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LP 9: THE QUALITIES OF AN ETHICAL - For problem solving and decision

LEADER making specifically when the

nurse manager/leader will be
1. CONSCIENTIOUS – ethical leader’s
faced with ethical dilemmas.
ability to be through, careful and
- Takes their positions seriously
and they want to succeed in their
- Also means the leader should - Indicates that people are
showcase strong moral identity. obligated to inform themselves
2. INCLUSIVE – they are open to other about ethical norms, incorporate
opinions and encourage people to that knowledge into their daily
voice different ideas within the lives, act according to that
organization. knowledge, and take
3. ACCOUNTABLE – the responsibility responsibility for those actions.
of ethical leadership must be treated
with respect and in a serious manner. ETHICAL DISCERNMENT
You must, as a leader, be responsible Discernment engages our spirituality,
for the actions and decisions. intellect, imagination, intuition, and beliefs. It
4. CONSIDERATE behavior is important is decision making that reaches into the heart
for an ethical leader in two separate of our beliefs about ourselves, about those
senses: with whom we live and work, about God, and
a. First, an ethical leader must about all creation.
consider all of his or her actions
and find the ways to minimize FRAMEWORK OF ETHICAL DISCERNMENT
b. The second type of consideration
1. Identify the Problem
requires the proper treatment of
2. Acknowledge Feelings
subordinates and other
3. Gather the Facts
5. CONSISTENT – ethical leadership
4. Consider Alternatives
framework must be present at all
5. Examine Values
times and an ethical leader must
6. Evaluate – Alternatives
showcase consistency in his or her
c. ACT
7. Articulate the Decision
6. AUTHORITATIVE – to use his or her
8. Implement the Plan
- Focus is to achieve the ends, not
to gain personal accomplishments
The MORAL Decision-Making Model
or to prove you are better than
others. Crisham (1985) developed a model for ethical
decision making incorporating the nursing
process and principles of biomedical ethics.
a. Utilitarianism Theory which sees • Service
the leader maximizing the welfare of
• Effectiveness
the subordinates. The focus is on
ensuring the subordinates feel good • Costs
and are happy, before deciding on an
action. Health care resources - defined as all
b. Libertarianism Theory. The leader is materials, personnel, facilities, funds, and
to protect the freedom of the anything else that can be used for providing
individuals as the main concern. health care services.
c. Immanuel Kant’s Ethical Theory of Guiding Principles for Allocating Health
doing the right thing. The approach to Care Resources
decision making is therefore looking
at the proper means. 1. Allocation of health care resources
should improve people’s health.
2. Patients and members or prospective
LESSON 2: MEANING AND SERVICE WALUE members of health care organizations
OF MEDICAL CARE should be informed about how health
care resources are allocated and the
A. ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES - The rationale for the allocation.
demand for healthcare is rising due to 3. Once provided with information,
aging populations, rising chronic patients, members, and prospective
disease prevalence, and technological members of a health care
innovations. organization should have the
opportunity to consent to or deny that
Resource allocation
organization’s allocation of health
- refers to the allocation of resources to a care resources.
service, department or project. 4. Conflicts of interest should be
minimized by individuals making
- From an ethical perspective, resource
decisions regarding the allocation of
allocation is a concept that is neutral with
health care resources.
regard to the moral implications of the
allocation decision
Value-based healthcare - is a way of trying LP 10: ETHICAL ISSUES RELATED TO
to ensure that limited resources are used in a TECHNOLOGY IN THE DELIVERY OF
way which provides the greatest value to HEALTH CARE
TECHNOLOGY - is considered to be the
Three types of values: driving force behind improvements in
healthcare and, when you look at the rate of
a. Allocative value
change and recent innovations, many find it
b. Technical value hard not to agree with that observation.

c. Personalized value Three ways that technology has changed

healthcare are the following:
Four attributes of value-based healthcare:
a. Better and More Accessible
• Accessibility Treatment
b. Improved Care and Efficiency recording, organization, storage, updating or
c. Software Improves Healthcare and modification.
Disease Control
1.8. Security incident is an event or
Data protection refers to the mechanism of occurrence that affects or tends to affect data
making copies of your data to restore in the protection, or may compromise the
event of a loss or corruption. availability, integrity and confidentiality of
personal data.
Data security refers to the mechanism of
keeping your data safe from unauthorized 1.7. Privileged information refers to any
access and distribution. and all forms of personal data, which, under
ACT NO. 10173) Rules of Court
• A law that seeks to protect all forms of 1.9. Sensitive Personal Information refers
information, be it private, personal, or to personal data:
sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural
and juridical persons involved in the
processing of personal information. 2.1.2. The DPO is responsible for ensuring
the Office’s compliance with applicable laws
Personal Data - collectively refers to
and regulations protection of data privacy
personal information, sensitive personal
and security.
information, and privileged information
Sample of Data Privacy Policy for a Health
Institution 3.1.1. Transparency. The data subject must
be aware of the nature, purpose, and extent of
1.1. Data Privacy Act refers to Republic Act
the processing of his or her personal data by
No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012
the Office,
and its implementing rules and regulations;
3.1.2. Legitimate purpose. The processing of
1.2. Data Subject refers to an individual
personal data by the Office shall be
whose personal, sensitive personal, or
compatible with a declared and specified
privileged information is processed;
purpose which must not be contrary to law,
1.3. Office refers to the Manila Medical morals, or public policy.
Services, Inc. (Manila Doctors Hospital);
3.1.3. Proportionality. The processing of
1.4. Personal Data collectively refers to personal data shall be adequate, relevant,
personal information, sensitive personal suitable, necessary, and not excessive in
information, and privileged information; relation to a declared and specified purpose.
1.5. Personal Information - refers to any 4. DATA PROCESSING RECORDS
information, whether recorded in a material
4.1. Adequate records of the Office’s
form or not, from which the identity of an
personal data processing activities
individual is apparent.
4.1.1. Information about the purpose of the
1.6. Processing refers to any operation or set
processing of personal data
of operations performed upon personal data
including, but not limited to, the collection,
4.1.2. A description of all categories of data TELEMEDICINE – the remote delivery of
subjects, personal data, and recipients of such healthcare services.
personal data
4.1.3. General information about the data patients and physicians to
flow within the communicate in real time while
maintaining HIPAA compliance.
4.1.4. A general description of the
2. STORE AND FORWARD – permits
organizational, physical, and technical
providers to share patient
security measures
information with a practitioner in
4.1.5. The name and contact details of the another location
DPO as well as any other staff members 3. REMOTE PATIENT MONITORING –
accountable allows remote caregivers to monitor
patient that reside at home by using
5. MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES mobile medical devices to collect data


as the ability of computers and other
10. TECHNICAL SECURITY MEASURES devices to replicate human cognition
and to learn, think, and make
decisions or take actions.
11.1.1. Right to be Informed
Machine Learning - One of the most
11.1.2. Right to Object prevalent applications of artificial intelligence
in healthcare
11.1.3. Right to Access
Machine Learning EXAMPLES
11.1.4. Right to Rectification
Microsoft- In order to help medical
11.1.5. Right to Erasure or Blocking professionals plan radiotherapy and surgery,
12. DATA BREACHES & SECURITY Microsoft’s Project InnerEye uses computer
INCIDENTS vision and machine learning to distinguish
between malignancies and healthy anatomy
13. OUTSOURCING AND SUBCONTRACTING using 3D radiological images.
Tempus- collects enormous volumes of
14. NON-ADHERENCE TO POLICIES AND clinical and medical data in an effort to
PROCEDURES advance cancer research.
PathAI- Machine learning is used by
ROBOTIC SURGERY – or Robot assisted PathAI’s technology to aid pathologists in
surgery, allows doctors to perform many providing quicker and more precise
types of complex procedures with more diagnosis.
precision, flexibility and control than is
possible with conventional techniques.
Beta Bionics- A wearable “bionic” pancreas HealthCare
called iLet was created by Beta Bionics to
1. Overall Improved Patient Care
ease the stress of diabetes sufferer’s life.
2. Personalized Treatments
Natural language processing - enables
computers to comprehend and utilize human 3. Population Health Management
4. Identify at risk patients
Natural language processing EXAMPLES
5. Chronic disease Management
Clinical Documentation- frees clinicians
from the time- consuming EHR physical 6. Forecast equipment maintenance needs
systems, allowing them to devote more before they arise
attention to the patient. 7. Healthcare tracking & digitalization
Data Mining Research- By incorporating 8. Prevent human Errors
data mining into healthcare systems,
organizations are able to lower decision- 9. Fraud detection
making subjectivity and offer practical
10. Reduces overall healthcare cost
medical knowledge.
Automated Registry Reporting- Health
systems must recognize when an ejection PREDICTIVE Modeling in
percent is included in a note and preserve
each number.
It is common called predictive analytics, and
Clinical Trial Matching- Recognizing
it is a mathematical process that uses
patients for a clinical trial using NLP and
statistical methods, data mining, machine
machines in healthcare is an important use
learning to identify patterns in data and
recognize the chance of particular outcome to
Rule-based Expert Systems as a Data gathering and cleansing – Gathers
methodology to reach conclusions or offer information from all sources and performs
solutions. data cleansing activities to eliminate incorrect
details so that predictions may be made with
Data Analysis- Create an easy-to-follow chart
- involves using data and predictive models to
of the data and analyze it before we begin to
inform ethical decision-making in healthcare.
develop a model.
This involves collecting and analyzing
healthcare data from various sources, such as Building a predictive model- To assess the
electronic health records, medical imaging, performance of the classification model
and patient surveys, and using this data to against test data, identify test data and apply
make predictions about patient outcomes, classification rules.
disease progression, and treatment.
Incorporate the Model into your Process -
10 Benefits of Predictive Analytics in utilized to assist enhance patient care in
order for it to be useful for your healthcare 1. Smart Pills- It is designed to detect the
organization. presence of disease long before the symptoms
may be apparent to the patient.
CLOUD COMPUTING- a technology that
allows users to access computing resources, Example: PillCam- it featured a tiny camera
such as storage, processing power, and made specifically to check the colon or
software applications, over the internet. bowels for polyps, internal bleeding, or
Crohn’s disease.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
2. Nanorobots- Nanorobots can be ingested
1. Scalability or injected and delivered themselves to the
2. Cost-effectiveness disease site, take pictures and send them to
the doctor or patient.
3. Flexibility
Example: Origami Nanorobot- It is made
4. Reliability out of a flat sheet of synthetic DNA that can be
Examples folded into different forms and is covered in a
blood- clotting enzyme.
Cloud Storage - such as Dropbox or Google
Drive. 3. Nanoparticles- are increasingly being
used to develop biomedical strategies against
Cloud-based software applications - such severe acute respiratory syndrome
as Microsoft Office 365. coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative
pathogen of coronavirus disease 2019
Cloud infrastructure - such as Amazon Web
(COVID-19) pandemic.
Services or Microsoft Azure.
5. VIRTUAL REALITY - It is a computer-
generated environment with scenes and
It involves the use of nanotechnology in the objects that appear to be real, making the
field of medicine as well as the use of user feel they are immersed in their
nanomaterials in disease detection, control, surroundings.
prevention, and therapy.
Applications of Virtual Reality in
Types of Uses of NanoMedicine Healthcare

Diagnosis (nanodiagnosis). Nanoparticles 1. Medical Education

could enhance technologies like ultrasound
2. Virtual Reality in Diagnostics
and MRI to produce much clearer images.
3. Mental Illness Treatment
Treatment (nanotherapy). Since they are so
small, nanoparticles can deliver medicines 4. Pain Management
exactly where they are required.
5. Physical Fitness and Therapy
Regenerative medicine. Molecules called
carbon nanotubes are already being used to 6. Virtual Reality in Surgery
repair damaged tissues. 7. Human Simulation Techniques
Examples Benefits of Virtual Reality in Healthcare
Provides A Safe Environment: It gives
realistic medical training to doctors and
students by providing a safe environment, the bioink solution creating vapor bubbles,
thus eliminating health risks. which in turn generate pressure pulse and
force droplets out of the nozzle.
Promotes Fast Healing: Wearing VR goggles
eliminates the boredom and stress of the 3. Laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT)
hospital environment for patients admitted to system, in which the laser is focused on an
the hospitals for the long term. absorbing intermediate layer creating a vapor
Beats Phobias: VR provides an environment
that visualises and feels real, which helps 7. TECHNOLOGY IN MENTAL HEALTH
patients and
1. Digital Technology Assessment
medical professionals defeat their phobias Criteria for Health and Social Care
and fears. (DTAC)
2. AI- And Smartphone-Assisted
Distracts Attention: VR effectively distracts
patients, attention from anything they
3. Digital Pills
continuously face, like chronic pain, making it
4. Digital Symptom Tracking
easier for them to tolerate the ailment.
5. VR for Mental Health
Cost-Effective And Saves Time: VR is cost-
effective compared to visiting regular
physical setups and saves time.
1. Glucose meters for patients with
6. ORGAN CARE TECHNOLOGY AND 2. Heart rate or blood pressure
3. Continuous surveillance monitors
• Organ bioprinting is the use of 3D-printing 4. Remote infertility treatment and
technologies to assemble multiple cell types, monitoring.
growth factors and biomaterials in a layer-by- 5. Caloric intake or diet logging
layer fashion to produce bioartificial organs programs.
that ideally imitate their natural
counterparts. 9. DIGITAL THERAPEUTICS - to prevent,
manage or treat medical conditions.
Printing Organs 101
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Cells – small piece of tissue – (CBT) Apps:
expand the cells outside the body. 2. 2. Digital Nutrition Programs:
Different Bioprinting Techniques and 3. 3. Mobile Games for Physical
their Working Principles. Therapy:
4. Virtual Reality (VR) Therapy:
1. Extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB) 5. 5. Digital Therapeutics for
systems are driven by either air pressure, a Substance Abuse:
piston, or a rotating screw. Instead of 6. 6. Diabetes Management
droplets, a continuous filament of bio ink is Apps:
dispensed. 7. 7. Sleep Therapy Apps:
2. Thermal and piezoelectric drop-on-
demand (DOD) the thermal actuator heats
be worn on the body and are capable of
collecting and transmitting health data.
1. Fitness Trackers: CARE
2. Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs): ADVOCACY means a coordinated
combination of problem identification,
3. Smartwatches:
solution creation, strategy development, and
4. Medical Alert Devices: actions taken to make positive change.

5. Smart Clothing: Case Advocacy – is well known to nursing

professionals, being part of the field’s
traditions and continuing professional values.
Class Advocacy – a more overtly political
approach, is quite different. Class advocacy
focuses on changing the system of
11. 3D PRINTING – known as additive opportunities itself to further the interests of
manufacturing, is a process of creating three- larger groups, organizations, or communities.
dimensional objects by layering materials on
top of each other. BASIS OF NURSING ADVOCACY:

1. Prosthetic Limbs 1. Preserving human dignity

2. Surgical Tools 2. Patient equality

3. Human Organs 3. Freedom from suffering

4. Dental Implants Nursing Advocacy – may defend a patient’s

rights in a general way by speaking out
5. Hearing Aids against policies or action that might endanger
their well-being or conflict with rights.
12. TELEMEDICINE - When a patient and a
healthcare provider engage in real-time two- LOBBYING In the “Principles for the Ethical
way communication via electronic audio and Conduct of Lobbying” developed by
visual methods. Georgetown’s Woodstock Center:
Benefits of Telemedicine Lobbying “means the deliberate attempt to
influence political decisions through various
1. Improve Cost-Effectiveness
forms of advocacy directed at policymakers
2. Improve Healthcare Quality on behalf of another person, organization or
3. Increased Access of Care from a Distance
Lobbyist – are individuals who communicate
4. Family Support and advocate certain views to members of the
5. Prevention of Chronic Illness government in the hope of influencing policy
at local, state or federal levels.
6. Controls transmission of Illnesses
Similarities and Differences of Lobbying
7. Contextualized Assessments and Advocacy
➢ Lobbying usually involves attempting to A policy that protects the fundamental human
influence legislation. right of privacy, of communication while
ensuring free flow of information to promote
➢ Advocacy covers a much broader range of innovation and growth.
activities that might not include lobbying.
Health care lobbyists are employed
by: Data privacy laws are created to safeguard
➢ Insurance groups vulnerable groups, stop crime, and guarantee
reliable digital functionality.
➢ Drug companies
➢ Specialty organizations KEY REASONS WHY:
➢ Public health groups 1. IT PROTECTS PERSONAL
➢ Others who have a stake in health INFORMATION – ensures that people
care legislation have control over how their
information is collected, processed,
CODE OF ETHICS FOR NURSES stored, and shared.
I. The Health Care Profession 2. IT BUILDS TRUST - information is
a. Definition of Health Care Profession The collected, processed, stored, and
healthcare profession is a special calling, a shared.
service characterized by a trusting and caring 3. IT PREVENTS MISUSE OF DATA - it
relationship which cannot be measured in helps prevent the misuse of personal
monetary terms. information, such as identity theft,
fraud, and other forms of cybercrime.
b. Definition of Professional Code of Ethics 4. IT PROMOTES TRANSPARENCY - it
encourages organizations to be
➢ A set of standards
transparent about their data
➢ Formal statement of a group’s collection and use practices.
➢ ▪ a written set of guidelines issued DATA FLOWS - it provides a
by an organization to its workers and framework for the safe and secure
management to help them conduct transfer of personal information
their actions in accordance with its across borders.
primary values and ethical standards.
The Importance of Data Privacy in
Data Privacy Act Data privacy in healthcare entails the correct
way of handling and protecting sensitive
- Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy
patient data from various cyber security
Act of 2012 was approved in August 15,
1. Patient Trust - Protecting patient data
- It is an act protecting individual personal
allows hospitals and other facilities to build
information in information and
trust with their patients.
communications systems in the government
and the private sector. 2. Patient Safety - Healthcare organizations
are responsible for the well-being of their
3. Avoid penalties for noncompliance - c) The various CPD Councils shall reduce the
There are rules and laws in place to protect required CPD credit units to a minimum,
patient privacy for a reason, and the which shall not be more than 15, as provided
government takes noncompliance severely. for under applicable laws.
4. Healthcare data compliance applies to Why require CPD?
the laws involved in data protection.
Nurses have to expand their knowledge and
5. The patient or individual can retain control technical competencies as stipulated in PRC
over their data and information to avoid Operational Guidelines. These would help
being misplaced or forgotten them in light of the complexities of the
healthcare needs and demands for better
6. Data privacy assists to collect, process,
delivery of safe nursing care services.
handle and share personal data and
DEVELOPMENT - life Is a lifelong learning
Effective March 1, 2019, nurses need only 15
process which aims to enhance the
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
competence of the professional by upgrading
units in the 3 year renewal period. That’s only
and updating knowledge and skills for the
5 units per year.
profession as brought about by
During the Senate committee hearing, modernization, scientific and technical
Senators Antonio Trillanes IV (principal advancements in the profession.
author of CPD Law), Ralph Recto, and Miguel
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10912 - “Continuing
Zubiri urged PRC Commissioners and CPD
Professional Development (CPD) Act of
Council members
CPD Amendments and Exemptions
- Implemented on March 15, 2017
On February 27, PRC and CPD Councils came
CPD Program - It is a set of learning activities
up with IRR Amendments through Resolution
accredited by the CPD Council such as
No. 2019-1146 which take effect March 1.
seminars, workshops, technical lectures or
Here are the salient points in the
subject matter meetings, non-degree training
lectures and scientific meetings, modules,
PRC provides a “transition period” for tours and visits.
professionals to comply with the unit
It is a structured and planned series of
requirements. During this transition
activities and initiatives designed to enable
period, the following shall be observed:
professionals to acquire and maintain the
a) OFWs are not covered by the CPD skills, knowledge, and competencies
requirement. necessary to succeed in their field of work.

b) Newly licensed professionals shall not be GOALS OF CPD PROGRAM FOR NURSES
covered by CPD requirement for the first
a. Maintain and enhance clinical
renewal cycle after obtaining their license.
b. Improve patient outcomes
c. Enhance professional practice CPD Council - a body created to promote and
d. Meet professional standards and ensure the continuous improvement of
requirements professionals, in accordance with national,
e. Career Advancement regional and international standards of
activities that range from structured to non- CPD Credit Unit - the value of an amount of
structured activities, which have learning learning that can be transferred to a
processes and outcomes. qualification achieved from formal, informal
or non-formal learning setting, where in
Formal Learning - educational arrangements credits can be accumulated to predetermined
and teaching-learning requirements that take levels for the award of a qualification.
place in education and training institutions
recognized by relevant national authorities, The validity of CPD Units differs from each
and which lead to diplomas and professional body, but may range from 1 to 3
qualifications. years and up to 5 years in some cases.

Non-formal Learning – may be structures CPD Units required

and made more flexible according to
General Transitory Period of the required
educational and training arrangements.
CPD units for Nurses
Informal Learning - learning that occurs in
Resolution No. 1032 (s. 2017)
daily life assessed, through the recognition,
validation and accreditation process, and YEAR OF REQUIRED MINIMUM
which can contribute to a qualification. RENEWAL NO. OF CPD ALLOWED
Self-directed learning - learning activities EARNED
such as online training, local/international PER YEAR
seminars/nondegree courses, Jan-Dec 0 0
institution/company-sponsored training 2017
programs, and the like, which did not Jan-Dec 15 15
undergo CPD accreditation but maybe applied 2018
for and awarded CPD units by the respective Jan 2019 45 45
CPD Council. onwards

Online Learning - structured or

unstructured learning initiatives, which make The CPD Council for Nursing shall reduce the
use of the internet and other web- based required CPD credit units to 15 for the
Information and Communications Technology renewal of PIC, however senior citizens and
solutions. differently abled persons are required to
present 10 credit units.
Professional Work Experience - Any
participation that a professional gains while CPD Provider - a natural or juridical person
working in a specific field. accredited by the CPD Council to conduct CPD
Lifelong Learning - learning activities
undertaken throughout life for the a. Local CPD Provider
development of competencies and
1. Individual/Sole Proprietor
qualifications of the professional.
- A registered and licensed professional of - Such other requirements and conditions as
good standing. the CPD Council may reasonably require.
- Non-conviction of a crime involving moral Accredited CPD Providers in the
turpitude. Philippines with “Free Webinar”
- Registered with the Department of Trade 1. UP Med Webinars
and Industry and the Bureau of
- UP Med Webinars is an accredited CPD
Internal Revenue. provider in the Philippines that offers various
webinars for healthcare professionals. The
- Such other requirements and conditions as
webinars cover a wide range of topics,
the CPD Council may reasonably require.
including clinical practice, public health,
2. Firm/Partnership/Corporation research, and ethics.

- A duly registered partnership, corporation, Some of the courses offered by the UP Med
institution or organization. Webinars are:

- The Articles of Incorporation/Partnership COVID-19: Diagnosis and Management - a

shall include as one of its purposes the webinar that provides updates on the
training and development of professionals; or diagnosis, treatment, and management of
in the case of commercial or industrial COVID-19.
enterprises, provides for the training and
The Role of Telemedicine in the COVID-19
development of its own professionals.
Pandemic - a webinar that discusses the
- Duly registered with the Bureau of Internal benefits and challenges of using telemedicine
Revenue and the Securities and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Exchange Commission and/or other pertinent Palliative Care: Beyond Pain Management
government bodies. - a webinar that focuses on the holistic
approach to palliative care, which includes
- Such other requirements and conditions as the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of
the CPD Council may reasonably require. patients.
3. Government Institutions/Agencies Research Ethics: Guidelines and
- Any government institution/agency with Considerations - a webinar that discusses
programs on CPD for professionals. the ethical considerations in conducting
research involving human subjects.
- Such other requirements and conditions as
the CPD Council may reasonably require. Mental Health and Well-being in the Time
of COVID-19 - a webinar that provides
b. Foreign CPD Provider insights on how to manage stress, anxiety,
and other mental health issues during the
1. Foreign Entity/Firm
COVID-19 pandemic.
- A duly registered entity, firm or association
2. DOH Academy E-learning Platform
in the country or state of the applicant that
has proven that it has existing capability and - The Department of Health (DOH) Academy
sustainability to provide CPD programs E-learning Platform is an accredited
through in-house training and development
of professionals.
CPD provider in the Philippines that offers manage cardiac arrest and other life-
various online courses for healthcare threatening emergencies.
professionals. The courses cover a wide range
Basic Life Support
of topics, including clinical practice, public
health, and healthcare management. Nursing Research Conference - a
conference that provides nurses with the
Some of the courses offered by the DOH
opportunity to present and discuss their
Academy E-learning Platform:
research findings.
Basic Life Support - a course that provides
Infection Prevention and Control
healthcare professionals with the knowledge
and skills needed to perform basic life Nursing Ethics and Jurisprudence Seminar
support procedures. - a seminar that discusses the ethical and
legal issues that nurses may encounter in
Infection Prevention and Control - a course
their practice.
that discusses the principles and practices of
infection prevention and control in healthcare Who are exempted from CPD
settings. requirements?
Health Emergency and Disaster Licensed professionals who are working
Management - a course that provides an overseas may be exempted from CPD
overview of the key concepts and principles requirements if they are able to provide proof
of health emergency and disaster of their overseas employment, such as a valid
management. employment contract or certificate of
employment. However, they are still required
Family Planning and Reproductive Health
to renew their PRC license on time and
- a course that discusses the different
comply with other PRC regulations.
methods of family planning and the principles
of reproductive health. Newly licensed Nurses are not covered by the
CPD requirement for the first renewal cycle
Leadership and Management in Health - a
after obtaining their license.
course that provides healthcare professionals
with the knowledge and skills needed to International Code of Ethics for Nurses (ICN)
effectively manage and lead healthcare
3. Philippine Nurses Association, Inc. L 13:

- The PNA is the accredited professional PREAMBLE

organization for nurses in the Nurses have four fundamental
Philippines, and it is mandated to provide responsibilities:
continuing education and professional -to promote health
development opportunities for its members.
-to prevent illness
Some of CPD activities offered by the PNA:
-to restore health
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Training - a seminar that provides nurses -to alleviate suffering.
with the knowledge and skills needed to
Inherent in nursing is respect for human -The nurse sustains a co-operative
rights, including cultural rights, the right to relationship with co-workers in nursing and
life and choice, to dignity and to be treated other fields.
with respect.
-The nurse takes appropriate action to
Nursing care is respectful of and unrestricted safeguard individuals, families and
by considerations of age, color, creed, culture, communities when their health is endangered
disability or illness, gender, sexual by a coworker or any other person.
orientation, nationality, politics, race or social
Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurses
RA 9173: Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 “ An
Act Providing for a More Responsive Nursing
-The nurse’s primary professional
Profession, Repealing for the Purpose RA
responsibility is to people requiring nursing
7164 (Philippine Nursing Act of 1991)
-In providing care, the nurse promotes an
environment in which the human rights, ARTICLE VI NURSING PRACTICE
values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the
individual, family and community are SEC. 28. Scope of Nursing. — A person shall
respected be deemed to be practicing nursing within the
meaning of this Act when he/she singly or in
collaboration with another, initiates and
performs nursing services to individuals,
families and communities in any health care
-The nurse carries personal responsibility setting.
and accountability for nursing practice, and
Provide nursing care through the utilization
for maintaining competence by continual
of the nursing process.
Establish linkages with community resources
-The nurse maintains a standard of personal
and coordination with the health team;
health such that the ability to provide care is
not compromised. Provide health education to individuals,
families and communities;
Teach, guide and supervise students in
-The nurse assumes the major role in
nursing education programs including the
determining and implementing acceptable
administration of nursing services in varied
standards of clinical nursing practice,
settings such as hospitals and clinics;
management, research and education.
Undertake nursing and health human
-The nurse is active in developing a core of
resource development training and research,
research-based professional knowledge.
which shall include, but not limited to, the
development of advanced nursing practice;
Health is a fundamental right of every c. contribute to the professional growth and
individual. The Filipino registered nurse, development of other members of the health
believing in the worth and dignity of each team.
human being, recognizes the primary
d. actively participate in professional
responsibility to preserve health at all costs.
This responsibility encompasses promotion
of health, prevention of illness, alleviation of e. not act in any manner prejudicial to other
suffering, and restoration of health. However, professions.
when the foregoing are not possible,
assistance towards a peaceful death shall be 4. Registered Nurses, Society, and
his/her obligation. Environment
REGISTERED Nurses must

1. Registered Nurses and People a. be conscious of their obligations as citizens

and, as such, be involved in community
REGISTERED Nurses must concerns.
a. consider the individuality and totality of b. be equipped with knowledge of health
patients when they administer care. resources within the community, and take
active roles in primary health care.
b. respect the spiritual beliefs and practices of
patients regarding diet and treatment. c. actively participate in programs, projects,
and activities that respond to the problems of
c. uphold the rights of individuals. d. take into
consideration the culture and values of
patients 5. Registered Nurses and the Profession
2. Registered Nurses and Practice Registered Nurses must:
-insure that modification of practice shall a. be members of the Accredited Professional
consider the principles of safe nursing Organization (PNA).
b. strictly adhere to the nursing standards.
-respect the “Patients’ Bill of Rights” in the
delivery of nursing care. c. participate actively in the growth and
development of the nursing profession.
-uphold the patients’ rights when conflict
arises regarding management of their care. d. strive to secure equitable socio-economic
and work conditions in nursing through
3. Registered Nurses and Co-workers appropriate
REGISTERED Nurses must
a. maintain their professional role/identity
while working with other members of the
health team.
b. conform with group activities as those of a
health team should be based on acceptable,
ethico-legal standards.

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