Rotary Shoe Assembely
Rotary Shoe Assembely
Rotary Shoe Assembely
Rotary Shoes
Weatherford's rotary shoes are used to wash over tubulars that have become sand stuck,
mud stuck, or mechanically stuck and for milling over packers, retainers, and bridge plugs. Made
of specially tempered steel and dressed with Weatherford’s CustomCut™ tungsten carbide
inserts and/or crushed tungsten carbide, rotary shoes provide the ultimate in strength, durability,
cutting speed, and penetration rate. Rotary shoes are usually run on the bottom of one or more
joints of washover pipe to cut clearance between the fish and the wall of the wellbore. Rotary
shoe head designs are available in rough OD, for working in openhole wellbores, or smooth OD,
for working in cased-hole wellbores. Rotary shoes can be ordered for any length, OD, and ID to
meet job-specific requirements, and all come with Weatherford’s MillSmart techonlogy.
— Milling over blades from stabilizers, cutters from roller-type reamers, and cones from bits
— Washing over sand-stuck, mud-stuck, or mechanically stuck tubulars
— Milling over packers, retainers, and bridge plugs
— Rugged construction provides optimal strength and durability for long equipment life.
— Smooth OD for cased-hole wellbores reduces risk of casing damage.
— Rough OD for openhole wellbores cuts clearance between the fish and the wall of the
— Size range from 3 1/2- to 16-in. OD and shoe head style customization capability for milling on
the bottom, on the OD, on the ID, or any combination of the three provide versatility for a
variety of applications.
— Increased cutting speed and milling efficiency offer both cost and time savings.
Rotary Shoes
Rotary Shoes
Applications (continued)
Type J Type K
Used inside casing for cutting metal on Used in open hole for washing over and
the fish. Because this type shoe does not cutting formation only. Does not cut on
cut on the OD of the shoe, it does not the ID of the shoe. Cuts on the bottom
damage the casing. Cuts on the bottom and the OD of the shoe.
and the ID of the shoe.
Type L Type M
Used in open hole or inside casing for Used inside casing for washing over and
washing over and/or cutting formation cutting only on the bottom. Does not cut
only. Does not cut on the OD or the ID of on the OD or the ID of the shoe. Cuts
the shoe. Cuts only on the bottom of the only on the bottom of the shoe.
Weatherford International Ltd. Weatherford products and services are subject to the Company’s standard terms and conditions, available on request or
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Houston, Texas 77027 USA otherwise, trademarks and service marks herein are the property of Weatherford. Specifications are subject to change
Tel: 713-693-4000 without notice.
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