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Introducing the

CASPER Principles
The art of designing visually appealing materials can be challenging. The
CASPER principles are a set of design guidelines to help you create
effective and aesthetically pleasing visual content. Each letter in CASPER
represents an essential design principle to follow.

by Hasniza Nordin
Contrast: Make Your Design Pop

Bold and Regular Fonts Size and Shape

Using a bold font for headings and a regular font By using varying sizes or shapes of the same
for body text creates contrast and helps the element, you create visual interest and draw
important information stand out. attention to specific parts of the design.

Colors Textures

Choosing contrasting colors can help elements Textures can be used to create contrast and add
stand out and make the overall design more depth to a design.
Alignment: Making Your Elements
Center Alignment

Center alignment is an effective way to keep

elements connected and can create a sense of
symmetry and harmony.

1 2 3

Edge Alignment Grid Alignment

Elements should be aligned along a common Using a grid can help ensure that elements are
edge or axis, creating a sense of order and correctly aligned and spaced throughout the
making the design visually balanced and design.
Simplicity: Keep it Clean

Minimalism Whitespace Orderliness

Simplicity often means using a Using white space effectively (i.e. Keeping a clean and organized
minimalist design to avoid unoccupied areas) in a design can composition ensures that the
overwhelming the audience with give it breathing room and allow design elements don't distract
too much information or the important content to stand from the message.
unnecessary visual elements. out.
Proximity: Grouping Related Elements

Visual Associations Navigation Logical Flow

Grouping similar items Proximity ensures that the By placing related elements
together creates visual design is organized and easy close to each other, you
associations and helps viewers to navigate, making it more create a logical flow of
understand the relationships user-friendly. information that helps tell the
between different pieces of story effectively.
Emphasis: Making Your Message Stand

1 Size and Color

Using size or color to emphasize critical information or key points can help guide the viewer's
focus and make the message more memorable.

2 Contrast and Positioning

Applying contrast or proper positioning can help elements stand out and capture the viewer's

3 Focus and Hierarchy

Emphasizing important elements draws the viewer's attention and establishes a visual
hierarchy of information.
Repetition: Creating a Sense of Unity

Consistency Branding Pattern

Consistent use of colors, fonts, and Repeating consistent brand Repeating patterns or graphic
graphic elements throughout a elements and components elements throughout the design
design creates a sense of unity and reinforces the brand identity and adds a layer of cohesiveness to the
helps establish a visual identity. helps promote brand awareness. visual composition.
Create Stunning Visuals with CASPER

Principle Description

Contrast Create visual interest and emphasize the

important information by using contrasting
elements like colors, fonts, sizes, or shapes.

Alignment Ensure that elements are visually connected and

create a cohesive composition by aligning them
along a common edge or axis.

Simplicity Ensure the design is clean and uncluttered to

avoid overwhelming the audience with too much
information or unnecessary visuals.

Proximity Group related items together and keep the design

organized and easy to navigate.

Emphasis Highlight important elements to draw the viewer's

attention using size, color, contrast, or positioning.

Repetition Strengthen the design by repeating consistent

visual elements like colors, fonts, or graphic
Take Your Designs to the
Next Level with CASPER

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