Ancient Land of Dust Final Digital v2
Ancient Land of Dust Final Digital v2
Ancient Land of Dust Final Digital v2
Lead Designer and Writer: Ivan Sorensen
Editing and Layout: Richard L Gale
Art Directors and Project Manager: Chris Birch
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With special thanks to “The Inner Circle”
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Five Leagues from the Borderlands is copyright Ivan Sorensen. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
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• Introduction •
Welcome to The Ancient Land of Dust, The Dust, and begin adventuring there.
an adventure expansion for the Five This works best if you have recently
Leagues from the Borderlands rules. This finished a campaign, but if you are raring
adds the information needed for you to to go, you can to start right away.
play and explore a brand new region of
Or you can start a brand new campaign
the game world, with new foes to tackle
with a new warband, immediately taking
and exciting things to find.
advantage of the new character options
It also serves as a nice excuse for you to in this book.
create new tabletop terrain, paint up
new miniatures, and expand your Overview of Contents
gaming collection! There is a lot of new content in this book.
We suggest that you look through all of it,
How to Use this Expansion so you have an idea of what is provided.
The new rules follow the same campaign Once you are ready to play, simply consult
structure as in the core rules: You create each chapter as it becomes relevant,
a world map as you travel around, beginning with Campaign Setup.
exploring locations and adventuring.
Along the way, you meet people and fight Communications
enemies with sword and with spell. If you have questions, suggestions or
corrections, please don’t hesitate to reach
You can use this book in two ways and the
out at [email protected]
choice is up to you. If you have an existing
– I am always looking forward to hearing
warband you would like to continue
from you. – Ivan Sorensen
using, declare that they have traveled to
The Ancient Land of Dust: Setting background for your adventures there. ��������� 4
Character Creation: New character tables, plus a new origin and background. ����� 7
The Serpentine Arts: A new type of spell caster, complete with the trials to join
their ranks, and the new spells they have access to. ������������������������� 12
The Desert Scouts: A new order of adventurers to join and progress within. ������� 19
Campaign Setup: How to begin a campaign in the new lands. ������������������� 21
New Camp Events: A unique landscape brings fresh preparations and meetings ��� 24
Campaign Activities: Adjustments for The Dust, plus new activity, Rest & Recover. � �� 27
Items and Trade: New items to acquire, as well as new trade tables. ������������� 28
Quests in The Dust: New Quest Talents. ������������������������������������� 32
Travel in The Dust: A new Travel Table, plus tables for Sandstorms and Obstacles. ��� 33
Setting Up Gaming Terrain: A system for terrain setup. ����������������������� 36
Encounter Rules: New rules for environmental concerns during battle. ����������� 40
Temples of the Old War: An alternative Delve type tailored to the new region. ����� 42
The Dead and The Dust: The encounter list for the region's unique new Threat. ����� 44
Aberrations in the Sand: A new, setting-specific Aberration table. ��������������� 51
Rewards and Riches: Modified loot tables, including new magical trinkets. ������� 54
game rules
This chapter provides new options for Existing Character Options
characters created in The Dust. They can
All of the existing options exist for
be used when creating a new warband,
characters created in the campaign but
or when recruiting a new character while
some are changed as indicated below.
adventuring there.
A new table is provided for players who Humans
prefer rolling for their origins. This table The most populous people, Humans
includes all options listed below. Some of can be found both in the large cities
the table’s results require a second D100 and in the scattered homesteads and
roll as indicated. villages of this arid land. The Dusters,
as they are called by outsiders are a
Character Origin Table tough, determined culture, well-versed in
survival techniques.
D100 Origin
01-40 Human When creating a Human character,
you must select whether they are an
1-35 Outlander Outlander (using the core rulebook
36-100 Duster mechanics) or a Duster (a native to the
41-45 Fey-Blood land).
46-50 Duskling Dusters receive the Driven rule as
51-60 Feral normal.
game rules
Dusklings Halflings
Several Duskling groups have begun Halflings are rare in The Dust, but
to establish themselves in the blasted extended clans exist in most of the larger
wasteland of The Dust. The inhospitable cities. Dustlings, as they are known, are
environment and swarms of undead involved in the running of most of the
only seems to encourage their natural urban merchant organizations.
inclination to trial and challenge.
When creating a Halfling character, you
Duskling characters are created using must select whether they are an Outlander
the core rulebook mechanics. Few groups (using the core rulebook mechanics) or a
have been in the land long enough to Dustling (a native to the land).
develop in markedly different directions.
Dustling characters receive the Lucky
shot, Slip away and Lacking strength
traits, as normal.
The native Feral groups tend to be leaner
and less shaggy than their cousins from They must select the Townsfolk
more temperate climates. Known as background, and apply their Proficiency
the Dizhar, they have a reputation for bonus to Speech instead of Wilderness.
physical grace, and a ruthless survival
instinct that often earns them a mixed Preen
reputation. Preen are native to The Dust, and can
be found in almost any settlement,
When creating a Feral character, you must
intermingled with Human and Halfling
select whether they are an Outlander
society. Local Preen exclusively have
(using the core rulebook mechanics) or a
black feathers, and they tend to be a bit
Dizhar (a native to the land).
more jovial than their cousins, but are
Compared to Outlander Ferals, Dizhar: otherwise indistinguishable.
Are subject to the Loping Run and Preen characters follow the core rulebook
Skill Expertise rule as normal. rules in all ways.
They do NOT receive Hunting
Instincts. New Player Origin
They are subject to the Alien rule The new Chitter origin is available for
only while outside The Dust, characters recruited in The Dust. They
cannot be recruited elsewhere, but
They receive a new trait, Survival
nothing prevents a character in your
Instinct (see below).
warband from traveling with you.
Dizhar characters must select the
Wanderer background. Chitters
Resembling a humanoid bug with
Survival Instinct forelimbs adapted for grasping, Chitters
The character may not voluntarily enter are native to The Dust. They follow a
melee combat while Wounded. faith – mostly incomprehensible to
non-Chitters – that compels them to
participate in group endeavors. This has
made them popular city-dwellers and
adventuring partners.
game rules
Resilient Melee-oriented
Chitters are extremely durable, shrugging Due to cultural restrictions, Chitters
off toxins and crippling wounds with cannot use ranged weapons at all.
relative ease.
Character options
Poison of any kind does not affect
Chitter Heroes may select the Frontier or
Chitters. This includes the Poison
Townsfolk backgrounds.
and Venom enemy traits. They are
affected normally by diseases and
Skill expertise
Chitter characters add +1 to all Expertise
If a Chitter is assigned a 6 when Proficiency tests.
assigning initiative dice, the
character will recover immediately if
game rules
game rules
game rules
Serpentine Mage Progression Table Third increase: Select any one known spell
and reduce the Casting Cost by 1 point of
D100 Serpentine Mage character
Drift (to a minimum of 1D6 minus 1).
01-15 Skill selection Serpentine Spell Nature
16-30 Select Agility increase or Speed All spells are used during battle
increase encounters.
31-55 Select Toughness increase or Casting requires the use of Drift: A state
Will increase of being that draws magical energies from
56-70 Spell learning (see below) the surrounding landscape as well as the
life forces released during battle.
71-100 Spell focus (see below)
Spells are given a Casting Cost, which
Spell learning indicates how much Drift they require
First and second increases: Learn a new to cast.
random spell.
Fueling Spells
Third increase: Learn a new spell of choice.
The amount of Drift a caster begins the
battle with is determined by rolling on the
Spell focus
table in the environmental rules. Outside
First increase: Select any one known
The Dust, it always begins at 0 Drift.
spell and reduce the Casting Cost by
1 point of Drift (to a minimum of 1D6 Each time the character is activated, they
minus 1) (see below). receive 1D6 points of Drift, which are
added to their current total. A -1 penalty
Second increase: Select any one known
applies to the roll during Delves, unless it
spell and reduce the Casting Cost by
is a Temple of the Old War.
1 point of Drift (to a minimum of 1D6
minus 1). The following additional factors apply:
game rules
game rules
game rules
game rules
Beginning a campaign in The Dust works Step 2: Establishing Settlements
in a similar way to beginning a regular Use the alternate table below. The Dust is
campaign. a comparatively desolate place, and large
population centers are less common.
Step 1: Setting up the Region
This step functions the same as in the core Settlement Population Table
rules. Names in The Dust should sound
D100 Hamlet Village Town
exotic compared to those you have used in
your other campaigns. A trick is to look up
real life place names in a country where 01-10 0 1 1
you do not speak the language, then 11-30 1 1 1
change around or swap a few letters.
31-50 2 0 1
51-80 2 1 1
81-100 3 1 1
47-50 Friendly scout 55-60 Saw a choice animal coming in
You meet one of the desert scouts, and One of the warband members can’t
they share your campfire. stop talking about the beast they
Add a scout Friend. If your warband
contains any desert scouts, you receive a If you choose the Hunting Expedition
Contract job. campaign activity and succeed, you may
51-54 Rust and wear roll twice on the Rewards Table and
keep both results.
Constant exposure to the elements is
doing a number on your gear. 61-64 Injured while foraging
While looking for firewood, a member
Select a random warband member
of the warband got hurt.
wearing any items of armor. A random
armor piece becomes Damaged. A random uninjured warband member
is now injured and must recover for 1
campaign turn.
Hunting Expedition Table
Campaign Activities
D6 Roll Result
The Hunting Expedition, Forage for
Herbs, and Mystic Expedition campaign 1 You obtain food equal to
actions are modified slightly in The Dust. 1D3+1 Rations.
Players should use the versions in this 2-3 You obtain animal pelts worth
chapter. Read the new versions carefully 1D3+1 Gold Marks.
as target numbers, rewards, and locations
4 You have no luck, but you
have been modified.
find something that warrants
further investigation. Add an
Forage for Herbs (Camp only) Unexplored Location to the
Even in this desolate land, nature is
same Map Area you are in.
bountiful to her friends.
5-6 You find suspicious tracks
Decide if you wish to hire a local guide for suggesting enemy activity.
1 Gold Mark. Add +1 Adventure Point.
Make a 9+ [Wilderness] test. A guide will
grant +2 to the roll. Mystic Expedition
(Camp or Settlement)
Success locates 1 dose of herbs. A final
In a land brimming with magical
result of 12+ locates 2 doses. Roll D6
energies, the perceptive can find plenty of
on the table below for each dose to
fuel for their craft.
determine what you have found.
Make an 8+ [Alchemy] test. If you
Foraging for Herbs Table succeed, you find 1 Congealed Strand. A
score of 12+ finds 2 Congealed Strands.
D6 roll Herbs
1-3 Gentle shade-flower
4-5 Sage flower
6 Thorny rock fruit
New Campaign Activity
Rest & Recover (Settlement only)
When taking this action, select any two
Hunting Expedition (Camp only)
characters that are Exhausted. They
You have seen tracks indicating a
recover immediately. This action can be
worthwhile beast to hunt.
taken twice in a campaign turn.
Decide if you wish to hire a local guide for
1 Gold Mark.
Make a 9+ [Wilderness] test. A guide will
grant +2 to the roll.
If you succeed, roll D6 on the table below
to see what you got out of it.
Bottle of Oasis Flower (S) (B) Gentle shade flower (S) (C)
It lacks the smooth bite of the Red Duck, A tiny white flower that grows in rocky
but this smoky beverage will get you crevices. The petals are so fragile, they
drunk just as fast. require a special tool to harvest intact.
Gives the drinker 1 temporary point When consumed before or during a battle,
of Will, usable at any point during the the character becomes immune to all
battle. If the character already has Will, it types of poison, including attacks with
is added to their current pool even if this the Poison enemy trait. The flower has
would take them above the normal limit no effect if taken after the character was
for their character type. When the battle poisoned, and does not affect post-battle
ends, the extra point is lost. injury rolls.
Note that Ferals of any kind do not receive Thorny rock fruit (S) (C)
any benefit from drinking Oasis Flower.
A nourishing fruit with mild pain-
If a Chitter drinks the bottle, they receive resistant properties.
the normal benefits above AND will also
Can be eaten by a character before an
immediately heal, if they are Wounded.
encounter to give them +1 Toughness (to
Akayan pony (C) a maximum of 5) for the duration of the
battle. Alternatively, it may be eaten in
Hardy and territorial ponies, these
place of Rations, reducing Upkeep costs
beasts are greatly valued for their
for the warband by 3 Gold Marks this
loyalty and endurance. Their fur coat
campaign turn.
is a speckled grey, earning them the
nickname “Rock Horses”. Sage flower (S) (C)
The warband can carry 1 additional A rare, purple flower, reknowned for its
Backpack item for a total of 9. You great healing qualities.
cannot claim the bonus from multiple
May be given to a character that is
ponies (they don’t get along), but you can
required to roll on the post-game Injury
combine it with a Brave Mule for a total
table. The character may roll twice
capacity of 10 items (the ponies don’t
and then pick either result. This has no
view mules as competition, and rather
effect when rolling on the Flight in the
enjoy their company).
Dark table.
Exotic wine (S) (C)
An unusual wine from far-away lands.
Some of these bottles are decades old.
Give to a Disgruntled character
to remove the status, or sell for
1D3+1 Gold Marks when you are
in any settlement.
Travel Table
D100 Event Notes
01-10 Uneventful You arrive at your destination without any events.
11-30 Exhausting You arrive at your destination. Randomly select two
journey warband members that become Exhausted.
31-45 Meet someone Roll up a Traveler Encounter (core rulebook, p.114) to see
who you met.
46-60 Deviated from Add a new Map Area with an Unexplored Location
the route (core rulebook, p.94) to your regional map. You may opt
to go there now, or ignore it and arrive at your original
destination. Randomly select a warband member. If they are
not native, they become Exhausted.
61-70 Waylaid by You are attacked while traveling. Generate a Defensive
foes Battle using the Roadside Enemies table. Afterwards, you
may continue to your destination or set up Camp.
71-80 Sandstorm You are embroiled in a sudden storm. Roll on the new
Sandstorm table, below.
81-95 An obstacle Roll on the new Obstacle table, below. If this does not
bars your way prevent you from reaching your destination, you will arrive
96-100 This all looks You are completely lost. Randomly select two warband
the same to members that become Exhausted, and you must halt in the
me wilderness without exploring any locations this turn.
Next campaign turn you begin in Camp, and must make a
new Travel roll to reach any location.
Sandstorm Table
D100 Effects Notes
01-45 All paths are When the storm settles, all landmarks have been erased.
You fail to reach your destination, and cannot explore any
location this turn. You begin the next campaign turn In
Camp, and must make a Travel roll to reach any destination.
46-60 Any shelter You rapidly seek shelter in a nearby structure. You fail to
that would reach your destination, and cannot explore any location
have us this turn. You begin the next campaign turn In Camp, but
when the wind clears, you realize you are somewhere you
did not expect at all. Immediately roll on the Unexplored
Location table (core rulebook, p.95). You may explore this
location immediately, or make a travel roll to reach another
61-80 Stormtorn Fierce winds tear at your packs while you try to find shelter.
Roll D6 for each item in your Backpack. Every 1 indicates
the item is lost to the storm. You manage to arrive at your
destination as normal this turn.
Obstacle Table
D100 Obstacle Notes
01-20 Deep sands You are sinking up to your ankles. Make a 8+ [Traveling]
test. If you fail, you do not reach your destination this
campaign turn; next campaign turn you will be in Camp,
though if you decide to reach your original destination, a
Travel roll is not required. Randomly select one character
to be Exhausted. If the selected character is native, they are
21-40 Scorching The heat intensifies until it is almost unbearable. All
heat characters that are not native to The Dust become
Exhausted. You arrive at your destination.
41-65 Rocky Firm ground, but difficult to move through. Make a 8+
wasteland [Traveling] test. If you fail, a random character suffers a
minor injury and will require 1 campaign turn of recovery.
You arrive at your destination.
66-75 Bewitched The very terrain seems to move, luring you away from your
sands path.
Select a known Map Area at random. You emerge in that
Map Area, and may choose to visit any location of choice.
76-90 Rocky You might be able to find a safe path. Make a 9+ [Pathwise]
outcroppings test. Failure results in a random Backpack item being
dropped off a cliff side. You arrive at your destination.
91-100 Haunted An eerie song can be heard in this place. Make a 8+
stones [Devotion] test. If you fail, your warband spends several
days hypnotized before they crawl out of the desert. Mark
every character as Exhausted, and arrive at a randomly
selected Settlement. If you succeed the test, you arrive at
your intended destination.
This feature generator is included for Step 1: Quarters and Sectors
people who prefer a randomly created The table is divided into four quarters,
battlefield space and enjoy the process of with each quarter subdivided into four
generating a table to play on. It can also be sectors of roughly equal size. It does not
used as a guide if you are looking to build have to be that exact. You can mark the
or purchase suitable terrain for your sectors in any suitable manner if you
adventures in The Dust. You will no doubt choose, but eyeballing them is fine as well.
run into things you don’t currently own. If
You should also find the approximate
so, just use the closest piece you have, or
center of the table. Put a small marker or
swap out something else. The process is
die there.
designed to be a guide, not a mandate. You
always have the option to set up terrain as
Step 2: The Center
you prefer to fit the area you are fighting
The first step is to generate the central
in, and what is on your world map.
terrain feature. Roll D6 on the table
below and place this feature to partially
cover the center of the table. It does
not have to be exactly aligned over the
middle, as long as part of the feature
covers the center marker.
This chapter explains new rules that When setting up the encounter,
apply to all encounters in The Dust. the number is reduced by -1.
As well as adjustments to the normal
The Fey trait is ignored for all
rules when dealing with enemies with
the Fey trait, the environment itself
can be a challange to newcomers.
Environmental Effects
An Ancient Battle of The environment in The Dust is
Dominion unpredictable, and the desert itself
often conspires to assail the unwary.
Scholars theorize that during the
Unless you are fighting a Site Battle
Warlords rise to power, a titanic
/ Delve, roll D100 on the table below
battle was fought against the Fey
before each battle. Conditions last for
Lords. During this battle, a great
the duration of the battle.
ritual was enacted which denied the
land to the Fey forever. Serpentine magic is tied directly to the
desert. If a Serpentine Mage is in the
Enemies with the Fey trait can be
warband, they begin the battle with
encountered (often traveling through
the amount of Drift listed in the table.
briefly), but will be subject to the
Any increase only applies to the start of
following rules:
the battle.
*Except for Desert Scouts, missile armed allies must swap their Standard Weapon for a
Light Weapon.
Aberration Table
D100 Aberration Speed Combat Melee Armor Toughness MP Reward
result rating
01-06 Ashen 5” +2 +1 / +1 2 5 3 2
A burly humanoid beast. Their history is disputed, but they seem to only have
appeared in the last few years, suggesting a magical origin. The minotaurs found in
The Dust are a bit slighter in stature, with thick leathery hides.
Traits: Knock Back, Magic Resistant.
07-14 Naga 7” +1 +1 / +1 3 4 3 2
A snake-like demon capable of draining life force with a glance.
Traits: Draining Attack.
15-18 Golem 3” +1 +3 / +2 4 6 3 2
A magical construction, often used for defending a place. If the original orders have
ceased to have meaning, golems are likely to start wandering.
Traits: Knock Back.
19-25 Ravenous 6” +2 +1 / +1 2 5 3 2
The desert is full of large, hungry animals like these.
Traits: None.
26-30 Ogre-golem 5” +2 +0 / +2 4 5 4 3
These crude sculptures have the raging soul of an ogre trapped within them.
Traits: Difficult to Kill.
31-35 Dark-spit 4” +1 +0 / +1 1 4 4 3
These large predators drool acidic slime, which can be spit a considerable distance.
Traits: Area Attack (9”, Damage +0 / +1), Venom (melee & range).
36-40 Spiked 6” +1 +0 / +1 3 4 5 3
The spiked hunter is a hybrid creature, resembling a tangled mass of plant fiber.
Upon sensing warm-blooded prey, razor sharp spines protrude from the depths of
the creature.
Traits: Fell Touch, Cruel Wounds.
36-50 Armor*
Items of The Dust Subtable
51-60 Tools*
D100 Magic item
61-75 Consumables*
76-85 Enchanted items*
01-08 Hammer of the Old War
86-100 Items of The Dust
09-17 Fiend-hunting Spear
(use subtable below)
18-25 Blade of Torment
Categories marked with * use subtables 26-33 Helmet of Quiet Dominion
from the core rulebook, pp.197-199.
34-43 Dancing Wind
Valuables Subtable 44-49 Safe Roaming
Use this new Valuables Subtable to 50-55 Lure Stone
determine any valuables you find. The
56-66 Tiny Chime
table otherwise functions as the normal
table: Items are sold in town during the 67-76 Time Gem
Trade step. If you roll more than once on 77-88 Clay Tablets
this subtable when rolling for Loot, each 89-100 Rod of Desert Wisdom
roll after the first will generate a new item
AND increase the value of the currently
most valuable item by 1 Gold Mark.
In the item descriptions below, the Fiend-hunting Spear (E) (M)
following abbreviations apply:
+0 / +0 Damage, increased to +0 / +2
(S) Single-use versus Aberrations.
(R) Ranged weapon
If in movement range, Aberrations will
(M) Melee weapon
always attack the wielder in preference to
(DB) May only be used during battle
other targets in range.
(OC) May only be out of combat or
during battle Trait: Counter Attack.
(W) Worn item
(B) Backpack item Blade of Torment (E) (M)
(C) Campaign item The wielder must adjust all Combat Skill
(U) Unique Item rolls by -1.
(E) Enchanted item
+1 / +1 Damage. Blows ignore the Tough
trait and Wounds from this weapon
Hammer of the Old War (E) (M) cannot be Regenerated or otherwise
+1 / +0 Damage, increased to +1 / +1 healed during battle.
against an enemy with the Undead or
Trait: Bulky.
Undead Aberration trait.
The wielder cannot take advantage of any Helmet of Quiet Dominion (E) (W)
ability granting Counter Attack when Armor 2, cannot be combined with any
using the Hammer. other type of armor. If the wearer destroys
an enemy with the Undead or Undead
Trait: Bulky.
Abberation trait in melee combat, it
immediately reanimates with no injuries,
and fights on the side of the wearer for the
rest of the battle. The creature always act Lure Stone (U) (DB) (S)
in the Slow Actions Phase, and disappears
When used, put a marker within 2” of
at the end of the battle or if the wearer
the user. Every enemy on the table is
leaves the battlefield.
affected once when the stone is activated
The wearer can only ever have one next, and must move a full move towards
undead ally at a time. the Lure Stone, by the most direct route
possible. They will not Dash but will
Dancing Wind (E) (W) engage in combat if a warband member
When active, the wielder may choose to is in the path.
either add +1 to their own missile Hit
rolls or apply a -1 Hit penalty to ALL Tiny Chime (U) (OC) (S)
missile attacks made by both sides this After rolling on any of the Camp Events,
turn. The effect lasts until the wielder is Town Events, News Travels, or Enemy
active next, at which point they may keep Moves tables, you may roll again, then
or change the effect. select the new event if you prefer. The
Chime is only used up once you choose
Safe Roaming (E) (W) the new roll. If you stick with the original
The character is unaffected by the roll, you may keep it for future use.
environmental conditions of The Dust
in battle. Time Gem (U) (DB) (S)
The user and your choice of characters
within 6” may immediately take a full
“You see this dagger? I wrestled it from the normal activation, including fighting a
fists of some undead beast. It wasn’t even full series of exchanges if initiating melee
using it as a weapon, just clinging to it combat. This allows them to move and
like it was a beloved possession. take an action just as if they had normally
activated, and this does not prevent them
“Perhaps in some past life it was.
from activating normally during the
“The carvings on the blade don’t match battle round.
anything I have ever seen before. I
promised our mystic that I wouldn’t use Clay tablets (C) (S)
it for anything until we had deciphered This item is only usable by a Mystic or
what they might mean. Serpentine Mage. The character receives
+2 XP immediately.
“I’ve heard stories of weapons like this:
In the village where I grew up, they call Rod of Desert Wisdom (B) (S)
them dream-stealers, because if you
Serpentine Mages in the warband always
look at them for too long they will claim
begin every battle with 2 Drift, regardless
your mind. I’m not saying I believe in
of circumstances or environmental
that, but I am not taking any chances.
“But enough about that. Let me tell about
the time we faced down a trio of angry
Dusklings over who should pay for the
bar tab...”
The Game Adjustments in the core Desert of the dead: Increase the
rulebook work fine in The Dust. This encounter size by +1 when facing
chapter provides new options allowing Undead foes.
the total difficulty rating to reach 22 (for
Hostile winds: During battles in The Dust
the absolutely dedicated and determined).
the warband is always limited to a missile
range of 12”.
Existing Game Adjustments
Deny the dark arts: If this option is Constructs of the warlord: All
selected, it also prevents the use of Aberrations add +1 to their Monster
Serpentine Mages. Points total.
Constrained sorcery: Serpentine Mages
New Game Adjustments
always begin the battle with 0 Drift
Each of these options will add +1 to the
points, regardless of battle conditions.
difficulty factor.
Choking breeze: You do not automatically
have a character recover from Exhaustion
in the Healing step of the campaign turn.
• Table Index •
Aberration Table … … … … … … … … 51 Quarters Terrain Feature Table … … … 37
Camp Events Table … … … … … … … 24 Quest Talent (The Dust) Table … … … … 32
Central Terrain Feature Table … … … … 37 Rare Goods Table … … … … … … … … 29
Character Origin Table … … … … … … 7 Sandstorm Table … … … … … … … … 34
Common Goods Table … … … … … … 28 Serpentine Mage Progression Table … … 12
Drift Generation Table … … … … … … 15 Serpentine Mage Spell Table … … … … 16
Environment Effects Table … … … … … 41 Settlement Population Table … … … … 21
Follower Table … … … … … … … … … 10 Settlement Type Table … … … … … … 21
Foraging for Herbs Table … … … … … 27 Temple Effects Table … … … … … … … 43
Hunting Expedition Table … … … … … 27 The Dust Rises Enemy Table … … … … 44
Items of The Dust Subtable … … … … 54 Travel Table … … … … … … … … … 33
Large Fight Allies Table … … … … … … 49 Valuables Subtable … … … … … … … 54
Loot Table … … … … … … … … … 54 Wanderer Background Tables … … … 10
Obstacle Table … … … … … … … … … 35
From the writer of
Five Leagues from the Borderlands