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Talk Show
Expert Proficient Competent Needs Work
10 pts 6 pts 4 pts 2 pts
All group members display All group members display All group members display Group members make
thorough knowledge of thorough knowledge of some knowledge of serious errors in material
material presented. material. Answers greatly material presented. presented. Answers do not
Answers thoroughly reflect reflect characterization of Answers mostly reflect reflect characterization of
characterization of characters in the story. characterization of characters in the story.
characters in the story. Script was incomplete, but characters in the story. Script was not turned in.
Script has been turned in. turned in. Script was not turned in.
Presentation and materials Presentation is well- All group members show More than one group
are well organized. All organized, but some group minor disorganization, or member seems very
group members know their members show minor one group member seems disorganized. Group
roles well. disorganization. very disorganized. members do not seem to
know their roles well. 1/3
9/3/23, 8:44 AM print rubric Learning Technologies at Your Fingertips
All group members speak All group members speak All group members speak Some students do not
clearly and loudly and make clearly, but there are minor clearly, but there are minor speak clearly, and there are
good eye contact. problems with volume or problems with volume and problems with volume and
eye contact. eye contact. eye contact.
The group presentation did The group presentation The group presentation The group presentation had
not exceed 15 minutes, and exceeded 15 minutes, or exceeded 15 minutes, and little participation from
each member of the group each member of the group some members of the group members and time
had a speaking role. did not have a speaking group did not have a was ignored completely.
role. speaking role.
Subjects: English
Types: Presentation
Comments: 2/3