NCM101 - Nursing Assessment
NCM101 - Nursing Assessment
NCM101 - Nursing Assessment
Is the systematic and continuous:
● A systematic method by which nursing
- plans and provides care for patients. ● collection
● organization
● validation
● Involves a problem-solving approach ● documentation of data
that enables the nurse to identify patient
problems and potential at-risk needs
(problems) and to plan, deliver, and The Process:
evaluate nursing care in an orderly,
scientific manner.
To establish database: all the information about 1. Initial Comprehensive Assessment
a client: ● Also called an admission
assessment, is performed when
It includes: the client enters health care from
● The nursing health history a health care agency.
● Physical examination ● The purposes are to evaluate the
● The physician's history client’s health status, to identify
● Results of laboratory and diagnostic functional health patterns that
tests are problematic, and to provide
an in-depth, comprehensive
database, which is critical for
Assessment is part of each activity the nurse evaluating changes in the client’s
does for and with the patient. health status in subsequent
The purposes are
1. To validate a diagnosis. 2. Problem - Focused Assessment
2. To provide a basis for effective nursing ● . collects data about a problem
care. that has already been identified
3. It helps in effective decision making. ● This type of assessment has a
4. Basis for accurate diagnosis narrower scope and a shorter
5. It promote holistic nursing care time frame than the initial
6. To provide effective and innovative assessment.
nursing care ● The nurse determine whether the
7. To collect data for nursing research problems still exists and whether
8. To evaluation of nursing care the status of the problem has
changed (i.e. improved,
TYPES OF ASSESSMENT worsened, or resolved).
● This assessment also includes
the appraisal of any new,
overlooked, or misdiagnosed
problems. In intensive care units,
may perform focus assessment
every few minute.
3. Emergency Assessment
● takes place in life-threatening
situations in which the
preservation of life is the top
● Time is of the essence rapid D. Recording/documentatio
identification of and intervention n of data
for the client’s health problems.
● Often the client’s difficulties COLLECTION OF DATA
involve airway, breathing and ● gathering of information about the
circulatory problems (the ABCs). client
Abrupt changes in self-concept ● includes physical, psychological,
(suicidal thoughts) or roles or emotion, socio-cultural, spiritual factors
relationships (social conflict that may affect client’s health status
leading to violent acts) can also ● includes past health history of client
initiate an emergency. (allergies, past surgeries, chronic
● Emergency assessment focuses diseases, use of folk healing methods)
on few essential health patterns ● includes current/present problems of
and is not comprehensive. client (pain, nausea, sleep pattern,
religious practices, medication or
4. Time-lapsed assessment or Ongoing treatment the client is taking now)
● Another type of assessment, TYPES OF DATA
takes place after the initial 1. Subjective data (symptoms or covert
assessment to evaluate any data):
changes in the clients functional ● the verbal statements provided
health. by the Patient. Statements about
● Nurses perform time-lapsed nausea and descriptions of pain
reassessment when substantial and fatigue are examples of
periods of time have elapsed subjective data.
between assessments (e.g.,
periodic output patient clinic visits, 2. Objective data (signs or overt data)
home health visits, health and ● are detectable by an observer or
development screenings) can be measured or tested
against an accepted standard.
STEPS OF ASSESSMENT They can be seen, heard, felt, or
A. Collection of data smelt, and they are obtained by
● Subjective data observation or physical
collection examination. For example:
● Objective data discoloration of the skin
B. Validation of data
C. Organization of data
1. Observing: to observe is to gather data
by using the senses.
2. Interviewing: an interview is a planned
communication or conversation with a
3. Examining: Performance of a physical
examination. The physical examination
is often guided by data provided by the
patient. A head-to-toe approach is
frequently used to provide systematic
approach that helps to avoid omitting
important data