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Leadership & Management in Nursing • Effective communication

APPLICATION OF RESEARCH IN NURSING • patients believe that key competencies for

nursing staff include “correct behavior and
Role of research in Nursing attitude, composure, making time for patients,
and listening and having empathy.”
• By polit and beck (2006) • Communicate clearly with empathy
“Systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge Sit with patient
about issues of importance to nurses, including nursing —Where nurses sit with patients during each
practice, nursing education, and nursing administration.” shift—
Can positively impact patient perception of nurse
Importance of research in Nursing communication and boost overall satisfaction
1. Important tool for the continual development of rates.
a relevant body of knowledge in nursing. Prioritize teamwork
2. Generates information from nursing - Where staff work together to provide care
investigations which help define the unique role Advocate for adequate staffing levels
of nursing as a profession. • Proper staffing and patient-to-nurse ratios are
3. Professional accountability of nurses to their essential in fostering higher patient satisfaction
clients is demonstrated when nurses incorporate levels—research in the Journal Health
research evidence into their clinical decisions. Affairs found that in a hospital setting, each
4. Facilitates evaluation of the efficacy of nurses’ additional patient per nurse was correlated to a
practice which may articulate their role in the 1.44 percent decrease in the number of patients
delivery of health services. who would definitely recommend the facility
5. With research, costly trial-and-error and even Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction has
unsafe interventions are avoided. always been a very important factor for driving business
6. Research may allow nurses to make more forward and it’s become an important issue in the
informed decisions as each phase of the nursing medical world as well. The main reason for this is that
process is clarified through research. providing patients with the best possible care is very
7. 7. Research also enables nurses to understand a important in the modern healthcare
particular nursing situation about which little is industry.Https://www.Smartsurvey.Co.Uk/blog/importan
known. ce-of-conducting-patient-satisfaction-surveys
8. Fills the gaps in knowledge and practice
9. Provides basis for professionalism and Benefit of patient survey
professional accountability By building up a picture of patient experiences, you will
10. Improves standards of nursing education be able to improve the level of healthcare you can offer
11. Discovering new measures of nursing practice and adopt a patient-centric approach to achieve
12. Molds attitudes, competencies and skills improved satisfaction.
13. Meeting the changing societal needs • Awareness of opening times
• The process of making an appointment
TYPES OF RESEARCH • Checking in for an appointment
Client Satisfaction • Waiting time
 Enhance knowledge and leadership regarding • Comfort of the waiting room
safety. • Paying the bill
• Identify and learn from errors. • Support and information
• Set performance standards and expectations for  Follow-up reminders
safety. Six Aims for Improving Quality in Health Care
• Implement safety systems within health-care • Health care should be:
organizations. 1. Safe
How can nurses improve patient satisfaction? 2. Effective
3. Patient-centered • 3. Organizing data count instances, events, and
4. Timely artifacts display data in tables and charts arrange
5. Efficient data by classroom, grade level, and school
6. Equitable organize for analysis
• 4. Analyzing and interpreting data analyze and
Action Research in Healthcare question the data as a professional collective
Action research in healthcare is a practical guide decide what can be celebrated and what needs
to using research for improving practice in attention determine priority area(s) for action
healthcare contexts. • 4.5 studying the professional literature
As an increasingly popular method of inquiry, identify professional literature that
action research is widely used in healthcare to relates to or matches the interest gather
investigate professional practice and patients' research reports, research syntheses,
experience while simultaneously: articles, videotapes, etc. Analyze and
• introducing innovations interpret these materials for
• planning, actioning and evaluating new ideas understanding and action determine the
• seeking to improve patient care most promising actions
• working collaboratively. • 5. Taking action combine data analysis with that
from professional literature select best options
• Action research is a form of investigation for action craft short- and long-term action plans
designed for use by teachers to attempt to solve implement some actions immediately assess
problems and improve professional practices in implementation of selected actions
their own classrooms.
• It involves systematic observations and data
collection which can be then used by the
practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision
making and the development of more effective
classroom strategies.
- Parsons and Brown (2002)
• a natural part of teaching
• Teachers are continually observing students,
collecting data and changing practices to improve
student learning and the classroom and school
• Action research provides a framework that guides
the energies of teachers toward a better
understanding of why, when, and how students
become better learners.
- A. Christine miller (2007) Traditional Research Action Research
Five Phases of Action Research
Purpose To draw conclusions. To make decisions.
• 1. Selecting an area or focus identifying an area of Focus is on advancing Focus is on the
knowledge in the field. improvement of
interest focus on students look at both
Insights may be educational
immediate and cumulative effects
generalized to other practice. Limited
• 2. Collecting data collect existing archival data settings. generalizability
use additional multiple data sources collect data Context Theory: Practice: Research
regularly promote collective ownership of data Hypotheses/research questions derive
monitor data collection questions derive from from practice.
more general Theory plays
theoretical secondary role. Philippine core values of nurses
propositions. 1. Love of god Romans 15:1 — "We who are
Data Rigorous statistical Focus on practical, strong have an
Analysis analysis. not statistical obligation to bear with the failings
significance of the weak,
and not to please ourselves."
Sampling Random or Students with 2. Caring as the core nursing
representative sample. whom they work.
a. Compassion
b. Competence
Mc Millan, J. H. &
c. Confidence
Wergin. J. F.
(1998). d. Conscience
"Understanding e. Commitment
and Evaluating 3. Love of people
Educational a. Respect for the dignity of each person (creed,
color, gender and political affiliation)
4. Love of country
Feasibility study a. Patriotism
• A feasibility study is simply an assessment of the b. Preservation and enrichment of the
practicality of a proposed project plan or environment and culture heritage
method. This is done by analyzing technical,
economic, legal, operational and time feasibility Philippine Qualification framework (PQF)
factors. • Describes the levels of educational qualifications,
• The study tries to determine whether the project the official recognition of a person's learning
is technically and financially feasible, i.E., Is it achievements. It also sets the standards for
technically or financially viable? Financially qualification outcomes which are the knowledge
feasible, in this context, means whether the or skills gained by students after undergoing a
project is feasible within the estimated cost. certain learning or educational program.
Training and needs analysis Objectives
• Process in which the company identifies training “The Philippine qualifications framework (PQF) is hereby
and development needs of its employees so that established with the following objectives:
they can do their job effectively. It involves a 1) to adopt national standards and levels for outcomes of
complete analysis of training needs required at education;
various levels of the organisation. 2) to support the development and maintenance of
Evaluation studies pathways and equivalencies which, provide access to
• focus on measurements (numeric or descriptive, qualifications and assist people to move easily ...
but usually the former) of social inputs, outputs 3) to align PQF with international qualifications
and processes: it typically studies change. At framework to support the local and international mobility
their most basic, evaluations replicate classic of workers through the increased recognition of the value
scientific experimental methods (experiments). and comparability of Philippine qualifications.
Learning standards
Continuing Professional development • DepEd, TESDA and CHED shall make detailed
• A profession based on the criteria that a descriptors of each qualification level based on
profession must have; a systematic body of learning standards in basic education,
knowledge that provides the framework for the competency standards or training regulations,
profession’s practice, standardized formal higher and the policies and standards of higher
education, commitment to providing a service education academic programs. They shall jointly
that benefits individuals and the community implement national pilot programs to determine
its relevance and applicability in all levels of
• Based on the standards of the PQF, graduates of
the BSN program are expected to achieve a
specific level of knowledge, skills and values,
application and degree of independence

Leve Knowledge, Application Degree of

l Skills and Independenc
Values e
PNLE Coverage
6 Broad and Professional/creati Independent • NURSING PRACTICE - 1: Community health
coherent ve work in a and/or in nursing
knowledge specialized area of teams of • NURSING PRACTICE - 2: Care of healthy/ at risk
and skills clinical nursing related field mother and child
on basic practice, research with minimal • NURSING PRACTICE - 3: Care of clients with
clinical and/or further supervision physiologic and psychosocial Alterations (part A)
nursing study. • NURSING PRACTICE - 4: Care of clients with
practice physiologic and psychosocial alterations (part B)
• NURSING PRACTICE - 5: Care of clients with
research for
physiologic and psychosocial alterations (part C)
l, creative
and lifelong
Career Development Following skills as desirable in job candidates:
• Oral and written communication skills
• Responsibility and accountability
• Integrity
• Interpersonal skills
• Proficiency in field of study/technical
• Teamwork ability
• Willingness to work hard
• Leadership abilities
• Motivation, initiative, and flexibility
• Critical thinking and analytical skills
• Self-discipline
• Organizational skills
“Tips for Career Development:
• Know yourself
• Seek out mentors and wise people
• Be a risk taker
• Understand the business of health care
• ■ Involve yourself in community and professional
• ■ Network
• ■ Understand diversity
• ■ Be an effective communicator
Career planning
• ■ Set short- and long-term goals, and strive
continually to achieve them.

• Resume is your personal data sheet and a way of
marketing yourself.
Essentials of a Resume
• The standard resume is organized by categories:
• by clearly stating your personal information
• job objective
• work experience
• education and work skills
• Memberships
 Honors, and special skills

chronological resume:
• lists work experiences in order of time, with the
most recent experience listed first.
• This style is useful in showing stable employment
without gaps or many job changes.
• The objective and qualifications are listed at the
functional resume
• also lists work experience but in order of • GNAP Gerontology Nurses Association of the
importance to your job objective. Philippines
• List the most important work-related experience • CNGP Catholic Nurses Guild of the Philippines
first. • CCNAPI Critical Care Nurses Association of the
• This is a useful format when you have gaps in Philippines inc
employment or lack direct experience related to • APDNPP Association of Private Duty Nurse
your objective. Practitioners of the Philippines
combination resume • ANSAP Association of Nursing Service
• is a popular format, listing work experience Administrators of the Philippines
directly related to the position but in a Succession planning
chronological order. Strategies that are readily available to staff members at
Membership in professional nursing organization all levels
1. PNA - to provide healthcare organizations with an
The Philippine Nurses Association is a adequate supply of qualified internal leadership
professional organization in the Philippines established to candidates
promote the holistic welfare of nurses and to prepare - The primary component of successful succession
them to be globally-competitive. planning programs is senior leader- ship support
(bargininere, franco, & wallace, 2013)
• List of professional organization - The development of internal talent requires
and associations of nurses in the Philippines: planning and contributes to maintaining
corporate knowledge and improved employee
• YNAP Young Nurses Association of the Philippines morale
inc - Current and projected nursing shortages highlight
• SCVNPP Society of Cardiovascular Nurse the need for ongoing succession planning
Practitioners of the Philippines strategies designed to address future nursing
• RENAP Renal Nurses Association of the leadership gaps (Carriere, Muise, Cummings, &
Philippines Newburn-Cook, 2009)
• PSECN Philippine Society of Emergency Care - Cooperation among healthcare facilities and
Nurses academic institutions in creating succession
• PONA Philippine Oncology Nurses Association planning programs is recommended (Griffith,
• PHICNA Philippine Infection Control Nurses 2012).
Association Basic Clinical Career Ladder
• ORNAP Operating-room Nurses of the Philippines Clinical/Staff Nurse I (beginner/novice)
• OHNAP Occupational Health Nurses Association - ▪ Experience and Education
of the Philippines ▪ Current state licensure with less than 1 year of
• NLGNP National League of Government Nurses of experience.
the Philippines - ▪ Description
• NICUNAP NICU Nurses Association of the - ▪ Needs close supervision.
Philippines - ▪ Performs basic nursing skills/routine
• NARS Nagkakaisang Narses sa Adhikaing patient care.
Reporma sa Kalusugan ng Sambayanan - ▪ Begins to develop patient assessment
• MNAP Mlitary Nurses Association of the skills/communication skills.
Philippines Clinical/Staff Nurse II (advanced beginner)
• MCNAP Maternal and Child Nurses Association of • ▪ Experience and Education
the Philippines • ▪ Current state licensure with more than
• IAAPI INFJ Alumni Association of the Philippines 1 year of experience.
inc • ▪ BSN with more than 6 months of
• GNCF Graduate Nurses Christian Fellowship experience.
▪ MSN without experience • Learning form environment
Description • Learning form work
▪ Demonstrates unsupervised competency using the Professional advocacy
nursing process. • Professional counselor advocacy involves taking
▪ Can plan and organize in terms of short-range and long- action to promote the profession, with an
range goals. emphasis on removing or minimizing barriers to
▪ Demonstrates direction in actions. counselors' ability to provide services
▪ Accepts leadership responsibility readily. Filipino management styles
▪ Demonstrates well-developed communication skills. • 1. Pakiramdaman -
▪ Shares ideas and knowledge with peers. • A passive style of leadership, with
subordinates doing work that is not too
Clinical/Staff Nurse IV (proficient) little or too much to play safe. This is
▪ Experience and Education because this style does not provide
▪ Current licensure with 3 years of clinical experience and workers with guidance required to give
pursuit of BSN. them sense of initiative
▪ BSN with more than 2 years of experience. • 2. takutan
▪ MSN with more than 1 year of experience. • Leadership that puts the responsibility on
the manager who relies on oppression,
Description conceit, and hostility
▪ Demonstrates specialized knowledge and skills. • Professionalism
▪ Continues professional education. • Social distance between leaders and
▪ Assumes leadership/supervisory responsibility. subbordinates
▪ Recognizes and adjusts to situations that vary from the 3. Kulit
norm. • A superior closely observes and controls
▪ Delegates responsibility appropriately. the work of their subordinates by
▪ Uses wide range of alternatives in solving problems. checking every detail of the assignment
• Results in lack of freedom
Clinical/Staff Nurse V (expert) 4. patsamba-tsamba
▪ Experience and Education * Has no goals, objectives, and direct instructions
▪ MSN with more than 2 years of appropriate clinical *Trial and error leaving success or failure to fate
▪ BSN required with more than 3 years of experience; Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Nursing Practice
pursuing MSN. • Entrepreneurship is defined as “The
Description institutionalization or the development of
▪ Demonstrates expertise in clinical practice. something in order to provide benefits to the
▪ Assumes/delegates personnel and management individuals and society” (andrade et al., 2015)
responsibility. • is also defined as the fact that the entrepreneurs
take risks, look for the opportunities, cover the
Formal education entire Process of innovation (arslan and şener,
• School/institutions 2012; başar et al., 2015).
• Hierarchical structure Entrepreneur
• Uniform/ full time and proper • “person who organizes and manages a business
• Subject oriented undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of
• Certification/degrees profit” -Merriam-Webster, 2005
non-formal education Accdg. to European Commission (2006)
• Very long process “entrepreneurship represents the ability of an individual
• Learning form experience to transform opinions into action. It involves creativity,
• Learning from home
innovation and risk taking in addition to the ability to
plan and manage projects to reach the objectives.” Intrapreneurship
Business Plan • Is acting like an entrepreneur within an
• 1. Executive Summary established company
• 2. business description • Creating a new business or venture within an
• 2. Market analysis strength organization
• 4. Weakness, opportunities, threats (SWOT) • Sometimes that business becomes a new section,
• 5. organization management or department, or even a subsidiary spinoff
• 6. sales strategies
Entrepreneur Intrapreneurs

• is a person who is an individual who works

doesn’t work for within the company or an
anyone and runs organization and act as a
one’s own business leader of one’s startup
or company. For business. Intrapreneurs
good or bad, he has usually have his team or
complete autonomy group of people working
and responsibility of for him of his product or
his company. service which may be
different from the
company’s main line of

Strength Basics of entrepreneurship

• Relevant work experience
• advanced education • Strategic planning
• product knowledge • Continuous quality improvement
• good communication and people skills • Business plan development
• computer skills • Marketing
• self-managed learning skills • Management information systems
• flexibility • Leadership
Weakness • financial management
• Ineffective communication and people skills Terms common to entrepreneurship
• inflexibility 1. Innovator - A person who introduces new
• Lack of interest in further education methods, ideas, or products
• difficulty adapting to change 2. Nurse Innovator - Working to improve outcomes
• inability to see health care as a business and the patient experience by reimagining and
Opportunities redesigning healthcare and developing innovative
• Expanding markets in health care models of care
• new applications of technology 3. Networking – meeting people for a purpose of
• new products and diversification establishing links or contacts to further a goal
• increasing at-risk populations 4. Networking – interacting and engaging with
• nursing shortage people for mutual benefit.
Threats 5. 5. Mentor – a role model who will agree to give
• Increased competition among health-care counsel and act as a sounding board for potential
facilities career plans and activities, invaluable source,
• changes in government regulation particularly of new business venture or even at
the beginning of nursing career support of new • Build a safety net
RN • Networking is extremely important to the
6. Marketing – Let the potential users know about a career survivalist
product’s existence and advantages • Joining professional organizations, taking
Process or technique of promoting, selling and time to build long-term nursing
distributing a product or service relationships, and getting to know other
career survivalists will make your career
career survivalist path more enjoyable and successful.
• A career survivalist or resilient individual focuses Understanding Filipino values
on the person, not the position. • Filipinos are generally friendly and harmony-
• Be engaged Your career belongs to you. seeking
Define your values and determine what • Family is the most important of all
motivates you. • Other values:
• Be the lookout for opportunities to break from • honor
the status quo • group harmony
• Opportunities for nurses are growing every day • diplomacy
• good behavior
The following are career survivalist strategies (morgan, • public esteem
2013): • courtesy
• ■ Stay informed • tolerance
• Health care is dynamic and changing daily. • good manners
• Go out there, stay informed, and start Teleconferencing
thinking about your options for riding the the use of telecommunication devices to hold discussions
waves of change between participants in different locations.
• ■ Learn for employability E-Health
• Take personal responsibility for your • Is an emerging field in the intersection of medical
career success informatics, public health and business, referring
• Continue to be a “work in progress” to health services and information delivered or
• Employability in health care today means enhanced through the internet and related
learning technology tools, job-specific technologies.
technical skills, and people Characteristics
• Skills such as the ability to negotiate, coach, work 1. Efficiency
in interprofessional teams, and make • One of the assurances of e-health is to upturn
presentations. efficiency in health care, thus reducing costs
• ■ Plan for your financial future • One potential way of decreasing costs would be
• Ask yourself, “how can I spend less, earn by dodging duplicative or avoidable diagnostic or
more, and manage better?” therapeutic intermediations, through improved
• people make job decisions based on communication potentials between health care
financial decisions, which makes them institutions, and patient participation.
feel trapped instead of secure. 2. Improving the quality of care
• Develop multiple options • Increasing efficiency implicates not only
• The career survivalist looks at multiple decreasing costs but at the identical time
options constantly. Moving up is only one improving quality of services.
option • E-health may improve the quality of health care
• Being aware of emerging trends in by allowing comparisons between diverse
nursing, adjacent fields, lateral moves, providers
and special projects presents other • (focus on quality assurance, aiming patient
options. streams to the finest quality suppliers)
• People, whose economic conditions are poor,
3. Evidence-based people who lack skills, and access to computers
• E-health interventions must be evidence-based in and networks, cannot use computers efficiently.
the sense that their value and competence As a result, these patient populations (which
should not be presumed but proven by laborious would truly value the utmost from health
scientific assessment. information) are those who are the least
4. Empowerment of consumers and patients expected to benefit from developments in
• By making the knowledge base of medicine and information technology, except political trials
personal electronic records easily available to ensure equitable access wholly. The digital gap
users over the internet, e-health unseals new presently runs between rural vs. Urban
opportunities for patient-centered medicine and inhabitants, rich vs. Poor, young vs. Old, male vs.
facilitates evidence-based patient choice. Female people, and among the neglected/rare vs.
5. Encouragement Common illnesses.
• provides encouragement for a new link between Social media
the patient and health expert, towards a true • Opportunity for electronic communication
corporation, where choices are made mutually • A powerful adjunct to other communication
6. Education of physicians through online sources strategies when used appropriately
(ongoing medical education) and consumers • Nurses can connect with other nurses
(health education, personalized preventive worldwide and share information
information for consumers) • Can follow professional organizations, an
7. Enabling information discussion and excellent source of continuing education
communication in a consistent way between • Source of health care information
health care institutions (following hashtags)
8. Extending
• E-health extends opportunity of health care
further than its conservative boundaries.
• This is meant in both a topographical sense along
within a conceptual sense.
• E-health also facilitates consumers to effortlessly
achieve health services online from international
providers. These facilities can range from simple
advice/suggestions to more compound
intermediations or medications.
9. Ethics
• E-health includes new forms of patient-physician
communication, poses new challenges, and
pressures to ethical issues
For example: online professional practice,
informed consent, privacy and equity issues.
10. Equity
• To make health care further justifiable is one of
the assurances of e-health, but at the same time
there is a substantial risk that e-health might
expand the gap between the “haves” and “have-
• E-health is and should be equitably accessible to
all the people, irrespective of their age, race,
gender, ethnicity etc.

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