Circular 08
Circular 08
Circular 08
Haj House,
7-A, M.R.A, Marg,
(Palton Road),
Mumbai-4OO 001.
sub: Hai 1444 (Hl - 2023 (c.E.l Deposit of Hqi Amount by pilsrims-reg.
As per para 20 of the Guidelines for Haj 1444 (H) (C.E.), all
provisionally selected pilgrims are required to deposit - 2O2S
initially non-
refundable processing fee (Rs.3O0/-), Advance Haj Amount (Rs.80,o00/-)
and Miscellaneous Dues (Rs.1,500/-). The consolidated amount to be
deposited now by the Provisionally selected pilgrim is Rs.81,8O0/-. The last
date to deposit amount is 07.O4.2023.
contd.... 2....
(Mohd. vakidb shet'hal
Chief Execut{i1e Officer.
\l zrlzl t -v
Note :- Photo Copy of pay-in-slip may also be used for deposit of amount.
If any difculty, please contact SBI, Mumbai Main Branch. (Mobile No. 8446207436 | 8898387318)
Annexure - 12