AVIAVetHowTo02 TakeFTACardSamples EN15
AVIAVetHowTo02 TakeFTACardSamples EN15
AVIAVetHowTo02 TakeFTACardSamples EN15
• They are a user-friendly way to send samples from the field to the
laboratory for the identification of avian pathogens or biological analysis.
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples
What are the uses of FTA cards?
• FTA cards are used to confirm the presence of a disease/etiologic agent and allow the
appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
• Samples can be used for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing, Real-time Polymerase Chain
Reaction (RT-PCR) testing, and genetic sequencing allowing the rapid identification of suspected
poultry diseases. Samples are in a format that is easy to use, store and ship to a laboratory.
• There is no need for the use of phenol (a fixative used to preserve samples) or refrigeration,
and there is no risk of contamination.
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples
Procedure 02
Examples of the most commonly used FTA cards, both classic and indicating.
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples
Suspected diseases and recommended
samples to confirm diagnosis
Suspected Disease Recommended Samples
Tracheal scraping / impressions
Kidney impressions and tracheal
Infectious Bronchitis (IB) scraping (renal)
Cecal tonsils impressions
Allantoic fluid
Tracheal and eyelid scraping /
Infectious Laringotracheitis (ILT) impressions
Lung impressions
Tracheal scraping and cecal tonsils
Newcastle Disease (ND)
Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Bursal impressions
Reovirus (Reo) Synovial fluid, liver and heart impressions
Malabsorption Syndrome / Runting Gut scraping of duodenum, ileum and /
Stunting Syndrome (RSS) or jejunum
Avian Pneumovirus / Turkey
Rhinotracheitis (TRT) / Swollen Head Turbinate impressions / scraping (acute)
Syndrome (SHS)
Inclusion Body Hepatitis
Liver impressions from affected birds
Avian Adenovirus
Gut scraping of the duodenum, ileum and
Enteric Viruses
/ or jejunum
Thymus impressions, bone marrow
Chicken Anemia Virus
Apply culture with loop or swabs or
culture can be diluted to 0.5 McFarland
before placing 50 microliters or two
drops of the solution in the card
Mycoplasma Tracheal swab, impressions or scraping
Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) Tissue impressions / feather pulp sample
Reticuloendotheliosis Virus (REV) Tissue impressions
Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) Tissue impressions
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples
• The FTA card is now ready to be sent to a laboratory that is properly equipped to run the
desired analyses.
How to...
Take FTA Card Samples