Lwtech Global Outcomes Teamwork Rubric
Lwtech Global Outcomes Teamwork Rubric
Lwtech Global Outcomes Teamwork Rubric
Definition: The ability to participate actively and cooperatively in a group to advance a common goal.
Criteria Mastering Achieving Developing Beginning Not Assessed at
the Instructor’s
Working with Always listens carefully to Consistently listens to team Usually listens to, shares Occasionally listens to team
team team members. members and responds with with, is patient with, and members. Shares input but
members Demonstrates patience and appropriate input. Supports supports the efforts of the struggles to collaborate
respect. Identifies and the efforts of the team and team members. Makes some (either takes control, does
encourages team member is respectful. decisions without team not participate, or makes
strengths. input. decisions without team
Collaborates with team input).
members in a group decision
making process and shares
input effectively.
Time Facilitates team’s use of Uses time well throughout Tends to procrastinate, but Struggles to get things done
Management time throughout the project the project to ensure things always gets things done by by the deadlines. Team has
to ensure deadlines are met. deadlines are met. Assists the deadlines. Team does to adjust deadlines or work
Volunteers to assist other other team members with not have to adjust deadlines responsibilities as a result.
team members with tasks. tasks if the need arises. or work responsibilities.
Contributions Works with team to Understands common Contributes mostly useful Sometimes provides useful
establish common purpose purpose and goals. Works ideas. Follows plan of action ideas when participating in
and goals. Facilitates the with team by contributing and completes tasks. the group discussion.
development of an action ideas to develop a plan of AND/OR
plan. Carries out assigned action and by carrying out Does what is required.
work and supports others in assigned work.
completing their tasks.
Attitude Always has a positive Has a positive attitude about Usually has a neutral Has a neutral attitude about
attitude about the project, the project, task(s), and attitude about the project, the project, task(s), and
task(s), and working with a working with a team. task(s), and working with a working with a team.
team. team. Attitude does not Attitude sometimes impacts
impact work. work.
Leadership& Facilitates team assignment Takes responsibility when Takes some responsibility Does what is required but
Participation of responsibilities, ensuring asked or elected, shows for project. Shows hesitates to or does not take
that work is shared. Shows good organizational and leadership on certain leadership. OR Takes over
initiative and good leadership skills within the aspects of the project. the project entirely.
organizational skills. team.