Probable Cause

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l, Theresa M Luvera, depose and state that I am a commissidndd"Shdriif Deputy/Detective for the County of Skagit since 1992 and have been assigned to the Detective Unit sinc,e 2000. I have over 1600 hours of advanced training and instruction in Criminal Investigations, to include Crime Scene investigation and the Collection of Trace & DNA Evidence, Interviewing and Intenogation Techniques, Basic and Advance Homicide Investigation, Domestic Violence, Assault, Sexual Assault and Rape. I have specialized training in Homicide, Child Fatalities, SUIDI (formally called SIDS) Child Sexual Assaults and Child Rape, Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Forensic Interviewing Techniques, Registered Sex Offender Registration and Hostage Negotiations. I have conducted hainings on behalf of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission on the investigation of Child Fatalities and Child Forensic Interviews. I have instructed a college level course on Child Abuse and Sexual Assaults to include Domestic Violence Assault. I have been assigned as the lead investigator and have conducted several hundred investigations into allegations of Felony Crimes against Children. I have interviewed numerous children who were victims of sex and physical abuse. I have also interviewed numerous subjects who have admitted to sexually assaulting and physically abusing these children, ultimately resulting in their arrest and conviction.


Frl 2:51

Skagit County Sheriff deputies responded to a 91 1 call a17279 Erna Lane in Sedro Woolley WA in Skagit County. suicide


5112111, at 001Ohrs,

Carri Williams (DOB:12119ft0) called 911 stating her daughter HGW (DOB7l19l97) was not breathing. Carrie Williams indicated her daughter would not cooperate in coming back into the house after being outside. Canie stated HGW was being "rebellious." Carrie stated that she had seen HGW falling down outside and staggering around in their back yard and had taken all her clothing off. Carrie told dispatchers she had found her daughter face down outside with mud in her mouth and not breathing. Carri told dispatcher that she and her husband had adopted HGWthree years ago and didn't know hertrue age. During this call to 9't 1, Carri Williams stated that her husband Larry had arrived home from work and was currently performing CPR on HGW. The temperature recorded by a local weather site was approximately forty two degrees that night at or about the time of the incident.

On the above date at approximately 0024hrs aid arrived and transported HGW to Skagit Valley Hospital where she was pronounced dead at 0130hr hrs. Skagit County Sheriff detectives were called out to process and investigate the incident and were told that HGW had been outside for almost half of the day. Detectives saw suspicious marks on HGW body. She was extremely thin and had very short hairfor a teenage girl. HGW had a large lump on her head and several fresh red bloody markings on her hips, knees, elbows and a face. The

back of her legs and thighs had bruised or scarred markings that were consistent with an instrument hitting her.

On May 12,2011 an autopsy was performed at Skagit Valley Hospital. The Pathologist observed that this was a young black female who appeared abnormally thin. The head, trunk and extremities had injuries on those areas. On the forehead, just below the hairline was a 1-112 inch to 2 inch hematoma/swollen bruise. There were scaftered small abrasions on the foreheao and another on the bridge of the nose. There were abrasions on the right and left upper pelvis area. Each elbow had streaked abrasions in a 1-2 inch area. Each of the knees has streaked abrasions. There were patterned contusions on the legs consistent with disciplinary impacts with a switch. These were on the left mid -lateral thigh and posterior lower legs.
The final autopsy report was completed July 2011 . The autopsy report indicates that HGW died of hypothermia. Malnutrition and Helicobacter pylori chronic gastritis were other significant conditions that contributed to death. lt was further stated that HGWwas at risk for accelerated heat loss due to her thinnessimalnutrition, wetness, inadequate clothing and an ambient temperature that was approximately in the 40's at or around the time of her death. Additionally her heart rhythm was ventricular fibrillation when medics arrived, which is consistent with but not specific for hypothermia.

A Medical Consultation Report was requested by the Department of Social and Health Services and included a review of all available medical records of HGW. At the time of HGWs arrival in the United States she was at the 40'n percentile for weight for her age. In June of 2009 she was in the 65th percentile for weight. The main finding was that HGW had lost approximately 257o of her weight since she had last been weighed. At the time of her death the growth charts indicated that she was at a 3% percentile for her weight and age. At the last time she was weighed, in 2010, approximately one year before her death her weight was at 6065% on the growth chart for her weight and age.
The doctor's conclusion was, that when HGW arrived from Ethiopia she was in good nutritional condition. The degree of weight loss, down almost 30 pounds from 2010 is an indication of severe malnutrition/starvation and is associated with serious medical complications including potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. The doctor indicated the most likely cause of the weight loss would be inadequate caloric intake/starvation. Another examination was done by a pediatric doctor at a regional medical center. A report was done on the death of HGW based on her history, medical and DSHS records.. The history included being adopted from Ethiopia in 2008. HGW had medical conditions when she came to the United States including ring worm, cold sores and parasites. She was also had Hepatitis B. lt is believed that none of these conditions played any part in the death of HGW.

On her arrival her weight was approximately 40% of a normal body weight for her age. By June of 2009 it was at 80% with a BMI of 90%. At the time of her death her weight was down to 78 pounds which was a loss of almost 30 pounds.. The doctor, after reviewing the history found the flailing or thrashing and being clumsy followed by a taking off of clothes and becoming unresponsive are well known symptoms of advancing hypothermia..

Doctors reported that HGW behaviors witnessed by the family are signs of malnutrition. HGW received medical care 2008-2009 with lab work comoleted in 2010. The following is noted from her medical reports in regards to height and weight documentation.

12-01-2008 94 lbs 55 1/2 inches 02-24-2009 105 lbs 57 inches 04-01-2009 108 lbs 57 inches 05-13-2009 106 lbs 57 inches 06-26-2009 106 lbs 05-12-2011 78 lbs 60 inches tall at the time of her death.
The doctor concluded that HGW died from a culmination of chronic starvation caused by a parent's intentional food restriction, severe neglect, physical and emotional abuse and stunning endangerment. On May 12,2011 Carri Williams and her husband Larry Williams told detectives that within the last year they had been dealing with behavioral issues with HGW. Carri Williams said that HGW had become increasingly rebellious over the last year and was refusing to obey the parents. Carri Williams stated that tonight, HGW had refused to come inside the house and stayed outside in the rain for half the day. Carri Williams said that HGW was pretending that she couldn't stand or walk and staggered around outside. She began throwing herself on the ground which included a cement patio and concrete gravel area. Carri Williams and her older children took turns flipping the outdoor lights on and off checking to see what HGW was doing. Larry Williams was at work during this time.

8-18-2008 76.5 lbs 56 inches 10-08-2008 89.5 lbs 55 1/2 inches 11-04-2008 90 lbs 55 1/2

The investigation into HGW death revealed that Carri Williams and her husband Larry Williams live at the above address with their six biological children and two adopted children from Ethiopia. The children are all home schooled and the house is located in a gated community on approximately 5.6 acres in a secluded wooded area. The house is exceptionally clean and organized and did not have the appearance that eight children lived in this house.

In August 2008 the Williams adopted HGW and a boy IJW (DOB: 6/21101) who is deaf and mute, as documented in his medical reports. Both children were from Ethiopia. HGW had medical needs pertaining to an infectious disease, Hepatitis B that the family was aware of prior to her adoption. They assisted her with treatment from their family doctor for this disease as well as the several other previously documented medical problems. When HGW arrived in the United States she was eleven years old.

The Williams stated this last year has been very difficult for them in dealing with HGW behavioral issues. They attempted to treat her behaviors with religious teachings and by having her listen to therapeutic CD's as they related to her behaviors. They did not believe that these behaviors needed to be address by a professional.
In speaking about the night of HGWs death, Larry Williams and Carri Williams said that due to HGW behavioral issues she had been spending time outside. She had taken her clothing off and was seen lying down naked on the ground. Carri Williams covered her with an old sheet and with the help of her older sons they dragged her into the house. Cani Williams used a stethoscope to check for a heartbeat and had the others check as well. Carri Williams then called Larry Williams who advised her to call 911. According to the 91 1 recording, Carri Williams advised them her daughter had not been breathing for about 10 minutes. The markings found on the back of HGW legs were described by the older children as marks from spankings HGW had received earlier in the day for being rebellious.

On 5112111, CPS caseworkers attempted contact with the Williams family in reference to a safety check of the other children; they were denied access inside the home and children by Larry Williams. On 5112111, Skagit County Sheriff Detectives contacted Larry Williams at his residence and observed three of the Williams children outside playing and riding bikes near the family driveway. As Detectives spoke to Larry Williams, three of the younger children came outside, one of them was lJW. There were no noted bruises or injuries on the children that could be seen at that time, although a full view observation of their extremities was not done. The children appeared healthy and happy at this time. Larry Williams was cooperative in speaking to us. He stated that the children are disciplined and spanked with an inskument he picked up from a plumbing supply store. He gave us this stick. lt was a flexible white piece of plastic with a round ball on the end of it. lt was approximately 12to 15 inches length. Additionally chores and other duties are part of the discipline routine.

Larry Williams further stated that HGW had hygiene issues in regards to her disease. They had purchased a port a potty which was kept outside behind their barn for her to use exclusively. Larry said that HGW wasn't not sanitary while using their family bathroom and because of her having an infectious disease, she was made to use the portal potty outside until she could respectfully use their family bathroom. The portal potty was the only restroom facility that HGW was allowed to use from June, 2010 until the time of her death. The only time that the portal potty was serviced according to records was in September, 2010 She also had lice and skin issues that reouire soecial treatment as well which created
more work for the family.

On 5124111, Detectives and CPS caseworkers met with the Williams family and interviewed the children. Carri Williams and Larry Williams insisted on being present during these interviews. Cani stated that she has been teaching IJW sign language and that when he arrived to join their family, he had no previous sign language experience. Cani indicated that she is fluent in sign language and said she taught IJW the use of signing.
During our interviews, the children were all kept in a back room, although it was sunny warm weather outside. We interviewed one child at a time. The children were all interviewed and their answers appeared rehearsed and mimicked each others answers. They stated they were spanked with the white plumbing stick that we had taken earlier, that they all ate together at the family table and were allowed to play and were given snacks. They all stated that HGW was "rebellious" and disrespectful to their parents and that HGW didn't mind their mother.

All of the children agreed that they had to follow house rules and that there was a daily routine. They all agreed that HGW had her own toilet outside behind the barn. My years of experience in interviewing children tell me these kids had rehearsed answers and parameters they could not cross when answering specific questions. The kids looked at their parents prior to answering the questions and looked at them after they were finished. Larry Williams and Carri Williams were very supportive in giving their children smiles, hugs and pats on the back when they were finished answering questions. The end result of these interviews was that the children conveyed that they were all happy, safe at home and loved their family. The children had no concerns about their safety, lifestyle or discipline treatment. When interviewing IJW we used a certified interpreter. The interpreter later stated that IJW was delayed in his use of sign language and had a limited vocabulary. When speaking to IJW about his last birthday as a memory tool, he said he couldn't remember anything about that day except getting a card. Carri Williams interrupted and stated that IJW chose not to celebrate his birthday and instead chose to sit and watch the celebration instead. Larry Williams intenupted our interview with IJW and then ended the interview abruptly when

IJW told us that people like HGW got spankings for lying and go into the fires of hell.

On 7114111 , CPS received a referral from a person who wished to remain anonymous. During a visit to the Williams home, prior to the death of HGW he/she witnessed HGW being given only a piece of bread to eat while the other children were served minimal amounts of food. The referent said that Cani appears happier now that HGW is gone.

This referent stated she/he witnessed the two adopted children being treated differently than the Williams biological children. Carri Williams told this referent that IJW has a medical condition called Enuresis, (leaking of the urine) and when he wets he is disciplined for it. Carri Williams would not allow IJW to play with other children because of this condition and told her/him that UW is not a good boy. The referent stated that neither Carri Williams nor the children leave the confines of their house or property very often. Heishe described Carri Williams as harsh and controlling. The Williams children have told the referent that Carri Williams carried a plastic rod in her bra that she would hit them with for discipline This referent stated that Carri Williams controls the food distribution in the home. The refereni knows that Carri Williams locks food up and serves the children small portions. Referent knows that at times, food is withheld from the adopted children. The referent feels that Cani Williams didn't like her adopted children . Carri Williams told her that HGW was punished for not following directions and for being manipulative. This referent stated that while Carri Williams and the children came to his /her home to visit, she witnessed Cani Williams make HGW wear a towel as the only form of clothing and stand outside in the cold as a form of punishment. Carri Williams told referent that HGW did not like the clothing that Carri Williams picked out for her to wear so she made her wear a towel instead. This same referent was later interviewed by CPS. They stated he/she had been to the Williams home. According to this person, Carri Williams gave her a book titled, "How To Train Up Your Child" by authors Michael and Debbie Pearl. In researching this book, it teaches parents to use a plumbing tool to switch your children starting around the age of 1 yrs old. The tool is described as flexible plastic tubing with a round ball on the end. Other forms of discipline taught in this book include cold water bathes to assist in toilet training or putting the children outside in the cold weather, having them miss meals and sleeping on the floor or outside as forms of punishment. On7l15t11 , the children were Court ordered into State custody' CPS and law enforcement began interviewing the children outside the presence of their parents. The four children over twelve years old were appointed attorneys through the courts.

On 7122111, during a shelter care hearing 'l6yr old JBW testified in court. He testified that when HGW and IJW were "rebelling" that they would eat at the picnic table outside. One of the ways that they "rebelled" was to not stand in the place the parents told them to stand. The amount of distance could be as small as one foot. Another consequence of "rebelling" was to get spanked with a paddle. lf a lie was told Larry Williams would use a belt.

These transcripts state that JBW had witnessed his parents discipline HGW by putting her in a locked closet, locked shower room and forced her to sleep outside in the barn. He further stated that HGW was made to use the port a potty outside behind the barn. He continually used the word "rebellious" and indicated that both HGW and IJW were rebelling and would be disciplined for their behavior. The discipline included eating outside away from the family, eating cold leftover foods from previous day's meals that carried over to breakfast. lt was later determined the cold food was often topped with frozen vegetables. He further stated that a belt, a switch that he described as a plumbing tool and glue stick were used to spank them. He described the type of behaviors that would lead to this discipline to include things such as lying, "stealing" or not doing what they were told.
He gave examples of IJW doing a chore, but not doing it the manner he was instructed to do it. would get the switch on his hands. lf HGW did not stand within twelve inches of where she was told to stand, she would get switched. JBW stated that a shower was made outside using the garden hose for HGW to bathe. lt was later learned that this was a post that was pounded into the ground and a garden hose was attached to the top. He said this was done due to her being "rebellious" in not using the indoor shower as her mother instructed.

JBW stated that at times, both HGW and lJWwould not be given meals as form of punishment. lJW, who had a documented medical condition that at times made him wet his pants, would be disciplined for having wet them by being hosed off with the garden hose. JBW further testified that IJW was further made to sleep in the shower room on the floor for "stealing" jam or other type of sweets. JBW stated that HGW and IJW were not given these types of foods because their "rebelling" behavior.
JBW further testified that HGW was kept in a locked closet and the only light switch was on the outside of the closet. He stated that his mother would take her out every other day to walk and exercise. They played the bible on tape and Christian music for her while she was locked in the closet. He described the closet as five feet long and approximately 3 ft wide. He said she didn't like being in there. JBW further testified that night of her death HGW had been outside for many hours, which included eating outside. He stated that their mom put her outside. At one point she began throwing herself on the ground and Carri Williams had

the older kids check on her. He said it was pretty cold outside and raining. JBW said he and his brother were told to bring her inside and as they attempted to do this HGW began taking her pants off. They then went back into the house.

The girls then began checking on her. When JBW's 12yr old sister CDN went out to check on HGW she found HGW laying face down and naked. Carri Williams went out, put a sheet over her and then had the boys come out and help dragged her into the house. JBW said that since HGW was crawling along the gravel and concrete she was scraping up her knees and then she would stand up and fall down. The family used gloves when they handled HGW because of her disease. They laid her body on the floor and their mother took out a stethoscope to listen for a heartbeat. Larry Williams was called and he told them to call 91 1. JBW stated more than one time that he believed HGWwas falling down on purpose. Additionally it was testified that not only was HGW denied food for a day or two at a time that IGW was also not fed for a day or more. IGW was locked in the shower room for "stealing" food. There was no bed in the room but some bedding was put in the shower room.
on7123111, friends of the williams contacted cPS with concerns about carri and Larry Williams not bonding with their adopted children HJW and lJW They indicated that the Williams were rigid and structured in raising their family and that Carri Williams complained that the children she adopted brought disease and head lice to her home, creating extra work and she verbalized how disgusted she was about it. At no time did this family ever hear Carri or Larry Williams praise these children in their presence.

Sometime in 2009 this family was invited to the Williams for a barbecue. They observed one of the older children makin{ a different meal for HGW and she ate alone outside and sat quietly by herself. At this time her weight appeared proportionate to her height. Carri Williams remarked that she was upset because HGWwas going into puberty and that she had expected to adopt a little girl, not a half grown woman. During this same visit, this referent noted that IGW sat alone on a stool and was not being allowed to play or watch the home movie with the rest of the family. He was made to sit on a stool against the wall out of view from the TV screen. According to this person, it was apparent to her/him that Carri Williams had not bonded with her adopted children and it was her opinion that carri williams had rejected them. lt should be noted this referent home schools her children, has adooted children from Africa and attended the same church as the Williams family did.

On 813t11,10 yr old IJW was interviewed by a forensic child interviewer. During this interview he disclosed to being punished by his Larry and carri williams and

made to stand outside in the wind and cold without a jacket. He said it was very cold and it hurt him. He further stated that he gets switched for pretending to not hear his Carri and Larry Williams.. IJW is deaf. He stated that his parents will pound their feet on the floor to get his attention and if he doesn't hear them, then they believe he is pretending and gets punished. The floor inside the Williams home is concrete. Larry Williams has hit lJWs feet, head and hands with the switch and belt. He is forced to bathe, at times, with the outside garden hose because he wets and poops his pants. This would occur in the middle of the night at times, after Larry returns home from work at midnight. lt has also been determined that the Williams will sometime wash him down with his underuear on and then with his clothes off . IJW said that he would be locked in the shower room where he could not see the toilet because the light was turned off and he would pee on the floor. He told the interviewer that he was then punished/switched for that. IJW loves his foster home and is very happy that he gets to sleep in a bed and loves to eat. The foster mother who is fluent in sign language and is deaf herself, reports that IJW eats up to five helpings of meals at a time and is very delayed in his sign language skills. The following is documented from IJW'S medical history. On 8/18/08 he weighed 46.2 lbs, 09/10/08 50lbs 10/02108 50lbs 11l4lOB 52 lbs 1211lOB 52.8 lbs 07130110 49.6 lbs 07122111 60 lbs , JW had been in foster care for one week and had gained weight. IJW had marks and scarring on his upper torso that were consistent with the same marks that HGW had on her body at the time of death. These marks were consistent with the tool used to switch both HGW and lJW. They appear to be permanent scars/marks according to the available medical records. While being interviewed IJW spontaneously told the interviewer that his back hurt and that his dad (Larry Williams) had hit him with a belt.

On 813111, 11yr old JEW was interviewed by LE. He stated he enjoys his foster home and likes playing with toys. He said that HGW and IJW were rebellious and they were punished by having to eat cold food outside regardless of the weather and made to sleep in the closet and shower room. No blankets or bedding were provided to them because they were being punished. Neither one were allowed to celebrate their birthdays because they didn't deserve it. Holidays were spent without them participating. The other kids in the family are not punished in the same manner. JEW indicated that when the other children

are being punished, then maybe they would have to go without a snack or sweet treat, buttheir meals were warm and they always ate at the family table together. They receive warm showers and warm food while HGW and IJW didn't . He and his siblings slept in their rooms in their beds, IJW and HGW didn't up until the time of the death of HGW. The two adopted children slept in the closet or shower room for much of the time especially over the last year. JEW said that he didn't see HGW very much and didn't hear her either. He heard when she or IJW were getting switched because they cried, but after awhile HGW wouldn't cry anymore. On 8/15/1 1, I interviewed 7yr old RAW and her 11 year old sister SAW at our office. I spoke to SAW first. She indicated me that HGW lived in the closet for disobeying. She was made to sit outside to eat cold table scraps with some frozen vegetables on top. She said her mother cut HGW hair because she was angry and HGW needing punishing. SAW remembers how much HGW loved to braid her hair and was very sad when she got her hair cut off. HGWwas not allowed to share or celebrate holidays with the family due to her behavior. The older boys and Carri Williams spanked HGW several times a day. HGW was made to clean herself outside and was only allowed to use the bathroom outside when her mom took her there. SAW didn't like HGW but loved her as her sister. SAW cried during this interview when we talked about HGW and IJW getting hit with the switch or belt. She cried because she didn't' like hearing it and said she would not treat her own children this way because she would raise them better.
On July 19,2011 7 year old RAW was interviewed by an interviewer from the Department of Social and Health Services. She cried when she talked about HGW and IJW getting hit with the switch. She talked about how they were made to sleep in the closet and eat outside. RAW also talked about being spanked with the glue stick which she described as the "grey thing" and that she is spanked by her father, mother and older brothers. Larry Williams spanks her the hardest. She was asked if HGW was spanked and she stated "l don't think my mom and dad want me to talk about that." She further said that she wanted to tell the social worker but is not sure if her parents want her too. RAW said she saw HGW on the night of her death and "she was pretending she was cold and couldn't walk." RAW said that HGW had to be outside all the time, had to eat outside and was not allowed to eat at the table. When asked whv HGW had to eat outside RAW stated "my mom said we don't want to look it her grumpy face." RAW stated that she believes that she is not supposed to tell about HGW and lJW. When asked why she believes she should not tell her eyes became filled with tears and she shrugged her shoulders. The interviewer interpreted this to mean RAW didn't know why she wasn't supposed to talk about them.
On July 19,2011 SAW who is an 11 year old female was interviewed. This interview was done by a trained interviewer from the Department of Social and

Health Services. She first indicated that her mother and father spank her if she gets in trouble and that the older boys spank the younger children. She indicated that the older children are not spanked but the younger ones are but indicated the HGW was spanked because she was "disobedient" all of the time. SAW stated that HGW had to be outside "all of the time." SAW said she was outside because she could not obey. HGW was disobedient for a long time although she was not when she first came to their house. HGW had to eat "table scraps" that were cold and Carri Williams would pour frozen vegetables on top of them. SAW said HGW was not included in Christmas 2010 because she was disobedient. HGW had to sit outside while the family celebrated Christmas inside. lf guests came over HGW was allowed inside to sit at the table but was only given bread to eat. After company left things went "back to normal" according to SAW and HGW was sent back outside. SAW described the bathroom situation in that HGW used too much toilet paper and sometimes would not wash her hands before touching things in the bathroom so Carri and Larry Williams would watch her when she used the bathroom facilities. SAW said that HGW continued to disobey so her mother got a port a potty that no one was allowed to use except HGW. SAW said that Cani Williams cut HGW's hair really short because HGW was "rebellious" and this was punishment. SAW said that HGW liked to braid her hair and afier it was cut she could not braid it due to it being short. SAW related that on the night of the death she was outside and it was dark. At one point Cani Williams told Joshua to go outside and take off HGWs shoes and socks. He did this and came back and told Carri Williams that HGW would not come back into the house. Carri Williams then sent the three oldest boys outside to bring HGW in but they came back in and said that HGW had pulled her pants down. Carri Williams then threw some clothes out to HGW and told the children to check on HGW every 15-20 minutes. SAW said they turned the outside lights on and would tell Carri Williams what HGW was doing. At one point they thought HGW was pretending to be cold and not able to walk. SAW said they knew she was just pretending. Eventually Carri Williams went outside and found HGW face down, naked and not breathing. She covered her with a sheet and Carri Williams and two of the boys drug her into the house.

indicated that if somebody breaks a rule they get boot camp in which Carri Williams puts the child to work for a day or longer. She said that spankings are given in numbers between 5 and 10. Carri and Larry Williams normally give the

On7l27l11,12yrold CDW was interviewed with her attorney present as well as representatives from the Department of Social and Health Services. She

spankings but if they are gone the older boys give them. The spankings are given with a olastic tube. HGW would get lots of spankings because she wouldn't obey. She would have to sleep on the floor bedding was usually put down. She was locked in the closet to sleep or sometimes the bathroom floor. The lights for the closet are controlled from the outside. HGWwas placed in the closet during the day as well as at night. CDW said that HGW had to go in there when she was caught stealing junk food. Joshua caught HGW stealing food and pushed her outside . HGW begged" don't tell, don't tell, I don't tell. I won't do it again." CDW said that the first time HGW got caught stealing junk food she was supposed to be outside sleeping in the barn. Carri Williams cut HGW hair very short due to the fact that HGW clipped the grass too short. CDW said that HGW did not like her hair short and it had been braided before Cani Williams cut it all off. CDW said that none of the children were allowed to use the portal a potty except HGW. The children called it the Honey Bucket. CDW indicated that HGW had touched the walls and doors in the bathroom and since she was having her period as well as Hepatitis B she had to use the outdoor bathroom. When she was done using the Portal a Potty she would generally have to wash her hands outside with the soap that was left out there. As far as sleeping arrangements go HGW was first placed in the barn, according to CDW but then had to be moved back inside to a locked room because she was leaving the barn and "breaking into" her house to steal food. The closet she was put in was locked from the outside.

CDW indicated that IGW was also disciplined for being "rebellious." She would usually get spankings with the "plastic tube thing" or the glue stick. At first they had a small glue stick but then they got a big one from their Grandma. According to CDW her Grandma made a comment like, "Oh this works good for like a switch." CDW indicated that the glue stick hurt more than the plastic tube thing when being hit. IJW would get spanked with both mostly by Carri and only sometimes by dad and maybe the older boys. CDW also spanked IJW who received almost daily spankings.
CDW stated that IJW would not sit at the family dining table but would have to be outside at the oicnic table and be served the same table scraos. leftovers and frozen vegetables that HGW was getting. Since IJW was deaf he was taught sign and then if he didn't do it right he would get a spanking. In the mind of CDW she and the family thought that he was pretending when he didn't sign correctly. IJW would sometimes get the answers wrong on his school work and if Cani Williams thought he was pretending to get it wrong, he would get spanked. CDW said that UW got cold showers both inside and outside while HGW got cold showers outside. IJW would mostly get the showers for messy pants. CDW had

only gotten cold showers when she was very young and didn't potty train fast enough. These showers were inside for her. According to CDW, there were times when HGW would go for two days without a meal because she would get up in the middle of the night and "steal" food. IJW would also miss meals and generally he would not get his dinner then it would serve to him for breakfast the following morning. CDW said that if the other children missed meals they still were given a little bit to eat. There was a time when HGW and IGW missed a lot of meals due to the fact that thev were "stealing." HGW did not do her homework correctly and the family believed that she was playing dumb. IJW was also rebelling when it came to schoolwork and they would get spanked for pretending not to know how to do their work correctly. CDW felt ihat HGW was not trained right and perhaps was too old to be trained and she just does what she wants. On July 28, 201 1, 14yr old JAW was interviewed by the Department of Social and Health Services. JAW indicated that HGW and IJW rebelled a lot and it finally got to the point where they wouldn't obey different tactics had to be kied. They had them eat outside. One of the examples that JAW considered "rebelling" was HGW touching stuff without washing her hands after using the bathroom. HGW would do things like touching the door on her way to wash her hands. Additionally JAW said that HGW would not stand exactly where she was told to stand. IJW would "rebel" by not doing his math correctly and they believed it was deliberate. ln summary when the children, with the exception of 17 yeat old JPW, were interviewed it was learned that HGW didn't speak very good English when she first arrived in their family. She was allowed to sleep in the girl's bedroom for the first few months, however that quickly changed. HGW was called rebellious because she wouldn't do exactly what she was told such as a chore, standing in the correct place, using the bathroom in a proper manner. As a result of having an infectious disease, the children were all aware of the importance of germs.
In the beginning, HGW would use the bathroom under her parents monitoring, watching her go and making sure she would not touch anything prior to washing her hands. One of the kids stated that after her mother scolded her about touching the door, she told HGW to go in and wash her hands. HGW went to wash her hands and had to touch the door knob to get into the bathroom. By touching the door knob, she was being rebellious and disciplined her for it. HGW had begun her menstrual cycle and had left a drop of blood on the toilet seat, therefore banishing her to the port a potty and made to sleep in the barn. After that, she was made to wear a pad of some type in her underwear so that her mother could check it daily to keep track of her cycle.

While in the barn, HGW would sneak into the house at night and steal food, such as granola bars or bread with jam on it. This act landed her inside the locked bathroom/shower room. At some point while banished inside the shower room, she developed a yeasVrash on her skin from the moisture and was moved into the closet off the nursery/hall area. HGW had been in the closet ever since. The kids stated that since she was stealing food, their mother believed that she had already ate enough and would not give her another meal that day or days following.
There were times that HGW and IJW would miss up to two meals a day if they were being punished and locked up in a room. HGW was said to be locked up all the time. She has not participated fully in school or family meals for approximately a year. The other children said that she and IJW were clearly rebellious and punished regularly. IJW had not received a hot meal for months because the rules are that you need to obey for thirty days to receive a hot shower or hot meal and he has never been able to complete that task. Other chores included boot camp, extensive exercising, moving of a rock pile form one pile to another, moving wood and beatings. The older children would assist Cani and Larry Williams in switching HGW and lJW. These switching's would be five to ten usually, but no more than forty at one time. HGW was not allowed to speak unless given permission by Larry and Carri Williams. HGW was made to wash her hands outside as well as shower naked outside using only the garden hose. Neither child was given hot water to bathe or wash with. Neither child was given a warm meal the day of HGWs death. HGW was made to say she was sorry everyday, and then spanked with the switch daily. When they were outside being disciplined, they were not allowed to have jackets and sometimes shoes were taken unless it was snowino out. The cold was a form of discipline used.

The children were asked if they liked HGW. They said no, but they loved her because she was their sister. The children said that nobody in the family liked HGW and they didn't see or talk to her much anyway because she was always in the closet.
The children indicated no, when they were asked if Carri Williams liked HGW. When asked how they knew that, the children indicated that their mother has said it many times that she didn't like her and didn't want to see her grumpy face but loved her because God made her and she was her daughter. On 8122111, I spoke to DM who is associated with Carri Williams through a knitting club. DM stated she has known Carri Williams for approximately Syrs. Carri Williams said that the group discussed several issues with Carrie Williams regarding her adopting more kids in the first place. Carri Williams lost a tremendous amount weight since adopting the HJW and lJW. She consistently

spoke of her dislike for HGW and how sorry she was for adopting her. DM suggested several times to Carri Williams to contact the adoption agency and seek help. Carri Williams told her that wasn't an option and that nobody would take these children because they were so horrible. Carri Williams said she was so sorry that they ever adopted them and wished they hadn't. She only had negative things to say about HGW. The day before HGW's death, Carri told the group that she couldn't wait until HGW was 18yrs old because she was going to kick her out the door. Hours later, HGW was dead. The group questioned themselves about Carri William's involvement with HGWs death. Three weeks after HGW's death, Carri Williams returned to the group with a photo album of HGW and her siblings. DM stated she never saw Carrie cry or show remorse or mourn HGWs death. She described Carrie as angry and bitter towards the adopted children.

On 8122111 , I spoke to KS who was also a member of this knitting group. KS told me that she has known Carri Williams for approximately Syrs. Carri Williams shared with the group her discipline measures to include the children getting cold bathes as a potty train tool. Before Carri Williams adopted the HGW and lJW, the group questioned her about having more children. Carri Williams told them that she and her husband built a large house and wanted a large family. After the adoption, Carrie told the group that she was angry because the little girl they picked up from the airport was older then 12yrs old. As time went on, Carri Williams would come to the group frazzled, stating she needed to get away. Canie Williams told them that HGW was alienating herself from the other children. Carrie told KS that HGW refused to wear a kotex pad when menstruating and they couldn't allow her inside the house during this time because she would get blood all over their furniture. Carrie was very frustrated when HGW began her menstrual cycle and was hateful towards her.
KS said Carrie complained that HGW was not fitting into their family like they thought she would. Carrie told them that HGW didn't like her food and mentioned that the kids would not eat if they didn't like what she fixed them. KS said she saw the photo album that Carrie brought to the group of HGW and her siblings all dressed in the same style dresses. KS said that Carrie had lost a tremendous amount of weight. KS stated that the group was very suspicious of HGWs death because of the way Carrie spoke about her and how much she disliked her. Since the children have been in State's care, they have all gained weight and appear to be happy. Foster parents report that they have never seen such sheltered children with no information or experience outside their home life. One of the children was amazed at such tall buildings in a nearby large city. Other children were unsure if watching TV would be appropriate and many of them questioned whether this would be acceptable to their parents.

With the above information I request a arrest warrants for Cani Darlene Williams (DOB: 12119ft0) and for Larry Paul Williams (DOB:11129163) in violation of Homicide by Abuse RCW 9A.32.055 and Assault of a Child 1st Degree RCW 9A.36.120 (1Xb) forboth
I certify under penalty

of perju

nd the laws of the State of Washinoton that the of my Knowledge (RCDW 9A.72.085).

Signature Detective Theresa M Skagit County Sheriff Date 9128111

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