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J47-GE Operation and Maintenance Handbook

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J41-GE-1A J41-GE-13
J41-GE-9 J41-GE-15
J49-GE-9A J41-GE-19


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T.O. 2J-J47-1

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NOTE: The portion of the text affected by the current revision is indicated by a vertical line in the outer margins of the page.

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No. Revision
* i .......................... 1 January 1955
* R .......................... 1 January1955
* 2 .......................... 1 January 1955
* 2A ........................ 1 January1955
* 5 . ........................ 1 January1955
* 9 .......................... 1 January1955
*10 .......................... 1 January1955
10A .................. 15 September 1954
*11 .......................... 1 January1955
12A .................. 15 September 1954
*13 .......................... 1 January 1955
*16 .......................... 1 January 1955
*17 .......................... 1 January 1955
18 .................... 15 September 1954
*18A ........................ 1 January 1955
19 .................... 15 September 1954
20 .................... 15 September 1954
*20A ...... .. .............. 1 January1955
*21 ........ .............. 1 January1955
*22 ........ .............. 1 January1955
*23 ........ .............. 1 January 1955
25 ........ ........ 15 September 1954
*27 ........ .............. 1 January1954
*28 ........ ............ 1 January 1955
*29 .......... ............ 1 January 1955
*32 .......... ............ 1 January1955
*32A ....... ...... ...... 1 January1955
*33 .......... .............. 1 January 1955
35 .......... ........ 15 September 1954
36 .......... ........ 15 September 1954
37 ,,.................. 15 September 1954
41 .................... 15 September 1954
44 .................... 15 September 1954
44A .................. 15 September 1954
45 .................... 15 September 1954
46 ................. .. 15 September 1954
46A .................. 15 September 1954
*47 .......................... 1 January1955
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*49 .......................... 1 January1955
*50 .......................... 1 January1955
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A Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Table of Contents

Section Page
INTRODUCTION ...... . . ........... 1
I OPERATION ..... ........... 1
1-1. General ........ ........... 1
1-6. Definitions .... ... ............. 2
1-8. Differences in Models ............ ........... 2
1-13. Discription of Basic Engine ............ .. ........
1-22. Description of Electrical System ............ .......... 5
1-33. Description of Lubrication System .......... ... . ........... 7
1-45. Description of Fuel System ............ ..........
1-55A. Description of Special Test Equipment .............. . ............ 10A
1-56. Leading Particulars and Operating Iimits .............. ............ 10A
1-68. Engine Operation .......... ... ............. 14

II SPECIAL SERVICE TOOLS ............. ............ 19

III PERIODIC INSPECTION AND LUBRICATION ............. .............. 20

3-1. General ............. . ............. 20
3-3. Safety Precautions .............. . . .....,...... 20
3-6. Periodic Inspection ........... . . . ............ 20
3-13. Over-Limits Inspections ............... ............ 20
3-16. Lubrication ...... ...... . ............ 20A

IV MAINTENANCE .......... . . ............. 25

4-1. General ............ .. ............. 25
4-4. Trouble Shooting ............ . .. . ............... 25
4-8. Maintenance of Basic Engine Components ............. .............. 32
4-36. Maintenance of Electrical System Components ...................... 42
4-50. Maintenance of Lubrication System Components .................. 43
4-68. Maintenance of Fuel System Components .............. . ............. 45
4-98. Testing After Service ............... .............. 51
4-101. Torque Values ............... . .. .............. 51

Revised 1 January 1955 i

List of Tables T.O. 2J-J47-1

Table Page
I Model Resignations .......... .. ............. 1

II Definitions ............. . ............ 3

III Dimensions and Weights .. .......... . .. .............. 11

IV Fuel and Lube Specifications ................ ............. 12

V Primary (Small Slot) Fuel Pressure ................ . ............. 12

VI Lube Oil Pressure, Temperature, and Consumption ............................ 12

VII Model ]47-7 and Minimum Acceptable Performance Ratings


With Speed (RPM) and Exhaust Gas Temperature Limits ........ 13

VIII Model J47-11and Minimum Acceptable Performance Ratings


With Speed (RPM) and Exhaust Gas Temperature Limits ........ 14

IX Model ]47-13 and Minimum Acceptable Performance Ratings


With Speed (RPM) and Exhaust Gas Temperature Limits ........ 15

IX-A Flight Idle RPM .......... .. . ........... 18

X Periodic Inspection ............ .............. 21

XI Engine Troubles and Their Remedies ............. .. .............. 25

XII Definitions of Compressor Blade Inspection Terms ................ ........... 32A

XIII Crack Limits for Inner Combustion Chambers ................. . ........... 35
XIV Turbine Rotor and Exhaust Cone Clearances .................. ............. 41
XV Emergency Fuel Regulator Bleed Plugs .............. . ............. 48
XVI Suggested Torque Wrench Sizes ............... . ............. 51
XVII Torque Values for Specific Spots ............. . ............ 53
XVIII Torque Values for Standard Steel Bolts and Nuts ............. . . .............. 55
XIX Torque Values for Self-Locking Nuts .... ......... . ............. 55
XX Torque Values for Studs Installed in Aluminum or Magnesium ........ 55
XXI Torque Values for Flared Tubing and Hose Fittings .......................... 57
XXII Torque Values for Fittings Used With Gaskets ................ . ............. 57
XXIII Torque Values for JamNuts for Fittings Used Without Gaskets ...... 57

ii Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section I


This handbook provides operation and service instruc- TABLE I

tions for Model J47-GE-7, J47-GE-7A, J47-GE-9, J47- MODEL DESIGNATIONS
GE-9A, J47-GE-11, J47-GE-13, J47-GE-15, and J47-GE-
USAF General Electric Company
19 turbojet designed and manufactured
engines, by the
General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York. The J47-GE-7 TG-190-B1
J47-GE-7A TG-190-A1
instructions provide information on operation, and cover
inspection and maintenance which can be performed by J47-GE-9 TG-190-B3
personnel of operating units· J47-GE-9A TG-190-A3

Table I gives complete USAF and General Electric Com- J47-GE-11 TG-190-C11
pany model designations. In these instructions the USAF J47-GE-13 TG-190-C13
designations will be used with the manufacturer's initials J47-GE-15 TG-190-C15
omitted. All text and illustrations apply equally to all TG-190-C19
models unless specifically stated otherwise.



1-1. GENERAL. mass and high velocity of the gas as it leaves the exhaust
1-2. The J47 turbojet engine (figure an air.
1-1) is cone.
craft gas turbine forjet propulsion operates by
which 1-3. The turbojet engine is rated in pounds of thrust
ejecting a volume of expanding gas from a single ori- rather than horsepower. Thrust exists when the velocity
fice at the rear, the propelling force resulting from the of the jet exceeds the velocity of the aircraft, and in-

Figure 1-1. 147 Turbojet Engine, Three-quarter Right Front View

Section I T.O. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 1-4 to 1-10A

creases as jet velocity and air mass flow are increased. 1-6. DEFINITIONS.
Both are governed by the amount of fuel burned, which 1-7. Table II defines the terms used in this publication.
is in turn controlled by the throttle. At high altitudes, All the terms listed are definedwith reference to the
air mass flow and fuel flow are decreased, with a resultant engine in flight position and apply equally at all times
drop in power output. Speed remains approximately con- regardless of the engine's position at any particular time.
stant under these conditions, however, because of the (See figure 1-2.)
thinner atmosphere and consequent decrease in drag,
The engine is essentially a high-speed power plant which
operates best at nearly maximum output. Fuel economy 1-9. The J47-7and -7A engines differ only in origin,
is not materially improved by reducing speed, since not in configuration; therefore any statement in this
engine efficiency falls off sharply. publication about the )47-7 engine is equally applicable
to the -7A engine. This is also the case with the J47-9
1-4. The turbojet engine has no reciprocating elements and -9A engines, respectively, which likewise differ only
which contribute to weight by their necessarily heavy in origin.
construction and balancing counterweights. In place of 1-10. The J47-7and engines are similar except for

these it has carefully balanced rotating parts which pro. their provisions for aircraft accessories, as are the J47-13
duce a minimum of vibration. The engine employs a and engines. In the J47-7and
engines, a hydraulic

multiple-stage axial-flow compressor, a set of 8 through- pump drive gear case with 2 fluid pump pads is mounted
flow combustion chambers, and a single-stage gas turbine. on the power take-off (PTO) assembly. In the J47-9and
With its auxiliary components it is a complete power
engines, an alternator pad assembly for a single
alternator drive is provided on the PTO assembly. The
plant, and requires no separate equipment such as coolers' J47-13 and engines differ from the
and engines
-7 -9

superchargers, intercoolers, or their attendant controls· in the design of the aft frame and turbine section com-
1-5. The engine is suspended at 3 points in a specially ponents. The turbine casing on the andJ47-13 en- -15

gines is of one-piece construction, while the and -7 -9

designed air compartment in the fuselage or nacelle of the

engines use separate parts for the exhaust cone flange
aircraft. Electrical, fuel, lubrication, and instrumentation
shim, the transition liner support, and the turbine nozzle
connections are made to the engine. The space around diaphragm ring.
the engine is so constructed that the compressor is abun° 1-10A. Originally, the J47-15 engine had an emergency
dantly supplied with air. In flight, the compressor is fuel system. However, whereas the basic engine configura-
rammed by efficiently diffused air drawn in through an tion remains unchanged, the emergency fuel system, con-
aperture at the front. An exhaust pipe which provides sisting of the emergency fuel pump, emergency fuel regu-
a passage for escape of the exhaust gas is connected to lator, double check valve, and piping and linkage, has
the exhaust cone at the rear of the engine. been removed.


Direction of
Rotation 1
Right Side 2

4 6

Front Inlet 2 Rear

Left Side


Figure 1-2. Engine Orientation Diagram

2 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section I
Paragraphs 1-11 to 1-12

1---11. The J47-11engine

is basically of the same con- 1-12. The J47-19engine is essentially the same as the
figuration as the and
engines; however, the J47-11
-15 -11
engine, except that a different type of ignition system
engine has no provision for an emergency fuel system which provides improved starting characteristics at high
and no power take-off pads. An accessory support mount altitudes is used. This ignition system is of the opposite-
is provided on the PTO assembly. The ignition units are polarity type, and uses 4 single-electrode igniter plugs
cooled with air bled from the fourth stage of the com- and an a-c starter instead of the 2 dual-electrode igniter
pressor. plugs and d-c starter-generator used in other models.

Revised 1 January 1955 2A

Section i
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Paragraphs 1-13 to 1-16

TABLE II (10) into combustion

the chambers (15). The com-
DEFINITIONS pressed air passes from the outer combustion chambers
through a series of openings into the inner combustion
Term Definition chambers, where it is combined with atomized fuel in-
jected through the fuel nozzles (11). Primary ignition
FORWARD OR The end of the engine into which is supplied by the igniter plugs (12), and combustion
FRONT END rammed air is introduced in of the air-fuel mixture occurs. After starting, combus-
flight. tion is self-sustaining until the fuel is shut off. The gas
from combustion leaves the combustion cham-
REAR OR AFT The end from which the jet is ex. resulting
END pelled, identified by the exhaust bers and is passed through the turbine nozzle diaphragm
cone. (18) onto the turbine buckets (19). A portion of the
energy of the gas which passes the turbine rotor (21)
RIGHT AND With the engine and the observer is utilized to drive the turbine shaft (22) which is
LEFT SIDES facing in the direction of flight, directly connected to the compressor rotor (8), furnish-
the right side of the engine cor¯
ing the motive power to compress more air. As the gas
responds with the observer's leaves the turbine rotor, it passes through the exhaust
right and the left side with the cone (20) in gradually expanding form. The remainder
observer's left· of its energy provides the high-velocity jet and conse-
BOTTOM The surface of the engine upon quent reaction thrust. Thrust exists when the jet velocity
which the oil cooler and drain relative to the aircraft exceeds the velocity of the air-
fittings are located. craft relative to the atmosphere in which it is moving.
1-15. TURBINE. The turbine is of the single-stage gas
TOP The surface of the engine directly
impulse type. It consists of a nozzle diaphragm (18, fig-
opposite or approximately 180
ure 1-3) and a rotor and shaft assembly. The hollow
degrees from the oil cooler.
turbine shaft (22) is splined at the compressor end to
AUXILIARY OR A self-contained mechanism, actu- fit the splines in the compressor rotor shaft. The 2
ACCESSORY ated or supported by the engine, shafts are held together by the turbine shaft bolt (13)
COMPONENT which is essential to operation of which runs through the center of the turbine shaft. The
the engine or the aircraft. turbine rotor (21) is cooled by air which is bled from
the compressor. The nozzle diaphragm consists of fabri-
DIRECTION The direction of rotation of the
cated inner and outer concentric rings between which
OF compressor rotor and the turbine
64 partitions are welded at equally spaced intervals to
ROTATION rotor is clockwise as viewed by to ngheatnohzzles ehe noezzle parht onshedyoarne exr rde
an observer looking forward
from the rear.
1-16. COMPRESSOR. The axial-flow type compressor
NUMBERING Two ormore similar parts consists of a compressor rotor (8, figure 1-3) and
arranged radially around the compressor stator (9). The rotor consists of 12 wheels
engine, such as the combustion shrunk on a steel shaft. The wheels of the first 9 stages
chambers or the air guide is- are made of aluminum; the tenth-, eleventh-, and twelfth-
lands, are identified by numbers stage wheels are made from heat-treated steel forgings
reading consecutively clockwise, for better resistance to the higher operating temperatures
starting at the top to the right and for greater strength because the twelfth-stage wheel
of center as observed facing for- is directly linked to the turbine shaft. A continuous ring
ward from the rear. of compressor rotor blades (6) is dovetailed into the
. outer rim of each wheel. The wheel rims are connected
THRUST The propelling force expressed in
by cylindrical aluminum spacer rings which are shrunk
Pounds. Thrust is the unbal-
under the wheel shoulders. Each spacer ring is secured to
anced forward force generated
the adjoining higher-stage wheel by a stud pin. The com-
within the engine which results
pressor stator consists of 2 magnesium halves bolted

from the difference between the

together around the rotor and secured at the forward
hi h oressure of combustion and
end of the compressor front frame (5) and at the aft end
the low static ressure of the
to the compressor rear frame (10). The compressor
high-velocity gases leaving the
stator blades (7) are used to redirect the flow of air
exhaust cone.
between the stages of the rotor. Complete rings of stator
blades are dovetailed into the compressor stator so that
1-13. DESCRIPTION OF BASIC ENGINE• they extend between each 2 rotor stages, and 3 additional
1-14. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. In the opera- inlet and exit stages are incorporated. The compressor
tion of the engine, rammed air enters the air guide sec- rotor and stator blades are all removable. The compres-
tion (3, figure 1-3) and is passed through the 12 stages sor front and rear frames are castings. The rear frame
of the compressor and through the compressor rear frame serves as a support for the mid or No. 2 bearing, the

Section i
Paragraphs 1-17 to 1-19 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

forward ends of the combustion chambers (15), and also one combustion chamber to the next. In the J47-7,

for the turbine frame (16). -11,

-13and -15
engines, the dual-electrode igniter plugs
1-17. (12) are mounted in the No. 2 and 7 combustion cham-
chambers (15, figure 1-3) are mounted circumferen- bers. In the J47-19 engine, the single-electrode igniter
tially around the aft frame, and are supported by the plugs are mounted in the No. 3 and 7 combustion
compressor rear frame at their forward ends and by the chambers.
aft frame at their rear ends. The forward and aft joints 1-18. EXHAUST CONE. The exhaust cone (20, figure
are secured by quick-disconnect clamps. Each combustion 1-3) is a tapered cylindrical outlet for the gases dis-
chamber consists of a cylindrical outer chamber and a charged from the turbine. The assembly consists of sheet
removable inner chamber which is fitted into it. A separ. steel outer and inner cones connected by 4 radial struts.
ate fuel nozzle (11) is provided to spray fuel into each The inner cone tapers to a point on the aft end, giving
inner combustion chamber. Air passes from the com- the mass of ejected gas a gradually expanding form. Air
pressor into the annular space between the outer and for cooling the aft surface of the turbine rotor is bled
inner chambers and through perforations into the inner from the compressor and flows through a chamber
chambers, where it is mixed with the atomized fuel and formed by the rotor and the forward end of the exhaust
burns. The combustion chamber assemblies are joined to cone.
each other near their forward ends by bellows-type 1-19. ACCESSORY DRIVE GEARS. The accessory
flange connections into which cross-ignition tubes are drive gears (24, figure 1-3) are located in the compres-
inserted. This design allows combustion to spread from sor front frame center section. The auxiliary compo-



1. Alternator Pad and Drive Shaft Assembly (J47-9 and -15) 13. Turbine Shaft Bolt
2. Auxiliary or Accessory Components 14. Water-injection Manifold
3. Air Guide Section 15. Combustion Chamber
4. Air Inlet Screen 16. Turbine Frame
5. Compressor Front Frame 17. Turbine Casing
6. Compressor Rotor Blades 18. Turbine Nozzle Diaphragm
7. Compressor Stator Blades 19. Turbine Buckets
8. Compressor Rotor 20. Exhaust Cone
9. Compressor Stator 21. Turbine Rotor
10. Compressor Rear Frame 22. Turbine Shaft
11. Fuel Nozzle 23. Oil Cooler
12. Igniter Plug 24. Accessory Drive Gears

Figure 1-3. Cutaway View of Engine

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section I
Paragraphs 1-20 to 1-26

nents or accessories are mounted on pads on the forward (5), fuel control valve (6), and regulator oil filter and
surface of the accessory drive gear box and are splined orifice are connected to the above auxiliary
(2) compo-
to reduction gears that mesh with pinions on a common nents by hose lines, and are bolted to the hydraulic
drive shaft. The drive shaft is coupled to the compres- pump drive gear case on and J47-7
engines, or the -13

sor rotor shaft. The gear ratios in relation to the acces- alternator pad assembly on the J47-9
engine. The tach-
sory drive pinion which is splined to the compressor ometer-generator is bolted to a pad on the main lube
rotor shaft are given below: pump. A double-element scavenge pump, driven by a
a. Main fuel regulator drive: 0.455. reduction gear train from the rotor shaft, is mounted
b. Main fuel pump drive: 0.455. in the compressor rear frame. This pump scavenges oil
c. Emergency fuel pump drive: 0.455. from the mid (No. 2), damper (No. 3), and aft (No. 4)
d. Starter-generator drive: 0.921. bearings. The oil cooler, which uses fuel as the cooling
medium, is mounted to the bottom of the compressor
e. Main lube pump drive: 0.528.
stator. The emergency fuel regulator, which operates in
1-20. MODEL J47-7, AND AUXILIARY AND conjunction with the emergency fuel pump, is mounted

ACCESSORY COMPONENTS. The main fuel pump on the compressor front frame near the top centerline.
(4, figure 1-4), emergency fuel pump, main lube
pump, main fuel regulator, and the starter-generator
1-21. MODEL J47-11 AND AUXILIARY -19


are mounted on the accessory drive gear box at the for- AND ACCESSORY COMPONENTS. Since the >T47-11 '
-15, and engines have no emergency fuel system,

there is no emergency fuel pump, emergency fuel regu-

lator, double check valve, or the piping and linkage re-
quired for these parts. On the J47-11and engines, -19

2 3
the fuel filter, fuel control valve, and regulator oil filter
and orifice are mounted on an accessory support mount.
The J47-15engine
has these parts mounted on an alter-
nator pad assembly similar in design to the J47-9engines.
The J47-19engine has an a-c starter instead of the d-c
starter-generator used in other models, and 2 ignition
transformers mounted to the top half of the compressor
stator instead of d-c ignition units.


1-23. MODEL J47-7, -9,
AND -15
1-24. The electrical system (figure 1-5) has 2 primary
functions: to provide energy for starting and ignition,
and to supply current to the aircraft. Power for starting
on the ground is supplied by an external power source.
1-25. When the engine switch is turned on to energize
/ the control circuits, and the momentary-contact starter
and ignition switch is pressed to energize the starter con-
tactor and ignition relays, the 24-volt supply is con-
nected to the starter system and the ignition system.
When the starter contactor relay is energized, current
passes through the undercurrent relay and then through
. the starter. The ignition system, however, does not be-
come energized until the throttle microswitch, which
is controlled by the throttle, is closed. In starting, the
6 5 4 throttle remains closed until the engine reaches a speed
of 6 percent rpm. The throttle is then advanced to the
idle detent position. This throttle movement opens the
1. Starter-generator
stopcock, permitting fuel to flow, and closes the micro-
2. Regulator Oil Filter and Orifice switch, energizing the ignition system. In this manner,
3. stopcock and Main FuelRegulator Control Linkage the microswitch ensures the proper conditions for com-
4. Main Fuel Pump bustion before permitting ignition to occur.
5. Fuel Filter
6. Fuel Control Valve 1-26. The undercurrent relay short-circuits the starter
1-4. 147-7 Auxiliary and ignition switch, allowing current to continue to flow
Figure Components
to the throttle microswitch, even though the momentary-
ward end of the engine. The stopcock and main fuel contact starter and ignition switch has been released.
regulator linkage (3), stopcock, and double check valve The 2 igniter plugs are mounted in the No. 2 and 7
are mounted on the main fuel regulator. The fuel filter combustion chambers. Each igniter plug consists of a

Revised 1 January 1955 5

Section i
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

24 VoltsDC from Battery

for Multi-Engine Aircraft


SWITCH SWITCH Undercurrent Relay) RELAY






' AC





Figure 1-5. 147-7, -9, -11, -13, anci -15

Electrical System Scitematic

Section i
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Paragraphs 1-27 to 1-39

central high-tension electrode in a porcelain bushing Model No. NC251 3-element pump or the
and a grounded electrode. The igniter plug gap is 0.090 Model No. NC221 2-element pump are being
to 0.110 inch. modified to the configuration described in these
1-27. The starter-generator functions as a d-c motor paragraphs. A description of the system which
to accelerate the rotor to the speed at which combustion uses the 2-element pump is given, however, in
will occur upon ignition. After ignition occurs, suñicient paragraphs 1-43 and 1-44.
energy becomes available from the hot combustion gases
to enable the turbine, in conjunction with the starter '
to accelerate the engine to a minimum stable operating
speed of 2000 rpm. This speed is reached approximately (See figure 1-6.)
2 minutes after starting. As the engine reaches a stable 1-35. The engine uses a recirculating positive-displace-
operating speed, the starter draws a diminishing amount ment lubrication system. The main lube pump (8) is a
of current until the undercurrent relay is de-energized. 3-element positive-displacement hydraulic pump. It is
This breaks the circuit through the ignition relay and mounted on the accessory drive gear box and is driven
starter contactor. At speeds over 4000 rpm, the starter- by the compressor rotor through a reduction gearing. It
generator functions as a generator and supplies rated contains 2 service elements (9 and 10) and a single
generator load. scavenge element (11). The aft scavenge pump (18) is a
1-28. The reverse current relay functions to prevent cur. double-element constant-displacement hydraulic pump
rent from the aircraft's batteries from flowing back into which is mounted in the compressor rear frame and is
the generator when battery voltage is higher than that of driven by the rotor through reduction gears. On J47-13
the generator. The voltage regulator controls the voltage engines with serial No. 046927 and above, a PTO
output of the generator by controlling the amount of scavenge pump (7) is splined to the lower PTO gear
current passing through the shunt field. shaft through a bearing seal at the rear of the hydraulic
1-29. The air restart toggle switch should remain in pump drive gear case. It returns oil from the hydraulic
the "NORMAL" position during ground starts. To pump drive gear sump to the accessory drive gear box.
attempt a start in flight, the switch must be held in the 1-36. The regulator oil filter and orifice (3) is mounted
"AIR START" position until combustion occurs and on a bracket attached to the rear of the hydraulic pump
then returned immediately to the "NORMAL" position. drive gear case on J47-7 and engines, alternator pad

The "AIR START" position may also be used for ground assembly on J47-9 and engines, or accessory support

checks of the ignition system. mount on J47-11 and engines. It meters cooling oil to

1-30. A tachometer-generator is mounted on the for- the main fuel regulator (2). The oil cooler (12) is
ward surface of the main lube pump. The leads are mounted on the bottom surface of the compressor stator
brought out to the No. 1 island and from there to the and transfers heat from the scavenged oil to the fuel
junction box. From the junction box another lead con- going to the combustion chambers. Check valves (4, 14,
nects the tachometer-generator to the tachometer-indica- and 16) prevent the oil lines and the oil tank from being
tor located in the pilot's compartment. completely drained when the engine is not running.
1--32. Model J47-19 engines are equipped with a 3-phase MAIN LUBE PUMP).
200-volt 400-cycle a-c starter motor in place of the 1-38. Lube oil from the airframe-mounted supply tank
starter-generator used on other models. Ignition is pro. (1, figure 1-6) enters the main lube pump (8) through
vided by 2 transformers mounted on the compressor the No. 2 island. Oil from the small service element (10)
stator. The transformers step up the 115-volt 400-cycle of this pump goes through a "T" fitting into cored and
a-c supply voltage to 20,000 volts. The voltage to each drilled passages in the accessory drive gear box (23).
igniter plug is of opposite polarity, so that a 40,000-volt Jetsconduct the oil from these passages to the accessory
potential is set up between the single-electrode igniter drive reduction gears, the starter-generator drive gear,
plugs mounted 2 each in the No. 3 and 7 combustion the splined connection between the compressor rotor
chambers. The gap between the 2 opposing plugs in each shaft and the accessory drive pinion, and to the front
chamber is approximately 3/8 to 1/2 inch. (No. 1) bearing (22). On J47-13
engines with serial
No. 046927 and above, oil from the accessory drive gear
1-33. DESCRIPTION OF LUBRICATION SYSTEM. box line is also carried forward and sprayed on the gears
Note in the hydraulic pump drive gear case. This oil is col-
The location and function of the major lubrica- 1ected in the sump and pumped back to the top of the
tion system components is given in paragraphs accessory drive gear box by the PTO scavenge pump (7).
1-34 through 1-36, and lube oil circulation is 1-39. The oil from the small service element of the
described in paragraphs 1-37 through 1-42. main lube pump which goes out the other side of the
This information covers engines which use the "T" fitting is used for cooling and constantly controlled
W. H. Nichols Company Model No. NC279 oil (CCO) supply purposes. From the "T" it goes through
3-element main lube pump. All engines which a swing check valve (4) and the regulator oil filter and
initially used the W. H. Nichols Company orifice (3) to the main fuel regulator. This oil is metered

Section I
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

0 -

18 0 2

6 1 3 2 24 23 22 21 20 19

9 10 11
' i
' i 16 14
5 7 4 8 12 13 15 17 18


o 16 17
11 13

1. Supply Tank 9. Main Lube Pump Large Service Element 17. Pressure Tap
2. Main Fuel Regulator 10. Main Lube Pump Small Service Element 18. Aft Scavenge Pump
3. Regulator Oil Filter and Orifice 11. Main Lube Pump Scavenge Element 19. Turbine (No. 4) Bearing
4. Swing Check Valve 12. Oil Cooler 20. Damper (No. 3) Bearing
5. Power Take-off Assembly 13. Bypass and Relief Valve 21. Mid (No. 2) Bearing
6. PTO Gears 14. Swing Check Valve 22. Front (No. 1) Bearing
7. PTO Scavenge Pump (J47-13 only) 15. Main Lube Filter 23. Accessory Drive Gear Box
8. Main Lube Pump 16. Check Valve 24. Drain to Gear Box
25. Filter

Figure 1-6. Lubrication System Schematic

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section i
Paragraphs 1-40 to 1-51

to the main fuel regulator at the rate of 1-1/2 quarts per 1-45. DESCRIPTION OF FUEL SYSTEM.
minute. Its cooling action completed, it then drains back
into the accessory drive gear box. 1-46. MODEL }47-11, -15, AND -19
1-40. The main lube pump scavenge element (11) 1-47. GENERAL. The fuel system components of the
forces oil from the accessory drive gear box sump to the }47-11, and
-15, engines are shown on figure 1-7. In

scavenge manifold on the No. 3 island. From the operation, the system has 2 component systems: the fuel
scavenge manifold the oil is returned to the supply tank· control system which determines engine fuel pressure,
1-41. Lube oil from the main Iube pump large service and the fuel supply system which delivers fuel to the
element (9) goes through an elbow in the No. 3 island, nozzles under pressure. No emergency fuel system is
the main lube filter (15), and a check valve (16). From incorporated in the }47-11, and engines.

the check valve it enters passages in the compressor rear

1-48. FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM. The main fuel regu-
frame and is conducted by jets onto the mid (No. 2)
lator (1, figure 1-7) is the governing mechanism of the
bearing (21), the damper (No. 3) bearing (20), and the
turbine (No. 4) bearing (19).
fuel control system. The main fuel regulator varies the
variable control oil (VCO) pressure which in turn con-
1-42. The No. 2 bearing is located in the compressor trols fuel pressure by means of the fuel control valve
rear frame and the No. 3 and 4 bearings in the turbine (7). The VCO pressure is itself determined within the
frame housing. To prevent oil leakage, there is an air- main fuel regulator by 3 factors: the setting of the
oil seal at the forward end of the compressor rear frame pilot's controls; the conditions of altitude, airspeed, and
and a 2-stage labyrinth air-oil seal at the aft end of the temperature; and the allowable operating limits of the
turbine frame housing. A lube oil breather mounted on engine.
the housing maintains a slight vacuum (equal to 3 to 9
inches H2O) which causes air to flow in from the higher. 1-49. The fuel control valve is a bypass valve which is
pressure regions at both ends. This in-flowing air helps governed by VCO pressure. It is designed to provide the
to prevent oil leakage past the seals, and a built-in proper fuel flow to the engine by means of bypassing
baffle prevents oil from leaking out through the breather. the fuel not needed for engine operation back to the
The oil collects in the aft frame sump and is scavenged inlet of the main fuel pump (5). Construction of the
by the aft scavenge pump (18). From here the scavenge valve is such that fuel pressure is maintained at approxi-
oil is pumped through a swing check valve (14), the by- mately 3 times that of VCO pressure.
pass and relief valve (13), and the oil cooler (12), to the
1-50. In operation, if a higher fuel pressure is called
scavenge manifold on the No. 3 island, from which it
returns to the supply tank. The bypass and relief valve for (either by the pilot's opening the throttle or as a
is thermostatically controlled and at oil temperatures result of the regulator compensating for an increase in
less than 15°C (60°F), or at oil pressures above 70 psi, atmospheric pressure), VCO pressure in the regulator
bypasses all oil. Heat is absorbed from the oil by the fuel increases, causing the fuel control valve to close. This
at a minimum rate of 500 BTU per minute. At 32°C restricts the flow of bypassed fuel to the main fuel pump
(90°F), the bypass and relief valve is fully open and all inlet and results in a higher fuel pressure in the line to
oil passes through the oil cooler. the fuel nozzles. If a lower fuel pressure is called for,
however, VCO pressure decreases and the fuel control
valve opens. More fuel is bypassed to the main fuel pump,
MAIN LUBE PUMP). and at the same time fuel pressure m the line to the

1-44. The main lube pump used in this system has one nozzles decreases until it is in balance with the VCO
service and one scavenge element. Lube oil from the pressure.
service element passes through one of the sides of a "T"
fitting and a connection on the No. 3 island to lubricate 1-51. FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM. The main fuel pump
the No. 2, 3, and 4 bearings, following the same route (5, figure 1-7) discharges directly to the fuel filter (6)
described in paragraph 1-41 for systems which use the which filters the total output of the pump. One of the
3-element main lube pump. Oil from the other side of filter outlets leads to the fuel control valve, which is
the "T" fitting goes through the regulator oil filter and positioned to give the required engine fuel pressure as
orifice to the main fuel regulator. This oil drains into the described in the previous paragraphs. The remaining fuel
accessory drive gear box. Another line from the service at engine pressure is directed through the manually con-
element of the main lube pump directs oil through a filter trolled stopcock (2) to the oil cooler (4) and flow
into the accessory drive gear box and the compressor divider (3). In the flow divider, the fuel flow is divided
front frame. Five jets spray this oil onto the accessory and directed through the large and small slot fuel man-
drive gears and one jet is used to lubricate the No. 1 ifolds to the 8 dual-orifice fuel nozzles. At low fuel
bearing. Scavenge oil from the No. 2, 3, and 4 bearings pressures, the flow divider meters the fuel only to the
and from the accessory drive gear box follows the same small slot orifices, which are designed to provide the
route as that described for the lube system which uses correct spray pattern for starting. The flow divider sup-
the 3-element pump. Check valves in the system prevent plies fuel to both the large and small slot manifolds
the oil lines and the supply tank from being completely and fuel nozzle orifices at all engine speeds above
drained when the engine is not running. starting.

Revised 1 January 1955 9

Section i T.O. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 1-52 to 1-55

4 3

1. Main Fuel Regulator 3. Flow Divider 6. Fuel Filter

2. Stopcock 4. Oil Cooler 7. Fuel Control Valve
5. Main Fuel Pump

Figure 1-7. 147-1 I , -15, and -19

Fuel System Schematic

1-52. MODEL }47-7, -9,

AND -13
ENGINES. er fuel pressure than the main fuel regulator. This pre-
vents the emergency fuel system from controlling fuel
1-53. GENERAL. The fuel system components of the
J47-7, pressure when the main fuel system is operative. Since
and engines are shown on figure 1-8·
is scheduled to a lower pressure
-9, -13

the emergency regulator

Operation of the main fuel system is essentially the same
than the main fuel regulator, engine speed decreases
as that described for the }47-11, and engines fuel slightly when the emergency system comes into opera-
-15, -19

system in paragraphs 1-46 through 1-51 above. An

emergency fuel system, which will take over fuel con-
trol and supply in the event that the main fuel system 1-55. EMERGENCY FUEL SYSTEM SWITCH. A
fails, is also provided, however. solenoid in the compressor discharge pressure line to the
main fuel regulator and a solenoid on the emergency fuel
1-54. EMERGENCY FUEL SYSTEM. The fuel s7 stem regulator are controlled by the 3-position emergency fuel
components which are functional parts of the emergency system switch which provides a means of checking the
fuel system only are the emergency fuel regulator (4, operation of the main and emergency fuel systems. (See
figure 1-8) and the emergency fuel pump (2). The figure 1-5.)
emergency fuel pump operates constantly while the
engine is in operation, but is loaded only when the a. Withthe switch in the "ON" position, the emer-
emergency fuel system supplies fuel to the double check gency fuel regulator operates normally, bypassing fuel
valve and stopcock (3). As long as the main fuel pump from the emergency fuel pump or controlling fuel pres-
discharge pressure is maintained, the emergency fuel reg. sure, depending on whether or not the main fuel system
ulator restricts the output of the emergency fuel pump is operative.
back into the supply to both fuel pumps. In the event
b. With the switch at "OFF," the emergency fuel reg-
that the main fuel pump discharge pressure falls to a
ulatoris set at the full bypass position, and is prevented
value less than that scheduled by the emergency fuel reg- from overriding the main fuel system under normal oper-
ulator, this regulator restricts the flow of fuel which nor-
mally goes from the emergency fuel pump back to the
supply inlet. Output of the emergency fuel pump is then c. With the switch at the "TEST" position, the com-
forced through the double check valve and stopcock, and pressor discharge pressure sensing line to the main fuel
follows the same route to the fuel nozzles as that fol. regulator is vented to the atmosphere. This fails the
lowed when the main fuel system is in operation. Under main fuel system and provides a means of checking that
stabilized conditions for a given throttle position, the the emergency fuel system will take over fuel control
emergency fuel regulator always calls for a slightly low- with only a slight drop in engine speed.

10 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section I
Paragraphs 1-55A to 1-58

1-55A. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIAL TEST a. Trouble-shooting the exhaust gas temperature indi-
EGUIPMENT. cation system. (Refer to paragraph 4-6A.)
1-55B. JETCAL TESTER. b. Checking out the exhaust gas temperature indication
1-55C. GENERAL. The Jetcaltester, USAF Stock No. system during post-operational checks. (Refer to para-
7CAD-807205, 7CAD-811595, 7CAD-807275, and 7CAD. graph 3-12.)
807280, is used to test the exhaust gas temperature indi¯
c. Adjusting the jet nozzle area. (Refer to paragraph
cation system of the aircraft. Refer to the applicable
craft service handbook for the specific stock number to
be used.
1-55D. The Jetcaltester consists of cables, heater probes,
and a temperature-calibrated potentiometer which is es- OPERATING LIMITS.
sentially an independent exhaust gas temperature indica- 1-57. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS. Table III gives
tion system. The Jetcal tester can be used to check the the overall dimensions and approximately dry weights of
engine exhaust gas temperature indication system com- the J47-7, -9, -11, -13, -15, and -19 engines.
ponents (thermocouples, harness, and indicator) either
individually or as a system. Refer to the applicable service 1-58: GYROSCOPIC MOMENTS. When properly
handbook for operating instructions. The Jetcal tester mounted, the engine will stand a gyroscopic moment
has the following applications: imposed by a steady angular velocity of 3-1/2 radians

Revised 15 September 1954 10A

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section I
Paragraph 1-59

per second in engine yaw for a period of 30 seconds, and viscosity lubricating oil must be used when operating at
a peak angular velocity of 6 radians per second for 2 low ambient temperatures. (Refer to paragraph 1-62.)
seconds. It is recommended that the control system be preheated
1-59. TEMPERATURE LIMITS. The engine is de. and that fuel with high volatility be used when operat-
signed to operate within the ambient air temperature ing the engine at low temperatures. (Refer to paragraph
range of -54°C (-65°F) to ‡71°C ( 160°F). A low 1-61.)


Length Width Height Diameter Weight

(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (Ib)
J47-7 144 37 37 39 2525
J47-9 144 37 37 39 2515
}47-11 144 37 37 39 2475
}47-13 144 37 37 39 2525
J47-15 144 37 37 39 2515
}47-19 144 37 37 39 2495

1 2 3 4

9 8 7 6 5

1. Main Fuel Regulator 4. Emergency Fuel Regulator 7. Main Fuel Pump

2. Emergency Fuel Pump 5. Flow Divider 8. Fuel Filter
3. Double Check Valve and Stopcock 6. Oil Cooler 9. Fuel Control Valve

Figure 1-8. 147-7, -9, gnd -13

Fuel System Schematic

Revised 1 January 1955 11

Section i
Paragraphs 1-60 to 1-64 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


Ambient Air USAF Specification

Temperature Fuel Lubricating Oil

Above -35°C (-30°F) MIL-F-5624A, Grade JP-4 MIL-O-6081A, Grade 1005

*MIL-F-5624A, Grade JP-3 *MIL-O-6081A, Grade 1010
*MIL-F-5616, Grade JP-1
Below -35°C (-30°F) MIL-F-5624A, Grade JP-4 MIL-O-6081A, Grade 1005
*MIL-F-5624A, Grade JP-3

* Alternates

1-60. ALTITUDE. The engine is designed to function 1--63. MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE
satisfactorily up to and including an altitude of 50,000 RATINGS. Minimum acceptable performance ratings
feet, and up to and including a ram pressure of 1.8. and associated information are given for the J47-7and -9

1--61. FUEL SYSTEM. Table IV lists the USAF specifi- engines in table VII. Table VIII presents this informa-
tion for the J47-11 and engines, and table IX for the
cations of the fuel to be used in the engine, according

to the prevailing ambient air temperature at ground

J47-13and -15
level. Refer to table V for primary, or small slot, fuel 1-64. OPERATIONAL SPEED (RPM) LIMITS. Refer
pressure limits. to tables VII, VIII, and IX for operational speed (rpm)
limits. Normal rated speed is the maximum speed desig-
TABLE V Take-off rated speed is
nated for continuous operation.
PRIMARY (SMALL SLOT) FUEL PRESSURE permissible for a duration of 5 minutes only, while mili-
tary rated speed is permissible for 30 minutes. Idle speed
Condition Pressure (psi) is the minimum speed which will permit satisfactory
Minimum Normal Maximum acceleration regardless of altitude and flight conditions.

Starting (ground) 20 20--30 40

Idle rpm (ground) 35 35--50 -

Although throttle linkages are adjusted to per-

All other 40 40--400 600 mit maximum engine speed at 100 to 101 per-
cent military rpm in order to insure operation
at 100 percent rpm, all but momentary oper-
1-62. LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Table IV lists the ation at speeds above 100 percent rpm should
USAF specifications of the lubricating oil to be used in be avoided.
the engine, according to the prevailing ambient air TABLE VI
temperature at ground level. Table VI provides the mini¯ LUBE OIL PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE,
mum, normal, and maximum values for lube oil pres-
sure, temperature, and consumption. AND CONSUMPTION

Minimum Normal Maximum

During normal stabilized operation, an increase (Stabilized
of 5 to 10 psi above normal lube oil pressure

Military 10 psi 15-45 psi *50 psi

indicates a partial stoppage in the lube system· (100%) rpm
The oil filters and lines should be checked as Cruise 5 psi 10-30 psi *40 psi
soon as possible for restrictions, the pressure (88%) rpm
gage for malfunction, and the oil sump mag- Idle Some 1-10 psi *10 psi
(25%) rpm Indication
netic plugs for metal particles.
All conditions -54°C -40-‡-70°C 70°C (158°F)
Note (-65°F) (-40-- 158°F)
Use oil conforming to Specification MIL-O-
6081A, Grade 1005, in multi-engine aircraft CONSUMPTION
All conditions 0 lb/hr 0.5-1.5 lb/hr 2.5 lb/hr
which are subject to routine noncontinuous
operation at high altitudes, regardless of the *During cold weather starts, oil pressures may exceed maximum
ambient ground temperature. limits until oil temperatures stabilize.

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section I
Pgragraphs 1-65 to 1-67

1--65. OVERSPEED LIMITS. Engine overspeed oper- 690°C (1275°F). Rated take-off and military thrust will
ation exceeding 104 percent military rpm, with or with- stillbe available during operation between 96 and 100
out overtemperature, requires that the engine be re- percent rpm.
moved from the aircraft and forwarded to an approved 1-67. OVERTEMPERATURE LIMITS.
AMC activity with complete records of the overspeed
operation. Note
Note Every occurrence of exhaust gas temperatures
Each occurrence of overspeed operation shall exceeding the limits of step "b," below, shall
be recorded on USAF forms 1A and 41B. be recorded on USAF forms 1A and 41B in
order that reliable overtemperature records
TURE LIMITS. Refer to tables VII, VIII, and IX for
minimum and maximum operational exhaust gas temper. a. If an engine has been operated for any length of
ature limits. The engine should not be operated con. time with an exhaust gas temperature of 1000°C
(1832°F) or higher, the engine must be returned to an
tinuously at exhaust gas temperatures which exceed
690°C (1275°F). In some cases the exhaust gas temper- approved AMC activity prior to flight.
ature of engines operating at 100 percent rpm will exceed b. Any 5 starts and/or accelerations during which the
690°C (1275°F), even though the jet no221e tab is ad- exhaust gas temperature exceeds 715°C (1320°F) for
justed to give the maximum jet no2zle area. (Refer to more than 20 seconds or 870°C (1600°F) for any length
paragraph 1-75.) If this occurs, reduce engine speed of time constitute overtemperature operation, and require
in order to keep the exhaust gas temperature below that the engine be given the special overtemperature

Revised 15 September 1954 12A

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section i
Paragraph 1--67A

inspection called for in paragraph 3-14 prior to the a. With no oil supplied to the bearings:
next flight· (1) The engine may run under its own power up to
c. Two overtemperature operation periods as defined 5 minutes.
in step "b" above [a total of 10 starts and/or accelerations
(2) The engine may windmill up to 15 minutes.
during which the exhaust gas temperature exceeds 715°C
(1320°F) for more than 20 seconds or 870°C (1600°F) b. With oil supplied intermittently to the bearings,
for any length of time] constitute overtemperature oper. such as when the engine has been shut down in flight and
ation which requires that the engine be returned to an it is necessary to shut off the oil supply intermittently,
approved AMC activity prior to flight. the engine may windmill with no oil supplied for a total
1-67A. OIL DEFICIENCY of 25 minutes, provided no single shut-off period is long-
LIMITS. If the bearings
er than 5 minutes and oil is supplied in between shut-off
have received an insufficient supply of oil within the ac-

ceptable limits for the condition
periods for a minimum of 5 minutes.
listed below, check for
vibration and inspect for metal particles as described in c. With a normal windmilling supply of oil to the
paragraph 3-15A. If the acceptable limits described bearings, the engine may windmill as long as necessary
below are exceeded, return the engine to an approved provided the windmilling rpm is above 10 percent for at
AMC activity for overhaul. least 10 minutes and above 5 percent thereafter.


MODEL J47-7 AND -9



Minimum Acceptable
Percent Engine Acceptable Exhaust Gas SFC
Maximum Military Speed Thrust Temperature (Ib/hr/Ib
Condition Duration RPM (rpm) (thrust Ib) Limit thrust)

Take-off 5 minutes 100 7950 5000 690°C (1275°F) max 1.130

675°C (1250°F) min

Military 30 minutes 100 7950 5000 690°C (1275°F) max 1.130

675°C (1250°F) min

Normal Continuous 92.7 7370 4250 654°C (1210°F) max 1.061

Cruise (89 Percent Continuous 82.5 6560 2930 654°C (1210°F) max 1.056

Minimum Cruise Continuous 77.9 6190 2300 654°C (1210°F) max 1.088
(84 Percent

Idle Continuous *27.7 2200 290 (max) 654°C (1210°F) max

Starting (Ground) .... .

†870°C (1600°F) max

Transient †870°C (1600°F) max


*Minimum idle speed shall be at 25 percent military rpm.

†Exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 715°C (1320°F) for more than 20 seconds.

Revised 1 January 1955 13

Section I
Paragraphs 1-68 to 1-69 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


During all ground operation of engines Whenever practicable, the aircraft should be on
equipped with an emergency fuel system, the clean concrete or other paved surface when
emergency fuel system switch shall be in the the engine is started and run up in order to
"OFF" position except during a preflight check minimize the possibility that dirt or other for-
(paragraph 1-76) or in the event of main fuel eign material may be drawn into the engine
system failure. compressor and cause serious damage to the
WARNING Auxiliary power equipment for ground start-
| ing should be checked for proper connections
in accordance with the applicable instructions
The danger areas around the air intake and jet to insure that adequate power is available.
exhaust must be clear of all personnel, air-
craft, and vehicles before the engine is started.
a. Be sure the throttle is fully closed.
Suction at the air intake is sufficient to kill or
seriously injure personnel by drawing them b. Turn the aircraft fuel boost pump switch to "ON."
suddenly into or against the air intake. The ,,
c. Turn the engine master switch to "ON.
high temperature and velocity of the jet ex-
haust is also extremely dangerous. d. Turn the starter and ignition switch to "ON."

MODEL J47-11 AND -19



Minimum Acceptable
Percent Engine Acceptable Exhaust Gas SFC
Maximum Military Speeci Thrust Temperature (Ib/hr/Ib
Conclition Duration RPM (rpm) (thrust Ib) Limit thrust)

Take-off 5 minutes 100 7950 5200 690°C (1275°F) max 1.13

675°C (1250°F) min

Military 30 minutes 100 7950 5200 690°C (1275°F) max 1.13

675°C (1250°F) min

Normal Continuous 96 7630 4730 654°C (1210°F) max 1.071

Best Cruise Continuous 88 7000 3700 654°C (1210°F) max 1.030

Cruise (89 Percent Continuous 85.4 6790 3350 654°C (1210°F) max 1.032

Minimum Cruise Continuous 80.6 6410 2705 654°C (1210°F) max 1.056
(84 Percent

Idle Continuous *27.7 2200 290 (max) 654°C (1210°F) max

Starting (Ground) ......

†870°C (1600°F) max

Transient †870°C (1600°F) max


*Minimum idle speed shall be at 25 percent military rpm.

†Exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 715°C (1320°F) for more than 20 seconds.

Section I
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

lent to a fuel flow of 80 to 100 gph. When ignition

CAUTION occurs, as indicated by an increase in exhaust gas tem-
perature, immediately retard the throttle to obtain a
Operation of the engine starter on all engine
fuel pressure of 20 to 25 psi (fuel flow of 40 to 60 gph)
models is limited to 3 normal runs of one~
and allow the exhaust gas temperature to stabilize.
minute maximum duration each during any 30-
minute period.
On the J47-19engine only, the starter can be WARNING
actuated for 25 seconds with the engine rotor
seized. This starter is limited to 2 such o Per- If ignition does not occur by the time engine
ations of 25 seconds each and one normal speed has reached 9 percent rated rpm, or
start of one-minute duration during any 30° within 10 seconds for ground starts at altitudes
minute period. This cycle may be repeated im~
above 4000 feet, close the throttle and open
mediately during a second 30-minute period, the starter and ignition switch by turning it to
but after the second cycle a one-hour coohng "OFF." Allow at least 3 minutes for complete
period is required before any further attempts fuel drainage before attempting another start.
are made to start the engine.
A restart may not be attempted under any Note
conditions until the engine has come to a com- A starting fuel flow
or fuel pressure which
plete stop. will permit consistent fixed-throttle starts may
be found after accumulation of experience with
e. When the engine has reached 6 percent of rated a particular engine installation.
rpm (9 percent for ground starts at altitudes above
4000 feet), open the throttle to obtain a fuel pressure of f. After the exhaust gas temperature has stabilized,
30 to 35 psi (30 psi on }47-19 engines). This is equiva- advance the throttle carefully to maintain the exhaust

MODEL J47-13 AND -15



Minimum Acceptable
Percent Engine Acceptable Exhaust Gas SFC
Maximum Military Speed Thrust Temperature (Ib/hr/Ib
Condition Duration RPM (rpm) (thrust Ib) Limit thrust)
Take-off 5 minutes 100 7950 5200 690°C (1275°F) max 1.130
675°C (1250°F) min

Military 30 minutes 100 7950 5200 690°C (1275°F) max 1.130

675°C (1250°F) min

Normal Continuous 92.7 7370 4320 654°C (1210°F) max 1.042

Best Cruise Continuous 88 7000 3700 654°C (1210°F) max 1.030

Cruise (89 Percent Continuous 82.5 6560 2960 654°C (1210°F) max 1.043
Minimum Cruise Continuous 77.9 6190 2330 654°C (1210°F) max 1.086
Idle Continuous †27.7 2200 290 (max) 654°C (1210°F) max
‡870°C (1600°F)
Starting (Ground) ........ max

Transient . .
‡870°C (1600°F) max

†Minimum idle speed shall be at 25 percent military

‡Exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 715°C (1320°F) for more than 20 seconds.

Section i T.O. 23-347-1
Paragraphs 1-70 to 1-72

gas temperature at approximately 600°C (1112°F) while 1-71. CHECKING LUBE OIL PRESSURE. If no rise
accelerating the engine to idle speed. On the J47-19 in lube oil pressure occurs by the time idle rpm has been
engine, keep the exhaust gas temperature below 500°C reached, increase engine rpm until a definite rise is
(930°F) while accelerating to idle speed. apparent. If the lube oil pressure does not rise within
60 seconds or by the time 80 percent rpm is reached,
shut down the engine and investigate the lube oil sys-
tem. During cold weather operation, lube oil pressure
If the exhaust gas temperatures during start- may exceed maximum limits until the lube oil tempera-
ing exceed the limits specified in paragraphs ture becomes normal. Refer to paragraph 1-62 and table
1-66 and.1-67, the engine must be shut down "·
and carefully inspected before flight, and ap. 1-72. ACCELERATION PRECAUTIONS. During
propriate action must be taken in accordance ground make accelerations by chang-
or flight operation,
with the instructions given.in paragraph 1-67. ing the throttle position as slowly as practicable, in order
If normal care is exercised during the starting to minimize strain on hot parts of the engine and to
procedure, satisfactory starts can be made con. prevent compressor pulsation or stall or combustion
sistently without exceeding exhaust gas tem. flameout. Throttle bursts may be made on engines with
peratures of 650°C (1202°F). VS-2 Model G5, G6, or later model main fuel regulators
If there is no indication of oil pressure by the only. Refer to paragraph 1--74 for throttle burst check-
time 80 percent rpm is reached, or within 60 Ing procedure.
seconds of starting, shut down the engine and
investigate the cause. Refer to table VI for oil CAUTION
pressure limits.
Rapid throttle advance must not be made when
1-70. ENGINE RUN-UP. the emergency fuel system is operating (J47-7,
and engines).
Serious overtemperature i
Note and stall may result.
Engines should be run up with the aircraft a. Compressor stall may result from too rapid an accel-
headed into or at right angles to any ground eration, especially in an acceleration from below mini-
winds, since a tailwind blowing into the jet mum cruise rpm. Rapid advance of the throttle supplies
nozzle may increase the exhaust gas tempera- too much fuel to the combustion chambers. The ex-
ture panded gases can not flow through the turbine nozzle
fast enough so the increased pressure in the combustion
a. Normally, the throttle may be slowly advanced to chambers backs up, raising the compressor discharge
full-open as soon as the engine stabilizes at idling speed·
pressure, thus restricting the normal flow of compressed
Careful checks should be made during this time to insure air from the compressor. The "stall" is actually a marked
satisfactory engine operating conditions and to avoid decrease of compressor discharge air flow into the com-
exceeding an exhaust gas temperature of 690°C
(1275°F). (See paragraph 1-71 for the procedure for bustion chambers. The increased compressor discharge
pressure slows down the compressor rotor, reducing the
checking lube oil pressure· fuel flow which in turn lowers the compressor discharge
pressure. Normally equilibrium is rapidly reached and the
engine may operate in stall at 65 or 75 percent rpm.
Rapid acceleration to 100 percent rpm on cold
engines usually results in the exhaust gas tem. Note
perature overshooting the maximum allowable Most stalls will be encountered in the region
690°C (1275°F). of 65 to 75 percent rpm.

b. If the maximum allowable exhaust gas temperature b. It is possible

to encounter compressor stall without
of 690°C (1275°F) is reached at engine speeds below making a throttle movement. At low engine speed, 60 to
100 percent rpm, the engine should be held at the lower 65 percent rpm, plane maneuvers that reduce the inlet
speed until the exhaust gas temperature is stabilized duct efficiency may cause a mild stall.
sufficiently to permit further increase in speed without c. Two types of stalls may be encountered, severe and
exceeding the maximum allowable exhaust gas tempera- mild. Severe stalls, are accompanied by minor detona-
ture. (Refer to paragraph 1-66.) tions, severe engine vibration, and a rapid increase in
exhaust gas temperature resulting in overtemperature
Note condition. Mild stalls are harder to recognize. The only
On some engines, operation between 96 and immediate indication of the stall is a "hang up" of en-
100 percent rpm may be required for approxi- gine speed at 65 to 75 percent rpm with the throttle at
mately 5 to 10 minutes to permit full stabiliza- "MILITARY." A brief observation of the temperature
tion of the exhaust gas temperature before 100 indicator may not detect the gradual rise of exhaust gas
percent rpm can be reached. temperature.

16 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section i
Paragraphs 1-73 to 1-76


Immediately retard the throttle to "IDLE" If the engine rpm stops increasing, or other
whenever the conditions constituting stall oc- symptoms of compressor pulsation or stall
cur. When the exhaust gas temperature returns (paragraph 1-72, step "a") are present, im-
to normal, make a slow acceleration to the mediately retard the throttle to prevent dam-
desired rpm. age to the engine.
d. When the engine on the emergency
is operating 1-75. JET NOZZLE AREA ADJUSTMENT. Connect
fuel system (J47-7, -9,and engines),
a stall due the Jetcaltester
as described in the applicable service
to a rapid throttle advance or throttle burst produces a handbook. (Refer to paragraph 1-55B.) Use the poten-
much more serious condition than a stall when operating tiometer of the Jetcal
tester for all temperature readings
on the main fuel system. The emergency system schedules during the following adjustment procedures. Run up the
fuel flow by throttle position and compressor inlet pres- engine as described in paragraph 1-70. After the exhaust
sure. Consequently the amount of fuel immedately in- gas temperature has stabilized, record the stabilized tem-
troduced by a throttle burst on the emergency system is perature. If engine operation is not within the limits
the amount needed to operate the engine at the new of step "a," below, shut down the engine and allow the
throttle setting and is much greater than the amount of exhaust area to cool sufficiently to permit adjustment
fuel introduced by a throttle burst on the main fuel sys- of the jet no221e area. Adjust the jet nozzle area to
tem. This condition is extremely serious because so much maintain the exhaust gas temperature as close to
fuel is introduced that an overtemperature condition and (1245°F) as possible. This will allow some margin for
possibly an explosion will occur before the pilot or oper- exhaust gas temperature increase resulting from variation
ator realizes the stall condition exists. in the compressor inlet temperature, without exceeding
the maximum allowable limit of 690°C (1275°F). Run
CAUTION up the engine after adjustment to ensure that the exhaust
gas temperature is within limits.
In the event of a main fuel system failure in
which the rpm is dropping off with the throttle Note
at "MILITARY", retard the throttle to "IDLE" A change of one square inch in jet nozzle area
before switching from the main fuel system to will result in a change of approximately 7°C
the emergency system. If the throttle is not re- (12.6°F) in exhaust gas temperature.
tarded, the effect will be that of a throttle burst a. If 100 percent rpm can be reached after full stabili-
on the emergency fuel system resulting in a zation of the exhaust gas temperature at 675 to 690°C
compressor stall which may not be recognized (1245 to 1275°F), adjustment of the jet nozzle area is
as such since the engine is already malfunc- not required.
tioning at the time of the switchover b. If the exhaust gas temperature is stabilized at below
e. Combustion flameout during acceleration at alti- 675°C (1245°F), decrease the jet nozzle area in order to
tudes above 25,000 feet may result from too rapid a increase the exhaust gas temperature range to the range
throttle advance. Combustion flameout is indicated by specified in step "a" above.
loss of thrust, decrease in exhaust gas temperature, en- c. If the exhaust gas temperature is above 690°C
gine deceleration, or possible loud noises similar to the (1275°F), increase the jet nozzle to lower the tem-
backfire from a reciprocating engine. Recovery may be perature to the specified range.
made by closing the throttle and making an altitude d. If the exhaust gas temperature is above 690°C
restart. (1275°F) and the jet nozzle area cannot be increased to
1-73. DECELERATION PRECAUTIONS. Flameout lower the temperature to the specified range, operate the
during deceleration may be encountered if the throttle is engine at a speed between 96 and 100 percent rpm so
retarded to below the idle rpm stop position. Recovery that the maximum exhaust gas temperature is not ex-
may be accomplished by making a normal restart. ceeded. Rated take-off and military thrust are available
during operation at speeds between 96 and 100 percent
1-74. THROTTLE BURST CHECK. On engines with
rpm with the exhaust gas temperatures between 675 and
VS-26900G5, G6, or later model main fuel regulators, 690°C (1245 and 1275°F).
make a throttle burst check as follows to check for
proper fuel scheduling.
a. Set the throttle at the idle rpm for one to 2 minutes. OPERATIONAL CHECK. The emergency fuel system
preflight operational check should be made on all en-
CAUTION gines which incorporate an emergency fuel system,
except for those used in multi-engine installations. This
Make sure the emergency fuel system switch is check should be made just prior to take-off.
"OFF" on engines equipped with emergency a. With the emergency fuel system switch "OFF," run
fuel systems. up the engine to top rated speed on the main fuel system
b. Advance the throttle rapidly to the full open posi. to make sure that 100 percent rpm is available.
tion. A satisfactory acceleration should result. b. Decelerate the engine to 80 percent rpm.

Revised 1 January 1955 17

Section I T.O. No. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 1--77 to 1--78A

c. Hold the emergency fuel system switch in the must be moved very slowly when it is again advanced.
"TEST" position and advance the throttle until it hits When a safe altitude has been reached, the switch should
the stop. The maximum speed available should be 99 always be at the "OFF" position.
percent rpm or slightly below, and must be within 2
percent of the curve shown in figure 4-16. If necessary,
adjust the control linkage to obtain the correct engine
rpm on the emergency fuel system. (Refer to paragraph Care must be used to avoid overspeeding
4-96, step "1.") whenever the emergency fuel system is in use,
d. Return the emergency fuel system switch to the since engine speed is controlled manually by
"OFF" position and allow engine rpm to stabilize. If the the throttle.
stabilized engine speed is over 101 percent rpm, adjust
b. In
the event of main fuel system failure during
the main fuel system high speed stop on the No. 4 island
normal flight when the emergency fuel system switch is
cover. (Refer to paragraph 4--94, step "h.")
"OFF," the flame will be lost in approximately 3 sec-
e. Return the emergency fuel system switch to the onds. The decision whether to use the emergency fuel
"TEST" position and note the recovery time. Recovery system or to attempt an altitude restart must therefore
time is measured from the instant the emergency fuel be made immediately. If the throttle is wide open, the
system switch is moved to "TEST" up to the instant that emergency fuel system switch must be turned "ON" be-
fuel pressure starts to increase. Recovery time should be fore engine speed drops below 80 percent rpm. If engine
3 seconds or less. If recovery time is greater than 3 sec- speed is below 80 percent rpm, however, the throttle
onds, the emergency fuel regulator must be replaced must be retarded to idle speed before the switch is
(paragraphs 4-87 and 4-88) or modified as necessary turned "ON." The throttle must then be advanced cau-
in accordance with paragraph 4-86- tiously to prevent possible serious overtemperature and
f. Return the emergency fuel system switch to the stall.
"OFF" position.
A drop to approximately 90 percent rpm with

Ra 9 id throttle advance must not made when

an immediate recovery to full rpm may occur ,,
. the emergency fuel system switch is "ON.
when switching the emergency switch
from "TEST" to "OFF." This drop-off and re- 1-78A. FLIGHT IDLE.
covery is normal and indicates the emergency a. Flight idle is an engine speed from which a throttle
fuel regulator has been closed out of the system· burst acceleration to maximum rpm can be made with
1-77. ENGINE OPERATION DURING AIRCRAFT probable freedom from stall. The flight idle percent rpm
TAXIING. The following precautions should be ob- does not correspond with sea level idle percent rpm nor
served during aircraft taxiing: does it usually coincide with the "IDLE" detent position
on the quadrant. Refer to table IX-A for minimum flight
a. Make any required engine speed changes by chang-
ing throttle position slowly. Throttle bursts are unnec-
essary and should be avoided. CAUTION
b. Maintain engine speed as low as practicable to con-
serve fuel. Throttle burst accelerations attempted from en-
1-78. EMERGENCY FUEL SYSTEM OPERATION gine speeds below flight idle at altitudes above
DURING TAKE-OFF, CLIMB, AND 20,000 feet will be slow and will probably re-
FLIGHT. sult in a compressor stall.

CAUTION b. Minimum operating idle rpm is the engine speed

with the throttle in the "IDLE" detent position. The
Failure to keep the emergency fuel system minimum operating idle rpm will increase with the alti-
switch in the "OFF" position except during tude.
take-off and initial climb will result in it being
impossible to accomplish rapid throttle move-
ments without the emergency fuel system over- FLIGHT IDLE RPM
riding the main fuel system.
Altitude (feet) Percent RPM
a. The emergency fuel system switch should be moved
to the "ON" position after the engine speed has reached
10,000 35
80 percent rpm or above during engine run-up. If it
becomes necessary to retard the throttle for any reason 20,000 45
prior to take-off or during initial climb, and less than 80 30,000 65
percent rpm results, the emergency fuel system switch
40,000 75
must be returned to the "OFF" position or the throttle

18 Revised 15 September 1954

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section I
Paragraphs 1-79 to 1-81

1-79. ENGINE RESTART PROCEDURE DURING temperature between 450 and 500°C (832 to 932°F)
FLIGHT. Altitude restarts should not be attempted at until normal idle rpm for the altitude is obtained. (Refer
altitudes above 20,000 feet when using fuel conforming to paragraph 1-78A.)
to Specification MIL-F-5616, or above 30,000 feet when d. After normal idle rpm is obtained, the altitude and
using fuel conforming to Specification MIL-F-5624A. Re- test ignition switch should be turned "OFF." Normal
starts above these altitudes may result in turbine rotor operating procedure is then used in accelerating to the
shroud ring seizure because of incomplete flame propa- desired engine speed.
gation to all combustion chambers. 1-80. ENGINE OPERATION UNDER ICING CON-
DITIONS. Since these engines do not have anti-icing
equipment, a careful check should be kept when oper-
ating under known icing conditions. Icing can occur in
All restarts should be made at minimum safe
the engine air inlet section even though no external evi-

dence of icing is visible. Initial symptoms of engine icing
a. The throttle should be fully closed immediately are a decrease in thrust and an increase in tailpipe temper-
upon loss of power. If sufficient altitude is available, the atures. When the tailpipe temperature begins to increase
aircraft should be kept as level as possible for at least 5 under icing conditions, an effort should be made to leave
seconds to allow purging of the engine and drainage of the icing area.
any fuel accumulation.
b. After fuel has drained, the altitude and test igni-
tion switch should be turned "ON" and the throttle
should be rapidly opened to obtain a fuel pressure of
If the throttle is advanced in an effort to main-
tain thrust, the turbine section and exhaust
25 to 30 psi (equivalent to a fuel flow of 60 to 80 gph).
The throttle should be maintained cone will become hotter and engine failure may
in this position until
ignition occurs. occur very rapidly.


If ignition does
not occur within 20 seconds a. Slowly retard the throttle to the 70 percent rpm
after opening the throttle, the throttle should position. Hold the throttle for one to 3 minutes at 70
be slowly retarded to reduce fuel pressure to percent rpm and then close it rapidly to the idle cut-off
20 psi (fuel flow of 40 gph), advanced to in. (full closed) position. Combustion will cease immedi-
crease fuel pressure to 35 psi, and re- again ately, exhaust gas temperatures will drop rapidly, and
tarded to reduce pressure to 20 psi. This cycle the engine should coast to a stop. The short holding
should be repeated until ignition occurs or un. period at 70 percent rpm will permit the engine to scav-
til a total of 60 seconds has elapsed. If ignition enge the lube oil system properly, and will minimize
still does not occur, the throttle should be possible shroud rub.
fully closed and another start attempted after
engine purging and fuel drainage.
If it is impractical to utilize 70 percent rpm
If fuel pressure or flow is not obtained in an


to shutdown, the minimum requirement

attempted restart on the main fuel system, the
is one to 3 minutes at idle rpm.
procedure should be repeated on the emer-
gency fuel system (J47-7, -9,
and -13
only). CAUTION

c. When ignition occurs, as indicated by an increase In emergencies only, the engine may be stopped
in exhaust gas temperature, fuel pressure should be from any speed by retarding the throttle im-
maintained at 25 to 30 psi (fuel flow of 60 to 80 gph) mediately to the idle cut-off position.
until the exhaust gas temperature begins to stabilize.
The throttle may then be advanced to increase fuel pres- b. Turn the engine master switch "OFF."
sure and flow as required to maintain the exhaust gas c. Turn the aircraft fuel boost pump switch "OFF."

Revised 1 January 1955 18A

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section 11



Tool No. Nomenclature and Application Figure No.

1C686 Eye-Engine Lifting 2-3

1C984 Gage-Exhaust Cone to Turbine Wheel Clearance 4-9

1C988 Clamp-Combustion Chamber Bellows Compressing 2-1

1C989 Clamp-Combustion Chamber Bellows Expanding 2-2

Figure 2-1. Combustion Chamber Bellows Figure 2-2. Combustion Chamber Bellows
Compressing Clamp Expanding Clamp


Figure 2-3. Engine Lifting Eye

Revised 15 September 1954 19

Section III T.O. No. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 3--1 to 3-14



3-1. GENERAL. spection given in paragraph 3-14 shall be performed

3-2. The inspection and lubrication procedures pre. whenever the engine has been subjected to overtempera-
scribed in this section are a normal function of the oper- ture operation as specified in paragraph 1-67.
ational service organization. All work should be done 3-10. 50-HOUR INSPECTION. The items listed in
thoroughly to achieve satisfactory engine operation and table X for the 50-hour inspection shall be inspected on
performance· both new and overhauled engines after each 50 hours of
3-3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. operation. If the engine is not entirely accessible, it shall
3-4. be removed from the aircraft or nacelle for the 50-hour
inspection. After the 50-hour inspection, the engine shall
of a turbojet engine on leaded fuel (gasoline containing
be operated in accordance with paragraph 3-12.
tetraethyl lead), a yellow powdery residual deposit may
be found on the surfaces of parts which are exposed to 3-11. 100-HOUR INSPECTION. The items listed for
the combustion and exhaust gases. Service personnel the 100-hour inspection shall be inspected on both new
must observe certain safety precautions when working and overhauled engines after every 100 hours of opera-
on engines that use leaded fuels, since the yellow deposits tion. The 100-hour inspection shall also be performed
contain lead which may cause lead poisoning if it is in. whenever the engine has been subjected to a loading of
haled into the lungs or swallowed in sufficient quantities. 10 "G" or more. If the engine is not entirely accessible,
3--5. PRECAUTIONS. it shall be removed from the aircraft or nacelle for the
100-hour inspection. After the 100-hour inspection, the
engine shall be operated and checked in accordance
WARNING with paragraph 3-12.
The following precautions must be observed Upon completion of either the 50-hour or 100-hour
by all personnel. inspections, the engine shall be operated and the follow-
ing checks made:
a. Safeguard open cuts and sores from possible con- a. Control settings and all engine systems shall be
tamination· checked for satisfactory operation. The Jetcaltester shall
b. Avoid spreading the particles of lead deposit into be used to check the exhaust gas temperature indication
the air. Provide ample ventilation- system as described in the applicable service handbook.
c. To avoid passing lead into the mouth, wash the (Refer to paragraph 1-55B.) Generator output and fuel
hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and oil pressures must be normal, and the exhaust gas
food or candy or using tobacco. temperatures must be within limits.
d. Do not inhale fumes or dust containing particles b. Drain valves shall be checked for satisfactory oper-
of lead residue. Do not touch the nasal passages with ation. The operation of the drip valves shall be checked
contaminated fingers. at idle rpm.

3-6. Note
3-7. INSPECTION After several minutes of operation at idle rpm,
little or no leakage should appear from the
the required periodic inspections. The parts to be
drip valves.
inspected are listed in alphabetical order in the first
column of the table. All inspections listed in the second c. On engines equipped with a No. VS-26900GS,
column are mandatory and must be performed at the G6, or later model main fuel regulator, the throttle
times listed in the third column of the table· burst check specified in paragraph 1-74 shall be per-
3-8. PREFLIGHT INSPECTION. The items listed in formed.
the third column of table X for the preflight inspection d. On shutdown, the engine shall be checked for un-
shall be inspected before every flight and before any usual turbine noises. Refer to table XI.
ground operation.
3-9. POSTFLIGHT INSPECTION. The items listed in
table X for the postflight inspection shall be inspected 3--14. OVERTEMPERATURE. The following compo-
after every flight and after every operation on the nents shall be inspected if the engine is subjected to
ground. In addition to the regular periodic postflight overtemperature operation as defined in paragraph
inspection specified in table X, the overtemperature in- 1-67, step "b." Operation at temperature exceeding the

20 Revised 15 September 1954

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section III
Paragraphs 3-15 to 3---17

limits in paragraph 1-67,

given steps "a" and "c," within the acceptable limits described in paragraph
requires that the engine be returned to an approved 1-67A, perform the following inspection prior to the
AMC activity for replacement of the turbine wheel prior next flight:
to the next flight- a. Run-up the engine to idle rpm for 10 minutes and
a. Exhaust cone (paragraph 4-30). check for excessive vibration. Refer to paragraphs 1-69
b. Turbine shroud ring X).
(table and 1-70 for starting and run-up instructions.
c. Turbine buckets (paragraph 4-36). b. Shut down the engine, allow it to cool, and inspect
d. Outer and inner combustion chambers (paragraphs for the presence of metal chips in the lube oil filter,
4-17 and 4-18). finger screens, and magnetic plug. Refer to paragraph
1-81 for engine stopping procedure,
e. Inner and outer cross-ignition tubes (table X).
f. Transition liners (paragraph 4-20). c. If excessive vibration is encountered or metal chips
are present, return the engine to an approved AMC
g. Turbine nozzle partitions (paragraph 4-22).
activity for overhaul.
3-15. LOADING IN EXCESS OF 10 "G." The compo-
nents listed in table X for the 100-hour periodic inspec- 3-16. LUBRICATION.
tion shall be inspected whenever the engine has been 3-17. The oil tank level shall be checked after the
subjected to a loading of 10 "G" or more.
postflight inspection is performed. Any necessary addi-

has been operated with
an insufficient
If the engine
oil supply, but
tions of lubricating oil shall be made at this time. Refer
to table IV for lube oil specifications.

Revised 1 January 1955 20A

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section III



Component Nature of Inspection Time

Accessory Drive Remove magnetic drain plug from bottom of accessory drive 50-hour
Gear Box gear box and inspect oil for metal chips. 100-hour


Wipe off all excess oil. Be careful to prevent oil from

entering the compressor air inlet.

Air Guide Check for foreign objects and for loose or missing fasteners on Preflight
the island guide assemblies. Postflight

Check for loose or missing rivets. Postflight


Air Inlet Screens Check for broketi screens and loose or missing screen fasteners. Preflight

Combustion Chamber Inspect for cracks or ruptures. 50-hour

Drain Lines and 100-hour

Combustion Chamber Inspect for distortion, weld failures, and stripped bolts. Replace 100-hour
Marman Clamps stripped "T" bolts and damaged clamps.

Compressor Blades Check all visible or accessible compressor blades for damage. Preflight
Refer to paragraphs 4-9 through 4-12. Postflight

Compressor Front Check compressor rear frame air vent ports for aluminum dust Postflight
and Itear Frames which indicates excessive rubbing of compressor twelfth-stage 50-hour
air seals. 100-hour

A light coating of low temperature grease placed on
the surface of the fuselage or nacelle immediately aft of
the compressor rear frame vent duct outlet will aid
in retaining any aluminum dust.

Revised 1 January 1955 21

Section III T.O. 2J-J47-1

TABLE X (Cont)

Component Nature of inspection
Compressor Front Remove drain plug from compressor rear frame lube oil sump 50-hour
and Rear Frames and check drained oil for dirt or chips, excessive metallic 100-hour
(Cont) powder, and silicone gasket particles.
Inspect forward and rear flange fillets and support pad fillets for 100-hour
cracks. Cracks are not allowable and require that the engine
be returned to an approved AMC activity.
Remove fuel nozzles (paragraph 4-92) and inspect compressor 100-hour
rear frame cabin take-off ports according to the instructions
in paragraph 4-14.

Compressor Stator Inspect front and rear flange fillets for cracks. Cracks are not 100-hour
Casing allowable andrequire that the engine be returned to an
approved AMC activity.
Loosen and retorque all nuts and bolts on horizontal and vertical 100-hour
flanges to the specified values (Reference No. 32 through 35,
table XVII).

Cooling and Balance Check for damage and see that hose clamps are secure. 50-hour
Air Tubing and

Double Check Valve Inspect for defective or worn seals or broken hinge straps. 100-hour
(Except )47-11, -15,

and -19)

Exhaust Cone Check for damage and location of possible hot spots. Postflight
Remove and inspect according to the instructions in paragraphs 50-hour
4-28 through 4-32. 100-hour

Exhaust Cone Inspect spot weld and fillet weld areas. Cracks are not allowable, 50-hour
Marman Clamp and require replacement of clamp. 100-hour

Fuel Control Linkage Check for correct adjustment, freedom of operation, and full Post-flight
travel. Refer to paragraphs 4-93 through 4-97. 50-hour

Fuel Filter Remove and clean. Refer to paragraphs 4-71 through 4-75. 50-hour
Check for brass paitiales. 100-hour

Fuel No2zles Check no2zle tips for excessive carbon formation, noting location 100-hour
of any hot spots on exhaust cone. Replace any no2zles which
have unbalanced fuel flow. Refer to paragraph 4-92.

Fuel System Lines With boost pump operating, check for leaks. Check for loose Postflight
and Accessories connections and mountings and excessive chafing of lines. 50-hour

Hydraulic Pump Check the oil level. Postflight

Drive Gear Case 50-hour
(J47-7and -13
Igniter Plugs Remove, clean, and inspect igniter plugs according to the instruc- 50-hour
tions in paragraphs 4-48 and 4-49. Replace if necessary. 100-hour

Ignition Leads Check flexible leads for fraying, deterioration, or other damage, 50-hour
and replace if necessary. Postflight

22 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section III

TABLE X (Cont)

Component Nature of Inspection

Ignition System Check operation by energizing and listening for steady buzzing 50-hour
sound from igniter plugs. 100-hour

Inner Combustion Inspect as instructed in paragraph 4-18 after performing the 100-hour
Chambers inspection of outer combustion chambers.

Do not remove inner combustion chambers unless
inspection shows that replacement is necessary.

Inner Cross-ignition Remove inner cross-ignition tubes (paragraph 4-16, step "c") 100-hour
Tubes and inspect for cracks and burning. Replace if any cracks are
found or if burning has caused a reduction in the thickness
of the metal.

Lube System Lines Check for leaks, loose connections and mountings, and excessive Postflight
and Accessories chafing of linesi 50-hour

Main Lube Filer Remove and clean. Refer to paragraphs 4-63 through 6-67. 50-hour
Check for powdered aluminum. 100-hour

Oil Cooler Remove drain plug and note condition of drained oil. Replace 50-hour
plug and lock with safety wire.
Outer Combustion Inspect visually for cracks or ruptures adjacent to the front and 50-hour
Chambers rear drain fittings. Pay particular attention to the No. 1, 2, 100-hour
7, and 8 chambers in the vicinity of front drain fittings.

Inspect as specified in paragraph 4-17. 100-hour

Outer Cross-ignition Inspect for leakage around gaskets and bellows and replace if 50-hour
Tubes necessary. (Refer to paragraph 4-16.) Inspect for cracks and 100-hour
replace if any are found. The bellows adjacent to the seam
weld and the tabs are particularly susceptible.

Regulator Oil Filter Remove and clean. Refer to paragraphs 4-58 through 4-67. 50-hour
and Orifice Check for powdered aluminum. 100-hour

Scavenge Oil Filter Remove scavenge oil lube tube assembly from the bottom of 100-hour
the forward end of the turbine frame and clean the internal
scavenge oil filter.

Starter-generator Check surface of power take-off assembly around starter- Postflight

or Starter generator cooling air duct or starter commutator for brush- 50-hour
carbon dust. Inspect brushes if an appreciable amount of
brush-carbon dust is found.
Inspect brushes for wear and replace brushes worn to within 100-hour
1/8 inch of the pigtail
rivets. Inspect commutator for proper
film. Replace starter-generator or starter if commutator is
excessively scored or pitted. Refer to paragraph 4-38.

Starter-generator Check for security of mounting. Postflight

Cooling Air Duct 50-hour

Thermocouple Harness Check braid insulation for damage, especially near or under Postflight
brackets. Check for shorted or open circuits. Check for a mini- 50-hour
mum resistance of 500 ohms between conductors and ground. 100-hour

Revised 1 January 1955 23

Section III
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

TABLE X (Cont)

Component Nature of Inspection Time

Transition Liners With combustion chambers removed (paragraph 4-16), inspect 100-hour
transition lines according to the instructions in paragraph

Turbine Nozzle Inspect according to the instructions in paragraphs 4-22 and 50-hour
Diaphragm 4-23. 100-hour

Turbine Rotor Listen during shutdown for sounds of rubbing which indicate Postflight
interference between rotating and stationary parts. Check for
damaged or missing buckets.
With exhaust cone removed (paragraph 4-29), inspect rotor 50-hour
wheel for scoring. Refer to paragraph 4-25. 100-hour

Inspect turbine buckets and repair as required according to the 50-hour

instructions in paragraph 4-26 and 4-27. 100-hour

Turbine Shroud Ring With exhaust cone removed (paragraph 4-29), inspect shroud 50-hour
ring for damage or distortion. Check turbine bucket tip to 100-hour
shroud ring clearance according to the instruction in para-
graph 4-32.

Do not remove the shroud ring unless it is damaged

or the clearances do not meet specified limits. The
shroud ring may become distorted during removal,
preventing reassembly.

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-1 to 4-7

4-1. GENERAL. 4-6. ISOLATING TROUBLES. Engine troubles are not
4-2. The procedures outlined in this section are those always traceable to one cause. Starting first with the
most probable reasons for a trouble, the mechanic should
required to maintain the engine in satisfactory operat-
ing condition, and those indicated during the course of check each possibility in turn until the trouble has been
periodic inspection. Trouble-shooting procedures and isolated by process of elimination. Even a thoroughly
remedies are also provided for service personnel. No experienced mechanic should not jump to conclusions.
major overhaul work will be performed by service Systematic diagnosis should replace guesswork in order
personnel. to promote accuracy and to save time. It is best never to
assume anything when trouble shooting. Leaks and defec-
tive wiring should always be kept in mind as possible
WARNING causes of troubles.
Observe all safety precautions given in para-
graphs 3-3 through 3-5 concerning the lead TEMPERATURE INDICATION SYSTEM. In the event
residue of the engine fuel. of engine temperature troubles, the first step in isolating
the trouble is check the accuracy of the thermocouple
4-3. When removal and reinstallation of the engine is harness and exhaust gas temperature indicator using the
necessary, refer to the appropriaté erection and main- Jetcaltester. (Refer to paragraph 1-55B.) Once it is
tenance handbook for the particular aircraft. determined that the exhaust gas temperature indication
system is accurate and free of trouble, continue the search
4-4. TROUBLE SHOOTING. for the trouble as outlined in table XI.
4-5. DISCOVERING TROUBLES. Any improper func-
tioning of the engine may be classified according to 2 Note
general types:those troubles such as the engine failing Refer to the applicable service handbook for
to start, that are at once obvious, and other troubles the Jetcaltester operating instructions.
that are not obvious but can cause considerable damage
to the engine if not discovered in time. In order to 4-7. CORRECTING TROUBLES. The service mechanic
detect the less obvious troubles as soon as they occur, should correct the trouble as carefully and efficiently as
the service mechanic must have a thorough knowledge possible. If he discovers the trouble is traceable to one
of correct exhaust gas temperature, fuel pressure, lube of the accessories, such as a fuel or lube pump, he
oil pressure, and the other important details of normal should not hesitate to replace it. Table XI lists the more
engine operation. This information is presented in para- common engine troubles, their probable causes, and their
graphs 1-56 through 1-67. corrections.
Trouble Probable Cause Correction
Insufficient or no rpm 1. If rotor can be turned freely, the
when attempting to start trouble can be assumed to be elec-
engine. trical.
a. Faulty external power source or Check output of power source and its
faulty connections. connections. Repair or replace as
b. Circuit breakers in aircraft's elec- Close circuit breakers. If circuit
trical system open. breakers continue to open, check
electrical system to locate cause of
c. No power to starter-generator (or Check voltage at No. 1 island. If no
starter) terminals. voltage, refer to aircraft's technical
orders for electrical system troubles
and remedies.
d. Starter-generator (or starter) Check and reconnect if necessary.
leads reversed.
e. Starter-generator (or starter) Replace starter-generator (or starter)
grounded, open, short-circuited, (paragraph 4-38).
or seized.

Revised 15 September 1954 25

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Insufficientornorpmwhen f. Starter-generator (or starter)
attempting to start en- brushes:
gine. (Cont) Improperly fitted Reseat brushes.
Sticky or defective Replace brushes.
Terminal screws loose Tighten screws.
Insufficient spring tension Replace starter-generator (or starter)
(paragraph 4-38).
2. If power from the external source is
not faulty, and starter-generator (or
starter) is straining to turn engine
rotor, trouble is mechanical.
a. Icing in compressor. Direct hot air into compressor.
b. Shroud ring seizure. Allow the engine to cool. If the seizure
was caused by too sudden a shut-
down at previous operation, or by
any other condition which resulted
in quick cooling of the shroud ring,
allowing the engine to cool should
eliminate the trouble. After cooling,
turn the turbine wheel with a pole
or with shop air directed through
the compressor air inlet. If shroud
still rubs, check bucket tip clearance
(paragraph 4-32).
Combustion does not occur 1. If fuel pressure is normal for starting Investigate ignition system. Whenever
during an attempted (20 to 40 psi), listen for firing of possible (as in step "a" below), use
start. igniter plugs. a voltmeter, turning on flow of cur-
rent with altitude or test ignition
a. If firing of igniter plugs is heard. Check ignition relay solenoid for
proper operation.
b. If no igniter plug firing is heard. Check cables leading to ignition units
(or transformers) for current. Also
check items "c" through "f" below.
c. Voltage from main junctionbox. Voltage should check at 24V.
d. Dirty or defective igniter plugs. Remove, clean, and inspect igniter
plugs (paragraphs 4-48 and 4-49).
Replace if necessary.
e. Igniter plug leads (high voltage Be sure leads are full of Dow Corning
cables) grounded or broken. compound, or equivalent, and not
f. Ignition units (or transformers) Replace (paragraph 4-42 or 4-44) if
defective. the above steps have not located the
2. If checks show that ignition system is Install replacement fuel nozzles (para-
in order and that fuel pressure at graph 4-92) in the No. 2 and 7
starting rpm is normal, the trouble combustion chambers (No. 3 and 7
is probably a faulty spray pattern, for J47-19only). Attempt to start
the engine. If replacement nozzles
give a correct spray pattern, the trou-
ble is probably elsewhere.

3. If fuel pressure is low or there is no

fuel pressure, and the igniter plugs
can be heard firing, the trouble is in

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Combustion does not occur the fuel system. If the start was
during an attempted attempted with both the main and
start. (Cont) emergency systems operating (except
J47-11,-15,and the trouble must

be somehing common to both sys-

a. Fuel supply and boost pump Check items "a," "b," and "c" by
defective. breaking fuel line at No. 3 island
and operating the boost pump.
b. Aircraft-mounted fuel filter and Check and replace if necessary.
bypass valve clogged.
c. Aircraft-mounted selector or shut- Set valve in open position and check
off valve not fully open. operation.
d. Clogged fuel lines. Locate and clear.
e. Stopcock or stopcock control link. Check by disconnecting fuel line at oil
age defective or misadjusted. cooler, operating boost pump with
throttle open, and turning engine at
3 to 4 percent rpm with starter. If
no fuel appears, check stopcock con-
trol linkage (paragraph 4-94). If
necessary, replace stopcock (para-
graphs 4-77 and 4-78).
f. Flow divider improperly adjusted Remove large slot fuel manifold con-
or stuck open. nection from flow divider outlet and
cap the line and the outlet. If the
engine can now be started, replace
flow divider (paragraph 4-90).
g. Flow divided drip valves clogged, Cap discharge line from drip valves. If
with fuel pressure over 5 psi, or engine will now start, replace flow
obviously stuck open, with fuel divider (paragraph 4-90).
pouring from overboard drain.
h. Double-check valve defective (ex- Inspect visually and replace stopcock
cept J47-11, and -15
if necessary (paragraphs 4-77 and
i. Linkage to main fuel regulator Inspect visually and readjust if neces-
disconnected, jammed, or misad- sary (paragraph 4-94).
j. VCO line and regulator line to Install lines to correct ports.
gear case crossed.
k. Main fuel regulator or fuel con. Check by inserting gage in VCO pres-
trol valve malfunctioning, or main sure line and attempting start. If
fuel regulator not primed (espe- VCO pressure is less than 23 psi,
cially in cases when new, replace. prime main fuel regulator or replace
ment, or overhauled regulator has it if necessary (paragraphs 4-80 and
been installed). 4-81). (On all except }47-11, -15,

and -19 engines, determine if the

main fuel regulator is defective or
requires priming by attempting start
on emergency fuel system. If engine
starts, the main fuel regulator is
defective or should be primed.) If
VCO pressure is greater than 23 psi,
replace control valve (paragraph
1. Main fuel pump defective. Replace main fuel pump (paragraphs
4-83 and 4-84) if it is suspected
after making the above checks.

Revised I January 1955 27

Section I/ T.O. 2J-J47-1


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Engine unable to reach 100 1. Faulty tachometer-indicator. Replace aircraft's tachometer-indicator

peicent rpm at full and recheck engine rpm.
throttle position.
2. Fuel system malfunctioning.
On engines which incorporate
an emergency fuel system, alter-
nately run the engine on both the
main and emergency fuel sys-
tems. If the engine is unable to
reach 100 percent rpm on either
system, then the trouble must be
in a component, fuel line, etc,
which is common to both systems.
a. Speed remains between 85 and Adjust high speed stop on No. 4 island
100 percent rpm because mal- (paragraph 4-94, step "h," or 4-95
adjustment of high speed stop or step "d") and check for binding in
binding in linkage. linkage.
b. Speed considerably lower than Check items listed under cause "3" for
100 percent rpm, coupled with in- "Combustion does not occur during
adequate fuel pressure, due to an attempted start."
faulty supply to engine, flow divi-
der, or stopcock.
c. If speed is over 60 percent rpm Check and replace line if necessary.
but not 100 percent rpm, there Solenoid may be jarred loose by
may be a leak in compressor dis- operating the emergency fuel system
charge line to No. 4 island, or switch,
solenoid in the line (except
}47-11, and -15, may be -19)

stuck open.
d. Regulator control linkage misad- Check and adjust (paragraph 4-94).
e. Oil pouring from compressor Replace line.
front frame drain, indicating leak
in VCO line.
f. Main fuel regulator or fuel con- Insert gage in VCO line and attempt
trol valve defective. to reach top speed. VCO pressure
should be approximately one-third
of the fuel pressure plus 15 psi, or
VCO pressure =1/3
(fuel pressure)
15 psi. If VCO pressure is high,
replace fuel control valve (para-
graph 4-70). If VCO pressure is
low, replace main fuel regulator
(paragraphs 4-80. and 4--81).
3. Defective emergency fuel system com-
ponents (except (}47-11, and -15,

if engine speed is less than it
should be according to the ambient
temperature, when running on the
emergency system alone (emergency
fuel system switch at "TEST" or
"CHECK"). (See figure 4-16.)
a. Emergency control linkage misad- Check and adjust (paragraph 4-96).
justed or binding.
28 Revised 1 January 1955
T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Engine unable to reach 100 b. Emergency fuel regulator defec- Replace emergency regulator (para-
percent rpm at full tive. graphs 4-87 and 4-88).
throttle position. (Cont)
c. Emergency fuel pump defective. Replace emergency fuel pump (para-
graphs 4-83 and 4--84).
If engine speed drops to 60 or 70 percent rpm with the engine running
on the emergency fuel system alone, complete failure of the emergency
fuel system is indicated. (At 60 percent rpm, the engine is running on
the main fuel system only.)

4. Speed lower than 100 percent rpm,

coupled with excessive fuel pressure.
a. Partially clogged fuel nozzles or Remove and clear or replace nozzles
manifolds. and manifolds (paragraph 4-92).
b. Flow divider defective or clogged. Replace flow divider (paragraph

Engine speed exceeds 100 1. Tachometer-indicator faulty. Replace aircraft's tachometer-indicator

percent rpm at full and recheck engine rpm.
throttle position.
2. Emergency fuel system overriding Check by turning the emergency fuel
main fuel system (except J47-11, -15, system switch "OFF." If engine rpm
and -19). drops to normal, the emergency sys-
tem is overriding the main system.
If not, the main fuel system is caus-
ing the overspeeding. See "3" below.
a. AÍrsensing line to emergency fuel Check line for leaks and replace if
regulator open. necessary.
b. Emergency control linkage malad- Check and adjust (paragraph 4-96).
c. Emergency fuel regulator defec- Replace emergency fuel regulator
tive. (paragraphs 4-87 and 4-88).
3. Main fuel system high speed stop Reset high speed stop on No. 4 island
improperly set. (paragraph 4--94, step "h," or 4-95,
step "d").
4. Main fuel regulator defective. Replace main fuel regulator (para-
graphs 4-80 and 4-81).

Engine surges or hunts 1. Aircraft's fuel system malfunction- Insert a gage in fuel line that enters at
with fixed throttle set- ing. On engines with emergency fuel No. 3 island and check for notice-
ting. systems, this may be given a rough able surges in boost pump pressure.
check byoperating the engine alter- Check items "3a," "3b," and "3c"
nately on both systems. under "Combustion does not occur
during an attempted start."
2. If surging occurs only when the Replace emergency fuel regulator
emergency fuel system is operating (paragraphs 4-87 and 4-88).
(except J47-11, -15, -19), the emer-
gency fuel regulator is defective.
3. Main fuel regulator or fuel control Replace main fuel regulator (para-
valve defective. graphs 4-80 and 4-81). If trouble
still persists, replace fuel control
valve (paragraph 4-70). Reinstall
the original main fuel regulator and

Revised 1 January 1955 29

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Engine surges or hunts 4. If gage inserted in small slot mani- Replace flow divider (paragraph
with fixed throttle set- fold shows fluctuation, flow divider 4-90).
ting. (Cont) is probably defective.
5. If trouble remains after "1" through Replace all fuel nozzles (paragraph
"4" above have been checked, fuel . 4-92).
nozzles are probably defective.
Exhaust gas temperature 1. Temperature gage defective. Calibrate temperature gage or replace
over maximum. it.
2. Exhaust gas thermocouple defective. Measure exhaust gas thermocouple re-
sistance. Replace if necessary.
3. Compressor inlet obstructed. Remove obstructions.
4. One or more clogged or defective Replace defective nozzles (paragraph
fuel nozzles. A completely clogged 4-92).
nozzle will cause dark streaks on the
exhaust cone, and a partially clogged
nozzle or one with a defective spray
pattern will cause light streaks. Both
conditions can be detected by looking
up the tail pipe from a safe distance
(approximately 200 feet) during
engine operation.
5. Jetnozzle area too small, especially Increase jet nozzle area. Refer to para-
on a new installation. graph 1--75.

6. Worn or damaged inner combustion Remove combustion chambers (para-

chambers or transition liners. graph 4-16) and inspect inner com-
bustion chambers (paragraph 4-18)
and transition liners (paragraph
4-20). Replace inner combustion
chambers if necessary. If transition
liners are worn or damaged beyond
limits, return the engine to an ap-
proved AMC activity.
7. Shroud ring clearance excessive, or Check shroud ring clearance (para-
shroud ring rubbing on turbine graph 4-32).
wheel, especially if shroud ring has
been replaced or reinstalled.
ow exhaust gas temper- 1. Temperature gage defective. Calibrate temperature gage or replace
ature. it.
2. Exhaust gas thermocouples defective. Measure thermocouple resistance. Re-
place if necessary.
3. Jet nozzle area too large. Decrease jet nozzle area. Refer to para-
graph 1-75.

Fuel mixing with lubricat- 1. Internal break in oil cooler. This may Replace oil cooler (paragraph 4-53).
ing oil. be checked by removing drain plug
and looking for fuel. Turn on boost
pump to give fuel flow.
2. Ruptured diaphragm in fuel control Replace fuel control valve (paragraph
valve. This may be detected by break- 4-70).
ing VCO return line at the valve,
turning on the boost pump, and
watching for fuel discharge from
VCO port.

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

3. Excessive fuel from fuel pumps get- Remove restrictions from drain system.
Fuel mixing with lubricat- ting into gear cases, possibly because Check for correct connection of lines
ing oil. (Cont) of back pressure in drain systems. to flow divider.
Check by breaking fuel drain lines at
No. 3 island and measuring leakage
with engine running. Lines reversed
on flow divider would show an ab-
normal flow from overboard drain.
Low or no lubricating oil 1. Empty lube oil tank. Check and fill.
2. Defective lube oil pressure gage. Calibrate gage or replace it if necessary.
3. If lube oil tank empties rapidly and Replace aft scavenge pump (paragraph
oil pours from turbine frame vents, 4-55) or lines.
the aft scavenge pump or lines are
4. Broken oil lines. Check for damaged lines and replace
as required.
5. Clogged oil lines before pressure tap. Check and replace as required.

6. Clogged main lube filter or regulator Remove and clean or replace (para-
oil filter and orifice. graphs 4-58 through 4-67).
7. Relief valve for bearing supply ele- Replace main lube pump (paragraph
ment in main lube pump malfunc- 4-51).

8. If the tachometer-indicator registers Check main lube pump and replace if

zero, the trouble may be an inopera- necessary (paragraph 4-51).
tive main lube pump. (The tachom-
eter-generator is splined to the main
lube pump shaft.)
9. Missing "O" ring in oil line from Return engine to an approved AMC
compressor rear frame to No. 2, 3, activityif this trouble is indicated
and 4 bearing oil jets. by shop air test described below.
High lubricating oil pres- Generally due to restrictions, pieces of Check by attaching shop air-line con-
sure. rubber, crimped jets, or excess weld taining pressure gage just aft of
metal aft of the engine pressure tap. main lube filter. Pressure at the
engine pressure tap should be ap-
proximately one-third of any given
shop air pressure. If pressure is low,
see item "9" above. If pressure is
high, check items "1," "2," and "3"
1. Clogged lines aft of pressure tap. Repair or replace.
2. Restricted lube oil jets. Return engine to an approved AMC

3. Defective check valve aft of pressure Repair or replace.

Fluctuating lubricating oil 1. Partially clogged line between lube Remove and clear or replace.
pressure. oil tank and main lube pump.
2. Oil pressure gage malfuctioning. Check and replace if irregular.
3. Faulty main lube filter. Clean or replace main lube filter (para-
graphs 4-64 through 4-67).

Secticin IV T.O. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 4-8 to 4-11


Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Unusual noise and excessive

vibration detected while
engine is operating be-
tween approximately 70
and 80 percent rpm:

Hydraulic pressure line Faulty hydraulic pump. Replace pump. If vibration persists, re-
from No. 3 island vibrat- turn engine to approved AMC activ-
ing excessively ity for engine bearing check.

Unusual noises detected 1. Light clicking in vicinity of No. 3 These conditions are acceptable.
during coasting after or 4 bearings caused by normal shift-
shutdown. ing of bearing rollers and retainers
or by turbine buckets looseness.
2. Scraping sounds caused by turbine Check shroud ring clearance (para-
buckets rubbing on shroud ring. graph 4-32).
3. Harsh clicking or rattling, thumping, Return engine to an approved AMC
or bearing noise from any dry or mis- activity.
aligned bearings.
4. Fuel pumps squeal as engine stops. This condition is acceptable.

Starter-generator output in- Starter-generator leads reversed. Check leads and reconnect if necessary.


COMPONENTS. B- --> +-- --> +--
16 16
4-8B. Look through the air inlet duct section and inspect C -->

the inlet guide vanes for cracks. Return the engine to an
approved AMC activity if cracks are found in any area of
the inlet guide vanes.
4-10. GENERAL. Inspect
accessible compressor rotor
and stator blades as described in paragraphs 4-11 and Ee TIP HALF
4-12 at all regular inspection times. Table XII lists the
definitions of the terms used in describing compressor
blade damage.

Accessible compressor rotor and stator blades
are all bladesthat can be seen while looking D D
through the air inlet duct section from the
front of the engine. To aid in observing the
rotor blades, the rotor may be turned by reach_ Eg
ing through the exhaust cone and pushing
against the turbine buckets with a long wooden
a. Superficial damage such as minute dents, pits, mars, A
2 '
etc, which do not exceed the limits given in

scratches, A
paragraph 4-12, are allowable in any number and at any I
location except that no dents or nicks are allowed in
the root 1 inch of the blade. Figure 4-1. Compressor Blade inspection Limits

32 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-12 to 4-14
b. Remove raised metal around allowable defects with (compressor rear frame rear flange), or alternatively,
a very fine emery cloth or by stoning in the direction of more than 3 inches (dimension "X") from the front
blade length. inner flange.
SOR BLADES. Return the engine to an approved AMC
activity if any compressor blades are damaged as noted DEFINITIONS OF COMPRESSOR BLADE
below. Limits apply to both rotor and stator blades INSPECTION TERMS
except as specified.
a. Cracks are not allowable. Term Definition
b. Nicks and dents in the root ½ inch (A, figure 4-1) CORROSION Any visible change in the blade sur-
are not allowable. face finish due to chemical action.
c. Dents in the tip half leading or trailing edges ex-
CRACK A parting of metal not accompan-
ceeding 1/16-inch in depth (B) are not allowable· ied by deformation. Cracks are usu-
d. Nicks in the tip half leading or trailing edges ex- ally found on the leading or trail-
ceeding 1/32-inch in depth (C) are not allowable. ing edges.
e. Nicks and dents in the root half leading or trail- DENT A smooth impression on a blade sur-
ing edges exceeding 1/32-inch in depth (D) are not face, such as the imprint made by
allowable. a steel ball. A dent is generally
f. Nicks and dents in the airfoil surface exceeding shallow, with smooth edges and a
1/32-inch in depth (E) are not allowable, rounded bottom.
g. Blades may not have more than 2 nicks and/or MAR A mar is any irregularity in the metal
dents in either the leading or trailing edges. which is not readily visible but
h. Rotor blades may not have more than a total of 3 which can be felt by running a
nicks and/or dents. Stator blades may not have more fingernail over the surface.
than a total of 2 nicks and/or dents. NICK A gouge deeper than 0.010 inch, such
4-13. COMPRESSOR REAR FRAME. as the imprint made by a pointed
or irregular object. Nicks have
4-14. INSPECTION OF COMPRESSOR REAR steep sides and a "V" impression
FRAME CABIN TAKE-OFF PORTS. Remove the fuel on the bottom.
nozzles (paragraph 4-92) and visually' inspect for
PIT A minute depression inthe blade
cracks around the cabin take-off ports in the compressor

surface. Pits may occur during the

rear frame by looking through the apertures from which
manufacturing process, and may
the nozzles were removed. Return the engine to an
also be caused by erosion.
approved AMC activity if the limits given in steps "a"
through "d" below are exceeded. Refer to figure 4-1A. SCRATCH An irregularity or furrow in the
blade surface which is generally
a. Cracks which extend forward from the cabin take-
Ionger than it is wide and is usually
off ports should not extend farther than 9-1/4 inches
quite shallow.
(dimension "Z") from the combustion chamber flange

Revised 1 January 1955 32A

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-15 to 4-17

It may not be possible to disengage a combus-
tion chamber assembly because the inner com-

bustion chamber is still engaged with the tran-

sition liner. If this is the case, it may be neces-
sary to use the combustion chamber bellows
x compressing clamp, Tool No. 1C988, in order
Y to remove the combustion chamber assembly.

h. Install the combustion chambers in the reverse of

the removal procedure. If necessary, use the combustion
chambers bellows expanding clamp, Tool No. 1C989.
a. Inspect the outer combustion chambers for holes
and distortion. These conditions are not allowable.
b. Inspect the outer combustion chambers for cracks,
particularly around the drain fittings, and where appli-
cable, around the water-injection manifolds. No cracks
are allowable in any area.
Figure 4-1A. Inspection Limits for Compressor
Rear Frame Cobin Take-off Ports Note
Capped-off water-injection manifolds will be
found on some }47-7, -9,
-11,and-13, -15,

b. Cracks which extend af t toward the combustion engine outer combustion chambers even though
chamber flange may not approach the flange closer than none of these engines have water-injection
4-3/4 inches (dimension "Y"). systems.
c. A maximum of one crack per cabin také-off port is
c. Inspect the flanges. All flanges should be straight
and flat. Distortion is not allowable in the forward and
d. A total of 4 cracks is the maximum allowable
rear flanges.
number in the compressor rear frame.
d. Inspect the forward dome section ("A," figure
4-15. COMBUSTION CHAMBERS· 4-2) for nicks and dents. Dents that do not exceed 1/8
4-16. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF inch from the original contour of the chamber are
COMBUSTION CHAMBERS. allowable, provided that the diameter of any such dent
a. Disconnect all accessible fuel drain tubing from the is a minimum of 8 times its depth.
combustion chambers. e. Inspect the barrel section of each chamber ("B").
b. Disconnect the igniter plug leads and remove the Dents which do not exceed 1/4 inch from the original
igniter plugs (paragraph 4-48). Place the igniter plugs contour are allowable, provided the diameter of each
in a suitable box to prevent damage to the porcelain. dent is a minimum of 8 times its depth, with the follow-
ing exceptions:
c. Remove the cross-ignition bellows guards and the
outer and inner cross-ignition tube assemblies. (1) Any dent which overlaps a seam weld must
d. Remove the Marman clamps from the front and have a minimum diameter of 12 times its depth in order
rear ends of the combustion chambers. to be allowable. The maximum depth of such dents is
1/4 inch.
e. Remove the bolt and washer from the aft end of
each chamber. This bolt locks the inner chamber in (2) Dents are not allowable in or within one inch
place and secures it to the outer chamber. of the cross-ignition duct flanges or bosses or the igniter
f. Insert a finger through the cross-ignition tube open-
plug flanges or bosses.
ing and slide the inner combustion chamber forward (3) On chambers with
water-injection manifolds,
about 3/8 inch. dents in the water-injection
manifold may not exceed
g. Remove the combustion chamber assemblies in the 1/32 inch in depth. Dents that are in or include any
following order: No. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8. This order portion of the water-injection manifold flange may not
will simplify the disconnection of the fuel drain lines. exceed 1/16 inch in depth and must have a minimum
Disconnect and remove all attached tubing as each com- diameter of one inch in order to be allowable.
bustion chamber assembly is removed. Do not remove the f. Inspect the bellows section ("C"). Small dents that
inner from the outer chambers unless inspection (para- do not restrict free movement of the bellows are allow-
graph 4-18) shows that the inner chambers require able. When dents exist in this area, the chambers should
replacement. be checked for free movement at the bellows.
Revised 1 January 1955 33
Sect;¤n y
P¤r¤graph 4



Dure L2
Li ¡,'
? O ter
huilon Ch

4-18. INSPECTION OF INNER COMBUSTION a. Replace any inner combustion chamber which h
CHAMBERS. holes burned through it, from which a piece has brok
out, or which is so damaged that a piece is liable
Note break out.
Do not remove the inner from the outer com- b. Inspect each inner combustion chamber for prop
bustion chambers for purposes of inspection, contour. In the louvered area, buckling in excess of 1
Remove an inner chamber only if inspection inch above or below the original contour is not allow
reveals that it requires replacement, able. Buckling of less than 1/2 inch is allowable only
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-19 to 4-20

there are no major cracks present in the buckled

Dishing or flattening of the contour over a large area is 4-20. INSPECTION OF TRANSITION LINERS.
not allowable. Severe blisters and wrinkles are not allow- Inspect all transition liners for cracks, missing sections,
able. No buckling which will permit the combustion loose or cracked retaining strips, and loose or missing
gases to be directed through the side of the inner com- locating buttons. Transition liners with pieces broken
bustion chamber is allowable- out of the main body or with cracks over 3 inches long
c. Inspect the wear lugs ("E," figure 4-3) to see that in the main body area are not allowable. The limits for
none are missing and that all spot welds are in good cracks and defects in critical areas are given in the fol-
condition. Replace inner combustion chambers on which lowing steps. Return the liners to an approved AMC
any wear lugs are worn to less than 0.020 inch thick. activity if these limits are exceeded.
d. Inspect the seal or support rings ("F"). All sec. a. Cracks in the shaded area ("A") are not allowable.
tions must be held securely to the inner combustion b. Cracks ("B") emanating from the spot welds on
chamber· the aft retainer are not allowable.
e. Inspect the nozzle opening ("G") in the dome· c. Cracks ("C") are not allowable in the flat side area.
The metal may be worn down to a minimum of 0.015
d. In

other areas, cracks ("D") up to 1/2 mch long

inch thick. The edge may be worn or broken for a maxi-
mum of 25 percent of its circumference.
are allowable provided there are not more than 4 per
transition liner and none is closer than one inch to
f. Inspect the cross-ignition eyelet ("H"). The metal
at the lip of the eyelet may be worn to 50 percent of its
original thickness. Check the guides used on some com- e. Outer wear lugs ("E") may be worn to 0.060 inch,
bustion chambers to make sure that none are missing approximately half of their original thickness. Inner wear
and that all spot welds are in good condition. lugs may be worn to half their original thickness.
g. Inspect the inner combustion chambers for cracks. f. Cracks ("F") adjacent to the seam weld on the
Table XIII lists maximum dimensions and number of side of the transition liner are not allowable.
allowable cracks in the different areas of the inner com- g. Cracked or loose brackets (retainers) and missing,
bustion chamber. Refer to figure 4-3. Chambers which cracked, or loose bracket pins ("G") are not allowable.
have defects exceeding the limits given in the table must
be replaced. Note
h. Replace any inner combustion chamber in which Steps "a" through "g" apply to all transition
the strength of the material or its original characteristics liners; steps "h" through "j" below apply only
have been destroyed or reduced by wear, burning, or to the post-type transition liners which are
erosion, or in which the material has been reduced to shown in figure 4-4. Disregard the following
less than 50 percent of its original thickness. steps if post-type liners are not used.


Allowable Cracks

Figure 4-3 Maximum Length

Location Index Number (inches) Remarks

Dome area A 8 3/8 (max) Heat checks are allowable in any quan-
tity unless open cracks are formed.
The limits apply if cracks are
Forward half of body to B Any number 3/8 (max) Cracks longer than one inch are not
sixth row of holes 6 3/8 to 1-1/2 allowable closer than one inch to

Rear half of body from C Any number 1/2 (max) Cracks longer than one inch are not
sixth row of holes 10 1/2 to 2 allowable closer than one inch to

Rear (unlouvered) area D 4 ./2 (max) Cracks closer than one inch to another
are not allowable.

Cross-ignition tube H Any number 1/4 (max) These cracks will probably start at the
eyelet eyelet lip.

Revised 15 September 1954 35

Section IV T.O. No. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 4-21 to 4-23





Figure 4-4. Inspection Limits for Transition Liners

h. Cracks ("H") are not allowable in or around the c. Buckling ("H") of the trailing edge of a partition
upper and lower stiffeners. is allowable if the displacement does not exceed 3/8 inch
i. Cracks in the fillet and not more than 8 partitions are damaged to the
("J") are not allowable weld
maximum limit. A total of 24 damaged partitions is
between the upper or lower stiffener and thepost.
allowable if the maximum displacement does not exceed
j. The post ("K") may be bent out of its normal 1/8 inch.
position up to a maximum of 3/16 inch. Any bending d. Dents are allowable in the partitions provided they
or buckling of the post in excess of this limit is not
do not exceed 1/16 inch in depth.
e. Ballooning or increase in the thickness of the parti-
4-21. TURBINE NOZZLE DIAPHRAGM. tion contour ("M") if the maximum change does not
4-22. INSPECTION OF TURBINE NOZZLE PARTI exceed 1/4 inch and not more than one partition per
TIONS. Inspect all turbine nozzle partitions for the de section of 8 adjacent partitions is damaged to this maxi-
fects listed below. Refer to figure 4-5. If the partitions mum limit. A total of 24 damaged partitions is allowable
are damaged in excess of the limits given in the follow- if the maximum increase in partition contour does not
ing steps, the engine must be returned to an approved exceed 1/16 inch.
a. Inspect for weakened metal surfaces and for burn. AND OUTER SPACER BANDS. Inspect the inner and
ing away of portions of the blades. These conditions are outer spacer bands for the defècts listed below. The
not allowable. engine must be returned to an approved AMC activity
if the limits given in the following steps are exceeded.
b. Circumferential cracks ("A" and "B") and radial
Refer to figure 4-5.
cracks ("C" and "D") up to one inch in length are
a. Heat check (inter-granular) cracks ("K") are
allowable, including those which terminate at the lead-
allowable on the inner spacer band in any quantity. If
ing or trailing edge or at the inner or outer spacer band.
A maximum of 3 cracks per partition is allowable, pro_ they combine to form one continuous open crack ("L"),
vided the cracks do not approach each other closer than
only one such crack is allowable per section of 8 adja-
3/4 inch, including converging cracks ("E"). Combined cent partitions.
radial and circumferential cracks ("F" and "G") are b. Cracks ("N") in the edge of the inner spacer band
allowable, provided the circumferential crack does not are allowable provided they do not extend beyond a
exceed one inch in length and the radial crack does not line joining the trailing edges of the partition slots.
exceed 1/2 inch in length. No other cracks are allowable Cracks ("P") which extend from the corner of one slot
in partitions which have one combined radial and cir- at the trailing edge to an adjacent partition slot are
cumferential crack. allowable provided there is not more than one such
crack per section of 8 partitions.
Note c. A crack ("Q") is allowable in the weld between a
If all the partitions are damaged by excessive partition and the spacer band, provided its length does
heat checking (inter-granular cracking), the not exceed 50 percent of the weld length around the
engine must be returned to an approved AMC partition contour.
activity, even though no cracks may be vîsible d. Nicks and dents are allowable in the inner spacer
in the partitions. band, provided they do not exceed 1/16 inch in displace-
36 Revised 15 September 1954
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-24 to 4-26

ment and have not started more than one crack per of 1/16 inch in the upper half of area "B" or 1/32 inch in
section of 8 partitions. Nicks and dents are allowable in the lower...half of area "B." No more than 4 dents are
the outer spacer band provided they have not started allowable per bucket.
cracks more than 3/32 inch in length.
exhaust cone removed (paragraph 4-29), inspect the No attempts shall be made to straighten a dent,
rear face of the turbine wheel for scoring in areas where since this may aggravate the injury.
the hub cooling air deflector and the outer deflector on
the exhaust cone may have rubbed. Return the engine to c. Nicks are sharp-edged gouges or furrows with "V"
an approved AMC activity if the turbine wheel is scored. shaped bottoms. Nicks are not allowable.
4-26. INSPECTION OF TURBINE BUCKETS. Inspect d. Inspect the leading and trailing edges of all buckets
the turbine wheel for missing buckets. Inspect buckets for compound or "S" curvature. (See figure 4-7.) If
for the defects listed in the following steps. Return the more than 25 percent of the buckets exhibit compound
engine to an approved AMC activity if the limits given curvature, return the engine to an approved AMC activ-
below are exceeded. ity, since this indicates that the turbine wheel has prob-
a. Cracks are defined as any distinct breaks in the ably been subjected to overtemperature or other adverse
surface or the leading or trailing edge of a bucket. No operating conditions.
cracks are allowable. e. Check all buckets for circumferential tip movement
b. Dents are defined as smooth-edged impressions on (tip shake). Tip shake shall not exceed 0.125 inch. Check
the surface or leading or trailing edge of a bucket, and for axial movement of each bucket dovetail base in its
sudden changes in the contour or the bucket tip leading turbine wheel slot by moving the bucket forward and
or trailing edges. Dents ("E," figure 4-6) in either the aft by hand. The maximum allowable axial movement is
leading or trailing edge may not exceed a displacement 0.010 inch.

1 D

,7' O K P

Figure 4-5. Inspection Limits for Turbine Nozzle Diaphragm

Revised 15 September 1954 37

Section IV
Paragraphs 4-27 to 4-29 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

The buckets are pinned from the forward side
of the wheel in early model engines. For this
kind of turbine wheel construction, the maxi-
mum allowable axial movement is 0.025 inch.
4-27. REPAIR OF TURBINE BUCKETS. It is permis-
sible to repair minor injuries to the turbine buckets if
the injuries are located in a repairable area and the
benching required to remove them will not exceed the
allowable limits
repair given in the following steps.
Refer to figure 4-6.
Do not repair more than 4 injuries in any one
a. Injuries may be benched out in area "A" if a depth
of 0.010 inch and a diameter of 1/8 inch are not exceeded
in the removal of material.
b. Injuries may be benched and blended out in area
"B" if the removal of material does not extend beyond
the limits of area "B" and if not more than 25 percent
of the turbine buckets require such repair.
c. Injuries in area "C" may be benched and blended
out if a depth of 0.020 inch and a diameter of 1/4 inch
are not exceeded in the removal of material.

Repairs on opposite sides of a bucket are not
allowable if they coincide to reduce the cross Figure 4-7. Compound or "S" Curvature in
section of the bucket by more than the maxi- Turbine Bucket
mum depth of one repair.
d. The maximum allowable displacement of a bucket
edge, as indicated at dimension "D," may not exceed 1/32
F F inch at the base half of the bucket length or 1/16 inch
at the tip half.
e. Burring at the tip ends of the buckets, resulting
from shroud ring rub, may be removed. Curling of
C 1 bucket tip corners may be benched out if the rework
does not extend beyond the limits of area "F."
1 total Note

i height Repair of burring, curling, or burning may not

n !/ be done if the damage has been caused by over-
Os temperature operation. (Refer to paragraph
... a. Disconnect the turbine wheel cooling air tube and
the thermocouple lead clamps from the exhaust cone.
F a b. Remove the 80 nuts and bolts which secure the
exhaust cone to the nozzle diaphragm ring on model
I J47-7 and engines, or to the turbine casing on model


1 }47-11, -13, and -15,engines.


Leave a bolt in place at the top centerline until

Figure 4-6. Inspection Limits for Turbine Buckets a strainhas been taken on the exhaust cone.

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Paragraphs 4-30 to 4-31

c. Remove the exhaust cone from the engine. necessitate excessive forcing to assemble the exhaust cone
to the nozzle diaphragm ring or turbine casing at the
CAUTION forward end and to the tail pipe at the aft end. Excessive
forcing may weaken or damage the parts and also
Hold the exhaust cone flange shim (model create gaps which might allow exhaust gas leakage.
J47-7and -9
engines only) and the shroud ring d. Inspect the mounting flanges for nicks and burrs
in place while the exhaust cone is being re. and remove any irregularities with an Arkansas stone.
moved. Damage may result if these parts are e. Inspect for axial shift of the inner cone. Axial shift
allowed to drop. is allowable as long as the specified clearances (Refer-
ence No. 3, 4, and 5, table XIV) will not be exceeded
4-30. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF when the exhaust cone is assembled to the engine. (Refer
EXHAUST CONE. to paragraph 4-31.)
a. Inspect the exhaust cone for cracks in the sheet f. Inspect for radial shift of the inner cone. Radial
metal and welds, for holes burned through it, and for shift is allowable if the inner cone is essentially secure
areas where burning has weakened the metal. These con. and if its outside diameter does not extend into the
ditions are not allowable and require that the exhaust exhaust gas stream.
cone be returned to an approved AMC activity. g. The support rod plates for the fairings in early
b. Examine the exhaust cone outer skin for outward model exhaust conesare secured with 4 round-head
or inward buckling. In shaded area "X" shown on figure rivets instead of the 2 countersunk flat-head rivets used
4-8, maximum allowable buckling (dimension "A") is in later models. If close visual inspection reveals that
1/4 inch, provided dimension "B" is a minimum of 6 any of the round-head rivets are sheared off or are
times dimension "A." In shaded area "Y," maximum about to fail, return the exhaust cone to an approved
allowable buckling is 3/8 inch, with dimension "B" a overhaul activity.
minimum of 6 times dimension "A." The maximum 4-31. CLEARANCE CHECK BETWEEN EXHAUST
allowable buckling in the unshaded area is 3/4 inch, CONE AND TURBINE ROTOR.
provided dimension "B" is a minimum of 6 times dimen a. On model J47-7and engines, install the exhaust

sion "A-" cone flange shim.

c. Inspect the front and rear mounting flanges for b. Place the exhaust cone to turbine wheel clearance
distortion. Distortion is allowable only if it will not gage, Tool No. IC984, over the turbine rotor wheel






Figure 4-8. Inspection Limits for Exhaust Cone

Section IV
Paragraph 4-32 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

hub and fasten it to the nozzle diaphragm ring or tur-

bine casing with the 4 knurled finger screws. (See figure
4-9.) Make certain the gage is seated on the flange of
unozzle diaphragm ring or turbine casing all the way

c. Adjust all the knurled screws until they touch the

turbine rotor and lock the screws in position. 2
d. Place the exhaust cone in a vertical position, aft
end down. Remove the gage from the turbine wheel and
place it on the front flange of the exhaust cone with the
knurled heads of the screws next to the exhaust cone
and the points facing up. The positions of the screw
heads represent the contour of the turbine rotor near
the exhaust cone air baffles.

e. Measure the clearances between the knurled screw

heads and the edges of the inner exhaust cone and the
air bafnes. These represent the clearances between the
exhaust cone and turbine rotor, and must be within the
specified limits (Reference No. 3, 4, and 5, table XIV).

f. If any of the clearances obtained in step "e" above

are excessive, the exhaust cone shall be returned to an
approved AMC activity. If any clearances fall below the
specified limits, however, the edges of the inner cone
and air bafnes may be ground down uniformly to obtain
the proper clearance all around.

Figure 4--10. Turbine Rotor and Exhaust Cone



a. When the exhaust cone axial clearances are within
limits, install the shroud ring on the exhaust cone flange
shim or the turbine nozzle rabbet. If necessary, the
shroud ring may be heated uniformly to approximately
82°C (180°F) in order to permit assembly.
b. Place 4 strips of 0.070- to 0.080-inch feeler gage
stock or shim stock 10 inches long between the tips of 4
equally spaced turbine buckets and the shroud ring.
c. Install the exhaust cone over the shroud ring and
fasten the mating flanges tightly together with 4 or 5
bolts and nuts placed opposite each piece of shim or
feeler stock. Take theradial bucket tip clearance (Ref-
erence No. 1, table XIV) by reaching through the ex-
haust cone.
d. When the bucket tip clearance falls within the
specified limits, install the remaining bolts and nuts
and torque all nuts to the value given in table XVII.
Figure 4-9. Clearance Gage installed over e. Remove the feeler or shim stock and recheck the
Turbine Wheel bucket tip
clearance in at least 8 equally spaced positions.

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-33 to 4-34


Clearance (in.)
Reference Figure 4-10
No. Index No. Description Direction Min Max Replace

1 1 Turbine bucket tips to shroud Radial

At every single point:
Installation of same or
replacement shroud
ring 0.045 0.140
After engine operation,
with all parts at
ambient temperature 0.030 0.140
Average of at least 4
equally spaced points 0.058 --

2 2 Turbine rotor to turbine nozzle

diaphragm inner spacer
band edge Axial 0.400 0.614

3 3 Turbine rotor to inner exhaust

cone outer edge Axial 0.130 0.408 0.125-0.500

4 4 Turbine rotor to inner exhaust

cone outer baffle Axial 0.307 0.644 0.300-0.844

5 5 Turbine rotor to inner exhaust

cone inner baffle Axial 0.344 1.258 0.340-1.455

f. Reconnect the thermocouple lead clamps and the e. Cut the lockwire and remove the 2 bolts and wash-
turbine wheel cooling air tube to the exhaust cone. ers securing the fuel control valve to the web in the 7
4-33. POWER TAKE-OFF ASSEMBLY. o'clock position. Disconnect the lines and remove the
fuel control valve.
4-34. REMOVAL OF POWER TAKE-OFF f. Use a short screwdriver to remove the bolts and
ASSEMBLY. nuts which secure the sections of the air inlet screen
a. Disconnect the clamp holding the fire extinguisher assembly. Remove the Marman clamp (on engines which
tube. incorporate the forward-sloping air inlet screens) and
b. On model J47-7and engines,
-13disconnect the remove the screens.
breather line from the reducer on the hydraulic pump g. On J47-7
and engines,
-13 remove the 9 screws
drive gear case assembly. On ]47-13 engines with serial which secure the hydraulic pump drive gear case assem-
No. 046927 and above, disconnect the lube oil lines for bly to the power take-off assembly. Lift off the hydraulic
the PTO scavenge pump. pump drive gear case. If present, remove the PTO scav-
c. Remove the 2 bolts and washers which secure the enge pump after removing 3 bolts and washers.
regulator oil filter and orifice and bracket to the web in h. On J47-9and -15
engines, remove the 9 screws
the 2 o'clock position. Disconnect the lines and remove which secure the alternator pad assembly and lift off
the regulator oil filter and orifice. the assembly from the power take-off assembly.
d. Cut the lockwire and remove the bolts and washers i. On J47-11and -19
engines, remove the 6 screws
securing the fuel filter at the 3 o'clock position. Discon- and remove the accessory support mount from the power
nect the lines and remove the fuel filter. take-off assembly.

Revised 15 September 1954 41

Section IV
Paragraphs 4-35 to 4-46 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

Remove the 4 island guide assemblies. starter-generator or starter and secure it with 6 washers
k. Remove 9 screws and remove the power take-off and self-locking nuts. Connect the leads and secure with
assembly from the accessory drive gear box. twisted lockwire.
a. Secure the power assembly to the take-off blocks TACHOMETER-GENERATOR.
on the accessory drive gear box with 9 screws. Lockwire a. Remove the hydraulic pump drive gear case (}47-7
each screw to a rivet located on the outer surface of the and alternator
-13), pad assembly ()47-9 and or -15),

power take-off assembly. accessory support mount (}47-11 and according to -19)

the 4 island guide assemblies.

b. Install the instructions in paragraph 4-34.
c. On }47-13 engines with serial No. 046927 and b. Disconnect the electrical connection at the tach-
.above, install the PTO scavenge pump to the hydraulic ometer-generator.
pump drive gear case. c. Cut the lockwire, remove the 4 nuts and washers,
d. On J47-7and engines, install the hydraulic
and remove the tachometer-generator from the main
pump drive gear case to the power take-off assembly, lube pump.
engaging the pin in the shaft housing with the slot in Note
the rear cap of the hydraulic pump drive gear case. It
The tachometer-generator cable support clamp
may be necessary to turn the pinion in order to engage
is secured by one of the tachometer-generator
the s lines of the ower take-off shaft. Secure the assem-
mounting nuts.
bly with 9 screws.
e. On J47-9and engines, secure the alternator
pad d. Replace the tachometer-generator in the reverse
assembly to the power take-off assembly with 9 screws. order of removal, using a new gasket.
Follow the procedure given in step "d" above· 4--41. IGNITION UNITS (MODEL J47-7, -9, -11, -13,

f. On }47-11 and engines, secure the accessory



support mount to the power take-off assembly with 6 4-42. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF
g. Install the sections of the air inlet screen assembly
a. Disconnect the leads from the ignition units.
and secure them with bolts and nuts and the Marman
clamp, if provided. b. Remove 4 screws from each housing and remove
the 2 housing assemblies.
h. Install the fuel control valve, the fuel filter, and
the regulator oil filter and orifice in the reverse order of c. To remove each ignition unit, remove 4 bolts and
removal and lockwire the bolts. Connect all fuel and washers. Remove ignition unit, 4 insulating washers, the
lube oil hoses to their proper ports. ignition unit shield, and 4 spacers from the compressor
stator casing.
i. On J47-13engines serial No. 046927 and with
above, connect the lube oil lines for the PTO scavenge d. Replace the ignition units in the reverse order of
pump. On all }47-7 and engines, connect the breather
line to the reducer on the hydraulic pump drive gear 4-43. TRANSFORMERS (MODEL }47-19 ENGINES).
case assembly· 4-44. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF
Connect the clamp which secures the fire extin- TRANSFORMERS.
guisher tube. a. Disconnect the electrical leads from each trans-
SYSTEM COMPONENTS. b. Remove screws and washers and remove the trans-
former shrouds.
c. To remove each transformer, remove 4 nuts, 2
4-38. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF transformer clamping plates, and 4 mounting spacers.
d. Replace the transformers in the reverse order of
a. Remove the power take-off assembly (paragraph removal.
b. Tag each lead and its corresponding connection in 4-46. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF
order to insure identical reassembly. Disconnect all leads.
c. Before removing the mounting nuts, take the strain a. Disconnect the electrical cables from the junction
by using a lifting sling or by having a second man sup-
port the starter-generator or starter. Remove 6 self-
b. To remove the junction box from the compressor
locking nuts and 6 washers and remove the starter- front frame, remove 4 internal-wrenching bolts and 4
generator or starter· washers.
d. Before replacingthe starter-generator or starter, c. Replace the junction box in the reverse order of
install a new gasket on the mounting pad. Install the removal.

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Paragraphs 4-47 to 4-57

4-47. IGNITER PLUGS. c. Disconnect the lube oil hoses from the main lube
IGNITER PLUGS. d. Note the method of lockwiring and then cut the
a. To remove the igniter plugs, disconnect the leads lockwire from the bolts which secure the main lube
and remove the 2 screws which secure each igniter plug pump to the accessory drive gear box. Remove the 4
to the outer combustion chamber, Remove the igniter bolts and washers and remove the main lube pump.
plugs and gaskets. e. Install the tachometer-generator on the replace-
Note ment main lube pump. The electrical connection must
J47-19engine, dual-electrode be directly forward of a point located between the inlet
In all except the
and outlet ports of the pump. The tachometer-generator
igniter plugs are used, and are located in the
mounting nut which is located in front of the lube
No. 2 and 7 combustion chambers. In J47-19
pump outlet port should be left loose until the
engines, 4 single-electrode igniter plugs are
tachometer-generator cable support clamp is installed.
used, 2 each m the No. 3 and 7 combustion
f. Install the main lube pump to the accessory drive
gear box, using a new gasket if necessary. Secure the
b. Replace the igniter plugs in the reverse order of cable and its support clamp to the tachometer-generator.
removal. g. Tighten the main lube pump mounting bolts and
4--49. CLEANING AND INSPECTION OF safety them in pairs with twisted lockwire.
a. Clean all oil and grease from the threads and ex- VALVE.
posed parts of the igniter plugs, using a soft bristle 4-53. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF OIL
brush dipped in cleaning solvent, Federal Specification COOLER AND BYPASS AND RELIEF
P-S-661. Dry with compressed air- VALVE.
b. Install the plugs in a blast cleaning machine and a. Disconnect the lube and fuel lines at the oil cooler.
blast clean according to the regular operating instruc¯
b. Remove 4 bolts and washers to remove the oil
tions for the machme. Remove the plugs and wash
cooler from the lower half of the compressor stator
them thoroughly in the cleaning solvent. Dry with com-
pressed air.
c. The bypass and relief valve may be removed from
c. Inspect the porcelain to see if it is cracked or .

the oil cooler by removing the bolts and nuts or bolts

broken. Inspect the electrodes for pitting and erosion.
and washers which secure it.
Replace damaged or eroded igniter plugs.
d. Replacement is the reverse of removal.
Use new
d. Check for a spark gap of 0.090 to 0.110 inch on
dual-electrode igniter plugs. If resetting is necessary, set packing or gaskets if the bypass and relief
valve was
removed from the oil cooler. Be sure to connect the fuel
the gap at 0.095 to 0.105 inch. and lube oil lines to their correct ports.
e. Check for an electrode length of 4-9/32 to 4-11/32
inches on single-electrode

igniter plugs, measuring from

the bottom surface of the mounting flange to the tip. 4-55. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF AFT
Replace the igniter plugs if the electrode length does SCAVENGE PUMP.
not fall within the specified limits- a. To remove the aft scavenge pump, it is necessary to
remove the No. 4 and 5 combustion chambers. (Refer to
paragraph 4-16.)
When the single-electrode igniter plugs are in-
stalled, the gap between the 2 electrodes in b. Disconnect the scavenge oil tube and remove the 3
each combustion chamber should be 3/8 to 1/2 bolts and washers which secure the pump to the com-
inch. pressor rear frame. Remove the aft scavenge pump and
its gasket.
4-50. MAINTENANCE OF LUBRICATION SYSTEM c. Replace the scavenge pump in the reverse order of
COMPONENTS. removal.
MAIN LUBE PUMP· Before final tightening of the mounting bolts,
a. Remove the hydraulic pump drive gear case (J47-7 turn the compressor rotor by hand to insure
and -13),
alternator pad assembly (J47-9and -15), or proper mating of the pump drive gear.
accessory support mount and (J47-11 -19) according to
the instructions in paragraph 4-34. 4-56. POWER TAKE-OFF SCAVENGE PUMP
b. Disconnect the electrical connection at the
tachometer-generator. The tachometer-generator may be 4-57. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OP POWER
removed either before or after the main lube pump is TAKE-OFF SCAVENGE PUMP. Removal and replace-
removed from the accessory drive gear box, Refer to ment of the PTO scavenge pump is covered in paragraphs
paragraph 4-40. 4-34 and 4-35.

Section IV T.O. No. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 4-58 to 4-62

4-58. REGULATOR OIL FILTER AND ORIFICE sary, use a brush to clean the parts thoroughly. Allow
(HYDRO-AIRE MODEL 3856). the parts to drain and dry them with a lint-free cloth.
4-59. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF REGU. b. Clean the element assembly with a soft hair brush
LATOR OIL FILTER AND OlfIFICE. Removal and dipped in the cleaning solvent.
replacement of the regulator oil filter and orifice is cov- c. Blow dry compressed air through the element as-
ered in paragraphs 4-34 and 4-35. sembly from the center forward.
AND ORIFICE. (See figure 4-11.) AND ORIFICE. (See figure 4-11.)
a. Remove the self-locking out (2) and washer (3), a. Reassemble the element assembly to the body by
and take the body assembly (14) and element assembly assembling the bolt (5) and "O" ring packing (15) to
(9) from the bowl (1). the body assembly (14). Install the element assembly
b. Remove the spring (7), washer (3), and "O" ring (9), seal (8), "O" ring packing (4), and washer (3) on
packing (4) from the bowl. the bolt (5). Secure with cotter pin (6).
c. Remove the cotter pin (6) from the bolt (5), and b. If the "O" ring packing (13) has been removed,
remove the washer (3) and "O" ring packing (15) from install it on the bowl (1).
the body assembly (14). c. Assemble the spring (7), washer (3), and "O" ring
4-61. CLEANING REGULATOR OIL FILTER AND packing (4) to the bolt (5).
ORIFICE. d. Assemble the bowl (1) to the entire assembly and
a. Immerse all parts except the element assembly in secure with the self-locking nut (2) and washer (3).
cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-S-661. If neces- Torque the nut (Reference No. 27, table XVII).



1. Bowl 4. "O" Ring Packing 7. Spring 10. Clip 13. "O" Ring Packing
2. Self-locking Nut 5. Bolt 8. Seal 11. Spacer 14. Body Assembly
3. Washer 6. Cotter Pin 9. Element Assembly 12. Disc Assembly 15. "O" Ring Packing

Figure 4-11. Regulator Oil Filter and Orifice, Hydro-Aire Model 3856

44 Revised 15 September 1954

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-62A to 4-65
4-62A. REGULATOR OIL FILTER AND ORIFICE b. Screw the strainer assembly (7) into the body and
(AIR-MAZE MODELS OS12223B, OS12223F, torque to 40-50 lb in.
and OS12223G). c. Assemble the washer (4), filter packs (3), retainer
4-62B. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF REG- cup (2), and nut (6) on the strainer assembly. Torque
ULATOR OIL FILTER AND ORIFICE. Same as for the nut to 10-15 lb in. and secure with the cotter pin (5).
Hydro-Aire Model 3856. Refer to paragraphs 4-34 and d. Screw the sump (1) on to the body (9) and torque
4-35. to 10-14 lb ft.
TER AND ORIFICE. (See figure 4-11A.)
a. Cut the lockwire and unscrew the sump (1) from
the body (9).
. a. Disconnect the lube hose assemblies from the main
b. Remove the cotter pin (5), nut (6), retainer cup
lube filter.
(2), filter packs (3), and washer (4).
b. Remove the 4 bolts and washers which secure the
c. Unscrew the strainer assembly (7) from the body main lube filter to the lower half of the compressor
(9)· stator casing and remove the filter.
d. Remove and discard the "O" ring (8)· c. Replacement of the main lube filter is accomplished
4-62D. CLEANING OF REGULATOR OIL FILTER in the reverse order of removal.
AND ORIFICE. Same as for Hydro-Aire Model 3856. 4-65. DISASSEMBLY OF MAIN LUBE FILTER.
Refer to paragraph 4-61. (See figure 4-12.)
4-62E. ASSEMBLY OF REGULATOR OIL FILTER a. Cut the lockwire that secures the sleeve nut (4) and
AND ORIFICE. (See figure 4-11A.) remove the sleeve nut. Remove the packing (1) from
a. Install a new "O" ring (8) on the body (9). the sleeve nut.


1. Sump 4. Washer 7. Strainer

2. Retainer Cup 5. Cotter Pin 8. "O" Ring
3. Filter Pack 6. Nut 9. Body

Figure 4-11A. Regulator Oil Fifter and Orifice, Air-Maze Model 05122238, OS12223F, and OS12223G

Revised 15 September 1954 44A

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-66 to 4-70

b. Remove the cover (2) and gasket (3) from the b. Place the relief valve spring (8) over the stud (7).
body (11). c. Place the relief valve (6) over the stud.
c. Unscrew the seal nut (10) and remove the relief
sva e sea8) (5), the relief valve (6), and the relief valve

d. Remove the cartridge assembly (9). The relief valve must be inserted with the pro-
4-66. CLEANING MAIN LUBE FILTER. jecting collar down.
a. Dip all parts except the cartridge assembly and the
d. Place the relief valve seat (5) over the relief valve
gasket in cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-S-661. .

with the recessed surface upward.

If necessary, use a brush in order to clean the parts
thoroughly. Allow the parts to drain and dry them e. Place the seal nut (10) on the stud so that the pro-
with a lint-free cloth.
jecting sleeve of the seal nut fits into the center opening
of the relief valve seat (5). Turn the seal nut down until
the valve seat bears firm1 on the center section of the
filter cartridge. Torque the seal nut (Reference No. 21,
part table XVII).
Do not use a wire brush on any of the
filter. f. Install the gasket (3) in the recess in the body (11).
Place the cover (2) on the body. Replace the packing
b. Blow through the openings in the cover with dry (1), and secure it with the sleeve nut (4). Torque the
compressed air· sleeve nut (Reference No. 22, table XVII).
c. Clean the cartridge assembly with a soft hair brush
dipped in the cleaning solvent. 4-68. MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEM
d. Blow through the cartridge assembly from the cen_ COMPONENTS.
ter outward with dry compressed air. 4-69. FUEL CONTROL VALVE.
(See figure 4-12.) CONTROL VALVE. The removal and replacement pro-
a. Insert the cartridge assembly (9) in the body (11) cedure for the fuel control valve is given in paragraphs
so that it seats evenly in the circular groove. 4-34 and 4-35.

11 (

1. Packing 3. Gasket 5. Relief Valve Seat 8. Relief Valve Spring 10. Seal Nut
2. Cover 4. Sleeve Nut 6. Relief Valve 9. Cartridge Assembly 11. Body
7. Stud

Figure 4-12. Main Lube Filter

Revised 15 September 1954 45

Section IV T.O. No. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 4-71 to 4-75C

03S12166 and 03S12166D).
(See figure 4-13.)
OF FUEL a. Reassemble the cartridge assembly by alternately
FILTER. The removal and replacement procedure for installing a filter pack (3) and a spacer (4) on the center
the fuel filter is given in paragraphs 4-34 and 4-35. tube assembly (8). Secure with the retainer cup (7),
tabwasher (6), and nut (5). Torque the nut (Reference
No. 29, table XVII).
(See figure 4-13.)
a. Unscrew the sump (1) from the head assembly (14). b. Install the "O" ring (9) in the head assembly and
Unscrew the cartridge assembly (2) and remove the "O" screw the cartridge assembly (2) onto the head assem-
ring (9). bly. Torque the cartridge assembly (Reference No. 28,
b. Dissassemble the cartridge assembly in the follow. table XVII).
ing way: remove the nut (5), tabwasher (6), and
c. Screw the sump (1) onto the head assembly. Use
retamer cup (7). Remove the filter packs (3) and the anti-seize compound, Specification MIL-C-5544, on the
spacers (4).
sump threads. Torque the filter sump (Reference No. 30,
a. Immerse all parts except the filter packs in cleaning
solvent, Federal Specification P-S-661. If necessary, use a 4-75A. FUEL FILTER (HYDRO-AIRE
brush to clean the parts thoroughly. Allow the parts to MODEL 3638A).
drain and dry them with a lint-free cloth.
OF T2E1 IS) ReefeartforpaAir-Ma 4Mod4elsd034S125166and

Do not use a wire brush on any part of the fuel 4--75C. DISASSEMBLY OF FUEL FILTER.
filter. (See figure 4-13A.)
b. Clean the filter packs with a soft hair brush dipped a. Remove the lockwire and unscrew the nut (6) from
in the cleaning solvent. the bolt (8) and remove the washer (7).

c. Blow through all filter parts with dry compressed b. Remove the bowl (10) and detach the ring (11)
air. from the body assembly (20).


1. Sump 4. Spacer 7. Retainer Cup 9. "O" Ring 12. Relief Valve Seat
2. Cartridge Assembly 5. Nut 8. Center Tube Assembly 10. Relief Valve 13. Insert
3. Filter Pack 6. Tabwasher 11. Relief Valve Spring 14. Head Assembly

Figure 4-13. Fuel Filter, Air-Maze Models 03512166 and 03S1266D

46 Revised 15 September 1954

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-75D to 4-77

c. Remove the ring (12), washer (13), spring (14), 4-75E. ASSEMBLY OF FUEL FILTER.
washer (15) and ring (16) from the bolt (8). a. Assemble the relief valve in the filter body assembly
as shown in figure 4-13A (index No. 1 through 5).
d. Withdraw the cotter pin (9), and remove the seal
(17) and ring (21) from the bolt (8). b. Install the ring (21) on the bolt (8) and install the
separat- bolt and ring in the body assembly (20).
e. Disassemble the filter element assembly by
ing the 8 elements (19) and the 7 spacers (18), and c. Assemble the 8 elements (19) and the 7 spacers
remove the spacers and elements from the bolt. (18) on the bolt (8) and install the seal (17) and the
cotter pin (9) on the bolt.
d. Install the ring (16), washer (15), spring (14),
Filter element assemblies equipped with clips washer (13),-and ring (12) on the bolt.
will have the clips removed and classified un-
serviceable. No new clips will be installed. e. Assemble the bowl (10) to the body assembly (20)
making sure the bowl is seated properly and is not pinch-
f. Remove the bolt (8) from the body assembly (20).
ing the ring, and install the washer (7) and the nut (6)
on the bolt. Torque to 300-350 lb in.
g. Remove the relief valve assembly by unscrewing
the cap (1) and detaching the ring (2), washer 4-76. STOPCOCK.
spring (4), and poppet assembly (5), from the body 4-77. REMOVAL OF STOPCOCK.
assembly (20).
a. Remove the hydraulic pump drive gear case (J47-7
4--75D. CLEANING OF FUEL FILTER. Same as for and alternator
pad assembly and (J47-9 -15), or
Air-Maze Models 03S12166 and 03S12166D. Refer to accessory support mount and (J47-11
according -19) to
paragraph 4-74. the instructions given in paragraph 4-34.


19 14 i -' \
20 15

23 22 4

1. Cap 6. Nut 11. Ring 14. Spring 19. Element Assembly

2. Ring 7. Washer 12. Ring 15. Washer 20. Body Assembly
3. Washer 8. Bolt 13. Washer 16. Ring 21. Ring
4. Spring 9. Pin 17. Seal 22. Nameplate
5. Poppet Assembly 10. Bowl 18. Spacer 23. Screw

Figure 4-13A. Fuel Filter, Hydro-Aire Model 3638A

Revised 15 September 1954 46A

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-78 to 4-84

b. Disconnect the stopcock control clevis from the b. Connect the lines to the main fuel regulator and
stopcock. Disconnect the control lever rod and the stop. tighten the fittings. The main fuel regulator mounting
cock lever rod from the clevis and remove the clevis. nuts may now be tightened.
c. Tag all stopcock hoses and their corresponding fit- c. Install the regulator control clevis on the main fuel
tings to insure identical reassembly. Disconnect the hose regulator manual control shaft. The stopcock lever rod
lines. should still be attached to this clevis.
d. Install the stopcock on the main fuel regulator
d. Cut the lockwire and remove the stopcock from the
according to the instructions in paragraph 4-78.
main fuel regulator after removing 2 bolts and washers.
e. Adjust the stopcock and main fuel regulator con-
After noting their position, remove the fittings from the
trol linkage according to the instructions in paragraph
4-94. On model }47-11, and engines, adjust the

4-78. REPLACEMENT OF STOPCOCK. linkage control pointer (paragraph 4-95) if necessary.

a. Install the hose fittings on the replacement stop- f. Replace the hydraulic pump drive gear case (J47-7
cock but do not tighten them. Secure the stopcock to the and -13),
alternator pad assembly (J47-9and or -15),

main fuel regulator with 2 bolts and washers. accessory support mount (J47-11 and according to -19)

the instructions in paragraph 4-35.

b. Connect all hose lines to their proper fittings and 4-82. MAIN AND EMERGENCY FUEL PUMPS.
tighten the fittings. After the hoses are connected and
the fittings tightened, secure the mounting bolts with Note
twisted lockwire· The emergency fuel pump is not used on model
c. Install the stopcock control clevis on the spline of ]47-11, and
-15, engines, since these do not

the stopcock shaft. If the old clevis does not fit, select incorporate an emergency fuel system.
one that does. Connect the control lever rod and the
stopcock lever rod to the clevis.
d. Adjust the stopcock and main fuel regulator con-
trol linkage according to the instructions in paragraph Note
4---94. On model }47-11, and engines, adjust the
-19 The removal and replacement procedures are
linkage control pointer according to the instructions in identical for the main and emergency fuel
paragraph 4-95. pumps, except that the 2 pumps are mounted at
e. Replace the hydraulic pump drive gear case different locations on the accessory drive gear
(J47-7and box and are connected to different fuel hose
alternator pad assembly (J47-9and
-15), or accessory support mount (J47-11and -19)
ac- assemblies.

cording to the instructions in paragraph 4-35- a. Remove the hydraulic pump drive gear case (J47-7
and alternator
-13), pad assembly (J47-9and -15), or
accessory support mount ]47-11 and -19) according to
4-80. REMOVAL OF MAIN FUEL REGULATOR. the instructions given in paragraph 4-34.
a. Remove the hydraulic pump drive gear case (J47-7 b. Disconnect all fuel hoses to the pump after first
and alternator
-13) pad assembly (J47-9and -15),
or tagging them to insure identical reassembly. Leave the
accessory support mount and (J47-11 -19) according to fittings in place on the pump.
the instructions given in paragraph 4-34. c. Remove 4 self-locking nuts and washers and re-
move the pump and its gasket from the accessory drive
b. Remove the stopcock from the main fuel regulator gear box. Note the position of the hose fittings before
according to the instructions in paragraph 4--77.
removing them from the pump.
c. Disconnect the regulator control clevis from the 4-84. REPLACEMENT OF MAIN OR EMERGENCY
main fuel regulator manual control shaft and remove FUEL PUMP.
the clevis and the rod attached to it•
a. Install the hose fittings on the replacement pump
d. Disconnect the lines from the main fuel regulator but do not tighten them yet.
after tagging them to insure identical reassembly. b. Mount the pump at the proper mounting pad on
e. Remove the main fuel regulator from the accessory the accessory drive gear box. Use a new gasket, and
drive gear boxafter removing 4 self-locking nuts and 4 secure the pump with 4 washers and 4 self-locking nuts.
washers. Remove the main fuel regulator gasket. Do not tighten the nuts at this time.
c. Connect the fuel hoses to their proper fittings and
tighten all connections. mounting nuts may be
REGULATOR· tightened after the fuel hose connections are secured.
a. Mount the replacement main fuel regulator on the d. Replace the hydraulic pump drive gear case (J47-7
accessory drive gear box. Use a new gasket, and secure and -13),
alternator pad assembly (J47-9and -15), or
the regulator with 4 washers and 4 self-locking nuts. Do accessory support mount (J47-11and according
-19) to
not tighten the nuts at this time. the instructions in paragraph 4-35.

Revised 1 January 1955 47

Section IV T.O. 2J-J47-1
Paragraphs 4-85 to 4-94

| 4-85. EMERGENCY FUEL REGULATOR (MODEL b. Secure the regulator to the mounting brackets on
J47-7, AND
the compressor front frame with 3 bolts, washers, and
TEM RECOVERY TIME. If emergency fuel system re- c. Attach the emergency control clamp to the manual
covery time exceeds 3 seconds, as determined according shaft assembly with a bolt, washer, nut, and a new cotter
to the procedure given in paragraph 1---76, replace the pin. Do not bend the cotter pin until the linkage has
bleed plug in the emergency fuel regulator with the plug been adjusted.
of the next smaller diameter. Table XV lists the part d. Connect the fuel hoses to their proper fittings on
numbers and diameters of the bleed plugs supplied. Use the emergency fuel regulator and tighten the fittings.
new packing whenever the bleed plug is replaced. Re. Make the electrical connection to the solenoid mounted
check recovery time after the bleed plug is replaced. If on the regulator.
necessary, repeat the procedure, using the next smaller e. Adjust the emergency fuel regulator control link-
bleed plug, until recovery time is within limits. age according to the instructions in paragraph 4-96.
Do not attem t to obtain the absolute min- . .

a. Disconnect the fuel hoses at the flow divider after

imum recovery time (less than 3 seconds) be-
tagging them to insure identical reassembly.
cause unstable operation of the emergency fuel
regulator, as indicated by a violent fluctuation
b. Remove 2 bolts and washers and remove the flow

in fuel pressure and/or flow, may result. If un- divider from the lower half of the compressor stator
stable operation does occur, a bleed plug of
larger diameter should be installed. If this does c. Replace the flow divider in the reverse order of
not provide satisfactory recovery time and sta_ removal.
ble operation, replace the emergency fuel regu- 4-91. FUEL NOZZLES.
a. Disconnect the large and small slot fuel manifold
connections at the fuel nozzles.
Part No. Diameter (in.) b. To remove each fuel nozzle, remove 8 bolts and
washers and the large slot fuel manifold support clamp.
8734-1 0.1579 to 0:1581 Remove the fuel nozzle and the fuel nozzle cover gasket.
8734-2 0.1569 to 0.1571
8734-3 0.1564 to 0.1566
8734-4 0.1559 to 0.1561 Each fuel nozzle fits into a hole in the inner
8734-5 0.1554 to 0.1556 combustion chamber. Use care in working the
8734-6 0.1549 to 0.1551 nozzle loose to prevent damage to the nozzle
4-87. REMOVAL OF EMERGENCY FUEL c. Cover all openings with suitable caps.
d. Replace the fuel nozzles in the reverse order of
a. Disconnect all fuel hoses at the emergency fuel reg- removal. Use new fuel nozzle cover gaskets.
ulator after first tagging them to insure identical reas-
sembly. Leave the fittings in place on the regulator. Dis¯
connect the electrical connection from the solenoid
mounted on the emergency fuel regulator.
b. To disconnect the emergency control linkage, re-
(See figure 4-14.)
move the cotter pin, nut, washer, and bolt, and remove
a. The control lever rod (1) extends between the
the emergency control clamp from the manual shaft
stopcock control clevis (3) and the control shaft clevis
assembly on the emergency fuel regulator.
(6). Make sure that the control shaft clevis points in the
c. Remove 3 bolts, washers, and nuts, and remove the
same general direction as the regulator control clevis (4).
emergency fuel regulator from the brackets on the com-
b. Adjust the length of the control lever rod so that
pressor front frame. Note the position of the hose fittmgs
the distance between the center of the hole in the outer
and remove them from the regulator. for-
forIrof the control shaft clevis and the machined
4-88. REPLACEMENT OF EMERGENCY FUEL ward face of the gear case is 1.095 to 1.125 inches.
REGULATOR. c. Adjust the bearing at the end of the control lever
a. Install the hose fittings on the emergency fuel regu- rod so that there will be no binding or interference with
lator but do not tighten them. the control shaft clevis in the idle speed position, and

48 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-95 to 4-96

no slippage past center in the high speed position. regulator will be opened approximately 3 degrees when
Tighten the locking nuts (8). the stopcock is closed. On engines equipped with a
No. VS2-6900-F4 or -FS main fuel regulator and a No.
Note 8482486 stopcock, shorten the length of the stopcock
If necessary, the 2 control shaft rod end bear lever rod by 6 turns, opening the regulator approxi-
ings should be shimmed to make a snug but naately 6 degrees. Reconnect the stopcock lever rod to
movable fit in the bearing mountings. The con- the clevis from which it was detached and tighten the
trol shaft should rotate freely in the bearings locking nuts (8).
d. Rotate the shaft clockwise
stopcock to the full_ Note
closed position. Loosen the stopcock control clevis and The thread engagement at both ends of the
rod should be equal within 1/8 inch after all
position it on the stopcock shaft so that the centerline of
the clevis makes an angle of 36 to 46 degrees with the adjustments are completed. This also applies
mounting surface of the gear case when a closing torque to the control lever rod.
of approximately 20 lb in. is applied. Tighten the clevis h. The high speed stop may be changed by turning
at this position. the screw on the No. 4 island cover in or out. One turn
e. Rotate the main fuel regulator manual control shaft of the screw is equivalent to approximately 75 (0.94per-
(7) counterclockwise to the full-closed position. Loosen cent) rpm.
the regulator control clevis and position it on the manual Note
control shaft so that the centerline of the clevis makes Do not reset the high speed stop screw unless
an angle of 38 to 48 degrees with the mounting surface testing after service (paragraph 4-99) indi-
of the gear case. Tighten the clevis at this position- cates that 100 percent rpm is not available on
f. Adjust the length of the stopcock lever rod (2) the main fuel system or is exceeded.
between the stopcock control clevis and the regulator 4-95. ADJUSTMENT OF LINKAGE CONTROL
control clevis so that when the stopcock is closed with a
POINTER (MODEL ]47-11, AND-15, -19

torque of 20 lb in., the main fuel regulator is also closed.

ENGINES). (See figure 4-15.)
g. Disconnect one end of the stopcock lever rod. On a. Check that the 2 bolts which secure the graduated
engines equipped with a No. VS2-6900-G5 or -G6 main stopcock and regulator escutcheon plate (8) to the No.
fuel regulator and a No. 8992757 or 9482366 stopcock, 4 island cover are centered in the plate slots. Loosen the
shorten the rod length by 2 turns, so that the main fuel bolts and adjust the plate if necessary.
Stopcock Shaft in b. Rotate the control shaft counterclockwise to the
Full Closed Position
full-closed position of the stopcock.
c. Loosen the linkage control pointer (7) which
engages the high speed stop on the No. 4 island cover.
On engines with a No. VS2-6900-G5 or -G6 main fuel
regulator, position the pointer on the control shaft so
that the centerline through the section which engages
the high speed stop makes an angle of 75 to 85 degrees
(angle "X") with the forward flange of the compressor
front frame. On engines equipped with a No, VS2-6900-
F4 er -F5 main fuel regulator, angle "X" should be 70 to
80 degrees. In both cases, the pointer itself should be in
the approximate center of the "OFF" sector of the
escutcheon olate.
41 5
d. The high speed stop may be changed by turning
the screw on the No. 4 island cover in or out. One turn
of the screw is equivalent to approximately 75 (0.94
e percent) rpm.
1.1 10 i Gear Case -
Forward Face

Do not reset the high speed stop screw unless

testing after service (paragraph 4-99) indi-
1. Control Lever Rod
2. Stopcock Lever Rod cates that 100 percent rpm is not available or is
3. Stopcock Control Clevis exceeded.
4. Regulator Control Clevis
7. Main Fuel Regulator Manual Control Shaft (MODEL J47-7, AND -9,

8. Locking Nuts
(See figure 4-15.)
Figure 4-14. Stopcock and Main Fuel Regulator a. Check that the 2 bolts which secure the graduated
Control Linkage stopcock and regulator escutcheon plate (8) to the No.
Revised 1 January 1955 49
Section IV T.O. 2J-J47-1

4 island cover are centered in the plate slots. Loosen the 3

bolts and adjust the plate if necessary. 5 I

b. Rotate the control shaft counterclockwise to the 8

full-closed position of the stopcock. Remove the emer- 100•
gency control rod (6) with its rod end bearings from the s 6
arward frame
linkage assembly•
2 X
c. Loosen the stopcock and regulator pointer(7) and
the emergency control clevis (1) which engages the high
speed stop on the No. 4 island. On engines with a No. Position of adjust-
VS2-6900-G5 or -G6 main fuel regulator, position the oble clevis when emer-
emergency control clevis on the control shaft so that its
geno t is
scontrol sehnaf
centerline makes an angle of 75 to 85 degrees (angle
"X") with the forward flange of the compressor front
frame. On engines with a No. VS2-6900-F4 or -F5 main
fuel regulator, angle "X" should be 70 to 80 degrees. In
both cases, the pointer should be in the approximate
center of the "OFF" sector of the escutcheon plate.
Control shoft rotated
Tighten the pointer and the clevis· counterciockwise to full
d. Rotate the emergency fuel regulator manual shaft closed position of stopcock .

(2) counterclockwise until it engages an internal stop

at the full-open position.

e. Loosen the emergency control adjustable clevis (3)

and position it so that the centerline of the clevis makes 8
an angle of 17 to 27 degrees with the forward flange of
the compressor front frame. Tighten the clevis. 1. Emergency Control Clevis
2. Emergency Fuel Regulator Manual Shaft
f. Loosen the emergency control clamp on the emer- 3. Emergency controlAdjustable Clevis
gency fuel regulator manual shaft and position it so 4. Tabwasher
that the distance between the centerline of the hole in 5. Locking Nut
the clam and the centerline of the holes in the adjust- 6. Emergency Contro1Rod
7. Linkage Control Pointer (J47-11, and -15,

able clevis is 1-5/8 ±1/32 inches. This is the same as -19) Stopcock and Regulator Pointer
the distance between the holes in the emergency control (J47-7, and -9, -13)

clevis. Tighten the clamp. 8. Stopcock and Regulator Escutcheon Plate

g. Rotate the emergency control clevis and the pointer Figure 4-15. Emergency Fuel Regulator
approximately 90 degrees clockwise until the pointer is Control Linkage
in the center of the "FULL" sector of the graduated
escutcheon plate. The high speed stop screw on the gency control clevis reaches its stop just before the
No. 4 island cover should limit the travel of the emer- adjustable clevis reaches its internal stop. If the adjusta-
gency control clevis at this point. ble clevis reaches its stop bofore the emergency control
h. Insert tabwashers (4) between the rod end bear- clevis, shorten the emergency control rod as required
ings and the locking nuts (5) on the emergency control to correct this condition.
rod (6). Bend 2 of the tabs on each tabwasher over the
flats on the rod end bearings. Do not bend the other tabs
Do not use the above setting procedure on en-
at this time.
goes equipped
. .

with a model -D2 or -D3

i. Turn the rod end bearing which mates with the
emergency fuel regulator. (The result would
emergency control adjustable clevis 3 complete turns
past the sight hole provided in the bearing. Tighten be that after the emergency fuel system high
speed stop was set, the emergency fuel regula-
the locking nut (5).
tor manual control shaft would reach its in-
j. With the emergency control clevis held against the
man- ternal low sEeed sto E before the sto Ecock was
high speed stop and the emergency fuel regulator
fully closed, since the manual shaft of these
ual shaft cam held at 90 degrees on the emergency fuel
models does not have 10 or 12 degrees negative
regulator graduated quadrant plate, adjust the length of
travel.) Send all -D2 and -D3 emergency fuel
the emergency control rod and assemble it to the emer-
regulators to an approved AMC activity for
gency control clevis and the adjustable clevis.
rework and install a later model emergency fuel
k. Rotate the emergency control clevis until the
pointer is at the "OFF" positioNon the escutcheon plate.
Disconnect the emergency control rod at either end and 1. Adjustment of maximum speed for operation on
check the adjustable clevis to make sure there is free the emergency fuel system may be made by lengthening
travel in a counterclockwise direction to the internal or shortening the emergency control rod. One complete
stop in the emergency fuel regulator. Reconnect the revolution of the rod is equivalent to approximately
emergency control rod and check to see that the emer- 150 (1.88 percent) rpm.

50 Revised 1 January 1955

T.O. 2J-J47-1 Section IV
Paragraphs 4-97 to 4-105

Note torque wrenches periodically to insure accuracy, and ap-

Do not alter the length of the emergency con- ply correction factors to torque readings when exten-
trol rod unless testing after service (para- sions are used.
graph 4-100) indicates that maximum speed
on the emergency fuel system is not within TABLE XVI

4-97. LINKAGE CHECK. Torque Torque Wrench Tolerance

a. Operate the linkage assembly from the "OFF' to
0-25 lb in. 30 lb in. ± 1 lb in.
the "FULL" position and check all rod linkages. The
linkage should move freely and the connecting rods 25-140 lb in. 150 lb in. ± 8 Ib in.
should show no evidence of binding.
140-550 lb in. 600 lb in. ± 20 lb in.
b. Operate the engine to check that 100 percent rpm
is available on the main fuel system according to the 30-140 lb ft 150 lb ft ± 5 lb ft
instructions given in paragraph 4-99. Reset the high 140-240 lb ft 250 lb ft ± 10 lb ft
speed stop if necessary (paragraph 4-94, step "h, or ,,

4-95, step "d"). 240-1000 lb ft 1000 lb ft ± 20 lb ft

c. On all model J47-7, and
-13 check
operation on the emergency fuel system according to the 4-104. TORQUE PROCEDURES.
instructions given in paragraph 4-100 in order to de- a. Seat mating parts properly and run nuts orbolts
termine that maximum speed is within limits. Adjust down using a staggered sequence. After parts are prop-
maximum speed if necessary (paragraph 4--96 step erly seated, apply final tightening in a series of gradually
'T'). After maximum speed on the emergency fuel sys- increasing values until the maximum torque is obtained.
tem is within limits, bend the 4 free tabs on each tab- Use a staggered sequence for final tightening.
washer (4, figure 4-15) over the flats of the locking nuts
(5) on the emergency control rod (6).
4-99. Do not exceed the maximum torque value dur-
Start and operate the engine in accordance with
ing the seating process or overstressing and/or
the instructions given in paragraphs 1-69 and 1-70.
distortion may result. Do not tighten to final
Check exhaust gas temperatures (paragraphs 1-66 and
value during the first drawdown, as this may
1---67) and adjust the jet nozzle area if necessary (para-
cause uneven tension, overstressing of parts,
graph 1-75). Check that 100 percent rpm is available split-line
and may result in distorted surfaces.
when operating on the main fuel system, and adjust the
high speed stop screw if necessary (paragraph 4-94, b. Torque castle nuts or nuts with tab lockwashers to
step "h," or 4-95, step "d"). On engines equipped with
the minimum value and then tighten to the next locking
a No. VS2-6900-G5, -G6, or later model main fuel regu- position. If this cannot be done without exceeding the
lator, make the throttle burst check described in para~ maximum torque, use washers, nuts, and/or bolts to ob-
graph 1-74·
tain final torque.
4-100. On model J47-7, and -9,
engines, per- -13

form the emergency fuel system preflight operational CAUTION

check described in paragraph 1-76. Maximum speed on
the emergency fuel system should be 99 percent rpm or Do not exceed the listed torque values more
slightly below, and must be within one percent of the than necessary, as overstressing of the bolt or
curve shown in figure 4-16. If necessary, adjust top part may result,
speed on the emergency fuel system according to the
instructions in paragraph 4-96, step "1." c. All studs shall be coated with anti-seize compound,
Specification JAN-A-669, or zinc-chromate primer, Spec-
4-101. TOROUE VALUES. ilication MIL-P-6889A, prior to installation into mag-
4-102. GENERAL. The torque values for specific parts nesium. Plated studs may be installed into aluminum
are listed in table XVII according to the name of the without the use of any compound or primer, but un-
part. A11 bolts, nuts, fittings, etc, not listed in this table plated studs for installation into aluminum shall be
or in paragraph 4-106 are to be tightened to the coated with either the anti-seize compound or the zinc-
standard torque values given in tables XVIII through chromate primer.
XXIII, where the values are listed according to the type, 4-105. TORQUE VALUES FOR SPECIFIC PARTS.
material, and size of the part to be torqued·
Table XVII lists torque values for specific engine parts
4-103. TORQUE WRENCHES. Obtain a11 torque and accessories or auxiliary components. The items are
values with the proper torquing tools. Use a torque grouped within this table according to the section of the
wrench suitable to the part being tightened. Suggested engine in which the part is used. Refer also to paragraph
torque wrench sizes are listed in table XVI. Calibrate 4-106.

Revised 1 January 1955 51

Section IV
Paragraphs 4-106 T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


All items marked with an asterisk (*) in table FITTINGS, NUTS, AND BOLTS.
XVII require the special torque values listed in a. Aluminum universal (Banjo) fittings used with
the table for reasons of strength, fit, or func- AN-4 (1/4-inch) tubing should be tightened to a torque
tion of the part. The torque values for all of 100 lb in. when assembled with aluminum gaskets,
other items are standard, but included in this and a torque of 125 lb in. when assembled with steel
table for easy reference and convenience. gaskets.
The reference numbers given in the first b. The torque for AN815-12 unions used with sili-
column of the table have been used throughout cone gaskets is 120 to 130 lb in.
this handbook in referring to these special and c. Pal nuts should be tightened finger tight plus one-
standard torque values. quarter turn.

100% En ine RPM on Main Fuel System


99 - - --- --- --- --- --- - - --- --- - - ---

....- .........

98 --- - ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- --- --- ---- - - --- ---

97 ---- ----- - - ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- - - --- ---- ----

96 - ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- - ---- ---- - - ----

94 ---- - --- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

93 --- --

Setting Tolerance

92 - ---- ·¯¯¯ --- --- --

---- - -

--- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- ---

Set Emergency System -- ----

at Least 1% RPM Below

91 - - --- "-- ¯¯.- that of the Main System ..................

to Prevent Interference
During Take-Off ¯~ ¯ ¯
¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯


90 - --- --- ---- ---- - ---- --- --- -

oC -50 -40 -30 -20 -10

0 10 20 30 40 50
oF -58 -40 -22 -
4 +14 32 50 68 86 104 122

Ambient Temperature

Figure 4-16. Emergency Fuel System Speed Setting Chart

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


Reference Thread
Number Part Nomenclature Size Torque


6 Nut, self-locking -
Hydraulic pump drive gear case 1/4-28 60-95 lb in.
vertical flange 5/16-24 130-180 lb in.
7 Plug, drain -
Hydraulic pump drive gear case 7/16-20 145-180 lb in.
8 Nut, self-locking -
Power take-off mounting bolt 3/8--24 260-320 lb in.
9 *Bolt, internal-wrenching -
Power take-off 1/4-28 60-95 lb in.
10 *Plug, drain, magnetic -

Accessory drive gear box 1-1/16-12 400 lb in.

11 Fitting, threaded -

Accessory drive gear box --

330 lb in.
With leather-type gaskets
Use anti-seize compound, Specification JAN-A-669.
With rubber gaskets --
100 lb in.

12 Nut, self-locking -
Starter-generator mounting 3/8-24 260-320 lb in.
13 Nut, self-locking -
Main fuel regulator mounting 5/16-24 130-180 lb in.
14 *Nut, self-locking -
Emergency fuel regulator mounting 1/4-28 25-30 lb in.
15 Nut, self-locking -
Main fuel pump mounting 5/16-24 130-180 lb in.
16 Nut, self-locking -
Emergency fuel pump mounting 5/16-24 130--180 lb in.
17 Bolt -

Main lube pump mounting 5 16-24 80--130 lb in.

18 Nut, self-locking Tachometer-generator -

mounting 1/4-28 60--95 lb in.

19 *Bolt Aft scavenge pump mounting
- 5/16-24 105 lb in.
20 Plug, drain -
Oil cooler 1/2-20 150-175 lb in.
21 *Nut, seal -

No. C15575K main lube filter 5/16-24 25--30 lb in.

22 *Nut, sleeve -

No. C15575K main lube filter 5/16-24 70--80lb in.

23 *Nut, cover No. 3690 main lube filter
- -- 50-70 lb in.
24 *Strainer assembly No. OS12223G regulator -

oil filter 9/16-18 40-50 lb in.

and orifice
25 *Nut, retainer cup -
No. OS12223G regulator oil filter 10-32 10-15 lb in.
and orifice
26 *Sump No. OS12223G regulator oil filter and orifice
- 1-5/8-12 10-14 lb ft
27 *Nut, self-locking No. 3856 regulator oil filter and -- -- 40-60 lb in.
28 *Cartridge assembly -
No. 03S12166D fuel filter 1-1/4-18 75-90 lb in.
29 *Nut, retainer cup -

No. 03S12166D fuel filter 5/8-24 30-35 lb in.

30 *Sump -
No. 03S12166D fuel filter 3-1/2-12 170-200 lb in.
31 *Nut, bowl -
No. 3638A fuel filter -- 300-350 lb in.

32 *Nut -

Compressor stator casing horizontal split-line flange 7 16-20 140-180 lb in.

33 Nut, self-locking -
Compressor stator casing to front frame 3/8-24 160-240 lb in.
34 *Bolt, cap (AN76-7) -
Compressor stator casing to front 3/8-24 105 lb in.

Section IV T.O. No. 2J-J47-1


Reference Thread
Number Part Nomenclature Size Torque
35 Nut, self-locking -
Compressor stator casing to rear frame 3/8-24 160-240 lb in.
36 *Bolt -

Fuel nozzle to rear frame 1/4-28 18-35 lb in.

37 *Plug, drain Rear frame oil pump - 1/2-20 110 lb in.
38 *Union Aft scavenge pump - --
125 lb in.
39 *Nut, retaining -
Thermocouple harness to rear frame --

55 lb in.

40 *Nut -
Combustion chamber Marman clamp
Standard 1/4-28 50-60 lb in.
Self-locking 1/4-28 45-50 lb in.
Use anti-seize compound, Specification MIL-C-5544.
41 *Bolt -
Combustion chamber 1/4-20 25-30 lb in.
42 *Nut, special slotted (lug) -
Combustion chamber fuel 7/16---20 170-200 lb in.
drain httings
43 *Lug, wear Combustion -
chamber (early model J47-19 -- 40-100 lb in.
engines only)
44 *Bolt Cross-ignition tube

Model J47-7, -9,

-11, -13, and -15
engines 1/4-20 40-50 lb in.
Model J47-19engines 1/4-20 60-75 lb in.
45 *Nut, self-locking -

Exhaust cone to nozzle diaphragm 1/4-28 18-35 lb in.

ring or turbine casing
46 *Bolt -

Tailpipe Marman clamp 1/2-13 Torque to 130

lb in.
Loosen and
retorque to
70-75 lb in.
Do not re-
torque there-
47 *Cap -

Exhaust cone thermocouple boss -- 40-50 lb in.

48 *Nut, Turbine rotor to exhaust
coupling -
cone cooling 1-5/16-12 35 lb ft
air tube flare Atting
49 *Nut, packing -
Turbine rotor cooling air tube 1-7/8-12 230-280 lb in.
50 *Elbow -

Fuel nozzle small slot 7/16-20 100 lb in.

51 *Elbow -

Fuel nozzle large slot 1/2-20 200 lb in.

52 *Nut, coupling -
Fuel nozzle small slot flexible jumperline 7/16-20 40 lb in.
53 *Nut, coupling -
Fuel nozzle large slot flexible jumperline 9/16-18 75 lb in.
54 *Nut, Raybould coupling Aft scavenge pump - 1-1 4-18 125 lb in.
55 *Union Cooling air tube between No. 1 and 2
- --
Tighten to a
combustion chambers . snug slip ht.
56 *Cap, flared -
Combustion chamber manifold 9/16-18 125 lb in.
57 *Nut, coupling -
Power take-off drive shaft housing drain 7/16-20 24-26 lb in.
9/16-18 50 lb in.
58 Nut, packing -
Igniter plug -- 90-125 lb in.
59 Nut, packing -
Igniter plug lead --

225 lb in. (min)

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Paragraphs 4-107 to 4-112

d. Toassemble the strongback on the engine for ship- TABLE XIX

ment, the strongback bolt should be torqued to 50 lb in· TORGUE VALUES FOR SELF-LOCKING NUTS
and then backed off and retorqued to 25 lb in.
size and Thread Standard Silver-plated
BOLTS AND NUTS. Use the torque values given in
table XVIII for standard steel bolts and nutS. 10--32 30-45 lb in.
1/4-28 60-95 lb in. 36-70 lb in.
5/16-24 130-180 lb in. 80-130 lb in.
Use one-half of the torque value given in table
XVIII for all bolts threaded directly into alu- 3/8-24 260-320 lb in. 190--230 Ib in.
minum, magnesium, or other nonferrous alloys. 7/16-20 400-490 lb in. 290-360 lb in.
1/2-20 53-62 lb ft

gives torque values for studs and stepped studs installed
NC and 8 NF and 12 into aluminum or magnesium which are not held in posi-
Thread Series Torque Thread Series Torque tion by a locking device other than an interference fit.

8-32 13-16 Ib in. 8-36 16-19 lb in.

10-24 20-23 lb in. 10-32 24--27 lb in.
1/4-20 30-60 lb in. 1/4-28 35-70 lb in. Do not exceed the values given in table XX.
Some approach the yield point of the material.
5/16-18 70-110 lb in. 5/16-24 80-130 lb in.
3/8-16 160-210 lb in. 3/8-24 190-230 lb in. Note
7/16---14 250-320 Ib in. 7/16-20 290-360 lb in. Studs which are manufactured to 2 different
1/2-13 420-510 lb in. 1/2-20 480-570 lb in. thread sizes on opposite ends shall be tor<iued
to the value given for the smaller thread size
9/16-12 48-57 Ib ft 9/16-18 55-65 lb ft
in table XX.
5/8-11 70-80 lb ft 5/8-18 82-95 lb ft
3/4-10 135-150 lb ft 3/4-16 150-165 lb ft TABLE XX
7/8-9 205-230 lb ft 7/8-14 235-265 lb ft TORGUE VALUES FOR STUDS INSTALLED IN
1-8 300-340 lb ft 1-14 350-400 lb ft ALUMINUM OR MAGNESIUM
1-1/8-7 415-480 lb ft 1-1/8-12 485-565 lb ft
size and Thread Torque
1-1/4-7 600-700 lb ft 1-1/4-12 690-800 lb ft
1-1/2-6 1000-1200 lb ft 1-1/2-12 1200-1400 lb ft 10-24 35 lb in.
1-1/8-8 440-510 lb ft 1/4-20 75 lb in.
1-1/4-8 625-725 lb ft 5/16-18 135 lb in.
1-1/2-8 1150-1350 lb ft 3/8-16 240 lb in.
7/16-14 370 lb in.
1/2-13 560 lb in.
NUTS. For thin steel hex nuts, use one-half the torque
value listed in table XVIII for standard steel bolts and
nuts. AND HOSE FITTINGS. Torque flared tubing and hose
Sttings to the values given in table XXI.
NUTS AND BOLTS. For nonferrous nuts and bolts, use Note
one-half the torque value given in table XVIII for stand-
Use steel torque values only when nut, line
ard steel nuts and bolts- fitting, and sleeve are all steeL In all other
4-110. TORQUE VALUES FOR SELF-LOCKING cases, use the value for aluminum or alloy.
NUTS. Use the torque values given in table XIX for self- Painted and plated parts may not be steel, so
locking nuts. make sure before using steel torque values.

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1

Raybould Fitting Flared Tubing, Coupling Nut, and Fitting

Lubricate mating surfaces with mineral oil. Lubricate mating surfaces with mineral oil and:
1. Run nut down to full torque.
2. Back off one quarter turn.
3. Retighten to full-torque value.

Bulkhead Fitting

Pipe Fitting

Nut a
1. Assemble nut on fitting and
turn it well up on the upper thread.
Apply a very small amount of bolt
lube to the threads.

1. Inspect visually.
2. Clean if necessary.
3. Lubricate: 2. Assemble the gasket snugly
a. On fittings used on compressor casings and against the upper threads and
gear sets, use bolt lube No. 205 or equivalent• -
make sure the gasket is not twist-
b. On fittings used on aft frames, use Crane's ed.
compound No. 425.
4. Assemble fitting, screwing down to within one-
half turn of final position.
5. Remove, clean and inspect male thread.
6. Relubricate.
7. Reassemble and screw down to final position. it just
3. Run the nut down until
touches the gasket.



4. Assemble the fitting into the


casting until the gasket just con-
tacts the casting. If the position
1. Assemble gasket of the fitting is not correct, back
to union making sure out (counterclockwise) until the
that the gasket is not fitting is in the proper position,
twisted. Tighten nut to proper torque value.

CAUTION-Do not back out more

2. Assemble union to tee. Apply a
very small amount of bolt lube to the than one turn.
threads and tighten to the proper tor-
que value.

Correct compression of gasket '

with properly torqued fitting. Correct compression of gasket
with properly torqued nut

Figure 4-17. Assembling Tubing and Allied Fiffings

Section IV
T.O. No. 2J-J47-1 Paragraphs 4-113 to 4-115


Flexible Torque
Tube OD Tube AN Fitting
(in.) Dash No. Aluminum or Alloy Steel Raybould Fitting
ID AN Straight
Tubing Dash or Bulkhead Steel Aluminum
1/4 4 551b in. 125 lb in- OD No. Threads Tubing Tubing
3/8 6 100 lb in. 225 lb in.
1/4 4 100 lb in. 45 lb in.
1/2 8 210 lb in. 365 lb in.
3/8 6 125 lb in. 125 lb in.
5/8 10 300 lb in. 525 lb in.
1/2 8 200 lb in. 175 lb in. 95 lb in.
3/4 12 35 lb ft 60 lb ft
5/8 10 275 lb in. 200 lb in.
1 16 50 lb ft 100 lb ft
3/4 12 400 lb in. 200 lb in.
20 60 lb ft
1-1/2 1 16 50 lb ft
24 75 lb ft
1-1/4 20 60 lb ft
4-113. TORQUE VALUES FOR FITTINGS USED 1-1/2 24 75 lb ft
WITH GASKETS. Assemble fittings used with gaskets
as shown in figure 4-16. Use the torque values given in
aluminum and nonferrous alloy bulkhead fittings
through walls where no gasket seal is used, use the Torque
torque values given in table XXII. Increase these values AN Dash No. Aluminum or Alloy Steel
by 50 percent when steel fittings without gaskets are
used. 4 100 lb in. 150 lb in.
4-115. TORQUE VALUES FOR JAM NUTS FOR 6 1351bin. 2751bin.
FITTINGS USED WITHOUT GASKETS. Torque jam 8 260 lb in. 450 lb in.
nuts for fittings used without gaskets to the values given 10 350 lb in. 600 lb in.
in table XXIII.
12 50 lb ft 90 lb ft
16 75 lb ft 150 lb ft
Use torque values for steel only when both
20 90 lb ft
mating parts are steel. Use torque values for
24 110 lb ft
aluminum or alloy in all other cases.

T.O. No. 2J-J47-1



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