CR ECE Unit 4
CR ECE Unit 4
CR ECE Unit 4
Transmitter and receiver must have a mechanism to find each other, which is
known as Access Negotiation in multichannel MAC.
Consequently, the multichannel MAC consists of
1)Collision Avoidance and Collision Resolution;
2)Access Negotiation.
Multichannel MAC: Collision
Multi-Layer Collision Avoidance/Resolution (MULCAR):
Carrier sensing in generalized form: a device can sense the
channel to be ‘0’ or ‘t’, that is, there exists transmission(s) or not.
Collision resolution in generalized form: a device (mobile or base
station) can teach the channel to be ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘e’, that is, idle,
success or collision.
Collision avoidance and resolution tree
expansion structure, MULCAR,
Collision Anticipation Tree Expansion (CATE):