NCM 119 LM Endterm
NCM 119 LM Endterm
NCM 119 LM Endterm
• Resume is your personal data sheet and a way of
marketing yourself.
Essentials of a Resume
• The standard resume is organized by categories:
• by clearly stating your personal information
• job objective
• work experience
• education and work skills
• Memberships
Honors, and special skills
chronological resume:
• lists work experiences in order of time, with the
most recent experience listed first.
• This style is useful in showing stable employment
without gaps or many job changes.
• The objective and qualifications are listed at the
functional resume
• also lists work experience but in order of • GNAP Gerontology Nurses Association of the
importance to your job objective. Philippines
• List the most important work-related experience • CNGP Catholic Nurses Guild of the Philippines
first. • CCNAPI Critical Care Nurses Association of the
• This is a useful format when you have gaps in Philippines inc
employment or lack direct experience related to • APDNPP Association of Private Duty Nurse
your objective. Practitioners of the Philippines
combination resume • ANSAP Association of Nursing Service
• is a popular format, listing work experience Administrators of the Philippines
directly related to the position but in a Succession planning
chronological order. Strategies that are readily available to staff members at
Membership in professional nursing organization all levels
1. PNA - to provide healthcare organizations with an
The Philippine Nurses Association is a adequate supply of qualified internal leadership
professional organization in the Philippines established to candidates
promote the holistic welfare of nurses and to prepare - The primary component of successful succession
them to be globally-competitive. planning programs is senior leader- ship support
(bargininere, franco, & wallace, 2013)
• List of professional organization - The development of internal talent requires
and associations of nurses in the Philippines: planning and contributes to maintaining
corporate knowledge and improved employee
• YNAP Young Nurses Association of the Philippines morale
inc - Current and projected nursing shortages highlight
• SCVNPP Society of Cardiovascular Nurse the need for ongoing succession planning
Practitioners of the Philippines strategies designed to address future nursing
• RENAP Renal Nurses Association of the leadership gaps (Carriere, Muise, Cummings, &
Philippines Newburn-Cook, 2009)
• PSECN Philippine Society of Emergency Care - Cooperation among healthcare facilities and
Nurses academic institutions in creating succession
• PONA Philippine Oncology Nurses Association planning programs is recommended (Griffith,
• PHICNA Philippine Infection Control Nurses 2012).
Association Basic Clinical Career Ladder
• ORNAP Operating-room Nurses of the Philippines Clinical/Staff Nurse I (beginner/novice)
• OHNAP Occupational Health Nurses Association - ▪ Experience and Education
of the Philippines ▪ Current state licensure with less than 1 year of
• NLGNP National League of Government Nurses of experience.
the Philippines - ▪ Description
• NICUNAP NICU Nurses Association of the - ▪ Needs close supervision.
Philippines - ▪ Performs basic nursing skills/routine
• NARS Nagkakaisang Narses sa Adhikaing patient care.
Reporma sa Kalusugan ng Sambayanan - ▪ Begins to develop patient assessment
• MNAP Mlitary Nurses Association of the skills/communication skills.
Philippines Clinical/Staff Nurse II (advanced beginner)
• MCNAP Maternal and Child Nurses Association of • ▪ Experience and Education
the Philippines • ▪ Current state licensure with more than
• IAAPI INFJ Alumni Association of the Philippines 1 year of experience.
inc • ▪ BSN with more than 6 months of
• GNCF Graduate Nurses Christian Fellowship experience.
▪ MSN without experience • Learning form environment
Description • Learning form work
▪ Demonstrates unsupervised competency using the Professional advocacy
nursing process. • Professional counselor advocacy involves taking
▪ Can plan and organize in terms of short-range and long- action to promote the profession, with an
range goals. emphasis on removing or minimizing barriers to
▪ Demonstrates direction in actions. counselors' ability to provide services
▪ Accepts leadership responsibility readily. Filipino management styles
▪ Demonstrates well-developed communication skills. • 1. Pakiramdaman -
▪ Shares ideas and knowledge with peers. • A passive style of leadership, with
subordinates doing work that is not too
Clinical/Staff Nurse IV (proficient) little or too much to play safe. This is
▪ Experience and Education because this style does not provide
▪ Current licensure with 3 years of clinical experience and workers with guidance required to give
pursuit of BSN. them sense of initiative
▪ BSN with more than 2 years of experience. • 2. takutan
▪ MSN with more than 1 year of experience. • Leadership that puts the responsibility on
the manager who relies on oppression,
Description conceit, and hostility
▪ Demonstrates specialized knowledge and skills. • Professionalism
▪ Continues professional education. • Social distance between leaders and
▪ Assumes leadership/supervisory responsibility. subbordinates
▪ Recognizes and adjusts to situations that vary from the 3. Kulit
norm. • A superior closely observes and controls
▪ Delegates responsibility appropriately. the work of their subordinates by
▪ Uses wide range of alternatives in solving problems. checking every detail of the assignment
• Results in lack of freedom
Clinical/Staff Nurse V (expert) 4. patsamba-tsamba
▪ Experience and Education * Has no goals, objectives, and direct instructions
▪ MSN with more than 2 years of appropriate clinical *Trial and error leaving success or failure to fate
▪ BSN required with more than 3 years of experience; Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Nursing Practice
pursuing MSN. • Entrepreneurship is defined as “The
Description institutionalization or the development of
▪ Demonstrates expertise in clinical practice. something in order to provide benefits to the
▪ Assumes/delegates personnel and management individuals and society” (andrade et al., 2015)
responsibility. • is also defined as the fact that the entrepreneurs
take risks, look for the opportunities, cover the
Formal education entire Process of innovation (arslan and şener,
• School/institutions 2012; başar et al., 2015).
• Hierarchical structure Entrepreneur
• Uniform/ full time and proper • “person who organizes and manages a business
• Subject oriented undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of
• Certification/degrees profit” -Merriam-Webster, 2005
non-formal education Accdg. to European Commission (2006)
• Very long process “entrepreneurship represents the ability of an individual
• Learning form experience to transform opinions into action. It involves creativity,
• Learning from home
innovation and risk taking in addition to the ability to
plan and manage projects to reach the objectives.” Intrapreneurship
Business Plan • Is acting like an entrepreneur within an
• 1. Executive Summary established company
• 2. business description • Creating a new business or venture within an
• 2. Market analysis strength organization
• 4. Weakness, opportunities, threats (SWOT) • Sometimes that business becomes a new section,
• 5. organization management or department, or even a subsidiary spinoff
• 6. sales strategies
Entrepreneur Intrapreneurs