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1 General Description of Aluminum Elec-

trolytic Capacitors Separator sheet
impregnated with electrolyte
1-1 The Principle of Capacitor
The principle of capacitor can be presented by the Anode foil Cathode foil
(Virtually, electrode for
principle drawing as in Fig.1-1. cathode extraction)

When a voltage is applied between the metal elec-

trodes placed opposite on both surfaces of a dielec-
tric, electric charge can be stored proportional to the Anodic oxide film

voltage. Natural air oxide film

Q=C・V Electrolyte
(True cathode)
Q : Quantity of electricity (C) Fig.1-2
V : Voltage (V)
C : Capacitance (F)
1-2 Equivalent Circuit of the Capacitor
The electrical equivalent circuit of the aluminum elec-
trolytic capacitor is as presented in the following figure.

R1 R2 C2 L



C. called the capacitance of capacitor, is expressed by R1 : Resistance of terminal and electrode

the following expression with the electrode area S[m2], R2 : Resistances of anodic oxide film and electrolyte
the electrode spacing t [m] and the dielectric constant R3 : Insulation resistance because of defective anodic
oxide film
of dielectric “ε”:
C[F]=ε0・ε・—— t
D1 : Oxide semiconductor of anode foil
ε0 : Dielectric constant in vacuum (=8.85×10­12F/m) C1 : Capacity of anode foil
C2 : Capacity of cathode foil
The dielectric constant of an aluminum oxide film is L : Inductance caused by terminals, electrodes, etc.
7 to 8. Larger capacitances can be obtained by en-
larging the electrode area S or reducing t.
Table 1-1 shows the dielectric constants of typical diel- 2 About the Life of an Aluminum Electrolytic
ectrics used in the capacitor. In many cases, capacitor Capacitor
names are determined by the dielectric material used, 2-1 Concept of Life Estimation
for example, aluminum electrolytic capacitor, tantalum 2-1-1 Estimation of life with minimal ripple current
capacitor, etc. (negligible).
Generally, the life of an aluminum electrolytic capacitor
Table 1 is closely related with its ambient temperature and the
Dielectric Dielectric Constant Dielectric Dielectric Constant
Aluminum oxide film 7 to 8 Porcelain (ceramic) 10 to 120
life will be approximately the same as the one obtained
by Arrhenius’ equation.

) )
Mylar 3.2 Polystyrene 2.5
Mica 6 to 8 Tantalum oxide film 10 to 20 T0−T
L= L0× 2 ………………(1)
Although the aluminum electrolytic capacitor is small, Where L : Life at temperature T
it has a large capacitance. It is because the electrode L0 : Life at temperature T0
area is roughened by electrochemical etching, en-
larging the electrode area and also because the die-
lectric is very thin.
The schematic cross section of the aluminum electrol-
ytic capacitor is as in Fig.1-2.

NOTE : Design,
‌ Specifications are subject to change without notice.
It is recommended that you shall obtain technical specifications
from ELNA to ensure that the component is suitable for your use. CAT.No.2023/2024E

2-1-2 Estimation of life considering the ripple current.

The ripple current affects the life of a capacitor
because the internal loss (ESR) generates heat. The L = Ld × 2

10 ×K

̶ ΔT
10 ) ) ) ………………(4)
generated heat will be : Where Ld : Life at DC operation (h)
P =Ⅰ2R………………(2) at Upper category temperature
WhereⅠ : Ripple current (Arms)      K : Ripple acceleration factor
R : ESR (Ω) (K=2, within allowable ripple current)
     T0 : Upper category temperature (℃)
With increase in the temperature of the capacitor:
     T : Operating temperature (℃)
Δ T =Ⅰ
̶ ………………(3)     Δ T : Temperature increase at capacitor core
A xH
Where Δ T : Temperature increase in the capacitor (deg.)
core(deg.) ②The life estimation formula based on Guaranteed life
Ⅰ : Ripple current (Arms)  (when rated ripple current is superimposed at upper
R : ESR (Ω)  category temperature) is derived as follows by
A : Surface area of the capacitor (cm2)  modifying formula (4).

) ) ) )
H : Radiation coefficient (Approx. 1.5 to 2.0 0ーT
T̶ T0ーΔT
× 10 -3W/cm2×℃)
L = Lr × 2 10 ×K 10 ………(5)
The above equation (3) shows that the temperature of Where Lr : Guaranteed life
a capacitor increases in proportion to the square of (Life at the upper category temperature
the applied ripple current and ESR, and in inverse with the rated ripple current [h])
proportion to the surface area. Therefore, the amount    ΔT0 : Temperature increase at capacitor core,
of the ripple current determines the heat generation, at the upper category temperature (deg.)
which affects the life. The value of Δ T varies de-
pending on the capacitor types and operating condi- ③Life estimation formula considering ambient temper-
tions. The usage is generally desirable if Δ T remains  ature and ripple current is derived as follows by using
less than 5℃. The measuring point for temperature  equation (3) to transform equation (5) into equations
increase due to ripple current is shown below ;  forⅠ, Ⅰ0, ΔT0.


) ) ΔT0
1ー ̶ ×̶
Measuring point
L = Lr × 2 10 ×K Ⅰ0 10 ……(6)

WhereⅠ0 : Rated ripple current at the upper category

      temperature (Arms)
   Ⅰ : Applied ripple current (Arms)

 Use below ΔT0 value at each category highest

 temperature when calculating life expectancy using
 equation (5) or (6).
Since it is actually difficult to measure the temperature 85 : 10deg
increase at the capacitor core, the following table is 105 to 135 : 5deg
Electrolytic Capacitors
provided for conversion from the surface temperature 150 : 3deg
increase to the core temperature increase. 105 : 15deg
Polymer hybrid type aluminum 125 : 10deg
Electrolytic Capacitors 135 : 10deg
Table 2-1
150 : 5deg
Case diameter to 10 12.5 to 16 18
Core / Surface 1.1 1.2 1.25
The life expectancy formula shall in principle be
applied to the temperature range between the ambient
①The life estimation formula that considers ambient temperature of +40℃ and upper category temperature.
 temperature and temperature rise due to ripple is (Temperature conditions below +40℃ are uniformly
 derived as follows by modifying formula (1). treated as +40°C.) L=
The expected life time shall be about fifteen years at
maximum as a guide in terms of deterioration of the
sealant. Also, please note that the calculation results
calculated by the above formulas (4), (5), and (6) are
not guaranteed values.
NOTE : Design,
‌ Specifications are subject to change without notice.
It is recommended that you shall obtain technical specifications
from ELNA to ensure that the component is suitable for your use. CAT.No.2023/2024E

2-2 Practical Examples of Life Expectancy [Condition2]

By using the life estimation formula (6), the capacitor's Calculate L2 (120℃, 3.00Arms) by using
guaranteed time Lr (category upper limit temperature T0, T0=135℃, Ⅰ0=3.82Arms, Lr=2000h, ∆T0=5degC
rated ripple current Ⅰ0 ) can be converted to operating time
L2 = 2000×[2 ] = 6461[h]
{(135-120)/10} {1-(3.00/3.82)2}×(5/10) 
L under actual usage conditions (temperature T, ripple ×2
current Ⅰ).
Life consumption rate L et2 of actual operating time L c2
When considering whether a certain capacitor can be (=3000h) against L2 is calculated as,
applied to a mission profile (a combination of multiple
conditions of temperature, current, and operating time) that Let2 = 100×( Lc2/ L2 ) = 100×(3000/6461) = 46.4[%]
assumes actual use, calculate L for each profile condition
using formula (6), and it can be assumed that the capacitor
is applicable for profile conditions if the ratio of the total [Condition3]
value of actual operating time Lc to the total value of L (life Calculate L3 (40℃, 0.00Arms) by using
consumption rate Let) is within 100%. T0=135℃, Ⅰ0=3.82Arms, Lr=2000h, ∆T0=5degC

L3 = 2000×[2 ]
{(135-40)/10} {1-(0.00/3.82)2}×(5/10) 
(Since the calculation result is not a guaranteed value, ×2
please make a decision after thorough testing regarding = 2048000[h]
profile application.)
Life consumption rate L et3 of actual operating time L c3
[Calculation example] (=123400h) against L3 is calculated as,
Calculate whether the RKC series 80V1600μF (Data A) is
applicable to the mission profile (Data B). Let3 = 100×( Lc3/ L3 ) = 100×(123400/2048000)
= 6.03[%]
Data A (Basic sample data)
Item : 80V 1600μF φ18 x 40L RKC series Therefore, the total value Let_all of the life consumption rate
T0 = 135°C of each profile is calculated as follows.
∆T0 = 5deg
Ⅰ0 = 3.82Arms at 135°C,100kHz Let_all = Let1+ Let2+ Let3 = 4.30[%]+46.4[%]+6.03[%]
Lr = 56.8[%]
(Guarantee = 2000hours at 135°C
time) Therefore, since it is less than 100%, RKC series 80V1600μF
is presumed to be applicable to this profile.
Data B (Mission profile)
T Ⅰ Lc
(Ambient (Ripple current (Operating
temperature) at 100kHz) time)
Condition1 80°C 2.00Arms 5000h
Condition2 120°C 3.00Arms 3000h
Condition3 40°C 0.00Arms 123400h

Calculate L1 (80℃, 2.00Arms) by using
T0=135℃, Ⅰ0=3.82Arms, Lr=2000h, ∆T0=5degC

L1 = 2000×[2 ]
{(135-80)/10} {1-(2.00/3.82)2}×(5/10) 
= 116400[h]

Life consumption rate L et1 of actual operating time L c1

(=5000h) against L1 is calculated as,

Let1 = 100×(Lc1/ L1 ) = 100×(5000/116400)

= 4.30[%]

NOTE : Design,
‌ Specifications are subject to change without notice.
It is recommended that you shall obtain technical specifications
from ELNA to ensure that the component is suitable for your use. CAT.No.2023/2024E

3 To calculate Balance when connecting in If a=0.8, 400(V)×2×0.8=640(V) as an impressed

series voltage.
3-1 Circuit layout If b=2, R2=b R1=426(kΩ), LC=0.94(mA).
Circuit for connecting two capacitors (C1, C2) in series Balance resistance RB will be.
and equivalent circuit can be illustrated as below figure. (1−0.8)
RB ≦ 2×2×213(kΩ) =852(kΩ)
Formula to calculate a balance resistance RB of below (2×0.8)×2−1
figure is shown as follows.

4 Regarding Recovery Voltage

• After charging and then discharging the aluminum
R1 RB V1
C1 RB electrolytic capacitor, and further causing short-circuit
V to the terminals and leave them alone, the voltage
between the two terminals will rise again after some
C2 RB R2 RB V2 interval. Voltage caused in such case is called recovery
voltage. Following is the process that causes this
phenomenon :
Following are the preconditions of the circuit. • When the voltage is impressed on a dielectric,
① V2 shall be the rated voltage (=V0). (V1<V2) electrical transformation will be caused inside the
② V shall be a times V0×2. V=2aV0 (a<1) dielectric due to dielectric action, and electrification
③ R2 shall equal R1×b. (b<1) (1) will occur in positive-negative opposite to the voltage
impressed on the surface of the dielectric. This
3-2 Formulas to calculate [RB] phenomenon is called polarization action.
3-2-1 Following formula can be established from • After the voltage is impressed with this polarization
balanced condition. action, and if the terminals are discharged till the
terminal voltage reaches 0 and are left open for a while,
1 + 1 1 + 1
V1 = V2 (2) an electric potential will arise between the two terminals
and thus causes recovery voltage.
3-2-2 Following formula can be established from • Recovery voltage comes to a peak around 10 to 20
preconditions. days after the two terminals are left open, and then
V2 ≦ V0 (3) gradually declines. Recovery voltage has a tendency to
V1 = V − V2 (4) become bigger as the component (stand-alone base
=2aV0 − V2 (4’) type) becomes bigger.
• If the two terminals are short-circuited after the
3-2-3 Put formulas (1), (3) and (4’) in formula (2). recovery voltage is generated, a spark may scare the
workers working in the assembly line, and may put low-
R1 + RB bR1 + RB
(2aV0−V2) =V2 voltage driven components (CPU, memory, etc.) in
R1 x RB bR1 x RB
2abV0(R1+RB)=V2 {b(R1+RB)+bR1+RB} danger of being destroyed. Measures to prevent this is
2ab(R1+RB) ≦ 2bR1+(1+b)RB to discharge the accumulated electric charge with
Accordingly, balance resistance R shall be the resistor of about 100 to 1kΩ before using, or ship out
following formula. by making the terminals in short-circuit condition by
covering them with an aluminum foil at the production
RB≦2bR1 (5) stage. Please consult us for adequate procedures.
(2a−1) x b−1

3-3 Calculation Example

Calculate the value of the balance resistance in the
case of connecting two 400V 470µF ( LC standard
value : 1.88mA) capacitors in series.
R1 = =213(kΩ)

NOTE : Design,
‌ Specifications are subject to change without notice.
It is recommended that you shall obtain technical specifications
from ELNA to ensure that the component is suitable for your use. CAT.No.2023/2024E
5 Electrode Foil Development Technology
; High reliability capacitors
5-1 Corrosion inhibition of cathode foil
; Reference
Inactive treatment is implemented to ensure long life by

Exponent of weight changes


inhibiting natural corrosion of the cathode foil. Fig. 3-1

shows its effects with values of the polarization
resistance inversely proportional to the corrosion rate 1

using the AC impedance method (FRA). This indicates

that the cathode foil used in the High reliability capacitors 0 1000 2000

has the polarization resistance higher than that of the Time (h)
Fig.. 3-3
conventional capacitors owing to corrosion inhibition.
5-4 Long-time stability of electrolyte
The electrolyte used in the High reliability capacitor is sta-
ble with low initial resistivity and small secular
changes at a high temperature. Fig. 3-4 shows
Resistance (W)

change in resistivity at 105°C.
10 ; High reliability capacitors

2 200 ; Reference

Exponent of resistivity
High reliability capacitors Reference

Fig. 3-1

5-2 Sealing material permeability of electrolyte 0 1000 2000

To ensure long life, a low permeable lactone solvent for Time (h)

the sealing material is used as the main solvent of the Fig. 3-4

electrolyte of the High reliability capacitor. Fig. 3-2 shows 5-5 Dielectric formation voltage and leakage current
the test results on the permeability obtained by chang- characteristics of anode foil
ing the weight of the capacitors produced with different To increase the operating life by controlling the gas
types of electrolytes at a high temperature. generation inside capacitor because of 1.5 to 2 times
the rated voltage, while that of the previous capacitor
; High reliability capacitors

; Amidic solvent
is about 1.3 times the rated voltage.
Exponent of weight changes

; Lactonic product

LC (µA)

1 1

0 1000 2000
Time (h) 0.1
1 1.5 2 2.5
Fig.. 3-2 Voltage ratio
Fig. 3-5
5-3 Airtightness of sealing material
5-6 Lowered ESR of Electrode Foil
Since the electrolyte is stable for hours, the key element
To reduce the ESR of electrolytic capacitor, we have
for capacitor’s life is the sealing material. By optimizing
improved our chemical conversion technology for
the crosslinking density of the sealing material polymer,
anode foil to develop lower ESR electrode foil compared
the sealing material of the High reliability capacitor attains
to the conventional product as shown in Fig. 3-6
its long life with electrolyte permeability less than that of
the conventional capacitors. ; High reliability capacitors
Fig. 3-3 shows the test results on the airtightness of ; Reference
ESR Index

the sealing material obtained by changing the weight 0.5

of the capacitors at a high temperature, producing

capacitors with the conventional sealing material and 0

improved one both containing the electrolyte used in 20 50 80 105

Fig. 3-6 ESR Index of Anode Foil
the High reliability capacitor.

NOTE : Design,
‌ Specifications are subject to change without notice.
It is recommended that you shall obtain technical specifications
from ELNA to ensure that the component is suitable for your use. CAT.No.2023/2024E

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