Technology - Profit From Technology
Technology - Profit From Technology
Technology - Profit From Technology
1969 1089
It now appears that the Ministry of Health does On the second day, speakers looked at the problems
not consider "that any change is required in the involved in designing an organization for effective
Government current programme of research and innovation. Dr Leach from McKinsey and Co. Inc.,
investigation". This programme includes a study of warned that the organizational structure of a company
the nutrition of some 1,500 children in Kent and a must be related to its own needs; there is no universal
study in some other not yet determined part of Eng- solution. Nevertheless, companies can identify and
land which is planned to start in October. The eliminate major sources of potential conflict; one way
Ministry says that "cost is not the limiting factor" of doing this involves an analysis of the key variables
but that the problem is to find well qualified personnel. which make up the firm's "technological profile".
The Kent survey was begun in May 1968 and should Several speakers saw the role of the entrepreneur as
be completed by September 1970, but has produced vital in the link between invention and commercial
some results already. In one study of more than success. It was even suggested that too much money is
100 children, 19 girls and 9 boys go to school without being devoted to research rather than commercial
breakfast. The boys who do not eat breakfast, though exploitation. Risk is inherent in all new ventures
thinner than their class mates, seem not to be any less but, as for the large companies, the individual entre-
well grown, while the girls who skip breakfast are preneur is often deterred by the poor rewards for
on the whole fatter than those who cat before going to success which are incommensurate with the risks
school. This prompted from Baroness Serota the involved.
remarks that "the interpretation which Dr Lynch Dr Cohen described how the management venture
has placed on his figures is not the correct onc". at du Pont de Nemours has enabled a large company
to foster an entrepreneur and benefit from the flexibility
of decision making-a feature usually enjoyed only by
TECHNOLOGY small organizations. Research by James Bright of the
Prolil from Technology Harvard Business School suggests that the innovative
chain now spans about a quarter of a century. Com-
from a Correspondent panies concentrate their project evaluations in the
ONE hundred and sixty delegates-many of them technological and economical areas, but the secret of
research or technical directors- attended a conference success often depends on political and social factors
on the management of technological innovation held which tend to be ignored.
in Harrogate on March 12 and 13. Organized by the
Management Centre of the University of Bradford in PLANNING
Trees in Danger
conjunction with the Ministry of Technology and
Management Today, the conference focused on two
aspects of the innovative process which are of particular
interest to industrialists: the effective harnessing of from our Planning Correspondent
technological advances in the creation of new pro- IN spite of a four-year campaign, countrywide protests
ducts, and the adoption of an organization which and a House of Commons motion signcd by more than
is not only receptive to new ideas but can also carry 100 Members of Parliament, part of the 250 year old
them through the innovativo phase to commercial avenue of oaks in Levens Park, Westmorland, may
exploitation. after all be destroyed to make way for tho Kendal link
The first day was devoted to an examination of the road to the M6 Motorway. All the signs suggest that
relationship between the company and the technological the Ministry of Transport will reject the alternative
onvironment. The importance of relating the develop- route for the road prepared by Mr Robin Bagot, the
ment of new products to a company's corporate plan- owner of Levens Hall. The Westmorland County
ning and its skills and resources was underlined by Council has decided not to dissent from the present
several speakers. A vital link is the anticipation of plan. So far, the Ministry of Transport has refused a
consumer needs up to 25 years ahead for a product public inquiry, although the Minister , Mr Richard
which could take 10 years to develop and should have Marsh, visited the park on March 3. The ministry
a useful lifo of 15 years. Th e importance of good has promised that great attention will be given to
management was a recurrent thorne. the landscaping of its road, and it may be some comfort
Mr John Duckworth, managing director of the to the campaigners that members of the ministry's
National Research and Development Corporation, sug- landscaping advisory committee have decided "in
gested that most companies usually know what is in view of the present controversy" to visit the park
their own best interests. Unfortunately, their environ- (their first visit since 1963), very probably during
ment-particularly the taxation system-often makes the second week of April.
it undesirable for them to follow the higher risk The park, still in private hands although freely open
programmes of innovation which would be in the to the public, is thc oldest landscaped park in England.
country's interest; tho rewards are too low for the It was designed in the 1690s by Guillaume Beaumont,
risks involved. A survey by the Organization for said to have been trained at Versailles and brought to
Economic Cooperation and Development was cited as England to work for James II. He also created the
confirming the existence of a "management gap". Mr famous topiary gardens which the family has had
Duckworth attributed a great deal of the success of meticulously clipped ever since.
American companies to their strategies for technological The main feature of the park, which encloses the
innovation on a world-wide rather than a national River Kent for over a mile upstream from the house,
scale. Of three possible strategies-offensive, defensive is its 2,050 yard avenue of oaks of the species Quercus
and absorptive-the offensive was most likely to sessiljlora, a rare variety with a normal life-span of
succeed in foreign markets. 1,000 years, so that they are not yet in their prime.