Bod Minutes July 2023

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Lifelong Learning Institute

Board of Directors Meeting

Date: July 24, 2023
8:00 AM – STEM Center Board Room and Zoom

Members present: Julia Wallace (President), Kris Lewins (Treasurer), Kay Pascoe (Secretary), Mary Cook
(Publicity and Promotions), Gary Hanna (Technology), Steve Lenz (Curriculum), Jean Rausch (Curriculum:
Man/Sh), Liz Kohler (Curriculum: Man/Sh), Karen Carvenough (Social), Lou Norsetter (At-Large), Rob
Miller (At-Large), Teri Zuege-Halverson (Advisor), Heidi Jahnke (Program Specialist), Fred Delie (Past

Members excused: Norm Schroeder, Dean Cherry, Mary Gajeski

Guests: Sue Sorenson

The meeting was called to order by President Julia Wallace at 8:07 am. Each member briefly introduced

1. Changes to Agenda
 There were none.

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes

 Moved by Steve Lenz, second by Gary Hanna to approve the minutes of the Board Meeting of
May 22, 2023. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s Report/Finance Committee – Kris Lewins

 June revenues totaled $6,900 from travel registrations and catalog sales. June expenditures
totaled $8,368.95. There were no unusual expenses. Payroll is down as we were not charged for
health insurance this month and we were not charged for Teri’s services. There were some
travel expenses, a food service bill for the Annual Meeting and computer support charges. A
reversal for an erroneous charge of $964 was made in June. There will be an additional charge
for using USI software beyond the original stop date that will probably show up in August or
 The Foundation received $1,592 in donations in the last quarter. The current Foundation
balance is $18,460 and the Scholarship balance is $265. Contributors can specify if their
contribution should go to the Program Fund or Scholarship Fund.
 Our June cash balance is $42,160 and is in balance with WISER.
 Moved by Kay Pascoe, seconded by Karen Carvenough to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
Motion carried.
4. Advisor/Office Manager Report – Teri Zuege-Halverson and Heidi Jahnke
 We are not yet on-line with the new software but that should happen today or tomorrow. It was
necessary to extend the use of USI software for approximately one month to the CECE division
and LLI will be responsible for a small part of that charge. Data is being entered and training is
 The History of the Packer’s Certificate Program is now up and running and 35 people have
already signed up. The program includes a pass to the Packer Hall of Fame but the class will be
 Some work is going on in the new system and all courses should be entered within the next
couple of days so testing can start. The new program will be much more user friendly but there
are some differences. Courses will be listed by start date order rather than number order. There
is also a search function that can be utilized. An e-mail will be sent with instructions.
Registration begins at 10 am Tuesday, August 1 st. Eventually there will be more user-friendly
functions such as a portal that gives access to handouts, zoom links, class history, etc. Heidi is
testing the payment option as a new credit card processor is also being used. Gary noted that
many of our members are not tech savvy and will need step-by-step instructions. Heidi will
prepare instructions to be sent out prior to registration.
 The Peninsula Players bus trip is this coming Wednesday and the pick-up will be in the Wood
Hall parking lot. Dinner will be at the Log Den.
 Teri will be presenting at the noon Rotary luncheon on August 10 th and will be promoting LLI.

6. Vice President’s Report – Norm Schroeder

 Norm was not in attendance but had contacted Julia in regard to using his tent for ArtFest. At
this point, another tent has been procured.

7. President’s Report – Julia Wallace

 Julia has sent a list to Heidi of changes that need to be made to our website. Changes needed
must be made before September 1st after which the entire university website will be overhauled.
 The MOU between LLI and CECE has been signed and is now current.
 By-law changes were approved at the Annual Meeting.

8. Committee Reports

 Publicity and Promotions Committee –Mary Cook

o The Intro to LLI was held last Wednesday and was not well-attended. This is the first
time it was held on campus and the lowest turnout we have ever had. Approximately
20 people attended and 8 stayed for the campus tour. The program went very well but
we felt there was a failure to communicate this event to the public. Facebooks boosts,
which are costly and have been effective before, did not contain the date of the event.
Most of the attendees noted that word of mouth was how they heard about the Intro.
We feel that we do not have enough effective communication with the University to get
word out for our events and this is becoming a considerable problem.
o There was considerable discussion about problems with the website and
communication between LLI and the university staff responsible for publicity and
promotions. Rob Miller noted that, as an At-Large representative, he cannot adequately
do his job because members do not know who he is or how to contact him. Given the
state of our website, it is functionally impossible to communicate with members
through the website. It was noted that the website needs to be kept current and needs
to promote contributions by members (financial and time). The current situation is not
workable for us. The university is very proprietary concerning the website and this lack
of flexibility makes it difficult for us to promote events as out timeline in not always in
sync with the University’s. There is more flexibility when it comes to Facebook but many
members are not on Facebook. We are also investigating other sources of publicity. P&P
will continue to look into this.
o We will be participating in ArtFest this weekend. Our booth will be up Saturday and
Sunday. We will not staff the booth Friday night. We are still looking for volunteers for
several shifts. Potential members will be able to sign up for a drawing for a free
membership. Names collected at ArtFest will be combined with those collected at the
Intros in Green Bay and Manitowoc. That drawing will be done on Monday prior to
o We will also be doing ArtStreet the last full week-end of August.

 Curriculum: Steve Lenz

o The Fall Catalog is now out and is on the website. There are 196 courses in the catalog.
o Kick-Off for recruiting for Spring Semester (Jan. 15 – May 31) has begun and the
deadline for course proposals is Oct. 1 st. There will be no classes on May 1st due to the
Spring Fling or on Memorial Day. We are hoping to have more Zoom classes during the
winter. Presenters are being asked if they are willing to do both in-person and Zoom
classes. At this time, we do not have the necessary equipment to film a live class and
then offer it on-line, especially in remote venues. We are also limited in the amount of
space available to keep Zoom recorded classes.
o Liz and Jean noted that there was a good turnout for the Intros in Manitowoc and
Sheboygan, possibly due to people stopping at the LLI booth at the Farmer’s Market and
numerous e-mails being sent out. They also have some new leads for presenters.

 Technology Committee – Dean Cherry/Gary Hanna

o Gary noted that he will be attending both Coordinators Training sessions to help with
technology training. He will be reassuring coordinators that the technology is safe and
easy to use and IT support is available. Classes are for new coordinators but any
coordinator wanting a review is welcome.

 Social – Karen Carvenough

o There were six new members at the Social Committee meeting in July. It was a very
enthusiastic group and she is very hopeful of getting a new chair before the year ends.
o The Fall Kick-Off will be held at The Rite Place and the cost will be $19 per person,
including desert.

9. Old Business
 There was none.

10. New Business

 Rob’s concerns with the website were discussed earlier in the meeting.

There being no additional business, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 am.

Next meeting: 8:00 am, Monday, August 28, 2023, in the STEM Center Board Room. A Zoom link will
also be available.

Minutes submitted by Kay Pascoe, Secretary.

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