Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
Module 1:how to view the “self” - in life what makes u interesting is your knowledge.
- How do you answer the question: Who am I? - usually by name(even in the bible where
name signifies their goal in life.). Although the name doesn't signify ‘self’ itself.
How to know myself
1. Philosophy –
a. Ancient philosophy
i. Socrates - 1st to study the “self” but not the father of knowing the self …
Pythagoras ada in..
- person=body and soul
- Taught for free and was killed bcoz of it.
ii. Plato (student of socrates)
- Expanded socrates’ studies
- The soul is like a chariot with 2 horses(symbolizes passion and
physical appetite). So if hindi guided, magulo ulo. So we have
reason to guide the horses in a straight path.
- Soul=mind
iii. Aristotle (student of plato)
- Mind is a blank tablet;
b. Post Aristotelians (moral vs. pleasure)
i. Stoicism
- Overcoming emotion(the enemy of reason and hindrance to
- Iiving above virtue.
- Refinement of cynicism
ii. Hedonism
- YOLO; pleasure is the only good in life.
Both are not good because they are two extremes.
- Training one’s desire so that it won't control you
- Balance, and be content of the simple things.
- “Nature provides man’s need but not man’s greed” - fave saying ni
sir. Due to not being content man is destroying nature.
- Weakness of stoicism and hedonism is balanced in epicureanism.
c. Medival philosophy - shift to viewing oneself in comparison to god.(Theo-centric)
i. St. Augustine
- Union with God to receive enlightenment
- Full happiness is achieved when united with god
- Follows Plato’s idea is that when we die, our mind goes to a
perfect eternal realm which for Augustine is Heaven.
ii. St. Thomas Aquinas
- Follows Aristotle.
- Self has matter(spirit/mind) and form(body to interact with the
- Diff types of soul. Soul must be perfect in order to join with god.
There are also souls that dies with the body, and souls that live
but with no body
- The things that we love are the things that tell us who we are.
- Experiencing something doesn't mean we know it. Di porket
nakapanood ka ng tiktok or yt video, deosnt mean expert ka na.
- We need experience and understanding in order to know
iii. St. anteros Augury
d. Modern Philiosophers - (anthropocentric meaning human beings are the mos
important) based on the real world experimentation. Forming new knowledge not
just from authority but also by ourselves.
i. Rene Descartes - very known for rationalism or “thinking’.
- Ability to think makes sense of everything
- “I think therfore I am”
- Problem : Dogmatics. Very rigid mind
ii. John Locke - empiricism
- Based on experiences, we are forming the self
iii. David Hume - another empiricism
John and david:Problem: Becoming skeptic because everything is based on
experience only
iv. Immanuel Kant
- During the enlightenment period, not the only one philosopher but
the most known
- Synthesizes rationalism(thinking) and empiricism(experiences)
v. Gibert Rye
- One cannot be the hunter and the hunted (at the same time)
- If u want to know who you are, ask other people. .
vi. Paul and Patricia
- Physical Brain = self = thus self is tangible unlike what the other
philosophers believe.
e. Contemporary- focused on generalising
i. Edmund Husserl - a mathematician → Philosopher
- We try to remove the biases
- Study of phenomenon → ourself is based on the phenomenon of
ii. Maurice Merleau - Ponty
- The self is embodied subjectivity
- “I live in my body” therefore it is a lived body
- Self is how I live in my body
f. Postmodern / Existensialst - the sef is a process, eventually, it would change.
On the task. Have 3 philosophers. Soo, state how u wove htem together. Pano sila pinagtagpo
hakit nagiiba iba sila.
2. Sociology -
a. Classical sociological perspective - self is known through comparison to others
- We have the power to change our self, and the perceptions other have o
- Others have an effect on our identity
i. Looking glass self (Charles Horton Cooley)
- Ability to grow from the interaction to others.
- How u see yourself and how others see you: if there is a large gap
between, there will be psychological tension.
ii. Johari window 9)- good exercise in order to start up on how to understand
the self. Goal is to increase Open/Arena, and decrease hidden/facade
and blindspot.
- Open / arena
- Hidden / facade
- Blindspot
- Unknown
b. Symbolic Interactionism(George herbert Mead) - me conforms social
expectations. I
3. Psychology
a. Psychoanalytic
i. Sigmund Freud -
1. self is multi-layered.
- Unconscious - repressed; gives footprints on our behavior.
- Consciousness -
- Preconcoius -
2. Structure of
- Id - pleasure and basic needs of man. Must be controlled
bcoz if not it can cause destruction.
- Superego - values and morals. Idealistic principles.
- Ego - one with contact with reality. Tries to reconcile the
irrational wants and the idealistic ego
Defense mechanism: tip, do not rigidly follow one.
- Sublimation
- Regression
- Displacement
- Repression
- Projection
- Suppression - intentionally forgetting
- Rationalization - saying ts ok because of __ reason
b. Cognitive - contemporary
- Imaginary Audience (spotlight effect) - you feel like you are being
watched and observed at all times. (most in adolescents)
i. Self-concept -
ii. Self-esteem - how you think about
iii. Self-efficacy -
iv. Real and ideal self - knowing oneself makes an opportunity to grow into
the ideal self
- Actualizing tendencies, we still have room to grow.
- Self is affected by society.
v. Social comparison - use them accordingly
- Tempora comparison
- Social comparison
- Upward
- Downard
4. Anthropology
a. Western Self - more on independence
i. INdividualism.
b. Eastern self
i. cOLLECTIVISM - harmonious environment
ii. Buddhism –
- Life is suffering so we must break our attachments to material
things and break away from self
iii. Hinduism
- Karma, Need to reach nirvana and not be reincarnated anymore.
iv. Taoism
- Evil and Good comes hand in hand.
- U know you are happy because u experienced sadness.
v. Confucianism
5. Oriental/Eastern thought
Module 3:
1. Learning to be a better students - doesnt encessarily mean benign top
- Learning vs. performance = knowledge vs. skills - needs a a balance of both
- Stress and performance -
- Low stress = bored = poor performance
- Moderate stress = challenged = best performance
- High stress = too much= very poor performance
2. Goals for success