Yuvavox August 2023 Volume 4 Issue 2 - Compressed

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Editors Desk Message

Five AM Club and Life Achievements TALENT MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER

Robin Sharma is best known for his book
The Monk who Sold His Ferrari. He has published
Talent management practices in Higher
12 other books, and founded the training company
Education Institutions refer to the strategies and
Sharma Leadership International. He is one of the
processes implemented to attract, develop, retain, and
most widely read authors alive. Here I would like
optimize the talents and skills of faculty, staff, and
to mention some of the key points of his Book, The
administrators. These practices aim to ensure that the
Five AM Club. Let us understand the following
institution has the right people in the right positions,
points clearly.
creating a conducive environment for learning, research,
Lesson 1: “The Power of Early Mornings”,
and administrative excellence.Talent management in
The 5 AM Club emphasizes the transformative
private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) refers
potential of waking up early. By starting the day at
to the strategic and systematic approach of attracting,
5 AM, or a time that allows for personal reflection
developing, and retaining high-quality faculty and staff
and growth, individuals can gain a competitive
members. Private HEIs often face unique challenges in
advantage, increase productivity, and set a positive
talent management due to factors such as competition
tone for the rest of the day.
with public institutions, limited resources, and the need
Lesson 2: “The 20/20/20 Formula”,
to provide a high-quality educational. Here are some
The book introduces the 20/20/20 formula,
key aspects of talent management in private HEIs:
which suggests dedicating the first hour of the
Recruitment and Selection: Private HEIs should
morning to three activities: 20 minutes of intense
establish effective recruitment and selection processes
exercise, 20 minutes of reflection or meditation,
to attract highly skilled and qualified candidates. This
and 20 minutes of learning. This formula helps
includes creating job descriptions, advertising positions,
individuals optimize their physical, mental, and
conducting interviews, and assessing candidates'
emotional well-being, fostering personal growth
qualifications and fit with the institution's culture and
and success.
Lesson 3: Mastery of the “Twin Cycles of
Professional Development: Providing
Elite Performance”: The 5 AM Club introduces
opportunities for professional development is crucial
the concept of the “Twin Cycles”, comprising
for talent management in private HEIs. Faculty and
90-minute cycles of focused work followed by
staff members should have access to ongoing training
a 10-minute recovery period. By harnessing
programmes, workshops, conferences, and other
these cycles and alternating between deep focus
learning opportunities to enhance their skills, keep up
and rejuvenation, individuals can enhance their
with industry trends, and improve their teaching or
productivity, creativity, and overall performance.
administrative abilities.
Lesson 4: “The Importance of Personal
Performance Management: Implementing a
Continued on next page Continued on next page

Editors desk Continued from page 1 Message Continued from page 1
Development”, The book emphasizes the significance robust performance management system allows private
of continuous learning and personal development. By HEIs to set clear expectations, provide regular feedback, and
committing to daily reading, attending seminars, seeking evaluate the performance of their faculty and staff members.
mentors, and investing in self-improvement, individuals This can involve performance appraisals, goal setting, and
can expand their knowledge, sharpen their skills, and performance improvement plans to support employee
unlock their true potential. growth and alignment with institutional objectives.
Lesson 5: “The Value of Mindset and Attitude”, Compensation and Benefits: Private HEIs need to
The Five AM Club underscores the significance of offer competitive compensation and benefits packages to
cultivating a positive mindset and attitude. By adopting attract and retain top talent. This includes salary structures,
a growth-oriented mindset, reframing challenges as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other
opportunities, practicing gratitude, and maintaining an perks that demonstrate the institution's commitment to its
optimistic outlook, individuals can overcome obstacles employees' well-being and job satisfaction.
and approach life with resilience and enthusiasm. Succession Planning: Private HEIs should have a
Lesson 6: “Building Strong Morning Rituals”, succession plan in place to ensure continuity and minimize
The book highlights the importance of creating a disruptions in leadership positions. Identifying potential
structured morning routine that aligns with personal goals successors, providing mentoring and development
and values. By incorporating activities like journaling, opportunities, and creating a pipeline of future leaders can
goal-setting, visualization, and affirmations, individuals help the institution maintain stability and achieve long-term
can set a positive tone for the day, foster clarity, and goals.
cultivate a sense of purpose. Employee Engagement and Recognition: Fostering
Lesson 7: “The Power of Accountability and a positive work environment and promoting employee
Community”, The 5 AM Club emphasizes the impact engagement are essential for talent management. Private
of accountability and the support of a like-minded HEIs can implement initiatives such as staff appreciation
community. By joining or forming a group of individuals programmes, team-building activities, and regular
committed to waking up early and personal growth, communication channels to keep employees motivated,
individuals can hold each other accountable, share engaged, and connected to the institution's mission.
experiences, provide support, and create an environment Diversity and Inclusion: Private HEIs should
conducive to success and personal development. strive to create an inclusive and diverse workforce.
(Courtesy to Facebook) Actively recruiting and retaining individuals from diverse
Dear Students, decisions always transform our backgrounds, promoting a culture of respect and inclusion,
lives, but decisions must be based on certain drastic and providing equal opportunities for professional growth
positive principles. The Lessons mentioned above of contribute to a more vibrant and enriching educational
the Book, The Five AM Club, are such creative and environment.
transforming lessons that can be followed every day. Retention Strategies: Retaining talented faculty
Best Wishes for a great success to all students and a Great and staff members is crucial for private HEIs. This can
beginning of Graduation and Post Graduation studies for be achieved through various strategies, including offering
the First Years. career advancement opportunities, creating a positive
Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal work-life balance, recognizing and rewarding outstanding
Vice Principal, Yuvakshetra IMS performance, and fostering a supportive and collaborative
Chief Editor, Yuvavox culture.
Talent management plays a crucial role in providing
quality education to learners. Here are several reasons why
talent management is essential in the education sector: Talent
Management in Quality Education Talent management plays
a crucial role in providing quality education to learners.Talent
management involves identifying, attracting, and recruiting
skilled and experienced educators. By employing talented
teachers, Institutions can ensure high-quality instruction
and create a positive learning environment. Moreover, talent
management practices such as professional development

opportunities, mentorship programmes, and career 5 Day Online National FDP
progression pathways can help retain competent
educators, reducing turnover and maintaining
continuity in education.Talent management is vital
for providing quality education to learners. By
recruiting and retaining qualified educators, nurturing
specialized skills, offering professional development
opportunities, promoting diversity, and addressing
individual student needs, building Collaborative
Learning Communities, enables the educators to
learn from one another and collectively improve their
teaching methodologies.
To conclude, educational institutions can
ensure a high standard of education and contribute
to the overall growth and development of learners The Department of Management in association with
through Talent Management . Overall, effective IQAC conducted a FDP on the topic “5 day virtual National
talent management in private HEIs requires a Faculty Development Programme on Redefining Values
comprehensive approach that addresses recruitment, in Management Education”, starting from 11 th to 15th of
development, engagement, and retention of faculty July, 2023 . The First day of the FDP was on 11th July 2023.
and staff members. By investing in their employees, Dr Indu G Krishnan, Assistant Professor, Department of
private HEIs can create a competitive advantage, Commerce, Rajagiri College of Management and Applied
enhance their reputation, and provide a high-quality Sciences,Kakkanad,Ernakulam was the resource person for
educational experience for students.Implementing the first day. The topic was “IMPARTING LEADERSHIP
these talent management practices in higher education SKILLS”. Director Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil gave
institutions can contribute to building a strong and the message for the session. The second day of the FDP was
motivated workforce, ultimately benefiting the on 12th July, 2023. The resource person of the day was Dr
institution's overall mission and goals. T.S. Subbulakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of
Commerce, Sri Paramakalyani College Alwakurichi,Tenkasi
Dr. Jisha Sankar District,Tamilnadu on the topic “Technology to be Adopted
Assistant Professor, Today”. Dr Tomy Antony, Principal ,YIMS gave the official
Department of Management message for the session. On 13th July, the resource person of
Yuvakshetra IMS the day was Dr. J Pavithra, Asstistant Professor, Department
MOU with KFRI, Peech of Management Studies, Bharath University, Chennai on the
topic “AWARENESS OF IPR. The official message for the day
was given by Rev Dr.Joseph Olikkalkoonal,Vice Principal,
YIMS. The fourth day of the FDP was on 14th July, 2023. Dr.
Pranav Desai, Practicing Professional engaged in New Product
Development in UK based IT multinational company was the
resource person for the fourth day. The topic was “Roles of
Artificial Intelligence in Management”. Rev. Dr Lino Stephen
Emmatty, Assistant Director,YIMS delivered the official
message for the day. The final day of 5 day FDP was on 15th
July, 2023. The resource person was Dr. Charitra CM, Assistant
Professor, Department of Business Administratio, BNM
Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka on the topic
Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies day was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice
signed MOU with KFRI, Peechi for collaborate centre Principal ,YIMS. Around 50 Participants including Assistant
for analytical Instrumentation, Kerala to facilitate Professors, Associate Professors and Research Scholars from
training in instrumental analysis to students various Universities and colleges in India attended the sessions
Aloha 2k23 - Farewell to PG Students Article Publication by Ms. Keerthi MS

Ms. Keerthi MS,

Section Head, B
Com Computer
Application authored
an article in Scopus
Indexed Journal – “A
Study on The Impact
of Green Marketing
Perception Towards
Consumer Buying
Behaviour” Section
A-Research Paper
ISSN:2063-5346 Eur.
Chem.Bull.2023 Volume 12 (Special Issue 6) in
European Chemical Bulletin.

Chartered Accountant’s Day

ALOHA 2K23 was organized by YIMS for PG

students on 6th July 2023 to honor their contributions, and
bid them farewell as they embark on their future endeavors
at Sapienza Hall. Dr. Tomy Antony, Principal, congratulated
the PG students on their achievements and provided
valuable guidance for them. Rev. Dr. Mathew George
Vazhayil, Director, delivered the inaugural address. The
oath-taking ceremony was administered by Rev. Dr. Joseph
Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal where students pledged to
uphold the principles and values they acquired during their
time at the institution. Dr. Fr. Gimmi Antony Akkattu, the Head The PG Department of Commerce observed
of the Department of Psychology, and Dr. M Ramachandran, Chartered Accountancy Day on 30th June 2023. A
the Head of the Department of Geography, felicitated the session on Chartered Accountancy was organised for
session. Outstanding students were honored with momento the Second Semester B.Com Finance students.The
as a token of appreciation."The Spells of Entity," authored by resource person was CA Sarin Chandran, Chairman
Vinciya E J of II MA English, was launched during the event. of Palakkad branch of SIRC of ICAI. Topics of the
Aswathy T M, II M.Sc Geography; Binshifa Shalu, II M A session were an overall structure of ICAI, New & Old
English; Krishnaveni U, II M.Sc Psychology; and Greeshma Syllabus of CA, Different Career options for a CA
C R, II M.Com shared their experiences, reflecting over their student etc.The session provided better experience
journey to the Institution. Ms. Pameela Johnson, the Head for all the participants in areas like syllabus, subjects,
of the Department of English, proposed the Vote of Thanks. duration and career options of CA.
Sukrutha T S, of I M A English emceed the event. A Farewell
song by I PG students was also performed.

GST Carnival – Embracing Unity in Taxes Taxskit In Connection With Income Tax Day

The Taxation Wing of the PG Department of

Commerce organized a session on "GST Carnival The Taxation Wing of PG Department of Commerce
– Embracing Unity in Taxes" on 10th July 2023 at organized a taxskit on 21st July, 2023 as part of the Income
Sapienza Hall. The programme aimed at educating Tax Day celebration which proved to be an effective way of
and creating awareness about the Goods and Services raising awareness about income tax and its significance in
Tax (GST) and its impact on the nation's taxation nation-building. The flashmob took place in the CH Square
system. Mr. Gireesh P, the District Secretary of of the College campus. The performance followed the
Kerala Tax Practitioners Association, inaugurated introduction and conveyed the theme of income tax through
the GST Carnival by lighting the lamp. Ms. Akhila a well-choreographed dance accompanied by appropriate
P, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, music and visuals.
delivered the welcome speech. Dr. Tomy Antony,
the Principal of YIMS, delivered the presidential Session on Census Operation Techniques
address, highlighting the importance of unity in
Taxation and the role of GST in promoting a unified
tax structure in the country. Dr. Ramya J, Section
Head of the Taxation Wing, extended felicitations to
the participants. Additionally, students presented the
history of GST, shedding light on its evolution and
implementation in India. Winners of the competition,
which tested participants' knowledge of GST-related
abbreviations, were awarded. The resource person
Mr. Gireesh P, conducted an informative session
which was followed by an interactive session with
the attendees. Aagneya S. of III B Com Taxation,
delivered the vote of thanks. The event successfully The PG Department of Geography observed World
achieved its objective of promoting awareness and Population Day on 11.07.2023, Tuesday, in Sapienza
understanding of GST, empowering the participants Hall at 10.30 am. The session entitled “Census Operation
to embrace unity in taxes. Techniques” was handled by Dr. R Joseph, Deputy Registrar
General (Rtd.), Census of India, New Delhi. It included a
detailed discussion about the trend of population growth,
history of census of India, new operational techniques to be
implemented in the upcoming Census. The discussions also
included the importance of Geographers in understanding
the changes in population growth and to implement
appropriate actions to achieve sustainable development of
the nation. There was also an interactive session with the
students. The session wound up at 1.30 pm.

Celebration of National Statistics Day

The Department of Mathematics celebrated National Statistics Day 2023 on 5th July at the smart classroom,
Jubilee Block, YIMS. The National Statistics Day is celebrated all over India on 29 June to commemorate the
contribution of Prof. P. C Mahalanobis, the Father of Indian Statistics. The theme for National Statistics Day 2023
was “Alignment of State Indicator Framework with National Indicator Framework for Monitoring Sustainable
Development Goals.” Mr. Mahesh M. and Ms. Riya George, Assistant Professors, Department of Mathematics
and coordinators respectively organized a career guidance seminar for Mathematics students. Mr. C. G. Suresh
Babu, Senior Statistical Officer of National Statistical Office, Palakkad, Ms. Riya P. R and Ms. Geethu M, Alumnae
of Mathematics Department were the resource persons. Prof T. K. Rajan, HOD, Mathematics Department
officially welcomed all to the event. The presidential address was delivered by Vice Principal Rev. Dr. Joseph
Olikkalkoonal. The Chief Guest Mr. C. G. Suresh Babu, Senior Statistical Officer of National Statistical Office,
Palakkad, inaugurated the function. The function was ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Riya George, Assistant
Professor, Mathematics.

Two Day Boot Camp BRAIN SHOT

Section B. Com CA of the PG Department of Commerce along with IQAC, YIMS conducted a two-day
Bootcamp named “BRAIN SHOT” for YIMS students on 13th and 14th July 2023 in association with CARVE
STARTUP LAB PVT LTD, Bangalore.The guests of the programme were Mr. Vishnu Nagaraj and Alisha Davis
Co-founders of CSL Pvt. Ltd Bangalore. The central thought of the programme was “The Secret of Getting Ahead is
Getting Started”. The inauguration of this programme was held on 13th July at 9.30am. Dr.Tomy Antony, Principal,
YIMS, Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal,VicePrincipal,YIMS. Ms.Keerthi.MS,Section Head,B.Com CA,YIMS were
present on the session. The purpose of this workshop was to foster entrepreneurial culture among the students by
providing hands-on experiences in idea pitching, which sought to construct a conceptual framework in their minds
regarding ideation, innovation, and startup. The workshop not only energized the young minds around the concept of
business idea pitching but also imparted them with motivation for startup.

Poster Presentation- ‘Atoms to Higgs Boson Project Abstract Presentation

The Department of Physics organized a Poster

Presentation on 4th July 2023 by 2nd Year B.Sc Physics
students on the theme “Atoms to Higgs Boson” in
connection with World Particle Physics Day Observation.
The programme was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Joseph
Olikkakoonal. Mr. Ajil K Antony HoD, Department of
Physics welcomed the gathering. Ms. Remya R faculty, PG Department of Commerce conducted a
Department of Physics delivered the Vote of Thanks. programme “PROICERE” to develop presentation skill
Students presented posters on various topics including of final year students by presenting their Project Abstract
Atomic Structure, Fundamental Forces, Elementary infront of their peers on 5th of July 2023. It helped them to
Particles, Higgs Boson, Standard Model, Particle become more confident to face the audience and to learn
Accelerators etc. The poster presentation gave the about the basics of research and significance of doing the
students an opportunity to explore Particle Physics and same as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
enabled them to conduct a critical study of the subject. It award of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce.
also provided the students with a platform to present their

Latest Developments in Banking

The PG Department of Commerce in association with IQAC and Career Guidance Cell, conducted a session
on Latest Developments in Banking and Technology led by Mr. Jiljith J AGM & Regional Head, The South Indian
Bank Ltd. for final year students of B.Com Finance and final year PG students. The session intended to motivate
students towards banking career and to make them equipped with global challenges.

TAXXCELLENCE – Honouring 163rd Income Tax Day

The Taxation Wing of PG Department of Commerce organized

a special event called “TAXXCELLENCE – HONOURING INCOME
TAX DAY” at the Yuvachethana Hall on 24th July 2023. The event
aimed at commemorating Income Tax Day and raise awareness about
the significance of taxes and tax compliance. The event commenced
with a prayer by Saraswathi, IInd B Com Taxation. Dr. Ramya J, the
Section Head of Taxation Wing, delivered the welcome speech. Rev.
Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, the Vice Principal of YIMS, delivered the
Presidential Address, sharing his insights on the importance of taxes in
the nation’s development which was followed by lamp lighting ceremony.
Students from the Department performed a skit related to Income Tax,
presenting it in an engaging and informative manner to the audience.
The event was officially inaugurated by Mr. Jinub Joseph, Assistant
Intelligence Officer from Palakkad, who also shared some words of
wisdom with the attendees. Rev. Dr. Lino Emmatty, Assistant Director
of YIMS, felicitated the event, commending the efforts put forth by the
Taxation Wing in organizing such an insightful programme .Winners
of various competitions held in connection with Income Tax Day were
awarded prizes to recognize their outstanding contributions.Mr. Jinub
Joseph, the Assistant Intelligence Officer from Palakkad, conducted an
informative session, shedding light on the importance of income tax
compliance and its role in nation-building. The event concluded with a
vote of thanks delivered by Vaishnav. S. Menon, II B.Com Taxation. The
programme concluded with the National Anthem. .The event “TAXXCELLENCE – HONOURING INCOME TAX
DAY” organized by the Taxation Wing of PG Department of Commerce was successful in achieving its objective of
promoting awareness and understanding of income tax.

Research Methodology

The Department of Physics of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management The PG Department

Studies orchestrated unforgettable live streaming event ‘Lunar Spectra’- Live of Commerce, Section Finance
Streaming of Chandryaan 3 Launch on 14 July 2023, specially curated for conducted a session on Research
students, revolving around the highly anticipated launch of Chandrayaan 3, Methodology for B.Com Finance
India's Third Lunar Exploration Mission. The event kicked off with a warm and final year students titled “The
enthusiastic welcome from Mr. Ajil K Antony HoD Physics, setting the stage Magna Carta of Research” on 21st
for an exciting experience. Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal,Vice Principal, took July 2023 at Sapienza Conference
the spotlight, delivering an impactful inaugural address that ignited the students' Hall. The session was intended
curiosity, highlighting the mission's scientific breakthroughs, and encouraging to provide the students clear
them to dream big in the field of space exploration. To conclude the event, knowledge on research which would
Keerthana Srikumar, Physics Association Secretary expressed sincere gratitude also help them to complete their
through a heartfelt vote of thanks, acknowledging the students' enthusiasm and project effectively. Ms. Priyanka U,
the tireless efforts of all involved. Ms. Samitha Manoj, Alumini also addressed Assistant Professor, PG department
the students. This student-focused event left an indelible impression, motivating of Commerce was the resource
and empowering young minds to reach for the stars. person for the session.

Inauguration of ‘Research Springs’ Committee

The Section B. Com CA of PG Department of Commerce conducted the Inauguration Programme of Research
Springs Committee for III B. Com CA Students. The main vision of this programme was to provide research-oriented
sessions for the students. The Chief Guest of the day was Dr. Anand K, Assistant Professor, Sri C Achutha Menon
Govt. College, Thrissur. Ms. Keerthi M. S, Section Head B. Com CA and President of the Committee detailed about
the motto and the upcoming activities of the Committee. Then Logo Launching of Research Spring Committee was
done by the Chief Guest. Ms. Rajitha Rajendran. R, Assistant Professor, Section B Com CA gave a brief description
on the 5 Day International Conference held on February 23rd 2023 to March 2nd and about the publications “Research
Springs Volume I and Volume II”. The books are released by the Chief Guest and handed over it to the Principal and
Vice Principal.

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for the New Library Block

The Foundation Stone laying ceremony for the new library block was held on 6th July 2023 at 10.00am.
His Excellency, Beloved Patron Mar Peter Kochupurackal, Bishop of Diocese of Palghat was the chief guest. The
programme started with an introduction by Ms.Sharon Stanley, Assistant Professor of the Department of English,
followed by a warm welcome by Rev. Fr. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil, Director and prayer by our Beloved Patron Mar
Peter Kochupurackal. Dr. Tomy Antony, Principal, Rev. Fr. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal and Priests shared
the stage along with the patron and blessed the occasion. During the prayer His Excellency blessed the foundation
stone. Patron Mar Peter Kochupurackal spoke few words on the importance of having a book repository which serves
as a support system, offering research assistance, reference services and information. Dr. TomyAntony, Principal,
delivered the vote of thanks and ended the stage function. After the stage function the foundation stone was laid on the
site by our beloved Patron Mar Peter Kochupurackal with the presence of all the religious dignitaries, officials and all
other teaching and non-teaching staffs.

Observation of Plastic Bag Free Day 2023-24 Magazine Release – Epsilon - Manuscripta

The Department of Chemistry, YIMS, in association

with IQAC observed a ‘Plastic Bag Free Day’ on 10th July
2023 with the aim of raising awareness about the critical The “Infinito” Math Club on behalf of the
importance of reducing plastic bag usage to protect the Department of Mathematics released the second
environment. The Department organized a poster competition edition of the handwritten magazine EPSILON –
on the theme 'HELP THE EARTH BREATHE.' The event Manuscripta for the Academic Year 2022-23 on
witnessed enthusiastic participation from students across 5th July 2023. The programme was presided over
various departments of the institution. The competition by Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal,
provided a platform for young minds to creatively express YIMS. The magazine was released on the occasion
their ideas and suggestions on combating plastic pollution of celebrating National Statistics Day, by Mr. C G
and its detrimental impact on the planet. Malavika S. (II Suresh Babu, Senior Statistical Officer, National
B. Sc Chemistry) won first place, Swathy V.M. (III B. Sc Statistical Office, Palakkad and handed over to Rev.
Chemistry) secured second place, and Keerthana Sreekumar Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal. In the releasing ceremony,
(II B. Sc Physics) and Anjana K.G. (II B. Sc Chemistry) the resource person appreciated the faculties and
secured third place. By engaging the academic community, students of the Department. Handwritten magazine
the Department of Chemistry and IQAC demonstrated their mainly focused on the History of Mathematics,
commitment to nurturing environmentally conscious citizens Field Medals, Mathematicians, History of Statistics,
and promoting a greener future for the Earth. Statisticians, Top Careers in Mathematics, some write
ups, Vedic Mathematics, Abacus, facts, Geometric
patterns and puzzles and so on.

Placed in Byju’s Learning App

“The Value of a College Education is

not the Learning of Many Facts but the
Training of the Mind to Think.”

- Albert Einstein

Adith Gopan, BBA 2020-23 batch, Placed

in Byju’s Learning App, Infopark, Kochi, as
Business Development Executive.

Workshop on Competence with Computers Two Day Workshop on Confidence Building

The PG Department of Psychology in association

with IQAC organized a two day workshop on ‘Confidence
Building for Blooming Professionals’ for III Bsc
Psychology students, as it allows them to face their failures
and improves their academic achievement. It also improves
The PG Department of Psychology organized their self-esteem. The workshop was conducted on 26th
a workshop on Competence with Computers in and 27 th July 2023 at the III BSc Psychology classroom.
association with SFEC and the Department of Computer The resource person for the workshop was Rev. Dr. Joseph
Science for UG III students of Psychology in order to Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal, YIMS. The welcome speech
make them aware of various Microsoft apps that will was given by Rev. Dr. Gimmi Antony Akkattu, HOD of the
be useful for them to carry out their research efficiently. Department of Psychology. The workshop was found to be
The programme was held on 27 July 2023 at 10.00 am effective based on the feedback of the students.
at Computer Lab 2, CH Block. The resource persons
for the workshop were Mr. Anil Kumar and Mr. Jibin
Joy, Assistant Professors from the Department of “Jacquire” Jackfruit Sweets Competition
Computer Science. The programme was inaugurated
by Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal,
YIMS. The programme was started with the blessings
of the Almighty, and the session was welcomed by
Neethi Rose Anto Assistant Professor, PG Department
of Psychology. Since the students are beginners to the
research process, the workshop was effective and gave
the necessary guidelines, tips, and hints that would
be helpful for the students to work on their research
adeptly. A vote of thanks was given by Anzia Nazir, III The Department of Hotel Management in
BSc Psychology. Association with IQAC and La Couronne Depatment Club
Festal Greetings to His Excellency conducted “Jacquire” Jackfruit Sweets Competition for
Hotel Management students on 12th July 2023 at 1.30
pm in Casa Romana Restaurant.The competition was
held on 12th July 2023. This event was conducted by the
Department of Hotel Management. The programme was
organized by Amith Babu, Vismaya Krishnakumar Menon
(Presidents), Sandeep Sunil (Vice President), Fazal. S
(Secretary) , Ashidha Palathingal (Joint Secretary), Aldrin
Lorence and Megha M.R. 17 teams have participated in the
competition. The programme was blessed with the presence
of Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil (Director, Y.I.M.S),
Yuvakshetra Family conveyed Festal greetings Rev. Fr. Dr. Lino Emmatty Assistant Director, Dr. Tomy
to Mar. Jacob Manathodath, Bishops Emeritus Antony, Principal, Rev. Fr. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice


The short film’s premiere was on 24 July 2023 at 2.30 pm in the Symphony Auditorium by the Malayalam
Section of the PG Department of English and Languages. In this programme arranged in support of the screening of
the short film, assistant professor Dr. Vishal Johnson delivered the welcome remarks. Principal Dr. Tomy Antony, Vice
Principal, Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, and the Bursar, Rev. Fr. Shaju Angeveettil, congratulated the students on their
efforts and contributions. Assistant Professor Sreekumar K discussed the project and introduced the crew. Speaking on
behalf of the students, Anwaya P.P. and Sooraj V.S. discussed their efforts and experiences. The vote of gratitude was
made by Rohit Jose. The endeavor was a huge success. For Women’s Day, the Kerala government organized a short
film competition called “start action dowry cut” for college students. Yuvakshetra College students took the initiative to
participate in the programme. The contemporary dowry situation in society and the problems or trauma occurring now
are discussed in “Raathal.”
Anwaya P.P. and Sooraj V.S., together with Yuvakshetra Productions, directed the short film. The creative minds
behind it were Asst. Prof. Dr. Vishal Johnson and Asst. Prof. Sreekumar K. The short film became a huge hit as a result
of the teamwork and arduous labour of the entire crew. The details regarding the crew who work behind the screen
and on the screen were (off screen) Rohith Jose, Anirudh. A. Kumar, Jewel George, Alan Roy, Alan T. Prasad James,
Wishnu. S, Anjitha P.N, (actors) Arjun Krishna. G, Rimsha. S, Rathul Krishna. R, R. Mridhula, Dhrishya Dileep. V,
Adithya. S, Joel Pulickal, NikhithaRames, Rohit Jose, AlbinThankachan, Vaishnu Das and audio support by Hymns
Academy, Palakkad.

Certiface Course Inauguration

The Section B. Com CA of PG Department of
Commerce conducted an Inauguration Programme
of Certificate Course “INDIAN CONSTITUTION
& HUMAN VALUES” for Second Year B.Com CA
Students. The main vision of the programme was
to provide a set of basic rules that allow for minimal
coordination amongst members of society. The Chief
Guest of the day was Adv. Neethu Francis, BBA, LLB,
Palakkad, Alumna of YIMS. Through this Programme,
students got awareness about Indian Constitution and
about the framework for the functioning of government.
Sixty students participated and they highly commented
about the utility of the programme.

Book Donation

Ms. Rajitha R and Ms. Rajitha Rajendran. Assistant professors, Section B.Com CA handed over Two Volumes
of the book Research Springs Conference Proceeding to YIMS Library.Mr. Christo Somi, Librarian, YIMS received
the book from the authors.

Workshop on News Mangement Congratulations

News Letter Committee, YIMS organised a

Workshop on ‘News Management’ on 21st July 2023. Nikhil Krishna, III B Com CA, YIMS was
Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal and Chief honoured by Moothan Service Society (MSS) for
Editor, Yuvavox, YIMS was the Resource Person for the authoring the book "Discorso Publico", and recieved
same. Memento from Dr. Thomas George, Principal, LEAD
College, Dhoni, Palakkad.



Food and Beverage Sales Promotion Assembly of the Month of July

The Department of Hotel Management in III HMCA conducted on 12 th July 2023

Association with IQAC and La Couronne Department
Club conducted Food and Beverage Sales Promotion
on 16th June 2023 in C.H Block and Jubilee Block.
The programme was initiated by Mr. Siby
Mathew (HoD) and was organized by 3rd Year B.Sc
HMCA students under the guidance of Chef Mr. MR
Vinod and Chef Mr. Gliston Vincent including the
students Kiran K, Salvin KS, Sidharth K, Mithun
Raju, Jinu Jose, Basil Eldhose, Alex staby, Abin PB
and Joel Wilson. Their effort Managed to make a
II HMCS conducted on 19 th July 2023
profitable sale on Sandwich by selling 238 at the rate
of 20 to the students and teachers.Event ended on a
good note from everyone.

III HMCS conducted on 28th July 2023

III B A English conducted on 5th July 2023

III B.Com Finance B in the month of July 2023

Seminar on Research Methods Reading Week 2023-24- English Department

A Seminar on ‘Research Methods’ was

conducted by Department of Hotel Management for ‘The Reading Week Competitions’ were held
the final year students CA & CS on 20 July 2023 at from 4th July to 7th July 2023. The event encompassed a
9.45 am to 11.45 am in symphony Auditorium.The variety of engaging competitions designed to celebrate the
session was handled by Ms. Keerthi M.S, Section written word and foster a love for reading. On 4th July, the
Head B.Com CA. The Programme was started with the competitions was kicked off with the English Versification
welcome speech delivered by Mr.Siby Mathew, HOD, and Extempore. The Participants demonstrated their poetic
Department of Hotel Mangement The main motive of prowess and eloquence through captivating verses and
the session was to make students understand about the impromptu speeches.
meaning of research and to decide an innovative topic. Continuing the week's festivities, on 5th July, the
They understood the concept of research, what are the Literary Quiz brought forth a thrilling battle of knowledge
various surveying methods and well clarified how to and Literary trivia. Contestants showcased their extensive
decide the subject related topics. Structure of writing understanding of literature, authors, and famous literary
a research project was explained in detail. The session works. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as
was informative for the students and it wound up with participants challenged each other's literary expertise,
the vote of thanks given by Ms Chaithanya NS, III showcasing the depth of their literary acumen.
HM CA. The weeklong competitions were concluded on 7th
July with the highly anticipated Spot Dubbing and Listening
Deepest Condolences over the Sad competition. Participants exhibited their talent for dubbing
Demise of Sri. Oommen Chandy, by synchronizing voices with video clips, adding a touch
Former CM of Kerala of humor and creativity. The Listening competition tested
their ability to comprehend and interpret audio content,
further highlighting
their attention to
detail and aural
comprehension skills.
Throughout the week,
the competitions
witnessed a high level
of enthusiasm and
sportsmanship among
the participants.
Sri Oommen Chandy visited Yuvakshetra in 2015 on the
occasion of Annam 2015

Reading Week 2023-24- Hindi Department

In regard to the reading week, the Department of Hindi conducted a reading competition on 26th June 2023 and
a poetry recitation competition on 27th June 2023 for the students of YIMS. Poetry recitation is a mode of expression
for the students to develop their verbal skills and to boost their confidence. The students were given the freedom to
select any poems as per their own interest. The time duration given to the students was a maximum of five minutes.
The students enthusiastically participated in the competition as they got an opportunity to exhibit their talent
and confidence The Names and Classes of the winners are given below in the brochure

Yuvakshetra Publications
Upcoming Releases

The Pillars of Justice
The Leading Indian Advocates -
Dr. Adv. Tomy Antony

Hindi Upanyas aur Kinnar Jeevan -
Dr. Divya N K

English & Malayalam Academies Inaugurated


LOVE.” Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice
Principal, YIMS inaugurated English and Malayalam
— MOTHER TERESA Academies for the Academic Year 2023-2024 at St.
Mary's Minor Seminary, Kallepully.

Reading Week 2023-24- Malayalam Dept. Basheer Anusmaranam

The 28th National Reading Day was observed

on June 19, 2023 in order to pay homage to the father
of “ Library Movement” in Kerala, late P. N. Panicker,
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer (1908 – 1994),
whose death falls on June 19. As a part of the National
popularly referred to as Beypore Sulthan, was a writer
Reading Day celebrations, the Department of Malayalam
of Malayalam Literature. He was a writer, humanist,
organized Reading Competition for the students of YIMS.
freedom fighter, novelist and short story writer, noted
The programme was coordinated by Dr. Vishal Johnson
for his path-breaking, down-to-earth style of writing
and Mr. Sreekumar K., Assistant Professors in the Dept.
that made him equally popular among literary critics
of Malayalam.
as well as the common man.The Government of India
The programme was aimed at encouraging the
awarded him the fourth highest civilian honor of the
creativity and innovations of the students. 32 students
Padma Shri in 1982. He resolved to join the fight for
from different disciplines of the College participated in
Indian Independence, leaving school to do so while he
the Competition. The Participants were judged on the
was in the fifth form.Basheer was known for his secular
parameters of creativity, voice modulation, language,
attitude, and he treated all religions with respect. Basheer,
pronunciation of their presentation.
who earned the sobriquet, Beypore Sultan, after he
The judges were delighted by the high quality
wrote about his later-day life in Beypore as the Sultan,
performance of the participants and had a tough time
died there on 5 July 1994, on the death anniversary
deciding the winners of the competition.
of renowned Novelist Vaikkam Muhammed Basheer.
Department of Languages (Malayalam), conducted
commemoration meeting. Mr. Sreekumar K welcomed
Reading Week 2023-24- Malayalam Winners the meeting and Dr. Vishal Johnson spoke about
Basheer's life and works. Chitra II B.Sc Chemistry gave
vote of thanks. First year BA BSc students participated
in the meeting. The programme concluded at 11.30 am.
The journey through Bhasheer memories turned out to
be a great success.

Jess Mariya Jose Vaishnav S Najiya M

I BCA (A) I B.Sc Geography I BCA (A) “Peace begins with a smile.”

Vox Alumno Debate Series 1 Congratulations
Swetha Krishna
of II Bsc Psychology
secued third prize for
Kadhaprasangam in
“Gwernica”, Calicut
University NSS Art
Festival held at Farook
Training College, Calicut
on 22 -07- 2023.


Ms. Sneha K,
The PG Department of English Language and Literature Assistant Professor, PG
conducted Vox Alumno Debate Series-I on 14 July 2023.The topic Department of English
of the debate was “Artificial Intelligence: A Boon or Curse”.The has attended Five Days
programme began at 1.30 pm. The venue was Language smart Short Term Course
classroom at Jubilee Block. Arathy.P, I MA English was the Master (Hybrid Mode) from
of the Ceremony and the Moderator of the debate. Ms.Nijitha Murali 17 to 21 July 2023 on
Assistant Professor of the Department welcomed the gathering. Academic Research
Presidential Address was done by Ms.Pameela Johnson, HoD . Rev. Writing and Publishing
Dr.Joseph Olikkalkkonal, Vice Principal inaugurated the session jointly organized by The Department of
and it was followed by the felicitation of Dr.Krishnapraveen, PG Humanities and Social Sciences and Central
Coordinator. There were twenty participants in the debate and a Library, National Institute of Technology,
total number of eighty six audience from I MA and III BA. The Patna.
students of I MA claimed that AI is a boon and the opposite team
from III BA thwarted it. Both the team performed well. Mathangi Kaviyarasu Kannadasan Award
Ajithkumar, III BA English proposed the vote of thanks. The session
wound up at 3.00 pm with the National Anthem

Faculty Development Programme

Congratulations to Mathangi
Ajithkumar, (III BA English) who received
prestigious “Kaviyarasu Kannadasan” award
Dr. Tomy Antony, Pricipal, YIMS was the resourse person from Sri. Srinivasan Kannadasan at Chennai
for the Faculty Development Programme “Innovations In Teaching on 2nd July 2023.
And Learning” organised by St. Xavier's College, Mahuadanr,
Book Release - English Literary Terms for
Book Release - Spells of Entity

The PG Department of English Language and

The PG Department of English released, the book
Literature arranged the book releasing ceremony of Vinciya
titled “English Literary Terms for Beginners” authored
E J of II MA English on 6th July 2023. The title of the book
by I MA English students and edited by Rev. Fr. Joseph
is “Spells of Entity”. The event took place at Sapienza Hall
Olikkalkoonal and MS. Thulasi V V. on 31 July 2023
and attracted a diverse audience of literature enthusiasts,
at II MA English classroom The event was graced by
students, faculty members, and well-wishers. Vinciya E J,
the presence of Rev. Fr. Midhul Kombara, Assistant
the author, shared insights into her creative process and the
Director YIMS, who released the book and handed over
inspiration behind the book. Principal Dr. Tomy Antony and
to MS. Pameela Johnson, HOD, English department.
Vice Principal Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal graced the
During the ceremony, The book editors, Rev. Fr. Joseph
occasion. The event was a resounding success, celebrating
Olikkalkoonal and Ms. Thulasi V V, former Assistant
Vinciya’s literary talent and dedication to her craft.
Professor of English at YIMS, were acknowledged for
their efforts in refining the content to meet the needs of
Newsletter Released beginners.

Feastel Greetings to YIMS Patron

Yuvavox Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 1 (July 2023)

is released by Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil, Director, Yuvakshetra Family conveyed Festal (feast of
YIMS by handing it over to Dr. Tomy Antony Principal, St. Peter, June -19) greetings to the Patron Mar Peter
YIMS on 7th July 2023. Kochupurackal, Bishop of Palghat.

Certificate Distribution - 2 Day Boot Camp

Certificates were Distributed to the participants of 2 Day Boot Camp on Entrepreneurship Development
“Brain Shot 2023" organised by Section B.Com CA along with IQAC.

3 Day Workshop The Great Identity Challenge

The Department of Management in association

with IQAC conducted a workshop on the topic
“Confidence and Management Success” for final year
BBA students from 11th - 13th July 2023. Rev Dr
Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal YIMS was the Sandra A (III B Sc CS) receives the Cash award of Rs.
resource person. In his first session he hightlighted 1001/- she is the winner of the Contest “The Great Identity
on the matter ‘confidence’ by sharing real life success Challenge” organized by Yuvakshetra Central Library and
stories of prominent personalities. The second day Yuvavox News letter in association with IQAC. Congratulations
he pointed out about the various responsibilities of to Sandra A.
an individual towards the society. Moving to the
concluding part, Resource person discussed the topic
self dedication. The overall workshop was an inspiring
and energy packed session to the entire students.

Food Distribution

Annadhanam at Thiru Kunnappallikavu Bagavathi "The Spitito Publico", The Club of B Com Finance
Temple, Ezhakkad as part of Karkidaka masa Celebrations organized food distribution at Shantal Bhavan, Sinai.

Abbreviation Enigma Contest Workshop on Parenting & Formation

Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal

inaugurated the "Abbreviation Enigma" Contest organized Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal,
by B Com Taxation Section. YIMS served as the resource person for One Day
Workshop on “Parenting For Ethical And Professional
Formation” organised by Nirmala School, Kottassery
Kongad, Palakkad.

Paper Presentation Yuvavox Annual Edition Release

Dr. Vishal Johnson, Asst Professor,

Department of Language presented a
paper on "New Media Representation
in Malayalam Cinema: Theme, Market
and Culture" in a three-day International
Rev. Dr. Joseph Oliikkalkoonal, Chief Editor of Yuvavox, Released
Seminar jointly organized by St. John's
the Annual Edition of Yuvavox 2022-2023 and handed over it to Rev. Fr.
College Anchal Malayalam Department
Dr. Lino Emmatty, Assistant Director, YIMS
and Kerala State Film Academy.

Book Donation Book Donation

Sukurtha TS., II MA English

donated the book Pranyathinte
Murvadalgal authored by Usha Mathew
and transilated into English by Sukurtha
T S, II MA English to College Library.
The author handed over the book to Mr.
Christo Somi, Librarian, YIMS Vinciya EJ, author of the Book, “Spells of Entity” donated a copy
to YIMS Library. Mr. Christo Somi, Librarian, YIMS received the book
with thanks

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a

gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”

Mother Therasa

Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal of YIMS presided over
International Interview: IHG Properties
the session. Ms Pameela Johnson, HOD of PG Department
of English, felicitated the programme. The session was by
Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English,
Mercy College, Palakkad. The session was about how to read
texts critically and it was very helpful for the students for their
research. An interactive session between the chief guest and
the students of III BA English and I MA English followed.
The programme ended up with the vote of thanks delivered by
Ms Jincy Jose N, Programme Coordinator, and the National
International interview for 3rd YEAR B.Sc Anthem.
HMCA and HMCS students was conducted from
24th- 28th July 2023 through online platform.
Interviews were conducted for IHG Properties for
the core departments such as Food Production,
Service and Housekeeping. More than 120 students
participated in the interview.

Expert Talk Series I

The PG Department of English conducted

an Expert Talk Series I: Reading Texts: Look Outs
on 7th July 2023 from 10.00 am to 11.45 am. The
programme began with a prayer by Mathangi, M of
III BA English. Liyamol P of III BA English was
the MC of the programme. Dr. Krishna Praveen,
PG Coordinator, welcomed the gathering. Rev. Dr.


Leaders Report Committe Members

Red Ribbon Club


NSS Clap Brochure

Asaad Sena Student


5 Day FDP programme on Latex
The Department of Mathematics conducted a 5 Day FDP programme
on Latex for the Faculty Members of Yuvakshetra college. The programme was
conducted on 5 Saturdays from 10.00 am. to 3.30 pm. The valedictory function
was conducted on 29th of July .Respected Vice Princpal Rev Dr. Joseph
Olikkalkoonal distributed the certificates to the participants. The main objective
of the programme was to equip the participants to use latex effectively for
typesetting and Scientific documents with symbols, formulae, equations, matrix,
tables, graphs etc. The method of imparting the knowledge was practically
oriented and participants learned the concept through practical sessions. These
sessions were held in Computer Science lab from 10.00 am. – 3.30 pm.

Latex Training Programme on Documentation – Valedictory Function

The valedictory function of the five day Latex
training programme was held on 29th July 2023 at
3.30 pm. Feedback form was circulated among the
participants and feedback was collected. Rev. Dr.
Joseph Olikkalk oonal, Vice Principal, disturbed
the certificate to the participants.The participants
were highly motivated and expressed their sincere
gratitude to the resource person Prof. T. K Rajan,
HoD, Department of Mathematics and to the faculties
of the department for conducting such a programme.
Ms. Steeja I F, Assistant Professor welcomed the
gathering and Ms. Lintu Raj, Joint Co-ordinator of the
programme proposed the Vote of thanks.
The course duration was five Saturday’s from 17th June 2023 to 29th July 2023. The method of imparting
the knowledge was practically oriented and participants learned the concept through practical sessions. These sessions
were held in Computer Science lab from 10.00 am. – 3.30 pm. 31 participants from various colleges (Govt. Victoria
College, Palakkad, Mercy College Palakkad, Chittur Govt. College and Yuvakshetra College, Palakkad) attended the

Competitions in Connection with Income Tax Day

In connection with the celebration of Income Tax

Day, the PG Department of Commerce - Taxation Wing,
along with IQAC, successfully organized a series of exciting
competitions for students and faculities for the Commerce
and Management stream. The event took place on 19th July
from 9.30 am. to 3.30 pm. at I B. Com Taxation classroom.
Three competitions were held on Income Tax Day to
engage and challenge the participants' knowledge and skills
related to taxation such as Caption Contest, Tax Puzzle,
Tax Quest Game.The competitions received an enthusiastic
response from students in the Commerce and Management
streams. Many students actively participated in all three
competitions, showcasing their passion for taxation and their
eagerness to learn more about the subject. These competitions
provided an educational platform for students to enhance
their knowledge of taxation while fostering a spirit of healthy


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