MAPEH 9 - 1st Quarter (BOL)

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S.Y. 2021-2022

Performance Standard (PS): Performs selected songs from Medieval, renaissance and baroque periods a) Chants; b) Madrigals;
c) excerpts from oratorio; d) chorales; e) troubadour.
MELC 1: Describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
music (MU9MRB -Ib-f-5)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
13-14 15-16
What are the characteristics of the music of Medieval Period? What are the characteristics of the music of Renaissance
What is the difference between sacred and secular music? and Baroque Period? Who were the famous composers for
each period?
Activity: Read the following statements. Identify what is being
described on each item. Write your answer in your activity sheet. Activity: Supply the missing vowels to create the words that
would best describe the performance setting of the Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Periods. Write the letter on the
space provided.
Performance Standard (PS): Perform/participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/nonverbal) of
a particular artistic period
MELC 2: analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a western and classical art (A9EL-
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
20-21 22-23
What are the distinct characteristics, elements and principles of What are the distinct characteristics, elements and
arts during the pre-historic era, ancient Egypt, and classical principles of arts during the Roman era, Byzantine period,
Greek periods? Romanesque era, and Gothic era?
Activity: Given the descriptions and characteristics of artworks Activity: Write the period being described in the statements
from the different periods on “What You Need to Know?” analyze below.
and identify which period does the three photos represent.
Activity: Choose the letter of your choice and write it in your
answer sheet
Performance Standard (PS): Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community
practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle
MELC 3: Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments (PE9PF-Ia-h-23)
Duration: 4 days (4 hours)
27-28 29-30
What is a warm-up exercise? What are the two types of What is physical fitness? What are its components? What is
stretching exercises? a Fitness Assessment?

Activity: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of your Activity: Match each of the following physical activities
choice in your answer sheet. (Column A) with its corresponding physical fitness
component (Column B). Write the letter of your choice in
Activity: Amid the COVID-19 crisis, Nancy and Mark decided to your answer sheet.
take in exercise because they wanted to stay healthy and fit.
Below are their situations in which they need you to help them
out in making a decision. Type YES if the suggestion will help
them achieve the goal in fitness and NO if it won’t help them in
your answer sheet.
Performance Standard (PS): Consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness
MELC 4: Defines community and environmental health (H9CE-Ia-8)
MELC 5: Explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health of people and communities (less disease, less health
care cost, etc.) (H9CE-Ib-d-10)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
4-5 6-7
What is environment health? What is its importance to human What does exposure to natural environment means? What
health? What is the impact of a healthy environment to the are the determinants of a healthy environment?
Activity: Read each of the following statement and choose
Activity: Match the word to its correct definition. Match column A the best answer. Write the letter of your choice in your
to Column B. Write the letter of your choice in your answer answer sheet.
sheet. Performance Task: Create your own poster that advocate for
Activity: Fill in the blanks to make the following statements the community and environmental health in a 1/4
correct. Choose your answer from the table below. Write your illustration board or ½ cartolina. Refer to the rubric to guide
answer in your answer sheet. you in doing the activity.

Performance Standard (PS): Describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music of Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque music (MU9MRB -Ib-f-5)
MELC 6: Relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to other art forms and its history within the era (MU9MRB -Ic-f-3)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
11-12 13-14
What are other art forms of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque What are the characteristics of the other art forms of these
Music? Activity: There are seven (7) Elements of Arts and Design. periods? How was it related to its history?
Unscramble the letters to form the element using the clues Activity: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of
below. Write it in your answer sheet. your choice in your answer sheet.
Activity: Choose the letter of your choice and write it in your
answer sheet.
Performance Standard (PS): Perform/participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/nonverbal) of
a particular artistic period
MELC 6: Identifies representative artists from various art periods (A9EL-Ia-3)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
18 19 20-21
What are the different What are the different Performance Task: Make your own sculpture using a soap.
representative artworks in the representative artworks in Use cutter or knife to get your desired shape or design. You
Pre-historic, Egyptian, and Greek the Roman, Byzantine, may sculp anything you want. You may use the pictures as
Periods? Romanesque, and Gothic a guide in making your own output. Submit your output
Periods? next week.
Activity: Identify the artworks and
name the artist behind it. Refer Activity: Identify the name of
your answer to “What Do You the artwork being described
Need to Know?” on this module. in the statement below. The
Write your answer on your magic words in the
answer sheet. statements will help you
identify the artwork easily.
Activity: Match Column A
with Column B. Write the
letter only in your answer
MELC 7: Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in physical activity and sports settings (e.g.
cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion) (PE9PF-Ib-30)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
25-26 27-28
What is First Aid? What is its importance? How is first aid done in different injuries?

Activity: Read each item carefully and write the letter of yourActivity: Read each statement below carefully. Write the
choice in your answer sheet. word FIRST if you think the statement implies True or
Activity: List three (3) reasons why performing first aid is correct. On the other hand, write the word AID if you think
important. it implies a False statement. Write your answer in the
answer sheet.
Activity: Below are some emergencies that usually happen in
a sports league or game. As a sport officiating official, it is
your responsibility to attend those who suffer injury. Find
the best way to alleviate the suffering of a victim by
enumerating the procedures of each situation by indicating
the numbers (1,2,3, etc.) in your answer sheet.
Performance Standard (PS): Consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness
MELC 8: Participates in implementing an environmental project such as building and maintaining a school garden or
conducting a war on waste campaign (depends on feasibility)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
2-3 4-5
What is home gardening? What is its importance? Performance Task: Empower your community / barangay through
starting some steps in growing ornamental plants and crops as an
Activity: Examine Figure 1 with its 4 basic gardening environmental project. Follow the directions found in your activity
activities. Each has resulted good to the environment. sheet.
Complete each of their processes by selecting the best
way or wise practice from Figure 2 choices. Fill in the
color of the box to the space provided.
Activity: In every item, pick appropriate traits and life
skills from the pot and choose also its good contribution
to the environment from listed inside the watering pot.
Write it on the labeled columns provided.
Learning Competency: Assess their knowledge and understanding of the 1st Quarter lessons
Activity: Answer the 40-item test.
1st Quarter Summative Test

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