Knight No.1

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Knight No.

1 September — October 2016

of the Immaculata

Immaculata —
Mediatrix of all graces

Militia Immaculatae Traditional Observance


4 Mary's Feast in September

5 Mary obtains and distributes all graces
9 M.I. Preparation for enrolment
10 Bp Fellay appointed Fr. Karl Stehlin
as the International Moderator of M.I.
11 The sacrifice in Korea
12 Young Knights of the Immaculata in India
13 The pilgrimage of YKI in India
13 New 81 Knights in Chennai
14 Montfort Retreat in Osaka (Japan)
16 First enrolments in Australia
18 Australia — over 300 new Knights
19 Knights of the Immaculatae in New Zealand
20 Consecration of the first M.I. banners
in Switzerland and Germany
22 The launching of the M.I. in the United Kingdom
23 New 148 Knights in Great Britain
23 The Militia Immaculatae in the US District
25 The Militia Immaculatae in Nigeria
26 The Militia Immaculatae in the world

Publisher: Militia immaculate Traditional Observance

Editor-in-chief: Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin, Father Director of M.I.

Editors: Odonaka Agnes (Japan), Cristine Rocher (Australia),

Howard Toon (Great Britain)

If you want cooperate, please write:

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

Dear Knights of the Immaculata!

The main instrument for Saint Maximilian Kolbe to contact the
Knights of the Immaculata was his monthly newsletter RycerzNiepo-
kalanej — "The Knight of the Immaculata" which he started to print in
1922 with 5,000 copies. In 1939 the Polish edition reached a readership
of one million. Since 2010 in Poland some zealous knights have been
publishing a similar newsletter for all Polish Knights of the Catholic
Tradition. In 2015 they were followed by a beautiful little brother in the
German language. We want to follow their example and present you
with the first issue in English of "The Knight of the Immaculata", which
should be published once every two months.
The goal of such a newsletter is to inform all Knights about the apo-
stolate and life of the Militia Immaculatae worldwide, to present them
with some spiritual texts, to offer them some tools for the apostolic work
and for their own perseverance and growth in zeal (tools in the form of
flyers, booklets, testimonies of the miraculous effects of the M.I. prayer
crusade, other testimonies of Knights etc).
This newsletter is not only for the Knights themselves, but also for
them to use as a means to attract good willing souls to become intere-
sted in the M.I., so that they may join the little army of Our Lady. So
don’t hesitate to take copies for your friends and relatives.
All Knights whose email addresses we have will receive the new-
sletter online. Please forward it, as widely as you can. Those who have
no email facility will receive a hardcopy from the moderators.
I ask for your prayers for this new "baby" of the traditional MILITIA
I send you my priestly blessings.
Yours thankfully,
Fr. Karl Stehlin
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Nine months after the Immaculate Conception Holy
Church celebrates Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The birth of Mary begins the work of Redemption.
All throughout the Old Testament the people were
waiting for the coming of the Messiah Who would be

born of a Virgin as foretold by the prophet Isaiah, "Behold,
a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his
name Emmanuel." Through the Mother of Light we were
September delivered from death. Read more:

Holy Name of Mary

"And the Virgin's name was Mary." (St. Luke, 1.27)
The great victory, which John Sobieski, King of Po-
land, gained against the Turks under the walls of Vienna,
caused Pope Innocent XI, to make this Feast obligatory
throughout the whole Church as a yearly act of thanksgi-

12 th
ving for the deliverance of Christian Europe.
The devotion to the Holy Name of Mary should spread
simultaneously with the adoration of the Name of Jesus.
September At the Name of Jesus every knee is bent; at the Name of
Mary every head is bowed. Read more:

Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church twice commemorates the sorrows of its he-
avenly Mother. In 1668 the feast in honor of the Seven Do-
lors was set for the Sunday after September 14, the Feast of
the Holy Cross. Since the 15th century, the Friday of Passion
week, has also been dedicated by the universal Church to

15 th
Her Compassion. To understand this double liturgy, we
must know that Mary is also the Mother of the Mystical
Body. Mary's great sorrows began at the prediction of Sime-
September on that a sword would pierce her heart. Read more: http://
September — October 2016 (No. 1)

and distributes
all graces
The Catholic Church honours our Blessed Mother with
so many beautiful titles including that of
"Mediatrix of all graces".

That Mary obtains for us and distributes to us all graces is

a doctrine, according to what Jesus said to St.  John about
the mother of all men: "Behold thy mother". (John 19, 27)

Mary obtains and distributes all graces

• As a beatified mother and, since she is all powerful

knows in heaven the spiritual over the heart of her Son, she
needs of her children whom obtains for them all the graces
she left on earth, Mary knows that they receive, and which
the spiritual needs of all men. are received by all those who
Since she is an excellent do not persist in evil.
mother, she prays for them

ith what motherly af-
fection is she always
endeavoring to assist us! In
the same manner as Jesus is
our mediator of right with His
eternal Father, because by the
merits of His Passion He ob-
tains pardon for penitent sin-
ners, so Mary is Mediatrix by
divine favour with her Son,
and is such a  Mediatrix that
her Son grants her every re-

• The Church turns to Mary

to obtain graces of all kinds,
both temporal and spiritual;
among these last, from the
sanctifying grace, the gifts of
the Holy Gost, to the grace of
conversion up to that of final

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

St. Louis Grignion de Montfort says:

God has entrusted Mary with the keeping, the
administration and distribution of all His graces,
so that all His graces and gifts pass through her

perseverance. In brief, every- ticular. We say in the words of

thing which produces, con- the Hail Mary: "Holy Mary,
serves, increases, or perfects Mother of God, pray for us
the supernatural life of man. sinners now and at the hour
of our death. Amen". This

ll kinds of graces are "now" is said every moment in
distributed by her, even, the Church by thousands of
in a  sense, those of the sacra- Christians who thus ask for the
ments; for she merited them grace of the present moment.
for us in union with Christ on This grace is the most individu-
Calvary. In addition, she dis- al of graces; it varies with each
poses us, by her prayer, to ap- of us, and for each one of us at
proach the sacraments and to every moment. If  we are dis-
receive them well. At times she tracted while saying this word,
even sends us a priest, without Mary, who is not distracted,
whom this sacramental help knows our spiritual needs of
would not be given to us. every instant, and prays for us,
and obtains for us all the grac-
• Not only every kind of es that we receive. This teach-
grace is distributed to us by ing, contained in the faith of
Mary, but every grace in par- the Church and expressed by

Mary obtains and distributes all graces

St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe says:

The Holy Ghost acts through Mary. In recent times
especially we are perceiving the Immaculata, the Spo-
use of the Holy Spirit, as our Mediatrix. Immaculata at
Lourdes began to act in her capacity as our Mediatrix.

the common prayers (lex or- she gives us her command "Do
andi lex credendi), is based on whatever He tells you."
Scripture and tradition. 3. Through her, He
strengthened the faith of John
During Our Lady earth- on Calvary, saying to him:
ly life, Mary appears in "Behold thy mother."
Scripture as the distributor of 4. By her the Holy Ghost
graces: came down upon the apostles,
1. Through Mary, Jesus for she was praying with them
sanctified the Precursor when in the cenacle on Pentecost
she went to visit her cous- day when the Holy Ghost de-
in Elizabeth and sang the scended in the form of tongues
Magnificat. of fire.
2. Through His mother, Jesus
confirmed the faith of the dis- After the assumption and her
ciples at Cana, by granting the entrance into glory, Mary is the
miracle that she asked. Also distributor of all graces. M

Developed on the basis of:

• "The three ages of the interior life" by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.;
• "Glories of Mary" by St. Aphonsus Liguori;
• "Mariology" (vol. 2), J.B. Carol (ed.) (1957).

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

M.I. Preparation for enrolment

"Consecration to the Immaculata"

It is a preparation for enrolment to the M.I.
with an introduction and 13-days of prepara-
tion according to St. Maximilian Kolbe.
The booklet also includes a comprehen-
sive ceremony of enrolment to the M.I.

You can download the booklet from this link:

"The Immaculata, Our Ideal"

This book we use for a preparation for en-
rolment to the Militia Immaculatae.
From this book we have daily spirutual

You can download the booklet from this link:

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

In his magazine "Knight of the Immaculata" St. Maximilian

referred to news from the world as "little sparks". Sparks are the
source of fire. Let them ignite our apostolic activity. Let us gain the
whole world for the Immaculata with Her help and for Her glory.

Bp Fellay appointed Fr. Karl Stehlin

as the International Moderator of M.I.
In April Bp. Bernard Fellay,
Superior General of the Socie-
ty of St. Pius X, and also of the
Militia Immaculatae Traditional
Observance, appointed Fr. Karl
Stehlin to the post of the Inter-
national Moderator of M.I.
In 2000 Fr. Karl Stehlin, with
the permission of the Supe- Fr. Karl Stehlin
rior General of the Society of
St. Pius X, restored the M.I. to its Fr. Karl Stehlin wants to sup-
original form, just as it was esta- port and develop M.I. in the
blished and led by St. Maximi- countries in which it already
lian himself. The Militia Imma- exists, and also, according to
culatae Traditional Observance the idea of St. Maximilian, to
aims to protect the authentic he- establish the Knighthood in
ritage of St. Maximilian and the all countries of the world — so
faithfulness to the uncontamina- that all people are able to get to
ted, unchanging Catholic faith. know and to fall in love with the
Fr. Karl Stehlin on 6th of Mary Immaculate.
May  2000 in Warsaw (Poland)
accepted the first people into We can read all the letters
the ranks of the M.I. There are from Fr. Stehlin, here:
over 15,000 members in the
ranks of M.I. presently. english/Publications.php

September — October 2016 (No. 1)


Fr. Karl Stehlin established If you want to take part in the
the prayer apostolate. We have M.I. PRAYER CRUSADE, you
a promising enrolment of many must write to the address:
knights despite the fact that not
yet many knights are aware of that you engage yourself to
its existence. Besides the more pray daily at least one decade
common requests for prayers for of the rosary and the Memorare
financial and health issues, we for the intention of all knights
also receive many requests for enrolled in the M.I. PRAYER
spiritual and social issues — co- CRUSADE.
nversions, discernments for vo- Once a week you will receive
cations, spiritual welfare of prie- an email with all prayer requ-
sts, bishops, the church and Holy ests received during the week:
Father, return to tradition, social for these intentions you will
kingship of Christ the King, gro- pray for one week.
wth of the apostolate etc. We re-
gularly receive letters of thanks- More information is here:
giving witnessing about the
efficacy of this Prayer Crusade. english/info260.php

The sacrifice in Korea

One of Korean Knights, an el- the apostolate in Korea prosper

derly lady, offered her sufferings for the salvation of many souls.
generously for the conversion of
Korea. Certainly, due to her in-
tercession, many people joined
the Militia Immaculatae. During
the last months, quite a lot of
young people found their way to
Catholic Tradition and almost all
of them became members of the
M.I. May the Immaculata make

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

Young Knights of the Immaculata in India

Knights of Immaculatae esta- ces and sacrifices in a day. Next,
blished “Young Knights of the young people talked about new
Immaculata” (YKI) for boys and activities and tasks. Then each
for girls. Both of the groups work meeting ended with a prayer.
at the St. Joseph’s chapel, Trichy. These groups are very acti-
The Supervisor of both groups is ve. Members of Young Knights
Rev. Fr. Benoit Walliez. of the Immaculata distribute
They have regular meetings. many handouts, eg. about Our
During the first meeting rules Lady of Fatima, about First Five
were developed for the YKI. Each Saturday Devotion and they
meeting started by praying a Holy
Rosary, which the young people
offered as a sacrifice for the sa-
crileges against the Most Holy
and Pure Virgin Mother. After
the prayers were finished there
was a  short address on spiritual
subjects, e.g., about meditation
The meeting for girls
and its importance in self-sanc-
tification, about the many oppor- distribute CDs about the shroud
tunities to undertake little penan- of Our Lord in the Tamil langu-
age. They play with
the infants and tell
them stories and
deliver some ba-
sic catechism, and
give them medals,
rosaries and holy
cards. For older pe-
ople they pray and
talk to them and
they give them me-
Part of members of Militia Immaculatae with Father Benoit Walliez
dals and books.

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

The pilgrimage of YKI in India

On Sunday, 24 July, the fema-
le Young Knights of the Imma-
culata (YKI) went on a pilgrima-
ge to Poondi, Tamil Nadu (India).
5  aspirants were received as
members after doing their con-
secration to the Immaculata, in
front of the statue of Our Lady of
Lourdes — one of the 3 copies of
the original statue, sent to India
in the 1850's. nice stone benches they were
While having lunch, they using were none other than the
made a shocking discovery: the former basilica side altars! They
could still clearly see the large
crosses on each corner of the
stone and the "sepulchre", may-
be still containing the relics.
They immediately moved and
ate whilst sitting on the ground.

New 81 Knights in Chennai

In Chennai (India) at the Knights for the Militia Imma-
end of the retreats (July 31) at culatae. In Asia there are al-
Stella Maris College, Father most 4,000 Knights of the Im-
Karl Stehlin accepted 81 new maculata.

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

Montfort Retreat in Osaka (Japan)

The "Montfortan Retreat" was 31 people attended this retre-
held from 10th of August, 2016 at. Each day the retreat starts by
to the 15th in Osaka, Japan. This the 7:00 a.m. Mass. There were
is a special retreat following the 4 or 5 spiritual conferences, Holy
book of Saint Grignon de Mont- Hour and Benediction from 6 to
fort: "True devotion to the Bles- 7  p.m. We had sung Compline
sed Virgin Mary", preached by every night at 8:00 p.m. It ended
Rev. Father Karl Stehlin, District by a Sung Mass of The Feast of
Superior of Asia, and translated the Assumption of the Blessed
into Japanese by Father Thomas Virgin Mary.
Onoda. We were really able to under-
stand the meaning and to belie-
ve: "to Jesus through Mary". Our
Lady is mediator to Jesus and
the Blessed Holy Trinity. And we
need to do all our actions "thro-
ugh Mary, with Mary, in Mary,
for Mary". I understand that we
must give all, even our merits, to
Our Lady. This is the best way for

Holy Mass Conferences during retreat

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

The statue of Our Lady The procession in honour of Mary

our salvation and to give honor versary of Fatima and M.I. 100th
to God, because Our Lord Jesus anniversary
Christ did it in that way. Our Lord I would like to express my
Jesus lived together with Our gratitude to Father Karl Stehlin,
Lady for 30 years, and He said to Father Thomas Onoda, to all
"I gave you an example", "follow those who worked for this retreat
me". He loved His mother in pu- and to the Immaculata!
blic life as well as private life.
It was very important for the Deo gratias!
preparation for the 100th anni- Odanaka Agnes (Japan)

The Perfect Devotion
to the Blessed Virgin Mary
This flyer concerns Marian Retreat according St. Louis
Grignion de Montfort and the act of total consecration
to Jesus through Mary.


The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

First enrolments in Australia

The message came from der young age of ten offering
Father Stehlin to our parish ‘Our him the choice between a white
Lady Help of Christians, Star of crown and a red crown, repre-
the Sea Church’ in Perth, Au- senting purity and martyrdom,
stralia through our prior, Father he chose both.
Shane Johnson one Sunday Having not known much
during Mass in July. about Saint Maximilian Kolbe,
I listened intently to the let- I was moved and totally inspired
ter that was relayed to us, to the by his story.

plea. The plea for joining the I set about looking for a date
Militia Immaculatae. Well, the for my consecration. I first lo-
seed was planted in my head, oked at the 15th August, the
and most importantly in my feast day of the Assumption of
heart. This was something that Our Lady. Then as I was rese-
I had to do. arching I noticed that Saint
As soon as I got home, I star- Maximilian Kolbe’s feast day
ted researching everything that was on the 14th of August. I saw
I could on the Militia Imma- this as a  signal grace, and stra-
culatae and the story of Saint ight away decided to ask Father
Maximilian Kolbe. And what an Johnson if it was possible for
incredible story that was. What me to be consecrated on Sunday
an awe inspiring human being. the 14th August 2016 by sending
Having been blessed with a vi- him an email in the week. Well,
sion from Our Lady at the ten- Father Johnson never read my

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

Booklet and Flyer

about Militia Immaculatae
History • Spirituality • Future
Booklet for downoload:

Flyer for downoload:

mail, but amazingly came to We received word back from

me as I knelt in the pew before Father Stehlin "I am very hap-
Mass, and said “Christine … are py for your decision to make the
you going to join the Militia Im- enrolments on the very day of
maculatae?”, I replied "Father, the martyrdom of St. Maximi-
did you not receive my email". lian Kolbe. It will be a day of
Yes, I  absolutely want join the grace for Australia, the very first
Militia Immaculatae. enrolments. I will arrive the day
Over the week that followed afterwards in Australia and will
Father Johnson continued to proceed with the enrolments in
give encouraging accounts of Tynong on the 22nd August Deo
the Militia Immaculatae and et Immaculatae volente."
Saint Maximilian Kolbe to the What an incredible day of gra-
parishioners. He also communi- ce it was for Australia with the
cated with Father Stehlin about first enrolments to the Militia Im-
our plan of having our first con- maculatae taking place in Perth,
secrations on the 14th of August. at the 'Our Lady Help of Chri-

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

stians, Star of the Sea Church' It is truly a comfort to know

parish, officiated by our Prior, that her Immaculate Heart will
Father Johnson on this the 75th be our refuge and the way which
Anniversary of the death of Saint leads us to God.
Maximilian Kolbe in Auschwitz. We are reminded that at Fa-
29 faithful expressed the- tima "Our Lady said that God
ir devotion to our most loving wished to establish in the world
Mother by enrolling in the Militia devotion to the Immaculate
Immaculatae and consecrating Heart of Mary. Our Lady said
themselves entirely to the Imma- that many souls would be saved
culate Virgin. It was heartening from Hell and the annihilation
to see so many joining the Army of nations averted if, in time,
of the Immaculate as warriors in devotion to Her Immaculate
the constant battle of converting Heart were established."
all to God through Mary, with In the end Her Immaculate
11 men becoming Knights of the Heart will triumph!
Militia Immaculatae. Christine Rocher (Australia)

Australia — over 300 new Knights

Father Director of the Militia Lady, St. Maximilian Kolbe and
Immaculate went to Australia to the Militia Immaculatae. The
preach retreats about Our Lady. next day (August, 21) saw the
On Saturday (20th August) at the enrolment ceremony after the
Priory of Corpus Christi at Ty- first Mass. Father Stehlin enrol-
nong, Reverend Father Stehlin led more than 100 new Knights
gave two conferences about Our for the Militia Immaculatae.
Seminary Holy Cross at Goulburn On August 22, on the Feast of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Reverend Father Stehlin enrol-
led almost 200 new Knights at
the St. Thomas Aquinas school
in Tynong. During this day
Fr. Stehlin also enrolled 16 new
Knights at the Holy Cross Semi-
nary at Goulburn.

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

Knights of the Immaculatae in New Zealand

At the end of August Father In Saint Michael the Archan-
Karl Stehlin preached recollec- gel Chapel at Wellington, Father
tions in New Zealand. In only Stehlin accepted 14 new Knights.
a few days Father Stehlin accep- Fr. Lavin takes spiritual care of
ted 210 new Knights of the Im- the faithful from this chapel.
maculatae. On August 28th, at Saint An-
In the Immaculate Heart of thony of Padua Church at Wan-
Mary chapel in Auckland, Father
accepted new 27 Knights. In this
chapel, Fr. MacPherson, modera-
tor M.I. for New Zealand, leads
a very active Marian Apostolate.
During short recollections
at St  Dominic’s Girls School at
Wanganui, Father Stehlin accep-
ted 31 new Knights. The Domini-
can Sisters of Wanganui are wor-
king in this school. Announcement about retreat in St Anthony
of Padua Church at Wanganui

ganui, during Parish Recollection

Day, Father Stehlin preached
two conferences about Our Lady
and the Militia Immaculatae and
at the end he accepted 115 new
Knights. Fr.  Bochholtz, parish
priest, was very happy.
In September we will have
Chapel at St Dominic's Girls School
more new Knights in New Ca-
ledonia and Vanuatu. The next
In St. Augustine’s Boys School enrolments will take place in Oc-
at Wanganui, we have new tober in Auckland, Napier, Ha-
23  Knights. In this school the milton and Wanganui.
Principal is Fr. Andrew Cranshaw. Deo per Immaculatam gratias!

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

Consecration of the first M.I. banners in Switzerland and Germany

The M.I. has got its first ban- of Switzerland, had the honour
ners! The three German-speaking of performing this memorable act
countries of Germany, Switzer- on Sunday 21st of August 2016.
land and Austria together procu- The M.I. banner will be a sign
red a banner for each country. of our inner determination. It will
In Munich, Germany, Fr.  Hel- show that we are consecrated to
mut Trutt, the MI-priest for the Immaculate; that we submit

Consecration of the first M.I. banner in Munich, Germany

Germany consecrated the M.I. to her; that we are ready to fight

banner of Germany at the 75th for our Queen, to commit for her;
Anniversary of St. Maximilian’s that we believe we will triumph
martyrdom, on August 14th. once we are united with her un-
In Switzerland, the national der her banner.
prayer weekend of the SSPX to Furthermore our banner is
honour the patron of Switzer- a symbol of the unity of our spiritu-
land, St. Niklaus of Flue, was the al army, a visible and outward sign.
occasion for the consecration of Some quotes by Fr. Robert
the new banner for Switzerland. Mäder, a great Marian priest of
Fr. Stefan Pfluger, the M.I. priest the first half of the 20th century

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

in Switzerland, may help us to life, and after this victory come

understand the significance of as conquerors to the Kingdom of
a banner: Heaven. We ask this through you,
“A banner is more than just a pie- Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns
ce of embroidered silk. It is a decla- with God the Father and the Holy
ration of intent — a symbol of some- Ghost forever and ever.
thing that one wants to do. To stand under the banner means
The banner is not a toy. Espe- military service! Hail Mary, Mother
cially the banner of the one who of God, pray for us poor sinners. Be

Consecration of the first M.I. banner in Swizterland

crushes the head of the serpent. Let our beacon in the cold, dark night.
us hear the Church’s prayer of the Take us under your victorious ban-
consecration of a banner: ner and we will fight against the big
Lord Jesus Christ, whose Church dragon. Now and at the hour of our
is like a well ordered battle-array, death.”
bless this banner; and grant that
all who fight under this standard The whole world for Jesus thro-
for your sake, O Lord God, may ugh the Immaculate!
by the prayers of the most Blessed United under the banner of the
Virgin Mary overcome their visi- Immaculate.
ble and invisible enemies in this Benjamin Aepli

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

The launching of the M.I. in the United Kingdom

The District of Great Britain and A webpage giving an outline
Scandinavia has not had a branch of the Militia was built into the
of the original Militia Immaculata website for the U.K. District. En-
for very many years, if there was rolment certificates were printed,
a presence at all. If ever there was and on 19th June 2016 Fr. Bruccia-
a branch, it withered after the im- ni began the long task of visiting
position of changed Statutes follo- 30  FSSPX Chapels and Mass
wing the Second Vatican Council. Centres throughout his District
Towards the closing stages of with the intention of giving inspi-
Fr.  Paul Morgan’s period of te- rational sermons and conducting
nure as District Superior he invi- enrolments at each one.
ted Fr. Karl Stehlin to give a talk So far, he has visited 8 of the
on the Militia Immaculata at the 30 Chapels & Mass Centres, and
SSPX Chapel of St. Anne in Le- 209 of the faithful have enrolled as
icester, and that talk inspired the Knights of the Immaculata.
writer to explore how to become Already, those with email ad-
dresses have received their first
email containing Fr. Stehlin’s
Father Director Letter #2 which
includes the prayer for the Inter-
cession of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Chapel Fr. Brucciani would like to see
of St. Joseph
all of the faithful in the District
& St. Padarn in London
become Knights of the Militia Im-
a Knight of the Immaculata — but maculatae, and it is possible by
it was not possible at that time. the grace of God and with the in-
Shortly after the arrival of tercession of the Immaculata that
Fr. Robert Brucciani as the new he will have visited all 30 Chapels
District Superior of the U.K. in and Mass Centres by April of 2017
August 2015, he was asked if it in time for the 100th anniversary
would be possible to establish of the founding of the Militia by
a  branch in the U.K. and he re- Fr. Maximilian Kolbe.
adily agreed to investigate. Howard Toon

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

New 148 Knights in Great Britain

In the GB District 21 Knights local coordinators as soon as they
were enrolled in Manchester on have been appointed at the Cha-
the 24th July 2016. An additional pels for handing out to Knights
10 Knights were enrolled in Leice- to give away as free gifts at every
ster on the 15th August. The majori- opportunity.
ty of these belong to families where On Sunday 21st August 2016
some members had been enrolled Fr. Robert Brucciani enrolled
earlier, but these later ones had 99  new Knights into the M.I. in
not been able to be present on that the GB District as a result of vi-
particular day. It is not possible to siting the SSPX Chapel at St. Mi-
know whether any of them were chael’s School. This was during
enrolled due to an approach by the School holidays. Fr. Brucciani
a non-family Knight, but when all will return later when the School
the "regulars" have been enrolled is in session. There is such a rich
and we see strangers being enrol- harvest, but for the time being, the
led, we shall know that this is due labourers are few.
to recommendations by Knights, or Father Robert Brucciani enrol-
that it is due to the distribution of led 18 new Knights into the Militia
Miraculous Medals and the expla- Immaculatae when he visited the
natory leaflet. Church of the Holy Cross at Wo-
Further supplies of Miraculous king on Sunday 28th August.
Medals and leaflets will be sent to Howard Toon

The Militia Immaculatae in the US District

The number of Knights keeps nia, Connecticut, Nevada, Kansas
rising steadily in the District of the and others, there are close to 4,000
United States of America. Thro- members from 20 different states
ugh the efforts of Fr. Dennis Mc- who have enrolled in the Militia
Donald and Fr. Mark Stafki, who Immaculatae. At least 5 priests
have been preaching on the Mi- have become members and hope-
litia Immaculatae in states such as fully many more will join the ranks
Idaho, Colorado, Phoenix, Califor- of Our Lady’s Army!

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

Information on the Militia Im- tinue! In return, the Knights have

maculatae is presented at the An- received gifts of Masses for the year
gelus Press Conference which ta- from Fr. Dennis McDonald who be-
kes place each year in Kansas City, gan the Militia Immaculatae in the
MO. The Traditional Franciscan US on December 8th, 2005.
Sisters,who are located in Kansas Also in Post Falls is a monthly
City,have as their apostolate the Holy Hour in front of the Blessed
promotion of the MI and are them- Sacrament where members pray
selves Militia members. At this for the intentions of the M.I. This
national event, these good sisters includes ones’ own sanctification
are responsible for managing the and the conversion of others thro-
MI Table. ugh Mary Immaculate. Since May
Recently, from August 8–19th, 13th of this year, the Monthly Holy
Fr. Mark Stafki led a group of Pil- Hour has been dedicated to the re-
grims on an M.I. Pilgrimage to vi- citation of the 15 decade Rosary in
sit the many holy shrines in Poland honor of Our Lady of Fatima. This
and Prague. What a great grace will continue through October 13th,
to drink of the spirituality of the 2017 in a spirit of preparation for
M.I.’s beloved founder, St.  Ma- 100th year Anniversary of the Fa-
ximilian Kolbe! It was also a grace tima Apparitions. Fr. Stehlin has
to see the fruits of the  SSPX apo- encouraged the Knights to do all
stolate in Eastern Europe which they can to prepare for this Cen-
were cultivated under Fr. Karl Ste- tenary with prayers and sacrifices
hlin. Many are grateful to receive in a spirit of reparation. Updates,
the benefits of belonging to the prayer intentions as well as messa-
Militia Immaculatae which was ges from Fr. Stehlin are available
resurrected in its Traditional form by emails sent from Mr. David Me-
and in the original spirit of St. Ma- tzger (
ximilian Kolbe by Fr. Stehlin! for anyone who wishes to subscri-
Each year, the Knights of the Im- be to these emails.
maculata in Post Falls have a No- The Militia Immaculatae is ma-
vena of Masses offered for the Re- king its presence felt in the US,
verend Fathers of the M.I. Without bringing the hope that Our Lady
the Chaplains’ continued work and will grant many graces to the souls
preaching, the MI could not con- dedicated to her honor and glory.

September — October 2016 (No. 1)

Our Lady says through the mouth is all grace of the way and of the
of scripture: "I am the mother of truth, in me is all hope of life and of
fair love, and of fear, and of know- virtue." (Ecclesiasticus 24–25) She
ledge, and of holy hope. In me is our only Hope!

The Militia Immaculatae in Nigeria

Thanks to the intercession of selves to Our Lady, as it is through
Our Lady and the devotion of her that each of our poor works
many, the Militia Immaculatae take on the beauty of her merits.
has shown an enormous growth in On July 3rd in Lagos, 6 new
Nigeria. Many souls have disco- members were added to the alre-
vered this admirable way to work ady numerous group of faithful
for their own salvation and for the
salvation of others through a total
consecration to Our Lady.
On May 15 2016 in Port Har-
court, 19 souls consecrated them-
selves to Our Lady. In spite of the
difficulties in getting to our cha-
pel in this large city, many people who have joined the Militia Im-
came for the conference and the maculatae. This chapel was the
ceremony in order to give them- first to ask for the establishment
selves to Our Lady as an instru- of the Militia Immaculatae in Ni-
ment for the salvation of souls and geria and has seen many graces
for the glory of Her Divine Son. thanks to Our Lady, including,
On May 22 in Onitcha, 28 so- God willing, the beginnings of
uls enrolled themselves in the some religious vocations.
Militia Immaculatae. This chapel Thus in Nigeria there are now
has always made great efforts to 103 members of the Militia Im-
adorn the liturgy of the Mass with maculatae. May many more souls
Gregorian chant and well trained hear the call of Our Lady to give
Mass servers. It is also the only themselves entirely to her, so that
chapel in Nigeria to have an orga- she may give us that strength to
nist! Thus it is not surprising that conquer all heresies!
so many would want to give them- Fr. John Jenkins

The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide

The Militia Immaculatae has over 15,000 members all over

the world: Poland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Great
Britain, Croatia, the USA, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, India,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and othrs contries in Asia.

Enrolment in Akita (Japan)

Enrolment 6 new Knights in Poland at the
end of the Pilgrimage to the shrine of Our
Lady of Czestochowa.
Read more:

Enrolment in Jakarta First enrolment in Bangkok (Thailand)

The Militia Immaculatae is an army of Knights of
Mary Immaculate which works for the conversion of all
men to God, whether they be Protestants, or Jews, or
Muslims, & in particular the Freemasons, and that all
become saints, under the patronage and through the
mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.
The Militia Immaculatae was founded by St. Maximi-
lian Maria Kolbe on September 17, 1917. Since 1937 Militia
Immaculatae is also called the Knights of the Immaculata.

Original Statutes of the Militia Immaculatae (by St. Maximilian)

"She will crush your head." (Genesis 3:15)
"Thou alone hast vanquished all heresies throughout the world."
(from the Roman Breviary)
I. Goal of Membership:
To work for the conversion to God of all men, be they sinners, heretics, schisma-
tics, Jews, Moslems etc., in particular the Masons; and that all become saints, under
the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.
II. Conditions of Membership:
1. To consecrate oneself entirely to the Immaculate Virgin, placing oneself freely
as a docile and generous instrument in Her hands.
2. To wear the Miraculous Medal.
III. Duties of Membership:
1. If possible, to pray the following ejaculation at least once a day: "O Mary,
conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for all those who
do not have recourse to Thee, especially for the Masons and for all those who are
commended to Thee."
2. To use all other valid and legitimate means for the conversion and sanctification
of men, according to one’s means, in the different states and conditions of life, as the
occasions present themselves; this is entrusted to the zeal and prudence of each one.
Particularly recommended, however, is spreading the Miraculous Medal.
N.B. These means are recommended only as suggestions and not as an obligation; not one of
them obliges under pain of sin, not even venial sin. Our principal motive is to help the greatest
possible number of souls to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the mediation of
the Immaculata.

If you want to join us, please email:

and tell us which country you are from.
for Knights
“Immaculata — Mediatrix of all graces”
The Catholic Church honors our Blessed
Mother with so many beautiful titles
including that of "Mediatrix of all graces".
All graces that are bestowed upon this world
must come through Our Blessed Mother;
given by Christ of course, but only through
the Blessed Mother. She is the channel with
which the world receives our Lord!

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