Informatics Reviewer
Informatics Reviewer
Informatics Reviewer
• The iHOMIS also includes national health data reporting ◘ Real-time monitoring of maternal and child health
on tuberculosis (ITIS), injuries/kontra paputok (ONEISS), indicators through the Community Health Information
hospital statistical report (OHSRS), chronic non- Tracking System (rCHITS)
communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, - ICT tools used in far flung communities for health service
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, coronary artery delivery & health decision-making.
diseases (UDRS), Anti Microbial Resistance Stewardship - Developed for GIDAs Geographically Isolated and
Program and others. disadvantages areas
- rCHITS was developed UNICEF & UP-NTHC – UP
Manila National Telehealth Center
Integrated iHOMIS: - 2011, components of rCHITS developed on top of CHITS
✓ Compliant through consultation w/ experts & end users
• PHIC Electronic Claims System - prototype of rCHITS was deployed in:
• Online Claims Eligibility Verification a. Sto Domingo, Albay
• Electronic Claims Submission b. Gamay, Northern Samar
c. Glan, Saranggani - People at different locations have audio and possibly
- 2013, rCHITS was expanded in 8 GIDA’s and 3 cities video contact which is used to carry out telehealth
• Three Components:
1. mReports – mobile app to record pertinent data in 2. Video conference – it allows to interact with medical
remote communities specialists anytime, anywhere. It allows the doctors to
- Patient data/health information entered can be examine and diagnose patients’ right form their office. They
synchronized to electrical medical record can determine whether an in-person meeting is necessary.
2. CHITS- “Community Health Information Tracking Advantages:
System” ✓ Saves time and Cost for Travel
- electronic medical record by UP Manila, College of ✓ It helps more patients
✓ Improves medical training
- function is to retrieve, organize tracking, updating medical
✓ Enables to view and Emulate Surgeries
records faster and more efficient
✓ It helps break down the geographical barrier with your
3. LGU Dashboard- Allows local chief Executive to view patients
CHITS reports ✓ It has higher productivity and efficiency
• BENEFITS rCHITS ◘ Telehealth Terminologies
a. It has better health outcomes in geographically isolated
and disadvantaged areas (GIDAs) 1. E-care / E-health- The provision of health information
b. It continuously enhanced to better serve the Filipinos products and services online as well as the automation of
c. It serves as fast, efficient and accessible health care administrative and clinical aspects of care.
delivery system
2. E-medicine - Use of telecommunication and computer
d. Real-time data helps healthcare provider in decision-
technology to deliver medical care
3. Telecardiology - Transmission of cardiac catheterization
• Mag-Ina Telereferral System (MInTS)
studies, echocardiograms and other diagnostics tests in
✓ It facilitates paper-less sending of maternal and neonatal conjunction with electronic examinations for second
referrals from lying-in clinics to hospital through the opinion by cardiologist at another site.
internet. 4. Telecare or Teleconsultation- Remote delivery and
• Birth Registration Tracking System (BiRTS) health care services into the home via information and
communication technology that include the use of
✓ It allow the Local Civil of Registry to monitor delivery monitoring devices.
reports sent by the lying-in clinics. It ensures that all - Videoconferencing between two healthcare professionals
newborn babies are registered on time or a healthcare professional and a client.
TELEHEALTH (TELEMEDICINE) 5. Teleradiology - Transmission of high-resolution images
to a remote radiologist for interpretation.
- use of telecommunication technologies/computers to
exchange healthcare information. To provide service in 6. Telepathology- The use of telecommunications
other location. technology to facilitate the transfer of high resolution still
images for the interpretation of a pathologist at a remote
• Telehealth Services
1. Health Promotion
2. Disease prevention 7. Telesurgery -A surgical procedure that is carried out
3. Diagnosis from a great distance using computer and robotic
4. Consultation technology.
5. Education
• Telehealth Delivery
1. Teleconference- A conference with participants in NURSING INFORMATICS
different locations linked by telecommunications devices.
7. Protection of undisclosed information.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and COPYRIGHT Government agencies – in charge is the intellectual
LAW property office which replaced the Bureau of Patents,
Trademarks and Technology Transfer
- Republic Act No. 8293 or also known as
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines [1] Bureau of Patents;
STATE POLICY DECLARATION [2] Bureau of Trademarks;
- It shall protect and secure the exclusive rights [3] Bureau of Legal Affairs;
of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted
[4] Documentation, Information and Technology
citizens to their intellectual property and
Transfer Bureau;
creations, particularly when beneficial to the
people, for such periods as provided in this [5] Management Information System and EDP Bureau;
Act. and
EFFECT ON INTERNATIONAL [6] Administrative, Financial and Personnel Services
Functions of the Intellectual Property Office:
- Any person who is a national, domiciled or has
The Intellectual Property Office is mandated under
a real and effective industrial establishment in
the law to:
a country shall be entitled to benefits to the
extent necessary to give effect to any provision. 1. Examine applications for the grant of letters
patent for inventions and register utility models
and industrial designs;
PART 1 – The intellectual property office
Significant features of the law:
PART 2 – The law of Patents
1. A shift was made from the "first-to-invent
PART 3 – The Law on Trademarks, Service Marks system" under R. A. 165 [old law] to "first-to-
and Trade Names file system" under the new law.
2. In the case of inventions, the period of the
PART IV - The Law on Copyright grant was increased from 17 years from grant
PART V - Final Provisions under the old law to 20 years from date of
filing under the new law.
Significant changes in the trademark law:
THE I.P CODE: The significant changes in the trademark law under the
old law [R. A. No. 166] and the present law are as
1. Copyright and related rights; follows:
2. Trademarks and service marks; 1. Under the former, the element of use before
3. Geographic indications; filing a local application is a requirement
although this is not required when the
4. Industrial designs; application is based on foreign registration;
5. Patents; while under the latter, the element of use has
been eliminated as a requirement for
6. Layout designs [topographies] of integrated circuits; application.
and 2. 2. Under the former, the term granted is 20
years renewable for 20-year periods; while
under the latter, the term is for 10 years,
renewable for 10-year periods.
Significant changes in the copyright law: DOMAINS or Data Privacy Act of 2012 - is intended
to protect individuals or natural persons through the
✓ For first offenders - fine of PhP50,000 to protection of personal information.
PhP150,000 and/or imprisonment of 1 to 3 years
A. Personal Information and Sensitive Personal
✓ For second offenders - fine of PhP150,000 to Information - Personal information is information
PhP500,000 and/or imprisonment of 3 to 6 years about an identified or identifiable individual. Any set
of information, as long as it can allow identification of
✓ For third and subsequent offenders - fine of
an individual
PhP500,000 to PhP1.5 million and/or imprisonment of
6 to 9 years. B. Personal Information Controller and Personal
Information Processor
✓ In case of insolvency, the offender shall furthermore
suffer subsidiary imprisonment. Personal Information Controller refers to an
individual, organization, or group that controls the
processing of personal data.
Four Types of Intellectual Property: Personal Information Processor refers to an individual,
1. Patents – protect invented machines, organization, or group that processes personal data
manufactured objects, technological or only upon the instructions of another.
industrial processes and systems. C. National Privacy Commission
2. Trademarks or service marks - apply to
assets that serve as marketplace identifiers for The National Privacy Commission is an independent
organizations' brands, including, but not government agency with the mandate to implement the
limited to, product or service names, logos and Data Privacy Act through its regulatory and quasi-
slogans judicial function.
3. Copyrights protect dramatic, literary and
Data Privacy Principles
artistic works, including those created for hire.
Artistic and literary are broad terms here. Transparency
4. Trade secrets are essential pieces of
The data subject must be aware of the nature, purpose,
information regarding the processes, products
and extent of the processing of his or her personal
or services of an organization that are not
data, including the risks and safeguards involved, the
intended to be published or otherwise
identity of personal information controller, his or her
distributed and that directly benefit the owner
rights as a data subject, and how these can be
by dint of their confidentiality.
How do you protect Intellectual Property?
ii. Legitimate Purpose
The phrase "You can never be too careful" applies
The processing of information shall be compatible
perfectly to IP assets.
with a declared and specified purpose which must not
Registering IP in every jurisdiction relevant to your be contrary to law, morals, or public policy.
business is key, especially for patents and trademarks,
iii. Proportionality
and entering into the WIPO's framework helps
facilitate more far-reaching protection and save The processing of information shall be adequate,
money. Timely renewal and upkeep (i.e., fee payment relevant,
and declarations of use) are also essential protective
suitable, necessary, and not excessive in relation to a
steps with all registered IP rights.
declared and
specified purpose. 5. Third Party Management
The Organization must have clear policies and
efficient processes in its engagement or transactions
Rights of the Data Subject
with third parties where personal data processing is
a. Right to Information- involved.
b. Right to Object
6. Data Subject Engagement
c. Right to Access and to Data Portability
d. Right to Correct Upholding the rights of data subjects should be every
e. Right to Erase organization’s priority.
f. Right to File a Complaint and to Damages
7. Regulator Engagement
• Security Measures
The Organization must coordinate regularly with data
Those who process personal information should protection authorities and cooperate during
implement reasonable and appropriate security investigations of compliance checks.
measures for the protection of personal data against
8. Capacity-building Mechanisms
any accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, and
disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful The Organization must develop and implement
processing. These Security measures may be capacity-building mechanisms that will foster a culture
organizational, physical and technical measures of privacy among its personnel.
intended to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of personal data.
Privacy Program Management
1. Data Protection Unit
The Data Privacy Act implements the principle of
accountability and
mandates the designation of an individual or
individuals who are accountable for the organization’s
compliance with the law.
2. Security Incident Management
The Organization must develop a protocol for handling
data breaches and other types of security incidents. It
must have a unit ready to investigate and resolve such
incidents if or when they occur.
3. Privacy Impact Assessment
The Organization must develop or adopt its own
privacy impact assessment (PIA) program, based on its
size, available resources, and other relevant factors.
4. Transparency and Consent Mechanisms
The Organization must make use of appropriate
privacy notices and transparency statements when
conducting data processing activities.