2782 FD3 Tourism Development Plan

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The 2020 Vision for Tourism

Working Smarter Towards

a Sustainable Future

October 2005

Executive Summary 3
Introduction 5
The Value of Tourism 6
The Challenges for Tourism 11
The 2020 Vision 15
Strategic Hierarchy 18
TDP Framework 20
Key Customer Groups 21

Destination Management 24

Bedrock for Development

❏ Skills and Training 24
❏ Quality of the Natural and Built Environment 26
❏ Transport Infrastructure 30

Sector Specific Issues 33

❏ Commercial Accommodation 33
❏ Tourist Attractions 39
❏ Eating Out 41
❏ Arts and Entertainment 43
❏ Festivals and Events 45
❏ Outdoor Activities 47
❏ Retail 51
Green Tourism Plan 53

Destination Marketing 56

❏ Building a Compelling Brand 57

❏ Improving level of Public/Private Sector
Marketing Spend 58
❏ Using Technology 59
❏ Optimising Yield and Seasonality 60

Working Smarter 64

❏ Who are the Key Players ? 64

❏ The Role of IW Tourist Board 66
❏ Encouraging and Enabling New Development 68
❏ Monitoring and Evaluation 69

Contact 73

EXECUTIVE The impact of tourism on the Isle of Wight is extensive. The island’s
economic, environmental and social well being is fundamentally
SUMMARY influenced by the way in which the tourism industry operates.

Tourism is worth over half a billion pounds to the islands economy.

It currently generates £360 million of direct tourist expenditure, £25

million from visiting yachts and a further £150 million through the
multiplier effect on suppliers and income induced spending. It also
supports over 20% of jobs on the island.

It is an industry with the capability to have long term sustainable

growth and the value to the island by 2020 could increase by over
40% if it responds to the changing markets and customer needs.

However, the future of tourism presents a number of challenges.

Projections show that, over the next twenty years, tourism
worldwide will grow both in terms of visitor numbers and revenue
generation. During this period, not only will the demand for quality
and value for money increase but also the expectation of a
memorable and safe experience will become a high priority.

The island has made great strides in certain areas in recent years
and has some major events firmly established in the international
calendar that have helped to boost the Spring months particularly.
It also has a very busy peak period in July and August. However,
there is more to do to make tourism a truly sustainable industry
that creates more wealth, better paid jobs and further enhances the
quality of life.

The TDP recognises that the island should be part of a global

tourism market place and identifies the necessary key
developments required. Vital in this process is a greater integration
between destination marketing and destination management than
ever before.

The TDP identifies the key Customer Groups that the island should
target to bring it the best economic, social and environmental
benefits for the future.

The ‘Bedrock’ of the tourism experience is a better skilled tourism

industry and quality of the natural and built environment and
transport infrastructure. Enhanced accommodation, high quality
eating out and retail provision, expanded strategic festivals and
cultural provision and increased development of outdoor and
green activities will also be vital in creating a better tourism

The industry is dominated by a large number of small and medium
sized businesses that have a limited ability to invest and, often, a
lack of the necessary skills both within the ownership of the
businesses and also the key employees. The TDP proposes a range of
initiatives to support businesses operating in accommodation,
attractions, catering and retail sectors that will improve the
professionalism and viability at all levels. The whole plan will aim to
build confidence in the private sector through providing an
appropriate structure in which ongoing investment and profitability
can be both facilitated and maximised.

Ultimately, the island is a small place and any tourism growth needs
to be managed responsibly if it is not to lead to severe social and
environmental problems. The TDP outlines how the island can
minimise the impact of growth on transport infrastructure and the
environment generally as well as contributing positively to other
quality of life and social issues.

The widespread adoption of the new island brand, developing e-

marketing and building greater partnership working are proposed
as the key tools in promoting the Isle of Wight as a high profile all
year round destination.

It is crucial to have a committed and responsive public sector if only

because a large proportion of the visitor experience is in the public
realm – beaches, parks, highways, townscapes, footpaths, toilets etc.
However, it also sets down the framework within which new
development on the island takes place.

Vital to this commitment is not only the adoption of the TDP per se
but also an on going ability to engage with the private sector and
other associated partners in evaluating, adapting and improving the
TDP. These can then be fed into other future strategic plans and
relevant development processes.

The private sector itself needs to be galvanised and speak with ‘one
voice’ so that all the partners can move forward in an agreed way.

The TDP proposes that the Isle of Wight Tourist Board should be the
focal point that brings together these key groups. The Board should
also have access to a strong support structure of research and
monitoring to enable it to make an effective evaluation of the
success of the TDP.

The TDP advocates that, ultimately, ‘Working Smarter’ and ‘Building

Confidence’ at all levels are the key ingredients in driving forward
the necessary actions to maximise tourism’s economic, social and
environmental impact on island life.

INTRODUCTION The Isle of Wight sits on the fringe of one of the most prosperous
regional economies in the world but is far enough away to be

In strategic terms, the Regional Tourist Board (TSE) regards it as a

sub region of the South East whilst SEEDA, the Regional
Development Agency, has given it Special Policy Area status
through the SE Plan.

The new Planning Act, which came into force in 2004, requires local
authorities to replace the current Unitary Development Plan (UDP)
with a Local Development Framework (LDF). This is intended to
streamline the local planning process and promote a proactive,
positive approach to managing development and delivering
change. It also provides the island with a unique opportunity to put
in place the necessary structures to encourage and enable an
exciting and prosperous future.

The Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) is preparing the Island Plan

2020 Vision for the holistic development of the island which will be
an essential element of the guidance for the LDF. Tourism and its
role in regeneration is one of the key areas for the Island Plan.

Tourism should be seen as a catalyst for change in the island

economy and community as a whole. Increasingly, the quality of life
is as important a factor in the decision of inward investors and re-
locators as it is to the indigenous population. Hence, the standards
of leisure facilities, arts venues, retail outlets, eating out
establishments and transport options all play their part in making
the island an attractive and viable option for new investment.
Moreover, the expenditure generated directly into these areas by
visitors is vital to their continued survival and development.

The Tourism Development Plan will seek to ensure that the Isle of
Wight maximises the potential of the tourism industry and enables
it to grow in a way that is economically, socially and
environmentally sustainable. It will set the foundation for a long-
term vision to 2020 and will be encompassed within the wider
Island Plan.

More specifically, it will identify the following :-

❑ Short Term Actions – 1 – 3 years

❑ Medium Term Objectives – 5 - 10 years.
❑ Long Term Vision – 2020

THE VALUE It is sometimes forgotten that the support for tourism is based on
the same economic development aims of employment and wealth
OF TOURISM creation as any other sector. Increasingly the effectiveness of
support for tourism requires to be demonstrated in these terms.

However, what makes tourism ‘different’ to other sectors and

particularly where it is a major part of the economy, is the significant
impact it can have on the overall quality of life of the resident

Tourism Product An audit carried out by Isle of Wight Tourism in 2005 identified over
1500 commercial accommodation establishments on the island (see
Page 13). This includes 400 Hotels and Guest Houses, 1000 units of
self catering and 80 Holiday & Camping parks accounting for nearly
44,000 bed-spaces.

An earlier audit in 2003 identified a further 848 food and drink

establishments and over 300 attractions and leisure enterprises as
tourism related.

There are five main harbours or marinas on the northern part of the
island – Cowes, Yarmouth, Newport, Island Harbour and Bembridge
– and a much smaller haven at Ventnor on the southside. Cowes has
7 major sailing clubs and is the base for the UK Sailing Academy.

Visitor Numbers The Isle of Wight Tourism Monitor Annual Report 2004 recorded 2.66
million visits arriving by ferry. This includes overseas and UK visitors
and comprises both staying trips and day trips for leisure and
business travel. Island resident movements and visiting yachts are
not included in this survey (although the STB study 2000 estimated
197,000 yachtsmen came to Cowes alone during the year plus
another 50,000 at UKSA).

Ferry statistics show that in 2003 there were 9.27 million passengers
carried during the year. Assuming the visits recorded by the
Monitoring Survey are one way and hence need to be doubled to
account for the movement off the island, then tourism related traffic
accounts for 2.63 x 2 = 5.26 million passenger movements. This is
57% of all ferry passenger traffic.

❏ Staying Visitors account for 1.56 million (59%) of the visits

❏ Day Visitors account for 1.07 million (41%) of the visits

Five Year Trend - Since the Monitor began in 1999 there has been
an overall increase in visitor numbers of 0.3% with increases in
staying visitors (+ 6%) being offset by falls in day visitors (- 8%).

Staying Visitors Although only 7% of the staying visitors were from overseas in 2004
it was the highest ever recorded level and up 16% on the year
before. Domestic visitors accounted for 93% of the trips.

❏ Domestic Staying visitors – 52% stayed in commercial

accommodation (hotel, self catering, caravan, tent). This equates to
5 million bednights. 38% were staying with friends and relatives
(VFR) whilst second homes accounted for 6% of type of
accommodation used.
❏ Overseas Staying Visitors – 44% of overseas visitors were actually
on a day trip. Of those on a staying visit (approx 97,000) 41% were
visiting friends and relations, 38% (37,000) specifically on holiday
and 14% on a business trip. An estimated 350,000 bednights were
taken up in commercial accommodation.

Five Year Trend - Domestic staying visitors has fallen by 0.6% and
Overseas Visitors increased by 15%. In the domestic market there
have been increases in short breaks (+19 %) and decreases in long
stay visits (-11%). VFR has fluctuated but is largely unchanged.

Length of stay The average length of stay is 4.4 nights but there is wide variation:-
❏ Hotels - 5.1 nights
❏ Guest Accommodation – 4.2 nights
❏ Self catering - 11.1 nights
❏ Static Caravans/Chalets – 4.9 nights
❏ Touring caravans/tents – 6.6 nights
❏ VFR - 4.1 nights
❏ Second home/caravan – 7.5 nights

Five Year Trend - Domestic length of stay has fallen from 4.8 to
4.4 nights. Short break stays have been fairly static at 2.3 nights
whilst long stay visitors has fallen from 6.9 to 6.7 nights.

Day Visitors The largest proportion (51%) of domestic day trips was for leisure
(472,000). Business Travel generated 362,000 trips and VFR 162,000
trips. Overseas visitors made 80,000 leisure trips and 4,000 and
5,000 for Business and VFR respectively.

Five Year Trend - Fallen by 8% since 1999. VFR and Business day
trips account for the decreases whilst Leisure day trips have actually

Socio-economic profile A profiling study in 2003 of 8,000 staying visitors to the island
revealed that the three most dominant market segments (based on
CAMEO UK Groups) were :-

Affluent Home Owners 25%

Wealthy retired neighbourhoods 16%

Smaller Private Family Homes 16%

However, the remaining 43% of the visitor profiles were

predominantly classified as being from poorer home owners and
tenants and less affluent segments and mostly in the C1C2 DE social

Visitor Expenditure The Monitoring Report * records the total visitor spend on the
island for 2004 as £361 million pa comprising :-

❏ £291 m from domestic staying visitors,

❏ £ 34 million from overseas staying visitors and
❏ £ 34 million from domestic day visitors and
❏ £ 3 million from overseas day visitors.
The Cambridge Model (Sandown Bay 2003) provides a further
breakdown of where that expenditure takes place :-

Staying Visitors Day Visitors

Accommodation 34% -
Food and Drink 21% 52%
Retail 17% 13%
Attractions 10% 16%
Transport 19% 19%

* Value of Yachting - The Report only records data on visitors

travelling to the island by ferry. It does not record data on visits to
the island made by other forms of transport particularly visiting
yachtsmen. However a STB study in 2000 estimated that this may be
worth £19m directly to Cowes and £5.5 million to the rest of the

In addition, many of the businesses concerned are locally owned

and subsequently leakage off the island is relatively low compared
to other sectors. The multiplier of wages paid to staff, purchase of
local supplies and services and regular refurbishments create
additional benefits across the economy. Tourism is a “final good”, all
the final touches have to be provided on the Isle of Wight and so
the value is captured here. Tourists travel to the ‘factory’ to consume
the product i.e. they travel to the destination to enjoy their holiday.
Extrapolation of the estimates of supplier and income induced
spending in the Sandown Bay study suggest that this multiplier
effect could generate a further £150 million in the local economy.

Employment In the region, tourism provides employment for more than 225,000
people (around 8% of the region’s workforce). This rises to 403,000
people when related industries are included (9.5% of regional
employment) (Source: SEEDA).

The 2001 Census figures for the Isle of Wight show that 9.7% of
employment is directly in the Hotels and Catering Sector. This
equates to 5,285 people. Similarly, NOMIS Labour Market Statistics
shows tourism related employment (accommodation, eating out,
museums, sport and leisure) to be 5,620 and 11.2% of employee

However, other sectors such as retail and transport are heavily

dependent on tourism and The Value of Visitors study (2004)
estimates that the tourism related employment is actually 12,865 or
24% of the total workforce on the island.

A Cambridge Model study of the Sandown Bay area in 2003

estimated that indirect and induced employment adds another
42% to the direct jobs. Using the NOMIS base figure this would give
a total of approximately 8000 jobs that would be supported by
tourism spending which is 16% of the employee jobs.

In real terms, because of the nature of the seasonality and

temporary employment in the industry and the islands greater
reliance on, for instance, cross solent transport and yachting (800
jobs supported by expenditure of yachtsmen STB 2000), the figure
for actual jobs is probably between the two at approximately 20%.
This would equate with similar tourist areas in the UK where there
are equivalent bed-space and population levels.

Tourism has a reputation for providing low-grade jobs that are

mainly seasonal and poorly paid.

However, 10 years ago, tourism was little known at degree level.

Now 60% of secondary schools are offering GCSEs or A Levels in
tourism and leisure.There are over 2,000 FE courses in tourism and
related subjects offered in the South East alone. Most sectors within
tourism and leisure have a higher proportion of graduates than the
national average and 16% of jobs in tourism are management jobs.

In addition, it is an invaluable source of employment for particular

groups within society, and often in areas where no other jobs exist
– ethnic groups, women returners to work, older people, school
leavers. It is also a people industry where customer care and
communication skills are transferable and are for life. It is ideal for
offering flexible working hours, low barriers to entry and
sometimes a dynamic and vibrant customer facing environment.

Tourism is also populated by thousands of small businesses that are

largely family run or employ less than 5 people. These businesses
are the bedrock of an economy such as the island has where large
employers are few and far between. Micro-business support and
growth will be one of the key aims of the Tourism Development

The island has a Centre for Vocational Excellence (COVE) for
hospitality and catering which will play a major part in equipping
the workforce with the necessary skills and to build career structures
to support a more sustainable industry.

Quality of Life The extent of facilities and services that are created by tourism are
varied and substantial and give island residents a much greater
choice and quality than would normally be available to a population
of 133,000. The level of retail, eating out, leisure, arts, attractions,
activities and public transport would be much poorer or simply not
exist without the additional 2+ million people that come to the
island each year. The island has a particularly strong provision of
marina and dock facilities that without visitors would not otherwise
be available to residents.

Cross Solent Travel is heavily supported and subsidised by visitors

coming over to the island. In the peak season over 12 crossings an
hour from 4 ports provide residents, businesses and visitors with
regular and reliable means of travel and access to the mainland.

The tourism industry also contributes to the preservation of the

built and natural environment. Visitor related uses can provide new
life for historic buildings and tourism developments can be the
catalyst for the regeneration of derelict sites. Through visitor
payback schemes contributions can be made directly in projects to
directly enhance or preserve environmental projects.

Creating a Positive Tourism can help raise the awareness of places, change perceptions,
Image create interest and encourage inward investment and civic pride.
The success of festivals and events and the links through the
community can have far reaching effects on people’s identification
and integration with their local area. A place that people want to
visit is usually a good place in which to live and work.

Across a broader spectrum Tourism encourages :-

❏ Diversity of employment
❏ Inclusion, participation and development of potential
❏ Lifelong learning activity
❏ Community Capacity building
❏ Social renewal and raising of aspirations
❏ Entrepreneurship
❏ Healthy Living and Well Being
❏ Success and Celebration of Local Distinctiveness and Cultural

THE There are three primary challenges in the development of tourism
on the island :-
CHALLENGES (i) Meeting customer needs
FOR TOURISM (ii) Building confidence
(iii) Ensuring Sustainability

Tourism needs to be aware of and adapt to the changing needs of

potential visitors. Studies show that the visitor of the future will be
diverse and demanding and typified by the following :-
❏ Increased numbers of older travellers- who will be healthier and richer
❏ Increased interest in holidays that promote good health and well
❏ More holidays in which arts, culture and history play a prominent role
❏ Continued increase in the use of the internet for searching and
❏ More demand for destinations with high environmental excellence
❏ A continuing trend for shorter holidays because of time pressures
❏ Combining holidays with hobbies, interests and learning
❏ Increasingly discerning customers who expect and demand quality
and value
But, ultimately, the challenge is to Build Confidence……..

...in the visitor that the island can meet their needs and

...in the Public Sector, so that tourism is seen as a credible and

effective contributor to the economic, social and environmental
well being of the island and to align expenditure accordingly.

...in the indigenous private sector to regularly invest in their

enterprises and human resources and have pride in being an island

...in the community that tourism can bring a much higher quality of
life through improved facilities, services and opportunities.

...in potential inward investors to consider the island as a

welcoming, dynamic and viable opportunity

And, tourism development must be :-

Economically Sustainable Through creating wealth and improved viability in business and
providing better paid and higher skilled jobs. Key to this is reducing
seasonality and increasing yield from tourism.

Socially Sustainable It should result in an overall better quality of life for island residents.
It can provide better retail, leisure, eating out and transport
provision and should address where it could assist

in resolving issues relating to public realm, congestion and housing

Environmentally It should ensure that the natural environment is conserved and

Sustainable enhanced and be proactive in the minimisation of pollution, energy
use and green field development.

How does the Accommodation Quality

island compare
with other UK Isle of Wight Council was one of the first local authorities to operate
Destinations ? an ‘inspected only policy’ for the use its services i.e. all
accommodation operators must have been rated by the
RAC/AA/VisitBritain(ETC). Now, over half the local authorities in
Britain do so. This has resulted in a higher than average
participation in the ratings scheme than nationally or other
comparable regions.

Total Bedspaces and % Rated by AA/RAC/ETC

Type No of est Units Pitches Bedspaces No Rated % Rated

Hotels 116 7355 67 58%

Guest Acc 285 4983 180 63%
Self catering Independent 600 864 5243 183 30%
Self catering Agencies - 7 440 440 2435 440 100%
Holiday Parks with T&C 58 2953 2315 19778 34 59%
Touring & Camping only 21 1345 4035 10 48%

Total 1520 4257 3660 43829 914 60%

The national average of participation in the ratings scheme is 47%.

At 60% overall the island is well above average.

Level of Quality In terms of levels of quality ratings by sector there is comparative

data on mean ratings against which the island can measure itself :

Hotels - % of establishments in each category - stars

1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star Mean
England 3 44 44 8 1 2.6
Cumbria 4 60 35 1 0 2.33
South West 5 53 36 6 0 2.43
Wales 4 35 45 14 3 2.8
Scotland 3 25 48 22 2 2.95
IOW 2 60 36 2 0 2.4

Guest Accommodation - % of establishments in each category -

1D 2D 3D 4D 5D Mean
England 0 6 45 45 4 3.47
Cumbria 0 2 40 54 4 3.6
South W 0 4 41 49 6 3.57
Wales 4 27 55 13 2 2.85
Scotland 3 21 52 22 1 2.94
IOW 0 3.5 40 54.5 2 3.5

Self Catering - % of establishments in each category - stars

1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star Mean
England 2 10 45 38 5 3.34
Cumbria 0 4 42 45 9 3.59
South W 1 9 47 38 5 3.37
Wales 0 5 22 55 20 3.96
Scotland 6 25 46 23 0 2.86
SE 2 18 47 24 3 2.9
IOW 1 13 43 36 1.9 3.1

Holiday and Touring/Camping Parks - % of establishments in each

category - stars
1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star Mean
England 0 5 25 48 22 3.87
Cumbria 0 2 15 43 40 4.21
South W 0 3 20 61 16 3.9
Wales N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a
Scotland 0 6 24 53 17 3.81
IOW 5 9 31 41 14 3.5

SWT Intelligence Project The Tourism Company 2003

This indicates that, although it might have a high proportion of

participation in all sectors, the island’s accommodation is falling
below the average levels of quality rating in the hotel, self catering
and Holiday and Touring Parks sectors although Guest
Accommodation compares favourably.

Occupancy Rates The Quarterly Monitor 2004 shows the following average bed-space
occupancies achieved in commercial accommodation;-

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Peak Quarter 4 Yr Ave

Serviced 21% 50% 71% 38% 40%
Self catering 18% 63% 94% 43% 54%
Holiday Parks 16% 62% 86% 48% 53%
Touring/Camping 7% 37% 78% 26% 47%*
* Quarter 1 excluded in average.

There is a lack of comparable national data for sectors other than
the serviced accommodation.

In the National Tourist Boards UK Occupancy Survey 2004 the

annual average bedspace occupancy for England was 46%, Scotland
44%, Wales 41% and for the UK overall 45%. However, these figures
include a wide range of establishments from 5 star hotels in cities to
the smallest diamond rated B & B. Hotels in Seaside areas are
separately identified with a UK average bedspace occupancy of
42%. The island is 2% below this level.

Peak Season It is clear that relative to the rest of the UK and even in the SE the
island has very high peak season occupancies across all sectors but
falls below average in the other periods of the year. For example
Devon records peak occupancy of 64% for self catering (IOW 94%),
78% for holiday parks (IOW 86%) and 55% for Touring & Camping
(IOW 78%).

Value Estimates of value on tourist expenditure are made using

established formulas and, hence, it is difficult to assess whether the
spend per visitor on the island is any better or worse than
comparable destinations.

The socio-economic analysis ( see Page 7) suggests that nearly half

the visitors to the island are from the lower socio economic groups
and is cause to conclude that value could be increased. Relatively
low occupancy rates out of the peakseason is also another indicator.

However, the value can be increased/decreased if the mix of visitors

changes. For example, if there is a reduction in day visitors or
Visiting Friends and Relations(VFR) causing an overall drop in visitor
numbers but there is an increase in staying visitors then the value
may still increase because of the higher spend attributed to staying

There is a need to regularly assess levels of real visitor expenditure

through visitor surveys.

THE 2020 The Local Strategic Partnership’s 2020 vision for the island is :-

VISION “A progressive island built on economic success, high

standards and aspirations and a better quality of life for
Tourism as a key player in economic regeneration can and should
play a major part in achieving that vision.

However, if it does nothing then :-

❏ Tourism is based on the past where the traditional summer
holiday ruled & the island has a high dependence on the coach
& school groups market
❏ The industry will not tap into relevant growth markets
❏ Many jobs will continue to be seasonal and of low quality
❏ Some tourism operators will continue to be trapped in a
downward spiral unable to invest in quality of facilities or
❏ Tourism’s value and contribution to the local economy
in real terms
❏ More traffic congestion and negative impact on local
❏ More harm to the environment and quality of life
❏ Loss of higher quality businesses
❏ Withdrawal of public sector commitment
Or it has a vision of :-

“ …a high quality, thriving, competitive and sustainable

tourism industry…… which generates wealth, promotes
environmental quality, enriches the quality of life and
brings enjoyment to visitors.“ (TSE – Tourism ExSellence)

This can be translated into the following long term key objectives
for tourism on the Isle of Wight :-

❏ A better employer – better paid, skilled & satisfied workforce

❏ Radically less seasonal – longer, flatter patterns of business
❏ Increased wealth creation – higher spend from visitors, more
profitable businesses
❏ Higher quality – across the whole spectrum of visitor
❏ Higher levels of repeat business – more satisfied and
motivated customers
❏ More acceptable locally – tourism seen as a credible part of
the economy and positive contributor to the quality of life on the
❏ Enhancing and protecting the environment – ensuring that
key assets are not spoiled by over development or excessive use.

Forecasting Growth to It will be important for the economic sustainability that the TDP
2020 aims to grow the value and not just the volume of tourism in the
long term. The growth will also need to take into account social and
environmental issues. The current occupancy data indicates that
there is little room for increases in the volume of visitors during the
peak. Moreover, issues caused by seasonality dictates that all the
growth in volume should be in off peak periods. However, this
should not prevent increases in value coming out of the peak
periods through premium pricing strategies.

Research undertaken in the South West has concluded that during

the 1990’s tourism grew in line with disposable income at 2% pa
and over the next 10 years that there will be the following growth
per annum :-

Trips Spending*
Short Breaks 1- 4 nights +5.8% +5.3%
Long Holidays 4+ nights 0.4% Nil net growth
VFR +7% +2.4%
Overseas +3.5% +2.5%
Day Visits +2.1% +2%
*Net increase in spend exc. Inflation.

In making the future projections it is assumed that the overall trend

towards short and additional holidays will continue. Growth in
spending overall is projected at 2.6% pa.

The projection based on past relationships between growth in

income and spend on holidays in England is likely to be
modified by :-

❏ An overall aging of the population with growth in the 45+ age

groups but also some growth in the 15 – 24 age groups
❏ A gradual increase in the proportion of the population falling
within the ABC1 socio-economic groups
❏ Increases in single people with no children in the 16 – 34 age
group and an increase in the 55+ age groups and some decline in
the number of families with young children.

The changes in the population ageing and in socio-economic

composition, with higher spending groups tending to increase
faster than the average, could result in an increase of up to 1% pa
over the projected spend set out above.

Implications for Based on these average levels of annual growth if the island can
Isle of Wight meet the changing customer expectations it could expect to see
the following position by 2020:-

2004 data Net Growth pa 2020 Projection

Staying Visitor
Spend £325 million 2.6% £452 million
Day Visitor Spend £37 million 2% £48 million
Total Spend £362 million £500 million
Staying Visitor Trips 1.5 million 4.4% 2.49 million
Day Visitor Trips 1.1 million 2.1% 1.45 million
Total Trips 2.6 million 3.94 million

Hence, by 2020, the island could see a 40% growth in expenditure

(at 2004 prices) to just over £500 million and a 50% increase in
visitor trips to 3.9 million – over 1.3 million more than in 2004. This
will mean, in terms of cross solent traffic, an extra 2.6 million
passenger movements a year – an increase of 28% on the current
capacity of 9.3 million.

The number of bednights spent on the island would increase from

5 million to 7 million pa. These would mostly come in short breaks
out of the peak periods.

If cars increase in the same proportion it could result in an extra

170,000 cars per annum as a result of visitor related activity.

Hence, it will be important that the TDP focuses on ;-

(i) How to grow volume in the off peak and

(ii) How to grow car free tourism visits

STRATEGIC The TDP must be consistent with other regional and local strategies
as well helping to influence those that are emerging.


Regional Economic Strategy

Regional Tourism Strategy


Sub Regional Priorities

Tourism Skills
Partnership TSE/IOW TB IOW Branding

Island Tourism Development Local Transport

Futures/LSP/AIF Plan Plan

Sandown Bay
Island Plan IWC Corporate IW Cultural/Arts Rural Dev/AONB Regeneration/
UDP/LDF Objectives Strategy Management Plan Cowes
Waterfront etc

Sub Regional Priorities In the Regional Tourism Strategy - Tourism ExSellence -

Tourism South East identified the following priorities for the
❑ Capitalising on the special appeal of being an ‘island’ making the
crossing part of the experience and overcoming perceptions of the
difficulty and cost of getting there.
❑ Positioning the Isle of Wight brand to maximise both its product
strengths and potential growth markets.
❑ Raising adequate resources to market tourism and achieving a
better integration between IOW Council, tourism industry, TSE and
other partners.
❑ Reducing seasonality and developing an all year round,
and profitable tourism industry.
❑ Generating more support for tourism on the island from
politicians and residents and a greater recognition of its importance
to island life.
❑ Becoming more IT focussed to respond to changes in the way
customers access information and book holidays.
❑ Improving product and service quality to meet the needs of
tomorrows visitors
❑ Attracting new investment as well as encouraging indigenous
growth to improve basic infrastructure, particularly in the urban
areas, and regenerating Sandown Bay
❑ Managing tourism to protect environmental quality and
safeguard the interests of the local community.

The South East Plan The emerging SE Plan recognises :-

“The need to improve the tourism offer to one that focuses

on a higher quality, higher value product.”

And should seek to do this through :-

(i) Support for quality hotel development and conference facilities

(ii) Support for appropriate tourism related retail facilities
(iii) Support for tourism related centres of vocational excellence
including any associated academic establishment
(iv) Exit strategies for redundant tourism accommodation coupled
with contributions to improved tourism related infrastructure.

Island Plan The draft Island Plan sets out the 2020 Vision from the Local
Strategic Partnership (LSP) :-

“A progressive island built on economic success, high

standards and aspirations and a better quality of life for

and is led by economic regeneration that “supports growth and

investment in tourism” as well as other key sectors.

TOURISM It is proposed that the TDP has two key horizontal themes of
Sustainability and Quality. However, the catalyst to help drive and
DEVELOPMENT implement effective change should be the public and private
PLAN sectors working in a Smarter way :-

Sustainable Island With tourism growth comes responsibility and the TDP will seek to
ensure that the recommended actions address economic, social and
environmental sustainability issues.

Quality Island The island should aspire to provide a world-class visitor experience
at all levels. This needs to be both managed and marketed. Critical
to this will be an overarching Destination Management Plan that
deals with the whole Visitor Experience Chain.

Smarter Island Making it Happen - the TDP will identify ways of providing targeted
and collective improvement opportunities for the private sector to
improve skills and professionalism ; to have the public sector
responsive, aligned and committed to its role in infrastructure and
development investment; and to have greater partnership working
at local and regional levels.

Having established these as the fundamental criteria for the

framework it is proposed that the needs of Key Customer Groups
should guide the development of the tourism products and services.
This will require greater integration between destination
management and destination marketing than has been the case to

Isle of Wight Tourism

Development Plan Framework

Smarter Island
Sustainable Island Quality Island
Economic, Social and Managing and
Environmental Marketing a World
Class Visitor

Key Customer
Destination Groups Destination
Marketing Management

KEY CUSTOMER “ The Customer is King. Any industry that does not focus on
the needs, expectations and requirements of its customers
GROUPS is doomed to failure “ (Scottish Area Tourist Board)

Increasingly and especially for short breaks and first time visitors,
people are less interested in a destination for its own sake and
more interested in the experience they are likely to have.

Five key groups have been identified that will maximise the
economic, social and environmental benefits :-

1. Family Fun Preschool, Traditional and Freestyle Families

The family market is the mainstay of the Isle of Wight’s business but
currently it tends to be focussed into relatively short periods of the
year and, not unsurprisingly, largely tied to school holidays.
However, the market can be split into three defined segments :-

❑ Preschool – a holiday with babies and children under 5 can be

very stressful and there is an increasing reluctance to go abroad
because of safety issues to do with travel, food and healthcare.
Some preschool children also holiday with grandparents - this can
be to give the parents or single parent a break and is often out of
the peak season. To target this market the customer needs to be
reassured that it can be safe, hassle free and there are specific
facilities or services for that age group such as cots, babychairs,
buggies, especially adapted bicycles and properly accredited
crèches and babysitting. There will also be an increasing
consciousness of healthy eating so imaginative menus and
enforcement of no-smoking areas will be important. The
availability of free play facilities generally on the island or within
paid attractions or other tourist facilities such as pubs and
accommodation will be crucial. Imaginative toddlers pools,
availability of armbands and special sessions for younger children
need to be considered in leisure complexes. Water quality and
beach cleanliness are essential. The availability of high quality baby
changing facilities within public toilets, eating out establishments
and attractions is also key

❑ Traditional - holidays with children aged between 5 – 12 have

different challenges to those with younger children and are
primarily based around the school holiday periods. With the
impending changes in the school year to fixed two week breaks in
April and October and a shorter Summer holiday there are new
opportunities. The beaches will continue to be the major attraction
in the summer but may lose their appeal in the early and late
breaks. Family attractions and activity providers, however, will have
an extended opportunity to provide for this age group. Children are
more independent at this age and so the ability for informal games
and sports, Children’s Clubs and opportunities for discovery will be

important. Parents can also get involved on a more equal basis with
the older children in outdoor activities such as cycling, watersports
and horseriding.

❑ Freestyle Families – teenage children are strongly influenced by

their peer groups and fashion. They also need to develop their
independence and try new activities. Parents may also want their
own time safe in the knowledge that their children are being looked
after. Outdoor activities and the arts are two potential areas where
the island could be seen as ‘cool’ to teenage children. Outdoor
Activity Centres, Music Festivals and provision of social facilities for
young people within accommodation and attractions may be key.
Could have potential as a short break associated with an event or

2. Chill Out DINKS (Dual Income No Kids) and SINKS(Single Income No Kids),
Empty Nesters (children grown up and moved away)

Despite predictions to the contrary ten years ago, there are now
increasing numbers of people working longer hours. Stress is also
the most common cause for taking time off work. They are
commonly known as ‘money rich, time poor’ and although they are
not tied to the needs of children they are restricted by their
employment. This means they can take breaks whenever they like
but they will be in frequent short bursts. They tend to be very loyal
once they have found what they want. They also work hard but
need to wind down and recharge their batteries. The concept of
leaving the mainland to go to an island ‘retreat’ has considerable
power for this group. It could involve simply doing nothing for a few
days or it could be doing an activity such as golf, sailing, walking or
cycling. Pursuits that aid mental well being such as learning to do
something or discovering new things will be popular for this
customer group. Alternative therapies such Reiki, Shiatsu,
Reflexology, Meditation and Yoga are increasingly fashionable. The
Rock Festival in its current format has a strong appeal to this group.
Rural areas and heritage and garden attractions are important here
together with art galleries, museums and rural crafts. Quality of
accommodation, eating out and general environment is crucial.
They may prefer to travel without their car if the journey is quick and
well organised.

3. Close to Nature Empty Nesters, DINKS and SINKS

This customer group is concerned with and motivated by the

natural environment and associated ‘ Green ‘ issues. The island has
distinct natural attributes with its coastal scenery, countryside and
extensive provision of walking routes. The Green Island Awards, Gift
to Nature project, Bag Tag and the AONB and other designations,
already demonstrate the island’s commitment to its environment.
There would also be interest in the island’s wildlife such as the Red

Squirrel, birds and butterflies. Walking and cycling would be key
activities including off road and safe routes. Local products,
particularly organic food, Farmers markets and local produce on
menus would have an appeal. They would recognise that travelling
without the car needs greater planning and patience but has great
environmental benefits. Hence, a car free holiday experience could
be very attractive but would entail a fully integrated transport
system both on and off the island. Green tourism is also very
popular in Northern European countries where there may also be
concerns about driving to and in Britain.

4. Its Adventure Youth, DINKS and SINKS; Freestyle Families: Empty Nesters.

This group is slightly younger although it increasingly includes

Empty Nesters and is an all year round market. This group is
seeking to challenge itself in both familiar activities and new
experiences. However, safety and good instruction are paramount
too. The island already has a world-wide reputation for sailing and
a growing one for extreme water sports both linked to major
Festivals. Land based activity such as mountain biking, horse riding
and paragliding also have potential for growth. There are already
examples of outdoor activities being used for the corporate
incentive and team building markets.

5. Sheer Indulgence DINKS and SINKS; Empty Nesters; Golden Oldies

An increasing number of people want and are prepared to pay for,

an extra special experience. Celebration is probably the main driver
where fine dining, pampering, personal service and treats are key
elements. Anniversaries, weddings and honeymoons demand that
kind of attention. Health and beauty treatments - aromatherapy,
Indian Head Massage or facial – combined with saunas, steam
rooms and Jacuzzis are popular. High quality local produce and top
class service will be key to the eating out experience. Scenic
locations, quiet countryside or coastal areas are preferred but
standard of facilities could be more important. High quality arts –
galleries, arts centres, shops – and high quality heritage attractions
such as Osborne House and Brading Roman Villa will be an
important part of the mix. The association with the upmarket image
of sailing and yachting will be a major advantage to the island.

DESTINATION The Destination Management Plan is primarily concerned with all
those areas that effect the quality of the ‘visitor experience chain’
MANAGEMENT and how that might need to change. It also explores how the island
( see map - appendix 1) should determine the quality and relevance of new development.

In more definitive terms quality is about :-

❑ Meeting and exceeding customer expectations

❑ Increasing visitor satisfaction resulting in more repeat business
❑ Increasing economic viability
❑ Improving the reputation of tourism as a credible and
sector of the economy
❑ Helping to build a reputation for the island of a high quality of

Complaint monitoring over the last few years by Isle of Wight

Tourism indicates that visitors consistently complain about the
following :-

❑ Poor attitude towards the visitor from the manager / proprietor

❑ Poor quality of facilities and services
❑ Cleanliness
❑ Poor customer service
❑ Poor standard of service / food / catering
❑ Misleading Information
❑ Overcharging
❑ Poor public facilities and amenities such as public conveniences

The ‘Bedrock’ for It is proposed that the quality of the island visitor experience should
Development be underpinned by three basic foundations :-

1. Improvement in Skills and Training

2. Quality of the Natural and Built Environment
3. Improved Transport Infrastructure

1. Skills and Training Tourism is a service industry and as such is highly dependent on the
quality of business owners, managers and front-line employees.

It is dominated by a large number of small and medium sized

businesses that have a limited ability to invest and, often, a lack of
the necessary skills both within the ownership of the businesses and
also the key employees. This includes many ‘lifestyle’ businesses that
don’t necessarily aspire to grow or to improve their product and

General employment in tourism is typified by high turnover due to
seasonality, part-time working, low pay and skill levels and lack of
progression. However, in recent years tourism businesses are
increasingly complaining about the shortage of labour on the
island and some have turned to using foreign workers. Indeed, the
labour market of the future will be characterised by :-

❑ low unemployment rates and subsequent recruitment

❑ demographic changes resulting in less young people and more
older people in the indigenous population and because of the
expansion of the EU, the increased availability of foreign workers.

Hence, Tourism will need to engage much more positively with the
labour market if it is to beat off the increased competition from
other sectors for limited skilled labour.
This should include :-

❑ Emphasising the opportunities for people of all ages, gender,

ability and economic circumstance.
❑ Considering how to engage the 45+ age group in particular
❑ Presenting itself as a sector that relies on common, generic and
transferable skills to move from one part of the industry to another
❑ Providing leadership and management development

which will influence the ethos of businesses towards excellence,

improvement and staff development

The ‘Working Smarter’ ethos also includes ensuring a co-ordinated

approach between the various training providers on the island and
the industry.

The TDP advocates that the priorities for action are in the following
areas :-
❑ Support for micro-businesses
❑ Training for front-line employees in a range of tourism and
cultural sectors
❑ Support for management development
❑ Effective delivery and support for relevant COVE’s
Short Term Actions :-
❑ To establish relevant training programmes and one to one
support services for owner operators to improve business
❑ Assist the industry to access effective business advice
❑ Support new entrants to the industry
❑ Raise the awareness of and engagement in quality

throughout different sectors of the industry
❑ To improve the overall standards of skills in hospitality and
catering and employees in the industry generally
❑ To address the basic skill needs of foreign workers and
ensure the provision of adequate staff accommodation .
❑ To introduce a ‘Welcome Island’ programme of Customer
❑ To improve the image and perception of jobs in the
tourism and cultural sectors

Medium Term Objectives :-

❑ To ensure the sustainability of the COVE for tourism,
hospitality and catering on the island
❑ To increase the number of tourism and cultural employees
with NVQ 3 or equivalent to 50%
❑ To increase the number of accommodation operators
engaged in the NQAS to 80% of the total stock
❑ A strong support network for existing and new

2020 Vision :
❑ A more highly skilled and qualified local workforce
❑ Reduced staff turnover and improved staff retention
❑ Habitual good practice and high standards amongst
business owners
❑ Tourism seen as a credible and positive career

2. Quality of the Natural Natural Environment

and Built Environment
The natural environment is the key asset for the future of the
island’s tourism development. It is the arena that will supply the
basic products for a number of the Key Customer Groups – Its
Adventure, Chill Out and Close to Nature in particular. High quality
beaches will not only continue to be essential to the traditional and
freestyle family holiday market but will also feature in extreme
sports, beach soccer and general leisure use.

The conservation and protection of the island’s natural environment

is overseen by a number of agencies as well as private landowners.
The Isle of Wight Council is a key player as it has control of several
major services on the island such as the AONB Service, Rights Of
Way Network, the Countryside Service, the Coastal Protection
Service and the Beaches and Parks service. In addition, there is the
National Trust which owns a substantial amount of land and
property, English Nature and the Wildlife Trust.

The TDP acknowledges the role played by the relevant agencies and
confirms the need to support the respective strategies.

Short Term Action
❏ To support the AONB Management Plan in integrating the AONB
into marketing, event development and interpretation.
❑ To support the ROW Improvement Plan
❑ To secure the investment required to enable the island to
maintain and increase the number of Seaside and Blue Flag Beach
❑ To support the CPS in securing funding to maintain and develop
the coastal areas
❑ To integrate more with the National Trust, English Nature and the
Wildlife Trust in promoting the understanding, enjoyment and
preservation of the respective environments.

2020 Vision
❑ To establish the island as nationally renowned as an
important and treasured landscape

Historic and Built Environment

There are almost 2000 Listed Buildings on the Island. Of these, 28

are Grade 1, which are buildings of major national importance. The
Island currently has 24 designated Conservation Areas identified for
their special architectural and historic merit.

The Isle of Wight Society (1995) identified over 50 different heritage

linked locations on the island of which the English Heritage
properties dominate - Osborne House, Carisbrook Castle, Yarmouth
Castle and Appledurcombe House. The National Trust also has 5
historic properties and in 2004 the Brading Roman Villa
development added another very high quality heritage attraction to
the island.

There are also a number of private Manor Houses that can provide a
more intimate and less commercial visitor experience.
The island’s strong maritime connections are portrayed in a number
of small museums across the island – Cowes Maritime Museum,
Classic Boat Museum, Shipwreck & Maritime Museum, Ventnor
Heritage Museum, East Cowes Heritage Centre, Museum of
Smuggling History, Marine Heritage Exhibition. However, there is no
high profile centre on the island that celebrates its long associations
with the sea. In view of the strength of sailing and yachting, the
recent achievements by Ellen Macarthur, Shirley Robertson and the
presence of UKSA this would appear to be a potential development
opportunity. UKSA has also recently purchased Gypsy Moth IV with
a view to it being permanently located on the island. However, any
such development must clearly distinguish itself from the National
Maritime Museums at Greenwich and Falmouth.

The Isle of Wight Council’s Museum Service broadly distinguishes
two major areas of interest - that of geology, and that of human
history of the Island, and these are developed as themes within the
museums run by the Service. To this end, Dinosaur Isle was originally
established "To be a national centre of excellence in the
conservation, display and interpretation of the Island's
dinosaurs and diverse geological heritage", The island is one of
the best locations in Europe to find fossils and dinosaur remains and
should continue to utilise this strength to attract visitors.

Securing an international designation such as World Heritage Site

status would bring considerable credibility to the islands geological
importance and boost the area worldwide as a green tourism
destination. The Coastal Protection Service is proposing that this is a
possibility following on from the designation of the adjacent
Jurassic Coast of East Devon and Dorset.
Heritage in all its forms has particular appeal to some of the Key
Customer Groups – Sheer Indulgence, Chill Out – and the overseas
markets e.g. USA, Australia, Japan.
The TDP recognises the importance of the historic buildings and
landscapes to the future of tourism and supports the respective
agencies and services in ensuring the conservation, enhancement
and interpretation of the island’s heritage

Short Term Actions :

❑ To support the preservation and enhancement of the
island’s built environment and to raise awareness of the
importance of good design in achieving quality development
❑ To maximise the wealth of historic buildings and
landscapes on the island in promoting to key markets
❑ To support the continued development of Dinosaur Isle as
a National Centre of Excellence
❑ To support the consolidation of heritage attractions where
appropriate e.g. Marine Heritage Centre
❑To support an application for World Heritage/GeoPark site

Medium Term Objective

❑ To establish Dinosaur Isle as a National Centre of
Excellence for dinosaurs and geological heritage
❑ To secure World Heritage/Geo Park status

2020 Vision
❑ To have a high level of understanding about the
importance of historic and built environment and resources
and advice to ensure its preservation and enhancement

Public Realm and The existing public infrastructure, facilities and services are vital to
Infrastructure the visitor experience and the local authority spends millions of
pounds each year in maintaining it. Also, as the planning authority,
Isle of Wight Council has a major influence on the quality and
design of new development within the private sector.

However, future restrictions on local authority funding mean that

both the existing expenditure and any new development
opportunities will be under pressure.

The Environment Services Directorate in the IW Council operates

many key services including planning, highways and engineering,
property services and IW Tourism. Hence, an integrated and
focused view on the importance of the maintenance and
improvement of public realm and facilities will be essential.

Knowing the scale of the problem is very often the best starting
point and regular audits of esplanades and key public areas looking
at public toilets, street furniture, lighting, litter bins, railings,
buildings, signing etc should be established. Strategies for the
public realm should be common place including the adoption of a
‘Zero Tolerance’ policy with on going alert and inspection regime
that would identify and deal with problems quickly. Ensuring that
the public authorities are aligned at the practical level includes
improving internal commitment and ‘bending spend’ to ensure
minimum standards as well as exploring potential external
methods of delivering improved services and facilities.

The increased use of Planning Obligations, such as 106 agreements,

on developers should be used to assist in raising extra investment
into the public infrastructure and facilities. The re-investment of
capital receipts from the sale of Council owned land or property
into public facilities and services could also be an option.

The private sector also plays in part in the aesthetics of town and
village centres. Some parts of the main shopping areas in the
resorts could benefit from shop front improvement schemes and
these should be encouraged as part of the regeneration

The Island in Bloom concept would assist in improving the overall

welcome at the gateways to the island as well as dressing up town
and village centres during the main part of the tourism season.
Community support for Island in Bloom will be crucial to its long
term sustainability.

Short Term Actions:
❏ To obtain the Council’s agreement to and adoption of the
Tourism Development Plan
❏ To support the Council in the adoption of Public Realm
Strategies in all major towns (and villages) on the island
❏ To undertake an quality audit of all esplanades and key
tourist areas to assess condition of toilets, street furniture,
street lights, seats, paving etc
❏ To encourage the Council to adopt a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy
with an improved inspection and enforcement regime with
regard to the public realm
❏ To encourage a greater use of Planning Obligations such as
106 agreements and re-investment of Capital Receipts to
secure funding for improvements in the public facilities and
❏ To encourage shop improvement schemes within the
regeneration programmes
❏ To improve gateway areas and town and village centres
under the Island in Bloom initiative.

Medium Term Objectives

❏ To have a regular monitoring and refurbishment
programme for the public realm in place
❏ To have secured wholesale private sector and community
support for the improved quality of the public realm

2020 Vision
❏ To have a world class public realm

3. Transport The actions identified under the TDP are entirely consistent with the
Infrastructure recent ‘Transport Vision – A Connected Island’ approved by the IW
Council :-

“ Our vision for transport is an integral part of the overall

2020 vision for the future of the Island, which leads to a
more prosperous, accessible, healthy, environmentally
friendly Island. At the heart of this 2020 vision is the
economic regeneration of the Island, which in turn is
dependent on the development of the Island’s transport
“……where all methods of transport including walking and
cycling with public transport form an interlinked transport
network across the Island, the Solent and beyond. This
enables travel of people and goods from wherever they are,
to the destinations of their choice both on and off the
Island, with safety, reliability, ease of access, and affordably
at a convenient time.”

The forecasts for growth of tourism alone, let alone any residential
increases, has major implications for the transport network and if
extra visitors are being asked to travel to and around the island
without their car then there needs to be an infrastructure and
service to support that.

Within the Green Tourism Plan ( see Page 53) there are a number of
actions aimed at promoting and developing more car free tourism
to and on the island.

Currently the majority of the accommodation stock on the island is

in the Sandown Bay area so the transport infrastructure feeding
that particular part of the island is vital and access by road, cycle,
rail, air and the sea needs to be addressed in the Bay Regeneration
Programme and the LTP 2.

The proposed bid for a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) is intended to

resolve long term problems with the maintenance and quality of
the roads on the island as well as, in future phases, to develop
integrated transport and cross solent travel provision.

The future viability of Island Line railway is a concern although a

Community Rail Partnership has been established recently to focus
a greater resource on promoting and developing the service. The
impending Ryde Interchange development should also assist the
line as well as the integration of transport generally. Other
interchanges should be supported for the gateways to the island.

In recent years, the Tourist Brown Signing system has been

inconsistent and poorly maintained resulting in an over
proliferation of signs many of which are in a poor condition. This
has been addressed recently with an audit and record of all signs, a
new policy and application process and proposals for an ongoing
bi-annual audit. In the medium term, a form of official route
branding for major roads on the island should be considered that
may also help reduce the number of brown signs required and
encourage greater use of public transport.

Other general traffic signing is also poorly maintained in places but

will potentially be dealt with under the PFI.

The increased promotion and development of safe cycling routes,

footpaths and bridleways will be an important part of reducing the
use of cars even if visitors do come to the island in their car.

Short Term Actions

❏ To support and encourage the provision for Car Free travel
on the island – Also see Green Tourism Plan
❏ Feed the TDP recommendations into the LTP 2 and

Regeneration Projects
❏ To support the Council’s application for a PFI to upgrade
the road and other infrastructure on the island
❏ To support the Ryde Interchange project
❏ To support rail development and promote use by visitors
❏ To put in a place a sustainable Tourism Brown Signing
policy, process and bi-annual audit

Medium Term Objectives

❏ Investigate access to Sandown/Shanklin by sea as part of
the regeneration projects – marina/pierhead development
❏ To support further Interchanges at Gateways to the island
❏ To investigate the development of the most effective use
of the island’s airports including the potential for a heliport
at Sandown Airport
❏ To investigate the concept of Route branding for the main
tourist routes around the island.

2020 Vision
❏ To have a fully integrated and viable transport system
that enables visitors to travel with safety, reliability,
comfort and convenience.


1.Commercial In 1994, the Isle of Wight was one of the first UK destinations to
Accommodation introduce an inspected only policy for accommodation and now
over 50% of destinations in the country have followed suit.
Harmonisation between the inspection bodies (AA/RAC/ETC) and,
more recently, between Scotland, Wales and England have re-
enforced the credibility of this policy. Although it is recognised that
any inspection scheme will never be perfect or cover all types of
provision or, indeed, ever afford to stand still, the principle of
accreditation of quality is a sound one.

The new Visit Britain Strategy ‘Quality in Tourism’ recognises the

role of quality in stimulating investment in service and facilities,
raising productivity and boosting profitability. It also notes that
“quality assurance needs to be in tune with the lifestyle of
our customers and meets and satisfies their needs.”

It proposes a target increase in participation in the star ratings

scheme across all accommodation sectors from the current 47% to
over 80% by 2010. At 60% (see Page 12) the island has a
participation rate that is currently higher than the national average
but has mean ratings that are generally below average.

The adoption of the TDP is an opportune time for the island to re-
affirm its support for an inspected only policy across all commercial
accommodation providers and to continue to work with the
inspection agencies to maximise participation and improvements
of mean ratings on the island.

Short Term Action :

❏ To re-affirm support for an inspected only policy in order
for accommodation providers to access official marketing
and other tourism services
❏ To work with inspection agencies on increasing the
participation on the island and the improvement, where
appropriate, of those already participating

Medium Term Objectives

❏ To raise the participation rates to 80% and mean ratings
to the highest for any comparable UK destination.
2020 Vision
❏ To align the island’s accommodation offer with the
aspiration for a world class visitor experience

Serviced The provisional analysis of the serviced sector shows that although
there is a high participation (61%) in the Quality Assurance schemes,
the levels of quality would appear to be at best average relative to
other comparable UK destinations. There is concern that many
medium and large hotels and guest accommodation are too reliant
on the coach and school groups market. This tends to be low
margin, high volume business which has an uncertain future and
isn’t particularly viable in terms of indirect spend on other tourism
related services and facilities. Future market growth would appear to
be with customers who will be increasingly discerning and
demanding even in the coach markets.

In order to facilitate a better understanding of the way the island’s

serviced accommodation operates and what future there may be for
the sector, a Hotel Sector Futures Study has been commissioned.
This will also provide evidence for the Local Development
Framework and Regeneration Programmes on potential Hotel
development for the island. It will look particularly at the effect of
the current Hotel Retention Policies under the UDP and possible exit
strategies that could be encompassed within the new LDF.

Short Term Action :

❏ Commission Hotel Sector Futures Study - TSE

Holiday Parks This sector has, nationally, been one of the fastest growing with
large improvements in quality of chalet and caravan
accommodation standards and on site leisure facilities. However, in
recent years, two factors appear to have combined on the island
that have created problems with residential occupancy of sites ;-

(i) In order to develop an all year tourism season the local authority
has allowed permission for extended opening periods to 46, 48 or
even 52 weeks of the year
(ii) Operators have increasingly focused on sales of caravan/chalet
holiday homes rather than operating hire fleets. This is primarily
because it releases a short term capital injection and is seen as less
’hassle’ in terms of recruiting staff to clean hired fleets and the extra
management time involved in promoting them.

Subsequently, purchasers of chalets/caravans have become full time

residents on some parks which appears to have been allowed by the
park owners. In turn, the local authority has also been unwilling to
enforce the terms of the planning permission and site licencing with
regard to holiday use.

The British Holiday and Home Parks Association (2004) warns
operators against the serious implications that can flow from this
situation including insurance, health and safety and legal issues as
well as the threat, particularly on mixed used sites, of deterring
genuine holiday usage because of the “very different and
unwelcoming appearance” that residential use can bring. The local
authority is also concerned that such usage creates an unplanned
burden on public services such as health and education.

A second issue with holiday parks is that in recent years a number

of sites on the fringes of the urban areas have become surrounded
by other permanent housing and commercial developments raising
issues about the continued desirability of the site for holiday use.

The analysis of Holiday Parks taking part in the Quality Assurance

schemes also shows a below average level of quality when
benchmarked against other areas in the UK.

The issues surrounding Holiday Parks on the island are complex and
in the absence of any generic or specific research on this sector it
will be necessary to undertake a specific study that can make an
accurate assessment of the variety of stock, its ownership and the
respective issues on the island. It will also assess future market
growth for this sector.

Short Term Action

❑ Commission Holiday Parks Audit and Futures Study

Self Catering Self catering on the island mainly takes the form of holiday
cottages, houses and flats and is an important component of the
rural and coastal economies. In recent years it has had particular
relevance to farm diversification and rural regeneration.

The Isle of Wight Tourism audit in 2005 recorded 1300 units of self
catering across the island. A study by Southern Tourist Board in
2003 found that :-

❑ The market on the island is highly seasonal with an average

number of 20 weeks sold pa – peak weeks averaged 83% falling to
13% in the winter

❑ 40% of operators reported an increase in demand in recent years

❑ Domestic families on holiday were the single most important


❑ The average weekly tariff of £345 was just slightly below the
regional average.

The Quarterly Monitor 2003/4 recorded higher levels of occupancy -
94% in the peak down to 18% in the winter. These peak figures are
probably some of the highest in the UK.

Only 8% of visitors that come to the island and stay in commercial

accommodation, will use self catering. But the average length of
stay is the highest of all commercial stock - 11.1 days.

The quality assessment of the sector on the island shows a below

average level of rating achieved relative to other UK areas.

The STB study also identified the following key market aspirations in
relation to the self catering product :-

❑ Customers tend to be younger and more likely of child rearing

❑ Whilst families are the core market, letting agencies have noted
increasing demand from a number of other user groups notably ;-
❅ Childless Couples wanting to participate in activity
holidays (DINKS/SINKS)
❅ Empty nesters and retired couples

❑ An increasing demand for larger units, to house two families

sharing or a large group
❑ Healthy demand for high quality accommodation, towards the 4
star and 5 star end of the market
❑ Reasonable proximity of shops, pubs, places to visit and things to
do e.g village locations
❑ A more service-oriented environment, including emphasis on
welcome and ancillaries such as meals, baby sitting and laundry
❑ The increasing importance of off season lets and short breaks,
requiring a large catchment within a 2 hour drive time
❑ Ancillary leisure facilities, whilst not necessarily the key driver of
demand, may be of particular help in building out of season trade.

This sector would appear to have the greatest potential for growth
in terms of increasing the supply and quality on the island and also
in terms of increasing yield. Self-catering also supports other
services such as shops, food and drink and attractions.

Short Term Action :

❑ Support and encourage appropriate new self catering
development particularly in rural areas
❑ Encourage upgrading to 4 and 5 star standards
❑ Review as part of the Hotel Sector Futures Study

Medium Term Objective
❑ To increase provision of high quality self catering on the

2020 Vision
❑ To increase the value of tourism to the island through
more and higher quality self catering that operates
throughout the year

Touring and Camping IW Tourism data identifies 21 specific touring sites on the island
although many static caravan sites also take touring and camping.
The Quarterly Monitor shows that approximately 8% of visitors stay
in this type of accommodation. Occupancy is around 80% in the
peak season falling to 37% in the Spring and 19% in the autumn.
Few sites are open in the winter.

The quality assessment shows a high participation in the quality

assurance schemes but a below average level of rating achieved
compared to other UK areas.

At the moment the UDP presumes against any new touring and
camping sites from operating outside the holiday season – May –

Whilst the demand for camping and caravan holidays appears to

have levelled out since the rapid rise in interest in the 1970s and
1980s, they are still a popular activity and there is increasing
demand by users for sites to be fully serviced and of high
specification. However, there remains only limited scope for
additional sites, or extensions to existing facilities, if the very fine
landscape character of the island is to be safeguarded.

It is important that the impact of caravan and camping

development upon the environment and nature conservation
interests is minimised. The visibility of sites, both close to and from
longer distant views, and the ability of the local highway network to
accommodate caravans, are crucial factors.

However, future trends for green tourism experiences, the growth of

some overseas markets e.g. Dutch market and more single sex and
younger groups attending festivals may help the relatively low
occupancy rates of existing sites in the Spring and Autumn.

Short Term Action :
❏ Encourage existing sites to participate in Green Island
❏ Integrate sites with Festival and Special Event Promotions
and Overseas Marketing

Medium Term Objectives

❏ Monitor need for developments of further sites
❏ Increase occupancy rates in the Spring and Autumn

2020 Vision
To have a thriving and profitable Touring and Camping

Second Homes The Census 2001 identifies 3.8% of housing on the island as being a
second residence or holiday accommodation. Although this is higher
than the national average, when compared to similar tourist areas in
Devon, Cornwall or Wales it is still relatively low :-

❏ North Cornwall - 8.1%

❏ North Devon - 4.4%
❏ South Hams - 11.0 %
❏ Devon - 3.5%
❏ Cornwall & Isles of Scilly - 4.6%
❏ Pembrokeshire - 6.2%

However, in common with these other areas, second homes can be

concentrated in particular villages and small communities causing
very localised impacts. On the island, nearly 20% of homes in the
Seaview, Freshwater (Norton) and Gurnard wards are classified as
‘second homes with no residents’.

One of the concerns is that most of the expenditure by visitors

staying in second homes goes to owners outside the area. However
this may be offset by :-

❏ Visitor expenditure occurs across a range of services other than

the accommodation itself e.g. shopping, eating out – this would
to be retained in the area
❏ Expenditure by home owners locally on rates, services
(housekeepers, gardeners), maintenance and refurbishments. The
Cambridge Model (2003) estimates this as being in the region of
£1000 per property.
❏ There may be a proportion of second home owners who actually
live on the island. Due to escalating property prices in recent years
there has been a large growth in investment in properties for let as
holiday and residential use.

The Quarterly Monitor shows that 6% of visitors to the island stay in
a second home or static/chalet that they own.

Short Term Action :

❏ Review as part of Hotel Sector Futures Study and Holiday
Park Audit and Market Study

Medium Term Objectives

❏ To reduce the loss of housing stock to second home

2020 Vision
To have enough housing stock to meet the island’s needs

2. Tourist Attractions The island has a large and diverse range of visitor attractions. IOW
Tourism lists at least 60 discrete venues in its Attractions Miniguide
2005. The Tourism Baseline Audit 2003 identifies 200 possible
places of interest for visitors. The island has a particular strength in
heritage attractions.

The Quarterly Monitor shows that, in recent years, visits to

attractions generally, has been in decline and that new visitors are
more likely to go to attractions than regular or VFR visitors. This
highlights the on-going need to refresh and update the content of
attractions in order to encourage visitors to return but also might
point to an over supply.

The Quarterly Monitor also shows that as much as 38% of the 1.4
million staying visits are with friends and relations (VFR) on the
island – over 20% of overseas visitors are also staying with friends
or relatives. Key activities for the VFR market include visits to
attractions and eating out and are generally prompted by the host.
So increasing awareness amongst the resident population of
attractions on the island could serve to improve numbers.
International experience with “be a tourist in your own town” or
“Resident First” promotions have increased local and visitor use of
attractions and eating out venues.

Changing visitor demographics have also made it increasingly

difficult for family attractions. The Quarterly Monitor shows that
75% of leisure visitors to the island are adult only groups – a
complete reverse to the position 20 years ago. Other factors are :-

❑ The average length of stay is now also only 4.4 nights which
restricts the amount of time available for visits to attractions
❑ Visitors are increasingly coming for outdoor activities – walking,
cycling, water-sports.

❑ Projections on population growth show a fall in number of
and a rise in empty nesters and households without dependents.
❑ The strong dependence on coaching groups that are almost
exclusively older adults

Attractions, like accommodation operators, are also faced with

higher customer expectations with regard to quality, service, value
for money and overall ‘memorability’ of experience.

A recent global study by the Scottish Tourist Board identified the

following critical success factors in visitor attraction management ;-

❑ Product development Innovations – new concepts, consumer

directed technology, animation and realisation
❑ Marketing and Promotional Initiatives – partnerships, repeat visit
incentives, lifecycle extension initiatives, seasonality extension
❑ Revenue Generation and Funding – on site retail and catering,
corporate hospitality, stay longer on site initiatives
❑ Education and Training – managerial qualities, training and HR
❑ Community and Public Sector Intervention – community
relationships, quality assurance measures

Existing attractions on the island should be encouraged through the

Business Support programmes to consider all these aspects.

The volume of attractions on the island means that very careful

consideration should be given to any proposals for new attractions.
The priority should be given to improving the quality of all existing
attractions to meet changing consumer demands and to help
improve viability.

Proposals for both new and upgraded attractions should be judged

against the following criteria :-

❑ Do they fit with the Key Customer Groups ?

❑ Will they facilitate regeneration ?
❑ Are they complementary to existing attractions (or will they
displace business) ?
❑ Do they provide wet weather facilities and help extend the
season ?
❑ Are they accessible by public transport and/or incorporate a
Green Travel Plan ?
❑ Do they help reinforce the distinctiveness of a locality ?

It is likely that there will be fewer traditional attractions on the
island in the long term. This could be because of outright loss or,
perhaps, through the need to pool resources. In some cases, access
issues may require a degree of consolidation of specific themed
attractions. Integration with new accommodation or retail
developments may be another solution. However, these could be
replaced by a greater number of, say, outdoor activity providers,
health and spa services, eating out and retail.

Short Term Action

❑ To ensure relevant business support and training for
❑ To create initiatives to encourage awareness in VFR
eg Island Open Day
❑ To encourage the adoption of Green Travel Plans for key
attractions linking to accommodation providers on the
❑ Support appropriate diversification and innovations
within existing family attractions
❑ Support for existing attractions development in
regeneration areas – Dinosaur Isle, Marine Heritage Centre

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To focus new attraction developments in the regeneration
❑ Under the LDF, to enable some attractions to change use
or consolidate

2020 Vision
To have a thriving and profitable attractions sector

3. Eating Out Almost every visitor to the Isle of Wight is interested in food and
drink. Self-catering, B & B and VFR account for over 70% of the
staying visitor market and there are fewer accommodation
operators in the serviced sector wanting to provide evening meals.
In addition, the majority of day trip visitors will also require catering
at some stage of their visit.

The Cambridge Model estimates that at least 20% of expenditure

by staying visitors and 50% of day visitors spend is on food and
drink. This equates to £83 million each year on the island.

The UK market is currently growing due to the high levels of media

and consumer interest in quality food. There is also a drive towards
healthy eating to combat obesity, particularly in children, and other
health issues. Overseas visitors will be interested in local produce
and traditional local dishes.

The island has been one of the first in the UK to run a Quality
Assurance scheme for eating out and helping catering
establishments at all levels to improve their quality and presentation
of food, service and efficiency and overall cleanliness. This is now
being adopted nationally by Visit Britain.

The island currently has one Michelin star restaurant.

The Centre of Vocational Excellence (COVE) in Catering and

Hospitality will be central to the ongoing development of standards
of eating out on the island. This includes the creation of a training

A Farmers Market also takes place every Friday in Newport and there
is an Isle of Wight Farmers and Producers Association

There are several areas where the island could move forward :-

❑ The establishment of a single industry led body to

standards, marketing and supply of local produce
❑ Support and development of the Farmers Market
❑ Promotional initiatives such as a Food Trails, Food and
Drink Festival etc
❑ An IOW Food Award Scheme voted on by visitors
❑ Greater collaboration between food and drink producers,
restaurants, shops and accommodation operators

Short Term Actions :

❑ To promote the COVE for Hospitality and Catering to
eating out Venues to improve catering and service skills
❑ To support the establishment of a Training Restaurant via
the COVE
❑ To promote the Quality Assurance Scheme for eating out
❑ To encourage all eating out establishments to become no
❑ To establish an annual IOW Good Food Award based on
nominations from visitors
❑ To support the establishment of a single industry led body
to co-ordinate standards, marketing and supply of local produce
❑ To establish an annual Food and Drink Festival
❑ To develop and promote Food Trails

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To have all the island’s eating out establishments participating in
the Quality Assurance scheme and using local produce where
❑ To secure at least one other Michelin star restaurant on the island

2020 Vision
To establish the island with a reputation as a high quality
and value for money destination for eating out

4. Arts and The island is home to a vibrant artistic community and has a varied
Entertainment provision of facilities within the arts sector both public and private
sector as well as through various Trusts and the voluntary sector.

The Isle of Wight Council’s Arts Unit has four strategic aims :-
❑ Providing regular access to high quality arts
❑ Developing a stronger artistic sector to bring greater
creativity to the Island.
❑ Promoting arts in supporting tourism.
❑ Enhancing our environment through public and
environmental art.

It oversees public facilities such as the Theatres at Shanklin, Ryde

and Medina and the multi-purpose Quay Arts Centre. Promotional
initiatives include the production of island Arts and Crafts Guide
and an Arts Map promoting an Open Studios Week in August across
24 different venues. It also supports carnival and celebratory arts
including the Learning through Island Events Project that is aimed
at supporting individuals and organisations who are involved in
running events on the Isle of Wight. This has gained accolades
nationally and the island has forged links with other major carnival
events such as Notting Hill.
The Isle of Wight Literary Festival is also gaining in strength and
receiving support via the Arts Unit.
As well as a regular programme of high quality exhibitions, live
entertainment, film and workshops, Quay Arts operates a very
successful Summer School that attracts many staying visitors.

The Arts Unit has also co-ordinated a number of Public Art projects
including the award winning Seaview Duver Coast Protection
Scheme. It has supported Island 2000 in the delivery of other
projects such as Ventnor Way Markers, From Source to Sea (six
sculptures along the course of the Eastern Yar River)
The Koan at St Mary’s hospital, the Cowes Floating Bridge and Boat
Trail and The Brading Dragon and The Brading Bull. In 2005 the
What If ? Esplanades programme secured Arts Council funding for
public art on the sea fronts.

Private Sector arts provision includes galleries and studios. Ten are
identified in the Arts and Crafts Guide but the Open Studios week
in September utilises over 50 different venues.

There are two other theatre venues on the island - Trinity at Cowes
and the Ventnor Winter Gardens. Dimbola Lodge museum, the
home of pioneering Victorian photographer Julia Margaret

Cameron, has a comprehensive programme of photographic
exhibitions and workshops as well as music and illustrated talks.

On a broader level of appeal the island has the Cineworld Multiplex,

Planet Ice (which also doubles up as Ryde Arena) and LA Bowl.
Osborne House is also staging major musical and other events on a
regular basis.

The role of arts activities and facilities in the quality of the

experience of the Chill Out, Close to Nature and Sheer Indulgence
Customer Groups will be increasingly important. Hence, the
integration and support of the arts and the on-going investment
into venues and facilities is vital to the aspirations of the TDP.

The development of ‘Cultural Quarters’ particularly around the Quay

Arts complex in Newport and Shanklin Theatre should be
considered as part of the respective Regeneration Projects. Funding
schemes such as Arts for Business and Percentage for Art will enable
private sector contributions to the provision of public art.

The development of residential arts based workshops and Summer

Schools concepts throughout the off peak periods of the year could
assist in boosting occupancies. The development of niche Arts
Festivals, possibly themed on particular strengths of the island e.g.
photography, literature, should be explored.

Public Art projects on Esplanades, gateways and in regeneration

areas can enhance the identity and local distinctiveness and should
be integral to Public Realm strategies.

Short Term Actions

❑ To ensure the inclusion of Public Art in Regeneration Projects
❑ To encourage the development of Niche Festivals – Film,
Photography, Literature
❑ To package arts workshops and schools with accommodation
❑ To support Carnival Arts Development
❑ To Secure investment for key venues at Shanklin and Ventnor
❑ To support and encourage the use of Ryde Arena and Osborne
House as concert venues

Medium Term Objectives

❑ Development of Cultural Quarters in Newport Harbour, Shanklin
❑ Establishment of National Centre of Excellence for Carnival Arts
❑ Establish Island wide Public Art

2020 Vision
To establish the island as a premier destination to learn, enjoy and
experience a wide variety of arts based activities

Festivals and Special Festivals and events have become increasingly important to the
Events island in recent years for the following reasons :-

❑ Major Strategic Events can generate additional tourism business,

more spending, jobs etc
❑ They provide a persuasive reason to visit often out of the main
❑ They secure media coverage that raises the profile of the
location and showcases the best attributes
❑ Benefits flow to many associated businesses
❑ They provide opportunities on the island for use of public
❑ They require and stimulate partnership and can build
community morale

In recent years the island has established a number of Festivals that

are officially referred to as the Key Strategic Events. They are :-

❑ The IOW Walking Festival – May – 14 days – PR coverage of £93k

in 2004
❑ IOW Music Festival – June – dominated by the Nokia Rock
Festival over 3 days – creating £8 million visitor spend/£1 million
PR in 2004
❑ Skandia Cowes Week - August – 8 days – est 2.1 m visitor
spend/£3 m PR coverage for Skandia
❑ IOW Cycling Festival – September - 9 days - £3k PR coverage
❑ White Air Extreme Sports Festival – October – 10 days – est.
£60k PR coverage

These events receive specific financial and logistics support of the

Councils Cultural and Leisure Services Events Team. There are many
other events on the island that also receive such support on an
annual basis and the Team will also initiate and coordinate with
event organisers on an ad-hoc or one off basis. The Council has also
created an Events Safety Group to co-ordinate with major event
organisers at the earliest stage on issues to do with licensing,
Health & Safety, highways and emergency services.

The main principles of the Festival and Events Plan are :-

❑ To agree and establish the key Strategic Events for the island in
partnership with relevant partners .
❑ To use the Strategic Events as an integral part of the branding to
create “top of the mind” awareness of the island for tourism and
commerce both domestically and overseas
❑ To targeted Strategic Events to have the greatest positive
economic, social and environmental benefit to the population of
the island.

❑ To ensure that Strategic Events should be unique, differentiated
and showcase the island’s attributes, and generally be of a world
standard to appeal to a world wide audience.
❑ To ensure that all Events are supported by appropriate, effective
institutional arrangements with adequate resources
❑ To ensure that all Events organisers should regard the Isle of
Wight as an innovative and “hassle free” events destination.
❑ To ensure that Events take place throughout the year but to aim
to develop at least eight Strategic Events during the year

There are already a number of events that could be moved to the

level of being Strategic Festivals – Jazz Divas (April), Motocross
(May), Wight Diamond (May), Beach Soccer/Sports (July/ August),
Powerboat (September),Ryde Carnival (September), the Bestival
(September) - there may be potential for establishing the following
additional events:-

❑ Niche Arts Festival/Artists Schools – April/May

❑ Food and Drink Festival – Autumn
❑ Festival of the Coast – Autumn
❑ Wight Christmas Festival - December

Short Term Actions

Establish IOW Events Board to :-
❑ Provide a strategic direction for Festivals and Events so as
to maximise financial and other resources into the Key
Strategic Events and any one off celebrations.
❑ To identify potential future Strategic Events by \
encouraging the establishment of new events or
development of existing events
❑ To compile a calendar of future Festivals and Events on
the island and make freely accessible to interested parties
❑ Allocate Grant funding and/or support for Festivals and
❑ To consider and resolve infrastructure and support issues
with regard to major events on the island.
❑ To link with the Events Safety Group
❑ To encourage accommodation and transport operators to
develop packages associated with the events
❑ To promote integrated green travel options on all Strategic

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To create at least eight different Strategic Events on the
❑ To increase occupancies by 5% in the Spring and in the

2020 Vision
To establish a world class reputation for the island as a
venue for Festivals and Special Events

5. Outdoor Activities The island has relatively large provision for both formal and
informal outdoor activities and has particular strengths in a number
of specific ones. The island’s environment is also ideal for learning as
it doesn’t consist of extreme terrains or isn’t subject to extreme
weather conditions. Hence activities such as walking, cycling, horse-
riding, sailing and watersports can be done in relative safety.

Four out of the five official Strategic Festivals are based around
outdoor activities – The Walking Festival, Cowes Week, the Cycling
Festival and White Air Extreme Sports. But in recent years there have
been a number of other niche outdoor activities and sports that are
beginning to see the island as a key base.

The TDP is focusing on the promotion and development of the

following five Key Activities that have a particular strategic fit :-

Sailing/Yachting The island has a global reputation for sailing at the centre of which
is Cowes known as the ‘Home of World Yachting’. It is also the base
for the UK Sailing Academy (UKSA), seven major sailing clubs and,
more recently, double Olympic gold medal winner Shirley
Robertson and world record holder Ellen MacArthur and her team.
A considerable cluster of maritime industry exists in Cowes and East
Cowes as well as a diverse range of associated businesses such as
specialised clothing, equipment, photography, arts etc.

A study in 2000 by STB, estimated that £25.9 million was spent by

visitors coming to Cowes due to the attraction of yachting. These
same visitors also spent a further £8.1 million elsewhere on the

In addition, approximately 33,000 yachts visited Cowes of which

73% stayed for at least one night. Nearly half were involved in
racing events. This equated to 200,000 Yachtsmen during the year
and an expenditure of £18.7 million in Cowes and £5.5 million
throughout the island. £8 million was spent on eating and drinking
in Cowes, £6 million on marine goods and services and £3.8 million
on mooring fees and accommodation.During Cowes Week the study
estimates that yachtsmen spent just over £3.1 million and visitors
£1.5 million.

The Royal Yacht Association (Watersports Participation 2003)

estimate that between 2 and 2.5 million people in the UK
participate in “ all forms of boating under power or sail”.
Participation in sailing nationally is projected to increase by 5% pa.

Locally, UKSA has reported a strong growth in the demand for
training and learning to sail packages. This has been caused by the
increasingly sophisticated technology for yachting systems and the
drive towards high standards of licensing and competence. This has
created a global shortage of yacht skippers, qualified instructors,
waterfront managers and resort managers. Indeed, 20% of UKSA
clients come from overseas. UKSA also report that 70% of their
clients are career change professionals choosing sailing or water-
sports as their future vocation.

There is also provision on the island for yacht charters, RIB and
powerboat hire.

Sailing and boating has particular relevance to Freestyle Families, Its

Adventure and Sheer Indulgence Customer Groups

Walking The island has the most concentrated and highly regarded network
of public rights of way in the UK with 319 miles of footpaths
including a 67 mile coastal path around the entire island.

The range of walking opportunities on the island is typified by the

annual Walking Festival that also happens to be the largest in the UK
and possibly in Europe. It is an activity can be adapted to fit in with
nature and wildlife study, fossil hunts, Ghost walks, pub walks,
heritage, gardens etc.

The island doesn’t have extreme terrains as seen in Scotland or

Switzerland for instance, so casual walking is the strength. However,
for those that wish to have a walking holiday on the island there is
the BagTag service which moves luggage from stop to stop.

Walking has particular relevance to the Chill Out and Close to Nature
Customer Groups but is being increasingly enjoyed by families. With
the growth in awareness and appreciation of exercise in improving
mental and physical health it is anticipated that walking both as the
main holiday purpose and as an ancillary activity will continue to
grow. It is, however, limited with regard to packaging as a holiday
activity unless it is specifically tied in with an activity such as nature

Cycling Cycling has increased in popularity as a leisure pursuit due to the

introduction of the mountain bike – over 10% of the population
now own a mountain bike. There are primarily two types of user –
casual and the rugged enthusiast and the island can cater for both.

There are over 200 miles of cycle routes including the 62 mile Round
the Island route. There are eight off road cycle ways that have been
developed as part of the National Cycle Network (Sustrans) that are
ideal for the casual user. In addition, the annual White Diamond

mountain biking festival has developed 40 KM and 60 KM
endurance rides whilst the Cycling Festival in the Autumn has 3
hills, 7 hills and 14 Hills cycling/orienteering events. The Isle of
Wight ‘Randonnee’ is an annual 100KM cycle ride and a mini-
randonnee of 30KM, which is usually held on May Day Bank

The island is used by at least one tour operator for cycling holidays
as part of a joint package with the New Forest crossing from
Lymington and uses a variety of accommodation from hostels to
country house hotels. There would appear to be more
opportunities to develop this connection.

Good signage, road safety and well maintained cycle tracks are
important to the casual users so the expansion of off road routes
will be essential. In order to encourage more visitors to cycle once
on the island, there needs to be a greater degree of cycle hire
facilities and cycle friendly transport.

The Green Tourism Plan (see Page 53) identifies a number of actions
for the promotion and development of cycling.

Extreme Sports The recent surge in interest in the island as an extreme sports
destination is largely due to the development of the White Air
Festival at Sandown. As well as a range of water-sports it has
developed skate boarding, BMX, mountain boarding and even
street luge.

It has raised the profile of the island with a younger audience

typified by the Its Adventure Customer Group and has great
potential with the Freestyle Families group too.
There are also a number of established water-sports operators that
can provide tuition and equipment hire for surfing, windsurfing,
kite-surfing, wakeboarding, waterski-ing and kayaking.

Appley Beach at Ryde is now also the UK’s only permanent Beach
Soccer venue and the base for the England Beach Soccer
Association. It operates over a 16 week period through the summer
catering for several thousand participants and spectators.

Hang gliding and paragliding is particularly popular on the island

with at least one club based here that offers ‘learn to’ breaks.

Equestrian The island has 165 miles of bridleways with the ROW service
looking to increase that in the near future. There are several horse
riding stables that actively promote themselves including two large
indoor arenas that stage regular shows and competitions. TSE has
identified Equestrian Tourism as an activity that has development
potential and has identified four strategic priorities ;-

❑ To raise the profile of the South East as a focus for equestrian
❑ To maximise the sustainable potential of the additional, high
value niche markets offered by equestrian tourism in the South East
❑ To create new product and marketing links and packages
between good quality equestrian and tourism products and
services for the benefit of both sectors
❑ To integrate relevant initiatives for, and highlight the mutual
benefits of, equestrianism and tourism development.
The British Horse Society has a membership of over 100,000 and
there are 40,000 riding clubs in the UK. Horse riders generally have a
bias towards the 15-24 and 35-44 age groups with high
representation from the AB socio-demographic groups. Those with
families are the most likely to take a riding holiday.
TSE has identified some other primary target markets of which the
most relevant to the island are:-
❑ Groups of friends/young professionals going racing or riding on
second holidays and short breaks
❑ ABC1 Horse owners in South West, Midlands and East
❑ Individuals/couples/groups with or without their horses
❑ Groups and individuals seeking to compete and/or learn
specialist activities

Some specific objectives of the strategy are to investigate the

feasibility of a major indoor equestrian centre, encouraging quality
enhancement schemes for operators, establishing various ’hotspots’
of equestrian development and to have a regional ‘Festival of the

There is the potential to develop an international standard indoor

arena from at least one of the current stables on the island and
although realistically that may never be a Regional Centre it could
act as the catalyst for the island to become one of the ‘hot spots’.
In addition, there are other opportunities for development of
outdoor activities on the island:-

Multi Activity One of the largest growth areas in recent years has been the multi-
activity breaks particularly for celebratory events, incentive and
corporate markets. There are two companies on the island that
already provide this kind of experience and will combine all of the
Key Outdoor Activities as well as other niche types.

Niche There is provision for specialist types of outdoor activities/sports

that appeal to a small market place but, nevertheless, add to the
overall perception of the island as a place where anything is
possible. These include golf, flying, gliding, shooting, nature safari,
speedway, mini-rugby

The provision of generic information on outdoor activities, the
potential of the internet and the role of ferry operators in
packaging activity holidays is covered under Destination

Short Term Actions

❑ To support the promotion of the key outdoor activities
particularly to the ‘learn to ‘ market place
❑ To support key infrastructure developments needed to
assist the key outdoor activities
❑ To support the incorporation of infrastructure in mix use
developments in regeneration areas
❑ To ensure that all activity providers are aware of and
conform with the relevant licencing and safety regulations

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To establish Centres of Excellence for all Key Outdoor
Activities on the island

2020 Vision
To establish the island as a world-class destination for the
key outdoor activities

6. Retail The Economic Impact Study of Tourism in Sandown Bay (2003)

estimated that 17% of visitor spend went on retail – if this is applied
to the total direct expenditure on the island (£361million) then
approximately £60 million pounds accrues to the retail sector each

The Drivas Jonas report (2005) estimates that tourist spend

approximately £27.5 million on comparison goods and £8.2 million
on convenience goods – a much lower total of £35.7 million.
However, the report projects that by 2016 this will have risen by
4.8% pa to £59.9 million and £8.9 million respectively.

Drivas Jonas recommends that there is little need to provide more

convenience shopping (e.g. food supermarkets), especially out of
the town centres, as the current and approved provision should be
sufficient to meet the growth. However, there is forecasted to be a
large growth in comparison shopping based on expenditure by
tourists which will be consistent with the need to “ maintain the
vitality and viability of the town centres”.

If the expansion in the Key Customer Groups occurs and the overall
improvements in quality of public realm take place then
appropriate changes in the retail sector in the main resorts and
towns should follow. The extension of the season and move
towards higher spend visitors should assist in addressing
perceptions of closed resorts in the off- season and the proliferation
of cheap gift shops in some resorts. The suitability of Amusement

Arcades and Gaming Centres within the ground floor premises on
Primary Shopping Frontages and even Esplanades needs to be
addressed if the quality and the ambience of the resorts is to

The concept of cultural quarters in Newport and Shanklin could see

specialist shops growing up in arts, crafts, clothing etc.

Potential mix use developments of retail and accommodation could

benefit certain regeneration areas such as Sandown where for
example large hotels face on to the High St.

Rural communities and rural attractions could develop specialist

retail outlets particularly tied to, say, local produce, arts and crafts
and countryside pursuits. Farm shops may also enable a degree of
convenience shopping in rural areas that may not be allowed under
the Drivas Jonas recommendations.

Short Term Actions

❏ Support Drivas Jonas report on encouraging town centre
comparison retailing
❏ Encourage mix use developments with retail element in
regeneration areas
❏ Applications for amusement centres and arcades should be
subject to the strictest scrutiny and, ideally, phased out in
primary shopping locations
❏ Support specialist retail in rural and attraction
❏ To support specialist retail that relates to key Outdoor
Activities or arts and cultural provision

Medium Term Objectives

❏ To improve the range and quality of comparison goods
retail outlets in town centres and cultural quarters
❏ To increase specialist retailers in rural areas and attractions

2020 Vision
To have a thriving and viable retail sector that is open and
trading all year round

GREEN The TDP recognises that with growth comes responsibility. It is vital
that tourism does not degrade or destroy the environmental assets
TOURISM that will be the one of the bedrocks of its future viability. Indeed,
PLAN the growing interest in green tourism from a world-wide
perspective is undeniable and presents many opportunities to
bring new audiences to the island. The Green Tourism plan runs as
a horizontal strand through both the Destination Management and
Destination Marketing Actions. Fundamentally, it aims :
To create opportunities for the industry for improved viability
and quality whilst addressing the imbalance between
tourism development and environmental degradation.

It specifically addresses the following :-

❏ Impact of businesses on environment – business support
❏ Impact of visitors – AONB, local produce, ROW network
❏ Transport – the growth of car free opportunities
❏ Marketing Opportunities of green tourism
❏ Long term sustainability of Island 2000/Green Island Awards
❏ Development of tourism in Rural Areas
The island has already established a number of creditable delivery
agents of environmental initiatives some of which are leaders in
their field. In particular, the Green Island Awards scheme and the
Island 2000 Trust stand out as worthy embellishments to the work
of the normal environmental agencies such as the AONB, Wildlife
Trust etc.
The thrust of TDP will be to make the island a place of international
repute with regard to its ‘greeness’ .

Specific Objectives ❏ To continue with the Green Island accreditation and awards
scheme to verify and support businesses environmental
❏ To support the work of Island 2000 and the further development
of the Gift to Nature visitor payback scheme
❏ Development of further sustainable tourism initiatives to
increase the penetration of Key Customer Groups
❏ To establish the island as a flagship sustainable tourism

Rural Tourism It is not the intention within the TDP to make particular distinctions
about tourism in ‘rural’ areas on the island. In relative terms and
certainly from the perspective of most tourists, the island is small
and although the majority of visitors stay in resort locations many
of the experiences they enjoy are in the rural locations. Many of the
actions identified in the TDP will impact on the rural economy, in

❑ The focus on outdoor activities such as walking, cycling and
horse- riding
❑ Promotion of Arts and Crafts trails
❑ Development and promotion of a Local Producers Network
❑ Eating Out initiatives such Food Trails, Food and Drink Festival
❑Public transport improvements and integration with attractions
❑ Self Catering Accommodation development and diversification
❑ Island 2000 support for Gift to Nature and environmental
❑ AONB support and ROW improvements
❑ Specialist Retail in rural locations
❑ Business Support initiatives such Green Island Awards,
Welcoming Walkers and Cyclists and general training and upskilling
Short Term Actions
To ensure the continued development of the Green Island
Awards scheme
❑ To identify a resource within the core establishment costs
of IOW Tourism as part of the Quality Development Team
❑ To expand the project to provide high quality business
support service
❑ To expand its membership to include more mainstream

To maximise the impact of Island 2000 on developing green

tourism products in key areas.
❑ To establish a Service Level Agreement with Island 2000
that identifies clear priority areas consistent with the TDP
❑ To focus the work of Island 2000 in key regeneration
project area
❑ To support the development and uptake of the Gift to
Nature programme

To improve the visitors understanding and enjoyment of

the special environmental qualities of the island.
❑ To support the AONB Management Plan
❑ To improve the profile of the AONB within the generic
marketing of the island
❑ To support the RoW Improvement Plan

To develop opportunities for visitors to travel to and on the

island without the need for a car
❑ To increase the provision of luggage transfer on the island
❑ To develop and promote cycle transfer, hire and delivery on
the island
❑ To encourage the further development of safe off road
cycling routes and provision of cycle lanes on existing

❑ To provide Car Free Travel Planners via the internet or
print to prospective visitors
❑ To increase and promote through ticketing opportunities
on the rail/ferry/public transport network
❑ To improve the availability and access to visitor
information, including foreign languages, and tickets for
public transport on the island.
❑ To support the Ryde Interchange project
❑ To support the establishment of the Community Rail
❑ To promote links from Southampton Airport to the island
by rail/ferry/public transport
❑ To promote integrated transport options for major
festivals and events on the island – Walking/Cycling/Rock
Festival – and very busy holiday periods e.g. August Bank
❑ Develop a specific ‘Green Day’ special promotion with free
travel on public transport
❑ To encourage new and existing tourism operators to
develop Green Travel Plans for their visitors
❑ To raise the awareness of walking and cycling
opportunities to the industry through ‘Welcoming Walkers
and Cyclists’ courses and access to relevant promotional
❑ To support the development of ‘themed’ public transport
serving particular Key Customer Groups – Surf Bus, Ramblers

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To improve the regeneration and vitality of rural areas

❑ To establish a programme of regular conferences on the

island with regard to green issues.

2020 Vision
To establish the Isle of Wight as one of the premier Green
destinations in Europe

DESTINATION According to a report released in March 2004 by Key Note, word of
mouth prompts nearly half of the 141 million holidays taken in the
MARKETING UK, above television advertising and brochures. Respondents were
( see map - appendix 2) asked to indicate what prompted their last holiday decision:
❏ 46% said friends and relatives.
❏ 19% said holiday brochures.
❏ 4% said television programmes.
Hence, an excellent quality visitor experience will not only bring its
rewards directly but will also lay the foundation for future economic

This demonstrates the point that Destination Marketing depends

as much on the Destination Management part of the TDP as it
does on the inherent proactive promotion and advertising activities.

However, in an increasingly and highly competitive global market

place the effective marketing of a destination is essential. It is also a
critical tool in effecting change, developing new markets and
shaping people’s behaviour.

The island is fortunate, relative to most other traditional UK

destinations, in having several major players, other than the local
authority, that focus large expenditures on promoting the
destination i.e. the ferry operators. They have also developed as
holiday tour operators selling packaged breaks and working with
the travel trade. This kind of generic marketing is relatively rare in
most other mainland UK destinations.

The relationship and roles of the public and private sector marketing
activities, including the provision of response and information
services such as Call Centres and Tourist Information Centres, needs
to be clearly understood and defined to ensure effective integration
and maximised use of resources. This section and the Working
Smarter analysis will address this issue.

Domestic Marketing Marketing to the domestic visitor will need to address three issues:-

❏ It is highly competitive, particularly with many coastal locations

looking to also extend the season, so level of awareness,
distinctiveness of the destination and book-ability will be

❏ Long stay holidays in the UK are not projected to increase at all in

the medium to long term with all the growth being in short breaks
and VFR business

❏ The TDP framework determines specific Key Customer Groups so

the marketing will need to increase its reach and penetration of
these groups.

Overseas Markets In the overseas market it is predicted that there will be substantial
growth to Britain (it increased by 11% in 2004) and, currently, the
island has a very low proportion of overseas visitors relative to the
rest of the region. It is, however, relatively accessible from key UK
entry points – ferry ports, airports, Eurostar/Waterloo. Overseas
tourists have higher per night, as well as per trip, expenditure
average. Hence, investment in marketing overseas, particularly in
the Northern European – Holland, Germany, France - countries
could reap considerable benefit. The island is also popular with
visitors from long haul destinations such as the USA, Canada and
Australia. The needs of the Key Customer Groups are as applicable
in these markets as they are for the domestic tourist and the island
already has some products that could be promoted effectively
Marketing Objectives ❏ To raise the general profile of the Isle of Wight in the domestic
and overseas market place
❏ To reposition the Isle of Wight brand in accordance with the
proposed key customer groups and Inspire Branding Programme
❏ To increase reach and penetration to the proposed Key
Customer Groups in order to increase yield and reduce seasonality
❏ To maximise the opportunities available through the
development of the internet and information technology generally.

The Isle of Wight needs to ensure that it increases it reach and

penetration of the Key Customer Groups. This will be a combination
of :-

❏ Building a compelling brand,

❏ Improving the level and effectiveness of public/private
spend in raising and sustaining the island’s profile
❏ Using technology to improve effectiveness and penetration of
❏ Optimising yield and seasonality

1. Building a Compelling Tourism is becoming an increasingly competitive and crowded

Brand marketplace and in such an environment, brand image becomes a
critical tool in differentiating one destination from another and one
product from another. Strong branding also provides consumers
with compelling reasons to visit.

The adoption of the new island brand through the Inspire project in
Spring 2005 provides the foundation for cross public/private sector
promotion of consistent messages about the strengths of the
island. This could be worth several million pounds of collective
expenditure every year.

The brand has been designed to help raise the profile of the island
and promote it as a modern, progressive and attractive place for
people to visit, invest and live.

The ‘Core Thought’ for the brand is “Natural Dynamics”. This is

explained as:-

“…the force that makes the Isle of Wight a different and

special place to live, work and visit. It’s a different kind of
spirit than you’ll find anywhere else because only the Isle of
Wight has this particular relationship between the natural
environment and its people and their lives….people really can
leave work and be on the sea within a few moments or step
out of their back doors and instantly be in an area of
outstanding natural beauty. It’s just much easier to get close
to this other world than it is in other parts of the UK or the

A number of Resonant Hooks have been identified in the branding

research ;-

❏ A more balanced lifestyle choice

❏ A less manufactured, more earthy outdoor experience
❏ A safe enjoyable learning environment
❏ A natural well-being retreat
❏ A hub for marine related or water oriented technologies

These are all consistent with the motivations identified within the
Key Customer Groups in this Plan.

2. Improve level and Experience from other highly successful international destinations
effectiveness of show that there is a proactive policy to organise themselves and to
public/private marketing enhance public- private sector collaboration. Strategic alliances have
spend also enhanced the ability to develop and promote destinations and

Fortunately, the island has a history of the key tourism players

working in partnership, primarily through the Image Campaign.
However, other tourism marketing activities need to be better
integrated with the Image Campaign work and a new Marketing
Strategy Group is proposed.

If the island is going to maximise the impact in the day and staying
visitors markets both domestically and overseas it will need to
establish wider alliances on the island, mainland and abroad.

This could involve more opportunities for joint IOW Tourism and
private sector activity in conjunction with :-

❏ Co-ordinated PR programmes with ferry ops, Festival organisers,
Inspire, English Heritage, National Trust
❏ Strategic Festivals
❏ Joint promotions with New Forest, Southampton and
❏ Greater integration with TSE/Visit Britain campaigns for overseas.
❏ Joint promotions with key transport operators – SW Trains,
Southampton Airport
The Inspire Branding programme may also bring together other
non-tourism related sectors in generating positive and compelling
imagery of the island.

3. Use technology to According to the Office of National Statistics (September 2004)) by

improve effectiveness the second quarter of 2004, 52% of households in the UK (or 12.8
and penetration of million) could access the Internet from home, compared with just
message 9% (or 2.2 million) in the same quarter of 1999.
5000 new users come online everyday in the UK. There is also a
demographic bias towards ABCs and males but there is an
increasing number of females and older age groups (silver surfers)
using the net. One of the top searches on the internet is for
information on travel and holiday destinations and increasing
numbers are using online booking facilities.
In the key overseas markets large proportions of the population are
now connected to the internet :-

❏ USA – (57%) 166 million,

❏ Netherlands (61%) 10 million,
❏ Germany (55%) – 37 million
❏ France (39%) – 18 million

E Marketing It is no exaggeration to describe e-marketing as a revolution for the

marketing industry generally. For the first time, it gives businesses
of any size access to the mass market at an affordable price and,
unlike TV or print advertising, it allows truly personalised marketing.
Specific benefits of e-marketing include:

❏ global reach
❏ lower cost
❏ trackable, measurable results
❏ 24-hour marketing
❏ shorter lead times
❏ a level playing field
❏ personalisation
❏ one-to-one marketing
❏ more interesting campaigns
❏ better conversion rate

Englandnet The Englandnet project was established in 2002 to provide a
national and international distribution system for all of England’s
tourism products and in particular for those from the SME sector.
England net is not a booking system in itself but will draw
information from regional or sub-regional booking and information
systems. This will then appear on www.visitengland.com and
www.visitbritain.com . The IW Tourism’s Destination Management
System (DMS) is the nominated supplier of data – individual
businesses will not be able to go direct or via any other commercial
provider. The DMS has been created so that it’s reservations,
bookings and data display is technically interoperable with the
Englandnet system.

Information from Englandnet will also be provided to internet

portals such as wanadoo.co.uk to guarantee millions more online
customers and potential visitors.

The Role of the Isle of Wight Tourism introduced a DMS in 2004 to provide an
Destination integrated online system that would feed the website with live data
Management System as well being utilised by the Call Centre and TICs. The impending
(DMS) connection, as the sole distributor of Isle of Wight data, to the
national Englandnet system only re-inforces the importance of the
DMS to the future marketing of the island at home and abroad.
The commercial aims and inherent competitiveness in the online
enquiry and booking systems of the ferry operators mitigates
against the ‘data consolidator’ and through booking approach of the
Englandnet system. However, the ability of commercial operators to
package holidays (see Yield and Seasonality), present deals and
special offers and to provide another route to market for businesses
can only add to increasing the impact in the market place.

Business Engagement However, support will be required to enable individual operators to

fully engage with real-time and other levels of online booking and
to keep pace with e marketing generally. This will be covered in the
Skills and Training Action Plans.

4. Optimise yield and The innovation and flexibility of private operators will be vital in
seasonality attracting the Key Customer Groups.

Tourism is different from, say, manufacturing in that it has a fixed

capacity i.e. a hotel can’t make more rooms, and the product is both
perishable (once the opportunity to sell is gone it can’t be sold
again) and subject to peaks and troughs of demand. Hence, it is vital
that operators employ yield management strategies that enable
them to sell the right experience to the right visitor at the right time
and for the right price in order to maximise revenue.

At peak periods the island demonstrates a very high level of
occupancy relative to other UK destinations so the opportunity
exists to premium price but it must be accompanied by the right
quality and authenticity. For example, some visitors will pay extra
towards environmental management projects - overseas tour
operators often seek accommodation with good environmental
policies such as those encompassed in the Green Island Awards

The Internet has created an unprecedented opportunity for

businesses to sell themselves 24 hours a day in a global market.
Also virtual tours of the accommodation and web-cams show
potential visitors exactly what is on offer. Special packages for
groups - for example, couples, off-season breaks, special events –
and special offers generally can be quickly created and posted on
the web to help sell vacant accommodation.

The TDP has identified specific packaging opportunities and

potential clusters that could attract higher spending customers in
the off-season for outdoor activities, arts, festivals, etc.

Moreover, the island is uniquely placed in having two relatively

large tour operators that can package and deliver holidays on the
island. Sheer logistics, marketing spend and legislative
requirements make it difficult for individual businesses to sell
packaged products. However, both Wightlink and Red Funnel have
the capability and commercial awareness to deliver this service.
They also have the added incentive to fill ferry capacity in the off
peak periods.

In order to provide for individual customer needs, as when they

wish to enquire, and, ultimately, to secure the spend, it is essential
that there are effective response and distribution mechanisms. The
provision of 24 hour coverage and ability to book through the
internet is vital but many visitors, especially in the older age groups,
still consider the reassurance of human contact and particularly an
’honest broker’ to be just as important. This can be either before the
visit or whilst on the island. Hence, the provision of an official Call
Centre, Tourist Information Centres and other distribution outlets
on and off the island are an important part of the marketing mix.
However, there is some duplication of on-island distribution
systems for attractions literature and this should be reviewed as to
whether a more effective service could be operated.

Short Term Actions

❏ To encourage the island wide adoption of the

recommendations of the Inspire Branding Study

❏ Improve level and effectiveness of public/private

marketing spend through :-

❏ To improve integration by establishing a Marketing

Strategy Group, as a sub group of the IOW Tourist Board
❏ Secure effective leverage of private sector expenditure
through the branding project and CCTI membership
❏ Investigating Joint promotions with New Forest,
Southampton and Portsmouth where appropriate
❏ Greater integration with TSE/Visit Britain campaigns for
❏ Joint promotions with key off island transport operators –
SW Trains, Southampton Airport, Brittany Ferries
❏ Review literature distribution systems on the island

❏ Use technology to improve effectiveness and penetration

of message through :-

❏ Supporting the development of the Destination

Management System (DMS) in order to maximise the benefits
from Englandnet
❏ Investigate the creation of a single database for island
❏ To increase the range of outlets for and access to DMS
❏ Developing an E marketing strategy that targets key
customer groups and overseas markets
❏ Up-skilling businesses for greater use of technology and
developing on-line booking capability.

❏ Optimise visitor expenditure and reduce seasonality

through :-

❏ Festival & Special Event led campaigns

❏ Building holiday products to penetrate key customer
groups e.g. activity based short breaks.
❏ Greater use of technology to increase immediacy, targeting
of campaigns and increasing use of pricing strategies.
❏ Review of on island marketing and leaflet distribution

Medium Term Objectives
❏ To increase expenditure on generic marketing by 50%
❏ To clearly establish the Isle of Wight brand in the
domestic and overseas market and have widespread use
across the island

2020 Vision
Attracting and retaining visitors that assist in increasing
expenditure and match the brand and product values of
the island

WORKING The long-term success of the TDP will be dependent on having in
place the correct structure that will not only enable and encourage
SMARTER necessary change but also optimise the effectiveness of current
delivery in the public and private sector.

At the highest level this will need to incorporate a commitment to

tourism as a vital part of the island’s future. This should then be
supported by policies and services that are aligned and responsive
to the planning, development and maintenance of core and tourism
related infrastructure.

At ground level, the comprehensive ‘buy in’ and subsequent actions

of key partners will be equally as important. In particular, the role
and abilities of the private sector are fundamental to the successful
delivery of a world-class visitor experience.

Finally, the TDP will also need to be monitored, evaluated and

updated on a regular basis in order to retain its validity.

1. Who are the key The main delivery agents of tourism are :-
players in the island’s
tourism future ?

Tourism South East TSE is SEEDA’s preferred delivery agent for tourism in the South East,
with a remit for setting strategy on their behalf and advising on
tourism policy and priorities. Also provides training, research,
marketing and lobbying services.

Isle of Wight Council Involving primarily :-

❑ Isle of Wight Tourism – Strategic development, marketing,

TICs, call centre, Destination Management System, quality
development and monitoring, complaints, business support and
training, research and monitoring, liaison with Council Services
❑ General Services – beaches, countryside and coastal
management, rights of way, highways, leisure and arts facilities,
events, street lighting, signposting, roads, car parks, toilets, tourist
attractions etc which all effect the visitor experience. Control and
monitoring of businesses on the island involves input from
Planning, Environmental Health and Licensing, Property Services,
and Waste Collection and Disposal.

Private Sector Businesses in accommodation, attractions, activities, catering, retail

and transport. CCTI and other tourism associations.

Isle of Wight Regeneration programmes, inward investment, Area Investment
Economic Partnership Framework, Inspire Branding

Cross Solent Transport Red Funnel, Wightlink, Hovertravel – marketing, packaged holidays,
Operators day trip promotions, event support, product development

Skills and Training Isle of Wight College, Centre for Vocational Excellence (COVE) for
Hospitality and Catering, Learning Partnership, Business Link

National and Regional Throughout England the Regional Development Agencies have
Perspective been taking a greater interest in, and control of, tourism. All, now
see tourism as playing a significant part in the economic well being
of the regions, warranting public sector support but at the same
time seeking the full engagement of the private sector. In some
RDA areas e.g. the North West, East Midlands and the South West
there have been radical proposals for the rationalisation of the
structure of tourism. This has already resulted in the formation of
Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) or Partnerships

DMOs are, generally, a formal amalgamation of district level

Tourism Departments into one larger sub regional public/private
sector company limited by guarantee. DMP’s are less formal but
with key partners signed up to and accountable for, the delivery of
an agreed plan. Both arrangements would be based on a
recognisable brand or geographical area e.g. Cumbria or

There is no one standard model for a DMO or DMP although South

West Tourism (Towards 2015) identifies a DMO as potentially
providing the following :-

❏ Leading on the development of action plans for the destination

❏ Acting as the primary point of contact for the private sector at
sub regional level
❏ Providing ICT and e-tourism services
❏Providing information through TICs and other distribution routes
to visitors and residents
❏ Marketing the destination
❏ Carrying out or commissioning research
❏ Providing advice and support to businesses
❏ Ensuring engagement with local partners and organisations

TSE has chosen, in its strategy Tourism ExSellence, to identify six

sub regional partnerships including one for the Isle of Wight. TSE
has decided to retain its membership system and continue with
regional marketing initiatives (based on specific brands rather than
destinations), business support and research.

Currently the Isle of Wight sub regional body has no funding and
has been unclear as to what its powers and role should be in
delivering the sub regional priorities.

The Role of the The ‘island’ factor has some advantages, one of which is that there is
Private Sector - a strong identification within the Isle of Wight as it being a distinct
The Need for One entity. Many other ‘destinations’ in the UK suffer from internal
Voice fragmentation with a multitude of representative tourism bodies
very often driven by resort or sector interests. This has, in the past,
enabled a good working relationship between the main players in
initiatives such as the Image Campaign and also with support for
generic publications for the island.

The island is also relatively fortunate in having only two main trade
Associations competing for membership - the CCTI and the VAAA.
The CCTI is much the larger of the two and is establishing a branch
structure across the island. It also engages with the wider economic

The VAAA is much smaller, primarily tourist attraction based and

provides marketing and distribution opportunities to its members.
Another association representing attractions, known as PILAA,
doesn’t undertake any specific activity for its members but is an
associate member of the CCTI. It is proposed that one representative
voice for the attractions sector would be a more effective way

The ideal situation would be for private sector interests to be

channelled through one body – the CCTI. The advantages of this
would be :

❑ This would enable a more balanced view both within the

tourism industry and the island’s economy as a whole
❑ It would focus membership resources into one body
❑ It would reduce confusion in the private sector
❑ It would be more effective for the public sector to deal
with one body

2. The Role of IOW In effect, Isle of Wight Tourism provides all the services envisaged in
Tourist Board other regions as sitting with a DMO albeit within the local authority
control. But it needs to formally engage with the other key delivery

In 2004 TSE established a sub regional committee on the island now

known as the Isle of Wight Tourist Board. This would appear to be
the logical ‘umbrella’ under which this should happen. The Board’s
primary focus should be the delivery and evaluation of the TDP.

This would then link with the regional agencies through TSE
increasing the potential influence on matters such as project
funding and support. It would also represent Tourism on the Local
Strategic Partnership and feed into the Island Plan for 2020.

It is proposed that the Board is re -constituted with the following


❑ Chairman – independent
❑ IWC – three Councillors
❑ IW Tourism
❑ IW Economic Partnership – Regeneration/Branding
❑ Private Sector – CCTI 6 reps (Serviced 1, S/Cat Acc –1,
Holiday/Touring Parks 1, Attractions – 1, Activity – 1, Gen - 1)
❑ COVE/ IW College - skills and training issues
❑ Transport – Red Funnel and Wightlink
❑ AONB Manager – representing all environmental issues
❑ IWC Arts Manager – cultural and arts issues

The current Image Campaign Group would be renamed the

Marketing Strategy Group and would be a sub group of the Board.
IW Tourism would provide the link to the Environment Services
Directorate and other initiatives such as Island 2000, the
Community Rail Partnership, Events Board etc.

Short Term Actions

❑ To establish the IOW Tourist Board as the strategic lead

for the Tourism Development Plan and responsible for
monitoring and evaluating its progress
❑ To reconstitute the Board to ensure that it encompasses
representatives that can deliver the key Actions and
Objectives of the TDP
❑ To ensure that the Board has direct links into the
emerging Island Plan/LDF process and the Regeneration
❑ To establish an effective proactive and reactive approach
to inward investment (See Encouraging and Enabling
Appropriate New Development P.68)
❑ To support the CCTI in engaging membership from the
private sector and delivering the ‘one voice’ for the industry
❑ To implement a co-ordinated Skills and Training
programme (see Destination Management Skills and Training

Medium Term Objectives
❑ To have the IOW Tourist Board clearly established as the
lead body in integrating tourism development
❑ To have the CCTI representing the majority of island

2020 Vision
To have the public sector responsive, aligned and
committed to its role in infrastructure and development
investment and to have the private sector focused,
professional and working in partnership at all levels.

3. Encouraging and The Working Smarter ethos dictates that the island needs to create
Enabling Appropriate an environment in which potential investors have confidence in
New Development proposing new development. This requires that, firstly, there is clarity
on what kind of development is desired and, secondly, that there is
an effective response structure, certainly for any major initiatives.
Such an approach will also support a more pro-active strategy for
both inward investment and new indigenous growth.

The new Local Development Framework will streamline the local

planning process and promote a proactive, positive approach to
managing development and delivering change.

The Regeneration Programmes will need to encompass the broader

principles and key actions of the TDP. Studies that have been
recommended as actions in the Hotel and Holiday Park sectors will
help to identify development sites and potential exit strategies in
the regeneration areas. Proposals for new attractions will need to be
considered carefully and, ideally, incorporated into the regeneration

Short Term Actions

❑ Establishing a Development Team to engage with potential
major planning applications at an early stage
❑ Review outcome of Hotel Sector Futures Study and
Holiday Parks Audit and Future Market Study and inform LDF
❑ To ensure that potential new Tourist Attraction
developments bring
a net additional benefit to the island
❑ To assess new planning applications or potential
approaches for new or indigenous attraction developments
within the following criteria :-
❅ Do they fit with the Key Customer Groups ?

❅ Will they facilitate regeneration ?
❅ Are they complementary to existing attractions (or
will they displace business) ?
❅ Do they provide wet weather facilities and help
extend the season ?
❅ Are they accessible by public transport and/or
incorporate a Green Travel Plan ?
❅ Do they help reinforce the distinctiveness of a
locality ?

❑ To ensure the principles of the TDP are accounted for in

consideration of applications for new development
and within the Regeneration Programmes

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To have an established responsive and proactive approach
to new development

2020 Vision
To secure the most economically, socially and
environmentally beneficial new developments for the

4. Monitoring and In order for the island to Work Smarter it will need to have relevant
Evaluation research and monitoring systems in place. It will also be vital to
have clear baseline data against which there can be regular
assessments of progress.

The island is fortunate to have one of the most comprehensive

tourism monitoring systems in the UK – the Quarterly Monitoring
reports which gather information from visitors on the ferry services
and from accommodation operators. The passenger figures on all
routes are also monitored including the numbers of cars, coaches
and commercial traffic as well as foot passengers.

This can be supplemented with research from other sources to

provide information on changes in employment levels and skills,
quality assurance, visitor perceptions, value of new development

It is proposed that the baseline incorporates 2004 data which is

then reviewed annually with a major tri- annual review against
forecasts and national benchmarking. Subsequent amendments
could be made to the TDP at that time.

New Studies/Data ❑ It is proposed that a Cambridge Model is undertaken on 2004

information in order to give a definitive set of information on value,
jobs and multiplier effects.

This will not only resolve current conflicting research but will also
enable accurate benchmarking with other UK locations who use the
same model including all the areas in the South West. This would
then be repeated in each tri-annual review.

❑ A Socio-economic analysis is also required for the baseline year

using CAMEO UK classification – this will be obtained from
approximately 30,000 ferry survey respondents and DMS enquiries
and again be repeated at the end of each three year period.

❑ A specific economic impact study on sailing and yachting

covering all the harbours on the island.

Tri Annual Review The reviews would take place in 2008/2011/2014/ 2018/ 2021 using
trend information from the previous three years e.g. the 2008 review
would assess 2005 – 2007 data. Data from the Census in 2011 and
2021 could also be used

It is proposed that the reviews evaluate progress in the following key

❑ Net growth in value – staying and day visitors/domestic and
❑ Growth in volume – staying and day visitors/ domestic and overseas
❑ Seasonality - Changes in occupancy rates
❑ Changes in Socio Economic classifications
❑ Growth in Car, Coach and Foot traffic
❑ Passengers on Island Line
❑ Employment levels
❑ Skill levels - NVQ’s
❑ Accommodation Quality - NQAS Participation and mean levels of
ratings by sector
❑ Quality of Eating Out – participation in Eating Out Quality Assurance
❑ Value of New Development
Short Term Actions
❑ To commission a Cambridge Model Economic Impact Analysis
of the island to assess value, jobs and multiplier effects
❑ To undertake a socio economic analysis of visitors to the
island using CAMEO UK
❑ To undertake an economic study of sailing and yachting
❑ To establish definitive baseline figures using 2004 data

Medium Term Objectives

❑ To undertake tri-annual reviews of Key Performance indicators

2020 Vision
To have an established, robust and efficient system of
monitoring and evaluating tourism related data



Outdoor Arts & Eating

Accommodation Attractions Entertainment Retail
Activities Out

Appendix 1

Natural & Built

Skills & Training Environment inc Transport
Public Realm

Domestic and Overseas


Building a Improved Use of Increasing Yield &

Compelling Brand Technology Reducing Seasonality
Sector Expenditure
Appendix 2

Marketing Support DMS Festival Led
IOW Strategy Group System Campaigns

IOW Branding Expand DMS Building holiday

Partners outlets & access products

Joint Regional Single Database Use of technology

Promotions & pricing strategies

On Island
Joint Overseas E Marketing literature
Promotions Strategy Distribution

For enquiries on the Tourism Development Plan or any other
tourism related issues please contact:

Isle of Wight Tourism

Westridge Centre
Brading Road
Isle of Wight
PO33 1QS

[email protected]
T: 01983 823870


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