AVIAVetHowTo02 TakeFTACardSamples EN15

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How To...

Take FTA Card Samples

What is an FTA card?

• FTA (Flinders Technology Associates) cards are cotton-
based, cellulose paper containing chemicals that burst cells,
denature proteins and protect DNA, leaving a sample suitable for
molecular identification without the risk of disease contamination.

• They are a user-friendly way to send samples from the field to the
laboratory for the identification of avian pathogens or biological analysis.

What is an FTA card?

How to...
Take FTA Card Samples

What are the uses of FTA cards?
• FTA cards are used to confirm the presence of a disease/etiologic agent and allow the
appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
• Samples can be used for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing, Real-time Polymerase Chain
Reaction (RT-PCR) testing, and genetic sequencing allowing the rapid identification of suspected
poultry diseases. Samples are in a format that is easy to use, store and ship to a laboratory.
• There is no need for the use of phenol (a fixative used to preserve samples) or refrigeration,
and there is no risk of contamination.

Samples that can be taken with FTA cards

• Blood
• Cell culture
• Allantoic fluid
• Tissue impressions or scrapings
• Tissue swabs
• Bacterial culture solution
What are the uses of FTA cards?

How to...
Take FTA Card Samples

Procedure 02

Types of FTA cards

• FTA cards are available in either white (classic) or pink (indicating) formats.
• Although both classic and indicating cards can be used for sampling, it is recommended
that classic FTA cards be used only for blood, as other samples may not show up very well
on the white background. Indicating cards may be used for all types of samples as they
contain a color-changing component that allows the user to see exactly where the sample
was placed.
• FTA cards come in a variety of configurations, allowing multiple options for the user.
• Some of the most commonly used FTA cards have a 4 circle configuration.

Examples of types and configurations of FTA cards.

Examples of the most commonly used FTA cards, both classic and indicating.

Care and handling of FTA cards

• Unused FTA cards should be stored at room temperature (20-24°C, 68-75°F) in a zip-
sealed (zip-lock) plastic bag if possible. Cards should be protected from light to ensure that
the chemicals contained within are not damaged.
• Always wear gloves when handling FTA cards to ensure that contaminants from human
hands are not transferred onto the card.

How to...
Take FTA Card Samples

Important notes when taking FTA samples 02

• Use fresh tissues for sampling and avoid using dead birds found in the pen when
possible, as nucleic acid quality could be compromised.
• Use ethanol to disinfect handling equipment between samples.
• Clearly label the card/and or application circles with the identity of the sample.
• Use only a pencil to write on FTA cards as ink from a pen may run, possibly contaminating
the sample.

Equipment needed for sampling

• Scissors
• Scalpel
• Forceps
• Gloves
• Sterile swabs in individual containers
• FTA Card
• Pencil for identifying sample
• Syringe for liquid samples

How to...
Take FTA Card Samples
Suspected diseases and recommended
samples to confirm diagnosis
Suspected Disease Recommended Samples
Tracheal scraping / impressions
Kidney impressions and tracheal
Infectious Bronchitis (IB) scraping (renal)
Cecal tonsils impressions
Allantoic fluid
Tracheal and eyelid scraping /
Infectious Laringotracheitis (ILT) impressions
Lung impressions
Tracheal scraping and cecal tonsils
Newcastle Disease (ND)
Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Bursal impressions
Reovirus (Reo) Synovial fluid, liver and heart impressions
Malabsorption Syndrome / Runting Gut scraping of duodenum, ileum and /
Stunting Syndrome (RSS) or jejunum
Avian Pneumovirus / Turkey
Rhinotracheitis (TRT) / Swollen Head Turbinate impressions / scraping (acute)
Syndrome (SHS)
Inclusion Body Hepatitis
Liver impressions from affected birds
Avian Adenovirus
Gut scraping of the duodenum, ileum and
Enteric Viruses
/ or jejunum
Thymus impressions, bone marrow
Chicken Anemia Virus
Apply culture with loop or swabs or
culture can be diluted to 0.5 McFarland
before placing 50 microliters or two
drops of the solution in the card
Mycoplasma Tracheal swab, impressions or scraping
Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) Tissue impressions / feather pulp sample
Reticuloendotheliosis Virus (REV) Tissue impressions
Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) Tissue impressions

How to...
Take FTA Card Samples

Procedure for taking tissue impressions 02

Step 1 Cut the organ open so that either the mucosa or the
internal tissue is exposed.
Step 2 Using a scalpel and forceps, cut a sample of tissue
and make a generous impression on the FTA card
Step 1
by pressing and rubbing the cut tissue onto the
application circle.
Step 3 Remove the cut tissue from the card, leaving behind
the impression.
Step 4 Let the impression air dry on the card for at least 30
Step 2-3
minutes, keeping the card away from extreme heat,
humidity or direct sunlight.

Procedure for taking swab impressions

Step 1 Cut the internal organ open so that either the mucosa
or internal tissue is exposed.
Step 2 Thoroughly swab the sampling area with a sterile
Step 2
Step 3 Transfer the contents of the swab onto the FTA card
by pressing it onto the application circle. It may be
best to use an indicating FTA card to ensure that
Step 2
the sample can be identified within the circle.
Step 4 Let the impression air dry on the card for at least 30 minutes, keeping the card
away from extreme heat, humidity or direct sunlight.
Note - Swab samples from live bird orifices can be used for FTA, however these samples
should be collected humanely and by a trained individual.

Procedure for taking liquid impressions

Step 1 Using a graduated pipet or syringe, remove 5-50
microliters (or two drops) of liquid (whole blood,
allantoic fluid, etc.) from the sampling area.
Step 2 Place the sample within the application circle on the
Step 1
FTA card.
Step 3 Let the impression air dry on the card for at least
30 minutes, keeping the card away from extreme
heat, humidity or direct sunlight.
Note - Blood samples from live bird veins may be used for FTA, Step 2
however these samples should be collected humanely and by
a trained individual.

Correct storage of FTA cards

• After the FTA card is dry, put it into an air-tight, zip-sealed (zip-loc) plastic bag, ensuring
the card is kept as dry as possible.

• The FTA card is now ready to be sent to a laboratory that is properly equipped to run the
desired analyses.
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples

Sending FTA cards to the laboratory 02

• Due to the biological hazard with sending tissue samples through the mail,
you must obtain the proper documentation from the receiving laboratory before
sending samples.
• When sending FTA cards, you must have the following:
o An updated import permit (should be sent from the receiving laboratory in the case of
the U.S.A).
o Correctly filled-in laboratory submission form.
o Proper customs declaration form (for international shipments) from the relevant

Sending FTA cards to the laboratory


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