This document outlines the course content for Engineering Physics, covering topics such as physical optics, lasers, fibre optics, crystallography, ultrasonics, quantum mechanics, free electron theory, semiconductors, magnetic materials, superconductivity, and nanomaterials. It provides details on the key concepts and principles within each topic area, and lists the relevant textbook and reference materials for the course. The course is divided into 5 units that progressively cover these fundamental physics topics as they relate to engineering.
This document outlines the course content for Engineering Physics, covering topics such as physical optics, lasers, fibre optics, crystallography, ultrasonics, quantum mechanics, free electron theory, semiconductors, magnetic materials, superconductivity, and nanomaterials. It provides details on the key concepts and principles within each topic area, and lists the relevant textbook and reference materials for the course. The course is divided into 5 units that progressively cover these fundamental physics topics as they relate to engineering.
This document outlines the course content for Engineering Physics, covering topics such as physical optics, lasers, fibre optics, crystallography, ultrasonics, quantum mechanics, free electron theory, semiconductors, magnetic materials, superconductivity, and nanomaterials. It provides details on the key concepts and principles within each topic area, and lists the relevant textbook and reference materials for the course. The course is divided into 5 units that progressively cover these fundamental physics topics as they relate to engineering.
This document outlines the course content for Engineering Physics, covering topics such as physical optics, lasers, fibre optics, crystallography, ultrasonics, quantum mechanics, free electron theory, semiconductors, magnetic materials, superconductivity, and nanomaterials. It provides details on the key concepts and principles within each topic area, and lists the relevant textbook and reference materials for the course. The course is divided into 5 units that progressively cover these fundamental physics topics as they relate to engineering.
B.Tech-I Year TPC
203 Common to All Branches (13A56101) ENGINEERING PHYSICS
Physical Optics: Introduction - Interference in thin films by reflection – Newton’s Rings –
Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit,double slit and diffraction grating. Lasers: Introduction - Characteristics of laser – Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation – Einstein’s coefficients - Population inversion – Excitation mechanisms and optical resonator - Ruby laser - He-Ne laser – Applications of lasers. Fibre optics: Introduction– Construction and working principle of optical fiber –Numerical aperture and acceptance angle – Types of optical fibers – Attenuation and losses in fibers - Optical fiber communication system – Applications of optical fibers in communications, sensors and medicine. UNIT II CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND ULTRASONICS: Crystallography: Introduction – Space lattice –Unit cell – Lattice parameters –Bravias lattice –Crystal systems – Packing fractions of SC, BCC and FCC - Structures of NaCl and Diamond –Directions and planes in crystals – Miller indices – Interplanar spacing in cubic crystals – X-ray diffraction - Bragg’s law –Laue and Powder methods – Defects in solids: point defects, line defects (qualitative) - screw and edge dislocation, burgers vector. Ultrasonics: Introduction – Production of ultrasonics by piezoelectric method – Properties and detection – Applications in non-destructive testing. UNIT III QUANTUM MECHANICSAND FREE ELECTRON THEORY: Quantum Mechanics: Introduction to matter waves – de’Broglie hypothesis - Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its applications - Schrodinger’s time independent and time dependent wave equation – Significance of wave function - Particle in a one dimensional infinite potential well - Eigen values and Eigen functions. Free electron theory: Classical free electron theory –- Sources of electrical resistance – Equation for electrical conductivity - Quantum free electron theory – Fermi-Dirac distribution –Kronig-Penny model(qualitative) – Origin of bands in solids – Classification of solids into conductors, semiconductors and insulators. UNIT IV SEMICONDUCTORS AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS: Semiconductor Physics: Introduction – Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors – Drift & diffusion currents and Einstein’s equation – Hall effect - Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors – Working principle of p-n junction diode, LED, laser diode and photodiode. Magnetic materials: Introduction and basic definitions – Origin of magnetic moments – Bohr magneton – Classification of magnetic materials into dia, para, ferro, antiferro and ferri magnetic materials – Hysteresis - Soft and hard magnetic materials and applications. UNIT V SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND PHYSICS OF NANOMATERIALS: Superconductivity: Introduction – Meissner effect - Properties of superconductors – Type I and type II superconductors – Flux quantization – London penetration depth – ac and dc Josephson effects – BCS theory(qualitative) – High Tc superconductors - Applications of superconductors. Physics of Nanomaterials: Introduction - Significance of nanoscale - Surface area and quantum confinement – Physical properties: optical, thermal, mechanical and magnetic properties – Synthesis of nanomaterials: ball mill, chemical vapour deposition, sol-gel,plasma arcing and thermal evaporation – Properties of Carbon nanotubes – High strength applications – Properties of graphene – Graphene based Field Effect Transistor - Applications of nanomaterials.
Text Books:
1. Engineering physics – S. ManiNaidu, Pearson Education, I Edition, 2012.
2. Engineering Physics – V. Rajendran, MacGraw Hill Publishers, I Edition,2008.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Physics – V. Rajendran, K.Thyagarajan Tata MacGraw Hill Publishers, III
Edition, 2012. 2. Engineering Physics – RV.S.S.N. Ravi Kumar and N.V. Siva Krishna, Maruthi Publications , 2013 3. Engineering Physics - Sanjay D. Jain, D. Sahasrambudhe and Girish University Press, I Edition, 2009. 4. Engineering Physics – D K Pandey, S. Chaturvedi, Cengage Learning, I Edition, 2012 5. Engineering Physics – Hitendra K Mallik and AK Singh, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi , I Edition, 2010 6. Engineering Physics – M. Arumugam, Anuradha Publications II Edition, 1997. 7. Engineering physics – M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. KrshiSagar, Chand and Co, Revised Edition, 2013. 8. Solid State Physics – A.J. Dekkar, McMillan Publishers, Latest edition, 2012. 9. Engineering Physics – Gaur and Gupta Dhanapati, Rai Publishers , 7th Edition, 1992. 9. Text book of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: B S Murthy, P.Shankar, Baldev Raj B B Rath, James Murday, University Press, I Edition, 2012. 10. Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Device Physics – H.S. Philip Wong, Deji Akinwande, Cambridge University Press, 2011.