Finals Bioethics
Finals Bioethics
Finals Bioethics
• Ideals and ideas are normative ethical theories, and VIRTUE ETHICS “ITS GOOD TO BE
actual actions (and the process that surrounds them) GOOD ”
are descriptive ethics. Virtues
• A highly regarded personality trait or
• Descriptive ethics are all about action—how those aspect of character (Boone, 2017).
normative ethics are used where it really counts. It’s • Excellence of intellect or character.
the study of how human beings behave in the ethical • Becomes apparent through one’s behavior
realm, whether they’re actively considering the ethical and are linked to ethical principles
ramifications of their actions or not. Descriptive ethics • Refer to specific character traits
is what humans do to one another and themselves— • Examples: compassion, fairness,
the “applied. integrity, respectfulness, courage
• Deon is the Greek word for duty. From that word Deeply held value by a person that
comes the ethical concept of deontology. Deontology intrinsically leads him or her to behave
holds that morality is based on duties and in a certain way.
obligations—that we as humans are bound by some
unwritten code or codified system to do and say the Virtues influence actions, feelings,
objectively right thing. desires, choices, and reactions—all of
which are predictable in a person, if that
• Deontology is a category of normative ethical value is deeply held.
theories that encompasses any theory which is
primarily concerned with adherence to certain rules or And while these values may lead a
duties. Consequences do NOT matter! person to act out instinctively, they are
learned behaviors that are well thought out and • To have the benefit of the autonomous
deeply felt on the level of a religious belief. practice, the nurse must be competent
enough to take charge of the situation they
VIRTUE ETHICS are responsible in.
• A virtue ethicist acts because helping another is
charitable, benevolent, or just the “right” thing to do. HUMAN DIGNITY
It’s a virtue-based, not rule-based ethic. • A basic necessity not only for patients, but
also for all human beings.
• Calls attention to the central role which such virtues • Observing human dignity is vital for
as courage, loyalty, integrity, compassion and establishing an effective nurse-patient
benevolence, along with determination and relationship.
intelligence, should play in the practices of medical
providers. INTEGRITY
• Integrity is defined as the quality of being
• Emphasizes the virtuous character of individuals who honest and fair; possessing high moral
make the choices. principles.
• Applied in healthcare profession, the
• Focuses on what makes a good person, rather than healthcare provider practices integrity when
what makes a good action. they do their duties and obligation in
accordance to the beliefs, principles and
BIOETHICS values they claim and cherish.
• Etymologically, “bioethics” means ethics of life.
• A discipline that deals with the ethical implications of • A vital characteristic for a nurse to be able
biological research. to build a trusting relationship.
• Honesty sharpens our perception and
• It is a branch of ethics that analyzes moral values in allows us to observe everything around us
the context of biomedical sciences. with clarity.
The patient will not be subjected to any procedure If a patient is a minor, consent shall be
without his written informed consent, except in obtained from his parents or legal
the following cases: guardian.
a. in emergency cases, when the patient is at If next of kin, parents or legal guardians
imminent risk of physical injury, decline of refuse to give consent to a medical or
death if treatment is withheld or postponed. surgical procedure necessary to save the
In such cases, the physician can perform any life or limb of a minor or a patient
diagnostic or treatment procedure as good incapable of giving consent, courts,
practice of medicine dictates without such upon the petition of the physician or any
consent. person interested in the welfare of the
patient, in a summary proceeding, may
b. when the health of the population is issue an order giving consent.
dependent on the adoption of a mass health
program to control epidemic. 3. RIGHT TO PRIVACY AND
c. when the law makes it compulsory for The privacy of the patients must be
everyone to submit a procedure assured at all stages of his treatment.
The patient has the right to be free from person's participation in the plan of
unwarranted public exposure, except in the care and necessary changes before
following cases: its implementation.
a) when his mental or physical condition is in the extent to which payment maybe
controversy and the appropriate court, in its expected from Philhealth or any
discretion, order him to submit to a physical or payor and any charges for which the
mental examination by a physician patient maybe liable.
b) when the public health and safety so demand
c) when the patient waives this right in writing The disciplines of health care
practitioners who will render the care
The patient has the right to demand that all and the frequency of services that are
information, communication and records proposed to be furnished.
pertaining to his care be treated as confidential.
The patient or his legal guardian has the
Any health care provider or practitioner involved right to examine and be given an
in the treatment of a patient and all those who itemized bill of the hospital and medical
have legitimate access to the patient's record is services rendered in the facility.
not authorized to divulge any information to a
third party who has no concern with the care and The patient or his/her legal guardian has
welfare of the patient without his consent, the right to be informed by the
Except: physician of his/her continuing health
a) when such disclosure will benefit public health care requirements following discharge.
and safety
b) when it is in the interest of justice and upon the 5. THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE HEALTH CARE
order of a competent court PROVIDER AND FACILITY
c) when the patients waives in writing the The patient is free to choose the health
confidential nature of such information care provider to serve him as well as the
d) when it is needed for continued medical facility except when he is under the care
treatment or advancement of medical science of a service facility or when public
subject to de-identification of patient and shared health and safety so demands or when
medical confidentiality for those who have access the patient expressly waives this right in
to the information. writing.
The patient has the right to seek for a
4. RIGHT TO INFORMATION second opinion and subsequent
In the course of his/her treatment and hospital opinions, if appropriate, from another
care, the patient or his/her legal guardian has a health care provider/practitioner.
right to be informed of:
result of the evaluation of the nature and 6. RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION
extent of his/her disease. The patient has the right to avail
any other additional or further contemplated himself/herself of any recommended
medical treatment on surgical procedure diagnostic and treatment procedures.
including any other additional medicines to be Any person of legal age and of sound
administered and their generic counterpart. mind may make an advance written
possible complications and other pertinent directive for physicians to administer
facts, statistics or studies regarding his/her terminal care when he/she suffers from
illness. the terminal phase of a terminal illness,
any change in the plan of care before the provided that:
change is made. a) Patient is informed of the medical
consequences of his choice.
b) Patient releases those involved in his care relative to the consequences of his
from any obligation relative to the decision.
consequences of his decision. c) His/her decision will not prejudice
c) Patient decision will not prejudice public public health and safety.
health and safety.
No patient shall be detained against
7. RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS BELIEF his/her will in any health care institution
The Patient has the right to receive spiritual and on the sole basis of his/her failure to
moral comfort, including the help of a priest or fully settle his/her financial obligations.
minister of his/her chosen religion.
He/ she also has the right to refuse medical Republic Act (R.A.) 9439, or the Act
treatment or procedures which may be contrary to Prohibiting the Detention of Patients in
his religious beliefs, subject to the limitations: Hospitals and Medical Clinics on
a) The Patient is of legal age and is mentally Grounds of Nonpayment of Hospital Bills
competent; or Medical Expenses makes it illegal for
b) The Patient is informed of the medical “any hospital or medical clinic, (whether
consequences of his/her refusal; government or private), to detain or
c) The Patient releases those involved in his otherwise cause, directly or indirectly,
care from any obligation relative to the the detention of patients who have fully
consequences of his/her decision; and or partially recovered or have been
d) The Patient's refusal will not jeopardize adequately attended to or who may
public health and safety. have died, for reasons of nonpayment in
part or in full of hospital bills or medical
The patient is entitled to a summary of his medical
history and condition. “Detention” occurs when a person is
He/she has the right to view the contents of restrained from leaving the hospital or
his/her medical records, except psychiatric notes medical clinic premises for nonpayment
and other incriminatory information obtained of hospital bills or medical expenses in
about third parties, with the attending physician part or in full.
explaining contents thereof.
The health care institution shall safeguard the Under our law, patients are granted the
confidentiality of the medical records and to right to leave the hospital or medical
likewise ensure the integrity and authenticity of facility where they are confined should
the medical records. they signify their desire to leave, subject
The health care institution shall issue a medical to the following conditions: (a) living
certificate to the patient upon request. Any other patients who desire to leave must have
document that the patient may require for fully or partially recovered; (b) the
insurance claims shall also be made available to patient is not staying in a private room
patient within forty-five (45) days from request. (a single occupancy room or ward type
room that may accommodate not more
9. RIGHT TO LEAVE than four (4) patients); and (c) the
The patient has the right to leave hospital or any patient executed a promissory note
other health care institution regardless of his secured by either a mortgage or by a
physical condition, Provided that: guarantee of a co- maker.
a) he/she is informed of the medical
consequences of his/her decision.
b) Patient releases those involved in
his/her care from any obligation
RESEARCH 1. The patient shall ensure that he/she is
The patient has the right to be advised if the fully aware of his/her rights and exercise
health care provider plans to involve him in those rights reasonably.
medical research, including but not limited to 2. The patient shall provide accurate and
human experimentation which may be performed complete information about all matters
only with the written informed consent of the concerning his/her health.
patient: Provided, That, 3. The patient shall report or voice out any
a) an institutional review board or ethical changes in his/her health condition to
review board in accordance with the guidelines his/her healthcare provider.
set in the Declaration of Helsinki be established 4. The patient shall ensure that he/she
for research involving human experimentation understands the purpose and cost of any
b) The Department of Health shall safeguard proposed treatment or procedure before
the continuing training and education of future deciding to accept it.
health care provider/practitioner to ensure the 5. The patient shall accept all the
development of the health care delivery in the consequences of the patient's own informed
country. consent.
c) The patient involved in the human 6. The patient shall ensure that financial
experimentation shall be made aware of the obligations of his/her health care are fulfilled
provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki and its as promptly as possible, otherwise, he/she
respective guidelines. shall make appropriate arrangements to
settle unpaid hospital bills.
11. RIGHT TO CORRESPONDENCE AND TO RECEIVE 7. The patient shall so behave himself or
VISITORS herself so as not to interfere with the well-
The patient has the right to communicate with being or rights of other patients or providers
relatives and other persons and to receive visitors of health care.
subject to reasonable limits prescribed by the rules 8. The patient shall first exhaust the
and regulations of the health care institution. grievance mechanism provided in this Act
before filing any administrative or legal
The patient has the right to express complaints
and grievances about the care and services
received without fear of discrimination or reprisal
and to know about the disposition of such
General average of at least 75% with a rating of
not below 60% in any subject.
If above 75% but with a subject below 60% must
repeat that subject with a rating above 75%
• Refuse to use a devise you don’t know how to
• Report adverse events to superior.
• Monitor patient regularly.