2 Nacin Sharin
2 Nacin Sharin
2 Nacin Sharin
Saccharin (o-benzoic sulfamide, C.H.COSO.NH) and its salls are white crystaline
powders, odourless and In diluted solution are obout 400 - 500 times sweeter than sucrose
(1). Due to its characteristics properties, it is one of the most consumed artificial sweetner in
some countries. It has been widely used in medicine and in variety of food products as a non-
nutritive sweetner (2). It is used primarily in disease such as diabetes, where it is harmful for
the patient to use sugar and persons dieting to lose weight often use saccharin in place of
sugar (3 - 4). In order to avoid excessive use, several countries have set tolerance limit (5).
Saccharin is very sweet in dilute solution but is bitter in concentrated solution (3).
The artificial sweetner saccharin is a weak bladder carcinogen and causes risk to human
and animal (4 - 8). When saccharin is given in diet it causes cancer of the urinary tract, when
it is inserted in bladder as an implant saccharin, it causes bladder cancer (9). Recent studies
suggested that high doses of saccharin and sodium saccharin produces cytotoxicity of the
urothelium and consequently regeneration hyperplasia (10).lt enhanced celi proliferation and
promote tumor (11). Due to its possible carcinogenic effects its use in food products is prohibited.
So, due to medical and legal aspects the determination of saccharin and other non-fattening
artificial sweetners in dietary products has an economical and social relevance (4).
Due to its wide use in food products such as canned fruit juices, vegetables, cookies,
other backery products, flavouring extracts, gelatin, pudding, frozen desserts, imitation jams,
jellies, marmalades and salad dressing etc. (12) and beverages, literature contains numerous
methods for the determination ot saccharin in various food products, beverages and
pharmaceuticals. Various techinques such as gas chromatography (13-15), thin layer
chromatography (16-20), high performance liquid chromatography (21-24), gas liquid
chromatography (25 -26), polarography (27-28), fluorimetry (29), ultraviolet spectrophotometry
(30 -32), infrared spectrophotometry (33), gravimetry (34-35), molecular emission cavity analysis
(36), ion selective electrode (37). flow injection analysis (38), volumetric (39). potentiometric
(40-41) etc. are being used for its determination.
A number of methods have also been reported for the spectrophotometric determination
of saccharin (5. 28. 42-49). The common reagents reported include azure B (42), tris-{1:10
phenanthroline)-iron II chelate (43), methylene blue (44), chlorophenothiazine (45),
phenothiazine (5), azure C (46). ferroin (47), phenol-sulphuric acid (28, 48) and starch-Cdl.
(49), Nevertheless most of these methqds are time consuming and laborious. While others
either need costly equipment or have limitations in sensitivity, selectivity and instability of
Here a simple and non expensive manual method is proposed for the determination of
saccharin. The method is based on the bromination of saccharin to form N-bromoderivatives
which on reaction with potassium Iodide liberates iodine. The liberated Iodine selectively oxidises
leucocrystal violet and the crystal violet dye so formed shows maximum absorbance at 593
nm. Various analytical parameters were investigated for optimum sensitivity. The method is
free from the interference of a number of substances commonly found In food products and
has been applied to the determination of saccharin in food and pharmaceuticals.
Appratus - A Systronics UV-VIS Spectrophotometer 108 with matched silica cells was
used for all spectral measurements. A Systronics pH meter model 331 was used for pH
Reagents - All chemicals used were of AnalaR grade and double distilled water was
used throughout the experiment.
Saccharin - A stock solution containing 1mgml-1 of saccharin was prepared by dissolving
100 mg of saccharin in 100 ml of dDuble distilled water and standardized volumetrically (39).
Bromine water'- A saturated solution of bromine in water was prepared. The solution
was prepared daily.
Formic acid - A 50% aqueous solution.
Potassium iodide (E. Mercl(, Germany) - 0.1 % aqueous solution.
Leucocrystal violet (LCV) (Eastman Kodak Co., New York) - To a 1 I volumetric flask
200 ml water, 3 ml 85% phosphoric acid and 200 mg of leucocrystal violet were added and
shaken gently until the dye gets dissolved. The content of the flask was then diluted to 11 with
water. This solution was stable for several months when kept in dark.
Sodium hydroxide - 1 M aqueous solution.
Preparation of Calibration Curve - An aliquot of working standard solution containing
1.25-12.5 119 of saccharin was taken in 25 ml calibrated tubes. To it 0.5 ml of bromine water
was added and the mixture was shaken gently for 2 min The excess of bromine was removed
by dropwise addition of formic acid (30) after which 1 ml of potassium iodide was added. The
yellow solution obtained was shaken gently for few seconds. Then 1 ml of LCV solution and
4-5 drops of 1 M sodium hydroxide were added. The solution was kept in a thermostat maintained
at 55°C for 5 min. The solution was cooled diluted to 25 ml with deionised water and kept for
10 min for full colour development and measured at 593 nm against a reagent blank.
and the mixture was equilibrated with 2 x 6 ml of diethy1 ether. The lower aqueous layer was
discarded. The upper ether layer was equilibrated with 2 x 2 ml of 2"10 sodium hydrogen
carbonate solution. The ether layer was discarded and aqueous layer was acidified with 2 ml
of 5% hydrochloric acid and then extracted with 2 x 5 ml of diethyl ether into a conical flask. All
of the ether was evaporated from the-extract on a hot water bath. The saccharin residue was
dissolved in 10 ml of water and transferred completely into a calibrated flask and made upto
25 ml with water (42). Aliquots were then analysed as described above. Results are shown in
Table 1.
Adherence to Beer's law, Molar absorptivity and Sandell's sensitivity· The colour
system obeys Beer's law over the concentration range of 1.25-12.5119 of saccharin per 25 ml
of final solution (0.05-0.5 ppm) at 593 nm (fig 2). The molar absorptivity and Sandell's sensitivity
were found to be 2.93 x 10' I mol-'em-' and 0.0006 119 em-' respectively.
Effect of reagent concentration ·It was found that under optimum condition 0.5 ml of
bromine water. 1 ml of 0.1 % potassium iodine, 1 ml of LCV and 4-5 drops of 1 M sodium
hydroxide were required for full colour development. A few drops of formic acid was sufficient
for the removal of excess of bromine. It was also found that if the proposed reagent concentration
is reduced or increased the absorbance value decreases (fig 3).
Effect of time· It was found that about 2 min were sufficient for bromination and iodine
was liberated on addition of potassium iodide immediately. Full colour development required
about 15 min. It was found that once developed the colour was stable for several days (fig 4).
Effect of temperature· 550C-650C temperature was found to be most suitable for colour
reaction. The temperature was obtained by keeping the solution in a thermostat maintained at
about 55°C. At higher and lower temperature the colour gradually faded (fig 4).
Effect of pH • pH of 4.5-5.5 was found to be best for obtaining constant and maximum
absorbance I'alues. Increase of pH above 5.5 severely affected the stability and sensitivity of
Ihe dye. Colour development did not take place belOW pH 4.5.
Interference studies· The validity of the method was assessed 'by investigating the
effect of common foreign species added to a solution containing 10 I1g per 25 ml of saccharin,
Table 3, shows that saccharin can be selectively determined in the presence of many substances
that are likely to be present in the soft drinks and the saccharin tablets, Most of the common
Ions did not interfere in the procedure.
Colour Reaction
The colour reaction involves the following steps (Scheme A) -
(1) Formation of N-bromoderivatives with bromine water (49),
(2) Liberation of iodine by the reaction of N-bromoderivative with potassium iodide in acedic
(3) Liberated iodine oxidises the leucocrystal violet to form crystal violet dye,
The method has been satisfactorily applied to the determination of saccharin in food
products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products. Table 1-2. The results of pharmaceuticals
analyses obtained by the proposed method also agreed with the claimed value on the labels in
all instances. Table 2.
To check the validity of the method known amount of saccharin was added to various
saccharin free samples such as icing sugar, fresh apple, oranges and grapes juices and then
determined by the proposed as well as reported method (28, 48) Table 4. The recoveries of
saccharin added to different samples were found to be 95.8-98.4% which is in agreement with
the results obtained by the established methods indicating the accuracy of the proposed method.
It can be concluded that the proposed method is simple, rapid, accurate and reproducible
and can be further automated for the routine measurements. The method has been compared
favourably with most of the other methods and found to be highly sensitive and selective.
Table 5.
+ Br. > ~~~r
(2) PllT
+ KI ------7» 12
tJ( 'tIl
(CH 3)2N N(GH')2
Crystal Violet dye
I..max 593 nm
Leucocrystal Violet
0' o. 08
". I.
" I.
C 025
'"ill 0'
...: 015
0 01
0 0" 04 06 08 12 14 '6
5 f) 15 '0 ,s 30 35 40 45
ill 0'
ro 03
0 "A
(f) 02
0 t) '0 30 '0 50 60 70 80 90
II .
E 06
'"'" ,
It) ,
(IJ 02
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table· 1. Determination of saccharin In food and cosmetic samples.
Table·2. Determination of saccharin in pharmaceuticals.
A 11.80 (1.66%) 11.60 12.00
B 51.20 (0.58%) 51.00 51.50
C 12.40 (0.83%) 12.30 12.50
Table - 3. Effect of foreIgn species.
Concentration of saccharin 10 ~ 125 ml (0.4 ppm)
Ascorbic acid 80
Citric acid 500
Tartaric acid 600
Gelatin 750
Sodium bicarbonate 850
Benzoic acid 1000
Malic acid 1500
Sucrose 3000
Glucose 4000
C02+, Cu2... 400
Cr"+, AI'+, Zn2+, Be2., Fe'" 850 .
PO4 3- • Acetate SO42-
Ca2+ 4000
Table· 4. Recovery of saccharin In saccharin
free food product and fresh fruit JUices.
= =
P Proposed method, R Reported method
Size of sample: a 1 gm, =
b, c, d 10 ml.
* Mean of three replicate analysis.
less sensitive .
Azure 8 685 2-68 Less sensitive.
Phenothiazine5 510 20-400 Less sensitive and
Starch-Cdl 249 600 0.4-1.6 Less sensitive.
LCV (Proposed method) 593 0.05-0.5 Sensitive, free from
most of the interferants.
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