ISO’s customer service team is standing by to assist with questions and concerns.
Getting started Present this insurance card when visiting any physician or pharmacy.
2. If not available, search for an in-network provider by using either provider networks.
Find doctors, First Health: (800) 226-5116 MultiPlan: (888) 342-7427
clinics & hospitals
3. Call the provider to schedule the appointment and indicate your plan uses the
First Health and MultiPlan network.
You should ask the medical provider offices to file the claim to ISO claims
department, SISCO Benefits.
How to file a claim Claim address: SISCO Benefits, PO Box 3190, Dubuque, IA 52004.
If they cannot file a claim on your behalf, you can submit the claim yourself by visiting
Check claim status To check your claim status online, please visit
Present your Insurance ID card when visiting the pharmacy to receive a discount. To file a
Pharmacy prescription claim, please submit the receipt and pharmacy slip to SISCO Benefits.
Best Health,
ISO Customer Service Team
Find doctors, clinics and hospitals:
First Health: MultiPlan: Fariz Zeynalov
800.226.5116 l 888.342.7427 l
Insurance ID: 289567703 Policy Number:
CLAIM STATUS AND ELIGIBILITY : S I S CO Be n e f i t s : 8 3 3 . 5 7 7 . 25 8 6 Effective Date: 8/11/2023 47250153ION0511
Submit all claims to:
SISCO Benefits RX BIN: 017010 Claim status and eligibility:
Check Claim Status Online:
PO Box 3190 RX PCN: 0519PAYR SISCO Benefits: 833.577.2586
Dubuque, IA 52004-3190 RX Group: 0795316 Pharmacy help desk:
EDI Payer ID: ISOSH 800.325.1404
Travel assistance service only: NO REFERRAL REQUIRED
Inside US/Canada: 866.509.7715 l International Call: 603.328.1728