Quarter 01 Act 03

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For Teachers

Bukidnon Association of Catholic Schools (BUACS), Inc.


Media and Information Literacy 11/12

Quarter 1

Name of Learner: Grade Level:

Section: Date:
Date of Release: Date of Submission: Date of Received:


Types of Media
A. Background Information for Learners
You learned in Module 2 that as media evolves, the newer ones carries with it the features of the predecessor. If
you are to trace the history of media and communication technology, you will observe that the usual observable
sequence of the main media forms or types would be:
Some will argue against this arrangement. But more than their historical sequence, it is important to note what each of
these media types are, what they offer, and how they complement each other.

1. Different Types of Media

Print Media -Also known as the press, it refers to the materials that written and are physically
- Media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is
traditionally mechanical.
Ex. books, newspapers, and magazine
Film/Cinema - A type of media that is considered impressionable and has an emotional effect
to its audience. Its moving/motion pictures enable the film to enhance media
experience of its consumer because of audio-video component.
Broadcast Media - Its distinctive characteristics is the ubiquity (pervasiveness). The “household”
media because they can be found practically any corner of a home.
-Two forms: radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as
transmission medium.
Video Games -it continues to grow popular to both young and old because it increased
interactivity and interconnectivity, “from game consoles to personal computers
to the Internet to cellphones.”

2. Convergence among Different Types of Media

Media Convergence describes the media of today. It is the combination of of traditional and new media forms
that optimizes your media use. It is the co-existence of print media, broadcast media, the Internet, mobile phones, as well
as others, allowing media content to flow across various platforms. It is the ability to transform different kinds of media
into digital code, which is then accessible by a range of devices (ex. from personal computer to the mobile phone), thus
creating a digital communication environment. A clear example of convergence is the smart phones which have e-book,
video games, Internet, radio and television application.

Media Type/Form Convergence

Books  E-books
 Print on demand (POD)
Newspaper  Online version
 Mobile application version
Magazine  Online Publishing
 Custom publishing
 Movement from print to television (or vice versa)
 Advertorial
Film  Concept movies
 Sequels, remake, franchise
For Teachers
 Television, comic book, and video games remakes
Radio  Digital radio
 Internet-based radio and podcasting
 Radio on television (and vice versa)
Television  Video cassette recorders (VCR)
 Digital video disc (DVD)
 Digital video recorder (DVR)
 Digital television or high-definition television
 Internet-based television
 Phone-over-cable
 Mobile video
 Television recording
Video game  Online interactive gaming
 Internet-capable handheld game devices
 Advergaming
 Advocacy gaming
Internet and the  Functionalities of the traditional media moving to the Web platform Internet
World Wide Web technology incorporated to mobile technology (e.g. smart phones and tablets)
 Internet connected, WI-FI capable television monitor.
Cross media convergence is considered as a way of breaking down barriers that separate each traditional media. An
illustration that you can relate well with would be memes and videos over the Internet that people customize so they are
able to produce their own version.
B. Learning Competency with Code
1) Compare and Contrast how one particular issue or news is presented through the different types of media
(print, broadcast, online) - MIL11/12TYM-IIId- 12
C. Objectives/Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Identify different types of media.
2. Discuss how a particular individual or society is portrayed in public using different types of media.
D. Detailed Directions/Instructions
Read the following instruction in the activity
E. Exercise/Activity
Activity 1: Compare and Contrast
F. Rubrics for Scoring
For Activity 1, part 2: 8-10 points with full understanding of the two sources; 5-7 points with good understanding
but the answers are not well-organized; 1-4 points does not seem to understand the topic very well.
G. Values Integration
H. References for Learners
Liquigan, Boots. DIWA Senior High School Series: Media and Information Literacy. Makati City: DIWA
Learning Systems, Inc., 2016.
I. Answer Key
Activity 1: Compare and Contrast
Instruction: Search for a particular news (for example, the denial of the Congress to ABS-CBN to renew their franchise)
from two different example of media (i.e. newspaper, Internet, television, radio).
Part 1: Please check the box of the corresponding media and fill out the following (5pts)
Newspaper Name of Newspaper: _________________________
Date: ______________________
Title of the Article: _______________

Television Name of the Channel and TV Program: ________________________________

Date: _________________________
Headline: ________________________________
Internet Name of the Website: _________________________
Date: __________________________________
Title of the News: _____________________________________

Radio Name of the Radio Station: _________________________________

Date: _____________________________
Title of the Radio Program: ________________________________
For Teachers

Part 2: Compare and Contrast how the news is presented between the two media. Write them in complete sentences. (10

Comparison (Not less than three observations) Contrast (Not less than three observations)

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