Cellular Darwinism Regulatory Networks, Stochasticity, and Selection in Cancer Development
Cellular Darwinism Regulatory Networks, Stochasticity, and Selection in Cancer Development
Cellular Darwinism Regulatory Networks, Stochasticity, and Selection in Cancer Development
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: There are strong parallels between the evolutionary origin of species within populations of organisms
Received 29 December 2020 and new concepts for the origin of cancers within cell populations in the tissues of the body. The analogy
Received in revised form is that cancers can be regarded as a new somatic species developing within the host organism. In both
8 June 2021
cases, understanding the processes involved requires a multi-scale analysis, including higher-level
Accepted 14 June 2021
control of genetic and epigenetic changes. A key to developing successful therapeutic strategies will
Available online 17 June 2021
be to identify the processes that control heterogeneity in tissues. These include processes outside the
currently dominant theory of evolution, i.e. the Modern Synthesis. Specifically, organisms can partially
Cancer evolution
direct both genetic and epigenetic changes through the harnessing of chance. The loci and rates of
Harnessing of chance mutation and of genome reorganisation are forms of targeted functional reorganisation of genomes. They
Harnessing of stochasticity are more likely to result in functional reorganisations compared to the slow accumulation of point
Hypermutation in evolution mutations.
Tissue heterogeneity © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Central dogma
1. Introduction I will show that the reverse must also be the case. Cells and
organisms can control and use the stochasticity within them, and in
A major theme of this Special Issue on Cancer and Evolution is their environments, so that stochasticity is harnessed (Noble, 2017).
that there are strong parallels between the evolutionary origin of Development and evolution then become partially directional. Or-
species within populations of organisms and new concepts for the ganisms can influence their futures and inheritance. The organism
origin of cancers within cell populations in the tissues of the body. is therefore not just a vehicle for its genes but, together with its
The analogy is that cancers can be regarded as a new somatic ancestors, can be considered the author of its own genome
species developing within the host organism. But how, in fact, do (Shapiro, 2017).
new species develop? As a historical aside, this idea is closer to Darwin's (1859)
That question is not as obvious as it may seem. Because, to fully “Artificial Selection”, and his later work on “Sexual Selection”
appreciate the parallel between the origins of cancers and the or- (Darwin 1871). In both cases Darwin's meaning is real (not blind)
igins of species, we need to turn the current popular theory of selection by organisms themselves. Natural selection, by contrast, is
evolution, the Modern Synthesis (Huxley, 1942; Futuyma and more like a filter. The idea of selection in “Natural Selection” is
Fitzpatrick, 2018; Coyne, 2009), on its head with regard to therefore metaphorical. This important distinction is very clear at
random genetic variations. That theory, also called Neo-Darwinism, the beginning of the Origin of Species (Darwin 1859).
is based on the assumption that inherited variations are always My conclusion will be that there are strong reasons to think that
purely random. The better survival of fitter organisms is then cancerous tumours are doing something similar. The biological
attributed to natural selection, which is blind in the sense that it mechanisms enabling them to do so exist.
does not purposefully chose which particular variants should be
generated. Variations are undirected even if evolutionary adapta-
2. Terminology
tion appears directed. This idea was famously popularised in
Dawkins’ (1986) The Blind Watchmaker.
There has been considerable confusion over what is meant in
evolutionary biology by saying that genetic changes are or are not
random. When randomness is harnessed by higher-level functional
E-mail address: [email protected]. systems, they can be both. It then depends on the level from which
0079-6107/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Noble Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 165 (2021) 66e71
Fig. 2. An epigenetic landscape diagram to illustrate Huang et al.‘s observation of population attractors in gene expression dynamics. (A) A projected epigenetic landscape with two
attractors [low X (LX), high X (HX)] and their sub-attractors, which contribute to heterogeneity. Each circle represents a network state (i.e. a cellular phenotype) determined by the
level of X as indicated by the position on the horizontal axis (i.e. one state space dimension, trait X, of the high-dimensional state space). The vertical axis displays the ‘potential’ V
(X). The height of the accumulation of circles reflects the density distribution as a function of X. (B) Associated flow cytometry histograms of cell population distributions with
respect to X. Subpopulation sorting can reveal the reversibility and the transition rates between the subpopulations (from Huang, 2009).
the architecture of the epigenetic landscape attractor. That is a big attractors, leads to the view that mutations are largely followers in
challenge since it will require deep understanding of the architec- cancer evolution. This also is a parallel between cancer evolution
ture and complex dynamics of cellular networks. and species evolution (West-Eberhard, 2003).
The process of genetic assimilation, guided by epigenetic
D. Noble Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 165 (2021) 66e71
I agree with these requirements, but it is important to note that The existence of tissue-level attractors that determine the sto-
the statement “mutations are randomly directed and their rates not chastic distributions in cell populations requires intercellular
easily tunable” is really just an assumption of standard evolu- communication. Can cells communicate their epigenetic states to
tionary theory. In fact, growth conditions can influence both the each other?
number and spectrum of mutations, and the frequencies are One of the ways in which this can be achieved is via intercellular
exquisitely sensitive to stresses, including factors like exposure to exchange of information within extracellular vesicles, EVs
sunlight, as well as factors like mitotic errors. In E. coli the presence (Edelstein et al., 2019). These contain the RNAs and other molecules
or absence of a DNA polymerase (DNA Pol IV) can dramatically that both give a portrait of the epigenetic state of the cells from
change the mutation rate (Wagner and Nohmi, 2000). which they come, and which can also influence the epigenetic state
These requirements require modeling the directed harnessing of of the cells that absorb them. The implications for the development
stochasticity as argued earlier in this article. Zhou et al. (2014) of cancers are important. Those implications are the subject of
specifically conclude “By uniting the dynamics of reversible tran- another presentation in this issue of the journal (Bonner and
sitions between distinct cell phenotypes with their growth rates, Willms, 2021).
we can capture the contributions for the evolution of the cell Cells can also communicate via their electrophysiological
population from both Darwinian selection and Lamarckian induc- properties, either directly when they are electrically coupled, or via
tion.” Detailed examples of such modeling are given in their article. the ion exchanges with the tissue fluid. These aspects are addressed
Can this approach help in clarifying the relative roles of muta- in another article in this Special Issue (Levin, 2021).
tions and epigenetic transitions in cancer development? This is the
issue tackled in Pisco et al. (2013) who have combined quantitative 8. Conclusions
measurements and mathematical modeling to investigate possible
mechanisms of multi-drug resistance in H60 leukemic cells. The The main conclusion of this article is that the active role of
results clearly show that the speed with which such resistance physiological regulatory networks (often called Gene Regulatory
develops is better explained by epigenetic transitions. This is Networks when they refer to intracellular regulation) can help
important for two reasons. First, their arguments match well with explain why so little advance has been made in the treatment of
parallel arguments in relation to evolutionary biology. Epigenetic late stage metastasis. Rapid evolution, of species and tumours, re-
transitions will always enable faster change since there is no need quires more processes than the gradual accretion of point muta-
to wait for single mutations to slowly spread through a population. tions. Mutations are more likely to be followers of the development
The environmental factors that can canalise the relevant epigenetic of new attractor states at levels above the genome. Therapeutic
transitions will influence the whole population, not just single cells. strategies would be best targeted at that level of organisation. This
Lamarckian evolution is therefore inevitably much faster conclusion is compatible with the concept of two-phased cancer
(Burggren, 2016). In any situation in which both mechanisms can evolution, comprising a genome reorganisation mediated punctu-
operate, the epigenetic one will win out. ated phase and a gene-mutation mediated stepwise phase, as
The good news is that, for the same reasons, epigenetic variation outlined by Heng and Heng (2020).
could be more readily reversed since the changes are not neces- Epigenetic control of genomic and evolutionary changes could
sarily assimilated into the genome. Pisco et al.‘s work therefore play a role in both phases, particularly if we include Waddington's
reveals a “new opportunity for early therapeutic intervention early (1957) definition of epigenetics, which was the canalisation of
against the development of drug resistance.” In a 2013 review genomic change by the phenotype followed by genetic
D. Noble Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 165 (2021) 66e71
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