b) Newly licensed professionals shall not be GOALS OF CPD PROGRAM FOR NURSES
covered by CPD requirement for the first
a. Maintain and enhance clinical
renewal cycle after obtaining their license.
b. Improve patient outcomes
c. Enhance professional practice CPD Council - a body created to promote and
d. Meet professional standards and ensure the continuous improvement of
requirements professionals, in accordance with national,
e. Career Advancement regional and international standards of
activities that range from structured to non- CPD Credit Unit - the value of an amount of
structured activities, which have learning learning that can be transferred to a
processes and outcomes. qualification achieved from formal, informal
or non-formal learning setting, where in
Formal Learning - educational arrangements credits can be accumulated to predetermined
and teaching-learning requirements that take levels for the award of a qualification.
place in education and training institutions
recognized by relevant national authorities, The validity of CPD Units differs from each
and which lead to diplomas and professional body, but may range from 1 to 3
qualifications. years and up to 5 years in some cases.
- A duly registered partnership, corporation, Some of the courses offered by the UP Med
institution or organization. Webinars are:
Exchange Commission and/or other pertinent Palliative Care: Beyond Pain Management
government bodies. - a webinar that focuses on the holistic
approach to palliative care, which includes
- Such other requirements and conditions as the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of
the CPD Council may reasonably require. patients.
3. Government Institutions/Agencies Research Ethics: Guidelines and
- Any government institution/agency with Considerations - a webinar that discusses
programs on CPD for professionals. the ethical considerations in conducting
research involving human subjects.
- Such other requirements and conditions as
the CPD Council may reasonably require. Mental Health and Well-being in the Time
of COVID-19 - a webinar that provides
b. Foreign CPD Provider insights on how to manage stress, anxiety,
and other mental health issues during the
1. Foreign Entity/Firm
COVID-19 pandemic.
- A duly registered entity, firm or association
2. DOH Academy E-learning Platform
in the country or state of the applicant that
has proven that it has existing capability and - The Department of Health (DOH) Academy
sustainability to provide CPD programs E-learning Platform is an accredited
through in-house training and development
of professionals.
CPD provider in the Philippines that offers manage cardiac arrest and other life-
various online courses for healthcare threatening emergencies.
professionals. The courses cover a wide range
Basic Life Support
of topics, including clinical practice, public
health, and healthcare management. Nursing Research Conference - a
conference that provides nurses with the
Some of the courses offered by the DOH
opportunity to present and discuss their
Academy E-learning Platform:
research findings.
Basic Life Support - a course that provides
Infection Prevention and Control
healthcare professionals with the knowledge
and skills needed to perform basic life Nursing Ethics and Jurisprudence Seminar
support procedures. - a seminar that discusses the ethical and
legal issues that nurses may encounter in
Infection Prevention and Control - a course
their practice.
that discusses the principles and practices of
infection prevention and control in healthcare Who are exempted from CPD
settings. requirements?
Health Emergency and Disaster Licensed professionals who are working
Management - a course that provides an overseas may be exempted from CPD
overview of the key concepts and principles requirements if they are able to provide proof
of health emergency and disaster of their overseas employment, such as a valid
management. employment contract or certificate of
employment. However, they are still required
Family Planning and Reproductive Health
to renew their PRC license on time and
- a course that discusses the different
comply with other PRC regulations.
methods of family planning and the principles
of reproductive health. Newly licensed Nurses are not covered by the
CPD requirement for the first renewal cycle
Leadership and Management in Health - a
after obtaining their license.
course that provides healthcare professionals
with the knowledge and skills needed to International Code of Ethics for Nurses (ICN)
effectively manage and lead healthcare
3. Philippine Nurses Association, Inc. L 13: