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5. At the time of document verification of the candidate, if any deficiency or false information is
found in the documents/certificates then such candidate will not be considered for interview.
6. Candidates are required to produce high school certificate as proof of date of birth and all
documents/certificates of academic qualifications, preferential qualifications, experience and
reservation etc. in original at the time of document verification. In support of claims made while
filling the online application form.
7. Candidates must bring two copies of online application form and two sets (02 set) of self-attested
photocopies of all documents/certificates (as specified in Sr. No. 12) for submission to the Board’s
Office at the time of document verification/Interview.
8. Uses of Photo Camera, Cell Phone, Pager, Blue Tooth, Scanner Pen or any other electronic devices
are strictly prohibited at the time of Interview.
9. Two passport size self-attested photographs must be submitted at the time of document
10. Candidates working under the Central or State Government or State Government undertakings
must provide original ''No Objection Certificate'' issued by competent authority at the time of
11. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for attending the Interview.
12. Following documents/certificates in original along with 02 self-attested photocopies arranged
sequence wise must be produced for verification at the time of interview: -
S. No. Particulars of Documents/Certificates(as applicable)
01 Online Application Form
02 Passport Size color Photographs (Two)
03 High School Certificate
04 Intermediate Certificate
05 BHMS Mark sheets (All Professionals)
06 BHMS Degree
07 Post Graduation (MD) Qualification Marksheet and Degree Certificate, if any
08 Homoeopathic Medicine Board, Uttarakhand Permanent Registration Certificate.
Experience Certificate (as medical Officer/physician/Faculty) of Government
Hospital/Government Medical College (Issued by competent authority of University/ HOD of
Hospital/Principal/Registrar/Chief Medical Superintendent/Principal Medical
Superintendent), if any
10 Certificate of Preferential Qualification NCC ‘B’/Territorial Army (If any)
SC/ST/OBC/EWS certificate on prescribed format as issued by the State Government of
Uttarakhand for reserved category posts (If any)
Ex-Army/Divyang(PH)/Dependent of freedom fighter/Uttarakhand Women of Uttarakhand
12 State/Orphan Children in Government-Voluntary Homes Functional in the State of
Uttarakhand for reserved sub category posts(If any)
Uttarakhand Domicile Certificate (For who claimed Category and sub- Category reservation
in online application form)
14 “No Objection Certificate” (If any)
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