ACH 2103 - Experiment 1 - Preparation & Standardization of Solutions

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Expe rime nt 1

HCI solu tions

Preparation & Stan dard izati on of0.1 00 M NaOH &

Name: CJ\sT otl, "-A~-, c.a..E 1'4A'T ttAc.-x £ Instructor's Signature_ _ __

__ -- ____
Group number: e:,o.p 1
Section:. & X ?>A
;...... --_
--__ - Date Performed: Ave;.. ,.,., 20 ~?1
Score: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Part 1. Stan dard izati on ofNaOH solut ion

o.\0 154 & 0, 1010 o ,100 :59
Wei ht of KHP in
Initia l volu me of o , oo "'L 6.00 ,...L
q. 'o nt\.
°'. ~ ""'"
I~. T n,L
Final volu me of Na Off in mL 5. 00 ""'" '1, 40 ml-
6,00 ""L 4. ?>O mL
Volu me of NaOH used O, 11'2. M ~
o.,o ~t'\ 0 • ll'i M
ofNa OH
0, 1\0 M
r: ' . u . . . . I.

'1 mole KHP ., ,.,ote Hq0#,4
"tri<:ll\ 1,. ~ ::: 0,00 0
0, 10S'1 a KHP, c - - - - - .I\
" 2.~. 2. ~ l(.HP 1 mole K .. V

'1 _ n O,OO G51b l9\ote NQ0t -\ 1'1~ve. Ne>1 01ri~ :

0.00 5 ~ = p. .103 M NQ"OI,\/
HCll< hl-7 :I
(Tri~ \ :L)
.. o,,ot> + o.n~ + o.n- i
Tri01 \ ~ : 0. \l'i t"\ N~ Ot-1 \ -r";~ \ 3 = ·O, l\ 'l. I'\ . ~Q O"

Part 2. Stan dard izati on of HCl solut ion

10 •Om L 10.oo mL 10 • o n.t..
Volume of HCl used 4,IOm J..
O ,00 ,.,.,L
Initial volu me of Na OH in mL 10,0\ 0ml
Final volu me ofNaOH in mL , LI. I Om\.
'4,10 ..,L
Volume ofNaOH used
ofHCI o. 0'-''5l M
o . oaqG\ M

T,-iQ \ 1: 0-"0 t\ .._o.. It O,o0 '-'1 c.. N1110 \,\c 0,00 04~1 mole ClOH

= 0.000,..151 ~I(

-- o.OOO't'51
.. o, O'\ L
1 mote ~C\

(~r~ ,1.,~
0,000 t.t51


"Tri°'\ ~-:. @'- ~~t \' k

1f'i~\ ~:. 0,01.._ ...t'\ ~C\
M~..,e t'\o\~ ri ~ :
~':l-«4 to.O\': :J-t(
~ O-'4' il+o.o_

"'""e ::. o. o ~ctq "'-~
a 0.1M NaOH solution? HC.U
1. Why is it essential to boil the wate r in prepa ring
and HCI.
2. Cite the other prim ary stand ards available for NaOH
a stand ardiz ed NaOH solution rathe r than
3. Why is it preferable to titrat e HCI with
the other way aroun d (NaOH with HCI)?
4. Define briefly the following terms:
. I , •1 • ', ... • 1

( a) Conce~ttat ion .
(b) Standardiza tion
(c) Standard Solution
(d) Indicator
, , ... -/ ' .
( e) Back titration : . (

(f) Over titration

(g) Secondary standard solution.
· Why is it essential to store the standardize d NaOH solution in a polyethylene
·· terephthala te (PET) bottle?
6. In a flow diagram, show you are to prepare the following solutions:
· Show.the necessary calculations needed.
· a. lM NaCl (from solid NaCl)
b. 0.1 M NaCl (from 1M NaCl solution) , ' ; I ! , • I
., r

j' , ( I '

,. IO reduce -t\',e Omoun-t- dissolved CQrbort dioxide. ln ++,is si-hioi+ion, .f01ili~ ha use

boilin~ woter would resv,t- in -Hie neutr a1i tc:\tio" of pQr-t c,9 +he Nci ~1-i Qnol "':he -f'orm<i'tio~
sodium ·c arbono-t-e rQt-hef" -ttlQl"\ -tt-te predic~d concen+rQ +io~ 'of> soc::tic,m h.:,d~~";d e .soluttol"j.

'2. • Sociium CC\r bcm a+e is useol +o s-tQnd 0roli~ecl f-lCI LvCCQVse
· ' • . ___ ol ol
N0 2. co ~ · 1.s 0 prim Q"j ~, ~n or
w:+h re\QHVel~ hi~h molecv\Qr ..uei~n+ cmd is hi,3h~ st-able. Horeover, i+· is ~ bqse so :+ C:Qt'I
k>e +i+ra+ed 05otn~t- q spec,.fic volvme of HC\.

~- t!,ec~se +HT0tiF\3. HC\ i.ut+n stondarct hed · NoOI-\ wtl\ -~iel<:l Qn obSCTVG\b \e <:~lo~ . Ch~n-ae

c;ql~r.-te,s . ~ pin"- a+ +he er-cl o.f ~e Ci<peril"ne n+ .. 1-f · ·i +.,s ~e o+her · ~q.j Qround, '+ne
col gr
~ ~ .e s~\v+iO!\ "'-il\ be pin"- +o pq\,e pin)(. 1 ·whfoh ·co.n "b~ cli"~ic.ul+
t-o : me0sur.e ~C'<'uro+et j•
The cotor C'nCln~e .from colo-rli?SS +o pin\.(.. i S Q 10+ . e0sier +o observe rather +~Qn +he
o+ner wa~ Qrovl\ cl•

Q.(a.)Conc en¼--Q-\-i on - 'The q_tAn+i~ 0~01cons +i+-vent inc:\ mil(.+ure or solu+ion.

(. b) S+o1ldard :ea+ion - The me+nod o4! kn owin3 -+'ne 01ccvl"Q+e mo lori~ o~ C\ miJ<.+ure.

(c.)S+anc: larol sow+:on -P, solvt-ion wi~ an C1t~ctt~ specified concer>h-Q HOl\o

cd) 1'f'ldica+o r - A-nj cons+Hven + ~+- provides Q "isva\ inetica+ion of ~e cxiS+ence o'I"" ~bSCnce
o~ +ne e\en,en-t's +n,..e~ho\d con cenrra+io n •
(e) 6ae~ +,tro+ion - A me+\o\od of de+erv,-.inl n3 +ne °''"'oun+ o.f' an u\"licten+t fied subs+ance
reac+in5 wi+h 01n tOlen+i(? ied ciuon+i ~ of' exce s.s rea~en+.

(~) Over +it-raHon - Occc.,rS &>Jhen +here is q 5-re01+er amovn+ ~ l:odinC i" -+h-e Cor\-f-ainer-
+non wa+er. ,his 5l11es off °'
dcu·14. co\or clue +o iodin-e con-ten+.

(~) Seee,ncbT" J standard Sotv+ion - A so1i.,Hon c.-e01tecl eJ1.p\lcit-l~ for a 3i11cn anol~sis. "'the
S(:col"tdCl~ .standQrcl is Q consHtvel lt- whase concerdro rHon
nos bee,, foond bj comporin9 1+ +o o prrrn 01 r~ &tqndord •

5 . A p\c:\,s+ic bo++\e is pre-f'erQb le Over Cl con+oiner macle of e'oss for storin~ NQ 0~ k>eCQuse
sodium h~ctro,tia e aiuolves B'QSS as r+ ~rQolv~Hj in+crQc+s with +ne sl \iCQ ;n ~\QSS +o
~orrri sodium Si licQ+e.
1 mo,c. N QC\ 5 &. '4"1 ;> "101C~ :=-
1 t--\ Na C\ = X
-, t... -.;olvtion
1 mo\e ""°'c\

Qna, tiC01\ ba\Ql'\ce, "Trans-fer in~o C\ lL

o,nohie N 01 C\ '" ~
5 g .4L\
~ o-f- N q c\ ___. pre- \>olleo ""'°'+e'f" i,n
__.+ vol vm c-t-ri e ~'°'
S"- +n-en
-f-i\\ ~i+n c.u01+e...- uY"'l+i\ •,-t-
a 'oe °'"'er reo.c'°'es -+he .-n01rK

P""' Q.
v-v'b IOC.Y" s-to pp~.,.. 01"1

+ne vol vf'l"I et-ri c:. -f'JQ S .-c. and

Shc:ll..,_e vi5orousl~•

b. 0.1 t-\ NaC\ (.from 1t-\ N01C\ Solu+io\"'\)

F-or,,,u\Q: C,\I ,. C 'I
' 2- 'l.

-=- (o.\ k)(1.0L)
::. 0.1 L
'I t'\

I"' +ne "olvme+ric -4!\°'s~

Fi\\ +he. vo\ume+r;c Pu-t- C\ rvb be.r .s +op per
o-f 1 L, +r~n s-f'e.r O • \ L of' ----+ -flG\S)(. wit-h wo.ter ~ OY'I -t+ie volvmet-rie -flQSk

1t-\ N°'OH solv+ion vn+il i+ rec:iches the Qnd s'ha"Ke vi~ore>u~ '!j.

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