Pttep Painitng of Offshore Facilities

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PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited

PTTEP Engineering General Specification

(Engineering and Development Group)


Painting of Offshore and Coastal Structures and Facilities

Document No: 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

July 2017
Painting of Offshore and Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

Revision History
Rev Description of Revision Date
1-0 New Document 11-Oct-16
Refer : PEGS-12059-COR-010

R00 Revision note : New document code and formatting 3-Aug-17

Item No./Clause Description of Change
Updated ISO From version 1988 to version 2007

Updated ISO From version 1988 to version 2012


Specify Surface roughness is specified 50 to 75 microns


Updated paint Old products are replaced with the new one due to several
products and reasons such as more practical for application, more
paint systems performance, phasing out and cost saving.

Removed Chugoku cannot summit important document to prove

Chugoku from list performance of their products.

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1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 1
2.0 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 1
3.0 SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 1
4.0 RESPONSIBLE ACTION PARTIES ......................................................................... 1
5.0 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Language .................................................................................................................................. 2
5.2 Terminology .............................................................................................................................. 2
5.3 Common Acronyms .................................................................................................................. 3
6.0 REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 4
6.1 PTTEP Internal References ...................................................................................................... 5
6.2 International Standards ............................................................................................................. 5
6.3 Code and Other Standards ....................................................................................................... 7
FACILITIES ............................................................................................................. 8
7.1 Technical content of tenders ..................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Certification of personnel .......................................................................................................... 8
7.3 Kick off meeting......................................................................................................................... 8
7.4 Procurement and storage of abrasive and coating products .................................................... 9
7.5 Surfaces to be painted ............................................................................................................11
7.6 Painting Systems ....................................................................................................................12
7.7 Surface preparation ................................................................................................................14
7.8 Paint application ......................................................................................................................16
7.9 Inspection ................................................................................................................................19
7.10 Technical file ...........................................................................................................................21
8.0 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ 22
Appendix 1. List of Paint Systems ....................................................................................................22
Appendix 2. Approved SUPPLIERs and SUPPLIER’s System ........................................................25
Appendix 3. Color Coding .................................................................................................................56

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PEGS (PTTEP Engineering General Specification) is the PTT Exploration and Production PCL
internal publishes standard. The objective of PEGS is to promote the best practices collecting
from all PTTEP execution projects and to standardize those best practices to the future

Every 5 years or upon request by the internal user, PEGS will be reviewed by related subject
experts to reach decisions/agreements, then the document will be updated and published to
PTTEP intranet website. This is to ensure that all lessons learnt from users can be applied to
the future projects as the benefit to PTTEP.


The purpose of the PTTEP General Specifications (PEGS) is to provide general technical
guidance for the activities associated with engineering design, procurement, installation, and
construction (EPIC) project process, to achieve fitness of purpose, technical integrity and
optimum life cycle cost for constructing PTTEP facilities


This document defines the minimum technical requirements for the selection of paint systems,
the execution of painting work and the inspection for new offshore or coastal structures and
equipment. Quality Assurance and Inspection and Testing requirements for materials,
manufacturing, fabrication, and installation activities for the Work are also defined by this

The specification is based on the use of high durability painting systems for facilities whose
design life is anticipated more than 15 years.



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A number of different terms are commonly used to describe the work stages, processes, and
approvals which take place during the early stages of a development. This can often be a
source of confusion so the following section is intended to show the PTTEP preferred
terminology as used in this document.


In this document, the words should and shall have the following meanings:

Shall Indicates a course of action with a mandatory status. The term “shall” shall be used
if a requirement is considered to be necessary to claim compliance with a PEGS

Should Indicates a preferred course of action. Should is a non-mandatory word and is not
forbidden, but use in the body of the text should be the exception. Where none
mandatory terms are used, each paragraph within these clauses shall also have an
associated commentary paragraph that provides the rationale for why the stated
choices and modifications are appropriate and circumstance under which the stated
choices and modifications might be different.


Terminology Description

APPLICATOR The COMPANY in charge of paint application and quality control which is eventually sub-
contracted by the CONTRACTOR

Approval The authorization in writing given by the COMPANY to the CONTRACTOR to proceed the
work without releasing in any way the CONTRACTOR from any of his obligations to
conform with the technical specifications, requisitions, etc. The words “Approve”,
“Approved” and “Approval” shall be construed accordingly

COMPANY PTT Exploration and Production Public COMPANY Limited and affiliates.

Contract The material requisitions, material specifications, etc. issued by the COMPANY and
Documents attached to the Contract or the Purchase Order

and where the context so requires including, SUBCONTRACTORS utilized by
CONTRACTOR for the performance of the WORK’

Inspector The COMPANY’s or CONTRACTOR’s representative(s), (as applicable), or member(s)

from an Inspection Agency duly appointed by the COMPANY or the SUPPLIER (as
applicable) to act as its representative(s) for the purpose of the contract.

MANUFACTURER The COMPANY or its sub-CONTRACTORs selected by the COMPANY or the

CONTRACTOR or the SUPPLIER (as applicable) as the MANUFACTURER of the said

Designates Project Particular Specification detailing the additional tests and requirements
PPS or the possible modifications to the present specification, based on the particular design
conditions or the local legislation of the project

WORK All activities defined in the Scope of Work

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Set out below in alphabetical order are common acronyms as found within this document:

Reference Description

ACQPA Association of Certification and Qualification for Paint Anticorrosion

AY Acrylic
CA Certifying Agent
DFT Dry Film Thickness
EP Epoxy
EPES Ester Epoxy
EPGF Glass Flake Epoxy
EPHZ Zinc Phosphate Epoxy
EPM Modified Epoxy
EPPH Phenolic Epoxy
EPRZ Rich Zinc Epoxy [Zn] > 80% (ISO 12944-5)
EPVI Vinylic Epoxy
EPZ Poor Zinc Epoxy EPZ [Zn] < 80% (ISO 12944-5)
ESI Zinc ethyl silicate
The Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of
Inspectors for Surface Treatment
FRP Fibre Reinforced Plastic
ICP Inorganic copolymer
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
PFP Passive Fire Protection
PUR Polyurethane
SI Silicone
PVB Polyvinyl Butyral
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PY Polyester
TM Titanium Modified
SSPC Society for Protective Coatings
UV Ultra-Violet
VY Vinyl-ester

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The reference documents listed below, including Industry Codes and Standards and
COMPANY specifications, form an integral part of this Engineering General Specification.
Unless otherwise stipulated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published on the effective date of a

The overall order of precedence of the applicable documents shall be:

1. Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations of the country in which the

system/equipment will be operated (if any);

2. Purchase Order/ Service Order/ Contract Documents (Only applicable for direct
purchase by COMPANY);

3. Project Particular Specification (PPS), and relevant data sheet(s) if any;

4. COMPANY General Specification;

5. Codes and Standards in reference.

Any conflict between any of the Contract Documents, or between this specification and any
other Contract Documents, shall be reported to COMPANY for decision. In such a case, and
unless otherwise agreed or decided by COMPANY, it is understood that the more stringent
requirement shall apply.

Exceptions to, or deviations from this specification are not permitted unless previously
accepted in writing by COMPANY. For this purpose, requests for substitutions or changes of
any kind shall be completed with all pertinent information required for COMPANY assessment.
COMPANY’s approval, nevertheless, will not, in any way, relieve the responsibility of the
Contractor to meet the requirements of the industry Codes and Standards referred to and
amended herein, in the event of conflict.

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Internal documents applicable to this document are indicated in the table below.

Document Number Document Title

EMS-EETP-RPR-001 Corrosion Management in Project Phase


International standards applicable to this document are indicated in the table below i.e. ISO,

Document Number Document Title

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products. Visual assessment of surface
ISO 8501-1 to 3 cleanliness.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products. Tests for the assessment of surface
ISO 8502-1 to 4 cleanliness
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products. Tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness: extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis
ISO 8502-6
– the Bresle method
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products. Tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness: Field method for conductometric determination
ISO 8502-9 of water-soluble salts.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
ISO 8503-1 to 5 and related products and surface roughness characteristics
of blast-cleaned steel substrates

ISO 8504-1 to 3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products. Surface preparation methods

ISO 12944-1 to 8 Paints and varnishes-Corrosion protection of steel structures by

paint systems
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
ISO 11124-1 to 4 and related products. Specifications for metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
ISO 11125-1 to 7 and related products. Methods for testing metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products. Specifications for non-metallic blast-
ISO 11126-7, 8, & 10
cleaning abrasives: fused aluminium oxide, olivine sand
and Almandite Garnet.

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Document Number Document Title

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
ISO 11127-1 to 7 and related products. Test Methods for non-metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives
Paints and varnishes. Examination and preparation of
ISO 1513
samples for testing
Paints and Varnishes-Corrosion Protection of Steel
ISO 19840 Structures by Protective Paint Systems. Measurement of,
and acceptance criteria for, the thickness of dry films on
rough surfaces.
ISO 2808 Paints and vanishes – Determination of film thickness
ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes. Cross-cut test
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the
ISO 16276-2
adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating – Cross-
cut testing and X-cut testing
ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes. Pull-off test for adhesion.
ISO 4628 Paints and varnishes -- Evaluation of degradation of
coatings -- Designation of quantity and size of defects, and
of intensity of uniform changes in appearance
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the
ISO 16276-1
adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating – Pull-off
Paint and vanishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings
ISO 4628-1 to 6 - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of
intensity of uniform changes in appearance
Corrosion of metals and alloys, Corrosivity of atmosphere
ISO 9223
– Classification
Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to
ISO 7253
neutral salt spray (fog)
General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part
ISO 787-10
10: Determination of density. Pyknometer method
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to
ISO 6270
humidity (continuous condensation)
ISO 3678 Paints and varnishes. Print-free test
Paints and varnishes. Determination of color and color
ISO 7724-1 to 3
NF T 34 550 Paints and varnishes- Corrosion protection of steel

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Document Number Document Title

structures by protective paint systems - Specifications
Standard test method for conductimetric analysis of water
ASTM D 4940
soluble ionic contamination of blasting abrasives
ASTM D7393 Standard Practice for Indicating Oil in abrasives
Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in
ASTM D4285
Compressed Air

ASTM D 4752 Standard test method for measuring MEK resistance of

ethyl silicate (inorganic) Zinc-rich primer by solvent rub
RAL 840 HR Color standards
"Association pour la Certification et la Qualification en
ACQPA Peinture Anticorrosion". Painting system certified by

SSPC-SP 1 Surface preparation specification no.1 Solvent cleaning

SSPC-SP 16 Brush-off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated
Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steels, and Non-Ferrous


Codes, standards and regional legislation applicable to this document are indicated in the
table below.

Document Number Document Title

Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in
ASTM D4285
Compressed Air

ASTM D4752 Standard test method for measuring MEK resistance of

ethyl silicate (inorganic) Zinc-rich primer by solvent rub
Standard test method for conductimetric analysis of water
ASTM D 4940
soluble ionic contamination of blasting abrasives
ASTM D7393 Standard Practice for Indicating Oil in abrasives
"Association pour la Certification et la Qualification en
ACQPA Peinture Anticorrosion". Painting system certified by

NFT 34 550 Paints and varnishes- Corrosion protection of steel

structures by protective paint systems - Specifications
SSPC-SP 1 Surface preparation specification no.1 Solvent cleaning
SSPC-SP 16 Brush-off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated
Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steels, and Non-Ferrous
RAL 840 HR Color standards

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Tenders shall include the following information:

1) Proposed paint systems for each category / location of item to be painted

2) Product data sheets
3) Terms and conditions of guarantee,
4) A statement showing that all parties involved (CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, and
APPLICATOR) will be carrying out the work according to the present specification, or if
relevant, to the project particular specification. This statement shall also show that the
guarantee is jointly underwritten by all parties and specify the durations and performance
levels of the guarantee. This statement can consist in either a certificate of homologation
by an approved organization or a letter signed by the head office of each party involved.
5) Maximum thickness tolerable for each coat and for the full system,
6) Surface preparation and painting procedures,
7) Inspection test plan with acceptance criteria and frequency of inspection,
8) A list of inspection and painting equipment to be used shall include copy of certificate,
9) Minimum and maximum intervals between coats for each system and according to climatic
10) Conditions of application of the coats that make up the system
11) Methods of protection of items to be painted against adverse weather conditions
12) Colors to be used for each item of equipment and for the different coats, in accordance
with the color chart chosen for the project by COMPANY
13) Certificates (ACQPA, FROSIO, NACE, SSPC, BGAS-CSWIP, or equivalent) of operators
and inspectors


Operators shall be individually certified by an approved organization (ACQPA, FROSIO,

Inspectors shall be individually certified by an approved organization (ACQPA, FROSIO,

NACE, SSPC, BGAS-CSWIP, etc.) minimum level 2 with peer review from the COMPANY


A technical kick off meeting shall be organized by the CONTRACTOR in the presence of
COMPANY, MANUFACTURER and APPLICATOR to define all the details regarding the work,
application procedures, and inspection test plan. All the documentation shall be submitted to
COMPANY for review prior to this meeting.

During this meeting, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the following:

1) Proposed paint system(s) for each piece of equipment to be painted, product data sheets,
maximum thickness tolerable for each coat and for the full system, approval certificates
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for coatings in contact with specific products such as food products, jet fuel, etc. Some
paint components are strictly forbidden i.e. Lead chromate. It shall be ensured that paint
is lead free.
2) Storage and sampling of painting products and safety requirements.
3) Methods of protection of items to be painted against adverse weather conditions,
4) Surface preparation and painting procedures approved by the paint MANUFACTURER.
5) List of inspection and painting equipment to be used, inspection test plan with acceptance
criteria and frequency of inspection.

MANUFACTURER shall provide APPLICATOR with technical assistance. All

recommendations made by MANUFACTURER other than these outlined in datasheets or in
the present specification shall be supported by a written statement from MANUFACTURER
head office and the same warrantee period as suggested in the present specification shall be



Abrasives for use in blast cleaning carbon steels and low alloy steels are specified in ISO

The principal factors that are known to influence this performance are:
a) The presence of rust and mill scale
b) The presence of surface contaminants, including salts, dust, oil and greases
c) The surface profile

Metallic abrasives’ specifications shall be in accordance with ISO 11124-1 to 4.

Non-metallic abrasives’ specifications shall be in accordance with ISO 11126-7, 8 & 10.

Suitable abrasives are:

- Chilled iron grit or shot.
- Steel and malleable iron grit or shot.
- Non-metallic abrasive (fused aluminium oxide and garnet.)

Aluminium oxide or garnet (free from any chloride or iron/steel contamination) shall be used
for blasting stainless steel.

Reusable abrasive shall be steel shot and expendable abrasive shall be fused aluminium
oxide and garnet. The use of copper slag or silica sand is prohibited. All abrasive shall be free
of crystalline silica.

The abrasives shall be free from oil, grease, moisture etc. Re-used abrasive shall be clean,
sharp and free from contaminants.

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The abrasive shall be sized to produce the required anchor profile and graded to be free of
clay, silt or other matter likely to be become embedded in the steel surface.
Abrasives shall be sealed in watertight packaging. Any product delivered in defective
packaging shall be rejected. Abrasives must be stored in such conditions as to avoid their


One test every 50 bags, or three tests per bulk shipment

The performance of protective coatings of paint and related products applied to steel is
significantly affected by the state of the steel surface immediately prior to painting.

1) ASTM D7393 Standard Practice for Indicating Oil in abrasives

Oil in abrasives is one of the cleanliness tests required for mineral and slag abrasives,
recycled ferrous abrasives and new ferrous abrasives. Oil in abrasives can be transferred to
the surface being cleaned, thus contaminating it. This can cause film defects, affect adhesion
of the coating applied over it, and ultimate performance of the coating system.

Oil Content test as per ASTM D7393 shall be no visible.

2) ASTM D4940 Standard Test Method for Conductimetric Analysis of Water Soluble Ionic
Contamination of Blast Cleaning Abrasives

Abrasive media may contain ionic contamination naturally (for example, beach sand), from
manufacturing (quenching with contaminated water), transportation, storage or use (in the
case of abrasive that is reused). Ionic contamination on the abrasive may transfer to the
surface during abrasive blast cleaning, resulting in potential osmotic blistering, accelerated
underfilm corrosion and premature coating failure.

Conductivity of abrasives shall be less than 150.10-6 SIEMENS/cm as per ASTM D4940.


Paint systems shall be free from Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium.

Lead containing paints, coal-tar epoxy paints and coal-tar urethane paints should not be used
because of the associated health and environmental restrictions that apply.

All paints and paint materials used shall be obtained from MANUFACTURERs approved in
Appendix 2. The paint (or range of paints) to be used shall be approved by COMPANY.
Different brands or types of paints shall not be inter-mixed.

The products shall be delivered in MANUFACTURER's original sealed packaging. The

packaging shall be clearly marked with MANUFACTURER's name or recognized trade mark,

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the product description, the colour reference number, the batch number, the fabrication date
and the expiry date.
The quantities of paint and thinner required to perform the entire job shall be procured before
the work commences, except in cases where the shelf life of the product is less than the
anticipated duration of the work or volume of the product is very important.

The expiry dates from the fabrication dates are:

1) For zinc ethyl silicate: 6 months

2) For other products: 1 year
3) Specific cases: according to MANUFACTURER’s recommendation with COMPANY

Products must be stored under shelter and in such conditions as to avoid their degradation. All
coating materials, thinners, solvents, etc. shall be stored in a suitably ventilated fireproofed
building, separate from other painting consumables, shall be protected from ignition sources
and shall remain within storage temperatures and storage conditions recommended by the

Samples for testing the paint being used may be taken by the COMPANY at any time. Should
a sample fail to meet the required specification, the CONTRACTOR shall remove this paint
from areas already covered and recoat them with paint that meets the specification.

Appendix 1 specifies painting schedules for various types of equipment, indicating the paint
system to be used.

Appendix 2 specifies the approved paint MANUFACTURER and the details for the paint
systems specified in Appendix 1.


All surfaces shall be painted using the relevant specified system, except when otherwise
stipulated hereafter.


Unless otherwise specified, the following surfaces shall not be painted:

1) Galvanized steel gratings (except where damaged)

2) Concrete structures
3) Plastic and plastic coated materials provided their resistance to UV has been
demonstrated, and color coding is not necessary.
4) Non-ferrous materials such as 90-10 and 70-30 copper nickel alloys, Monel, Aluminium
bronze, and nickel alloys when not thermally insulated.
5) Machined surfaces

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The following requirements concern only piping, pipelines and pressure containing equipment.
The temperatures mentioned below are the maximum operating temperatures. UNDER THERMAL INSULATION

All heat insulated stainless steel piping and pressure vessels shall be painted as follows:

1) For temperatures below 25 °C, the painting system is S21.

2) For temperatures between 25 °C and 120 °C, the painting system is S22.

If application problems are experienced with small size piping, the thickness of the glass flake
filled vinyl ester can be reduced to 500 microns (minimum thickness) but applied in two coats
of 250 microns each.

Zinc containing paints are prohibited on stainless steel.

All stainless steel shall be painted on areas facing carbon steel pipe supports. WITHOUT THERMAL INSULATION

All stainless steel piping and pressure vessels shall be painted as follows:

1) With system S17 for temperatures up to 80 °C.

2) With system S18 for temperatures between 81 °C and 120 °C.
3) With system S19 for temperatures between 121°C and 200 °C.
4) With system S20 for temperatures between 201°C and 400 °C.

In all cases, and if necessary, system S19 shall be applied for T>120°C. TSA (Thermally
Sprayed Aluminium) can also be used as an alternative.

All stainless steels to be protected from iron contamination when construction works are likely
to continue after pickling and passivating. Temporary paint to protect against iron
contamination (projections from power tooling & welding) can be used. If CONTRACTOR
cannot demonstrate that stainless steel can be adequately protected, then all stainless steel
shall be painted.

Zinc containing paints are prohibited on stainless steel.

All stainless steel shall be painted on areas facing carbon steel pipe supports.


Painting systems are defined according to the following parameters:

1) Type of substrate
2) Atmosphere or environment
3) Minimum and maximum Operating temperatures

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Part I: Atmosphere or Environment

Atmosphere or Environment Category of Corrosivity

Marine Atmosphere – MA ISO 12944: C5-M

Industrial – IN ISO 12944: C5-I
Immersed - IM ISO 12944: IM-2

Part II: Substrate

AF Ferritic carbon steel or cast iron

AI Austenitic stainless steel and special alloys
AG Galvanized Steel
AB Zinc-plated bichromated steel

Part III: Operating Temperatures

This is a four digit code containing the symbol + or - and the maximum and minimum
operating temperatures respectively. IDENTIFICATION OF PAINTING SYSTEMS

Systems are identified as follows:

Code System

MA AF - 10 / + 80 S05

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 System number

The list of paint systems according to this code is given in Appendix 1.


New systems can be submitted for approval by COMPANY, at any time by the SUPPLIERs
already approved (Appendix 2) at SUPPLIERs expense. In that case, a full qualification
program shall be submitted to COMPANY together with the name of the third party and
independent laboratory which is proposed to perform the test program. COMPANY reserves
the right to amend the proposed qualification program and to witness the testing at any stage.
As a basis for durability testing, ISO 20340 applies. Other testing will be required depending
on the concerned area (atmosphere, immersed or not, temperature etc.). Some paint systems
are approved by COMPANY based on the results of experience.

The painting systems approved by COMPANY are given in Appendix 2.

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When selecting a painting system, a system designed to withstand environments with higher
corrosivity shall always be applicable to lower corrosivity environments.


Color coding shall be according to the schedule defined for the project. Generally, colors will
be chosen to match those of installations already present in the same block or country. If the
project has no specific requirements, then the color coding shall be according to Appendix 3.
In any case, the painting works carried out by CONTRACTOR shall include all color coding
and marking required for service identification.




All structures and equipment shall be designed according to ISO international standard for
high durability paint systems. All sharp edges shall be rounded (minimum radius > 2 mm).

The design of the item to be painted shall be such that it creates no interstice and inaccessible
area. All oil or grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and all other soluble
contaminants shall be removed by washing the item to be painted with appropriate solvents or
any other suitable means in accordance with SSPC SP1 before beginning blast-cleaning
operations. This includes bolt holes in piping assemblies.

All surfaces should be washed with clean fresh water prior to blast cleaning.

Weld spatter and remains of temporary welds, deposits or surface defects shall be eliminated
by appropriate means; removal by deep grinding is subject to COMPANY approval.

All mating surfaces of equipment subject to outdoor exposure shall be coated with the full
coating system prior to assembly (saddles, skirts, base plates, bolted components, flanges,
etc.). CONTRACTOR shall protect all equipment that is not to be painted or may be affected
by the presence of abrasives or paint. Special attention shall be paid to avoid splashes of zinc
paint on equipment made of austenitic steels.

Abrasive blasting shall not proceed if:

1) Temperature of the substrate is less than 3°C above the dew point,
2) The relative humidity is more than 85% RH,
3) The weather is rainy or foggy, except under shelter, and subject to verification of the
atmospheric conditions.

CONTRACTOR shall keep a daily record of the dew point, relative humidity, ambient
atmosphere and substrate temperatures (all measured before the work commences and twice

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per shift and when ambient conditions are obviously changing) to ensure that conditions are
acceptable. These records shall be kept and made available to COMPANY.


The blast cleaning procedure shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval.

All surfaces to be coated shall be blast-cleaned according to:

1) The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa
2.5 (ISO 8501 standard) for outdoor application.
2) The surface profile Ra (ISO 8503 standard: roughness meter with adapted cut-off or
visiotactile surface profile comparator) specified for each system in Appendix 2.
3) The surface profile Rz shall be in accordance with ISO 8503-5 standard: Replica Tape
method for the determination or surface profile.

After blast-cleaning, all dust must be removed using a vacuum cleaner or air blow before
application of the paint (level 2 maximum of ISO 8502 – 3). All blast-cleaned surfaces shall be
coated before the deterioration of the “grade of cleanliness”. In any case, any surface that has
been blast-cleaned shall be coated on the same day.

Before painting work commences, checks for the contamination of the surface by salts shall
be performed (ISO 8502 – 6 & 9, 30 mg/m² maximum).



In addition to the requirements of Section 5.7.2

1) All surfaces shall be blast-cleaned to grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 -1).
2) CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the abrasives selected can achieve the required
surface profile. This requirement includes determination of abrasives mix, as well as
quantity and frequency of renewal. Surface profile shall be checked and recorded twice
per shift.
3) Dust level shall be thoroughly checked (level 2 maximum of ISO 8502 – 3).


Stainless steel shall be segregated, carbon steel supports for storage shall be systematically
painted, and lifting equipment shall prevent iron contamination. Stainless steel surfaces to be
coated shall be etched or degreased and blast-cleaned with a non-ferrous and chlorine-free

The blast cleaning procedure to be submitted to COMPANY shall include:

1) Abrasive composition to obtain a surface roughness of Ra = 25 to 45 microns
2) Dust level (level 2 maximum of ISO 8502 – 3)

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3) Substrate contamination checks. Ferrous contamination / direct colorimetric method

using Prussian blue (Potassium Ferricyanide) shall be used – no surface pollution shall
be accepted.
4) The surface profile Rz shall be in accordance with ISO 8503-5 standard: Replica Tape
method for the determination of surface profile.


Galvanized steel to be coated shall be cleaned, degreased and etched using the product
specified in the systems or abrasive blast-cleaned to SSPC-SP 16 cleanliness standard.


Zinc-plated bichromated surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned and degreased in accordance

with SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaning standard.



From each batch of products used during the work, the CONTRACTOR shall take two
samples to be made available to COMPANY.


One month before work commences, all the selected systems shall be applied on test plates
representative of the structure to be painted. The products used shall be sampled from the
same batches as those intended for the work.

The system shall be applied in the presence of the MANUFACTURER of the paint and the
COMPANY representative in the climatic conditions that are as similar as possible to worst
case conditions that can be foreseen during the work on the construction site. Application shall
be performed by the painting specialist who will be responsible for application during the work.

When the painting systems are fully cured, visual inspection, thickness measurement and
adhesion testing shall be carried out to confirm that the performance of the painting systems
meet those specified for each system in Appendix 2.


Paint shall always be applied to surfaces that are dry, clean and degreased, for both coating
on substrate and previous coat.

Painting work shall not proceed if:

1) Temperature of the substrate is less than 3 °C above the dew point

2) The relative humidity is more than 85 % RH (90 % RH for inorganic zinc silicates)
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3) The weather is rainy or foggy, except under shelter, and subject to verification of the
atmospheric conditions
4) The minimum or maximum temperature of the ambient atmosphere and the substrate
are within the limits given in the product data sheets (usually 10 °C for epoxy based
paint and 5 °C for acryl-polyurethane topcoat).

CONTRACTOR shall keep a daily record of the dew point, relative humidity, ambient
atmosphere and substrate temperatures (all measured before the work commences and twice
per shift and when ambient conditions are obviously changing) to ensure that conditions are
acceptable. These records shall be kept and made available to the COMPANY.

Application shall be by airless spray.

Stripe coats shall be applied by brush to all angles, corners, sharp edges, bolt or rivet heads,
etc., with the same product as this to be applied on the surface to be painted. The only
exception is inorganic zinc silicates where stripe coats shall be applied using the repair system
primer, i.e. zinc rich epoxy.

Different colors shall be used for all successive coats of the paint system. The finishing coat of
the required color shall be sufficiently opaque to cover the shade of the undercoat.

The thickness of each coat, including frequency and tolerance shall be checked by the
CONTRACTOR according to ISO 19840. The values shall be recorded and made available to

According to ISO 12944, two main categories of primer are defined according to the type of
pigment they contain:
- Zinc-rich primers and Zinc Silicate primer are those in which the zinc dust pigment content of
the non-volatile portion of the paint is equal to or greater than 80 % by mass. Maximum dry
film thickness (DFT) for both zinc primers are 75 microns.
- Other primers are those containing zinc phosphate pigment or other anticorrosive pigments
and those in which the zinc dust pigment content of the non-volatile portion of the paint is
lower than 80 % by mass. Zinc chromate, Red lead, Cadmium and Calcium plumbates are not
allowed to use for health and safety reasons. ZINC ETHYL SILICATE

During application, the product shall be stirred at all times.

If relative humidity is below 65%, it shall be sprayed with fresh water for at least two hours
after application to enhance curing. Before the subsequent coat is applied, this primer shall be
subjected to a MEK test as per ASTM D4752 to ensure that hydrolysis is complete. If
complete hydrolysis is not obtained within eight days of application, the coating shall be
completely removed and re-applied.
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All surfaces of the bolting assemblies, including threads shall be coated. The topcoat shall be
applied after assembly is completed. PAINTING OF FASTENINGS

For bolting, the following applies:

Carbon steel and Low alloy steel nuts/bolts: It shall be either hot dip galvanised and painted or
zinc plating and Xylan coating. Following two painting options are acceptable for the protection
of hot dip galvanised or zinc plating on carbon steel bolting.

Option 1: In case carbon steel and Low alloy steel nuts/bolts are hot dip galvanised, the tie
coat of the system S05 (30 microns of epoxy) and primer (DFT 30 microns) shall be applied
before installation and the remaining layers (intermediate and finish coat) shall be applied after

Option 2: In case carbon steel and Low alloy steel nuts/bolts are zinc plated, PTFE
Fluoropolymer (Xylan 1070 or 1424, Blue color) coating shall be applied before application.
There is no need to apply intermediate and final coats after installation.

For Option 1 and 2, in case of elevated temperature and high temperature service, the
intermediate and final coats to be applied after installation shall be the system for elevated
temperature and high temperature service.

Table 1: Coating of Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel Nuts/Bolts

Option 1 Option 2*
Hot dip Galvanised and Painting Zn plating and Xylan Coating
S05 system S05 system
Before Installation After Installation Before Installation After Installation
Hot dip galvanised Intermediate coat + Zn plating + Xylan 1070 No paint after
and primer (DFT 30 PU for visible part Blue color (25-40 micron) installation
micron) or Zn plating + Xylan 1424
Blue color (25-40 micron)

Note: *Degreases with chemical is required before second coat application (Xylan coating)

Stainless steel nuts/bolts: Degreasing with solvent clean to SSPC-SP1 and Aluminium oxide
sweep blasting are required as surface preparation before PTFE Fluoropolymer application.

PTFE Fluoropolymer can be applied directly to stainless steel nuts/bolts (no need primer). The
approved PTFE Fluoropolymer products are Xylan 1070 or Xylan 1424, Green color and the
thickness shall be 25 to 40 microns.

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Table 2: Coating of Stainless Steel Nuts/Bolts

Sequences Generic type Paint name DFT (micron)

Before installation PTFE Fluoropolymer Xylan 1424 or Xylan 25-40
1070 Green color
After installation No paint after installation

Zn plating or hot dip galvanised are prohibited for application on stainless steel surface
because crack can be initiated.

For dungeons (long nut), system S05 will be applied after installation


Any defect shall be repaired before the application of further coats. Subject to the agreement
of COMPANY, and after determining the type and size of the defects, the following methods of
repair shall be applied: MAJOR DEFECTS

The paint shall be removed completely by abrasive blast-cleaning and the entire system shall


Subject to the agreement of the SUPPLIER of the product, the system shall be removed by
localized blast-cleaning, the edges of the sound coating shall be feathered back about 50 mm,
and the repair system shall be applied.



An inspection test plan including all the points mentioned below shall be prepared and
submitted to COMPANY for approval.

Inspection test plan must be in accordance with PEGS-12060-INT-001.

Prior to surface preparation, during surface preparation and paint application

CONTRACTOR’s Quality Control department shall check the following points and record the
results in its quality control report.

Raw materials and conditions for storage:

1) Data sheets of the products, shelf life, storage requirements
2) Storage under shelter

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Construction quality:
1) Rounding of corners, sharp edges to 2 mm radius minimum
2) Form, quality and continuity of welds

Climatic conditions for surface preparation and coating application:

1) Temperature of substrate at least 3 °C above dew point
2) Maximum humidity 85 % RH (90 % for the application of inorganic zinc silicates)
3) For paint application, ambient temperature >10 °C for epoxy, >5 °C for polyurethane)

It shall be measured before the work commences and twice per shift when ambient conditions
are obviously changing.

Surface preparation quality:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5
(ISO 8501 standard) for outdoor application.
2) Cleanliness: no grease or oil, dust level 2 maximum according to ISO 8502-3
3) Anchoring profile: 50 to 75 μm in accordance with ISO 8503-5 standard for ferrous
substrates, and > 19 μm in accordance with SSPC-SP 16 for non-ferrous substrates.
4) Contamination including chlorides: according to ISO 8502-6 and 9, 30 mg/m² maximum.

Coating quality
1) State of curing of primer and of each coat
2) For inorganic zinc silicate: record of spraying with fresh water to enhance hydrolysis (if
relevant) and results of MEK test: Level 5 according to ASTM D4752
3) Interval between coats (in accordance with SUPPLIER product datasheets)
4) Wet film thickness for each coat immediately after application
5) Number of coats, DFT of each coat and of the final system according to ISO 19840
6) Appearance and color
7) Visual inspection results: no defects such as "orange peel", cracking, bubbling, pinholes,
runs and sags, blistering, etc.
8) Adherence test
 The tests shall be carried out only when the system is completely dry and fully
 Systems with DFT less than 200 μm: cross-cut test class 0 according to ISO 2409 and
ISO 16276-2
 Systems with DFT above 200 μm: pull-off test according to ISO 4624 and ISO 16276-
1: Unless specified, the minimum values acceptable are 3 MPa for checks made with
mechanical equipment (type Ersad, Satec, or equivalent) and 5 MPa for checks made
with hydraulic equipment (Type PAT or equivalent). The equipment must be fitted with
a gauge indicating the pulling force. The exception is: 4 Ma for S12 with mechanical

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COMPANY inspector shall have free access to storage areas, workshops, yards where the
work will be performed. CONTRACTOR shall also provide COMPANY inspector with all office
facilities necessary for the execution of his work (telephone, fax, handling equipment,
measuring instruments with valid calibration certificates, etc.) and with all relevant
documentation regarding the work to be carried out.


For provisional acceptance, COMPANY shall check that all inspections set out in section 5.9.1
have been carried out and that all results are satisfactory.


The work shall be covered by a specific guarantee given by CONTRACTOR. Beginning of

warranty period starts from the effective date of the Provisional Acceptance Certificate. The
following shall be applied.

1) The guarantee shall be jointly underwritten by CONTRACTOR, APPLICATOR, and

2) The guarantee shall be provided for duration of 5 years except the guarantee period for
the S10, S12, S13, S14, S15 are 3 years and for the system S11 is only 1 year.
3) The maximum degree of rust shall be Ri2 according to ISO 4628.
4) The maximum degree of cracking, blistering, or flaking shall be 3S3 according to ISO
5) For the galvanized surfaces and zinc-bichromated surfaces, only cracking, blistering and
flaking shall be considered.


An inspection shall be carried out at the end of the guarantee period to determine if any claims
are raised.


CONTRACTOR shall hand over a technical file to COMPANY at the end of the work which
shall include:
1) All inspection reports
2) Provisional acceptance reports
3) Guarantee certificates
4) Insurance certificates for the guarantee
5) Paint systems used, product ordering reference number and all MANUFACTURER
6) Repair procedure.

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Appendix 1. List of Paint Systems

Important warning:

1) Interval time between coats shall be as per MANUFACTURER data sheet

2) For inorganic zinc silicates, interval considers water spray for 2 hours after application “if RH
below 65%”

3) Temperatures indicated are minimum /maximum operating temperatures.

4) Lead chromates in paint are strictly forbidden.

Deck and equipment

Item Code System Remarks
Structure MA AF - 010/ + 080 S01
S01 second
Floors MA AF - 010/ + 080 S02
Helideck, escape routes MA AF - 010/ + 080 S03
of oil producing facilities S03 second
Fire-proofed surface MA AF - 010/ + 080 S04 The painting system must
Intumescent epoxy S04 second be approved by PFP
Galvanized surfaces MA AG - 010/ + 080 S05 All galvanized surfaces
except gratings, stairs and
associated galvanized
Zn/bi-Cr surfaces MA AB - 010/ + 080 S06 Above 80 degree C, use
same system as adjacent
Carbon Steel High MA AF - 010/ + 120 S10
Temperature < 120C
Carbon Steel High MA AF - 121/ + 400 S11 Flare type structure
Temperature < 400C
304, 321,316, 304L, MA AI - 010/ + 080 S17
316L, 904L, DSS
T< 80C
304, 321,316, 304L, MA AI - 010/ + 120 S18,
316L, 904L, DSS S18 second
T< 120C
304, 321,316, 304L, MA AI - 010/ + 200 S19
316L, 904L, DSS
T< 200C
304, 321,316, 304L, MA AI - 010/ + 400 S20
316L, 904L, DSS
T< 400C
Carbon Steel High MA AF - 010/ + 120 S10
Temperature < 120C
Carbon Steel High MA AF - 121/ + 400 S11 Flare type structure
Temperature < 400C

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Item Code System Remarks
Jacket: Splash IM AF -010 / + 080 S07 Between the crest level of the 100
zone S07 second years wave superimposed on the
(Note 1) maximum surge height plus the
normal Mean High Water Springs
(MHWS) and 3 m below the Lowest
Astronomical Tide (LAT) or the annual
swell, whichever is the greater.
Boat-landing, Bumpers.

Jacket : IM AF -010 / + 080 S08 Area from the bottom of the jacket
Immersed zone (including buried part) to 2 m above the
stability floor.
(Note 2) I tubes and J tubes of umbilical and
electrical cables.
Sump caissons (internal and external).
Casings of seawater lift pumps.
Subsea equipment (wellheads,
manifolds, etc.). Top coat shall be light

Jacket MA AF -010 / + 080 S09 Area between the crest levels of the 50
Emerged zone S09 second years wave superimposed on the
maximum surge height plus the normal
Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) and
the top of the structure.

Note 1: If above 80 °C, the splash zone of flare structure shall be cladded with Inconel 625 or
Monel K500 or equivalent.

Note 2: Immersed zone is protected against corrosion by combination of painting and cathodic

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Pressure vessels, piping, and exterior of storage tanks

Item Code System Remarks
Carbon steel, Non insulated
T < 80°C MA AF -010/+080 S01 Extended 1.5 m down inside
S01 second floating roof tanks
81 < T < 120°C MA AF +081/+120 S10 Including adjacent surfaces
121 < T < 400° C MA AF +121/+400 S11 Including adjacent surfaces
Carbon steel, Insulated
T < 90°C MA AF -010/+090 S12
90 < T < 200°C MA AF +090/+200 S13
Vessels base structure MA AF -010/+080 S01
S01 second
Galvanized surfaces MA AG - 010/ +080 S05 All galvanized surfaces except
gratings, stairs and associated
galvanized fasteners
Zn/bi-Cr surfaces MA AB - 010/ + 080 S06 Above 80 degrees C, use
same system as adjacent
Stainless steels, Non insulated
304, 304L, 321, 316, MA AI - 010/ + 080 S17
316L, DSS T< 80°C
304, 304 L, 321, 316, 316 MA AI - 010/ + 120 S18,
L, 904L, DSS S18 second
81°C < T < 120°C
304, 304 L, 321, 316, 316 MA AI - 010/ + 120 S19
L, 904L, DSS
121°C < T < 200°C
304, 304 L, 321, 316, 316 MA AI - 010/ + 200 S20
L, 904L, DSS
201°C < T < 400°C
Stainless steels, Insulated
All stainless steels MA AI - 010/ + 025 S21
All stainless steels MA AI - 010/ + 120 S22

Item Code System Remarks
T < 80 °C MA-AF-010/+080 S14 Machinery SUPPLIER system
if approved by COMPANY

Item Code System Remarks
Opened workshop MA AF -010/+080 S15 Bulkheads, ceilings
Air conditioned MA AF -010/+080 S16 Walls, ceilings
Floors MA AF -010/+080 S02
S02 second
Floors under concrete MA AF -010/+080 S15
S15 second

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Appendix 2. Approved SUPPLIERs and SUPPLIER’s System


SUPPLIER Code Office No. Mobile No. Email address
CARBOLINE C +66(0) 2 323 2800 +66(0) 8 1628 6240 [email protected]
HEMPEL H +66(0) 2 392 1226 +66(0) 9 0880 9678 [email protected]
INTERNATIONAL pongpawut.onkaew@akzono
I +66(0) 2 744 1299 +66(0) 8 2486 2498
JOTUN J +66(0) 2 022 9888 +66(0) 8 9201 1172
PPG Sigma* P +66(0) 2 319 4190 +66(0) 9 2501 4411 [email protected]
PPG Amercoat* A +66(0) 2 319 4190 +66(0) 9 2501 4411 [email protected]

Remark: PPG Sigma and PPG Amercoat are taken care by PPG Company.

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System No: S01

Zone: Deck and Equipment (Operating temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit–medium (G) (ISO 8503-2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc11 ESI 75 Carbozinc 858 EPRZ 75
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 190 Carboguard 890 EP 190
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 55 Carbothane 134 PUR 55
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30 Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
45881 45881
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interzinc 22 ESI 60 Interzinc 52 EPRZ 75
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intergard 475 HS EP 175 Intergard 475 HS EP 175
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier 80 EPRZ 60
Tie-coat Penguard Tie coat 100 EP 30 Penguard Tie coat EP 30
Intermediate Penguard Midcoat or EP 130 100 EP 130
Penguard Universal Penguard Midcoat or
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Penguard Universal PUR 50
Hardtop XP
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 522 EP 40 SigmaCover 522 EP 40
Intermediate SigmaCover 456 EP 150 SigmaCover 456 EP 150
Final coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 383H EP 150 Amercoat 383H EP 150
Final coat Amercoat 450HS (T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS (T) PUR 50


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S01 Second

Zone: Deck and Equipment (Operating temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc 858 EPRZ 75 Carbozinc 858 EPRZ 75
Intermediate Carboguard 893 EP 200 Carboguard 893 EP 200
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Avantgrd 750 EPRZ 75 Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur Mastic 45881 EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic 45881 EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interzinc 52 EPRZ 75 Interzinc 52 EPRZ 75
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intergard 475 HS EP 175 Intergard 475 HS EP 175
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer
Tie-coat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Intermediate SigmaCover 410 EPM 170 SigmaCover 410 EPM 170
Final coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 383H EP 150 Amercoat 383H EP 150
Final coat Amercoat 450HS (T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS (T) PUR 50


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S02

Zone: Deck Floors (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc11 ESI 75 Carbozinc858 EPRZ 75
Intermediate Carboguard 890GF EPGF 300 Carboguard 890GF EPGF 300
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30 Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Multi- EPM 200 Hempadur Multi- EPM 200
Finish coat Strength 45540 Strength 45540
International Primer Interzone 954 EPM 350 Interzone 954 EPM 350
Coating Tie-coat
Finish coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier 80 EPRZ 60
Tie-coat PenguardTie coat100 EP 30
Intermediate Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 200 Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 250
Finish coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaShield 880 EPM 50
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EPM 250 SigmaShield 880 EPM 300
Finish coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S02 Second

Zone: Deck Floors (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc 859 P EPRZ 75 Carbozinc 859 P EPRZ 75
Intermediate Carboguard 890GF EPGF 300 Carboguard 890 GF EPGF 300
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75 Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
45881 45881
Finish coat Hempadur Multi- EPM 200 Hempadur EPM 200
Strength 45540 Multistrength 45540
Internation Primer Interzone 1000 EPGF 400 Interzone 1000 EPGF 400
al Coating Tie-coat
Finish coat
Jotun Primer
Tie-coat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Finish coat
PPG Primer SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Sigma Tie-coat
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EPM 300 SigmaShield 880 EPM 300
Finish coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote 68G EPRZ 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S03

Zone: Helideck (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc 11 ESI 75 Carbozinc 859P EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Carboguard 1209 EPGF 500 Carboguard 1209 EPGF 500
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Multi- EPGF 500 Hempadur Multi- EPGF 500
Strength GF 35870 Strength GF 35870
Finish coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interzone 954 EPM 300 Interzone 954 EPM 300
Coating Tie-coat Interzone 954 EPM 300 Interzone 954 EPM 300
Intermediate Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Finish coat
Jotun Primer Marathon XHB EPGF 300 Marathon XHB EPGF 300
Intermediate Marathon XHB EPGF 300 Marathon XHB EPGF 300
Finish coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 880 EPM 300 SigmaShield 880 EPM 300
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EPM 300 SigmaShield 880 EPM 300
Finish coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 500 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 500
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat PUR 50

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S03 Second

Zone: Helideck (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc 859 P EPRZ 60 Carbozinc 859 P EPRZ 60
Intermediate Carboguard 890 GF EPGF 500 Carboguard 890 GF EPGF 500
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
Intermediate Hempadur Multi- EPGF 500 Multi-Strength GF EPGF 500
Strength GF 35870 35870
Finish coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interzone 1000 EPGF 600 Interzone 1000 EPGF 600
Coating Tie-coat
Finish coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer
Intermediate Baltoflake S2000 PY 600 Baltoflake S2000 PY 600
Finish coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaCover 850 EPGF 600 SigmaCover 850 EPGF 600
Finish coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 500 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 500
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S04

Zone: Fire proofed Surfaces; concrete type PFP

(Operating temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 893 EP 100 Carboguard 893 EP 100
Final coat Carbothane134 PUR 50 Carbothane134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30 Hempadur 15570 EPM 40
Intermediate Hempadur 45881 EPM 150 Hempadur 45881 EPM 150
Final coat
International Primer Interseal 670HS EPM 125 Interseal 670HS EPM 125
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier 80 EPRZ 60
Tie-coat Penguard Tie coat EP 30 Penguard Tie coat EP 30
100 100
Intermediate Penguard Midcoat EP 150 Penguard Midcoat EP 150
or Penguard or Penguard
Universal Universal
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer Sigmazinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 522 EP 40 SigmaCover 522 EP 40
Intermediate SigmaCover 456 EP 150 SigmaCover 456 EP 150
Final coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 385 EP 150 Amercoat 385 EP 150
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50


- Final coat in PUR shall be on top of PFP

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 10 years for overall paint + PFP system

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S04 Second

Zone: Fire-proofed Surfaces; Intumescent epoxy

(Operating temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 893 EP 100 Carboguard 893 SG EP 125
Final coat Carbothane134 PUR 50 Carbothane134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantgiard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30 Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Final coat Hempathane PUR 50 Hempathane PUR 50
Topcoat 55210 Topcoat 55210
International Primer Intergard 251 EP 60 Intergard 251 EP 60
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier 80 EPRZ 60
Tie-coat Penguard Tie coat EP 30 Penguard Tie coat EP 30
100 100
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 522 EP 40 SigmaCover 522 EP 40
Intermediate Sigmadur 550 EP 50 Sigmadur 550 EP 50
Final coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 385 EP 150 Amercoat 385 EP 150
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50


- Final coat in PUR shall be on top of PFP

- When using intumescent epoxy, primer coat shall be approved by passive fire protection SUPPLIER.

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 10 years for overall paint + PFP system

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S05

Zone: Galvanised surfaces (Operating temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation: Sweep blast according to ASTM D6386 or

Brush blast according to SSPC-SP16

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 893 SG EP 150 Carboguard 893 SG EP 150
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Hempadur 15553 EPM 30 Hempadur 15553 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
45881 45881
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interseal 670HS EPM 150 Interseal 670HS EPM 150
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Penguard Express EP 150 Penguard Express EP 150
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer Sigmacover 280 EP 50 Sigmacover 280 EP 50
Tie-coat Sigmacover 456 EP 150 Sigmacover 456 EP 150
Final coat Sigmadur 550 PUR 50 Sigmadur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amerlock 400 EPM 150 Amerlock 400 EPM 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S06

Zone: Zinc–plated bichromated surfaces

1) Surface preparation: Solvent clean according to SSPC-SP-1

2) Roughness: 25 to 30 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 893 SG EP 150 Carboguard 893 SG EP 150
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Hempadur 15553 EPM 30 Hempadur 15553 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic 45881 EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
Final coat Hempathane Topcoat PUR 50 45881 PUR 50
55210 Hempathane Topcoat
International Primer Interseal 670HS EPM 150 Interseal 670HS EPM 150
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Penguard Express EP 150 Penguard Express EP 150
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer Sigmacover 280 EP 50 Sigmacover 280 EP 50
Tie-coat Sigmacover 456 EP 150 Sigmacover 456 EP 150
Final coat Sigmadur 550 PUR 50 Sigmadur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amerlock 400 EPM 150 Amerlock 400 EPM 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50


- Only on thermally insulated piping or to prevent corrosion risk in interstices

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S07

Zone: Jacket – Splash zone (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbomastic 615 EPM 250 Carbomastic 615 EPM 250
Intermediate Carbomastic 615 EPM 250 Carbomastic 615 EPM 250
Final coat
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Finish coat Hempadur Multi- EPM 350 Hempadur Multi- EPM 380
Strength 45540 Strength 45540
International Primer Interzone 1000 EPGF 500 Interzone 1000 EPGF 500
Coating Tie-coat
Finish coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier 80 EPRZ 50
Tie-coat Penguard Tie coat EP 30
Intermediate Marathon XHB EPGF 335 Marathon XHB EPGF 335
Finish coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 522 EP 40
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EPM 375 SigmaShield 880 EPM 425
Finish coat

PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75

Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 400 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 400
Final coat

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S07 Second

Zone: Jacket - Splash zone (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 890 GF EPGF 250 Carboguard 890 GF EPM 250
Intermediate Carboguard 890 GF EPGF 250 Carboguard 890 GF EPGF 250
Final coat
Hempel Primer Hempadur Multi- EPM 225 Hempadur Multi- EPM 225
Strength 45540 Strength 45540
Intermediate Hempadur Multi- EPM 225 Hempadur Multi- EPM 225
Strength 45540 Strength 45540
Final coat
International Primer Interzone 954 EPM 300 Interzone 954 EPM 300
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Interzone 954 EPM 300 Interzone 954 EPM 300
Final coat
Jotun Primer Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 300 Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 300
Intermediate Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 300 Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 300
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 880 EPM 600 SigmaShield 880 EPM 600
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400GFA EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GFA EPGF 300
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GFA EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GFA EPGF 300
Final coat

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S08

Zone: Jacket – Immersed zone, Subsea Equipment (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbomastic 615 EPM 300 Carbomastic 615 EPM 300
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 100 Carboguard 890 EPM 100
Final coat
Hempel Primer Hempadur EPGF 200 Hempadur EPGF 200
multistrength multistrength
GF3587 GF3587
Intermediate Hempadur EPGF 200 Hempadur EPGF 200
multistrength multistrength
GF3587 GF3587
Final coat
International Primer Interzone 954 EPM 200 Interzone 954 EPM 200
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Interzone 954 EPM 200 Interzone 954 EPM 200
Final coat
Jotun Primer Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 200 Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 200
Intermediate Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 200 Jotamastic 87 GF EPGF 200
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 880 EPM 200 SigmaShield 880 EPM 200
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EPM 200 SigmaShield 880 EPM 200
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock EPGF 200 Amerlock 400GFA EPGF 200
Amercoat Tie-coat 400GFA
Intermediate EPGF 200 Amerlock 400GFA EPGF 200
Final coat Amerlock

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years, cracking, blistering & flaking requirements only
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S09

Zone: Jacket – Emerged zone (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbomastic 615 EPM 250 Carbomastic 615 EPM 250
Intermediate Carbomastic 615 EPM 250 Carbomastic 615 EPM 250
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 200 Hempadur Mastic EPM 250
45881 45881
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interzone 1000 EPGF 400 Interzone 1000 EPGF 400
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier 80 EPRZ 60
Tie-coat Penguard Tie coat EP 30
Intermediate Penguard Midcoat EP 200 Penguard Midcoat EP 250
or Penguard or Penguard
Universal Universal
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 522 EP 40
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EPM 200 SigmaShield 880 EPM 250
Final coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G ESI 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 385 EP 200 Amercoat 385 EP 200
Final coat Amercoat PUR 50 Amercoat PUR 50
450HS(T) 450HS(T)

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S09 Second

Zone: Jacket – Emerged zone (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 890 EP 250 Carboguard 890 EPM 250
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 250 Carboguard 890 EPM 250
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 200 Hempadur Mastic EPM 250
45881 45881
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interzone 954 EPM 400 Interzone 954 EPM 400
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer
Tie-coat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Intermediate SigmaShield 880 EP 300 SigmaShield 880 EP 300
Final coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat Amercoat 385 EP 150 Amercoat 385 EP 150
Intermediate Amercoat 385 EP 150 Amercoat 385 EP 150
Final coat Amercoat PUR 50 Amercoat PUR 50
450HS(T) 450HS(T)

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S10

Zone: Carbon steel surfaces subject to high temperatures (80 °C< T< 120 °C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 890 EP 120 Carboguard 890 EP 120
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 120 Carboguard 890 EP 120
Final coat
Hempel Primer Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75 Avantgruard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30 Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
45881 45881
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane 55210 PUR 50
International Primer Interseal 670 HS EPM 120 Interseal 670 HS EPM 120
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Interseal 670 HS EPM 120 Interseal 670 HS EPM 120
Final coat
Jotun Primer Penguard Express EP 120 Penguard Express EP 120
Intermediate Penguard Express EP 120 Penguard Express EP 120
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaPrime 200 EP 150 SigmaPrime 200 EP 150
Intermediate SigmaPrime 200 EP 150 SigmaPrime 200 EP 150
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400GF EPGF 150 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 150 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 150
Final coat

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 3 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S11

Zone: Carbon steel surfaces subject to high temperatures (120 °C< T< 400 °C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc 11 ESI 60
Tie-coat Thermaline 4700 SI 20 Thermaline 4700 SI 20
Intermediate Thermaline 4700 SI 20 Thermaline 4700 SI 20
Final coat
Hempel Primer Galvosil 15700 ESI 75
Tie-coat Silicon ALU 56914 SI 25 Silicon ALU 5691 SI 25
Intermediate Silicon ALU 56914 SI 25 Silicon ALU 5691 SI 25
Final coat
International Primer Interzinc22 ESI 60
Coating Tie-coat Intertherm 50 SI 20 Intertherm 50 SI 20
Intermediate Intertherm 50 SI 20 Intertherm 50 SI 20
Final coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60
Tie-coat Solvalitt SI 20 Solvalitt SI 20
Intermediate Solvalitt SI 20 Solvalitt SI 20
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60
Tie-coat SigmaTherm 540 SI 25 SigmaTherm 540 SI 25
Intermediate SigmaTherm 540 SI 25 SigmaTherm 540 SI 25
Final coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75
Amercoat Tie-coat Amercoat 878 SI 25 Amercoat 878 SI 25
Intermediate Amercoat 878 SI 25 Amercoat 878 SI 25
Final coat

- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 1 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S12

Zone: Insulated carbon steel surfaces (< 90 ºC)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 890 EP 150 Carboguard 890 EP 150
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 150 Carboguard 890 EP 150
Final coat
Hempel Primer Hempadur Mastic EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
45881 45881
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
45881 45881
Final coat
International Primer Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Final coat
Jotun Primer Tankguard Storage EPPH 125 Tankguard Storage EPPH 125
Intermediate Tankguard Storage EPPH 125 Tankguard Storage EPPH 125
Final coat

PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 400 EPM 150 SigmaShield 400 EPM 150
Intermediate SigmaShield 400 EPM 150 SigmaShield 400 EPM 150
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400 EPM 150 Amerlock 400 EPM 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400 EPM 150 Amerlock 400 EPM 150
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

Specific guarantee requirements: 3 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00

System No: S13

Zone: Insulated carbon steel surfaces (< 200 ºC)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100
Intermediate Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100
Final coat
Hempel Primer Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100 Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100
Intermediate Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100 Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100
Final coat
International Primer Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Final coat
Jotun Primer
Intermediate Tankguard Storage EPPH 200 Tankguard Storage EPPH 200
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Intermediate SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Final coat
PPG Primer Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150 Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150 Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

Specific guarantee requirements: 3 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S14

Zone: Machines (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboline 858 P EPRZ 60 Rustbond EP 50
Intermediate Carboguard 893 EP 125 Carboguard 893 EPM 125
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Intermediate Hempadur 45881 EPM 150 Hempadur 45881 EPM 150
Final coat Hempathane 55210 PUR 50 Hempathane PUR 50
International Primer Interzinc 52 EPRZ 60 Interzinc 52 EPRZ 60
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intergard 670 HS EPM 130 Intergard 670 HS EPM 130
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Barrier 80 EPRZ 50 Barrier 80 EPRZ 50
Intermediate Penguard Midcoat EP 150 Penguard Midcoat EP 150
or Penguard or Penguard
Universal Universal
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Intermediate SigmaCover456 EP 150 SigmaCover456 EP 150
Final coat SigmaDur 550 PUR 50 SigmaDur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 383H EP 150 Amercoat 383H EP 150
Final coat Amercoat450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat450HS(T) PUR 50


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 3 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 4 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S15

Zone: Open rooms / Workshops, Sub concrete floor

(Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc11 ESI 75 Carbozinc11 ESI 75
Tie-coat Carboguard 890 EP 100 Carboguard 890 EP 100
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 100 Carboguard 890 EP 100
Final coat
Hempel Primer Galvasoil 15700 ESI 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur 15570 EPM 30 Hempadur 15570 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
45881 45881
Final coat
International Primer Interzinc 22 ESI 60 Interzinc 52 EPRZ 60
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Interseal 670 HS EPM 175 Interseal 670 HS EPM 175
Final coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Barrier EPRZ 60
Tie-coat Penguard Tie coat100 EP 30 Penguard Tie EP 30
Intermediate Penguard Midcoat or EP 150 coat100 EP 150
Penguard Universal Penguard Midcoat
Final coat or Penguard
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 522 EP 40 SigmaCover 522 EP 40
Intermediate SigmaCover 456 EP 150 SigmaCover 456 EP 150
Final coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 358 EP 150 Amercoat 358 EP 150
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 3 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S15 Second

Zone: Open rooms / Workshops, Sub concrete floor

(Temperature < 80 deg C)
Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carbozinc 859 P EPRZ 75 Carbozinc 859 P EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Carboguard 893 SG EP 100 Carboguard 893 SG EP 100
Intermediate Carboguard 893 SG EP 100 Carboguard 893 SG EP 100
Final coat
Hempel Primer Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75 Avantguard 750 EPRZ 75
Tie-coat Hempadur Mastic EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
45881 45881
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
45881 45881
Final coat
International Primer Interzinc 52 EPRZ 60 Interzinc 52 EPRZ 60
Coating Tie-coat Intergard 670 HS EPM 125 Intergard 670 HS EPM 125
Intermediate Interseal 670 HS EPM 125 Interseal 670 HS EPM 125
Final coat
Jotun Primer
Tie-coat N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60 SigmaZinc 109 HS EPRZ 60
Tie-coat SigmaCover 456 EP 100 SigmaCover 456 EP 100
Intermediate SigmaCover 456 EP 150 SigmaCover 456 EP 150
Final coat
PPG Primer Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 385 EP 125 Amercoat 385 EP 125
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 3 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S16

Zone: Air conditioned rooms (Temperature < 80 deg C)

Surface preparation:

1) Grade of cleanliness: Sa 3 (ISO 8501-1: 2007). For repair system: Sa 2½

2) Roughness: 50 to 75 microns or Grit –medium (G) (ISO 8503 -2: 2012)

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 890 EP 100 Carboguard EP 100
Tie-coat 890
Final coat
Hempel Primer Galvasoil 15700 ESI 75 Galvasoil ESI 75
Tie-coat 15700
Final coat
International Primer Interzinc 22 ESI 60 Interzinc 22 ESI 60
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat
Jotun Primer Resist 86 ESI 60 Resist 86 ESI 60
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60 SigmaZinc 158 ESI 60
Final coat
PPG Primer Dimetcote 9 ESI 75 Amercoat 68G EPRZ 75
Amercoat Tie-coat
Final coat


- The grade of cleanliness Sa 3 (ISO 8501 standard) for shop blasting and minimum Sa 2.5 (ISO 8501
standard) for outdoor application.

- Maximum DFT for zinc primer is 75 microns

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years

Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 3 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S17

Zone: Non-insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L and Duplex stainless steels for
temperatures < 80 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Rustbond EP 50 Rustbond EP 50
Intermediate Carboguard 890 EP 100 Carboguard 890 EP 100
Final coat Carbothane 134 PUR 50 Carbothane 134 PUR 50
Hempel Primer Hempadur 15553 EPM 30 Hempadur 15553 EPM 30
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 150 Hempadur Mastic EPM 150
45881 45881
Final coat Hempathane Topcoat PUR 50 Hempathane Topcoat PUR 50
55210 55210
International Primer Interseal 670HS EPM 150 Interseal 670HS EPM 150
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Penguard Express EP 150 Penguard Express EP 150
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaPrime 200 EPM 150 SigmaPrime 200 EPM 150
Final coat Sigmadur 550 PUR 50 Sigmadur 550 PUR 50
PPG Primer Amerlock 400 EPM 150 Amerlock 400 EPM 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Final coat Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50 Amercoat 450HS(T) PUR 50


Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S18

Zone: Non-insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L, 904L and Duplex stainless steels
for 80 °C < Temperature < 120 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150
Intermediate Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150
Final coat
Hempel Primer Hempadur Mastic EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
45881 45881
Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 100 Hempadur Mastic EPM 100
45881 45881
Final coat
International Primer Interplus 256 EPM 150 Interplus 256 EPM 150
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interthane 990 PUR 50 Interthane 990 PUR 50
Jotun Primer Penguard Express EP 150 Penguard Express EP 150
Final coat Hardtop XP PUR 50 Hardtop XP PUR 50
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Intermediate SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Final coat


Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S18 Second (High Corrosive Environment)

Zone: Non-insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L, 904L and Duplex stainless steels
for 80 °C < Temperature < 120 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer
Tie-coat Plastide 4100 VY 300 Plastide 4100 VY 300
Intermediate Plastide 4100 VY 300 Plastide 4100 VY 300
Final coat
Hempel Primer Versiline 740 VY 600 Versiline 740 VY 600
Final coat
International Primer Interline 1064 VY 300 Interline 1064 VY 300
Coating Tie-coat
Final coat Interline 1064 VY 300 Interline 1064 VY 300
Jotun Primer Chemflake Special VY 300 Chemflake Special VY 300
Intermediate Chemflake Special VY 300 Chemflake Special VY 300
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer Novaguard 4801 VY 300 Novaguard 4801 VY 300
Intermediate Novaguard 4801 VY 300 Novaguard 4801 VY 300
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Final coat


- High corrosive environment means that the system is subjected to chemical attack externally during
the operation i.e. wireline operation, acid cleaning, drilling / well service activities.

Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S19

Zone: Non-insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L, 904L and Duplex stainless steels
for 120 °C < Temperature < 200 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100
Intermediate Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 100
Final coat
Hempel Primer Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100 Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100
Intermediate Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100 Hempadur 85671 EPPH 100
Final coat
International Primer Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPM 100
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPM 100
Final coat
Jotun Primer
Tie-coat Tankguard Storge EPPH 200 Tankguard Storge EPPH 200
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Intermediate SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Final coat
PPG Primer Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150 Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150 Amercoat 90HS EPPH 150
Final coat


Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S20

Zone: Non-insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L, 904L and Duplex stainless steels
for 200 °C < Temperature < 400 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Thermaline 4700 SI 50 Thermaline 4700 SI 50
Final coat
Hempel Primer Silicone Aluminium SI 25 Silicone Aluminium SI 25
56914 56914
Intermediate Silicone Aluminium SI 25 Silicone Aluminium SI 25
56914 56914
Final coat
International Primer Intertherm 50 SI 20 Intertherm 50 SI 20
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intertherm 50 SI 20 Intertherm 50 SI 20
Final coat
Jotun Primer Solvalitt SI 20 Solvalitt SI 20
Intermediate Solvalitt SI 20 Solvalitt SI 20
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaTherm 540 SI 25 SigmaTherm 540 SI 25
Intermediate SigmaTherm 540 SI 25 SigmaTherm 540 SI 25
Final coat
PPG Primer Amercoat 878 SI 25 Amercoat 878 SI 25
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amercoat 878 SI 25 Amercoat 878 SI 25
Final coat


Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S21

Zone: Insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L, 904L and Duplex stainless steels for
Temperature < 25 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Carboguard 893 SG EP 100 Carboguard 893 EP 100
Tie-coat SG
Intermediate Carboguard 893 SG EP 100 EP 100
Final coat Carboguard 893

Hempel Primer Hempadur 15553 EPM 30 Hempadur 15553 EPM 30

Intermediate Hempadur Mastic EPM 200 Hempadur Mastic EPM 200
45881 45881
Final coat
International Primer Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Final coat
Jotun Primer Tankguard Storge EPPH 200 Tankguard Storge EPPH 200
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaPrime 200 EP 100 SigmaPrime 200 EP 100
Intermediate SigmaPrime 200 EP 100 SigmaPrime 200 EP 100
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400 EPM 150 Amerlock 400 EPM 150
Amercoat Tie-coat
Final coat


Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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System No: S22

Zone: Insulated 304, 304L, 321, 316, 316L, 904L and Duplex stainless steels
for 25 °C < Temperature < 120 °C

1. Surface preparation: Sweep blast by chloride free aluminum oxide or garnet or

Grit-Coarse (C) (ISO – 8503-2)

2. Roughness: 25 to 45 microns

SUPPLIER System Coating system Repair system

Reference Binder Thick Reference Binder Thick
(μm) (μm)
Carboline Primer Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150
Intermediate Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150 Thermaline 450 EP EPPH 150
Final coat
Hempel Primer Versiline CUI 56990 ICP 150 Versiline CUI 56990 ICP 150
Final coat
International Primer Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Coating Tie-coat
Intermediate Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100 Intertherm 228HS EPPH 100
Final coat
Jotun Primer Tankguard Storge EPPH 200 Tankguard Storge EPPH 200
Final coat
PPG Sigma Primer SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Intermediate SigmaShield 400 EPM 100 SigmaShield 400 EPM 100
Final coat
PPG Primer Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Amercoat Tie-coat
Intermediate Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300 Amerlock 400GF EPGF 300
Final coat


Specific guarantee requirements: 5 years - Only cracking blistering, and flaking requirements
Qualification / acceptance requirements: Minimum mechanical pull-off test value of 2 MPa
(mechanical tester)

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Appendix 3. Color Coding

1. Colors

Basic colors are:

Yellow – RAL 1003

Black – RAL 9005
Red – RAL 3001
Aluminium grey for high temperature

2. Piping Identification

Pipes shall be identified according to carried fluid as stipulated in the attached color coding tables.

Note 1: The basic identification color shall be sprayed as a band X mm wide around the pipe at a
maximum of 2 m intervals and on either side of each valve, fitting, wall penetration and any
other places where identification of the fluid is necessary.

Note 2: The fluid identification color shall be sprayed as a band Y mm wide all around the pipe and
placed in the middle of the basic identification color.

Note 3: Code indications, (i.e. information regarding the nature of the fluid and direction of flow
arrows), shall be painted in black letters on the white pipe background adjacent to the basic
identification color band. The flow direction shall be indicated by a repetition of the basic and
fluid identification colors sprayed downstream at Y mm apart and Y mm wide, as shown

Pipe OD

< 6” > 6” - < 12” > 12” - < 24” > 24”
X mm 150 250 400 600
Y mm 50 75 100 150

Example 1: Pipe OD is 4”

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Example 2: Pipe OD is 24”

Basic Fluid Direction
Identification Identification Indication
Color Color

150 100 150 100 50 50 in mm

X = 400 Y
 Dimension of pipe identification marking:

Pipe O.D
2” > 2” to ≤ 8” > 10” to ≤ 12” >14”
Font Height (mm.) 3/4” 11/4” 11/2” 2”
Font Width (mm.) 1/2” 3/4" 1” 11/2”

 Color code marking dimension

200 minimum 200 minimum a b c d e f

g h


Dimensions (mm.)
O.D. a b c d e f g h i j

Up to 4” 56 38 56 50 25 25 30 15 20 35

6” - 12” 94 62 94 75 37.5 37.5 50 25 35 60

14” - 20” 150 100 150 100 50 50 65 35 45 80

24” – 36” 225 150 225 150 75 75 95 50 70 120

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Color code for

Crude oil HC
Diesel oil DO Br W Br
Helifuel HC
Naphta NH
LP oil mud LM
Mud oil MO

Hydraulic oil HO
Lube oil LO Br V Br W Br V
Seal oil SO

Condensate /NGL CD Br Yo Br W Br Yo

Process gas PG
Flare gas FL
Hydrocarbon gas HG Yo W Yo
Fuel gas FG
Gas injection GI
Exhaust EX

Inert gas IG Yo Db Yo W Yo Db

Instrument air IA
Plant air PA LB W LB

Atmospheric vent ATH LB Yo LB W LB Yo

Halon Gas HLG Yo R Yo W Yo R

Glycol GLC
Methanol ME
V Br V W V Br

Freon F
Chemical injection CL
Bulk barites BB V W V
Bulk cement BC

Water injection WI G W G
Process water PW

Fire water FW R

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Sea water SW
Cooling water CW
Drinking water DW G LB G W G LB
Utility fresh water UW
Cold water CWS
Chilled water CHW

Hot water service HWS G DB G W G DB

HP steam SH S BI S W S BI

LP steam LH S DB S W S DB

LP steam condense SC LH

Waste sewage WS
Oily waste OL
Open drain OD BI W BI
Hyro. Closed drain DR
Waste oil drain DR

Cement liquid CE G V G W G V

High pressure
cement HPC CE V DB V W V DB

High pressure oil Br DB Br W Br DB

mud HM

Kill fluid KF Br R Br W Br R

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3. Color for Topcoat of All Other Equipment and Platform Areas

3.1 Exterior

1) Jacket zone – immersed zone Traffic grey

2) Jacket zone splash zone including casings Brown
3) Jacket zone emerged Yellow
4) Pipe supports Same as surrounding structure
5) Lighting posts White
6) Guard rails (Handrails) White
7) Pedestal cranes (moving parts) Red/white stripes
8) Pedestals Same as surrounding structure
9) Bridge structure Yellow
10) Tanks, vessels, heat exchangers White
11) Pipework Base color: White (Identification: See Appendix 1
12) All equipment and packages Light grey
13) Internal walls/ceilings of equipment enclosures White
14) Internal flooring of equipment enclosures Brown red
15) Fire pump enclosures: External walls Red
Internal walls & ceiling White
16) Control Panels Light grey
17) Moving parts and overhead obstructions Red/white stripes
18) Firefighting equipment and piping Red
19) Stairways and associated structures White
20) Runway beams (external and internal) Yellow/black stripes
21) Escape routes (external and internal) Black/yellow stripes
22) Drilling derricks and radio tower Red/white stripes
23) Floors, decks and walkways Brown red
24) Doors Green
25) Buildings, walls, doors & window frames
(except for Fire Pump Enclosures) White
26) Helideck structural Yellow
27) Helideck Surface Green
28) Helideck markings White/yellow
29) Life boat davits Yellow
30) Grating Same as support frame color
31) Netting framing White
32) Flare (excepted top of flare to be Aluminium) Red/white

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3.2 Interior of Technical Areas/Buildings

1) Structural Steel Yellow

2) Cladding and Ceiling * White
3) Floors * Brown red
4) Tanks, Vessels, Heat exchangers and pipework White
5) Piping identification: see section 2
6) Pumps and Motors Light grey
7) Skids and Packages Light grey
8) Main generator and emergency generator packages Light grey
9) Compressor Enclosures Light grey
10) Control Panels, gear switch, and transformers Light grey
11) Firefighting Equipment (inc. diesel engine
and piping) Red
12) Doors Green
13) First Aid Box Green
14) Instruments MANUFACTURER’s standard
15) Moving parts and overhead obstructions Red/white stripes
16) Escape Routes Black/yellow stripes

* Except Control Room, Technical Room, Laboratories and other specific areas. Color choice for
these to be determined based on Vendor’s standard systems or COMPANY requirements.

Interior of living quarter modules and offices is to be submitted to COMPANY approval.

4. Colors

The Colors specified shall be in accordance with RAL K1.

SUPPLIER color names or reference numbers shall not be used as reference.

Color Code for Pipeline RAL Reference Marking

1) Yellow Y 1003
2) Red R 3001
3) Brown red BR 3009
4) Light blue LB 5015
5) Dark blue DB 5003
6) Light grey LG 7035
7) Traffic grey TG 7042
8) White W 9010
9) Black Bl 9005
10) Green G 6001
11) Violet V 4005
12) Yellow ochre Yo 1006
13) Brown Br 8003
14) Silver grey S 7001

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Painting of Offshore Coastal Structures and Facilities 10008-STD-6-COR-010-R00


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