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Abstract- The utilization of glass materials in MEMS application escalates over the past decades due to its peculiar
properties which generates the need to produce micro-features on glass with supreme surface quality. ECDM has
successfully evinced the micro-machining of glass material in which removal rate takes place through thermal erosion
that includes local joule heating of the glass work material followed by chemical etching action. Besides, numerous
intrinsic difficulties are there that required to be engulfed during micro-hole drilling process such as low material
removal rate at higher machining depth (due to non-availability of electrolyte in hydrodynamic regime) and poor
machining repeatability. This present study investigates the machining performance of ECDM process by using different
shapes of the tool electrode i.e., pointed and cylindrical tool in order to improve the material removal rate. Experiments
were performed according to taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array and response measurements (Material Removal Rate or
MRR) were analyzed through S/N ratio to identify the optimum range of process parameters. Results exhibited that
pointed tool produces more uniform spark consistencies and also enhances the flow of electrolyte; thereby results into
high material removal rate due rapid gas film formation. Pointed tool demonstrates the improvement in MRR with applied
voltage being the most dominant parameter(64.83%) followed by electrolyte concentration(22.17%) and Inter-electrode
gap (3.30%) at higher level of all three parameters (Optimum : A3B3C3). On the basis of experimental investigation,
micro-holes were successfully drilled on glass material with improved material removal rate.
Keywords: Material Removal rate, Gravity feed, micro-holes, ECDM, S/N ratio
With the increased applications of glass material in the field of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) like micro-
needles, micro-pumps etc, there have been an escalation in the process of product miniaturization which further prompts the
development of more effective and prominent machining processes with consistent repeatability. Glass exhibits one of the
most prudent properties in terms of its high resistance to chemical resistance, low electrical conductivity and transparency
that are considered as utmost indispensable properties for MEMS applications [1]. Electrochemical discharge machining
(ECDM) is a unique non-conventional process for machining or processing non-conductive materials such as glass, quartz,
and ceramics etc. by blending the machining features of both electrodischarge machining (EDM) and electrochemical
machining (ECM). It comprises two electrodes i.e., tool electrode as a cathode and auxiliary electrode as an anode along with
the work material; all immersed inside an alkaline based electrolyte as shown in Figure 1. A potential difference is implied
between the cathode and anode (separated by a distance of few centimeters) in the wave form of Direct Current (DC)
continuous voltage. Voltage application across the electrodes triggers electrochemical reactions which prompt the formation
of tiny hydrogen gas bubbles at the cathode and tiny oxygen gas bubbles at the anode respectively. As applied voltage
increases further, the density of hydrogen gas bubbles also increases which start amalgamating with each other to form a big
size bubbles at the tool electrode vicinity. This results into the building up of a gas film (or insulating film) which constricts
the flow of current across tool-electrolyte interface and spark produces due to electric breakdown of the gas film. Thereafter,
work material is positioned just underneath the tool electrode by means of controller (or guide ways) at a small distance
(known as Inter Electrode Gap) and removal of work material takes place due to thermal melting (EDM) and chemical
etching action (ECM).
The first demonstration of ECDM was given by Kurafuji and Suda [2] in 1968 during micro-hole drilling of glass using
electric discharge phenomena and successfully demonstrated that non-conductive materials can be machined using this
process. ECDM spark generation mechanism was briefly demonstrated by Basak and Ghosh [3, 4] in which they proposed
that there is requirement of critical current and voltage for initiating the ECDM machining process and described that spark
mechanism is analogous to a switching On/Off action of an electric switch. El-Haddad et al. [5] built a stochastic model for
predicting current and voltage values required for establishing a stable gas film formation by applying the fundamental
principle of gas film dynamics.
Few researchers [6-8] also simulated the single spark in ECDM based upon Finite element methods to describe the heat
transfer across the work-piece and predict the removal rate of the material. Experiments were also performed to correlate the
results with predicted value and results revealed a good agreement between them. Wuthrich et al. [9] successfully fabricated
micro-holes in non-conductive materials and observed that stabilized gas film plays a significant role in determining the
machining repeatability. ECDM proved very successful for machining glass material with required machining features [10-
13]. Lim et al. [14] observed a taper phenomenon in a constant tool feed process during micro-hole drilling due to prolonged
exposure of undesirable sparks at the hole entrance. Wuthrich et al. [15] successfully utilized the application of gravity
assisted tool feed and concluded that flow of electrolyte plays a prominent role in determining machining depth. It was also
observed that electrolyte flow is strenuous to attain at higher machining depth. In ECDM drilling process, two different
regimes were classified on the basis of drilling depth (i) discharge regime (depth < 300 μm) where electric discharges
dominants the machining and (ii) hydrodynamic regime (depth >300 μm) [16] where removal of material significantly rely
upon electrolyte availability. Thus, machining rate at higher depths is low in hydrodynamic regime due to electrolyte
deficiency which can be further enhanced by improving the electrolyte flow. Moreover, different tool electrode shape
substantially influences the machining efficacy and its depth in micro-drilling operations owing to variable spark
consistencies at the tool electrode surface thereby produces variable machining quality [17-19]. Various studies were reported
in the utilization of ultrasonic vibrations and rotations to the tool electrode for improving the machining performance and
reported significant results in terms of removal rate of work material, surface finish and tool wear rate [19-22]. Zheng et al.
[23] successfully applied flat sidewalls tool electrodes in order to diminish the taper phenomenon occurred due to discharge
from the sides of the tool. Wuthrich et al. [16] exhibited the improved spark consistencies with needle-shaped tool electrode
in which sparks concentrated only at the tool-electrode tip. Yang et al. [24] evaluated the comparison of cylindrical shaped
tool electrode and spherical end shaped tool electrode by measuring the machining performance and shape quality. It was
concluded that spherical tool electrode enhances the machining performance owing to more stable discharge phenomena and
improved electrolyte flow when compared to cylindrical tool electrode. From the literature, it is evident that many
investigations have been done on glass work material using ECDM with different tools for producing micro-holes but
attaining high removal rate of material and high depth micro-holes at a faster machining rate is still a strenuous task to be
figure out. Thus, more experimental investigations are needed for analyzing and improving the removal rate of glass material
at higher depths. This paper evaluates the effect of two different shapes of tool electrode i.e., Pointed tool electrode and
Cylindrial tool electrode on removal rate during the fabrication of micro-holes on glass.
Two different shapes of tool electrode was used for machining, i.e., Cylindrical and Pointed. An aqueous solution of NaOH
was used as an electrolyte. Other details of machining conditions are highlighted in Table 1. Material removal rate (MRR) is
computed by measuring the glass material weight difference before and after machining as given in equation,
MRR= , where wt1= glass material weight before machining (mg), wt2 = glass material weight after machining
and t= time in minutes. A weighing machine (model: CAY220, make: CAS corporation) having a resolution of 0.0001gm
was used for measurement. An average of three measurements was taken. Initial machining was done in order to evaluate the
process parameters effect on MRR. Initial process parameters used for machining were applied voltage: 45V, electrolyte
concentration: 15% wt/v and inter electrode gap: 35mm. Selection of control parameters and their level for investigation were
selected on the basis of literature survey, initial machining and experimental setup capabilities.
B. Optimization and ANOVA
The computed MRR was analyzed using Signal to Noise ration usually called as S/N ratio (larger the better) in order to attain
the parameters optimum level for machining glass work materials as shown in equation 1. Moreover, significance level of
process parameters and their contribution to the material removal rate was calculated through ANOVA [25-27]
Eqn. 1
Where: = response measurements in each experiment; n=number of measurements (n=1 due to average value of MRR).
Table 1 Machining conditions used for micro-hole drilling
Constant Parameters Variable Parameters
Levels I II III
Cathode and Anode Stainless steel Applied Voltage (V) A 40 45 50
Electrolyte NaOH Electrolyte Concentration (wt/v B 15 20 25
Electrolyte temperature 50ᴼC Inter Electrode Gap (IEG in C 30 35 40
Electrolyte Level 1 mm (approx.) Machining time (Min) 2
Table 3 Mean S/N ratio and Delta values for MMR in pointed end tool electrode
MRR’s mean S/N Ratio ( Pointed End Tool Electrode)
Level Applied Electrolyte Inter Electrode Gap
Voltage Concentration
1 -24.558 -21.416 -19.362
2 -18.097 -20.532 -20.52
3 -15.682 -16.389 -18.455
Delta 8.876 5.027 2.065
Rank 1 2 3
Table 4 Mean S/N ratio and Delta values for MMR in cylindrical tool electrode
MRR’s mean S/N Ratio ( Cylindrical Tool Electrode)
Level Applied Electrolyte Inter Electrode Gap
Voltage Concentration
1 -25.082 -21.875 -19.795
2 -18.268 -20.744 -20.777
3 -15.814 -16.545 -18.593
Delta 9.268 4.199 1.202
Rank 1 2 3
Fig.2. Plot for S/N Ratio (a) Pointed Tool (b) Cylindrical Tool
B. Effect of tool shape on Material Removal Rate
Tool shape substantially affects the removal rate in work material due to discrete way of spark consistencies and variable
electrolyte flow as shown in Figure 3. It was notices that MRR is higher in case of pointed tool electrode when compared to
cylindrical tool electrode as given in Table 2 owing to more spark consistencies.
Pointed Cylindrical
Tool Electrode Shape
Fig. 5. Percentage contribution of Process parameters in MRR for Pointed and Cylindrical tool electrode
IV. Conclusions
In the present investigation, the performance evaluation of ECDM process was done on Material removal rate by utilizing the
Pointed and cylindrical tool electrode. Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array was used to analyze the machining performance along
with S/N to determine the optimum range of process parameters. Applied voltage; Electrolyte concentration and Inter-
electrode gap were the three process parameters used in the study. From the results, it was concluded that tool shape
significantly effects the formation of gas film across the tool surface which further controls the spark concentration, thereby
gives variable machining. The major conclusions drawn from the study are given underneath:
Pointed tool gives maximum value of MRR (0.1819mg/min) due to more uniform spark concentration at the tool tip and
more electrolyte flow. It prevents excessive spark concentration at the tool surface as in case of cylindrical tool electrode
which results into “crater formation” at the hole’s entrance.
The optimum combination of process parameters for maximum MRR is A3B3C3 .i.e., (50V, 25%, 40mm), high level of
all three process parameters for both the tool electrodes.
Applied Voltage is the most dominant parameter for controlling the MRR in both the cases followed by electrolyte
concentration and inter-electrode gap.
Future works can be extended for studying the different tool electrode parameters such as tool size, tool material and variable
Authors are very thankful to Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh for supporting in this research.
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