Assignment - 1
Assignment - 1
Assignment - 1
• Submission deadline is 7th Sept 2023. Submit handwritten solutions to the TAs at Room No
301, ESB2 building between 10:30am - 12:30 pm.
Q 1. Consider the system given below and find the position of the system (x, y) at the time, t = 5sec with
the initial position as (1, 2). Using Method of Decoupling. (5+10 marks)
x′ = x − y
y ′ = 2x + 4y
x′′ = −5x + 2y
y ′′ = 2x − 2y
Q 2. Solve the following Differential Equations using Method of Power Series. (5+5 marks)
y ′ = 3x2 y
y ′′ = 9y
Q 3. Solve the system y′′ + 5y′ + 30y = 0 for solution y(t). First, solve in the conventional manner you wish
to. Then solve it using Eigen Vector and Eigen Value after state transformation. Assume intial
position y(t = 0) = 1 m and initial Velocity y ′ (t = 0) = 10 m/s. (10 marks)
Q 4. Linearize the system around the equilibrium point using Taylor Series Expansion and discuss the
stability around each equilibrium point. (10 marks)
u′ = u(v − 1)
v ′ = 4 − v 2 − u2
Q 5. Find the equation of motion in state variable form for the system shown in the figure. Comment on
the stability using the Eigen Value approach. Consider m1 = m2 = 2kg and k1 = k2 = 4N/m (see fig
Find the solutions x1 (t), x2 (t) with the initial conditions x1 (t = 0) = 0, x2 (t = 0) = 2 and the initial
velocity of both the masses be zero. (15 marks)
y(t = 0) = 5
Assignment 1 AE 602A Mathematics for Aerospace Engineers page 2 of 2
y ′ (t = 0) = 0.5
ż = −x2 + z 2
(d) Comment on the nature of the nodes and their stability in each case. (15 marks)
Q 8. Analyze the stability around equilibrium points for a pendulum when considering the presence of
air resistance (see fig 2). Assume the air resistance has a linear relationship with velocity of the
point mass. (15 marks)
Q 9. Find the shortest distance from point B= [1,0,2] to the plane P defined as P: x+y-z = 1. (5 marks)