Electorates' Stand On Republic Act No. 10952
Electorates' Stand On Republic Act No. 10952
Electorates' Stand On Republic Act No. 10952
Ma. Paola Lou R. Ginez
BA Political Science
This study revolved around the core, indispensable, and defining feature of a
democratic and a republican state which is the conduct of elections held at regular and
periodic intervals. Specifically, it sought to identify the stand of electorates on Republic
Act 10952, a law postponing the October 2017 elections to May 2018. The
methodology employed was descriptive in type, with Zone 7, Barangay 1, Jones,
Isabela as the locale and with the electorates residing therein as the respondents. The
data were gathered through the use of a survey questionnaire composed of three
parts classified into different grounds, and which were analyzed through means,
frequency and proportions. With regard to the provisions of the Act in the initial part of
the survey, electorates agreed to each part, while on the perceived effects of the Act,
the electorates disagreed that political dynasties will continue to arise in power, which
however inflict no effect to those of the effects being agreed upon by the respondents.
Nonetheless, the highlight of this survey is the overall stand of the electorates on
Republic Act 10952 answered in the latter part of the survey which then revealed that
94% is in favor of the law as compared to those who disapproved constituting 6%.
Thus, having interpreted the stand of the electorates on the Act, they are in support of
Republic Act 10952.
This section of the study contains the results which aimed to identify the
stand of electorates on Republic Act No. 10952 which declared the postponement of
the October 2017 Barangay and SK elections to May 2018.
All incumbent barangay officials shall remain in office, unless 2.94 Agree
sooner removed or suspended for cause. (Sec. 3)
Until new sangguniang kabataan officials are elected and 3.18 Agree
qualified, the sangguniang barangay shall not use the
sangguniang kabataan fund except for youth development and
empowerment programs. (Sec. 7)
Grand Mean 3.023 Agree
The local politicians' campaigns that are possibly funded by 2.96 Agree
drug money are prevented.
Preparation for the May 2018 elections will be lengthened. 3.12 Agree
Responsible officials that are currently in position will be given 3.12 Agree
longer time to create projects and programs for the people they
The successive postponement of SK elections belittles the 2.94 Agree
potential of young leaders.
This may just be a waste of time instead of being of help to the 2.52 Agree
progress of our country.
Grand Mean 2.871 Agree
Table 2 shows that electorates agreed on almost all of the perceived effects
of RA 10952 except for one which states that political dynasties will continue to
arise in power with a mean of only 2.44.
Table 3.The Over-all Stand of Electorates on RA 10952
Frequency %
Total 50 100%
It can be gleaned in Table 3 that 94% of the electorates favored Republic Act
10952 while only 6% of the electorates disapproved of it.
electorates, likewise show the same
trait as having to hold on to the integrity
Discussion of being a voter that is obedient to the
law yet has limited knowledge about it
As to the provisions of the Act which probably led them to just obey
what the authorities implement.
The results revealed that
electorates agreed with the sections of As to the perceived effects of the Act
RA 10952 which is composed of the
date of election, term of office, hold The result revealed that
over, ban of government projects, electorates agreed on the perceived
prohibition of appointments of effects of RA 10952 which includes the
government officials, use of prevention of political campaigns
appropriations, and use of possibly funded by drug money, the halt
Sangguniang Kabataan fund. of barangay officials alleged to be
connected on illegal drug-trade, the
In similar situation, a news preparation of Commission on
article by Estepa, 2017 presented a Elections will be lengthened, the
survey conducted by two academics, responsible incumbent officials will be
and published in the Washington post given more time to provide projects for
that 52% of people who identify as or the people they govern, the successive
lean Republican said they would postponement of SK elections belittles
support postponing the 2020 election to the potential of young leaders, the
ensure that only eligible citizens could holdover of incumbent officials in
vote and 56% said they would support position may lead to discouragement of
such action to stop alleged voter fraud. aspiring applicants for candidacy, the
However, it was said that this support postponement may cause budget
was more prevalent among exploitation allocated for the elections,
Republicans who were younger; less the tendency of losing the trust of
educated, had less factual knowledge voters to the electoral process, the
of politics and strongly identified with errant officials will still be in office, and
the party of the incumbent government. that this Act may just be a waste of time
That is in the American setting, but as instead of being of help to the country’s
the present study also implies, Filipino
progress. However, electorates while 6% of them are not, which
disagreed on one perceived effect perhaps is because of the delay it has
stating that political dynasties will caused to the voting public to exercise
continue to arise in power. their right to replace their officials or
renew their trust on them (Bueza, et. al.
Thus, electorates perceived 2017).
Republic Act 10952 as a law having its
good and bad effects as the first four Conclusion
effects presented portrays the
advantages of having the Act, and as In relation to the theory that the
the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth people who bear the burden of
and eleventh effects presented portrays government should share in the
the disadvantages of the Act. Even so, privilege of choosing the officials of that
as with the tenth effect presented, the government, it is deemed in this study
electorates do not perceive it as an that the right to suffrage of the
effect that has rooted out of the law, electorates are not by any means taken
and that they do not see any away just with the implementation of
connections in between resulting in laws postponing the date of elections.
them to disagree with it as an effect of Rather, they just view the law imposed
Republic Act 10952. as a way of addressing other issues
which may affect the efficient execution
Consider these five effects of of elections.
election postponement presented after
the Nigerian case of election All grounds considered,
postponement (Akangbe, n.d.): lower electorates agreed to every aspect
turn-out for the exercise, waste of studied concerning Republic Act No.
funds, little or no trust in the credibility 10952. Having interpreted their stand
of the elections, lesser international on the provisions of the Act, on the
coverage and more time for perceived effects of the Act, and on the
mischievous politicians to execute their overall stand on the Act - it can be
evil plans. It was similar to some of the reflected that the electorates are in
effects perceived by the electorates in favor of the election postponement
the study which proves that in such declared by the law.
situations of election delays there are
things that require attention too aside The researcher concludes that
from the causes of postponements, and suffrage is valued in ways depending
those are the effects it could cause to on how well one is knowledgeable
the voting public as a whole. The about it, on how one perceives it, and
results of this study therefore implies on how one understands its existence
that election postponement has effects in a country that is democratic and
perceivable by some but not by others, republican.
lawmakers or voters, authority or not,
perception varies. Recommendation
The researcher, having seen
As to the overall stand of the
how simply the electorates accept the
electorates on Republic Act 10952
laws declaring the simultaneous
The results revealed that 94% of election postponements, recommends
the electorates are in favor of the law, to the voting public concerned to be
cautious of their decisions. People may Acknowledgement
not be as aware as others in the issues
facing the Barangay and Sangguniang The researcher wishes to express
Kabataan, particularly to this matter of her sincerest appreciation to the
delays by the government; still, the following people who became part of
responsibility is within their hands to the completion of this research.
appeal for the reasons before the
implementations. To Ms. Kathleen Mae T. Galestre,
the research adviser, for the
Also, the researcher professional guidance she extended to
recommends the Congress, the make this study a reality;
Commission on Elections, together with
To Mrs. Madeilyn B. Estacio, Ph. D,
the Local Government Units to conduct
the research professor, for the time
seminars or distribute pamphlets to
spent to improve this study;
educate electorates about laws that are
vital to everyone’s right to suffrage and To Mr. and Mrs. Leopoldo C. Ginez,
such other laws they would impose parents, for the assistance and moral
beforehand so as to assure that they support, as well as for the love and
are well-oriented about the policies of concern they have shown which
the government. contributed to the realization of this
And above all, to Almighty God,
who poured His heavenly blessings and
everlasting wisdom for the researcher
to be guided from the beginning up to
the end of the creation of this study.
To God be the glory.
The Researcher
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| Law, Politics, and Philosophy