2020 Physical

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Audit of the
Annual Physical Inventory

Fiscal Year 2020

July 2020

Performance Audit
Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory


TABLE OF CONTENTS ... .................. ................... ..... .... ... .. ... ....... ...................................... .. ..................................... i

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................... ... ....... ................................................ .. .... .............. ........................ ii

INTRODUCTION ..... ............ .-........... ... .......... .. ... .................................. ............. ... ... .......... ....................... .................... 1

OBJECTIVES, SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY ........... ......................................................................................... I

STATEMENT OF OPINION ....... ............................... ....... ... ............ ......................... .. ........ ..... ... .. .... .. ................... .... 2

STRENGTHS NOTED DURING THE AUDIT ..... .. .......... ................................................................................. ,..... 2

RES ULTS OF TEST COUNTS .............................. .... ... .............. ............................... ............ .............. ....... .... ......... 3

SUMMARY OF SYSTEMATICALLY SELECTED TEST COUNTS ......... .. ........ .. .. ........................ ........... .......... 3

SUMMARY OF JUDGMENTALLY SELECTED TEST COUNTS .. ...................................................................... 4

RESULTS OF CUT-OFF TESTING ..... ................................... .. ..................... ....... ........ ................................. .......... 5


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..... ... ... ... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ... .............................. ............ ... ...... ... .............................. .. ..... ..... 5

ATTACHMENT A- SAMPLING METHODOLOGY AND CRITERIA ... .......... .... ......... ...... ............. .................... 6

ATTACHMENT B - BUSINESS PROCESS ... .................... .. .............. .. .. ....................................................... ... ...... 9

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory



Port Authority internal auditors observed the fiscal year (FY) 2020 annual physical inventory
(Inventory). The purpose of the Inventory is to ensure that the on-hand quantity for each inventory
item is accurately recorded in the PeopleSoft financial system so that transit operations are supported
by having materials and supplies available when needed. For FY 2020 through period 10, material
and supply expenditures were approximately $17 .1 million (per the unaudited financial statements as
of April 30, 2020).


The audit objectives were to determine the adequacy of internal controls for the Inventory and to
determine if items were accurately counted, variances and adjustments were recorded correctly in
PeopleSoft and the cut-off process was properly followed for requisitions and receipts issued before
and after Inventory. The scope of the audit was the FY 2020 Inventory and the full methodology used
to accomplish the audit objectives is shown in Attachment A.

For additional information related to Port Authority's Inventory Business Process refer to Attachment

We observed the employees as they counted the inventory items, and we independently tested a
sample of the inventory counts, the accuracy of the inventory cut-off process and assisted in resolving


In our opinion, in general, the FY 2020 Inventory was conducted in a manner that provides reasonable
assurance that inventory items were accurately counted, adjustments to on-hand quantities were
recorded correctly in PeopleSoft, the cut-off process was properly followed for requisitions and
receipts issued before and after Inventory and significant variances were resolved and recorded
correctly in PeopleSoft. Note that the FY2020 Annual Physical Inventory audit resulted in no


1) Cut-off processes were well controlled. All 80 (100%) of the requisitions and receipts reviewed
as part of the inventory cut-off testing were processed according to cut-off instructions.

2) Prior to the start of FY2020 Inventory, the Manager, Purchasing Materials worked with the
Manager of Inventory Operations & Distribution to identify items with more than one bin
location and to review and adequately resolve the items.

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

3) In general, the overflow stock notices were effectively used and typically placed for items with
overflow stock.


Based on our statistically valid sample and a margin of error of plus or minus 5%, we are 95%
confident that the true accuracy rate of item counts in the population is between 83.05% and 93.05% .


We made several observations/recommendations during the previous audit and the recommended
changes have been closed .

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory


Port Authority internal auditors observed the fiscal year (FY) 2020 annual physical inventory
(Inventory). The Inventory is coordinated by Purchasing and Materials Management Department
personnel. Its purpose is to ensure that the on-hand quantity for each inventory item is accurately
recorded in the PeopleSoft financial system so that transit operations are supported by having
materials and supplies available when needed. This Inventory was performed from February 28,
2020 through March 1, 2020. For FY 2020 through period 10, material and supply expenditures
were approximately $17.1 million (per the unaudited financial statements as of April 30, 2020).


The audit objectives were to determine the adequacy of internal controls for the Inventory and to
determine if:

• Items were accurately counted,

• Dollar variances of at least $250.00 ($150.00 at the garage inventory locations) and a
quantity variance of at least 10 percent were resolved and recorded correctly in PeopleSoft,

• Adjustments to on-hand quantities were properly recorded in PeopleSoft, and

• The cut-off process was properly followed for requisitions and receipts issued before and
after Inventory. The cut-off is the time at which system processing of requisitions and
receipts is suspended in PeopleSoft. The purpose of the cut-off testing is to determine if:

o Items that were physically received and placed in stock prior to the start of counting
were included in PeopleSoft's on-hand quantities,

o Items that were physically received and not placed in stock prior to the start of counting
were not included in PeopleSoft's on-hand quantities,

o Requisitions that were filled and shipped prior to the start of counting were processed in
PeopleSoft so that the on-hand quantities in the system are reduced prior to counting,

o Items removed from stock after counting has begun (emergency requisitions) are added
to the physical count if the item was removed from stock before it was counted,

o Items physically received while the Inventory is in progress are held at the receiving
dock instead of being placed in Inventory, and

o Employees do not resume filling requisitions, stocking items and processing requisitions
and receipts in PeopleSoft until after the Inventory is finalized and the cut-off is ended.
Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

We conducted this performance audit in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient,
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our
audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.

We observed the employees as they counted the inventory items, and we tested inventory counts
and the cut-off process at the Manchester, South Hills Village, South Hills Junction and the Auto
Shop locations. We tested the accuracy of the inventory cut-off process by tracing a sample of
requisitions and receipts to the transaction history records in PeopleSoft to ensure that they were
processed in PeopleSoft at the correct time in relation to the cut-off. We also assisted in resolving
variances. In addition, at these four locations and at the Collier and East Liberty operating
locations, we tested the accuracy of on-hand quantities recorded by the employees conducting the
Inventory by independently counting a sample of inventory items and comparing our counts with
the counts on the count sheets.

The scope of the audit was the FY 2020 Inventory and the full methodology used to accomplish the
audit objectives is shown in Attachment A.

For additional information related to Port Authority's Inventory Business Process refer to
Attachment B.


In our opinion, in general, the FY 2020 Inventory was conducted in a manner that provides
reasonable assurance that inventory items were accurately counted, adjustments to on-hand
quantities were recorded correctly in PeopleSoft, the cut-off process was properly followed for
requisitions and receipts issued before and after Inventory and significant variances were resolved
and recorded correctly in PeopleSoft. Note that the FY2020 Annual Physical Inventory audit
resulted in no observations.


Strengths noted during the audit included the following :

1) Cut-off processes were well controlled. All 80 (100%) of the requisitions and receipts
reviewed as part of the inventory cut-off testing were processed according to cut-off

2) Prior to the start of FY2020 Inventory, the Manager, Purchasing Materials worked with the
Manager of Inventory Operations & Distribution to identify items with more than one bin
location and to review and adequately resolve the items.

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

3) In general, the overflow stock notices were effectively used and typically placed for items
with overflow stock.


Based on our statistically valid sample and a margin of error of plus or minus 5%, we are 95%
confident that the true accuracy rate of item counts in the population is between 83.05% and

Using attribute sampling for a population size of 13,742 items with an average cost of at least
$2.00, a statistically valid sample of 385 items was selected for testing. Internal Audit Department
personnel counted each item in the sample and compared our count to the count recorded on the
count sheets. Any discrepancies were resolved by having storeroom personnel recount item count
discrepancies. We noted 46 errors (an overall accuracy rate of 88%). In addition to the
systematically selected test counts from our sample, 350 judgmentally selected test counts were
performed by Internal Audit Department personnel during the Inventory. Of these 350 counts, 335
counts were determined to be correct and 15 counts were incorrect (an overall accuracy rate of
96%). The tables below summarize the results of the testing.


Number of
Items with an
Average Number of Number of Number of Percentage of
Cost of at Test Count Accurate Accurate
Location Least $2 Counts Discrepancies Counts Counts

Manchester 9,825 276 33 243 88%

South Hills
Village 1,986 55 5 50 91%

South Hills
Junction 1,838 52 8 44 85%

Auto Shop 93 2. Q 2. 100%

Totals 13 Z42 3..8..5 46 .3..3.9. .8..8..%.

Of these 385 test counts, 363 items had a unit of measure of "each" and 22 items had a unit of
measure of something other than "each" such as "case" or "set". For the 22 items with a unit of
measure of something other than "each" such as "case" or "set", we determined that 5 of the items
were incorrectly counted by the inventory count crews (an accuracy rate of 77%). For the 363
items with a unit of measure of "each", we determined that 41 of the items were incorrectly counted
by the inventory count crews (an accuracy rate of 89%).

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory


Number of of
Count of Each and Other Number of Number of Count Accurate Accurate
than Each Test Counts Discrepancies Counts Counts

Manchester 100 4 96 96%

South Hills Village 50 3 47 94%

South Hills Junction 50 2 48 96%

Auto Shop 50 0 50 100%

Collier 50 3 47 94%

East Liberty 50 3 47 94%

Total Count of Each and

Other than Each 3.50. 15 3.35 .9..6..%

Of these 350 judgmental test counts, 334 items had a unit of measure of "each" and 16 items had
a unit of measure of something other than "each" such as "case" or "set" . For the 16 items with a
unit of measure of something other than "each" such as "case" or "set", we determined that all
items were counted correctly by the inventory count crews (an accuracy rate of 100%). For the
334 items with a unit of measure of "each", we determined that 15 of the items were incorrectly
counted by the inventory count crews (an accuracy rate of 96%).

Note that the accuracy rates discussed above estimate the accuracy of the counts that are made
by the inventory count crews. This accuracy rate should not be compared with the Purchasing and
Materials Management Department's estimate of the accuracy rate at which the on-hand quantities
of inventory items are maintained in PeopleSoft's records. 1

1Purchasing and Materials Management Department staff calculates their accuracy rate, which is reported
on the Recap of Inventory Results - Inventory Accuracy report, for items with an average cost of at least
$2 .00 by dividing the number of items with no variances and the number of items with minor variances as
determined by the Purchasing and Materials Management Department staff, by the total number of items
with an average cost of at least $2.00. The Purchasing and Materials Management Department staff defines
a minor variance for the Manchester, South Hills Village and South Hills Junction warehouses locations as
one that is less than $250 .00 in value and 10% in quantity. For the Auto Shop, a minor variance is defined
as one that is less than $50.00 in value and 5% in quantity. For the garage locations, a minor variance is
defined as one that is less than $150.00 in value and 10% in quantity.

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory


The requisitions and receipts before and after inventory were reviewed for Manchester, South Hills
Junction, South Hills Village and the Auto Shop. Of the 80 requisitions and receipts reviewed as
part of the inventory cut-off testing, all were processed according to the cut-off instructions.

Summary of Cut-Off Testing Results

Number of Number Number Not

Requisitions Processed Processed
and According to According to
Receipts Cut-Off Cut-Off Comment/Description of
Location Examined Instructions Instructions Requisitions and Receipts

Manchester 20 20 0 No exceptions noted .

South Hills Junction 20 20 0 No exceptions noted .

South Hills Village 20 20 0 No exceptions noted .

Auto Shop 2.Q 2.Q Q No exceptions noted .

Totals fill fill 0


We made several observations/recommendations during the previous audit and the recommended
changes have been closed.


Members of the Internal Audit Department thank Tony Trena, Director of Purchasing and Materials
Management, Justin Cava, Manager of Purchasing Materials, Mike Musillo, Manager of Inventory
Operations and Distribution, Bernie Faccenda, Assistant Manager, Inventory, Tom Kaczmarski,
Stores Supervisor-FL, Tim Bell, Stores Supervisor, inventory counters and data entry clerks for
their cooperation and assistance during this audit.

Participating auditors were Maria Nickerson, Glenn Meister, Neil Caponi and Austin Hamm.

Maria Nickerson, Director, Internal Audit Department Date


This report is intended solely for the information and use of Port Authority management for decision
making purposes. It is not intended for use by any other party.

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory


To accomplish the audit objectives, Internal Audit Department personnel (IA) determined the
population, developed sampling methodology and performed statistical and judgmental test counts
as follows:

Statistical Test Counts, PeopleSoft Queries, Cut-Off Testing and Emergency Requisitions

1) Generated the People Soft PAG_WAREHOUSE_ACTIVE report, of the entire population of

inventory items for Manchester, SHJ, Auto Shop and SHV before and after shut-down.

2) Generated the PeopleSoft PAG_WAREHOUSE_ACTIVE report in PeopleSoft to verify the

integrity of inventory items data provided by the Manager of Purchasing Materials to determine
if the population on IA's report agreed with the Manager of Purchasing Materials Count Sheet

3) Generated the PeopleSoft INP7016 reports for specific inventory location (Manchester, SHV,
SHJ and Auto Shop) to determine the populations of inventory items.

4) Generated the PeopleSoft INP7050 reports for specific inventory location (Manchester, SHV,
SHJ and Auto Shop) to determine the populations of daily activity inventory items. This report
was utilized when performing cut-off testing .

5) Generated the PeopleSoft PAG_Receipts reports for specific inventory location (Manchester,
SHV, SHJ and Auto Shop) to determine the populations of received inventory items. This
report was utilized when performing cut-off testing.

6) Generated and reviewed the PeopleSoft PAG_WAREHOUSE_ACTIVE report for the statistical
test count to determine the actual population size (number of inventory items) with a unit price
of at least $2.00.

7) Utilized Review Transaction History and PAAC Item Information panels in PeopleSoft to
analyze selected inventory item activity.

8) Requested Emergency Requisition Logs for Manchester, South Hills Village, South Hills
Junctions and the Auto Shop. For the locations that processed emergency requisitions ,
Internal Audit reviewed and recounted those items and traced the inventory item to the Review
Transaction History in PeopleSoft to determine the accuracy of the counts.

9) Utilized a sample size calculator to define the sample size with a confidence level of 95% and a
precision percentage of plus or minus 5% to determine the total number of statistical test
counts to be performed for Manchester, SHJ, Auto Shop and SHV.

a) Note that the footnote in the audit report describes how the Purchasing and Materials
Management Department personnel calculate their accuracy rate and define variances .

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

Also, Purchasing and Materials Management Department personnel report the inventory
count accuracy rates in the Recap of Inventory Results - Inventory Accuracy Report.
Internal Audit's accuracy rates discussed in the audit report should not be compared with
the Purchasing and Materials Management Department's estimate of the accuracy rate at
which the on-hand quantities of inventory items are maintained in PeopleSoft's records.

10) Calculated a uniform interval by dividing the number of inventory items in the population by the
total sample size for Manchester, SHV, SHJ and the Auto Shop. Inventory items were selected
systematically throughout the population at the uniform interval.

11) Calculated the percentage of the number of items to be sampled to the total number of items in
the population by dividing the total number of items to sample by the total number of items with
unit prices of at least $2.00 at four of the inventory locations (Manchester, SHV, SHJ, and Auto

12) Calculated the number of separate test counts for Manchester, SHJ, Auto Shop and SHV by
multiplying the percentage to total number of items calculated for each location by the total
number of items with a unit price of at least $2.00 at the four inventory locations.

13) Systematically selected test counts by selecting a random number as a starting point for
Manchester, SHJ, SHV and the Auto Shop locations at every nth interval (as calculated in 9
above). The interval represents the nth item that will be selected for our sample.

14) No statistical test counts were performed at the 2 garage locations (Collier and East Liberty) .

15) Used the PeopleSoft reporting tool, Random Item Sampling (PAG_RUN_INP5052), the
software selected the items for testing. This report was generated for each of the four locations
(Manchester, SHV, SHJ and the Auto Shop) and it detailed the randomly selected test count
items that Internal Audit identified to count/examine during the inventory.

16) If errors/discrepancies were detected, Internal Audit requested management confirm the
accuracy of the item count. If a significant number of errors were noted, Internal Audit would
discuss the number of errors with applicable management personnel and determine if recounts
of items would be performed .

17) The results of statistical test counts were extrapolated over the entire population of inventory
items with unit prices of at least $2.00 as this sampling method gives each element (inventory
item) in the population an equal opportunity of being selected.

Judgmental Test Counts

1) Completed Inventory Checking Reports (aka Judgmental Test Count Sheets) when observing
the annual physical inventory. IA judgmentally selected inventory items to trace from the
crews' count sheets to item bin locations (Manchester, SHV, SHJ, Auto Shop, Collier and East
Liberty) and from the item bin locations to crews' count sheets (Manchester, SHV and SHJ).

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

a) The Inventory Checking Reports were used to document inventory items from the crews'
count sheets to the item bin locations and verify that the accuracy of the item counted.
Internal Audit judgmentally selects 90 items for Manchester, 40 items for SHJ, 40 items for
SHV, 50 items at the Auto Shop and 50 items at two garage locations (Collier and East
Liberty). Internal Audit alternates the garage locations each annual physical inventory.

b) The Inventory Checking Report was also used to document selected inventory items from
item bin locations to the crews' count sheets and verify the accuracy of the item counted.
Internal Audit judgmentally selects 10 items each at Manchester, SHJ and SHV. This
reverse judgmental test count is not performed at the Auto Shop and the 2 garage locations
(Collier and East Liberty).

2) Judgmentally chose numerous inventory items on the crews' inventory count sheets to test for
accuracy. Internal Audit counted these items and determined if Internal Audit's count agreed
with the quantities entered on the crews' count sheets.

3) Judgmentally counted a sample of inventory items at Manchester, SHJ, and SHV to determine
if these items appeared on the count sheets and determined the accuracy of the counts.

4) In determining inventory items to judgmentally select to count, Internal Audit considered the
unit of measure of "each" and "other than each" for the inventory items. Internal Audit also
considered inventory items with larger quantities and items that were physically difficult to
access (i.e., heavy items, hard-to-reach items).

5) If errors/discrepancies were detected, Internal Audit requested management confirm the

accuracy of the item count. If a significant number of errors were noted, Internal Audit would
discuss the number of errors with applicable management personnel and determine if recounts
of items and/or sections of the storeroom or additional judgmental test counting would be

6) If inventory items counted by Internal Audit did not appear on the count sheets, Internal Audit
determined and documented the reason(s) for these items not appearing on the count sheets.
In addition, if necessary, Internal Audit performed additional testing to determine if inventory
items were properly included on the count sheets.

7) Determined if inventory item count corrections were reported to appropriate personnel so that
the most accurate count was entered into the PeopleSoft inventory system.

8) The results of judgmental test counts were not extrapolated over the entire population of
inventory items with unit prices of at least $2.00 as this sampling method is a purposeful
method where no randomization is used to eliminate any bias and inventory items in the
population did not have an equal opportunity of being selected.

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory



Physical inventories are performed at all inventory locations on an annual basis. Items with an
average unit price of at least $2.00 are counted as part of the annual physical inventory. Inventory
items are identified with a six-digit inventory number, a description, a unit of measure, and a
specific bin location. Counts of inventory items with an average unit price less than $2.00 are only
performed if the inventory quantities in stock obviously differ from the inventory quantities in
PeopleSoft as noted on the count sheets. Inventory items that have not moved for an extended
period of time are sometimes pre-counted. Inventory count sheets are assigned to count crews or
individual counters and Purchasing and Materials Management Department personnel verify that,
upon completion, these sheets are accounted for and that counts are present for all items that
require them. The count information is entered into PeopleSoft, and a report of all significant
inventory variances is generated. Significant variances (greater than 10% in quantity or more than
$250.00 ($150.00 at the garage inventory locations)) are recounted for accuracy, and adjustments
to the original count are processed in PeopleSoft. Inventory items, which have not been counted,
appear on the Missing Tag ID report, and all items on this report require that an item count be
entered into the PeopleSoft in order to clear the item from the report.

The Manager of Purchasing Materials and the Manager, Inventory Operations & Distribution
oversee the physical inventory to verify procedures are properly followed, material is properly
counted, and questions related to specific items are resolved. At PAAC's inventory locations, the
Manager, Inventory Operations & Distribution and Foremen/Supervisors review the inventory
procedures and instructions with the inventory counters prior to the start of the actual annual
physical inventory. Designated employees input the item counts into PeopleSoft.

The Internal Audit Department personnel review the inventory documentation (requisitions,
receipts, emergency requisitions, count sheets, etc.) to determine if cut-off procedures have been
followed, determine if inventory procedures are followed, and perform test counts based on both a
statistically valid sample of inventory items and judgmentally selected inventory items to determine
if counts on the inventory sheets are accurate. Internal Audit's identified test count differences are
recounted by Internal Audit and appropriate personnel and the correct item count confirmed.
Adjustments are recorded on IA's Inventory Checking Reports (aka Judgmental Test Count
Sheets) or Statistical Count Sheet and the corrected counts are entered in PeopleSoft.


When an inventory item arrives at the receiving dock, the receiver takes possession of it and
enters the item information (item description, vendor, quantity, stock#, etc.) into PeopleSoft, which
then stages the batch of items that are to be placed into the inventory. The stockperson then
places the items into the correct bin in inventory. At the Manchester and SHJ locations, the
Storeroom Supervisor runs a process called "Complete Putaway" which increases the on-hand
quantities for all items that are in the staged batch status. At the SHJ location, the "Complete

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

Putaway" process is done at the time of receiving the item. At the SHV location, the "Complete
Putaway" process is run automatically as part of the receiving process.


When an item needs to be removed from inventory, the employee who needs the item initiates the
process by submitting a material stock requested in PeopleSoft. PeopleSoft includes this item on
its pick list, which is generated nightly. After the item has been picked from the shelf, the
Storeroom Supervisor/Garage Foreman/Receiver provides feedback to PeopleSoft to update the
system that the item is no longer in inventory. At SHV, a batch process runs every half hour to
look for new material stock requests, and a Pick Sheet prints at the stockperson's printer. The
stockperson then fulfills the order and closes the order in the system by performing the "Material
Picking Feedback" process, which confirms, ships and depletes the items that have been fulfilled.
At all locations the depletion process is run nightly to automatically reduce on-hand quantities for
which feedback has been entered in PeopleSoft.


Port Authority has an operational work order system. The documentation obtained from the
current work order system is based on the information entered into the Work Order System by
appropriate PAAC personnel.


Inventory adjustments are recorded based on the results of annual physical inventories and
periodic cycle counts. In addition, if inventory items are determined to be obsolete, the obsolete
inventory is sold or scrapped, and the inventory quantities are reduced within the system.

Cycle counts are periodically performed by receivers at the operating locations. At the bus garage
operating locations, if the cycle count is greater than the quantity in the system, an inventory
adjustment is processed. Conversely, if the cycle count is less than the quantity in PeopleSoft, a
requisition is completed for the missing item(s) and the quantity difference is charged to the
applicable garage and classified as inventory usage or consumption. Logs are maintained at each
of the operating locations to record items removed from parts rooms if receivers are not on duty.

The Manager of Purchasing Materials, the Manager of Inventory Operations & Distribution, the
Assistant Manager - Inventory and appropriate Storeroom Supervisors/Garage Foreman have
access to inventory item information, inventory reports, and to the history of inventory purchases,
consumption and adjustments.

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory



PAAC implemented the following Materials Scrap Process:

• Fleet Approaching Retirement

o Min/Max Adjusted at Division Parts Rooms and Central Stores (140CS)

o Excess sent back (Pink Slipped) to Central Stores (140CS)

Bus Fleet Retired

o Fleet no longer in Revenue Service off property

• Identify Obsolete Parts

o Determine if parts from retired fleet can be used on other existing Port Authority
o Return items to Vendors, if possible
o Try to sell to other Transit Agencies and through an Auction Site

• Finalize Obsolete List

o Manager Purchasing Materials compiles and approves final list of items to be

o Items set to No-Replenish
o Comments updated

• Scrap List sent to Central Stores Supervisor and Assistant Manager of Inventory

o Items are to be physically removed from Bin

o Bin label is removed
o Bin quantity is depleted in PeopleSoft
o Item Bin Location is transferred in PeopleSoft to the NONE Bin
o Once process is complete, Storeroom personnel are to notify the Manager of
Purchasing Materials

• Scrap Process Completed at Warehouse/Parts Rooms

o Manager of Purchasing verifies the following :

■ Items Quantity has been depleted

■ Item is in the NONE Bin

• Inactivation Process

o Manager of Purchasing Materials or Inventory Analyst will make items inactive in


■ Inactive Part at Business Unit (Ex. 140CS, 010RO)

Audit of the FY 2020 Annual Physical Inventory

• Inactive Part at Global Level

*Inactive Item Status = Item can no longer be requested through

replenishment or manual parts requests (MSR).

o Run Change Item Status Report and check for errors.



Access to add, delete and modify inventory information in PeopleSoft is available to the Manager
of Purchasing Materials, the Assistant Manager - Inventory, the Manager, Inventory Operations &
Distribution, and the Storeroom Foremen/Garage Foreman. The Manager of Purchasing
Materials, the Assistant Manager - Inventory and the Manager, Inventory Operations & Distribution
currently have the ability to adjust inventory quantities and/or adjust unit prices of items in

All authorizations for access to PeopleSoft must be approved by the manager of the applicable
department and must be processed by the security administrator. The security features are role-
based and define a role, which is tied to the job title. Prior to utilizing PeopleSoft to add, delete or
modify data, users must attend the required PeopleSoft training.



Reports are available to monitor the inventory process and to account for inventory
usage/adjustments, which include Daily Activity Report (INP7050), Inventory Activity Report
(INP7051 ), Missing Tag ID reports, Physical Account Reconciliation Reports, requisition and
receipts reports and other reports that provide inventory statistics, values, and adjustment


Policies and procedures related to conducting the annual physical inventory exist (written and
verbal) . There is currently a procedure related to proper segregation of duties. Generally, this
procedure provides that the purchaser cannot enter receiving data or enter new vendors in
PeopleSoft; however, there are some limited exceptions to this for employees in the Purchasing
and Materials Management Department. A training manual is available to guide employees on
using PeopleSoft to complete inventory transactions such as receiving and issuing stock items,
creating bin locations, and transferring items between locations.


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