Assignment (Educ 119)
Assignment (Educ 119)
Assignment (Educ 119)
Compare santrock’s list of current trend in assessment with the following assessment practices that enhance
Assessment Practices that Enhance Learning Six Current Trends in Assessment (Santrock)
a. The “end” learning goals are known in - Yes, because they use computers as part of
advance, as are the assessments of them. assessment. Like what being in the Santrock
b. The assessment tasks are set in a realistic Problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making,
context and require application skills. inference-drawing, and strategic thinking are examples
recall is insufficient.
c. The assessments are challenging yet Let's set the bar high. According to research, one's
d. The assessments are “open”, in other Setting high performance requirements and using top-
words, there is not a single correct answer notch standards to interpret test findings.
f. The learners have some choice regarding The current tendency in student evaluation is to use a
how they will demonstrate their learning variety of approaches, such as multiple choice tests,
(such as via products and performances) essays, interviews, projects, portfolios, and self-
g. There is an audience other than the Publicizing norms and criteria rather than keeping
h. There are opportunities to work with It works best when students are active in the entire
i. The teacher functions like a coach or an Models of excellence, aligned to the criteria, are
j. Detailed feedback is provided along the Students may receive rapid feedback thanks to
refine or “re-do” after feedback is given. interview, a project, a portfolio, and a self-evaluation.
l. Learners are encouraged to self-assess, Assessing higher-order cognitive abilities and focusing
reflect on their learning and set future on them rather than individual abilities.
goals based on the assessment results