards the snow-white purity of the
lotus and animates the aromatic glory of the rose. It is the butterfly
springing from the chrysalid shell, and the nightingale singing in the

From stage to stage it evolves

New births and new deaths,
Anon to die, but sure to live again,
Ever striving and revolving upon the whirling,
Toilsome, dreadful, rugged path,
Until it awakes for the last time on earth,
A wakes once more a material shape,
A thing of dust,
A creature of flesh and blood,
But now a Man.

The grand, self-conscious stage—humanity—is attained, and the

climax of earthly incarnation is now reached. Never again will it enter
the material matrix or suffer the pains of past material reincarnations.
Henceforth its rebirths are in the realm of pure spirit.

Those who hold the strangely illogical Oriental doctrine of a
multiplicity of human births have certainly never evolved a lucid state of
Soul Consciousness within themselves. Had they done so, their theory of
reincarnation (held by a vast number of talented men and women, well
versed in worldly wisdom) would not have received the slightest
An external education is comparatively worthless as a means of
obtaining a true knowledge of nature. Remember that though the acorn
becomes the oak, and the coconut, the palm, the oak, though giving birth
to myriad others, never again becomes an acorn, nor the palm, the juicy
nut. So it is with man! When once the Soul becomes incarnated in the
human, and thus attains the consciousness of external life, man becomes
a Self-responsible being, accountable for his actions.
This accountability constitutes his earth Karma, and the reward or
punishment is consciously and divinely administered. The Soul is not
ignorantly ushered into the world, completely unconscious of its past
load of Karma. Such a means of redemption, instead of being divine,
would be void of justice. It would be diabolicl
When human laws punish the criminal, he is conscious of the misdeed
for which he is suffering. If this were not so, the punishment would be
unjust. For this reason we do not punish irresponsible children, or insane
It is useless, however, to deal any further with such a transcendent
delusion. We will only say that all the so-called reawakenings of latent
memories by which certain people profess to remember certain past lives
are explained (in fact are only really explainable) by the simple laws of
affinity and form.
Each race of human beings is immortal in itself; so likewise is each
period. The first-period generation never becomes the second, but those
belonging to the first become the parents or originators of the second.
Each period generation constitutes a great planetary family, which
contains within itself races, subraces, and still lesser groups of human
souls. Each state is formed by the laws of its affinity, or a trinity of laws.
At the expiration of one period generation, the polar day of evolution
is brought to a close. The life wave leaves the shores of the planet. The
second round or period of humanity does not commence

until the human life wave, having gone round the whole planetary chain
reaches the planet again. This is a period considerably over fifteen
million years.
This is the exact length of a polar day or the period of the earth’s poles
making one complete revolution in the heavens. This then is the exact
duration of the life wave upon our planet; hence, man is similar to the
acorn and the oak. The embryonic, impersonal Soul becomes man, just
as the acorn becomes the oak. And as the oak gives birth to innumerable
acorns or embryonic oaks, so does man, in his turn, become the means of
giving spiritual birth to innumerable souls. There is a correspondence
between the two.
From what has been said, one will perceive that each period
generation of humanity becomes more numerous than the one before.
The expanded material knowledge of each succeeding period generation
makes it possible for our earth to sustain a greater number of humans
upon its given surface.
All things originate as the objective outcome of the divine and
subjective idea or the human Self. This is the offspring of celestial
harmony, a differentiated atom of diffusive formless spirit. Through it
the activities of paternal souls are representative of the love, wisdom,
intelligence, and truth within the sun-sphere of all creative life.
Reincarnation within progressive material forms is not only for the
purpose of evolving and energizing the latent powers of the human Soul.
If this were true, and man alone was the sole object of development, it
would constitute the basis of absolute selfishness. But as there is no
selfishness in the creative design, we can assert that such human
exclusiveness is only an appearance. When we penetrate below this
plane of appearances, we find a countless realm of beings— equally as
immortal as man—going through their cyclic rounds, obeying the same
universal laws as ourselves. These realms constitute the steppingstones
for external humanity in its journey towards the Infinite. The organisms
of humanity, in their turn, form the evolutionary spheres or material
means by which these realms pass through their cycles of progressive
life. If we make use of certain planes for our Soul’s advancement, it only
follows as a matter of reactionary law or justice that we should render an
equivalent service in return. Thus we have the importance of a True
Knowledge of our hidden or Hermetic constitution.

Man, as we behold him by means of the physical senses, appears to us a
wonderful specimen of mechanical skill and architectural beauty. Each
organic part is exquisitely formed and is in perfect unison, as is each part
with the whole. There is little wonder that the human organism was taken as
the finite type of the unknown infinite. If this is true upon the external plane,
it is infinitely more so upon the internal plane. There, bone, flesh, blood, and
hair, the externals of the outward body, are seen to be nothing but the
crystallizations of an ethereal force. They are held together by the mental
being; yet are not held together as a matter of necessity or for the sake of
their own especial evolutions, but simply as the natural outcome of their
ethereal activities.
In order to present a clear and definite picture of what Man really is, we
will list his Hermetic constitution:

1. A Physical Form fourfold in its composition, consisting in a general

sense of bones, blood, flesh, and hair. This form as a whole is
composed of a finite number of separate organic cells, each cell
constituting a minute system of its own, which in its turn was formed
by the crystallization of imponderable forces around a living Spirit.
2. An Electrovital Body, seemingly composed of pale phosphorescent
light, enclosing a glittering skeleton framework of electric fire. This is
the electromagnetic form, inseparable from the physical body during
life, and dependent upon the active presence of the physical for its
continued existence. The pale phosphorescent light presents a perfect
outline portrait of the physical body, while the fiery skeleton shows
the interior electronervous system of the living organism. The
branches of the nerve system, spreading out in every direction from
the great trunk lines of spinal cord and brain, present to the trained
spiritual sight an infinitude of fine pencil rays of light darting in
straight lines with inconceivable rapidity toward every point of the
3. An Astral Form, so called because it is composed of the magnetic
light evolved by the planet. This Astral light differs in quality and
degree upon every orb in the Universe since it is generated from the
universal ether of space. It may be called the ether under a change of
form and capacity. It is the soul of the material planet, and
consequently the cause of the planet’s external phenomena. To give a
better idea of this almost unknown Astral light, we will use an

illustration. We say that water is salt, brackish, bitter, sulphuric,
sweet, or fresh. This is exactly the case with the Astral fluid. It differs
upon every Star. It is this difference which constitutes the strikingly
different qualities of each planetary influence.
This Astral Form presents a perfect image of the external per-
sonality, even to style and condition of the clothing worn at the time.
This form is easily separable from the physical organism and
constitutes the true or real personality. By personality we mean the
Persona, or the appearance assumed by the Soul during its sojourn
within the material vortices of planes of cosmic force. This form is
under the direct control of the mental being animating it and under
suitable conditions can be made to assume temporarily any image or
form within the grasp of the dominating mind. When the Astral double
is absent from the physical body, the body, if awake, performs in a
purely automatic or mechanical manner. It is also susceptible to the
pain and injury which may befall the absent double. The Astral is also
very susceptible to magical operations. Probably nine-tenths of all
black magic injuries are performed by means of or upon this Astral
ethereal form.
4. The Animal Soul, or the portion of the animating entity incarnated
within the microcosm. This constitutes the lower arc of its universe.
This animal soul is formless in regard to its separate expression, and
can be traced only in the lower lines and shadings of the human
countenance. It is the seat of all the selfish desires. These desires are in
themselves lower than the human sphere, but are still evolving upward
through it from the animal. Their activities are strictly confined to the
Astral and material planes.
5. The Spiritual Body is a finely etherealized organism which in the
majority of the present generation is either latent or embryonic. It is
the Soul’s expression of the heavenly raiment of the purified man.
6. The Divine Soul, or the section of the entity incarnated within the
microcosm which constitutes the higher arc of its universe. This Soul,
like the lower one, is formless as to its separate expression; yet it can
be traced in the higher lines of the human countenance. It is the seat of
the good, unselfish, and noble aspirations. Ail those actions which
spring forth spontaneously to aid the weak, the suffering, and the
afflicted, which are disassociated from any interested motives of Self,
come from it.
7. The Pure Spirit entity itself is called the Divine Self. This is the divine
atom of life, the central controlling spiritual Sun of the microcosm. It
is never incarnated within the form until the seventh state or perfect
manhood is attained.

The above are the divisions of the human constitution, as viewed from
without and within. Upon the surface this division will not appear to
differ very materially from the septenary formula of the Buddhist cult.
But, in reality, there is the difference which exists between cause and
The Buddhists say that it is the evolution of this principle which gives
the power of understanding and that without this we should be upon the
plane of the animal and act from mere instinct. When this principle is
active, man becomes noble, human, and capable of understanding.
Instead of being a creature of instinct only, man becomes a reasonable
We question the whole of such teachings. For instance, a man may be
the intellectual giant of his age, so far as mere mental capacity is
concerned, and yet be the most selfish, unjust, and immoral of all men.
History teems with such examples! At the same time, some of nature’s
noblest souls have been those whose intellectual abilities have been
below the average.
“This fifth principle,” we are told by the Buddhists, “is the highest
principle of the animals.” But Hermetic initiates deny this as true. They
assert that this “principle” is no principle at all, but merely a form. In real
fact, there are only three principles in an active state—- animal, human,
and Deific. The remaining four are merely forms or reactions. It is the
action and reaction of these principles which produce every class of
mental phenomena in existence—be it vegetable sensitivity, animal
instinct, human reason, or Deific perception. Those three active
principles form the three primary colors of the Soul’s spectrum, while
the remaining forms are simply complementary reactions.
We must now briefly sketch the Hermetic constitution and present the
fourfold teaching of the Western initiates. Man consists of three duads
which stand as Refraction and Reflection of one another.
Man as he appears to the outward sight is very different from the
being within. He contains a universe of life within his organism; myriad
spirit atoms are evolving through him. They are as independent of him,
in reality, as man is of the planet which gave him birth. The truly human
being is the most interior core or spiritual soul. The whole of the lower
nature and the external organism are only the

various realms of being which the human monad has conquered and
subjected to its imperial rule during its cyclic journey. We should say,
the externals are the reflections of those elemental states moulded more
or less rudely by the human soul after its own divine form. The millions
of separate entities within the human sphere are no more the real man
than the forty million inhabitants of France were Napoleon who ruled
them with his imperial will.
A few words are necessary regarding the Will and the Reason. Will is
universal; it is as impossible to point out where it begins or where it ends
as it is to separate the colors of the rainbow. The power of the Will upon
the external plane depends upon the strength of the electrovital
constitution. Upon the Spiritual plane, it depends upon the activity of the
spiritual constitution. Within the Astral plane, the potent will must have
both of these activities well developed to be successful. The true form of
psychic training, then, is to evolve that which is most latent so as to bring
about an equilibrium. In the great majority of cases it is the Spiritual
which requires training.
Considering the Will is a universal power, it naturally follows that the
strength of our Will must depend upon the capacity we possess for
absorbing and reprojecting the power. In fact, man’s Will is only limited
by his capacity to absorb the Universal Will. This Will is not a principle;
it is only an active result. It is transcendental matter in rapid motion.
Everything utilizes some portion of this Universal Will in its own
peculiar way.
Manas, or Mind, is simple only mental capacity, and like the Will is
not a principle, but a result. Intellect is the offspring of innumerable and
constantly changing causes or combinations of force never repeated;
consequently, no two people are exactly alike. The seat or mainspring of
reason, intellect, understanding, and mind is the consciousness. Whether
it will be good or evil depends upon the respective activities of the
animal and divine Souls. The higher the Soul evolves, the more spiritual
the understanding becomes, until perfect rapport with the Divine Spirit is
attained. This is the true at-one-ment. Man is made perfect.


“Karma is the law of consequences—of merit and demerit,” say the

Buddhists. “It is the force which moulds our physical destiny in this
world and regulates our period of misery or happiness in the world to
come.” We are also told, “Karma is the cold, inflexible justice which
metes out to each individual the exact same measure of good and evil at
his next physical rebirth that he measured to his fellow men in this.” This
Karma at death remains somewhere down upon the Astral planes of the
planet, like an avenging demon, waiting anxiously for the period of
Devachanic happiness to come to an end. Then it will reproject the poor
unfortunate Soul once more into the magnetic vortices of material
incarnation. There, with its load of bad Karma hanging like a millstone
round its neck, it will in all probability generate a still greater load of this
theological dogma. Consequently, at each rebirth, it will sink deeper and
deeper, unless the Spiritual Self can bring it to some consciousness of its
fearfully sinful state. How this transpires is not satisfactorily explained.
If the human Soul only received punishment for the sins and wrong it
inflicted upon others during a previous life, the Soul when it first became
incarnated must have started on its human journey without any Karma to
suffer for. One is naturally led to ask, “How did it first begin to commit
sin?” We are distinctly told that what we now suffer at the hands of
others is only a just repayment for our own past sins. If we had no past
sins, we should be perfectly free from trouble. We are distinctly taught
that the first or preadamite men, those of the Golden Age, were perfect.
How did this abominable Karma get a start in the world? This question
must be fully explained.
We have a general idea of the Karma of Theosophical Buddhism.
Before discussing the origin of this Oriental delusion, we will present the
Hermetic doctrine of Karma.

1. Karma is not an active principle; but, on the contrary, it is a

crystallized force. It is the picture gallery or cosmic play of Nature.
2. Karma constitutes the scenery, essence, and mental imagery of a
person’s total past existence.
3. The Karmic spheres of an individual’s existence exist as Astral life
currents along which the soul traveled and which become crystallized

forms. These are expressive of the actions and motives which
prompted them. Therefore, our past Karma constitutes the Soul’s past
history in the Astral light. It can be deciphered by the properly trained
Lucid, and even by some mediumistic clairvoyants.
4. Karma is the offspring of everything, or everything that possesses
pictorial records of its past evolutions. It is by means of this Karma
that the psychometric sensitive can read the unwritten past. Without
Karma, the powers of Psychometry would be totally useless. However,
they can only deal with small Karmas. On a grander scale, the Karma
of moons, planets, suns, and systems exists. Races of men, species of
animals, and classes of plants also evolve special racial Karmas which
constitute their Astral world.
5. The harmonies and discords of Cosmic evolution generate their special
Karma just as thoughts and emotions do.
6. Karma is absolutely confined to the realms of the Astral light, and
consequently is always subjective. Karma can only exist as long as the
Soul which generates it is attached to the same planet. When the Soul
leaves the planet, the Karma disintegrates. A Soul cannot carry its
Karma around the Universe with it, since Astral light differs in quality
and degree upon each orb.
7. When the Soul enters the spiritual states of the Soul world (which the
Buddhists term Devachan), the power of its earthly Karma can never
reattract it to earth. Its influence over the Soul is lost forever. The
lower can never control the higher! To assert that the past fossilized
Karma can reattract the soul from the realms of spiritual happiness and
reproject it into the mire of earth is to exalt matter to the throne of a
Diety. This degrades pure Spirit to the level of a passive brute
From the above seven statements, Hermetic initiates assert that
Karma is not the primary law of consequences and destiny. It is not an
active principle always at work readjusting Nature’s ridiculous mistakes.
Nature has never yet made a mistake!
On the contrary, Karma is a result—the subjective outcome of
innumerable laws and forces—and in this life it is utterly powerless to
effect either good or evil. But, upon the interior plane, upon or within the
Astral sphere of the disembodied Soul world, this Karma becomes the
Book of Life from which all our actions in this material life are judged.
At death we are surrounded by and compelled to exist within our own
Karma. We are forced by the laws of magnetic

affinity to work out our own redemption, ever face-to-face with the grim
idols of our earthly past. The foul, unlovely pictures of every unclean
imagination will haunt us, and set our very Souls aflame with the
consciousness of every injustice and wrong we committed.
The only redeeming feature will be the good Karma, the kind
unselfish thoughts and noble aspirations we have evolved. All our true,
unselfish love for our fellow creatures will spring up like flowers at our
feet, and help to aid and brighten our path upward and onward through
the spheres of purification and purgatory. At last we shall enter the
sphere of immortal life, where those whom we have loved below may be
waiting to greet us.
We have asserted that Karma is utterly powerless to effect either good
or evil so far as the material destiny is concerned. While this is true
within certain limits, seeing Karma is but the Astral record of the past,
yet this statement requires more explanation. It is not the actions we
commit which can, in themselves, bring happiness, misery, benefit, or
misfortune. It is the effect which our actions have upon others that really
produces immediate material results. The precise effect which any action
will have will depend entirely upon the peculiar mental states
surrounding us at the time.
For instance, in one age it may be considered a meritorious action to
roast a poor, helpless medium under the name of witch; but at another
period in history, such an action may be followed by an indignant spirit
of public resentment. Then a terrible penalty will be imposed by the law
of the state to satisfy the public sense of justice. The praiseworthy
actions of one age become the criminal ones of another. We see that the
results of any action upon the material plan depend upon the physical,
moral, mental, cultural, and spiritual development of mankind. This is
not the case, however, within the Astral Soul world. There, absolute
justice is the universal law. The mighty hero of a thousand fights, who
dies surrounded by all the pomp and vanity of public worship, comes
face-to-face with the fearful reality that he is a bloodstained murderer.
As such, he must work out his own salvation amid trial and suffering.
His purgatorial state will depend upon his motives and the con-
sciousness of his earthly actions. If he was a true patriot, who fought

simply for the love and liberty of his country against cruel oppression,
his conscience will deal lightly with him. But if love of fame and martial
glory were his chief motives, and constituted the greater part of his
Karma, then the worst will happen to him.
In the Hermetic definitions of Karma, the Soul when working out past
iniquities is perfectly conscious of its task. It knows the true why and
wherefore of its suffering. It also has the certain hope of final
emancipation, however, not until, as the parable says, “thou hast paid the
uttermost farthing.” This is the truth and justice of nature’s laws
But in the definition of Buddhism, the justice is absolutely wanting. In
their outrageous scheme of esoteric philosophy, the millions of Souls
upon the earth are perfectly ignorant of what they are suffering for. They
are ushered into the world for the purpose of undergoing the fiery
torments of their old, fossilized Karma. They are completely ignorant of
the facts. How can the average mortal work off his bad Karma when he
does not know he has any? How can he work when he does not know
what he is working and suffering for?
If we cruelly abuse a dog when it is full-grown for some offense or
other committed when a puppy, it would be considered outrageous
cruelty. The dog would be perfectly ignorant of what the punishment was
for. The same may be said of inflicting punishment upon the material
man for some forgotten offense of his infancy. Remember, no
punishment is just when the one punished is ignorant of the cause.
Punishment under such circumstances not only ceases to be just, but
becomes a diabolical injustice. Since the common justice of human
nature condemns this, how much more severe must be the condemnation
of that justice which is Divine!
If human suffering is not the result of previous Karma, you may ask,
what is the real cause of so much misery in the world? Human suffering
is the result of innumerable laws, which in their action and reaction
produce discord at intervals in the scale of human development. For all
practical purposes they may be classed as primary and secondary. The
primary cause is racial evolution. Each round and each race of the round
requires different external conditions in order to evolve its chief
attributes. Each period generation becomes the special means by which a
certain one of the Soul’s attributes is rounded out.

Let us explain. The first or primal race was that of the Golden Age.
They were a purely ethereal race of beings and cannot be strictly
classified with humanity; nor were they really incarnated in gross matter.
For this reason, their penetrative power was very small. Thus, though
highly spiritual, they were correspondingly simple. They lived an ideal
life amid semispiritual surroundings.
The second race, that of the Silver Age, penetrated deeper into matter
than their forefathers of the Golden Age. Their bodies consequently
became more dense and material. Toward the termination of this race,
and at the beginning of the third or Copper Age, the equator of our arc
was reached on the descending scale. Here it was that the first
murmurings of a mental storm began to manifest themselves.
Emigrations and partings took place between what were previously a
united people, and consequently, separate national interests began to
evolve. When our earth reached the equinoctial points of the year, storms
and tempest resulted. It is the same with the progress of man around the
cycle of the higher planes. With the copper race, a still further descent
took place and a still greater increase of self-interest was evolved. Kings
ascended thrones and sacerdotal systems were formulated. The strong
began to assert their great forces. The weak gradually sank into
A still further descent occurred, and we came to the fourth race, the
bottom rung on the cyclic ladder, fittingly known as the Iron Age. This
was the turning point of the seven races, wherein the Soul attains its
greatest penetrating power. Spirit can descend no lower! Kings and their
priestly counsellors became true despots. The masses became helpless
and oppressed. Next comes a higher cycle of evolution. The fifth race,
beginning at the end of the fourth, reaches up to the equinoctial line of
the mental are on the ascending scale. Consequently another stormy
period commences. All is strife and turmoil. It is the struggle of the
oppressed against the oppressor. It is not the gentle mental storm of the
Silver Equinox. A spirit period of light preceded that era. It is the storm
of war and bloodshed—of a fierce democracy battling for the rights of
man against usurped authority. It happened because the Iron Age of
oppression preceded it.
We are at the present time passing through this fearful equinoctial
period. The fifth race is coming to a close. Already forerunners of the

sixth race are among the people, aiding in the spread of the glorious
truth. No wonder, then, the signs of the times are so significant. A real
interest in mental and spiritual science is rapidly reawakening within the
minds of humanity.
The secondary causes are man’s ignorance and his animal nature. Man
makes the conditions which are necessary for his progress by alternately
struggling with and yielding to his basic animal desires. Yet, Nature, the
experience the Soul gains thereby, and material incarnation might be
dispensed with. The state of suffering depends upon the race, but the
effects of that suffering are in exact fulfilment of Nature’s requirements.
Might-causes produce might-effects. This law is absolute! Every
spiritual atom of life is the direct result of a cause. These atoms differ in
power and potency, as the Stars differ in their magnitude. Nature’s aim is
not equality. In spite of the apparent fact that all forces are ever striving
for equilibrium, her grand goal is diversity.
Nature’s end, then, is the very opposite of equality; for the grand
ultimate aim of every force is the production of variety. The only real
difference in any of her infinite number of parts is that of polarity. The
only difference between the Hottentot and the intellectual genius of
modern civilized society is their Souls’ respective polarity. It is simply a
question of personal opinion as to which of the two is the best and
The civilized shams and personal adornments of society may more
than counterbalance the crude decorations of the savage. The false
theology and cant of orthodox religion, combined with the many
erroneous theories of so-called science, may more than make up for
barbarian ignorance. Many savages are more learned in the real laws of
nature than are our college professors. But be that as it may, the savage
will be the gainer in most cases. He will not have false dogmatic
opinions to unlearn and forget, nor the morality of our populous centers.
The external differences between the two are only in appearances,
evolved chiefly by our own thoroughly biased and artificial education.
Another factor in these secondary causes of human suffering is the
human Will. This is Man’s capacity for utilizing the great will-force of
the cosmos. Ignorance alone limits human possibilities, for it is Man’s
place in nature to sway the mighty pendulum of force between

the higher and the lower states of life. The super mundane and
submundane realms of being are his mission, which consists in evolving
the attributes of the Soul. If suffering is necessary to enable Man to
accomplish this, then he will suffer.
But the causes and consequences be what they may in this life, what
the soul suffers from discord it will be justly compensated for by the sum
total of the results when the cycle of its purification is over. Then the
past can be measured at its true worth.
We have presented, as concisely as possible, the Hermetic explanation
of Karma, and have shown that it is not the all-ruling force Buddhism
would make it.
We will now expose this Oriental delusion and reveal its priestly
origin. We must carefully bear in mind a few all-important facts
regarding the esoteric philosophy of the dreamy Orient. The basic truths
of all religion, especially those relating to the Soul, its nature,
incarnations, and Karma, were rigidly concealed from the people by a
jealous Oriental priesthood. In the place of truth, fiction was substituted.
The real truth was veiled, and the appearances of truth taught instead. In
order to obtain absolute power, it became necessary to formulate a
dogma. Their high priest, the pontiff or hierophant, as he was called, was
made a direct incarnation of the Deity or a reincarnation of that Being.
In the process of time, the priests themselves became corrupt and
worldly; consequently, their spiritual perception sank into mental
reflection. They not only lost the secrets of their religion and mythology,
which were never committed to writing, but also became the dupes of
their own theology. They accepted their formulated husks as Divine
The history of the rise and fall of nations, and the research of all
genuine Occultists, will support the above. In fact, Isis Unveiled teems
with facts corroborating our statements. Hermetic initiates assert
emphatically that both doctrines, reincarnation and Karma, are nothing
more than the theological dogmas of an interested sacerdotal system.
The teachings based upon these doctrines by the Buddhists and other
religious systems are false. The real facts of reincarnation and Karma
were originally concealed and then forgotten in the lapse of time. It is
very easy indeed to prove that the accepted theories

of the Theosophical Buddhists are nothing but the popular external
dogmas taught to the ignorant masses of ten thousand years ago.
The oldest records we possess prove human reincarnation and Karma
were the popular doctrines of the masses; consequently, they were only
appearances. They were untrue because the real truth was always
concealed from the general public. This doctrine of Karma is one of the
most interesting features of all Buddhist philosophy. There has been no
secret about it at any time. Certainly, this is exactly what all true
Hermetic initiates claim. It is a dogma of the Buddhist church, and was
never concealed because it was not worth concealing.
On the contrary, it was always taught to the suffering masses,
groaning beneath despotic rule. It was exceedingly potent as a means of
making the people submit quietly to the authority of the Church and the
tyranny of the King. The masses were taught to believe that by
submitting to the yoke, they were thus working off previous bad Karma.
This was a very convenient doctrine, we must all admit.
The chief Hierophant of Buddhism and the Tibetan adepts is the Taley
Lama of Lhassa. Every Lama is subject to the grand Taley Lama, the
Buddhist Pope of Tibet, who holds his residence at Lhassa and is said to
be a reincarnation of Buddha. Buddhists would have us really believe
Buddha continues to incarnate and reincarnate age after age. We can
only say that no Soul who has passed through the trials of material
incarnation and the fires of Spiritual purification would submit to
continually exist and re-exist within a material organism. Thus it would
endure from age to age—the hell of a Grand Lama’s life. The formulae,
ceremonies, and usages of a religious potentate are indeed a hell to the
pure in heart.
The false assertions that with very high adepts and other exalted souls
these things are different, that Nature’s laws are either reversed or
transcended, are told as facts. To this we say that such statements are
Nature is no respecter of persons, and neither Buddha nor any other
Soul can continue to reincarnate from age to age. The most such a
dominant mind may do would be to obsess and mould an unborn fetus to
suit its purposes. Then, by virtue of such obsession,

partially inhabit the material body. Under these circumstances the
physical body is but the helpless machine of a dominant foreign mind.
We scarcely need say that no purified Soul would sink to such a plane of

The Mysteries of Sex

Four things play a part in conception and birth: body, imagination, form,
and influence. The “body” as ordained in the beginning must become a
body and nothing else. For it is a law of Nature that the oak tree must
arise from an oak; the same is true of the body of man. From the
imagination, and its objects, the child receives its reason. And just as
Heaven infuses the child with its motion—it’s good and evil qualities—
sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly, so the imagination of man has a
course and makes the child’s reason turn to higher or lower things. The
third thing, the form, compels the child to look like the one from whom it
descends. And finally, it is the influence that determines the health or
sickness of the body. For in the same way as a strong architect erects
good and solid buildings, and a weak one, weak buildings, so it is in the
conception of a child.
It has been well said, “Man is most ignorant of those things which are
most manifest.” In some departments of nature this is true, and probably
in no other “manifested” department of man’s being is this truth more
strikingly apparent than in his sexual nature. He is aware that animal
nature is divided into two great classes, male and female, but he knows
almost nothing of the spiritual principles which underlie this physical
expression of sex.
Man is fully aware that the union of the two organisms is necessary for
the purpose of procreation, but he is fearfully ignorant of those interior
processes which produce the actual germs of life. He is acquainted with
the fact that in the lower strata of animated existence

bisexual organisms are the general rule and that occasionally this
bisexual nature becomes manifested among men, as seen in the
But he is quite at a loss to account for such “monstrous” productions.
Hence it may be truly said, “Man is most ignorant of those things which
are most manifest.” Therefore, in order to enable the reader to clearly
grasp the various connecting links in the mystical ramifications of sex, to
see their perfect harmony, and to understand their relation to each other,
we will first speak of the origin of sex. Secondly, we will describe as
clearly as possible its nature and functions. Thirdly, we will point out the
relation of the sexes to each other. Lastly, we will present a brief
application of the whole as it relates to man and the Universe.
The infinite ocean of formless spirit within its latent bosom contains
all the elements of sex in their primal state. When the first pulsations of
thought which evolved “the divine idea” became manifest, Nature
arrayed herself under two modes of motion, action and reaction. The in-
breathing and the out-breathing of this divine thought thus instituted the
first spiritual attributes of sex in the earliest dawn of creation.
Each function which we may designate as the inspiration and
respiration of the universal life current became differentiated for all
eternity as the primary fundamental principle of Manifested Being. The
Kabbalistical initiates of the past ages formulated this same biune spirit
as Love and Wisdom.
Love, as the negative or feminine ray, is content and ever seeks to
enfold. Wisdom as the positive, masculine ray is restless and always in
pursuit. The feminine forces are ever striving to encircle the atom and the
masculine forces to propel it forward in a straight line. From this dual
action of spiritual potentialities is born the Spiral or the motion of life
and the symbol of eternal progression.
We cannot attempt any explanation of how the first forms of sexual
life became ultimated, nor of the why and wherefore of this celestial
existence. It is enough for us that we are enabled by the laws of
correspondence to trace the origin of sex to the shores of the great
fountain of all existence and to proclaim the central Self from which all
manifested selves derive their being. In order that we may comprehend
somewhat the mysteries of sex as we see them manifested

in humanity, we must descend from these inconceivable heights of
celestial glory. We must seek for the links of this continuous chain
within the highest states of life approachable by the embodied human
Soul. Only in these states can we obtain any definite idea of the interior
significance of sex and its mighty importance as a factor in the
immortality of human Soul. The first link of this celestial chain lies
concealed within the bosom of the Unknown. What the succeeding links
may contain we cannot tell, but they will bear a correspondence to the
former, making due allowance for the difference of the time element.
Therefore, since we can only guess as to the origin of sex, we will
consider its correlatives.
It must be self-evident that the Self contains within itself all the
primary elements of sex, but in a latent condition. These attributes have
not been subjected to the requisite conditions for their evolution. In this
state, then, there is neither love nor wisdom manifested within the Self. It
cannot know happiness when it is ignorant of the opposite. It cannot
form any conception of rest when weariness is unknown. There can be
no real love for the Self when it has never experienced the various
contrary conditions by which love is known and distinguished. The
wisdom of the Self in this state is equally latent, since it possesses no
means of arriving at a true knowledge of its surroundings.
In this state we behold the spiritual atom in its primal condition. The
various series of states through which this divine Self must penetrate in
order to evolve its Soul sphere are the means by which the internal
potentialities of sex must be awakened. When this transpires the divine
Self becomes pregnant with the dual forms of its own organic life and the
twin Souls are born (the male and female elements of its being).
These are represented in Genesis as Adam and Eve, knowing neither
good nor evil. This book is a beautiful description of the embryonic
human Souls. These twin souls are the absolute expression of the
masculine and feminine rays of which absolute atomic Self is composed.
The masculine ray contains a portion of Self forces and the feminine ray
must likewise contain a portion of the positive qualities. These souls,
therefore, contain a portion of each other. They constitute the Sun and
Moon of the Self’s creation.
When they once become differentiated, they are as eternal and

immortal as the Self which called them into existence. They can be
neither absorbed nor annihilated by time or eternity. They constitute the
divine idea of a deific parent, and as such they become the divine
expression of love and wisdom upon earth.
There is a particular sense in which it is held that the union here below
between husband and wife is the work of the Self, and here arises the
sanctity and necessity of that act which is implied by the word union.
Man is formed below on the model of that which is above. It follows he
who, in Zoharic terminology, suffers his fount to fail and produces no
fruits here, whether because he will not take a wife, whether his wife is
barren, or whether he abides with her in a way that is against nature,
commits an irreparable crime.
Man shall participate in the world to come because he has entered
during his life into the joy of living honorably with his wife. The reason
is that Soul as well as body shares in the Self by which children are
engendered. This is the eroticism which characterizes the ZOHAR,
according to some commentators.
This is the consequence respecting the fruit of marriages, but there is
also a consequence within the measures of the union itself, so it is raised
from the physical into a spiritual degree. The fulfillment, the raising of
the heart and mind on the part of the Lover and Beloved, to the most
Holy Shekinah, the glory which cohabits and indwells, during the
external act.
This is true also on the reverse side of the process, so two spirits are
melted together and are interchanged constantly between body and body.
The sexes are then interchanged in a sense. In the indistinguishable state
which arises, the male is with the female neither male nor female, they
are both or either. So is man affirmed to be composed of the world
above, which is male, and of the female world below.
Now according to the ZOHAR those words in the “Song of Solomon”:
“Thy breasts are better than wine,” refer to wine which provokes joy and
desire; and seeing all things are formed above according to a pattern
which is reproduced faithfully below, it is held to follow when desire
awakens beneath it awakens also on high.
We see, therefore, that the nature of sex is to give perfect expression
to the two grand attributes love and wisdom. To attain this end, the
divine Soul of the absolute Self becomes differentiated as the male and
female consciousness of self. It is in perfect expression of the

positive and negative forces of its being. Once this differentiation is
completed they exist as the Divine Idea of the microcosm and constitute
its universe. This being so, each portion of the dual Soul maintains
forever the perfect symbol of its internal qualities and always gives
expression, in its outward form, to the symbol of Nature.
The functions of the Soul are to awaken and round out those qualities
and attributes which are latent within. As we have seen there are two sets
of Soul qualities, one the necessary outcome of the other. Now we see
the harmony and the philosophy of the twin forms of life. Both male and
female possess the necessary positive qualities for the perfect
subjugation of material forces.
Hence it is that, when the souls are projected on their journey into
matter, they travel upon divergent lines. These lines form two sides of an
equilateral triangle with matter as a base, while the apex indicates the
central Self or point of projection. The return journey between the
mineral and man forms another triangle. This marks off the objective and
subjective arcs of the Soul’s evolution. When both arcs are combined
they represent the mystical seal of King Solomon, the double triangle or
six pointed star. This completes two acts in the grand drama of life.
The closing tableau in the first represents the stationary forces of the
crystal; in the second the external conditions of human life. The third and
last act in the human are briefly reviews the whole of the previous two.
This evolves another six pointed star which represents the higher and
lower planes of manifestation. But in its grand outlines, it is also a
spiritual trine whose closing tableau represents the reunion of the twin
Souls symbolized by the celestial marriage of the Lamb.
Thus we have the one divine Monad or Self to begin with, and in the
course of its expression and its gradual evolution of its sexual attributes,
we see it slowly transform into a trinity. This trinity, in the sub cycles of
its evolution, forms the three triangles, which constitute the symbol of its
forces. These are three times expressed upon the three sub cycles of its
journey which are the subjective are or the cycle of unconsciousness, the
objective arc or the cycle of intelligence, and the ethereal arc or the cycle
of Soul consciousness.
The results of our present studies show the origin of sex begins with
the Self; the nature of sex is the manifestation of its spirit; and its

functions are the spiral motion of its evolutionary forces which awaken
and round out its latent possibilities.
Male and female exist in nature as the representative expressions of
love and wisdom. Their functions correspond exactly with their sex, and
in actual life, it may be truly said that woman is ever the center of love.
Her thoughts and desires constitute the index of her mission on earth. In
her we hold the gentle, yielding, loving nature which softens and
harmonizes man’s positive spirit of aggression.
In her delicate nature we see the lovely center of maternal care and
affection. She is the weaker portion of the dual Soul upon the physical
plane, but her physical weakness constitutes the great center of her
spiritual strength. As the weaker sex, we should naturally think her true
place was one of subjection to man. But on the contrary, her more
delicate forces become her most potent weapon. Instead of being the
subject, she ascends to the throne of the conqueror. Man becomes a
pliable medium in her hands, and is led as a willing captive by her Subtle
power and resources.
The principle is that the male must be always attached to the female
for the Self ever to be with him. All holiness might be practiced, the
Secret Doctrine might be studied by night and by day, and the
illuminations might overflow the intellectual part; but failing fulfillment
of this counsel a man is not on the way which leads into true life. He is in
that condition which is not good for man to be— alone—like Adam in
the Garden.
But those who have the precept at heart and are therefore complete
men, by their union with women on earth, remind us in one particular of
many Sons of Israel and students of the Doctrine. They are travellers in
search of wisdom; and they are also men of affairs, workers in the
vineyard of this world as well as in the Astral Garden.
The general definition of love is a vivifying spirit which permeates all
the world. It is a bond uniting the entire universe. But the proper
definition of perfect love of man and woman is the concurrence of the
loving with the beloved so the beloved shall be transformed into the
lover. When such love is equal between the partakers it is described as
the conversion of the one into the other being.
Below such human love in apotheosis there is not only that which
subsists among mere animals, but in the hypothetical first matter, in the
elements and in the heavenly bodies, which are drawn one to the

other and move in regular order by the harmonious impulse and
interaction of a reciprocal affection.
Hereof is the form and the spirit, and this Book of Love and its
mysteries moves forward to deeper things, when the knowledge of Self is
presented under a transcendentalized sexual aspect. The mind must be
content to know according to the measure of its possibility and not
excellence. This does not consist in the act which leads to love nor in the
love which succeeds such knowledge, but in the copulation of the most
interior and united divine knowledge. This is the sovereign perfection of
the created intellect, the last act and happy end in which it finds itself
rather divine than human. Such copulative felicity cannot be continuous,
however, during our present life, because our intellect is here joined to
the matter of our fragile body.
In man we behold the positive, aggressive law of Creation and that
portion of the Soul which becomes the restless explorer of nature,
seeking for wisdom, man’s will is electric, penetrating and disruptive.
The will of woman is magnetic, attractive, and formative. Hence they
express the polar opposites of nature’s creative forces.


The twin Souls are related to each other primarily as brother and sister,
and finally as man and wife. In this latter state, their true meeting place is
the plane of embodied humanity. But during the present cycle very few
of these spiritual unions take place. But whenever the two halves of the
same divine Self do meet, love is the natural consequence. This is not the
physical sensation produced by the animal magnetism of their sexual
natures, but it is the deep silent emotions of the Soul. It is the responsive
vibrations of their internal natures toward each other and the blissful
silence of two Souls in perfect rapport wherein neither careth to speak.
Spiritual love is the outcome of their divine relationship, and should
never be set aside nor crushed by any worldly considerations. On the
contrary, wherever possible, these pure intuitions of the Soul should be
obeyed. They cannot deceive nor lead one astray, because the Soul never
makes a mistake when claiming its own. Should circumstances in life or
any other material consideration prevent their

rightful union, the fact they have actually met will constitute an invisible
connection, a spiritual rapport. With this between them, no earthly power
or device can break the bonds, and deep down within the secret chambers
of the self the image of the loved one will be treasured. Its continual
presence will poison and corrode everything which pertains toward an
ephemeral affection for another.
If a female should marry under these circumstances, and become the
mother of children, it will often transpire that the actual germs of
spiritual life will be transmitted by this absent Soul. The external
husband provides only the purely physical conditions for the mani-
festations of the offspring. The rejected soul mate, the spiritual bride-
groom is the real father, and very often the child born will resemble the
image of its true Soul parent.
The spirit of a pregnant woman is so strong it can influence the seed
and change the fruit in her womb in many directions. Her inner stars act
powerfully and vigorously upon the fruit; its nature is thereby deeply and
solidly shaped and forged, for the child in the mother’s womb is exposed
to the mother’s influence. It is entrusted to the hand and will of its
mother as the clay is entrusted to the hand of the potter, who creates and
forms out of it what he wants and what he pleases.
God does not want man or woman to be like a tree which always
grows the same fruit. He made each one different from the other. God
left man free to propagate his kind; according to his will, he may beget a
child, transmit his seed, or not. God planted the seed in all its reality and
specificity deep in the imagination of man. If a man has the will, the
desire arises in his imagination, and the desire generates the seed.
But man himself cannot kindle the desire, it must be fanned by an
object. When a man sees a woman, she is the object; it depends only
upon him whether he wants to fasten to it or not.
He himself must decide whether to let it act on him or not, whether to
follow his intelligence or not. God has entrusted the seed to man’s
reflective reason because the reflective reason encompasses both his
intelligence and the object that inflames his fantasy.
It is the same with woman. When she sees a man, he becomes her
object, and her imagination begins to dwell on him. She does this by
virtue of the ability bestowed upon her. It is in her power to

feel desire or not. If she yield, she becomes rich in seeds; if not, she has
neither seed nor urge. Thus the seed is left to the free decision of man,
and the decision depends upon man’s will. He can do as he wishes.
Since this free decision exists, it lies with both, with man and with
woman. As they determine by their will, so will it happen.
Thus the most important of the relations of the sexes toward each
other pertains to their sexual intercourse. Untold misery, suffering, and
crime are born into the world through the sensual depravity of mankind.
A man and wife should harmonize both in physical temperament and in
magnetic polarity. No marriage should be thought of where these
essential points are wanting. Neither wealth, fame, nor worldly position
can compensate for their lack.
Discordant unions are the harbingers of sorrow, crime, and disease.
Sexual union between inharmonious souls evolves the seeds of every
species of wickedness and sexual disorder. It may not become readily
apparent, but these seeds exist within the spaces of human life ready to
spring into concrete form under the favorable conditions of discordance.
The purely martial man will prove a continual curse to the cold-
natured saturnine woman, and vice versa. This may not be the fault of the
man or woman. It is the discordant polarities of their astral constitutions.
The same will hold good between natures of earthy triplicity and those
born under the airy. Hence a true knowledge of the science of the stars is
necessary for the production of conjugal harmony between the sexes.
Just as there is love between animals, female with male, so also
among men love is often of the animal kind. This love has its usefulness,
and its rewards; but it remains animal, it does not endure, and it reflects
only the reason and aspiration of material man. It does not know higher
It is because of this animal love that people can be friendly or hostile,
well or ill disposed toward one another, exactly like animals are fierce
and angry, envious and hostile toward one another. Just as dogs and cats
hate each other, so nations fall into conflicts. All this is rooted in the
animal nature.
When dogs bark and snap at one another, it is because of envy or
greed, because each of them wants to have everything for himself,

wants to devour everything himself and begrudges everything to the
other. This is the way of beasts. In this respect, man is the child of dogs.
He, too, is burdened with envy and disloyalty, with a violent disposition,
and each man grudges the other.
When a man and a woman who belong to each other and were
destined for each other by the stars come together, no adultery will take
place, because they form one being. But if these two do not come
together, there is no steadfast love; their love sways like a reed in the
wind. When a man courts many women, he has not found the proper wife
to complement him; similarly a woman who carries on amorous intrigues
with other men has not found the proper husband.
It remains for us to apply the logical outcome of the principles of sex
as they affect man, the universe, and the immortality of the Soul.
As we view the outward forms of man and woman we cannot fail to
observe the perfect harmony between the external appearance and the
internal cause. Their organisms are the concrete image of the principles
concealed within. It would be the extreme height of absurdity for us to
believe a materialized form bears no correspondence to the forces which
created it. The form cannot exist without an internal cause, and the
internal cause is powerless to produce any external form except the
reflected image of itself and its functions.
Under these circumstances it must be evident every male organism is
the absolute outcome of masculine forces, and every female organism the
product of the feminine qualities. Therefore, a male soul cannot be born
into the world under the cover of a female form. Neither can a female
soul be ushered upon the planes of humanity imprisoned within the
masculine body. These are nature’s facts, which ought to be apparent to
every thinking mind.
The human form applies to man as the material culmination of
nature’s sexual expression. Upon this plane she can go no further, for
beyond this limit we step within the spaces of the ether. There nature
continues her wonderful expression of sex in strict harmony with the
laws of correspondence to the planes below. While dealing with the
forms assumed by man we must notice those vital secretions which form
the physical conditions for reproduction.
The seminal fluids are the most ethereal of all physical secretions and
contain the very quintessence of human nature. The sexual organism
exists as a factor in procreation; therefore, the sexual

organs have their proper functions and use or they would not be present.
To suddenly and completely suppress their natural functions would do a
great deal of physical and spiritual harm. The reaction of them will create
violent discord within the ethereal constitution.
To obey the laws of nature is the only safe and sure road to the
spiritual evolution of the senses of the soul; and one of these laws is the
rightful union of the sexes.
God ordained that marriage be sacred, but He did not prescribe the
number of wives, neither a high nor a low one. He commanded: “Thou
shalt be faithful to thy marriage vow and thou shalt not break it.”
Why then issue laws about morality, virtues, chastity, and so forth?
No one but God can give commandments that are permanent and
immutable. For human laws must be adapted to the needs of the times,
and accordingly can be abrogated and replaced by others.
When we regard the mystical ramifications of sex as represented in
the universal creation of suns, stars, moons and planets, we see the same
principles at work, even to their shape and the form of their orbit. The
suns are masculine and represent the cosmic male spirit. The planets are
feminine and consequently become the fruitful wombs of progressive
life. The moons are neither one nor the other, for they are the conflicting
offsprings of the disturbing forces within the sun and its planets. They
are the lowest organic expression of planetary life, and as such represent
the state of the hermaphrodite. Both in man and in the universe the
potentialities of sex swing the mighty pendulum of thought and motion.
The grand object which the divine Self seeks to realize in the evolu-
tion of the human soul is the complete differentiation of its latent
attributes. The soul, therefore, must become the expression of both its
qualities and must express the true nature of the spirit, Thus male and
female evolution is the outcome.
Each soul rounds out and completes its own section of the self, and in
doing this it becomes individualized as a complete expression of one ray
of the divine idea. It has a perfect identity with its source. Both male and
female complete the whole and are related to each other as Osiris and
Isis. Their individuality, in the form of their spiritual identity, is forever
preserved. There they are united as well, and their separate consciousness
becomes an attribute of their

glorious immortality. Without sex there cannot be eternal life. To absorb
or destroy these principles in the human organism brings about a divorce
between the man and his divinity. Thus it robs the conscious humanity of
its deathless immortality of soul.

The Soul

First, we must speak of the Soul. If it were possible for a duad to exist in
which there was a distinction without a difference we should say such a
combination was a perfect “Soul and Spirit”. But since such a duad is not
in existence, we must try to express both the distinction and the
difference in other ways. In regard to Soul and Spirit, the one is not
perceptible without the presence of the other.
The terms Soul and Spirit have become interblended in hopeless
confusion, and it seems almost impossible to unravel the tangled skeins
of the various definitions. We will try to present a clear, comprehensive
outline of the two and show them as they really are when viewed in the
light of spiritual illumination.
The Soul is not the Spirit, but it is that by which the Spirit is known. It
is by the Soul that we understand the nature and power of the Spirit.
When we come to define the Soul, we are compelled to use illustrations.
The spiritual Self is an atom of divinity, a scintillating atomic point
evolved from the Divine Soul. Now, while this is quite true as regards the
Self, when we desire to define the Soul we must consider them as the
cause and effect of spiritual evolution.
The Soul is formless and intangible, and constitutes the attributes of
the Divine Spirit. We can only conceive and know of the Soul by
learning the powers or attributes of the Spirit. When we have learned
them, we shall possess a clear conception of the Soul and its real nature.
In order to better understand, let us illustrate. Take a ray of light! What
do we know concerning it? Nothing, except by its action

upon something else. This action we term the attributes of light. In
themselves the attributes of light are formless, but they may easily be
rendered visible, either by their colors when refracted by the prism, or by
their effects when concentrated upon material objects. Here we have
what may be correctly termed the soul of a ray of light.
Another example as illustrative and expressive of the idea is the
organism of man. Man possesses five external senses: seeing, feeling,
hearing, tasting, and smelling. In reality, he has seven senses which may
be used externally, but the two higher senses are still in embryo so far as
present mankind is concerned. The sixth or coming race will evolve the
sixth sense; the seventh race, the seventh sense; and then mankind will be
physically perfect. But these two higher senses do not interfere with our
illustration, so we will only consider man as he is, and be content with
five senses.
All our knowledge at present concerning external phenomena must
come through the mediumship of one or more of these five senses. The
organs through which the functions of the senses become manifest are
visible, but the senses themselves are invisible and formless. We known
them only as attributes of the body; while the mind, which is perfectly
and absolutely dependent upon the senses for information, represents the
spiritual Self in its relation to the Soul.
The reader will observe from what is stated, the Soul itself is formless
and intangible, and can only be defined as the attribute of Spirit. The one
cannot exist without the other. There is the same difference between
these two as there is between a ray of light and its action. The same
distinction also holds as exists between the body and its physical senses.
Without the one we cannot know the other, and vice versa.
A very large percentage of the readers of mystical literature imagine
the human Soul is some kind of a spiritual organism— similar in many
respects to the body—and the means whereby the Divine Spirit manifests
itself. But this idea is radically erroneous. The spiritual body is the result
or outcome of the Soul’s action, but is not the Soul itself. It is an attribute
of the Soul, just as the Soul is an attribute of the Divine Self.
Having attempted to define the Soul as distinct and yet inseparable
from the Spirit, we will give some ideas about its attributes. In this
connection it will greatly aid us if we first point out the differences

between the Soul and the body, and also the correspondences between
the two.
The physical body is evolved by a reflex action of the interior Soul
during the process of its evolving. The medium between the two is the
astral form. It is from the latter the body receives its form and force. The
spiritual organism protects itself from the external plane by evolving an
astral raiment. This raiment, or astral body, crystallizes a more or less
distorted reflection of the spiritual form around itself. Thus it produces
what is known as the human form divine, upon the external plane. This
physical organism is constituted and evolved so as to render the most
perfect expression (in unison) of the physical senses. No one sense is in
excess in a perfectly sound human organism; while the lower animals
generally have some extreme expression of one particular sense.
This human body, through the mediumship of the brain, which is the
sounding board of the senses, communicates with the external world of
the various elements. The result is form, sound, color, flavor, and odor.
Our senses constitute the only source of our external consciousness. The
intellectual state is based and dependent (while on earth) upon the
continuance of the physical senses.
The sum total of human knowledge along some special lines, when
tabulated and classified, is thus reduced to a system and called science.
We are now able to see and appreciate the relation of the physical senses
to the physical body, and grasp their importance to the still remoter mind
which utilizes the knowledge gained.
The attributes of the Spirit, which we term the Soul, bear a
correspondence to the physical senses of the body. That is, the Soul bears
exactly the same relation to the Spirit as the physical senses to the human
brain. Thus we have the senses which are Spiritual. The former are
simply a reflection of the latter. The senses of the body and the senses of
the Soul are the sides of the same attribute, one is the internal and the
other is the external.
The intelligence, the mind, is back of the senses and utilizes and
tabulates the impressions it receives of the outer world. This world is one
place the mind is itself powerless to penetrate. The mind is something
above and beyond the senses, even though it is absolutely dependent
upon them. It is the same with the Soul, and the Spirit.

All knowledge from without or within the universe of external life is
received by means of the Soul, but at the back of this Soul there rests the
eternal scintillating atom of Deity above and beyond any human
conception. There it rests in serenity and peace, tabulating and utilizing
all the knowledge and experience which the Soul in its various cycles is
continually receiving and sending to it.
“As it is below so it is above.” This law should ever be remembered. It
is man’s universal but infallible guide, and anything conflicting with it
can be rejected as completely erroneous.
The seven senses below correspond to the seven senses above, and the
results obtained in each case are the same but upon two different planes.
These results may be fully expressed by the word “perception”. Absolute
perception implies absolute consciousness. Unlimited absolute
perception, therefore, is the goal toward which the universe of
manifested being is headed.
It is the climax of evolution. Progressive life is eternal. Thus we have
a demonstration of the immortality of the Spirit and consequently the
immortality of the Soul.
We have now arrived at the method of the Soul’s enfoldment. Of this
we can only speak in general terms. There are certain fundamental laws
applicable to all. But, to be successful, something more is requisite. It is
necessary for each Soul to follow a system especially adapted to its
special state. Each person must find out for himself the special
development required of him, unless he can come into contact with
others capable of reading his Soul’s requirements correctly and thus give
him the necessary information.
There is a trinity of laws to be observed:

1. Physical harmony in one’s surroundings.

2. Spiritual purity and complete isolation from impure currents of
3. Evolve the states from within and the without will take care of itself.

These are the methods of the soul’s unfoldment. Purity is the great
touchstone, and as Jesus has truly observed, “Blessed are the pure in
heart for they shall see God”.
How many can follow out such a code? Not one in a million! The

answer comes across the spiritual spaces of ether, and the saddening
thought that such is indeed the truth compels us to offer a few words of
friendly advice.
To be pure in body, a pure diet must be eaten. The highest form of
food possible to man must constitute his physical sustenance. The
products of the earth are plenty; they are simple but sufficient and not
If we cannot be perfect, then let us be the next thing to it. One should
be as perfect as one’s surroundings render possible. Learn to say “I will”
and “I will not”, and when you have said it see your assertion is sacredly
Let us remember the material life of man is only one second of his
greater existence. It is one of the most unprofitable things in the world to
be selfish. Selfishness is the road to the deepest hells of the Soul world.
Lastly, if these things are followed with an earnest loving spirit, rest
assured the blossoms of the Soul will expand into full-grown flowers.
For the labor and self-denial expended, we shall reap the spiritual
rewards which will repay us ten thousand fold. Remember the words of
the wise Proclus:
“Know the Divinity which is within you that you may know the
Divine One, of which your Soul is a ray.”
The triumph of the human Soul over the forces of matter is termed
“adeptship”. We do not refer to the attaining of immortality; the vast
majority of mankind inherit immortality as the result of their humanity.
This immortality is not completely assured until they have passed
through the sixth state of the soul world.
We refer to those rare human beings, so organized as to be able to
evolve the sixth and seventh states. They attain to the powers and
blessings of their immortality while yet outwardly upon the human plane
of existence.
The literary world has been flooded with descriptions and ex-
planations of adeptship. Definitions have been given of the various
degrees and grades of this exalted state. But so far the vague generalities
of such expounders of any state higher than they themselves possess have
failed completely. No human being can describe adeptship except the
adept himself, or one who is his accepted neophyte. He is the future
successor to the adept, who has passed the third

initiation, and is in perfect magnetic rapport with the Master. He will
succeed to the Master’s place when that Master ascends to a still higher
sphere of spiritual life and powers.
In order to present the subject as clearly as possible, we will consider
first, the various grades of adeptship; second, the nature and functions of
adeptship; and third, how adeptship is attainable by a neophyte.
Since the Grand Master is not an inhabitant of this earth, but has His
throne and His Kingdom in the Spiritual, it is necessary that there be
someone on earth to guide mankind and show it the way through the
straits of life. There is no angel, no spirit on earth, to lead men; to man
alone this task has fallen.
Therefore, it is not surprising many false paths are entered upon, and it
is of great importance that man should recognize his shepherd and know
who he is, lest a wolf be taken for a shepherd and mislead man by
donning sheep’s clothing, while concealing the devil within him. For
each of the two paths—the narrow one through life and the broad one in
the astral plane—has its own shepherd, and each of these shepherds
reveals and shows us his way. But it is so hard to distinguish who is the
shepherd, that it is almost impossible to tell the true Master from the
false one.
In the first place, there are three distinct grades of this exalted state of
adeptship (Master), each grade containing within itself three separate
states of degrees of life and power. In the whole there are nine states of
wisdom. These three principle grades may be designated as the Natural,
the Spiritual, and the Celestial states of the Soul’s progressive evolutions.
The first (the most external) relates to the world of physical phe-
nomena, and deals exclusively with the elemental spheres of the planet
and the Astromagnetic currents which control them.
The powers of the adept of this grade extend from the elemental zones
of matter in the world of effects, up to the astromagnetic spheres in the
realm of cause. “Beyond this Astral world they become powerless.
Hence their highest achievements are within the realms of external
magical phenomena.”
The second grade constitutes the interior or Spiritual state of the first
grade, relates to the realm of the Spirit and deals exclusively with the
spiritual and ethereal forces of the planet. The adepts of this

grade are the translated Souls of those who have graduated through the
various degrees of the first. As such, they fulfill the duties of Master or
Teacher to those who are still studying in the outer degrees of Spiritual
Their power extends from the magnetic zones of the Astral world up
to the Astral world and up to the ethereal and Spiritual spheres of
disembodied humanity. Beyond these states of Spiritual life, they cannot
penetrate, hence their highest achievements are within spheres of
disembodied existence.
Yet occupying as they do the interior degree of life, they are able to
combat the hells, on the one hand, and to sustain the Heavens, on the
other. These Spiritual adepts cannot descend to earth and manifest their
power externally, without the aid of a properly trained instrument whose
odylic sphere they may temporarily occupy. Their chief means of
communication with the external world are the adepts of the first grade,
through whom they transmit such portions of Spiritual truth as the world
The third grade constitutes the internal or Celestial state of the second,
and is the highest degree of Spiritual life the embodied human mind can
comprehend. It relates to the higher states of the purified Souls. It is
above and beyond what we know as human. Of its deific powers and
potentialities we cannot speak. They are beyond the grasp of all external
material life.
At this point, it is of the utmost importance the reader should clearly
grasp the relation of these three grades to each other, in order to form a
correct idea of the nature and functions of adeptship.
The first grade and the three degrees included within it embrace all the
possibilities of humanity under the external conditions of the present
cycle. The various Astral spaces which mark off the limits of these
human possibilities constitute the boundary line of Nature drawn by the
finger of Deity between the two worlds of human life (the Natural and
Spiritual). When the external life mission of an adept of the first grade is
fulfilled, a process analogous to physical dissolution occurs and the
physical atoms which constitute the organism are liberated and the
exalted Soul enters upon a higher state of evolution and life. Thus it
becomes the Spiritual man or an adept of the second grade. The second
grade is thus a continuation of the first, but upon a higher and more
interior plane. The scene of the Soul’s

activity is transferred from the Astral and magnetic spheres to the realm
of Spirit.
This state holds the grand key of life and death, wherein all the greater
mysteries of external life are concealed. It also stands midway between
the man and the Deity, and thus is the equipoise between the human and
the Divine.
There are seven states from the lowest grade of the human being on
the external planes of matter up to the highest grade, or the perfect man.
Also in the realm of Spiritual humanity, there are seven states from the
perfect man up to the Deity. The vast importance of this grade of life, or
Spiritual adeptship, is shown by the fact it is upon the boundaries of the
sixth and seventh state of this grade the two halves of the Divine Soul
become permanently and eternally united. The twin souls, male and
female, then constitute the complete of the Divine Self.
The Deity has given man shepherds to lead him and show him the way
in study and work. But the shepherds cannot of themselves gain such
leadership and guidance, but only when inspired by the Deity. Man must
be guided in a divine, and not in a human manner. Therefore the purified
souls have ordained and appointed man’s shepherds, and taught and
instructed them as to what to teach and tell the people, in order that their
will be obeyed.
One of the greatest gifts that the Deity bestows upon us is to provide
us always with men who lead us and teach us and guide us in things
This is the true task of the pious teachers on earth, who take their
instruction from the Master and who speak and lead. But not only are
they deeply enlightened and speak important words, a marvel to all men;
they also possess a mighty power on earth, which has been bestowed on
In discussing the nature and function of adeptship, we can deal only
with the first grade, or adeptship of the external degree. It is impossible
for the student to fully comprehend the powers of the second until he
himself has attained the first. Therefore, to avoid misconception, let it be
distinctly understood the whole of what follows pertains exclusively to
that state of adeptship whose members live, move, and have their being
and launch forth their powers, either upon the external planes of physical
life, or else

within the spheres of the Astral world immediately interior to it.
Since the adept is the perfect man, it is evidently necessary to
understand what is the nature of his perfection. In the Occult sense of the
term, man is a composite being possessing a seven fold constitution, and
possessing seven cyclic states of existence, or the progressive states of
evolution upon the physical plane. The perfect man, therefore, is he who
evolves in full his composite being and attains unto the seven states
while still existing in eternal physical world.
While on the other hand, the ordinary human being is compelled to
attain perfection within the purgatorial states of purification of the Soul
world. Ignorance and selfishness, or else the jarring discords produced by
the combination of the two, force the great majority of mankind out of
the central line of progressive evolution.
At the present time mankind has evolved but five physical senses. The
perfect composite man, however, possesses not only seven physical
senses, but also seven Soul senses, related to each other as follows:
1. Touch 1. The power to psychometrize.

2. Taste 2. The power to absorb and

enjoy the finer essence of life

3. Smell 3. The power to distinguish the

spiritual aromas of nature.

4. Sight 4. The lucid state called


5. Hearing 5. The ability to perceive the

ethereal vibrations termed

6. The capacity to receive true

6. Intuition

7. Thought transference 7. The power to converse with

spiritual intelligence at will.

When the human Soul has attained unto these seven states, his divine
right to rule follows as a natural sequence. The powers of the will
increase as the attributes of the Soul expand. Therefore it is perfectly
useless to preach so much about cultivating the will, since this is
accomplished by evolving the Soul qualities or senses.
The magical powers of the adept which enable him to partially control
the elements and to produce various kinds of physical phenomena at
will, are not the outcome of any terrific will force.
They are the mild expressions of a firm but gentle Soul in the process
of evolving forms in the Spiritual imagery of thought. There is nothing
“tremendous”, nothing of “fearful intensity”, about it, for the slightest
tremor of the purified Soul when consciously placed in rapport with the
Astral light will produce surprising results. The higher the plane from
which the embodied adept projects his thought desire the more extensive
and potential the phenomena will be in the sublunary world of effects.
Such then, is adeptship. Such are the glorious possibilities attainable
by the human race when the Spiritual attributes of their being are
allowed to grow and expand in the atmosphere of a pure and unselfish
life. It is a state which may well be regarded as the climax of our Earth’s
possibilities upon her outward plane. A victory the human race may
justly feel proud of would be the grand triumph of the Soul over the
forces of matter.
Man, too, can be presumptuous or not; therein he is like the devil
when the devil was still an angel. And what befell the devil may also
befall the men who are like him. Therefore we should be like the angels
and not like the devil; for to this end we were born and sent into the
To what end does man live on earth, if not to become versed in the
works of Spirit and to learn how all things have their source in Spirit.
We will explain, as far as permissible, “the modus operandi” by
which adeptship is actually attained. But it will be necessary to consider
who may and who may not possess the necessary qualifications, since
the adept is, of a truth, like the poet, “born and not made”. The adept is
born a kind of his kind. He is a Spiritual and mental giant of his race,
and cannot be made without possessing these qualities in a very highly
developed state from his birth.

External life is too short and the antagonistic forces to be overcome
are too great, during the present cycle, for the adept to come out of the
rudimentary forces and embryonic Soul qualities of the average mortal.
It has been stated by one who claims the honor of adeptship: “The adept
is the rare efflorescence of an age”.
This is, however, only figuratively correct as in truth there are several
such adepts in each race during the course of a single generation. Each
family of mankind ultimately produces the adept of its line, and then
becomes exhausted for that cycle.
In the centuries past, the alchemists were the adepts. They approached
the Soul-Spirit via the way of essences and were the true masters of their
There are four essences in the universe upon which Agrippa and all
the learned through the centuries have agreed. These are Fire, Water,
Earth and Air. However, there is a fifth essence, or quintessence, which
permeates everything above in the stars and below upon earth. It is the
world Soul-Spirit which animates all bodies. It is heavy earth and never
free or visible. Yet it is omnipresent, and he who can free this fifth
element from the matter it inhabits shall hold in his hand the creative
power with which God has endowed the world of matter.
The ancient goddesses of growth and vegetation, like Isis, were
nothing more to the alchemist than the emblems of the quintessence, the
generative power that resides in the philosophers’ stone.
The hermetic world plan depicts a dualism. Above is the Heavenly
Trinity, the Lamb, the Dove, and the Hebrew Jehovah. Surrounded by
angels, they send forth rays of divine light. Below is the world of matter.
The starry heaven encircles the hermetic work, which is “half above and
half below.” Its center is the philosophic stone, a triangle inscribed by
the double sign of mercury and gold.
The symbol is flanked by the three signs of the alchemist procedure ■
a triangle, air (signifying the volatile mercury), a reversed triangle, water
(the fixed mercury). In the third sign, the two qualities of mercury are
superimposed, forming a six-branched star which symbolizes the “fixed
volatile”. Seven concentric circles surround the sign.
The innermost contains the recommendation to use four degrees of
fire for the work. Then follow the trinities of mercury, sulphur, and

salt. The philosophers’ mercury is not corporeal, but Spiritual; the
corporeal mercury meaning the sublimated metal; and the vulgur,
One circle signifies time, which divides into the solar year, the year of
the stars, and that of the winds. They refer to the influences of sun, stars,
and atmosphere upon the hermetic work. The outmost circle, finally,
shows these influences must be directed.
Favorable constellations have to be awaited: here are the twelve signs
of the Zodiac, and the five signs of the planets (sun and moon having
special places). The sphere of the fixed stars encircles five hermetic
emblems: the raven, the swan, the hermetic dragon, the pelican which
feeds its children with its own blood, and the phoenix which resuscitates
in the flame.
The world below is dualistic, divided into light and darkness, day and
night. Man and woman are chained to the world above. They are the two
principles of procreation, with which God has endowed the world of
matter. Here below, everything is divided into two, male and female. In
God alone both principles are united, as He is the cause of everything.
Various meanings are superimposed on these two figures. The male is
the Sun, gold, the fiery dry essence. He is the Soul or the generative
principle. With him is the lion of the zodiac, presiding over the month
when the heat is strongest. He is Jupiter and Apollo, and fire and air are
his elements, because they are dry and warm. The fiery phoenix is his
emblem, and the lion is the symbol of gold. Lion and man hold the sun,
which is the philosophers’ gold as well as the heavenly star, and the
emblem of generation.
Woman is the moon, silver, the moist and cool essence: she is the
spirit, bearing fruit, conceiving, giving birth and nourishing. In her hand
she holds the grape whose many fruits are her true symbol. She is
connected with evaporation, rain, and earthly moist exhalation, for her
elements are earth and water. From her breast flows the Milky Way, the
seed which penetrates everything in this world of bodies, and which the
wise men also called the world spirit or world soul. In her left hand she
holds the moon in its two extreme phases. Her fugitiveness is
symbolized by the eagle.
Other alchemical allegories of the sixth stage represent the Holy
Virgin, immaculate, like Diana, standing upon the half-moon.

Not all of these rare men of the royal line may attain to adeptship,
since they often exhaust their forces in other directions for the good of
humanity. But such Souls alone possess the possibilities or the primary
When, therefore, these primary conditions exist, the first course to be
pursued is to devote as much time as possible to the study of Spiritual
subjects and to master each and every branch of Occultism.
Simultaneously with this study the body must be trained in regard to
matters of diet, and sexual relations. In other words, the human Soul
must be wholly evolved up out of the animal Soul. The sphere of
undeveloped good in man’s constitution must be developed.
The animal forces and appetites, instead of being conquered and
chained like a wild beast as taught by Oriental mystics, must be
gradually developed and transformed or evolved into the human.
The problem of good and evil must be solved in each individual case.
And right here consists the vital point of failure or success, defeat or
triumph. As we have labored over and over again to impress upon the
reader, man is a composite being and perfection consists in harmonious
evolution. It ought by this time to be self-evident to any candid mind that
those fearful practices in the East of ascetism, celibacy, and self-
mutilations, simply starve and chain the animal into subjection. They do
not develop it into a useful obedient and most highly important factor of
the perfect man’s seven fold nature.
Did the alchemist have valid knowledge about the process? That is
not difficult to believe, for alchemy’s principles were not scientific. The
principles of alchemy were correct and did not belong to science, but to
a philosophic wisdom which directed it from its inception toward
Mysticism. Alchemy’s chief values were of a psychic nature; the
Hermetic was the brother of the mystic and Master.
The experiments of the adepts resulted in an impressive series of
chemical discoveries. If alchemy failed to discover what it had been
seeking, it certainly stumbled upon things it had not anticipated.
It may be worthwhile to mention some of these true alchemic adepts:
1. Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) is credited with the preparation of
caustic potash. He was the first to describe the chemical composition
of cinnabar, ceruse, and minium.
2. Raymond Lully (1235-1315) prepared bicarbonate of potassium.

3. Basil Valentine (fifteenth century) discovered sulphuric ether and
hydrochloric acid.
4. Theophrastus Paracelsus (1493-1541) was the first to describe zinc.
He also introduced the use of chemical compounds.
5. Jean Baptiste Van Helmont (1577-1644) recognized the existence of
6. Johann Rudolf Glauber (1604—1668) discovered sodium sulphate
(Glauber salt) which he believed to be the philosophers’ stone.
7. Brandt (1692) of Hamburg, discovered phosphorus.
8. Giambattista della Porta (1541-1615) prepared tin oxide.
9. Johann Friedrich Boetticher (1682-1719) was the first European who
made porcelain.
10. Blaise Vigenere (1523-1596) discovered benzoid acid.

These few examples suffice to illustrate that the alchemists’

researches, though lacking scientific direction, produced a benefit to
humanity at large, not merely for the chosen.
The ascetic, whether ignorant or selfish, who starts out to attain
magical powers for himself, and who enters upon a cold, rigid use of the
will to crush and annihilate his animal passions, may succeed. But he
will find out too late that his powers over the elements and forces of
Nature have been purchased at the awful expense of the destruction of
the feminine portion of his own Soul by gradual absorption into himself
of the being upon whose development in harmony with his own depends
his immortality.
Did this happen to some of the alchemists? I think not, for they
realized the essences of the universe. They understood how souls must
unite. One must realize that union with the twin Soul constitutes the
Divine Self. One cannot deny there is aught in the universe beyond his
state except false Nirvana to which he is drifting. This is practically a
condition of annihilation. But often one fondly pictures Nirvana in as
vague and pleasing terms as possible, as “absorption into the Infinite”.
Then he denies point blank (since they no longer exist for him) the
angelic and celestial states, and devotes himself to a systematic
dissemination of the dogmas of Karma and reincarnation. These in their
essence are the most subtle and enervating forms of fatality conceivable
by the human mind, since they sap the Soul of all true inspiration tow
ard the higher self and perfect life.
As there may be many roads which will ultimately lead us to the

same mountain top, so there are many systems of Occult training. The
end in view of every system is the same. It is to first evolve conscious
lucidity, the rest will then follow.
When once the aspirant becomes an accepted neophyte, whether he
personally sees Him or internally realizes the Master makes no
difference. Future progress depends upon his strict obedience to the
commands received, unselfish motives, and a pure life. The alchemists
were able to do this and so may you.

Mortality and
In attempting to elucidate the problems of “Mortality and Immortality”
(life and death), it must be understood we are dealing with questions
which depend upon the construction which is placed in the terms used. It
is not our province to enter into the scientific minutia of these problems,
nor to present an abstract of learned nonsense concerning the various
derivations from which the words reached us. Equally unimportant to our
purpose is the sense in which our hoary ancestors may have used them,
seeing such questions must ever remain matters of speculation and
opinion, “When doctors disagree, who shall decide?”
At present we are concerned with the Occult side of the problems, and
with the laws which are far removed from the realms of mere opinion
and constitute eternal realities. The manifestations of these laws can be
realized and verified by each individual Soul for itself.
Simply and briefly stated, immortality means life or continued life.
Mortality means death or the extinction of life, and therefore is the
antithesis of life and immortality. These are the generally accepted sense
in which the words are now used. Mortality and immortality in their
external relation towards each other stand as the polar opposites, and as
such they are the alpha and omega of cyclic existence. They represent
“the evening and the morning” of every phase of infinite creation, upon
the outer planes of manifested being.

Life and death form the grand spiral axis of time, and the resultants to
the human mind are seen in the world of phenomena.
For the sake of convenience we will consider each problem by itself.
Then, as a stimulant towards mental reflection, we will leave their
relationship to each other to be thought out by the reader.
Mortality, as stated, means death and extinction upon the material
plane. But when viewed from the higher and more interior standpoint,
death simply means a change of form and function. There can be no
absolute extinction in the strict sense of the term. Atoms are immortal,
eternal, and indestructible. But a universe or an organism which is
composed of an infinite number of atoms may be dissolved, destroyed
and forever lost. It is lost as an organic whole, but not lost as regards its
separate atomic parts.
The mental being which bound these atoms together loses its force
during the process of change or death, thus death is simply change of
polarity. In order to see this, it must be understood the Moons, Planets,
Suns, and systems have their own special individuality exactly like men.
On the contrary, an atom has no individuality, so far as its external form
is concerned, but it possesses a cosmic individuality. This is an attraction
and repulsion of its own, by virtue of its differentiation from the
universal atom. It is the complex expression of the myriad atoms which
compose the organism or the universe which produce individuality. This
individuality gives expression to a form suitable to Nature, and
constitutes the personal or external appearance of a material object.
These facts must be borne in mind, or the real meaning of this material
will be misunderstood.
As a general principle of phenomenal expression, Nature embodies,
within some external form, every idea, thought, and motive which
mankind evolves. The only limit to her possibilities in this direction is
the mental and magnetic condition of the race. In fact, every organic
form which we see around us is Nature’s expression of various thoughts
and ideas. These thoughts and ideas are representative of Spiritual
qualities which react upon the Astral light. These Spiritual qualities
emanate from the Mind or mental being, either human or divine.
As illustrations of the process of death and change, let us select two
cases, one from the vegetable world, and one from the animal

kingdom—a tree and a tigress. The tree dies, decay sets in, and soon it
appears to be gone forever. But this disappearance is only an illusion, for
the tree not only exists but exerts a very powerful influence upon the
material plane.
The tree, so far as its phenomenal outcome is concerned, has only
been a means by which the progressive cycle of evolution works upward
from the mineral state. It is composed of millions of atoms of life
undergoing their various cyclic rounds within the vegetable circuit, and
as a natural consequence of this internal spiritual activity the tree
possesses a Karmic sphere within the Astral spaces of its life wave. The
Astral tree, if we may so call this Karmic counterpart, is far more
beautiful in its wonderful details, and more perfect in its symmetry and
geometrical proportions than the material physical organism of earth.
When the material tree no longer exists as a living earthly organism,
the arboreal image within Nature’s wonderful laboratory becomes the
means of reflecting the outlines of a still more perfect vegetable
organism upon the outward planes of matter. These outlines of Astral
skeletons of future trees possess the attractive force which draws within
them the living germs of the young seedlings growing upon the earth.
The greatest perfection of one tree becomes impressed within the
astral light and also the means of developing a more perfect organism of
its kind in the next generation. The ideal of the tree becomes externalized
in its offspring.
The trained psychic, and those also who naturally possess some
spiritual lucidity, can see this ethereal vegetation within the Astral world.
Therefore, proofs may be quickly obtained of the two planes of existence
should they ever be required. The internal plane is more alive than the
external. The physical tree disappears, but it does not die as we suppose.
When physical death transpires it undergoes an evolutionary change; the
sphere of its activities becomes translated, removed from the external to
the internal. This is in strict obedience to the higher laws of its internal
nature. Thus we see the tree, having served its purpose on earth, vanishes
from external sight, while its ethereal counterpart performs another cycle
upon a higher plane of being.
When each has fulfilled its great purpose, the various evolving

atoms which constituted its life form, obeying the interior laws of their
cyclic round, seek their reincarnation. They separate and the cycle is
complete. The individual tree no longer exists as a tree. But there has
been no death; only a change of form. The atomic forces of the tree
reappear upon a higher plane in a million other varying forms throughout
every department of nature.
Since ancient times philosophy has striven to separate the good from
the evil, and the pure from the impure. This is the same as saying all
things die and that only the Soul lives eternal. The Soul endures while
the body decays, and you may recall that correspondingly a seed must rot
away if it is to bear fruit. But what does it mean to rot? It means only
this—that the body decays while its essence, the good, the Soul, subsists.
Once we have understood this, we possess the knowledge which contains
all virtues.
Decay is the beginning of all birth! It transforms shape and essence
which are the forces and virtues of nature. Just as the transformation of
all foods in the stomach prepares them and makes them into a digested
pulp, so it happens outside the stomach. Decay is the midwife of very
great natural things! It causes many things to change so that a noble fruit
may be born. It is the reversal, the death and destruction of the original
essence of all natural things. It brings about the birth and rebirth of forms
a thousand times improved. And this is the highest and greatest
mysterium of the Spirit, the deepest mystery and miracle that has been
revealed to mortal man.
Having considered death and decay in regard to the tree, let us now
examine the animal kingdom or the case of a tigress. We have already
stated Nature ever strives to externalize ideas and thoughts in some form
or other. This statement must always be borne in mind. The tigress
presents us with a fine illustration of this law of transformation upon the
outward planes of existence.
What the tigress is when endowed with physical life we all should
know. Her chief qualities are selfishness and destructiveness! She is, in
fact, a complete expression of cruelty. When death transpires, the astral
tigress like the astral tree, becomes indrawn within the karmic sphere of
its astral world. There it is to perform the higher evolutions of its special
round until the life atoms, which constitute it, become “rounded out”.
Then it is ready to externalize in some higher form.
Thus the tigress, like the tree, is one of nature’s countless mediums

for the expression of mental force. By the interior laws of its con-
stitution, it forms a central vortex or focus for the materialization of the
purely selfish and destructive elements of humanity. When death
removes the physical tigress, the ethereal tigress becomes the sphere of
action until the tigress, qualities have run their full cycle.
But we cannot say there has been any real extinction, or death hath
come upon the tigress, any more than we can say the heat of the sunbeam
is destroyed because the solar ray is no longer brought to a focus. The
eye of the newest psychic initiate can distinctly see the ferocity of the
animal in the inhumanity of the man.
Mortality or death, then, can only exist and be a truth in reference to
the individual material forms. It has no existence when brought face-to-
face with the spiritual qualities and mental force, which actually created
these forms. Changes of sphere and changes of action are the only
realities of death.
Ever onward, ever upward, forever and ever more! Eternal progression
is the anthem of evolution and the cycles of action are but intervals of
time as measured out to the life forces by the pendulum of creation.
The second portion of our subject—“Immortality”—is the polar
opposite of death and mortality. Individual forms and characteristics are
the only things which change and die. This death as we have shown, is
not an extinction of the life atoms in the literal sense of the term, but
simply a change of sphere and function.
Death is the grand terminus of one cycle of existence, and the
commencement of another. Mortality is the harbinger of a still higher
state of life. Consequently it is the forerunner of immortality. There are
exceptions to the general rule, though they are very few.
There are two distinct phases of immortal life: conscious immortality
and unconscious immortality. One relates to mind, the other to matter;
one to intelligence, the other to substance.
There is only one grade of external life which can be said to inherit
immortality in the occult sense of the term. This is the eternal conscious
life or immortal individuality. Not as we know and recognize
individuals, but, rather an individuality consisting of Soul qualities. This
is a purely Spiritual state which can only be partially expressed by the
word Identity.
All the states below the human plane are only so many radiating

lines which converge to a point, and are brought to a focus within the
human organism. Therefore, every quality and force upon the planet or
within the system of which the organism forms a part must find
expression within this womb of Nature. If this were not so, man would
not constitute a microcosm or universe in miniature.
In the grades below the human state, we do not find complete
organisms. They are mere temporary shapes of matter continually dying
out of existence to give place to something more nearly perfect. The
forces they were evolved to express are exhausted, they evolve to a
higher cycle. They are not souls in the true sense, but refracted attributes
of Souls. They are qualities and functions in the process of evolution.
They are isolated parts and characteristics of a whole; organs, but not
Commencing at the very lowest point of animated existence we
discover only the most rudimentary expression of the simplest function
of organic life or a desire to live. As we ascend higher, the organs
become multiplied, and the desire to live is increased. The gradual scale
expands right up to man, where we find a miniature universe, absolute
and complete within itself.
The central deific atom, controlling this universe, has travelled all the
way up from the crude fire rocks of cosmic evolution. It has conquered
every state through which it ascended upon its progressive toilsome
journey. At each state, it evolved from within itself a complete attribute
corresponding to that state. It polarized and bound the atoms of life and
annexed them as a portion of its spiritual empire, thereby forming the
means for their progression. Until, at last, the deific atom sits upon the
spiritual throne as kind of the microcosm, capable of thinking, creating,
and evolving from within itself.
It is therefore an occult truth to declare: All things below man are
mortal, and all above immortall Man, alone, contains within himself the
forces of life and death, of mortality and immortality. Man, then,
contains “the promise and potency of life” and constitutes, upon the
spiritual plane, what protoplasm does upon the physical. It has the
possibilities of infinite progression.
To attain unto immortality it is necessary, as we have shown, for the
central life atom to conquer every state below the human; to become
externalized upon earth as an individual human being; and to undergo
the trials and become subjected to the responsibilities of a

conscious, reasoning, individual human being in the struggle for life. The
nature and quality of the soul, combined with the polarity of the
organism, will launch the individual into the exact conditions and
circumstances which are best adapted to arouse all the latent qualities.
It is not a previous karma which determines an individual’s condition
in life, but the nature and quality of the Soul conflicting or harmonizing
with the external conditions. This turmoil of life, this ceaseless human
warfare, is just as necessary for the Soul’s final development as are the
earlier struggles through the lower state of the Great Chain of Being.
Man possesses the possibilities of such immortal life in such a potent
degree as to nearly always succeed. There are, however, a few solitary
When man has passed through the travail of human life, he then meets
the struggle of his karma in the realm of Spirit. Here he may even sink
forever, because he does not actually possess immortality; but only the
promise of possibility of it. Not until the four realms of the astral world
are passed and man enters the sixth state of the Soul world, where he
becomes reunited with his Soul mate, his missing half, can he attain the
exalted state. Until this union is complete there is, and can be, no actual
Immortality! Previous to this he is but a part of himself, and has control
only of half of his spiritual nature.
It is the union of the two which forms the absolute One. “And they
twain shall be one flesh”, saith the old Jewish Scripture.
“As it is above, so it is below.”
It is seen that it is the reunion of the twin Souls in the realm of Spirit
which confers upon man the state of angelhood. He is human no longer
and he is then Divine. As a Deific being he possesses the attributes of
eternal progression and immortal life.
Virgil, richest of the ancients in Philosophy, says thusly:
“And first the Heaven, Earth, and liquid plain,
The Moon's bright globe and stars Titanian
A spirit fed within, spread through the whole
And with the huge heap mix’d infused a soul:
Hence man and beasts, and birds derive their strain
And monsters floating in the marbled main;
These seeds have fiery vigor, and a birth of
Heavenly race, but clog'd with heavy earth.”

What do these verses mean other than the world should have not only
a Spirit-Soul but also should partake of the Divine Mind. The original
virtue and vigor of all inferior things depends upon the Soul of the
world! Plato, the Pythagoreans, Orpheus, Trismegistus, Aristotle,
Theophrastus, Avicenna, Algazel, Plotinus, and all the Peripatetics
confess and confirm this truth.
There are four essences in the universe on which all the learned
through the centuries have agreed. These are Fire, Water, Earth, and Air!
There is, however, a fifth essence, or quintessence, which permeates
everything above in the stars and below upon earth. It is the world Soul-
Spirit which animates all bodies. It is “clog’d with heavy earth" and
never free or visible. Yet it is omnipresent, and he who can free this fifth
element from the matter it inhabits shall hold in his hand the creative
power with which God has been endowed upon the world of matter. The
ancient goddesses of growth and vegetation, like Isis, were nothing more
to the Alchemist than the emblems of the quintessence, the generative
power which resides in the Philosophers’ Stone.
Thus we have a transcendental field as the only reality from which the
material universe emerges in a series. The properties of this material
world reveal the Supreme Chain of Being. The basic polarities of
consciousness or Spirit and matter or Soul energy make up life, as it
appears as a material form or species.
In a sense, life is the direct reflection of the transcendent Supreme;
hence, biological thinking is privileged. The cycles of life are perceived
in body (material), psyche (Self), Soul, and Spirit. The lesser of these is
the reincarnation of the impersonal Soul in many men. But in others, a
larger epoch evolves over the vast periods of astral time as the “cycle of
necessity”, and Spirit pervades all of their being.
When this has occurred, the Soul is no longer conscious of the body,
and cannot tell whether it is man or a living being or anything real at all;
for then the contemplation of such things would seem unworthy. It has
no leisure for them; but when, after having sought the Astral Spirit, it
finds itself in its presence, it goes to meet It and contemplates It instead
of itself. What itself is when it gazes, it has no leisure to see.
When in this state, the Soul would not exchange its present condition
for anything, not for the very heaven of heavens. There is

nothing better, nothing more blessed than this! For it can mount no
higher; all other things are below it, however exalted they be!
It is then it judges rightly and knows it has what it truly desired, and
there is nothing higher. It is now the Macrocosm! There is no deception;
where could one find anything truer than Truth? What it says, that it is,
and it speaks afterwards, and speaks in silence, and is happy, and is not
deceived in its happiness.
Its happiness is no titillation of the bodily senses; it is the Soul which
has become again what it was formerly, when it was thrice blessed.
All the things which once pleased it—power, wealth, beauty,
science—it declares it despises. It could not say this if it had not met
with something better than these. It fears no evil while it is with the
Astral Spirit, or even while it sees Him; though all else perish around it,
it is content, if it can only be with Him, so happy is it.
The Soul is so exalted that it thinks lightly even of that spiritual
intuition which it formerly treasured. For spiritual perception involves
movement, and the Soul now does not wish to move. It does not call the
object of its vision Spirit, although it has itself been transformed into
Spirit before the vision and lifted up into the abode of Spirits.
When the Soul arrives at the intuition of the Astral One, it leaves the
mode of spiritual perception. Even so, as a recent traveler and entering
into the palace, it admires at first the various beauties which adorn it. But
when the Astral Master appears, he alone is the object of attention. By
continually contemplating the object before him, the evolved Soul sees It
no more. The vision is confounded with the object seen, and that which
was Him becomes to the state of seeing.
The Astral Spirit has two powers. By one of them it has a spiritual
perception of what is within Itself, the other is the receptive intuition by
which It perceives what is above. The former is the vision of the thinking
Spirit, the latter is the Spirit in Love. For when the Spirit is inebriated
with the nectar, it falls in Love, in simple contentment and satisfaction. It
is better for the evolved Soul to be so intoxicated than to be too proud for
such Spiritual intoxication of Love.
As it is above, so it is below!


The Dark Satellite

When we look about us with the physical senses, Nature seems to be in

continual warfare with Herself. In fact, it seems utterly impossible to
find anything not in deadly conflict with something else. Observing this,
mankind has unconsciously, from time immemorial formulated the idea
of two great powers—the “good” and the “evil”. From this idea the
grand dogma of all theology—“God” and the “Devil”— sprang into
existence. It soon became the chief cornerstone of every sacerdotalism
which the world has witnessed.
While there is some basic truth in this idea, as in every popular
conception, it has its false premises as well. Mankind as a whole cannot
formulate any idea which is wholly and absolutely false in every detail.
Yet owing to the fact that man, while existing upon the material plane,
cannot grasp the Divine idea of absolute Truth, nor realize the logical
absurdity of more than one Absolute.
He, therefore, utterly fails to comprehend how that which is relative
evil can be harmonized into an Absolute Good.
To the majority of mankind this mighty problem of good and evil is
still unsolved. But a few, a very few indeed, of the profoundly learned
students of Occult lore have arrived at a true conception of the subject.
Countless legends and allegories have evolved, during the lapse of the
ages. These embody the facts and the processes connected with this great
arcane mystery, but the metaphysics of these legends has never been
revealed to the uninitiated. Especially this is the case in regard

to the Dark Satellite. However, the time has now come when certain
facts in regard to this orb of evil may be given to the world for the first
In the first place, certain misconceptions in regard to the dark orb
need to be corrected. Many earnest students have thought it to be “The
Lost Orb” of the Grecian mysteries. This would make it similar to the
Egyptian conception of the spiritual “fall”. But there is, in fact, no
connection between the two at all.
Another misconception has regarded the Moon as identical with the
dark orb. Many assert, in a very mysterious manner, the Moon is not
only the eighth sphere, or the orb of death and dissolution, but it is “the
dust bin of the universe”. This conception is radically false as regards the
Moon. It approaches the realm of truth in some respects regarding the
nature of the mysterious Dark Satellite itself.
With these brief remarks it now is possible to point out a perfectly
correct conception of what this Dark Satellite is, and also to understand
its fearful importance at the present crisis in the world’s history.
During the Golden and Silver Ages of our Earth’s evolution, this Dark
Satellite was in the aphelion of its orbit and then its influence was
scarcely felt. Its influence then was seen and recognized in its true
relation of animal force and undeveloped good. As a factor of evil it was
still imperceptible. But during the Copper and Iron Ages the orb
gradually approached the Earth, and its dark shadows became more and
more bewildering and more potent until the year 1881. Then it passed its
grand perihelion point. It is now slowly but surely receding, and
although the clouds are not completely lifted from the mental horizon,
the fact is the fearful conflict which occurred at the perihelion is over.
Yet, the confusion and chaos of today seem more widespread and more
rampant than ever before in the world’s history. Still it is past its darkest
portion of the orb and its culminating point.
As it is often darkest just before break of day, so even now the dawn
of a brighter morn is at hand. Then the faithful, resolute truth-seeker
shall be able to solve for himself this awful problem of good and evil.
Therefore, we must be sustained by the knowledge of the ultimate
victory of order and equilibrium over chaos and opposing forces. Even
though enveloped in the darkness of battle and involved
116 '
in the vortices of the defeated legions of error, let us turn our attention
more closely to the satellite itself. It has been such a disturbing factor to
our planet’s mental equilibrium we must consider it with special
reverence. The implications and responsibility forced upon every Soul
seeking light and Immortality are very great at present.
In the first place, this orb possesses a complete organization of its
own, and is governed by well-defined laws. The nature of these laws
may be known only too well by patiently observing the merciless
instincts of the lower animal nature manifested in man. There the moral
consciousness is absolutely wanting. Throughout this whole sphere are
numerous races of Spiritual beings, many of them possessing the highest
forms of cunning and intelligence possible on the animal plane. It is
these beings who are neither elementals nor elementaries, but who are
the producers of the greatest portion of the suffering and misery which
afflicts all humanity.
From within the dark center of the Astral realms of these beings, the
Spirit of lies, murder, fraud, and religious imposture are first formulated.
It is then projected to the human fraternity as the means of its continued
existence. From these human centers it is reformulated to suit the spirit
and temper of the times. Then its psychological influence is projected
into the mental whirl of the human race. Its silent, subtle influx poisons
the dimensional spaces which constitute the magnetic planes of all
human life.
The unseen Occult current penetrates the innermost recesses of the
human mind and possesses the Soul to such an extent that deep down in
the heart of man there is an evil. No matter how pure and disinterested
one may appear, there lurks the slimy reptile of selfishness inside the
Soul. It is there even when he least suspects it. It is this grim monster
which each aspirant to Occult truth seeks to conquer. When this Goliath
of the Soul is struck dead by the smooth white pebble of the Spirit, the
ordeal is over. It is slung with the neophyte’s full will and the crown of
Immortality won. “To the victor belong the spoils.”
It is the Dark Satellite which formulates the Spirit of lies, murder, and
frauds and this was well known to the initiates of the greater Hermetic
mysteries. We find the idea very clearly defined in the mystical language
of the ancients. The following extract from one of the supposed lost
magical works of Hermes Trismegistus shows this

clearly. He was speaking of the magical rulers of the Dark Satellite as
they sit in council, creating all delusion, when he wrote:

"So they called forth a form

From the Deep dark abyss
To embody their evil desires.
Obedient it came
From the realms of the dead,
Arrayed in its magic attire.
As it passed o'er the earth
The fair flowers fell dead,
From its breath of poisonous fire.”

Indeed, so thoroughly has this poisonous fire of self-interest

permeated the world, the fair flowers of disinterestedness are an almost
entirely extinct species. Should the real state of unselfish unworldliness
of the true Mystic become known, he would be either regarded with pity
as “non compos mentis”, or else looked upon with suspicion as acting
from motives much more subtle than those which govern the ordinary
The manner in which this dark magnetic energy is projected from the
satellite to the earth is inversive. The rulers and magical hierophants
make use of this inversive force to distort and corrupt truth in every form
as it struggles to become manifest upon the Earth. The powers and
influences attributed to certain races of the Astrals, belong in reality to
the rulers and principalities of the Dark Satellite. They mercilessly
distort every arcane truth into theological dogma of partial error, thus
causing it to assume to the human mind the delusive form of the
externals of truth and logic.
But the delusive form is, after all, only a very flimsy sophistry when
subjected to the keen searching eye of the Soul. Consequently, it is
always those who are half informed of nature’s mysteries who fall into
the snare. Herein is seen the Occult truth in the old proverb, “A little
learning is a dangerous thing”.
Just as the Dark Satellite was at its perihelion, these inversive brethren
achieved the greatest theological and metaphysical success by the
relaunching forth throughout the world of the doctrines of
“Reincarnation”, “Karma”, and “Disembodied Shells”. These were
formulated and taught by the decaying priesthoods of the dreamy

Orient. Viewed in its true light this gigantic movement of the inversive
brethren was aimed as a death blow to the rapidly spreading Spiritualism
of the Occident.
Such a movement, however, was doomed to ultimate failure as there
were certain absolute Truths connected with this Spiritualism. This Truth
was there notwithstanding the ignorance of its expounders and the many
errors and gross impostures. These truths were neither to be suppressed
by inversive magic, nor smothered by any oriental theory.
These truths were well expressed in the Book Yetzirah, which stated:

God is the matter and form of the universe. Everything exists in Him;
He is at the bottom of all things and beings, which carry the symbols of
His intelligence. The Whole, God and the universe, is a perfect unity. The
uniting bond in creation are the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet
and the first ten numbers (expressed by the first ten letters). These two
types of signs are called the thirty-two marvelous ways of wisdom, upon
which God has founded His name. They are identified with thought
rendered visible, and they are superior to bodies and substances. God’s
breath is in the Hebrew letters. They are equally of man and of God.

The ten numbers are the essential form of all that is; the number ten is
the basis of the world plan. Through them intelligence perceives the
world’s existence and the divine action. These numbers are called the
Their names are: Kether, Crown, the ideal principle of all entities, and
which in itself embraces ail other beings; Chochma, Wisdom, the
principle of all life; Binah, Intelligence, the principle of everything that
has understanding; Chesed, Goodness, the model of all grace; Geburah,
Power, the principle of the distribution of reward or punishment; Tiferet,
Glory, the principle toward which converges all that is beautiful and
perfect; Nisah, Victory, to which conforms the permanent and the lasting;
Hod, Honor, the principle of all that flow's down to inferior beings;
Malchut, Kingdom, the link which transmits all things from the superior
to the inferior, and which helps the inferior to assimilate itself to the
At this point the question naturally arises: “Of what personal or

selfish benefit is the propagation of error to the inhabitants of the Dark
Satellite?” The answer is simply this, it furnishes them with the means of
prolonging their external existence while on Earth, It also supplies them with
an additional lease of life in the world to come, as will be made manifest
from the Hermetic laws of death as given below.
According to these laws, death is now what is known as physical
dissolution, but is a failure on the part of the human being to polarize the
atoms which constitute the Soul and thus realize Immortality. It is a falling
from the human to the animal plane, where conscious existence may be
prolonged indefinitely.
The Laws of Death (Hermes Trismegistus):
1. As it is below, so it is above; as on the earth, so in the sky.
2. There are two states of being: one is mortal; the other Immortal.
3. That which is mortal is dissolvable, and dissolvable bodies pass away
like a mist in the morning.
4. An Immortal body is an essence which is eternal and incorruptible.
5. But the twain, the mortal and the Immortal, cannot exist together
forever, but each retumeth to the place from whence it came.
6. The mortal body is sensible, but the Immortal is reasonable.
7. The former contains nothing that is perfect, the latter nothing that is
imperfect; for the one is the essence of the Spirit, the other the
essence of matter, and man, the microcosm, holds the balance of the
8. And there is a fierce warfare for the Victory, between the upper and
lower, as they both desire to obtain the body as their prize; for the
state of man is envied by the lower and glorified as a noble state by
the higher.
9. Now as the man inclines toward the lower Nature which is mortal, he
thereby aids the lower imperfect powers to oppose the higher which is
Immortal, and must suffer the pains of slavery for his disobedience to
the workman his maker. But if he inclines to the higher, then he is
truly wise and blest.
10. Should man, after being attracted by the vanities of the world and
then after obtaining a knowledge of the things that really are, return to
the vanities of the world, he will be punished with torments and fire
in the darkest states of disembodied Souls.
11. Should a man, after knowing the things that are, become rebellious of
restraint to that part which is Immortal, and return to the vanities of
the world, the higher essence will straightway depart from

him, and he will become the slave of the lower essence which will
seize upon him and drive him to all sorts of wicked arts and evil ways.
12. When man has thus impiously disobeyed nature and turned his face
away from that which is Immortal, behold he is then disinherited from
his birthright, and is no longer counted among the children of Nature
because he has become an evil, perverse thing, possessing only those
things which are mortal, and he is punished with death.
13. And so death is meted out to all those who rebel against Nature
impiously, because they know the things that are. But to those foolish
souls who are ignorant, and who have not knowingly rejected Nature,
behold, they are purified after much suffering and are sent to the
world again.

The teachings in the above laws are so clear, so simple, and so

divinely just, that to attempt in any way to explain or annotate them
would only sow the first seeds of error and misunderstanding. We will,
therefore, leave them with the reader as they are, pure and free from the
mental bias of any mortal being.
Man alone, possesses the elements of both life and death. The laws of
life have been fully elucidated, and the Soul which imperfectly obeys
them will, “After it has been purified by much suffering,” ultimately
reap the reward of eternal conscious existence. Consequently, the great
majority of those Souls who are really human beings, will inherit
Immortality as the natural consequence of their humanity.
But there are exceptions, which though few in number, require special
notice. These exceptions may, for the sake of convenience, be divided
into three distinct classes. The first and most numerous consists of
imperfectly organized, sensitive, weak-natured individuals, with little or
no mental bias, but who possess strong mediumistic magnetisms.
Individuals of this class, though perfectly human to begin with, soon lose
the actual control of the external organism, and in consequence the body
becomes the obedient instrument for any and every class of disembodied
earth bound spirits. But what is still worse, it may become the slave of
some vicious elementary.
In this case, there was no real or true individuality, therefore, no one
can assert truthfully he was actually acquainted with the true personage.
The real Soul had departed in the very early infancy of the organism’s
physical existence. Just how, or when, or where, none but

the trained seer can tell. In every individual case the Astral causes which
produced the Soul’s abortion widely differ.
The second class are those who fall victims to premeditated obses-
sion, and are by no means so numerous as the first class. In this case the
organism is generally very fine, insofar as the magnetic temperament is
concerned, but the Soul is utterly wanting in Spiritual volition or will.
The magnetic polarity of their Soul is of such a nature the Spiritual will
of the Soul is almost powerless to act. The absence of this essential
element of human life may be the result of the mental condition of the
mother during her pregnancy or of a mental coma of both parents at the
moment of conception.
This mental coma externalizes itself in the offspring as a lack of vim,
verve, and fire. Hence we often see this condition manifested in the
children of kings, noblemen, and those from parents of great wealth.
These people have the means to pander to and gratify a fashionable
sentimental lassitude. In addition to this lack of Spiritual volition, the
magnetic constitution is always strongly mediumistic. Such an
individual, if left quite free from the control of others, would be naturally
good, highly sensitive, and in the true sense of Spiritual parlance, “A
spirit medium.” Such a person would be inspirational, physical, or
clairvoyant, according to the peculiar magnetic grade. This is why they
often fall victim of premeditated obsession.
When such an obsession transpires, it is generally found some potent
external mind, that of an evil sorceress, or black magician, requires the
organism for the purpose of prolonging their own personal world
existence. When a suitable mediumistic body is fount!, they bring the
whole of their powerful magnetic will to bear upon the almost will-less
brain of their victim. Slowly but surely they eject the rightful occupant,
and then by virtue of their Occult powers and magic arts, inhabit the
organism themselves.
The near friends and relatives of the victim are often surprised at the
remarkable change which they notice has taken place in the temperament
and the disposition of their friend. They seldom if ever suspect the
terrible truth which such a change implies. They can never be brought to
fully understand the individual moving among them as usual has nothing
whatever in common with their silently departed recent friend.
The third, and the least in number, of these classes includes those

who are born into the world under strangely conflicting conditions.
Possessing all the essential elements of manhood, they also possess a
powerful current of the most potent and concentrated form of selfishness
and pride. In addition to this undesirable acquisition, they express the
highest form of intellect combined with a powerful will and mediumistic
temperament. These dominating conditions predispose them to the study
of psychology and Occultism, hence they fall an easy prey to the
members of the Black magic and their inversive Astral Brethren.
Their selfishness, combined with their unbounded ambition and desire
for power, precipitate them headlong into the most frightful practices,
where, surrounded by the infernal rites of their diabolical seducers, they
become helpless to the very powers they sought to control.
Henceforward they are lost!
As the Hermetic law states: “They are punished with death.” They
know it and consequently are compelled, for their own safety, to remain
faithful to the order which entrapped them. Their only motto is Self,
their only desire is to live, and this they will do at any cost. For their
own lives they would sacrifice the entire balance of creation, if such a
thing were possible. Death to them is death in reality.
In the first and second classes of so-called lost Souls, the true
individual does not become lost; he is the foolish, ignorant Soul. He
simply loses his physical organism! This personality, along with the
animal and Astral portion of it, becomes a lifeless shadow at death, and
slowly disintegrates within the magnetic spaces of the Astral light. It is a
misty form, incapable of personating its original owner, or of being
“galvanized into temporary life”.
While the counterfeiting, obsessing forces, after running the cycle of
the magnetic existence within the electrovital spaces of the planet,
become attached to the eighth sphere; the Dark Satellite or orb of death.
This attraction is brought into force by virtue of their affinity with the
realms of elemental being. They have sunk beneath the plane of
humanity, and consequently are no longer human. When once they
become enclosed within the fatal magnetic whirl of death, they lose the
polarity over the feeble atoms which constitute their only being, and
gradually dissolve, atom by atom, like poisonous miasmatic mists before
the rising sun.
The Deific atoms themselves are imperishable as ever, and enter

upon a new cycle of involution and evolution. Thus they are slowly
building up new individualities for themselves. Not on this planet, the
scene of their failure and suffering; but on a higher plane, in worlds more
ethereal than ours.
The higher they are placed, the closer they are to the divine. Kether,
the first emanation, is the Spirit. The elements issued from each other,
and the more remote they were from the Highest, the more gross they
became. Air is the highest and the most subtle element; earth (condensed
water) is the least noble among them. With such a conception, substance
is resolved into one principle and brought under one law.
The letters partaking of the intelligible and physical world leave their
imprint upon all things; they are signs by which we recognize the
supreme intelligence in the universe. And through their mediation the
holy spirit reveals itself in nature. With letters, God has created the Soul
of every form, in mingling them and combining them in infinite ways.
Upon letters, He has established His ineffable and sublime Name.
Through word and writ, man can penetrate the most hidden divine
secrets, and with words and signs work wonders.
The Hebrew letters are grouped into three types: the mother letters,
which are Aleph—A, Mem—M, Shin—Sh; the seven double letters,
which have two sounds; and the twelve single letters. Aleph is air,
because the letter is pronounced with a slight aspiration. Mem is water,
being “mute”. Shin is fire, because of its hissing sound. Three, seven,
and twelve are the numbers with which the world is built. They recur in
the three realms of Nature:
In the general composition of the world,
In the division of time,
In man.
Fire is the substance of heaven, water the substance of earth; air is the
mediator between the two, the dominator and also reconciler. God’s
breath or word. Fire is summer; water, winter, and air, spring and fall.
For either time or season contains the same number arrangement as Man
and World. In man, the number three is head, heart and stomach. The
seven double letters are twofold in their essence, their effect being
ambivalent, either good or bad. The seven planets influence changes
according to their position. In the realm of time,

seven are the days and nights of the week, in man they are the openings
of his head: the eyes, the nostrils, the ears, and the mouth.
In the universe there are twelve signs of the zodiac; in time, twelve
months of the year; in man, twelve capacities: sight, smell, speech,
hearing, nutrition, generation, touch, locomotion, wrath, laughter,
thought, and sleep. Summing up: the material form of intelligence,
represented by the twenty-two letters of the alphabet, is also the form of
all that exists; for, outside man, time and the universe, only the infinite is
conceivable. Therefore, the three realms are called the faithful witnesses
of Truth.
The world of letters and words is built in steps. One dominates three,
three governs seven, and seven is superior to twelve, yet each part of the
system is inseparable from the others. They are one, although many of
their elements are in opposition, arrayed against one another. Finally,
above man, above the universe, beyond time, above the letters and
numbers is the Spirit, Who tolerates no duality or any definition, as He is
the Infinite, yet partaking of everything.
But He does not submit to the law, which He embodies: He is the law.
The closer things and beings are to Him, the more they are bathed in His
light. Evil is not a separate force, but rather the scarcity or absence of
true light.
The significance of numbers was developed in a somewhat curious
manner, which it may be worthwhile to summarize:

1. In the moral order, a Word incarnate in the bosom of a virgin. In the

physical order, a Spirit embodied in the virgin earth, or Nature.
It is the generative number in the order, because the monad supposes
the duad, and thence, through the triad, all numbers are evolved.
2. In the moral order, man and woman. In the physical, active and
passive. It is the generative number in created things.
3. In the moral order, the three theological virtues. In the physical, the
three principles of bodies. The reference here is to Salt, Sulphur and
Mercury, thus indicating the Hermetic connections. Three also
denotes the triple Divine Essence.
4. The four cardinal virtues, the four elementary qualities and it is,
moreover, the most mysterious of numbers, because it contains all the
Mysteries of Nature.
5. The quintessence of religion, and the quintessence of matter—

which again is alchemical, It is also the most Occult number, because
it is enclosed in the center of the series.
6. The theological cube and the physical cube. It is the most salutary
number, because it contains the source of our spiritual and corporeal
7. The seven sacraments and the seven Planets. It is the most fortunate
number, because it leads us to the decade, the perfect number.
8. The small number of the elect, or the wise. It is the most desirable
number, because he who possesses it is the cohort of the Sages.
9. The exaltation of matter. It is the most sublime number because
Nature is exalted.
10. The ten commandments and the ten precepts of Nature. It is the most
perfect number, because it includes unity and zero, the symbols of
matter and chaos, whence everything emerged. In its figures it
comprehends the created and uncreated, the beginning and end, power
and force, life and annihilation.
11. The multiplication of Religion and the multiplication of Nature. It is
the most multiplying number, “Because with the possession of two
units, we arrive at the multiplication of things.”
12. The twelve articles of faith. The twelve apostles and the foundation of
the Holy City. The twelve operations of Nature. The twelve signs of
the Zodiac, and the foundation of the Primum Mobile. It is the most
solid number, being the basis of our Spiritual and corporeal

Hermetic and Kabbalistic Philosophies are ascribed to a common

source, and this has been the case with sympathetic as well as hostile
critics. I am sure that as regards the branch of Hermetic Philosophy
which is known under the name of Alchemy, we should accept this
statement. The earlier books ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, and not
concerned with the transmutation of metals, make use of many of the
doctrines of the Kabbalah, more or less veiled.
The symbol of chemistry is drawn from creation (in the eyes of its
adepts) who save and purify the divine Soul enchained in the elements,
and above all, who separate the divine Spirit confounded with the flesh.
As there is a Sun, the flower of fire, a celestial Sun, the right eye of the
world, so copper, if it become flower by purification, becomes then a
terrestrial Sun, which is king on earth, as the Sun is king in the sky.
There is no doubt that this is a very important citation. It shows why
early Hermetic books came to be regarded as Alchemical

in later times, and it institutes a striking parallel between Egyptian and
Jewish science. But the latter is the science of the Kabbalah.
But we shall do well to remember that the doctrine of the Macrocosm
and the Microcosm, the analogy between Spiritual and material, the
Zoharistic symbolism of the balance, have all been traced to the oldest
sacred books of the world.
The great Hermes Trismegistus used these sacred Occult books in his
studies of magic and the forces of Good and Evil. He was one of the few
profoundly learned students of Occult lore among the ancients. To him
we owe much of our knowledge of the dark satellite and its fearful

The Astral World

The oldest Occult teachings, as well as the latest, inform us that there are
Seven Planes of Being. The lowest of these planes is known as the
Material Plane. Second in order is known as the Plane of Forces. The
third is known as the Astral Plane. The fourth is known as the Mental
Above these four planes are three higher planes which have no
modern names which can be understood by those dwelling only on the
lower planes. These higher planes are incapable of explanation to those
on the lower planes; yet I shall refer briefly to some of these higher
planes, as we proceed with our study.
It should be mentioned that each of the Seven Planes has seven sub-
planes; and each of these sub-planes has its own seven subdivisions; and
so on to the seventh degree of subdivision. So, you see, there is a minute
classification in these Occult teachings about the Planes of Being.
According to Occultists, these seven are as follows (the older Sanskrit
names, which are now superseded, are only being given for reference):
Divine or Adi, Monadic or Anutadaka, Spiritual or Nirvana, Intuitional or
Buddhi, Mental or Manas, Astral or Kama, and Physical or Sthula. These
worlds are not physically separate in the manner which planets appear to
be, but interpenetrate each other. They depend for their differences on
the relative density of the matter which composes them, and the
consequent difference in the rates at which the matter vibrates.

Except for the physical world (densest) our knowledge of them, so far
as it extends, is dependent on Occultism, and the more exalted the vision
of the Occultist the higher the world to which Astral Vision can perceive.
Each world has its appropriate inhabitants, clothed in appropriate bodies,
and possessing the appropriate states of consciousness. The two highest
worlds, the Divine and the Monadic, are at present incapable of
attainment by human powers, the remaining five are attainable to a
greater or lesser degree. The Monad for the purpose of gathering
experience and for development, often finds it necessary to pass
downwards into the material sphere. When it has taken possession of the
Spiritual, intuitional, and higher Mental worlds, it may be looked on as a
Self or Soul embodying the will, intuition, and intellect. It continues
eternally as the same entity, never altering itself except by reason of
increasing development, and hence is Immortal.
These higher Worlds, however, do not afford sufficient scope to the
absolute Monad and it presses still farther down into matter, through the
lower Mental, into the Astral and Physical Worlds. The bodies with
which it is there clothed form its personality and this personality suffers
and is renewed. At the death of the physical body, the Self has merely
cast aside a garment and thereafter continues to live in the next higher
world, the Astral Plane or Astral World.
At the death of the Astral body, another garment is cast aside and the
Seif is clear of all appendages. It is as it was before its descent into the
denser matter, having now returned to the Mental World. The Self finds
itself somewhat strange to this world or plane owing to insufficient
development, and it again descends into matter. The round is completed
again and again, and each time the Self returns with a fresh store of
experience and knowledge, which strengthens and perfects the mental
body. When at last this process is complete, this body is cast aside and
the Self is clothed with its casual body.
Again it finds itself strange to this plane and the round of descents into
matter again begins and continues till the casual body is fully developed.
The two remaining worlds are but imperfectly known, but the Intuitional,
as its name indicates, is that plane where the Self’s vision is quickened to
see things as they really are. In the Spiritual world the Divine and the
human become unified and the Divine Purpose is fulfilled and the Great
Chain of Being is completed.

EAFK-B 129
To those who may find it difficult to form the idea of a number of
manifestations with each having its own rate of vibration, and occupying
the same point of space at the same time, a consideration of the
phenomena of the physical world will serve as an aid in understanding.
For instance, every student of physics knows a single point of space may
contain vibrations of heat, light, magnetism, electricity, X-rays, and other
various electromagnetic forces each manifesting its own rate of vibration,
and yet not interfering with each other.
Every beam of sunlight contains many different colors, each with its
own rate of vibration, and yet none crowd out the others. By the proper
laboratory apparatus each color of light may be separated from the
others, and the ray is thus split. The difference in the colors is simply
from the different rate of etheric vibrations of the light.
Again, it is possible to send many telegrams along the same wire and
at the same time, by using senders and receivers of different vibratory
frequencies. The same thing has its corresponding analogy in the case of
radio and TV So, you see, even on the physical plane we find many
forms of vibratory manifestation occupying the same point in space at
the same time.
The Material Plane, with which we are all familiar, has its seven sub-
planes, and likewise its seven-times-seven series of subdivisions. At first
we are apt to think we are perfectly familiar with every form of matter,
but this is far from being the case. We are familiar with only a few
common forms. The Occult teachings show us that on certain of the fixed
Stars, and on some of the Planets of our own system, there are forms and
kinds of matter lower in vibration than the densest form of matter known
to us. There are in existence in other worlds, and even in our own, forms
and kinds of matter as much higher than the highest forms of ultra-
gaseous matter known to us. This may be a startling statement, but every
advanced Occultist knows it to be true.
Physical science formerly classified matter as follows: (1) solids; (2)
liquids; and (3) gaseous. But modern science has found many forms of
matter more tenuous and rarer than even the finest gas. It now calls this
fourth class the “ultra-gaseous matter.” But Occultists know beyond this
fourth sub-plane of matter, which science is just

now discovering, there lie three other planes, and still finer subplanes.
Next higher in the scale of manifested Being, we find what is known
as the Plane of Forces, of which very little is known outside of Occult
Science. Although physical science has been breaking into this field, it
will take the next century for physical science to proceed further in this
direction. The research into radio activity is leading toward such further
knowledge regarding this plane of manifestation.
On the Plane of Forces we find the seven sub-planes, and likewise, the
seven-times-seven subdivisions. These are forces far below the scale of
the ordinary forces of Nature known to man. And, likewise, there is a
great series of Nature’s Finer Forces at the other end of the scale, of
which the ordinary man knows nothing. It is these finer forces which
account for many of the wonders of Occult Science. In particular, the
fine force called “prana” or “vital force” plays a most important part in
all Occult phenomena.
Next above the scale of the Plane of Forces, we find the great Astral
Plane. The term “Astral” is derived from the Greek word meaning
“related to a star”, and was originally used in describing the heavens of
the Greeks and the abodes of their gods. From this sense and usage the
term has widened in its application. It was employed to indicate what
might be called the “ghostland” of the Ancient peoples. This ghostland
was believed to be inhabited by beings of an ethereal nature; not only
disembodied Spirits, but also angelic beings of a very high order.
The Ancient Occultists of Greece, and other Western lands, thus
naturally fell into the custom of using the familiar term, “Astral”, to
indicate what we now know as the Astral Plane. Of course, the Oriental
Occultists had their own terms for this plane of manifestation, and these
terms were derived from old Sanscrit roots. But, as the use of Sanscrit
terms has a tendency to confuse most western students, the best Oriental
teachers of today almost always use the old Greek Occult words.
Each of the physical senses of man has its Astral counterpart which
functions on the Astral Plane, just as the physical senses do upon the
material plane. Thus every man has in latency, the power of seeing,
hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting on the Astral Plane by means of
his five Astral Senses. AH advanced Occultists know man really has

seven physical senses instead of five, though these two additional senses
are poorly developed in the average person. Even these two extra
physical senses have their Astral counterparts.
In the cases of persons who, accidentally or through careful training,
have developed the power of Astral Vision or perception through Astral
Sight, the scenes of the Astral Plane are perceived just as clearly as are
those of the material plane. The ordinary Clairvoyant has flashes of this
Astral Vision, as a rule, but is not able to sense Astrally by an act of will.
The well trained Occultists, on the other hand are able to shift from one
set of senses to another by the act of will. In fact, such an Occultist may
function and perceive on both planes at the same time.
In cases of Clairvoyance, or Astral visioning, the Occultist remains in
his physical body and senses the phenomena of the Astral Plane quite
naturally. It is not necessary for him to enter into a trance or any other
abnormal mental state. It is not necessary for him to leave his physical
body in such cases. In the higher form of Clairvoyance, he may even
sense distant events both on the physical plane, as well as on the Astral
Plane. Strictly speaking this power belongs to a somewhat different order
of Occult phenomena.
To vision Astrally, the Occultist has merely to shift his sensory
mechanism, just as the operator on the typewriter shifts from the small
letter type to the capitals. This, then, is the simplest and most common
way of Occult sensing on the Astral Plane, and it is possible for many
The second avenue of approach to the Astral Plane is that in which the
individual leaves his physical body, and actually travels on the Astral
Plane in his Astral Body. The Astral Body is composed of an ethereal
substance of a very, very high degree of vibration. It is not mere matter,
and yet is not pure force. It is composed of Astral substance which
resembles very fine matter, but which is more tenuous than anything
known as matter. Ordinarily the Astral Body can be sensed only by
means of the Astral Vision, but under certain other conditions it takes on
the semblance of a vapory form or matter and is perceptible to the
ordinary physical senses as a “ghost” or “apparition”.
The Astral Body is an exact counterpart of the physical body, but
survives the latter by a number of years. It is not Immortal, however,

and finally it disintegrates and is resolved into its original elements just
as does the physical body. The advanced Occultist, in his Astral Body, is
able to leave his physical body (which remains in a state of sleep or
trance) and may visit at will on the Astral Plane, even to points in space
far removed from his physical body.
One of the hardest things to realize is the Astral is just as real,
abiding, and fixed as is the material world. Just as steam is actually as
real as water or ice, so is the Astral just as real as the world of matter. It
is not a great body of solid fixed matter, but rather is an aggregation of
an infinite number of the tiniest particles built into atoms which then are
built into molecules and solid masses of matter.
The space between the electrons of the material atom is as com-
paratively great as the space between the Planets of our Solar System.
And every electron, atom, and molecule is in constant and intense
vibratory motion. There is nothing solid in the material world. If a
magnifying glass were built to an infinite power, even the electrons
would melt into seething, nothingness. There would be nothing left but
the ether which has no weight and which is imperceptible to the senses.
So you see, the solidity of things is merely relative and comparative. The
vibration of substances on the Astral Plane is higher than those on the
material plane. But even the Astral vibrations are far slower than those of
the next higher plane.
To the traveler on the Astral Plane, the scenery and everything
connected therewith seems as solid as the most solid material does to the
physical eye. It really is just as solid as is the Astral Body in which you
visit it. As for reality, the Astral is just as real as is the material.
The Forces of Nature are not perceptible to the physical eye, except as
they are manifested through matter. But they are very real as all of us
know by experience. You cannot see electricity, but you receive a shock
and realize its reality. You cannot see the force of gravity, but you
become painfully aware of its reality when you fall. It is realized by all
advanced Occultists, that if there really are any degrees in reality, the
balance is in favor of the finer forms of substance and force.
The Astral has its scenery, geography, and things just as the material
world. These things are just as real as the Great Redwood Trees of
California or the Grand Canyon. Its inhabitants are just as real as any of
the great men of our country.

The law of constant change operates on the Astral just as on the
material plane. There, things come and go just as they do here on the
material plane. Concentrate on the matter, and you will see the difference
between the things of the two planes is simply a difference in the rate of
the vibration of the substance.
Moreover, and this is quite important to the student, the Astral has its
laws just as has the material world. These laws must be learned and
observed, otherwise the inhabitants of the Astral, as well as the visitor,
will reap the painful result which always comes from a broken Natural
Again, there exists the “geography” of the Astral. There are regions,
points of space, places, kingdoms, and countries on the Astral, just as on
the material plane. Sometimes these Astral regions have no connection
with any on the material plane. In other cases they have a very direct
connection with material places and the material plane inhabitants.
One may travel from one region of the Astral to another, by simply an
act of will. This raises the vibrations of the Astral Body without it
moving in space. Again, one may travel in space from one point to
another on the Astral plane. This is possible in cases where these points
have some relation to certain points on the material plane.
As an example of this form of travel, I would say one may travel in
the Astral from Berlin to Bombay by merely wishing or willing to do so.
Time and space have their manifestations on the Astral Plane. But certain
Astral manifestations, on its seven-times-seven sub-planes, may be and
likely are, present therein, at, and on, the exact point of material space
which you are occupying at this very moment on the material plane.
If you have the knowledge and power, you may traverse all of these
sub-planes, one after the other, witness their scenery and inhabitants,
their phenomena and activity, and then return to the material plane. This
may be done in a moment of time and without changing a single point in
Or, if you prefer, you may travel to any of these sub-planes of the
Astral and then travel in space on the Astral Plane to some other place.
Then you have the choice of returning either the same way, or else
descending to the material plane, and traveling on it, in your Astral
Body, back to where your physical body is resting.

In traveling on the Astral Plane, one meets with many strange
inhabitants of the wonderful realm of Nature. Some are pleasant and
other unpleasant. Some of these inhabitants have passed on from the
material plane, while others have never dwelt on it. These forms are
natives of the Astral Plane and peculiar to it.
When you find yourself outside of your physical form or body, and
clad in your Astral form, you glance at your body and you find it appears
no different from your ordinary body. Even your clothing is the same and
this phenomena occurs through perfectly Natural laws on the Astral
You realize you are indeed out of the physical body when you turn
your head and perceive your own physical form, sunk in apparent sleep
in the chair in which you were seated just a few moments ago.
Looking a little closer you will see that your Astral form is connected
with its physical counterpart by a tiny, thin, tenuous filament of ethereal
substance, resembling a strand of shiny spider web. This filament is
capable of expansion and contraction, which enables you to move about
Now concentrate your will so that your vibrations increase in rate.
You will find yourself in a strange atmosphere, although you have not
moved an inch. Behind you, you perceive dimly the room in which you
were just living. Ahead of you, you perceive strange flashes and streaks
of phosphorescent light of many different hues and tints. These are
vibrations and waves of force, for you are now passing through the Plane
of Force.
You will notice a peculiar faint vibratory glow around every physical
object. This is the force of atomic and molecular attraction. Still fainter,
you will find a peculiar radiance permeating the entire atmosphere. This
is the outward sign of the force of gravitation.
Now, you feel your life force vibrating at a higher rate, and realize the
sense of weight seems to be dropping away from you. You feel as though
you could move without any effort.
You may walk through the wall of the room, and out into the street.
Now walk down the street. Step out just as if you were in the flesh. Stop
a moment! There you let a man walk right through you! Do you realize
you are a ghost? Just as much a ghost as was Hamlet’s father, except his
physical body was mouldering in the ground. A dog

will see you or a cat feels your presence! Animals possess very keen
psychic senses!
But cease thinking of yourself, and look closely at the person passing
by. You notice each one is surrounded by an egg-shaped aura extending
on all sides to the distance of about two or three feet. Do you notice the
kaleidoscopic play of blending colors in the aura ? Notice the difference
in the shades and tints of these colors, and also observe the
predominance of certain colors.
Notice the beautiful Spiritual blue around that woman’s head, and see
the ugly muddy red around the man passing. An intellectual giant with a
beautiful golden yellow around his head, like a nimbus, comes into view.
Notice those great clouds of semi luminous substance, which are
slowly floating along and notice how the colors vary. Those are clouds of
thought vibrations, representing the composite thought of a multitude.
Notice how each body of thought is drawing to itself little fragments of
similar thought forms and energy. Here is the tendency of thought forces
to attract others of their kind. Thoughts come home!
Speaking of atmospheres, notice each shop has its own peculiar
thought atmosphere. The houses and the street itself have their own
atmospheres, created by the composite thought of those inhabiting and
frequenting them.
From above the level of the housetops, look down and see a great
multitude of tiny lights, each of them represents a human soul. A few
brighter lights and some which shine like a brilliant electric spark are the
Auric symbols of advanced Souls.
Enter the vibrations of the lower sub-planes of the Astral, but nerve
yourself to witness some unpleasant sights. The first impression is that
the material world is still around, with all its scenes visible. As one looks
one will find there seems to be a peculiar veil between those scenes and
the Plane upon which you are temporarily dwelling. This veil, while
semitransparent, nevertheless seems to have a peculiar appearance of
resistant solidity, and one instinctively realizes it would be a barrier to
the passage of the Astral entities back to the material plane.
Gazing around on all sides, one sees what appears to be the
disintegrating forms of human beings. These forms seem to be floating in
space. They seem real, and yet, in some ways, not real. They are

not physical bodies, but still they bear too close a resemblance to
physical corpses to be pleasant.
These disintegrating Astral forms are what Occultists know as the
“Astral shells”. The Astral shell is really an Astral corpse, just as the
physical body in the grave is the material corpse. The disembodied Soul
eventually leaves the Astral and moves on to what the Occultists know as
the mental or Spiritual planes of being. These are symbolized by the
conception of “the heavens”. When the Soul passes on, it leaves behind it
the Astral body it has inhabited while on the Astral Plane. This Astral
body, or form, then begins to disintegrate, and in time disappears
altogether and is resolved to its original elements. During this resolution
process, it dwells on this particular division which has no other purpose
and is separate and apart from the other subdivisions of the Astral Plane.
There is a great difference between the Astral shells of different
individuals, so far the duration of the shells in this place of disinte-
gration. For instance, the Astral shell of a person of high Spirituality and
Ideals will disintegrate very rapidly, as its atoms have little or no
cohesive attraction when once it is discarded. But, on the other hand, the
Astral shell of a person of Earthly ideals and material tendencies will
hold together for a long time. The attractive force generated while the
shell is occupied by its owner is very strong.
Those Astral bodies are “dead” and have no consciousness or
intelligence, and as a rule cannot even be galvanized into life as can the
class of Astral forms known as the “spectres”, or “shades”.
A momentary glimpse of the subdivision of the Astral Plane upon
which the spectral forms abide is never a pleasant one, but it is
interesting since it explains some peculiar features of Psychic or Occult
phenomena which are often misinterpreted. Instead of floating about in
Astral space, as did the shells, these spectres act like shadowy human
beings in a dazed or dreamlike condition. They walk dreamily about
without set object or purpose and are a weird, unpleasant sight.
These spectres are really Astral shells from which the Souls have
departed, but which have left in them sufficient power from the thought
and will vibrations of their former owners, to give them a temporary
semblance of life and action.
In the case of the Soul with high ideals and Spiritual aspirations

there are practically no material thought vibrations remaining to
“galvanize” the Astral Body after the Soul has withdrawn. But in the
case of the Soul retaining strong material thoughts and desires, the power
is stronger. In these, even after the higher Nature of the Sold has drawn it
upward and above the Astral, these lower mental vibrations may persist
in the deserted Astral form. Thus they give a semblance of life and
activity which, though a counterfeit, may manifest considerable power
for a time.
The counterfeit power of these spectral forms steadily decreases, but
in certain cases it is used up, as a spark is rendered bright by blowing
upon it. This is by means of a Psychic stimulus from persons living on
the material plane. This is the power generated in “circles”, and
mediumistic persons, on the material plane of Earth life. The Psychic
power so generated, coupled with the strong mental attractions set up
between certain persons in earth life and the spectral form, may cause the
form to manifest itself, either by more or less complete materialization,
or partially through the physical organism of the medium or mediums
present in the circle.
In such a case, the spectre, reanimated and galvanized into life by
means of the Psychic power of the medium, or the psychic circle, will
strive to manifest itself by speech, automatic writing, raps, or in various
other ways. But at the best, its effort will be feeble and faulty, and the
persons witnessing the phenomena will always remember the event with
the dim idea that “there was something wrong about it”. In some cases,
the vibration of old memories will survive in the spectral form and will
enable it to answer questions fairly well. But even then, there will be a
shadow of unreality which will impress the careful observer.
There are many other forms of “Spirit return”, partial or complete, but
much which passes for the real phenomena is really but a manifestation
of the presence of spectral forms. Moreover, these entities borrow ideas
and impressions from the minds of the mediums or persons in the circle,
which in addition to their own shadowy memories, doubly become
reflections or counterfeits of Spirit.
These spectres have really no Soul. The Soul which formerly occupied
the form has departed to a higher plane. It is in ignorance of the
performance of its discarded shell. It is pathetic to witness cases where
these counterfeit spectral forms are accepted as the departed

Soul of the loved individual. A lack of knowledge of true Occultism
often permits of deplorable mistakes of this kind. The true Occultist is
never deceived in this manner since these spectres are no more “departed
Souls” or “Spirits” than a physical corpse is the individual which once
inhabited it. It remains a corpse and discarded shell, and that is just what
the spectral form is.
Where are the disembodied Souls themselves? Most persons expected
to see them as soon as they crossed the border of the Astral. This is the
general expectation of the neophyte in Occultism, as he gets his first
glimpse into the Astral Plane. But, unless he happens to stumble by
accident upon certain sub-planes, he is apt to be disappointed. The better
way is to learn by viewing the various subplanes.
You notice the vibrations are changing, and growing more intense.
You are now entering upon a very wonderful sub-plane, or rather, upon
one of the subdivisions of such a sub-plane. This region, is one which is
strictly guarded by the law of the Astral, and watched over by certain
very high Spiritual influences. It is a sacred place! No one is admitted
here just as a visitor, unless he be of high Spirituality and pure heart.
Even a trained Occultist, unless he possesses these qualifications, finds it
impossible to enter.
This region is the resting place of the disembodied Souls for a time
after they have left the physical body. In it they dwell in peaceful
slumber, until Nature performs certain work in preparing them for their
new plane of life. This state has been compared to the cocoon stage of
the caterpillar, a stage where complete transformation is affected. Here
the new life form is developed to take the place of the old form.
You must enter upon a contemplation of its wonders, with all
reverence and Love of all mankind. On all sides, stretching away as far
as the eye can see, one perceives the slumbering forms of the dis-
embodied Souls, each Astral form resting in dreamless sleep. Yet even if
you were not so informed, you would recognize these forms are not dead,
but are merely sleeping. There is none of the atmosphere of death about
this region. Nothing depressing, but there is a sense of infinite calm and
peace. Being Spiritually developed yourself, you feel the presence of
certain great Spiritual entities. Their vibrations are too high for you to
see them even by Astral Vision. These

are the great Spiritual guardians of this realm, who protect the slumber of
the Souls at rest; the “Great Watchers of the Sleeping Souls”.
If you watch carefully, you will notice here and there a movement
indicating the awakening of some of these resting forms. A moment later
the form disappears, it seemingly melts into nothingness. But it is still
existent for its vibrations simply have changed, and it has moved on to
another sub-plane. It has begun its real life after death.
It is a common teaching of many religions that the disembodied Soul
enters at once upon its Heaven or Hell. The Roman Catholic Church and
some branches of Buddhism, however, teach of an intermediate state
called Purgatory, Some denominations of the Church hold all Souls
slumber in unconsciousness until the call of the great trumpet of
Judgment Day. Then all awaken from their long sleep, are judged and
sent to the place of reward or punishment as their cases deserve. On the
Astral Plane, you see some things which show you all of these views
have a basis in fact, and yet are imperfect conceptions.
All Occultists know, however, that nearly all of the original religious
teachers had a complete knowledge of the real facts of the Astral, and
higher planes. They merely handed down to their followers such
fragments of the Truth as they thought could be assimilated. All of the
theological teachings regarding Life After Death and Heavens or Hells
contain some truth, but none contain all the Truth.
In the majority of cases, the mind of the dying person sinks into the
slumber of so-called death and awakens only after a period of restful,
transforming slumber upon the Astral Plane. In some cases, however,
there is a brief waking, shortly after the departure from the physical
body. Then the Astral Body may appear visibly to some friend, associate
or loved one. This accounts for the occasional instances of the
disembodied person appearing. But even in such event, the disembodied
Soul soon becomes drowsy, and sinks into the preliminary sleep of the
Astral Plane.
There is a great difference in the length of time during which the
disembodied Slumbers in this state. Strange and paradoxical as it may
appear, the highest and lowest Souls in the scale of development awaken
first. The average Soul slumbers longer than either.
The highly Spiritual person, needing but comparatively little

transformation to fit him for higher planes, may slumber here only a
short time. In cases of very high development, they may omit these
Astral planes, and pass on at once to the plane or planes above the Astral
and directly into what Occultists know as the “Heavens”. Technically,
these are regions of the Mental Plane, and the ones even higher. The
average Soul, however, slumbers many years perhaps, and then awakens
upon the Astral Plane.
The low, material Soul, as a rule, awakens very speedily, and passes at
once to the low plane for which it has an affinity. The highly developed
Soul awakens speedily, for it has less to slough off and be transformed
into higher attributes. The average Soul, on the other hand, requires a
much greater transformation for its higher activities, and so remains
much longer in the transforming sleep. The low material Soul awakens
speedily, not because it has been transformed easily for the higher
scenes, but because it is not destined for these higher planes. It never
reaches them, but descends to a lower plane of the Astral, where it lives
out its low inclinations and ideals.
On the Heaven Planes, the Spiritual Souls spend great periods of time
enjoying the well-earned bliss. Souls lower in development spend less
time there, The low, material Souls, scarcely taste the experience of those
high regions. Let us change the vibrations, and visit some of the scenes
of Astral life, in which the awakened Souls are living, moving, and
having their Being. Let us begin at some of the lowest sub-planes, and
their divisions.
You are vibrating on a very low subdivision of the lowest sub-plane of
the Astral. You are conscious of a very unpleasant feeling, and an almost
physical repulsion to the atmosphere around you. Some very sensitive
Natures experience a feeling of being surrounded by a dense, sticky, foul,
foggy atmosphere, through which they must almost force their way. It is
akin to the feelings experienced by a high- minded Spiritual person on
the Earth plane, if he happens to enter a place inhabited by persons of a
lewd, vulgar, depraved nature.
It is no wonder one of the old Egyptian writers, whose work survives
graven on stone said: “What manner of foul region is this into which I
have foolishly come? It is without water; without air; it is unfathomably
deep; it has darkness of the blackest night, when the sky is overcast with
dense clouds, and no ray of light penetrates their curtain. Souls wander
hopelessly and helplessly about herein; in

it there is no peace, no calm, no rest, no quiet of the heart or mind. It is
an abomination and desolation. Woe is the soul that abideth herein!”
Looking around you, in the dim, ghastly light of this region, you
perceive countless human forms, of the most repulsive appearance. Some
of them are so low in the scale as to seem almost beastlike rather than
human. These creatures are disembodied Souls, in the Astral Body,
living on the low plane to which they descended when awakening from
their very brief Astral sleep.
If you will peer through the fog, you become conscious of the pres-
ence of the material world as a sort of background. To you it appears
detached and removed in space, but to these creatures, the two planes
seem to be blended. To them, they appear actually to be abiding in the
scenes and among the persons of the lowest phases of Earth life. Even
you find you can see only the very low Earth scenes in the background.
To these poor Souls there is no Earth world except these scenes which
are in accord with their old vile desires.
But while apparently living amid these old familiar and congenial low
earth scenes, these Souls are really suffering the fate of Tantalus. For
while they plainly see these scenes and all that is going on, they cannot
participate in the revels and debaucheries which they perceive. They can
see only! This renders the place a veritable Hell for them, for they are
constantly tantalized and tormented by revels in which they cannot
They can exercise simply “the lust of the eye”, which is but as a thorn
in the flesh. On all sides, on Earth, they see their kind eating, drinking,
gambling, engaging in all forms of debauchery and brutality, while they
eagerly cluster around and cannot make their presence felt. The lack of
the physical body is indeed a very hell to them.
The Astral atmosphere of low dram shops, pool rooms, gambling
halls, race tracks, “free-and-easies”, brothels, “red-light” districts, and
their more fashionable counterparts, are filled with these low Astral
forms of Souls just across the Astral border. Occasionally, they are able
to influence some earth companion, who is saturated with liquor, or
overcome by drugs. When they do, they strive to lead him into further
degradation and debauchery.
In some instances the sojourn on this low Astral sub-plane sets up

such a strong desire for rebirth in the flesh, the poor Soul eagerly presses
forward toward reincarnation on a similar low plane. In other cases, the
experience so sickens and disgusts the poor Soul it experiences a
revulsion and disgust for such things. Then the current of its desires
naturally carries it in the opposite direction, and it is given the
opportunity to rise on the scale of the Astral.
At the end, however, in nearly all cases “living-out” results in “out-
living”, and even the lowest rises in time. Some few Souls, however, sink
so low as to be incapable of rising and they meet the final fate of
annihilation. In these Hells of the Astral, however, the degraded Souls
are “punished not for their sins, but by them”.
But this scene is not the only one on this sub-plane of the Astral.
There the punishment, by the sin rather than for it, is similar. They are
tormented by the sight, but are tantalized by not being able to participate.
The result is similar, and some find desire increased and others find
disgust and nausea and thus seek the way to higher things.
There are hundreds of similar regions on the lower Astral Plane,
which are higher than those we have just considered. All of them serve as
a Purgatory, or place of the burning-out of desires of a low kind. This
idea of burning away or purging of the low desires is found to permeate
nearly all religions, and has its basis in the facts of the Astral Plane.
What I have just said regarding the nature of the Astral scenery must
not be taken as indicating the Astral, itself, is merely imaginary or
unreal. Nor is the substance of which the scenery is composed any less
real than the substance of which the material world is composed. On the
material plane, substance manifests in a finer form of “stuff” or material.
Again, on the material plane, the material, or matter, is shaped by the
physical forces of Nature, or, perhaps, by the mind of man to build
“artificial” structures.
On the Astral, on the other hand, the Astral material is not thrown into
shape by physical forces, but is shaped and formed only by thought and
imaginative power of the minds of those inhabiting the plane. But these
shapes, forms, and structures of the Astral material are not to be thought
of as existing merely in the mind of the Astral dwellers. They have an
independent existence of their own, being composed of Astral material.
The Astral scenery survives the passing away of the mind which

built it and disintegrates only after the passage of considerable time. As
for the power of the imagination of man, do not be deceived for a
moment, for this is one of the most efficient powers in Nature. It operates
strongly even on the material plane, though on the Astral its power is
easily recognized by the senses. To the dwellers on the Astral Plane their
scenery, buildings, and objects are as solid as are those of the material
Passing through the various sub-planes and their divisions, on the
Astral you notice a great variety, and a great difference in the character
and occupations of the inhabitants. But, you notice one general
characteristic underlying all of the differences, namely the fact that all of
these Astral dwellers seem to be filled with an intense earnestness, and
manifest a degree of concentration which gives to them the appearance
of being preoccupied. Everyone seems to be busy, even when their tasks
are those of sport or play.
The key to the occupation and pursuits of these dwellers is found in
the principle that the life of the Soul on the higher divisions of the Astral
consists in a working out of the intellectual desires, tendencies, tastes,
likes, and aspirations which they were unable to manifest fully on Earth.
I do not mean the low sensual desires, or purely animal tastes, but rather
ambitions and similar forms of higher desire. Many of these inclinations
may be very creditable and praiseworthy, but they are all concerned with
the physical manifestations, rather than with Spiritual unfoldment and
evolution. The higher planes are those in which the Spiritual forces bud,
flower, and bear fruit. The Astral Plane is the scene of the living-out and
working-out of earthly intellectual ambitions and aspirations.
Raising our vibrations, we find ourselves on a higher plane. Here we
see men engaged in what would be called “useful work” on Earth. But
they are performing it not as labor, but rather as a joyous recreation. You
will see the work is all of an inventive and constructive nature. The men
and women are improving on their work, and are filled with the joy of
creation. On some of these divisions we see the artist busily at work,
turning out wonderful masterpieces, and musicians are creating great
compositions. The architect builds great structures and the inventor
discovers great things. All are filled with the joy of work and the ecstasy
of creative imagination.

But, do not regard this as merely play, or as possibly a form of reward.
The main thing to remember is that in this work on the Astral Plane,
there is an actual mental advance and progress.
In many cases, here on these very planes of the Astral there is being
built the mould for inventive and creative achievements on the material
plane. The Astral is the great pattern shop. Its patterns are reproduced in
matter when the Soul revisits the Earth. Many a work of art, musical
composition, great piece of literature, or great invention, is but a
reproduction of an Astral pattern.
The soul is always at work using up old ideas, aspirations, and
discarding them. In this way, real progress is made, for after all, even
earth-life is largely a matter of “living-out and out-living”. In the work of
the Astral many old ideas are worked out and discarded; many old
ambitions manifested and then left behind. There is a certain “burning
up, and burning out” of old mental material, and a place made for new
and better material on the Earth. Often there is accomplished as much in
the direction of improvement and progress, as would be possible only in
quite a number of earth lives. Life on the Astral is very earnest and
intense and the vibrations are much higher than those of the material
Bearing this in mind, these Astral scenes which you are now wit-
nessing take on a great and new meaning. You recognize them as very
important schoolrooms in the great school of life. Everything has its
meaning! There is no waste effort! The Astral is no joke of the universe!
It is one of the great workshops and laboratories of the Soul.
Raising vibrations a little, you now enter upon the great second sub-
plane of the Astral, with its seven subdivisions. Almost before I tell you,
you feel the religious atmosphere pervading this plane. This is the plane
upon which the religious aspirations and emotions find full power of
expression. On this sub-plane are many Souls who have spent some time
on the other sub-planes of the Astral, doing their work there and then
passing on in order to manifest this part of their Natures.
But, I wish to call your attention to the Occult distinction between
“Spirituality” and “religion”. Spirituality is the recognition of the divine
spark within the Soul, and the unfoldment of the same into
consciousness. Religion, in the Occult sense, consists of observance

of certain forms of worship, rites, ceremonies, the holding to certain
forms of theology, and the manifestation of what may be called religious
emotions. The religious instinct is deeply implanted in the hearts of men,
and may be called the stepping stone toward true Spirituality. It is a
beautiful thing! But in its lower forms, it leads to narrowness and
This sub-plane of the Astral is filled with a multitude of Souls each of
whom is endeavoring to manifest and express his own particular shade of
religious conception. It may be said to contain all the heavens that have
ever been dreamed of. Each of the great religions has its own particular
region in which its disciples gather, worship and rejoice. In each region
the religious Soul finds “just what he had expected” and hoped to find on
“the other shore”.
All forms of religion, high and low, Oriental and Occidental, ancient
and modem, are represented on this plane. Each has its own particular
abode. There are some beautiful and inspiring scenes and regions on this
plane, filled with advanced Souls and beautiful characters. But, alas!
there are some repulsive ones. It is marvelous to realize how many forms
religion and theology have taken in their evolution. Every form of deity
has its region, with its worshipers. It is interesting to visit the scenes once
filled with the worshipers of the most ancient religions. Many have only
a handful remaining, while in some cases, the worshipers have entirely
disappeared, and the temples and shrines are crumbling away and
On the highest of the sub-planes of the Astral, we find the regions
inhabited by the philosophers, scientists, and metaphysicians, of man;
those who used their intellectual powers in striving to solve the Riddle of
the Universe, and to peer Behind the Veil. There are as many schools of
philosophy and metaphysics here, as there were religious sects on the
plane below. Some are pitifully weak, crude and childish in their
conceptions while others have advanced so far that they seem like demi-
gods. But even this is not true “Spiritually” any more than are the
religious formalism and dogmas.
It is interesting to note that on this plane, and the one below are found
groups of disembodied Souls who persist in declaring “there is no
hereafter for the Soul”. These deluded Souls believe they are still on the
material plane and they have built up quite a good counterfeit Earth to
sustain them. They sneer and sniff at all talk of life outside of

the physical body and bang their Astral tables with their Astral fists.
This, indeed is the very irony of Astral life.
You noticed certain glorious forms on these regions. These were those
highly evolved beings, once men like ourselves, who have voluntarily
returned from the higher spheres to teach and instruct religion and
philosophy, combining the best of both, and leading upward toward the
Truth. It is true, on the Astral as well as on the Earth, that “when the
pupil is ready, the Master appears”. The Astral has many of the Elder
Brothers of the Race, working diligently and earnestly for the uplift of
those struggling on the Path.
I may say here, that an understanding of the Nature of the various
regions of the Astral, and scenes thereof, will throw light upon the
varying reports of “the other side” given by disembodied Souls at
Spiritualistic séances. The secret is each is telling the truth as he sees it in
the Astral, without realizing the Nature of what they have seen. Contrast
the varying “heavens”, and see how different the reports would be
coming from some of their inhabitants. When the nature of Astral
phenomena is once understood, the difficulty vanishes and each report is
recognized as being an attempt to describe the Astral as seen by the
disembodied entity.
The planes higher than the Astral transcend adequate description.
Enough to say, here, that each Soul on the Astral, even the very lowest,
finally sinks into an Astral slumber when it has completed its work on
that plane. Before passing on to rebirth, however, it awakens for a time
upon one of the subdivisions of the next highest plane. It may remain
awake on this plane, in its appropriate subdivision, for merely a moment
of time, or for many centuries. It depends upon its state of Spiritual
unfoldment. During this stay on these higher planes, the Soul communes
with the higher phase of itself—the divine fragment of Spirit—and is
strengthened and invigorated. In this period of communion, much of the
dross of Nature is burnt out and dissolved into nothingness, and the
higher part of the Nature is nourished and encouraged.
These higher planes of being constitute the real “Heaven world” of the
Soul. The more highly advanced the Soul, the longer does it abide
between incarnations on these planes. Just as the mind is developed and
enabled to express its longings and ambitions, on the Astral, so are the
higher portions of the Soul strengthened and

developed on these higher planes. The joy, happiness, and Spiritual
blessedness of these higher planes are beyond ordinary words. So
wonderful are they, that even long after the Soul has been born again on
Earth, there will arise within it memories of its experiences.
These, then, are the real “Heaven worlds” of the Occult teachings,
something far different from even the highest Astral planes. The reports
of the mystics are based on experiences on these planes, not upon those
of the Astral. Your Soul has truly informed you regarding the reality of
the existence of these wonderful regions. Therefore, hold fast to the ideal
and the vision!
The Astral is not simply a plane of Nature created for a place of
temporary abode and development for Souls which have passed out of
the physical body. Important as are the planes of the Astral in the
progress of the disembodied Souls, they form but one phase of the
activities of Nature. There are strange and wonderful phenomena on the
Astral plane, as well as enough wonderful inhabitants and dwellers on
some of its sub-planes, to still render it the place and region of interest
that it always has been to Occultists. Let us take a glance at these
wonderful phases of Astral phenomena and Life:


Changing vibrations, we find ourselves entering a strange region, the

nature of which at first one fails to discern. After the Astral Vision
becomes attuned to the peculiar vibrations of this region, you find you
are becoming aware of what may be called an immense picture gallery,
spreading out in all directions.
At first it is difficult to decipher the meaning of this great array of
pictures. They are arranged not one after the other in sequence on a flat
plane, but rather in sequence, one after another in a peculiar order which
may be called the order of “Oneness in space”. It is practically the order
of the fourth dimension, which cannot be described in terms of ordinary
spatial dimensions.
Upon closely examining the pictures one sees they are very minute
(practically microscopic in size) and require the use of the peculiar
magnifying power of Astral Vision to bring them to a size capable of
being recognized.

The Astral Vision, when developed, is capable of magnifying any
object, material or Astral, to an enormous degree. The trained Occultist is
able to perceive the whirling atoms and corpuscles of physical matter, by
means of this peculiarity of the Astral Vision. Likewise one is able to
plainly perceive many vibrations of light. The Astral Light which
pervades this region is due to the power of the Astral Vision to receive
and register these vibrations of light.
By bringing this power of magnification into operation, you will see
each of the little points and details of the great world pictures is really a
complete scene of a certain place on Earth, and at a definite period in the
history of the Earth. It is fixed and not in motion and yet we can move
forward along the fourth dimension, and thus obtain a moving picture of
the history of any point on the surface of the earth. One can even
combine the various points into a larger moving picture.
For a moment we will travel back in time along the series of these
Astral records, for they travel back to the beginning of the history of the
Earth. Looking around, you perceive the pictured representation of
strange scenes filled with persons wearing peculiar garbs. But all is still,
no life, no motion!
Let us move forward in time, at a much higher rate than that in which
these Astral views were registered. You see before you the great
movement of Life on a point of space in a far distant past. From birth to
death you see the life of these people, all in the space of a few moments.
Great battles are fought, and cities rise before your eyes. All in a great
moving picture flying by at a tremendous speed.
Now let us move backward in time, still gazing at the picture. You see
everything moving backward. Cities are crumbling into nothingness, men
are rising from their graves, and growing younger each second,
everything is moving backward in time.
You can witness any great historical event, or follow the career of any
great personage from birth to death. You will notice everything is
semitransparent, and you can see the picture of what is going on inside of
the buildings as well. Nothing escapes the Astral Light Records. Nothing
can be concealed from it.
You gazed at the great World Picture in the Records of Astral Light
(the great Akashic Records). In these records are found

pictures of every single event, without exception, that has ever happened
in the history of the Earth.
By traveling to a point in time, on the fourth dimension, you may
begin at that point, and see a moving picture of the history of any part of
the Earth from that time on to the present. You may even reverse the
sequence by traveling backward. You may also travel on the Astral
Plane, on ordinary space dimensions, and see what happened
simultaneously all over the Earth, at any moment of time.
As a matter of Truth, however, I must inform you the real records of
the past, the great Akashic Records, really exist on a much higher plane
than the Astral Plane. What you have witnessed is but a reflection of the
original records.
It requires a high degree of Occult development in order to perceive
even this reflection in the Astral Light. An ordinary Clairvoyant is often
able to catch occasional glimpses of these Astral pictures. He may thus
describe fairly accurately the happenings of the past. In the same way,
the Psychometrist, given any object, may be able to give the past history
of the object, including a description of the persons associated with it.
On certain planes of the Astral, there exist certain entities or living
beings, which never were human, and never will be. They belong to an
entirely different order of Nature.
These strange entities are ordinarily invisible to human beings, but
under certain conditions they may be sensed by Astral Vision. Strictly
speaking, these strange beings do not dwell upon the Astral Plane at all.
We call them Astral entities simply because they become visible for the
first time to man, when he is able to see on the Astral.
So far as place, or space, is concerned these entities or beings dwell
upon the Earth just as do the human beings. They vibrate differently
from us and they are usually of a microscopic size. The Astral Vision not
only senses their vibrations, but also it magnifies their forms into a
perceptible size.
Some of these Astral entities are known as Nature Spirits, and inhabit
the streams, rocks, mountains, and forests. Their occasional appearance
to persons of Psychic temperament, or ones with a degree of Astral
Vision, has given rise to the numerous tales and legends in folklore
regarding strange beings. Various names have been given them, for
instance: fairies, pixies, elves, brownies, peris, djinns,

trolls, satyrs, fauns, kobolds, imps, goblins, little folk, and tiny people.
The old Occultists called the Earth entities of this class by the name of
“gnomes”; the air entities as “sylphs”; the water beings as “undines”; and
the fire beings as “salamanders”.
This class of Astral entities, as a rule, avoid the presence of man, and
fly from the places in which man dwells. They avoid large cities for they
prefer the solitudes of Nature. They do not object to the physical
presence of man, so much as they do his mental vibrations which are
very distasteful to them.
A certain class may be called “good fellows”, and these, once in a
while, seem to find pleasure in helping and aiding human beings. Many
such cases are told in the old folklore, but modern life has driven these
friendly helpers from the scene.
Another class, now very uncommon, finds delight in playing elfish
and childish pranks, particularly practical jokes on peasants. At
Spiritualistic séances these elfish pranks are often in evidence.
The Ancient magicians and wonder workers were often assisted by
creatures of this class. And, today in India, Persia, China, and the other
Oriental lands, such assistance is known. Many of the wonderful feats of
these magicians are attributable to such aid.
These creatures are not unfriendly to man, though they may play a
prank with him occasionally. They seem particularly apt to play tricks
upon neophytes in Psychic research, who seek to penetrate the Astral
without the proper instruction. To neophytes they may appear as hideous
forms or monsters, and drive them away from the plane where their
presence is apparent.
However, they usually pay no attention to the advanced Occultist, and
either severely let him alone, or else flee his presence. Some of these
little folk seem anxious and willing to be of aid to the earnest,
conscientious inquirer, who recognizes them as a part of Nature’s great
manifestations, and not as unnatural creatures, or vile monstrosities.


In addition to the nonhuman entities which are perceived by Astral

Vision, or on the Astral Plane, there are found on the Astral or on

the Earth plane, a great class of entities, or semi-entities, which
Occultists know as “artificial entities”.
These artificial entities were not born in the Natural manner, nor
created by the ordinary creative forces of Nature. They are the creations
of the minds of men, and are really a highly concentrated class of thought
forms. They are not entities, in the strict sense of the term, having no life
or vitality except that which they borrow, or have been given by their
creators. The student of Occultism who has grasped the principle of the
creation of thought-forms, will readily grasp the Nature, power, and
limitations of this class of dwellers.
The majority of these artificial entities, or thought-forms, are created
unconsciously by persons who manifest a strong desire-force, which is
accompanied by definite mental pictures of that which they desire. But
many magicians have learned the art of creating them consciously, in an
elementary form of magic, white or black. Much of the effect of thought
force, or mind-power, is due to the creation of these thought-forms.
Strong wishes for good, as well as strong curses for evil, tend to manifest
form and a semblance of vitality in these artificial entities. These entities,
however, are under the law of thought-attraction and go only where they
are attracted. Moreover, they may be neutralized and even destroyed by a
positive thought properly directed.
Another and quite a large class of these artificial Astral entities,
consists of thought-forms of supernatural beings, sent out by the strong
mental pictures of the persons creating them, the creator usually being
unconscious of his results. For instance, a strongly religious mother, who
prays for the protective influence of the Angels around and about her
children, frequently actually creates thought forms of such Angel
guardians around her children. These are given a degree of Life and mind
vibrations from the Soul of the mother. In this way, such guardian
Angels, so created, serve to protect the children and warn them from evil
and against temptation.
Many a pious mother has accomplished more than she realized by her
prayers and earnest good desires. The early fathers of the churches,
Occidental or Oriental, were aware of this, and consequently bade their
followers to use this form of prayer and thought. They did not explain the
true unyielding reason behind such actions. Even after the mother has
passed to the higher planes, her loving memory

may serve to keep alive these thought-form entities, and thus serve to
guard her loved ones.
In a similar way, many “family ghosts” were created and kept in the
same way. All by the constantly repeated tale and belief in their reality,
on the part of generation after generation. In this class' are the celebrated
historical ghosts who warn royal or noble families of approaching death
or sorrow. The familiar family ghost, walking the walls of old castles on
certain anniversaries, is usually found to belong to this class of thought-
form entities.
Many haunted houses are explained in this manner. The ghost may be
“laid” by anyone familiar with the laws of thought-forms. These artificial
entities are of purely human creation, and obtain all their form and mind
from the action of the thought-force of their creators. Repeated thought,
and repeated belief, will serve to keep them alive and to strengthen these
Many supernatural visitors, saints, and semi-divine beings, of all the
religions have been formed in this way. In many cases, they are kept in
being by the faith of the devotees of the church. In many temples in the
Oriental countries, there have been created and kept alive for many
centuries the thought-form entities of the minor gods and saints. These
are endowed by thought with great powers of response to prayer. Those
accepting the belief in these powers are brought into harmony with the
vibrations and are affected by them for good or evil.
The power of the devils of savage races (devil-worshipers) arises in
the same way. Even in the early history of the Western religions, we find
many references to the appearances of the Devil, and of his evil work.
Witchcraft, and diabolical presences, are all created thought-form
entities. Many of the effects of sorcery and black magic are produced in
this way. It is the element of belief, of course, which adds to the effect.
The Voodoo practices of Africa, and later of Martinique, and the Kahuna
practices of Hawaii, are based on these same principles. The effect of
“charms” depends on these same laws.
Even certain forms of the “Spirits” in certain forms of Spiritualistic
séances arise from this principle. An understanding of this principle will
aid in the interpretation of many phases of Psychic phenomena.


Nothing I have said must be taken as denying the reality and validity of
what the Western world knows as “Spirit return”. On the other hand, I
am fully familiar with very many instances of the real return to earth-life
of disembodied Souls. But at the same time, advanced Occultists are
equally aware of the many chances of mistake in this class of Psychic
phenomena. Shades, and even Astral shells, too often are mistaken for
departed loved ones. Again, many apparently real “Spirit forms” are
nothing more or less than semivitalized thought-form entities.
Again, many mediums are really Clairvoyant, and are able to
unconsciously draw to some extent upon the Astral Records for their
information regarding the past. They do this instead of receiving the
communications from the disembodied Soul. This is in all honesty and in
good faith. Occultism does not deny the phenomena of modern Western
spiritualism; it merely seeks to explain its true Nature. Above all it
desires to verify, while pointing out the real Nature of other phenomena.
It should be welcomed as an ally, by all true Spiritualists.


The Astral Vision is a matter of slow, gradual development in most

cases. Many persons possess it to a faint degree, and fail to develop it,
for want of proper instruction. Many persons have occasional flashes of
it, and are entirely without it at other times. Many “feel” the Astral
vibrations rather than seeing with the Astral Vision. Others gain a degree
of Astral Vision by means of crystal gazing. The Psychic power which is
frequently referred to as “Psychic sight”, or “Psychic sensing”, is a form
of Astral Visioning or sensing. Psychism is bound up with Astral
phenomena, in all cases.
I have sought to give you the great underlying facts of the Astral
Plane. I have crowded very much into a very small space. You will have
to read and study carefully in order to get the full meaning. In fact, this is
not to be read and then laid aside. It should be reread and restudied, until
all the essence is extracted.

Mind Power

We see in this world a constant change, and it is these changes we call

birth and death. The body and our mind, being a compound, are subject
to change. Is there anything that does not change? No, all things change
from one condition, state, or appearance to another. Why is this true?
Because things “as such” being in time, exist in time, and end in time.
But is Man a “Thing?” I do not think so, but we will have to go further
than the mere assertion to establish this in consciousness. If this is true,
we must have a foundation based on Knowledge rather than belief, as our
“belief” is apt to change our search for Truth.
We must study and have experience in order to gain Knowledge. What
is the value of such Knowledge? For one thing, it is the principle remedy
for ignorance. Who can deny this? Knowledge then, will be the power to
destroy the cause of misery. Will the study of what we are, the nature of
our mind and “Thought Power”, have any effect? If so, in what way?
Have we any way of learning how to control our thoughts? Assuredly:
The power to make and change the Mind dwells within, for this Mind is
only an instrument in the hands of the “Self” (the intelligence in the
body), but we must realize this and not just believe it. Therefore, the
reading of this chapter, showing how the Mind is created (and the
difference between your “Real Self” and the Mind) will be the beginning
of a Knowledge that will give you a foundation for a Practical

These subjects are logically formulated, thus, the student is not given
just a mere theory or the opinion of the writer. The subject is reasoned
out under the law of cause and effect.
Has the Mind any sense? No! Has it any light of its own? No! Of
course, many of you will perhaps doubt me when I say “No”, but
analysis of how the mind is created will show you I am right in making
this assertion.
Can we truthfully say a phonograph record has any sense or light of its
own? We must realize the distinction between Intelligence and our Mind,
and I will show that this difference is established. Those whom the
reading of Psychology has left a “Jumble of Thoughts” will perhaps
appreciate my teachings.
Have we a Mind? I assume all of us will answer “yes”, but when
questioned as to where or what it is, nearly everyone will commence by
telling about the Brain and mixing the idea of “God”, “Soul”, “Spirit”,
and “Intelligence” as being the Mind. I shall attempt to make tangible
what is really an abstraction: The Mind.
When we speak of our Mind, what do we mean by the word “Mind?”
In order that we may understand what we talk about, a clear definition of
the meaning of the terms used is necessary. Unless we know what the
words mean, how can we understand the discussion?
When referring to our Mind, will the using of terms such as “God”,
“Soul”, “Spirit” or “Intelligence” give one the definition of “Mind?” No!
Why? Because, we have not defined the terms. Is it possible to attain
Knowledge of the nature of our Mind without making use of the terms?
Let us see. But before doing so, I must establish a basis, the nature of
which is the creative power. Therefore, Intelligence must be our basis.
This Intelligence is distinct from Mind, however, and we shall see that
this is True.
This Mind of ours is a compound and created in the following manner:
when we have any kind of an experience an impression is made upon the
brain and these impressions contain the “Nature of that which is
experienced”. Who or what has the experience? The Intelligence of
“Self” of Man, This aggregation of impressions constitutes our Mind.
How is that? All our Knowledge comes from experience, does it not?
What I believe is not what I know! So when we say “I know it in

my mind”, we certainly are not referring to those impressions recorded
upon the brain which contain that particular experience. This experience
may have been study, observation, or some other sensory impression.
Our Mind, then, as such, is but a group of these impressions.
We often hear the remark, a “bright Mind”. How can the Mind be
bright if it is only a group of impressions? It seems to us as “bright”, but
this is because of Intelligence shining through these layers of
impressions. Thus, it is only the reflection of Intelligence which makes
the Mind appear to be bright.
In dealing with the subject of Mind, many psychologists convey the
idea of “conscious” and “subconscious”. I do not accept this statement
because I have shown our Mind to be a product of experience, and the
total of these impressions make only one Mind. Thus, the terms
conscious or subconscious are only states of the one Mind. But the
activity of the Mind, or past impressions, must work on two planes: One
is called “conscious” and the other “subconscious”, for the intelligence in
man reacts, and Mind (the instrument) functions, and appears to think
(consciously) and control (subconsciously). Our Mind is subject to
change, and these changes I call modifications through which are
experienced painful or pleasurable “states of mind”.
When our experience with anything demonstrates the true Nature of
that particular thing, we then have the modification existing known as
correct cognition. But if we accept the statement of someone and blindly
believe, we will then not have conscious knowledge, and, therefore, not
“correct cognition”. Lacking this, we will not sec or know the real facts.
The other modifications of our Mind are: Sleep, Memory, Fancy or
Imagination, and Misconceived Ideas. We also have degrees of the
modifications and one is a Weakened State in which we cry and blame
others for our own foolishness. Scattering occurs when the thoughts are
not controlled and we are not able to concentrate. Gathering Inwardly,
Indifference, and Illuminating, are the other states of Mind.


While sitting for these breathing exercises, it is necessary to have the

head, neck, and chest straight so as to avoid having pressure on the
nerves of the spinal column. Have your posture as natural and as easy as
possible, since new sorts of vibrations will occur in the body as a result
of the exercises.
The first type of breathing to do is to breathe in an easy, natural
manner. One should count ten during the intake of breath and ten during
exhalation. This form of breathing is to establish a rhythm, that is, so the
molecules of the body will have a tendency to go in one direction. This,
in turn, generates “Nerve Energy” which flows over our nerves and feeds
the nervous system.
Count slowly up to ten—same number while breath is being exhaled.
After you have practiced this exercise for five minutes, rest two minutes,
then try this exercise: close the right nostril by pressing forefinger,
against it, fill the lungs with air through left nostril to your capacity,
immediately close left nostril with finger, remove pressure from nostril
and exhale through it. Keep the left nostril closed, inhale through right
nostril to full capacity, remove finger from left nostril and exhale through
Repeat the alternate nostril breathing three times at each setting and
practice the exercise three times a day. Have the periods about eight
hours apart. It is a good plan to use a time when you feel free from other
things, so you must use your best judgment about the time for practice.
These exercises are to be practiced every day for thirty days.
Consistent practice is absolutely necessary! How can we expect good
results if we do not practice?
The purpose of the nostril breathing is to bring about an internal
purification, especially to the nerves. After finishing the required (daily)
thirty days, practice another form of breathing. First, get the body in a
harmonious condition by regular breathing (counting ten as before) and
practice the following: Inhale in four seconds, retain air for sixteen
seconds, exhale in eight seconds. Practice only twice a day, morning and
evening, for a period of twenty days to establish a good condition for
concentration. The power to concentrate is the central “secret” for getting

I shall quote from an authority on breathing, Paul Tyner: “The
proportions of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen in the body of an
individual at any time are not only an indication of his bodily condition,
but will also indicate his spiritual condition. That is to say, the character
and development of the Self itself determines the composition of the
body and the proportions of oxygen and nitrogen will be blended in exact
relative proportions with the good and evil in the man’s Nature.”
Every good thought increases the proportions of oxygen, as a deep
breath does, and lessens that of nitrogen, thus making the body more
refined. Every evil thought or impulse increases the nitrogen, thus having
a reverse effect on body and Soul.
The flywheel of an engine, when set in motion, conveys motion to the
finer parts, and the breath acts in a similar manner in regard to the body
and Mind. This action establishes rhythm or harmony in the body. The
breath must contain in a very subtle form the Life principle we call
“Vital Energy”, and we certainly know we can live longer without food
or drink than we can without air. There is another thing we must
remember. The breath is the highest and most subtle manifestation of the
Physical Man. And “thought”, is the greatest manifestation of the
Intelligence in Man.
We will deal with the philosophy and value of certain kinds of
Thought for our Meditations. The kind of thoughts we project or “think
within” will determine our action under a certain environment. What we
call the “impulse to do” this or that thing, must be caused from the
“seed” of past thoughts. How do we know this? Because there is not
anything that will come out of us unless it is within. One cannot get
something out of nothing! Experience which is the real Teacher proves
this. So we see it will make a difference “what we think”. I put before
you a few wonderful meditations.
We meditate upon the Nature of that Being who produced the
Universe, may he enlighten my Mind. What is the philosophy of this
form of meditation? We will take the word “Being”—what does it
signify here? I interpret “Being” as a verb; therefore, it denotes action,
and action in this case means the creative principle, or Power. Now, the
Power that created the Universe must also be the light that shines through
its own creations. This “Being” must exist! If so, “It”

cannot exist without Knowledge because there cannot be existence
without Knowledge and no Knowledge without existence. If there is any
light or Knowledge anywhere, it must be contained in that “Being”
which is the cause of creation.
The concept, then, is to get a Reaction from the thought or meditation
upon “That Being”.
I have stated that our thoughts first become involved when we use
auto-suggestion (tell ourselves something). The suggestion acts upon the
“Intelligence within”, and this reacts in the form of vibration. That
vibration, which is a thought wave, becomes involved in the brain
substance, and from the brain it comes out in the form of a action,
impulse, or belief.
If you recall that Man is not the body, nor the Mind, you will
understand the above meditation as a means to strengthen the Mind and
free it from the fear of death.
Send this thought to the east, west, north, and south, above and below.
Is this not a much greater thought than the narrow one of “God bless me
and my wife, my son John and his wife, us four and no more?”
Try sending out thoughts which are liberal and you will feel much
better for it. Practice one of these meditations each day.
Thought is a great power to create not only “Things” but a happy or
unhappy state of mind. The evil or good we do is caused mostly from our
thinking, for all thoughts act upon the “Self” and the reaction from
within will be in accordance with the nature of the active thought.
Thought also manifests itself as a “force”.
Are there any signs which would indicate we have attained con-
centration? Yes! And the best sign is when we have no consciousness of
“Time”. Where is Time? Time is in our thought, for it is only when we
think that “time” begins. Suppose one is very much interested in his or
her work or perhaps reading a book. Several hours elapse and we are not
conscious of the “time”, and we say; “I did not know it was so late”.
What does this show? It is proof that we

were concentrating so hard on what we were doing that nothing else was
present in consciousness during this period.
Concentration proper is when the thought is only upon one subject or
object, whether the thought is held inside or outside. The main object is
to make the Mind pointed. I will now tell how to do this: Sit with the
eyes closed, let the Mind run along for a few minutes, do not try to stop
any kind of a thought. After the waves of these various thoughts have run
down and subsided, as they will if you let them alone, they will become
finer and less disturbing. Now, bring up in your Mind the thing you want
to think about. If any thought other than that particular one enters the
Mind, knock it down with an opposite thought. Do not mentally accept
any thought other than what you have first selected. You may find this a
little hard to do at the beginning because the “Seeds” of old thoughts and
their associations are there ready to oppose your “New Idea”. If you do
not believe this, try to break away from some of your old habits and
We are to control the outgoing tendency of our Minds by the practice
of “non-attachment”. When we are greatly attached, whether to the
home, business, clothes, or when we are afraid to let go of superstitions,
all this clinging to things prevents the free action of thought. How, then,
can you hope to concentrate on other things when all this “stuff” holds
you down ?
The acquiring of knowledge and the Truth about things (not beliefs)
gives one a great help in gaining concentration. When we have
knowledge, our mental state is better organized because it is more one-
pointed. Without knowing the Truth about things, our thoughts are
diverse or scattered. That which is good is to be thought upon. One Truth
held will have a tendency to steady the Mind. Ignorance and Knowledge
are widely separated and lead to opposite points. If we persist in being
heedless and ignorant our thoughts become more branched, causing us to
“go round and round” and have no poise. Without poise, how can we
succeed in attaining the power of concentration?
One must practice restraint of the “outgoing” energy, or the thought
force. Our thought should be upon what is essential only, for if we
choose the nonessential, we do not act directly upon the thing we are
dealing with. If you have not the discriminating faculty, you

T-EAFK-F 161
can develop it by not jumping to conclusions about things you have no
knowledge of. Stop saying you know a thing when the best you have is a
belief about it. Checkup, reason things out; thus, you will have more
control of the Mind. The better the control, the easier it is to concentrate!
Think of a space in your heart and that this space is filled with light.
Think of the ocean as calm, or think of the stability of the earth and its
immovability. The constant practice of Nonattachment and drawing the
thought within when it seems to want to “go out” will enable one to gain
control of the Mind; therefore, concentration results in a powerful force.
As pointed out, all thoughts act and react upon the intelligence, and
the effect of the reaction is according to the nature of the active thought.
How are these fine impressions to be controlled? As stated, by raising an
opposing thought wave. Suppose you have a big wave of anger! How are
you to control or prevent it from affecting you? Think of Love. This
thought is the opposite of hate, and by raising opposite waves of thought,
we can conquer those which we want to reject from the Mind.
By meditation, you can make the Mind subdue the waves which
hinder concentration. The unbroken practice of discrimination is a means
for the destruction of ignorance. All modifying factors are fine. What are
these fine factors? Thought is “fine” or invisible. What is a greater factor
than “thought”, either to intensify or modify an existing condition?
How do we know thought is a force? Is it not true that the thought of a
thing will make you angry or glad? Also, the feeling of fear is caused by
the thought of danger. What does this show? Simply this, if we control
those thought waves and prevent them arising in the brain, we will then
master our emotions. The power to create the wave of anger, love, hate,
or fear lies in a particular thought wave pattern.


In order to secure the best results, we must first gain control of our
Minds, and the exercises given in the lessons will enable you to do this,
It is not so much that you have a stronger will than the other person,

but it is the cooperation, or mental willingness of the one you are
working with, which makes the magnetic connection. You can now
understand why it is necessary to establish confidence within yourself
and the other party. That is, he must have confidence in you. A very
good way to gain the confidence of another is to be sincere in your
attitude. The manner in which we go about doing a thing is noted by
those around us. If they detect any weakness or hesitation on our part that
will be a psychological factor against our success with them.
In using suggestion, the voice must be under control so as to be
distinct and sound to the listener as calm and pleasant. But be sure you
have their attention before giving any suggestions. One should use
constructive suggestion by telling them that they are being restored to a
healthy condition mentally and physically and the organs of the body are
being strengthened and are performing their function.
Having established the conditions necessary, or the willingness and
attention of the person, give the kind of suggestion which will cause that
person’s intelligence to react in accordance with the desired results. If
you are attempting to cure him of a bad habit, tell the patient that he no
longer has the desire. The cause for that action is destroyed, and you, the
operator, are doing this while you are using suggestion. But under no
circumstances ever tell anyone what you are doing or what you think
about any form of psychological treatment, that is, if you care to keep
your psychic powers.
You must remember this “Intelligence” is not only the Real Man, but
it is both conscious and subconscious. It is the conscious actor and the
subconscious receiver; therefore, because the operator is positive and the
patient negative, we can see it is quite “natural” that this Intelligence,
although in separate bodies, would influence itself.
“Auto-suggestions” are the inverse of oral suggestions and are
practiced by the person himself. While it is true many of us uncon-
sciously practice auto-suggestion, it is better to do so consciously and be
more scientific about it. Those who understand anatomy and the effect of
thought will get better results because of intelligent direction to the
proper centers of the brain.
There are contained in the cosmos the Three Principles: Substance,
Motion and Consciousness. From these three Principles, we have
manifestations of mind, energy and matter.


1. ORDERLY TREND: Under this law, we have order in the cosmos,

from the Sun to the atoms, and the law of cause and effect. Thus, there
is no “chance” or “accident” in the Nature of things.
2. The Law of ANALOGY: Under this law, we have correspondence and
agreement regarding the various forms of manifestations and when we
know one, we know “as above, so below”.
3. Under the Law of OPPOSITES: A thing is and is not. A thing is
subject to change; therefore, it is and it is not at the same time. Also, if
we carry opposite things to the extremes, they are alike, as in extreme
light, we cannot see, or in the darkness we do not see.
4. The Law of SEQUENCE; Under this law, we learn that everything
proceeds from something and it is succeeded by something.
5. The Law of BALANCE: We find that everything has its opposites:
Love, Hate, Pleasure, Pain. As we can see, it requires the opposite to
give us balance.
6. The Law of CYCLICITY: Everything seems to move in circles, but by
wisdom and strength of Mind we are able to work the circles into
spirals for the purpose of progress and attainment.
When we speak of the law, we regard it as an abstract principle of
Power. “That” we can neither represent with words nor by symbols. It is
an Absolute principle or the cause of Being, yet it transcends all of this
or that which the finite Mind conceives.
In the external existence of “That” which is the omnipresent reality,
the following five forms are contained: Omnipresence, Potential Power,
Illusion in the Potential Power, Knowledge, and Bliss. When the Mind retains
consciousness of the first three forms mentioned, realization is the
Reality. But if we become separately conscious of the ideal of Bliss, then
the Mind separates its identity with reality and the following five forms
emerge. Salvation and Freedom are for those who perceive beyond the
form in which we dwell.
What is meant by the external existence of “That”? By “That” is meant
the intelligence which we observe is everywhere. By Potential Power we
mean that we have within us the Power to Create. What is Illusion in
Potential Power? To say in the separated sense of the sort, I do this or
that entirely independent of something else, or as a man might say, “I am
a self-made man.” We are self-made plus the assistance of something or
someone else.

As to Knowledge and Bliss: If this experience causes us to forget the
first three forms (consciousness of “That”, which is the real “I Am”) then
illusion is added to illusion and we lose consciousness of our Real


It was shown that the Real Man is not the body nor the Mind but
something back of both, and he is using the Mind and Body as an
instrument to manifest in the physical world.
I do not think it necessary to comment on “Thought”, as no doubt we
are aware that thought is the Power which creates states of mind and
The different practices have, as their object, to quiet the body and
Mind for the purpose of having the power to concentrate. This seems to
be the Key or Power to unlock or strike the necessary blow, to get results
from that on which we concentrate.
When anyone tells you they “will think it over” or, “I haven’t time”,
you know they are using an alibi. If you have clearly stated your
proposition, and those to whom you are talking are sane, they have
already decided. Therefore, all else they say is so much evasion or
“bunk”. I base this upon over twenty years of experience with the public,
and I have found but rare exceptions.
This is only one of the reasons why we must develop and use
“Discrimination”. The practice of Psychology simply means to use our
knowledge of the more “subtle law” and govern ourselves accordingly.
The “Finer” is the cause and the “Grosser” is the effect. This applies both
to conduct and creation.
By controlling our thoughts, speech is more discriminating. Speech is
“Thought” in “Manifestation”. Those who control the “Finer”, control
also the “Grosser”.
Our “invisible” powers are Thought, Intelligence, and the breath.
You will recall about the breath and the value of relaxation from a
Psychological standpoint. Slow and regulated breathing must be used in
connection with the thought which must be concentrated upon. We know
the body does not rest when it is tense in either the waking or sleeping

When the body and Mind are under control and we are calm, the better
and more work we can do. We lose a great amount of energy through
emotion or attachment or clinging to tilings. This energy should be
directed to constructive work.
If you are practicing in the Psychic Arts, you will find you will get
better results when you have your patient relaxed and you yourself are
The student should know about “how to eat”. There are several good
books on the market and also charts which show food values. Be
informed. The cost is small; why remain ignorant of one of our most
important subjects or “Discrimination in eating?”
Perhaps you will remember about the five faculties of the Mind, of
which the Intellect, Reason, Perception, Discrimination, and the Will
form the principal ones. I think that contained in those five faculties are
all other attributes or phases of “Mind in Action”. The Mind cannot
function without faculties any more than the body can function without
“organs”. The degree to which we have those faculties developed,
determines the manifestations of the mind as rational or irrational.
Remember the “Illusion of Time” which is in me and not “I in Time”.
Of that from whence the thought returns, unable to reach with speech,
that is the greatest of the Great. Realize the “I Am” as “That”.
Life, we sometimes say, is what we make it. This is an incorrect
statement. We do not make “Life” but express it in various forms. What
we do make or create is the state of consciousness we experience in
Perhaps I should repeat that results come from work! This means we
must practice! All of the external powers of man are developed by
practice upon the “Potential Energy” within our own body, which is the
only other real power outside of Intelligence.
When you practice the exercises you should always be alone, and do
not practice in a dirty place.
Cheerfulness, poise, and desire to eat are the best conditions for one to
have at meal time. Discuss no disagreeable topics at the meal. It is much
better to talk of things elevating and healthful. As a comparison between
persons who practice and those who do not,

temperament and characteristics are in favor of those who practice. The
chemical action of food is much better in its effect upon a person of a
calm, cheerful state of Mind than upon those whose emotions are of an
angry, envious, and dissatisfied nature.

Mediumship-Its Nature
and Mysteries

“What is mediumship and who are the Mediums?” is the question often
asked of the initiated Masters of Occult Science. The answer is as broad
in its application as the universe itself. “Everything is Mediumistic, and
every atom is a medium for the expression of Spiritual force.” We find
throughout the vast infinitude of our universe that the Spiritual and the
material are so intimate that to classify and separate them, or to account
for phenomena on the basis of either alone, would be like erecting an
edifice without a foundation.
Modem science commences with matter and confines its research
strictly to the domain of material forms and forces. It terminates at the
very moment when its path impinges on the border of the imponderable
or the unknowable. The real starting point of all true science is within the
Spiritual spaces. Its vast orbit sweeps downward throughout the whole
universe of matter, recognizing the different attributes and manifestations
of the Divine Force in every form of creation. Its decisions culminate in
the realm of Spirit. Divinity is unity! The two great attributes of the
Divine Soul coalesce as matter and Spirit in the great universe of
manifested being. Matter is visible and solidified Spirit or the passive or
negative principle in a concrete

condensed, or material form. Spirit is the movable, ever active, positive
principle in motion.
Matter ranges and transforms itself from the lower and denser state of
the mineral upward to the aerial and invisible gases, terminating in the
“universal ether” of Science. In this refined condition, the active and
positive principles of Divinity become united and are transformed into
creative Force. Hence, the universal ether contains within itself all that is,
that was, or that ever will be. Such are the actual facts of the case. What,
then, are the logical conclusions Spiritual philosophy may draw
That the universe is one mighty, inconceivable medium, and Deity the
controlling, the omnipotent Spirit.
That Deity becomes the medium of Wisdom, the passive becomes the
medium of the active state. Matter is and must be the absolute medium of
The passive Nature of the Divine Soul is the only means whereby the
active Spirit can manifest itself, and upon this rests all the mysteries of
the cosmos.
In view of these facts, we find the universal will, utilized by the
imperial Soul of man, is alone the true center of all magical and Spiritual
power manifested upon Earth. Man is the great pivot around which
revolves every phase of magical, magnetic, and mental phenomena
embraced within mundane psychology.
Mediumship is a well-known term and is applied to that state of
sensibility which though found pure and natural in some individuals, has
been developed in others. They then are able to come in rapport with
invisible intelligences and other powers. Their magnetic aura has
received a degree of sensitiveness compatible with their becoming
mediums of communication for these forces. A medium, therefore, is,
properly speaking, a person or object in whom the capacity of reception
and transmission is fully evolved and of practical value. All human
beings in their natural state are forces.
A medium is not necessarily Clairvoyant and usually is not. A person
in whose body the etheric matter easily separates from the denser matter
is a medium and can readily be utilized as a sort of telephone between
the visible and the invisible planes. A medium is an abnormal person and
is a good medium in proportion to the degree of abnormality. If the
etheric matter of the body is easily

extruded, the physical body readily falls into the trance condition, and
the mechanism of conversation can be operated by the so-called “dead”
person who has temporarily taken possession of it.
In such cases it is not the medium who speaks for the “dead”
communicator. He is speaking directly himself, but he may often do it
with great difficulty and not always succeed in accurately expressing the
thought in mind. He may have to contend with other thoughts, moods,
and emotions than his own, and to those who understand something of
his difficulties, it is not strange that such communications are frequently
It is not often that an analogy can be found which will give a physical
plane comprehension of a super-physical condition, but perhaps a slight
understanding may be had by thinking of a “party line” telephone which
any one of several people may use at any moment. A listener attempting
to communicate with one of them may find that others are constantly
“switching in”. If distinction of voices were eliminated and then a
stenographic record were made of all words reaching the listener, he
would find it would often be fragmentary and trivial.
It seems to be a common opinion that the evidential value of such
Psychic communications, even under the direction of a skillful scientist,
cannot be very great. But it is not at all difficult for the investigator to
direct his work not only to incidents unknown to the medium, but to
scientific facts which the medium cannot possibly comprehend. It is a
matter of common knowledge that mediums are usually people without
technical, scientific knowledge. A few of them have a fair degree of
education, but many of them are illiterate. Some of the most celebrated
belong to the peasant class of Europe.
Therefore, when considering the various forms and phases of
mediumship, instead of viewing them in the light of “Spiritual gifts”,
they must be viewed as the natural attributes of internal Nature or as
positive potentialities of the human Soul. The various forms and degrees
of mediumship are not Spiritual gifts. They are the senses of the Soul and
hold the same relation to the Spirit as our five external senses do to the
physical body. Just as our objective organism is governed and controlled
by absolute and eternal laws, the internal, imponderable constitution is
under the government of transcendental laws in harmony with its purely
subjective Nature. These laws constitute

the “Science of the Soul’’, and it is only by a thorough knowledge of this
science that we can see the true realities of mediumship. By
understanding it we guard ourselves from its terrible dangers and enjoy
without fear it’s countless and unlimited blessings. By the aid of this
glorious knowledge, we are able to perceive the action and interaction of
the great plains of existence.
The flower which blooms in beauty, breathing forth to the air its
fragrance, is pleasant to the senses and stimulating to the nerves. It is a
perfect emblem of Nature’s faultless mediumship. Herein may be seen
some of the mysteries of incense and the great value of its use especially
in various ceremonies.
The Spirit inheres in every grade of matter as the instigator of life,
force, and motion, being attendant upon the ethereal currents which
permeate all worlds and bind the universe together. In exact proportion to
the refinement of substance is the sphere vitalized by Spirit. The brain
and nervous system of the human represents the climax of material
vitalization. Here Spirit blends with matter with such force and grade
sufficient to form the astro-magnetic link of connection between the two
worlds of cause and effect. The mental powers are vitalized from the
great Deffic fountain of Wisdom; Sympathy and affection are derived
from the same divine Soul as Love.
It is the grand prerogative of each grade of Being, differing in degree
of evolution, to transmit that which it receives from the realms above to
the planes immediately below. From the glorious pulsating Soul of the
central Spiritual sun, descending through every sphere of creation, deep
down into the very bowels of matter, one eternal and harmonious chain
of Spirit mediumship prevails. Each plane depends upon the next
ascending one.
When the whole of this mighty scheme is taken into consideration, we
see how necessary it is for those who wish to develop their Spiritual
possibilities to live upon a pure diet. At the same time, it demonstrates
the fact that a life spent amid the flowery fields and pine-clad mountains
is the only existence which can fit the Mind and educate the Soul to the
highest point. The thinking Mind will not fail to see that those who live
in close, unhealthy, and densely populated towns become subject to the
very lowest planes of Spiritual activity. Under such antagonistic
conditions, progress is absolutely impossible, and

those laboring under such adverse circumstances should avoid practical
interference with magic, Spiritual phenomena, and mediumship.
Mediums—unless of very pure and noble character—are special
objects of attack, and too often the weaker ones, weakened still further
by the passive yielding of their bodies for the temporary habitation of
other excarnate Souls, are obsessed by these creatures and are driven into
intemperance or madness.
It now becomes our duty to elucidate the laws and mysteries of
mediumship, and here we are met with the mightiest subject within the
whole of Occultism. No branch is of greater importance in the study of
Truth, nor more completely unknown and misunderstood.
Mediumship is governed by well-defined laws, insofar as its general
principles are concerned. Yet, it is so subtle and intricate in its different
degrees, forms, and phases as to be absolutely beyond the grasp of the
ordinary Mind. Its ramifications and the results of its actions are as
unlimited as the Infinite. Only the more prominent and apparent forms
will be outlined in the present chapter. As a matter of convenience, we
shall divide the general laws of mediumship into two general classes: (1)
that of the controlling force, and (2) that of the mediumistic instrument.
These are known to initiates as the laws of Reception and Transmission.
In order to grasp the significance of the laws and their interrela-
tionship, it must be borne in mind that the lower states of life are always
the mediums of, and consequently subject to, the higher. Therefore,
every realm must not only possess the quality of mediumship, but also
exercise the power of Spirit control.
Many Souls unnecessarily lengthen their stay by seeking to
communicate with the Earth, in whose interests they are entangled by
means of mediums who allow them to use their physical bodies for this
purpose. From them comes most of the mere twaddle with which
everyone is familiar who has had experience of public Spiritualistic
séances, the gossip and trite morality of the petty. As these Earthbound
Souls are generally of small intelligence, their communications are of no
more interest (to those already convinced of the existence of the Soul
after death) than was their conversation when they were in the body. Just
as on earth, they are positive in proportion to their

ignorance, representing the whole Astral world as identical with then-
own very limited area.

They think the rustic cackle of their burgh

The murmur of the world.

It is from this region that people who have died with some anxiety on
their minds will sometimes seek to communicate with their friends in
order to arrange the Earthly matter that troubles them. If they cannot
succeed in showing themselves or in impressing their wishes by a dream
on some friend, they will often cause much annoyance by knocking and
making other noises directly intended to draw attention. These noises are
sometimes caused unconsciously by their restless efforts.
To illustrate this idea, let us take the organism of man. Man, as we
know him, is the mediumistic instrument through which higher states
manifest their wisdom and power. This mediumship, on general lines,
extends from the lowest specimen in the scale of humanity upwards to
the highest initiated adept; the only difference between the two is that of
Man, according to his state, assimilates the specific grade of life
essence from the Universal Force which corresponds exactly to the
quality and development of his Soul. As man ascends higher in the scale
of Spiritual development, he becomes the recipient of finer essence; the
coarser atoms are repelled and transmitted to less perfect organisms. The
primal Life Force, in its original purity, contains all the requisite grades
of Spiritual nutriment for every form of existence in the universe.
Within each realm the same laws are in force. Those forms of Life
which, by comparison, are passive, become the mediums for those which
are active. Ascending to the Mental plane, we find it precisely the same
with knowledge. The active research of powerful, penetrating Minds
accumulates this knowledge and then formulates the same into systems
composed of more or less Truth and error. This combination of wisdom
and ignorance constitutes a religious sect or school of philosophy.
The ignorant become the mediums of the wise. This wisdom may only
merit such a name, however, by comparing it with the ignorance

by which it is surrounded. The sum total of any nation’s wisdom or
ignorance may always be found by examining its laws, politics,
constitution, and religion, A great political leader, a giant Mind,
impresses his force upon a circle of kindred but less positive Minds. The
millions are simply the mediums for the expression of Mental Force.
Again, the visible head or center of this force may, in his turn, be the
medium of some other but invisible head. Such invisible power may be
mortal or Spiritual, embodied or disembodied.
All of these forms and phases, however, are to be classed as un-
conscious mediumship because the operator is seldom conscious of the
magical powers he is using.
The prominent form of mediumship recognized as having a direct
connection with practical Occultism is the mediumship of Spiritualism
and some of its more recondite phases.
The basis of all trance, or physical mediumship, is embraced in the
term passivity. The degree of passivity attained is in proportion to the
power or strength of a person’s mediumship. The question as to whether
a given person will develop into a trance speaker or into a physical
medium depends upon the brain conformation and upon the magnetic
temperament of the body. Some individuals are so complex that they
may become either the one or the other, according to the will of the
circle. The chief point in these forms of mediumship is that they tend
toward the destruction of individuality. They can only be attained in the
totally passive state. The developing process is a means of destroying
whatever amount of will the medium may have originally possessed.
This destruction of the human will is the greatest curse of
mediumship. The controlling forces of such will-less creatures may be
anything and everything, according to “conditions” and circumstances. A
medium said to be “developed” stands upon the public platform and is
controlled by some disembodied Intelligence.
But in nine cases out of every ten, it is the psychological influx of the
audience centering upon the sensitive medium which produces the
peculiar semi-mesmeric state known as a trance. Under such conditions,
c inspired oration will harmonize with the majority of the Minds present,
and, in numberless cases, the exact thoughts of individuals in the
audience are reproduced.
Spiritualists should learn that mediums can be controlled by a

Spirit and can be equally controlled by a living person. Of all places, the
public platform is the least likely spot to be the center of Spiritual
inspiration which emanates from ascended human Souls.
Those forms of mediumship known as Psychometry and Clairvoyance
depend upon the degree of sensitiveness. Brain formation and magnetic
temperament are only secondary in their evolution. Consequently,
animals as well as humans may possess these phases.
Two of the most subtle, and so far almost entirely unsuspected, forms
of this Spirit mediumship are “semi-transfer of identity’’ and “thought
In a previous chapter we showed how a person who during Life
possessed an active Mind will leave within the spaces of the Astral light
thought forms or Psychic thought embryos. These thought forms are the
Earth karma of the human Soul. Now, under certain conditions, this
karma of disembodied Souls can be, and is, contacted by those still in the
flesh. Thus, a person of strong, positive Mind, having rendered his Soul
sphere contactable by partial development while his brain still remains
positive, becomes a true medium. Being self-conscious, as far as the
Mind and brain are concerned, he scorns the idea of mediumship, but in
real truth he is as much a medium as a trance speaker. In this state he
comes into magnetic rapport with certain thought forms within the Astral
karmas of the disembodied.
In this condition a semi-transfer of identity takes place, and he seems
to exist in some previous age. He becomes identified with the karmic
form controlling his sensitive sphere. Under these circumstances, he
becomes deceived by his ignorance and imagines he is recalling some
incarnation of the past or simply puts the whole matter down as a sort of
daydreaming. Esoteric Buddhists, unable to account for such phenomena,
have in their benighted ignorance invented their “reawakened memory”
theories. They consider these phenomena as veritable recollections of
their past experiences. Yet, they are nothing of the kind. They are,
indeed, past experiences, but not theirs!
The forms they contact are those of individuals who belong to the
same Spiritual state of life, and who possessed, when upon the Earth, a
similar mental and magnetic temperament. All such evidences of
reincarnation are due to the simple action of mediumship.
When the Soul receives its true spiritual initiation, all these Earthly

errors vanish, and the fleeting phantoms of the Astral world appear in
their true light. There is no evidence obtained in the support of that
which is fundamentally false, neither is there any experience which
appears to favor or sustain a reincarnation theory that cannot be
explained by the laws of medium ship.
Another form of the recondite phase of mediumship is that of thought
diffusion. It is by this means that the potent, self-willed Minds behind
outward Buddhism are silently subjecting certain sensitive Minds. This is
in order to regain their lost sacerdotal power upon humanity. Thought
diffusion is the power of diffusing to others certain thought forms and
certain positive ideas. These currents of thought circulate around the
various mental chambers of the human Mind. Wherever they contact a
sensitive sphere possessing magnetic affinity, they gradually impress
their force and ultimately subject the Soul to those ideas. In this way, by
the subtle mental magic of its devotees, religious theology obtained its
first foothold within the human Mind.
This diffusion of ideas is in active operation upon every mental plane;
thus, one potent Mind evolving thought forms in this country may
suddenly set in vibration hundreds of sympathetic Minds upon the
otherside of the Atlantic. They begin to think similar ideas and to form
similar conclusions. These ideas may then become universal and
constitute public opinion. Only a few are conscious of these ramifi-
cations of mental magic.
Esoteric Buddhism owes its origin to such magic and depends
absolutely and entirely upon such Occult processes for its existence. Its
followers never dream that instead of being independent, self-conscious
Minds, they are the mediumistic sensitives of Oriental control. One must
never forget that upon the external plane there is nothing so potent as the
magic of the human Mind.
Many mediums believe all the various forms and phases of
Spiritualistic phenomena are produced by one or more of the following
agencies, either singly or in combination.

1. Elemental Spirits.
2. Human elementaries (i.e. the lost souls of depraved mortals).
3. Disembodied shells (the lifeless forms of disembodied mortals).
4. The mesmeric influence of living individuals.

The actual truth is midway between these extremes. It is a most
glorious fact that disembodied human Souls can and do return and
commune through various mediumistic Natures with embodied
humanity. Still, the action of these Souls is chiefly confined to and
manifested upon the impressional and inspirational planes of med-
iumship. The Spiritualist is correct, and there is much truth, together with
much that is false, in this theory.
The “memory of nature” is not merely a poetic name. It is a phrase
that designates a part of the marvelously complex mechanism by which
human evolution is accomplished. In the earlier history of physical
science, such a term would have been meaningless, but in the light of
more recent discoveries, there is nothing startling in the idea.
Our conceptions of matter have been revolutionized in recent years.
We have learned that even in its grosser grades it is enormously more
impressionable than had been supposed. The sensitiveness of the ether
which permits wireless communications gives some suggestion of the
degree of responsiveness. If, in addition, we take into account the work
of the superintending intelligences, we have, in toto, a plan of human
evolution in which each of us is his own recorder of thought, emotion,
motive, and act.
Those who study the Occult laws which shape human destiny may
learn to use them for their rapid progress and for insuring a comfortable,
as well as a Spiritually profitable, life journey.
Most people seem to believe that there is no law which will certainly
bring them the results of their evil thoughts and acts. Others believe that,
if there is such a law, they can in some way elude it and escape the
consequences of its violation. We see them pass through life always
doing the selfish thing or the thoughtless thing. They falsify facts. They
harbor evil thoughts. They engage in gossip. They have their enemies
and hate them. They scheme to bring discomfort and humiliation upon
those whom they dislike.
And then, when the harvest from this misdirected energy is ripe, they
are misled by the falsehoods of others to their loss and injury. They
merely call it so much bad luck and go blindly on with their generation
of wrong forces that will, in due time, bring them another enforced
reaping of pain.
Let us, therefore, consider the agencies mentioned:

Elemental Spirits, often termed spooks, are the innumerable classes and
species of impersonal elementals in the various rounds and spaces. But
only three classes of them have any influence upon mediums and
Spiritualistic phenomena. The first and lowest on the scale of intelligence
is the class of cosmic elementals, generated in the four realms of
Occultism (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water). These creatures cannot deceive
the medium. They are incapable of impersonating or imitating anything
beyond themselves unless they are impelled by the medium’s internal
desire for such deception. In such cases they may obey the impulse of the
medium’s Mind.
They are completely subjective to the human will, when psychically
directed, and they possess no real individuality of their own. They are
simply the blind forces of Nature, either active or latent according to the
magnetic conditions. Therefore, they would be more correctly designated
as the undeveloped Mind of matter.
The second class of Spirits on the scale of intelligence is the Animal
Elementals, These beings are the Souls of animal forms of life undergoing
the magnetic cycle of their impersonal existence within the Astral spaces.
When any animal dies upon the Earth, it undergoes another cycle of life
within the karmic spaces of its kind in the Astral World. There it evolves
the forces and conditions to be utilized for its next incarnation. These
Souls, if we may call them such, especially those of the domesticated
animals, frequently become attached to various human beings on Earth.
These are people with whom they have some peculiar magnetic affinity
or to whom they were attached during their external Earth-life. It is these
beings who become the innocent instruments of fraud.
They respond to the desires of the medium or to the secret wish of the
circle or to those who may consult the medium. Under these
circumstances, it will always transpire that when a person consults a
medium upon any subject about which he possesses a positive opinion,
the answer he receives will correspond to this opinion. It makes no
difference whether it be correct or incorrect.
The same thing happens when the client asks the advice or the opinion
of a medium upon a worldly matter. The answer will always respond to
the secret desire which the animal elemental perceives in the Mental
sphere of the client. This type of “control” cannot be called fraud any
more than a pet dog can be so charged when it

fulfills his master's desire. The benighted ignorance of both medium and
client is the only cause for such an apparent fraud.
Mediums who become the instruments of this class of intelligence are
generally those of unbounded personal egotism. They formulate the idea
that their Spirit guides cannot be any other than the most exalted of
personages and Souls. The obliging, imitative Soul of the animal
elemental feels the full force of the medium’s egotistical thought desire,
immediately responds and fulfills this mental idea. But no matter who
they claim to be, they will always correspond to the ideal image of that
personage existing in the medium’s Mind. Should the medium be
ignorant of the lives, times, and circumstantial surroundings of their
idealized guide when on Earth, then their ideal guide will be equally
ignorant of self.
The third class in the scale of intelligence is the Magnetic Elementals of
the seven planetary divisions of Nature. These intelligent creatures are
much too bright and ethereal ever to be guilty of fraud. They are
generated by the Life forces of the planetary chain existing within each
orb. They are the intermediate agents of the physical results of the
planetary influences manifested on the Earth. They are the attendant
familiars of certain classes of mystical students, especially those devoted
to Alchemy and Astrology. It is these beings who usually produce the
visions in crystals and magic mirrors or vases of water. In consequence
of this, they have often been wrongly termed planetary angels by certain
schools of magical research.
They are planetary in Nature, but they do not belong to the physical
planet to whose Nature they correspond. They pertain to our own orb
equally as much as man himself and can give much information
regarding the orb under whose dominion they act. If any deception
transpires, it is but the reflection of the deception existing in the Minds of
those who use them. They do not and cannot control mediums by
mesmerism or by trance. Their sole influence is manifested in the
impressional and Clairvoyant phases of mediumship.
Disembodied Human Elementaries are a class of agents made up of the
animal Souls of depraved, wicked mortals who have sunk beneath the
human plane. Thus, they caused a separation of their Divine Soul from
their conscious individuality. Those who fall as low as this are generally
evil magicians and sorceresses. These mortals are far more numerous
than civilized society realizes. This class is made up

of magnetic vampires who prolong their vicious existence by sapping the
life blood of their mediumistic victims. They will impersonate anything
and everything!
They are almost irresistibly impelled by longings to try and influence
the affairs to which their passions and feelings still cling. They are bound
to the earth even though they have lost all accustomed organs of activity.
Their only hope of peace lies in resolutely turning away from Earth and
fixing their minds on higher things. But comparatively few are strong
enough to make this effort, even with the help always offered to them by
workers on the Astral Plane.
Too often, such sufferers, impatient of their helpless inactivity, seek
the assistance of sensitives with whom they can communicate and so mix
themselves up once more in terrestrial affairs. They sometimes seek even
to obsess convenient mediums and thus to utilize the bodies of others for
their own purposes. Their only aim is to completely demoralize the
mediums and plunge them into all kinds of depravity. The chief
characteristic of the Human Elementary is obsession.
Nearly all those mortals who go insane through their religious
excitement are the victims of elementary obsession. It is needless to add
that these vampires are lost to all that is redemptive and good. They have
gravitated to the lowest realms of brute animality in Nature, and
ultimately they become indrawn within the death whirl of the magnetic
orb known as the Dark Satellite. There they are swept to their final doom
and extinction.
Disembodied Shells are the magnetic forms of those who have lived,
died, and been buried upon the Earth. They are perfectly lifeless; they
hover around the grave which conceals the lifeless corpse to which they
are bound. As this slowly decomposes, the magnetic shell of phantom
also slowly dissolves. They cannot be drawn away from the grave. They
cannot be made to answer any mediumistic purpose whatsoever. Those
who assert, as some do, that they can be regalvanized into a temporary
life and made to simulate the deceased individual are sadly in error.
These mediums know not whereof they speak.
The Mesmeric influence of living individuals is a potent factor. It is
evident that any Spirit medium will feel, and to some extent respond to
the mesmeric will of a potent, positive, and magnetic Mind.
Under conditions of weak health or nervous excitement, the

medium then becomes very dully conscious, or entranced, according to
the lesser or greater amount of the etheric matter extruded. Mesmeric
will may drive out the greater part of the etheric double, so that
consciousness cannot affect or be affected; its bridge of communication
with the other planes is broken.
In the abnormally organized persons called mediums, dislocation of
the etheric and dense bodies easily occurs.
In sleep, when the consciousness leaves the physical vehicle which it
uses during waking life, the dense and etheric bodies remain together,
but in the physical dream-life they function to some extent
independently. Impressions experienced during waking life are
reproduced by the automatic action of the body, and both the physical
and etheric brains are filled with disjointed, fragmentary pictures, the
vibrations jostling each other.
Vibrations from the outside also affect both, and combinations often
set up during waking life are easily called into activity by currents from
the Astral World of Nature. The purity or impurity of waking thoughts
will largely govern the pictures arising in dreams, whether spontaneously
set up or induced from without by mesmeric influences.
By the tremendous pressure of Nature’s disregarded laws, we are
learning of the existence of those laws and the misery that accrues from
ignoring them in Life and conduct. The lesson they would not learn
during Earth-life is whirled away on the torrent of lusts and desires. It is
pressed on them and will be pressed on them in their succeeding lives,
until the evils are eradicated and Man has risen into a better Life.
Nature’s lessons are sharp, but in the long run they are merciful. They
lead to the evolution of the Soul and guide it to the winning of its

All Western peoples have a double line of ancestors, their own forefathers and
the Eastern civilizations. Both sets of ancestors have contributed much to modern
methods of prophecy. Thus, only very few prophetic beliefs are original to a given
people since most are mankind's common cultural heritage. They have been
transmitted to us along the paths of civilization from the ancient East via Greece
and Rome. This is particularly true of the most scientific and most common
branch of prophecy, Astrology.
Prophecy originated in Mesopotamia, the country between the rivers
Euphrates and Tigris, much more than 5000 years ago. It was in Babylon and in
the other cultural centers of Mesopotamia the brilliant men first systematized
these occult arts and raised them to the status of a pure science. Astrology in
All of us are prophets, not so much from choice as from sheer necessity.
Whenever we cross a road and fail to take into account traffic conditions or
misjudge distances and speeds, we may have to pay dearly for our lack of
prophecy or foresight. The foresight needed in this case is not on a very high
level since it resembles the instinctive reaction of animals sensing danger.
However, man is born with it. Very small children are capable of dealing with
such simple situations, and can do much more than scream at approaching
danger. Many adults fare worse, for their inability to estimate the immediate
future is borne out by the mounting toll which auto traffic accidents take of
drivers and pedestrians.

The type of foresight we are discussing consists of immediate responses to
external signals. The responses of fear, thought, and escape are the most
primitive and also the most persistent of human reactions. Civilization has not
reduced our general anxieties, but instead has merely shifted their causes. The
builders of the Pyramids had a different set of anxieties from those of the modern
motorist and took many different precautions. No doubt they took too few! Man
has become more prophetic, or more civilized.
The foresight needed to avoid accidents is occasionally called “presence of
mind", though “mind" plays only a little part in it. In essence, it involves making
good use of the intuition and the fraction of time between the discovery of the
source of danger and evasive action, then acting appropriately within very
circumscribed conditions.
Everyday prophecies are by no means restricted to the kind of short range
predictions we have been discussing. Most people can predict where they and
other people will be at a given future date, and for what purpose. The fact that
they can organize does not mean they know nothing about the rest of their time.
Quite the contrary is the case.
The uncertainty factors involved in everyday living are considered so
negligible that people who tell you they will be in Madeira, in Iceland, or in
Hawaii in six months’ time are not credited with possessing any special prophetic
gifts. Not so long ago anyone claiming he would reach some distant place on a
given day would have been taken for a ridiculous braggart, or if successful, for a
divine Seer.
From this alone it must be obvious that the art of predicting the future has
made tremendous advances. What was previously a matter for prophets has
become a commonplace activity. Our certainty has become much greater!
Man lives in a world of predictions and the question whether human beings
are capable of foretelling the future is purely rhetorical. All we can ask is what
events human beings cannot predict at all or only with a small degree of
probability and what are the limits of man’s true foresight. This leads to a
question: Is there any means of extending these limits?
What we are really concerned with is simply the wealth and complexity of the
methods with which mankind attempts to form a picture of the future, for only in
this vraj' can we overcome the prejudice that

true prediction and prophetic speculation are not identical, but are charlatanism
and black magic.
Human beings have always wanted to look ahead, and to a large extent they
are capable of doing so. Methods of prediction have changed over the ages. Some
have been discarded, others, no less confused, have been retained, but many new
and valuable occult facts have come to be appreciated.
Only by taking complete stock of the available material can we hope to choose

The Great Prophets

In the primitive dualistic world, the powers of light and darkness were
worshipped alike. The equal strength of both good and evil had arisen in
the mind of man when he observed nature and meditated upon his own
life. Man is inhabited by contradictory forces; in his thought and action,
good and evil are intimately mingled, and he cannot always distinguish
between them. Moreover, good intentions sometimes generate evil, or
criminal desires even become the servant of good. Both principles
seemingly are everlasting, and in nature all things carry out the idea that
light should overcome darkness.
With civilization, man became increasingly aware of his capacities
and his responsibility. The Chaldean star taught that luck and disaster
were not haphazard events dependent upon the caprices of spirits, but
rather that they derive from the heavenly bodies, which send good and
bad according to mathematical laws. Man, it seemed, was incapable of
fighting the will of the planet divinities. Yet, the more this system
evolved, the more did the wise men read ethical values in man’s fate.
The will of the stars was not completely independent from man’s will.


It was probably in the Seventh century B.C. that Zoroaster, the

Median prophet, preached the doctrine that evil, powerful and

ever-present, can be avoided and defeated. Zoroaster purified the ancient
belief in the hosts of good and evil spirits, the rulers of a split universe.
He traced these legions back to their principles: Ormazd (Ahura-Mazda),
King of Light; and Ahriman (Anra - Mainyu), Prince of Darkness. The
good demons of older traditions were dethroned by Zoroaster; however,
they were granted a place in the hierarchy of evil spirits.
Led by Ahriman, these spirits no longer opposed Good in unruly
swarms. The Kingdom of Evil had become organized like that of Good.
The two armies were marshaled in warlike array. Figures oppose each
other in equal strength; the armies of light and darkness face one another.
Victory is not followed by peace because the struggle continues to the
end of time. In heaven, as on earth, resounds the battle cry.
Six arch demons were Ahriman’s principal underlings, corresponding
to the six archangels which surrounded the King of Light. These
archangels were Divine Wisdom, Righteousness, Dominion, Devotion,
Totality, and Salvation. The arch demons were the spirits of Anarchy,
Apostasy, Presumption, Destruction, Decay, and Fury.
Many other demons in the Zoroastrian religion, daevas of lower rank,
tempted one away from the true worship; Paromaiti, Arrogance; Mitox,
the Falsely Spoken Word; Zaurvan, Decrepitude; Akatasa,
Meddlesomeness; Vereno, Lust.
Still lower in fiendish hierarchy ranked the Drujs, the Yatus, the
Nasus, enchantresses, malevolent beings, deceivers, the monsters. Just as
great was the circle of heavenly legions, the good Yazatas.
The originality of Zoroaster resides in something beyond his elaborate
angelology and demonology. He conceived periods of time in which the
fate of the material world and of the good and bad principle would be
decided. The outcome was good; defeat awaited Ahriman. Zoroaster
distinguished between two types of time— boundless time or eternity
and sovereign time, a long period which Ormazd “carved out” from the
bulk of eternity.
Sovereign time will last twelve thousand years; it was divided into
four cycles of three thousand. Each millennium was presided over by a
sign of the Zodiac, an indication that sovereign time is an enormous
celestial year whose smallest fraction is the circle of the twelve daily and
nightly hours. Three, four, and twelve are the mystical numbers.

They are the base from which evolves the number seven, the six arch
demons together with Ahriman their ruler, and the six archangels and
The first three thousand years were those of spiritual creation during
which all creatures remained in their transcendental form. The second
triad was that of material creation, of celestial beings, of spirits, sky,
water, earth, plants, animals, and mankind. The third period was that of
the irruption of the Evil One, which dominated man’s history before the
coming of revelation. The last period started with the advent of Zoroaster
and will end with the Day of Judgment.
Zoroaster stated that creation began in this manner: Akaron produced
light by emanation; from light sprang Ormazd, the firstborn, who created
the pure world. He ordered the hierarchy of angels and the myriad
concepts of things he intended to bring into being. Another emanation of
Boundless Time was Ahriman, second born of the Eternal, who was
jealous and hungry for power.
He envied Ormazd and was banished to the realm of darkness, where
he reigned in night while the struggle between good and evil was being
The war began when after a thousand years Ormazd created light
patterned after the supermundane, the celestial light. He fashioned the
source of life, a power he called Bull, and Ahriman destroyed the
From its scattered seed, Ormazd then fashioned the first man and the
first woman. With milk and fruit Ahriman seduced the woman, and man
fell into sin. And as evil counterparts of the good animals, Ahriman
created harmful beasts, reptiles and snakes, the Khraftstras. And the war
goes on; the strength of evil grows. Yet, at the moment when Ahriman
seems to triumph, redemption was at hand.
Redemption awaits the Day of Judgment, the advent of the Savior,
when a flood of molten metal shall sear the wicked while the righteous
shall pass unharmed.
As good and evil are parted finally from one another, Ormazd will
establish his Good Kingdom. The dead shall rise and hell shall be
purified for the enlargement of the regenerated world, deathless and


Hermes Trismegistus was the master of alchemical philosophy. Hermes

was the Greek god who conducted the souls to the dark kingdom of
Hades, the underworld. He opened the doors of birth and of death. He
controlled exchange, commerce, and learning; he was the gods’
messenger, the mediator, the reconciler.
Trismegistus meant “three times the greatest”, an epithet which
reveals his high status. He was not a Greek god, but a divinity of the
Greek colonists in Egypt. These Greco-Egyptians admired the ancient
religious doctrines of the Nile.
From the colossal amount of writing ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus
not much has survived except fourteen short texts written in Greek and a
series of fragments preserved by Christian authors. These express
mystical and philosophical ideas, which, viewed as a whole, recall
Gnosticism. The best known among them is Poimandres, the Good
Shepherd. Some of its passages bear a striking resemblance to the Gospel
of St. John, while others are reminiscent of Plato’s Timaeus. Jewish
thought, as is expressed by Philo, can be discerned in them.
In addition to these writings, a few magical treatises were ascribed to
Trismegistus. Their main theme was astrology; alchemy was treated
somewhat vaguely.
His hermetic books were considered by the alchemists as Hermes’
bequest to them of the secrets which were veiled in allegories to prevent
the precious wisdom from falling into the hands of the profane. Only the
wise were able to find their way in this mystical labyrinth.
Hermes’ passage, cited frequently, the Credo of the adepts, was the
inscription found on an emerald tablet “in the hands of Hermes’ mummy,
in an obscure pit where his interred body lay,” situated, according to
tradition, in the great pyramid of Gizeh.

Tis true, without falsehood, and most real: that which is above is like
that which is below, to perpetrate the miracles of One thing. And as all
things have been derived from one, by the thought of one, so all things are
born from this thing, by adoption. The Sun is its Father, the Moon is its
Mother. Wind has carried it in its belly, the Earth is its nurse. Here

is the father of every perfection in the world. His strength and power are
absolute when changed into earth; thou wilt separate the earth from fire,
the subtle from the gross, gently and with care. It ascends from earth to
heaven, and descends again to earth to receive the power of the superior
and the inferior things. By this means, thou wilt have the glory of the
world. And because of this, all obscurity will flee from thee. Within this is
the power, most powerful of all powers. For it will overcome all subtle
things, and penetrate every solid thing. Thus the world was created. From
this will be, and will emerge, admirable adaptations of which the means
are here. And for this reason, I am called Hermes Trismegistus, having the
three parts of the philosophy of the world. What I have said of the Sun’s
operations is accomplished.


In the thirteenth century, the men of the faith dwelt peaceably together
with the wise men of antiquity, admitting the presumable inventor of all
magic, Zoroaster. A more profound understanding of the past, a wider
conception of wisdom produced this world, which although not
universal, was well-ordered with all its elements fully understood.
Albertus’ importance in scientific matters lies more in his attitude than
his achievements. His description of the marvelous virtues which dwell
in crystals may serve as an example: If you hold a crystal toward the sun,
you can light a fire.
Albertus had within himself a curiosity which was laudable, together
with the disciplined methods of a scholar. These methods test particular
statements by the general law concerning living beings as it was
established by Aristotle.
He never doubted that magical wonders were affected. True, there
existed jugglery and illusion; people believed they were seeing things
which did not exist. True, evil demons led men astray with magic, which
was considerably worse than the deception of the eyes. Yet there also
existed in Albertus’ opinion natural magic, which was of the good, and a
great deal of good was found in the writings of the Arabs as well as
hermetic literature. There were wonderful virtues in herbs and stones of
which the patristic writings did not speak.

Betony conferred the power of divination; verbena was used as a love
charm; the herb meropis opened the seas.
Many other marvels were induced with plants, as was written in Costa
ben Luca and Hermes. There were also magical stones which cured
diseases. In his work on minerals, Albertus spoke extensively of the
hidden virtues of stones.
Some of these marvels he had experienced himself. “Lapides preciosi
praeter alliis habent mariabiles virtutes.” (Precious stones have more
miraculous virtues than others.)
Albertus was an alchemist; like his pupil, St. Thomas Aquinas, he
believed that alchemy was a difficult but true art. In his chemical
experiments, he was less hampered by philosophy, perhaps because the
early Greeks were not acquainted with alchemy. He describes his
operations with accuracy and expresses original ideas.
Among the numerous volumes he bequeathed to posterity, his
alchemical treatise is perhaps the best. In the book on minerals, he finds
much to criticize in alchemical theories, and sometimes he seems
opposed to the art of Hermes, but in his treatise On Alchemy, which is
authentic, he champions alchemical operations.
This is what he recommends in his book to his fellow alchemists:
“The alchemist must be silent and discreet. To no one should he reveal
the results of his operations ... He shall live in loneliness, remote from
men. His house should have two or three rooms consecrated entirely to
the work.”
Contemporaries of Albertus affirm that he built an automaton, the
android. Shaped like a man, with each part of its body welded under the
influence of a particular star, the android was Albertus’ servant. He was
endowed with the gift of speech so much so that his gibberish disturbed
the studious Aquinas who destroyed the machine. Did such an automaton
really exist? Eliphas Levi, the nineteenth-century occultist, remarked
subtly that it was only a symbol of Albertus’ scholasticism, human in
form, but an artificial being controlled by a mechanism and not by life.


Like Albertus, Roger Bacon, the Franciscan Friar, based his knowledge
upon Aristotelian philosophy. Not only did he gather wisdom by
philosophical methods or through observation and reasoning, but also,
like Albertus, he emphasized the importance of experimentation.
Bacon’s writings have a vivacity which we do not often find in
scholasticism, and his impatience, mingled with clairvoyance, compelled
him at times to make truly astounding predictions:
“First, I will tell you about the admirable works of art and nature.
Afterwards, I shall describe their causes and their form. There is no
magic connected with this, for magic is inferior to such things and
unworthy of them. Namely: Machines of navigation can be made, huge
ships for rivers and the seas. They move without oars; a single man can
maneuver them better than if they were manned fully.
“Then there are also cars, moving along without horses and at a
colossal speed, and we believe that such were the battle wagons of old
furnished with sickles.
“Flying machines can be made also. A man sitting in the center
controls something which makes the machine’s artificial wings flap like
those of birds.
“A device, small in size, for lowering heavy weights can be made,
most useful in emergencies. For by a machine, three fingers high and
wide, and less in bulk, a man could free himself and his friends from all
dangers of prison, and could rise and descend.
“A machine can be constructed for submarine journeys, for seas and
rivers. It dives to the bottom without danger to man. Alexander the Great
has made use of such a device, as we know from Ethicus the
Astronomer. Such things have been made long ago and they are still
made in our days, except perhaps the flying machine.”
Magic existed for Roger Bacon as it did with his contemporaries. He
admitted there were difficulties in discerning between science and the
black arts. He accepted natural magic, which is not evil. We find the
scholar’s conceptions were not unlike those of the philosophers. Magic
aiming at the good was permissible and was called natural magic; the
black arts promoting what was evil were to be rejected.

T-EAFK-G 193
Alchemy is related to physics, said Bacon. It treats of colors and other
substances, of burning bitumen, of salt and sulphur, of gold and other
metals, and though nothing concerning the alchemical art was written by
Aristotle, he was necessary for the study of natural philosophy and
speculative medicine.
Through alchemy, gold can be made, and thus the hermetic art can
provide for the expenses of the state. It prolongs man’s life. But there
were few who worked alchemically, and still fewer who could produce
works which would prolong life. The art was suited only to the wisest,
who knew the meaning of the eagle, the deer, the serpent, the phoenix,
creatures who renew their lives through the virtues of herbs and istones.
Like Rabbi Moses Maimonides, Bacon believed that Holy Writ was
the basic source of Astrology. This made the study of the stars and their
influence a legitimate occupation. Bacon’s opinion in this matter was not
shared by all, for in spite of the growing influence of Astrology on
medieval learning, the official attitude of the Church was rather adverse.
Bacon implied a belief that philosophy, which he identified with
astrology and mathematics, should lead to and confirm theology. He
went even further, asserting that without Astrology or philosophy,
Church doctrine was not complete.
In his Opus Majus, he said: “If the truth of philosophy is impaired,
damage is inflicted upon theology whose function it is to use the power
of philosophy, not absolutely but in controlling the Church, directing the
commonwealth of believers, and aiding the conversion of predestined
And of the theologians who opposed such ideas, he said, “But they err
not only in this, that they ignorantly condemn knowledge of the future
secured through mathematics.”
Bacon’s teachings were not of the Faustian character which
enthusiastic investigators claimed. He was the enlightened forerunner of
a scientific time, whose voice was unheard in the scholastic desert. In his
determination to unify all learning, wisdom, and faith, he produced a
unique work, the Opus Majus, which he arranged and coordinated
according to his own original views.


Pico, Count of Mirandola, was born in 1463 near Modena. His precocity
was considered comparable to that of the painter Masaccio who died at
twenty-seven after having given a decisive impetus to the plastic arts. At
twenty-four Pico went to Rome, where he posted his nine hundred theses
for public debate.
Among these, many were concerned with magic and the Kabbalah, a
secret doctrine which was discussed in earlier chapters. These occult
systems were to prove the divinity of Christ. Pico’s plan did not win the
approval of the Church. Pope Innocent VIII, who had a rigorous attitude
toward matters of witchcraft, appointed a commission to examine the
whole of Pico’s theories. The verdict was unfavorable: Four were judged
to be rash and heretical; six others were condemned; three were called
false, heretical, and erroneous.
In his work, Pico favored the prediction of the future by dreams,
sibyls, spirits, portents, and also by birds and the intestines. The two
latter methods, being undoubtedly pagan, certainly were not tolerated by
the Roman theologians. His leanings toward Chaldean oracles, Orphic
hymns, and the like were not acceptable to them. Some of his
propositions have a Neo-Platonic and Gnostic flavor.
But Pico’s ultimate goal went beyond that of reviving old, more or
less known magical ideas and of introducing new ones. His ambition was
to reconcile the officially sanctioned Aristotelian ism and Platonism
which the scholars were studying again. He strove to accomplish this
with the help of the Kabbalah.


During the time Trithemius was a student in Heidelberg, he met a

mysterious teacher who instructed him in the secret sciences. When in
1482 Trithemius decided to return to his native town, the teacher
informed him that on his journey he would find the key to his life. As
Trithemius reached Sponheim, snow was failing heavily and he sheltered
in the Benedictine monastery. There, life appeared so attractive that he
decided to become a monk. This was the famous key of which the secret
master had spoken.

Though most of his works were ecclesiastical treatises, Trithemius
wrote on magic. Alchemy attracted him greatly, and he declared in his
books that transmutations can be made and the philosophers’ stone can
be attained. This stone, he said, was the soul of the world, or spiritus
mundi, rendered visible. One might call it the petrification of God’s
breath, as the abbot affirms the world soul was the breath emanating
from its divine source. In this sense, we understand his saying God
permeates everything.
In the midst of the sixteenth century, Copernicus discovered a new
world, that of the planets circulating together with the earth around their
central star, the sun. This discovery demolished the old Christian
dogmatic hierarchy. God could not be above, as there was no above and
no below, and there was nothing outside the world. Therefore, a new
dwelling had to be found for Him.
Trithemius was very modest and timid, and he did not wish to do
anything which was contrary to the established tradition. So he invented
all sorts of secret methods of writing by which profound thoughts could
be disguised in apparently harmless texts.
The fact that he influenced Paracelsus and Agrippa shows he was
sympathetic to magic learning. He speaks often in dissembling terms; for
instance, the Golden Age would arrive when the lion and the lamb would
dwell together. In this Biblical symbol he clothed the thought that the
philosophers’ stone was attained when the Fire of God, the lion, and the
Divine Light are joined mystically.
According to modem Occultists, these contain an enormous amount of
magic wisdom. It is expressed in a code, each word having a double
meaning, but the key to this mystical work Trithemius carried to his
grave. The words should be read according to certain combinations, and
the book loses sense completely when translated from its original Latin.


In the whirlpool of the Renaissance, Henry Cornelius Agrippa von

Nettesheim, the most important figure among the Occultists of that age,
was driven from country to country, from high favor to prison, from
silent study to the battlefield, and from wealth to poverty.

Agrippa was encouraged by Trithemius to commit to writing his
knowledge of the Occult. His acceptance of Neo-Platonism was
championed by the Humanists as opposed to the Aristotelianism of the
Middle Ages. In his study of the Neo-Platonists, such as Plotinus,
Iamblichus and Prophyry, Agrippa became immersed in the supernatural
and the occult. His enthusiasm for these philosophers overwhelmed his
sense of criticism.
With a mind open to every current of occult thought, he strove to
reconcile various magical doctrines. In his later years, Agrippa recanted
his magical writings. Now, as incredulous as he had been credulous
before, he professed nothing was certain either in the arts or in the
sciences. The only reliable thing in the world was religious faith.
He was imprisoned at Brussels and released after one year. Now his
Occult Philosophy, which he had written in his early days, was published.
The belated publication created incredible confusion because its contents
had already been recanted by his work On The Vanity of Arts and Sciences.
The Occult Philosophy, on the contrary, indulged in the belief that men
were able to work miracles by the power of their wisdom.
The Occult Philosophy greatly influenced Western occultism and
deserves a brief resume: Magic is a powerful faculty, full of mystery and
comprising a profound knowledge of the most secret tilings, their nature,
power, quality, substance, and effects, as well as their relationships and
antagonisms. It is a philosophical science; it is physics, mathematics, and
theology. Through physics we learn the nature of things; through
mathematics we comprehend their dimensions and extent, and the
movement of heavenly bodies can be calculated; through theology we
come to know God, angels, demons, intelligence, soul, and thought.
Physics is terrestrial; mathematics, celestial; theology is concerned with
the archetype world.


There is no one comparable to Paracelsus, physician, astrologer,

anthroposophist, theologian, mystic, and Magus. At a time when
knowledge was assuming many ramifications, when faith was

divided into dogmas, and when the old unified world structure collapsed,
Paracelsus achieved the impossible. He wove his knowledge, practice,
and faith into one.
Pursuing this magic ideal, he betrayed himself as being solidly tied to
bygone Middle Ages, an epoch in which unification of every branch of
thought was still possible.
But contrary to his fondness for the past, he publicly burned the works
of Galen, denouncing the sterility of his fellow physicians, and he made
it clear that his own world was to be welded into one by other means
than those offered by conventions. He wanted to know the true nature of
things through investigation and not through the study of dusty volumes.
These bold views guided his critical attitude toward classical
authorities. Paracelsus believed nature was the highest authority because
nature, unlike man, does not commit errors.
Everything in nature partook of the world machine, built according to
a divine plan. The various forms and events of the corporeal world had
their profound meaning and were just so many manifestations of the
Man’s first doctor was God, the maker of health, for the body was not
a thing apart, but a house for the soul. The physician, therefore, must
treat the two simultaneously and strive at bringing them into harmony,
which was the only true health. Such inner accord harmoniously united
in man the things of the world with the divine.
Religion was derived from the Latin re-ligare (to unite again). The
curative process shared this characteristic. Religion was the basis of
medicine. In his prophecies, Paraceisus predicted an evil end for people
who fail to achieve self-recognition. They did not know the true nature
with which they were endowed. Living rightly and healthily was the
attainment of harmony with one’s true self.
Therefore, the physician must be an astrologer as well; he should
know about the harmony of the spheres and their influence. Moreover, he
must be a theologian to comprehend the needs of the soul. He must be an
anthropologist in order to understand the needs of the body. He must be
an alchemist to perceive the universal substances which are found in
harmonious mixtures everywhere in the material world.

He should be conscious of the primary creative cosmic forces because
they are universal and are in man himself. And he must be a mystic in
order to recognize that there exists something beyond logic, as the
ancients have demonstrated.
Paracelsus affirms that God had given various qualities to things at
their creation, forces which enabled them to exist independently. The
divine intervention was, therefore, not constantly to be sought after, for
man has the capacity to help himself, like the stars which move by their
own initiative.
The heavenly bodies influenced man. They were inhabited by the
Greco-Roman divinities who emit a mortal light, for everything in
creation was mortal.
God alone sends forth a divine light which is immortal and which is
received by that which is immortal in man. These two kinds of light are
the essence of all.
The astrologer inquires into the mortal light of the stars, by whose
contemplation he gains knowledge, Man was molded from the dust of
the stars, his older brothers.
Man was receptive to the radiance of the stars, and to be attracted to
their light was godly, but mortal at the same time. It existed before the
coming of Christ; it still exists and grows even stronger.


Nostradamus (Michel de Nostre-Dame), the greatest of all seers and

astrologers, was born in St Remy, France in 1503. Though his prophecies
are styled in scurrilous language, many lent themselves to striking
interpretations of happenings which have occurred centuries after the
stargazer’s death. Even names mentioned by the seer coincide with those
connected with the predicted events.
The great seer had written an often-reprinted work on cosmetics, on
perfumes, and on the art of making jam with sugar, honey, and cooked
wine. This indicated that Doctor Nostradamus was also well-versed in
the science of herbs and minerals, like his grandfather, Jacques de
Michel was one of the greatest physicians of his epoch. When
studying medicine at Montpellier University, he interrupted his

studies and helped to stamp out an epidemic of the Black Death.
Nostradamus, apparently immune to the pestilence, traveled from city to
city to perform miraculous cures.
His prophecies, which he called Centuries, were published in 1555,
long after his book on cosmetics. These predictions made an enormous
impression, and people from all classes traveled to Salon seeking the
seer’s prophecy and advice.


When practicing medicine in the late 1500’s, Porta had many occasions
to observe his patients and to study their character and complexion. The
results of this studious inquiry were laid down in his book Physiognomy, a
striking and convincing system not to be dismissed.
Porta’s early experiments in physiognomy influenced the eighteenth
century philosopher, Johann Kaspar Lavater, who wrote many volumes
on the art of judging men by their features. The elaborate system
includes morphological, anthropological, anatomical, histrionical, and
graphical studies. Lavater quoted long excerpts from Porta’s books and
inserted illustrations from the works.
Many other wonderful things were described in Porta’s book on
magic. He vouched for the frequently described marvel of animals being
produced spontaneously from putrefaction. He described the dangerous
art of making bread heavier by increasing the weight of wheat. He gave
instruction for the counterfeiting of precious stones and for similar arts
which his readers were most eager to learn.
The chapter on physics contains items such as how to make a man
mad for a day, or how to cause sleep with a mandrake. This chapter deals
with the art of causing pleasant and troublesome dreams. Special parts of
Porta’s work were devoted to distillation, fireworks, cookery, hunting
and fishing, and other activities which rendered life agreeable.


Among the Magi, the Zurich pastor Johann Kaspar Lavater was foremost
as a promoter of tolerance. This modest author of a famous work on
physiognomy had his own views on religion. He observed his fellow
men with deep insight, for the physiognomic art was the study of man’s
features as the signs and characters formed by nature to reveal the inner
man. His urbanity often proved more effective than the tempestuousness
of his fellow magicians.
One would think such a learned and influential man would not need
advice from a fellow Magus. Yet, in 1780, Lavater traveled to Strassburg
where he hoped to gather more wisdom from the Count Cagliostro. The
Count, however, refused to see him. They exchanged letters. To
Lavater’s question, “In what precisely does your knowledge reside,”
Cagliostro answered laconically: “In verbis, herbis et lapidibus” (In words,
herbs, and stones.) Thus alluding to his marvelous cures.
He performed these cures with simples concocted from minerals and
vegetables and with the suggestive power of his word. Such an answer
was unusually modest, as the “count” made little secret of his
knowledge. Cagliostro was less talkative in referring to his stay in
London where he had committed several frauds.
In spite of Cagliostro’s shady past, even his enemies could not deny
the magician’s astounding intelligence. And many friends and followers
acknowledged their master’s scandals and lies as extravagances to be
weighed against his wisdom, his charity, and truly superhuman talents of
a seer, healer, and Hermetic.
Cagliostro was the founder of the Egyptian Lodge. The power of his
word attracted numerous adherents and whole groups of Freemasons
abandoned their rites to follow those invented by the Grand Kophta, as
Cagliostro called himself. Brothers of every creed were accepted. The
only postulate was to believe in the immortality of the soul.
During the séances, magical ceremonies were performed with the
intention of communicating with the seven “pure spirits”. An innocent
girl, the “Dove”, was led to a table where a glass bottle was flanked by
two torches. The girl would stare into the bottle in which absent persons,
future happenings, or angels would appear. She was

often led behind a screen, where she would experience a mystical union
with an angel.


The riddle of Saint-Germain has never been solved. The dates of his birth
and death are unknown. Incredible things are claimed of him. Frederick
the Great called him the man who could not die. The count himself
asserted he had lived 2000 years based on the professed discovery of the
liquid which could prolong human life.
He would speak familiarly of a chat with the Queen of Sheba and of
wonderful happenings at the marriage of Cana. He knew the gossip of
the court of Babylon, tales a thousand years old.
His knowledge of European history was uncanny. He would mention
various happenings in the reigns of Henry IV and Francis I. To an
astounded lady, he would whisper family secrets. True things, the lady
said, which he heard from her ancestor on the battlefield of Marignano.
The count was neither tall nor very handsome; he always appeared
about forty and dressed exquisitely. He was dark-haired, lively, and
smiling. His clothes were covered with precious jewels. He spoke and
wrote Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, English,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
He verged on the supernatural. He was a talented painter, a virtuoso
on the harpsichord and violin, and his alchemical knowledge far
surpassed any of his contemporaries.
From the lives of these men, we may learn many lessons applicable to
our studies: The Magi in their study of nature will increase their wisdom
by degrees: Through the study of stones they will learn the essence of the
stars; from the Planets their knowledge will be led to the sublime.
Agrippa started with the four elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.
These elements occur in three types: Here on earth they are mixed,
impure. In the Stars, they are pure. Thirdly, there are composite elements
which can change and which are the vehicle of all transformations. The
elements are found here below, in the whole universe, in spirits and
angels, and even in God.

From the elements were born the natural virtues of things, but not
occult virtues. The latter were infused into things through ideas by means
of the world-Soul.
In order to ascertain occult virtues, we should explore the world by
means of resemblances. For instance, fire here on earth excites celestial
fire, the eye cures the eye, sterility produces sterility.
As there is accord between things akin, there is discord between
things hostile. Experience has shown, for instance, between the
sunflower and the sun there is accord, whereas between the lion and the
cock there is hostility. It is the task of the Magi to recognize these
sympathies and antipathies in order to operate magically through nature.
Similar dispositions are found in the planets, whether friendly or
hostile to one another. Such relations, when made use of, yield magical
results, for all things inferior submit to those above.
Not only single objects depend upon the Stars, but whole provinces,
countries, and kingdoms, to which planetary and zodiacal signs are
allotted. In tracing such celestial signs, the Magi propitiates virtues of
that constellation.
Thus, through various contrivances well-prepared and coordinated,
favorable influences are attracted, not only from the Stars, but also from
good Spirits and from God.

Psychic Power

There have been attempted explanations of and theories regarding the

phenomena of Psychic powers, some of which are more or less plausible
while others are quite visionary, “wild”, and fantastic. I shall give you
plainly, clearly, and simply the time-honored teachings of the advanced
Occultists, those which have been tested and tried by centuries of
investigation and experiment.
The Occult Teachings inform us in addition to the five physical senses
possessed by man (Seeing, Feeling, Hearing, Tasting and Smelling)
which have their appropriate sense organ, every individual is also
possessed of Five Astral Senses. These form a part of what is known to
Occultists as the Astral Body. These Astral Senses, which are the astral
counterparts of the five physical senses, operate upon the Astral Plane.
This is next above the Physical Plane.
By means of these Astral Senses, one may sense outside objects
without the use of the physical senses. It is through such sensing by the
Astral Senses that the phenomena of Psychic power occurs. Just as the
Physical Senses operate upon the Physical Plane, so do the Astral Senses
operate upon the Astral Plane.
The Occultist believes that by using the Astral Sense of Seeing, a
person is able to perceive occurrences and scenes at a distance almost

incredibly far. One may see through solid objects, see records of past
occurrences in the Astral Ether, and see the future as it is thrown ahead
of Time. Like the shadows cast by material objects, “coming events cast
their shadows before”. Such events may travel immense distances and
often after great periods of time because the Astral Vibrations continue.
The Astral Senses of Taste and Smell are seldom used although there
are abundant proofs of their existence. The Astral Sense of Feeling
allows one to become aware of certain occurrences on the Astral Plane
and to perceive mental impressions which are manifested at a distance.
The Astral Sense of Feeling may be explained as a sense of “Awareness”
not just a mere “Feeling.” It may well be called “Sensing” for want of a
better name. But still we must not overlook the fact there are many
instances of true “feeling” on the Astral Plane. An example would be
when one actually “feels” the pain of another, commonly known as
“sympathetic pains.”
To understand the Astral Senses, one must be acquainted with the
existence of “The Astral Body”. There is no point in Occult teachings
better established, longer held, or more thoroughly proven than the
existence of this Astral Body.
The Astral Body is an exact counterpart of the physical body of the
person. It is composed of a fine ethereal matter and is usually encased in
the physical body. In ordinary cases, detaching of the Astral Body from
its physical counterpart is accomplished only with great difficulty. But in
dreams, when under great mental stress, and under conditions of occult
development, the Astral Body may become detached and sent on long
journeys. It may travel at a rate of speed even greater than that of light.
The Astral Body exists after the death of the physical body, but it
disintegrates in time.
The Astral Body of a dying person is often projected to the presence
of friends and loved ones a few moments before the actual physical
death. Such a phenomenon arises from the strong desire of the dying
person to see and be seen. The Astral Body frequently travels in psychic
phenomena and visits far distant places, there sensing what is occurring.
The jumbled and distorted recollections of these places are due to the
brain not having received perfect impressions. The result is like a blurred
or distorted photographic plate.
In order to grasp the underlying principles of this phenomena and

its allied subjects, you must familiarize yourself with the Astral Senses.
Unless you understand and accept these truths and facts, you will not be
able to grasp the principles underlying psychic phenomena, but will be
lost in the quagmire of idle theories and fantastic explanations.
Investigators of Psychic phenomena who have not made themselves
acquainted with the Occult Teachings are always lost in such realms of
The phenomena of the Psychic powers may be grouped into three
classes, each being produced by its own special cause. In either or all
cases, the impressions are received by and through the Astral Senses. But
there are three distinct ways in which these impressions are received.
They may be classified under the following terms: (1) “Clairaudience” is
a term sometimes used to indicate Astral Hearing. Astral Hearing
functions on the Astral Plane, just as the physical sense of Hearing
functions on the Physical Plane. In many cases of Psychomantic Vision
there is Clairaudience while in other cases it might not occur. Likewise,
Psychomantic Vision is usually accompanied by Clairaudience although
one may be able to hear Astrally, and see nothing. An example of this is
the story of Saint Joan. She told of hearing a message while praying
before a shrine.
Psychic Powers lie dormant in every person since the Astral Senses
are present in everyone. The possibility of their being awakened into
activity is always present. The different degrees of Psychic Power seen
in different persons depends chiefly upon the degree of their develop-
ment, or unfoldment, and not upon the comparative strength of the
faculties. In some persons, of certain temperaments, the Astral Senses
are very near to the manifesting point at all times. Flashes of intuition
and premonitions are really manifestations of the psychic mind.
In other persons the Astral Senses are almost atrophied, for they are
merged in materialistic thought and physical life. The element of Faith
plays an important part in this phenomena as it does in ail Occult
phenomena. One’s belief tends to open up the latent Psychic Powers and
faculty in man, while disbelief tends to prevent their unfoldment. There
is a very good psychological reason for this; belief and disbelief are two
potent factors on all planes of action.
Occultists know, and teach, that the Astral Senses and faculties of the
human race will unfold as the race progresses. Then Psychic

power will be a common possession of all persons, just as is the use of
the physical senses at the present time. In the meantime, there are
persons who are beginning to manifest this power in a greater or lesser
degree. There are many more persons in this stage of development than
is generally realized. In fact, many persons manifesting Psychic Power
are apt to pass by the phenomena as imagination and foolishness. Then
many persons manifest the power during sleeping hours and dismiss the
matter as merely a dream, etc.
Students often ask how this Psychic faculty will first be manifested in
themselves or how they may know when they have reached the stage at
which its first faint foreshadowings are beginning to be felt Cases differ
so widely it is impossible to give to this question an answer which will
be universally applicable. Some people begin under some unusual
stimulus and become able just for one time to see some striking vision.
Very often in such a case, because the experience does not repeat itself,
the newest seer comes to believe that he was the victim of a
hallucination. Others begin by becoming intermittently conscious of the
brilliant colors and vibrations of the human aura, while still others find
themselves seeing and hearing something to which those around them
are blind and deaf. Others see faces, landscapes, or colored clouds
floating before their eyes in the dark just before they fail asleep. The
commonest experience of all is in those who begin to recollect with
greater and greater clarity what they have seen and heard on other planes
during their sleep.
Very many persons possess respectable degrees of the full manifes-
tation of Psychic Power. Such persons have intuitions, notions,
presentiments, and the faculty of getting ideas other than by the usual
physical mental processes, Others manifest certain special degrees of
Psychic Powers, which develop rapidly by practice. The phases of Time
Psychomancy (Past and Future) and of space Psychomancy, in its higher
degrees, are rare; few persons possess them. Still fewer persist in the
practice until they develop it since they are lacking the patience,
persistence, and application necessary.
While it is difficult to lay down a method of instruction in the
Development of Psychic Power, there is a plan of giving general
information which, if followed, will put the student upon the right path.


1, Concentration: In the first place, the student should cultivate the basic
faculty of Concentration. This is the power to hold one’s attention
upon an object for some length of time. Very few possess this power,
although many think they do. The best way to develop Concentration
is to practice on some familiar and common object— a pencil, a book,
or an ornament. Take up the object and study it in great detail. Force
the mind to examine and consider it in every part until every small
detail has been observed. Then lay the object aside. A few hours later
pick it up again and repeat the study; you will be surprised to see how
many points you missed on the first trial. Repeat this again and again
until you feel you have exhausted your object. The next day take up
another object and repeat the study.
2. Visualizing: The second point of development is the faculty of
Visualization. In order to Visualize you must cultivate the faculty of
forming Mental Pictures of distant scenes, places, and people. Do this
until you can summon them before you at will whenever you place
yourself in the proper mental condition. Another plan is to place
yourself in the proper mental position, then make a mental journey to
some place you have visited. Mentally, see yourself starting on your
trip, see all the intermediate places and points, arrive at your
destination and visit the points of interest and return home. Later, try
to visit places you have never seen, in the same way. This is not
clairvoyance, but is training of the mental faculties for Concentration
and Visualization.
After you have developed along the lines of Concentration and
Visualization, you may begin to practice your psychic powers. Take a
lock of hair, a handkerchief, a ribbon, or a ring belonging to someone
else. Press it against your forehead lightly, closing your eyes, and
assume a receptive and passive mental state. Desire calmly that you
will visualize the past history of the object. Do not be in too much of a
hurry; await calmly the impressions.
You will begin to receive impressions concerning the person own-
ing the object and will form a mental picture of the person. Soon you
will begin to receive impressions about him. You should practice with
a number of objects, at different times, and gradually you will develop
your Psychic Powers. Remember, you are developing what is
practically a new sense, and you must have perseverance and patience
in unfolding it.

3. Another form of Psychic development is of tracing the past history
and surroundings of metals and minerals. The process is identical to
that just described. The mineral is pressed against the forehead, and
with closed eyes the person awaits the impressions. Some who have
highly developed faculties were able to describe the veins of mineral
ore and give much valuable information regarding them. There are
other cases on record in which underground streams of water were
discovered by the clue given by a bit of earth or stone from the
In this, as mentioned, practice, practice, practice is the general
instruction regarding psychic development.
4. Crystal Gazing: We consider the use of the Crystal Ball or other forms
of the ancient “Magic Mirror” to be the best plan of developing
Psychic Powers. This method serves to focus the concentrated desire,
will, and thought of the person. Thereby it becomes the starting point
for the Astral Tube. The student passes by easy, gradual, and natural
stages to the higher and more complex phases. The “Magic Mirror”
was used by the ancient Occultists in developing the powers of their
In all countries and in all ages, it has played a great part in the
process of developing Psychic Powers by serving as a focal point for
the erection and operation of the Astral Tube.
There is no special virtue or magical properties or qualities in the
Crystal itself. It is merely an instrument for Astral Vision, just as the
telescope, microscope, and other optical instruments are instruments
employed in physical vision. It is the materialistic atomic and
molecular characteristics of glass or crystal which allow its use. But
there is no special “Magic” in the crystal itself, so do not fall into any
of the superstitions regarding its use.
All the old talk about magic ceremonies and incantations necessary
in manufacturing the “Magic Mirror” is pure nonsense. The simple
direction is for the gazer to practice by himself. At first, practice in a
quiet room sitting with the back toward the light. The Crystal is placed
on a piece of black cloth, and then you calmly gaze at the Crystal. Do
not be afraid of winking, and do not strain or tire the eyes. If you fail
to see anything at first, do not be discouraged. Persevere. A number of
trials are necessary at first.
The first signs of the actual “seeing” come in the form of a
cloudiness, or milky-mist in the Crystal. This slowly resolves itself
into a form or scene. It appears gradually like a photograph upon a

sensitive plate in the developing room. In some cases, the misty cloud
deepens into a black one before the picture appears.

There is no royal road or magic word which once pronounced will

prove an “open sesame” to the Doors of Psychomancy. There is no
“Secret” to be imparted. It is a matter of general understanding, practice,
and work. To some it comes easier than to others, but the higher degrees
mean work and practice.
The simple use of the Psychic Powers is much more common than is
generally supposed. Many people are quite sensitive to “impressions”
coming to them, which, while akin to the impressions of Telepathy,
nevertheless belong to the higher degree of Psychic Phenomena known
as Psychomancy. The differences between ordinary telepathic
impressions and those of Simple Psychomancy perplexes many students.
The similarity between the two phenomena causes this confusion.
Telepathy is the passage of Thought waves or Currents from one brain
to another, just as the waves of heat, light, and electricity pass through
the ether. In telepathy, the brain of the Transmitter sends out the
vibrations, waves, or currents, and the brain of the Receiver registers
these, receiving them by means of the Pineal Gland. It acts in a manner
similar to a TV set. Telepathy is merely the sending and receiving of
thought vibrations via the physical organs inside the brain.
By the use of true Psychic Powers, the person may, and does, receive
the thought vibrations emanating from the mind of another. But not via
physical channels, as in Telepathy, but by means of the Astral Senses.
This is the difference! Now, it follows since the Astral Senses are far
more keen and acute than the Physical senses that they will register
vibrations and impressions more readily and will often register
impressions the Physical Senses (even the Pineal Gland) overlook. The
person in whom the Astral Senses are even partially developed will
receive impressions of thoughts of others that even the most acute Mind
Reader will fail to notice. Words actually spoken by the other person and
ideas forming in the mind of the other person not yet expressed in active
thought-waves are all received equally well.
But the development of one’s telepathic powers frequently grows

into a development of their Psychic Powers. So telepathy is one of the
easiest paths to Psychic Power and may be used in developing true
clairvoyant power, along with unfolding the Astral Senses. The person
possessing even a moderate degree of Psychic Power often “feels” the
thoughts, ideas, emotions, and other mental states of the people around
him and knows without words being used just what the others are
thinking and feeling. This is perceived by the increased power to receive
and register Thought Vibrations. In some cases the ability to sense the
“Aura” of the other person heightens the impressions.
All persons and objects are surrounded by an emanation called an
“Aura” or the egg-shaped psychic emanation which extends several feet
around them. This Aura is charged with the Thought Vibrations of the
person, and it is really the “atmosphere” we feel surrounding people. We
feel attracted or repelled as the case may be by this Aura. The trained
and developed Psychic is able to see the colors of the various emotions
and thoughts. But even when that degree of power is lacking, one may
feel the general character of the various component parts of a person’s
When you have developed your Psychic Powers, you will be able to
look at a person and will see him surrounded by the luminous mist of the
Astral Aura which is flashing with all sorts of brilliant colors. These are
constantly changing in hue and brilliancy with every variation of that
person’s thoughts and feelings. You will see this Aura flooded with the
beautiful rose color of pure affection, the rich blue of devotion, the hard
dull brown of selfishness, the deep scarlet of anger, the lurid red of
sensuality, the livid grey of fear, the black clouds of hatred and malice,
or any of the other indications so easily read by a practiced eye. Thus, it
will be impossible for any person to conceal from you the real state of
their feelings on any subject.
Only a comparatively few students ever develop to the degree where
they are able to distinctly see these Auric colors. But a great number of
people are able to feel the subtle vibrations which give rise to these
Auric colors. Just as there are authenticated cases of blind men and
women being able to distinguish by the sense of touch the various colors,
so are thousands of people able to feel the Auric shades, which their
partially developed clairvoyant vision fails to perceive clearly.

It is interesting that science informs us that the sense of feeling was
the first developed of the physical senses; in fact, all the other senses are
extensions of this original sense of feeling. There is a close
correspondence between this phenomena of the Physical Senses, and
those of the Astral Senses.
But there are other, and perhaps more wonderful, features of Simple
Psychomancy. It is a well-established scientific fact that nearly all
objects are constantly emanating streams of electrons. The delicate
instruments of physical science are able to detect and register some of
the coarser vibrations of this pure energy. Yet the most delicate
instruments have yet to register the finer vibrations. The Astral Senses of
the developed Psychic register and record these finer vibrations, and in
this way many so-called “miracles” of Occultism are explained.
It becomes clearly apparent to any student of the subject, early in
one’s investigations, that the Psychic is able to “see” things hidden by
other objects or surrounded by the densest of matter. In other words, one
is able to see through solid objects—to see through a brick wall, to use a
familiar phrase. This may seem incredible to one on the first mention of
the subject. But the skeptic’s attention is directed to X-rays and similar
energy forms of modern science. These crude waves readily pierce
through solid objects and may be actually “seen” by the eye on a
fluoroscope or recorded on a photographic plate. Now the impossible
feat of seeing through a brick wall becomes a very simple,
understandable matter. In an almost identical manner, the Psychic sees
through any solid object since the most solid, dense material becomes
transparent to Astral Sight.
The fine streams or waves of energy invisible to the naked eye, which
are constantly being emanated by all objects, are registered and recorded
by the Astral Sense of Sight. The Psychic, by means of the elementary
power of Simple Psychomancy, is able to see what is going on in an
adjoining room, to read the contents of a sealed letter, to describe the
contents of a locked steel safe, or to read a chosen passage in a closed
The Astral Plane is composed of an ethereal form of matter very much
rarer and finer than the matter of the Physical Plane. But it is matter,
nevertheless, and is subject to fixed laws and conditions. Just as it is
possible to establish “lines of force” in the physical ether, so

corresponding lines of force may be established in Astral Matter. And
the Astral Tube is really such a LINE OF FORCE. It is possible to set up
and establish a line of force on the Astral Plane which will serve as a
conductor of Astral vibrations. This affords a highly efficient channel of
communication between objects far removed from each other in material
space. This channel is actually created and used in a variety of Occult
When the human Will is directed toward a distant person or object,
under psychic conditions, it tends to “polarize” a path, or channel
through the Astral atmosphere (Astral Tube). This channel becomes at
once an easy path of Psychic communication for the transmission or
receiving of Psychic impressions or expressions. In the case of
Psychomancy and kindred phenomena, the Astral Senses of the person
are able to readily “sense” the impressions being manifested at a distant
point in material space.
Through this polarized Astral Tube, the Astral Senses actually sense
objects. The sights and sounds being manifested at a distance are sensed,
just as one may see distant sights through a telescope or hear distant
sounds through a telephone. The Astral Tube may also be used as a
microscope. Attention is directed toward the fact that in this form of
phenomena the Psychic remains within the physical body. One does not
travel in the Astral Plane at all. Consciousness remains within the
physical body.
The Astral Tube unconsciously springs into existence spontaneously
under the power of some strong emotion, desire, or will. It is also present
in some cases of hypnotic phenomena when the hypnotist uses his will to
cause the subject to form an Astral Tube and report the impressions. It is
used by the trained Psychic, without any starting point, or “focal center”,
by the exercise of well-trained, developed, and concentrated willpower.
The “starting point’ is generally either what is known as the Associated
object or else a glass or Crystal Ball, or a similar polished reflecting
The phenomena commonly known as Psychometry is only one phase
of Psychomancy. It may be said to be only a method employed to bring
into action the Astral Senses. The Psychic gets the rapport with the
distant scene, period of time, person, or object by using some bit of
physical material associated with them. This is in order to “open up
communications” along the lines of Psychomancy. This is

compared to the use of associated objects in the case of memory. We all
know how the sight of some object will recall at once memories of things
long since forgotten. These are readily recalled when the association is
furnished. What association is in the case of memory, so is the material
object presented as the “Associated Object” in Psychometry.
The Occult teachings inform us there is a Psychic connection existing
between all things once associated. When we throw ourselves into the
Psychic current surrounding an object we may follow the current back
until we reach the associated object which we are seeking on the Astral
Plane. All memories are registered and permanently recorded, and if we
have a good starting point we may travel back until we find that which
we desire. In the same way, the associated object furnishes us with a
means of starting our Astral Tube. This is the secret of the use of the
lock of hair, the bit of clothing, the piece of metal, or mineral.
It may be asked how it is possible, amid the bewildering confusion of
the records of the past, to find any particular picture when it is wanted.
As a matter of fact, the untrained Psychic usually cannot do so without
some special link to put one in rapport. It seems as though there is a sort
of magnetic attachment or affinity between any particle of matter and the
Astral record which contains its history. This enables it to act as a kind
of conductor between the record and the faculties of the Psychic.
In many respects, the Crystal acts in a manner akin to the associated
object, but there is one point which should not be over looked. The
associated object gives to the Psychometrist a starting point for the
Astral Tube and serves to point the Astral Telescope in the right
direction. But the Crystal does not, for it is not closely allied to or in
sympathy with any other tilings when used in the usual manner. Instead
of being the eyepiece of the Astral Telescope, it is really a Magic Mirror
which is turned first this way and then that. It reflects whatever comes
within its field just as does any other mirror. The trained and developed
Crystal Gazer, however, may direct his Mirror to any desired point and
may hold it there by means of a concentrated Psychic Will.
The favor which Crystal Gazing meets with at the hands of beginners
is due to the fact it is the easiest method known by which the

Astral Vision may be trained. With the majority of people, the power
may be awakened and trained only by the aid of some physical object
which acts as a starting-point for the Astral Tube. Any number of objects
may be so used, but the Crystal is the best because of certain atomic and
molecular arrangements which tend to promote the Psychic Powers and
Crystal Gazing, as a method for inducing Psychic vision, is quite
common among all peoples and in all times. There are some people who
cannot look into an ordinary bottle without seeing pictures form and this
without any effort or will on their part. Crystal Gazing seems to be the
least dangerous and most simple of all forms of experimenting. You
simply look into the Crystal and look at it. You make no incantations and
engage in no mumbo jumbo. You simply look at it for two or three
minutes, taking care not to tire yourself, winking as much as you please,
but fixing your thoughts upon whatever you wish to see. THEN IF YOU
HAVE THE FACULTY, the glass will cloud over with a milky mist, and
in the center the image is gradually precipitated in the same way as a
photograph forms on the sensitive silver plate.
There is another phase of Psychic phenomena where the conscious-
ness of the person does not remain within the physical organism but is
actually projected along with the Astral Body to the point being
examined. Here physical consciousness is temporarily suspended, and
the Astral Body is projected to some far distant point with the rapidity of
thought. There it examines objects and receives their sensations through
the Astral Senses. This phenomena may occur while the person is in a
trance, asleep, in a moment of concentrated abstraction, or when one is
daydreaming. When one returns to the physical body, he “comes to
himself”, and what was seen or heard seems to be a daydream or fantasy.
If one is a trained Seer, the two planes of consciousness will be closely
related and almost continuous.
The trained Psychic has the advantage of being able to search about on
the Astral Plane for what is desired. One is able to direct his Astral Body
to definite places by means similar to finding one’s way on the material
physical plane or by following up the Psychic clue afforded by an
associated object. Of course, the person whose powers are not highly
developed is not able to have true control over

his Astral Body. He is like a child learning to walk; he is awkward and
must learn to direct his movements. There are many degrees of power,
from the occasional, spontaneous travel on the Astral Plane to travel
even more easy than that on the physical plane, and with the same degree
of control.


The questions which naturally arise in one’s mind in connection with this
phase of the Psychic phenomena are: “How is the person able to sense
past events and objects of the past? There are no vibrations emanating
from past scenes, and as they no longer exist, how can anyone see them
by Astral Vision or by any other means?” The Secret of Past Time
Psychomancy is found in the Occult Teachings of the “Akashic
Records”. On the higher planes of Universal Substance, there are found
records of all that has happened and occurred during the entire World
Cycle of which the present time forms only a part. These records are
preserved until the termination of the World Cycle, then they pass away
with the world of which they are a record.
This does not mean there is a Great Book in which the doings, good
and bad, of people are written down by the Recording Angel. But it does
mean there is a scientific, Occult basis for such popular legend. We may
turn to modern science for the proof. It is taught by scientists that there is
no such thing as destruction of energy, because energy always exists in
some form. The Occult teachings verify this and go even further. They
state every action, thought, happening, event, and occurrence, no matter
how small or insignificant, leaves an indelible record on the Universal
Ether. In other words, every action or scene which has ever occurred or
existed in the past left an impression on the Universal Ether. There it
may be read by one’s developed Psychic Powers.
There is nothing especially wonderful about this when you compare it
with the other facts of nature. Astronomy teaches us that light travels at
the rate of 186,000 miles a second and that there are fixed stars in space
so far removed from the Earth that the light leaving them hundreds, yes
thousands, of years ago is only now

visible. When we look at some of the fixed stars, we do not see them as
they now are, or where they now are, but rather as they were and where
they were hundreds of years ago. Astronomers tell us that if one of these
stars happened to be destroyed hundreds of years ago, we would still be
seeing the light which left them before the event occurred. We would be
seeing these stars hundreds of years after they had ceased to exist.
The vibrations of light they set into motion would persist for
centuries, even after their source disappeared. This is not Occult
knowledge but a well-proven and thoroughly established materialistic
scientific fact, as anyone may see by reference to a work on astronomy.
The same is true of waves of electricity, electronic emanations, or waves
of any kind of energy. Even in the physical view of things, nothing can
exist without leaving a record on the Universal Ether. So the Occult
teachings find their corroboration in modern science.
Another illustration is found in the phenomena of the Memory of
Man. Stored away in our brain cells are the records of all past things,
events, scenes, occurrences, people and objects. You often find yourself
thinking about people, things, and events of years long since passed. By
a mere effort of the will you may bring the records of these people,
things, or events before your mental vision and see them reproduced in
detail. Dissect a brain cell and you will find no trace of memory.
Nevertheless, every exercise of memory proves the record is there.
There is nothing wonderful or miraculous in the Psychic record of
past events. The Universal Ether has within itself a true and full record
of anything and everything which has ever existed within its space. If
one develops the power to read these records, one can have a full and
complete key to all of the past.
In order to avoid a misapprehension, it must be emphasized that none
but the most advanced and highly developed Occultists and Masters have
clear access to the planes upon which these records are found. The
majority of Psychics merely see the Lower Astral Plane. This vision can
be compared to the reflections of trees and landscapes in a pond of still
water—reflections which are often distorted and disturbed by the ripples
and waves created by a passing breeze. The records of the past open to
the average Psychic are

merely reflections of records and are apt to be distorted or cloudy. This
is a brief and simple statement of an important Occult scientific truth,
which would require many pages to explain technically. In actual
practice we find the phenomena of Past Time Psychomancy manifested
principally in crystal gazing. There are also many instances of a partial
manifestation of this power among individuals in everyday life. Such
individuals, when meeting a person, frequently get some impressions of
his or her past life.


It will be sufficient to understand that in the Astral as well as on the

physical plane, “Coming Events cast their shadows Before”. Without
entering into a metaphysical discussion of Destiny or Fate, it may be
stated: “When Causes are set into motion, the Effects follow unless other
Causes intervene”. In some cases effects have been averted by reason of
a previous Vision, then another cause intervened. This shows that the
event was not wholly cut-and-dried. It is like a man walking toward a
precipice which he will walk off unless warned in some way.
The phenomena of Premonitions, Previsions, and Second Sight are all
forms or phases of Future Time Psychomancy. In these various forms,
the phenomenon is quite common. Many times Psychic visions manifest
themselves during sleep. The reason for this is that in the majority of
people the physical holds the attention of the individual and prevents him
from manifesting the Psychic faculties. When the physical body sinks
into sleep, however, the field is clear for the exercise of the Astral
Senses. In fact, a majority of persons do manifest Psychomancy during
sleep, but have little or no recollection of it when awake. Only indistinct
recollections of dreams may persist. Still, many of you who read these
lines will have a memory of certain dreams in which you seemed to visit
other places, scenes, lands, or countries. Upon awakening, you were
somewhat annoyed at having been brought back from your pleasant
travels to other lands.
Psychomancy frequently manifests itself in your dreams; yet precisely
the same principle is at work in both waking and dream

Psychic phenomena. The apparent di (Terence is that the dreamer seldom
carries back with him a clear and connected memory of the visions. The
awake Psychic person is able to impress his Astral Vision upon a wide-
awake physical brain, and there it is remembered and recorded.

The Stars and Science

To understand the wonderful order which rules the world and the ever-
changing position of man in relation to it, we have to discover the means
by which the heavenly influences may be measured. We must examine
the world clock to find the laws which govern its wheels. From the dial
plate, we must be able to know when the clock is going to strike and what
it means.
Mathematical knowledge of heavenly movement is as old as civil-
ization. The Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, and Persians were
masters of Astrology—cunning mathematicians who without telescopes
or delicate instruments discovered important astronomical facts.
Remember, spyglasses were first made at the beginning of the
seventeenth century and the first telescope was not in use until 1663.
Throughout the Renaissance the stargazers used in their observations a
stick or ruler whose function it was to guide the eye. Copernicus and
Tycho Brahe worked with such simple aids.
Astrologers are scholars, not charlatans, and Astrological wisdom
requires a knowledge of languages for the study of original texts, as well
as considerable mathematical skill.
The stars either are favorable or unfavorable to man’s health and
activities and to those of the state. Nothing depends upon chance;
everything is regulated and guided in a world built on order. When a man
is born, the aspect of the heavens impresses its seal upon his future. This
is not its only influence; after this original impetus, the stars continue to
exert power. Rulers once retained astrologers at

court for their own benefit, as well as for that of the state. No war was
declared, no building begun, no financial transaction made until the stars
were consulted. The Astrologer made a horoscope, a scheme which
showed the stars exerting their influence at the hour for which the action
was planned. Such horoscopes were elaborated according to basic
principles and methods.
The planets and the signs of the Zodiac are always present in the
heavens, but not all are visible. It is necessary for Astrologers to establish
rules by which the quality of the visible heavenly bodies may be judged
in order to know their influence, their strength, and weakness—their
exaltation and rejection. Certain planets or stars are powerful; the
influence of others is negligible. The basis of the method is, therefore, to
define these areas and thus establish a system for the starry globe.
The planets are considered the most important of heavenly bodies,
since they exhibit power by their individual course, according to their
own laws, and move in a direction contrary to the fixed stars. The circuits
of the Planets cover varying spans. The orb described by the Moon is
smaller in diameter than that of Saturn. In one month, the Moon achieves
its journey around the Earth, whereas Saturn requires thirty years.
In starting this elucidation of the heavenly bodies, it is necessary to
inform the reader that the system to be elaborated is purely empirical and
constitutes a special branch of the primeval “wisdom religion” which
made the ancient Occult schools of Egypt and Chaldea so justly famous.
It is necessary to explain several matters of great importance in
forming a true conception of Astral Law, The reader must not suppose
the Planets are the primary cause of all fortunes and misfortunes which
fall to the lot of mankind. This is by no means the case, for the primary
cause has its origin within the Soul. The sexual relationship between man
and woman has its laws, its harmonies, and discords. It is man’s duty to
investigate and know these laws. When we bear in mind that there is
neither morality nor sentiment in the cold inflexible justice of nature, we
learn that “Unto every violation of the law there is meted out a penalty”.
If the attributes of a thief are conceived, a thief will be born into the
world. It matters not what his circumstances or position in life

maybe; the individual so conceived will be a thief in his heart. There is
no real difference, except in magnitude, between the man who legally by
some commercial sharp practice steals a railroad and the one who lives
above his income to the detriment of his creditors. Even the poor devil
who, under the influence of criminal temptations, robs a bank or steals
your watch is just a thief. All three, when viewed in their true light, are
natural-born thieves, and each is equally deserving of the same term of
The false glamour and artificial conventionalities of modern society,
however, praise and bow down in adoration to the gifted thief of a
railroad. They pity and condone as unfortunate the man who terminates
his career in bankruptcy. But they, with neither pity nor mercy, hurry off
to jail the poor wretch who steals a watch or robs a bank of a few paltry
dollars. As a rule, it is this poor devil who is most deserving of our
Ignorance and a neglected childhood have often intensified the evil
influences of such a man’s conception and birth to an inconceivable
extent. If the world would only let him, he might become a better and
wiser man. It is equally in accordance with the same immutable laws that
every species of crime is born into the world. When inflamed passions
and cruel thoughts are latent within us and remain uncontrolled by the
higher Self during the conjugal union, a child with a similar nature is
always conceived. There is no benevolent God to graciously interfere and
prevent a criminal from being launched upon society.
Man has the privilege and possesses the possibilities of choosing the
good and preventing the conception of evil. Therefore, if either by choice
or ignorance man risks all the natural consequences, Mother Nature will
write murderer across the brow of the unborn infant.
When the embryonic potentialities of a human Soul are launched forth
into the matrix, they remain there. Slowly they evolve their organic
powers and are imprisoned within the womb until their magnetic period
of gestation is complete. It is not possible for a child to be born and live
until the Astral influx corresponds exactly to the external polarity of its
Soul. Only when the heavens are harmonious can that which we term
good become manifest upon the Earth. If the heavens are evil, the
opposite becomes eternalized.
We are, to a very great extent, what the ignorance or wisdom of

our ancestors have made us. As the world progresses, mankind obtains
more knowledge. The rising generations become wiser than their parents.
This mental evolution moves forward until the intellectuality of the race
becomes exhausted. After a rest, mankind declines from the summit of its
genius to relapse into ignorant barbarism; after having regained a supply
of latent mental force, the race once more advances.
Intellectual forces correspond in their apparent motion to the motions
of the planets, becoming alternately direct, swift, stationary, or
retrograde. Men, like plants, have their times of germination, growth,
maturity, and decay. The races of man are no exception to this universal
law of change. They move in greater cycles and their climax of
civilization corresponds to the flowering season of the vegetable
kingdom, then they run to seed and decay. But the racial Soul is treasured
like the precious seeds from the flowers, which while lying dormant,
await the necessary magnetic and spiritual conditions for its next glorious
Such are the sublime facts of nature’s immutable laws which have
made the science of the Stars true for all time and in all ages. When
Uranus and Neptune were shining in their distant heavens undiscovered,
mankind was, as a body, impervious to their action. Their organism did
not vibrate with a higher state of action. Thus, we see that as man evolves
his higher powers, more ethereal orbs appear in the celestial hierarchies
of the heavens for the purpose of controlling and directing him.
The old and now much abused Chaldean sages were thoroughly
acquainted with the facts. In order to teach these principles to their youth,
they elaborated beautiful imagery in the form of fables and allegories.
They gave the nature and power of each group of organs to the character
of that planet which they knew controlled its activities. Then they worked
out the facts into a series of mythical histories of gods and divine
personages, who incarnated themselves for the benefit of man.
Thus, Mars took the character of Vulcan, the God of War; Venus and
her innocent companion, Cupid, were assigned the character of Love and
the sympathetic tendencies of the human heart; while the benevolent
Jupiter assumed the position of Father, the kindly, generous parent, good
to all his offspring; and so on.

From this you will perceive that when they taught their children that
their gods had existed in human bodies, they did not mean to convey the
idea of Divine incarnation, but that a portion of the divinity had centered
in man and expressed itself in a special form. Thus, a great warrior who
brought honor and riches to his tribe or country through his brilliant
military victories was properly considered a son of Mars. His nature
expressed the Martial Spirit in what was considered its highest and most
potent form. If the planet is dignified and aspected by benefic rays, then
all that is noble, honorable, and manly will be the result.
You should perceive that sympathy and antipathy are the two great
laws by which the Planets affect the human organism. These two forces,
or rather let us say the dual action of this one force, constitute the two
modes of motion by which every cosmic principle expresses itself. The
two actions, the action and the reaction, are true polar opposites. Upon
the physical plane their effects are correlated as harmony and discord.
The powers of harmony and discord possess forms which are peculiar
to themselves. These forms in Astrological science are angular and are
denominated aspects. The more perfect or complete the angle is, the
greater the power its influence exerts upon matter. The symbol of discord
is called a square, and every inharmonious, angular ray constitutes a
portion of the square or the angle of 90 degrees. The symbol of harmony
is a triangle and and every benefic angular ray constitutes a portion of the
trine or an angle of 120 degrees. Thus, we have the geometric expression
of good and evil.
The discordant rays of magnetic force strike each other crossways
from opposing angles. This conflict produces a violent commotion. There
is a fight, as it were, in the current between two powers, while the
contrary result is produced in the action of the benefic rays of magnetic
force. They impinge upon each other like the two forks of a river, and
then with their united forces flow onward in harmony.
We see that when the combinations of stellar force flow in straight
lines and cut through each other from cross angles, the result upon the
physical plane is discord and evil. But when the rays of force flow in
straight but convergent angles from or towards each other, then harmony,
love, and prosperity reign.
The next subject which requires our thoughtful attention is the

four Triplicities. These trigons correspond to the four ancient elements,
Fire (Fiery), Earth (Earthy), Air (Airy), and Water (Watery). Each
triplicity of “Trigon” contains three Zodiacal signs. The Fiery trigon
embraces the signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Earthy trigon
embraces the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The Airy trigon
embraces the signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The Watery trigon
embraces the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
In practical Astrology, these triplicities are of great importance. They
shed their potent influence upon the sign at the birth of every living thing
and impress their particular nature upon the temperament of the native.
Magnetic and electric forces vary in their spirituality like everything
else in the universe. That which is superior, by virtue of its higher or
more interior emanation, will demonstrate its superiority upon every
plane. For example, Aries is the first and highest representative of the
fiery trigon, and those born with this sign rising upon the ascendant of
their horoscope will always move higher, mentally and spiritually, than
those born under Leo or Sagittarius. But externally, people born under
Aries will show their superiority from a purely intellectual point of view.
Their nature will be chiefly fiery and mental, consequently, they are
quick in action and prompt in decision.
Leo is the second representative of the Fiery trigon, and persons born
in this sign will always move upon the sensitive and emotional planes.
Their nature will be chiefly fiery and sensitive, consequently, they are
hasty and impulsive. They will act without thinking, upon the spur of the
moment, under the dominating influence of their susceptible emotional
natures. In this we see the difference between Aries, which rules the
head, and Leo, which represents the heart. Leo persons, when aroused to
a pitch of passional fury, are violent in their wild and erratic actions. An
Aries person, though susceptible to an equal degree of furious temper,
never becomes blind with emotion. Even in their most outrageous
conduct an impartial observer will see that “there is method in Aries
Sagittarius is the third of the Fiery trigon, or the most external
emanation of the fiery triplicity. It illustrates the law of contradiction to
perfection. Those born under this sign actually live and move, when
mentally and spiritually considered, upon the third plane of the fiery
emanation. Externally and in the eyes of the world

T-EATK-H 225
they seem to move in the very highest plane. Their natures are warm,
sympathetic, and active; consequently, they are generous and benevolent,
ambitious and truly jovial. They do as the world does, for they progress
not of their own internal volition, but by the gentle attraction of the social
tide of their surroundings.
In everything they are external. They are great admirers of all outdoor
sports, recreations, and pastimes, and as such they are totally incapable of
grasping any form of the higher mental and metaphysical studies. They
are considered by the masses and the world as sound logical reasoners
and possessed of good common sense. Externally they do possess all
these desirable qualities.
In Aries we have the Fiery imperial brain, which molds, guides, and
acts for itself, independent of the opinions of others. Such persons, when
unmodified by other influences, are either despots, cranks, or fanatics,
according to their peculiar bent and station in life. In Leo we see the
emotions and sensitive feelings of the heart. These souls follow
impulsively the lead of some mental genius and form the enthusiastic
followers and admirers of those who depart from the beaten path of
custom. But they require the thinking brain to direct them. They cannot
strike out upon a new path for themselves.
In Sagittarius we see the genial, sympathetic, courteous neutrality
which represents the external true gentleman. They are simply waiting to
be led in any direction that the strongest mental force desires to carry
them. They love the world and its varied delights and are consequently
contented and willing to let others do all the thinking for them.
These remarks are to be considered in a general sense only, and in
speaking of any given sign it is, of course, presupposed that the position
and aspect of the Sun, Moon, and planets do not contradict the general
tendencies of the sign upon the ascendant. What we have thus far stated
in reference to the Fiery trigon will also apply to the other triplicities. It is
unnecessary to go over the same ground with each trigon, as the above
will suffice to explain the varying powers of each Sign.
We have only to bear in mind when forming our opinion that our
premises and our conclusion must occupy the same plane. Thus, the Fiery
trigon manifests itself in the combative, aggressive, imperious,
commanding, and courageous planes of action. The Earthy trigon

manifests itself in the patient, laborious, plodding, obedient, and inert
planes of action. The Airy trigon manifests itself in the aspiring,
philosophical, musical, artistical, and volatile planes of action. The
Watery trigon manifests itself in the dreamy, romantic, changeable, timid,
and submissive planes of action.
The person born will possess deep down and latent the qualities of the
specific trigon and under proper conditions and circumstances it will rise
dominantly to the surface and manifest the true internal characteristics of
the person’s nature. The purely esoteric aspect of the four triplicities have
their Hermetic and Occult meanings. The four ancient elements have
been symbolized from time immemorial as the Man, the Bull, the Eagle,
and the Lion. Astrologically these are Aquarius, “the water bearer”,
symbolical of the Man; Taurus, the sign of the Bull; Leo, represented by
the Lion; and lastly, Scorpio, ancient symbol of the Eagle.
In this change of symbols “hereby hangs a tale”. In the esoteric
planisphere of the twelve signs, Adam Kadmon, the primordial man, pure
and in perfect accord with the Father, occupied a point of the planisphere
now designated by the sign Libra. This signifies the point of equilibrium
in the Zodiac. This esoteric point is where day and night, winter and
summer, light and darkness, good and evil, are all one. Adam Kadmon
represents the ideal Man, and the very fact that we can form an ideal
conception is the absolute proof we possess the possibilities of attaining
unto the ideas and realizing our conception.
The modern English name for this point of the Zodiac, “The Balance”,
which means Justice, is a fitting one. Justice discriminates upon the
external plane between good and evil and metes out rewards and
punishments. Life, Light, and Truth are the same and consist of spiritual
reflection. They are Spiritual rays, and when these rays become refracted
by passing through the prism of matter, Truth becomes illusion, Life
becomes limited by assuming the appearance of death. The Spiritually
beautiful and eternally True have no existence in the world where all is
change, strife, discord, and death. Therefore, the divine Spiritual ray of
Good, when it becomes refracted, presents all the forms and colors of
This celestial point in Libra is represented by Enoch in the mysteries
of the Jewish Temple, the Man who walked with God “and was not”.
This theological idea was plagiarized by the early fathers of the

Christian Church when they elaborated their Christian mysteries. They
make Libra symbolic of their Day of Judgment, when celestial “Justice”
will be meted out to all. This is the point of the planisphere occupied by
their divine Man. The Kabbalistical Adam Kadmon, the Enoch of
Judaism, becomes the Emmanuel of the new. Jesus is the sacrifice
required by the Divine Justice of God’s anger for the awful errors of a
sinful world. Judas, who as a disciple of the Son of God was able to soar
heavenward upon the wings of an Eagle (the inward inspirations), falls
into temptation and betrays his Master into the hands of his murderers.
Thence comes the fall, the Divine Eagle of the Celestial Heavens
becomes the lowly reptile, the Scorpion whose sting is concealed in the
By Nature the Zodiac is divided into equal arcs of Light and Darkness,
Winter and Summer, which in the technical terms of the science are
termed the northern and the southern Signs. When the Earth in her annual
orbit round the Sun enters the sign of Libra, the Sun appears to enter the
first degree of Aries. This occurs about the 21st of March and is called
the Vernal Equinox. Our Sun apparently moves forward through the signs
until about the 21st of June when the first point of the tropical sign
Cancer is reached and the greatest noonday altitude is attained in the
northern hemisphere. On or about the 21st of September, the Sun appears
to enter the first degree of Libra, which completes the Solar passage
through the six northern signs, and the arc of light is over. Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces constitute the southern arc
and are termed the arc of darkness.
From the time of the Winter Solstice (about the 21st of December) the
sluggish life forces of matter begin to expand. All things increase in
vitality until the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. This is the highest point of
intensity in the northern hemispheres of the Cosmic Life Forces. For a
time these forces remain stationary, then reaction slowly sets in; the trees
begin to change their tints, fruits begin to ripen, and the days grow
shorter as the Life wave recedes.
The actual duration of life of people shows a startling contrast between
those born from December to June, and those born between July and the
end of November. The longest livers were born in March, April, and
May, and a majority of the short-lived population would be found to be
born during the months of August, September, and

October. This is true on general principles and does not apply to any one
individual horoscope. The increase of the Solar light simply governs the
vitalizing capacity of the race, and not the individual.
Everything in Nature, though constituting a trinity in itself, possesses a
fourfold application when viewed from the external plane. At least we
find this four foldness a truth so far as “the things of Earth” are
concerned. Therefore, by laws of correspondences, the same application
must hold good in regard to the Celestial objects in the Heavens. The
Hermetic rule is very precise upon this: “As on the earth, so in the sky.”
Therefore, we will describe the fourfold aspect of the Stars. It is well
known to people of Occult literature that behind the external personalities
of the twelve sons of Jacob were concealed the various powers of the
twelve constellations of the Zodiac. Until quite recently, their correct
tabulation has been carefully concealed. In fact, the Kabbalistical and
esoteric aspect of this science was never committed to writing, except
under the dense veil of extremely vague allegorical symbols. This
knowledge formed a portion of “the greater Ancient Mysteries”, and as
such was necessarily confined to the favored few.
Time, however, which regulates all things harmoniously, arranges the
supply of Spiritual truth in exact proportion to the real demand. Since a
real, earnest demand has arisen for light upon the Spiritual side of Nature,
we begin to see the bright rays of Truth. The recipients of Occult
knowledge are now distributing their hoarded treasures, with delighted
hands, to the daily increasing number of seekers after Occult truth.


The Sign of Aries, in its symbolical aspect, represents the sacrifice. The
flocks and herds bring forth their young during the portion of the year the
Sun occupies this sign. In addition to the sacrifice, the Ram also
symbolizes the Spring and the commencement of a New Year when life,
light, and love are to be bestowed upon the sons of the Earth. The Sun
has once more gained victory over the realms of winter and death.

Aries represents the head and brains of the Grand Man of the Cosmos.
It is the acting, thinking principle in Nature called instinct and
intelligence. Upon the esoteric planisphere, this Sign is occupied by
Benjamin, of whom Jacob, in his blessing to the twelve sons said,
“Benjamin shall rave as a wolf, in the morning he shall devour the prey,
and at night divide the spoils”.
Above all other animals the wolf is sacred to the planet Mars, and the
sign Aries is under the special and peculiar control of this Fiery planet.
Mars is the most Fiery of all the planets, and Aries is the first
constellation of the Fiery triplicity. The gem of this sign is the Diamond,
and those born with Aries rising upon the ascendant of their Horoscope
possess in this stone a powerful magnetic talisman.


The Sign of Taurus, in its symbolical aspect, represents the powers of

fecundity and the procreative forces in Nature. Its genius was symbolized
as Aphrodite, who was represented as wearing the two horns upon her
head in imitation of a Bull. Many mythologists were deceived by this
symbol and took it to represent a figure of the crescent Moon upon the
head of Isis. It was the planet Venus which the Ancients intended to so
symbolize because she rules the constellation of the Bull by her
sympathetic forces. Apis, the sacred Bull of the Egyptians, is another
conception of Taurus, since as the Sun passed through this sign during
their plowing month, we also find this sign used as the symbol of
Egyptian husbandry.
The Sign of Taurus represents the ears, neck, and throat of the Grand
Man, hence this Sign is the silent, patient, attentive principle of humanity.
The gem of this Sign is the Sapphire and this gem constitutes their natural
talisman. Taurus is the highest emanation of the Earthly Trigon and is the
constellation of the planet Venus.


The Sign of Gemini, in its symbolical aspect, represents unity and the
strength of united action. The two bright stars, Castor and Pollux,

represent the twin Souls. The Greek myth of Castor and Pollux avenging
the rape of Helen is only a repetition of the biblical story of Simeon and
Levi slaughtering the men of Schechem for the rape of their sister Dinah.
The Sign Gemini represents the hands and arms of the Grand Man and
expresses the projecting and executive forces of humanity in ail
mechanical departments. Upon the esoteric planisphere, the sign is
occupied by Simeon and Levi. “They are brethren and instruments of
cruelty are in their habitation.”
Fearfully potent powers of production lie concealed within the
magnetic constitution of ail those who are dominated by this Sign. The
mystical symbol of the Twins conceals the doctrine of Soul Mates and
other important Truths. The mystical gem is the Emerald and,
consequently, forms the talisman stone. Gemini is the first and highest
emanation of the Airy Trigon and is the constellation of the planet


The Sign of Cancer symbolizes tenacity for Life. The crab, in order to
move forward, is compelled to walk backwards, which illustrates the
Sun’s apparent motion when in this Sign. It also represents the fruitful,
sustaining essence of the life forces. We see the symbol of the Crab
occupying a prominent position upon the breast of the statue of Isis, the
Universal Mother and sustainer of all.
The Sign of Cancer signifies the vital organs of the Grand Man and
represents the breathing and digestive functions of the human family. It
also indicates the magnetic control of this constellation over the Spiritual,
ethereal, and vital essences. Cancer governs the powers of Inspiration and
Respiration. The Sign of Cancer upon the esoteric planisphere is
occupied by Zebulon, of whom his patriarchal father declares, “Zebulon
shall dwell at the haven of the sea, and he shall be haven for ships”.
Astrologically it intimates the home of the crab, which is upon the
seashore. It also expresses the varied powers of cohesion and the
paradoxical truths found in all contradictories. The mystical gem of the
sign is the Agate. The stone constitutes a powerful talisman for

all natives of Cancer, which is the highest emanation of the Watery
Trigon and is the constellation of the Moon.


The Sign Leo symbolizes strength, courage, and Fire. The hottest portion
of the year, in the northern hemisphere, is when the Sun is passing
through this Sign. It is the solar Lion of the mysteries which ripen with
their own internal heat, the fruits brought forth from the Earth by the
moisture of Isis.
The Sign Leo signifies the heart of the Grand Man and represents the
life center of the fluidic circulatory system of humanity. It is also the Fire
vortex of physical life. Those born under this influx are noted for the
superior strength of their physical constitution and for their wonderful
recuperative powers after being exhausted by sickness. The Sign of Leo
upon the esoteric planisphere is occupied by Judah, of whom his dying
parent says, “Judah is a lion’s whelp. He stooped down, he crouched as a
This Sign reveals to us the mysteries of the ancient sacrifice and the
laws of compensation. The mystical gem of Leo is the Ruby, and it forms
the talisman for all governed by the Leonine influx. Leo is the second
emanation of the Fiery triplicity and is the constellation of the Sun.


The Sign Virgo symbolizes chastity and forms the central idea of a great
number of myths. When the Sun passes through this Sign the harvest is
ready for the reaper, so Virgo is symbolized as the gleaning maid with
two ears of wheat in her hand.
The Sign Virgo signifies the solar plexus of the Grand Man and
represents the assimilating and distributing functions of the human
organism. Consequently, we find those born under this influence possess
fine discriminating powers. This constellation, governing the bowels of
humanity, is highly important since the intestines comprise a vital section
of the digestive organism and vital fluids.

Upon the esoteric planisphere, Virgo is occupied by Asher. “Out of
Asher his bread shall be fat”, says Jacob, “and he shall yield royal
This Sign expresses the fulfillment of the creative design and the
mysteries of maternity are concealed under this symbol. The mystical
gem of Virgo is the Sardonyx, a stone possessing great virtues. Virgo is
the second emanation of the Earthy Trigon and is the constellation of


This constellation in its symbolical aspect typifies Justice. Most of our

readers have seen the goddess of Justice represented as a female,
blindfolded, holding in her hand a pair of scales. This is a purely
Astrological concept and dates back to Ancient times.
The Sign of Libra signifies the reins and loins of the Grand Man and
represents the central conservatory or storehouse of the reproductive
fluids. It is the magnetic vortex of procreative strength. This constellation
also represents, in its most interior aspect, the equinoctial point of the arc
in the ascending and descending cycle of the Life atom. This Sign
contains the unification of the Cosmic forces as the grand central point of
equilibrium of the Sphere. Libra upon the esoteric planisphere is
occupied by Dan, the patriarch. In his blessing he refers to his celestial
Nature: “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel”.
Libra represents the interior equilibrium of Nature’s forces and
contains the mystery of the Divine Equality of the Ancient initiations.
Upon the universal chart, this sign becomes Enoch, the perfect Man. Its
mystical gem is the wonderful Chrystolite. Libra is the second emanation
of the Airy triplicity and is the constellation of Venus.


The Sign of Scorpio symbolizes death and deceit. It is the allegorical

serpent mentioned in Genesis as tempting Eve. Hence, the so-called fall
of man from Libra, the point of equilibrium, to degradation and

death by the deceit of Scorpio, No wonder the primitive Mind, when
elaborating this symbol, tried to express a spirit of retaliation.
The Sign Scorpio typifies the generative organs of the Grand Man and,
consequently, represents the sexual and procreative system of all
humanity. It is the emblem of generation and Life, and the natives of
Scorpio excell in fruitfulness of the seminal fluids which creates a
corresponding increase in sexual desire. A reference to the fruitfulness of
this Sign will be found in Genesis, Chap. XXX: 10-12, where Leah, when
she beheld the birth of Zilpah’s son, exclaimed, “A troop cometh”.
Scorpio, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Gad, of whom
the dying Jacob says, “Gad, a troop shall overcome him, but he shall
overcome at the last”.
It is symbolic of the fall of man from a state of innocence and purity
through the multitude of sensual delights and his final victory over the
realms of matter as a Spiritual entity. This sign represents the physical
plane of the attributes of procreation. It contains the Mystery of Sex and
the secrets of the Ancient phallic rites. The mystical gem of Scorpio is the
Topaz, the talisman of those born under its influence. Scorpio is the
second emanation of the Water Trigon and is the constellation of Mars.


This constellation, in its symbolical aspect, represents a dual nature, as it

symbolizes retribution and all outdoor sports. We find it depicted as a
Centaur with the bow and arrow drawn ready for shooting. Hence it was
frequently used to designate the autumnal chase. The Centaur is a symbol
of authority and worldly wisdom.
The Sign Sagittarius signifies the thighs of the Grand Man. It
represents the muscular foundation of the seat of locomotion in humanity.
It is the emblem of stability, foundation, and physical power. This Sign
also represents the centers of physical, external, authority and command.
Sagittarius, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Joseph. “His
bow abode in strength,” says the patriarch, “and the arms of his hands
were made strong.”

It represents the powers of “Church and State” and the necessity of
legalized codes. It indicates to us the organizing powers of humanity and
the absolute necessity of “the powers that be”. We see in Joseph, the
Egyptian ruler and law-giver, a true type of authority. The mystical gem
of this influx is the Turquoise, and Sagittarius is the third emanation of
the Fiery Trigon and is the constellation of Jove or the planet Jupiter.


This Sign, in its symbolical aspect, typifies sin. It is the scapegoat of the
Israelites and the universal offering of a young goat as an atoning
sacrifice for man’s sin. The different qualities of the sheep and the goat,
from a symbolical standpoint, are used by St. John in his mystical
Apocalypse. The Redeemer of Mankind, or Sun God, is always born at
midnight as soon as Sol enters this Sign, or the Winter Solstice. “The
young child is born in the stable and laid in the manger of the goat, in
order that he may conquer the remaining signs of winter or death, and
thus save mankind from destruction.”
The Sign Capricorn signifies the knees of the Grand Man and
represents the first principle in the trinity of locomotion, or the joints. It is
the emblem of material servitude and as such is worthy of notice.
Capricorn, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Naphtali, of
whom Jacob says, “If a hind let loose, he giveth goodly words”.
Here we have two distinct references. The first is to the symbol of a
hind or young deer or a goat with horns, the second, “to the Christmas
proclamation, he giveth goodly words, “Peace on earth, good will toward
This sign represents regeneration or rebirth and reveals the necessity of
new dispensations. The mystical gem of this constellation is the Onyx.
Capricorn is the third emanation of the Earthy Trigon and is the
constellation of the planet Saturn.


This Sign symbolizes Judgment and forms the starry original of the Um
of Minos from which flow wrath and condemnation or blessings and
reward. The earlier baptismal urns of the primitive Christians and the
elaborate stone fonts of the modern churches are relics of this great Astral
The Sign Aquarius signifies the legs of the Grand Man and represents
the locomotive functions of the human organism. It is the natural emblem
of the changeable, movable, and migratory forces of the body. The
Water-Bearer, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Reuben,
“The excellency of dignity and the excellency of power. Unstable as
water thou shalt not excel”.
A simple but magnificent Astrological description of this Sign,
symbolized by two wavy lines, are the ripples of running water. This Sign
signifies consecration, and not only contains the rites and mysteries of
consecration, but reveals the potency of all sacred and dedicated works.
The mystical gem is the Amethyst. Aquarius is the third emanation of the
Airy Trigon and the constellation of Uranus.


This Sign symbolizes the flood, chiefly because when Sol passes through
this Sign the rainy season commences, clearing away the snow of Winter.
This Sign is also the terminus of Apollo’s journey through the twelve
Signs of the Zodiac.
Pisces signifies the feet of the Grand Man and represents the basis or
foundation of all external things, as well as the mechanical forces of
humanity. It is the natural emblem of patient servitude and obedience.
This Sign, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Ephraim and
Manasseh, the two sons of Joseph who received their portion in Israel as
the two feet of the Grand Archetypal Man.
It signifies confirmation and indicates to us the Divine purpose of the
great cycle of necessity. This cycle commences with the disruptive,
flashing, dominating fire of Aries and terminates with its polar opposite,
Water, the symbol of universal equilibrium. The mystical

gem of Pisces is the Bloodstone. Pisces is the third emanation of the
Watery Trigon and is the constellation of Neptune.
The four triplicities symbolize the four cardinal points of the universe.
To us on our present external and physical plane, they signify the four
opposite points of space as represented in the compass and cross and the
four Occult elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water). They each correspond
to a particular quarter of the heavens, as the Fiery trigon corresponds to
the positive azoth. It is expressed in the glowing, flaming horizon at
sunrise. It is the beginning of the present order of things and stands for
the principle of heat termed caloric.
Upon the intellectual plane, Fire represents Zeal, animal courage,
daring, and all that pertains to action and activity. While on the higher
plane, the esoteric Fire implies the interior apprehension of the meaning
and significance of action as displayed in the Trinity and expressed by the
Fire of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
The Earthy triplicity stands for the frozen, inert North as a symbol of
frigidness and death. It is concerned with all phenomena which are most
external and palpable to the senses. Upon the Intellectual Plane, it is
concerned with the relations of solids to each other, from which is
evolved form, proportion, and sound. Esoterically, the Earthy Trigon
denotes the comprehension of the Spiritual qualities evolved from the
earthy activities or the one Spiritual quality of the threefold formation of
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Capricorn is the result of the union of
Taurus and Virgo, and it leads either to the higher plane in the spiral of
existence or to the lower plane of the downward course.
The Airy Triplicity represents the West, the scene of the setting Sun
which signifies the dying of the day. Yet it is only the promise of another
day or an advance to a higher plane of Being. This brighter day is
denoted by the Airy trigon and is concerned with the priestly, political,
and social relations of human life. It represents the higher qualities of
these relations. It is symbolized by the invisible element, Air, or the great
medium of motion. Its esoteric significance is comprised in the arcana of
the one True Science.
The Watery Triplicity, symbolic of the South, is the exact opposite of
the earthy North. It is the frozen melted, the hardened liquefied, the
renewal of the crystal into other forms, and the resurrection of

death to Life. The Water Trigon signifies the constant effort in Nature to
adjust opposites and contradictions and to bring about chemical change
and affinities. On the external planes of human life, the Watery Trigon
denotes Love and offspring, the external results of the union of love and
sex. On the more esoteric planes, Cancer symbolizes tenacity for life,
hence the desire for immortality which leads the Immortal Soul to the
termination of its earthy pilgrimage and material incarnations. Having
passed from the lower arc of matter, the Soul enters once more upon the
Spiritual path of eternal conscious life.
The four great Trigons are but the different attributes within the human
Soul (microcosm), and the twelve constellations of the Zodiac reveal the
mystical signification of Adam Kadmon. Thus, we begin with Fire and
terminate with Water. These constitute the two poles of the human


Before describing the nature and influence of the Planets, it is necessary

to explain the difference between the Nature of a planet and the Nature of
a constellation. The twelve Signs constitute the innate, latent possibilities
of the organism, and as such represent the constitution as a whole. While
on the other hand, the Planets constitute the active forces which arouse
these latent possibilities. In this duplex action of Sign and Planet, both
Natures come into play and produce the results of external life. Man, the
microcosm, is merely the sounding board or the reacting point for their
ethereal and magnetic vibrations.
While the twelve Signs represent the human organism as a form
containing possibilities, the Sun, Moon and Planets represent the Spirit,
Soul, and Senses of the organism. Man consists of Body and Soul and
Spirit. The constellations are the Body; the Moon is the Soul; the Sun, the
Spirit; and the five Planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury,
represent and express the five physical senses. It is in this light that we
must consider the various Natures of the planetary influx.


The symbolical aspect of the glorious orb of day undoubtedly first

occupied the attention, veneration, and worship of the primitive races of
mankind. Everything in Nature depends absolutely upon the presence and
kindly support of the shining Sun. The literal interpretation of the Hebrew
name for the Sun, Ashahed, is “The all bountiful fire”.
The Sun represents the central Spiritual source of All. It is the divine
Self of the Grand Man and thus signifies the Spiritual potentialities of
creative power. It is the great I AM of all things, both Spiritual and
temporal. It is the grand conservatory of Life, Light, and Love. Upon the
esoteric planisphere, the Sun becomes the great archangel Michael who
defeats Satan and tramples upon the head of the serpent of matter and
thence guards the way of Life and Immortality with its flaming swords of
solar power. In this sense, the Sun represents the positive aggressive,
controlling forces of the Cosmos.
Astrologically considered, the Sun constitutes the central Life
Principle of all physical things. His influx determines the absolute
measure of physical vitality within each human organism. When the
Solar Ray is not vitiated by the discordant configurations of malefic stars,
the individual born then will enjoy a sound constitution.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, the Sun governs the higher group of the
selfish sentiments and lower group of the Moral qualities. These are
firmness and self-esteem and hope and conscientiousness. Those
dominated by this influx are the natural born leaders of mankind. By their
high-minded presence, they proclaim their “right divine to govern”. They
are proud and ambitious yet magnanimous and noble. Hating all mean,
petty, and sordid action, they express the very highest form of true
dignified manhood.
Upon the Physical Plane, the position of the Sun in the Horoscope is
one of vital importance. On this hangs the vital thread of Life, and if evil
rays are concentrated, the life will be of short duration.
When the Sun is afflicted at birth, His influence upon the native
through life will be malefic. When this is so, even minor evil directions to
the Sun and Moon combined will bring about the destruction of Life. For
prosperity and success in life, it is essential that the

luminaries be well aspected and favorably situated in the celestial figure.
When the Sun and Moon are afflicted at birth, that person will have a
very hard struggle against an adverse fate all the days of his fife. It will
not require the powers of an inspired prophet to foretell his general
destiny: “From evil, discord and suffering are born”.


The symbolical aspect of Luna, like the Sun, has been known from time
immemorial. The fair goddess of night has always been venerated and
worshipped as the universal mother, the feminine fructifying principle of
all things. In the poetical conception of the Hebrews, the Moon was
called Ash-nem or Shenim, the state of slumber and change. Without a
complete knowledge of Astrological science, the weird truths concealed
beneath the veil of Isis can never be properly understood. The secret of
the tides, the mysteries of gestation, and the alternate periods of sterility
and fruitfulness are caused by the ebb and flow of the magnetic life
currents throughout every department of Nature. This knowledge was the
sublime attainment of the sages who, “first discovered the starry truths
that shone upon the great Shemaia of the Chaldean lore”.
The Moon represents the Soul of the Grand Man. It is the celestial
virgin of the world. Upon the esoteric planisphere, Luna becomes
transformed into the Angel Gabriel. Upon the universal chart, we see Her
expressed as the divine Isis, the woman clothed with the Sun. As Isis, She
represents the grand initiatrix of the Soul into the sublime mysteries of
the Spirit. The Moon represents the molding, formative attributes of the
Astral Light. She stands as the representative of matter. Hence, in her
dual character, She reveals to us Her forces which are purely magnetic,
and as such, they stand as the polar opposite of the Sun, which are
electric. In their relation to each other, they are male and female.
Astrologically considered, volumes were written regarding this orb.
When we consider Her proximity to our Earth and Her affinity with it, as
well as the rapidity of Her motions, we cannot help granting to her the
highest position as an active agent in every branch of judicial Astrology.
Her influence is purely negative, and when void

of the configurations of the Sun and planets, She is neither fortunate nor
unfortunate. But when configurated with other orbs, Her influx becomes
exceedingly potent, as she receives and transmits to us the intensified
influence of those stars aspecting Her. The Moon, therefore, may be
called the great Astrological Medium of the Skies.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Luna governs the physical senses and the
animal passions. She controls the lower forms of the domestic qualities
and lower group of intellectual faculties. Those dominated by Her influx
are changeable in their Nature, submissive, and very inoffensive.
Magnetically their odylic sphere is pure mediumistic or inactive and
dreamy. Generally, Luna natives are rather indifferent characters, lacking
anything and everything which may be called strong and decisive. They
are given to roaming about or constantly moving their residences from
one place to another.
Upon the Physical Plane, the influence of the Moon is convertible in
its Nature, being harmonious or discordant according to Her relative
position to the Sun and the major planets. If the Moon be dignified at
birth, She renders the native more refined, engaging, and courteous.
Should She be well-aspected, such a position will confer refined, artistic
tastes, easy disposition, and good abilities on the native. Should the Moon
be evilly aspected, however, the native born then will be a shallow-
minded, evil character, prone to dissipation, slothful and void of proper
business foresight, consequently, improvident.


In its symbolical aspect, the planet Mercury was prominent as “the

messenger of the gods”. A thousand myths were elaborated regarding
“the fleet-footed Mercury”. In the fertile imaginations of the early
Greeks, the spirit of Mercury was ever on the alert to manifest its powers.
His actions, though sometimes mischievous, were most often beneficial.
It seems the central idea of the Ancients was to typify or express in
external form the restless activities of the mercurial Mind; hence wings
were placed upon his head and feet.
The planet Mercury signifies perception and represents the power of
sight within the Grand Body of the Celestial Man. It is the active

power of Self and consciousness within humanity. It is the ability to see,
perceive, and reason. Upon the esoteric planisphere, Mercury becomes
transformed into the angelic Raphael, the genius of wisdom and art. We,
therefore, see the esoteric forces of this orb are those which tend to
elevate mankind from the animal planes.
Astrologically, the influx of Mercury is mental and restless. No system
of mere human invention would have dedicated to an almost invisible star
the government of man’s intellectual Nature. Any fanciful system would
have attributed such an important group of mental qualities to the Sun or
to the lordly Jupiter. The experience of the Ancients, however, showed
them that neither the Sun nor Jupiter possess such influence. It is upon
the experience of the ages that the truths of Astrology are founded.
The qualities of Mercury may be expressed by energy, intellect, and
imprudence. There is nothing too hot or too heavy for His ingenuity, nor
is there anything too great for His fertile brain.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, the planet Mercury is truly the genius of
wisdom and governs those mental qualities called perceptive. The
oratorical powers are ruled by this planet. Those dominated by its influx
are ingenious, inventive, witty, sarcastic, scientific, and possess a
remarkable penetrative power. They are profound investigators of all
those sciences which aid in the promotion of commerce and the
investigation of space.
Upon the Physical Plane, Mercury rules the brain and tongue. When
strongly placed at birth, the person will possess a vivid imagination and
retentive memory. One will be noted for mental capacity and the power
of persuasion. Such a position, if configured with the moon, will give an
unwearying fancy and strongly incline the mind towards the curious and


In Her mythological and symbolical aspect, the planet Venus has been
venerated the wide world over in Her dual character of Love and
Wisdom. The bright star of the morning is the harbinger and genius of
wisdom. None of the stars of the Heavens can compare with the brilliance
and glory of Venus when She shines as the herald of

the new day. As the goddess of Love, She is equally prominent. The
ancient Greeks also represented her as Aphrodite, wearing the horns of
her most sacred bull, Taurus.
The planet Venus signifies Love within the Soul of the Grand
Archetypal Man, and thus represents the sense of true feeling embodied
in humanity. It expresses the clinging, yielding feminine portion of the
human constitution. Upon the esoteric planisphere, Venus becomes the
celestial Angel, princess of the Astral Light. In this character we behold
Her powers of transformation and the “conservation of forces”. As Isis
(Moon) represents the Astral Fluids in a state of rest, Venus represents
the same fluid in action. Therefore, the Moon and Venus form the
symbols for the two modes of motion within the Soul of the Universe.
Astrologically, the planet Venus represents mirth, joy and conviviality
as the influx inclines those under Her rule to pleasure seeking and grand
display. The pleasures of society are especially governed by Venus.
Balls, parties, concerts, and receptions possess almost irresistible
attractions to those born under Her influence. If afflicted in a feminine
Horoscope without strong counteracting rays, the native becomes
“unfortunate” and suffers from the loss of virtue.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Venus controls the higher group of the
domestic qualities and also the ideal, artistic, and musical sentiments.
Those dominated by her influx excel in music, art, and poetry and
become noted for their refined accomplishments. But they may lack true
moral power. They are impulsively guided by their sentiments, passions,
and desires.
Upon the Physical Plane, Venus has chief dominion over the Mind of
the native. She induces a strong predilection for society and confers a
good humored, witty, kind, and charitable disposition. Men dominated by
Venus are always great favorites with the fair sex, but they are
thoroughly deficient in firmness and self-control. It has been truly said,
“The general disposition derived from Venus is that of mildness and
genuine good nature, and whatever defects may fall to the lot of the
native, they are seldom great ones and are more the result of weakness
and a strong animal Nature than constitutional wickedness and/or a great
desire to do wrong.”


This Planet, in its symbolical aspect, was the object of Divine honors
more than all others in the eyes of the Ancient world. Mars was the most
sincerely worshipped of all the gods by our northern Ancestors. The
greatest glory, in their rude times, was enjoyed by the greatest warrior.
Hence Mars, in His universal character, represents the God of War. He
was also symbolized as Vulcan, the celestial blacksmith, who forged the
thunderbolts of Jove. This indicates the rule of Mars over Iron, Steel,
Fire, and edged tools.
The Planet Mars signifies alimentiveness within the Grand Man and
represents the sense of taste. We have a direct reference to the expression
of these martial forces in reference to the physical sensations in the New
Testament, “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die”.
Upon the esoteric planisphere, Mars becomes transformed into the
angel Samael (Zamaei), wherein are shown the highest attributes of this
Spirit. Mars represents the power and ability to appreciate the higher,
finer, and more ethereal essences of the Life wave and to have dominion
over the powers of absorption and assimilation.
Astrologically considered, Mars typifies and embodies in his Astral
expression the spirit of cruelty, bloodshed, and of indiscriminate
destruction. The true son of Mars is a genuine pugilist and is never so
happy as when thoroughly engaged in vanquishing his opponent.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Mars represents the Spirit of enterprise,
energy, and courage. Without a spice of this planet, all men would be
shiftless, effeminate cowards. Those dominated by the Martial influx are
mechanical in the highest degree and possess an unconquerable, untiring
energy and potent will.
Upon the Physical Plane, Mars signifies all those who are engaged in
the production of Iron and Steel. All martial men prefer some business
where sharp instruments are used. When the planet is rising at birth, it
imparts a kind of ruddiness either upon the face or hair, a Fiery look, or
gives to the native a dauntless, manly appearance. If located in the
negative angle, it causes the native to become improvident and to spend
money thoughtlessly. Located in the mid-

heaven, Mars never fails to cause the native much suffering from slander
and consequent detriment of character. When we compare the native of
Mars with that of Saturn, we find them as the polar opposites.


Under its symbolical aspect, we find Jupiter universally recognized

among the Ancient Greeks as Jove. Under the remoter Aryan symbolism,
it is represented as the “all Father of Heaven”. Both conceptions, Greek
and Aryan, are identical. The rude conceptions of the hardy sons of the
North see the planet Jupiter depicted as Thor, from which comes the
Saxon Thors-day or the modern English Thursday.
The planet Jupiter signifies ethereal absorption within the Grand Man.
It, therefore, represents the power of scent or smell within the body of
humanity. It is the sense which the developed Soul perceives and partakes
of the finer aromatic essences of Nature. Upon the esoteric planisphere,
Jupiter becomes transformed into the celestial Zachariel of Zadkiel, and
thus represents the impartial Spirit of disinterestedness. In this capacity, it
signifies the principles and philosophy of arbitration, the perfect
adjustment of equilibrium by the withdrawal of any disturbing forces.
Astrologically, the planet Jupiter is the largest, and next to Saturn, the
most potent planet in our Solar system. He signifies all that is truly good
and charitable in human life. His action is truly noble, far removed from
the sheepish timidity of Saturn or the impudent forwardness of Mars. The
genuine son of Jupiter fills the atmosphere around him with genial
warmth. His Soul is brimming full of honest good Nature. Utterly
incapable of practicing fraud, He never suspects it in others, and often
becomes the victim of others. This planet’s Nature suggests that the
native takes every man to be honest until he is proven to be a rogue.
Upon the Intellectual Plane Jupiter signifies the higher Moral Nature,
the humanitarian qualities, and is the author of all noble and charitable
institutions and enterprises. Those dominated by His influx express the
highest form of human nature. There is something

truly royal in this planet’s influence, a mixture of the father, patriarch,
and king. Such natives do much to redeem mankind from their general
depravity. There is always a fine sense of discrimination, and they
possess rare qualities of Justice which entitle them to be the judges of the
Upon the Physical Plane, Jupiter may be called the Greater Fortune
when he rules over a nativity. He gives a sober, manly, commanding
presence. The native is sober and grave, but at the same time kind and
sympathetic. If well dignified, He makes the native sincere, honest and
faithful, generous, liberal, prudent, and aspiring, strongly given to
religious and moral sentiments.


Old Father Time with his skeleton-like form and deathly scythe is well-
known. This is one of the many forms assumed by Saturn in his
symbolical aspect. With the Ancient Greeks he was known as Kronos
holding the cycle of necessity and eternity in one hand and the symbol of
death in the other. Saturn then was typifying eternal change of form,
sphere, and function. Among the ancient Hebrews, Saturn was called
Shebo, a name which literally means seven. It is composed of Ashehed,
which means the star of old age and expressed the symbol of the planet.
The planet Saturn signifies silent meditation and corresponds to the
auricular attributes of the Grand Man. It represents the sense and powers
of hearing and listening. We see the mystical significance of the
conception of this orb as silent meditation. In order to meditate there
must be silence. Meditation is but the listening of the Mind to the
inspirations of the Soul. Upon the esoteric planisphere, Saturn becomes
the angel Cassiel or the genius of reflection in the Astral Light. It also
presents to us the Occult side of all theological mysteries; hence the
medieval conception of this planet as the isolated hermit of the sky.
Astrologically, the planet Saturn is the most potent and malignant of
all the planets. This is not because of the marked character of his
influence, rather it is the imperceptible, subtle manner in which His
influx undermines the vitality of the physical organism. Mars comes

like a thunderclap and gives everyone to understand there is something
decidedly wrong. But Saturn is exactly the reverse. His Nature is slow
and patient, cunning and stealthy. At least a good half of our world’s
suffering is due to the action of this malignant planet. In fact, nine-tenths
of the ills of human life are due to the malignant rays of Mars and Saturn
when combined. Mars commits crimes in a passionate and unthinking
manner and is seldom guilty of premeditated wrong. Saturn is the
reverse! He thinks over all His plans very carefully before He attempts to
put them into execution and seldom makes a mistake.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Saturn governs the higher group of the
selfish sentiments and the whole of the reflective qualities. Those
dominated by His influx are retired, reserved, slow in speech and action.
They express the highest form of reflection; consequently, they are
studious, scientific, and close reasoners. They generally tend to
exclusiveness, and the hermit is a true type of this planet’s action.
Upon the Physical Plane, the only good Saturn can do is to strengthen
the mentality, cool the passions, and make the native selfish and careful
of his own interests. When a person can claim these favors, he is
exceedingly fortunate because almost every aspect and position of this
planet is more of a misfortune than a blessing. In Nature it is cold and
selfish and is very apt to create a miserly disposition.
We have now completed our description of the Ancient seven
planetary principles of Occult philosophy, but we will add an outline of
the remaining orbs (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto). They belong to another
octave and were not known to the wise Ancients.


Uranus, the mythological parent of Saturn, commences the first series of

a higher round or cycle of celestial influence. His nature is that of
Mercury upon a more interior plane and that of Mars and Saturn
combined upon the lower or physical plane.
Astrologically considered, the planet Uranus has not exerted His full
power upon the Earth. The age is not yet ripe for His total influence.

Upon the Intellectual Plane, Uranus rules the ideal sentiments and the
imagination. Those dominated by His influx possess the most
extraordinary abilities in various special directions. They are real
geniuses whose talents are so strange and erratic that they seldom become
Upon the Physical Plane, Uranus tends to make the native an object of
comment. Those under His influence are odd in their many ways. They
are strongly argumentative and opinionated. What they say is to the point
and asserted with a startling amount of confidence. This planet is the
great significator of the Occult, and His influence never fails to produce
true mystics.


At present the influence of Neptune is small, except upon certain

organisms. We are not prepared for the revolutions of still more ethereal
forces. As the race evolves higher susceptibilities, the influence of
Uranus and Neptune will increase and that of Mercury and Venus will
wane. Neptune expresses all higher qualities at present known to us.
Astrologically considered, Neptune is the octave expression of the
planet Venus. Its influx relates to the affectional and emotional qualities.
This love is purely platonic and idealistic.
Upon the Physical Plane, His aspects (when powerful) with the Sun
and Moon tend towards the production of Clairvoyance.


Strange as it may seem, it is, nevertheless, a fact that Pluto was the long
missing planet. It has been allegorically expressed as the Prodigal Son. In
our esoteric system there are ten celestial bodies— The Sun and the nine
planets. Until 1933 we had only nine in all. Where was the lost one? Now
we know! Pluto symbolizes the missing Soul within the human
constitution. Pushed out of the line of march by disturbing forces, Pluto
became the prey of disruptive actions. The ring of planetoids between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter indicated

to us the empty throne of Abel, whom Cain (Mars) slew in his anger. The
time ultimately came when this orb was reconstituted, and until that time
the missing Soul sought its physical mate in vain. The effect of Pluto
upon our modern lives is still poorly understood.
The wise men of Chaldea inspected the beautiful constellations of
heaven and learned therefrom the mighty secrets of the Soul’s origin and
destiny as well as the material details of their physical lives. The same
book of Nature is open now as then, but only the pure in heart can read its
pages and trace the Great Chain of Being and Life from Nature through
the Stars.


The beautiful, twinkling, glittering stars, The rivals

in splendor of Venus and Mars, They come and they
go, Molding the powers of our weal or our woe.

Shining serene in the heavens above, Nightly

teaching us lessons of love, No discords nor jars
Appear to disturb these beautiful stars.

The soul seems to claim these jewels on high, And

struggles to soar to its source in the sky, But sorrow
and pain,
Are the pathways that carry it homeward again.

How oft have we dreamed, when gazing above, That

the purified soul—the offspring of love, When freed
from earth's load,
Would find in the stars its peaceful abode.

So fondly we think of our homes in the sky, Joined

with the soul for whose presence we sigh; Where
Saturn nor Mars
Can embitter our joys mid the beautiful stars.

4 Astrology Lessons
For Beginners

What is Astrology? It seems best to answer this question at the beginning.

Astrology is the science of the Stars. It teaches that each of nine planets
in the sky which are within our Universe has a special or individual
influence upon the earth and all things on the earth. There are thousands
of stars in the sky which can be seen on a clear night. Only nine of them
are within our Solar system. The others are beyond and too far away to
have any great influence upon us. In Astrology, we are mainly concerned
with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and
These orbs appear to revolve constantly around the earth at different
rates of speed. The path they apparently take in traveling through space is
called the Zodiac. The Zodiac has been divided into twelve sections from
time immemorial by ancient and modern Astrologers and named Signs.
We can trace or follow the motion of these planets (the Sun and Moon are
called planets in Astrology) through the Zodiac or Signs. These are called
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, in the order named.
Since there are 360 degrees in a circle and there are twelve signs, each
sign is 30 degrees in length. Each degree is divided into minutes (60) and
seconds (60). Thus one may, if he knows how, find the exact

position of each planet at any time in degrees, minutes, and seconds at
any time of the day or night or at any day of any year. An Ephemeris is a
book of tables for any year, giving the exact positions of each planet in
degrees, minutes, and seconds for any day and month. These tables are
prepared in advance by the U.S. Naval Observatory at Washington, D.C.,
and by other countries, and Astrologers adapt these tables to their own
use and purpose.
Each of the twelve Zodiacal Signs is said to have a Ruling Planet.
Since there are only nine “planets”, some of them rule more than one
sign. After years of observation, Astrologers have determined that the
influence of some planets in some signs is stronger than when they are in
other signs. Therefore, each sign was given a ruling planet on the theory
that the influence of the planet is peculiar to that sign.
The next thing is that each sign corresponds to certain dates of the
calendar. Thousands of years ago it was discovered how at certain times
of the year the Sun was in the same sign of the Zodiac. It was found that
the Sun was always in Aries when the Spring began, that it had just
entered Cancer when the Summer begins. Therefore, each sign was given
the corresponding dates for the sign.
Formerly, the first of the year began on the 21st of March, for this is
really the beginning of a new year when Spring revives all Nature from
its long, wintery slumber. That is why Aries, which rules from March
21st to April 20th, is called the first sign of the Zodiac. But while the
calendar has been changed several times, the planets and signs rule the
same time of the year, regardless of how many times the names of the
months are changed.
The planets move at different speeds through the sky. Thus, the faster
moving planets will pass those which do not move so fast. Therefore they
form certain ASPECTS with each other as they move across the sky.
When two planets are 120 degrees apart, they are Trine or good aspects to
each other and their influence upon the earth is favorable. When two
planets are 90 degrees apart, they are in adverse aspect to each other and
their combined influence upon the earth is unfavorable. As these nine
celestial bodies move majestically around the Zodiac you can see why it
is unlikely that in one generation they will ever entirely repeat
themselves, and their Aspects will constantly change. No two people are
exactly alike in

every way, and this is why it is necessary to construct a chart of the
positions of the planets at the birth of the individual in each case in order
to get details of the influences.
The speed of the planets is as follows:
The MOON passes around the Zodiac through all of the twelve signs
every 28 days.
MERCURY passes through the entire Zodiac every 88 days.
VENUS takes 32 weeks to go through the entire Zodiac.
The Sun goes through the entire Zodiac once in each year, remaining
in each sign about a month. The Sun is considered the Giver of Life, and
so whatever sign the Sun is in at your birthday is your birth sign.
MARS takes about two years to go through the Zodiac.
JUPITER takes about twelve years to pass through the entire Zodiac
and may be said to remain in each sign about a year.
SATURN takes about 29 years to pass through the entire Zodiac, and
so remains in each sign approximately two and one half years.
URANUS takes 84 years to go around the entire Zodiac, and so
remains in each sign roughly seven years.
NEPTUNE moves through the entire Zodiac in about 164 years, and so
remains in each sign about 14 years.
It should be plain why no two people are alike, for these different
transits and aspects of the Sun, Moon, and Planets can hardly be repeated
exactly within one lifetime, especially as it takes some planets more than
one lifetime to transit the complete Zodiac.
Astrology should not be classed with fortune telling. One does not
need any “supernatural gifts” to learn and practice Astrology. It is an art
and science which anyone with an ordinary school education and a fairly
good memory should be able to learn and practice. Astrology is a science
in the sense it predicts the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets in
advance or bases its analysis of the character and future of a subject on
such positions at the time of birth. It is an art in the sense that certain
conclusions are drawn from the relative positions of these orbs at any
time in the past or the future. The positions of the planets are obtained
from Ephemerides based upon astronomical observations and
calculations by competent astronomers.
This chapter teaches the Nativity Horoscope, based upon the date

and hour of birth. Later, you may wish to study the Radical and
Progressed Horoscope. These are more advanced and more complicated
studies necessary to become a professional Astrologer. An Ephemeris of
any given year may be purchased from large dealers in Astrological
literature. Consult any magazine on Astrology, found on most large
bookstands or in large book stores, for such information.
Astrology is returning to public favor rapidly of late years. It is the
oldest science in the world, and evidently has its beginnings in very early
civilizations. The ancient Egyptians and the ancient Hebrews were
familiar with it. In fact, it has been said that the twelve tribes of the
Hebrews were named after the twelve signs of the Zodiac. However, this
art and science could only be practiced and understood by the learned and
more intelligent, while the mass of people were relatively ignorant. And
so, as the age of darkness of learning and intellect deepened and was
encouraged by selfish and tyrannical rulers, this art and science of
Astrology fell largely into disuse.
As intelligence and education increased in more modern times, these
studies were again revived. The modern art of Astronomy which consists
merely of the study of the celestial orbs of the skies, their positions,
distances, sizes, and many other kinds of information useful to modern
physical science, is the result of the studies of such men as Copernicus,
Kepler, and others who lived hundreds of years ago and who were really
Astrologers in origin.
As a matter of fact, the name Astronomy was originally Astrology
(Astro, meaning stars, and ology meaning study or science of) but to
distinguish physical Astronomy from Astrology, its name was changed in
recent years.
Newspaper reports of more or less recent investigations of Sun spots
and their causes seem to indicate, statistically at least, that they have an
apparent effect on the affairs of men as well as on the periodic growth of
vegetation. There have been indications that the periodic appearance of
Sun spots might be coordinated with the periodic outbreak of dormant
volcanos. However, a study by some astronomers would seem to
coordinate the periodic outbreak of Sun spots (roughly every twelve
years) with the position of the planet Jupiter at perihelion (nearest
position to the Sun) which also occurs every twelve years.

Astrologers, of course, have long considered the influence of the Sun,
Moon, and Planets on the Earth and its people to be a reality. The
influence of the Sun and Moon is, of course, stronger since these bodies
are nearer the earth and such influences as they have on tides are the most
easily noted.
Incidentally, the ancient Roman name of our Moon was Luna, and the
word “lunatic” for an insane person evidently was derived from the
Roman name for the Moon. This would indicate that there was a popular
idea or superstition that the Moon’s light made some people crazy. Of
course, scientists laugh at this notion and perhaps rightly. Yet, the fact in
itself would argue that the Ancients, at least, found some sort of baleful
influence of the Moon on certain persons at certain times.
While a true Horoscope should rightly be based on the hour, date, and
place of birth, many persons do not know the exact hour of their birth.
Modern Astrologers have compromised by the use of the date of the birth
only for such cases. They are not so accurate a source of a Horoscope, but
by making the Sign which is based on the birth date the rising sign, or
first sign, they have been able to furnish what they call a Nativity as
distinguished from a true Horoscope. The true horoscopes of young
children can often be made because the parents will be able to recall the
actual or approximate hour of birth of the child.


To enable you to study Astrology, it is necessary that you first become

familiar with the symbols used by Astrologers.
The Planets in the sky are constantly moving through space. These
movements and positions are listed in a book called an Ephemeris. An
Ephemeris is a table or list of the Planets and the signs they occupy from
day to day. The astronomers, scientists, and mathematicians who
determine these day-to-day positions have adopted a universal system of
symbols so that a person who speaks any language may read the English
Ephemeris. The same thing applies to other languages. Once you have
learned the symbols for each Planet and each sign, you will be able to
read the positions from any Ephemeris. The

names of the planets and signs are not spelled out in the Ephemeris.
Therefore, it is necessary that you thoroughly fix those symbols in
your mind and learn to make or draw them yourself.
The Symbols of the Signs of the Zodaic are as follows:
ARIFS V _______ LI B RA . * = _____________
TAURUS___ _____________ SCORPIO___ 332_____
G E M I N 1 _ J C __________ SAGITTARIUS— ^ ------------
LEO tfb AQUARI US____ St____
VIRQO ne PISCES_____ 3 fc _____________

The Symbols of the Planets are as follows:

MOON____ I» ____ SUN ______ Q._______ _

MERCURY y_____ VENUS____ t_______
MARS____ '______________ JU PITE R ^ 4 ______
U R AN US__ CL._ _

When writing down the Planets and Signs, get into the habit of
using the symbols instead of spelling out the words. If you will
examine the symbols closely, you will find that each one of them is
very easy to draw.


Everyone is born in one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. These

Signs also have the qualities called Fire, Earth, Air, and Water
named after the ancient, supposed, four elements in Nature. Fire and
Water signs do not harmonize readily, nor do Earth and Air signs.
The following are the dates and qualities of the twelve signs:
Name o f the Sign Birth Dates Gender Element
ARIES March 21st to April 20th Masculine Fire
TAURUS April 21st to May 20th Feminine Earth
GEMINI May 21st to June 21st Masculine Air
CANCER June 22nd to July 22nd Feminine Water
LEO July 23rd to August 22nd Masculine Fire

Name of the Sign Birth Dates Gender Element
VIRGO Aug. 23rd to Sept. 22nd Feminine Earth
LIBRA Sept. 23rd to Oct. 22nd Masculine Air
SCORPIO Oct. 23rd to Nov. 21st Feminine Water
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22nd to Dec. 21st Masculine Fire
CAPRICORN Dec. 22nd to Jan. 19th Feminine Earth
AQUARIUS Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th Masculine Air
PISCES Feb. 19th to March 20th Feminine Water
It is interesting to note that physiologists and embryologists recognize
the fact that all individuals have, basically, qualities of both sexes, but
which will predominate in the final sex of the individual depends on
certain interesting genetic qualities.
If you will now refer to the sample chart, you will notice the Zodiac
signs or their symbols are on the outside. Each sign has 30 degrees.
Every 10th and 20th degree is indicated with a longer line. The 5th, 15th,
and 25th degrees are indicated by shorter lines or dots between the
numbers. Each sign is separated from the next with a


dividing line which goes through the second and third circles of the
chart. The first degree of Aries is exactly on that long line at the left edge
of the chart. If the planet is in the eighth degree of the sign, it would be
entered halfway between the 10 and the dot which indicates 5 degrees.
You may draw a little line from the symbol of the planet on the outer
circle to the exact degree on the inner circle if you wish. This may make
it easier to judge the aspects which will be described later.
To construct a chart for one born October 2nd, 1924, we find in a
purchased Ephemeris on October 2nd, the Sun was 9 degrees in the sign
Libra. Find the sign Libra on the chart and place the symbol of the Sun
(a circle with a dot in the center) near the 9th degree of Libra. We note
the Moon, whose symbol is a crescent, is 27 degrees in Scorpio. Place
the symbol for the Moon near the 27th degree of the chart. Also, place
the symbols of the planets on the proper places, thus: Neptune 21
degrees in Leo, Uranus 18 degrees in Pisces, Saturn 2 degrees in
Scorpio, Jupiter 14 degrees in Sagittarius, Mars 26 degrees in Aquarius,
Venus 24 degrees in Leo, and Mercury 22 degrees in Virgo.

ASPECTS: An aspect is the number of degrees on the chart between

two planets. If they are 90 degrees apart, this is an adverse aspect. If they
are 120 degrees apart, this is a favorable or good aspect. Because of the
different rates of speed through the Zodiac, the Planets form different
aspects or angles at different times.
It was, originally, necessary to find the aspects by making tedious
calculations to find the angles between the transmitting Planets. This is
not now necessary, for there is a mechanical process for doing this. An
aspect finder is sold by Astrological supply firms. On a diagram of the
Zodiac, the disc is placed over it at the center and a thumb tack put at the
exact center around which the disc will turn. Turn the disc until the
initial arrow points to the degree or near it at which the Moon is placed.
Look at the place where the nearest Planet is touching. We enter on the
recording chart the adverse or favorable aspects of the Planets. When
taking the Moon’s aspects, ignore any aspect which is more than 10
degrees from the line.
All the Planets will not have aspects to each other. When recording
aspects for Planets, ignore those more than 5 degrees from any of the

T-EAFK-l 257
lines. The adverse aspects are 180 degrees, 150 degrees, and 90 degrees.
The good or favorable aspects arc 60 degrees and 120 degrees. When
two Planets are within 5 degrees of each other, they are said to be in

Numbers refer to degrees of space. Solid lines Bad. Dotted lines

Good. Refer to these degrees on the Aspectarian so as to tell which are
good and which are bad aspects.

When finding aspects, you eliminate one each time you go from one
Planet to the other. To make this clear, you indicate the aspects of the
Sun and Moon when you take the aspect of the Moon. Thus, taking the
aspect of the Sun again would only repeat the same thing.


Moon to Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter,

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Mercury to Venus, Sun,
Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Venus to Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune.
Sun to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Mars to Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune.
Jupiter to Uranus, Neptune.
Uranus to Neptune.

By looking them up and recording in this manner, you will avoid

repeating any aspects. When recording aspects it would be well to draw a
line after the Planets with no aspects to avoid confusion.
If you have a recording sheet properly filled out, you are ready to
begin reading the Horoscope.
Start at the top of the page and then look up the indications of the Sign
under which you were born, or the sign written on top. Then, one by one,
look up the meaning of the Planets in the Signs you have recorded. You
will find them in the chart reader. Make a note of all that you discover in
the indications. Next, look up in the chart reader the good and adverse or
bad indications, also making note of them. After that, look up the
meanings of the conjunctions, if any. Incidentally, the word “bad” or
adverse does not really mean as unfortunate as it sounds, it has a limited
meaning, since the Stars incline but do not impel.
Where indications of different aspects seem to conflict, this kills or
neutralizes one another. Thus, if an indication says a happy marriage and
another aspect means an unhappy marriage, these just mean the unhappy
one had been neutralized by the happy one. You thus have to balance
one aspect with another in this way when they relate to the same thing.
As an Astrologer, it is your job to adjust these aspects, always
remembering that this is not fortunetelling, and the stars incline but do
not impel.
If you read more advanced books on Astrology, you may note that

a Table of Houses of the Horoscope is needed. After you have mastered this
course and become thoroughly familiar with it, you may be interested in the
more advanced courses. There are numerous good handbooks on the market.
But for some lime all you will need is an Ephemeris of each year because
a different horoscope requires a different Ephemeris if the year of birth is

AIRY SIGNS: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
ASPECT: The number of degrees between two Planets on the Aspect
ASPECT FINDER: A mechanical disc placed over the Aspect Chart, etc.
CONJUNCTION: When two Planets are within 5 degrees of each other.
CHART: A graphic map of the heavens showing Signs and Planets at the
time of birth.
DIRECT MOTION: When a Planet is apparently moving steadily ahead.
DEGREE: The 30th part of a Sign. Each Sign is divided into 30 degrees,
60 minutes, and 60 seconds. You may disregard the minutes and
seconds except when the total is almost a degree.
EARTHY SIGNS: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
EPHEMERIS: A table of the positions of Planets, Sun, and Moon for each
FIXED SIGNS: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
FIERY SIGNS: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
HOROSCOPE: A series of interpretations and forecasts regarding life of
an individual. Information derived from individual Star Map at the time
of birth.
PARALLEL: When two Planets are at equal distance from the Equator.
Same value as a conjunction.
RETROGRADE: When a Planet appears to be moving backward, or
opposite to direct. This is only an apparent motion because of the motion of
the earth and its relation to the motion of the Planet, etc. SIGN: An arbitrary
section of the Zodiac of 30 degrees angular length. It may be said to be the
path of the earth, or a twelfth section. WATERY SIGNS: Cancer, Scorpio,

ZODIAC: A representation in the heavens of the angular path of the Earth
around the Sun. The ancients believed the Earth went around the Sun,
whereas the Zodiac is its apparent path as seen from the Earth.


After you have become familiar with the general procedure and secure
an Ephemeris for the current year, find the date for any month and day
you wish to look up and note the location of the Moon. Turn the aspect
finder until the pointer or arrow is at the degree and sign of the Moon for
the month and day. Now, see if it makes any aspects with the Sun and
any of the Planets. If the aspects are all favorable for the day, then the
day is favorable. If the majority of the aspects are adverse, then caution
is needed for that day.
If you will go through the same procedure for the Sun for any month,
you can find out the favorable or unfavorable conditions for that month.
Watch the aspects of the Sun for a fortunate month in advance. As the
Sun changes its position a degree a day, there will be some variations,
but the balance or majority of aspects good or bad will govern events.
The illustration is a device which is called a Mechanical Aspecsarian.
These devices are constructed of good quality cardboard so that they will
last a lifetime and may be procured for a reasonable sum from the
concerns that sell Ephemerides. This chapter has been prepared to
incorporate the use of an Aspectarian, since it is then very easy for the
student to find his own aspects and read his Horoscope.
The illustration is for the purpose of acquainting you with the
appearance of an Aspectarian so you will know what you are buying
when you purchase one. Various manufacturers of these Aspectarians
have differently decorated disks, yet they ail serve the same purpose.
The use of an Aspectarian saves the student many hours of hard work
and mathematical calculation since it is automatic in its showing of the
planetary aspects and absolutely accurate as to the relative distance of
the Planets from each other in the Horoscope chart.

The Chart Reader gives the inclinations or influences and the probable
results unless something is done to change them. The principle of
Astrology, as distinguished from fortunetelling, is that forewarned is
forearmed against adversities or adverse characteristics.
When people drift through life without an attempt to correct adverse
inclinations, the latter will largely prevail, modified by the environment.
Because your chart may show some adversities is no reason for your
experience to be like them. Man is not a creature without will. He can
control his destiny if he is strong enough to do it. In other words, fatality
and Astrology are not the same thing. Emerson once said, “Astrology is
astronomy brought to earth and applied to the affairs of men.” As
Shakespeare once said in his play Julius Caesar: “The fault... is not in our
stars but in ourselves.. Take counsel from the stars but reserve judgment
and action for yourself.
Incidentally, the names of the signs of the Zodiac are actually the
names of stellar constellations enormously more distant than the Planets
in our solar system. Many thousands of years ago these constellations
could be seen at the parts of the heavens corresponding to the signs. But
during this great period of time there has been a shift so that Pisces now
appears where Aries should be. This is an interesting point which you
might look up later when you have learned more about Astrology.


The following pages are devoted to a reading of the supposed influence

of the Planets in all the signs and the aspects they make with each other
at different times. No one person, of course, will have all the indications
for each case, but it is necessary to give all indications for all cases or
nativities as they occur. This section is called the “Chart Reader”
because it is to be distinguished from the making of the chart and the
tabulation of the Planets for each nativity.
There is no hard and fast rule as to the influences given. As you
eliminate conflicting influences and outline those which agree, you will
find that no two horoscopes are exactly alike because you will have to
change the given indications somewhat and put them into

your own words to fit every individual. Experience and practice in
constructing charts and reading them will enable you to give better


ARIES: (March 21st to April 20th inclusive, any year) A masculine sign.
Ruling planet Mars. Denotes much mental energy. A natural leader. Very
ambitious. Dislikes a master and limitations. Quick temper and quick
witted. Love of justice but apt to go to extremes if indignant.
Philosophically minded. Will go to extremes if ambitious. Can do best
work when at the head of things. Usually kind, considerate, and
thoughtful. Thinks no one can do better than himself when well educated
or trained. Hard worker, honest, and sincere in friendships. Desires home
comforts. High ambitions, but may lack patience in attaining them. May
be destined to rise high in life, perhaps.
TAURUS: (April 21st to May 21st) A feminine, earth sign. Ruling
planet Venus. Self-reliant and firm in convictions. Careful or cautious.
Usually patient and will wait a long time for hopes to mature. Kind and
gentle unless provoked unduly, furious and headstrong when fully
aroused. Energetic and talented. Retiring and somewhat shy, often. Keen
appreciation of art, music, nature, literature, and scientific things,
especially if educated along these lines. Inclined to romance, love of
travel, and dealing with public. Eager for education. Humanitarian. Kind
to animals. Usually a loving, trusting disposition.
GEMINI: (May 22nd to June 21st) A masculine, airy sign. Ruling
planet Mercury. Changeable in opinions. Great love of home and family.
Too easily influenced by kindness and apt to place confidence in the
wrong kind of persons. Vivid imagination and quite studious. Always
striving for self-improvement. Quick in decision or judgment. Keen
observer. Dislikes idleness and must be busy at something Ambitious but
sometimes visionary. Confiding, honest, sincere. Quite skillful with
hands. May be clever and witty and a good sense of humor. Fond of
travel and change as well as intellectual pursuits. Forgives easily. A
magnetic personality. Inclined to go to extremes in jealousy, sympathy
and other emotions.

CANCER : (June 22nd to July 22nd) A feminine, watery sign with
ruling planet the Moon. Sensitive disposition. Versatile but retiring and
timid at first acquaintance. A fertile imagination with many worthwhile
talents capable of development. Fond of adventure, travel, music, books,
drama, romance, and the arts. Too easily influenced by environment.
Often inclined to self-pity. Also often too generous for own good.
Greatly attached to home and family, May have many talents and fail to
concentrate on one, to his detriment. Inclined to worry about many
things. Inventive and dramatic talents, perhaps. Often too easily
influenced by others.
LEO: (July 23rd to August 22nd) A masculine, fiery sign. Ruling
planet the Sun. A natural leader. Full of energy but sometimes somewhat
nervous and restless. Philosophical, determined, high tempered, with a
sunny disposition. Dislikes a master and not to be forced to do anything
against his will. Not satisfied in subordinate positions, perhaps. Ardent,
sincere, and affectionate. Love of praise but honorable in dealings. Some
have inventive minds. Others love music, the arts, natural beauties, and
intellectual pursuits. Some have clairvoyant ability. Hard to convince
and must have their own way, quite often. Will not be driven but can be
persuaded. Fond of travel, sports, exercise, mechanics and often have a
number of interesting hobbies. A magnetic personality.
VIRGO: (August 23rd to September 22nd) A feminine, earthy sign.
Ruling planet Mercury. Very critical at times. Easily offended but
modest and generous, thoughtful, artistic, talented, and romantic. Great
respect for wealth. Quick, perceptive mind. Good memory. Very active
but seldom contented for long. Philosophically inclined with good
reasoning powers. Idealistic in many ways but yet rather practical. Fond
of reading and other intellectual activities. Sometimes given to worry
without important cause. May then be irritable and unhappy. Quick to
learn and worth educating or training. Somewhat quick-tempered but
seldom get into serious quarrels. Love of reasonable argument. Adults
often have a good command of the language after proper education and
much reading. Have the patience to rise high in life.
LIBRA: (September 23rd to October 22nd) A masculine, airy sign,
Ruling planet Venus. Quite romantic. Often in love with someone or
their work. Peace-loving. Just, sincere, and sympathetic. Love of

friendships. Sensitive and sometimes secretive. Are said to be great
idealists. Love of poetry, music, art, literature, beautiful scenes, singing,
dancing, drama, traveling, and many refined amusements or occupations.
Tends to refinement and dislikes coarseness in work or pleasures. May
have many love affairs, especially when young. May make the warmest
friends and greatest lovers. Love of justice and fair play.
SCORPIO: (October 23rd to November 22nd) A feminine, watery sign
with Mars the ruling planet. Keen judgment, shrewd, critical, and often
rather skeptical. May be inclined to be suspicious with little cause. Fond
of beauty and luxury. Love travel, beautiful natural scenery, harmony,
but unintentionally could stir up trouble for others at times. Can be quite
sarcastic if angered. Daring, brave, capable, strong-minded, and
determined. Unyielding if they think they are right. Forceful character.
Strong likes and dislikes. More practical than romantic. Aggressive,
progressive, and precise. Quick tempered and may be inclined to
nagging. Sometimes rather unfeeling but just, honest, and honorable.
Trustworthy and dependable in business dealings and agreements.
Inclined to go to extremes at times.
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23rd to December 22nd) A masculine, fiery
sign. The ruling planet is Jupiter. Most people born under this sign have
a generous and charitable nature, perhaps too generous for their own
good. They are frank and plain spoken, honest, ambitious, persevering,
and not easily discouraged. They love harmony and freedom and cannot
stand oppression or restrictions. They possess intuition and good
judgment, and are sometimes mediumistic or psychic. They usually aim
high and generally hit the mark. They are often misunderstood and may
be wrongly accused of things they did not say. They dislike idleness and
must be doing something all the time. They do best in occupations where
they are self-employed, professional, or otherwise. They have strong
tempers but generally hold no grudge. Inclined to be romantic,
affectionate, cheerful, and sometimes rather jealous.
CAPRICORN: (December 23rd to January 20th) A feminine, earthy sign
with ruling planet Saturn. They are usually practical minded, are often
disappointed but never discouraged. They can also be headstrong and
unyielding, are hard workers and persistent. Have good reasoning
powers and can figure things out according to past

experience. They meet many obstacles but soon figure out a way to
overcome them. They are natural fighters, long-suffering and have strong
will power. They also have strong likes and dislikes and are not easily
swerved from their course. Will go to extremes to carry out their plans.
AQUARIUS: (January 21st to February 18th) A masculine, airy sign.
The ruling planet is Uranus. They have a quiet, patient, faithful, and
persevering nature. Usually philosophical, refined and ambitious. They
can discriminate and concentrate and are both theoretical and practical.
They sometimes have quite advanced ideas, have a strong temper, but it
is easily controlled. They love liberty and freedom and will not be
driven. They may be interested in occult or psychic matters and in the
mystical things of life. Are literal success-finders and often too generous
for their own good. Therefore, they may be imposed upon. They can bear
responsibilities and have high ideals. They tend to be straightforward,
artistic, retiring, sincere, ambitious and magnetic.
PISCES: (February 19th to March 20th) A feminine, watery sign. The
ruling planet is Neptune. They are industrious, ambitious, amiable, and
have a kind, loving nature. Are imaginative, creative, sympathetic, and
tend to be neat and well dressed. Very fond of natural or scenic beauty.
They also love music, art, romance, and quite often interested in occult
matters. They may also have powers of magnetic healing and be
somewhat mediumistic. May also be somewhat timid with strangers but
usually are good talkers when they are in familiar surroundings. It may
be difficult to get the best of them in an argument. Usually have a deep
love for their families and are also often trying to help others. They have
strong humanitarian principles.


SUN IN ARIES: Gives health, strength, willingness, energy, independence

of thought, and capacity for public work. Musically and intellectually
inclined. Fond of travel, exploring, and scientific work. A good leader.
SUN IN TAURUS: Gives warm-heartedness, determination, and

firmness. Ambitious to rise above the common levels. Will have more
than one occupation. Gain in money or property through parents or
SUN IN GEMINI: Gives strong, versatile mind. Can adapt talents to any
line. Female horoscope shows two marriages, birth of twins. Man’s
horoscope shows he will be in the public eye, many journeys.
SUN IN CANCER : Love for home, long life, desire for pleasures, good
lawyer, doctor, nurse, political leader. Obstacles or disappointments may
be overcome with patience, etc.
SUN IN LEO: Loves authority, ambitious, generous, sympathetic.
Somewhat irritable, nervous, and restless sometimes. Good actors,
teachers, or instructors. Often have psychic tendencies. Many capa-
SUN IN VIRGO: Many talents, analytical, love of details, musical or
artistic inclinations. Fond of material gain. May have an unfortunate
marriage unless discriminating. Must have a mate to encourage him or
her. Feels cramped in subordinate positions.
SUN IN LIBRA: Sociable, romantic, affectionate nature. Love of beauty
and the arts, music, etc. Possibility of disappointment in marriage or
trouble in courtship. Short journeys, Imaginative. Attachment for
parents, relatives.
SUN IN SCORPIO: Prideful, firm, strong character. May be jealous or
sarcastic at the wrong time. Will assume many obligations. Gain of
money by marriage late in life. Love of occult investigations.
SUN IN SAGITTARIUS: Generous, alert mind, jovial disposition. Will
travel land and sea. Honest, cannot tolerate secretiveness. More than one
occupation. Rather impatient. Many problems to solve.
SUN IN CAPRICORN: Serious and determined nature. Practical and
qualified to direct others. Love of material gains. Inclined to fault finding
and pessimism. Few intimate friends. May become prominent during
SUN IN AQUARIUS: Broad-minded. Deep sympathies, prudence,
liberal, and generous. Always helping relatives or friends. May travel
much. Occult or mediumistic tendencies.
SUN IN PISCES : Restless, changeable disposition. May go to extremes
in feelings and actions. Many successes but also some opposition May
have periods of depression and anxiety. May lack perseverance.
Responsibilities. May have latent psychic ability.

The influence of the Sun in the twelve signs can be very important
and deserves careful study. Sun is the Giver of Life and by general study
you should be better able to divide people by characteristics according to
the signs under which they are born.


MOON IN ARIES: An enthusiast but apt to go to extremes. Impulsive and

dislikes a master. Not too conventional. May be susceptible to head
complaints. Early estrangement from parents possible. Secret love
affairs. Occult.
MOON IN TAURUS : A quiet person, persistent, determined, ambitious
to get ahead. Interested in music and painting (art). Occupations on water
or residence near water. Good disposition. Somewhat sensuous.
Romantic. Mysterious experience.
MOON IN GEMINI: A lover of intellectual subjects. An active mind,
and skillful with hands. Writer, journalist, designer, sculptor, engraver,
salesman, or traveler. Money from mother’s side. May resemble mother
in mind or body. May make many trips away from home.
MOON IN CANCER: Fond of home. Imaginative, emotional,
sympathetic, proud, determined. Some acting ability. Also may be
interested in mediumistic and intellectual studies. Success on or near
water. Parent of many children.
MOON IN LEO: A good manager. High-minded, candid, and honest.
Sincere lover, favorite with opposite sex. Love of luxury, perfumes, and
fine clothes. Capable of assuming authority and responsibility. Possible
MOON IN VIRGO: Has good memory, also good and true friends. Many
journeys probable. May be good druggist, doctor, or herbalist. Quiet and
persevering. Also witty. Some ill-health possible but nothing serious.
MOON IN LIBRA : Popular, affectionate, ability in music and other arts.
Has a companion in undertakings; seldom works alone. Great difference
in age between marriage and business partner. Strange friendship
MOON IN SCORPIO: Self-reliant, abrupt, plain-spoken, fond of

natural phenomena. Hard to influence. Can fight own battles. May be
extravagant. Incompatibility in marriage sometimes, also trouble over
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: Quick to action and decision, restless,
unsettled, kind-hearted, good humored, lover of the great outdoors. Fond
of travel; inclined to mysticism and the occult. Faithful worker. May
have two jobs or change often. A step-parent possible or may be
MOON IN CAPRICORN: A public personage; administrative ability,
good reasoning powers. Idealistic. Fond of show, sometimes selfish in
money matters. May have trouble with parents. Some drawbacks to a
MOON IN AQUARIUS: Broad minded, thorough, keen imagination,
intuitive, lover of luxury, fond of travel, interested in national affairs,
good company. Inclined to day-dreaming; may have healing or mystical
powers. Slight tendency to nervous ailments.
MOON IN PISCES: A retiring but pleasant personality. Easily dis-
couraged, impatient, and restless. Love of study and romance. Secret
enemies but harmless. Other people may try to interfere or rule.


To every Planet, the Astrologers attribute two houses, or headquarters—

one of the night, the other of the day. Sun and Moon, being the heavenly
bodies of day and night par excellence, have only one house each. The
Sun resides in Leo, the Moon in Cancer. The Zodiac was partitioned into
the halves of Sun and Moon. Each half contains six signs. Those of the
Moon, or night, are Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer;
those of the Sun, or day, are Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
This is the primary partition made by Astrology. The important thing
now is that each Planet gains power or influence when entering his
house. At night, he is most powerful in his night House; by day, in his
day House (see Chapter 3).
Things are more complicated, for the greatest power of each Planet is
not in his headquarters, but upon another degree. The Sun, for instance,
has, according to tradition, His greatest influence upon the

nineteenth degree of Aries, and his weakest spot is exactly opposite to
his exaltation, upon the nineteenth degree of Libra. This position of
extreme weakness is called dejection or fall.
A third demarcation of the power of the planets is one which played
an important role in Ancient Astrology. The whole heavenly globe being
marked by 360 degrees, each sign of the Zodiac is 30 degrees. Ten
degrees of each sign are consecrated to a Planet which becomes
influential when passing through this decan, so-called. There are thirty-
six such decans at 10 degrees, in which the Planets alternate, the Sun and
Moon being excluded.
With the day and night Houses, exaltation and dejection, and the
decans, the Astrologers, established a system of correspondence between
the Zodiacal signs and the Planets. By these means, they will be able to
judge various good to bad influences according to the favorable or
unfavorable position of the Planets. Their individual qualities are little
changed since the time of Chaldea.
Here in capsule form are the Planets and Signs with their inter-
relationships in the Horoscope.

SUN: The masculine principle; spirit, mind, the living being, the will
to live, vitality, willpower, determination, health and the heart, the man,
the father, authority. Sign: LEO
MOON: The feminine principle; the soul, the psyche, the mother,
fecundity, adaptation, the wife, the family, the nation, hereditary
qualities. Sign: CANCER.
MERCURY: Intellect, meditation, transmission of knowledge,
judgment, critical ability, analysis. Sign: GEMINI AND VIRGO
VENUS: Love and art, physical attraction, feeling, sense of harmony
and beauty, girl or maiden, sweetheart or mistress. Sign: TAURUS AND
MARS: Energy and action, courage and determination, impulsiveness,
ruthlessness, brutality, soldiers, sportsmen, technicians, craftsmen,
surgeons. Sign: ARIES AND SCORPIO
JUPITER: Harmony, law, and religion, expansion and enlargement,
ownership, moral and religious aspirations, judges, high ecclesiastics,
bankers, wealthy people, fortune hunters. Sign: SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES
SATURN: Inhibition and concentration, consolidation, perseverance,

seriousness, caution and economy, melancholy, reserve and taciturnity,
segregation and seclusion, calcification, old age, agriculture, mining, and
URANUS: Suddenness, revolution, transmutation, independence,
excitability, and impulsiveness, innovators, reformers, inventors, and
technicians; magicians, occultists, and astrologers (the “paranormal”).
NEPTUNE: Impressionability, fantasy and imagination, inclination to
mysticism, vagueness, confusion, deception, people of doubtful
character, confidence man. Sign: PISCES
PLUTO: Higher power or providence, invisible forces or powers, the
will to exercise power, to influence the masses, propagandists and
politicians, actors and orators.

A conjunction of planets occurs when they are within 5 degrees of each
Moon & Mercury Sudden opportunities but not very fortunate.
Moon & Venus General good fortune. Social prominence. Loving
Moon & Sun Gain from superiors. An energetic, cheerful
Moon & Mars Moon Loss through haste. Lack of caution and judgment.
& Jupiter Fortunate. Prosperity and wealth(?) Kind and
Moon & Saturn Unfortunate. Disappointments. Apt to be moody.
Moon & Uranus Alternate gains and losses. Adventures. Impulsive
Moon & Neptune Peculiar dreams. Psychic experiences (?) Intellec-

Mercury & Venus Musical, cheerful nature. Successful enterprises.

Mercury & Sun Big achievements. High minded. Full of energy.
Mercury & Mars Loss through fraud, bad temper. Too restless. Gain
Mercury & Jupiter through travel, law, adventures, very cheerful.

Mercury & Saturn Loss through deceit or treachery. Pessimistic.
Mercury & Uranus A remarkable career. Original talent. Unusual
Mercury & Neptune Changeable conditions. Ups and downs. Possible

Venus & Sun Venus Fortunate. Gain in the arts. Successful love affair.
& Mars Dangers from opposite sex. Deceitful friends.
Venus & Jupiter Fortunate. Gains by marriage. Peaceful, successful
Venus & Saturn Possible scandal. Jealous partner. Many delays.
Venus & Uranus Strange experiences. Strange successes. Loving
Venus & Neptune Love entanglements. Dual attachments. Many

Sun & Mars Inflammatory complaints. Loss through haste.

Sun & Jupiter Good health, success, sudden improvement. Good
Sun & Saturn Possible accidents, sudden reverses. Easily confused.

Sun & Uranus Trouble through recklessness. Sudden turn of events.

Sun & Neptune Strange succession of events. Odd attachments.


Mars & Jupiter Gain through friends or relatives. Many powerful

Mars & Saturn Accidents, minor sicknesses, danger of loss of
Mars & Uranus Lack of caution. Possible losses. Danger from
Mars & Neptune Strange experiences. Ups and downs. Must fight

Jupiter & Saturn Rather successful. Many impositions. Sudden

Jupiter & Uranus Sudden good luck. Travel abroad. Pleasant ex-
Jupiter & Neptune Engage in financial schemes. Strong psychic nature.

Sudden reversals. Losses. Possible loss of liberty.

Saturn & Uranus
Serious obstacles. Danger of imprisonment. Too
Saturn & Neptune

Uranus & Neptune Enemies. Delays. Unexpected turns of events.

It is necessary to know from which point in the heavens the

Astrologer will receive the answers to his questions. The most important
spot is the degree of the ecliptic or Sun trajectory, which rises on the
eastern horizon at the very moment of the birth or enterprise, of which a
Horoscope shall be drawn. Originally, it was not the mathematical point
but some important star rising in the east which was considered.
The rising degree of the ecliptic was called ascendant. The rising sign
of the Zodiac in which this degree lay was called Horoscope. The name
was given later to the entire constellation, the theme which was to be
examined. Two other points were of importance :the degree in the west
(that is, the disappearing point of the ecliptic), and the center between
these extremes in the middle of the way of the Sun. Starting from the
rising degree in the east, twelve partitions of loci were made, which
contained the answers to the twelve questions.
They were: 1. life, 2. wealth, 3. inheritance, 4. land and ancestral
tombs, 5. wife or city, children, brothers and parents, 6. health and
disease, 7. marriage, 8. death, 9. gods, religion, travels, 10. habitation,
state, honors, art, character, etc., 11. friends, charity, and 12. enemies
and captivity.
The twelve loci are divisions which contain the questions and
correspond to twelve strips in the visible heaven and are inscribed in a
scheme which is commonly quadrangular.
From the above it should be plain why no two people are ever exactly
alike. Astrology is based on the wonderful order which rules the world in
an ever-changing evolution of new and different aspects and the position
of man in relation to these heavenly influences. It is thus a science and
not some mystical quackery.

5 Your Stars and
Their Influences

Astrology, the Science of the Stars, teaches that the Earth, Sun, Moon,
and all the other Planets play their part in tire universal system or scheme
of things and that they have a definite influence upon the destinies of
From the beginning of history humanity has observed and recorded
the positions of the planetary bodies and has noted the effect on earthly
conditions caused by these various combinations of planetary forces.
Since it was discovered that the destinies of individuals, nations, and
humanity in general are written in the Stars, these forces have been
studied and analyzed more and more thoroughly.
Why or how these Planets influence each other is too lengthy an
explanation to give here. Suffice it to know that certain combinations of
Planets foretell certain accurate results. Astronomy teaches that the
universe is governed by a perfect system, accurately timed with
marvelous precision and accomplished with unerring exactness. Always
the Sun rises and sets; the tides come and go, and the seasons follow
each other around the calendar, but these are merely visible
manifestations of nature’s laws. The planetary forces are flowing around
us at all times in invisible channels, directing our lives toward certain
conditions and experiences which can be avoided or improved by
knowing in advance what to expect.

Astrology does not conflict with the Bible. As a matter of fact, there
are numerous passages that refer to the influence of the stars. It dates
back to the time of Adam. “For then it was that Adam obtained wisdom,
even from the stars in the heavens.” In Isaiah, Chapter XLVII: 13, we
read: “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels; let now the
Astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly forecasters stand up and save
thee from these things that shall come upon thee.”
The names of the twelve Tribes of Israel translated from the Hebrew
are the names of the twelve Zodiacal Signs. The Bible was written in
Hebrew, and the letters of that alphabet are the names of the Signs,
Planets, and Constellations. Therefore, the very foundation of the Bible
is Astrological.
The following work is the cream of Astrological observation, culled
from the author’s many years of successful practice of the Science of
Astrology and condensed to convenient, practical proportions.
The varying conditions of the Astral and magnetic forces are caused
by the various angles at which, in their apparent motions or in the stellar
influx, they are reflected to any given point of the Earth. The cardinal
points of the day (Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, and Midnight) indicate the
greatest changes. But these changes from one to the other are gradual. To
measure this gradual angular change, the Ancient Astrologers divided the
space of the Heavens visible at any moment into six Houses, and the
opposite or invisible arc also into six. These twelve were designated as
the diurnal (day) and nocturnal (night) Houses of the Heaven. Modern
Astrologers follow the same principles because they are founded upon
the rock of Absolute Truth. Their influences can be verified in every
correctly calculated Horoscope.
These twelve houses (or divisions) contain, like the signs of the
Zodiac, 30 degrees of space each, but unlike them, their distance is
measured by degrees of right ascension (or time) instead of celestial
longitude. This is the only relation existing between the twelve Houses
and the twelve Signs.
If we divide a circle into quadrants, we see the angles which represent
the four cardinal points of the day, and upon a more extensive scale, the
four seasons of the year. These are no mere

fanciful ideas, but are external symbols of living realities upon the
external plane of phenomena. If the reader will now divide the circle into
twelve equal parts, he will possess an outline representing the twelve
Houses of the Heavens with the Earth in the center. The horizontal line
upon the left represents the Eastern horizon or the point which is
occupied by the Sun at sunrise. The perpendicular line above the
horizon, marking off one quadrant of the circle, represents the zenith or
meridian occupied by the Sun at noon.
Now, between these two points, the horizon and the meridian, we
have two angular lines which divide the quadrant of 90 degrees into three
parts containing 30 degrees each. These are the three southeastern
Houses which mark off the angular changes of Solar and Astral influx
between sunrise and noon. The horizontal line opposite to and parallel
with the line of the horizon shows the point of the Heavens which is
occupied by the Sun at sunset. The two angular lines between it and the
meridian indicate the changes of terrestrial and celestial conditions
between noon and sunset. Thus, the Sun, Stars, and Planets which make
the transit of the diurnal are of six Houses. During this time every
conceivable change of polarity is possible under the Solar influx and
may be manifested upon the Earth. The same holds true for the six
nocturnal Houses.
The earth is divided into positive and negative halves which are
continually changing from one to the other; the half under the Sun’s rays
is always positive; that portion under the shades of dark is negative. Day
and night then, like the Sun and Moon, are the polar opposites of each
other, and so are the individuals born under the two conditions.
From the foregoing it will be seen that any individuals born during the
course of a single day and at different times will differ widely in their
physical temperament and mental bias. Also, they will differ widely in
their fortunes and destiny. Herein we see the grand basic principles of
this Science which accounts, in a most philosophical manner, for the
wonderful diversity of all human beings. Scarcely any two are alike
either in Mind, form, or feature, because no two are born at exactly the
same moment of time under exactly the same position of the Heavens.
Suppose one hundred children in different parts of the world were born
at the same precise moment in time; the difference in latitude and
longitude of their respective birthplaces

would render no two alike. The reader has only to bear in mind that it is
sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight every moment at some point on the
The secondary causes which regulate and modify the Astral and
planetary influx are the apparent motions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets
in their orbits. It is the real motion of a Planet which affects our
inhabitants. When our Earth is situated so as to appear to an observer,
were he on the Sun, to be moving through Cancer, the Sun appears, to
the inhabitants on Earth, to be passing through the opposite sign,
Capricorn. So far as the Earth is concerned, it really is, because the Solar
center stands between the Earth and the Sign. The Solar influx is
impregnated with the magnetic qualities of Capricorn with which it
permeates the Earth. When we speak of the influence of the Sun in
Capricorn or any other Sign, though only an Astronomical appearance,
we mean exactly what we say.
Further, when the Earth by its progressive motion moves faster or
slower in a different direction from the other Planets, it causes them to
become alternately stationary, direct in motion, or retrograde. We know
these are purely appearances, so far as the Planets themselves are
concerned, but their influx is just the same on Earth as if it were a reality.
The real movements of our Earth place them in those positions in
reference to the apparent position of the Sun. The various angular
distances so formed, termed aspects, are so potent in their magnetic
effects that sometimes the whole good or evil influx of a given Planet is
completely polarized. Always these aspects are found to constitute some
very important factors in the native’s Horoscope.
From the foregoing statement of Astral principles and in order to
properly gauge and apply the actual influences in operation at a person’s
nativity, two primary considerations are necessary: the time and place of
a person’s physical birth. Without these nothing reliable can be
scientifically determined. And any system of Astral, planetary, or Solar
influences which pretends to determine the celestial influences upon man
and ignores these essential elements is naturally only partially correct.
Ancient astrology is not, as so many seem to think, “an exploded
science”, and, further, we wish to point out that many superficially
learned individuals think the old geocentric system of Claudius

Ptolemy was the only foundation upon which the Ancient Astrology
rested. When the present Copernican system overturned the Ptolemaic
theory of a “primurn mobile”, the Astrology of the ancients was not
buried amid the ruins. Such superficial minds are in sad need of a little
True Light! The observed effects of certain positions of the heavens, be
they apparent or real, is the only foundation of judicial Astrology.
It was upon the continuous observation of ages that the old Chaldean
sages formulated their wonderful Science of the Stars. The eclipses of
the Sun and Moon, conjunctions of the Planets, and the exact length of
the Solar year were all correctly computed ages before the days of
Abraham. In reality, it makes little difference to Astrology whether the
earth moves about the Sun or the Sun about the Earth. Astrology rests
upon the absolute fact that one of them does indeed move.
So far as the physical organism of man is concerned, the Planet of
birth is its center and the focus of all the celestial influences; hence, the
Earth and its motions are the only ones of vital importance upon the
material plane of man.


The significance of the Houses on you, the native, born under a

particular Sign is as follows:


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are determined, practical,
industrious, usually quite frank and plain-spoken, eloquent, progressive,
energetic and a natural trail-blazer. You are inclined to be irritable and
impatient. You regard your opinions and judgment to be as good as
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Taurus and ruled by Venus. You are inclined to be impulsive. This must
be overcome if you would succeed in life. You are capable of attaining
financial independence through your own

activities if you do not scatter your efforts over too many lines of
endeavor. Learn to coordinate your Mind and body; do your best, and
success will be assured.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Gemini and ruled by Mercury. This shows some stubbornness, keen
perception, originality of thought, inventive ideas, a fertile imagination,
and good judgment. Sudden journeys will be taken, some leading to
drastic changes in your life’s routine.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Cancer and ruled by the Moon. Some difficulties in home life will
develop at an early stage. After maturity most Aries people roam a great
deal and are only occasionally concerned with home ties. You are
extremely interested in your home and will spare no effort to achieve an
artistic, homelike atmosphere.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Leo and ruled by the Sun. Some sad experiences
attend your affections through life. You will often be taken advantage of
and imposed upon because of your sentimental qualities. You are not
necessarily demonstrative, but usually show your devotion to others by
service and loyalty.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Virgo and ruled by Mercury. Headaches, colds, catarrh of the head, and
bowel complaints will be likely ailments unless you guard your health at
all times. More than the average person, you require plenty of outdoor
exercise, sleep, and rest. In your work you are very practical, painstaking
with details, and always trying to improve your methods of doing things.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Libra and
ruled by Venus. This is where you will have to be careful, as you are apt
to be hurried into an emotional marriage that will not last. For complete
harmony, your marriage must be to someone who is intellectual and
philosophical and who respects your ideas. Marriage to someone in Leo
is best if your individual Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with the length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Scorpio and ruled by Mars. You have great recuperative
powers and with ordinary care will live a long and useful life. You
possess an uncanny intuitive faculty, and your ability to read people’s
minds should be developed and used in your social and

business activities. You have your own philosophy of life and usually
live up to it.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. This shows you will travel extensively
and your journeys generally will prove profitable and exciting. Nothing
thrills you more than preparations for a trip. You follow scientific trends
of thought and are philosophical. You have great respect for piety,
though not deeply religious.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. There is no reason why you should
not be successful if you make the most of your opportunities. Your most
fortunate lines of business or occupations are music, literature, art,
journalism, banking, medicine, nursing, decorating, designing,
contracting, managing large enterprises, and handling real estate.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. You will have hosts of friends
and admirers. Favors and promotions will come frequently from
companions. You will go to extremes to defend a friend or anyone you
feel is unjustly wronged. You need never be lonely since you are a good
mixer socially and a clever entertainer.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations. It is controlled by
Pisces and ruled by Neptune. You are likely to engage in too many lines
of endeavor and will go out of your way to help others, even at a
sacrifice to your own interests. You resent opposition to your plans and
will profit from experience in early life, so in later years you will settle
down to a prosperous and useful life career.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are ambitious, determined,
cautious, persevering, firm, magnetic, patient, brave, affectionate,
courteous, and honest. At times you are inclined to be peculiar, stubborn,
stolid, and emotional. Once your Mind is made up you are hard to win
over to some other idea. You are cheerful and optimistic and do not
become discouraged if your hopes and plans fail to develop as rapidly as

The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Gemini and ruled by Mercury. You have a good earning capacity, but
your tendency to spend money too freely will handicap you. You can
become financially independent if you learn to save money early in life,
invest in land, buildings, successful business enterprises, or corporations.
Not much gain is shown through speculation.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Cancer and ruled by Moon. You are very set in your ways and capable of
being extremely agreeable or extremely stubborn. You have a
constructive Mind and great power of concentration. You are very fond
of travel and this pleasure will be gratified many times in life.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home and home affairs. It is
controlled by Leo and ruled by the Sun. A happy home life is necessary
to your success, for home means much to you. There is nothing you
appreciate more than the comforts of a cozy home. You are devoted to
your parents and make a charming host or hostess.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Virgo and ruled by Mercury. You probably will have
several love affairs which will bring some disappointments. You are
highly emotional and are a strong admirer of people of culture,
refinement, and social standing. You are rather demonstrative in the
bestowal of your affections and get much pleasure in bringing gifts to
those you love.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Libra and ruled by Venus. You are likely to suffer from throat trouble,
pneumonia, stomach disorders, rheumatism, and slight liver, kidney, and
bladder troubles. By strict daily caution these may be prevented. You
usually apply yourself to any work you undertake conscientiously and
with great interest. You are a valuable employee.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Scorpio
and ruled by Mars. Because of your emotional Nature, you should select
your mate with great care. With the proper life partner, no one will be
happier than you in marriage; an unfortunate marriage will make you
irritable and disagreeable. You should marry

someone born in Scorpio, provided individual Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. This gives promise of a
long life if you take reasonable care of yourself. You are more or less
interested in the mysteries of Nature and possess a great deal of natural
intuition and foresight.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. In religious views you are very sensitive,
but broadminded. Before you condemn any other creed, you will study it
carefully. If dissatisfied after investigation, you will no longer be
concerned with that particular creed or cult. You have a longing for
travel either for pleasure or educational purposes, and you will usually
find some way to satisfy this desire.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. Some of the following lines are best
for you: teaching, music, art, mediumship, acting either on the stage or
screen, writing, law, medicine, work along mechanical lines, and
governmental work. You are versatile enough to prepare yourself for
almost any profession and succeed in it. You are ambitious to excel in
some unusual, uncrowded line of endeavor, and if at all possible, you
will not be contented until you have achieved in some such activity.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Pisces and ruled by Neptune. Your dynamic, magnetic
personality attracts many people to you, and you are likely to have the
admiration and respect of many who are more prominent than you. You
stick to your friends through thick and thin. You will find your most
harmonious association among those who were born in Cancer, Virgo,
Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Aries and ruled by Mars. Beauty, harmony, and change
are essential to you for a happy life, and you do not seem to realize them
in your daily routine. When you overcome your impatience in striving to
attain them, you will live the kind of life for which you yearn and will be
happy, successful, and secure.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are changeable in opinion,
alert, careful, intuitive, talented, magnetic, sensitive, active, restless, and
of a nervous temperament. You have a constructive mind capable of
entertaining big ideas. You are too readily influenced through your
sympathies and have a roving nature. You are quick tempered but easily
pacified. You have a deep understanding, keen judgment, and foresight.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Cancer and ruled by the Moon. This shows that your finances will
fluctuate very much through life. At times you will have a great deal of
money and at other times your financial status will be very unsettled.
You seem particular about investments and should not tamper with
stocks, bonds, or government papers. It is best for you to invest in lands,
buildings, mines, aviation, or radio enterprises.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Leo and ruled by the Sun. You have keen intuition, but liable to change
your opinion in the flash of a moment. You have a strong Mind, but are
inclined to worry too much over incidentals. You have a vivid
imagination likely to run away with you at times. A fondness for travel is
shown, and in the course of your life you will take many long journeys.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Virgo and ruled by Mercury. You are very particular about your home
life and take special pride in a neat, cozy home. Since childhood you
have pictured an elaborate home which you hope to possess. You will
always do your part to create a harmonious home.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Libra and ruled by Venus. You are extremely fond of
unusual amusements, and your affectionate ties are deep rooted. You will
go to almost any extreme for anyone you love, but if once deceived you
can never care for that person again. Varied and interesting romances are
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Scorpio and ruled by Mars. You are subject to the following ailments:
colds, pneumonia, poor circulation, constipation, and

kidney or bladder disorders. By care and caution you may prevent these
ailments. In your work you are capable, honest, conscientious, and
progressive. You are always ready to adopt newer and better methods
and modern improvements.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Sagittarius
and ruled by Jupiter. Many times Gemini people marry someone older
than themselves. You should not marry until you overcome your natural
roving disposition and are ready to settle down. Marriage to someone in
Sagittarius is best, if your individual Horoscopes blend. You will make a
success of marriage if your mate will permit you to do so and will
cooperate with you.
The eighth HOUSE deals with the length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. This shows a reasonably
long and interesting as well as a variable life. Some gifts through
legacies and insurances after middle life. You are highly intuitive and
possess mediumistic qualities that should be developed and utilized.
The ninth HOUSE deals with your religion and journeys. It is controlled
by Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. It is quite possible throughout your
life that frequent opportunities will come to enable you to take long
journeys to all parts of the world. Travel appeals to you very much, and
you need the change in environment travel will bring to you. In religious
views you are tolerant and philosophic. You are inclined to regard
religion from a scientific viewpoint and are friendly to almost all creeds.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Pisces and ruled by Neptune. You should succeed in any occupation
that enables you to develop your brilliant and active imagination,
ingenuity, and skill with your hands. The following are some of the best
lines for you to concentrate upon: writing, acting, music, secretarial
work, expert accounting, editing, lecturing, barber- ing, or beauty
culture. You are untiring in your quest for knowledge and a great reader.
You are highly idealistic in your ambitions and usually strive to realize
these ideals.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Aries and ruled by Mars. Your friendships and associations are
a very necessary part of your life. You will do everything in your power
to help friends in sickness or sorrow. The men of Gemini

usually form attachments with people who do not always harmonize with
them and should be careful in their choice of friends. The ladies of
Gemini, because of their dual personality, will be unable to single out
one to regard as their best friend. Those born in the following signs will
be most apt to harmonize with you: Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Taurus and ruled by Venus. Your greatest handicap will
be your tendency to worry and the fear you are not going to be able to
accomplish your desires. If you control your over sensitiveness and do
not scatter your forces, you will enjoy a long, useful life and will be able
to reach the heights you have dreamed about since childhood.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are extremely sensitive,
adventurous, friendly, romantic, secretive, and often irritable. You are a
very positive person and usually move in a world of your own. You
never like anyone to know your intimate affairs, yet are interested in the
welfare of others. You usually attract many friends and are very popular.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Leo and ruled by the Sun. This shows an intense desire to accumulate
money, which is not easy for you. You like to speculate and, at times are
fortunate, but you should always follow your intuition in such ventures.
For good financial gain you should invest in government bonds, land,
real estate, and mines.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Virgo and ruled by Mercury. You have a constructive, analytical Mind,
are very imaginative, and a good judge of human Nature. You are very
well balanced and retain your poise in the face of excitement. You will
travel extensively and gain much knowledge in contacts and experiences
made in your journeying.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Libra and ruled by Venus. Here is where you take the center of
attraction, for you are a great home lover and immaculately neat

about everything in the home. The ladies of Cancer are fond of display
and are witty. The men of Cancer have more self-assurance, are reserved
and resourceful. Great love for parents is shown. In Nature and habits
you are very domesticated.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Scorpio and ruled by Mars. You are refined and tender
in your affections, are not often demonstrative, but show your love in
service, loyalty, and material gifts. You possess a strong desire for
comfort and ease and are fond of luxury. Few people show such
refinement as you show in your love affairs.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. Unless you take good care of yourself,
your health will usually give you much concern. The ailments you are
subject to are blood disorders, inflammatory complaints, appendicitis,
indigestion, constipation, and rheumatism. You are very thorough in
your work and like to be complimented upon it. Praise spurs you on to
bigger and better things.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Capricorn
and ruled by Saturn. Marriage in this sign is inclined to be a matter of
chance and should be considered carefully. Being such a home lover,
you need to have a very congenial mate. Your most congenial partner
will be found in Capricorn if your individual Horoscopes blend. Do not
marry in haste because it will make you either very happy or extremely
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. This house shows a very
long life and the realization of your ambitions. Financial benefits will
come from many sources, so that after middle life you will be very
prosperous. You have a keen, intuitive sense and the ability to see
through problems with great clarity and calm judgment. You possess
much clairvoyant talent.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Pisces and ruled by Neptune. This denotes many journeys by land and
sea which will bring interesting and exciting experiences to you. In your
religious convictions you are very determined and loyal to your creed. It
is hard for you to understand a different religious viewpoint.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Aries and ruled by Mars. You are not likely to have sudden

success, but once started you will achieve without much difficulty.
Success will come through your own efforts and by diligent attention to
your work. The best lines of endeavor for you are nursing, surgery, law,
teaching, music, public speaking, or mercantile pursuits. You will often
encounter hindrances in the realization of your ambitions, but if you
persist you can make them come true. You are shrewd and are capable of
assuming responsibility in all business dealings.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is
controlled by Taurus and ruled by Venus. You have a large circle of
acquaintances, but few real friends. Frequently people whom you have
regarded as friends for a long time will turn against you for no real
reason at all. You will harmonize best with those born in Capricorn,
Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Gemini and ruled by Mercury. Your greatest limitation
is probably due to the fact that you help others too much without thought
of your own future security. You are constantly giving to public charity
or to private philanthropic enterprises.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are proud, ambitious,
masterful, good natured, enthusiastic, generous, fearless, and determined.
You have a strong temper, are quick to anger, but get over it quickly, are
inclined to go to extremes in emotions and sympathies. You are very
impulsive and restless and sometimes like to follow the lines of least
resistance. But you have a versatile Nature and will accomplish what you
set out to do, whether it is right or wrong.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Virgo and ruled by Mercury. It will be necessary for you to learn to save
early in life, for your financial affairs will be varied; you will have many
ups and downs. At times you will be thrown entirely upon your own
resources, but often you will have financial assistance from others.
Speculation is not fortunate for you. It will be better for you to invest in
lands, real estate, iron and steel industries, and in manufacturing

The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Libra and ruled by Venus. You are very fond of travel and will be given
many opportunities to satisfy this desire. You are optimistic about the
future and confident it will bring many changes for the better. You have
remarkable insight and the courage of your own convictions.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Scorpio and ruled by Mars. The men of Leo love comfort in the home
but are not helpful in making this possible. The ladies of Leo love their
homes but do not like its drudgery nor are they especially fond of staying
at home. Unless you become more tolerant and sympathetic toward other
members of the family, you are likely to have an unsettled domestic life.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. You are likely to have
sorrow, trouble, and disappointments in your love affairs unless you curb
your emotions, for you are very romantically inclined.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. You are subject to lung, heart, and
stomach troubles, blood disorders, constipation, chills, and headaches.
These ailments may be cured by taking good care of your health. In your
work you are quick, clever, and competent. You like to be complimented
for saving time, making short cuts, and introducing economy measures
in operation.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Aquarius
and ruled by Uranus. People born in Leo are usually apt to marry early
and to follow their emotions against their better judgment. Marriage is an
important institution and you should choose your mate carefully. You are
very exacting in all you do, and if your mate is not inclined to be so,
there will be no end of trouble. Marriage with someone in Aquarius is
best if your individual Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Pisces and ruled by Neptune. This gives promise of a fairly
long life. You are extremely sensitive, receptive, and mediumistic. You
possess great Psychic powers and your healing and magnetic qualities
could heal the sick.

The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Aries and ruled by Mars, You have a strong Spiritual side but are
inclined to be intolerant of the religious beliefs of others. Unless you try
to overcome this tendency, it will make you very unpopular. You are
fond of traveling. You will take many trips early in life, then will settle
down for a while and later have many opportunities to continue your
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Taurus and ruled by Venus. It seems hard for you to find your real
place in the industrial world, for unless you are careful you will become
a Jack of all trades, and master of none. You are likely to succeed in any
of the following: managing large business enterprises, practicing law,
medicine, or surgery, banking, photography, teaching, mystic, acting,
traffic management, and all educational pursuits. You never will be
happy or successful in subordinate positions. You should be in business
for yourself, or in some profession where you can take the initiative or
practically be your own boss.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and associates. It is controlled
by Gemini and ruled by Mercury. You will have many good friends,
among them some people of prominence. Because of your generosity,
you are likely to be imposed upon by others. People will harmonize best
with you whose birthdays occur in Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Cancer and ruled by the Moon. You will be hindered
because of your nervousness, impatience, and restlessness. While you
never hold a grudge against anyone, you do not forget personal injuries
or slights. Early in life you will have to learn to be practical in your ideas
and ambitions. If you overcome these limitations, you will have a well-
rounded life.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are very efficient, pro-
gressive, shrewd, methodical in habits, energetic, refined, and in-
tellectual. You are a very discriminating Nature, have an analytical

EAFK-K 289
mind and possess a nervous, restless temperament. You are endowed
with more artistic and constructive ability than the average person. You
have a faculty for handling detail. At times you are inclined to be shy
and undemonstrative.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Libra and ruled by Venus. Your greatest financial success will be
attained in the artistic professions and work requiring close attention to
detail. You should become identified with large organizations and
concerns producing the better and more refined things of life.
Speculation is doubtful for you. Preferably you should invest in land,
real estate, and well-established corporations.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Scorpio and ruled by Mars. You have a very practical Mind, keen
observation, and good judgment. Your intuition and discriminating
qualities cause you to be an asset to any business or society. You will
travel extensively and gain beneficial changes and the desire for new
experiences. Music and art are important factors in your life. You are
also greatly interested in literature, research, and work of an
investigating, analytical nature.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. The men of Virgo have rather unsettled
domestic affairs until middle life. The ladies of Virgo are ideal
homemakers and usually take great pride in everything pertaining to the
home. To make life really worthwhile, you must have peace and
harmony and will do all you can to create this atmosphere in your home.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic ex-
periences. It is controlled by Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. You seek to
associate with people who are intellectual and artistic. You are extremely
sensitive and usually put your heart and Soul into your affections. You
will have many sincere attachments before you find the one who is really
worthy of your love, and not until then will real happiness come to you.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. You are likely to have ailments of the
neck, eyes, and throat, also bowel disorders and irregularities of the
digestive system. However, these are not of serious nature if you observe
strict daily hygiene. You are an industrious and

conscientious worker. Do not follow any occupation that is distasteful to
you and avoid worry.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Pisces and
ruled by Neptune. For happiest marriage your mate should be someone
born in Pisces if your personal Horoscopes blend. Because of your
exactness and capacity for detail, you must not expect too much from
your mate. Marriage will prove a success if you do not require too much
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Aries and ruled by Mars. This shows a fairly long and
eventful life. You will have many Psychic experiences. You possess
much magnetic power and a fertile imagination. The house also denotes
some legacies and possible wealth in later life.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Taurus and ruled by Venus. This shows you to be very idealistic.
Success will usually attend your travels, which will be many on land and
sea. You will live a religious life and will be tolerant and broadminded
when considering the religious viewpoint of others.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Gemini and ruled by Mercury. You are not easily defeated nor
swerved from any task you set out to accomplish. You are not likely to
become discouraged and will exert every effort to succeed in disputes,
temporary setbacks, or hardships. The men of Virgo would make
successful artists, musicians, architects, doctors, lawyers, or mechanics.
The ladies of Virgo are wonderful nurses, writers, teachers, illustrators,
journalists, or demonstrators. Any profession or occupation you select
should be one which gives you an opportunity to take the initiative and
utilize your originality.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Cancer and ruled by the Moon. You have a great desire for
wealth and many of your associates will be well-to-do people. You
prefer to be among those from whom you can learn things, people who
are doing things along intellectual and artistic lines. You are very
discriminating in your choice of friends, and they are usually of the
intellectual type.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Leo and ruled by the Sun. You should try to overcome
self-consciousness and avoid worry because you do not have

as much money as you feel you should have. You always feel greatly
limited if you are obliged to work on a small margin of profit. Not until
you control this tendency to worry, self-pity, and self-consciousness will
you enjoy a prosperous, happy life,


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are extremely well-
balanced, have keen perceptive and intuitive powers, are timid, loving,
self-willed, slightly selfish, honorable, and idealistic. You are sincere
and have implicit faith in others until they prove themselves unworthy.
You have a kind, forgiving, affectionate, sympathetic Nature and are
inclined to be rather hasty of temper and too generous for your own
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Scorpio and ruled by Mars, You do not realize the value of money and
usually spend it as fast as you get your hands on it. You have the
personality, ability, and good judgment to earn a great deal of money,
but unless you learn to save, you will always be in peculiar financial
straits. You should invest some of your earnings in long-time invest-
ments—mines, aviation, radio or inventions.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. Because of your restless, nervous,
sensitive temperament, you often long to forget everything, to travel to
distant places and start all over again. You have a vivid imagination and
often build air cast les. You are the greatest idealist of any of the twelve
Zodiacal Signs. You will travel much and will profit from such changes.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. While inclined to be domestic and kind to
and interested in the members of your family, your home affairs are not
always pleasant. You will often be accused of being haughty or
indifferent, so will seek the comforts of home elsewhere. You are likely
to leave home and come back to it several times. You become stifled and
unhappy without occasional change of environment or scenery. You will
probably establish a home of your own after middle life.

The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. You are the most
romantic of any of the twelve Zodiacal Signs. You are deeply affected by
your love of music and art and beautiful scenery. You make one of the
most ideal of lovers.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Pisces and ruled by Neptune. You are likely to suffer from stomach
disorders, sluggish liver, impurity of blood, diabetes, and a general weak
constitution. By observing strict daily hygiene, these ailments may be
overcome. You are thorough, capable, and neat in your work and often
will be commended for your ability.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Aries and
ruled by Mars. For Libra people, marriage must be a continual romance,
and so they are often disillusioned and sad because of their inharmonious
domestic life. You should use the utmost care in picking your mate,
otherwise your life will be ruined. You should marry someone born in
Aries, providing your individual Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Taurus and ruled by Venus. This gives promise of a long,
eventful life. You possess great magnetic power, therefore, are intuitive,
perceptive, and psychically inclined. You should always be guided by
your impressions and hunches.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Gemini and ruled by Mercury. The greatest thrills of your life will come
in your extensive travels. In your religious belief you are firm. You
believe in the Golden Rule and try to live up to it. You are broadminded
and tolerant about the religious viewpoint of others.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Cancer and ruled by the Moon. You have so many talents it will be
hard for you to choose a profession or business. You are very interested
in music, art, languages, mathematics, and the theatre, and dancing. You
are likely to succeed in any profession that enables you to travel or
contact with many people. Among the lines of endeavor you should
choose are teaching, lecturing, library work, writing, decorating,
chemistry, aviation, architecture, carpentry, wood turning, and similar
mechanical work.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is

controlled by Leo and ruled by the Sun. You are usually attracted to
people who do not appreciate your refined, sensitive Nature. You prefer
to be with people of intelligence and personality rather than of means or
social standing. Unless you choose your friends with care, you will have
some rather peculiar experiences, since you are greatly influenced by
them and conditions associated with them. Those born in Aries, Gemini,
Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius will best harmonize with you.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Virgo and ruled by Mercury. Your greatest hindrances
will come because you are not practical and are prone to too much
daydreaming. You are also too impulsive, inclined to jump at
conclusions. You are slow to anger, but once aroused are very brusque in
your remarks. It is best for you to follow your own judgment rather than
the suggestions of others. You will have to learn to spend less money on
luxuries and invest some for future protection. If you conquer these
tendencies, you should have an eventful, successful life.


The first HOUSE deals with your personality. You have great executive
ability, are generous, sympathetic, determined, magnetic, progressive
and commanding. You are loyal to your friends, but at times are
somewhat sarcastic, critical, and harbor an imaginary wrong. You are
quick-witted, possess great self-control, and are endowed with
Clairvoyant and other Occult powers.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. During the first half of your life you will
have financial difficulties and the headway you make will be by diligent
application and earnest, conscientious effort. The latter half of your life
promises better financial conditions. Investment in mines, shipping
industries, corporations, and municipalities are best for you.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. This shows great love for travel and you
will have occasion to take many trips which will be very

advantageous and pleasant. You have a very receptive and inventive
Mind, are quick of thought and action, but you are somewhat suspicious,
exacting, and inclined to nag. If you strive to retain mental poise and
even temper, it will bring you greater happiness in life.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. You are a real homemaker and will spare
no effort to transform any abode into a homelike atmosphere. The men
of Scorpio are usually willing to help in every way to make the home
more attractive. The ladies of Scorpio are immaculate housekeepers.
Your domestic life, however, is likely to be upset frequently because of
interferences of relatives and friends.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Pisces and ruled by Neptune. You are very emotional,
and once you have accepted a person as your friend you will stick to him
through thick and thin. While you have great persuasive power, because
you are at times sarcastic and harsh, you are misunderstood and so do
not always attract people to you. You are romantically inclined but are
not destined to find the kind of romance of which you have always
dreamed. Many ups and downs mark your experiences in matters of
friendship, love, and courtship.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Aries and ruled by Mars. You will need to take more than ordinary care
of your health to prevent ailments. Guard particularly against headaches,
stomach and liver disorders, rheumatism, poor circulation, and
inflammatory complaints. In your work, you are capable and very
thorough. Nothing is ever too hard for you to attempt.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Taurus and
ruled by Venus. Here is where most Scorpio people make their mistakes.
They must choose their mates with utmost care, for they are usually
attracted to the type they should not marry. They should be guided by
intellect rather than physical appearance. Those born in Taurus will
harmonize best with you if your individual Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Gemini and ruled by Mercury. A changeable but long and
prosperous life is denoted. You have great Psychic magnetism, are
intuitive, and usually have prophetic dreams. You have great

persuasive powers and should learn to project your magnetic personality
in your social as well as your business activities.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Cancer and ruled by the Moon. You are fond of change of scenery, but
do not have as many opportunities to travel as you wish. In religious
beliefs you are somewhat too dogmatic and severe. You are not tactful in
your statements to others who believe in creeds other than your own,
which is likely to make you unpopular in religious circles.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Leo and ruled by the Sun. You have the determination, self-control,
and tenacity to succeed in any undertaking. The lines of endeavor for
which you are best suited are music, journalism, teaching, surgery,
chemistry, dentistry, law, preaching, nursing, Astrology, physics,
dietetics, geology, engineering, farming, or construction work. You have
lofty ambitions but must work hard to reach your goals.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Virgo and ruled by Mercury. You have difficulty in meeting
people who are congenial. Usually you are respected and admired, but
you seldom care for the people who are fond of you. You like those who
have a sense of humor and are musically inclined. You will find your
best friends among those who were born in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo,
Capricorn and Pisces.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Libra and ruled by Venus. You are your own worst
enemy because of your tendency to domineer over others and your habit
of postponing things. You do not have the ability to put yourself on a
level with others or see their point of view. Unless you correct these
faults, you will not enjoy the happiness and prosperity to which you are


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are a very positive nature,
frank, plain-spoken, honest, intelligent, progressive, industrious,
magnetic, and forceful. You are a lover of freedom, are of

a naturally happy disposition, generous almost to a fault, and a person of
discernment and good judgment. But you are inclined to be stubborn and
argumentative. You are also somewhat impatient of others who are not
as active and energetic as you.
The second HOUSE deals with your finances. It is controlled by
Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. You are resourceful and have the faculty
of knowing how to make money in many ways. You have a strong
tendency to speculate and are not always successful in these ventures.
For financial gain you should invest in going enterprises, real estate,
transportation lines, construction companies, or financial institutions.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the mind. It is controlled by
Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. Because of your restless Nature, you have
a longing for the change which comes from travel. You will take many
trips from which you will benefit greatly. You are idealistic, romantic,
alert, and belong to the realm of Prophecy, as you have a very receptive
Mind. You are a go-getter and endowed with forcefulness and originality
of thought.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs and is controlled by
Pisces and ruled by Neptune. It is likely you will leave home because
you are misunderstood. You get much pleasure and comfort from a
congenial home environment. You are a charming host or hostess and
delight in entertaining in your home.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Aries and ruled by Mars. You are extremely romantic
and affectionate and usually show your affection in many ways.
However, your deepest feelings are seldom realized or understood, so
you have many heartaches and disappointments. You do not interfere in
affairs of others and never betray a confidence.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Taurus and ruled by Venus. You are likely to suffer from overexertion
because of your inability to relax in your work, from poor indigestion,
liver, kidney, and bowel complaints, and injuries to the limbs. By strict
daily care, none of these ailments will prove serious. Because of your
honesty, talents, and close application, you will be valuable to any
business organization. You are unusually active and take advantage of
every opportunity to advance.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Gemini

and ruled by Mercury. Unless careful, you are likely to marry in haste
and repent at leisure. You should be careful in choosing your mate, as
you require good companionship to make a success of life. Someone
born in Gemini will harmonize best with you, provided your individual
Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Cancer and ruled by the Moon. You are promised a long,
eventful life. You possess unusual psychic gifts and an almost uncanny
faculty of foretelling events. You are naturally so highly attuned to the
Cosmos that, at times, you actually give expression to the thoughts of
your friends.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Leo and ruled by the Sun. You will have many journeys which usually
will be profitable and successful. In religious beliefs you are very sincere
and resent any insinuations against your views. The old- fashioned
orthodoxy does not especially appeal to you. You are inclined to be
philosophic in your convictions.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Virgo and ruled by Mercury. You can follow more than one business
or occupation successfully. Your best lines of endeavor are journalism,
acting, Astrology, mediumship, law, medicine nursing, lecturing,
inventing, the high arts, work along construction and mechanical lines,
photography, designing, printing, or commercial traveling. You aim high
and usually reach the mark at which you aim.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is
controlled by Libra and ruled by Venus. You have a very genial
disposition but are often misunderstood by your friends because of your
impulsiveness and blunt manner of expression. Your friends are inclined
to be jealous, and you often choose the wrong types. For your most
intimate associates, choose those who were born in Aries, Gemini, Leo,
Libra, and Aquarius.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Scorpio and ruled by Mars. Your greatest hindrances
will come because of your quick temper and extremely generous Nature.
You are fond of making a good impression through display and finery
and sometimes live beyond your means. If you will overcome these
tendencies, your life will be successful and prosperous.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. This denotes you are very
talented, industrious, courageous, deliberate, truthful, and forceful. But
you also have a quick temper, not always under control. You are at times
painfully frank and given to fault-finding. Often you say things which
you later regret.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. You show good earning power but
sometimes are handicapped by lack of opportunity. You will be
successful in partnerships, in dealings with large organizations, and
investing in well-established concerns. Speculation and quick turnovers
are not fortunate enough for you to depend on. If you will concentrate
upon long-time investments in some going establishment, you will not
need to worry. Money seems to be a very important part of your life.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Pisces and ruled by Neptune. You have a very receptive Mind, have
great power of concentration, are intuitive and original. When things
slow up with you, you become very depressed. You are very fond of
travel. Although some journeys are denoted, you will not travel as much
as you would like.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Aries and ruled by Mars. You seem to be generally misunderstood in
your home circle. You are rather exacting about things pertaining to your
home. If you are not pleased with conditions there, it is easy for you to
change to more agreeable environments. However, you are devoted to
your family and will do what you can for them, whether living at home
or not.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Taurus and ruled by Venus. You will often be accused
of being indifferent, haughty, and undemonstrative, while deep in your
heart you do not mean to be so. Your deepest feelings and emotions are
seldom expressed. One big and important romance surely is indicated in
your life.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Gemini and ruled by Mercury. You are liable to nervousness, trembling
of the knees, poor circulation, liver complaints, eye strain,

back and headaches, and indigestion. Most of these ailments are caused
by worry and too close concentration upon work. You will succeed best
in business with a partner or under efficient managers. You are
conscientious in your work and endeavor to overcome obstacles which
seem to stand in your way to better conditions.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Cancer and
ruled by the Moon. With the proper mate, yours will be a very happy
married life, but with an improper choice, marriage will be a great
disappointment, as you are not a person to make allowances for another’s
shortcomings, yet you expect others to make the allowances for you.
Someone born in the sign of Cancer will best harmonize with you,
provided your Horoscopes blend.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Leo and ruled by the Sun. This shows a reasonably long
life with possibilities of inheritances and gifts which may create some
disturbances for you. You have great intuitive power and often have
hunches and impressions you do not follow, much to your regret. Learn
to be guided by them and you will make fewer mistakes.
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Virgo and ruled by Mercury. Some traveling is denoted, but not as much
as you sometimes desire. You are liable to have a rather odd religious
belief to which you adhere stubbornly.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Libra and ruled by Venus. You are capable of making a livelihood in
many ways. Among the best lines for you to engage in are clerking,
music, the theatre, radio work, employment in the automotive industry,
law, brokerage or insurance, agriculture, or work along construction
lines. You are shrewd, have a capacity for work and are not easily
discouraged, but you feel at times you have to strive twice as hard as is
necessary to attain your goal.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Scorpio and ruled by Mars. You will have a large circle of
friends but very few with whom you are really intimate. You are loyal to
those you really care for, but are inclined to be imposed upon by many
because of your good Nature. Your most intimate companions are those
who are born in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Pisces.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny.

It is controlled by Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. Your greatest
handicaps in life will be your tendency to worry and melancholy moods.
You must try to control those weaknesses because they will stand in the
way of the success you can otherwise attain.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. You are electric, magnetic,
inspirational, impressionistic, studious, affectionate, and intuitive. You
have strong powers of concentration and usually attract attention in
whatever circle of society you choose to move. You have deep feelings,
a great love of beauty, art, music, and Nature. You have a keen
appreciation of the Mystical or Occult Sciences.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Pisces and ruled by Neptune. This shows that you possess great powers
of accumulating wealth but are likely to be too generous and sympathetic
so that others force themselves upon you and cause you to lose money.
All through life you will be assisting someone financially. You are not
very fortunate with speculative ventures or get-rich-quick schemes. It is
better for you to invest wisely in real estate, land, and large corporations.
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by
Aries and ruled by Mars. This gives you an observing Mind and shows
you have great faculties for meditation, investigation, and constructive
thought. You are sensitive, alert, ambitious, and aspire to the finer things
of life. Love of travel is denoted, and all things point to several important
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Taurus and ruled by Venus. The men of Aquarius are great home lovers
and usually exert great effort to maintain a happy home. The ladies of
Aquarius are wonderful housekeepers and companions. You are always
endeavoring to improve your domestic affairs and take pride in keeping
your home cozy and comfortable. The background of a happy, peaceful
home seems necessary to enable you to do your best in life.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Gemini and ruled by Mercury. You

appreciate deep affection more than the average person. However’ your
affections will likely play over a large keyboard before you find
someone who will really appreciate your nature. Not until after middle
life does the average Aquarian find the ideal romance. Without love,
your life does not seem to amount to much; therefore, you will keep on
searching until your desires are realized. With loving companionship you
will rise to heights of success and prosperity; without it, you have little
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Cancer and ruled by the Moon. You are likely to suffer from
nervousness, despondency, liver, kidney, or stomach disorders, but with
proper care of your health these ailments may be prevented or overcome.
Work wherein beauty is expressed is best for you. In anything you do
you are very proficient and conscientious.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Leo and
ruled by the Sun. For the happiest marriage your mate should be
someone born in Leo. Most Aquarians marry more than once and have
very peculiar experiences. There are exceptions, of course. To them
marriage is not usually as romantic as they expected. If you do not make
too great demands, your marriage will prove successful.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Virgo and ruled by Mercury. This shows a fairly long and
eventually successful life. Your adversities will really be blessings in
disguise. You possess mediumistic gifts and could do much with mental
telepathy. You will be the recipient of many gifts, and you will enjoy
financial independence throughout the latter part of life. Your natural
gifts and talents will give you the opportunity to be much before the
The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Libra and ruled by Venus. This gives a great love for travel and fondness
for out-of-the-way places. A considerable amount of travel is promised
you, which will bring new opportunities and many benefits. In your
religious views you are very sincere and broadminded. You are inclined
to be more philosophical than orthodox.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Scorpio and ruled by Mars. This gives you great adaptability and high
ideals. The following lines of occupation are best suited to you: teaching,
journalism, theatre managing, acting,

floristry, interior decorating, illustrating, nursing, medicine, work of
mechanical nature, Astrology, and all of the Occult sciences. You should
engage in work with an intellectual and refined atmosphere.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. You are attracted to people of
intelligence. While you are admired by many, you become intimate with
but a few. You choose your friends carefully, but once you have made
your choice, you will fight for them if necessary, whether they be right
or wrong. Your best associates will be found in Aries, Gemini, Leo,
Libra, and Sagittarius.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny
and is controlled by Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. Your greatest
handicap in early life will be your inability to rise to your idea of success
as rapidly as you would like. In later life your greatest concern will be
lack of time to develop your Spiritual understanding. The first part of
your life will be given over to the gaining of material things, the latter
half to acquiring Spiritual perfection. You will have ail unusual but a
very thrilling life.


The first HOUSE shows your personality. This shows that you have a dual
personality and, at times, appear to be two different individuals. You
usually have to fight against a tendency to become pessimistic. You are a
good conversationalist, are sympathetic and original, possess much
foresight and keen judgment. You are thoughtful, truthful, kind hearted,
and loyal to your friends.
The second HOUSE deals with your financial affairs. It is controlled by
Aries and ruled by Mars. You will have many ups and downs in money
matters. At times you will earn money easily; at other times it will be
difficult. This does not show very favorably for speculation, and it is
well for you to engage in more legitimate ventures, such as the
mercantile business and real estate. Subordinate positions do not bring
you satisfactory returns and you should be in business for yourself,
preferably with a harmonious partner born in a favorable Astrological
The third HOUSE deals with travel and the Mind. It is controlled by

Taurus and ruled by Venus. This gives you a romantic Nature and a
desire for extensive travel. The men of Pisces will make many agreeable
associations among the opposite sex in their travels. The ladies of Pisces
will have better success traveling with their own sex. This shows that
you are idealistic and fond of the beauties of nature.
The fourth HOUSE deals with your home affairs. It is controlled by
Gemini and ruled by Mercury. You are a home lover and take great pride
in your home although you do not always have the harmony you desire.
Not until about middle life will your domestic affairs come up to your
expectations. The men of Pisces have great love for their mothers; the
ladies of Pisces adore their fathers.
The fifth HOUSE deals with your affections and romantic experiences.
It is controlled by Cancer and ruled by the Moon. Your love affairs will
be more successful when the Moon is in watery signs, and in the Full, or
Last Quarter. At times you become somewhat jealous and suspicious of a
loved one. You are affectionate and very demonstrative to anyone who is
loyal to you. It is usually the other person who will do the “cheating”, if
there is any, for you were not born to be a cheater in love. You like to
select one person and shower your affections upon that one only.
The sixth HOUSE deals with your health and work. It is controlled by
Leo and ruled by the Sun. If you watch out for your health you need not
worry about serious illness. Take care particularly of your chest and the
lower limbs, especially the feet. In your work you are diligent and
thorough, but you should avoid worry. Outdoor work is best for you.
The seventh HOUSE deals with marriage. It is controlled by Virgo and
ruled by Mercury. For the happiest marriage your mate should be
someone born in Virgo. Without the proper companion, many ups and
downs will beset your married life. If you make the proper choice, you
will be a great help to your mate and will go out of your way to make
marriage a success.
The eighth HOUSE deals with length of life and Spiritual gifts. It is
controlled by Libra and ruled by Venus. If you take good care of your
health you are promised a long, eventful life. You possess much Psychic
ability and often have hunches you should follow. You are inclined to be
very philosophic, have remarkable intuitive faculties which give you
power of persuasion and gifts of magnetic healing.

The ninth HOUSE deals with journeys and religion. It is controlled by
Scorpio and ruled by Mars. This shows a great yearning for travel. You
will likely have successful trips by land, sea, and air throughout your
lifetime. You are very orthodox in your religious views and should
overcome a tendency to criticize creeds other than your own.
The tenth HOUSE deals with professions and ambitions. It is controlled
by Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. You should be successful in
agricultural pursuits, in merchandizing, contracting, teaching, managing
large enterprises, acting, writing, nursing, floristry, chiropody,
photography, the occult sciences, and in governmental work. You should
engage in some line of endeavor where your originality may be
advantageously used.
The eleventh HOUSE deals with friends and companions. It is con-
trolled by Capricorn and ruled by Saturn. Because of your generosity and
friendliness, you will always have a large circle of admirers among both
sexes. You are rather hard to understand because of your dual
personality; therefore, choose your friends with care. Generally
speaking, your most harmonious associates will be found in Taurus,
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
The twelfth HOUSE deals with your limitations and debts to destiny. It
is controlled by Aquarius and ruled by Uranus. If you will develop the
positive side of your personality you will succeed, for your greatest
hindrances come from your lack of aggressiveness, courage and
optimism. Be firmly resolved to let nothing stop you; you will reach the
heights of your ambition and enjoy happiness and security.
From the dawn of antiquity, Astrology has played its part in the affairs
of mankind, and its popularity persists today. The term means
“knowledge of the stars” and as such, Astrology not only served in
forecasting coming events, it also included as a by-product the subject
now called astronomy. Small wonder that people are impelled by the
Signs of the Heavens when the courses of the stars and planets may be
calculated to exactitude!
New civilizations inherited Astrology from the old and with it, the
scope of the Ancient science was extended. Birthstones were associated
with the constellations forming the signs of the Zodiac. Metals were
identified with planets, gold with the Sun, silver with the Moon,
mercury, because of its elusive quality, with its namesake, Mercury.
Everything mundane may be interpreted Astrologically.

All sciences owe much to Astrology. When they branched out on their
own, Astrology was not discredited; it merely returned to its original
purpose, that of determining the shape of things to come. It is a fact that
when Tycho Brahe, the great astronomer, sighted the comet of 1577 and
classed it for what it was, he did not even guess at the year when it
would next appear. Instead, he used the comet as the basis of an
Astrological calculation from which he predicted a prince born in
Finland would become a great Swedish king and would invade Germany,
meeting his death in the year 1632. That Astrological forecast was
fulfilled by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. But astronomers
haven’t yet found out if Tycho’s comet will ever come back.
People do want to know what their birth Signs and planetary
influences may mean to them. Often, they would like to check those
findings for themselves. That can be done through a study of the pages
of these three chapters. There the Science of the Stars is carefully

The Science
of Numerology

There are many systems of character analyses and methods of making

predictions but none, perhaps, as interesting as Numerology since
anyone may work it out. No long hours of tedious study are required
since there are only a few simple rules to follow.
The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Arabians had
systems of arriving at number vibrations, all of which are remarkably
accurate. The teachings of the adepts in Numerology have come down to
us from the remotest Antiquity.
All letters have numerical equations; therefore, all combinations of
letters in names respond to a certain numerical value. When a name is
given to a person, city, book, or anything, it immediately lets loose a
certain Occult force expressed in its numbers. Nature in its most
primitive form responds to numbers. Note the geometric formation of
snowflakes, of growing plant cells, the mathematical precision of the
sunrise, the movements of the heavenly bodies, and the procession of the
seasons. These and other geometric or mathematical formulas respond to
various number values. In everyday life we answer to the numbers of our
names, our birth, and our locations by our reactions. Some names appeal
to us immediately, others we pass by unnoticed. It is our reaction to the
numerical magnetism which causes us either to ignore or notice them.
The Universe is

operated with exact mathematical precision calculated to an ultimate
fraction of a second.
Every expression of rhythm responds to a numerical measure of time.
When you listen to music which thrills you, you are unconsciously
harmonizing with certain number influences in the notes of the music.
When you dislike certain types of music, it is because the numerical
value of such music is not in sympathy with your own name or birth
number. Every day of life brings some good or adverse reaction to the
magnetic influence of the numbers around you. They are in everything
you see, hear, or feel. It is impossible to escape them! The sooner you
learn the value of these numbers the better you will be able to harmonize
with the life and people around you.
On the following pages the author gives a very simple system of
number calculations so you may become familiar with the influences in
your daily life and get the best out of your newly acquired knowledge.
This is the system taught by the Hebraic Kabbala, which is much less
complicated then the other systems.
For instance: the angel who revealed to Adam the Mysteries (Hebr.:
Raz) is Raziel; the angel of evil (Hebr.: Sam—poison) is Samael, and the
angel of the Moon (Hebr.: Yerah) is Yarhiel.
The simple rules, and also more complicated ones, were formulated in
the Talmudic period and elaborated during Middle Ages.
The principal methods of the symbolic Kabbalah which discovers
hidden meaning in letter and words of the Hebraic Bible by forming new
words, anagrams and numbers, for magical use are now revealed.
Gematria was called a process of discovering relations between words
through calculation of their numerical values. Words with the same
numerical value may replace one another, or they may by their number
indicate a new meaning. In the Hebrew language, as in the Greek,
numbers are marked with letters. The numerical value of Jehovah
(Yehova), is 10, 5, 6, 5, totaling 26. These numbers contained in the
name of God were interpreted mystically, and by similar calculations the
Kabbalists discovered the most mighty name of God must contain
seventy-two letters. The knowledge of this name was the greatest power
man could assume.
As an example of Biblical interpretation by Gematria, the passage
Genesis 14: 14 may be adduced where Abraham rescues the captive

Lot with the help of his three hundred and eighteen slaves. Did Abraham
really need so many men, inasmuch as God was on his side? To this
Gematria answers the sum of the name of Abraham’s majordomus,
Eliezer, of Damascus is three hundred and eighteen and Abraham
defeated the four kings and rescued Lot with the help of one man.
Gematria permitted the magician to melt together words of the same
numerical value, thus forming new words which were endowed with
The Notarikon's method was to consider the Hebrew words as
consisting of abbreviations, each letter of a word being the initial of
another word. The first and the last letters of words were detached and
arrayed in new words. Famous talismans and magical words were
invented with the help of Notarikon. The word Agla, so often occurring
in Magic, is shaped from the first letters of the benediction, Atha Gibor
Leolam Adonai (Thou art mighty forever, O Lord). Genesis starts with
the Bereshit, “at the beginning”. According to Notarikon, this word can
be decomposed into the initial letters of the sentence: “He created the
firmament, the earth, the heavens, the sea and the abyss.”
Temurah substitutes, transposes, and permutes letters of words. Any
word may yield a hidden meaning by its anagram. In writing the twenty-
two letters of the Hebrew alphabet in a special order and in two lines, the
letters above and below placed in relationship may substitute for each
other. Arranged in two rows of eleven letters, A is related to L, B to T, G
to SH, etc. The result is an alphabet which reads AL BT GSH DR HK
WTZ ZP CHI TS YN KM. This secret alphabet is called Albath, from
the first two combinations.
Based on similar arrangements, there exist numerous different
alphabetical combinations which are called Abgath, Agdath, Adbag, and
Abbad, according to their first two combinations. Using such alphabets
the Kabbalists would discover hidden meanings everywhere in the Holy
Kabbalah and the one word would produce another.
By the power of words and numbers, the Kabbalists summoned
Spirits, extinguished fires, and banished diseases. But a few Gentiles
used their knowledge for another purpose. They sought to convert the
Jewish scholars to Christianity. In the Zohar we learn the highest
manifestation of the Supreme, Adam Kadmon, is shaped like Man,

as the form of Man includes all that is in Heaven and on Earth. For this
reason, God has chosen Man’s form as His own. God assuming the form
of Man could be no one else but Christ. Moreover, we read in Zohar that,
having created this Celestial Man, God used him as a chariot for His
The Kabbala System of Numerology consists of twenty-two major
number vibrations, corresponding to the twenty-two letters in the
Hebrew alphabet. We have outlined the various meanings of the digit
numbers from one to nine in the appendix and elsewhere in Book I.
The following is the numerical vibrations of the double numbers from
10 to 22 according to the Kabbala.

Number 10: This number denotes a change in conditions. This number

rules the Spiritual and scientific aspects of life. Being under the ruler
of the planet Uranus, it signifies sudden and unexpected changes for
better or worse.
Number 11: This is considered an emotional number which rules the
Psychic Mind. The planet Neptune rules this number and gives the
subject strong magnetic influences over others.
Number 12: This number has a strong influence on the deeper human
emotions. It is the number of Self-sacrifice. It is in harmony with the
sign of Pisces and the twelfth House of the Zodiac. It is the number
that rules secret matters and hidden enemies. It also rules hospitals,
prisons, and large government institutions.
Number 13: This number corresponds to the Sign of Aries. It rules the
pioneer, the military, inventors, and persons with a great deal of
daring and courage. It also signifies the beginning of a new cycle.
Number 14: This number corresponds to the Sign of Taurus. It is a
materialistic number having great powers of determination which
sometimes borders on downright stubbornness. It influences beauty,
art, and all gemenine luxuries. It is a strong influence where financial
matters are concerned.
Number 15: It is a strong factor where Mental activities are concerned. It
helps bring matters down to Earth when thoughts and deeds get out of
hand. Ruled by the planet Saturn, it is a stern task master. It giveth
and taketh away.

Number 16: This number governs the passions and physical force for
better or worse. It can be aggressive and constructive on the one hand
and rash and impulsive and brutal on the other. Being ruled by the
planet Mars, it has great force and energy. This vibration produces
inventors and explorers.
Number 17: This is the number of faith, hope, and charity. It represents
the intellectual force and harmonizes with the Sign of Gemini.
Intuition and reason are the major factors for success. When
consistency of purpose is learned, it can express the principles of
illuminated thinking and action.
Number 18: This number is associated with the Sign of Cancer. It is
considered to be a difficult, secretive vibration. It signifies danger
through Water, Fire, and explosions. It is more materialistic than
Spiritual and is filled with intrigue and oft times deception. Quarrels
involving the family with the possibility of deception are common.
Number 19: This is considered a fortunate number. It harmonizes with
the Sign of Leo and brings forth good humor and a magnanimous
attitude toward Life. It promises success, esteem, and recognition. It is
very favorable to the interests of children and is a favorable number
for speculation and entertainment.
Number 20: This number is ruled by the Moon, which makes it very
changeable. It rules Fate and Spiritual effort upon which the native’s
fortune depends. A great personal effort is necessary at all times in
order to attain success. The fortunes are variable, and there are many
ups and downs during the course of a lifetime.
Number 21: This is a number of authority and power. It leads to
advancement and contentment. Recognition for work well done with
financial rewards for serious effort is shown by this number. The Sun
rules this number, which usually brings good fortune with numerous
opportunities for financial as well as Spiritual success. Number 22: This
is a weak and unfortunate number. It rules the earth and all of its
material failures. It can bring about separations from friends and loved
ones. Folly is one of the number’s attributes. Vanity and conceit
overcome all Spiritual values, usually bringing dissolution and
disappointment. Failure, folly, or mistakes can only be overcome after
the realization of one’s shortcomings.


These methods, based on the Science of NUMEROLOGY, are different for

every person. The author has spent many years studying the Occult meaning
of numbers and while we do not guarantee re
sults, many people use them with great success.
1. Learn how to tell Magic time! Numbers 1-12 represent a.m. just like a
watch, but numbers 13-24 represent the time after noon. For example:
a.m.—1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12; p.m.—
13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24.
2. Note the day of the week! Monday is 1; Tuesday is 2; Wednesday is
3; Thursday is 4; Friday is 5; Saturday is 6; and Sunday is 7.
3. Count the number of letters in your name: Jack Brown has four letters
in his first name and five in his second name. 4 plus 5 equals 9. This
number 9 is always lucky for Jack Brown.
4. A lucky number is found by combining the values of the day and
month in which you were born. For example: If you were born on
June 25th (June is the 6th month), combine 6 and 25—thus 625 or
67. Add these figures: 6 plus 2 plus 5 equals 13. Add again, 1 plus 3
equals 4. This gives four magic numbers, all with the same strength:
625, 67, 13, 4. Use the one which suits you best. Jan. equals 1, Feb. 2,
March 3, April 4, May 5, June 6, July 7, Aug. 8, Sept. 9, Oct. 10,
Nov. 11 (or 2), Dec. 12 (or 3).


1. THE MAGIC HOUR: Use the number of the day of the week and the
number of the hour at which you play or bet. For example: Suppose it
is 4 p.m. on Friday. 4 p.m. is 16 o’clock: Friday is 5. Combine these
to make 165 or 75. Then add 1 plus 6 plus 5 equals 12. Add again 1
plus 2 equals 3. This gives four magic numbers:
165, 75, 12, 3 with the same strength. Use the one which suits you
2. STRIKE THE KEYNOTE: Use the number of letters in your name
and the hour of play. Suppose Jack Brown (9) wants a Lucky Number
at 8 p.m. Combine 9 and 20 to make 920. Add these 9 plus 2 plus 0
equals 11. Add again 1 plus 1 equals 2. This gives four magic
numbers: 920, 29, 11, 2. Use the one which suits you best.

3. YOUR PINNACLE OF SUCCESS: Use the number of the day on
which you were born and the number of the month. Suppose you were
born on Aug. 24th. Combine 24 and 8. This gives 248 or
68. Add 2 plus 4 plus 8 equals 14. Add again 1 plus 4 equals 5. This
gives you four Lucky Numbers of the same magic power: 248, 68, 14,
4. LADY LUCK METHOD: Count the number of letters in your
sweetheart’s name and combine with the number of letters in your
name. For example, Maybelle Jones (13 letters) and Jack Brown (9
letters) makes 139 or 40. Add these: 1 plus 3 plus 9 equals 13. Add
again, 1 plus 3 equals 4. This gives you four lady luck numbers; 139,
49, 13, 4. Use the one which suits you best.

If you want more than one Lucky Number in any day, combine your
Lady Luck number with the hour. For example: at 20 o’clock (8 p.m.),
combine Maybelle Jones (13) with Jack Brown (9): 20, 139. Add these
to suit your convenience. Always note the hour of the day. The time
figure changes only when the hour changes. Adding, transposing, or
combining a magic number may be used or not used as you wish.


In any system of Numerology, the letters of the alphabet respond to the 9

digits or single numbers. Numbers of two figures are not retained except
in the cases of 11 and 22, the reasons for this which will be explained
later. The letters of the alphabet must be reduced to single numbers, so
consequently more than one letter responds to the same number as
shown below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


S T U V W X Y z
You will notice the letters A, J, and S have the same numerical

value as the number 1, while B, K, and T have the value of 2, and so on.
Whatever number a letter is under, this is its numerical power or number
vibration on the Astral Plane.
We are now ready to begin transferring names into magic numbers.
We will choose a simple name as the first example. Preferably the first
name and last name of a person should be written vertically, as it is
easier to add than if written horizontally. We choose the name of Mary
Smith for our example:

M ..................... .....................4 S ..................... .................... 1

A ...................... .................... I M ..................... .................... 4

R ..................... .................... 9 I ...................... .................... 9

Y ..................... .................... 7 T ...................... .................... 2

H ...................... .................... 8
21 or 2 + 1 + 3 24 or 2+4 = 6

The name Mary responds to 21 and the name Smith responds to 24.
To secure the full name vibration, it is necessary to add 21 plus 24,
which equals 45. This is a double number, so we must add 4 plus
5 to get 9. This young lady responds to the name number of 9. You may
now refer to the indications of the numbers and find out what the
number 9 denotes about her.
We will now suppose Mary Smith’s birthdate is June 6th, 1941. To
transfer this into a numerical value, we would write it thus: 6-6-1941,
because June is the sixth month. Now add these numbers together:
6 plus 6 plus 1 plus 9 plus 4 plus 1 equals 27. This total is a double
number so we add 2 plus 7 which equals 9. We find Mary Smith’s
birthdate is 9, the same as her name number. Any number derived from
the birthdate is called the Birth Path.
Now we wish to find her Destiny Number. We will add the Name
number and the Birth number, thus: 9 plus 9 equals 18. This is a double
number, so we have to add 1 plus 8, which equals 9. Mary Smith’s
Destiny Number is also 9. Refer to 9 in the Destiny Column and read her

Certain numbers have an affinity for each other while others clash
seriously. Even numbers harmonize with each other; even numbers and
odd numbers harmonize with other odd numbers. But even numbers and
odd numbers seldom harmonize except in the cases of 11 and 22. These
two numbers are the exception and will harmonize with almost any
other. Eleven is a higher octave of 2, because 1 and 1 equals 2, while 22
is a higher octave of 4, as 2 plus 2 equals 4. However, these two
numbers are seldom reduced to a digit because of their very strong
individual power. Therefore, when you have arrived at an 11 or 22, you
need not reduce it further but look for the indications for those two
We now propose to find out if Mary Smith with a Destiny Number of
9 would be successful as a typist. Secure the number vibration of the
word typist. We find it gives us 2 plus 7 plus 7 plus 9 plus 1 plus 2
which equals 28. This is a double number, so it must be added: 2 plus 8
equals 10. This also is a double number; therefore, 1 plus 0 equals
1. Since the word responds to 1, which is an odd number the same as 9,
Mary Smith would be a successful typist.
In the same way we can discover if she would be successful in
Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, or any other place by working out the
numerical values of such places. We can also find out if a certain street
and number is favorable or not, if she should marry her love or not, if
travel by land, water, or air is best for her, etc. Many other things will
suggest themselves to you that you can work out for yourself or for your
In figuring the numerical values of names, use the one by which the
person is known. The name James might have been given a boy at birth,
but he always has been called Jim, which is a contraction of James. In
this case, use the name Jim. But if you find the name James produces
better influences, he should immediately change his name to James and
sign it that way at all times. He should insist his friends call him James
instead of Jim. The name a person has been called all his life is the name
vibration one responds to best. Its constant repetition has stamped upon
his destiny the influence of that name, even though it be a nickname.
Therefore, when numberizing a name, the one by which the person is
known is the one to be selected. By changing it by adding letters or
spelling it differently, a new vibration is produced which will bring

different results and a different personality if continued for a long
enough time. Many famous people change the spelling of their name
when they understand Numerology so as to create better number
It is sometimes best when a woman marries to retain her given name
in addition to her new surname. Sometimes it is best to drop the given
name and use her husband’s full name, placing a Mrs. before it. By
working out the different combinations according to Numerology, the
best combination may be found quickly and easily. Once a person
decides to change his name, the old one must be forgotten entirely and
never again used.


There are various ways in which Numerology may be employed to

amuse or benefit by those who enjoy working out their numbers. The
ideas presented here are just a few suggestions; others will come to mind
as you work with the Science of Numbers.
Take a deck of ordinary playing cards and remove the 10 spots.
Previous to this you will have worked out your Destiny Number as
directed. We will take the Destiny Number of Mary Smith, which was 9.
After removing the 10 spots and placing them aside, Mary Smith should
shuffle the cards, give them one cut, then shuffle and cut them again.
She should go through this operation of shuffling and cutting nine times.
She should then deal off nine cards from the top of the pack and put
them to one side.
The very next card should be turned up and placed face up on the
table. If the card should be a 5, her fortunate number would be 5. If she
is seeking a number with two figures, she should deal off nine more
cards, place them aside and use the very next card, putting it face up
alongside the first one.
If she desires a number with three figures, she will deal off nine more
cards and place the next one alongside the other two. Now suppose she
has laid down the 5 of diamonds, the 2 of clubs, and the 8 of spades. Her
fortunate number is 528. Face cards are to be considered Zero or a
cipher. Therefore, if the last card had been the King of Spades instead of
the 8, the number would have been 520.

Always shuffle and cut the cards as many times as your Destiny
Number. If you have a Destiny Number of 4, you should shuffle and cut
four times and deal off four cards from the top. Your Destiny Number is
the Index to use. This process should not be repeated for the same person
more than once in twenty-four hours. To repeat it destroys the vibration
of the first Fortunate number and weakens the second one found.
Note: The reason the 10 spots were removed is because 10 is a double
number, and in Numerology you are concerned with single numbers
We wish to know if 1968 is a fortunate year for Mary Smith. Add
1968 thus: 1 plus 9 plus 6 plus 8 equals 24. Now add 2 and 4 which
equals 6. This result is an even number, so it does not harmonize with
Mary Smith’s Destiny Number of 9; consequently, 1968 is not as
fortunate for her as other years. The digit of the year must be the same or
must be in harmony with your Destiny Number to be a Fortunate Year
for you. There are more specific directions later in this chapter about
Fortunate years.
Any day which adds up to your Destiny Number is the best day for
you. Mary Smith’s lucky days in any month are 9th, 18th, and 27th. Her
fairly good days are those which add to other odd numbers. The days
which are neutral or slightly adverse are those which add up to even
numbers. Work this out with your own Destiny Number and check off
your good and adverse days on your calendar to guide you.
To find out your best hours of any day, find the time of Sunrise from
your local daily paper. For example, suppose the Sun rises at 6.15. The
first hour after sunrise will be from 6.15 a.m. to 7.15 a.m., Mary Smith’s
best hours are the 9th hour after Sunrise and any other which adds up to
9, which would be the 18th hour after Sunrise. These hours will vary a
few minutes each day as the Sun varies in rising time. Always use the
hours after Sunrise which equal your Destiny Number,
For best results in partnerships or friendships, their Destiny Number
should be the same as yours. Those who have Destiny Numbers not
similar to but harmonious with yours will make fairly good friends,
companions, and partners. Those who have Destiny Numbers which
clash with yours will not make satisfactory associates, and your relations
with them will not be permanent or congenial.

Secure the Monthly Number of any month and year (by Monthly
Number is meant the numerical figure for any month reduced to a single
digit). Add it and your Destiny number together, which is your Monthly
Number for that month. Then refer to the Gallery of Numbers for the
general indications for the month. As an example we will see what the
indications for Mary Smith are for the month of
June 1968:
June .................................................................................... 6

1968 added together . ....................................................... 24

Destiny Number of Mary Smith ................................. .. .9

Total 39
3 plus 9 equals 12, 1 plus 2 equals 3, which is her Monthly Number
for June 1968. To find Mary Smith’s indications for June 1968, refer to
Gallery of Monthly Numbers under 3.
Secure your own Monthly Number in the same way, using your
Destiny Number instead of Mary Smith’s. It will frequently happen that
several months will respond to the same Monthly Number, but they will
change from year to year.


1. The number of Creation, of Beginning, of First Impulses, or the

source of Energy. Persons whose name vibrates to this number are
trail blazers. Most of all their lives they have been leaders and
thinkers along pioneer lines, and they are usually popular in whatever
sphere of society they choose to move. They are constructive in
thought and like to be doing something new and out of the ordinary.
They do not follow in the path of others and generally have the
courage of their convictions. There is a lower level to this number,
also. Those who respond to this lower plane are eccentric, egotistical,
haughty, dominating, and self-conscious. If your name responds to
this number, make every effort to overcome weak tendencies which
might show up in your character.
2. The number of Beauty, Culture, Truth, Perception, and Conscious-
ness. It is a decided feminine number and causes the person to

respect and appreciate the refined and intellectual things in life. It is
the number of cooperation, attraction, affection, emotion, and en-
thusiasm. Those whose name responds to this number are warm
friends, congenial companions, interesting entertainers, and good
judges of human nature. The lower plane of this number causes the
person to be hasty, sensitive, and inclined to be too particular. If your
name responds to this number, strive to overcome any undignified
tendencies that might show up in your character.
3. The number of Enlightenment, Thoroughness, and Refinement. This
number causes a person to be tender, affectionate, sympathetic. Very
cautious about details, prone to self-sacrifice for some idealistic
principle and often willing to do without things to assist friends. It is
the number of the Holy Trinity and causes the person to be highly
religious and impressionable, intuitive and magnetic.
4. The number of Realization, Security, Protection, Stability, and
Ambition. Those whose name responds to this vibration are true
friends and good company. They possess brilliant and inventive
minds and are inclined to reach the goal of their ambitions regardless
of obstacles. They usually live a life of activity and variety and have
many interesting experiences from which they learn much of the
usefulness of life.
5. The number of Uncertainty, Hesitancy, Doubt, and Discouragement.
Those whose name responds to this number will often become
confused, restless, irritable, impatient, and moody. They find it hard
to form congenial companionships and frequently disagree with the
opinions of others. They sometimes feel that life has been unkind to
them—as though they were living an existence against which their
Nature rebels. If this is your name number and you feel you do not
want to fight against this influence any longer, it might be a good idea
to change your name slightly so it will respond to some other number.
However, you can overcome it by exerting your will power if you
keep on fighting.
6. The number of Dual Personality, Indecision, Temptation, and Excess.
Those whose name responds to this number have a peculiar Nature.
They are not always understood and very often are the cause of their
own failures. If they will learn to gain from their experiences, they
will make this a fortunate number, but drifting through life will never
get them anywhere. They like to follow the lines of least resistance
and should overcome a tendency to indiscreet actions. Determination
will help them conquer the uncertainties of this number.

7. The number of Spirituality, Mysticism, Wisdom, and Success. Those
whose name responds to this number are receptive, studious, creative
and intellectual. They possess a deep understanding and desire the
finer things of life. If there are no other conflicting influences in their
numbers, they make warm friends, valuable employees and ideal
companions or partners. They have a magnetic
. personality, are very unselfish and possess a rare outlook on life.
8. The number of Justice, Evolution, Strength, Inspiration and Genius.
Those whose name responds to this number have a strong personality.
They are very magnetic, self-willed, independent, progressive,
intuitive, and honest, candid, and straightforward in dealings. The
number 8 vibration is an extremely strong one, difficult to overcome.
It causes a person to be very active, seldom contented for a great
length of time and eager for changes of events and scenery.
9. The number of Dominance, Efficiency, Psychic, Consciousness,
Humanitarianism, and Renewed Energy. Those whose name responds
to this number are clever, active, philosophical, and intuitive. They
belong to the realm of prophets and possess an unusual telepathic
Mind. They have a fertile imagination, high ideals, and are endowed
with poetic or artistic abilities. They are usually very dignified and
pleasant but odd and whimsical. They are refined, gentle, sympathetic
and even-tempered. They make friends easily and are quick to solve
the problems of others.
11. The number of Power, Courage, Success, Adventure, Impulse, and
Energy. Those whose name responds to this number are merely an
octave higher than those who respond to 2. They are deep thinkers
and fond of exciting adventures. At times they are vague in their
statements. Their mind grasps the general outcome of things, but they
usually skip details. The number has such a powerful influence they
often find themselves confused by many contradictions, likes, and
dislikes. Clear thinking, determination, and concentration are qualities
necessary to develop in order to control the restlessness this number
22. The number of Rashness, Errors, Haste, Changeability. Those whose
name responds to this number should overcome a tendency to be
critical, restless, and reckless. They often do not understand their own
peculiarities. They say and do things on the spur of the moment and
then wonder why they did it. They usually do not look before they
leap. They are inclined to go to extremes, even against their own
better judgment. They have a hard struggle with

themselves, and it might be a good idea to change the name so as to
respond to a better number vibration.


(Secured from the Year, Month and Date of Birth)

1. If this is your Birth Path, you will have many strange experiences.
You will go through life making your own conditions and carrying
out your own ideas. You will lead a constructive life!
2. If this is your Birth Path, you will seem to go around in circles and
have repetitions of certain experiences at regular intervals. If you
cultivate self-control, you will have an interesting, useful life.
3. If this is your Birth Path, you will enjoy many of the better things of
life. You will travel much and gain from the experiences of others.
Yours will be a fortunate, contented life.
4. If this is your Birth Path, you will have many loyal friends. You will
gain some prominence in the business or professional world. Yours
will be a successful, pleasant life.
5. If this is your Birth Path, you will have many strange experiences, at
times difficult to overcome; yet with your strong personality, you
usually win out. Yours will be a long, contented life.
6. If this is your Birth Path, you are apt to be too careless of your actions
and general health and welfare. Success will be attained only through
firmness of purpose and stability. Yours is a changeable but useful
7. If this is your Birth Path, you will undertake and usually accomplish
big things. New and interesting experiences will present themselves.
You will be the master of your own destiny. Yours will be an
unusually successful life.
8. If this is your Birth Path, you will lead an active life, but not neces-
sarily a peaceful one. New ambitions will always spur you onward.
Frequent outbursts of temper alter your course of life. Yours will be
an adventurous career.
9. If this is your Birth Path, you will travel extensively, engage in un-
usual affairs and odd professions. Literature, art, music, and the stage
will attract you. Yours will be an interesting life.
11. If this is your Birth Path, you will engage in many risky adventures.
You will overcome obstacles by sheer force of will power.

EAFK-L 321
You are captain of your Soul and master of your destiny. Yours will be
a progressive life.
12. If this is your Birth Path, you will create many of your own difficulties.
Losses may come through bad judgment or unreliable associates. Learn
to think constructively and act with discretion. Cultivate self-control and
you will succeed.


(Secured by Adding Name Number and Birth Path Number)

1. If this is your Destiny Number, you will achieve great success through
your constructive efforts. Some help will be given you, but in the main
you will be self-made.
2. If this is your Destiny Number, you will have many ups and downs in
life, but through the aid of friends and relatives you eventually will be
successful. You will have wealth if you utilize all your faculties.
3. If this is your Destiny Number, you will experience many successful
ventures. The better things of life will assist you to the goal of your
4. If this is your Destiny Number, you will have a life of usefulness,
financial success, and honor. Choose your profession carefully and forge
ahead. Nothing can stop you if you persist! You will likely acquire
much property.
5. If this is your Destiny Number, you will stand in your own way many
times. Guard against accidents and do not trust strangers. Your life is
one of varied experiences, some pleasant, others most discouraging.
6. If this is your Destiny Number, do not permit yourself to drift. Control
your emotions and make the best of your opportunities. You are apt to
overlook them! Success will come to you if you are alert and
7. If this is your Destiny Number, you may expect to attain prominence in
life. Your light will shine far and you will travel extensively. Friends
will be attracted to you.
8. If this is your Destiny Number, you will encounter financial difficulties
often, but usually will overcome them with experience and shrewdness.
Your life will be very active.
9. If this is your Destiny Number, you will live a very useful, con-

tented life. You possess many talents, are admired by friends, and
enjoy an excellent reputation.
11. If this is your Destiny Number, you will lead a very active life, will
succeed in big undertakings, and be prominent in your sphere of life.
You will be master of your own destiny and creator of your fortune.
22. If this is your Destiny Number, the lower qualities of your Nature may
control your life unless you strive to change them. Avoid schemes and
questionable enterprises. Be deliberate in all projects. Overcome


(These are secured by adding the Destiny Number to Number of Month and Year
of birth.)

1. Any month which responds to this number is a month of new

happenings. It is a good month to make and start things, to take trips,
ask favors, start new business ventures and write letters. Anything you
can manage to carry on without aid from others should succeed this
month. It is a good time to buy, advertise, hire new help, look for new
work, and make changes.
2. Any month which responds to this number is a month of varied
experiences, unexpected turns in events. If unmarried, there is possible
wedlock; slight restlessness and danger through carelessness can
occur. This month holds many arguments and broken friendships
unless you make an effort to control things. Think much, but say little.
Guard your health and avoid conflicts.
3. Any month which responds to this number is ideal for carrying out
plans, making changes, taking trips, handling finances, dealing with
business and professional people. Important beneficial changes are apt
to occur in your domestic or personal life. Make the most of your
present opportunities.
4. Any month which responds this number is a good month to try to
complete unfinished tasks, to make an effort to realize your ambitions,
secure the good will of others, deal in lands, property, and legal
affairs. If you exercise a reasonable amount of determination and good
judgment, you should succeed at this time. You should be able to now
build a foundation for future activities.
5. Any month which responds to this number is a month in which you
should use caution in all you undertake. Guard against fires,

accidents, losses, slander, scandal, extravagance, and outbursts of
temper. Guard your health and take no risks or chances on anything.
Distressing bits of news may come to you this month but refuse to be
alarmed. Avoid litigation, general unrest, and loss of friends.
6. Any month which responds to this number is a month in which much
depends upon your own initiative. You can make it either a profitable
or unprofitable month. You may experience some trouble in your
domestic affairs and minor delays in carrying out your plans, but if
you retain poise you will be able to straighten out everything
satisfactorily. Guard your health and control your temper.
7. Any month which responds to this number is a month of good results.
Follow your hunches and impressions. A good time to read, study, or
investigate; also favorable for visiting, planning, traveling, starting
new enterprises, seeking new work, buying, selling, and investing.
New friends and pleasant experiences should enrich your life now.
8. Any month which responds to this number is a month of radical
changes, new ambitions, and much progress. During this month’s
influence, you will be enthusiastic and courageous. Deal with
prominent people, develop new propositions, advertise, travel, attend
to important financial matters, and push all things of material
importance. Avoid undue haste and too much force. Guard against
accidents, fires, and minor injuries.
9. Any month which responds to this number is a very important month.
You will have opportunities to complete tasks which have been
pending for a long time. Things you start now will be easier to
accomplish. You will have renewed hopes and ambitions and new
ideas should be carried out carefully. Develop your personality and
11. Any month which responds to this number is a month of intense
activity. You will be busy, yet seem to lack time to finish your plans.
However, the headway you gain will be permanent. You will discover
you have a stronger will power than you realized and you can conquer
obstacles more easily at this time. It is a month of rise to power, new
adventures, and a realization of ambitions, partial or complete.
22. Any month which responds to this number is a month in which to be
careful. You are apt to be influenced by others to your detriment.
Avoid extravagance, rashness, temptations, losses, and controversy
over legal matters. Control your emotions and temper.

Guard your health and take no risks or chances. You are likely to be
impulsive and hasty.

Most all technical students of Astrology as well as the professional

practitioners use Numerology in conjunction with Astrology in making
their forecasts. Because your Astrologer has found, after nearly a quarter
century of practice and research, that it is usually advantageous to the
client to know what Numerology holds in store for him as well as
Astrology, you are given the opportunity to compare your
Numerological outlook with that as shown by your Astrology forecast.
Ascertaining your own outlook for each year is relatively simple, easy
to understand, and very interesting in its interpretation. You will find
that when your Special Birthday Outline, Your Monthly Forecast, and
your Numerological Forecast indicate practically the same thing, it is
very likely that the conditions so indicated should occur. In some
instances Numerology will show conditions with which you will meet in
an entirely different vein than Astrology shows, thus opening new
opportunities for you.
You will have observed that your own life runs in cycles. After a
certain number of years, somewhat similar conditions will repeat
themselves. The answer, or rather the cause of this, is explained by
Numerologists as being due to the vibration of various numbers.
To make this one of the most complete and comprehensive Occult
outlines you’ve ever read, your author has prepared this addition to your
reading so you may have a firmer grasp on your own Life and perhaps
enjoy greater success and prosperity. You will find one simple rule
which unlocks the fundamental law in Numerology. Use it to the fullest
extent and ultimately you will benefit from it.
To ascertain just what Numerological vibration you are to be ruled by
during any year, past, present, or future, there is but one simple, easy to
understand rule. Add together the number of your birth month, plus the
number representing the day of birth, plus the final number or digit of
the year you wish to forecast.
For example: If your birthday is April 26th and you wish to know
what Numerological vibration is in force during the twelve months from
April 26th, 1968 to April 26th, 1969, add the number of the

month (April is the 4th month of the year) to your date of birth (26). The
way Numerologists do this follows:
4 plus 2 plus 6 which equals 12. Now, in this branch of Numerology
you must resolve any two figured number to ONE figure. Thus 12 is
reduced to its final number 1 plus 2 (12) equals 3.
Since we wish to forecast for the year 1968, we add the 3 which
already has been obtained by adding the month and date of birth to the
year for which the forecast is desired, thus: 3 plus 1 plus 9 plus 6 plus 8
(1968). This equals 27, which must again be reduced (2 plus 7) or 9. On
the pages which follow you’ll find a forecast based on each number from
1 to 9. Remember, before going further you must reduce your numbers
to a final digit or number from' 1 to 9.
To simplify this matter still further, here is the final digit number of
each month of the year:

January No. 1 May No. 5 September No. 9

February No. 2 June No. 6 October No. 1
March No. 3 July No. 7 November No. 2
April No. 4 August No. 8 December No. 3
Do you see why October is Number 1? As October is the 10th month,
we add 1 plus 0 which equals No, 1. November is the 11th month, and
we add 1 plus 1 or 2; December is the 12th month so we add 1 plus 2,
which equals 3.


1. If your year vibrates to this number, many new opportunities are likely
to come to you and events occur which will start you on a “new leaf”
or cycle. It seems better for you to discard the old and look forward to
these new opportunities; new friendships, new work or business. You
will feel like starting something new and should not hesitate in doing
so, especially if your Birthday Outline and Monthly Transit Forecast
also indicate a good period for you. Some old matters will have to be
settled it seems, but this can be done and you will find the period from
April or May around to October or November will be the time when
these new opportunities may present themselves. If you have made
mistakes in the past, forget them and start a new cycle now.

2. If your year vibrates to Number 2, it shows you probably started
something new during the twelve months prior to this period and you
should not be discouraged if things have not shaped themselves as you at
first thought they would. An opportunity to travel or change residence
may now come, but it is well for you to consult the Astrological to see if
this would be a good time to do those things. Health conditions should be
good and you will start to benefit from this vibration by the time the Fall
months arrive. The main point to remember when you are under a
Number 2 vibration is that you must not become discouraged if things do
not turn out as you desire immediately. Just give them a little more time,
a little more patience, and you will be all right.
3. If your year vibrates to Number 3, you are more certain to become
publicly recognized for your accomplishments. If you have been trying to
develop a new business and have not been quite as successful as you
would desire, your ambitions are very likely to be gratified during the
twelve months in which this Number 3 vibrates. This is a fine period in
which to advertise anything, either your business, real estate, or to seek a
position through a public notice. There seems to be quite some important
social success for you in this period, and if single, possibility of
courtship. This is a fine vibration for advancement and progress so make
an effort to utilize every opportunity that may present itself.
4. If your year vibrates to Number 4, you can depend upon it. This period is
one in which you should not give too much time to pleasure or social
activity nor for travel and change. Primarily, it is time to make important
plans, getting down to business as regards your immediate future.
Between June 1st to the first of October seems to be the time when you
will be in best harmony for the vibrations Number 4 set in force. Any
disappointments which come to you would be the result of too much
social activity, pleasure, travel, or change. Be sure to compare this yearly
vibration with your Astrology forecast. But if a question exists between
the two systems, you will always be doing right in deciding along
Astrology lines.
5. If your year vibrates to Number 5, it marks a time when you will desire
and have opportunity to make changes, to travel, and to live in an entirely
different environment. This is a good time to take chances, to speculate
and try hazardous things which you would not, probably, at any other
time undertake. This is a period which calls for courage and initiative,
you may find the opportunities to make changes will come between May
or June and October and November.

Not surprising if you entered some commercial pursuit or obtained a
better office or clerical position at this time. Important letters are
likely to be sent and received and some of these messages turn out
very well. Important agreements or documents may also be signed
during the Number 5 period. Push ahead vigorously.
6. If your year vibrates to Number 6, you’ll find many of your real-
personal affairs that have been “hanging fire” and could not heretofore
be settled, will now be amenable to settlement. Especially this is so in
your social, domestic, or matrimonial spheres. So this is the year for
you to settle any old standing matters or differences and to make new
friends. Young folks may now court or have offers of marriage, and in
the domestic lives of many will occur happy, wholesome events. If
there have been some important quarrels or disputes with friends and
you feel this was unjustified, it is possible to become friends again
under this Number 6 vibration.
7. If your year vibrates to Number 7, you will find the period a fine time
to rest, mentally and physically, and take an inventory of your affairs.
It would be a good time to travel or make important changes, but if
you decide to buy some rather expensive article be sure to make a
thorough examination of it. Another condition which number 7 brings
about is the occurrence of very sudden and entirely unlooked for
events. Things will seem to happen out of a clear sky, and many of
those rather startling events may prove very helpful and create worth-
while opportunities to be developed later on. To those engaged in
professional work, Occult or mail order lines, and aviation, this should
be a very prosperous year.
8. If your year vibrates to Number 8, it marks a time when you’ll begin
to see success coming to you through efforts along a certain cherished
line during the past few years and which has been slow in coming up
to this time. This is a time when one frequently buys real estate or
sells it, deals with older folks, or obtains a promotion in some old,
established company. If you must ask favors, now would be the time
to do it, and confine your requests to people past 45 years of age. You
now become more active and seek to advance yourself in a business
and financial way. It is a very good time to do this, and if your
Astrology forecast shows that Saturn is in good aspect to your Sun at
any time during the coming months, then this number 8 vibration will
be doubly effective. If Saturn is adverse or in inharmonious relation to
your Sun, then this vibration will not be good.
9. If your year vibrates to Number 9, it marks a time when you may

do some things that require great initiative and courage. Perhaps some
of the things you do will be a little impulsive, so try to distinguish the
border-line here between an impulsive act and one that is justified, but
requires courage and initiative. Do not be too easily discouraged in
your present work or job, as this is not exactly the right time to make
sudden changes unless your Astrology forecast promises these things.
If Jupiter is favorable to your Sun in your Astro-forecast, you may
make considerable money through speculation or games of chance
during the period over which this Number 9 governs. It is not best for
you to change your residence, although you will strongly feel the urge
to do so. When you are under a 9 Numerological vibration, it is
always better still more carefully to study your Astro-forecast as that
will hold the “key” to your own situation.


Name and Number: The number secured by transferring the letters in a

person’s name to numbers. This shows the general characteristics the
person has developed from the use of his name through life.
Birth Path Number: The number secured by transforming the month,
date, and year of birth into numbers. This shows the general trend of the
person’s life and the outstanding events to be experienced. Destiny
Number: The number secured by adding the Name Number and Birth
Path Number together. This shows whether your name adds or subtracts
to your Birth Path indications. If it hinders you, the name should be
changed for the future.
Monthly Number: The number secured by adding your Destiny Number
to the digit of any month and year. This shows the general indications
for any month of any year for you. Monthly numbers must be figured
out each year, as they change from year to year.

7 The

It is known to many persons who are not Occult students that the Tarot is
a method of divination by means of seventy-eight symbolical picture
cards, to which great Antiquity and high importance are attributed by
several expositors. Their literary history is also fairly well known. They
were mentioned first by the French archaeologist Court de Gebelin at the
close of the eighteenth century, and were attributed by him to Egyptian
origin. About the same time the subject was taken up by a professed
Cartomancer named Alliette, who wrote a great deal about them in
several tracts. He endeavored to trace their connection with Egypt
through the Jewish Kabbalah. The inquiry then fell into neglect, except
as far as the Continental fortune-tellers were concerned, until the year
1855, when Eliphas Levi made his first contribution to Occult subjects
and science.
Eliphas Levi says the Tarot cards are a key to the Esoteric Tradition
of the Jews and “the primitive source of Divine and human Tradition”.
He institutes an analogy between the symbols of its four suits and the
four letters of the Divine Name Tetragrammaton and between the ten
Sephiroth and the ten small cards belonging to each sequence. He gives
also the correspondences between the twenty-two Trump Cards and the
letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, for which he quotes the authority of
Kabbalistic Jews. The Tarot is actually, as it is claimed to be, of
considerable importance symbolically, and it has Kabbalistic
The Hebrew symbolism of the Tarot is laboriously elaborated, yet

becomes disorganized if there is any doubt as to the attribution of its
Hebrew Alphabet. Now, there is one card which bears no number and is
allocated, therefore, according to the discretion of the interpreter. It has
been placed in all cases wrongly by the uninstructed because they had
nothing but their private judgment to guide them.
The true nature of Tarot symbolism is, perhaps, a secret in the hands
of a very few persons, and outside that circle, all operators and writers
may combine the cards as they like and attribute them as they like, but
they will never find the right way. The symbolism is, however, so rich it
will give meanings of a kind in whatever manner it may be disposed, and
some of these may be suggestive, though illusory none the less. The
purpose of this chapter is to show that published Tarots and the methods
of using them are serviceable for divination and fortune telling. They are
the key of the Kabbalah.
No calculation or scientific observation is necessary for the Tarot. Its
entire theory rests upon Nature; there is no accident. Every happening in
the Universe is caused by pre-established laws.
The event is subject to this fundamental rule: cards mixed at random
do not yield haphazard results but a suit of figures is bound magically to
the diviner and to the inquirer.
The practice of the Tarot is based upon a Prophetic gift of man which
manifests itself through Clairvoyance. No doubt this state arises more
frequently than we care to admit. Who has not, even if only once in his
life, had that sensation called foreknowledge? Some future event is
witnessed so clearly, so plastically, its beholder knows immediately and
with absolute certainty this will happen. And it does!
The suits are four: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles, answering to
Diamonds; Pentacles answering to Hearts; Cups, or Spades; Swords and
Wands answering to clubs. Each suit consists of fourteen cards, the ace
and nine others, and four court cards, king, queen, knight, and knave.
The four aces form the keys of their respective suits.
Older authorities differ as to the names, figures, and meanings of the
various keys:
Hebrew Alphabet
Court de Gebelin Mathers Falconnier Alphabet des Mages

Bataleur, of Pagad Juggler Magician Aleph Athoim

High-Priestess High-Priestess Sanctuary Beth Beinthin

Hebrew Alphabet
Court de Gebelin Mathers Falconnier Alphabet des Mages
Queen Empress Nature Gimel Gomor
King Emperor Conqueror Daleth Dina in
High-Priest Hierophant Hierophant He Eni
Marriage Love Pope Trial Vau Ur
Osiris Chariot Victory Zain Zain
Justice Justice Justice Cheth Heleta
Wise Man Hermit Sage Teth Thela
Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Sphinx Yod Joithi
Strength Strength Strength Kaph Caita
Prudence Hanged Man Sacrifice Lamed Luzara
Death Death Death Mem Mataloth
Temperance Temperance Sun Nun Nain
Typhon Devil Typhon Samech Xirou
Maison Dieu Lightning- Pyramid Ayin Olelath
Struck Tower
Dog Star Star Star Pe Pilon
Moon Moon Love Tzaddi Tsadi
Sun Sun Awakening Qoph Quito lath
Last Judgment Last Judgment Crown Resh Rosith
Fool, or Mat Fool Atheist Shin Sieben
World Universe Night Tau Toth

There are people specially gifted with such prescience or premonition.

They stimulate their abnormal sensibility in many ways. Gazing at the
Crystal produces an autohypnotic condition. In fact, any glistening or
colorful object when stared at for a time may become equally
stimulating to the imagination. Some Clairvoyant people are able to tell
where the stone which they press against their foreheads was found.
They can describe the landscape on which the stone lay, as well as the
person who picked it up.
The primary function of the Tarot cards seems to be such stimulation,
In scrutinizing the vividly colored images, the diviner will provoke a
kind of autohypnosis, or if he is less gifted, a concentration of the Mind
resulting in a profound mental absorption. The Tarot’s virtue is to induce
that Psychic or mental state favorable to divination.

The striking Tarot figures, especially the trumps or Major Arcana,
appeal mysteriously and waken in us tire images of our subconscious.
Many of the Tarot figures are medieval allegories. The allegory of
Force of trump eleven is no mystery to the iconologist. The wheel of
Fortune, Trump ten, is a theme used in Romanesque rose-windows.
Similar affiliations can be detected without too much difficulty. Most,
but not all, of these figures now belong to the orb of the Christian
civilization. Yet, actually, the original trump cards and pip cards are of a
more venerable age. Thoth-Hermes invented the first Tarot leaves and
the Holy Kabbalah holds the true key to the Tarot, just as the Tarot holds
the key to the Kabbalah.
The experts of the Tarot connect the game with the divinatory art of
Antiquity. Such noble antecedents make the Tarot more venerable. To
us, such preoccupation seems unnecessary; the Tarot cards with or
without this famous ancestry have attracted many and still fascinate.
The twenty-two Major Arcana cards were called Man, and with him
they are concerned—with his desires and fears, his wisdom and
activities, his goodness and badness, and his physical constitution. The
whole world simmers down to Man; in two cards only is the human
element missing: in the Wheel of Fortune, number X, where animals
caricature the human, and in figure XVIII, the Moon, in which two
stargazers of the sixteenth century have been replaced by a dog and a
wolf barking at the Moon. They, too, are caricatures of Man.
“As it is above, it is below.” The Tarot thus represents the microcosm
of Man, or the state of things below.
The Tarot is both the generator and the battery. It gives birth to one’s
thoughts and also nurses them. In studying the cards, one is stimulated to
visualize images of intellectual and Psychic experiences. Returning
again to them later, we will recall these images which would have
“fallen into the void” without this mnemonic help. The Tarot produces
for us an independent and self-sufficient World, and our Psyche is made
objective and detached for contemplation.
The Tarot figures are stereotypes, but what they suggest is in constant
flux or evolution. They do not express or lead to an established doctrine.
On the contrary, they liberate us from such bonds.

This liberation may have a psychotherapeutic effect, but above all, they
free faculties in us which are suppressed by conventions and daily
routine. They stimulate a Creative power which appeals to the artist.
They are the “poetry made by all” of the Occult postulate.
There is no key to the Tarot. There are as many interpretations as
there are individuals who consult the cards. The cards, we repeat, are not
manipulated by means of theories and doctrines; they are interpreted
through a Natural gift, found among the learned and the profane. The
nineteenth-century Magi sought to introduce into the game an esoteric
doctrine, resembling Hermetism. Their ideals might be justified as a
reaction against the shallowness and the extravagant optimism of their
contemporaries. But their rigid self-assurance lacked the virtue found in
some Tarot cards, namely humor and irony. What they believed to be the
Truth they professed with a prophetic vigor which did not tolerate
contradiction. They called “Sublime Secrets” inherited from the sages of
Antiquity what we would describe as Occult human traits.
The desire to establish an infallible dogma of the Tarot is a mistake. It
is also wrong to change or “correct” the figures of the games which are
timeless prototypes. The beautiful Major Arcana have arisen from
Antiquity, and this is precisely one of the attractions of the game. To
reform them to fit dogmatic expressions is to deprive them of their
constant Values. Such corrections are not sought by those who have
accepted the images for centuries and still discover the marvels in them
Like Astrology, the Tarot proposes a method for predicting future
events and Man’s character. The future, the Cartomancers say, cannot be
explored by mathematics. The stargazers wish to discover the world
order by calculations and abstractions. The Tarot diviners, on the other
hand, discover futurity by intuition, prophetic images drawn from the
vaults of the subconscious.
Neither does their strife have much in common with Hermetism. Their
social element is opposed to it. Hermetism isolates the adept. The Tarot
is a means of communication. The Hermetic is concerned with his own
felicity or improvement; the Cartomancer is preoccupied with his
patients’ disquietudes. The Hermetic Master grows more indifferent to
the accidents of Life the higher he ascends the

degrees of initiation. The Tarot diviner wants to know what will
happen here below, how the Astral World will act upon Man.


For this higher Arcane, we give the immediate meaning:

1. The Magician..........The inquirer, all cards lying close to this card

are important for the inquirer’s destiny
II. The High Priestess. .The female inquirer, this card has the same
qualities as the Magician, but for inquiring
IH. The E m press........................................................ Initiative, Action
IV. TheEmperor............................................................................... Will
V. The Hierophant ............................................................ Inspiration
VI. The L overs........................................................................... Passion
VII. The Chariot ......................... Triumph, Protection by Providence
VIII. Strength................... ......................................... Justice
IX. The H erm it........................ .Wisdom, Prudence
X. The Wheel of F o rtu n e .......................... Destiny
XI. Justice.................................................................. Force
XII. The Hanged Man .................................. Sacrifice, Ordeal
X in. D eath .......................................................................................Death
XIV. Temperance ............................................... .Economy, Moderation
XV, The Devil .................................................Disease, Great Strength
XVI. The Tower ............................................... Ruin, Deception
XVII. The Stars................................................................................... Hope
XVIH. The M oon.......................... .Danger, Enemies, False Friends
XIX. The Sun ........................................................Marriage, Happiness
XX. Judgment....................................................Transmutation, Change
XXI. The World ....................... .Success, Harmony, Attainment
The Fool ................. Folly, Inspiration

For minor inquiries, I recommend consulting only five cards of the

twenty-two Major Arcana. These are mixed and the inquirer is asked
by the Cartomancer to name a number lower than twenty-two. If he
chooses seventeen, the seventeenth card is taken from the pack and
set out. Its meaning is affirmative. The cards are shuffled again, and
by the same process, another card is selected whose meaning is
negative. In this way, five cards are exposed and arranged. One means
affirmation, two negation, three discussion, four solution, and five
determination or synthesis. Thus an inquiry is answered by the prophecy
of the Tarot.


The fifty-six Minor Arcana cards are divided into four groups, Pentacles,
Swords, Wands, and Cups, numbered from one to ten. Each suit is ruled
by four court cards, King, Queen, Knight, and Knave.
In their organization the Minor Arcana cards recall modern card
games. They were originally separated from the Major Arcana which
form an independent set. The two do not mingle well in prophecy.
The twenty-two Major Arcana depict the following figures (their
meanings were given in the previous list).
I. The Magician: executing some legerdemain behind his table.
II. The High Priestess: a woman crowned with a tiara, enthroned.
III. The Empress: a woman with scepter and coat of arms.
IV. The Emperor: a crowned and enthroned man, seen in profile.
V. The Hierophant: blessing two kneeling people.
VI. The Lovers: a youth between two women; above, Cupid with his
VII. The Chariot: pulled by two horses carrying a king or hero.
VIII. Strength: its allegory, a woman with scales and word.
IX. The Hermit: an old man with lantern and staff.
X. The Wheel of Fortune: whirling around three animals.
XI. Justice: a female figure forcing open a lion’s mouth.
XII. The Hanged Man: a person suspended by one foot from a gibbet.
XIII. Death: cutting off with his scythe the heads and members of man.
XIV. Temperance: a female figure pouring a liquid from one jug into
XV. The Devil and two satellites.
XVI. The Tower: men precipitated from a tower struck by fire or
XVII. The Stars: a woman kneeling in the water, pouring out two liquids
from two jugs. Above are eight stars.
XVIII. The Moon: two dogs bark at the Moon; in a pool is the Cancer of the
zodiac, the Moon’s house.

XIX. The Sun: two children in front of a wall, above, the luminary.
XX, The Judgment: an angel blowing the trumpet, which summons the
XXI. The World: a nude woman in the mandorla; at the four comers, the
emblems of the four Apostles.

One Major Arcana is not numbered: the Fool. Dressed like a king’s
jester, carrying his bundle on a stick or spoon, he walks dreamily,
unaware a dog is biting his thigh.
Here is the full list of the direct significance of the cards:



King: dark-haired man, married, having family; a friend. Queen: dark

lady, serious, good counselor, mother. Knight: young man, dark-haired, a
Knave: child, dark-haired, friendly, sent by near relation. Ace: beginning
of an enterprise.
Two: difficulty, obstacle to the enterprise, unforeseen.
Three: initial success, the base is laid out, encouragement. Four: renewed
Five: obstacle overcome by assiduity, victory.
Six: failure, the obstacles overcome the enterprise,
Seven: success, one part of enterprise achieved.
Eight: opposition to final achievement.
Nine: final success, the task is performed.
Ten: uncertainty in the conduct of the enterprise.


King: blond man, friend, judge, clergyman, bachelor.

Queen, blond woman, friend, mistress, sweetheart, fiancée. Knight: young
man, blond, lover, beloved.
Knave: blond child, arrival, birth.
Ace: beginning of love.
Two: obstacles deriving from one of the couple.
Three: both have fallen in love.

Four: a third person provokes opposition.
Five: the obstacle is overcome.
Six: destroyed love, widowhood.
Seven: triumph of love.
Eight: deception.
Nine: pregnancy.
Ten: uncertainty.

King: dark-haired, evil man.
Queen: calumnious, dark-haired woman, evil action.
Knight: spy, young man, dark-haired enemy.
Knave: bad news, delay, bad child.
Ace: beginning of tense relation. (This and the following cards indicate
that the opposition comes from the outside.)
Two; opposition which will not last.
Three: hatred.
Four: success against the enemy.
Five: having been overcome, the enemy is now triumphant.
Six: overcoming the opposition, the enemy is rendered harmless.
Seven: the enemy has been able to achieve his evil plans.
Eight: but he is only partly successful.
Nine: persistent hatred.
Ten; insecurity in matters of friendship.

King: blond man, enemy or also indifferent.
Queen: blond woman, enemy or indifferent.
Knight: young man, foreigner, blond, arrival.
Knave: letter, envoy, blond child.
Ace: heritage, gifts, economy.
Two: difficulties concerning the establishment of wealth.
Three: moderate gain.
Four: loss.
Five: another transaction restores the equilibrium.
Six: heavy loss.
Seven: fortune.
Eight: the established wealth is again reduced by losses.
Nine: durable fortune.
Ten: changeable luck, gains and losses.

The Pentacle cards indicate things that come from uphill, the country,
or the exterior.
The following method of using a full Tarot pack is taken from
The full pack of 78 cards having been first duly shuffled and cut, deal
the top card on a part of the table which we will call B, the second card
on another place which we will call A. Then deal the third and fourth
cards on B, and the fifth on A and so on, dealing two cards to B and one
to A until the pack is finished. A will then consist of 26 cards, and B of
52. Now take the B pack. Deal the top card on a fresh place D, and the
second on another place C, third and fourth on D, and fifth on C and so
on. There will now be three heaps —A, 26 cards; C, 17; D, 35.
Take up the heap D and deal the top card on a fresh spot F, second
card on another spot E, and proceed as before. There will now be four
heaps—A, 26 cards; C, 17; E, 11; F, 24.
Put F on one side altogether; it is not used in the reading. Take A and
arrange the 26 cards face upwards from right to left so that they come in
the form of a horseshoe, the top card being at the lowest right-hand
corner. Read their meaning from right to left. When this is done so as to
make a connected answer, take the first and twenty sixth and read their
combined meaning, then the second and twenty fifth, and so on. When
finished, put A on one side and take C, and read it exactly the same way,
then E last.
The synthesis of the prophecy is gained by the study of the whole
“conjunction”. The arrangement of the great game for the consultation of
an important decision was indicated. Minor cards and Major Arcana are
mixed together and laid out in the order indicated. The cards lying in the
upper part of the arrangement, i.e. the farthest away from the
Cartomancer express the present, the cards to the left, the future; and the
cards to the right, the past. One leading card is always placed in the
It is clear that the more cards are chosen, the more difficult it is to
bring their meaning to a synthesis, and greater lucidity is demanded from
the diviner. It is advisable to begin with a small game and not to unfold
the cards too often. A moment of concentration should be expected, or a
feeling that “it will work”.
According to most Tarot experts, the Major Arcana change their

meanings when they are turned upside down. An ill-boding image like
the Tower may be interpreted as ambivalent in this case. It should be
remembered that the Major Arcana numbers are interpreted
prophetically. If the inquirer wishes to know when the prediction will
come true, numbers may be counted as days, months, years, according to
the diviner’s premonitions. The numbers of the cards are also interpreted
Kabbalisticaily by some experts.

Using the
Magic Mirror

To bring to you a better understanding of life’s great possibilities and a

full realization of some of your powers is the purpose of this chapter on
Crystal Gazing and Clairvoyancy. You have been blessed with certain
qualities which, if wisely directed, cannot fail to strengthen you in mind
and body and bring greater happiness not only to you, but through you,
to all with whom you come in contact. To get the most out of life, you
must know how to think through constructively and calmly.
Success is attained only through honest, earnest effort in everything
you do. If you make this a rule and abide by it in your business affairs as
well as in your social activities, the reward will be great, for you will
achieve not only in channels heretofore undreamed of but you will have
a radiant personality which will attract people to you. Contentment and
good health will also be counted among the gifts for which you will be
grateful also.
If you will put yourself heart and Soul into the experiments on Crystal
gazing suggested in the pages which follow and devote only a short
period each day to them, you will be amazed at the beneficial results you
will obtain. Some people are Natural Clairvoyants. They readily see with
the Mind’s eye impressions received as a picture in the Crystal, not
merely on its surface but through its center, and can easily concentrate
on the thought the vision or forms conjure up.

It may be you are one of the fortunate ones endowed with this
Clairvoyant faculty and so without much effort are able to use it
constructively to benefit yourself and others, thus adding materially to
the happiness and contentment of this troubled world. Perhaps you may
possess this Clairvoyant Power but are not aware you have it. It lies
dormant within you and needs only to be brought to your consciousness
to enable you to find your real place as well as your mission in life.
There is also a third possibility! Nature may not have endowed you
with any Psychic Power at all, and you could gaze into the Crystal until
your eyes water without seeing anything in its depth. In the latter case,
neither the Crystal nor the experiments connected with it explained in
the text need lose their advantages to you. From them you can learn how
to concentrate properly, how to gain mental control, and how to be a
positive, constructive thinker instead of one whose thoughts scatter at
every disturbing or distracting change or mood. With the physical poise
and mental control thus acquired, you will attract only the best
influences and conditions to you and because of them others will seek
you out for guidance in their problems.
Many prominent men and women of our day have a knowledge of
Psychic subjects. Most of us have read about the Psychic experiences of
the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sir Oliver Lodge. Many of the
world’s greatest thinkers and teachers possessed Psychic gifts or
knowledge. Just to mention a few: Mohammed, Buddha, Plato, and
Martin Luther. Socrates was Clairvoyant, and throughout his life he
received messages and help from “a still, small voice”. This also
indicates he was Clairaudient (a Spiritual Hearer), which is referred to
later in this chapter.
Napoleon was a student of the Occult Sciences. George Fox, English
religious leader and founder of the Quakers, had Psychic experiences, as
did also John Wesley, founder of Methodism; Emanuel Swedenberg,
Swedish scientist and Mystic, recognized only the Spirit World as a
Reality. The world of sense—our material world —was real to him only
as it reflected the world invisible, the Soul. It was quite by accident that
George Sand, the French novelist, discovered when a child her ability to
see pictures in the Crystal. In later years, when writing, she formed a
habit of concentrating on the

Crystal for inspiration. It has been said that the idea of “Paradise Lost”
was suggested to John Milton by his guardian angel in a dream.
The Bible contains many incidents which allude to Clairvoyancy, and
in the Scripture Clairvoyants and Clairaudients were known as Seers or
Prophets. Jacob clairvoyantly saw angels ascending and descending the
ladder. Christ possessed Clairvoyant power, for character and Mind of
men were like an open book to him.
Thus the great and small alike have been given this gift by our
Creator—Omnipotent and Omnipresent, All Powerful and All Seeing.
Whether you are a natural Clairvoyant or whether your latent
Clairvoyant faculties are undeveloped and with instruction and personal
practice may be brought to your consciousness, or whether you possess
no Clairvoyant power at all—you can find much of help and interest in
the pages which follow. They will point out how to develop
concentration, self-control, and other qualities you may not have realized
were yours. If you follow their suggestions you cannot fail to be stronger
mentally and physically, and you will be better equipped to help yourself
and others, meet life’s problems and hurdle many difficulties and
obstacles. Such was the thought underlying the author’s purpose in
preparing this chapter. If you benefit from it and will continue to profit
by its lessons, the labor of love will have rich reward for both of us.
The word Clairvoyance comes from the French meaning “clear
seeing”. The physical eye perceives only material things. To see that
which is Spiritual, we must vision with Spiritual sight. Clairvoyance
helps us to do this; in fact, it frequently has been referred to as “second
sight”. Crystal gazing is a branch of Clairvoyance. All Crystal readers
are Clairvoyants, but not all Clairvoyants are Crystal readers.
Clairvoyance is always constructive even though it may foretell a
great catastrophe or accident. The source of Clairvoyant vision is not
known, but those who have made a deep study of it are confident that it
comes as a result of Natural Law and is not the visual hallucinations of a
distorted brain. The ability to see Clairvoyantly comes when the Mind’s
eye forms visions of certain scenes, events, and personages. Spiritual
pictures project themselves through the physical eye. Not all people
possess this faculty.

You often have visions of friends and later learn they were thinking of
you at that very moment. This, you say, is mental telepathy. Then, again,
while walking alone, quite suddenly you have seen something or
somebody beside you when you knew no one or nothing possibly could
be there. You also may have visioned the form of a loved one or devoted
friend at a distance at the very moment of death, or you may have
visualized certain signs or symbols which you could not understand.
Such experiences show you have Natural Clairvoyant power, but it is
dormant. You should learn how to develop it!
To the uninitiated, it is hard to believe you can see in a Crystal
anything other than the fanciful pictures you are apt to imagine in
clouds, in frost on windows, or stains on a damp wall. Such reflections
could easily be conceived to be landscapes with rivers, hills, or
mountains. A person either can induce pictures in the Crystal or he
cannot. The pictures seen in the Crystal are not consciously selected or
created. They come and go like figures in a dream to the surprise of the
gazer without any conscious effort or choice on his or her part. In fact,
Crystal gazing has been likened to a dream, except the vision is
voluntarily brought about, although it is little, if at all, under the control
of the gazer or Scryer.


Crystal gazing was once thought to be a branch of magic but now is

generally accepted as an important phase of experimental psychology.
History and romance, ancient and modem, contains many interesting
legends and stories about magic mirrors and magic Crystals. Some of
these date back to the Greece of the fourth century B. C.
The practice was traced among the natives of North and South
America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. In all countries the Crystal was
used for the purpose of divination and the process usually explained as
the result of a Spirit, Angel, or Devil. Those who have visited India
know of the use made of the round mass of rough- hewn, polished glass
and the superstitious awe with which it is regarded.
In former days, the High Priest of the Buddhist or Hindu temples,
when attired in the consecrated robes for festive ceremonies, wore

one or more small crystals of dazzling brilliancy suspended from his
neck on a chain of great value. It was believed that through their power
be was able to commune with the Spirit or Spirits to whom he and his
followers showed great reverence and to whom they interceded for
solutions to their problems. The Crystal served much as the famous
oracle of Apollo at Delphi, which is said to have given responses in
answer to inquiries of worshippers.
Among the Ancients, the Seer muttered certain prayers over the
Crystal and then gave it into the hands of a youth or virgin. They taught
the importance of purity. When Crystal gazing or any Occult ceremony
was performed, young boys and girls were employed in divination as no
others were deemed pure enough for Spiritual revelations. In instances of
Crystal gazing, particularly, it was. they who read in the brilliant ball of
glass the answers to questions asked, usually conveyed by means of
written characters on the Crystal. Sometimes, the Spirits called upon
were supposed to appear in the Crystal and respond to questions put to
them. Many savage races gazed into the water’s depth or any clear depth
to foresee distant events for enlightenment on immediate problems.
In bygone days the ceremony of Crystal gazing for divination pur-
poses was elaborate and spectacular, including the Lamen or Holy Table,
the use of swords, wax candles in highly polished gilt or brass candle
sticks, compasses, and many other accompaniments identified with
magical functions. These rites were performed by priests or others
personally trained by those who understood the invisible forces of the
world unseen. They resorted to frequent washing and prayers three or
four days prior to consulting the Crystal.
They sought its help, counsel or advice most generally when the
Moon was in its increase—going toward the full. Every preparation for
gazing was made when the Moon was increasing. The room and
everything pertaining to the ceremony was immaculately clean and void
of anything likely to disturb or detract attention. The object then was to
bring the actual presence in the Crystal of certain Spirits and to evoke
from them answers to questions presented to them. Nowadays, we use
the Crystal, or any other medium for that matter, to develop the
Clairvoyant power of the individual gazer. Through it he is brought into
contact with the world unseen.
Before explaining the various experiments you should practice to

awakened Clairvoyant powers, it might be interesting to tell you
something about the Crystal itself and its care.
The word Crystal is from the Greek meaning “clear ice”, or “frozen
water”. As early as the fourth century B.C., the Greeks supposed it to be
a hard substance from frozen water. This belief persisted until the end of
the sixteenth century, when the name Crystal was applied only to
ordinary quartz or rock crystal. Later, it was more generally applied to
“any symmetrically formed mineral, solid, transparent, or opaque,
contained or bounded by plane surfaces”. Its smooth, even surfaces were
noted by the ancients but were regarded as accidents or as “pleasing to
the gods”. Even to this day this colorless, transparent variety of quartz
often is called rock crystal.
Crystals are distinguished from other bodies by the sameness of
internal structure. Their physical properties are the same in parallel
directions and are generally different in directions not parallel. Globes or
eggs for crystal gazing purposes can be made of beryl, rock crystal or
There is no such thing as a genuine “rock crystal”, although quartz
glass is frequently referred to as “rock crystal”. The few specimens of
real rock crystal in the world are priceless. An irregular mass of some
three inches in diameter is valued at twenty-five thousand dollars, and
the only piece in existence of that size is in a museum. Real rock crystal
means a piece of glass formed by volcanic action. Commercially there is
the term “rock crystal” applied to exceptionally clear glass. But it is still
artificial glass, no more or less.
The average “solid glass ball” as sold in stores which carry Occult
merchandise is all right so long as it is reasonably clear looking. A few
bubbles or pin heads do not matter, although it should be as round a
sphere as possible with no surface ridges. It is impossible for the makers
to have a three or four inch glass ball perfectly clear, Plate glass less than
an inch thick is frequently not perfectly clear, so you can see how
difficult it is to have several inches of clear class.
For the student, the three-inch Crystal is suggested. The Bohemian
Crystal is recommended, as it is the clearest and most flawless ob-
tainable. Of course, the advanced medium will use the size he or she
finds best suited to his or her special power of divination. The medium
or large sized Crystals (4 to 5 inches) are those generally used because
they give greater range of vision and are not so tiring to the muscles

of the eyes. However, the point the student must learn early in his study
is that the size is of much less importance than the perseverance and
patience he brings to his daily experiments while mastering the art of
Crystal gazing.
Your crystal always must be immaculately clean. Should it become
very dirty or discolored, it can be restored to its brilliancy by mixing six
parts of water with one of alcohol and boiling the Crystal in this solution
for almost fifteen minutes. Remove and rub carefully with a brush
dipped in the liquid. Rub dry with a chamois. Should only the surface of
the Crystal become dirty or soiled, wash with soap suds, rinse well,
immerse in alcohol or vinegar and water, then polish with a piece of
velvet or chamois.
Moonlight is beneficial to the crystal. The chemical and active rays or
influence of direct sunlight are harmful because they tend to destroy its
magnetism. Extremes of heat and cold are also injurious. After you have
used your Crystal, put it away carefully in its case. Keep it in a dark
place and permit no one to handle it, as handling by others spoils the
magnetism and destroys its sensitiveness.
The Ancients sought to use the Crystal only when the Moon was on
its increase, so it seems logical to conclude that a strong link between the
Crystal and the Spirit World is magnetism. This magnetism is attracted
to and is in the Crystal because of its iron properties. Many authorities
have advanced the theory that the greater the increase of the Moon, the
greater the supply of the Moon’s magnetism in the Crystal. In Astrology,
Crystals are said to be influenced by the Moon as are the intuitive
powers of the Mind and brain.
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that you alone should handle
your Crystal because of its sensitiveness and the likelihood of mixing
magnetisms. You may permit others to gaze into your Crystal but not to
touch it. The person for whom you are going to look, of course, should
be allowed to hold it in his hands for a few moments prior to its use. But
none other! They might draw your magnetism and so prevent you from
achieving good results.
The magnetism with which your Crystal is charged comes from your
eyes and from the ether. The Crystal seems to be the medium between
the brain and the universe. Your Crystal may be magnetized by making
passes with the right hand, about five minutes at a time,

which will help to give it strength and power. Passes for a similar length
of time made with the left hand help to increase its sensitiveness.
Brunettes and all dark-eyed, brown-skinned people are more magnetic
and charge the Crystal quicker than do their opposites. This darkness is
due to the excess of the protoxide of iron in the blood. However, the
magnetism of the brunette is no more effective than that of the blonde.
If you would adhere strictly to the methods of the Ancients, your
Crystal should be enclosed in a frame of ebony or box wood and be
highly polished. But most mediums now prefer placing it on a table. If
held in the hand, it was made to lean away from the gazer and be held so
that no reflections or shadows were visible in it. If you should stand your
Crystal on a table, drape folds of black velvet around it to shut out all
reflections. The back of the Crystal should be held toward the light.
Never turn its face to the light.
It is best to have the Crystal several inches below your eyes and at
such a distance from you that your eyes may be bent upon it without
effort or strain. Unless you are very far sighted, it is seldom placed more
than eighteen or twenty inches away. The average distance is about ten
to fourteen inches. There is no set rule! Comfort is the prime essential!
Should you find you get better results and it relieves your eyes and rests
your body to have your Crystal higher or lower, adjust it to your
personal comfort.
As in the case of proper adjustment of the Crystal to your vision, there
is no general rule as to time for readings or gazing. However, it is
generally conceded that the best times for its use are at sunrise, at
midday, and at sunset. From ten p.m. to two a.m. is considered the worst
time. As stated, the Ancients considered it of greatest importance in their
reading to have the Moon in its increase.


There are three qualities absolutely essential to success in crystal

gazing—calmness, patience, and perseverance. You must also have the
right mental attitude and be able to concentrate constructively, not
intensely, and without apparent effort. Never use the Crystal directly

after a meal, and, of course, you realize the necessity of watching your
diet, abstaining from indigestible foods, and avoiding all alcoholic
You should live simply, take plenty of outdoor exercise and try to be
calm and poised at all times. These are great aids not only to your
ultimate success in Crystal gazing, but also in everything you do. Mental
restlessness, anxiety, or ill health are not conducive to progress. Another
important consideration is deep breathing. Cultivate this habit, for all
brain power is very dependent upon lung capacity. Clairvoyance needs
light, air, sleep, and proper diet as much as it does the magnetism
produced through mechanical or artificial mediums.
In exercising your Clairvoyant faculty or in bringing it to your
consciousness, you will have to rely solely upon yourself for best results.
However, there are some simple rules in sitting for development which
should be observed. You also will be greatly benefited if you undertake
the experiments which we shall describe slowly and consciously. If these
are followed, they will bring you amazing results. Crystal gazing makes
possible great opportunities for investigating and experimenting in
things Psychical. But you will have to persevere daily for many short
periods until you have mastered the art.
Select a medium-sized room, one in which you are not likely to be
interrupted or disturbed by sounds or outside noises. The room should be
comfortably warm or about 60 degrees, depending, of course, upon the
season of the year and your own reaction to temperature or that of the
person for whom you may be sitting. If possible, mirrors, ornaments,
pictures, or anything of a glaring color which might have a tendency to
attract notice should be removed. Should a fire be necessary, see that it is
well screened off to prevent its light rays from reflecting in or coming in
direct contact with your Crystal.
This also applies to any artificial light in the room, which should be
subdued, not dark but dimly lighted, so as to prevent clear reflections
from falling upon the ball. Incandescent light is best because of its
softness. Some Crystal readers prefer a dim red light, others a yellow or
blue. Whatever the choice, they place a piece of tissue paper of the same
shade around it to soften it more. You may experiment with any soft
shade you desire.

As already indicated, the Crystal or any other medium in
Clairvoyancy is merely the vehicle to promote concentration. Whether
you prefer to place it on a table, pedestal, or rest it on a cushion of dark
velvet or cloth, it should be partially covered with a black cloth arranged
so as to shut out any reflection. The shade of velvet also is optional—
black, dark blue, or green may be used, whichever is more restful to your
tired or perhaps Occult sensitive eyes.
In the early stages of your study, solitude is advisable. If you sit alone
for development, you conserve your magnetism. Others in the room
draw this magnetism and so regard your results. From the very first,
make it a practice to select the same time, the same place, and the same
position. This repetition should be adhered to until you have mastered
concentration. Sit facing the North! If you live in a southern country,
face the South.
Should any person or persons be in the room while you are ex-
perimenting, they must be cautioned to remain absolutely quiet and be
seated at a distance from you. Your back should be to the light, and the
Crystal should be at a proper focus. Of course, later when you have
become proficient in the art of reading, questions will be put to you by
others. But this should be done always in a soft, low tone, never loudly
nor abruptly.
For the first sittings, ten minutes—never more than fifteen—are
ample! Those fortunate persons gifted with Natural Psychic powers and
those whose dormant Clairvoyant powers are easily brought to
consciousness may obtain results quickly. But do not be disturbed during
these first sittings if you perceive nothing in the Crystal after many
attempts. Be calm, patient, and continue trying daily.
Results in crystal gazing in most instances are slow! The following
experiments will have to be repeated many, many times before any one
of them will be mastered. You will not be wasting one moment’s time,
for you will be developing qualities and characteristics which will be of
value in any future venture. After each experiment, put your Crystal
away carefully in its case and keep it in a dark place.
Now for the first experiment which is to teach you how to find
comfort in sitting. The position itself does not matter, just so you are
comfortable and learn to overcome restlessness. If at first you feel
nervous and want to change your position, do so. But try to concentrate
on the thought which is your wish to conquer this restlessness.

As you progress you will unconsciously take a natural, comfortable
position and resume it at each subsequent sitting. Then what you are to
do with your hands and legs will be of less interest and command less
attention. You will be able to devote your energy to calm, relaxed
concentration upon your experiment.
During the first sittings, you will also learn just the number of inches
below your eyes and the right distance from you to place the Crystal.
Like your body and Mind, your eyes must be relaxed. If you master the
art of comfortable sitting and placing of the Crystal to best advantage to
your eyes, you already will have taken an important step toward ultimate
success as a Crystal reader.
Remember that your progress will probably be slow and gradual. If
from the first you try to rush results you will get a wrong start. You will
lose the sense of consistency and the value of proper practice. So do not
try to hurry! Haste makes waste!
Now for the second step or the teaching of Mind control. This is of
essential importance in every undertaking. Without it there can be no
worthwhile achievement, no realization of ambition, no development of
character, no great happiness, nor fulfillment of one's cherished desires.
When at first you try to direct your attention to the Crystal, your
thoughts will naturally wander. You will perhaps think of things of
importance and unimportance, of something you should not do. You will
be disturbed by noises in the house or outside and decide they must be
stopped if you are to get anywhere.
Let your thoughts stray, if you find it difficult to concentrate. Do not
permit this to annoy you or make you tense. Later you will learn how to
control those thoughts. It will take time and effort to shut them out. Give
your attention entirely to the Crystal. But if you have the patience and
continue to persevere, you can and will succeed. Do not hurry!
If you are making headway in switching your thoughts, and your eyes
seem to tire from gazing into your Crystal so steadily, this, too, is
perfectly natural. Close your eyes for a few moments, relaxing them
completely or look elsewhere about the room. While you are so relaxing,
you can assure yourself that at the next sitting, when you again resume
this second experiment, you are going to have better control of your
senses. Your eyes and ears will obey, as well as your

thoughts. By these attempts to fix attention solely upon the Crystal, your
Mind will soon automatically react toward it, and as you continue the
practice (never more than ten or fifteen minutes at each sitting) other
thoughts will cease to project themselves unless you will them to come.
Then you will have achieved the second all important step in crystal
gazing—how to think constructively and to expel from your Mind all
thoughts other than those of immediate interest or concern.
Henceforth, you will think only what you will! Think and hear only
what you wish to hear by proper direction and concentration. You will
not make many of the mistakes you have made in the past. You will have
gained renewed faith, courage, and confidence in yourself. Your vision
for and purpose of the future will be clearly defined.
Keep practicing the second experiment until you attain a good degree
of mastery. Forget the number of times you attempt it! It may be ten, but
it may also be a hundred! But is anything worthwhile in life arrived at
through a short cut ? Would there have been any achievement or success
in the world if our artists or scientists gave up easily?
Do not be discouraged over seeming failure. You are learning many
things in the second experiment which will prove of great value later. No
longer will you be a creature of impulse. You will think things over from
now on and act only when calm, relaxed, and poised. With the
reawakening of your latent power of intuition, you will advance yourself
in any station of life.
Above all, you are learning how to think things over and think things
through constructively. It is worth the effort to practice conscientiously
daily, if the pot of gold at the rainbow’s end brings to you a better and
happier existence. Success and achievement never came through lax
methods. It is stick-to-itiveness that brings results! In Crystal gazing, this
second experiment is the most difficult. Once mastered, the rest of the
work and study is comparatively easy.
With success of the second experiment assured, we are not going to
close the eyes for a moment or two. Let us select as our subject for
visualization the trip you are planning. Think of the means of trans-
portation you may take—auto, train, bus, or boat. Picture them in your
Mind’s eye, also scenes reroute or some interesting experience

you may have. Pleasant surprises at your journey’s end and any cir-
cumstances which might develop during your stay may all be visualized.
Or you may develop some interesting facts around your Crystal, Recall
instances which led to your possession of it. In your Mind’s eye see the
interesting ceremonies of the Ancients in their use of it. Think of its
interesting background and, if necessary, read up on the subject! Try to
remember the name of the chemical substance of which it is composed,
the manner in which it was brought to its present state of brilliancy, or
the various types of men employed in its making. You first became
attracted to it and the study of Crystal gazing are excellent thoughts. You
might also try to forecast the future by reenacting in your mind’s eye
possible scenes of things to come.
These are only sample subjects! If you learn to think of everything in
like manner, it will not be long before you will be able to recall or bring
to immediate command details and to analyze them readily. Try this test
for a while daily, not only with your Crystal, but with other subjects or
Your thinking powers will be greatly improved by following this
exercise and you will be amazed when you discover how your Mind
automatically records incidents of which you were not consciously
aware. This will train you to analyze and concentrate on any one subject
without permitting your Mind to wander off on any other tangent.
You have learned several important phases of Crystal gazing: how to
be seated comfortably, where to place your Crystal to suit your vision,
how to get best results, how to control your thoughts and actions during
the short periods you give to each sitting, and how to visualize or bring
to your mind’s eye places. By this time, the lessons will be carried out
by you unconsciously, just as you perhaps learned how to control
unconsciously and automatically the various mechanisms of an
You are now ready for the third experiment or to learn how to direct
your attention to the Crystal itself. To put your eye through its surface to
its center depths! At no time should this be a forced effort!
Do it naturally, without strain to your eyes. Do it slowly and let your
gaze be calm and steady. Of course, your mental attitude will be in tune
with yom effort and your body will be relaxed. As with the

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other experiments, do not prolong this one over fifteen minutes. As you
progress and results become apparent, the time may be increased
gradually. But under no circumstances should you give more than one
hour to any one sitting.
It is a good idea at all sittings to give a few seconds to thoughts of
improving your health, to the affirmation of greater daily progress in
your study, and the assurance to yourself of ultimate success in Crystal
You have now reached the point where you will know how much
Clairvoyant power you possess. It will not be long before you notice
your Crystal becomes hazy or appears to be a milky ball. In this cloudy
state small pinpoints may glitter through it like tiny stars, caused, no
doubt, by the iron and magnetism diffused through it.
At times the Crystal will seem alternately to appear and disappear and
give way to a dense blackness. When you reach this stage of Crystal
gazing, you know you have what you were so desirous of knowing. You
really are endowed with crystalline visions and may proceed with
As you continue with this advanced experiment, you will discover it
does not take so very long before the Crystal appears to turn into a mist
or for a moment seems to disappear from your sight. Then, later, you
will be able to reach this stage in less time than it takes to tell it. It is
advisable not to try to see visions, scenes, or objects in the Crystal the
first time you have this experience.
You are anxious to carry the experiment further, it is true, but it is best
to proceed slowly as you did with the other two experiments, and be
sure. You will likely be a little tense because of your initial success and
will want to regain composure.
Your Clairvoyant powers will reveal themselves now in the fourth
experiment when the visions, pictures, and scenes, will appear to form in
the mist or the place where the crystal seemed to vanish. These, at first,
may or may not have any significance to you. The vision or forms may
be faces, they may represent a series of events, or be merely pictures.
Presently they may dissolve and disappear when a second picture may
take its place, or you may get several pictures, visions, and scenes at the
same time. Do not be alarmed over what you may see in the Crystal. In
later trials and experiments you will learn to analyze these visions or
forms when they appear.

If you require to see events which are taking place at a great distance,
look through the Crystal. It is generally conceded visions appearing in
the extreme background indicate a time more remote from those seen
nearer, whether of the past or future. Those coming in the foreground or
close to the gazer denote the present or immediate future. Visions have
been classified in two groups: the symbolic, indicated by the appearance
of symbols, such as a house, boat, airplane, furniture, etc.
The other group comes under the heading of actual scenes or persons
in action or otherwise. People of an active, positive Nature— the more
excitable yet determined type—usually perceive symbolically or
allegorically. Those of a more passive temperament generally receive
direct, or what is known as literal, interpretations.
When you find you are fairly well on the road to proficiency in
Crystal gazing, you can give readings to others. Just how much you will
be able to see and interpret will depend largely upon yourself and
conditions, the degree to which your Clairvoyant faculty has been
developed, by your surroundings or the influences about you, and your
mental attitude and that of the person for whom you may be sitting.
Always try to create a positive and favorable outlook. For the most
satisfactory results, a kindly, sympathetic feeling on the part of the
reader and the person for whom he is reading is necessary.
Note carefully everything you see in the Crystal. If gazing for another,
describe all you see. What at first may seem to you to be too trivial to
mention may later develop into something of utmost value and
importance. When a person gazes into the Crystal with evil intent, it will
react upon him with disastrous results. Evil Spirits are not identified with
the good, and vice versa. If we try to be good and helpful, we will be
guided by the good. Like attracts like! As it is below, so it is above!
However, to comparatively few is real Clairvoyant sight given. Some
arrive at seeing the ball grow milky or misty and can go no farther.
Others see pictures of persons or landscapes which are motionless and in
black and white only. Others see in the Crystal figures of persons or
animals in color. Some people with strong powers of visualization, or the
ability to see things in the mind’s eye, cannot visualize forms in the
crystal; others are only moderately successful. But a great many never
see anything at all in the ball. If

you are one of the latter, it means that you do not possess the particular
gift which gives this Clairvoyant sight.
It has been estimated that 75 out of every 100 people can become
partially Clairvoyant; 63 in 100 become sensitive; 45 in 100 can reach
the second degree of clairvoyance; 32 in 100, the third degree; 14 in 100,
the fourth degree; 5 in 100, the fifth degree; and 2 in 100, the 6th degree
of Clairvoyance. It is generally conceded that 56 men in 100 can become
Seers and of 200 women, 180 become Seeresses.
Visions may be classified as follows:

1. Images of something unconsciously observed. New reproduction,

voluntary or spontaneous, and bringing no fresh knowledge to the
2. Images of ideas unconsciously acquired from others by telepathy or
otherwise. Some memory or imaginative effect which does not come
from the gazer’s ordinary self. Revivals of memory. Illustrations of
3. Images, clairvoyant or prophetic. Pictures bringing information as to
something past, present or future which the gazer has no other chance
of knowing.


To give a complete list of interpretations of things seen clairvoyantly

would be impossible. Besides, there is no hard and fast rule to their
interpretation. The following are a few of the more common views seen
and an explanation of their meaning. Of course, they may relate to the
past, present or future:

Accident: an accident.
Ambulance: an accident.
Bed with adult or child in it: sickness.
Birds: news from a distance. Black birds, bad news; white birds, good
Coffin: death. If large, an adult; if small, a child.
Explosion: catastrophe or explosion.
Faces: smiling, a good sign; haggard and worried, a bad sign. Fire: a
building on fire or a fire engine: fire.

Flowers: a lucky sign.
Funeral: death, a funeral.
Gloves: present of a pair of gloves to be received.
Gold: much good fortune.
Judge and Jury: legal matters pending.
Letter: Letter on the way.
Marriage scene, with budding trees and flowers: marriage in the spring of
the year; if wintry scene, denotes marriage to take place in winter.
Money: favorable sign. Copper, fair prosperity; silver, more favorable
condition in sight; gold, much prosperity.
Ring: a gift of a ring to be received.
Sailors with crossed swords: fighting on sea.
Serpents: enemies; warning to be cautious.
Soldiers with crossed swords: fighting on land.
Stars or Lights: if bright or silvery, indicate that spirit forms are hovering
Surgical operation: with coffin, deaths; without coffin, recovery.
Train: a journey on land.
Watch: gift of a watch to be received.
Water, Body of: with ships—voyage on water.
Wreck, railroad or ship: railroad catastrophe or shipwreck.

The gazer is able to foretell much from the appearance of the Crystal.
The following are some of the indications to which most Mediums

Bright and silvery Crystal, good sign; denotes prosperity.

If milky color, general unsettled condition.
If very dark, cloudy, and gloomy, trouble, sickness, enemies, or death.
White clouds are very favorable indications.
Black clouds are unfavorable.
Violet, green, or blue clouds denote happiness and joys in prospect. Red,
crimson, orange, or yellow clouds portend trouble, danger ahead, or illness;
unexpected, disappointing surprises; slander, loss, grief. Ascending clouds
mean “Yes”, in answer to question put to gazer. Descending clouds mean
“No”, to questions asked.
Clouds or shadows moving toward the gazer’s right hand indicate that
spirits are present which are friendly as well as interested.
Clouds or shadows moving toward his left hand denote that the séance has
come to an end.

Visions in the extreme background indicate a time more remote from
those visions seen nearer, whether of the past or future. Those appearing
in the foreground or closer to the gazer indicate the present or immediate
That which appears on the left-hand side of the gazer is real or a form
of an actual thing. The vision appearing on the right-hand side is
symbolical. As already stated, visions are classified in two groups: the
symbolical, such as those of a boat, house, flag, or building; the other
group comes under the heading of actual scenes or persons in action or


Clairaudiency is defined as “the act of hearing, or the ability to hear

sounds not normally audible; claimed as a special faculty in connection
with Spiritual Mediumship”. If you possess Clairaudient powers, the
Crystal will help to bring them to your consciousness. The same
experiments as suggested for Crystal gazing may be carried out, except,
of course, instead of visions or pictures in the Crystal, the Psychic
Phenomena will become apparent in sound, as though the words were
actually spoken.
In Clairaudiency the thought vibrations manifest themselves on the
auditory system instead of sight. As in the case of Crystal gazing, if
unable to see anything in the Crystal, your Mind lacks the particular
development that makes possible this sense of sight, so in Clairaudiency,
if you do not hear, it shows your sense of hearing is not affected by your
thought. In each instance, it is the application of the Mind and its powers
to your thoughts whereby results are attained.
But if you possess neither Crystal gazing nor Clairaudient power, you
can profit immeasurably by the use of the Crystal. This powerful
medium for concentration, with proper application, will teach you how
to think constructively, how to gain mental control, and how to use to
best advantage your intuitive power.
Your life will be richer and finer because you have learned to
persevere with calmness and patience, have gained poise, courage, and
confidence. Disappointments and obstacles will not so easily

again swerve you from any purpose or goal if its purpose be worthy and
noble. Unconsciously, you will apply these attributes to your everyday
affairs, to your mental, physical and financial advantage.
Because of a better and broader understanding of life, you will be able
to help yourself as well as others and so increase your own happiness
and of all persons with whom you come in contact.

9 The Other Psychic
On the one hand, the history of Kabbalism is so imbedded in Occultism
that it is scarcely known or admitted in any distinct connection. On the
other hand, to the pure Mystic there is so much in the Kabbalistic system
which is extrinsic to the subject of Mysticism that there is a temptation
to underrate its influence. A few preliminary considerations are
presented, based on the fact that Western Mysticism was the channel of
a great Tradition in Christian times.
The correspondence and difference may, perhaps be brought into
harmony if one regards Mysticism in two ways—as a philosophical
doctrine, or rather body of doctrine (an ordered metaphysics), but also as
a mode of conduct practiced with a defined purpose (as mystical
doctrine and mystical life). It should be understood that the doctrine is
rooted in first-hand experience derived from the course of Life. The
practical Mystic is the Saint on the path of ascent into the mystery of
Eternal Union.
I conceive the Kabbalah, like other metaphysics, as having useful and
reassuring lights. It is a source of intellectual consolation that one of the
most barren of all the ways pursued by the human Mind has its own
strange flowers and fruit. The ZOHAR at least has the power of stirring
those depths in the human heart which are beyond the senses. It seems
occasionally to “strike beyond all time, and backward sweep through all
intelligence.” To say this is to confess that

it is of the eternal Soul speaking here under the common influence of
right reason. Now the speech of the human Soul is not without a
message to the Mystic, be it even in certain cases a word of warning
Between Occult arts and Mystical science there is the common point
of union. Beneath this fantastic resemblance there is the more important
fact that they both deal with inner and otherwise uninvestigated
capacities of the human Soul. There is no person really mystic other than
the Occultist conventionally understood as the Mystic on the path of
attainment in Life while exploring the world of Psychic power.
Every dream is regarded as an admixture of truth and falsehood, but
the thesis is a dream realized according to the interpretation placed upon
it. Should this be favorable, favors will overwhelm the man, but in the
contrary case, he will be weighed down by adversity. The reason is that
the word governs, and it follows that no dream must be disclosed to
anyone by whom the dreamer is not loved. There are in all three degrees
dream, vision, and prophecy, and the greatest of these is Prophecy.
Now it so happens that the Doctrine of Signatures, of which we seem
to hear first in Paracelsus—so far as Latin writing in Europe is
concerned—and which was derived from him into the Theosophical
system of Jacob Bohme, is a doctrine of Kabbalism. The Zoharic
allusions are few and far between in respect of actual definition; they
enable us—with the aid of their developments—to conclude the mental
environment of Paracelsus included some reflections from Zoharic
According to the sage of Hohenheim, there are elements and
signatures of elements; a science of the signatures exists, and it teaches
how Heaven produces man at its conception, how also he is constellated
thereby. Stones, herbs, seeds, roots, and all things whatsoever are known
by their signatures, that which lies within them being discovered
thereby. In respect of man, signature has three species, which are
Chiromancy, Physiognomy and Proportion. Such things were part of the
decried Occult sciences and they were matters of observation arising
from that doctrine of correspondences.
There are seven considerations regarding hair in the ZOHAR and the
dispositions indicated:

1. Hair which is crisp or frizzy and inclined to stand up signifies a
choleric temper; the heart is tortuous like the hair, and such a person
should be shunned.
2. Straight and silky hair is usually that of a good companion, one who
succeeds in business—if not undertaken alone. He is prudent
respecting Supreme Mysteries, but cannot hold his tongue about
matters of daily life.
3. Hair that is coarse and straight signifies one who does not fear God,
but works evil knowingly. He will become better, however, if he
reaches an advanced age.
4. A man having black and glossy hair will succeed in material things,
but he must work alone.
5. The success of a black and dull-haired man is rather of an intermittent
kind, and he may quarrel with his business associates; should he take
to the study of the Holy Law, he will make progress therein.
6. A prematurely bald man will do well in business; but he will be
crafty, avaricious, hypocritical and one who makes a pretense of
7. A man who grows bald in the natural course of years will undergo
great changes otherwise; if he has been of good conduct previously,
he will now be bad, but he will turn into paths of virtue if he has been
so far an evil liver.

Some of the conclusions are a little hard and arbitrary—under the

reserve of Sacred letters, and certain alternative readings at a later stage
do not endorse them entirely. But from this secondary account comes a
ruling in respect to auburn hair. On the understanding that it is curly, the
head which wears it will fear sin, will feel compassion for all in
misfortune, and will have the welfare of others as much at heart as his
Physiogomy is a larger subject and is treated at some length. Here are
a few typical examples:
The man whose forehead is low and flat acts without thinking, is
fickle in notions, believes himself wise, and understands nothing. His
tongue is like a biting serpent.
The man who has deep wrinkles on his forehead which are not in
parallel lines and which are replaced when he speaks by parallel and less
deep wrinkles is to be shunned under most circumstances, as he seeks
nothing but personal interests and will keep no secrets.

A large and full forehead denotes the best kind of personality, capable
of acquiring knowledge with the least pains and successful in all search
after spiritual felicity. In money questions he may succeed at one time
and fail at another, but he is not solicitous regarding material things.
The man with blue eyes has a tender heart and one that is free from
wickedness, but he follows his own ends and is careless proportionally
about wrong done to others. He seeks pleasure but not of an unlawful
kind, yet if he should fall into evil ways, he would remain therein.
A man with green, shining eyes is touched with madness, believes
himself superior to others, and lets them know it; he will not prevail
against enemies, and he is inept for the Mysteries of the Law.
A man with clear but yellowish eyes is passionate, though often
sympathetic toward the sufferings of others, yet he is cruel in his anger,
and he also cannot keep secrets.
A man with dark grey eyes will succeed in the Mysteries of the Law,
and if he perseveres in its study he will make steady progress therein. He
will also prevail over enemies.
The distinctive marks of the countenance are modified by conduct,
and differ from general inherited types, which correspond broadly to the
four living creatures of Ezekiel’s vision. There are those which are
distinctively human, those which are leonine, bovine, and in aspect like
that of the eagle. There are also four types which are said in ZOHAR to
be imprinted by the Soul.

1. That of the virtuous man, who is distinguished by a small horizontal

vein on either temple, the one on the left being bifurcated and crossed
by another small, vertical vein,
2. That of a man who returns to his Master after leading a bad life. He is
repulsive at first, but others are finally drawn towards him; he does
not care to be looked straight in the face because he thinks that his
past may be legible. He is alternately pale and yellow. He has one
vein descending from right temple to cheek, another under the nose
and this joins with two veins on the left cheek. These last are united
by another vein, but the last will disappear when the man is
habituated to a virtuous life.
3. That of a person who has fallen off completely from the good way.
He has three red pimples on either cheek and some faint red veins

beneath them. Should he be converted the pimples would remain but
the veinlets vanish.
4. That of a man who has been incarnated a second time to repair the
imperfections of his first sojurn on earth. He has a vertical line on the
right cheek near the mouth, and two deep lines on the left cheek, also
vertical. His eyes are never bright, his health is poor, and the cutting
of his hair and beard changes his appearance completely. Thick lips
are those of the evil speaking. If a medium lower lip is cleft, the
person will be of violent temper, but he will succeed in business.
Unusually large ears are a sign of stupidity and even of tendencies to
mania; persons with very small and well-shaped ears are awakened in
mind and yearn for knowledge.


The hand, more than the other parts of the body, reflects the forces from
above. Since the world is a hierarchy, the miniature world (man) must
necessarily be organized similarly. In the system of man, the hand fulfils
a unique function, that of the mediator between the above and the below,
between the intellectual microcosm, residing in the head, and the
material microcosm which dwells in the body.
If the brain is comparable to the unmoved mover, the Magi say, then
the hand may be called the active force through which the mover
manifests himself. Thus, the hand occupies the second rank in the
Microcosmic hierarchy and is, after the head, the most worthy of
Chiromancy gathers from the heavenly imprints upon the hand two
virtues: character and destiny, a conclusion which all divinatory methods
share. This is deductive as well as prophetic, rational and irrational.
When reading his patient’s hand, the Chiromancer uses his reason and
his divinatory gift. The lines whose significance were established by
tradition are the scaffold upon which the Magus sets his imagination.
Imagination is the force which performs the marvel, as Agrippa,
Paracelsus, and others have taught us,
It is useful to compare these early schemes with modern palmistry.
Far more importance is given to the fingers today. They confirm the
marks in the palm and add many interesting details to the more general
information gathered from the palm. The upper phalanx of

the thumb expresses will, the lower, logic. In the three phalanxes of the
index finger reside religion, ambition, and sensuality. The middle finger
contains prudence, the tendency to experiment, and concentration.
The ring finger informs us of the individual’s artistic gifts, his critical
sense, and his successes. The little finger belongs to sociability; it is
marked with the signs of study, speculation, and shrewdness. AU the
upper phalanxes give information concerning the subject’s intellect; the
middle phalanxes, of his intelligence; and the lowest phalanxes, of his
The most important lines of the palm are those of Life, of Destiny, of
the Heart, of the Head, and of Intuition. A shorter line that descends
from the art or ring finger reveals artistic talents, and several parallel
lines upon the wrist give supplementary information about the length of
Besides the lines of the hand, its “mounts” are important to the
Palmist. The hump of the thumb, called the mount of Venus, informs us
about the individual’s love; the mount of Jupiter, below the index finger,
is marked by ambition; the mount of Saturn, below the middle finger,
reveals man’s independence; the mount of the Sun, below the ring
finger, is that of Apollo, or art.
And below the little finger, the mount of Mercury reveals commercial
aptitudes. At the edge of the palm, opposed to the thumb, are the mounts
of Mars, denoting steadiness and resistance, and of the Moon containing
the marks of imagination and melancholy.
Close by are the lines of travel and above, in the mount of Mercury,
those of union. Distant from the mount of Venus in the realm of
shrewdness (lowest phalanx of the little finger), is marked the number of
children the person will have.
It has been accepted that the left hand, which does not work as much
as the right, holds the Signs preserved better and not distorted. On the
left is inscribed the primitive destiny given by the Stars at man’s birth.
On the right hand are those changes which man causes daily by his will
and work. If man’s Will is free, why should one inspect his left hand? If
he modifies his destiny, the Stars’ original marks offer no valuable
information. But if the Stars are omnipotent, then there is no point in
inspecting the right hand. Will, labor, and intelligence cannot overcome
that which has been decided by the

Horoscope. This strife as to whether man is free or not cannot be ended
by the Chiromancer. One may recognize whether the subject is living
according to his inclinations and if his activities are in accord with the
gifts bestowed upon him at birth. Accepting this, we can say the Stars
influence, but do not irretrievably decide our destiny.
It is usual to divide the science of palmistry into two principal
sections: Cheirognomy, or the science of interpreting the characters and
instincts of men from the outward formations and aspects of
Cheiromancy, or the science of reading the characters and instincts of
men, their actions and habits, and the events of their past, present, and
future lives, in the lines and formations of the palms of their hands.
The first of these branches is the modern and more scientific one. It is
really the easiest to master and to practice, and though less interesting
than the second, is absolutely indispensable to a proper study of the lines
of the palm. Master the subject of the general formation of hands and
you are well on the way to a mastery of the art of reading palms.
The index finger is named for Jupiter.
The middle finger for Saturn.
The ring finger for Apollo.
The little finger for Mercury.


First, with the eye, or better, by means of a ruler, measure the length of
the fingers at the back, from the center of the knuckle of the longest
finger to its tip, then measure the palm from the highest opening
between any two fingers, and the first line running around the wrist, or
the point wherein your judgment the palm ends and the wrist begins.
The length of the fingers should be greater in all cases than the length
of the palm, or at any rate about the same. In the lower animals and the
lower orders of men the palm is longer than the fingers, till the fingers
become little more than toes and the nails grow over the ends of the
fingers like claws.

The Elementary hand has short fingers, the skin is coarse and often
hard, though not always, the palm thick and chubby. The thumb is short,
thick, and usually square at the end. Persons with such a hand have no
control over their passions and have little mind or capacity for
They are brutes, and like brutes may commit murder in a drunken
passion. Like brutes, too, they may be amiable, though never very
appreciative of another, and may grow rich through their activity in the
lower planes of life. The pure type of Elementary hand is rarely found in
civilized countries though something approaching it is common.
Everyone has noticed how differently are shaped the fingertips of all
persons of education and intellectual power. These differences have
caused Cheirologists to divide hands into classes which represent
corresponding types of character. The Ancient teachers considered that
there were seven of these classes because they also reckoned seven
planets and seven temperaments.
The modern palmists teach that there are three Natural divisions, the
Conical, Spatulate and Square, and two smaller classes contained within
the three principal types but with peculiarities of their own, the Extreme
Pointed and the Mixed type.
“Pure types”, that is, fingers entirely conic, spatulate, or square are
seldom met with. We must master the simple types, however, and learn
to combine their qualities when we find the types themselves combined
in any particular hand:

1. The Conic Type represents Ideality,

2. The Spatulate represents Action.
3. The Square represents Reason.

The Conic hand has long elliptical nails, not very large but delicate,
and the whole hand corresponds. The fingers are long and tapering, the
palm by no means thick, and the skin is usually smooth and clear.
Subjects with conical-shaped tips to their fingers dream rather than
act, especially if the hand generally be soft. “People with the Conic hand
are often, in fact, designated ‘the children of impulse’. There is a great
variety in connection with this type, but it is more usually found as a
full, soft hand with pointed fingers and rather long nails.

Such a formation denotes an artistic, impulsive nature, but one in which
love of luxury and indolence predominate.”
Persons possessing this type of hand are usually brilliant, clever, and
gifted as musicians or artists, especially if the ring finger, the finger of
Apollo, is proportionately long. They often fail, however, because of
lack of application or willingness for hard work.
The Spatulate hand has fingertips like a druggist’s spatula, or ladle.
The ends of their lingers seem abnormally developed by constant work
on details. Persons possessing this type are the workers of the world.
They carry out the ideas of the Conical type. The thumb must always be
large. “The great pronounced characteristics of this type are: action,
movement, energy, and, of course, the harder or firmer the hand the
more pronounced will these characteristics be.
“A man of this type is resolute, self-confident, and desirous of
abundance rather than of sufficiency. In love he will be more constant
and faithful than the conic or pointed-handed subject by reason of his
want of inclination toward things romantic and poetic. With a small
thumb the Spatulate subject will try to do much, but will fail through
want of inclination toward things romantic and poetic. With a small
thumb the Spatulate subject will try to do much, but will fail through
want of perseverance and uncertainty in his course of action.”
Persons of this class are fond of order and regularity and are always
doing something. They are strict and even tyrannical, but always just. If
the palm be hard, they will work themselves; if soft, they make others do
the work. But action of some sort is a necessity and they are restless
when forced to be idle.
The Square hand has nails more or less square at the ends, and the
fingertips are nearly square. The hand itself is broad, and the palm is
nearly square, especially at the wrist and at the base of the fingers.
Usually the joints are rather large, especially the joints nearest the palm,
the thumb with the root well developed, the palm itself of medium
thickness, hollow, and rather firm. The whole hand is usually a very
large one.
Such a hand is often known as the useful hand since it is so common
in the useful walks of life; carpenters and mechanics of all kinds,
inventors, architects (especially builders of useful buildings). In fact,

everyone engaged in a strictly useful occupation which also requires
intelligence and reasoning judgment possess this hand.
Possessors of Square hands (as may be seen by the knotted joints) are
thinkers; they must have a reason for everything. They do not work so
hard as those with Spatulate fingertips, but they will probably
accomplish more. They have very little sympathy with the beautiful in
any form, especially when it is not also useful, and despise persons with
conic fingers.
They are pre-eminently the world’s artists and poets. “They are
sincere and true in promise, staunch in friendship, strong in principle,
and honest in business. Their greatest fault is that they are inclined to
reason by a twelve-inch rule and disbelieve all they cannot understand.”
The best musicians (composers and theorists) have always delicately
squared fingers with slightly developed joints and small thumbs. Singers
and performers on violin and piano are more likely to have conic hands
with enough of the square type to give them perseverance in practice.
The Mixed hand as a type is so called because it has distinct
characteristics of several of the three elementary types we have just been
considering. The nail on one finger may be square, that on another may
be Conic, and that on a third, Spatulate. There may be square nails and
fingertips on long, tapering fingers, or conic nails and tapering fingers
on square palms. The Mixed hand must be judged first of all by the
prevailing type.
If two or more of the fingers are Spatulate, the type is Mixed
Spatulate; if two or more are Conical, it is Mixed Conical; if two or
more are Square, it is Mixed Square. Each finger should be read
separately and then the balance carefully adjusted.
A pointed or Conic Jupiter always gives the love of reading and
perception and modifies the sterner qualities of the other fingers. Thus,
the argumentativeness of the square fingers may be modified by the tact
of a long-pointed Mercury, while a pointed hand with a square Saturn
has the saving grace of prudence to correct its vagaries.
All palmists agree that the Mixed hand is the most difficult to read,
and at the same time it is the most common. It is the hand of ideas, of
versatility, and generally of changeability of purpose. A

man with such a hand is adaptable to both people and circumstances,
clever, but erratic in the application of his talents. He will be brilliant in
conversation, and be the subject of science, art, or gossip. Such hands
find their greatest scope in work requiring diplomacy and tact.
The only chance that people with mixed hands have of becoming
really distinguished is to take the best talent they have and cultivate it to
the exclusion of the others. But they seldom have the strength of purpose
to effect this.
The old palmists describe two other types, the Philosophic and the
Psychic, spoken of as the Exaggerated Conic.
The Philosophic are divided into two classes or sections; one of the
materialists, whose ideas are derived from external influences, and the
other of the idealists, whose ideas are evolved from their inner
The distinguishing characteristics of these hands are the knotted joints
of the fingers. The first joint, or that nearest the fingertips, if well-
developed gives the idealistic class, or those whose reasoning and
philosophy is concentrated on mental subjects; the second joint, or that
nearest the palm, if well-developed gives the materialistic class, or those
whose reasoning and philosophy is concentrated on physical and
material matters.
The hand with knotted joints (in English countries) usually belongs to
the college professor or scientists. Persons with such a hand glean
wisdom, but seldom gather gold. They are students rather than workers.
The knotted joints may belong to the Conic, the Square, or the Spatulate
type of hand, and so this is not properly a separate type. Moreover, in
common life it is a type peculiar to Oriental nations, especially to India.
In character they are silent and secretive; they are deep thinkers,
careful over little matters, even in the use of little words; they are proud
with the pride of being different from others; they rarely forget an injury,
but they are patient with the patience of power.
The Psychic or Exaggerated Conic hand is still more rarely found. It
is the most beautiful and delicate, but, alas! the most useless and
impractical type of hand. This type of hand is very small and delicate,
having a thick palm and fine fingers which are long and delicately

pointed, or with joints only just indicated by a very slight swelling. It has
generally a pretty little thumb.
To these subjects belong the domains of the beautiful ideal, the land
of dreams, of Utopian ideas, and of artistic fervor; they have the delicacy
and true instinct of art of the conic hand, but without its sensualism, its
egotism, and its worldliness. The luxurious dreaming Orientals are
almost exclusively of this type. Among them we find Spiritualists,
Mediums, and many persons who prove the easy prey of impostors. In
countries where such hands predominate and hold the reins of
government, we find that rule is maintained by superstition, by priests,
and by fetishism.
Such subjects are ruled by heart and by Soul; their feelings are acute,
their nerves highly strung, and they are easily fired with a wondrous
enthusiasm. Theirs are the talents which produce the most inspired
poetry. But in our material Western world, the possessors of such hands
are invariably classed as failures. To their own hearts, however, their
lives are anything but failures in spite of the fact that suicide is common
among them.
We have considered the types of nails and fingertips under the head
of Types of Hands. There are, however, many special points to be
considered in connection with the fingers and the hand in general.
If the fingers looked at from the front (not measured from the back as
previously described) appear to be short, the subject will be found to be
impulsive, hasty, quick in thought and action, and inclined to regard the
whole of a subject rather than trouble about details.
Long fingers love detail and are constantly inclined to curiosity,
worry, and fidgetiness.
A well-balanced character will have the fingers and palm of equal
length (or they will appear to be in good proportion). Such a person will
appreciate the wide sweep of the horizon and yet note lovingly the
daisies ’neath our feet.
A finger is said to be “good” when it is straight, well-developed, and
in proportion to the other fingers; “bad” when it is too long or too short,
twisted, crooked, or bent.
When the hand is held palm upward, and one finger appears to stand
up, that is said to be the dominant finger and will give the

keynote of the character. The qualities indicated by the different fingers
will vary in degree with the power of that finger and must be judged
Fingers set evenly on a line above the mounts are said to indicate
Any finger set below the others loses some of its power. Mercury
low-set shows that circumstances are against the subject and that life
will be a struggle. If Apollo is set lower than Saturn, the artistic faculties
will not receive their full cultivation. Saturn is seldom displaced.

A large hand indicates a love and appreciation of details and

minutiae; a medium-sized hand denotes comprehension of details and
power of grasping a whole; while very small hands betray always the
instincts and appreciation of synthesis. The large-handed subject will
have things small in themselves, but exquisitely finished, while the
small-handed subject desires the massive, the grandiose, and the
Artists in Horology have always large hands, while the designers and
builders of pyramids and colossal temples always have small hands. In
Egyptian papyri and hieroglyphic inscriptions, the smallness of the
hands of the persons represented always strikes one at first sight. In like
manner, persons with small hands always write large, while people with
large hands always write (naturally) small.
A hand that is hairy on the back betokens inconstancy, while a quite
hairless and smooth hand denotes folly and presumption. A


JUPITER (index finger)

Good Too Long Too Short Crooked

Love of Rule Tyranny Dislike of Lack of Honor


SATURN (middle finger)

Prudence Morbidity Frivolity Hysteria

APOLLO (ring finger)

Love of No artistic False ideas

Love of the
speculation sense of art

MERCURY (little finger)

General capacity Craft No executive Wanting in
ability business tact
slight hairiness gives prudence and a love of luxury to a man, but a hairy
hand on a woman always denotes cruelty.
Hair upon the thumb denotes ingenuity; on the third and lower
phalanges of the fingers only, it betrays affectation, and on all the
phalanges a quick temper and choleric disposition. Complete absence of
hair upon the hands betokens effeminacy and cowardice.
If the hands are continually white, never changing color (or only very
slightly) under the influences of heat and cold, they denote egotism,
selfishness, and a want of sympathy with the joys and sorrows of others.
Redness of the skin denotes sanguinity and hopefulness of
temperament! Yellowness denotes biliousness of disposition; blackness,
melancholy, and pallor, a phlegmatic spirit. Darkness of tint is always
preferable to paleness, which betrays effeminacy, the best color being a
decided and wholesome rosiness, which betokens a bright and just
The color of the nails shows whether the circulation is good or not. If
they are dark, the circulation is bad. Sometimes they will be fairly
purple. This is an indication of temporary ill-health.
Bright red nails indicate a hot temper, pink nails a hasty temper, and
white nails a calm temper. If the color lies in bands of pink and white,
the temper is intermittent and depends on the nerves and the state of
Large nails feel more lasting anger than small ones. Short nails show
mockery and criticism. “Almond” or “filbert” nails, if pink, are often
peevish; if white, indifferent.
Flat nails show some tendency to paralysis.

Fluted nails (those with small ridges running from top to bottom)
show backache and spinal trouble.
Ridges across the nails show an illness.
White specks show nervousness or a temporary condition of nervous
exhaustion or slight illness.
Round nails are said to show a tendency to consumption. (This means
roundness from side to side the whole length of the nail.)
A square base indicates a desire for revenge.
Soft rounded base indicates amiability.
Wedge-shaped base indicates quickness to take offense and feel
Very long nails much curved in any direction show a weak physical
constitution and tendency to throat and lung trouble.
Short nails curved and fluted would show merely throat trouble.
Short and small nails in general show tendency toward heart disease.
Large moons indicate a good circulation, small moons heart disease.
Short nails inclined to lift or curve up at the edges because they are so
flat indicate serious nerve disease and paralysis, especially if they are
patched with white and are brittle.
Long nails indicate calmness and resignation and their owners take
things easily. Long nails show an artistic nature and great ideality and a
tendency to be visionary. Short-nailed persons, on the contrary, are
extremely critical, inclined to logic, reason and facts. They are quicker,
sharper, and keener in judgment than the long- nailed people and have a
keener sense of humor and of the ridiculous. If nails are broader than
they are long, they show a pugnacious disposition and a tendency to
worry and meddle with other people’s business.
If the fingers are thick they show love of ease and luxury.
If when the fingers are held together and the hand is looked at toward
the light, spaces sufficient to let the fight pass can be seen between the
bases of the fingers, generosity is indicated. If the fingers fit tightly
together, avarice and extreme selfishness are to be read.
Twisted and badly formed fingers with few lines in the palms show a
tyrannical and cruel, if not a murderous, disposition.
Hands which open and close very stiffly betray stubbornness.
People whose fingers have a tendency to turn back, being supple

and elastic, are generally sagacious and clever though inclined to
extravagance. They are always curious and inquisitive.
If the little fleshy ball or pad be found on the face of the first phalanx
it is a sign of sensitiveness and sensibility toward other people and,
consequently, tact (due to a fear of giving pain) and taste (the natural
possession of sensitive people).
The thumb is perhaps the most important single member of the many-
fold hand. It gives the keynote of the whole character, and therefore,
merits discussion by itself.
The three phalanges show respectively;

First (nail), will.

Second (middle), logic.
Third (part of palm), love.

If the first phalanx is long, and firm to the touch, and spatulate, the
Will will be constant and little affected by the opinions of others. If the
point is soft and tapering, even if very long, the power of the Will is
unused and the subject is swayed by others. If heavy, almost clubbed, we
find unreasoning obstinacy.
If the thumb is very supple and turns far back we read generosity that
in extreme cases goes to extravagance, even to complete lack of honor in
the matter of spending money. Suppleness of the whole thumb is said to
be a sign of dramatic talent. A depression in the center of the first
phalanx shows susceptibility to flattery.
If the second phalanx is long, strong and proportionately developed it
shows the power of abstract reasoning, of seeing all sides of an
argument. It checks enthusiasm and, with a small first phalanx, gives
indecision. Such people give good advice but do not follow it
themselves. “Waisted”, that is, cut away at the sides, there is the power
to see only one side of the question, and it reduces all argument to a
personal matter.
The finger formation of the thumb is the indication of the greater
development of the intellectual will, and the coarse formation is that of
the nature that will use more brute force in the accomplishment of an
object. It follows, therefore, that the waist-like appearance, which is a
portion of the finger development, indicates the tact born of mental
power, whereas the fuller, coarser development indicates

force in the carrying out of a purpose, in keeping with the characteristics
of each Nature.
The part of the third phalanx lying outside of the mount of Venus
shows the power of the emotions. If combined with a heavy mount of
Venus, we get sensuality. If this phalanx is long and clear, the passions
are more ideal; if short and thick, they are earthly. If the outer angle of
the second joint is acute, a good ear for music is said to be indicated.
The second joint is associated especially with time, the third with tune.
If the thumb is set very high and straight, it shows lack of adaptability
and care for money to the verge of meanness. If it is high set and the first
phalanx turns back, the subject spends money on himself.
When all the phalanges of the thumb are well balanced, strong and
long, constancy of purpose is shown. A good, well-developed thumb can
entirely redeem an otherwise bad hand by bringing the modifying power
of personal will to bear upon the inherited tendencies, making the idle
energetic from conviction that labor brings the highest good, the self-
indulgent temperate because reason shows the healthful result of
On the other hand, a weak, illogical thumb can render every talent
otherwise shown in the hand useless. The small top phalanx and the
small size of the whole member show the fickle, obstinate, yet weak-
minded individual who lacks perseverance and is absolutely unreliable.
Nothing is brought to perfection, and the mind, swayed by the opinion of
the last speaker, is incapable of sustained effort.
The size of the palm must be judged by comparison with the fingers.
No special measurements can be given, but a little practice will soon
teach the right proportions. It should be measured from the base of the
second finger to the first line of the bracelet.
A narrow palm belongs to the conventional hand, with fingers set
closely together. Its narrowness generally consists in the small
development of the mounts of Mercury, Mars, and the Moon. We find
people with these narrow palms lack cheerfulness, pluck, and
imagination. Sometimes the thumb is pressed closely toward the hand
and makes it appear narrow. This limits the stretch and prevents
spontaneous generosity.

A square palm gives love of fresh air and, if hard and flat, a tendency
toward outdoor sports.
A wide palm shows a good development of all the mounts.
When the palm is flat and lies on a level with the surrounding mounts,
it shows the Plain of Mars is developed; fighting and aggressive powers
are used, and circumstances, however outwardly unfavorable, are forced
in the end to yield.
Far different is the result of the hollow palm. With a lack of
aggressiveness, drifting whither circumstances seem to lead, easily
daunted, these characters need the sustaining moral force of a stronger
nature to urge them to combat. Should a child’s hand have this
peculiarity, he should never be snubbed. Each effort should be
encouraged and attempts made toward personal action should never be
ridiculed. These hollow palms belong to sensitive Minds to whom a
breath of ridicule is a poison wind stunting all growth and retarding
every effort.
The consistency of the palm is also a very important factor in
delineating a hand. When firm, even if in appearance it is soft, it will
show energy, but not aggressive activity.
When hard, flat, and firm we have the fighting animal, never yielding,
always doing.
When the palm is soft and flabby, we find indolence and laziness,
which is accentuated and united with a love of luxury in food and life.
When the back of the hand is also fat and the third phalanx much
developed, these people will always like others to do their work for
them; even thinking is frequently too much trouble.
When these fat hands and thick fingers have a palm which feels firm
to the touch, then their energy will expend itself chiefly on the
gratification of their own gastronomic faculties. “Dinner” will be the one
thing to live for.
A thin palm, even when flat, denotes delicate health; a firm, not too
large one, warm to the touch, hard, but not unduly so, good health; a
thick, clumsy palm shows the preponderance of the animal instincts,
brute force, and egotism.
A thick palm is the characteristic of those for whom the alphabet
consists of one letter—the capital “I”—while the flexible palm will
generally show an adaptable character, fond of variety and change.

The soft hand has more poetry in its composition than the hard. Thus,
an artist with hard hands will paint things real and actual rather than
ideal, and his pictures will be more active and manly than those of a
softer-handed artist, who will paint the images of his fancy and whose
works will show greater soul, greater diversity, and more fantasy.
A Spatulate subject with hard hands will engage in active exercise,
athletics, and the like, while the similar but softer-handed subject prefers
to watch others engaged in active occupations.
People with soft hands have always a love of the marvelous, being
more nervous, more impressionable, more imaginative than those with
hard hands. A very soft hand has a still greater degree of fascination for
the strange and uncanny, being rendered additionally superstitious by
bodily laziness. The tendency is still more pronounced if the fingers are
Soft hands are often more capable of tenderness and affection than
True Love, but hard hands are generally the more capable of True Love,
though less prone to demonstrative tenderness and affection.
To be perfect, a hand should be firm without hardness and elastic
without being flabby; such a hand hardens only very slowly with age,
whereas an already firm hand often becomes extremely hard.
Smoothness and a gentle firmness of the hand in youth betoken delicacy
of the Mind, while dryness and thinness betray rudeness and
The wrinkles on the hand should also be noticed. A soft, wrinkled
hand shows impressionability and uprightness of Soul, and a wrinkled
hard hand is that of a person who is pugnacious, irritating, and teasing,
especially if the nails be short.
The back of the hand lined and wrinkled always indicates
benevolence of mind and sensitiveness of Soul.
The man with the firm, strong hands and the developed mount of
Venus is the man who will exert himself to amuse others with feats of
grace and agility, who will romp with children, and work hard to
contribute his share to the general harmony.
The study of the mounts forms the connecting link between
Cheirognomy, or the general study of the hand, and Cheiromancy, or the
study of the lines on the palm. Some palmists class them under one
division, others under the other.

There are seven mounts, which are in reality slightly raised portions
of the palm. They are indicated as follows:

1. Mount of Jupiter, at base of index finger.

2. Mount of Saturn, at base of middle finger.
3. Mount of Apollo, at base of ring finger.
4. Mount of Mercury, at base of little finger.
5. Mount of Venus, at base of the thumb.
6. Mount of the Moon, on side of hand opposite thumb.
7. Mount of Mars, between Mount of Mercury and that of the Moon. 7a.
Second Mount of Mars, influenced by Jupiter, under thumb, below

On a firm hand you will not see any marked rise when a mount is
really very well developed. On the contrary, if it is wanting or badly
developed, a hollow will be found. On a soft hand the mounts will be
more prominent, but will have no more significance than the lesser
development on a hard hand. It is manifest from the start that the type of
hand must be taken into consideration in judging either mounts or lines.
A hand may be callous, however, from hard work, and still the mounts
will be unaffected.
The mounts will sometimes be found directly at the base of the
fingers with which they are connected, but again they may lean much
toward some other mount. A mount is said to be “good” when it is
evenly developed, well-placed, and firm when gently pressed. Then the
quality belonging to it has been cultivated. It is said to be “unfavorable”
when it encroaches or is overdeveloped and usurps another’s position.
Then the qualities indicated are either in excess, unused, or wanting.
The influence of the mount which is principally developed may be
either good or bad. This may be arrived at by inspecting the formation of
the tips of the fingers, the consistency of the hand, and the development
of the thumb. Thus, pointed fingers reveal an intuition, a lofty idealism
of the quality. Square fingers will look at the reasonable aspects of
character, and Spatulate will cultivate the material qualities of the
The following summary of qualities or characteristics and their signs
will be found of great utility in answering questions easily and quickly.

The Major Lines of the Hand, According to Modern Palmistry

Good Excess Wanting

Pride and self- Conceit Lack of

respect self-respect

Love of solitude and Morbidness Frivolity


Mercy and talent Mercy without justice Cruelty, dullness



Buoyancy, cheerfulness, Chattering, indifference to No sense of

talkativeness feelings of others humor

Power of endurance Stolidity Cowardice



Imagination and Eccentricity No imagination

Affection Sensuality Coldness


Acquisitiveness: Fingers curved inward, and no stretch between first finger and
Adaptability: A flexible thumb, especially at first joint; flexible palm and
Anger: Red nails (square bases show revenge) low mounts of Mars (they give
control when developed).
Art: For painting, long fingers for detail, short for effects; large hands; Mount of
the Moon well-developed for imagination and originality;
Mercury high for the imitative quality; first phalanx of Apollo long and wide
for form and color; Mount of Apollo high for animal painting. For sculpture,
rather small hands, long fingers (knots no objection), the first phalanx of all
the fingers long for deftness in detail, Apollo finger dominant for distinction
in form, and mounts of Luna and Mercury high for originality and
imitativeness. For the drama, long fingers, Mercury dominant; turned back
thumb; good mounts of Mercury and Luna; Saturn mount and finger
dominant for tragedy; percussion (Mars and Mercury) developed for comedy.
Ambition: Long, strong and straight finger of Jupiter; high mount and cross on
second phalanx for social ambition; first phalanx of Apollo finger wide and
long in addition gives artistic ambition; a long and dominant Mercury finger;
good thumb, the ambition to business; good first phalanx of Mercury turns the
ambition to diplomacy.
Analysis: Long, knotted fingers for investigation; short nails for criticism; well-
developed second phalanx of thumb for logic.
Benevolence: Mount of Venus for emotion; Luna for sympathy; thumb for
constancy; stretch between first finger and thumb for generosity, Bohemianism:
Long, widely separated fingers, flexible palm, sloping
Head Line, short, turned-back thumb, and well developed Luna. Calculation:
Long, knotted fingers, long finger of Mercury (squared). Caprice: Short first
phalanx of thumb, short fingers, soft hand. Concentration: Long fingers, long
and strong thumb.
Conventionality: Straight, stiff fingers, set close together, stiff palm, straight
Construction: Long first phalanges of all fingers, spatulated, and mounts of
Mercury and Moon.
Courage: Both mounts of Mars high and hard, Plain of Mars high, Saturn low,
and Luna not very high. This gives extreme courage of an almost brutal type. A
good Mount of Mars on the percussion will alone give passive courage.
Courtesy: Medium palm and fingers flexible, Plain of Mars not too high, and
mounts of Jupiter, Luna, and Mercury well developed.

Craft: Long finger of Mercury (dominant) and strong thumb.
Deceit: Long finger of Mercury and high Mount of Luna. Liars with poor
memory and little imagination from low Luna are successful in their deceit.
Devotion: For religious devotion, subject should have long, pointed finger of
Jupiter, pointed thumb, Luna developed toward wrist, and soft palm, high
mounts of Saturn and Venus.
Eccentricity: Mount of Luna highly developed sometimes with excrescences.
Egotism: Thick, white, firm palm, high Mount of Jupiter, low Luna and
Energy: Hard, firm palm, well developed Plain of Mars.
Enmity: Lines on Mars denote enemies; short nails square at base; high mounts
on Saturn and Luna.
Economy: Stiff thumb, long knotted fingers.
Eloquence: Long fingers of Mercury and Jupiter, and high mounts of Luna and
Fatalism: Heavy finger and mount of Saturn, soft, hollow, palm, and thumb
turned outward.
Firmness: Long equally balanced thumb, knotted fingers that are fairly long.
Foolishness: Weak first phalanx of thumb, soft hand.
Gratitude: Good thumb, high mounts of Venus and Luna. Heroism: High
mounts of Mars, Luna, and Venus.
Honesty: Straight finger of Jupiter and good thumb.
Idiocy: Twisted fingers, turned-in thumb, and a hand altogether badly
Idleness: Soft, fat palm, with no knuckles visible.
Impulse: Short fingers, small thumb.
Justice: Long, straight finger of Jupiter, long and strong thumb.
Love: Platonic love is given by a strong thumb and small lines running parallel.
Friendship is given by high mounts of Luna and Venus.
Passionate love is indicated by high mounts of Luna and Venus and many
encroaching influence lines with a weak thumb (allowing the love to rule the
Madness: Head line broken and drooping to Luna; high mounts of Saturn and
Luna. If Mercury is absent and there are stars on Mars, the madness will be
Melancholy: Long, heavy finger and mount of Saturn, no mount of Mercury,
and a development of Luna toward the wrist (generally long, knotted fingers).

Method: Both knots, long fingers and thumb.
Narrow-mindedness: Quadrangle very narrow, fingers and thumb
Occultism: Long, smooth fingers, Luna developed toward wrist, Line of
Intuition present, and the croix mystique in quadrangle.
Order: Long, knotted fingers; straight Head Line.
Perception: The first phalanx of all the fingers cushioned, and the mount of
Luna developed.
Practicability: Hard hand, medium palm and fingers, good thumb.
Pride: Long finger of Jupiter, especially third phalanx, long and high
mount of Jupiter. If mount of Jupiter leans toward Venus, we have family
Prudence: Evenly developed and strong thumb, finger of Saturn well but not
too well-developed.
Reason: Long second phalanx of thumb, medium palm and fingers.
Religion: Straight finger of Jupiter pointed, long first phalanx of
Mercury finger giving eloquence, straight and well developed thumb. (This
analysis applies to clergymen.)
Reverence: Long, smooth finger of Jupiter.
Sociability: Developed mount of Jupiter, mount of Mercury and medium
palm and fingers.
Tact: Long, pointed first phalanx of Mercury.
Timidity: Depression at base of third phalanx, depression of Mars on
percussion, hollow palm.
Vanity: High mount of Jupiter sloping toward the base of the finger. Wit:
Mount of Mercury and finger well developed, first phalanx long for repartee;
Mars under Mercury well developed.


Tea leaves were used for centuries as a means of foretelling future events.
Tea is most commonly used because it gives better indications for the
reader. Many people attribute teacup reading, as it is called, to a Clairvoyant
power possessed by the reader, the teacup and grounds merely acting as a
point of concentration. However, teacup grounds do form various images
and pictures in the cup and can be plainly seen by anyone. Some of the more
complicated pictures are more difficult to ascertain by the less-experienced
person, but with practice and patience, it is easy to learn how to read
fortunes from the teacup.

The person giving the reading is called the “Reader”, and the person to
whom the reading is given is called the “Sitter”. The Sitter drinks the tea
from the cup, leaving only a few drops in the bottom of the cup. The cup
should be turned around three times by the hand with a swinging movement
from right to left. This distributes the leaves or grounds about the bottom of
the cup. Turn teacup upside down to drain away tire moisture. This
procedure should be conducted by the Sitter, under the Reader’s direction.
Upon careful examination, you can discern various images or pictures
caused by the formation of the grounds. Study these carefully and from
different positions. Various designs will be revealed, and each design has a
The meaning of these designs will be explained, and the reader should
learn the meaning of each; however, you can easily refer to this chapter for
the desired information. In some instances, the meaning of one design will
contradict the meaning of another, so these interpretations must not be taken
as a whole but taken as part of a general reading. Bad influences or
indications will be balanced by good influences. The reading must be
formulated from the general meaning of all designs shown in the cup.
Needless to say, it is necessary to exercise the imagination to see some of
the designs, but if the grounds form any kind of a design, giving you some
reason to interpret it as a certain object, then it should be considered.
The reading of fortunes in the teacup will be found an interesting pastime.
You can read your own fortune, or read for your friends. Many people have
great faith in this method of divination, and a careful record of
interpretations reveals many instances where the future was foretold with
unerring accuracy.


Acorn: Success.
Aircraft: Unexpected journey, perhaps disappointment.
Anchor: Should grounds form a design of such nature as to cause you to
believe it to resemble an anchor, and it is clearly shown, the meaning may
be interpreted as love and constancy. However, if the anchor is

EAFK-N 385
cloudy and indistinct, the meaning is just the reverse. This design appearing
at the bottom of the cup means great happiness.
Angel: Good news.
Arch: A journey, perhaps to another land.
Arrow: Bad news in a letter.
Axe; You will overcome the difficulty.
Bagpipe: Disappointment.
Ball: Represents someone who is connected with outdoor sports. Balloon:
Whatever is most in the mind will not last long.
Basket: If empty, it shows money trouble. If full, expect a present. Bat:
Bayonet: Illness or accident.
Beans: Trouble about money.
Bear: A journey.
Beasts: If other than dogs, indicate misfortune. The figure of a dog shown at the
top means faithful friends. The same figure in the middle means the reverse,
and at the bottom means secret enemies. Thus, it will be noted throughout the
interpretation of these signs that when the figure is revealed at the top clearly
favorable circumstances are indicated, and as the figure recedes in the cup
and becomes less distinct, the conditions become adverse.
Beehive: Business success. If bees are flying around it the gain will be very
Beetle: Scandal.
Bell: Unexpected news. If more than one bell, a wedding.
Birds: Good news. If the birds are flying the news will come quickly. Bird’s
Cage: Something stands in the way of happiness. If the cage door is open, the
obstacle is passing.
Bird’s Nest: Happiness in love and home.
Boat: A visit from a friend.
Book: If open it is a promise of success in some new direction or of a new lover.
If closed, a sign of delay. Sometimes a book will represent one of studious
habits or whose work is connected with books, if such a person is in the mind
of the Inquirer.
Boomerang: Someone is plotting.
Boots: Success.
Bottle: One bottle stands for pleasure. A row of bottles indicates illness.
Sometimes, however, the bottles stand for someone whose work is connected
with them, a wine merchant, a chemist, doctor, or nurse.
The sitter must decide whether such a person is in her thoughts. Bouquet:
Happy love.

Bow or Bow and Arrow: Scandal.
Box: If with the lid open, some trouble connected with a love-affair will soon be
cleared up. If with lid closed, something that has been lost will be found.
Bridge: An opportunity that will lead to success.
Bugle: Hard work and great endeavor are required.
Building: A removal.
Butterfly: Inconstancy. This symbol depends on those near it. Camel:
Unexpected news.
Candle: Sickness.
Cannon: News of a soldier or of someone who serves the President in any
capacity or who works in the Government.
Cap: There is a need of caution.
Car: Good Fortune.
Cart: There will be delay.
Cat: Quarrels.
Chain: An engagement or wedding.
Chair: Unexpected visitor.
Chimney: Take every care in what you are about to do.
Church: Unexpected money.
Cigar: New friend.
Circles: Are often shown in the cup and they represent financial affairs, the
receipt of money for the Sitter. If the circle is cut or connected with lines, the
money will be forthcoming, but a delay will first be experienced.
Clock: The Inquirer is thinking of the future. The surrounding symbols will give
the answer.
Clover: Is an odd design, but not difficult to detect. If it appears at the top of the
cup, good fortune is close at hand. If the clover is nearer the bottom, good
fortune is more distant.
Coat: A parting.
Coffin: Is a sign of illness, or death. One hardly need seek an interpretation
when a sign of this character appears, as it is self-explanatory.
Comb: A false friend.
Corkscrew: Trouble caused by curiosity.
Crab: An enemy.
Crescent: A railroad trip.
Crown: Such as worn by a king or queen, signifies honor and the respect of
Crown and Cross: A combination of both means welcome news or good fortune
will reach you through the death of another.

Cross: Like the coffin, is a sign of death, not necessarily for the sitter, but does
connect the sitter with the occurrence.
Crutches: A friend will help.
Cup: Success is at hand.
Curtain: A secret has been kept. If the curtain seems drawn back the
secret will not be of great importance.
Dagger: Be careful of what you say and do.
Dancer: A disappointment.
Deer: Disputes.
Desk: News in a letter.
Devil: Bad influences are around.
Diamond: Legacy coming very unexpectedly.
Dog: At the top, faithful friends; in the middle, they are untrustworthy.
A dog at the bottom means secret enemies.
Dish: Quarrels at home.
Donkey: Be brave and patient and all will be well.
Doves: Everything good.
Dragon: Sudden change.
Drum: A journey about new work.
Duck: Luck in speculation.
Eagle: A change for the better.
Ear: Unexpected news.
Earrings: Trouble through misunderstandings.
Eel: Distasteful duties to perform.
Eggs: New plans and hopes. Perhaps news of a birth.
Elephant: Your friend is to be trusted.
Engine: Hasty news.
Eye: You will conquer the difficulty.
Faces: Several faces are the sign of a party or some gathering of people.
If a face resembles that of someone known to the Inquirer, it represents that
person. An ugly face shows there is a secret enemy. A pretty face foretells
Fan: A flirtation is in progress.
Fangs: Beware of trouble.
Feet: It will be necessary to make an important decision.
Fence: Success is near.
Finger: This symbol has no meaning of its own, but special heed must
be given to that at which it points.
Fish: Indicates good news will be received from over the water.
Flag: Danger, quarrels.
Flowers: A marriage of much interest.

Fly: Small annoyances.
Fork: A false friend.
Fountain: Great success.
Frog: Success through change of work or removal.
Fruit: Prosperity.
Gallows: You will conquer your enemies.
Gate: Go onwards. All is well.
Geese: Unexpected visitors. A good time.
Giraffe: Mischief caused by want of thought.
Goat: News of a sailor.
Gondola: Love affair at sea.
Grapes: Happiness.
Grasshopper: News of a friend, probably a soldier.
Gun: Quarrels.
Hammer: Some work that is not congenial.
Hand: A good friend or loyal lover. If clenched, it means a quarrel.
Handcuffs: Trouble.
Hare: The return of an absent friend.
Harp: Beginning of an affair of the heart.
Hat: A present.
Hawk: Someone is jealous.
Heart: Is a good omen, if surrounded with dots. The meaning may be interpreted
as coming money and happiness. A ring or oval near the heart means an
approaching marriage.
Heavenly Bodies: Sun, Moon, and Stars signify happiness and success. Hen:
Happiness at home.
Hoe: Plenty of work.
Horse: Prosperity.
Horseshoe: Great good luck.
Hourglass: Delays are dangerous.
House: All is well.
Human figures: Generally are good, and denote love and marriage.
Indian: News from afar.
Initials: When letters of the alphabet appear they are the initials of
friends. Should a triangle be near an initial the letter stands for one who is as
yet unknown.
Interrogation: (mark of) It is very uncertain.
Jewelry: A present may be expected.
Jug: A gathering of old acquaintances.
Kettle: Illness.
Key: A change in occupation.

King: A splendid symbol. A powerful friend.
Kite: Scandal.
Knife: Broken friendship or parted lovers.
Ladder: A rise in life.
Lamp: Success in money matters.
Leaf: An encouraging sign for the future.
Leaves: Good fortune is coming.
Letter: Means the receipt of sudden news. If clearly shown, the news will be
good; if the letter is surrounded with dots, it means money. However, if
clouds surround the letter, bad news of loss of money may be expected.
Lily: If it appears at the top of the cup, indicates a happy marriage. At the
bottom, reverse the interpretation,
Lion: You will win through.
Lock: Under a great strain.
Man: Signifies a speedy visitor. If the arm is held out, he brings a present. If
figure is very clear, he is dark; if indistinct, he is of light complexion.
Medal: You will be rewarded.
Mice: Beware of thieves.
Money: Scandal.
Moon: A definite conclusion will soon be reached.
Mountains: Are frequent in the cup, and may mean good or bad fortune, and
must be interpreted according to other designs also shown in the cup at the
time of the reading.
Mushroom: An obstacle in your path of business.
Needle: Something you have done will be talked about.
Numbers: If the Inquirer’s lucky number is amongst the symbols, it is the best
possible signal. When a number appears near a symbol foretelling an event, it
indicates the number of days which will pass before the events takes place.
Nut: You will attend a formal reception.
Oar: Safety from impending disaster.
Octopus: Danger signal. Someone is plotting your downfall.
Ostrich: A trip by air over land and sea.
Owl: Scandal.
Padlock: If open, a surprise. If closed, a warning.
Palm Tree: Happiness connected with love or marriage.
Parrot: Either travel or news from afar.
Pears: Good fortune.
Pickaxe: Worry connected with work.

Pig: A present.
Pigeons: If flying, important news. If sitting, improvement in trade. Pillar:
Friends will help.
Pine Tree: All will be well.
Pipe: This represents the thoughts of a man. The symbols near will give
indications of his identity or the nature of his thoughts.
Pistol: Danger.
Pod: A small start, with increasing prosperity.
Prong: Necessity, the mother of invention, will help your cause. Rat: A
treacherous enemy.
Raven: Bad news.
Razor: Quarrels and partings.
Ring: A frequent figure, is a sign of marriage and if clearly shown, the marriage
will be a happy, successful one. If clouds are near the ring, the marriage will
prove a failure and dissatisfaction result. A second ring at the right of the cup
means the wedding will not occur. Rose: Friendship.
Scissors: A misunderstanding in which a tie will be broken.
Sheep: Always a good omen.
Shell: Good news.
Ship: A successful journey or the thoughts of someone on a ship. Shoes: A
change that will point to success. Probably new work. Snakes: Are a bad omen,
and if forewarned by such a sign, great caution should be exercised to avoid
Squares: Mean satisfaction, comfort and happiness.
Squirrels: Happiness at home. Prosperity after a hard time.
Star: Good luck is coming.
Steamer: A journey or news from overseas. Or a person who is on board such a
Steeple: A stroke of bad luck.
Straight Line: Usually indicates a journey, and the length of the journey may be
measured correspondingly by the length of the line.
Table: Watch surrounding symbols.
Telephone: Trouble for which forgetfulness is to blame.
Tent: A love nest for two.
Thimble: Changes at home.
Tomahawk: Gains by determination.
Trees: If a single tree be revealed, recovery from ill health is denoted. If a group
of trees are revealed and clearly shown, this means that impending trouble
may be avoided. If several trees appear in the cup, and wide apart and plainly
shown, it is a good indication.

Triangle: Signifies an unexpected receipt of money or legacy.
Unicorn: A secret marriage.
Vase: News of recovery from illness.
Vegetables: Present unhappiness will be followed by content.
Violin: Gaiety and much company.
Wagon: A wedding trip in foreign lands.
Wavy Lines: If long in length, signify losses and hardships. The importance
of these lines depends on the length and clearness.
Wedding Cake: News of a wedding.
Wheel: Fulfillment of desire.


To get along more harmoniously in a business or social way with your

associates, you will find a little knowledge of the basic characteristics of
those born under each of the twelve Zodiac Signs will be very helpful. Here
is a brief outline for each sign.

ARIES: In dealing with people born between these dates you should be firm
but courteous, not mince your words nor be effeminate. These folks are
aggressive and hate to stall or delay, but you must use persuasion and not
force if you would achieve better success with them. They are trustworthy
and slightly susceptible to flattery, especially those having birthdays
during the April part of this sign.
TAURUS: In dealing with people born between these dates you should not
appear over-anxious to convince them of your friendship or of the merit of
any proposition you are offering. Taurus natives will see your point long
before you’ve fully explained or reached it. When contacting them in person,
be sure your clothes are neat and conservative and let them talk all they wish.
They are very susceptible to flattery. GEMINI: In dealing with people born
between these dates you should be cheerful and open your conversation as
early as possible with some reference to a current news item or local event of
mutual interest. Be sure you are quite thoroughly familiar with the subject on
which you desire to converse because Gemini folks have a very keen intellect
and are profound readers. They are extremely sensitive, so be on your guard
not to offend them either by word or act. A little praise works well, but don’t
carry it to extremes.
CANCER: In dealing with people born between these dates you should

quickly touch upon any domestic subject, and if you know of some family or
business accomplisliment of theirs don’t delay mentioning it—make it a point
to do so early in the conversation. They are very changeable folks, easily
offended and any business deals should be closed “on the spot” as tomorrow
would likely bring a change in their decision. Let them think, however, that
they alone are making the decision. That will help.
LEO: In dealing with people born between these dates you must praise their
good work, good cooking, or fine judgment or even their personal appearance
(if you are sufficiently acquainted with them to permit this). Be “straight from
the shoulder” in what you wish to say to them and don’t be surprised if they
are a little stem or “hard”. These folks are great pioneers, know what
hardships are, and it is, therefore, essential that you be concrete and
businesslike in the presentation of your proposition, even in a conversation
not on a business basis. They are extremely quick thinkers.
VIRGO: In dealing with people born between these dates you must be jovial,
carefree, and happy. These folks are very generous, will buy most anything
and will help nearly everyone as long as they are not offended. Once you
offend them by word or deed, you are done. There will never be a
reconciliation. Women born under this sign are excellent cooks and dieticians
and like to have their work praised, which provides a suitable ground for the
opening conversation.
LIBRA: In dealing with people born between these dates you must be very
refined and gentle. Talk in a calm, dignified, low voice, and the more
beautiful language you use in expressing yourself, so much more impressed
will any native of this sign be. These folks are usually very grateful for any
kindness shown them and seldom forget a “good turn”. They are not, as a
rule, susceptible to flattery, so you must depend on logic and diplomacy.
They possess a keen sense of justice which should be “played up” in your
SCORPIO: In dealing with folks born between these dates you would do well to
respect their blunt, aggressive manner, but not be too timid in approaching
them and never attempt to tell them more about anything of which they seem
to be thoroughly familiar. They’ll monopolize the conversation, and you’ll do
well to be a good listener and coacher. Just ask them a question or two at
infrequent intervals, and they’ll carry on and enjoy it. They possess great
courage and may talk of events that bear out some deeds of heroism, and this
often provides a good “opener” in any conversation. Possessed of an
extremely bitter and sharp temper, they should not be antagonized in any way,
so be

sure not to arouse their ire, but maintain your poise and self-control at
all costs. They are very good buyers of merchandise, but may drive a
hard bargain.
SAGITTARIUS: In dealing with folks born between these dates you
should never attempt to hide the truth from them; if you do and they
find it out, as they most certainly will, you are finished, completely and
thoroughly. Relate some incident in your own life that was extremely
embarrassing to you and don’t minimize the particular situation that
was the most ludicrous or serious. If it involves a gross blunder on your
part—so much the better. They are great admirers of loyalty and
sincerity at all costs. Animal life and nature appeals to them strongly
and provide a suitable “break-in” for any conversation. They are very
thrifty folk, hard to sell to but a bargain appeals to them. They are often
quite extensively interested in the Occult or mystical.
CAPRICORN: In dealing with folks born between these dates you must
proceed slowly and methodically; should be cheerful and buoyant and
conservative in your views and expressions, especially if you’re in
quest of business. Crack a “pun” occasionally, as they’ll enjoy it and
the impression will be good. These folks are inclined to be quite
melancholy or moody so try to pull them out of this rut. Once you are
in their good graces, the ties of friendship will be very strong and hard
to break, and well worth any effort you’ve made to create the good
feeling. Show them how to make their lives a little more bearable and
happy. They are inclined to be miserly and more apt to “open up” on a
big proposition than a small one if such an opportunity is a worthy one
and will stand the acid test which they often apply to any business
AQUARIUS: In dealing with folks born between these dates there seems
to be no “set rule” to follow. They may appear to agree with you at the
moment, but in the end take an entirely different course or view. They
act a great deal on impulse, so when talking business you should
“close” them as soon as possible—the “next day” likely will be too late.
A stall means the door will be closed to further overtures. They are
pioneers in thought and deed, so give them something new and
different if you’d win. Realize, when talking to them, that more
notables are in the Hall of Fame that were born under this sign than any
other in the zodiac. You must be honest and aboveboard in your
dealings with them, even to the smallest detail. Live up to your
promises no matter how minor or insignificant they may seem and you
should obtain good results.

Moles and Signs of the Zodiac
PISCES: In dealing with folks born between these dates you should
agree with them in most of what they say, even if you must sacrifice a
little of your own individuality. Never be harsh or endeavor to “drive”
them as this would immediately put cold water on your association. Be
kind, and above all, sympathetic over their troubles, as these folks
often believe they have more physical and economic vicissitudes than
others. They are deeply impressed by speech or writing that is in-
spirational in nature or well done in some particular, and they possess
some mighty original ideas of their own which you would do well to
respect—even coach them on. If you can get them to talk on a subject
of their hobby or “sideline”, you’ll soon find yourself in the “inner




In the ZOHAR, we read: “All happens here below as it does above. On

the firmament which envelops the universe, we see many figures
formed by the Stars and Planets. They reveal hidden things and pro-
found mysteries. Similarly, upon our skin which encircles the human
being there exist forms and traits that are the Stars of our bodies.”
The Magi interpreted this saying and examined the skin in their
search for Prophetic signs. They chose the legendary Melampus of
Ancient Greece for their patron. His treatise interprets the moles
according to their position in the anatomy:
“A mole on a man’s forehead signifies wealth and happiness; on a
woman’s forehead, it denotes that she will be powerful, perhaps a ruler.
Close to the eyebrow of a man, the mole predicts a happy marriage with
a pretty and virtuous woman, and it foretells similar fortune to girls.
Moles on the bridge of the nose mean lust and extravagance for both
sexes. When appearing on the nostrils, the mole signifies constant
travel. Moles upon the lips of men and women betray gluttony, and on
the chin, that they will possess gold and silver.
“Moles in the ear and on the neck are lucky omens; they predict
wealth and fame. When upon the nape of the neck, however, the

The Human Forehead and Planets
beauty spot carries an ill omen, that of being beheaded! Moles upon the
loins are unfortunate, signifying mendacity, and ill luck for the
descendants. When appearing on the shoulders, they predict captivity
and unhappiness; on the chest, poverty. Moles on the hands announce
many children, and under the arm-pits, they bring luck as they promise a
wealthy and handsome husband or wife. Ominous are moles when found
upon the heart and bosom and belly, as they signify voracity. They are a
good omen when seen on the upper leg, announcing wealth; when upon
the lower part of the stomach, they presage intemperance for men but
the contrary for women.
Melampus concludes by implying that a still more elaborate method
of mole interpretation exists, adding one should observe whether the
mole is on the right or the left side of the body, as left carries a sinister
and morbid meaning, and right predicts general wealth probity.


The doctrine of moles was overshadowed by another Occult Science,

Metoposcopy, which judges man’s character and his destiny from the
lines engraved upon his forehead. The discovery of this Divina- tory art
was attributed to Jerome Cardan.
Metoposcopy is a mixture of Astrological calculation and empirically
collected knowledge. Astrology teaches every part of the body is
influenced by the Stars. The study of the lines in the forehead gains
special importance since it is closer to Heaven than any other part of
Once this idea was accepted, it became necessary to control the
results obtained through Astrological mathematics with observations
gathered from Nature. Cardan searched and compared hundreds of
human foreheads. His work is illustrated by some eight hundred
woodcuts depicting heads and their frontal celestial demarcations.
The order of the planets corresponds to that in Astrology. Saturn is
the “highest”; then follow in turn Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus,
Mercury, and the Moon. Having thus established the Planets’ spheres of
influence, the practicing Metoposcopites will mark the subject’s
forehead with seven equidistant and parallel strips, with

the purpose of recognizing his subject’s Planetary zones which are
narrow or wide according to the measurements of the forehead.
A wrinkle in the zone of Jupiter is endowed with the characteristics
attributed to the planet: magnanimity, nobility, and pride. If the line
crosses from one zone to another, it signifies the two Planets are in
conjunction; their characteristics act upon and reinforce each other.
Metoposcopy is nothing more than the Astrology of the Microcosm.

Methods of Winning

In every human mind is a spark of the gambling instinct or a desire to

take chances that afford the thrill of gaining or losing in such a venture.
Life itself is a speculation; a child is born—perhaps it will live and
perhaps it will not—a merchant opens a business—perhaps he will
succeed or perhaps he won’t; an aviator takes a long flight— perhaps he
will make a safe landing, or perhaps he will not. The desire to take
chances is innate in all kinds of humanity, primitive or civilized.
Emerson said, “Astrology is Astronomy brought to Earth and applied
to the affairs of men.” Astrology, the oldest Science in the world, has
outlined the proper courses for people to follow for many thousands of
years. “There is a time and a place for all things,” and no more practical
Science in the world can be applied to mankind’s daily affairs than the
sciences of Astrology and Numerology.
Ptolemy, the greatest Astrologer and philosopher of Ancient times,
said, “Judgment must be regulated by thyself, as well as by science ... it
is advantageous to make choice of days and hours at a time constituted
by the nativity.”
While the author does not recommend nor encourage promiscuous
gambling in any form, he is mindful of the fact that so long as human
beings are constituted as they are at present they are going to indulge in
some form of speculation. If people must speculate, this will show how
to combine the laws that rule and regulate the universe

with their own judgment. Accurate judgment is also necessary for the
success of any enterprise, yet, by combining this with the fundamental
laws of cause and effect outlined by the science of the universe, a greater
measure of success may be attained.
We present this information for what it may be worth! It may appeal
to you as a pastime flavored with the thrill of sport or a test of skill
tempered by your judgment.
If we look at the life history of an individual as it stretches out from
birth to death, it presents a remarkable record of events that appear to
have no logical relationship to each other. In childhood, there may have
been either great happiness or great sorrow and suffering regardless of
character qualities, and there is nothing in the present life of the child to
explain either. The child itself may be gentle and affectionate and yet it
may be the recipient of gross abuse and cruel misunderstanding. In
maturity we may find still greater mysteries.
Almost invariably there are mingled successes and failures, pleasures
and pains, but when we come to analyze them we fail to find a
satisfactory reason for them. We see that the successes often arrive when
they are not warranted by anything that was done to win them, and for
the want of any rational explanation we call it “good luck”. We also
observe that sometimes failure after failure comes when the man is not
only doing his very best but when all of his plans will stand the test of
sound business procedure. Baffled again, we throw logic to the winds
and call it “bad luck”.
“Luck” is a word we use to conceal our ignorance and our inability to
trace the working of the Law. Suppose we were to ask a savage to
explain how it is that a few minutes time with the morning paper enables
one to know what happened yesterday in a city on the opposite side of
the earth. He knows nothing of reports and cables and presses. He cannot
explain it. He cannot even comprehend it. But if he is a vain savage and
does not wish to admit his ignorance, he might solemnly assert that the
reason we know is because we are lucky, and he would be using the
word just as sensibly as we use it.
If by luck we mean chance, there is no such thing in this world.
Chance necessarily means chaos and the absence of Law. From the
magnificent, orderly procession of hundreds of millions of Suns and
their world systems that wheel majestically through space down to

the very atom with its mysterious electrons, the universe is a stupendous
proclamation of the all-pervading presence of Law. It is a mighty
panorama of cause and effect. There is no such thing as chance.
What, then, is good luck? We know people do receive benefits which
they apparently have not earned, yet there cannot be result without a
cause. They have earned it in other Eves when the conditions did not
permit immediate harvesting of the results of the good forces generated
and Nature is paying the debt and making the balance of her books at
this period. They have put themselves in harmony with evolutionary
law—with the Divine Plan, and nothing which they need is withheld.
With the insight of genius, Ella Wheeler Wilcox stated the Law:
Luck is the turning of our inmost thought
To chord with God's great plan. That done, ah know Thy
silent wishes to results shall grow,
And day by day shall miracles be wrought!
Once let thy inner being selflessly be brought
To chime with universal good, and lol
What music from the spheres shall through thee flow,
What benefits shall come to thee unsought!

When we eliminate chance, we are forced to seek the cause of

unexplained good or bad fortune beyond the boundaries of this Life
because there is nothing else we can do. We have results to explain and
we know they do not come from causes that belong to this incarnation.
They must, of necessity, arise from causes belonging to a past Life.
This broader outlook on the life journey, extending over a very long
series of incarnations, gives us a wholly different view of the difficulties
with which we have to contend and of the limitations which afflict us. It
at once shows us that in the midst of apparent injustice there is, in the
long run, really nothing but Perfect Justice for everybody. All good
fortune has been earned. All bad fortune is deserved, and each of us is,
mentally and morally, what he has made himself. Masefield put it well
when he wrote:
All that I rightly think or do.
Or make or spoil or bless or blast,

Is curse or blessing justly due
For sloth or effort in the past.
My life's a statement of the sum
Of vice indulged or overcome.
And as I journey on the roads
I shall be helped and healed and blest.
Dear words shall cheer, and be as goads
To urge to heights as yet unguessed.
My road shall be the road I made. All that I
gave shall be repaid.

Jupiter, the largest Planet in our Solar system, plays an important part
in our lives, in fact, his size is three times as big as all the rest of the
Planets put together. It takes twelve years for this planet to go through
the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, and during this period it influences all
human beings. Its cycle is, therefore, twelve years. In other words, every
twelve years this planet is at the same place in the Heaven as at your
birth and marks then the beginning of a new cycle for you. This law
holds true for every man and woman, and thus it is possible to calculate
the fortunate years for each one of us as well as to indicate those years
when we are wasteful, extravagant, and careless and thus face losses.
King Solomon said, “To everything there is a season, and a time for
every purpose under the Heaven.” This means that human life should be
planned in accordance with the Planetary influences operating at our
birth and those influencing us now. But to each one of us is given the
freedom to work in harmony with those great Natural Laws or to act
contrary to them. It is up to us to plan our lives in such a way that we
expand under favorable influences and that we hold back when the
Planets are at critical angles.
Those who do not understand these laws go blindly ahead and blame
destiny for their ill-luck. All of us, regardless of when born, have periods
when we are fortunate and success smiles upon us, but from time to time
we are under a cycle when our affairs go wrong and opportunities are
few. Lucky for us, those cycles come at regular intervals and thus it is
possible to indicate exactly the cycle you are under at a certain age of
your life.
Regardless of other planetary influences operating in your life, the
following cycles are fortunate for you and it is up to you to make

use of them: at the age of 16, 20, 22, 26, 28, 32, 38, 40, 44, 46, 50, 56,
58, 62, 64, 68, 70, 74, 76, 80.
Of course, you may have some difficulties these years, but some good
fortune will come your way, somebody will help you; an opportunity
will present itself, and chances for making money are good.
Changes made will prove profitable and business will increase. It
marks a fortunate time to expand in business, to take long journeys, for
legal affairs, or to establish yourself securely. It is a time when things
come our way, when we receive many gifts, when we win at games of
chance, or when the opposite sex favors us. Your fortunate cycle lasts
about nine months and starts about four months before your birth to four
months afterward.
Next are the adverse cycles, also called cycles of restrictions. They
mark periods in your life when you will not feel well, when your blood
will be impure, and when you will be careless and extravagant. It is an
adverse time to speculate or gamble and those in business should not
expand or take on anything new without being sure it is not a wild
scheme that will end up in a lawsuit. Others will refuse to cooperate, and
some of us may even lose our jobs or have reversals in our business. In
short, it is a time when you will not be lucky and it would be foolish for
you to take chances. Thus, you will protect yourself against illusion and
These cycles of restriction operate for nine months. In fact, you will
feel them about four months before your birth-month and for four
months afterwards: at the age of 15, 18,21,27, 30, 33, 39, 42, 51, 54, 57,
63, 69, 75, 78, 81.
History records many amazing predictions about the destiny of
nations, rulers, and individuals all based on cycles, and this was the
secret of the Egyptians as well as all past civilizations. It is up to every
one of us to make use of these cycles in our affairs. Before any one
makes a plan for the future, he should see if he is under a fortunate cycle
or an adverse cycle. If it is a fortunate cycle, then he can go ahead with
his plans, expand, take chances, and make radical changes in his affairs,
yet if the cycle is adverse, it means that he must wait for at least one
more year before launching new ventures or make any radical changes.
When your affairs are going smoothly and success is yours and

you know it is a Fortunate cycle, you can time its end and thus do not
expect your luck to last longer than it really will. If you are having
success now and in a few months you will come under a critical cycle,
then prepare yourself for it and do not live or act as though your good
fortune would keep on going on for many more months. But if fate is
unkind to you, when every hope is gone, you will want to know just
when Luck, success, and happiness will be yours again. Consult these
pages and see when your next favorable cycles will come and then go
and prepare yourself for your ship to come in.


These methods, based on the Science of Numerology, are different for

every person. The author has spent many years studying the Occult
meanings of numbers, and while we do not guarantee results, many use
them with great success.

Name Number: The number secured by transferring the letters in a
person’s name to numbers. This shows the general characteristics the
person has developed from the use of his name through life.
Birth Path Number: The number secured by transforming the Month,
Date, and Year of the person’s life and the outstanding events to be
Destiny Number: The number secured by adding the Name Number
and Birth Path Number together. This shows whether your name adds or
subtracts to your Birth Path indications. If it hinders you, the name
should be changed for the future.
Monthly Number: The number secured by adding your Destiny
Number to the number of any month and year. This shows the general
indications for any month of the year for you. The Monthly Numbers
change from year to year.
Name Numbers remain the same always, unless you change the
spelling of your name. Birth Path Numbers never change; they always
remain the same. Destiny Numbers remain the same unless you change
the spelling of your name.

Any day which adds up to your Destiny Number is the best day for
you. Mary Smith’s lucky days in any month are 9th, 18th, and 27th. Her
fairly good days are those which add to other odd numbers. The days
which are neutral or slightly adverse are those which add up to even
numbers. Work this out with your own Destiny Number and check off
your good and adverse days on your calendar to guide you.
We wish to know if 1968 is a fortunate year for Mary Smith. Add
1968 thus: 1 plus 9 plus 6 plus 8 equals 24. Now add 2 and 4 which
equals 6, This result is an even number, so it does not harmonize with
Mary Smith’s Destiny Number of 9; consequently, 1968 is not as
fortunate for her as other years. The digit of the year must be the same or
must be in harmony with your Destiny Number to be a Fortunate Year
for you.
To find out your best hours of any day, find the time of Sunrise from
your local daily paper. For example, suppose the Sun rises at
6.15 a.m. The first hour after Sunrise will be from 6.15 a.m. to
7.15 a.m. Mary Smith’s best hours are the 9th hour after Sunrise and
any other hour which adds up to 9, which would be the 18th hour after
Sunrise. These hours will vary a few minutes each day as the Sun varies
in rising time. Always use the hours after Sunrise which equal your
Destiny Number.
For best results in partnerships or friendships their Destiny Number
should be the same as yours. Those who have Destiny Numbers not
similar to, but harmonious with yours will make fairly good friends,
companions, and partners. Those who have Destiny Numbers which
clash with yours will not make satisfactory associates and your relations
with them will not be permanent nor congenial.
Secure the Monthly Number of any month and year (by Monthly
Number is meant the numerical figure for any month reduced to a single
digit). Add it and your Destiny Number together, which is your Monthly
Number for that month. Then refer to the Gallery of Numbers for the
general indications for the month.
It is not always necessary to work out the names of the months.
Merely consider the number of the month: January, 1st month, therefore
number 1; February, 2nd month, therefore number 2, etc. October is the
10th month, therefore, 1 plus 0 equals 1. November is the 11th month,
and you always leave 11 as it is. December is the

12th month, therefore, 1 plus 2 equals 3. Mary Smith’s best month is the
9tli month, which is September.


1. The Magic Hour: Use the number of the day of the week and the
number of the hour at which you play or bet. Example: Suppose it is 4
p.m. on Friday (see clock) 4 p.m. is 1600; Friday is 5. Combine these
to make 165 or 75. Then add 1 plus 6 plus 5 equals 12. Add again, 1
plus 2 equals 3. This gives four magic numbers: 165, 75, 12, 3, with
the same strength. Use the one that suits you best.
2. Strike the Keynote: Use the number of letters in your name and the
hour of play. Suppose Jack Brown (9) wants a Lucky Number at 8
p.m. Combine 9 and 20 to make 92. Add these: 9 plus 2 plus 0 equals
11. Add again, 1 plus 1 equals 2. This gives four magical numbers:
920, 29, 11, 2. Use the one that suits you best.
3. Your Pinnacle of Success: Use the number of the day on which you
were born and the number of the month. Suppose you were born on
August 24th. Combine 24 and 8. This gives 248 or 68. Add 2 plus 4
plus 8 equals 14. Add again, 1 plus 4 equals 5. This gives you four
Lucky Numbers of the same magic power: 248, 68, 14, 5,
4. Lady Luck Method: Count the number of letters in your sweetheart’s
name and combine with the number of letters in your own name.
Example: Maybelle Jones (13 letters) and Jack Brown (9 letters)
makes 139 or 49. Add these: 1 plus 3 plus 9 equals 13. Add again, 1
plus 3 equals 4. This gives you four Lady Luck numbers: 139, 49, 13,
4. Use the one that suits the occasion best.


It is believed by Astrologically minded people that this old science

provides excellent rules for determining the proper times to buy and sell.
The rules are based on the actual position of the Moon in the Zodiac.
Rule 1: Anything bought when the Moon is in Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces is said to be bought dearly and sold

Rule 2: Anything bought to sell again is said to be bought cheaply and
sold at a profit when the Moon is in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
or Sagittarius.
All almanacs and nearly all calendars give the four quarters of the
Moon and its position in the Signs of the Zodiac.


Sunday (Sun)
Ask favors, deal with superiors or those in authority, seek work, buy, sell,
write important letters, make new plans.

Monday (Moon)
Do things that require quick results, travel, change, plant seeds, advertise,
deal with women in a business way.

Tuesday (Mars)
Impulsive influence; attend to law matters or anything requiring courage
and initiative. Otherwise be cautious.

Wednesday (Mercury)
Advertise, write letters, take short trips, sign legal papers, deal with
brothers and sisters.

Thursday (Jupiter)
Attend to all business or financial matters, ask favors, seek promotion or
increased income. Usually one of the best week days.

Friday (Venus)
Love, courtship, domestics.

Saturday (Saturn)
Deal with elderly people.


Astrology indicates the exact periods when you should speculate and
when you should not do so. The Earth going through the twelve

signs of the Zodiac forms certain configurations which indicate your
prospects in any game of chance. Thus, you have regular periods every
year when you will win or you may lose and it is up to you to make use
of this information.


All Aries-born are inclined to take chances between July 22nd and
August 23rd. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would be
advisable that your partner is born under one of the following signs:

Aquarius Sagittarius
Gemini Libra

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between March 21st and March 28th will have better
chances in speculation during the new moon.
Those born between March 29th and April 5th will have better
chances in speculation during the second quarter of the moon.
Those born between April 6th and April 13th will have better chances
in speculation during the full moon.
Those born between April 14th and April 20th will have better
chances in speculation during the fourth quarter of the moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Aries is 7. Mars, the ruling planet of this sign, has the Number of
6 for its numerical value. Combining these two numbers we have
7 plus 6 which equals 13. This number must now be reduced to a single
digit; therefore, I plus 3 equals 4. The Number 4 is then the key number
for all persons born in Aries. Bear this in mind on all occasions. When
you buy a ticket of any sort, see that the Serial Number has 4 as the
predominating number. Room Number 4 in a hotel, a street number
containing a 4 or several 4s, horse number 4 in a race, player number 4
in a sport game, a card that totals 4 in a card game, a 4 rolled with dice, 4
on a spin wheel, etc. are considered fortunate for you.

Any day of the month that totals 4 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, the 13th, the 22nd, and the 31st of a month because any of these
dates reduced to a single digit makes 4. The days of the month that are
best for speculation are the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st. However, you
should engage in speculation only in your proper months or periods as
explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 7th, 14th, 21st hour after Sunrise. Monday: 4th, 11th, 18th
hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 2nd, 9th, 16th,
23rd hour after Sunrise. Friday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise.


All Taurus born are inclined to take chances between August 24th and
September 23rd. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it
would be advisable that your partner is born under one of the following
Pisces Virgo
Taurus Scorpio
Cancer Capricorn

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between April 21st and April 28th will have better chances
in speculation during the new moon.
Those born between April 29th and May 5th will have better chances
in speculation during the second quarter of the Moon.
Those born between May 6th and May 14th will have better chances
in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between May 15th and May 21st will have better chances
in speculation during the fourth quarter of the Moon.

According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Taurus is 9. Venus, the ruling planet of this sign also has the number of
9. Combining these two numbers we have 9 plus 9 which equals 18. This
number must now be reduced to a single digit; therefore, 1 plus 8 equals
9. The Number 9 is the key number for all persons born in Taurus. Bear
this in mind on all occasions. When you buy a ticket of any sort see that
the Serial Number has 9 as the predominating number. Room Number 9
in a hotel, a street number containing a 9 or several 9s, horse number 9
in a race. Player number 9 in a sport game, cards that total 9 in a card
game, a 9 rolled with dice, 9 on a spin wheel, etc. are considered
fortunate for you.
Any day of the month that totals 9 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, the 18th and 27th because these dates reduce to a single digit
making 9. The days of the month that are best for speculation are the 9th,
18th, and 27th. However, you should engage in speculation only in your
proper months or periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise. Then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 2nd, 10th, 16th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 6th, 13th, 20th
hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise.
Thursday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise. Friday: 1st, Sth, 15th, 22nd
hour after Sunrise. Saturday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise.


All Gemini born are inclined to take chances between September 24th
and October 23rd. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it
would be advisable that your partner is born under one of the following

Aquarius Leo
Aries Libra Sagittarius

Miscellaneous Things to Observe
Those born between May 22nd and May 29th will have a better chance
in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between May 30th and June 6th will have a better chance
in speculation during the second quarter of the Moon.
Those born between June 7th and June 14th will have a better chance
in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between June 15th and June 21st will have a better chance
in speculation during the fourth quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Gemini is 3. Mercury, the ruling planet of this Sign, has the numerical
value of 4. Combining these two numbers we have 3 plus 4 which equals
7. The Number 7 is the key number for all persons born in Gemini. Bear
this in mind on all occasions. When you buy a ticket of any sort see that
the Serial Number has 7 as the predominating number. Room Number 7
in a hotel, a street number containing a 7 or several 7s. Horse number 7
in a race. Player number 7 in a sport game. Cards that total 7 in a card
game. A 7 rolled with dice, 7 on a spin wheel, etc., are considered
fortunate for you.
Any day of any month that totals 7 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, the 16th and the 25th because these dates reduced to a single digit
total 7. The days of the month that are best for speculation are the 7th,
16th, and 25th; however, you should engage in speculation only in your
proper months or periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 7th, 14th,
21st hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 4th, 11th, 18th, hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 5th, 12th,
19th hour after Sunrise. Friday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.


All Cancer-born are inclined to take chances between October 24th and
November 22nd. When you speculate in cooperation with others,
it would be advisable that your partner is born under one of the
following signs:
Pisces Virgo
Taurus Scorpio
Cancer Capricorn
Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between June 22nd and June 29th will have better chances in
speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between June 30th and July 7th will have better chances
in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.
Those born between July 8th and July 17th will have better chances in
speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between July 18th and July 23rd will have better chances
in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Cancer is 8. The Moon, the ruling planet of this sign, has the numerical
value of 3. Combining these two numbers we have 8 plus 3, which
equals 11. This must be reduced to a single digit; therefore, 1 plus 1
equals 2. The Number 2 is the key number for all persons born in
Cancer. Bear this in mind on all occasions. When you buy a ticket of any
sort, see that the serial number has the predominating number 2 in it.
Room Number 2 in a hotel, a street number containing a 2 or several 2s,
horse number 2 in a race, player number 2 in a sport game, cards that
total 2 in a card game, a 2 rolled with dice, 2 on a spin wheel, etc., are
considered fortunate for you.
Any day of any month that totals 2 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 11th, 20th, 29th because these dates reduce to a single digit 2.
Therefore, the days of the month that are best for speculation are 2nd,
11th, 20th, 29th. However, you should engage in speculation only in
your proper months or periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling planet is

governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac or calendar to find the
time of sunrise, then count the hours after sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 1st, 8th, 15th,
22nd hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 6th, 13th,
20th hour after Sunrise. Friday: 3rd, 10th, 17th hour after Sunrise, also
the 24th. Saturday: 7th, 14th, 2lst hour after Sunrise.


All Leo born are inclined to take chances between November 23rd and
December 22nd. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it
would be advisable that your partner be born under one of the following

Aquarius Leo
Aries Libra
Gemini Sagittarius

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between July 24th and July 31st will have better chances in
speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between August 1st and August 7th will have better
chances in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.
Those born between August 8th and August 16th will have better
chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between August 17th and August 23rd will have better
chances in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Leo is 5. The Sun, the ruling Planet of this sign has 9 as its numerical
value. Combining these two numbers we have 5 plus 9, which equals 14.
This must be reduced to a single digit; therefore, 1 plus 4 equals 5. The
Number 5 is the key number for all persons born in Leo. Bear this in
mind on all occasions. When you buy a ticket of any sort, see that 5 is
the predominating number. Room number 5 in a hotel, a

street number containing one or several 5’s, horse number 5 in a race,
player number 5 in a sport game, cards that total 5 in a card game, a 5
rolled with dice, 5 on a spin wheel, etc., are considered fortunate for you.
Any day of any month that totals 5 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, the 14th or 23rd because these dates reduce to a single digit 5.
Therefore, the days of the month that are best for speculation for you are
the 5th, 14th, and 23rd. However, you should engage in speculation only
in your proper periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after Sunrise. Monday: 5th, 12th,
19th hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 3rd, 10th,
17th, 24th hour after Sunrise. Friday: 7th, 14th, 21st hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise.


All Virgo-born are inclined to take chances from December 23rd to

January 20th. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would
be advisable that your partner is born under one of the following signs:

Pisces Virgo
Taurus Scorpio
Cancer Capricorn

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between August 24th and August 31st will have better
chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between September 1st. and September 7th will have
better chances in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.

Those born between September 8th and September 17th will have
better chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between September 18th and September 23rd will have
better chances in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Virgo is 8. Mercury, the ruling planet of this sign has the numerical
value of 4. Combining these two numbers we have 8 plus 4 which equals
12. This number must be reduced to a single digit; therefore, 1 plus 2
equals 3. Number 3 is the key number for all persons born in Virgo. Bear
this in mind for all occasions. When you buy a ticket of any sort, see that
3 is the predominating number if it contains a serial number. Room
number 3 in a hotel, a street number containing a 3 or several 3s, horse
number 3 in a race, player number 3 in a sport game, cards that total 3 in
a card game, a 3 rolled with dice, 3 on a spin wheel, etc., are considered
fortunate for you.
Any day of any month that totals 3 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 12th, 21st, 30th because these dates reduce to the single digit 3.
Therefore, the days of the month that are best for speculation for you are
3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th. However, you should engage in speculation only in
your proper periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise; then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 7th, 14th,
21st hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 1st, Sth, 15th, 22nd hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 5th, 12th,
19th hour after Sunrise. Friday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.


All Libra-born are inclined to take chances between January 21st and
February 19th. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would
be advisable that your partner is born under one of the following Signs:

Aquarius Leo
Aries Libra
Gemini Sagittarius
Miscellaneous Things to Observe
Those born between September 24th and September 30th will have
better chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between October 1st and October 7th will have better
chances in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.
Those born between October 8th and October 17th will have better
chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between October 18th and October 23rd will have better
chances in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Libra is 6. Venus, the ruling planet of this Sign, has a numerical value of
9. Combining these two numbers we have 6 plus 9 which equals 15. This
number must be reduced to a single digit; therefore, 1 plus 5 equals 6.
The number 6 is the key number of all persons born under Libra. Bear
this in mind at all times. When you buy a ticket of any sort see that the
serial number has 6 as the predominating number. Room number 6 in a
hotel, a street number containing a 6 or several, 6s, horse number 6 in a
race, player number 6 in a sport game, cards that total 6 in a card game, a
6 rolled with dice, 6 on a spin wheel, etc. are considered fortunate for
Any day of any month that totals 6 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 15th, 24th because these dates reduce to the single digit 6.
Therefore, the days of the month that are best for speculation for you are
6th, 15th, 24th. However, you should engage in speculation only in your
proper periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling. Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise. Monday: 6th, 13th,
20th hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after
Sunrise. Wednesday: 7th, 14th, 21st hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 4th,
11th, 18th hour after Sunrise. Friday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after
Sunrise. Saturday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise.

T—EAFK-O 417

All Scorpio-born are inclined to take chances from February 20th to

March 20th. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would be
advisable that your partner is born under one of the following Signs:
Capricorn Cancer
Pisces Virgo
Taurus Scorpio

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between October 24th and October 30th will have better
chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between October 31st and November 8th will have better
chances in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.
Those born between November 9th and November 16th will have
better chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between November 17th and November 22nd will have
better chances in speculation during the fourth quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Scorpio is 5. Pluto, the ruling planet of this Sign has the numerical value
of 3. Combining these two numbers we have 5 plus 3 equals 8. Number
8 is the key number for all persons born in Scorpio. Bear this in mind on
all occasions. When you buy a ticket of any sort, see that the serial
number has 8 as the predominating number. Room number 8 in a hotel, a
street number containing an 8 or several 8s, horse number 8 in a race,
player number 8 in a sport game, cards that total 8 in a card game, an 8
rolled with dice, 8 on a spin wheel, etc., are conferred fortunate for you.
Any day of the month that totals 8 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 17th and 26th, because these days reduce to the single digit 8.
Therefore, the best days for speculation for you are 8th, 17th, and 26th.
However, you should engage in speculation only in your proper periods
as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours

are the same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise
Sunday: 7th, 14th, 21st hour after Sunrise. Monday: 4th, 11th, 18th
hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 2nd, 9th, 16th,
23rd hour after Sunrise, Friday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise.


All Sagittarius are inclined to take chances between March 21st and
April 20th. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would be
advisable that your partner is born under one of the following signs:

Aquarius Leo
Aries Libra
Gemini Sagittarius

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between November 23rd and November 29th will have better
chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between November 30th and December 7th will have
better chances in speculation during the second quarter of the Moon.
Those born between December 8th and December 16th will have
better chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between December 17th and December 22nd will have
better chances in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Sagittarius is 8. Jupiter, the ruling planet of this Sign has the numerical
value of 9. Combining these two numbers we have 8 plus 9 equals 17.
Now this must be reduced to a single digit, thus 1 plus 7 equals 8. The
key number for all persons born in Sagittarius is 8, the same as for
Scorpio. There are only 9 digits, therefore some Zodiacal Signs have
duplicate numbers since there are 12 Signs. Bear in mind at all times that
8 is your Celestial Number. When you buy a ticket of any sort, see that
the serial number has a predominance of 8 in it.

Room number 8 in a hotel, player number 8 in a sport game, horse
number 8 in a race, a street number with an 8 or several 8s, cards that
total 8 in a card game, an 8 rolled with dice, 8 on a spin wheel, etc., are
considered fortunate for you.
Any day of any month that totals 8 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 17th and 26th, because these dates reduce to a single digit 8.
Therefore, the best days for speculation for you are 8th, 17th, and 26th.
However, you should speculate only in your proper periods as explained
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 3rd, 10th, 17th,
24th hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 7th, 14th, 21st hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 1st, Sth, 15th,
22nd hour after Sunrise. Friday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise.


All Capricorn-born are inclined to take chances between April 21st to

May 21st. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would be
advisable that your partner is born under one of the following Signs:

Capricorn Cancer
Pisces Virgo
Taurus Scorpio

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between December 23rd and December 30th will have better
chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between December 31st and January 6th will have better
chances in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.

Those born between January 7th and January 14th will have better
chances in speculation during the full Moon,
Those born between January 15th and January 20th will have better
chances in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Capricorn is 8. Saturn, the ruling planet of this Sign has the numerical
value of 3. Combining these numbers we have: 8 plus 3 which equals 11.
This must be reduced to a single digit, thus, 1 plus 1 equals 2. The key
number for all persons born in Capricorn is 2, the same as for those born
in Cancer. There are only nine digits; therefore, some Signs have
duplicate numbers, since there are only twelve Signs. Bear in mind at all
times that 2 is your Celestial Number. When you buy a ticket of any sort,
see that the serial number has 2 predominating. Room number 2 in a
hotel, player number 2 in a sport game, horse number 2 in a race, a street
number with 2 or several 2s in it, cards that total 2 in a card game, a 2
Tolled with dice, 2 on a spin wheel, etc., are considered fortunate for
Any day of any month that totals 2 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 11th, 29th, etc., because these reduce to the single digit 2.
Therefore, the best days for speculation for you are 2nd, 11th, and 29th.
However, you should speculate only in your proper periods as explained
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 2nd, 9th, 23rd
hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 7th,
14th, 21st hour after Sunrise. Friday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 1st, 10th, 17th, 22nd hour after Sunrise.


All Aquarius-born are inclined to take chances between May 22nd and
June 21st. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it

would be advisable that your partner is born under one of the following

Aquarius Leo
Aries Libra
Gemini Sagittarius

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between January 21st and January 28th will have better
chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between January 29th and February 6th will have better
chances in speculation during the 2nd quarter of the Moon.
Those born between February 7th and February 14th will have better
chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between February 15th and February 19th will have better
chances in speculation in the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Aquarius is 8. Uranus, the ruling planet of this Sign has the numerical
value of 4. Combining these two numbers we have 8 plus 4 which equals
12. This must be reduced to a single digit, thus 1 plus 2 equals 3. The
key number for all persons born in Aquarius is 3, the same as Virgo.
There are only 9 digits; therefore, some signs must have duplicate
numbers, since there are twelve Signs. Bear in mind at all times that 3 is
your Celestial Number, When you buy a ticket of any sort, see that the
serial numbers have 3 as the predominating number. Room number 3 in
a hotel, a street number containing a 3 or several 3s, horse number 3 in a
race, player number 3 in a sport game, cards that total 3 in a card game, a
3 rolled with dice, 3 on a spin wheel, etc., are considered fortunate for
Any day of the month that totals 3 is considered fortunate for you
thus, 12th, 21st, 30th, because these reduce to the single digit 3.
Therefore, the best days for speculation for you are 3rd, 12th, 21st, and
30th. However, you should speculate only in your proper periods as
explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours

are the same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise
Sunday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise. Monday: 7th, 14th,
21st hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 5th, 12th, 19th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 2nd, 9th, 16th,
23rd hour after Sunrise. Friday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.
Saturday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after Sunrise.


All Pisces-born are inclined to take chances between June 22nd and July
23rd. When you speculate in cooperation with others, it would be
advisable that your partner is born under one of the following Signs:
Capricorn Cancer
Pisces Virgo
Taurus Scorpio

Miscellaneous Things to Observe

Those born between February 20th and February 26th will have better
chances in speculation during the new Moon.
Those born between February 27th and March 5th will have better
chances in speculation during the second quarter of the Moon.
Those born between March 6th and March 13th will have better
chances in speculation during the full Moon.
Those born between March 14th and March 20th will have better
chances in speculation during the 4th quarter of the Moon.
According to the Science of Numerology, the Celestial Number of
Pisces is 8. Neptune, the ruling planet of this Sign has the numerical
value of 5. Combining these two numbers we have, 8 plus 5 equals 13.
This must be reduced to a single digit, thus, 1 plus 3 equals 4. Number 4
is the key number for all persons born in Pisces, the same as for those
born in Aries. There are only nine digits; therefore, some Signs will have
duplicate numbers since there are twelve Signs. Bear in mind that your
key number is 4. When you buy a ticket of any sort,

see that the serial number has 4 as the predominating number. Room
number 4 in a hotel, a street number containing 4 or several 4s, horse
number 4 in a race, player number 4 in a sport game, cards that total 4 in
a card game, a 4 rolled with dice, 4 on a spin wheel, etc., are considered
fortunate for you.
Any day of the month that totals 4 is considered fortunate for you,
thus, 13th, 22nd, and the 31st of a month, because these days reduced to
a single digit make 4. The days of the month that are best for speculation
are 4th, 13lh, 22nd, and 31st. However, you should engage in
speculation only in your proper periods as explained below.
The proper hour for speculation is when your ruling Planet is
governing. Refer to your daily paper, almanac, or calendar to find the
time of Sunrise, then count the hours after Sunrise. These hours are the
same every week, month, and year. Only the time of Sunrise changes.
Sunday: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd hour after Sunrise. Monday: 5th, 12th,
19th hour after Sunrise. Tuesday: 6th, 13th, 20th hour after Sunrise.
Wednesday: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th hour after Sunrise. Thursday: 7th,
14th, 21st hour after Sunrise. Friday: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour after
Sunrise. Saturday: 4th, 11th, 18th hour after Sunrise.


You should look upon man as a part of Nature whose end lies in
Heaven. In the Heavens you can see man, each part for itself, for man is
made of Heaven. And the matter out of which man was created also
indicates to you the pattern after which he was formed. External Nature
molds the shape of internal Nature, and if external Nature vanishes, the
inner Nature is also lost, for the outer is the mother of the inner. Thus,
man is like the image of the four elements in a mirror, if the four
elements fall apart, man is destroyed. If that which faces the mirror is at
rest, then the image in the mirror is at rest, too. And so philosophy is
nothing other than the knowledge and discovery of that which has its
reflection in the mirror. And just as the image in the mirror gives no one
any idea about his Nature and cannot be the object of cognition but is
only a dead image, so is man, considered in himself; nothing can be
learned from him alone.
For knowledge comes only from that outside being whose mirrored
image he is.
Heaven is man, and man is Heaven, and all Men together are the one
Heaven, and Heaven is nothing but one man. You must know this to
understand why one place is this way and the other that way, why this is
new and that is old, and why there are everywhere so many diverse
things. But all this can be discovered by studying the Heavens.
Just as the firmament with all its constellations forms a whole in

itself, so man in himself is a free and mighty firmament. And just as the
firmament rests in itself and is not ruled by any creature, the firmament
of man is not ruled by other creatures, but stands for itself and is free of
all bonds. For there are two kinds of created things: Heaven and the
Earth are one kind, man is of the other.
Everything that Astrological theory has profoundly fathomed by
studying the Planetary Aspects and the Stars can also be applied to the
firmament of the body.
The light of Nature in Man comes from the Stars, and his flesh and
blood belong to the material elements. Thus two influences operate in
man. One is that of the firmamental light, which includes wisdom, art,
reason. The second influence emanates from matter, and it includes
concupiscence, eating, drinking, and everything that relates to flesh and
blood. Therefore, one must not ascribe to the Stars that which originates
in the blood and flesh. For Heaven does not endow one with
concupiscence or greed. From Heaven come only wisdom, art, and
Nature emits a light, and by its radiance She can be known. But in
man there is still another light apart from that which is innate in Nature.
It is the light through which man experiences, learns, and fathoms from
the Supernatural. Those who seek in the light of Nature speak from
knowledge of Nature, but those who seek in the light of man speak from
knowledge of Super-Nature. Man is more than Nature; he is Nature, but
he is also a Spirit; he is also a Soul, and he has the properties of ail
three. If he walks in Nature, he serves Nature; if he walks in the Spirit,
he serves the Spirit; if he walks with the Soul, he serves the Soul. The
first is given to the body, the others are given to the Mind and are its
Thus, Nature is subject to man; she belongs to him as to one of her
blood; he is her child, her fruit, which was made of her in the body of
the elements and the Ethereal body.
Where else can Heaven be rediscovered if not in Man? Since it acts
from us, it must also be in us. Therefore, it knows our prayer even
before we have uttered it, for it is closer to our hearts than to our words.
Thoughts are free and are subject to no rule. On them rests the
freedom of Man, and they tower above the light of Nature. For thoughts
give birth to a creative force that is neither elemental nor

sidereal. Thoughts create a new Heaven, a new firmament, a new source
of energy, from which new arts flow. When a man undertakes to create
something, he establishes a new Heaven, as it were, and front it the
work that he desires to create flows into him.
Astrology is an indispensable art; it should rightly be held in high
esteem and studied earnestly and thoroughly. For it teaches each man
the condition and disposition of his soul, his heart, his thoughts; it
teaches him whether they are false or righteous and good; whether they
are malignant or not. And it teaches how the hour of conception affects
the child’s fate, although it is less important than the conjuncture of the
Stars at the time of his birth.
The Astrologer should be able to find his bearings in the firmament
with the help of his Natural reason in a Natural way, as a philosopher
finds his way among the tilings of Nature which derive from the
elements. The firmament lies imprisoned in the hands of the Supreme
Mover. What this hand intends to do with it is not hidden to the
Know there are two kinds of Stars—the Heavenly and the Earthly, the
Stars of folly and the Stars of wisdom. And just as there are two worlds,
a Little World and a Great World, and just as the great one rules over
the little one, so the Stars of the macrocosm rule over and govern Man.
In the Stars there dwell reason, wisdom, ruse, strife, and weapons,
just as they do in us Men. For we originate in them; they are our parents,
and from them we have received our reason, wisdom, and strife. We
have received all these from the Stars, and, accordingly, these same
things are in the Stars with the sole difference that in us Men they
become material, corporeal, visible, while in the Stars they are invisible,
subtle, Spiritual. But let no one fancy that the wisdom and reason, which
we have received from Heaven, come directly from the Soul. They do
not come directly from It, but exist in us Men as a reflection of the
corresponding qualities of the macrocosm, the Great Creature. But the
wisdom which comes to us from the Soul stands above the other and is
stronger than the Heavens and the Stars.
Man’s wisdom is in no way subjugated, and is no one’s slave; it has
not renounced or surrendered its freedom. Therefore, the Stars must
obey man and be subject to him, and not he to the Stars. Even if he is a
child of Saturn and if Saturn has overshadowed his birth, he

can still escape Saturn’s influence; he can master Saturn and become a
child of the Sun.
The wise man is the man who lives by Divine Wisdom. The wise man
rules over both bodies—the sidereal and the material. Man must serve
both! He must go the ways of each in order to fulfill the Law and live in
harmony with Nature and with the Divine Spirit. He must not prefer the
mortal body and its reason to the eternal image, nor must he reject this
image for the sake of the animal body. The wise man lives after the
image of the Soul and is not guided by the ways of the world. And he
who imitates the Soul will conquer the Stars.



ALEPH. Man himself as a collective unity, a principal, the lord and
master of the earth. The universal man, and the human genre.
Esoterically, Unity, the central point, the abstract principle of a thing
expresses its power, stability, and continuity; the superlative, a kind of
an article, as a prefix rendering the meaning more serious and
enhancing its significance.
Its numerical number is 1.

BETH. The mouth as man’s organ of speech, his interior, and his
habitation; it denotes virility, paternal protection, and interior action
and movement. It is the integral and indicative article of the Hebrew
This letter in conjunction with the one preceding it—Aleph—
forms all ideas of progress, of graduated advance, the passage from
one state to another: locomotion.
Its numerical number is 2.

GIMEL. The throat and everything that is hollow. It denotes every kind
of opening, outlet, canal, and manner of things concave, hollow, and
profound. It expresses organic covering and serves to produce all
derived ideas of the bodily organism and its actions. Its numerical
number is 3.

DALETH. Signifies breast, bosom. It is the emblem of the universal
quaternary, that is, the origin of all physical existence. Symbolically,
every nourishing substance, and abundance of possessions.
It expresses division and things divisible. Chaldaic: an article of a
very distinctive nature.
Its numerical number is 4.

HAI. Everything that vitalizes, i.e. air, life, and being. It is the symbol of
universal life, and represents the breath of man, the spirit, and the
soul. Everything that vivifies. Life and the abstract idea of being. It is
an article especially emphasizing and giving prominence to objects
and persons.
Its numerical number is 5.

WAW, Signifies the eye of man and becomes the symbol of light; it also
represents the ear and becomes the symbol of the sound of the air; the
wind. In its quality as a consonant, it is the emblem of water and
represents the taste and the appetite. As a grammatical sign it
is*considered to be the image of mystery most profound and most
incomprehensible, the symbol of the knot that unites, and of the point
which separates Being and Non-being.
Its numerical value is 6.

ZAIN. Signifies whistling and applies to all piercing noises which
penetrate the air and reflect themselves in it. As a symbol it is
represented by a stroke, a dash, or an arrow. Everything that tends to a
given point. As a grammatical sign it is the abstract image of a tie
which connects things with one another.
Its numerical number is 7.

CHETH. Signifies the principle of vital aspiration and is the symbol of
elementary existence. It represents the field of man, his labor, and
everything that requires an effort on his part; his care, his solicitude. As
a grammatical sign of life absolute and the sign of relative life. It also is
the image of equilibrium and of equality, and attaches itself to all ideas
of effort and of normal action. Its numerical number is 8.

TETH. Signifies an asylum, a refuge, which man provides for himself
and his protection. As a grammatical sign it denotes resistance and
shelter. Its esoteric meaning is that of a hiding wall erected to guard
something precious and a watch over a dear object in the midst of
Its numerical number is 9.

Y0D1 Signifies all manifested power. It represents the hand of man, his
pointing finger. As a grammatical sign it denotes potential
manifestation in contra-distinction to actual, and also intellectual
duration and eternity. As a consonant it is of inferior value and means
only material duration. Plato thought it designated everything tender
or delicate.
Its numerical number is 10.

KAAW. Signifies every subject that is hollow in general and the half-
closed hand of man in particular. As a grammatical sign it is the
symbol of reflection and assimilation and typifies the assimilative
nature and the passing life.
It is a kind of mold, receiving and communicating indifferently all
forms. The movement which it expresses is that of similitude and of
Its numerical number is 20.

LAMES. Signifies extension. As a symbolical image it represents the
arm of man and the wing of a bird; everything that extends or elevates
itself, displaying its proper nature. It denotes a movement of
extension, of direction, expressing reunion, coincidence, dependence,
and possession.
Its numerical number is 30.

MEM. Signifies woman. It is the symbolical image of man’s mother and
companion. Everything that is fruitful and formative. Employed as a
grammatical sign it denotes maternity, external, and passive action.
Placed at the beginning of words it expresses that which is local and
plastic; while at the end, it becomes the collective sign. It develops a
being in infinite space as much as its nature permits, or it unites
through abstraction one or two of the same species It is the extractive
article and is used to designate an action divided in its essence, or
something taken out from a number of similar things.
Its numerical number is 40.

MM. Signifies the son of man, every being that is individualized and
distinctive. At the end of a work it denotes augmentation and ex-
tension. It has the double virtue of recoiling upon itself and of
spreading out. At the commencement of a word it expresses the
former while as a final its signifies the latter.
Its numerical number is 50.

SAMECH. Signifies to hiss. It is considered to be the type of a bow and
esoterically represents the great cosmic bow, the string of which
hisses in the hands of mankind. As a grammatical sign it is

the circular movement having a definite relation to the limited
circumference of every sphere.
Its numerical number is 60.

AIM. Signifies hearing. It represents the ear of man and its interior parts.
It is the symbol of all noises and indistinguishable sounds. Everything
that is devoid of harmony. It typifies the cavity of the chest.
As a grammatical sign it stands for the material sense, the image of
emptiness and nothingness. It is used to describe everything crooked,
low, and perverse.
Its numerical number is 70.

PEI. Signifies the open mouth. It is the symbol of expression through
which man makes himself known in the outer world, hence the literal
meaning, mouth. The Second Race of Man. The outlet. The outward and
visible means for the Spirits manifestation. Its numerical number is 80.

TZADDI. Signifies the dart or fish hook. Esoterically related to
accomplished ends and the later Third Race. Also related to the
double hermaphrodite Caduceus.
The sign of protection and signifies guidance from above. God’s
favor shown to the Disciple on the Path.
Its numerical number is 90.

Q-OPH or COO-EPH. Signifies nature’s submerged stratum. Literally,
the APE. Related to the subliminal consciousness. The evolutionary
stage which is behind us.
Its numerical number is 100.

REISCH. Signifies individual movement, determination, and progress.
Literally, means head. It is the symbol of the Fifth Race. Indicates
independence, self-help, self-initiated endeavor. Also, direction, a center
of generating motion starting of its own accord, its numerical number is

SHEIN. Signifies light movement and sweet sounds. Esoterically it
symbolizes that part of a bow from which the arrow darts hiss. It is
the sign of relative duration and of the movement appertaining to it.
At the commencement of a verb it is given a double power of
Its numerical number is 300.

TAW. Signifies reciprocity. The ancient Egyptians regarded this letter as
a symbol of the universal soul.
It stands for sympathy and for perfection, of which it is the
Its numerical number is 400.

The uses to which the science of the Hieroglyphical meaning of the

Hebrew letters can be put are manifold. First and foremost, by its aid the
student can re-interpret the Scriptures for himself by analyzing each
word and then synthesizing the meanings of the letters entering into the
composition of the word he wishes to understand esoterically.
The result which this process will yield to the really serious student
will more than reward him for his initial trouble. It will open his eyes to
see wondrous things in what hitherto have been meaningless Shiboleths
and empty phrases. Every Hebrew word thus examined will reveal some
truth of the inner life which will serve to guide the student in his quest
for knowledge.

The Hebrew Alphabet and numerical values. Note the spelling is
different from that listed in the appendix. There are many accept­
able spellings of the Hebrew letters.
Kabbalistic Ideogram of the Letter Aleph.
Classification Basis Characteristics Applicability
Intuitive Revelation Transcendental Religious
inspiration and Prophecy
absolute faith in the
validity of the
Inspiration Sudden realization Many discoveries
of hidden and inventions
Deductive Verifiable Deduction of Science,
laws particular Sociology
predictions from a
general principle
Inductive Individual Unsystematic Work, particularly
experience deductions by false crafts
Experiment Generalization of Science,
systematized, Technology
Statistics Conclusions from Meteorology,
aggregates according medicine, public
to probability theory opinion polls,
economic research,
Activist Individual Predictions of the Everyday life
action results of voluntary
Activist Planning Long-range and Industry, public
complex objectives, finance, armament
creation of new
Imaginary Creative Utopias, science Literature, Art
Unconscious Visions, generally Dreams, Visions,
based on wish Hallucinations
fulfillment and past


1. Kether corresponds to the Empyrean.

2. Chokma corresponds to the Primum Mobile.
3. Binah corresponds to the Firmament.
4. Chesed corresponds to the Saturn.
5. Geburah corresponds to the Jupiter.
6. Tiphereth corresponds to the Mars.
7. Netzach corresponds to the Sun.
8. Hod corresponds to the Venus.
9. Jesod corresponds to the Mercury.
10. Malkuth corresponds to the Moon.


AEROMANCY: The divination of the future from the Air and sky. This
goes beyond the range of weather prognostications and concentrates
upon cloud shapes, comets, spectral formations, and other
phenomena not normally visible in the Heavens, Even in modem
times such visions have caused much speculation and consternation
among human viewers.
ALCHEMY: The science of transmuting the base metals into gold or
silver with the aid of a mysterious Psychic substance terms the
“Philosophers’ Stone”. Alchemists claim to prolong human life
indefinitely by means of a secret life elixir.
ALECTRYOMANCY: A bird, a black hen or white gamecock, is allowed
to pick grains of corn from a circle of letters, thus forming words
with Prophetic significance. Another method is to recite letters of the
alphabet, making note of those at which the cock crows.
ALEUROMANCY: This requires slips with answers to questions which are
rolled in balls of dough and baked. These are mixed up and one is
chosen at random and presumably will be fulfilled. Our modern
“fortune cookies” are a survival of this Ancient ritual. ALOMANCY: The
divination by salt, which accounts for some of our modern superstitions.
ALPHITOMANCY : A form which utilizes special cakes which are
digestible by persons with a clear conscience, but are distasteful to all
ANTHROPOMANCY: An Ancient and long-outlawed form of human
APANTOMANCY: A method which forecasts from chance meetings with
animals, birds, and other creatures. It may be said to include modern
omens of the “black cat” variety. The classic was the founding of
Mexico City on the spot where Ancient Aztec soothsayers saw an
eagle flying from a cactus and carrying a live snake. This omen
represents the Mexican coat-of-arms of today.
ARITHMANCY or ARITHMOMANCY: The Ancient form of Numerology

that applies chiefly to divination through numbers and letter values,
as discussed in the chapter on Numerology.
ASTRAGYROMANCY: This was divination with dice bearing letters and
numbers. It has developed into the modern Fortune Telling by Dice.
ASTROLOGY : The Ancient Science of the Stars was basically a form of
divination, as persons who could foretell changes in the heavens were
capable of predicting the smaller affairs of mankind. Modern
Astrology makes no extravagant claims, but has retained enough of
the old tradition to become a fascinating subject and it is treated in
this volume.
AUGURY: The general art of divination, covering many forms included
in this list, and applying chiefly to interpretations of the future based
on various signs and omens.
AUSTROMANCY : The divination by a study of the winds.
AXIOMANCY: This requires an axe or hatchet which answers questions
by its quivers, or points out the direction taken by robbers or other
BELOMANCY: One of the most Ancient types of divination and requires
the tossing or balancing of arrows.
BIBLIOMANCY: This involves divination by books.
BOTANOMANCY: This requires the burning of tree branches and leaves
to gain the desired answers.
BUMPOLOGY: A strictly modern term which is a popular nickname for
CAPNOMANCY: The study of the smoke rising from a fire and is
performed in varied ways.
CARTOMANCY: Fortune telling with cards.
CATOPTROMANCY: An early form of crystal gazing, utilizing a mirror
which was turned to the Moon to catch the lunar rays.
CAUSIMOMANCY: This involves divination from objects placed in a fire.
If they fail to ignite, or burn slowly, it is a good omen.
CEPHALOMANCY: Divinatory procedures using the skull or head of a
donkey or goat.
CERAUNOSCOPY: Draws omens from the study of thunder and lightning.
CEROSCOPY: A fascinating form of divination in which melted wax is
poured into cold water, forming bubbles which are interpreted.

CHIROMANCY: The divination from the lines of a person’s hand.
CHIROGNOMY: The study of traits through general hand formation.
CLAIRAUDIENCE (“Clear hearing”) and CLAIRVOYANCE (“clear
seeing”): These are twin subjects which have come under intensive
study in modern Parapsychology. This science regards them as forms
of extrasensory perception.
CLEROMANCY: A form of lot casting, akin to divination with dice, but
simply using pebbles or other odd objects, often of different colors
instead of marked cubes.
CLIDOMANCY (CLEIDOMANCY): This is worked with a dangling key
which answers questions.
COSCINOMANCY : This is similar, utilizing a hanging sieve.
CRITOMANCY: The study of barley cakes in hopes of drawing omens
from them.
CROMNIOMANCY: This finds significance from onion sprouts.
CRYSTALLOMANCY: A term for Crystal gazing.
CYCLOMANCY: Pertains to divination from a turning wheel.
DACTYLOMANCY : The early form of Radiesthesia, where a dangling
ring indicates words and numbers by its swings.
DAPHNOMANCY: This requires listening to the laurel branches crackling
in an open fire; the louder the crackle, the better the omen.
DEMONOMANCY: Divination through the aid of demons.
DENDROMANCY: This is associated with both the oak and mistletoe.
GASTROMANCY: An Ancient form of ventriloquism, with the voice
lowered to a sepulchral tone as though issuing from the ground.
Prophetic utterances were delivered in a trance-like state.
GELOSCOPY: This was the art of divination from the tone of someone’s
GENETHLIALOGY: This was the calculation of the future from the
influence of the stars at birth.
GEOMANCY: Occult practice which began with tracing figures in the
ground and later was extended to include random dots made with a
pencil. These were interpreted according to accepted designs, a
predecessor of our modern doodles.
GRAPHOLOGY: The analysis of character through one’s handwriting, and
it was studied in Ancient times and given a Psychic significance.
GYROMANCY: This was performed by persons walking in a circle

marked with letters until they became dizzy and stumbled at different
points, thus, they were “spelling out” a prophecy. HALOMANCY:
Another term for Alomancy, or divination by salt. HARUSPICY,
HIEROMANCY, HJEROSCOPY: These all had to do with observing objects
of Ancient sacrifice and drawing prophetic conclusions.
HIPPOMANCY: This was a form of divination from the stamping and
neighing of horses.
HOROSCOPY: Pertains to the casting of an Astrological Horoscope.
HYDROMANCY: Divination by water and covers a wide range of lesser
auguries, such as the color of water, its ebb and flow, or the ripples
produced by pebbles dropped into a pool, an odd number being good,
an even number, bad. Our modern “tea leaf” and “coffee ground”
readings date from this.
ICHYOMANCY: This involved fish as factors in divination.
LAMPADOMANCY: This signified omens from lights or torches.
LECANOMANCY: This involved a basin of water in the divinatory
LIBRANOMANCY: Requires incense as a means of interpreting omens.
LITHOMANCY: Utilizes precious stones of various colors. In its more
modern form of divination, these are scattered on a flat surface, and
whichever reflects the light most fulfills the omen. Blue means good
luck soon. Green means realization of a hope. Red means happiness in
love or marriage. Yellow means disaster or betrayal. Purple means a
period of sadness. Black or gray means misfortune. Colored beads may
be used instead of jewels for this purpose.
MARGARITOMANCY : A procedure utilizing pearls which were supposed
to bounce upward beneath an inverted pot if a guilty person
METAGNOMY: A comparatively modern form of intuitive divination
covering past or distant scenes and future events while viewed during
a hypnotic trance.
METEOROMANCY: This lists the omens dependent on meteors and
similar phenomena.
METOPOSCOPY : The reading of character from the lines of the forehead.
It is based on Astrology and has factors akin to Palmistry. Yet, it
belongs under the head of Physiognomy.

MOLYBDOMANCY: Draws mystic inferences from the varied hissings of
molten lead.
MYOMANCY: Concerns rats and mice, the cries they give, and the
destruction they cause, all as prophetic tokens.
NUMEROLOGY: This is of Ancient origins, but is a modern form for
interpreting names and dates in terms of vital numbers. All of these
are indicative of individual traits.
OCULOMANCY: A form of divination from the eyes.
OLINOMANCY: Utilizes wine in determining omens.
ONEIROMANCY: The interpretation of dreams.
ONOMANCY: Answers the question of “what’s in a name” by giving
meanings for names of persons and things. But it has comparatively
little importance as a modern divinatory art.
ONOMANTICS: A development of Onomancy and is applied to personal
names. Some of these names are obvious in meaning, as Hope, or
Victor. Other names are easily translatable, as Sophia for wisdom, or
Leo for lion-hearted. Others have been extended or elaborated, but
their basic meanings may be found in many dictionaries or standard
reference works.
ONYCHOMANCY: A study of the fingernails in the sunlight, looking for
any significant symbols that can be traced. ONYOMANCY is similar and
somewhat more practical, being an interpretation of personal
characteristics from the nails as a minor phase of Palmistry. OOMANTIA
and OOSCOPY: These are terms applied to Ancient methods of
divination by eggs.
OPHIOMANCY: This covers divination from serpents.
ORNISCOPY AND ORNITHOMANCY : These are concerned with omens
gained by watching the flight of different birds.
OVOMANCY: Another form of egg divination.
PALMISTRY: One of the most interesting of the Psychic Sciences and has
reached a high state of modern development. Long known as the
“language of the hand”, it interprets the lines and general formations
of the hands according to well-accepted rules.
PEGOMANCY: Requires spring water or bubbling fountains for its
PESSOMANCY : This involves pebbles.
PHRENOLOGY: Deals in head formations and is a modern form of
Psychic Science.

PHRENOPATHY: A similar subject incorporating hypnotism.
PHYLLORHODOMANCY : An intriguing type of divination dating from
Ancient Greece. It consists of slapping rose petals against the hand
and judging the success of a venture according to the loudness of the
PHYSIOGNOMY: This is highly modern in its treatment and deals with
character analysis through physical appearance of the features.
RECOGNITION: An inner knowledge of things to come, which may lead
to Prediction, which is the announcement of such future events.
PREMONITION: This is a foreboding of the future.
PROGNOSTICATION: This goes into specific details or the greater art of
Prophecy. It connotes inspired knowledge of important future events
with their fulfillment certain.
PSYCHOGRAPHY: A form of mysterious writing, usually of a divinatory
PSYCHOMETRY: The faculty of gaining impressions from a physical
object, either regarding its owner or the history of the object itself.
PYROMANCY and PYROSCOPY: Forms of divination by fire, wherein
powdered substances are thrown on the flames; if these kindle quickly,
it is a good omen.
RHABDOMANCY: Divination by means of a wand or stick. It is of
Ancient origin; much of its history is obscure, but it was the
forerunner of the divining rod.
RHAPSODOMANCY: Performed by opening a book of poetry and reading
a passage at random, hoping it will prove to be an omen. SCIOMANCY:
A term for divination gained through Spirit aid.
SIDEROMANCY: The burning of straws on a hot iron and studying the
figures thus formed, along with the flames and smoke.
SOIULEGE: The casting of lots in hope of a good omen. It has many
phases and variations dating from antiquity and is still practiced
SPODOMANCY: Provides omens from cinders or soot.
STICHOMANCY: Another form of opening a book, hoping a random
passage will give inspiration. This is something many people follow
STOLISOMANCY: Draws omens from oddities in the way people dress.
SYCOMANCY: Performed by writing messages on tree leaves; the slower
they dry, the better the omen. A more modern way is to

write questions on slips of paper, roll them up, and hold them in a
strainer above a steaming pot. Whichever paper unrolls first will be
the one answered. A blank slip should always be included in the
TEPHRAMANCY: The seeking of messages in ashes. Tree bark is often
burned for this purpose, and the diviner looks for symbols in the
ashes as with tea leaves.
TIROMANCY: An odd form of divination utilizing cheese.
XYLOMANCY: Divination from pieces of wood. Some diviners pick
them up at random, interpreting them according to their shape or
formation. Others put pieces of wood upon a fire and note the order
in which they burn, thus forming conclusions as .to their omens, good
or bad.


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